吉林九校联合体2014届第二次摸底考试数 学 试 题(文科)一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分)1. 已知{}{},3,21,≤=≤≤-==x x N x x M R U 则()=N M C U ( ) A.{}32≤≤x x B.{}32≤<x xC.{}321≤≤-≤x x x 或D.{}321≤<-<x x x 或 2.已知复数iiz ++=12,则复数z 在复平面内对应的点在 ( ) A .第一象限 B.第二象限 C. 第三象限 D.第四象限 3.在等差数列{}n a 中,,7,8451==+a a a 则=5a ( ) A.11 B.10 C.7 D.34.抛物线()022>=p px y 的准线经过双曲线122=-y x 的左焦点,则=p ( )A.22B.2C.22D.24 5.将函数x x y 2cos 2sin +=的图象向左平移4π个单位,所得图象的解析式是( ) A.x x y 2sin 2cos += B. x x y 2sin 2cos -=C.x x y 2cos 2sin -=D.x x y cos sin = 6.先后两次抛掷一枚骰子,在得到的点数中有3的概率为( ) A.31 B. 41 C. 3611 D. 3613 7.一个棱锥的三视图如图所示,则它的体积为 ( )A .12 B .32C .1D .138.执行如图所示的程序框图,则输出的结果为( )A.20B.30C.40D.50 9. 已知m 、n 是两条不同的直线,α、β、γ是三个不同的平面,则下列命题正确的是( )A .若m ∥α,n ∥α ,则m ∥nB .若α⊥m ,α⊥n ,则m ∥nC .若m ∥α,m ∥β, ,则α∥βD .若γα⊥ ,γβ⊥,则α∥β10.计算)4(cos 22cos )4tan(2αααπ-⋅+的值为( )A .2-B .2C .1-D .111.已知向量a =2(x ,)1+x ,b =x -1(,)t ,若函数=)(x f b a ⋅在区间(-1,1)上是增函数,则t 的取值范围为( )A .5≥tB .5>tC .5<tD .5≤t12.已知函数()x f y =是定义在R 上的增函数,函数()1-=x f y 的图象关于点()0,1对称.w 若对任意的()()08216,,22<-++-∈y y f x x f R y x 恒成立,则当3>x 时,22y x +的取值范围是( )A.()7,3B.()25,9C.()49,13D.()49,9 二、填空题(每小题5分,共20分)13.将某班的60名学生编号为:,60,...,02,01采用系统抽样方法抽取一个容量为5的 样本,且随机抽得的一个号码为04,则剩下的四个号码依次是 14.若向量)3,2(=a ,)6,(-=x b ,且a ∥b ,则实数x =15.经过圆C :0222=++x y x 的圆心,且与直线023=-+y x 垂直的直线方程 是16.在ABC ∆中,AB AB C ,3,60=︒=边上的高为34,则=+BC AC 三.解答题:(本大题共6小题,共60分)17. ( 本小题满分12分) 在各项均为负数的数列{}n a 中,已知点n a (,))(1*+∈N n a n 均在函数x y 32=的图象上,且27852=⋅a a . (1)求数列{}n a 的通项n a ;(2)若数列{}n b 的前n 项和为n S ,且n a b n n +=,求n S .18. ( 本小题满分12分) 如图,四棱锥BCDE A -中,ABC ∆是正三角形,四边形BCDE是矩形,且平面⊥ABC 平面BCDE ,2=AB ,4=AD . (1)若点G 是AE 的中点,求证://AC 平面BDG (2)若F 是线段AB 的中点,求三棱锥EFC B -的体积.19.( 本小题满分12分) 某高校在2013年的自主招生考试成绩中随机抽取100名学生的笔试成绩,按成绩分组得到的频率分布表如下:(1)为了能选拔出优秀的学生,高校决定在笔试成绩高的第三、四、五组中用分层抽样法抽取6名学生进入第二轮面试,试确定a ,b ,c 的值并求第三、四、五组每组各抽取多少名学生进入第二轮面试;(2)在(1)的前提下,学校决定在6名学生中随机抽取2名学生接受A 考官的面试,求第四组中至少有一名学生被A 考官面试的概率.20.( 本小题满分12分) 已知以点)2,(tt C 为圆心的圆与x 轴交于点O ,A ,与y 轴交于点O ,B ,其中O 为坐标原点. (1)求证:ΔOAB 的面积为定值;(2)设直线42+-=x y 与圆C 交于点M ,N ,若ON OM =,求圆C 的方程. 21.( 本小题满分12分) 已知函数),()(2R n m nx mxx f ∈+=在1=x 处取得极值2. (1)求)(x f 的表达式;(2)设函数x ax x g ln )(-=.若对于任意的⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡∈2,211x ,总存在唯一的⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡∈e e x 1,122,使得)()(12x f x g =,求实数a 的取值范围. 选考题:(本小题满分10分)请考生在第22、23、24题中任选一题做答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题记分. 22.已知A 、B 、C 、D 为圆O 上的四点,直线DE 为圆O 的切线,AC∥DE,AC 与BD 相交于H 点(1)求证:BD 平分∠ABC(2)若AB =4,AD =6,BD =8,求AH 的长23. 已知某圆的极坐标方程为064cos 242=+⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛--πθρρ (1)将极坐标方程化为普通方程,并选择恰当的参数写出它的参数方程; (2)若点()y x P ,在该圆上,求y x +的最大值和最小值.24. 已知关于x 的不等式()011>≥-+-a a ax ax (1)当1=a 时,求此不等式的解集;(2)若此不等式的解集为R ,求实数a 的取值范围.吉林九校联合体2014届第二次摸底考试 数 学 试 题(文科)参 考 答 案一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分) DDBCB CABBD AC 二、填空题-----2分------------8分------------12分 18.解:(1)证明:设CE BD O ⋂=,连接OG ,由三角形的中位线定理可得:AC OG //, ------------3分∵AC ⊄平面BDG ,OG ⊂平面BDG ,∴//AC 平面BDG . ------------6分 (2)∵平面⊥ABC 平面BCDE ,BC DC ⊥ -------8分又∵F 是AB 的中点,ABC ∆是正三角形, ∴AB CF ⊥, ------------10分 ------------12分令0=y ,得01=x ,t x 22=, 则)0,2(t A -------3分-------4分-------5分------------9分-----11分∴ 圆心C 的方程为5)1()2(22=-+-y x ------------12分21、(1)2222222)()(2)()(n x mnmx n x mx n x m x f ++-=+-+='.------------1分 由)(x f 在1=x 处取得极值2,故2)1(,0)1(=='f f ,即⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧=+=+-210)1(2nm n mmn ,--------3分解得:⎩⎨⎧==14n m , 经检验:此时)(x f 在1=x 处取得极值,故14)(2+=x xx f .--------5分 (2)由(1)知22)1()1)(1(4)(++-='x x x x f ,故)(x f 在)1,21(上单调递增,在)2,1(上单调递减,由2)1(=f ,58)21()2(==f f ,故)(x f 的值域为⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡2,58. -----------7分 依题意:x a x g 1)(-=',记⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡=e e M 1,12,21,e xe M x ≤≤∴∈ ①当e a ≤时,0)(≤'x g ,)(x g 单调递减,依题意有⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≤2)1(58)1(2eg e g 得e a 530≤≤,故此时e a 530≤≤.②当2e a e ≤<时,2111e a e >>,当)1,1(2a e x ∈时,0)(<'x g ;当)1,1(e a x ∈时,0)(>'x g ,依题意有:58)1(≤a g ,得53,581ln 1e a a ≤≤-,这与e a >矛盾.③当2e a >时,0)(>'x g ,)(x g 单调递增,依题意有⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤≥58)1(2)1(2eg e g ,无解. -----11分综上所述:a 的取值范围是e a 530≤≤. -------------12分22、(1)ACD CDE AC DE ∠=∠∴,// 又DE 切圆O 于点D ,CBD CDE ∠=∠∴CBD ACD ∠=∠∴而ABD ACD ∠=∠(同弧) ABD CBD ∠=∠∴所以,BD 平分∠ABC -------------5分(2)由(1)知ABD CBD ∠=∠,又CAD CBD ∠=∠ ,CAD ABD ∠=∠∴ 又ADH ∠ 为公共角,所以DBA ∆与DAH ∆相似。
【解析纯word版】吉林省吉林市2014届高三下学期第二次模拟考试 英语(2014吉林二模)
第I卷第一部分:听力部分(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In the street.B. At the drugstore.C. In the cinema.2. How many students are there in the class?A. 46.B. 52.C. 40.3. What is the man going to do this weekend?A. Go to the picnic.B. Work in his garden.C. Go to the company.4. What do you judge from what the man says?A. The man always studies hard.B. The man regrets that he didn’t study hard.C. The man doesn’t think he is wrong.5. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman wants to clean the room.B. The man’s room is very clean.C. The room hasn’t been cleaned since Linda came.第二节(15小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
吉林省九校联合体2014届高三第二次摸底考试英语试卷Do you know how much your children sleep?According to the National Sleep Foundation, should sleep twelve to eighteenhours of every twenty-four. With a gradual to twelve to fourteenhours for toddlers(初学走路的孩子) one to three; eleven to thirteen hours for three to five; and ten to eleven hours for schoolchildren five to ten.But things get really at adolescence. Not only do teenagers need moresleep than __---eight and a half to nine and a quarter hours a night, accordingto the sleep foundation - but the times which they get sleepy and are ableto awaken and feel rested shift in a that does not match to the times at most schools.Sleep studies have shown that the typical teenager does not fall asleep readilybefore 11 p. m. or later. many have to get up by 6 a. m. or to getto school for a class starts at 7:30 or 8 a.m. More than a few offduring that class, and often the one as well. Even if awake, they're in no condition to learn much of anything.In one study, more than 90 percent of teenagers they slept less thanthe nine hours a night, and 10 percent said they slept less than six hours._ James B. Maas, a Cornell University psychologist and Leading sleep researcher, has observed, most teenagers are "walking zombies(僵尸)" theyget far too little sleep.1.A. children B. newborns C. elders D. youngsters2.A. from B. with C. out D. up3.A. reduction B. increase C. growth D. improvement4.A. teenagers B. students C. babies D. preschoolers5.A. related B. separated C. aged D. varied6.A. demanding B. challenging C. satisfying D. encouraging7.A. adults B. toddlers C. babies D. schoolchildren8.A. in B. on C. at D. for9.A. excitedly B. early C. casually D. naturally10. A. form B. means C. method D. way11.A. end B. start C. holiday D. examination12.A. Since B. For C. Yet D. Then13.A. nicer B. earlier C. cleaner D. better14.A. that B. its C. what D. whose15.A. put B. take C. doze D. cut16.A. next B. other C. last D. new17.A. examined B. surveyed C. reported D. convinced18.A. regulated B. recommended C. analyzed D. reported19.A. Like B. Since C. As D. Furthermore20.A. because B. which C. while D. still【答案】1.B2.C3.A4.D5.C6.B7.A8.C9.D10.D11.B12.C13.B14.A15.C16.A17.C18.B19.C20.A【解析】试题分析:文章介绍不同年龄阶段的人需要的睡眠时间不同,特别指出年轻人的睡眠严重不足。
满分120分,考试时间90分钟.第I卷一、听力测试(满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
What part of the man's body got injured?A。
His knee。
B. His foot。
C. His leg。
Where is Larry now?A。
In his office. B. At home。
C. In a classroom。
What does the man like doing?A. Talking. B。
C. Dancing.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Which movie to see。
Where to go。
C. Where to park.5. What do we know about the man?A。
He can’t find Bob's apartment。
He is late for the woman’s birthday party。
C. He thought today was the woman’s birthday.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1,C—12,N—14,O—16,F—19,Al—27,S—32, Cl—35.5,K—39, Ca—40,Fe—56,Cu—64,I—127,Ba—137第Ⅰ卷必考题(21题,共126分)一.选择题(本题包括13小题,每小题6分,共78分。
