
挪威船级社CLEAN(DESIGN)的标准要求及其 在集装箱船轮机设计上的应用姚 飞1 董 越1 李 华2 段玉龙1 马天帅3(1. 中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院 上海 200011; 2. 中国船级社江苏分社 南京 210011; 3. 海装装备项目管理中心 北京 100071)摘 要:…随着海洋环境保护的要求日益严格,各主要船级社均提出了自己的环保船级符号。
关键词:集装箱船;船级符号;CLEAN(DESIGN);轮机设计中图分类号:U662.1;U674.13+1………文献标志码:A………DOI:10.19423/ki.31-1561/u.2023.02.088 Standard Requirements of DNVGL CLEAN(DESIGN)and Application in Machinery Design for Container Vessel YAO Fei1 DONG Yue1 LI Hua2 DUAN Yulong1 MA Tianshuai3(1. Marine Design & Research Institute of China, Shanghai 200011, China;…2. China Classification Society Jiangsu Branch, Nanjing 210011, China;…3. Marine Equipment Project Management Center, Beijing 100071, China)Abstract: With the increasingly stringent requirements of marine environmental protection, all major classification societies have proposed their own environmental protection class notations. Among them, the additional class notation of DNVGL CLEAN(DESIGN)additional notation sets requirements for the design, operation and equipment of ships to reduce the ship’s environmental impact from air emissions, sea discharges and hazardous materials from ship to shore. The environmental notation CLEAN(DESIGN)is quite stringent in the DNVGL rules, which is rarely used in the design of container vessels in recent years. A dual-fuel container vessel is a green ship that has the notation CLEAN(DESIGN). In the process of research and development, the container vessel has broken through a series of design essentials, such as the arrangement of engine room and liquid tanks, sewage treatment and fuel tank protection, reaching a new level of green environmental protection for container vessels. This article systematically summarizes the requirements of CLEAN(DESIGN)notation for the machinery design of container vessels, and studies the influence of this notation on the machinery design of container vessels.收稿日期:2022-09-01;修回日期:…2022-09-27作者简介:姚…………飞(1993-),男,硕士,助理工程师。
挪威船级社近海箱标准DNV 2-7-1讲解

