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初一到初三全英语单词表注:n 名词v 动词adj形容词adv 副词prep介词conj连词phr.短语num数词第一册1-—--8331 what pron 什么2 is v 是3 what's what is的缩写形式4 your pron 你的,你们的5 name n 名字6 my pron 我的7 I pron 我8 am v 是9 I'm I am的缩写形式10 in prep 在.。
.里(内,上)11 row n (一)排,(一)行12 one num 一13 number n 数字,号码14 two num 二15 too adv 也16 three num 三17 are v 是18 you pron 你,你们19 yes adv 是20 four num 四21 five num 五22 no adv &adj 不,不是23 not adv 不24 hi interj 喂(问候或唤起注意)25 class n (学校里的)班级,年级26 grade n 年级27 six num 六28 seven num 七29 eight num 八30 nine num 九31 ten num 十32 zero num &n 零33 plus prep 加,加上34 it pron 它35 it's it is的缩写形式36 how adv (指程度)多少,怎样37 old adj 。
.岁的,老的38 eleven num 十一39 twelve num 十二40 minus prep 减,减去41 thirteen num 十三42 fourteen num 十四43 fifteen num 十五44 hello interj 喂(问候或唤起注意)45 please interj 请46 can v。
aux 能,可以,会47 spell v 拼写48 that pron 那,那个49 secret n 秘密50 this pron 这,这个51 in prep 用...(表达)52 English n & adj 英语,英国人英国的,英国人的53 in English phr. 用英语(表达)54 a art 一(个,件。

office2016vlookup函数的使用方法office2016vlookup 函数的使用方法一、什么是 VLOOKUP 函数?VLOOKUP 函数是 Excel 中一种非常常用的查找函数,用于在某个指定的数据区域内查找指定的值,并返回相应的结果。
二、VLOOKUP 函数的基本语法VLOOKUP 函数的基本语法如下:=VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup)其中,各参数的含义如下:•lookup_value:要查找的值。
•range_lookup:是否使用近似匹配(True 或 False)。
三、使用示例1. 基本的查找操作假设我们有一个名为成绩表的数据区域,包含学生姓名和对应的成绩。
通过下面的公式即可实现:=VLOOKUP("小明", 成绩表, 2, False)其中,“小明”是要查找的学生姓名,成绩表是数据区域的范围,2是指返回的结果在数据表中的第二列。
2. 使用近似匹配在一些情况下,我们可能希望用近似匹配的方式进行查找。
=VLOOKUP(80, 成绩表, 2, True)以上公式中,80 是要查找的分数,成绩表是数据区域的范围,2 是指返回的结果在数据表中的第二列。
3. 使用变量进行查找除了直接指定值进行查找外,我们还可以使用单元格中的值进行查找。
=VLOOKUP(A1, 成绩表, 2, False)以上公式中,A1 是包含要查找的值的单元格,成绩表是数据区域的范围,2 是指返回的结果在数据表中的第二列。
四、总结通过本文的介绍,我们已经了解了 VLOOKUP 函数的基本用法和常见示例。
通过灵活运用 VLOOKUP 函数,我们可以方便地进行数据查找和计算,提高工作效率。
USB Type-C 规范1.2(中文版)

Revision History.......................................................................................................................14
LIMITED COPYRIGHT LICENSE: The USB 3.0 Promoters grant a conditional copyright license under the copyrights embodied in the USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification to use and reproduce the Specification for the sole purpose of, and solely to the extent necessary for, evaluating whether to implement the Specification in products that would comply with the specification.