2014年高三第二次教学质量检测英语试卷参考答案(2014-4-30)单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)1—5ABADD 6—10 BDCBD 11—15 CBBCD 16—20 ABCCA完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)21-25 DBCAB 26-30 ACDAD 31-35 BCACC 36-40 ABDBD阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)41-45 ABADC 46-49 BDCA 50-54 CACBD 55-60 D A DCBD61-65 ECADF短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Two years ago, I was in greatly depression. I worked hard at piano learning and devoted all mygreatspare time to practise it. But I failed to pass the B Level Test, that made me quite disappointed. So practising whichI turned to my grandpa on advice when I got home. Hearing of what I told him, he smiled, "Testforresult sometimes can not show your real ability and level. Thus, my progress should not be results yourjudged only by one test.” He encouraged me to work hard for the next year’s level test. I take mytook grandpa’s advice. Now the certificate of B Level is in front of me, but I’ve realized that theand书面表达(满分30分)There is an English proverb saying that “Top students come from strict teachers”. Personally, that is what I agree with. Because success never comes easily and the stricter a teacher is, the more likely a student will be to make progress.I still remember the time when I couldn’t swim like other boys. What’s worse, I even dared not jump into the water. It was my swimming teacher, Mr. Liu, who insisted on training me every day regardless of my tears and crying. Gradually, my fear of water was gone and my confidence arose. But for him, I would never enjoy the fun that swimming brings to me.Therefore, I am convinced that a teacher’s strictness best helps his students to achieve success. (110 words)。
【解析版】吉林省九校联合体2014届高三第二次摸底考试 文综历史
这些规矩产生的积极作用是()A.遏止了官吏横征暴敛 B.形成严密的反腐机制C.君主有效控制了臣属 D.便于约束权力的滥用【答案】D【解析】考点:宋代的政治制度。
此规定体现了罗马法的主要现实意义是()A.协调罗马公民间的关系 B.维护奴隶主的经济利益C.保护奴隶的正常交易 D.适应商品经济的客观需要【答案】D【解析】考点:罗马法。
26. 哥白尼写到:“我确信,数学家们只要认真而不肤浅地研究,就会同意我的这些结论。
请将答案填写在答题纸上)第I卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. In the library. B. In the teaching building.C. Under a big tree.D. Between the teachers’ offices.2. A. On Thursday night. B. On Monday afternoon.C. On Friday morning.D. On Wednesday afternoon.3. A. Lost her time. B. Made up a story about time.C. Worked an extra shift.D. Changed her working conditions.4. A. She may fail the exam. B. She shouldn’t have worried.C. She should work harder.D. She needn’t take any more courses.5. A. He has already seen the exhibit. B.He already knew the exhibit was closed.C.He is pleased the exhibit is closed.D.He is disappointed the exhibit is closed.6. A. Stand where he was. B. Stand beside the woman.C. Stand at the end of the queue.D. Stand in front of the woman.7. A. Colleagues. B. Doctor and patient.C. Neighbours.D. Shop assistant and customer.8. A. He enjoyed reading the novel.B.He hasn’t started reading the novel yet.C.He doubts the woman will like the novel.D.He’ll lend the woman the novel after he has read it.9. A. A college campus. B. An art museum.C. An architectural exhibition.D. A beautiful park.10. A. The man regrets being absent-minded. B. The woman saved the man some trouble.C. The man placed the reading list on a desk.D. The woman emptied the waste paper basket.Section BDirections:In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following speech.11. A. Future researchers. B. College students.C. Company employees.D. Successful artists.12. A. To teach the listeners how to work hard.B. To enable the listeners to get better jobs.C. To prepare the listeners for their future life.D. To encourage the listeners to seize opportunities.13. A. Kindness. B. Diligence. C. Willingness. D. Interest.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. The advantages of studying abroad.B. The high expenses of overseas education.C. The standards of choosing schools abroad.D. The ways of saving money for international students.15. A. Hong Kong. B. Australia. C. The United States. D. The United Kingdom.16. A. US$24,248. B. US$35,000. C. US$22,000. D.US$30,000.Section CDirections:In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blankswith the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet. Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.(A)Senator Jeff Flake, an adventurous politician, went on a four-day Robinson Crusoe style holiday with his two sons, (25)_____ of whom are teenagers, to a remote, uninhabited island in the North Pacific Ocean. They traveled 5,200 miles from Phoenix, Arizona to the island of Biggarenn. They didn’t carry any food or wat er.The island is part of the Marshall Islands. It offered no basic facilities, (26)_____ the Flakes had to catch and cook their own food and purify their water. Their diet (27)_____(make) up of coconuts (椰子), fish and other seafood. They captured the fish and other sea creatures themselves and cooked the food over an open fire (28)_____(start) with a magnifying glass (放大镜).The Flakes brought along a lobster (龙虾) trap in hopes of having some delicious treats, but it was lost within the first few hours after (29)_____(attack) by a shark. They also carried two pumps to remove salt from ocean water. It took them hours each night (30)_____ (pump)for just a small amount of fresh water.One of the most memorable moments of the trip, the father said, was (31)_____ he and his 15-year-old son were chased by sharks after catching a fish in the ocean.Still, it was quite (32)_____ enjoyable holiday for the politician. “For a dad it was a wonderful thing. No video games around, no television, no texting,” Flake recalle d.(B)Count to three and rip (撕) it off as fast as you can—this is how most people remove a band-aid (创可贴). (33)_____ _____ _____ fast you do it, it’s still going to be painful. That’s for sure. Or is it?A group of American scientists from Boston have just developed a band-aid that can be taken off without causing pain, reports the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.Traditional band-aids are supposed to break apart (34)_____ the skin meets the glue, which is what makes taking them off so painful. But the new band-aid has an extra layer that sits (35)_____ the glue and the backing. When you tear off the band-aid, you remove the backing and middle layers, (36)_____(leave) the glue behind. The glue (37)_____ then be simply rubbed off wi th one’s fingers or left to fall off naturally. Importantly, this process is pain-free.This is not the first time scientists (38)_____(try) to solve this problem. But methods theytried in the past led to band-aids that were (39)_____(sticky) and therefor e didn’t stay on for long.The Boston study was first aimed at helping babies (40)_____ skin is too delicate for standard band-aids. But adults with sensitive skin might also enjoy the benefits.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A new report by the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that around one in a hundred deaths worldwide is due to passive smoking, which kills an estimated 600,000 people a year.In the first study to assess the global __41__ of second-hand smoke, WHO experts find that children are more __42__ exposed to second-hand smoke than any other age-group, and around 165,000 of them a year die because of it.Children’s exposure to second-hand smoke is most likely to happen at home, and thedouble blow of infectious diseases and tobacco seems to be a deadly __43__ for children in these regions. Commenting on the findings, Heather Wipfli and Jonathan Samet from the University of Southern California, said policymakers try to __44__ families to stop smoking in the home.While deaths due to passive smoking in children were skewed (曲解) toward poor and middle-income countries, deaths in adults were __45__ across countries at all income levels.In Europe’s high-income countries, only 71 child deaths occurred, while 35,388 deaths were in adults. Yet in the countries like Africa, an estimated 43,375 deaths due to passive smoking were in children __46__ with 9,514 in adults.Only 7.4 percent of the world population currently lives in places with __47__ smoke-free laws, and those laws are not always __48__ enforced (施行). In places where smoke-free rules are __49__, research shows that exposure to second-hand smoke in high-risk places like bars and restaurants can be cut by 90 percent, and in general by 60 percent, the researchers said.Studies also show such laws help to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked by smokers and lead to higher __50__ rates in those trying to quit.