STANDARD FOR CERTIFICATIONNo. 2.7-1 OFFSHORE CONTAINERSAPRIL 2006D ET N ORSKE V ERITASFOREWORDDET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-erty and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research in relation to these functions.Standards for CertificationStandards for Certification (previously Certification Notes) are publications that contain principles, acceptance criteria and prac-tical information related to the Society's consideration of objects, personnel, organisations, services and operations. Standards for Certification also apply as the basis for the issue of certificates and/or declarations that may not necessarily be related to clas-sification.A list of Standards for Certification is found in the latest edition of Pt.0 Ch.1 of the ”Rules for Classification of Ships” and the ”Rules for Classification of High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft”.The list of Standards for Certification is also included in the current “Classification Services – Publications” issued by the Soci-ety, which is available on request. All publications may be ordered from the Society’s Web site .Comments may be sent by e-mail to rules@Comprehensive information about DNV and the Society's services is found at the Web site © Det Norske VeritasComputer Typesetting (FM+SGML) by Det Norske VeritasIf any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.April 2006IntroductionThis Standard for Certification was first published in May, 1989 as "DNV Certification note 2.7-1 Offshore Freight Con-tainers". It was prepared because other regulations at the time, whether international codes, national requirements or rules published by Det Norske Veritas, did not specifically cover offshore containers. A revised Certification Note was issued in May 1995. The basic strength and design requirements from the original edition were retained.Many other standards, codes and regulations exist for contain-ers, container-like units and related types of equipment. Inter-national standards, codes and regulations considered relevant have been taken into account when preparing this Standard for Certification. The most important of these are IMO's circular MSC/Circ.860 and EN 12079. In 1991 the European Commit-tee for Standardisation, CEN, started developing a European Standard (EN) on offshore containers. Technical committee CEN TC 280 prepared EN 12079, which was issued in 1999, and a revised edition will be issued in 2006. The requirements for design, testing and production of offshore containers in EN 12079 are directly based on DNV Standard for Certification 2.7-1. The relationship between this Standard for Certification and other standards, codes and regulations is outlined in sub-chapter 1.2.The Standard for Certification is concerned with certification of all types of offshore containers as transport units. The three typical phases of transport are: shoreside (e.g. by fork lift truck), by supply vessel and lifting to and from offshore instal-lations. The Standard for Certification includes design require-ments related to all three phases.Under conditions in which offshore containers are often trans-ported and handled, the "normal" rate of wear and tear is high, and damage necessitating repair will occur. However, contain-ers designed and certified according to this Standard for Certi-fication should have sufficient strength to withstand the normal forces encountered in offshore operations, and not suf-fer complete failure even if subject to more extreme loads.Changes in the 2006 editionThe Standard for Certification has been extensively revised, with changes in all sections. However, the basic design and strength requirements have not been changed, with the excep-tion of lifting sets. Detailed requirements, interpretations and guidances have been added throughout the standard and in the new appendices. Some requirements have been changed to align with the new EN 12079. New material requirements have been introduced for offshore containers that will only be certified for use in temperate climates. Many editorial changes have been made and the Appendices have been renumbered.The most important changes are:—Section 1 has been extended to include detailed references to other container standards and regulations.—The requirements for materials have been taken out of the design section and moved to a separate Section 3.—In the design section (now Section 4) there are several changes and additions, including protection on the top of open containers, allowable stresses in aluminium, clear-ances in padeye holes, requirements for fork pockets, test-ing of long containers with fork lift, and many additional guidances and notes.—In Section 5 (Production) detailed requirements for NDE have been added and the amount of production testing has been reduced.—Section 8 for lifting sets has been extensively revised. Ref-erence standards have been added, a new calculation method has been introduced, detailed requirements for sling and component certificates have been added and the marking tags on lifting slings have been revised.—In Section 9 the schedule for period examination and tests have been changed.— A new Appendix C has been added with guidelines and examples on strength calculations.— A new appendix D has been added with guidance on de-sign and calculations of padeyes.—Appendix E on calculations of lifting sets has been greatly extended.—IMO's circular on offshore containers, MSC/Circ. 860 has been added at Appendix I.—Existing Annexes 1 and 2 will now be included in the same booklet as the rest of the standard.— A new Annex 3 concerning containers for temperate cli-mates has been introduced. Containers certified to Annex3 have higher design temperature than required by the main requirements of this Standard for Certification, but are otherwise identical to standard offshore containers.Consequences:—Existing offshore containers that DNV have been certified according to previous versions of Standard for Certifica-tion 2.7-1 will also comply with the new standard. Re-cer-tification is generally not deemed necessary. However, on some containers the new requirements for lifting sets in Section 8 may give higher requirements for slings and or shackles.—Containers certified to this Standard for Certification will comply with the requirements of MSC/Circ.860.—Containers certified to this Standard for Certification will also comply with the requirements in the new EN12079 parts 1 and 2, and certification to this standard can be in-cluded at no extra cost.April 2006April 2006CONTENTS1.GENERAL (8)1.1Scope (8)1.2Relationship with other standards, codes andregulations (8)1.2.1The International Maritime Organization (IMO) (8)1.2.2ISO standard freight containers (ISO Containers) (8)1.2.3European Standard EN 12079 (8)1.2.4Standard for Certification 2.7-2 – Offshore servicecontainers (8)1.2.5Units for transportation offshore (8)1.2.6Regulations for Lifting Appliances (9)1.3National authorities (9)1.4Definitions (9)1.4.1Offshore container (9)1.4.2Freight container (9)1.4.3Units for transportation offshore (9)1.4.4Permanent equipment (9)1.4.5Primary Structure (9)1.4.6Secondary Structure (10)1.4.7Prototype (10)1.4.8Owner (10)1.4.9Lifting set (10)1.4.10Assembly secured shackle (10)1.5List of symbols (10)2.APPROVAL AND CERTIFICATIONPROCEDURES (10)2.1General (10)2.2Approval (11)2.2.1Approval Schemes (11)2.2.2Approval to other standards (11)2.2.3Documents for approval and information (11)2.2.4Design Review (11)2.3Certification (11)2.3.1Survey and certification (11)2.3.2Testing and inspection (12)2.4Certification of existing containers (12)2.5Maintenance of certificate (12)2.6Summary of procedures (12)2.6.1Procedure for individual (case-by-case) approval andcertification (12)2.6.2Procedure for type approval and certification (12)2.6.3Procedure for design assessment for type approval andcertification (12)3.MATERIALS (13)3.1Steel (13)3.1.1General (13)3.1.2Rolled, forged and cast steels in offshore containerstructures (13)3.2Aluminium (14)3.3Non-metallic materials (14)3.4Material certificates (14)4.DESIGN (14)4.1General (14)4.1.1Structural design (15)4.1.2Stability against tipping (15)4.1.3Protruding parts and top protection (15)4.1.4Design temperature (15)4.2 Structural strength (15)4.2.1Allowable stresses (15)4.2.2Load distribution (16)4.2.3Lifting loads (16)4.2.4Impact loads (16)4.2.5Minimum material thickness............................................174.3Welding (17)4.3.1Welding of padeyes (17)4.3.2Welding of other primary structure (17)4.4Design Details (17)4.4.1Padeyes (17)4.4.2Intermediate cargo decks (17)4.4.3Stacking and stacking fittings (18)4.4.4ISO-corner fittings (18)4.4.5Floor (18)4.4.6Fork lift pockets (18)4.4.7Container walls (18)4.4.8Doors and hatches (18)4.4.9Internal securing points (18)4.4.10Tugger points (19)4.4.11Equipment (19)4.4.12Coating and corrosion protection (19)4.5Tank containers and bulk containers (19)4.5.1Tank containers (19)4.5.2Tank containers for dangerous goods (19)4.5.3Containers for bulk solids (19)4.5.4Bulk Containers for solid dangerous goods (20)4.6Prototype testing (20)4.6.1Introduction (20)4.6.2Test equipment and calibration (20)4.6.3Lifting tests (20)4.6.4Vertical impact test (21)4.6.5Other tests (21)5.PRODUCTION (21)5.1General (21)5.2Primary structure (21)5.2.1Approved Welders (21)5.2.2Welding procedures (22)5.2.3Inspection of welds (22)5.2.4NDE procedures and NDE operators (22)5.3Secondary structure (22)5.4Production testing (22)5.4.1Lifting test (22)5.4.2Weatherproofness testing (23)5.5Production documentation (23)5.6Inspection and certification (23)6.MARKING (23)6.1Safety marking (23)6.2Identification and Certification Markings (24)6.3Information Markings (24)6.4Marking of Lifting Set (24)6.5Other Marking (24)7.PLATING OF CONTAINERS (24)7.1General (24)7.2Data Plate (24)7.3Inspection plate (25)8.LIFTING SETS (25)8.1General requirements (25)8.2Approval and certification of lifting sets (25)8.3Design of lifting sets (25)8.3.1Dimensions and Strength of Lifting Sets (26)8.3.2Lifting set components (27)8.4Materials (27)8.5Certificates for lifting sets and components (28)8.5.1Sling certificates (28)April 20068.5.2Component certificates (28)8.6Marking of lifting sets (28)9.PERIODIC EXAMINATION, TESTS ANDREPAIRS (29)9.1General (29)9.2Inspection, test and repairs on containers (29)9.2.1Schedule of examination and tests (29)9.2.2Visual inspection (29)9.2.3Non-destructive testing (30)9.2.4Repairs and modifications of containers (30)9.2.5Marking of the inspection plate (30)9.3Inspection, test and repairs on lifting sets (30)9.3.1Schedule of examination and tests (30)9.3.2Load testing of chain sling legs (30)9.3.3Non-destructive examination of sling components exceptwire rope legs (30)9.3.4Visual inspection of the lifting set (30)9.3.5Chain and wire rope slings and components (30)9.3.6Shackles (31)9.3.7Marking of the lifting set tag (31)9.4Inspection, test and repairs on tank containers 31 9.5Inspection reports (31)APP. ALIST OF REFERENCES (32)APP. BEXAMPLE OF OFFSHORE CONTAINER (34)APP. CGUIDELINES AND EXAMPLES ON STRENGTH CALCULATIONS (35)APP. DDESIGN OF PADEYE (37)APP. ECALCULATIONS OF LIFTING SETS (38)APP. FEXAMPLE OF DROP TEST (42)APP. GCERTIFICATE FOR OFFSHORE CONTAINER (43)APP. HDNV EMBLEM FOR OFFSHORE CONTAINERS (45)APP. IMSC/CIRC.860 (46)APP. JCERTIFICATE FOR OFFSHORE CONTAINER LIFTING SLINGS – EXAMPLE (51)APP. KCERTIFICATE FOR LIFTING SET COMPONENTS* FOR OFFSHORE CONTAINERS – EXAMPLE (52)ANNEX 1TYPE APPROVAL OF LIFTING SETS FOR OFFSHORE CONTAINERS ...................................531.INTRODUCTION.. (53)2.SCOPE (53)3.GENERAL (53)3.1Documentation to be submitted (53)3.1.1Documentation for type approval of lifting slings (53)3.1.2Documentation for type approval of lifting setcomponents (53)3.1.3General documentation from the manufacturer (53)3.2Validity (53)3.3Renewal (53)4.DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (54)5.MATERIALS AND MATERIAL TESTING (54)6.PROTOTYPE TESTING (54)7.MARKING AND TRACEABILITY (54)8.REQUIREMENTS RELATED TOMANUFACTURERS (54)9.TYPE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE (54)10.PRODUCTION AND CERTIFICATION (55)10.1Production testing (55)10.2Lifting set certificate (55)10.3Certificates for Lifting Set Components (55)ANNEX 2APPROVAL PROGRAMME FOR TEST FACILITIES ENGAGED IN LOAD TESTING AND NDT INSPECTION OF OFFSHORE CONTAINERS (56)1.GENERAL (56)1.1Scope (56)1.2Objective (56)1.3Extent of engagement (56)1.4Validity (56)2.REQUIREMENTS TO SUPPLIER (56)2.1Submission of documents (56)2.2Quality assurance system (56)2.3Qualification of personnel (56)2.4Supervisor (57)2.5Operators (57)2.6Personnel records (57)2.7Equipment (57)2.8Procedures and instructions (57)2.8.1Lifting tests (57)2.8.2Vertical impact test (57)2.8.3Other tests (58)2.8.4Non-destructive examination (58)2.9Administrative procedures (58)2.10Verification (58)2.11Sub-contractors (58)2.12Reporting (58)2.12.1Contents of reports: (58)2.12.2Prototype or production tests (58)2.12.3Tests on existing containers (58)April 20063.REPAIRS ON CONTAINERS IDENTIFIED ASA RESULT OF LOAD TESTS AND OR NDT. 583.1General (58)4.APPROVAL PROCEDURES (58)4.1Review of documentation (58)4.2Initial audit (58)4.3Special procedures related to control of supplier'srelationship with the parent company (58)4.4Certificate of approval (59)4.5Renewal of approval (59)RMATION ON ALTERATION TO THECERTIFIED SERVICEOPERATION SYSTEM (59)5.1Alteration...............................................................596.CANCELLATION OF THE CERTIFICATE OFAPPROVAL (59)6.1Right to cancel (59)6.2Information (59)6.3Re-approval (59)7.REFERENCES (59)ANNEX 3OFFSHORE CONTAINERS FOR USE IN TEMPERATE CLIMATES ONLY (60)1.INTRODUCTION (60)2.AREA (60)3.DESIGN TEMPERATURE (60)4.MARKING (60)5.DATA PLATE (60)April 20061. General1.1 ScopeThis Standard for Certification applies for transport related re-quirements for offshore containers with respect to design, manufacture, testing, certification, marking and periodic in-spection.The Standard for Certification covers the container structure and any permanent equipment for handling, filling, emptying, refrigerating, heating and safety purposes.The intention is that offshore containers shall meet the follow-ing requirements:—Be safe in use with regard to:—lives—environment—hazard to the vessel/installationBe suitable for repeated use through choice of:—material—protection—ease of repair and maintenance.The requirements in this Standard for Certification are based on a number of assumptions regarding the handling and oper-ation of offshore containers:—They are lifted individually by crane hook attached to top link of lifting set—They are not lifted by spreaders or using ISO container fit-tings—They can be lifted anywhere (world wide) by any crane with sufficient capacity and speed—For containers only approved for limited operation area (Temperate Climate) see Annex 3—They are only stacked if they are designed for this.—They are stacked only onshore or on offshore installations.Not to be stacked during transport on ships.—Cargo or loose installations are properly secured in the container.—The container is designed to give adequate protection to its cargo or to installations inside.—They are handled according to IMO’s “Code of safe prac-tice for supply vessels”.—Handling and operation is in accordance with local regula-tions.The Society may approve alternative solutions that are found to represent an overall safety standard equivalent to the re-quirements in this Standard for Certification. Such approval may be revoked if subsequent information indicates that the chosen alternative is not satisfactory.When the word "container" is used throughout the Standard for Certification, it means an offshore container.Use of the word “shall” implies a mandatory requirement when seeking the Society’s approval. Use of the word “should” im-plies a recommended approach, where comparable solution may also be acceptable.The passages throughout this Standard for Certification marked "Guidance" and “Note” are not to be taken as require-ments by Det Norske Veritas. Such Guidance and Notes are in-tended as practical advice and information for the designer, manufacturer or operator.This Standard for Certification often refers directly to various standards (EN, ISO etc.), or to “other recognised standard”. Recognised standard means a standard found acceptable by the Society.1.2 Relationship with other standards, codes and regulations1.2.1 The International Maritime Organization (IMO) IMO has issued both the International Convention for Safe Containers, CSC, and the International Maritime Dangerous Goods code, IMDG. Both of these are mandatory international regulations. IMO has recognised that the CSC convention is not directly applicable for offshore containers that are handled in open seas, and has issued a circular (MSC/Circ.860) with guidelines on certification of offshore containers. The IMDG code also requires that containers and portable tanks that are handled in open seas should be certified for this purpose. Containers certified to this Standard for Certification also comply with MSC/Circ.860, and this will be referenced in the certificates. The circular is reproduced at Appendix I.IMO has also issued the Code of safe practice for the carriage of cargoes and persons by offshore supply vessels (OSV code) which includes guidelines for handling, stowage and securing of cargoes.1.2.2 ISO standard freight containers (ISO Containers) Containers that are intended for sea transport on container ships are normally designed according to an applicable part of ISO 1496. Containers that are certified to CSC are in general also designed as ISO containers.Offshore containers designed and certified according to this Standard for Certification can also be designed and certified according to CSC And ISO 1496.1.2.3 European Standard EN 12079(At date of writing: new version only available as prEN 12079) The European Standard EN 12079 “Offshore containers and associated lifting sets” consists of 3 parts, see Table 1-1.Offshore Containers and lifting sets certified to this Standard for Certification also comply fully with prEN12079 parts 1 and 2 respectively, and this may be referenced in the certificates.1.2.4 Standard for Certification 2.7-2 – Offshore service containersWhen an offshore container is designed and equipped to be placed onboard a fixed or floating offshore installation to per-form specific services, it may be subject to regulations apply-ing on the installation and to the area where it is placed. Standard for Certification 2.7-2 “Offshore Service Containers”covers containers designed for such requirements.1.2.5 Units for transportation offshoreMany portable units intended for offshore use are not contain-ers as defined in this Standard for Certification. However, there is often a need for verification and certification of such units. DNV has therefore prepared a new Standard for Certifi-cation 2.7-3 for Portable Offshore Units with requirements for design, manufacture, testing etc. for portable units up to 50 000 kg.Offshore Units certified to that Standard for Certification are not intended to carry cargoes as their primary function, but Table 1-1EN 12079part:Title Equivalent sections inStandard forCertification 2.7-1Part 1Offshore containers –design, manufacture andmarkingSec. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7Part 2Lifting sets – Design,manufacture and markingSec. 8Part 3Periodic inspection,examination and testingSec. 9April 2006may carry loose equipment that is related to their intended service.The main difference between Offshore containers and “Units for transportation offshore” is: For such units, their fitness for use must be assessed for each design type, and may have to be considered for each transport event. Operational restrictions may be given in the certificate, or it may be required that the operator evaluate their suitability for each event.1.2.6 Regulations for Lifting AppliancesOffshore containers are not lifting equipment as defined by ILO, by the European Community’s Machinery Directive or by DNV’s Rules for Certification of Lifting Appliances. In-stead they are considered to be cargo units as defined in these codes and directives.However, requirements from these regulations and standards have been taken into account in the requirements in this Stand-ard for Certification, e.g. in the intervals for periodic surveys.1.3 National authoritiesIn cases where National Authorities have stricter requirements than this Standard for Certification, these may be incorporated in the certification procedures.Note:Some National Authorities may consider offshore containers to be lifting equipment.---e-n-d---of---N-o-t-e---1.4 Definitions1.4.1 Offshore containerAn offshore container is a portable unit with a maximum gross mass not exceeding 25 000 kg, for repeated use in the transport of goods or equipment, handled in open seas, to, from or be-tween fixed and/or floating installations and ships.An offshore container comprises permanently installed equip-ment, see 1.4.4.Note:Other permanent or loose equipment will not be covered by the certification unless specially agreed. However, supporting struc-ture for heavy equipment, machinery, etc. will be approved ac-cording to 4.4.11.---e-n-d---of---N-o-t-e---Offshore containers are also defined by the requirements throughout this Standard for Certification. Refer to definitions of primary and secondary structure below and in 4.1.Units for offshore lifting that are intended for installation and not for repeated transport are not considered to be containers. Likewise, units that do not have an outer framework with padeyes are not considered to be containers. Hence, these units are not covered by Standard for Certification 2.7-1. (See how-ever the definition of waste skip in 1.2.2.) Many such portable units may be eligible for certification according to DNV’s Standard for Certification for Portable Offshore Units1. Offshore containers may be divided into 3 main categories: a)Offshore freight container:Offshore container built for the transport of goods. Exam-ples of offshore freight containers:—general cargo container: a closed container with doors —cargo basket: an open top container for general or spe-cial cargo (e.g. pipes, risers)—tank container: a container for transport of dangerous or non-dangerous fluids—bulk container; container for transport of solids in bulk—special container; container for transport of special cargo (e.g. garbage compactors, equipment boxes,bottle racks).b)Offshore service container:Offshore container built and equipped for a special service task, mainly as temporary installation. (Examples are, lab-oratories, workshop, stores, power plants, control stations, wireline units).c)Offshore waste skipAn open or closed offshore container used for the storage and removal of waste. Normally constructed from flat steel plates forming the load bearing sections of the con-tainer, bracing in the form of steel profiles, e.g. channel or hollow section, being fitted horizontally around sides and ends. Waste skips may be open or have loose or hinged coversIn addition to the pad eyes for the lifting set these contain-ers may also have side mounted lugs suitable for attach-ment of the lifting equipment mounted on a skip lift vehicle.1.4.2 Freight containerRe-usable transport container, used for international traffic and designed to facilitate the carriage of goods by one or more modes of transport (including marine) without intermediate re-loading. See DNV "Rules for Certification of Freight Contain-ers, 1981". Also known as CSC Containers or ISO Containers.1.4.3 Units for transportation offshorePortable unit or package with a maximum gross mass not ex-ceeding 50 000 kg, for repeated or single use with a primary service function, handled in open seas, to, from or between fixed and/or floating offshore installations and ships. Units of this type are not considered to be offshore containers.1.4.4 Permanent equipmentEquipment that is attached to the container and which is not cargo.Note:May include lifting sets, additional fittings for handling and se-curing, filling, emptying, cooling and heating, intermediate decks, securing points, garbage compactors, etc.---e-n-d---of---N-o-t-e---1.4.5 Primary StructureLoad carrying and supporting frames and load carrying panels. Primary structure includes the following structural compo-nents:—Load carrying and supporting frames—Load carrying panels (floor, ‘tweendecks)—Fork lift pockets—Pad eyes—Supporting structures for tanks—Supports for heavy equipment—Corner/knee brackets.Primary structure is divided into two sub-groups:a)Essential and non-redundant primary structure are themain structural elements which transfer the resulting cargo load to the crane hook or fork lift truck (i.e. forming the load path from the payload to the lifting sling), and will at least include:—top and bottom side rails—top and bottom end rails—corner posts—pad eyesApril 2006—fork lift pockets.Other primary structure may also be considered essential and or non-redundant.b)Non-essential primary structure are e.g. floor plates andother structural elements for which the main function is other than described in a). Deflector plates, stacking fit-tings and end plates on hollow section are considered to be in this category. This sub-group also includes protective frame members.Side and roof panels (including corrugated panels) are not con-sidered to be part of the primary structure and shall not be tak-en into account when evaluating the strength of the container. For waste skips the requirements in 4.1.1 apply.1.4.6 Secondary StructureParts that are not considered as load carrying for the purposes of the design calculations. Secondary structure includes the following components:—Doors, wall and roof panels, covers on skids—Panel stiffeners and corrugations—Structural components used for tank protection only —Internal securing points1.4.7 PrototypeAn equipment item, considered to be representative for the production and the product to be approved, used for prototype testing. The prototype may either be manufactured especially for type testing or selected at random from a production series. If manufactured specially, it is expected that the tools and the production process are comparable to those to be used for sub-sequent production.1.4.8 OwnerThe legal owner of the offshore container or a delegated nom-inee.1.4.9 Lifting setItems of integrated lifting equipment used to connect the off-shore container to the lifting appliance. This can comprise sin-gle or multi leg slings (with or without a top leg) and shackles, whether assembly secured or not.1.4.10 Assembly secured shackleShackle fitted to a sling leg and secured by a seal or similar de-vice, so as to signal, unambiguously, whether or not the shack-le has been exchanged.Note 1:Shackles that are captive in the thimbles are also considered as assembly secured.---e-n-d---of---N-o-t-e---Note 2:Shackles that are assembly secured, i.e. can not be separated from the lifting sling, are considered to be part of the lifting sling.See 9.3.---e-n-d---of---N-o-t-e---1.5 List of symbolsR=Rating or maximum gross mass of the offshore con-tainer including permanent equipment and its cargo,in kg; but excluding the lifting setNote:The mass of the lifting set is not included in R because the lifting set is often not available at the time of certification and because it may be replaced during the lifetime of the container.---e-n-d---of---N-o-t-e---T=Tare mass. Mass of the empty container including any permanent equipment but excluding cargo andlifting set, in kg;P=Payload. The maximum permissible mass of cargo which may safely be transported by the container, inkg. (P = R-T)S =The mass of the lifting setF =Design load, in NL =Length of container, in mmR e=Specified minimum yield stress at room tempera-ture, in N/mm2.R m=Specified minimum tensile strength at room tem-perature, in N/mm2.R p 0.2=0.2% proof stress at room temperature, in N/mm2. RSL =Resulting Sling Load on padeyes, in N.T D=The design temperature is a reference temperature used for the selection of steel grades used in off-shore containers and equipment.g =Standard acceleration of gravity (~ 9.81 m/s2).l n=Nominal length of structural member, in mmn =Number of sling legst =Material thickness, in mm.v =Angle of sling leg from vertical in degreesy =Deflection of structural member, in mmσe=The von Mises equivalent stress, in N/mm2.Ψ =Load factorWLL =Working Load Limit, in tonnes. Maximum mass that a lifting component is authorized to sustain inlifting serviceNote 1:The WLL for lifting components that is specified in standards, product specifications, etc. is normally the WLL for general lift-ing service. For the special application of lifting sets fitted to off-shore containers, the WLL is enhanced as described in Section.8.---e-n-d---of---N-o-t-e---Note 2:The term "Safe Working Load, SWL" is not used in this Standard for Certification. This term is not clearly defined for containers and should, therefore not be used when referring to offshore con-tainers. The term “Working Load Limit, WLL” is only used for lifting sets, not for containers.---e-n-d---of---N-o-t-e---2. Approval and Certification Procedures 2.1 GeneralOffshore containers designed, manufactured, tested and marked in compliance with the following requirements may be certified by Det Norske Veritas. At the end of the verification process a product certificate is issued by the Society and the Society's numbered certification emblem is affixed to the con-tainer.Certification consists of the following steps:—Design review—Inspection and testing of prototype—Production inspection and testing—Issuance of certificatesAn application for approval and certification should be sent to the local DNV office who will forward this to the approval of-。