sqlserver cve-2004-2761

SQL Server是微软公司的一款关系数据库管理系统,广泛用于企业级应用程序和全球信息站开发中。
2004年,SQL Server出现了一个安全漏洞,CVE编号为CVE-2004-2761。
以下是对该漏洞的详细解读:一、漏洞描述CVE-2004-2761是SQL Server的一个认证绕过漏洞。
在受影响的SQL Server版本中,当用户尝试使用FTP或HTTP上传文件时,攻击者可以通过夹带特定的SQL查询,绕过认证机制实现未经授权的数据库操作。
二、受影响的版本CVE-2004-2761影响的SQL Server版本包括但不限于:- Microsoft SQL Server 7.0- Microsoft SQL Server 2000- Microsoft SQL Server 2005- Microsoft SQL Server 2008三、攻击方式攻击者可以利用CVE-2004-2761漏洞,构造恶意的SQL查询,并将其夹带在FTP或HTTP上传的文件中。
四、潜在威胁CVE-2004-2761漏洞的潜在威胁包括但不限于:- 数据泄露:攻击者可以利用漏洞来获取数据库中的敏感信息,如用户账户、密码等。
- 数据库瘫痪:攻击者可能执行恶意操作导致数据库瘫痪,影响正常的业务操作。
- 服务器入侵:利用漏洞进行未经授权的数据库操作,最终可能导致服务器被入侵控制。
五、解决方案针对CVE-2004-2761漏洞,建议采取以下解决方案:1. 及时安装补丁:微软公司已发布针对该漏洞的安全补丁,建议及时对受影响的SQL Server版本进行升级和更新补丁。
2. 进行安全配置:对SQL Server进行安全配置,限制用户权限,避免恶意SQL查询的执行。

(× )2.一个有限状态自动机中,有且仅有一个唯一的终态。
(√ )4.语法分析时必须先消除文法中的左递归。
(√ )7.静态数组的存储空间可以在编译时确定。
(×) 9.两个正规集相等的必要条件是他们对应的正规式等价。
(× )10.一个语义子程序描述了一个文法所对应的翻译工作。
(×)二、选择题(请在前括号内选择最确切的一项作为答案划一个勾,多划按错论)(每个4分,共40分) 1.词法分析器的输出结果是_____。
A.( ) 单词的种别编码B.( ) 单词在符号表中的位置C.( ) 单词的种别编码和自身值D.( ) 单词自身值2.正规式M 1 和M 2 等价是指_____。
A.( ) M1和M2的状态数相等B.( ) M1和M2的有向边条数相等C.( ) M1和M2所识别的语言集相等D.( ) M1和M2状态数和有向边条数相等3.文法G:S→xSx|y所识别的语言是_____。
A.( ) xyx B.( ) (xyx)* C.( ) xnyxn(n≥0) D.( ) x*yx*4.如果文法G是无二义的,则它的任何句子α_____。
A.( )最左推导和最右推导对应的语法树必定相同B.( ) 最左推导和最右推导对应的语法树可能不同C.( ) 最左推导和最右推导必定相同D.( )可能存在两个不同的最左推导,但它们对应的语法树相同5.构造编译程序应掌握______。
Techniques and Tools for Analyzing Intrusion Alerts

Techniques and Tools for Analyzing Intrusion AlertsPENG NING,YUN CUI,DOUGLAS S.REEVES,and DINGBANG XUNorth Carolina State University1.INTRODUCTIONIntrusion detection has been studied for more than twenty years since Anderson’s report[Anderson1980].Intrusion detection techniques can be roughly classified as anomaly detection and misuse detection.Anomaly detection(e.g.,NIDES/STAT [Javits and Valdes1993])is based on the normal behavior of a subject(e.g.,a user2·Ning,Cui,Reeves,and Xuor a system);any action that significantly deviates from the normal behavior is con-sidered intrusive.Misuse detection(e.g.,NetSTAT[Vigna and Kemmerer1999]) detects attacks based on the characteristics of known attacks or system vulnerabil-ities;any action that conforms to the pattern of a known attack or vulnerability is considered intrusive.Traditional intrusion detection systems(IDSs)focus on low-level attacks or anoma-lies,and raise alerts independently,though there may be logical connections be-tween them.In situations where there are intensive attacks,not only will actual alerts be mixed with false alerts,but the amount of alerts will also become unman-ageable.As a result,it is difficult for human users or intrusion response systems to understand the alerts and take appropriate actions.Therefore,it is necessary to develop techniques to construct attack scenarios(i.e.,steps that attackers use in their attacks)from alerts to facilitate intrusion analysis.In this paper,we develop a sequence of techniques to address the aforemen-tioned problem.Our techniques start with a practical alert correlation method for constructing attack scenarios from IDS alerts.This technique can be explained through the following observation:most attacks are not isolated,but related as dif-ferent stages of attack sequences,with the early stages preparing for the later ones. For example,in Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS)attacks,the attacker has to install the DDoS daemon programs in vulnerable hosts before he can instruct the daemons to launch an attack.In other words,an attacker has to(or usually does) reach a certain state before he can carry out certain attacks,and usually reaches the state by launching some other attacks.Based on this observation,we correlate alerts using prerequisites and consequences of attacks.Intuitively,the prerequisite of an attack is the necessary condition for the attack to be successful,while the consequence of an attack is the possible outcome of the attack.For example,the existence of a vulnerable service is the prerequisite of a remote buffer overflow attack against the service,and as the consequence of the attack,the attacker may gain access to the host.Accordingly,we correlate the alerts together when the attackers launch some early attacks to prepare for the prerequisites of some later ones.For example,if they use a UDP port scan to discover the vulnerable services,followed by an attack against one of the services, we can correlate the corresponding alerts together.It is well-known that current IDSs often miss unknown attacks,or variations of known attacks.To tolerate missing detections,our method allows partial satisfaction of prerequisites of an attack.In addition,our method allowsflexible alert aggregation,and provides intuitive representations of correlated alerts.We observe that it is quite challenging to analyze intrusion alerts even with the help of alert correlation,particularly due to the large amount of alerts produced by IDSs.As indicated in[Manganaris et al.2000],“encountering10–20,000alarms per sensor