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Due to rising pollution and a strengthening yuan, Beijing saw its tourist numbers drop to 4.20 million visits from January to November in 2013 from 5.01 million visits in 2012.The number of overseas travelers to Beijing grew after the city hosted the 2008 Olympics until 2012, when it saw a 3.8% __51__, followed by the further drop last year. The unexpected drop in 2013 came __52__ new policies introduced in a(n) __53__ to support China’s tourism industry. But only 14,000 tourists __54__ the visa-free stopover, according to the Beijing General Station of Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection, well short of the 20,000 target officials had __55__ predicted.Jiang Yiyi, deputy director of the Institute of International Tourism at the China Tourism Academy, __56__ part of the drop-off in foreign tourists to the strengthening yuan.In 2013, the yuan increased almost 3% against the U.S. dollar, making “Beijing a more expensive __57__ than in the past”, Jiang Yiyi noted.“At the same time,” she said, “other countries have seen their tourist numbers grow as the currencies (货币) __58__. While RMB is on the rise, currencies from some of China’s __59__ for tourism, such as Japan, are depreciating (贬值), meaning travel to some other Asian countries has been getting cheaper while travel to China is becoming more expensive,” Jiang Yiyi said. In 2013, the Japanese yen fell 21% against the U.S. dollar, __60__ 10 million overseas tourists.The Beijing Tourism Development Commission noted that the country’s battle with pollution is another __61__ cities face in attracting overseas tourists.Heavy air pollution from Beijing to Shanghai, where pollution levels went off the charts in December, __62__ don’t do much to help attract tourists.China’s tourism officials are expecting to __63__ the trend of declining overseas visitors in 2014 — possible, experts say, if it __64__ its outdated tour packages and lowers ticket prices.Jiang Yiyi at the China Tourism Academy suggests China adopt a long-term national plan to __65__ the country’s image and investment in overseas tourism to attract more visitors.51. A. growth B. decline C. change D. influence52. A. in addition to B. by means of C. as a result of D. in spite of53. A. attempt B. agreement C. hurry D. mood54. A. got familiar with B. came up with C. took advantage of D. put emphasis on55. A. fortunately B. frequently C. previously D. occasionally56. A. devoted B. owed C. attached D. exposed57. A. destination B. tourism C. authority D. association58. A. reform B. collapse C. stabilize D. weaken59. A. competitors B. supporters C. investors D. reminders60. A. inspiring B. attracting C. disappointing D. embarrassing61. A. opportunity B. situation C. obstacle D. alternative62. A. relevantly B. approximately C. dramatically D. certainly63. A. set B. reverse C. confirm D. follow64. A. revises B. sells C. excludes D. demonstrates65. A. create B. keep C. damage D. improveSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)On “Super Bowl Sunday”, millions of Americans are glued to their TVs. They are eating pizza, chicken wings and chips and cheering every move. They’re watching the Super Bowl.Why are Americans so crazy about American football? Well, it is more exciting than other sports. One team can lose possession of the ball in a minute, which may allow their opponents to make a touchdown (触地得分). Then that team may win the game unexpectedly.The Super Bowl also entertains its audience with a great halftime show. The football field is turned into a stage. Then an impressive performance of dancing and singing with special effects occurs.Since the Super Bowl is the most-watched TV program in America, commercial airtime is also very expensive. Big money is also spent on commercials. They draw the viewers’attention and advertise their image or products during the commercial break.After football season, the “March Madness”begins. The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) competitions begin with 68 men’s college basketball teams. They play until the field is reduced to the “Final Four”. The winning team becomes the national champion. The NBA (National Basketball Association) All-Star game is also held in February. The best players from all the teams play in this game.Baseball is no doubt American’s national sport. From grandpas to young kids, whole families go to ball games together. They wear their favorite team’s caps or even carry their mascot (吉祥物). Our family went to watch Wang Chien-Ming play in D.C. once. We ate hot dogs, waved flags and sang during the 7th inning (棒球的一局) stretch.If you are not a sports fan yet, come and pick a sport or a team. Go to a ball game with your family, and cheer your team on. Sports are definitely a part of American culture one should not miss.66. According to the passage, the Super Bowl is _____.A. a well-received American football gameB. an expensive American sportC. an impressive TV performanceD. a most-watched TV series67. Which of the following may be one of the reasons for the popularity of the Super Bowl?A. Its results are too exciting to meet viewers’ expectations.B. People can eat pizza, chicken wings and chips when watching it.C. Its commercials are expensive enough to draw viewer s’ attention.D. The performances during its halftime show are appealing to viewers.68. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Americans spend a large amount of money on ball games.B. American people of all ages like going to watch baseball games.C. All the American stars take part in the national basketball game.D. There are important national ball games in America almost every month.69. The passage is mainly written to _____.A. inform readers of the three popular sports in AmericaB. teach readers how to understand the sports culture in AmericaC. encourage readers to fit in with American culture through sportsD. show readers the importance of sports in young people’s life in America(B)70. Which of the following steps can be omitted if you want the robot to charge itself automatically?A. Press the HOME button on the remote control.B. Clear up the place around the charging home base.C. Turn on the power switch at the bottom of the robot.D. Put the charging home base against the wall and plug it in.71. If it’s 9:45PM now and you want the robot to start cleaning at 8:00AM tomorrow, you shouldset _____ on the robot.A. 13:45B. 10:15C. 8:00D. 1:4572. If you want the robot to start cleaning right now, you can _____.A. keep pressing the CLEAN button on the main body for 3 secondsB. press either of PLAN, SPOT, CLEAN and HOME buttons on the main bodyC. turn on the power switch and press the CLEAN button on the remote control onceD. press the CLEAN button on the main body once when the robot is in the sleeping mode73. The virtual wall is designed to _____.A. limit the robot to a certain areaB. prevent the robot from bumping into wallsC. stop the robot from reaching 4 metersD. create a bunch of light outside thedoorway(C)We have entered a new age of embedded (嵌入式的), intuitive (直觉的) computing in which our homes, cars, stores, farms, and factories have the ability to think, sense, understand, and respond to our needs. It’s not science fiction, but the dawn of a new age.Most people might not realize it yet, but we are already feeling the impact of what’s known as the third wave of computing. In small but significant ways it is helping us live healthier and more secure lives. If you drive a 2014 Mercedes Benz, for example, an “intelligent” system tries to keep you from hitting a pedestrian. A farmer in Nigeria relies on weather sensors that communicate with his mobile device. Forgot your medicine? A new pill bottle from AdhereTech reminds you through text or automatic phone messages that it’s time to take a pill.Technology is being integrated (融入) into our natural behaviors, with real-time data connecting our physical and digital worlds. With this dramatic shift in our relationship to technology, companies can adapt their products and services.To understand how revolutionary the third wave is, we ought to consider how far we have come. The first wave began when companies started to manage their operations throughmainframe computer systems over 50 years ago. Then computing got “personal” in the 1980s and the 1990s with the introduction of the PC (personal computer). For the most part, computing remained immobile and lacked contextual awareness.In computing’s second wave, mobile computing and the smartphone took center stage. Billions of people, some of whom might not have had access