挪威海洋工程船队行业介绍2011-01-27 22:35 文章来源:驻挪威使馆经商处文章类型:原创内容分类:调研一、海洋工程船海洋工程船(Off-shore Vessels )是为满足近代海洋工程,尤其是海洋油气开采活动的需求而制造的特种船舶,通常在设计上都装备了满足特殊功能要求的机械和专用设备系统。
传统海洋工程船分为平台供应船(Platform Supply Vessel,简称PSV和操锚供应拖轮(Anchor HandlingTug Supply,简称AHTS两种。
PSV类船舶以载重吨(DW T和甲板面积为标准,通常为1000-7000载重吨,甲板面积100-1300 平米。
该类船舶以船舶马力区分,标记为BH R Brake Horse power),通常马力范围在4000-35000 BHP,甲板面积在100-1000平米,绞盘功率最大可达500-600吨。

NVE690钢板定轧:舞钢孙凡NVE690钢板通常以调质、正火、热机械轧制+回火状态海洋平台用钢还有:AQ43、DQ43、EQ43、FQ43、AQ47、DQ47、EQ47、FQ47、AQ51、DQ51、FQ51、EQ51、AQ56、DQ56、EQ56、FQ56、AQ63、DQ63、EQ63、FQ63、AQ70、DQ70、EQ70、FQ70、A、B、D、E、AH32、DH32、EH32、FH32、AH36、DH36、EH36、FH36、AH40、DH40、EH40、FH40、AH420、DH420、EH420、FH420、AH460、DH460、EH460、FH460、AH500、DH500、EH500、FH500、AH550、DH550、EH550、FH550、AH620、DH620、EH620、FH620、AH690、DH690、EH690、FH690、A514GrQ 、A517GrQ 。

二、海洋工程设备维修的国际标准1. ISO 19901-3:海洋技术 - 船舶和海洋技术结构设计和工程 - 第3部分:海上结构物运营和维护该标准规定了针对海洋结构物运营和维护的管理和技术要求。
2. ISO 22862:海洋技术 - 浮标与其它海洋用结构物的维护要求该标准规定了对浮标和其他海洋用结构物的维护要求。
3. DNVGL-ST-0377:岸基风电设施运行的操作和维护这个标准由挪威船级社(DNV GL)制定,主要针对岸基风电设施的运营和维护。
三、海洋工程设备维修的规范1. 海洋工程设备定期检查规范定期检查是海洋工程设备维修中的关键步骤。

1. 船舶设计规范:这部分规范主要包括船舶结构设计、船舶稳性计算、船舶操纵性等内容。
2. 船舶建造规范:这部分规范主要涉及船舶的建造工艺和施工技术。
3. 船舶操作规范:这部分规范主要包括船舶的操作指导和安全管理要求。
4. 海洋工程规范:这部分规范主要涉及海洋工程设施的设计和建造要求。

挪威海洋工程船队行业介绍2011-01-27 22:35 文章来源:驻挪威使馆经商处文章类型:原创内容分类:调研一、海洋工程船海洋工程船(Off-shore Vessels)是为满足近代海洋工程,尤其是海洋油气开采活动的需求而制造的特种船舶,通常在设计上都装备了满足特殊功能要求的机械和专用设备系统。
传统海洋工程船分为平台供应船(Platform Supply Vessel,简称PSV)和操锚供应拖轮(Anchor Handling Tug Supply,简称AHTS)两种。
该类船舶以船舶马力区分,标记为BHP(Brake Horse power),通常马力范围在4000-35000 BHP,甲板面积在100-1000平米,绞盘功率最大可达500-600吨。

在海洋资源开发方面,需要遵循以下标准:1. 环境评估标准:在进行海洋资源勘探和开发前,需要对海洋生态系统进行详细的环境评估,评估项目可能对海洋生态系统和物种的影响,以及采取的相应保护措施。
2. 技术规范标准:制定海洋资源开发的技术规范标准,包括海上设备的设计与制造、安全操作、维修养护等方面,以确保设备的稳定运行和工作效率。
3. 安全标准:确保海洋资源开发过程中的工作安全,包括安全装备与设施的规定、人员培训和应急预案等。
在设计和建设阶段,需要遵循以下标准:1. 结构设计标准:制定海洋平台、海洋风电塔架、海底隧道等结构物的设计标准,包括结构稳定性、抗风浪能力、材料选择等,以确保结构的安全性和可靠性。
2. 建设工艺标准:确立海洋工程施工过程中的各项工艺标准,包括施工方法、施工顺序、施工质量控制等,以保证工程建设的高效性和准确性。
3. 排污和废物处理标准:对于海洋工程建设中产生的废物、排放物进行规范处理,防止污染海洋环境。
为确保海洋工程建设不对海洋生态环境造成破坏,需要遵循以下标准:1. 海洋环境保护标准:对海洋生态系统进行监测与保护,确保工程建设不对生态系统造成不可逆转的损害。
2. 渔业资源保护标准:保护海洋渔业资源,确保海洋工程建设不对渔业资源产生严重影响。
3. 法律法规遵循标准:根据国际公约和国内法律,制定相应的海洋工程建设法规,确保工程建设活动符合法律法规要求。

船舶入级规范新造船舶材料与焊接第二篇第二章金属材料2001年1月目录第一节结构用轧制钢材第二节锅炉、压力容器以及特殊用途轧制钢材第三节复合钢板第四节钢管及附件第五节锻钢件第六节锚链用圆钢第七节铸钢件第八节铸铁件第九节铝合金第十节铜合金第十一节耐热有色合金目录第1节结构用轧制钢材A.通则A 100适用范围A 200钢材等级符号A 300制造方法B.普通强度钢B 100适用范围B 200化学成分B 300热处理、供应状态B 400机械性能C.高强度钢C 100适用范围C 200化学成分C 300热处理、供应状态C 400机械性能D.超高强度钢D 100适用范围D 200化学成分D 300热处理、供应状态D 400机械性能E.试验E 100试验材料E 200拉力试验E 300冲击试验E 400厚度方向性能试验E 500检验-容差F.修补F 100表面缺陷第2节锅炉、压力容器以及特殊用途轧制钢材A.通则A 100适用范围A 200制造方法B.锅炉和受压容器用钢B 100钢材等级B 200化学成分B 300机械性能B 400热处理C.低温用钢C 100钢材等级C 200化学成分C 300机械性能C 400热处理D.不锈钢D 100钢材等级D 200化学成分D 300机械性能D 400热处理D 500晶间腐蚀倾向试验E.试验E 100一般要求E 200常温下的拉力试验E 300高温下的拉力试验E 400冲击试验E 500落锤试验E 600厚度方向性能试验E 700晶间腐蚀倾向试验F.检验、尺寸容差和表面状态F 100检验F 200容差F 300表面状态和缺陷修整第3节复合钢板A.通则A 100适用范围A 200热处理B.基体材料B 100一般规定C.包覆金属C 100一般规定C 200化学成分D.试验D 100一般规定D 200拉力试验D 300冲击试验D 400弯曲试验D 500剪切试验D 600超声波试验D 700腐蚀试验D 800检验-容差E.修补和拒收E 100表面缺陷E 200拒收F.材料的标记F 100标记第4节钢管A.通则A 100适用范围A 200制造A 300质量A 400尺寸的容差A 500化学成分A 600热处理A 700机械性能A 800试验材料A 900外观检查和无损探伤A 1000液压试验A 1100重复试验A 1200标记A 1300证书B.常压管系用钢管B 100适用范围B 200制造B 300化学成分B 400热处理B500机械性能C.不锈钢压力管C 100适用范围C200制造C 300化学成分C 400热处理C 500机械性能C 600腐蚀试验D.低温用钢管D 100适用范围D200制造D 300化学成分D 400热处理D 500机械性能E.锅炉、热交换器和过热器用钢管E 100适用范围E 200制造E 300化学成分E 400热处理E 500机械性能F.附件F 100适用范围F 200材料F 300制造F 400热处理F 500机械性能F 600 硬度试验F 700 腐蚀试验F 800 表面光洁度和尺寸F 900印记和证书第5节锻钢件A.通则A 100适用范围A 200制造A 300质量A 400化学成分A 500热处理A 600 试块A 700常温下的机械试验A 800高温下的拉力试验A 900重复试验A 1000外观检查和无损探伤A 1100 缺陷锻件的修整A 1200证书B、一般用途锻钢件B 100适用范围B 200钢材类型B 300化学成分B 400热处理B500试块和机械性能C、轴系和机械锻钢件C 100适用范围C 200钢材类型C 300化学成分C 400热处理C 500试块C 600机械性能D、齿轮锻钢件D 100适用范围D 200制造D 300化学成分D 400热处理D 500正火加回火和淬火加回火锻件的试验材料D 600用于渗碳和硬化处理锻件的试验材料D 700机械性能E、锅炉、非点火的压力容器和机械管系锻钢件E 100适用范围E 200化学成分E 300热处理E 400 试验材料E 500机械性能F、裸露于低温的液货舱、压力容器和管系用锻钢件F 100适用范围F 200钢材类型F 300化学成分F 400热处理F 500试验材料F 600机械性能第6节锚链用圆钢A 100适用范围A 200钢的等级A 300化学成分A 400机械性能A 500 热处理B、试验B 100试验数量B 200冲击试验C、材料标记C 100印记第7节铸钢件A 100适用范围A 200铸造A 300铸件质量A 400化学成分B 100钢的类型B 200化学成分B 300机械性能C、锅炉、非点火的压力容器和机械管系铸钢件C 100钢的类型C 200化学成分C 300机械性能D、螺旋桨铸钢件D 100钢的类型D 200机械性能E、锚链环、附件、锚卸扣用的铸钢件E 100锚链环E 200锚链附件和锚卸扣F、有高韧性要求的结构构件用的铸钢件F 100钢的类型F 200化学成分F 300机械性能G、液化气系统用的铸钢件G 100钢的类型G 200化学成分G 300机械性能H、热处理H 100一般要求H 200碳钢和碳锰钢的热处理H 300低合金钢的热处理H 400不锈钢的热处理I、试验I 100试样I 200高温下的机械试验I 300高温下的拉力试验I 400液压试验I 500外观检查和无损探伤J、有缺陷铸件的修整J 100补焊K、结构构件的焊接K 100一般要求第8节铸铁件A 100适用范围A 200 铸件质量A 300制造A 400化学成分A 500热处理A 600试验A 700外观检查和无损探伤A 800缺陷修补B、球墨铸铁B 100 适用范围B 200试验材料B 300机械性能B 400金相检验C、灰铸铁C 100 适用范围C 200试验材料C 300机械性能第9节熟铝合金A、通则A 100适用范围A 200铝材等级A 300化学成分A 400回火符号A 500机械性能B、试验B 100试样B 200拉力试验B 300其他试验B 400检验、容差C、缺陷修补C 100一般要求D、材料标记D 100标记第10节铜合金A、通则A 100适用范围B、阀件、附件和一般用途的铸件B 100铜合金类型B 200化学成分B 300机械性能B 400试验C、螺旋桨铸件C 100化学成分C 200机械性能C 300热处理C 400试验和检验C 500缺陷修补D、管材D 100化学成分D 200机械性能D 300热处理D 400试验第11节耐热有色合金A、通则A 100适用范围A 200认可A 300热处理B、试验B 100试样B 200拉力试验B 300冲击试验B 400蠕变和断裂试验B 500无损探伤试验B 600其他试验第一节结构用轧制钢材A.通则A 100 适用范围101 本节规定了可焊普通强度、高强度和超高强度结构用热轧钢板和型材的要求,这些要求也适用于结构用无缝钢管。