per day is common.”In this paper,we also present six utilities(called aggregation/disaggregation,focused analysis,clustering analysis,frequency analy-sis,link analysis,and association analysis)to facilitate the analysis of large sets of correlated alerts.The proposed alert correlation method and these utilities are then integrated into one system,providing human users a platform to analyze and understand the correlated alerts as well as the strategies behind them.ACM Journal Name,Vol.V,No.N,May2004.Techniques and Tools for Analyzing Intrusion Alerts·3 The contribution of this paper is as follows.First,we develop a formal framework for alert correlation.Our method can deal with attack attempts and correlate alerts as long as there are signs of connections between them,even if some related attacks fail or bypass the IDSs.In addition,our method provides an intuitive mechanism (called hyper-alert correlation graph)to represent the attack scenarios constructed through alert correlation.Second,we develop a set of interactive utilities to fa-cilitate the analysis of very large attack scenarios.These utilities either reduce the size of large attack scenarios(while keeping the structure of the attacks),or extract selected features from large attack scenarios.Third,we develop a toolkit named TIAA(A Toolkit for Intrusion Alert Analysis),which integrates the alert correlation method and the analysis utilities into one system to provide support for interactive intrusion analysis.Finally,we perform a series of experiments to validate the alert correlation method and the analysis utilities using2000DARPA intrusion detection scenario specific datasets[MIT Lincoln Lab2000]and the net-work traffic captured at the DEFCON8Capture the Flag(CTF)event[DEFCON 2000].Our results show that our correlation method not only correlates related alerts and uncovers the attack strategies,but also provides a way to differentiate between alerts,and that the interactive analysis utilities can effectively simplify the analysis of large amounts of alerts.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.The next section discusses related work.Section3presents our formal framework for correlating alerts using prerequisites and consequences of attacks.Section4describes the analysis utilities for analyzing attack scenarios constructed from large collections of alerts.Section 5presents the development of the toolkit named TIAA for intrusion alert analysis. Section6reports our experiments with the2000DARPA intrusion detection sce-nario specific datasets and the DEFCON8CTF dataset.Section7discusses the advantages and limitations of our approach,and Section8concludes this paper and points out some future research directions.2.RELATED WORKIntrusion detection has been studied for more than twenty years since Anderson’s report[Anderson1980].A survey of the early work on intrusion detection is given in[Mukherjee et al.1994],and an excellent overview of current intrusion detection techniques and related issues can be found in a recent book[Bace2000]. Research on intrusion alert correlation has been rather active recently.Thefirst class of approaches(e.g.,Spice[Staniford et al.2002],probabilistic alert correlation [Valdes and Skinner2001],and the alert clustering methods in[Cuppens2001]and [Julisch2001])correlates alerts based on the similarities between alert attributes. Though they are effective for clustering similar alerts(e.g.,alerts with the same source and destination IP addresses),they cannot fully discover the causal relation-ships between related alerts.Another class of methods(e.g.,correlation based on STATL[Eckmann et al.2002] or LAMBDA[Cuppens and Ortalo2000],and the data mining approach[Dain and Cunningham2001])performs alert correlation based on attack scenarios specified by human users,or learned from training datasets.A limitation of these methods is that they are restricted to known attack scenarios,or those that can be generalizedACM Journal Name,Vol.V,No.N,May2004.4·Ning,Cui,Reeves,and Xufrom known scenarios.A variation in this class uses a consequence mechanism to specify what types of attacks may follow a given attack,partially addressing this problem[Debar and Wespi2001].A third class of methods,including JIGSAW[Templeton and Levitt2000],the MIRADOR correlation method[Cuppens and Miege2002],and our approach,tar-gets recognition of multi-stage attacks;it correlates alerts if the prerequisites of some later alerts are satisfied by the consequences of some earlier alerts.Such methods can potentially uncover the causal relationship between alerts,and are not restricted to known attack scenarios.Our method can be considered as a variation of JIGSAW[Templeton and Levitt 2000].Both methods try to uncover attack scenarios based on specifications of indi-vidual attacks.However,our method also differs from JIGSAW.First,our method allows partial satisfaction of prerequisites(i.e.,required capabilities in JIGSAW [Templeton and Levitt2000]),recognizing