2024—2025 学年度第一学期期中测试卷 八年级(初二)物理 参考答案及评分意见一、填空题(共24 分,每空 1 分) 1. 钱学森 物理 2. 1.80 1.8(合理即可) 3. 38.5 60累积法5. 空气 振动6. 音调 慢7. 乙 等于8. 信息 响度9. 直线传播 小孔成像(日食月食 、影子成形等合理即可) 10. 正立 光路 11. 凸 增大 12. 240 不是二 、选择题(共 32 分,把你认为正确选项的代号填涂在答题卡上的相应位置上,第 13- 20 小题,每小题只有一个正确选项,每小题 3 分;第 21、22 小题为不定项选择,每小题 有一个或 几个正确选项,每小题4 分,不定项选择正确但不全得 1 分,不选、多选或错选 得0分)13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ADACBCADACDAB三、画图和计算题(共 14 分,第 23 小题 7 分、第 24 小题 7 分)23.( 1)(2)评分意见:( 1 )正确画出法线并画出直角符号得 1 分 ;正确画出并标出入射角与反射角得 1 分; 正确画出入射光线得 1 分 ;正确找到光源 S 得 1 分(2 )正确反向延长反射光线找到 S'得 1 分 ;正确根据平面镜成像特点找 S 得 1 分 ;正 确画出入射光线得 1 分。
24.( 1 ) 10×340m/s=3400m/s 3 分 (2 )2.0×106m÷3400m/s=588s 4 分— 八年级(初二) 物理 第 1 页(共 2 页)—四、实验与探究题(共 30 分,第25、27 小题各8 分、第26、28 小题各7 分)25.( 1 )振动响度振幅转换法(2 )声音越来越小真空不能传声(3 )ad 粗细26.( 1 )刻度尺停表(或秒表)(2 )①A②误差(3 )1.81(4 )夹角长(或多)27.( 1 )垂直三角板(或量角器)(2 )存在同一平面(3 )入射角使结论具有普遍性(4 )OA 可逆28.( 1 )BC 薄(2 )重合(4 )蜡烛 2(像)直接—八年级(初二)物理第2 页(共2 页)—。
2024-2025学年人教版初二物理上册期中测试试题班级:________________ 学号:________________ 姓名:______________一、单选题(每题3分)1.下列关于声现象的说法中正确的是( )A. 声音在真空中传播得最快B. 物体振动得越快,发出的音调就越低C. 市区内某些路段“禁鸣喇叭”,这是在声音传播的过程中减弱噪声D. “闻其声而知其人”主要是根据声音的音色来判断的答案:D2.下列关于光现象的说法中正确的是( )A. 红外线具有较强的热效应,紫外线具有较强的荧光效应B. 光总是沿直线传播的C. 物体在平面镜中所成的像是实像D. 能从不同方向看清物体是因为发生了镜面反射答案:A3.下列关于物态变化的说法中正确的是( )A. 夏天,我们看到雪糕冒“白气”是一种汽化现象B. 冬天,窗户玻璃上的“冰花”属于凝华现象C. 液体在任何温度下都可以蒸发D. 秋天,草木上出现的霜是凝固现象答案:B4.下列关于物态变化的说法中正确的是( )A. 春天,河里冰雪消融,是升华现象B. 夏天,冰棍儿周围冒“白气”,是汽化现象C. 秋天,早晨花草上出现的小露珠是熔化现象D. 冬天,温暖的车内窗玻璃会变模糊,是因为车内水蒸气液化的缘故答案:D5.下列关于物态变化的说法中正确的是( )A. 夏天,刚从冰柜里拿出的冰糕周围冒“白气”是汽化现象B. 冬天,戴眼镜的人从室外进入温暖的室内镜片变模糊是液化现象C. 秋天的早晨花草上出现的小露珠,这是液化现象,需要放热D. 冬天,池塘的水面上结了一层薄冰,这是凝固现象,需要吸热答案:BC二、多选题(每题4分)1.下列关于声音的说法中正确的是(多选,每选对一项得2分,共4分)A. 声音是由物体的振动产生的B. 声音的音调越高,响度就越大C. 声音在真空中的传播速度最大D. “闻其声知其人”是根据声音的音色来判断的答案:AD解析:A. 声音是由物体的振动产生的,这是声音产生的基本条件,故A正确;B. 声音的音调与频率有关,响度与振幅有关,音调高响度不一定大,故B错误;C. 声音的传播需要介质,真空不能传声,故C错误;D. “闻其声知其人”是根据声音的音色来判断的,因为不同人的音色不同,故D 正确。
一、选择题(每题4分,共40分)1. 下列各数中,无理数是()A. √4B. 0.333…C. √9D. √32. 下列各数中,绝对值最大的是()A. -2B. -3C. 2D. 33. 下列各数中,有理数是()A. πB. √2C. 1/2D. 无理数4. 下列各数中,正数是()A. -2B. 0C. 2D. -√25. 下列各数中,负数是()A. -2B. 0C. 2D. √26. 下列各数中,非负有理数是()A. -2B. 0C. 2D. -√27. 下列各数中,正有理数是()A. -2B. 0C. 2D. -√28. 下列各数中,负无理数是()A. -2B. 0C. 2D. √29. 下列各数中,非负无理数是()A. -2B. 0C. 2D. √210. 下列各数中,正无理数是()A. -2B. 0C. 2D. √2二、填空题(每题4分,共40分)11. 3/4 + 2/5 = ______12. 2√2 - √2 = ______13. (2/3) × (-4) = ______14. (-2/3) ÷ (2/3) = ______15. (-3/4) × (-4/5) = ______16. 2√2 ÷ √2 = ______17. √9 × √16 = ______18. √4 ÷ √2 = ______19. (-√3) × (-√3) = ______20. 2√2 + 3√2 = ______三、解答题(每题10分,共40分)21. (1)已知a=2,b=3,求a+b和a-b的值。
22. (1)计算下列各式的值:① (3/4) × (-4/5) - (2/3) ÷ (2/3)② √2 + √3 - √6(2)化简下列各式:① 2√2 - √2 + 3√2② √4 ÷ √2 + √9 × √16四、应用题(每题10分,共20分)23. 某商品原价为x元,打折后价格为y元,已知打折后的价格是原价的0.8倍,求原价和打折后的价格。
一、选择题(每题4分,共40分)1. 下列各数中,是整数的是()A. 3.14B. -2.5C. 0.01D. -32. 下列各数中,是负数的是()A. 5B. -5C. 0D. 5/23. 如果a > b,那么下列不等式中正确的是()A. a + b > b + aB. a - b < b - aC. a × b < b × aD. a ÷ b > b ÷ a4. 下列各数中,是偶数的是()A. 7B. 8C. 9D. 105. 下列各数中,是质数的是()A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 96. 下列各图形中,是轴对称图形的是()A. 正方形B. 长方形C. 三角形D. 梯形7. 如果一个长方形的长是6cm,宽是4cm,那么它的周长是()A. 20cmB. 24cmC. 28cmD. 30cm8. 下列各式中,是同类项的是()A. 3x^2 + 4xyB. 5x^2 - 2xyC. 3x^2 + 2y^2D. 4x + 5y9. 下列各数中,是立方数的是()A. 1B. 8C. 27D. 6410. 如果一个圆的半径是5cm,那么它的直径是()A. 10cmB. 15cmC. 20cmD. 25cm二、填空题(每题5分,共25分)11. 0的相反数是_________,0的倒数是_________。
12. 有理数-2和2的绝对值分别是_________和_________。
13. 如果a > b,那么a - b的值是_________。
14. 下列各数中,最小的数是_________。
15. 下列各数中,有理数-5和5的乘积是_________。
三、解答题(每题10分,共30分)16. 计算下列各式的值:(1)2 - 3 + 5(2)-2 × (-4) ÷ 2(3)(-3)^2 - 2 × (-3)17. 已知长方形的长是8cm,宽是6cm,求这个长方形的面积。
一、选择题(本大题6小题,每小题3分,共18分,每小题只有一个正确选项)1.2023年暑假期间,国家高度重视预防溺水安全工作,要求各级各类学校积极落实防溺水安全教育,以下与防溺水相关的标志中是轴对称图形的是( )A .B .C .D .2.如图,是线段的垂直平分线,为直线上的一点,已知线段,则线段的长度为( )A .6B .5C .4D .33.下列计算正确的是( )A .B .C .D .4.我国的纸伞工艺十分巧妙,如图,伞圈能沿着伞柄滑动,伞不论张开还是缩拢,伞柄始终平分同一平面内所成的角,为了证明这个结论,我们的依据是( )A .B .C .D .5.如图,在Rt 中,是角平分线,,则的面积为()CD AB P CD 5PA =PB 3332b b b ⋅=()()2222x x x +-=-22(2)4a a -=222()a b a b +=+D AP BAC ∠SAS SSS AAS ASAABC △90,C AF ∠=︒35,2AB CF ==AFB △A .5 B. C . D .6.如图,在Rt 中,,以的一边为边画等腰三角形,使得它的第三个顶点在的其他边上,则可以画出的不同的等腰三角形的个数最多为( )A .5B .6C .7D .8二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分)7.在平面直角坐标系中,点关于轴对称点的坐标为______________.8.分解因式:______________.9.如图所示,已知是上的一点,,请再添加一个条件:______________,使得.10.已知:,则______________.11.如图,等腰三角形的底边长为4,面积是14,腰的垂直平分线分别交于点,若点为底边的中点.点为线段上一动点,则的周长的最小值为______________.11.已知中,如果过顶点的一条直线把这个三角形分割成两个三角形,其中一个为等腰三角形,另一个为直角三角形,则称这条直线为的关于点的二分割线.如图1,Rt 中,显然直线是的关于点的二分割线.在图2的中,,若直线是的关于点154152132ABC △90C ∠=︒ABC △ABC △()2,5y 22ax ay -=P AD ABP ACP ∠=∠ABP ACP △≌△2,3m na a ==2m n a +=ABC BC AB EF ,AB AC E F 、D BC M EF BDM △ABC △B ABC △B ABC △BD ABC △B ABC △110ABC ∠=︒BD ABC △B的二分割线,则的度数是______________.三、(本大题共5小题,每小题6分,共30分)13.(1)计算:(2)如图,点在一条直线上,,.求证:.14.先化简,再求值:,其中.15.如图所示,的顶点分别为.(1)画出关于直线(平行于轴且该直线上的点的横坐标均为2)对称的图形,则的坐标分别为(______________),(______________),(______________);(2)求的面积.16.