挪威船级 海上风电系列标准

挪威船级海上风电系列标准一、基础设计1.1 概述挪威船级社(DNV)海上风电系列标准旨在为海上风电场的设计、建设和运营提供全面的指导和要求。
1.2 基础设计基础设计是海上风电场建设的重要环节。
二、结构完整性2.1 概述结构完整性是海上风电场长期稳定运行的关键因素。
2.2 结构分析DNV标准规定,所有结构和部件应进行详细的结构分析,以确定其在预期寿命内的性能。
三、设备与系统3.1 概述设备与系统是海上风电场的核心组成部分。
3.2 设备选择与设计DNV标准要求设备制造商应提供设备的详细技术规格和质量保证文件。
四、操作与维护4.1 概述操作与维护是确保海上风电场安全和高效运行的关键环节。
4.2 操作规程DNV标准要求提供详细的操作和维护规程,以确保所有工作人员都清楚其职责和操作方法。
第三部分NDT无损检测A.总则A 100. 范围这部分指出无损探伤检测所需要的条件.B.无损检测(NDT)B 100. 总则101.开工前,承包商应提交无损探伤工艺、规程和探伤员资格证书文档。
B 200 NDT 程序201.无损探伤应按照以下方面,给出基本的,详细信息:-- 适用规范和标准⏹材料和尺寸⏹焊接方法⏹接头形式和尺寸⏹方法⏹设备,主要的和辅助的⏹灵敏度⏹校定技术和校定参考⏹检测参数和变化范围⏹缺陷评估⏹检测结果的报告和文件⏹参考的焊接工艺⏹个人资质⏹接受标准B300 个人资质无损探伤的操作和检测结果的阐述应由有认可证书人员执行,并提供有效的证明其熟练程度。
B 400 探伤范围401.探伤范围主要依据设计应力的水平及型式和接头重要性,焊缝被指定的检测级别应为连接件中最高强度的级别。

第2节 规范的范围和船级符号 ................. 8
A. 规范的应用 规范的应用范围 应用范围 ............................... 8 A 100 一般要求 .................................. 8 A 200 规范的应用范围 ............................. 8 A 300 规范的要点 ................................ 8 B. 船级符号 ................................ ..................................... ..... 9 B 100 一般要求 .................................. 9 B 200 建造符号 .................................. 9 B 300 船级主字符 ............................... 9 B 400 航区船级符号 .............................. 9 B 500 其它航行限制 .............................. 9 B 600 附加船级: 服务和类型船级符号 ............. 9 B 700 附加船级: 设备和系统船级符号 .............. 12 B 800 附加船级: 特征船级符号 .................... 14 B 900 国家法规 .................................. 14 B 1000 附加船级: NAUTICUS ........................ 14
的服务范围,且涉及: — 无论是新建造的或营运船舶的入级; — 代表国家海事主管机关执行的法定检验工作; — 船用设备和材料。
海洋工程装备设计 标准

1. ISO 19902:海洋结构-海上石油与天然气行业的海洋结构设计和分析。
2. ISO 19901:海洋结构-第1部分:一般要求。
3. ISO 13628:海洋技术-石油和天然气工业用水下生产系统。
4. API规范:美国石油学会(American Petroleum Institute)发布的一系列海洋工程装备设计相关标准。
5. DNV标准:挪威船级社(Det Norske Veritas)发布的一系列海洋工程标准,如DNV-OS-C401 海洋工程结构。
6. ABS规范:美国船级社(American Bureau of Shipping)
7. 国际海事组织(IMO)发布的一系列关于船舶结构和设备、船舶设计和建造等方面的国际公约和规范。

0.2 海洋环境因素分析
按世界气象组织的标准可划分为四类: 热带低压(中心最大风速10.8—17.1米/秒,相当于6—7级风) 热带风暴(中心最大风速17.2—24.4米/秒,相当于8—9级风) 强热带风暴(中心最大风速24.5—32.6米/秒,相当于10一11级风) 台风(中心最大风速>32.7米/秒以上,相当于12级风以上)。
0.2 海洋环境因素分析
热带气旋在我国又称台风,在美洲通常称飓风。它是发生在热带海洋上的具有很大破坏性的低压涡旋。 影响我国海域的台风发源地主要有两个区域:一个在菲律宾以东、关岛以西洋面;另一个在南海中部海域。 全球每年平均大约有80个热带气旋发生,其中半数以上可以发展成台风,台风集中发生在西北太平洋、孟加拉湾、东北太平洋、西北大西洋、阿拉伯海、南印度洋、西南太平洋和澳大利亚西北海域等8个地区。西太平洋是全球热带气旋发生最多的地区,约占全球总数的三分之一。热带气旋的多发地带集中在5°~10°纬度带内,而南北半球纬度5°以内几乎没有热带气旋发生。
有关生活: 3.跑道上逆时针跑行 人们总喜欢沿逆时针方向。 A逆时针方向跑,地转偏向力向外,身体倾斜产生一个向内的向心力,二力方向相反,更易平衡,过弯道不易跌倒。 B顺时针方向跑,地转偏向力和身体倾斜产生一个向内的向心力方向相同,不易平衡,过弯道处易跌倒。 人类的发源地都在北半球,人们长期受地转偏向力的影响形成了这一习惯,所以哪怕到了南半球,人们还是习惯于这样的行为。
0.2 海洋环境因素分析
风速影响因素:气压梯度力、地转偏向力,离心力和摩擦力的综合作用。 大气压强:大气在重力作用下产生的对地面的大气压力。 (1)地球各处的大气压力不同,形成大气压强场(气压场) (2)定义:单位面积上从某高度到大气上界的垂直空气柱的重量,1Pa=1N/m2 (3)一个标准大气压:温度为0度时,位于纬度45的海平面的气压,该值为1013.25hPa,或760mm汞柱。 (4)气压影响因素:纬度、温度、高度等。
Norsok Standards List