to clean water, electricity, or even housing, were connected. Developers created applications and provided consumers with access to just about everything through their phone at the cost of a monthly data plan.As the third wave keeps developing, designers must meet the demands of consumers who want to experiment with new technology.Historically, designers have focused their attention on a product’s form and function. While that still matters, of course, the definition of a meaningful user experience has expanded significantly and will continue to do so. Instead of creating a single product, designers will need to imagine a series of connected products and services that have awareness of each other and their surroundings.74. Why are three examples given in Paragraph 2?A. To tell us that human beings are smarter and smarter.B. To illustrate the importance and necessity of technology.C. To prove that we are living healthier and more secure lives.D. To show the impact of the third wave of computing on our life.75. In the first wave of computing _____.A. companies’ operations were reliable on computer systemsB. computing had awareness of people’s needs in the contextC. people could have access to computing almost everywhereD. it was possible for people to experience computing at home76. Which of the following is a situation in the third wave of computing?A. There’s no need to create a single product.B. The definition of the user experience is more significant.C. Products and services are not independent of each other.D. The products’ form and functions are no longer important.77. What can we conclude from the passage about the new age we are facing?A. There’s a shift of attention from people’s physical worlds to their digital worlds.B. There’s closer relationship between technology and people’s natural behaviours.C. People live more happily with the convenience brought by advanced technology.D. People become lazier with the products that can think and respond to their needs.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.How many hours do you spend sitting in a chair every day? Eight hours in the office plus three hours in front of the TV after work is the usual situation for many people.You probably don’t need an expert to tell you that sitting too much is not good for your health —from an increased risk of heart disease and obesity (肥胖) in the long term, to reduced cholesterol (胆固醇) maintenance in the short term, not to mention the pressure on your neck and spine (脊柱).To make matters worse, a growing body of research suggests that the negative effects of sitting too much cannot be countered with a good diet and regular exercise, according to an article in The New York Times. The article reported that a study of nearly 9, 000 Australians found that for each additional hour of television a person watched per day, the risk of dying rose by 11 percent. In other words, sitting is killing us.Stand up for health. Health experts suggest we break up those many hours spent sitting with more hours spent standing.The BBC and the University of Chester in the UK conducted a simple experiment with a small group of 10 volunteers who usually spent most of the day sitting. They were asked to stand for at least three hours a day. The researchers took measurements on days when the volunteers stood, and when they sat around. When they looked at the data, there were some striking differences. Blood sugar became level after a meal much quicker on the days when the volunteers in the study stood compared with the days they spent in a chair. Standing also burned more calories (热量单位:卡路里)—about 50 calories an hour. Over the course of a year that would add up to about 30, 000 extra calories, or around 3.63 kilograms of fat.John Buckley, a member of the research team, said that although doing exercise offers many proven benefits, our bodies also need the constant, almost imperceptible (感觉不到的) increase in muscle activity that standing provides. Simple movement helps us to keep our all-important blood sugar under control.The researchers believe that even small adjustments, like standing while talking on the phone, going over to talk to a colleague rather than sending an e-mail, or simply taking the stairs instead of the elevator, will help.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)78. According to the context, the underlined expression “be countered with” in Paragraph 3can best be replaced by “________”.79. The two findings of the simple experiment conducted by the BBC and the University ofChester in the UK are that standing _________.80. Why is standing better than doing exercise according to John Buckley?81. What does the passage mainly want to tell us?第II卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 你认为有必要采取措施保护上海方言吗?(it)2. 提前做出周密计划可以帮你更有效地完成这项艰巨任务。
吉林省东北师大附中2014届高三第二次摸底考试(英语)2高考英语2014-11-18 201411evidence a videotape clearly showing a couple stealing dresses.It was an important test case which encouraged other stores to install similar equipment.When the balls, called sputniks, first make an appearance in shops, it was widely believed that their only function was to frighten shoplifters.Their somewhat ridiculous appearances, the curious holes and red lights going on and off, certainly make the theory believable.It did not take long, however, for serious shoplifters to start showing suitable respect.Soon after the equipment was in operation at Selfridges, store detective Brian Chadwick was sitting in the control room watching a woman secretly putting bottles of perfumeinto her bag.“As she turned to go,” Chadwick recalled, “she suddenly looked up at the ‘sputnik’ and stopped. She could not possibly have seen that the camera was trained on her because it is completely hidden, but she must have had a feeling that I was looking at her.”“For a moment she paused, but then she returned to counter and started putting everything back.When she had finished, she opened her bag towards the camera to show it was empty and hurried out of the store.”64.January is a good month for shoplifters because ________.A.they don’t need to wait for staff to serve themB.they don’t need any previous experience as thievesC.January sales offer wonderful opportunities for themD.there are so many people in the store65.The case last October was important because ________.A.the store got the dresses backB.the equipment was able to frighten shopliftersC.other shops found out about the equipmentD.the kind of evidence supplied was accepted by court66.The woman stealing perfume ________.A.guessed what the sputniks were forB.was frightened by its shapeC.could see the camera filming herD.knew that the detective had seen her67.The woman’s action before leaving the store shows that she________.A.was sorry for what she had doneB.decided she didn’t want what she had picked upC.was afraid she would be arrestedD.wanted to prove she had not intended to steal anythingDRon Meyer is the president and COO(首席运营官) of Universal Studios.As one of the most successful business leaders in Hollywood, he heads up Universal Pictures and Universal Parks & Resorts.He’s the guy who oversees the production of Multimillion-dollar extravaganzas(作品) like King Kong and Cinderella Man.Meyer’s story sounds like t he plot of one of his motion pictures.He grew up in a modest home where there was little income.It was a big deal to go to a restaurant.At 15, he quit high school and spent his time hanging out with the neighborhood toughs(流氓).He was then a kid quick with his fists who seemed to get into fights somewhat regularly.At one point, he was separated from others with an infectious disease, having no TV and nothing to do.His mother senthim two books.One was The Amboy Dukes, a novel about kids in street gangs.The other was The Flesh Peddlers, about a guy in the talent agency(星探公司) who lived a successful life.