the possibility of undetected attacks and that of attackers gaining information through non-intrusive ways(e.g.,talking to a friend working in the victim organization),while JIGSAW requires all required capabilities be satisfied.Second,our method allows aggregation of alerts,and thus can reduce the complexity involved in alert analysis,while JIGSAW currently does not have any similar mechanisms.Third,we develop a set of utilities for alert correlation and interactive analysis of correlated alerts,which is not provided by JIGSAW.The work closest to ours is the MIRADOR correlation method proposed in[Cup-pens and Miege2002],which was developed independently and in parallel to ours. These two methods share substantial similarity.The MIRADOR approach also correlates alerts using partial match of prerequisites(pre-conditions)and conse-quences(post-conditions)of attacks.However,the MIRADOR approach uses a different formalism than ours.In particular,the MIRADOR approach treats alert aggregation as an individual stage before alert correlation,while our method allows alert aggregation during and after correlation.As we will see in Section4,our treatment of alert aggregation leads to the utilities for interactive alert analysis.A formal model named M2D2was proposed in[Morin et al.2002]to correlate alerts by using multiple information sources,including the characteristics of the monitored systems,the vulnerability information,the information about the mon-itoring tools,and information of the observed events.Due to the multiple infor-mation sources used in alert correlation,this method can potentially lead to better results than those simply looking at intrusion alerts.A mission-impact-based ap-proach was proposed in[Porras et al.2002]to correlate alerts raised by INFOSEC devices such as IDSs andfirewalls.A distinguishing feature of this approach is that it correlates the alerts with the importance of system assets so that attention can be focused on critical resources.These methods are complementary to ours. Several techniques have used the prerequisites and consequences of attacks for vulnerability analysis purposes.In[Ritchey and Ammann2000],a model checking technique was applied to analyze network vulnerabilities on the basis of prerequisites and results(i.e.,consequences)of exploits(i.e.,attacks),along with hosts and network connectivity information.In[Sheyner et al.2002]and[Jha et al.2002], the technique in[Ritchey and Ammann2000]was further extended to generate ACM Journal Name,Vol.V,No.N,May2004.Techniques and Tools for Analyzing Intrusion Alerts·5 and analyze all possible attacks against a vulnerable networked system.These techniques are focused on analyzing what attacks may happen to violate a given security property.In contrast,our purpose is to reconstruct what has happened according to the alerts reported by IDSs,and our technique has to deal with the inaccuracy of IDSs(i.e.,false alerts and undetected attacks).We consider our method as complementary to these vulnerability analysis techniques.Several languages have been proposed to represent attacks,including STAT[Il-gun et al.1995;Vigna and Kemmerer1999;Eckmann et al.2002],Colored-Petri Automata(CPA)[Kumar and Spafford1994;Kumar1995],LAMBDA[Cuppens and Ortalo2000],and MuSig[Lin et al.1998]and its successor[Ning et al.2001]. In particular,LAMBDA uses a logic-based method to specify the pre-condition and post-condition of attacks,which is similar to our method.However,all these languages specify entire attack scenarios,which are limited to known scenarios.In contrast,our method(as well as JIGSAW and the MIRADOR correlation method) describes prerequisites and consequences of individual attacks,and correlates de-tected attacks(i.e.,alerts)based on the relationship between these prerequisites and consequences.Thus,our method can potentially correlate alerts in unknown attack scenarios.GrIDS uses activity graphs to represent the causal structure of network activi-ties and detect propagation of large-scale attacks[Staniford-Chen et al.1996].Our method also uses graphs to represent correlated alerts.However,unlike GrIDS,in which nodes represent hosts or departments and edges represent network traffic be-tween them,our method uses nodes to represent alerts,and edges the relationships between the alerts.Alert correlation has been studied in the context of network management(e.g., [Gruschke1998],[Ricciulli and Shacham1997],and[Gardner and Harle1998]).In theory,alert correlation methods for network management are applicable to intru-sion alert correlation.However,intrusion alert correlation faces more challenges than its counter part in network management:While alert correlation for network management deals with alerts about natural faults,which usually exhibits regular patterns,intrusion alert correlation has to cope with less predictable,malicious intruders.3.A FRAMEWORK FOR ALERT CORRELATIONAs discussed in the introduction,our method is based on the observation that