Normative references in NORSOK Standards(as of February 2000)Standard nr.Tittel Norsok std nr. ASTM A 352ASTM A 671ASTM A 694ASTM A 788ASTM A 860ASTM A 890ASTM F 467/468ISO 4200MSS-SP-75SAE J 514SAE J 518A-001ISO 13879Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Writing andContent of a Functional Specification. (Presently at DISstage)A-001ISO 13880Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Writing andContent of a Functional Specification. (Presently at DISstage)ISO/IEC Directives - Part 1Procedures for the technical work.A-001A-001ISO/IEC Directives - Part 3Rules for the structure and drafting of InternationalStandards.NORSOK Z-DP-002Coding System. (Will be renumbered Z-002)A-001 NORSOK C-002Architectural components and equipment C-001 NORSOK I-CR-004Control centre (will be I-004)C-001 NORSOK S-DP-001Technical safety (will be S-001)C-001 NORSOK S-DP-002Working Environment (will be S-002)C-001C-002ASTM A 240 UNS 31803Heat-Resisting chromium and chromium-nickelstainless steel plate, sheet, and strip for pressurevessels.ISO 140/4Measurement of sound insulation in building elements.C-002Field measurements of airborne sound insulationbetween rooms.C-002ISO 140-3Acoustics - measurements of Sound Insulation inBuilding and Building Elements - Part 3: LaboratoryMeasurements of Airborne Sound Insulation ofBuilding Elements.C-002ISO 354Acoustics - Measurement of Sound Absorption in aReverberation Room.C-002ISO 5660Fire test - Reaction to fire - Part 1: Rate of heat releasefrom building products (Cone calorimeter method)ISO 717Rating of Sound Insulation in Buildings and ofC-002Building Elements.ISO/DTR 5658 - 1Reaction to fire tests - spread of flame - Part 1:C-002Guidance on Flame SpreadNORSOK S-002Working environment C-002 NORSOK Z-002Coding system (will be renumbered to Z-002)C-002NS 17305Aluminium - Wrought aluminium AlSi1Mg C-002NS 3041Information Signs. Rules for details and location.C-002NS 4210Safety colours and Safety Signs.C-002NS 6030-33Marine Industry Signs.C-002C-002NS-EN 10025Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steels -Technical delivery conditionsNS-ISO 6309Fire protection, Safety Signs.C-002 ANSI B 31.3Process piping D-001 API RP 2R Marine Riser D-001 API Spec 4F Drilling and well servicing structures D-001 API Spec 7Rotary drilling equipment (replace with ISO 10424D-001when issued)D-001 API Spec 8C Drilling and production hoisting equipment (replacewith ISO 13535 when issued)API Spec 9A Wire rope D-001D-001 API Spec16A Drill Through Equipment (replace with ISO 13533when issued)API Spec 16C Choke and kill system D-001 API Spec 16D Control systems for drilling well control equipment D-001D-001 API RP 16E Design of control systems for drilling well controlequipmentAPI Bull 16J Comparison of marine drilling riser analysis D-001D-001 API RP 16Q Design, selection, operation and maintenance of marinedrilling riser systems (replace with ISO 13624 whenissued)ASME VIII Div. 1 and Div. 2, Pressure vessel code D-001 BS 5500Pressure vessels, accumulators and piping systems:D-001D-001 ISO 1000SI units and recommendations for the use of theirmultiples of certainother units D-001D-001 ISO 10423Specification for valves, wellhead and christmas treeequipmentNACE MR-0175For sour service D-001N PD R egulations relating to systematic followup of theD-001working environment.NS 5820Suppliers documentation of equipment.D-001 TBK 1 - 2General rules for pressure vessels D-001I SO 10423S pecification for Wellhead and Christmas TreeD-CR-003Equipment APID-CR-003 S PEC 6 A S pecification for Wellhead and Christmas TreeEquipmentA PI SPEC 6FB S pecification for Fire Test for End Connections D-CR-003D-CR-003 A PI SPEC 6FC S pecification for Fire Test for valves with selectiveback seats.N ORSOK M-CR-503C athodic Protection Design D-CR-003 N ORSOK M-DP-001M aterial Selection D-CR-003 D nV cert. note 2.7-1L ifting certificate requirements D-CR-003D-SR-005 A PI RP 16E D esign of control systems for drilling well controlequipmentD-SR-005 A PI RP 53R ecommended practice for blow-out preventionequipment systems for drilling wellsA STM A 370T est methods and definitions for mechanical testing ofD-SR-005steel products.D-SR-005 A STM A 450S pecification for general requirements for carbon,ferritic alloy, and austenitic alloy stell tubesD-SR-005 A STM E 18T est methods for rockwell hardness and rockwellsuperficial hardness of metallic materialsA STM E 94G uide for radiographic testing D-SR-005 A STM E 140-88H ardness conversion tables for metals D-SR-005D-SR-005 I SO 10400F ormulae and calculation for casing, tubing, drill pipeand line pipe properties.D-SR-005 I SO 10423S pecification for valves, wellhead and christmas treeequipmentN ACE MR0175S ulphide stress cracking resistant metallic materials forD-SR-005oil field equipment.N ORSOK M-702D rill string components D-010N ORSOK S-002W orking Environment D-010N ORSOK S-003E nvironmental Care D-010N ORSOK Z-015T emporary Equipment D-010N ORSOK D-001D rilling Facilities D-010N ORSOK D-CR-003S urface Christmas Tree, Rev. 1, Jan. 1995D-010N ORSOK D-SR-005C oiled tubing equipment, Rev 1, Jan. 1996D-010N ORSOK D-SR-006S nubbing equipment, Rev. 1, Jan. 1996D-010N ORSOK D-SR-007W ell testing system, Rev. 1 Jan,. 1996D-010N ORSOK D-SR-008W ireline equipment Rev. 1, Oct. 1996D-010D-010B S 6755P art 1: 1986 (1991) = ISO 5208 Specification forproduction pressure testing requirementsD-010N ACE MR0175S ulphide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materialsfor Oilfield Equipment, 1997D-010N PD A cts, Regulations and Provisions for the PetroleumActivityA NIS/ASME B31.3P rocess Piping, 1996D-010D-010I SO 10407P etroleum and Natural Gas Industries – Drilling andProduction Equipment – Drill Storm Design andOperating Limits First Edition, 1993D-010I SO 10417P etroleum and Natural Gas Industries – SubsurfaceSafety Valve Systems – Design Installation, Operationand Repair First Edition, 1993D-010I SO 10423P etroleum and Natural Gas Industries – Drilling andProduction Equipment – Specification for Valves,Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment First Edition,1994D-010I SO 10432P etroleum and Natural Gas Industries – SubsurfaceSafety Equipment – Specification First Edition, 1993D-010I SO 10433P etroleum and Natural Gas Industries – Drilling andProduction Equipment – Specification for WellheadSurface Safety Valves and Underwater Safety Valvesfor Offshore Service First Edition, 1994D-010A PI Bull 6AR R ecommended Practice for Repair and Remanufactureof Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment, 1994A PI Spec 6FA S pecification for Fire Test for Valves, 1994D-010D-010A PI Bull 6FIB ulletin on Performance of API and ANSI EndConnections in a Fire Test According to APISpecification 6FA, 1994D-010A PI Bull 6F2B ulletin on Fire Resistance Improvements for APIFlangas, 1994A PI RP2KB ruk av stigerør D-010A PI Bull 2J S tigerørsanalyse D-010A PI Spec 10S pecification for Materials and Testing for WellD-010Cements, 1990A PI Spec 10D S pecification for Bow-Spring Casing Centralises, 1995D-010D-010A PI RP 10E R ecommended Practice for Application of CementLining to Steel Tubular Goods, Handling, Installationand Joining Third Edition; ISO 10409, 1994A PI Spec 13A S pecification for Drilling Fluid Materials, 1993D-010D-010A PI RP 138-1R ecommended Practice Standard Procedure for FieldTesting Water-Based Drilling Fluids, 1990A PI RP 138-2R ecommended Practice Standard Procedure for FieldD-010Testing Oil-Based Drilling Fluids, 1991A PI RP 13C R ecommended Practice for Drilling Fluid Processing D-010Systems Evaluation, 1996D-010 A PI RP 13D R ecommended Practice on the Rheology andHydraulics of Oil-Well Drilling Fluids, 1995D-010 A PI RP 13E R ecommended Practice for Shale Shaker Screen ClothDesignation, 1993D-010 A PI RP 13G R ecommended Practice Standard Procedure forDrilling Mud Report Form, 1991D-010 A PI RP 13I R ecommended Practice Standard Procedure forLaboratory Testing Drilling Fluids, 1995A PI RP 13J T esting of Heavy Brines, 1996D-010D-010 A PI RP 14B D esign, Installation, Repair and Operation ofSubsurface Safety Valve Systems Fourth Edition; ISO10417; Errata – 1996, 1994D-010 A PI Spec 14D S pecification for Wellhead Surface Safety Valves andUnderwater Safety Valves for Offshore Service, 1994D-010 A PI RP 14H R ecommended Practice for Installation, Maintenanceand Repair of Surface Safety Valves and UnderwaterSafety Valves Offshore Fourth Edition; ISO 10419,1994D-010 A PI RP 17A R ecommended Practice for Design and Operation ofSubsea Production Systems, 1996D-010 A PI RP 53B low-out Prevention Equipment Systems for DrillingWells Third Edition, 1997D-010 A PI Spec 5CT S pecification for Casing and Tubing (Metric Units)Fifth Edition, 1995A PI Spec 5D S pecification for Drill Pipe, 1992D-010D-010 A PI Spec 5B S pecification for Threading, Gauging and ThreadInspection of Casing, Tubing and Line Pipe Threads(U.S. Customary Units), 1996A PI Spec 5L S pecification for Line Pipe, 1995D-010 A PI Spec 5LC S pecification for CRA Line Pipe, 1995D-010D-010 A PI Bull 5A2B ulletin on Thread Compounds for Casing, Tubing andLine Pipe Sixth Edition; Superseded by RP5A3, 1988D-010 A PI Bull 5C2B ulletin on Performance Properties of Casing, Tubingand Drill Pipe, 1987A PI Bull 5C3B ulletin on Formulas and Calculations for Casing,D-010Tubing, Drill Pipe and Line Pipe Properties, 1994D-010 A PI Bull 5C4B ulletin on Round Thread Casing Joint Pressure andBending, 1987A PI RP 5A5R ecommended Practice for Field Inspection of NewD-010Casing, Tubing and Plain-End Drill Pipe, 1993D-010 A PI RP 5B1G auging and Inspection of Casing, Tubing and LinePipe Treads Fourth Edition, 1996A PI RP 5C1R ecommended Practice for Care and Use of Casing andD-010Tubing, 1994A PI RP 5C5E valuation Procedures for Casing and TubingD-010ConnectionsA PI Spec 6D S pecification for Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug, Ball andD-010Check Valves), 1994A PI Spec 6FB API S pecification for Fire Test for End Connections, 1992D-010 A PI Spec 6FC S pecification for Fire Test for Valves with AutomaticD-010Backseats, 1994A PI Spec 16A S pecification for Drill Through Equipment, 1986D-010(replace with ISO 13533 when issued)A PI Spec 14A S pecification for Wellhead Surface Safety Valves andD-010Underwater Safety Valves for Offshore Service FirstEdition, 1994A PI RP 14B D esign, Installation, Operation and Repair FirstD-010Edition, 1993D-010A PI RP 14E R ecommended Practice for Design and Installation ofOffshore Production Platform Piping Systems, 1991A PI STD 607F ire Test for Soft-Seated Quarter Turn Valves, 1993D-010D-010A PI Spec 16D S pecification for Control Systems for Drilling WellControl Equipment, 1993D-010A PI Spec 7S pecification for Rotary Drill Stem Elements ThirtyEight Edition; Errata – 1994 (replace with ISO 10424when issued)A PI Spec 7F S pecification for Oil-Field Chain and Sprockets, 1993D-010A PI RP 7G D rill Stern Design and Operating Limits First Edition,D-0101993D-010A PI Spec 8C S pecification for Drilling and Production HoistingEquipment (PSL 1 and PSL 2), 1992 (replace with ISO13535 when issued)A PI RP 8B R ecommended Practice for Procedures for Inspection,D-010Maintenance, Repair and Remanufacture of HoistingEquipment, 1992A PI Spec 9A S pecification for Wire Rope, 1995D-010D-010A PI RP 9B R ecommended Practice on Application, Care and Useof Wire Rope for Oil Field Service, 1986A PI RP 10E R ecommended Practice for Application of CementD-010Lining to Steel Tubular Goods, Handling, Installationand Joining Third Edition; ISO 10409, 1994D-010A PI RP 5C7C oiled Tubing Operations in Oil and Gas Well ServiceFirst Edition, 1996ISO 10423Valves, wellhead and Christmas tree equipment D-SR-006 ANSI/ASME B31.3Chemical plant and petroleum refinery piping D-SR-007 API 17B Recommended practise for flexible pipes D-SR-007D-SR-007 API 521Recommended practice for pressure-relieving anddepressuring systemsAPI RP 14C Recommended practice for analysis, design, installationD-SR-007and testing of basic surface safety systems on offshoreproduction platformsD-SR-007 API RP 14E Recommended practice for design and installation ofoffshore production platform piping systemsD-SR-007 API RP 44Recommended practice for sampling petroleumreservoir fluidsD-SR-007 API RP 520Recommended practice for sizing, selection andinstallation of pressure-relieving devices in refineriesD-SR-007 API RP 7G Recommended practice for drill stem design andoperating limitsAPI Spec 5CT Specification for casing and tubing D-SR-007 API Spec. 14A Specification for sub surface safety valve equipment D-SR-007 API Spec. 6A Specification for valves and wellhead equipment D-SR-007 ASME VIII Div. 1 and 2Rules for construction of pressure vessels D-SR-007 DNV CN 2.7.1Offshore freight containers. Design and certification D-SR-007D-SR-007 NACE MR-01-75Sulphide stress cracking resistant metallic materials foroil field equipmentAPI Spec 9A Specification for Wire Rope D-SR-008 ISO 10423Valves, Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment D-SR-008D-SR-008 NACE MR-0175Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials forOil Field EquipmentEN 50091-1Uninterruptable power systems (UPS), Part 1: GeneralE-001and safety requirements.IEC 146-4Semiconductor convertors, Part 4: Method of E-001specifying the performance and test requirements ofuninterruptible power systems.E-001 IEC 298AC metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear forrated voltages above 1kV and up to and including52kV. (1990-12)E-001 IEC 34-5Rotating electrical machines, Part 5: Classification ofdegree of protection provided by enclosures of rotatingelectrical machines (IP code).E-001 IEC 439-1Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -Part 1: Type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies.IEC 76-1Power transformers, Part 1: General E-001E-001 IEC 947-4-1Low voltage switchgear and control gear, Part 4:Contactors and motor-starters. Section one -Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters.E-001 IFEA Guidelines for the documentation of selectivity(discrimination) in a.c. systems.IFEA Veiledning for varmekabelanlegg i industri og offshore.E-001E-001 NEK 606Cables for offshore installations Halogen-free, or mudresistantNORSOK I-CR-002Safety and automation systems (SAS) (will beE-001renumbered I-002).NORSOK S-002Working environment.E-001 NORSOK S-DP-001Technical safety (will be renumbered S-001).E-001 NORSOK T-CR-001Telecommunication systems E-001E-001PE Elektrisitetestilsynet; Retningslinjer for jording imaritime anlegg.EU 89/336Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of 1989-05-23.E-002E-002 IEC 1136-1Semiconductor power converters, Part 1: Adjustablespeed electric drive systems, general requirements.IEC 146Semiconductor converters, Part 1 through 4 as relevant.E-002 IEC 1800-2Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems, PartE-0022: Rating specifications for low voltage adjustablefrequency AC power drive systems.E-002 IEC 1800-3Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems, Part3: EMC product standard including specific testmethods.E-002 IEC 34Rotating electrical machines. Parts 1 through 18 asrelevant.IEC 551Determination of transformer and reactor sound levels.E-002 IEC 726Dry type power transformers.E-002 IEC 76Power transformers, Part 1 through 5 as relevant.E-002E-002 ISO 1680Test code for the measurement of airborne noiseemitted by rotating electrical machinery, Part 1:Engineering method for free field conditions over areflecting plane.NORSOK E-001Electrical systems.E-002 DNV Classification note 30.4, Foundation G-CR-001G-CR-001 NPD Regulation for structural design of loadbearingstructures.G-CR-001 NS 3481Soil investigation and geotechnical design of marinestructures.AMCA 300-96Reverberant room method for sound testing of fans.H-001AT 391Arbeidslokaler og personalrom.H-001AT 420Luftforurensing ved buesveising.H-001H-001AT 444Klima og luftkvalitet på arbeidplassen. (Order no. 516,Climate and air quality in the workplace)ASHRAE Handbook of fundamentals.H-001BS 5970Code of practice for Thermal insulation of pipeworkH-001and equipment.CIBSE Commissioning codes, series A, air distribution.H-001 EN 288Specification and qualification of welding proceduresH-001for metallic materials.H-001 EN 378Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety andenvironmental requirementsH-001 EN12238Ventilation for buildings. Air terminal devices.Aerodynamic testing and rating for mixed flowapplications.H-001 EN12239Ventilation for buildings. Air terminal devices.Aerodynamic testing and rating for displacement flowapplicationsH-001 ENV 12097Ventilation for buildings – Ductwork – Requirementsfor ductwork components to facilitate maintenance ofductwork systemsEurovent 2/2Air leakage rate in sheet metal air distribution systems.H-001 Eurovent 2/3Sheet metal air ducts - Standard for dimensions.H-001 Eurovent 2/4Sheet metal air ducts - Standard for fittings.H-001 Eurovent 4/5Method of testing air filters used in general ventilation.H-001 FEB Forskrifter for elektriske bygningsinstallasjoner m.m.H-001 HVCA DW 142Specification for sheet metal ductwork H-001H-001 IEC 79-13Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Part13: Construction and use of rooms or buildingsprotected by pressurisation.IEC 61892-7Mobile and fixed offshore units- ElectricalH-001installations- Part 7: Hazardous areasH-001 ISO 1461Metallic coatings – Hot dip galvanized coatings onfabricated ferrous products - RequirementsH-001 ISO 5135Acoustics – Determination of sound power levels ofnoise from air terminal units, dampers and valves bymeasurement in a reverberation room.H-001 ISO 5136Acoustics – Determination of sound power radiatedinto a duct by fans and other air moving devices – In-duct methodH-001 ISO 7235Acoustics measurement procedures for ducted silencers- insertion loss, flow noise and for total pressure loss.H-001 NFPA 96Standard for ventilation control and fire protection ofcommercial cooking operations.NS 3421Description of technical installations.H-001 NS 5575Ventilation ducts. Identification colours.H-001 SMACNA Rectangular industrial duct construction standard.H-001 SMACNA Round industrial duct construction standard.H-001 UNS S31600Austenittic stainless steel (type 316)H-001 UNS S31603Austenittic stainless steel (type 316L)H-001H-CR-002 BS 5422Method for specifying Thermal insulating materials onpipes.H-CR-002 BS 5970Code of practice for Thermal insulation of pipeworkand equipment.H-CR-002 DIN 17455General purpose welded circular stainless steel tubes,Technical delivery conditions.H-CR-002 DIN 19530Steel pipes and fittings with slip joint for sewagepipelines, dimensions.DIN 2463Welded austenittic stainless steel tubes; dimensions and H-CR-002 NORSOK L-CR-001Piping and valves H-CR-002 NORSOK L-CR-004Piping fabrication, installation, flushing and testing H-CR-002 NORSOK M-DP-001Materials selection H-CR-002NS 1758Copper tubes for capillary soldering.H-CR-002 NS 1759Capillary solder fittings for copper tubes.H-CR-002H-CR-002 NS 5581Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not madeon threads.SDH Forskrift nr. 68: Forskrift om vannforsyning ogH-CR-002drikkevann mm.UNS S31600Austenittic stainless steel (type 316)H-CR-002 UNS S31603Austenittic stainless steel (type 316L)H-CR-002 ANSI B 16.5Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings I-001 ANSI B16.10Face-to-face and end-to-end dimension of valves.I-001 ANSI B16.36Steel orifice flanges I-001 ANSI/ASME Performance Test Codes 19.3 - 1974, chapter 1, sectionI-0018-19 Thermowells.ANSI/ASME B1.20.1Pipe threads general purpose (imperial units)I-001 ANSI/FCI 70-2Control valve seat leakage.I-001 API RP 520Sizing, Selection ,and Installation Of Pressure-I-001Relieving Devices in Refineries, Part Ι and ΙΙ.API RP 526Flanged steel safety relief valves.I-001API RP 527Seat Tightness of Pressure Relief Valves.I-001I-001API RP 670Vibration, axial position and bearing temperaturesystem.API RP 678Accelerometer-based Vibration Monitoring System.I-001 ASME VIII Boiler and pressure vessel code - Section VIII, Div. 1.I-001BS 2915Bursting Discs and Bursting Disc Devices I-001I-001EN 50081-2Electromagnetic compatibility generic emissionstandardI-001EN 50081-2Electromagnetic compatibility generic immunitystandardI-001EN 60534-2 - ½ / IEC 534-2Industrial process control valves. Part 2, section 1 and2.EN 60584-1/2 / IEC 584-1Thermocouples I-001EN 60751 / IEC 751Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD)I-001ISA 75.01Flow equations for sizing control valves.I-001I-001 ISO 1000SI Units and recommendation for the use of theirmultiples and of certain other units.I-001 ISO 5167Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressuredifferential devices - Part 1.NAMUR Normenarbeitsgemeinschaft für Mess - undI-001Regelungstechnik in der Chemischen IndustrieNFPA 72E 3-3Temperature Classification I-001 NORSOK L-002Piping Design, Layout and Stress Analysis I-001 NORSOK L-CR-003Piping Details (will be renumbered L-003)I-001 NORSOK M-501Surface Preparation and Protective Coating I-001 NORSOK I-002Safety and Automation Systems (SAS)I-005 NORSOK L-003Piping details I-005 NORSOK Z-004CAD Symbol Libraries I-005I-005 IEC 61131-1Programmable controllers – Part 1: GeneralinformationI-005 IEC 61131-3Programmable controllers – Part 3: ProgramminglanguagesI-005 ISO 3511 (all parts)Process measurement control functions andinstrumentation – Symbolic representationI-005NS 1710Technical drawings – Drawing symbols for pipingsystemsI-005NS 1438Process measurement control functions andinstrumentation – Symbolic representation – Part 1:Basic requirementsAGA 7Measurement of gas by turbine meters -AGAI-104Transmission Measurement Committee Report No. 7.I-104 AGA 8Compressibility factors of Natural Gas and otherrelated hydrocarbon gases, AGA TransmissionMeasurement Committee Report No. 8.API MPMS Chap. 13I-104 ASTMD 1945Analysis of natural gas by gas chromatography I-104 BIPM et.al. *)OIML P17, Guide to the expression of Uncertainty inI-104Measurements.ECMA-TR25OSI sub-network interconnection scenarios permittedI-104within the framework of ISO-OSI ref. model.EN 60751Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometer sensors I-104 IP PMM Part VII Continuous Density Measurement I-104I-104 ISO 1000SI units and recommendations for use of their multiplesand of certain other units.I-104 ISO IEC 3309Telecommunication and information; exchangebetween systems; high level datalink control (HDLC)procedure; frame structure.ISO 5024Measurement - Standard reference conditions I-104I-104 ISO 5167-1Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressuredifferential devices – Part 1: Orifice plates, nozzles andVenturi tubes inserted in circular cross-section conduitsrunning fullI-104 ISO 6551Petroleum Liquids and Gases - Fidelity and Security ofDynamic Measurement - Cabled Transmissions ofElectric and/or Electric Pulsed DataISO 6568Natural gas - Simple analysis by gas chromatography I-104I-104 ISO 6976Natural gas - Calculation of calorific values, density,relative density and Wobbe index from compositionISO 9000-3Guidelines for the application of the ISO 9001 to theI-104development, supply and maintenance of software.ISO 9951Measurement of gas flow in closed conduits - TurbineI-104metersISO 10715Natural Gas Sampling Guidelines I-104 ISO 10723Performance evaluation of on line analytical systems I-104I-104 ISO 12213-1Natural gas - Calculation of compression factor – Part1: Introduction and guidelinesISO 12213-2Natural gas - Calculation of compression factor – PartI-1042: Calculation using molar-composition analysisI-104 ISO 12213-3Natural gas - Calculation of compression factor – Part3: Calculation using physical propertiesI-105 API MPMS Manual of petroleum measurement standard, chap. 4, 5,11-13.API MPMS, clause 8.2Automatic sampling of petroleum and petroleumI-105products.API MPMS, clause 10.9(corresponds to IP 386/90)I-105 ASTM-D-4928-89(corresponds to IP 386/90)I-105 BIPM, et.al.*)OIML P17, Guide to the expression of Uncertainty inI-105Measurements.I-105 ECMA-TR25OSI sub-network interconnection scenarios permittedwithin the framework of ISO-OSI ref. model.EN 60751Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometer sensors I-105I-105 IP 386/90Determination of water content of crude oil -Coulometric Karl Fischer methodIP PMP No. 2Guidelines for users of Petroleum Measurement Tables I-105 IP PMM Part VII Continuous Density Measurement I-105ISO 1000SI units and recommendations for use of their multiplesI-105and of certain other units.ISO 3170Petroleum Liquids - Manual Sampling I-105 ISO 3171Petroleum Liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling.I-105I-105 ISO IEC 3309Telecommunication and information; exchangebetween systems; high level datalink control (HDLC)procedure; frame structure.ISO 5024Measurement - Standard reference conditions I-105I-105 ISO 5167-1Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressuredifferential devices – Part 1: Orifice plates, nozzles andVenturi tubes inserted in circular cross-section conduitsrunning fullI-105 ISO 6551Petroleum Liquids and Gases - Fidelity and Security ofDynamic Measurement - Cabled Transmissions ofElectric and/or Electric Pulsed Data.I-105 ISO 7278 Part 3Liquid hydrocarbons - Dynamic measurement - Provingsystems for volumetric meters"ISO 9000-3Guidelines for the application of the ISO 9001 to theI-105development, supply and maintenance of software.ISO 10723Performance evaluation of on line analytical systems I-105I-CR-002 EN 50081-2Electromagnetic compability generic emissionstandard.EN 50082-2Electromagnetic compability generic immunityI-CR-002standard.I-CR-002 ISO 10418Recommended practice for analysis, design, installationand testing of basic surface safety systems on offshoreproduction platforms.NORSOK S-DP-001Technical safety I-CR-004 NORSOK S-DP-002Working environment I-CR-004 NORSOK C-CR-001Living quarters area I-CR-004 NORSOK I-CR-002Safety and automation systems I-CR-004 NORSOK O-DP-001Operational principles I-CR-004I-CR-004 NPD YA-538Menneske maskin forhold i kontrollrom (Not publishedin English)ICS/ISF Guidelines on the Application of the IMO InternationalJ-003Safety Management CodeJ-003 IMCA Guidance Note No IMCA D 010: Diving Operationsfrom Vessels Operating in Dynamically PositionedMode.IMO A.469 (XII)Guidelines for the Design and Construction of OffshoreJ-003Supply Vessels.IMO A.481 (XII)Principles of Safe Manning.J-003J-003 IMO A.538 (13)Maritime Safe Training of Personnel on MobileOffshore Units.IMO A.741 (18)International Safety Management (ISM) Code.J-003 IMO MSC/Circ. 645Guidelines for Vessels with Dynamic PositioningJ-003SystemsJ-003 ISO 9000International Standard: Quality management andQuality Assurance Standards.J-003 MARPOL 73/78International Convention for the Prevention ofPollution from Ships 1973, as modified by Protocol of1978.J-003 MODU Code Code for the Construction and equipment of MobileOffshore Drilling Units.NMD Regulations for Mobile Offshore Units J-003 NMD The Norwegian Ship Control Legislation J-003 NMD Guidelines and Notes for Mobile Offshore Units J-003。