“I realized,” he says, “that I was no longer that silly kid I had been, and I wanted to change my life.”Meyer took any job he could get.He worked as a busboy and short-order cook.He cleaned offices and sold shoes.That attitude made an impression on people.One day he received a call from Paul Kohner, a successful agent who represented stars like John Huston, Charles Bronson and Lana Turner.Their messenger and driver had quit, and they knew Ron was willing to take whatever job they offered. He started the job the next day.Meyer was lucky to work with a good boss―and he had the brains to make the most of that experience.In nearly six years of driving for Kohner, Meyer became his right-hand man and learned a lot.By the 1970s, Meyer had built many relationships in the business.In 1975, the fate presented an opportunity and he started his own operation Creative Artists Agency, which became a huge success, representing Hollywood legends like Barbra Streisand, Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise.Twenty years later, Meyer was appointed to run Universal Studios, a position far beyond his youthful dream.But once he saw success was possible, he was driven to achieve it.Today, colleagues regularly owe his success―and theirs―to his humility and perseverance.It’s a level of success that takes determination, personality and intelligence, whether it comes from a college education or from the street.68.What is the main idea of the passage?A.How a bitter childhood contributes to one’s success.B.It’s important to choose a right career to achieve one’s life goal.C.A talent agency helps a person to become famous.D.It’s people’s determination, intelligence and pers onality that decide their success.69.What does the author mean by saying “he had the brains to make the most of that experience”?A.He benefited a good deal from the experience.B.He smartly took the opportunity to learn from the experience.C.That experience made him ever smarter than ever before.D.He used his brains to impress his boss.70.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.A talent agency is to oversee the production of movies.B.Ron Meyer did far more successfully than Raul Kohner.C.Relationship is the most important thing in the film industry.D.Meyer had never thought of being as successful as today.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分2014分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。
4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。
Ⅰ语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,1.A.read B. learn C. behave D. speak2.A.visit B. leave C. desire D. attend3.A.cameras B. books C. libraries D. data4.A. printed B. ordered` C. used D. priced5.A. students B. colleagues C. leaders D. friends6.A. digital B. popular C. regular D. different7.A. present B. provide C. charge D. update8.A. peacefully B. consistently C. steadily D. unnoticeably9.A. less B. more C. higher D. better10.A. rent B. download C. buy D. record11.A. exactly B. permanently C. doubtfully D. roughly12.A. actually B. unwillingly C. hopefully D. fortunately13.A. entrance B. approach C. access D. admission14.A. school B. work C. hand D. home15.A. seats B. Internet C. textbooks D. homework第二节语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为16~25的相应位置上。
第一部分听力 (每小题1.5分,满分30分)听力原文:Text 1W: Do you know anything about Agatha Christie?M: Sure. She wrote many detective books.Text 2W: If I were you, I wouldn’t stay home on such a sunny day.M: But I got hurt in a football match last week.Text 3W: Hi, Li Hua. How is everything?M: Not bad, except for my toothache.Text 4M: I know you want to talk about this report. But I’d like to talk about my new computer.W: Let’s keep to the point. We can talk about that later. All right ?Text 5W: What time do we arrive in Beijing?M: We’ll arrive there at 12:30.W: That’s good. My friend plans to meet me at the airport at 12:45.Text 6M: I like this green bike very much. How much does it cost, please?W: It’s the most expensive model in my shop. It costs 283 pounds.M: That is too expensive for me. I can’t afford it. I have 163 pounds in all.W: This red bike is less expensive than the green one. It is only 116 pounds. But of course, it is not as good as the expensive one.M: Ok, I’ll take it.Text 7W: I haven’t had much exerci se this holiday. What do you usually do for relaxation, Tom?M: For relaxation, I like to play tennis and swim in the summer. My favorite winter sport is skating. You have a favorite sport, don’t you?W: Yes, my favorite sport is long distance race and I do like to sit and fish. Have you ever been to any ball games?M: Yes, I have been to many football games and I like to play also. Team sports are enjoyable. W: Yes, team sports are fun. I enjoy watching football on TV. But my friend Bob doesn’t like it. M: I also like weight-lifting. I think lifting weights will build arm and shoulder muscles.Text 8M: Hello, I’m just looking for you.W: What’s the matter? Do you have a problem?M: Yes, I have a chance to work in another school and I don’t know what to do.W: If it’s a better job than you have now. Y ou may take it. But you’d better make an investigation before you decide to take it.M: It isn’t as easy. The school where I work now is good. I like my students very much and the people I work together with are nice.W: What about the pay? Would you get more money?M:Yes,the pay is good. If I accept it I will get more money right away.W: You’ll just have to decide for yourself. But if I were you,I would get that new job.Text 9W: Is the baby with you. John? He’s not in the kitchen.M: He isn’t here, Mary. Perhaps he’s upstairs.W: Please go and see. He’s very quiet.M: All right. I’ll go and see. Mary, he’s not in his room.W: Is he in our room? He always likes sleeping in our room.M: No, he’s not here, either.W: Good heavens! Where’s he then? Is there any room that we don’t look for?M: Oh. he’s here. In the washroom! Oh, my dear!W: In the washroom? What’s he doing there?M: He’s cleaning hi s shoes with your toothbrush! Look, what a mess he has made!Text 10Sam Parker was a famous photographer. He travelled all over the world, taking photographs for magazines and newspapers. His photographs won many prizes and he made a lot of money.“I’ll do anything to get a good picture,” he often said. And he spoke the truth. He had photographs of earthquakes, forest fires, floods, even wars. If something interesting happened Sam went to photograph it.Once he was sent to Africa to take photographs of the wildlife there. His wife demanded to go with him strongly, and he agreed. At first she had a very enjoyable time. Then Sam went off to find some lions to photograph. His wife went with him, but before long they became separated. She walked down one path while he walked down the other. After a while Sam heard her crying. He ran back and saw her running toward him. A huge lion was running after her. Quickly Sam took out his camera and pointed it at his wife and the lion. Then he shouted, “Slow do wn, woman. I can’t get you both in the picture.”【参考答案】1.A【命题立意】考查考生对所听内容的简单推断能力。
考生注意:1.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。
第Ⅰ卷 必考题二、选择题(本题共8小题;每题6分,共48分。
如下所示的四个图中,能正确反应其工作原理的是15.并把小球下按到A 的位置(图甲),如图所示。
弹簧把小球弹起,球升至最高位置C 点(图丙)位置B 时弹簧正好处于自由状态(图乙)。
已知AB 差为h 1,BC 的高度差为h 2,重力加速度为g 力。
则A .小球从A 上升到B 位置的过程中,动能增大B .小球从A 上升到C 位置的过程中,机械能一直增大C .小球在图甲中时,弹簧的弹性势能为()12h h mg +D .一定有12h h ≥ 16.如图所示,一圆心为O 、半径为R 的圆中有两条互相垂直的直径AC 和BD ,电荷量均为Q 的正、负点电荷放在圆周上,它们的位置关于AC 对称,+Q 和O 点的连线与OC 间的夹角为60°,两个点电荷的连线与AC 的交点为P 。
下列说法中正确的是 A .P 点的场强为0D 火线 零线 零线B .A 点电势低于C 点电势C .点电荷+q 在O 点所受电场力与C 点不同D .点电荷-q 在B 点具有的电势能小于在D 点具有的电势能17.某月球探测卫星先贴近地球表面绕地球做匀速圆周运动,此时其动能为1k E ,周期为1T ;再控制它进行一系列变轨,最终进入贴近月球表面的圆轨道做匀速圆周运动,此时其动能为2k E ,周期为2T ,已知地球的质量为1M ,月球的质量为2M ,则21M M 为 A .1221K K E E T T B . 31221⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛K K E E T T C .32121⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛K K E E T T D .2121K K E E T T 18.如图所示,磁场垂直于纸面向外,磁场的磁感应强度随水平向右的x 轴按B =B 0+kx (B 0、k 为常量)的规律均匀增大.位于纸面内的正方形导线框abcd 处于磁场中,在外力作用下始终保持dc 边与x 轴平行向右匀速运动.若规定电流沿a →b →c →d →a 的方向为正方向,则从t =0到t =t 1的时间间隔内,下列关于该导线框中产生的电流i 随时间t 变化的图象,正确的是19.下列有关物理学史或物理理论的说法中,正确的是A .牛顿第一运动定律涉及了两个重要的物理概念:力和惯性B .“如果电场线与等势面不垂直,那么电场强度沿着等势面方向就有一个分量,在等势面上移动电荷时静电力就要做功”。
吉林市普通中学2013 — 2014学年度高三毕业班下学期期中教学质量检测英语试题参考答案听力部分:(每小题1.5分)1—5 ABABC 6—10 CBBCA 11—15 CBABC 16—20 CBABB阅读理解:(每小题2分)21. B. 细节理解题。
由第一段第三行“The loss of sight and hearing…to his life.”可知。
22. A. 细节理解题。
由第二段第二行“He stood under a large tree…by the lightning.”可知。
23. A. 推理判断题。
由最后一段第三行“However, none of them…should havehappened.”可知。
24. C. 主旨大意题。
文章主要是围绕着sudden shock展开的。
25. A. 细节理解题。
26. D. 细节理解题。
27. D. 细节理解题。
28. B. 写作意图题。
29. C. 细节理解题。
30. A. 细节理解题。
31. B. 细节理解题。
32. D. 写作意图题。
33. D. 细节理解题。
34. B. 词义猜测题。
35. C. 观点态度题。
由文章最后一段可知,Professor Shahabi希望自己的发明能够得到进一步推广,对前景很乐观。
36 ——40 G D B A F完形填空:(每小题1.5分)41. C. 从下一句话可知院子里有很多石头。
42. A. 种一些花朵为了给院子增添一些色彩。
43. D. 后文提到那是一株向日葵,所以是一种植物。
44. B. 从后文until we could find out what it was 可知作者想让它继续生长。