如果,那么我们规定,例如:因为,所以.(1)【理解】根据上述规定,填空:______________,______________;(2)【应用】若,试求之间的等量关系.17.如图是由小正方形组成的网格,每个小正方形的顶点叫做格点.的三个顶点都是格点,仅CDB ∠()()424242y y y y +÷--,,,B E C F ,B DEF BE CF ∠=∠=A D ∠=∠AB DE =()()()2232a b ab b b a b a b --÷-+-1,12a b ==-ABC △()()()2,3,4,1,1,2A B C ---ABC △2x =y 111A B C △111,,A B C 1A 1B 1C 111A B C △nx y =(),x y n =239=()3,92=()2,8=()2,4=()()()4,12,4,5,4,60a b c ===,,a b c 66⨯ABC △用无刻度的直尺在给定的网格中完成作图.(1)在图1中,作边上的中线;(2)在图2中,作边上的高.四、(本大题3小题,每小题8分,共24分)18.为了测量一幢高楼的高,在旗杆与楼之间选定一点.测得旗杆顶的视线与地面的夹角,测楼顶的视线与地面的夹角,量得点到楼底距离与旗杆高度相等,等于8米,量得旗杆与楼之间距离为米,求楼高是多少米?19.如图,甲长方形的两边长分别为,面积为;乙长方形的两边长分别为.面积为(其中为正整数).(1)现有一正方形,其周长与图中的甲长方形周长相等,试探究:该正方形面积与图中的甲长方形面积的差(即)是一个常数,求出这个常数;(2)试比较与的大小.20.如图:已知等边中,是的中点,是延长线上的一点,且,垂足为.AC BH AC BD AB CD P C PC 17DPC ∠=︒A PA 73APB ∠=︒P PB 33DB =AB 1,7m m ++1S 2,4m m ++2S m S 1S 1S S -1S 2S ABC △D AC E BC ,CE CD DM BC =⊥M(1)试问和有何数量关系?并证明之;(2)求证:是的中点.五、(本大题2小题,每小题9分,共18分)21.图1是一个长为、宽为的长方形,沿图中虚线用剪刀均分成四块小长方形,然后按图2的形状拼成一个正方形.(1)图2中的阴影部分的正方形的周长等于______________;(2)观察图2,请直接写出下列三个代数式之间的等量关系;(3)运用你所得到的公式,计算:若为实数,且,试求的值;(4)如图3,点是线段上的一点,以为边向两边作正方形,设,两正方形的面积和,求图中阴影部分面积.22.课本再现:如图,一个图形经过平移、翻折、旋转后,位置变化了,但形状、大小都没有改变,即平移、翻折、旋转前后的图形全等,我们把这种图形的变换叫全等变换.生活体验:(1)数学作图工具中有一个三角尺是等腰直角三角形,它的两个锐角相等,都是______________.问题解决:(2)如图1,在等腰直角三角形中,为边上的一点(不与点重合),连接,把绕点顺时针旋转后,得到,点与点恰好重合,连接.DM DE M BE 2a 2b 22(),(),a b a b ab +-m n 、3,4mn m n =-=m n +C AB AC BC 、8AB =1226S S +=︒AOB 90,,AOB AO BO C ∠=︒=AB ,A B OC AOC △O 90︒BOD △A B CD①填空:______________;______________.②若,求的度数.结论猜想:(3)如图1,如果是直线上的一点(不与点重合),其他条件不变,请猜想与的数量关系,并直接写出猜想结论.六、(本大题共12分)23.【探究发现】(1)如图1,中,,点为的中点,分别为边上两点,若满足,则之间满足的数量关系是______________.【类比应用】(2)如图2,中,,点为的中点,分别为边上两点,若满足,试探究之间满足的数量关系,并说明理由.【拓展延伸】(3)在中,,点为的中点,分别为直线上两点,若满足,请直接写出的长.OC OD COD ∠=30AOC ∠=︒BDC ∠C AB ,A B AOC ∠BDC ∠ABC △,90AB AC BAC =∠=︒D BC E F 、AC AB 、90EDF ∠=︒AE AF AB 、、ABC △,120AB AC BAC =∠=︒D BC E F 、AC AB 、60EDF ∠=︒AE AF AB 、、ABC △5,120AB AC BAC ==∠=︒D BC E F 、AC AB 、1,60CE EDF =∠=︒AF南昌市2023—2024学年第一学期期中形成性测试八年级(初二)数学试卷参考答案一.选择题(共6小题)1.D2.B .3.C .4.B5.B6.C二.填空题(共6小题)7.(﹣2,5).8. . 9. ∠BAP=∠CAP 或∠APB=∠APC 或AP 平分∠BAC(答案不唯一) .10. 12 11. 9. 12. 140°或90°或40°三.解答题13.(1)计算:解:(1)y 4+(y 2)4÷y 4﹣(﹣y 2)2=y 4+y 8÷y 4﹣y 4=y 4+y 4﹣y 4=y 4;……………………3分(2)证明:∵BE=CF∴BE+EC=CF+EC即BC=EF……………………1分在△ABC 和△EDF 中,∴△ABC ≌△DEF (AAS ),∴AB=DE……………………3分14.解:原式…………………1分…………………3分…………………4分将代入上式得,原式…………………6分15.,,,则为所求作的三角形,…………………4分如图所示:()()y x y x a -+⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=∠=∠∠=∠EF BC DEFB D A 22222()a ab b a b =----22222a ab b a b =---+2ab =-112a b ==-,12(1)2=-⨯⨯-1=()16,3A ()18,1B ()15,2C 111A B C △1111111111A B C DA C EB C FA B DEB F S S S S S =--- 矩形…………………6分16.解:(1)23=8,(2,8)=3,,(2,4)=2,故答案为:3;2;……………………2分(2)证明:∵(4,12)=a ,(4,5)=b ,(4,60)=c ,∴4a =12,4b =5,4c =60,∴4a ×4b =60,∴4a ×4b =4c ,∴a +b =c ;………………6分17.即中线BH 为所求 ………………3分即高BD 为所求 ………………6分18.,,,,………………2分在和中,,∴(ASA ), (5)分11132132211222=⨯-⨯⨯-⨯⨯-⨯⨯2=17CPD ∠=︒ 73APB ∠=︒90CDP ABP ∠=∠=︒73DCP APB ∴∠=∠=︒CPD ∆PAB ∆CDP ABP DC PBDCP APB ∠=∠⎧⎪=⎨⎪∠=∠⎩CPD PAB ≅,米,米,………………7分(米),答:楼高是25米.………………8分19.解:(1)图中的甲长方形周长为2(m +7+m +1)4=4m +16,∴该正方形边长为m +4,∴S ﹣S 1=(m +4)(m +4)﹣(m +1)(m +7)=(m 2+8m +16) -(m 2+8m +7)=9,∴该正方形面积S 与图中的甲长方形面积S 1的差是一个常数9;……………4分(2)S 1=(m +1)(m +7)=m 2+8m +7,S 2=(m +2)(m +4))=m 2+6m +8,S 1﹣S 2=(m 2+8m +7)﹣(m 2+6m +8)=2m ﹣1,∵m 为正整数,∴2m ﹣1>0,∴S 1>S 2.……………………8分20.(1)DM 和DE 有何数量关系为:DE=2DM证明:∵三角形ABC 是等边△ABC ,∴∠ACB =∠ABC =60°,又∵CE =CD ,∴∠E =∠CDE ,又∵∠ACB =∠E +∠CDE ,∴∠E=∠ACB =30°;又∵∠DME=90°∴DE=2DM………………………4分(2)证明:连接BD ,∵等边△ABC 中,D 是AC 的中点,∴∠DBC=∠ABC =30°由(1)知∠E =30°∴∠DBC =∠E =30°∴DB =DE又∵DM ⊥BC∴M 是BE 的中点.………………………8分21.(1)阴影部分的正方形边长为a -b ,故周长为4(a -b )=4a -4b ;故答案:4a -4b ;………………………1分(2)大正方形面积可以看作四个矩形面积加阴影面积,故可表示为:4ab +(a -b )2,大正方形边长为a+b ,故面积也可表达为:(a +b )2,因此(a +b )2=(a -b )2+4ab ;故答案为:(a +b )2=(a -b )2+4ab ; (3)分为DP AB ∴=33DB = 8PB =33825AB ∴=-=AB(3)由(2)知:(m +n )2=(m -n )2+4mn ;………………………4分已知m -n =4,mn =-3;所以(m +n )2=42+4×(-3)=16-12=4;所以m +n =2或一2;………………………6分(4)设AC =a ,BC =b ;因为AB =8,S 1+S 2=26;所以a +b =8,a 2+b 2=26;因为(a +b )2=a 2+b 2+2ab ,所以64=26+2ab ,解得ab =19,由题意:∠ACF =90°,所以S 阴影=ab =,故答案为:.………………………9分22.解:(1)∵三角形的内角和为180°,等腰直角三角形的两个锐角相等,∴它的两个锐角都是;故答案为:.………………………1分(2)①根据旋转可得,∴,∴,∴是等腰直角三角形,故答案为:.………………………3分②∵等腰直角三角形中,,∴,∵,∴∵∴∵是等腰直角三角形,∴,∴………………………7分(3)当在上时,1219219245︒45ACO BDO ≌AOC BOD ∠=∠OC OD=90COD AOB ∠=∠=︒COD △90=︒,AOB 90,AOB AO BO ∠=︒=45A ∠=︒30AOC ∠=︒105ACO ∠=︒ACO BDO≌105BDO ∠=︒COD △45CDO ∠=︒60BDC BDO CDO ∠=∠-∠=︒C AB∵,∵∴∵是等腰直角三角形,∴,∴即;………………………8分当在的延长线上时,如图所示,∵,∵∴∵是等腰直角三角形,∴,∴即;当在的延长线上,如图所示,∵,∵∴∵是等腰直角三角形,∴,∴即;………………………9分综上所述,或.23.(1)()180135ACO A AOC AOC ∠=︒-∠+∠=︒-∠ACO BDO≌135BDO AOC AOC∠=∠=︒-∠COD △45CDO ∠=︒90BDC BDO CDO AOC∠=∠-∠=︒-∠90AOC BDC ∠+∠=︒C BA 45ACO AOC ∠=︒-∠ACO BDO≌45BDO AOC AOC∠=∠=︒-∠COD △45CDO ∠=︒454590BDC BDO CDO AOC AOC ∠=∠+∠=︒+︒-∠=︒-∠90AOC BDC ∠+∠=︒C AB 180135ACO BAC AOC AOC ∠=-∠-∠=︒-∠ACO BDO≌135BDO AOC AOC∠=∠=︒-∠COD △45CDO ∠=︒()4513590BDC CDO BDO AOC AOC ∠=∠-∠=︒-︒-∠=∠-︒90AOC BDC ∠-︒=∠90AOC BDC ∠+∠=︒90AOC BDC ∠-︒=∠如图1,∵AB =AC ,∠BAC =90°,∴∠B =∠C =45°,∵D 为BC 中点,∴AD ⊥BC ,∠BAD =∠CAD =45°,AD =BD =CD ,∴∠ADB =∠ADF +∠BDF =90°,∵∠EDF =∠ADE +∠ADF =90°,∴∠BDF =∠ADE ,∵BD =AD ,∠B =∠CAD =45°,∴△BDF ≌△ADE (ASA ),∴BF =AE ,∴AB =AF +BF =AF +AE ;故答案为:AB =AF +AE ;………………………2分(2)AE +AF=AB .