海上标准 DNV-OS-E301,2008 年 10 月 第 4 页 – 变更
— DNV-OS-E303 参考内容替换纤维绳的需求。 K. 锚机、绞车、制索链 — 临时系泊和应急系泊以及固定系泊的划分要求 。 动态定位装置上临时系泊和应急系泊的锚机应 满足《DNV 船舶入级规范》 。 — 锚机和绞车的齿轮。 — 删除了表 K3。包括了 DNV-OS-C101 中表 D3 的参考内容。 — 计算动态制动承载力。 L. 导缆器 — 固定装置也需要关于导缆器和支承结构疲劳评 估的要求。 O. 拖曳布置和拖曳装置 — 明确拖曳设备要求。
— 参考下列文件,包括: — DNV-RP-F205 《深水浮式结构的综合性能》 — DNV-RP-E303 《吸力锚的岩土工程设计与安 装》 — DNV-RP-E304 《海上系泊用纤维缆绳的损坏 评估》 — CN 30.5 替换参考文件:DNV-RP-C205《环境 条件和载荷》 — 错误和错字校正 • 第1章 第1节
A 100 目的 .................................... 15 A 200 用途 .................................... 15
B. 环境条件 ...........................................................................15
海上标准 DNV-OS-E301,2008 年 10 月 变更 – 第 3 页
变更 • 总则 与分级相关,本文件只出版了电子文件(截至 2008 年 10 月) ,而印刷版本不再使用。与其它海上 文件(印刷版本可用)的相关版本相比,这一类文 件执行不同的更新计划。 关于所有类型的 DNV 海上文件及其更新状态 的概述,参见《修订及更正》文件: /global/, “Offshore Codes”. 本文件替换 2004 年 10 月发行的上一版。 • • 截至 2008 年 10 月的主要改动: 总则 under category