吉林省吉林市2014届第二次模拟考试 英语 Word版含答案
AAfter a terrible electrical accident, which caused him to become both blind and deaf, the whole world became completely dark and quiet for Robert Edwards for almost ten years. The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his life. His family, especially his wife, did their best to tend and comfort him and finally he regained the will to live.One hot summer afternoon, he was taking a walk with a stick near his house when a thunderstorm started all at once. He stood under a large tree to avoid getting wet, but he was struck by the lightning. Witnesses thought he was dead but he woke up some 20 minutes later lying face down in muddy water at the base of the tree. He was trembling badly, but when he opened his eyes, he could hardly believe what he saw: a plough and a wall. When Mrs. Edwards came running up to him, shouting to their neighbors to call for help, he could see her and hear her voice for the first time in nearly ten years.The news of Robert regaining his sight and hearing quickly spread, and many doctors came to examine him. Most of them said that he regained his sight and hearing from the shock he got from the lightning. However, none of them could give a convincing answer as to why this should have happened. The only reasonable explanation given by one doctor was that, since Robert lost his sight and hearing as a result of a sudden shock, perhaps, the only way for him to regain them was by another sudden shock.21.The reason for Robert’s attempts to kill himself was that _________.A. a terrible traffic accident happened to himB. he had to live in a dark and silent worldC. he was struck by the lightning once moreD. nobody in the world cared about him22.What was Robert doing when he was struck by the lightning?A. Sheltering from the rain under a tree.B. Driving a car.C. Taking a walk with a stick.D. Lying on the ground.23.We can infer from the text that ________.A. there was no accurate explanation for Robert’s recoveryB. many doctors came because Robert was badly injuredC. Robert’s wife sent for doctors immediately after the shockD. a sudden injury in the head le d to Robert’s recovery24.What’s the best title of the whole passage?A. A Terrible Electrical AccidentB. Robert Edwards and His WifeC. What a Sudden ShockD. An Unforgettable ExperienceBIt must be something that many American companies hold a baby contest. Of course, babies are wonderful, and many parents would be the first to agree. Companies really bring in much money.Walgreens Baby contestIf you play the new Baby Milestones Challenge Contest by BabyCenter & Walgreens, you could win $1,000 in Walgreens & Gift Cards and Certificates. You can play the instant winner if you get a $25 Walgreen’s gift card, but you also have to write down your email address and receive all their sales and other information for the contest.Kids and BabiesKids and Babies are accepting entries for May 2014 Free Photo Contest. Baby Photo Galley with theme albums and age group albums is moved to the new website Cute Baby Gallery. Check for their Baby Photo Contest blog’s latest update. The gran d prize is $25,000. The catch: Winners are decided by the visitors coming to the site and voting for their favorite babies, so you have to advertise their site for them. has a website only for their members, but if you are into baby photos, it is well worth surfing. You could receive offers on free samples, money-saving coupons (优惠券), and chances to win the latest contests.AvonAvon is another company that has a baby photo contest this spring. Avon is advertising their newest collection. It is Avon’s only collection for the photos of babies. Babies’ age: newborn to 2 years. Just go to and upload your recent baby’s photos. The first place baby will be featured in a Tiny Tillia Storybooks and win a $5,000 U.S. Savings Bond. Ten beautiful girls will win $300 worth of Tiny Tillia products.The tip is to run a search engine for all the latest contests going on and start entering them today. You could be lucky and win enough to put your baby through college! Have fun!25.What is the basic condition for you to play the instant winner in Walgreens & ?A. Getting a gift card.B. Getting a certificate.C. Winning 1,000 dollars.D. Receiving information for the contest26.If you want your baby to win the 2014 Free Photo Contest, you will _______.A. have to spend $ 25,000B. take your baby to the gallery in MayC. upload more photos of your babyD. have to help to advertise their site27.What can we learn from this passage?A. Free Photo Contest will be held in March, 2014.B. Avon is a website that will hold a baby photo contest.C. accepts the photos of all kinds of people’ babies.D. Parents can upload their one-year-old baby’s photos to TinyTillia. com.28.In the last paragraph, the author advises parents to _________ .A. try their best to take good care of their babyB. enter the contests as soon as possibleC. encourage their kids to go to college when they grow upD. find more tips for winning the contestsCFive years ago, David Smith wore an expensive sui t to work every day. “I was a clothes addict.” he jokes. “I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled.” Today David wears casual clothes—khaki pants and a sports shirt—to the office. He hardly ever wears a neck tie. “I am working harder than ever.” David says, “and I need to feel comfortable.”More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work. In the United States, the change from formal to casual office wear has been gradual. In the early 1990s, many companies allowed their employees to wear casual clothes on Friday(but only on Friday). This became known as “dress-down Friday” or “casual Friday”. “What started out as an extra one-day-a-week benefit for employees has really become an everyday thing.” said business consultant Maisly Jones.Why have so many companies started allowing their employees to wear casual clothes? One reason is that it’s easier for a company to attract new employees if it has a casual dress code.” “A lot of young people don’t want to dress up for work,” says the owner of a software company, “so it’s hard to hire people if you have a conservative(保守的)dress code.” Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes. In a study conducted by Levi Strauss and Company, 85 percent of employers said that they believe that casual dress improves employee morale(心境,士气). Only 4 percent of employers said that casual dress has a negative influence on productivity. Supporters of casual office wear also argue that a casual dress code helps them save money. “Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one every day,” one person said. “For the same amount of money, you can buy a lot more casual clothes.”29.David Smith refers to himself as having been “a clothes addict,” because ________.A. he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirtB. he couldn’t stand a clean app earanceC. he wanted his clothes to look neat all the timeD. he didn’t want to spend much money on clothes30.David Smith wears casual clothes now, because__________.A. they make him feel at ease when workingB. he cannot afford to buy expensive clothesC. he looks handsome in casual clothesD. he no longer works for any company31.In this passage, the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned EXCEPT __________.A. saving employees’ moneyB. making employees more attractiveC. impro ving employees’ motivationD. making employees happierDIn Los Angeles, drivers spend sixty-one hours every year stuck in traffic. These drivers know all too well how bad the traffic can be. “There're too many cars, and you can't move around a lot.”Professor Cyrus Shahabi also knows about traffic jams. He lives more than 65 kilometers from his office at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles. He is always late even with the help of a navigation (导航) system.He decided to develop a program called ClearPath for that. He says his program uses historical data to predict traffic conditions even before the driver leaves the house. “What’s unique is that we use a lot of data that’s currently become available including traffic data, weather data, and we analyze that so that we can predict what's going to happen in front of you when you leave home.”Professor Shahabi says his system does more than just respond to current traffic conditions. With ClearPath, he says, a driver can decide what time he wants to leave, and ClearPath will give the fastest route. It looks at the entire road network, including surface streets as well as highways, before the driver hits the road. Professor Shahabi hopes to have ClearPath available nationwide and overseas once they can collect traffic data from other cities.