理由是:………………………4分如图2,作AG=AD ,∵AB =AC ,∠BAC =120°,点D 为BC 的中点,∴∠BAD =∠CAD =60°,AD ⊥BC又∵AG=AD∴△AGD 为等边三角形∴DG =AG =AD∴∠GDA =∠BAD =60°,即∠GDF +∠FDA =60°,又∵∠FAD +∠ADE =∠FDE =60°,∴∠GDF =∠ADE ,在和中,12GDF ∆ADE ∆,∴(ASA )∴GF =AE ,∵AD ⊥BC ,∠BAD=60°∴∠B=90°-60°=30°又∵∠AGD=60°∴∠GDB=∠AGD-∠B=60°-30°=30°∴BG=GD又∵GD=AG∴AG=BG∴AG=AB =AF +FG =AE +AF ,∴AE +AF =AB ;………………………8分(3)当点E 在线段AC 上时,如图3,作AH=AD 同理可得△AD H 为等边三角形当AB =AC =5,CE =1,∠EDF =60°时,AE =4,此时F 在BA 的延长线上,∴∠DAF=180-∠BAD=180°-60°=120° ∠DHC=180-∠AHD=180°-60°=120°∴∠FAD=∠CHD=120°同(2)可得:△ADF ≌△HDE (ASA ),∴AF =HE ,同(2)可得:DH=HC ,AH=DH∴AH=HC∵AH =CH =AC =,CE =1,∴,GDF ADE DG ADAGD DAE ∠=∠⎧⎪=⎨⎪∠=∠⎩GDF ADE ≅ 1212125253122AF HE CH CE ==-=-=当点E 在AC 延长线上时,如图4,同理可得:;综上:AF 的长为或.………………………12分57122AF HE CH CE ==+=+=3272。
C.正襟危坐(jīng)—— jīn,诚皇诚恐——诚惶诚恐;
3.下列句子加点词语使用正确的一项是( )
2024-2025学年统编版(部编版)初二语文上册期中测试试题班级:____________________ 学号:____________________ 姓名:____________________一、单选题(每题3分)1. 下列加点字的注音全部正确的一项是()A. 溃退(kuì)歼灭(qiān)颁发(bān)锐不可当(dāng)B. 泄气(xiè)要塞(sài)歼灭(jiān)摧枯拉朽(xiǔ)C. 斡旋(wò)颁发(bān)遁逃(dùn)眼花缭乱(liáo)D. 凌空(lín)紧绷(bēng)仲裁(zhòng)屏息敛声(bǐng)答案:B2. 下列词语中没有错别字的一项是()A. 仲裁娴熟锐不可挡殚精竭虑B. 颁发翘首摧枯拉朽眼花缭乱C. 浩瀚遗嘱名副其实不容置疑D. 泄气紧绷慷慨以赴惊心动魄答案:C3. 下列句子中加点词语使用不恰当的一项是()A. 没有什么可以阻挡中国人民实现梦想的步伐。
B. 同学们在操场上玩得不亦乐乎。
C. 听到这个幽默的故事,他忍俊不禁地笑了起来。
D. 这本小说情节跌宕起伏,抑扬顿挫,具有很强的感染力。
答案:D4. 下列句子没有语病的一项是()A. 通过这次活动,使同学们认识到“诵读经典”的重要性。
B. 能否杜绝“餐桌上的浪费”,关键在于人们的正确认识和自觉行为。
C. 一个人能否成为真正的读者,关键在于青少年时期养成良好的阅读习惯。
D. 阅读是认识世界的重要途径,有助于提高人的精神境界。
答案:D5. 下列句子中标点符号使用正确的一项是()A. 读了“钢铁是怎样炼成的”,我感受到人生使命是那样庄重而迫切。
B. 扬州的个园,瘦西湖,苏州的狮子林,拙政园,南京的中山陵,都是闻名遐迩的游览胜地。
C. 扬州风景美如画。
D. 古诗中常有用典故的情况,如李白《行路难(其一)》中的“闲来垂钓碧溪上,忽复乘舟梦日边。
一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 下列数中,既是整数又是分数的是()A. 2/3B. 3.5C. -5/2D. 1/12. 如果a > b,那么下列不等式中一定成立的是()A. a + 1 > b + 1B. a - 1 > b - 1C. a + 2 > b + 3D. a - 2 < b - 13. 已知一个等差数列的前三项分别为2,5,8,那么这个数列的第四项是()A. 11B. 12C. 13D. 144. 下列图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是()A. 正方形B. 等边三角形C. 长方形D. 圆5. 一个长方体的长、宽、高分别为4cm,3cm,2cm,那么它的体积是()A. 24cm³B. 30cm³C. 48cm³D. 36cm³6. 若∠A = 60°,∠B = 2∠A,那么∠B的度数是()A. 120°B. 60°C. 30°D. 90°7. 下列方程中,只有一个解的是()A. 2x + 3 = 5B. 2x + 3 = 5x - 4C. 3x + 2 = 2x + 5D. 3x + 2 = 2x + 48. 若一个数的平方根是3,那么这个数是()A. 9B. 3C. -9D. -39. 下列函数中,是反比例函数的是()A. y = 2x + 3B. y = 2/xC. y = x² + 2D. y = 3x - 410. 下列图形中,可以沿着一条直线对折后重合的是()A. 等边三角形B. 长方形C. 圆D. 等腰梯形二、填空题(每题3分,共30分)11. 若一个数的倒数是1/2,那么这个数是__________。
12. 下列数中,负数是__________。
13. 下列方程中,解为x=2的是__________。
14. 一个等差数列的第10项是100,公差是5,那么第15项是__________。
2024-2025学年浙江省丽水市初二英语上册期中测试试题班级:________________ 学号:________________ 姓名:______________一、听力题(每题3分)Question 1:Which activity does the boy like best?A. Playing basketball.B. Playing football.C. Playing volleyball.Answer: AQuestion 2:How often does the girl’s mother go shopping?A. Twice a week.B. Three times a week.C. Four times a week.Answer: BQuestion 3:What’s the weather like tomorrow?A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Cloudy.Answer: AQuestion 4:What time does the school start in the morning?A. At 7:30.B. At 8:00.C. At 8:30.Answer: BQuestion 5:What’s the relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Friends.C. Mother and son.Answer: BNote: The listening recording would contain dialogues or short passages related to the questions above.二、单选题(每题3分)1.— What color is your new bag?It’s ____.A. a blueB. blueC. an orangeD. an appleAnswer: B2.I often go to school_bike, but sometimes I go to school_foot.A. by; onB. on; byC. by; byD. on; onAnswer: A3.Tom is a____boy, and he often helps his classmates.A. kindB. strictC. lazyD. shyAnswer: A4.—____is your mother?She is fine, thank you.A. WhatB. HowC. WhoD. WhereAnswer: B5.—____your brother like apples?Yes, he does.A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. AreAnswer: B三、多选题(每题4分)Question 1:Which of the following are correct ways to greet someone in English? (Select two answers)A. Hello!B. What’s your name?C. Nice to meet you.D. Goodbye.Answer: A, CQuestion 2:Which of the following subjects do you study in Grade 7? (Select two answers)A. MathB. PhysicsC. EnglishD. BiologyAnswer: A, CQuestion 3:Choose the two words that are related to school supplies.A. PenB. DogC. EraserD. CatE. PencilAnswer: A, CQuestion 4:Which of the following sentences are correct? (Select two answers)A. I go to school by bike.B. She drives a car to work.C. He fly to Beijing by plane.D. They walk to the park.Answer: A, BQuestion 5:Identify the two adjectives in the foll owing sentence: “The beautiful and interesting book caught my attention.”A. BeautifulB. BookC. InterestingD. CaughtE. AttentionAnswer: A, C四、阅读理解(每题4分)Title: The Power of ReadingReading is an essential skill that benefits people throughout their lives. It opens doors to new worlds and ideas, enriching our lives in countless ways. Whether it’s a novel, a poem, or a history book, each page offers a unique perspective that shapes ourunderstanding of the world.The joy of reading is not only in the stories but also in the process of discovery. As we read, we encounter new words and phrases, challenging our vocabulary and expanding our language skills. Reading also improves our comprehension and analytical thinking, helping us to better understand complex ideas.Moreover, reading has a profound impact on our emotional development. It allows usto connect with characters, feeling their joy, sadness, and struggles. This emotional connection fosters empathy and understanding, making us more compassionate individuals.In today’s digital age, where screens and social media dominate our lives, it’s easy to overlook the value of reading. However, the benefits of reading are timeless and should not be underestimated. By making time for reading, we can nurture our minds, broaden our horizons, and discover the power that lies within the pages of a book. Questions:1.What is the main benefit of reading according to the passage? (4 points)Answer: The main benefit of reading is that it opens doors to new worlds and ideas, enriching our lives in countless ways.2.What skills do people develop by reading? (4 points)Answer: People develop vocabulary, language skills, comprehension, and analytical thinking by reading.3.How does reading affect our emotional development? (4 points)Answer: Reading allows us to connect with characters, feeling their emotions, which fosters empathy and understanding, making us more compassionate individuals.4.What is the problem with the digital age mentioned in the passage? (4points)Answer: The problem mentioned in the passage is that in the digital age, screens and social media dominate our lives, making it easy to overlookthe value of reading.5.What does the author suggest we should do in the digital age? (4 points)Answer: The author suggests that we should make time for reading to nurture our minds, broaden our horizons, and discover the power that lies within the pages of a book.五、作文(30分)Title: My Favorite TeacherDirections: Write a composition of about 80 words on the topic “My Favorite Teacher”.You should describe who the teacher is, why you like him/her, and what he/she hasdone that influenced you.Sample Composition:My favorite teacher is Ms. Liu, my English teacher in junior high school.She is a kind and patient woman who always encourages us to explore new ideas.I admire her for her dedication to teaching and her ability to make learningfun. One thing that has deeply influenced me is her emphasis on theimportance of reading. She often shares interesting books with us and encourages us to discuss what we have read. Through her guidance, I have developed a passion for reading and a better understanding of the world.Ms. Liu’s enthusiasm for teaching and her love for her students make her my favorite teacher.Note: This is a sample composition for reference. Students are encouragedto write their own compositions based on their personal experiences and feelings.。
一、选择题(每题4分,共40分)1. 下列各数中,绝对值最小的是()A. -3B. -2C. 0D. 22. 若a < b,则下列不等式中正确的是()A. a + 2 < b + 2B. a - 2 < b - 2C. a + 3 < b + 3D. a - 3 < b - 33. 已知二次函数y = ax^2 + bx + c(a ≠ 0)的图象开口向上,且顶点坐标为(1,-2),则a的取值范围是()A. a > 0B. a < 0C. a ≥ 0D. a ≤ 04. 在△ABC中,∠A = 60°,∠B = 45°,则∠C的度数是()A. 75°B. 120°C. 45°D. 90°5. 若a,b,c是等差数列,且a + b + c = 18,则b的值为()A. 6B. 9C. 12D. 156. 下列函数中,图象是一条直线的是()A. y = x^2 - 3x + 2B. y = 2x + 1C. y = 2x^2 - 3x + 1D. y = 3x^2 + 2x - 17. 若|a| = 5,|b| = 3,则|a - b|的取值范围是()A. 2 ≤ |a - b| ≤ 8B. 0 ≤ |a - b| ≤ 8C. 2 ≤ |a - b| ≤ 3D. 0 ≤ |a - b| ≤ 28. 在等腰三角形ABC中,底边AB = 8cm,腰AC = 10cm,则高CD的长度是()A. 6cmB. 8cmC. 10cmD. 12cm9. 下列各数中,有理数是()A. √4B. √-4C. πD. 2.510. 若x^2 - 4x + 3 = 0,则x的值为()A. 1B. 3C. 1或3D. 1或-3二、填空题(每题4分,共40分)11. 有理数a,b,c满足a + b = 5,b + c = 3,则a + c的值为______。
2024-2025学年北师大版初二英语上册期中测试试卷班级:____________________ 学号:____________________ 姓名:____________________ 一、听力题(每题3分)Question 1:•What is the girl’s favorite subject?A. MathB. EnglishC. ScienceD. HistoryAnswer: BQuestion 2:•How often does the boy go to the gym?A. Twice a week.B. Three times a week.C. Every day.D. Once a month.Answer: AQuestion 3:•Where does the conversation happen?A. In a library.B. In a classroom.C. In a restaurant.D. In a park.Answer: BQuestion 4:•What time does the movie start?A. 7:00 pmB. 7:30 pmC. 8:00 pmD. 8:30 pmAnswer: BQuestion 5:•What does the speaker want to buy for his sister’s birthday?A. A book.B. A dress.C. A pair of shoes.D. A music box.Answer: D二、单选题(每题3分)1.Which of the following is a correct sentence structure?A. The book on the table are mine.B. My parents is cooking dinner.C. I like playing basketball after school.D. She don’t like eating apples.Answer: C2.Which word doesn’t belong to the same category as the others?A. BananaB. AppleC. CarrotD. OrangeAnswer: C3.What’s the correct spelling of the word “helpful”?A. HelpfullB. HelpfullC. HelpfulD. HelpflAnswer: C4.He_______playing football very much.A. likesB. likeC. likedD. is likingAnswer: A5.What’s the subject in the sentence “They enjoyed the movie very much.”