1. 船体结构用钢板船体结构用钢板主要用于制造船舶的主船体、甲板、舱壁等结构部件。
2. 海洋平台用钢板海洋平台用钢板主要用于制造海上石油钻井平台、天然气平台等海洋工程的结构部件。
3. 石油和天然气管道用钢板石油和天然气管道用钢板主要用于制造石油和天然气输送管道。
4. 桥梁用钢板桥梁用钢板主要用于制造桥梁的结构部件,如主梁、桥面板等。
5. 建筑用钢板建筑用钢板主要用于建造房屋、厂房等建筑物。
6. 机械用钢板机械用钢板主要用于制造各种机械设备,如机床、泵、阀等。
7. 集装箱用钢板集装箱用钢板主要用于制造集装箱,这些钢板需要具有高的强度、耐腐蚀性和良好的加工性能。
8. 造船和航运用钢板造船和航运用钢板主要用于制造船舶和航运设备,如船体、甲板、舱壁等。

本标准分为6个部分:A. 质量和安全控制方法B. 材料技术C. 结构D. 系统E. 特殊设备F. 管线和安装挪威船级社海洋标准和推荐方法代表了挪威船级社在海洋工程基本应用上的安全工程实践,也是挪威船级社鉴定服务的技术基础。
新的海洋标准由挪威船级社出版社在1999年出版目录第一章总则A总则A 100 简介A 200 目的A 300 范围及应用A 400 其他规范B 标准参考B 100 海洋的服务说明B 200 海洋标准B 300 推荐方法B 400 规则B 500 证书注解和分类注解B 600 指南B 700 其他参考C 定义C 100 动词形式C 200 定义D 符号和缩写D 100 缩写D 200 符号D 300 希腊字母D 400 角标第二章设计原理A总则A 100 目的A 200 应用B 安全原理B 100 总则B 200 安全目标B 300 系统审查B 400 安全等级方法B 500 质量保证B 600 健康、安全、环境C 设计格式C 100 总则C 200 流体分类C 300 位置分类C 400 安全等级分类C 500 分项安全系数法C 600 可靠度分析第三章设计假定和文件A总则A 100 目的A 200 概念深化A 300 执行计划A 400 安装、运行和废弃B 系统设计准则B 100 系统完整性B 200 运行期间的检查和监督B 300 压力控制系统C 管道路线C 100 位置C 200 路线勘察C 300 海床特性D 环境条件D 100 总则D 200 环境资料采集D 300 风D 400 潮D 500 波浪D 600 流D 700 冰D 800 空气和海水温度D 900 海生物E 管道内部和外部条件E 100 外部运行条件E 200 内部安装条件E 300 内部运行条件F 文件F 100 总则F 200 概念及工程细节F 300 管线及管线部件制造F 400 腐蚀控制系统和配重层制造F 500 安装和试运行F 600 DFI摘要F 700 运行F 800 文件归档第四章荷载A . 总则A 100 目的A 200 应用A 300 荷载B. 功能荷载B 100 总则B 200 特征荷载效应C. 环境荷载C 100 总则C 200 风荷载C 300 流体动力荷载C 400 波浪和海流荷载C 500 冰荷载C 600 特征荷载效应D. 施工荷载D 100 总则E. 偶然荷载E 100 总则F. 其他荷载F 100 拖网荷载F 200 地震第五章设计标准A.总则A 100 目的A 200 应用B. 设计标准和材料B 100 管道布置B 200 工厂压力测试和系统压力测试B 300 运行中检查B 400 最小壁厚B 500 材料选择B 600 典型材料特性B 700 容许侵蚀C.荷载和承载力计算C 100 荷载条件C 200 荷载效应计算C 300 典型壁厚C 400 应力和应变计算D. 极限状态D 100 总则D 200 极限状态形式D 300 荷载效应要素和荷载组合D 400 压力控制(破裂)D 500 局部屈曲D 600 全部屈曲D 700 疲劳D 800 椭圆化D 900 棘轮效应D 1000 塑性积累应变D 1100 断裂D 1200 偶然极限状态E. 特别考虑E 100 总则E 200 管道和土壤的相互作用E 300 立管/管道悬跨E 400 坐底稳定性E 500 拖网影响E 600 第三方荷载及落下的物体E 700 绝缘E 800 管中管及管道捆绑F. 管道部件和附属物F 100 总则G. 支撑结构G 100 总则G 200 立管支撑G 300 J型管G 400 砂砾层稳定性H. 安装和维修H 100 总则H 200 管道笔直度H 300 涂层第六章管线管A.总则A 100 范围A 200 材料说明书A 300 材料和制造商的预认证A 400 制造工艺B.管线管标识B 100 管线管无损检测(NDT)等级B 200 补充要求B 300 标识C.材料特性C 100 总则C 200 碳锰钢(C-Mn)管线管C 300 铁素体—奥氏体(双相)钢管线管C 400 其它不锈钢和镍基抗腐蚀合金(CRA)管线管C 500 复合/加衬钢质管线管C 600 可焊性D.补充要求D 100 酸性工作条件下(S)的补充要求D 200 止裂特性(F)方面的补充要求D 300 塑性变形管(P)的补充要求D 400 尺寸(D)方面的补充要求D 500 高强使用(U)方面的补充要求E.制造E 100 总则E 200 质量保证E 300 制造程序规格书及其认证E 400 制钢E 500 板和带的制造E 600 管线管制造E 700 化学分析E 800 力学和腐蚀试验E 900 无损检测E 1000 外观检测、工艺和缺陷修补E 1100 出厂压力试验E 1200 尺寸、重量和长度F.标识和保护F 100 总则G.文件、记录和证书G 100 总则第七章部件及装配A总则A 100 范围A 200 质量保证B 管线部件设计的基本要求B 100 总则B 200 材料选择B 300 法兰和机械连接B 400 螺栓B 500 阀B 600 压力导管B 700 焊接部件B 800 绝缘接头B 900 管线调整B 1000 锚杆法兰B 1100 其他部件B 1200 结构零部件C 部件制造材料和制造规范C 100 材料和制作规范D 热成形和锻铸配件所用材料D 100 总则D 200 低合金C-Mn钢配件制造D 300 铁酸盐奥氏体合成钢以及其他不锈钢和镍基抗腐蚀合金(CRA)D 400 运输条件E 热成形、锻铸和热处理E 100 热成形E 200 锻造E 300 浇铸E 400 热处理F 部件、设备和结构零部件的制造F 100 总则F 200 法兰的制造F 300 阀的制造F 400 承压设备和焊接部件的制造F 500 其它设备和部件的制造F 600 结构零部件制造F 700 热成形、锻铸配件的机械测试G 弯头的制造G 100 总则G 200 海底作业的母管G 300 母管的辅助要求G 400 除母管外其他管的要求G 500 弯曲后热处理的要求G 600 弯曲工艺评定G 700 弯曲和弯曲后的热处理G 800 无损试验和肉眼检测G 900 弯头的产品试验G 1000 尺寸、容许偏差和标注G 1100 维修H 用于回转和拖拽的立管、膨胀环、管道支线的制造H 100 总则H 200 质量保证H 300 用于回转和拖拽的立管、膨胀环、管道支线制造的材料H 400 制造计划和程序H 500 材料报告,标识和记录H 600 切割、成形、装配、焊接和热处理H 700 静水压力试验H 800 无损试验和肉眼检验H 900 尺寸检查H 1000 防腐I 文件,记录,检验和标示第八章 防腐涂层和配重层A.总则A 100 范围A 200 应用A 300 定义B.设计中防腐控制基本条例B 100 总则B 200 对防腐方法选择的评价C.管道外涂层C 100 总则C 200 涂层材料、表面预处理及应用D.特殊的立管涂层D 100 总则D 200 涂层材料、表面预处理及应用E.现场节点涂层E 100 总则E 200 涂层材料和表面预处理及应用F.混凝土配重层F 100 总则F 200 混凝土材料和涂层制造F 300 检验和试验G.阴极保护设计G 100 总则G 200 设计参数和计算H.牺牲阳极的操作和安装H 100 阳极制造H 200 阳极安装I.内防腐保护的设计和制造I 100 总则I 200 通过处理输送介质实现内防腐I 300 使用耐腐蚀合金管材实现内防腐I 400 使用涂层或内衬实现内防腐I 500 使用化学处理方法保护内防腐第九章 安装A总则A 100 目的A 200 应用A 300 失效模式效应分析(FMEA)及危害和可操作性研究(HAZOP)A 400 安装和测试规格书及图纸A 500 安装手册A 600 质量保证A 700 焊接A 800 无损检验和外观检验A 900 生产检验B 管道路由、勘察和处理B 100 管道铺设前的路由勘察B 200 海床处理B 300 管道和电缆的交叉B 400 近海岸段处理C 海上作业C 100 总则C 200 船舶C 300 锚泊系统、锚位布置和锚的定位C 400 定位系统C 500 动力定位C 600 起重和提升设备C 700 起、抛锚处理和拖轮管理C 800 应急程序D 管道安装D 100 总则D 200 安装手册D 300 安装手册、基本变异及有效性的复验和评定D 400 作业限制条件D 500 安装程序D 600 应急程序D 700 铺管船布置、铺管设备和仪表D 800 安装要求E 对考虑塑性变形的管道安装方法的补充要求E 100 总则E 200 安装手册E 300 安装手册的评定E 400 安装程序E 500 安装要求F 拖拽法管道安装F 100 总则F 200 安装手册F 300 安装手册的评定F 400 作业限制条件F 500 安装程序F 600 应急程序F 700 布置、设备和测试仪表F 800 管道拖拽和安装G 其他安装方法G 100 总则H 岸上拖拉H 100 总则H 200 安装手册H 300 安装手册的评定H 400 作业限制条件H 500 安装程序H 600 应急程序H 700 布置、设备和测试仪表H 800 安装要求I 连接作业I 100 总则I 200 安装手册I 300 安装手册的评定I 400 作业限制条件I 500 连接程序I 600 应急程序I 700 水上连接作业I 800 水下连接作业J 铺设后检查J 100 总则J 200 铺设后检查规格书J 300 铺设后检查J 400 防腐系统的铺设后检查K 悬跨修正和管道防护K 100 总则K 200 悬跨修正和管道防护K 300 悬跨修正K 400 挖沟K 500 安装后抛石处理K 600 泥浆袋和混凝土垫L 防护和锚固结构的安装L 100 总则M 立管安装M 100 总则M 200 安装手册M 300 安装手册的评定M 400 作业限制条件M 500 应急程序M 600 安装要求N 完工勘察N 100 总则N 200 完工勘察规格书N 300 完工勘察要求N 400 外加电流阴极腐蚀防护系统检验O 最终试验和运行准备O 100 总则O 200 最终试验规格书和运行前准备工作O 300 最终试验程序与运行前准备O 400 清管和测量O 500 压力试验系统O 600 清管、排水和干燥O 700 系统试验O 800 生产输送O 900 运行验证(启动检验)P 文件P 100 总则第十章运行、检测和维修A.总则A 100 目标A 200 程序文件A 300 在役档案A 400 运行A 500 检查和监测原理A 600 特殊检查B.管道配置检查B 100 总则B 200 定期检查C.外防腐的检查与控制C 100 总则C 200 飞溅区和暴露在空气中的立管C 300 淹没区的管道和立管D.内防腐的检测与控制D 100 总则D 200 腐蚀检查D 300 腐蚀监测E.缺陷和维修E 100 总则E 200 整体屈曲E 300 沟纹、凿槽、裂纹和切痕E 400 金属磨损缺陷E 500 凹陷E 600 泄漏E 700 焊接修理第十一章再认证A总则A 100 目标A 200 应用B 设计标准B 100 总则B 200 系统压力检测B 300 老化第十二章说明(文献)A总则A 100 目标B 参照C 原理设计C 100 安全等级讨论C 200 结构可靠性分析C 300 特征值D 设计前提D 100 监测D 200 空气和海水温度E 荷载E 100 局部压力E 200 压力转换E 300 柱形构件周围的流体速度F 设计标准F 100 总则F 200 材料降低等级F 300 环境荷载效应因子F 400 承压——等效形式F 500 名义厚度的计算F 600 承压标准——偶然压力升高应小于设计压力的10%F 700 局部屈曲——失效F 800 局部屈曲——力矩F 900 局部屈曲——围焊因子F 1000 局部屈曲——压力增加F 1100 局部屈曲——失稳F 1200 局部屈曲——允许压力的设计形式F 1300 局部屈曲——增加力矩F 1400 椭圆度G 断裂机理G 100 工程关键评估(ECA)——以应力为基础的设计G 200 ECA——循环加载进入塑性变形G 300 裂缝强度试验H API材料等级I 部件和装配I 100 弯曲I 200 立管支撑I 300 J型管J 材料和设计的关系J 100 总则J 200 补充的要求J 300 基于积累应变的关系J 400 材料数据表K 安装K 100 安全等级定义K 200 覆盖物K 300 简化放置标准K 400 螺旋L 参考资料附录A对于ISO的补充要求A总则B 要求差异B 100 化学成份和力学性能B 200 可焊性B 300 样品和试件B 400 制造期间测试次数B 500 无损检测B 600 尺寸B 700 文件B 800 对酸性环境使用的特殊要求B 900 对滞止裂纹的特殊要求附录B 力学试验与腐蚀试验A力学试验A 100 总则A 200 试样与试件的选择与制备A 300 化学分析A 400 拉伸试验A 500 弯曲试验A 600 夏比V型缺口冲击试验A 700 落锤撕裂试验(DWTT)A 800 裂纹韧性试验A 900 剪切强度试验A 1000 金相检验与硬度测试A 1100 应变时效试验B 腐蚀试验B 100 总则B 200 点蚀试验B 300 氢压力引起的开裂试验B 400 硫化物应力开裂试验附录C 焊接A应用A 100 总则A 200 焊接方法A 300 质量保证B 焊接设备、工具与人员B 100 焊接设备与工具B 200 人员C 焊接材料C 100 总则C 200 化学组份C 300 力学性能C 400 批量试验C 500 焊接材料的使用与储存D 焊接程序D 100 总则D 200 初步焊接程序规格书D 300 焊接程序评定记录D 400 焊接程序规格书D 500 修补焊接的程序规格书D 600 焊接程序的重要变量E 焊接程序评定E 100 总则E 200 修补焊接评定通则E 300 管线管和管子部件的纵向焊接条件E 400 立管、膨胀弯与用于拖管的管段的环向焊接条件E 500 安装与连接的环向焊接条件E 600 暴露累积环向焊接条件E 700 水下连接焊接条件E 800 覆盖层焊接条件E 900 结构焊接程序条件F 检验与试验F 100 总则F 200 外观检查与无损检测F 300 对接接头的破坏性试验F 400 硫化物应力腐蚀试验F 500 防腐试验与微观结构检验F 600 覆盖焊接试验G 生产焊接的要求G 100 总则G 200 焊接产品G 300 修补焊接G 400 焊后热处理G 500 管子与管子部件焊接G 600 立管、膨胀弯、拖拉管段的制造G 700 安装与连接焊接H 材料与工艺的特殊要求H 100 内部复合/加衬的碳钢管H 200 双向不锈钢H 300 马氏体(13%铬)不锈钢附录D 无损检验(NDT)A.总则A 100 范围A 200 规范和标准A 300 质量保证A 400 无损检验方法A 500 无损检验程序A 600 人员资格A 700 报告A 800 无损检验时机B.手动无损检验和焊接外观检查B 100 总则B 200 射线检验B 300 手动超声波检验B 400 手动磁粉检验B 500 手动液体渗透检验B 600 手动涡电流检验B 700 外观检查C.母材和焊接覆盖层的手动无损检验C 100 总则C 200 钢板和钢管C 300 锻件C 400 铸件C 500 焊接覆盖层D.自动无损检验D 100 总则D 200 自动超声波检验E.无损检验接受标准E 100 总则E 200 基于工程风险性评估(ECA)的接受标准F.制造中的钢板和带钢的无损检验F 100 总则F 200 碳—锰和双相钢板以及带钢的超声波检验F 300 复合钢板和带钢的超声波检验F 400 钢板和带钢的外观检查G.制管厂管子的无损检验G 100 总则G 200 未被检验的管端G 300 可疑的管子G 400 适用于所有管子的无损检验G 500 无缝钢管的无损检验G 600 HFW、LBW以及EBW钢管的无损检验G 700 SAW钢管的无损检验G 800 手动的无损检验G 900 管子上的修补焊缝的无损检验G 1000 管子的焊接外观检查H.安装围焊缝、构件焊缝以及其他承压焊缝的检验H 100 总则H 200 无损检验和外观检查H 300 接受标准H 400 焊缝的修补I.管线构件、设备、结构部件以及母材、焊接覆盖层的接受标准I 100 总则I 200 钢板和钢管的手动无损检验接受标准I 300 锻件接受标准I 400 铸件接受标准I 500 焊缝覆盖层接受标准附录E 自动超声波环焊缝检测A概要A 100 总则A 200 参考资料B 基本要求B 100 概要B 200 文献资料B 300 合格B 400 超声波系统设备与组成B 500 记录仪安装B 600 环形扫描速度B 700 阀门设置B 800 门槛记录仪B 900 供电B 1000 软件B 1100 系统逻辑手册B 1200 备件B 1300 监视器C 步骤C 100 概要D 校准D 100 初始静力校准D 200 动力校准E 现场检验E 100 检验要求E 200 检验操作F 再检验F 100 概要G 评估与报告G 100 评估指示G 200 检查报告G 300 检查记录H 合格H 100 概要H 200 总则H 300 要求H 400 合格方案H 500 变量H 600 检查焊缝H 700 合格试验H 800 证实试验H 900 分析H 1000 报告I 合格性证实I 100 证实I 200 需要的变量附件A转送器要求附件B 管钢剪波波速的确定第一章 总 则 目录 A 总则 A 100 简介 A 200 目的 A 300 范围及应用 A 400 其他规范 B 标准参考 B 100 海洋的服务说明 B 200 海洋标准 B 300 推荐方法 B 400 规则 B 500 证书注解和分类注解 B 600 指南 B 700 其他参考 C 定义 C 100 动词形式 C 200 定义 D 符号和缩写 D 100 缩写 D 200 符号 D 300 希腊字母 D 400 角标 A 总 则 A100 简介 101 本规范为管道系统的设计、材料、预制、安装、测试、试投产、运行、维护、再认 证和废弃提供标准和指南。
dnv f112 -2008