“I always thought that Los Angeles had the worst traffic, but now I know that Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, believe it or not, Singapore, Hong Kong certainly are examples that can immediately use this. ”Professor Shahabi hopes to share this new technology with companies that already have navigation systems, such as Google and Apple.32.Drivers in Los Angeles were mentioned in order to__________.A. show care for themB. introduce their lifeC. solve traffic problemsD. raise the topic33.What is unique about ClearPath?A. It can use a lot of information all over the world.B. It can ensure that you will never be late for work.C. It helps drivers see clearly what happens on the road.D. It helps drivers know the road conditions ahead of time.34.The underlined word “hits” in the fifth paragraph probably means __________.A. have an accidentB. get toC. turn left or rightD. collect traffic data35.What's Professor Shahabi’s attitude toward his invention?A. Disappointed.B. Proud.C. Optimistic.D. Worried.第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
10.如图,在四面体 OABC 中, AC = BC, OA = 3, OB = 1, 则OC× BA=( )
A. 8
B. 6
C. 4
D. 3
11.已知函数 y = f (x)是定义在 R 上的增函数,函数 y = f (x - 1) 的图象关于点 (1,0) 对称。
( ) ( ) 若对任意的 x, y Î R, f x2 - 6x + 21 + f y2 - 8 y < 0 恒成立,则当 x > 3 时, x2 + y 2 的
② 已知每吨该商品的销售利润为 2 千元,x 表示该种商品两天销售利润的和(单位:千元)求
x 的分布列和期望.
20.( 本小题满分 12 分) 已知点 F (0,1) ,直线 l : y = -1, P 为平面上的动点,过点 P 作直
线 l 的垂线,垂足为 Q,且QP × QF = FP × FQ.
(1) 求动点 P 的轨迹 C 的方程;
(2) 已知圆 M 过定点 D(0,2),圆心 M 在轨迹 C 上运动,且圆 M 与 x 轴交于 A,B 两点,设
i =1
; y < z
B. z < x < y C. x < z < y D. y < z < x
二、填空题(每小题 5 分,共 20 分)
13.将某班的 60 名学生编号为: 01,02,...,60, 采用系统抽样方法抽取一个容量为 5 的
样本,且随机抽得的一个号码为 04 ,则剩下的四个号码依次是
吉林省九校联合体 2014 届第二次摸底考试 数 学 试 题(理科)
一、选择题(每小题 5 分,共 60 分)
1. 已知U = R, M = {x - 1 £ x £ 2}, N = {x x £ 3}, 则 (CU M ) I N = ( )
高考英语总复习(第01期)选择题百题精练 专题19 语法填空(含解析)
2014年高考英语总复习(第01期)选择题百题精练专题19 语法填空(含解析)1.【2014届河北省衡水中学第一次调研】语法填空(10小题,15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为61~70的相应位置上。
Chinese proverbs are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese people’ daily life.___61_ th ese proverbs there are often interesting stories. For example, the proverb, “plucking up a crop ___62___ (help) it grow”, is based on the following story.It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty(960-1279) was very anxious to help __63___ rice crop grow up quickly. He was thinking about ___64__ day and night. But the crop was growing much slower than he expected.One day, he came up with an idea __65___ he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches. He did so the next day.He was very tired __66__ doing this for a whole day, __67__ he felt very happy since the crop did "grow" __68__ (high).His son heard about this and went to see the crop. Unfortunately the leaves of the crop began to wither.This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their __69__ (nature) course. Being too anxious to help an event develop often __70__ (result) in the contrary to our intention.2.【2014广州省十二校第二次联考】语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卷标号为16--25的相应位置上。
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第Ⅰ卷 1 至10 页,第Ⅱ卷10 至11 页。
(满分150分,考试时间120分钟)第Ⅰ卷1. 答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上。
2. 选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18. C£9.15.答案是C。
1. What do we learn from the conversation?A. The man hates to lend his tools to other people.B. The man hasn’t finished working on the bookshelf.C. The man lost those tools.2. What are the two speakers talking about?A. A park.B. A trip.C. A cinema.3. What does the man mean?A. He would like to make an appointment for the woman.B. He thinks it worthwhile to try Santerbale’s.C. He knows a less expensive place for a haircut.4. What do we learn from this conversation?A The man wants to go to Los AngelesB The man wants to go to San Francisco.C There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day.5. What is the woman’s opinion of the research paper?A. It’s fine as it is.B. Only a few changes should be made in it.C. Major revisions are needed in it.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. Why is Ken calling?A. To ask about the address for the meeting.B. To ask about the time for the meeting.C. To remind Andy of the meeting.7. Where is Andy?A. In his office.B. In the supermarket.C. In the downtown.8. What is Ken’s phone number?A. 439-808-7754.B. 493-908-7754.C. 439-908-7754.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。
9. Which of the following is the man’s favorite food?A. Carrots.B. Chocolate cakes.C. Fruits.10. What are the two speakers probably doing now?A. Having a meal.B. Shopping.C. Preparing food.11. What does the woman say about carrots?A. It is rich in fibers.B. It can reduce weight.C. It contains much vitamin C.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。
12. Where is the conversation taking place?A. In the man’s house.B. In the woman’s house.C. In their friend’s house.13. What color is the meat container?A. Blue.B. Yellow.C. Red.14. What is the side dish mentioned by the man?A. Eggplant with soy sauce.B. Pork with pineapple.C. Tomatoes with sugar.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。
15. Who is learning Chinese probably?A. Rose.B. Jane.C. Jack.16. How many children does the woman have?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.17. What will the woman do tomorrow?A. Go to the cinema.B. Go to the McDonald’s.C. Go to school. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。
18. What happened to the speaker?A. He transferred to another post in another city.B. His colleagues started to get along well with him.C. His hard work got paid off.19. What contributions did the speaker make for the company?A. He helped increase the sales.B. He helped build a branch company.C. He helped make new products.20. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The speaker’s pay rose to $15, 000 per year.B. The speaker’s department sales increased a lot last year.C. The speaker refused the rise.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
AAccording to the US Geological Survey, about seven million earthquakes strike worldwide every year—but fortunately, only about 1500 of these are of a magnitude(震级) of 5 or greater on the Richter scale. Certain areas, such as California and Japan, are more prone to earthquakes than others. Although the chance of being caught in “The Big one” is remote, it’s wise to be prepared if you live in a region where earthquakes are common.Educate your family about earthquakes before a big one strikes. For example, they need to know to take shelter in a doorway or under a strong object if indoors, and never to run outdoors if they are inside. If outside, they need to know to stay away from power lines and buildings where objects could fall.Teach family members how to turn off gas or water lines or electrical power that may need to be shut off after a quake if severe damage occurs.Develop a plan. Where will your family meet in the event of a disaster? What if some people are at work or school? How will you know if they are safe? Where will you all meet up?Pack a preparedness kit(衣物装备) and keep it in a safe location. In a major earthquake, it’s possible that you won’t be a ble to get into your house. Keep supplies in your car trunk or an outside storage shed if possible. Pack whatever your family is likely to need, enough for three days to a week, including food, water, medication, first aid and personal hygiene supplies, flashlights, a portable radio, blankets, clothes and shoes, cash, or camp stove, candles, matches or lighters, and a whistle.Consider earthquake insurance for your home if you live in an earthquake-prone area. Regular homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover ear thquake damage.21.The underlined words “prone to ” in paragraph 1 can be replaced by___________.A. likely to sufferB. frequent to exploreC. regular to measureD. impossible to experience22. According to the passage, if you are outside in an earthquake, youshould_________.A. stay where you areB. hide under a big treeC. avoid power linesD. sit on the ground23. We can learn from the passage that_________.A. about 1,500 earthquakes happen every yearB. people should store some clothes in their houses in advanceC. family members should meet in their home after an earthquakeD. people suffering earthquakes often should buy earthquake insurance24. What would be the best title for the passage?A. How to Keep Safe in an EarthquakeB. How to Prepare for an EarthquakeC. Who Can Help Us After an Earthquake?D. Where Is an Earthquake-prone Area?BEndless playing of songs like All I want for Christmas in shops during the festive season doesn’t just d rive us mad —the songs also make us more careless with our money, research has warned.While repeated performance of Jingle Bells may seem like an innocent attempt to raise customers’ spirits during the nightmare of Christmas shopping, the songs also have a more delicate impact.