?A. TheyB. EnjoyedC. MovieD. Very muchAnswer: A三、多选题(每题4分)Question 1:Choose all the correct answers that describe the meaning of the word “ambitious”:A. Having no goals or dreams.B. Having a strong desire to succeed.C. Being content with one’s current situation.D. Willing to work hard to achieve something.Explanation: The word “ambitious” means having a strong desi re to succeed or achieve something, and being willing to work hard to do so. Options A and C do not describe the meaning of “ambitious”.Question 2:Which of the following sentences are grammatically correct?A. He is taller than me.B. She sings better than I.C. They run faster than we do.D. They are more intelligent than we.Answer: A, CExplanation: In comparative sentences, when comparing two subjects, the object pronoun is used after “than” (e.g., “than me,” “than her,” “than us”). However, if the verb is repeated after “than,” the subject pronoun is used (e.g., “than I,” “than she,” “than we”). Therefore, B and D are incorrect, while A and C are correct.Question 3:Which of these phrases describe a person who is generous?A. Stingy with money.B. Willing to share.C. Always looking for a bargain.D. Giving without expecting anything in return.Explanation: A generous person is willing to share and give without expecting anything in return. Options A and C describe the opposite of generosity.Question 4:Select the sentences that contain an idiom correctly used:A. She always speaks her mind, she’s a real open book.B. He’s always late for work, he’s a real early bird.C. They never finish their projects on time, they’re always under the gun.D. She’s very good at math, she’s a real piece of cake.Answer: CExplanation: The idiom “under the gun” means to be in a situation where there is a lot of pressure to complete something quickly. It is used correctly in sentence C. Sentence A uses “open book” incorrectly, as it typically means someone who is easy to understand. Sentence B uses “early bird” incorrectly, as it refers to someone who gets up early or arrives early. Sentence D uses “piece of cake” incorrectly, as i t typically means something that is easy to do.Question 5:Identify the sentences that contain a conditional clause:A. If it rains tomorrow, we will stay inside.B. He went to the store after he finished his homework.C. She will help you whenever you need it.D. The cat sleeps on the sofa because it’s comfortable.Explanation: A conditional clause is a clause that expresses a condition or supposition. In sentences A, B, and C, the underlined parts are conditional clauses. Sentence A uses “if” to introduce a condition, sentence B uses “after” to express a condition that has already been fulfilled, and sentence C uses “whenever” to introduce a condition that can occur at any time. Sentence D does not contain a conditional clause.四、阅读理解(每题4分)Reading ComprehensionPassage 1In the past, many children used to help with farm work. They didn’t have much time to study. But today, things have changed a lot. Children don’t need to do so much farm work, and they can devote more time to their schoolwork. However, study is not the only thing for children. They also need to learn life skills.Life skills are very important. They help us solve problems in daily life. For example, when we are in danger, we need to know how to protect ourselves. Or when we are feeling down, we need to learn how to cheer ourselves up.Schools are places where children can learn not only knowledge but also life skills. Teachers often organize various activities to help students develop their life skills. For instance, students can learn teamwork and leadership skills through group projects. They can also learn how to manage their time and money through daily routines and budgeting activities.Questions:1.What did children in the past usually do? (4 points)Answer: They used to help with farm work.2.Why can children devote more time to their schoolwork nowadays? (4 points) Answer: Because they don’t need to do so much farm work.3.What are life skills? (4 points)Answer: Life skills are abilities that help us solve problems in daily life.4.How can students learn teamwork and leadership skills in school? (4 points) Answer: Through group projects.5.What can students learn about through budgeting activities? (4 points)Answer: They can learn how to manage their time and money.Note: The answers provided are based on the information given in the passage. The actual questions and answers may vary depending on the context and the intended difficulty level.