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7. reinforce v.增强,加固 All the packing will be specially reinforced and
this, we hope, will prevent damage. 所有包装将特别加固,我们希望这样能防止损
坏。 8.metal strap 金属带 9. stencil v.用模板印刷,刷唛 Please stencil our initials and order number on
contract; 掌握外贸合同的运输条款; Grasp the essential components of a letter about
packing or shipment; 掌握与包装和运输有关信函的重要构成部分; Grasp typical sentences and expressions in writing
7.1 Letters about Packing
Sample Letter Notes: 1. line v. 加衬,衬 lining n. 衬里,内层 Each carton is lined with a polythene sheet. 纸板箱均内衬一层塑料布。
7.1 Letters about Packing
The wool sweaters must be packed each in a polybag with an inner lining of stout waterproof materials and then in a cardboard box, 10 dozen to a carton.
7.1 Letters about Packing
Your present letter seems to contradict the previous one. Please clarify.
你方目前这封信与前一封信似乎相互矛盾, 请澄清.
7.1 Letters about Packing
要之物 We must meet different requirement of our
customers. 我们必须满足顾客的不同要求。 Please inform us of your annual requirements for
our new products. 请告知你们对我方新产品的年需要量。
2. pack v. 包装 packing n. 包装,包装方法,包装材料 package n. 包装 The goods are packed in seaworthy wooden
cases. 货物用适用于海运的木箱包装。
7.1 Letters about Packing
such letters. 掌握与包装和运输有关信函的典型句型和表达用语。
7.1 Letters about Packing
7.1.1 Sample Letters of Discussing Terms of Packing(磋商包装条款的函电 范例)
Sample Letter 1 Notes: 1. clarify v. 澄清 The above clarifies our view on this matter. 以上所述澄清了我方对此事的看法。
7.1 Letters about Packing
3. take (have) pleasure in doing sth. 高兴地做 某事
也可以表达为:take (have) the pleasure of doing sth.
take (have) the pleasure to do sth.
7.1 Letters about Packing
4. inform v.告诉,通知 Please inform us of the details of the goods
as soon as they are delivered. 一旦货物发运, 请即告详情。 They haven’t informed us whether they can arrange transshipment of the goods in Hong Kong.他们尚未告知我方他们是否可以安排 货物在香港转船。
羊毛衫必须一件装一个聚乙烯塑料袋,内 衬坚固防水材料,然后装入硬纸盒,十打 一纸箱。
7.1 Letters about Packing
2. waterproof adj. 不透水的,防水的 The reason that the goods are popular with our
customers is that it is made from a kind of waterproof material. 这种商品深受客户喜欢的原因就是它是用一种 防水材料做成的。
7.1 Letters about Packing
5. goods n.(复)商品,货物 commodity n.商品,日用品(常指一个国
Learn the importance of proper packing and terms of packing in foreign sales contract;
了解合理包装的重要性和外贸合同的包装条款 Grasp the terms of shipment in foreign sales
the outer packing. 请在外包装上刷上我公司的首写字母和订单号。
7.1 Letters about Packing
10. regarding 关于 与with regard to, in regard to, as regards 同义,一
般可换用 11. requirement n.(单)要求,(复)需要,需