“Background music, o r “Muzak”,can be used b y marketers to impose cultures ---such as the commercialization of Christmas--- onto consumers and influence their behaviour,” experts said.Dr. Alan Bradshaw of Royal Holloway, University of London, said, “Festive jingles are force-fed to Christmas shoppers in a bid to change their mood, influence their sense of time and what sort of products they buy. In other words, this is an attempt to control your shopping habits in a way that you migh t hardly be aware of.”“Often we are told that we have the freedom to choose where we want to shop, but during Christmas the use of music in this way is so common that our freedom to choose disappears.”Dr. Bradshaw and Prof Morris Holbrook of Columbia University examined the phenomenon and found that retailers often “dumb down” the music played in shops to relax customers, meaning it is easier to control their behaviour.It is thought that slowing down the rhythm of music in shops can trick customers into thinking less time has passed, and therefore spend more time examining the shelves, for example.Some providers of background music have been known to promote their services by claiming they can boost profits by controlling the behaviour of customers.“A c ommon trick is to take a popular current song and record an instrumental version which can be slowed down or sped up at different time of the day to influence behaviour in different ways,” Dr. Bradshaw said.Background music is often classed as “Muzak” in honor of the Seattle-based company which began producing its soft-sounding melodies in the 1930s. 25.According to Dr. Bradshaw, in what ways does Christmas music influence customers?①their mood ②their income③their sense of time ④the sort of products they buyA.①②③B.①③④C.②③④D.①②④26. Shopkeepers slow down the rhythm of music in shops to ___________.A. let customers spend more time shoppingB. make customers and sales assistants relaxedC. let customers enjoy the beautiful musicD. help customers find what they really want27. What kind of music is now often adapted to influence customers in shops?A. Classical musicB. Popular modern songs.C. Folk songs.D. Jazz music.28. What is the best title of the passage?A. Music makes happy ChristmasB. Christmas “Muzak”C. How to make Christmas music?D. Christmas music makes us spend moreCDining in a completely dark room, unaware what’s on your plate while sitting next to a complete stranger may not sound like an ideal restaurant experience but it’s certainly an intriguing way to spend a rainy night in London.Dans le Noir, close to London’s financial district, is a restaurant full of blind waiters and waitresses who become your eyes around the restaurant, whose original Paris branch opened in 2004.In the bar with the light, you choose whether you want the fish, meat or vegetable, but the dishes themselves remain a secret, as do the ingredients of the “surprise” cocktails. Bags, coats and devices(设备)that light up, including watches and mobile phones, are kept in the bar. Placing your hand on the shoulder of your guide, you are led to a table in a black dining room that sets up to 60 people. And it is dark.The waiters tell you when the food is being placed down in front of you, then the fun begins, trying to get food into your mouth, then identifying jus t what it is that’s on your plate, and finally whether you have missed any of it.It’s also a great chance to break social convention and eat using your fingers. Those same fingers are also the only way you can tell how much wine you’re pouring into your glass.The happy atmosphere in the dining room also made the night memorable. Y ou can’t really avoid talking to the person next to you at the long tables and guessing what the dishes are certainly provides adequate fuel for the conversations.All will be revealed at the end of the meal when you are led back out into the lit bar. Not only do you finally get to see what you’ve just been eating but also who you’ ve been talking to for the last 90 minutes.29What does the underlined word “intriguing.” in the first paragraph mean?A terrible B. interesting C. expensive D. new30According to the text, “ Dans le Noir”__________.A is far from London’s financial districtB has its first branch opened in BritainC is very popular among blind customersD has a dining room which can seat up to 60 people31We know from the text that the customers in “Dans le Noir”_________.A. are forbidden to eat with their fingersB. can talk to the strangers at tableC. will book the menu in a dark barD. can take their mobile phones into the dining room32. What’s the main purpose of the text?A. To help blind people find a job in restaurants.B. To show how to open a restaurant with a new idea.C. To show how to enjoy the time in a dark restaurant.D. To introduce and attra ct customers to “Dans le Noir ”.DToday's word, pan, takes us back to the days of the gold rush in California.On January 24th, 1848, a man named James Wilson Marshall discovered gold in California. The news spread quickly. Thousands rushed west. They traveled on foot, on horseback and by boat to reach the gold fields. By 1849, the great gold rush was on. Towns and cities grew overnight. Throughout California --- in the mountains, along the streams and rivers --- thousands of people searched for gold.Some found areas of mountain rock thick with gold. These men got rich. But such areas were few and quickly claimed by the first men to find them. Others searched for gold in the rivers coming down the mountains. They were after pieces of gold that the rains had washed down from above .The only way to find this gold was by panning. First a gold miner put dirt in a metal pan and added water. Then he shook the pan so that the water would wash the dirt. Slowly, he poured the water out of the pan. If he was a lucky miner, pieces of gold would remain.Across the nation, newspapers carried stories of the gold being found. Each one hoped that the place he claimed panned out well --- had some gold.For many, gold mining did not pan out. For a few, it panned out well. But in time, huge machines were built that could wash many tons of dirt at a time. Panning died out.The word, however, remained in the language. Tod ay, Americans still say, “ It p anned out well ,” when somethi ng they have done pleases them. A business, a discovery, a simple event pans out well if it is successful. Unhappily, sometimes things do not pan out.In recent years, the word pan has taken on another meaning. Today, it also means to criticize. How it got this meaning is hard to discover. But the job of a critic is to sometimes pan the work of a writer, artist or singer.33. Why did so many people flood to California in 1848?A. Because towns and cities there developed quickly.B. Because the mountains in California were a great place for travel.C. Because they wanted to get rich by looking for gold.D. Because the land of California was fertile at that time.34. The underlined part “It panned out well" in Paragraph 7 has the same meaning as“______”A. Everything turned out wellB. Nothing could be worseC. It's not the caseD. It's a pity35. What is the purpose of this passage?A. To tell us some stories about the gold rush.B. To introduce the word "pan" in American English.C. To teach us how to look for gold in rivers.D. To introduce the history of the gold rush in California第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。