五、作文(30分)Title: My Favorite SeasonDirections: Write a short essay about your favorite season. Describe the reasons why you like it and some of the activities you enjoy during that season.Example:My Favorite SeasonAs the four seasons rotate in an endless cycle, each bringing its unique charm, I find myself particularly drawn to autumn. Autumn, with its rich hues and tranquil atmosphere, holds a special place in my heart.One of the reasons I cherish autumn is its breathtaking scenery. The leaves of the trees transform from green to a vibrant array of yellows, oranges, and reds, painting the landscape in a palette of warm colors. The air is filled with the crisp scent of fallen leaves and the earthy aroma of harvest. These sights and smells evoke a sense of peace and tranquility.Furthermore, autumn is a season of abundance. Farmers rejoice in the fruits of their labor, harvesting crops that have been nurtured through the summer. The marketplaces are filled with fresh produce, from juicy apples and pears to hearty pumpkins and squashes. This bounty not only satisfies our taste buds but also reminds us of the importance of hard work and patience.Lastly, autumn is a time for outdoor activities. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold, making it perfect for hikes and picnics. I enjoy wandering through the woods, kicking the fallen leaves, and feeling the gentle breeze brush against my face. These moments of solitude in nature allow me to reflect on the past and look forward to the future with renewed hope.In conclusion, autumn captivates me with its beauty, abundance, and opportunities for outdoor pursuits. It is a season that fills me with joy and gratitude, and I eagerly await its arrival each year.。
初二期中数学试题及答案一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 下列哪个数是最小的正整数?A. 0B. 1C. -1D. 2答案:B2. 计算下列哪个表达式的结果为负数?A. \(3 - (-2)\)B. \(-4 + 5\)C. \(-3 \times 2\)D. \(6 \div 2\)答案:C3. 如果 \(x = 3\),那么 \(2x - 5\) 的值是多少?A. 1B. 4C. 6D. 0答案:A4. 一个数的平方等于9,这个数是多少?A. 3B. -3C. 3或-3D. 只有3答案:C5. 以下哪个图形是轴对称图形?A. 平行四边形B. 矩形C. 梯形D. 不规则多边形答案:B6. 以下哪个选项表示的是一次函数?A. \(y = 2x + 3\)B. \(y = x^2 + 1\)C. \(y = \frac{1}{x}\)D. \(y = 3\)答案:A7. 一个等腰三角形的两边长分别为5和8,那么它的周长是多少?A. 18B. 21C. 26D. 无法确定答案:B8. 以下哪个分数是最简分数?A. \(\frac{6}{8}\)B. \(\frac{9}{12}\)C. \(\frac{5}{7}\)D. \(\frac{10}{15}\)答案:C9. 如果一个圆的半径是3厘米,那么它的面积是多少?A. 28.26平方厘米B. 9平方厘米C. 18.84平方厘米D. 3.14平方厘米答案:C10. 下列哪个选项是不等式 \(2x - 3 > 5\) 的解?A. \(x > 4\)B. \(x < 4\)C. \(x > 2\)D. \(x < 2\)答案:A二、填空题(每题3分,共30分)11. 一个数的相反数是-5,这个数是______。
答案:512. 如果一个角的补角是120°,那么这个角的度数是______。
答案:60°13. 计算 \((-2)^3\) 的结果是______。
黑龙江省哈尔滨市萧红中学校2024—2025学年上学期八年级数学期中学情测试试题一、单选题1.现实世界中,对称现象无处不在,中国的汉字中有些也具有对称性.下列美术字是轴对称图形的是()A .爱B .我C .中D .华2.下列运算结果正确的是()A .()326a a =B .3412a a a ⋅=C .824a a a ÷=D .()nnab ab =3.某平板电脑支架如图所示,其中AB CD =,EA ED =,为了使用的舒适性,可调整AEC ∠的大小.若AEC ∠增大16︒,则BDE ∠的变化情况是()A .增大16︒B .减小16︒C .增大8︒D .减小8︒4.如图,ABC AED ≌△△,点E 在线段BC 上,150∠=︒,则AED ∠的大小为()A .60︒B .56︒C .62︒D .65︒5.在初二年级活动中,有A 、B 、C 三名选手站在一个三角形的三个顶点位置上,他们在玩“抢凳子”游戏,要求在他们中间放一个木凳,谁先抢到凳子谁获胜,为使游戏公平,则凳子应放的最适当的位置是在ABC V 的()A .三边中垂线的交点B .三边中线的交点C .三条角平分线的交点D .三边上高的交点6.已知5x +与x k -的乘积中不含x 项,则k 的值是()A .0B .5C .5-D .±57.若关于x 的二次三项式()2216x k x +-+是一个完全平方式,那么k 的值是()A .6-B .6C .6±D .10或6-8.某同学在计算3x -乘一个多项式时错将乘法做成了加法,得到的答案是32333x x x -+,由此可以推断出正确的计算结果是()A .4329918x x x -+-B .4321233x x x -+-C .441x x -+-D .441x x -+9.已知ABC V 的三边长分别为10a -,5,6,当ABC V 为等腰三角形时,a 的值为()A .4B .5C .4或5D .5或610.如图所示,点A 、B 、C 、D 均在正方形网格格点上,则ABC ADC ∠+∠=()A .15︒B .30︒C .45︒D .60︒二、填空题11.在ABC V 中,90C ∠=︒,=60B ∠︒,2AB =,则BC =.12.若点(1,1)M m -与点(3,1)N n -关于y 轴成轴对称,则m n +=.13.如图,把一张对边平行的纸条如图折叠,重合部分(阴影部分)是三角形.14.已知等腰三角形的一边长为4cm ,且它的周长为15cm ,则它的底边长为cm .15.若228m n -=-,2m n -=,则代数式m n +的值是.16.定义新运算:2*a b a ab =-,运用新运算计算:()()*x y x y +-=.17.如图所示,边长分别为a 和b 的两个正方形拼接在一起,则图中阴影部分的面积为.18.如图,ABC V 是等边三角形,AD 是BC 边上的高,E 点是AC 边的中点,P 是AD 上的一个动点,连接PE 、PC ,当PC PE +的值最小时,则APE ∠的度数为.19.如图,有一三角形纸片ABC 中,72A ∠=︒,点D 是AC 边上一点,沿BD 方向剪开三角形纸片后,发现所得两纸片均为等腰三角形,则∠C 的度数可以是.三、解答题20.(1)计算:()()4234242x x x x x ⋅⋅++-(2)计算:2024202520251(7)(1)7⎛⎫-⨯-⨯- ⎪⎝⎭(3)简便方法计算:29921.先化简,再求值:a (a 2+2a+4)﹣2(a+1)2,其中a=﹣12.22.在平面直角坐标系中,ABC V 的位置如图所示.(1)点A 关于______轴对称的点在第四象限;(填“x ”或“y ”)(2)画出与ABC V 关于y 轴对称的A B C ''' ;(3)在x 轴上作一点P ,使其到点B ,C 的距离之和最小.(不写作法,保留作图痕迹)23.已知:在ABC V 中AB AC =,D 、E 分别在AC 、AB 上,且BE CD =,BD 与CE 交于点F ,连接AF 交BC 于G .(1)如图1,求证:AG BC ⊥;(2)如图2,当BD AC ⊥时,直接写出所有等于12BAC ∠的角.24.综合探究某数学兴趣小组用“等面积法”分别构造了以下四种图形验证“平方差公式”:(1)【探究】以上四种方法中能够验证“平方差公式”的有_____(填序号);(2)【应用】利用“平方差公式”计算:2202420232025-⨯;(3)【拓展】计算:()()()()()246842121212121+++++ .25.已知,ABC V 和ADE V 均为等腰直角三角形,连接,CE BD ,交于点G .(1)如图1,求证:BD CE ⊥;(2)如图2,当点C ,D ,E 在同一条直线上时,求ADC ∠的度数;(3)如图3,在(2)的条件下,连接BE ,F 为BE 上一点,连接AF ,若135,,2FAD BE BC AF ∠=︒==,求BD 的长.26.八年级数学老师在集体备课中,发现利用“面积法”说明整式的乘法有助于学生的理解,为此老师们用硬纸卡制作了如下的学具(a a ⨯的正方形A ,b b ⨯的正方形B ,a b ⨯的长方形C ),(1)在一节课的探究中,小高老师利用1张A 和1张C 拼出如图1所示的长方形,利用“面积法”可以得出的整式乘法关系式为______(2)在随后的探究中,小高老师在上课时则给同学们发了很多硬纸片(a a ⨯的正方形A ,b b ⨯的正方形B ,a b ⨯的长方形C ),并要求同学们用2张A ,1张B 和3张C 拼成一个长方形,请你在框1中画出对应的示意图,并将利用面积法得出的整式乘法关系式补充完整;框122(_______)(_______)23a ab b =++(3)小朱老师在设计本单元的阶梯作业时,给出如图2所示的示意图,请结合图例,在横线上添加适当的式子,使等式成立;22____________22a b +=+(4)小威老师在培优群中布置了一道思考题:已知()()2240a b a b ++-=,求2a b +的最大值,请认真思考,并完成解答.。