DNV F112标准简介1. 概述DNV F112是挪威船级社(Det Norske Veritas)发布的一项标准,适用于船舶结构设计和建造的认证。
2. 背景船舶是人类用来进行水上运输和海洋开发的重要工具和设备。
3. DNV F112标准的内容及意义DNV F112标准主要包括了船舶结构设计和建造相关的要求和认证程序。
4. DNV F112标准的适用范围DNV F112标准适用于各类商用船舶及海洋工程设施的设计和建造认证。
不同类型的船舶或工程设施可能有不同的要求和程序,但总体遵循DNV F112标准的原则和要求。
5. DNV F112标准的国际影响DNV F112标准是国际上公认的船舶结构设计和建造标准之一,其内容和要求被广泛接受和应用。
6. DNV F112标准的发展趋势随着海洋工程和船舶技术的不断发展,DNV F112标准也在不断更新和完善。
未来,DNV F112标准有望更加全面和严格,为船舶结构设计和建造提供更加严格的规范和保障。
7. 总结DNV F112标准是船舶结构设计和建造认证的重要标准之一,其内容涵盖了材料、设计、施工和认证流程等多个方面。
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挪威海洋工程标准M 501表面处理和保护涂层2004年6月目录前言 (1)序 (1)1概述 (1)2标准规范和参考规范目录 (2)2.1标准规范 (2)2.2 参考规范目录 (3)3.用词定义和缩写 (3)3.2缩写 (3)4.总体要求 (4)4.1概述 (4)4.2计划指定 (4)4.3设备保护和清理 (4)4.4环境要求 (4)4.5油漆 (5)4.6金属材料 (5)4.7车间底漆 (5)4.8不用涂装的表面 (6)4.9搬动和运送涂装好的物体 (6)4.10产品、施工人员和程序的资质认证 (6)4.11金属涂层 (6)4.12记录和汇报 (6)5.健康、安全和环境要求 (6)6.表面处理 (7)6.1喷砂处理的准备工作 (7)6.2喷砂处理 (7)6.3最终表面处理结果 (7)7.涂层施工 (7)7.1概述 (7)7.2施工设备 (8)7.3施工 (8)8.金属热喷涂 (8)8.1概述 (8)8.2涂料 (8)8.3热喷涂施工 (9)8.4修补、管道的现场涂装和有连接金属的涂装 (9)9.防火材料的喷涂 (9)9.1概述 (9)9.2涂料 (9)9.3施工 (10)9.4修补 (10)10.资质要求 (10)10.1产品的资质 (10)10.2公司和人员的资质 (13)10.3程序的资质认证 (14)涂装程序说明书(CPS) (14)涂装系统测试(CPS) (14)11.检测和测试 (15)附录A (17)A.1涂装系统1(必须事先经过测试) (17)A.2涂装系统2(必须事先经过测试) (18)A.3涂装系统3 (19)A.4涂装系统4 (20)A.5涂装系统5 (20)A5.1涂装系统5A(必须进行先期测试) (20)A5.2涂装系统5B(必须进行先期测试) (21)A.6涂装系统6 (21)A.7涂装系统7(必须进行先期测试) (22)A.8涂装系统8 (22)A.9涂装系统9 (23)附录B (23)附录A:涂装系统表附录B:颜色表(供参考)前言挪威海洋工程可竞争性标准(NORSOK)随挪威石油工业的发展而发展,用来保证石油工业发展和实际操作的安全、高效、成本节约。
此外,NORSOK 标准尽可能做到取代石油公司的规范并作为规范制定的参考。
NORSOK标准由挪威标准部(standards Norway)提供出版。
2标准规范和参考规范目录2.1标准规范ASTMD45752 无机硅酸锌漆的耐MEK溶剂擦拭标准法。
DNV33.1 储罐和货舱的防腐保护ISO1461 金属涂层(热浸锌的非铁金属涂层)要求ISO2814 色漆和清漆——相同型号的颜色的涂料的不同配比的比较ISO4624 色漆和清漆——拉伸法测试附着力ISO4628-6 色漆和清漆——劣化程度评定——常见缺陷程度、数量和大小——第6部分:带试法测粉化速率ISO8501-1 钢材在涂装油漆和油漆相关产品的预处理——目测表面清洁度——第1部分:未涂装过的钢材和全面清除原有涂层的钢材的锈蚀等级和预处理等级。
补充信息:使用不同磨料抛丸除锈后的钢材样本的照片ISO8502-3 钢材在涂装油漆和油漆相关产品的预处理——表面清洁度的测试方法——第3部分清漆施工前钢板表面灰尘的评估(压敏胶带法)ISO8502-6 钢材在涂装油漆和油漆相关产品的预处理——表面清洁度的测试方法——第6部分:清漆施工前钢板可溶性杂质的取样分析发——bresle 法ISO8502-9 钢材在涂装油漆和油漆相关产品的预处理——表面清洁度的测试方法——第9部分:现场法测试水溶性盐ISO8503 清漆和相关产品施工前钢材表面处理——喷射清理的钢材表面粗糙度特性ISO8504 清漆和相关产品施工前钢材表面处理——表面处理方法——第2部分:抛丸喷砂处理ISO129944-5 色漆和清漆——钢结构防腐蚀涂料防护系统——第5章:保护油漆系统ISO19840 色漆和清漆——钢结构防腐蚀涂料防护系统——粗糙表面干膜厚度的测量方法和可接受标准ISO20340 色漆和清漆——近海金属结构和相关设施的涂装防护系统的要求标准NACERP01880 保护用涂料的不连续性(漏涂)测试法NORSOK M-001 金属选择NORSOK S-002 工作环境NS476 色漆和清漆——表面处理的判定和接收标准SFS8145 防腐涂层、抛丸法表面处理和车间底漆SSPC/SSPM 系统和规范第4版Volume 22.2 参考规范目录DIN3251:热喷涂设备的测试和质量控制3.用词定义和缩写3.1.1 can动词,表示可能性3.1.2featherd从已涂表面到未涂表面厚度逐渐减少的地带3.1.3 holidy不连续的涂层,当存在电压时涂层显示出传导率的不连续性3.1.4 may动词,用以指某种行为可能在标准的限制范围内3.1.5shall动词,用来完全符合标准要求,不允许有偏差,除非偏差在可接受范围内3.1.6should动词用来指几种可能的情况中最适合的那一种,并不涉及或排除其他可能性。
3.1.7shop primer在运输和储存过程中起保护作用的一层薄的保护涂层。
3.1.8strip coat 为了确保边缘焊道等关键部位得到有效保护而使用的一种补充涂装方法。
3.2缩写CPS 涂装程序规格书CSDS 涂装系统说明书CPT 涂装程序测试MDFT最小干膜厚度NACE国际防腐组织NDFT名义干膜厚度OAR专业空气质量要求RAL RAL定义的颜色SSPC 金属结构涂装委员会SSPM金属结构涂装指南QC 质量控制VOC 挥发性有机物质4.总体要求4.1概述选择涂装系统和编写涂装施工程序应充分考虑建造、安装和服务安装时的各种条件。