初二期中测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是正确的?A. 地球是宇宙的中心B. 地球围绕太阳公转C. 月球是地球的卫星D. 太阳是地球的卫星答案:B2. 以下哪个朝代是中国历史上第一个统一的封建王朝?A. 商朝B. 周朝C. 秦朝D. 汉朝答案:C3. 以下哪个选项是光合作用的产物?A. 氧气B. 二氧化碳C. 水D. 葡萄糖答案:A4. 以下哪个是化学变化?A. 铁生锈B. 冰融化C. 切割木材D. 蒸馏水答案:A5. 以下哪个是英语中的第一人称单数?A. IB. YouC. HeD. They答案:A6. 以下哪个是二次函数的一般形式?A. y = ax^2 + bx + cB. y = ax + bC. y = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + dD. y = a/x答案:A7. 以下哪个是《三国演义》中的人物?A. 刘备B. 关羽C. 张飞D. 以上都是答案:D8. 以下哪个是人体最大的淋巴器官?A. 扁桃体B. 胸腺C. 脾脏D. 淋巴结答案:C9. 以下哪个是法国的首都?A. 伦敦B. 柏林C. 巴黎D. 罗马答案:C10. 以下哪个是联合国的创始会员国之一?A. 中国B. 俄罗斯C. 美国D. 以上都是答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 地球的赤道周长大约是________千米。
答案:400752. 世界上最长的河流是________。
答案:尼罗河3. 化学元素周期表中,氧元素的原子序数是________。
答案:84. 牛顿的第二定律公式是________。
答案:F = ma5. 英语中,“图书馆”的单词是________。
答案:library6. 圆周率π的近似值是________。
答案:3.141597. 世界上最大的沙漠是________。
答案:撒哈拉沙漠8. 人体中最大的细胞是________。
答案:卵细胞9. 法国的国庆日是每年的________月________日。
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初二期中测试题Ⅰ. 单项选择:( ) 1. Mom is busy all the time. There’s ______ housework. aA. too muchB. much tooC. too manyD. many too ( ) 2. They arrived there _____ cold Sunday afternoon.A. in theB. atC. on aD. in a ( ) 3. _______ fine day it is!A. What aB. WhatC. HowD. How the ( ) 4. ------- What was the ______ yesterday?------- It was Jane 1st , Children’s Day.A. dayB. dateC. timeD. year ( ) 5. ------- Thank you for ______ me _____ the housework.------- My pleasure.A. help; to doB. helping; doC. helping; doingD. to help; do ( ) 6. She’ll be late unless she ______ up early.A. gotB. getsC. to getD. getting ( ) 7. I’ll do it better if the teacher ______ me another.A. giveB. givesC. gaveD. will give ( ) 8. They always keep their problems ______ themselves.A. withB. inC. atD. to( ) 9. We’ll go to Zhaolin Park ______ it doesn’t rain tomorrow.A. whenB. ifC. whileD. until( ) 10. ------ Can you come to my party on Wednesday?------ Sorry, I ______ . I have a piano lesson.A. canB. can’tC. notD. couldn’t ( ) 11. The driver saw an old man ______ on the side of the road.A. liesB. layC. lyingD. to lie ( ) 12. ______ our surprise, the boy was blind and deaf.A. ToB. WithC. OnD. For( ) 13. ------ ________?------ I have a stomachache.A. How are you.B. How do you do.C. What do you have.D. What’s the matter. _______年_______ 班姓名:_______________( ) 14. Lots of old people are used to _____ in the countryside.A. livingB. liveC. livedD. lives( ) 15. ------ Can I ______ your bike?------ With pleasure. But you mustn’t ____ it to others.A. lend; lendB. lend; borrowC. borrow; lendD. borrow; borrow( ) 16. How dirty your room is! You must __________.A. clean up itB. clean them upC. clean it upD. do some cleaning( ) 17. She lives _____ on the island, but she doesn’t feel ______.A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonelyC. alone; lonelyD. lonely; alone( ) 18. All eggs look similar _____ one another, but not two eggs are the same ______ each other.A. to; toB. as; asC. to; asD. as; to( ) 19. Everybody was ______ when they heard the _____ news.A. excited; excitedB. exciting; excitingC. exciting; excitedD. excited; exciting( ) 20. It’s time for supper. Please stop _____ TV.A. watchB. watchingC. to watchD. watched( ) 21. I often help my mother ______ the clothes.A. doB. holdC. haveD. fold( ) 22. Could you please _______ the dishes?A. makeB. to makeC. doD. to do( ) 23. ------ Mr. Brown bought a new car last week.------ _______ my father.A. so didB. so wasC. Neither didD. Neither was( ) 24. ------ Would you mind _____ out the rubbish for me?------ Of course not.A. takeB. to takeC. takingD. took( ) 25. They teach kids how ______ after themselves at school.A. lookB. lookingC. lookedD. to look( ) 26. My parents don’t allow me ______ out with my friends.A. hangB. hangingC. to hangD. hang( ) 27. This evening we won’t go to the party. We’ll go to the movies _______.A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. instead( ) 28. ______ you don’t have any friends now, _______ you will Soon make some.A. Although; /B. Although; butC. Although; thoughD. though; but( ) 29. Some parents are always comparing their children ______ other children.A. toB. withC. asD. for( ) 30. You should eat more now _____ you won’t be angry later.A. so asB. in order toC. for thatD. so thatⅡ. 完形填空:(20分)The Black family like to do things together. Each Saturday they 31 each other with the work.Today Peter and Jean cleaned their 32 —they made the bed, swept the floor, cleaned the windows and took out the 33 Then Jean put some beautiful flowers on the table. Dad went to the store to 34 food for next week. He knew about everyone’s 35 food in the family. He was 36 he would make everyone glad. Mom washed the clothes of all the family. That made he tired, 37 happy .Then Jean helped Mom water the flowers in the 38 .Peter helped Dad fix his bike. Soon 39 the housework was done.“Now we can have some fun,” said Dad . “What will we do or 40 will we go?”Everyone had an idea. They decided to ride bikes to the seaside. It is wonderful that the family like to work and play together.( ) 31. A. help B. want C. meet D. like( ) 32. A. bikes B. rooms C. bags D. clothes( ) 33. A. money B. food C. fruit D. trash( ) 34. A. cook B. rent C. buy D. give( ) 35. A. favorite B. healthy C. loving D. unhealthy ( ) 36. A. sure B. thirsty C. sad D. hungry( ) 37. A. so B. but C. or D. and( ) 38. A. library B. zoo C. garden D. park( ) 39. A. some of B. none of C. many D. all( ) 40. A. how B. where C. why D. whenⅢ.阅读理解:(A)One morning, Tom, a schoolboy, went to the People’s Hospital. In the doctor’s waiting room, many sick people sat quietly on the chair to wait for their turns. They all looked very sad but Tom didn’t. He was enjoying a picture of Jeremy Shu—How Lin in a newspaper. Just then the doctor came in to say he was ready for the next person. Tom jumped up and ran into the doctor’s room.“Let me examine you,” said the doctor. Before Tom could say a word, the doctor made him lie down on a bed. “Now, let me take your temperature.”Tom tried to speak, but the doctor told him not to say anything. “Then I’ll listen to your heartbeat.” After a moment, the doctor said, “Well, my boy, you are all right. In fact, there’s nothing wrong with you.”“I know,” said Tom. “I just came here to get some medicine for my mother.”( ) 1. When did the story happen?A. In the morning.B. At noon.C. In the afternoon.D. At night.( ) 2. How did Tom feel while waiting for the doctor?A. SadB. HappyC. WorriedD. Angry( ) 3. What was Tom reading in the waiting room?A. A magazine.B. A picture book.C. A storybook.D. A newspaper.( ) 4. The doctor first measured Tom’s _______A. temperatureB. eyesightC. heartbeatD. breath( ) 5. What was wrong with Tom?A. He had a cold.B. He had a fever.C. He had a cough.D. Nothing was wrong with him.(B)AliceI am a shy girl. People say that I need to be more outing. But it is hard for me. I have few friends at school. Is there anyone who can help me. SteveI am the same as you. I mean, that’s also a problem for me. I am introverted like you. It’s hard for me to get along well with others.KellyI was also shy when I was young, and it was hard for me. To talk with others. Then I found I had to change myself. Just talk to the people around you and be more active, but don’t talk about anything that you don’t want anyone to know. I am still a little shy now, but I know I have change a lot.RossYou just need to speak your mind. Believe in yourself and say what you want to say. The biggest problem shy people have is that they are not sure of everything they do.SarahIt can help you a lot to try to join clubs or a sports team at school.根据短文内容选择正确的答案( ) 1. What’s Steve’s problem?A. His friends don’t like him.B. He doesn’t believe others.C. He is a shy boy.( ) 2. How many people give advice on Alice’s problem?A. TwoB. ThreeC. Four( ) 3. The underlined word “ introverted ” means “ ________”in Chinese.A. 乐观的B. 内向的C. 固执的( ) 4. Which of the following is Ross’ advice?①Speak your mind ②Join a sports team.③Believe in yourse④Be more active. ⑤Say what you want to say.A.②④⑤B.①②④C.①③⑤( ) 5. We may see this passage __________ .A. in a science bookB. on the menuC. in a forum(C)Many parents think that it’s very difficult to get their children to do chores. But I don’t think so.My daughter is ten years old. At night, I write down her chores for the following day. Then I stick (贴) the paper with chores on her door. Usually she gets three to eight chores a day. It d__________ on how she does chores. If she does all of her chores well, she can get fewer chores the next day. The chores are some easy ones, such as sweeping the floor, f________ the clothes and cleaning the table after dinner.For my other two children, the chores are different because they are very young. They both know how to put their empty dinner plates in the dishwasher. My 19-month-old son helps me put the dirty clothes in the washing machine (洗衣机) when I am doing the laundry (要洗的衣服,熨烫). They can also help me when I’m working in the yard. They help me pick up the sticks (树枝) and throw them away.任务一:将文中划线句子译成汉语。