in a series of attacks,the attacks are usually not isolated,but related as different stages of the attack sequence,with the early ones preparing for the later ones.To take advantage of this observation,we propose to correlate the alerts generated by IDSs using prerequisites and consequences of the corresponding attacks.Intu-itively,the prerequisite of an attack is the necessary condition for the attack to be successful.For example,the existence of a vulnerable service is a prerequisite for a remote buffer overflow attack against the service.Moreover,the attacker may make progress in gaining access to the victim system(e.g.,discover the vulnerable services,install a Trojan horse program)as a result of an rmally,we call the possible outcome of an attack the(possible)consequence of the attack.In a series of attacks where the attackers launch earlier attacks to prepare for later ones,ACM Journal Name,Vol.V,No.N,May2004.6·Ning,Cui,Reeves,and Xuthere are usually strong connections between the consequences of the earlier attacks and the prerequisites of the later ones.Indeed,if an earlier attack is to prepare for a later attack,the consequence of the earlier attack should at least partly satisfy the prerequisite of the later attack.Accordingly,we propose to identify the prerequisites(e.g.,existence of vulnerable services)and the consequences(e.g.,discovery of vulnerable services)of each type of attack.These are then used to correlate alerts,which are attacks detected by IDSs,by matching the consequences of(the attacks corresponding to)some previous alerts and the prerequisites of(the attacks corresponding to)some later ones.For example,if wefind a Sadmind Ping followed by a buffer overflow attack against the corresponding Sadmind service,we can correlate them to be parts of the same series of attacks.In other words,we model the knowledge(or state)of attackers in terms of individual attacks,and correlate alerts if they indicate the progress of attacks.Note that an attacker does not have to perform early attacks to prepare for a later attack,even though the later attack has certain prerequisites.For example,an attacker may launch an individual buffer overflow attack against a service blindly, without knowing if the service exists.In other words,the prerequisite of an attack should not be mistaken for the necessary existence of an earlier attack.However, if the attacker does launch attacks with earlier ones preparing for later ones,our method can correlate them,provided that the attacks are detected by IDSs.In the following subsections,we adopt a formal approach to develop our alert correlation method.3.1Prerequisite and Consequence of AttacksWe propose to use predicates as basic constructs to represent the prerequisites and (possible)consequences of attacks.For example,a scanning attack may discover UDP services vulnerable to a certain buffer overflow attack.We can use the pred-icate UDPVulnerableToBOF(VictimIP,VictimPort)to represent the attacker’s discovery(i.e.,the consequence of the attack)that the host having the IP address VictimIP runs a service(e.g.,sadmind)at UDP port VictimPort and that the ser-vice is vulnerable to the buffer overflow attack.Similarly,if an attack requires a UDP service vulnerable to the buffer overflow attack,we can use the same predicate to represent the prerequisite.Some attacks may require several conditions be satisfied at the same time in order to be successful.To represent such complex conditions,we use a logical combination of predicates to describe the prerequisite of an attack.For example, a certain network launched buffer overflow attack may require that the target host have a vulnerable UDP service accessible to the attacker through thefirewall.This prerequisite can be represented by UDPVulnerableToBOF(VictimIP,VictimPort)∧UDPAccessibleViaFirewall(VictimIP,VictimPort).To simplify the following discussion,we restrict the logical operators in predicates to∧(conjunction)and∨(disjunction).We also use a set of predicates to represent the(possible)consequence of an attack.For example,an attack may result in compromise of the root privilege as well as modification of the.rhostfile.Thus,we may use the following to repre-sent the corresponding consequence:{GainRootAccess(VictimIP),rhostModified ACM Journal Name,Vol.V,No.N,May2004.Techniques and Tools for Analyzing Intrusion Alerts·7 (VictimIP)}.Note that the set of predicates used to represent the consequence is essentially the logical combination of these predicates and can be represented by a single logical formula.However,representing the consequence as a set of predicates rather than a long formula is more convenient and will be used here.The consequence of an attack is indeed the possible result of the attack.In other words,the attack may or may not generate the stated consequence.For example, after a buffer overflow attack against a service,an attacker may or may not gain the root access,depending on if the service is vulnerable to the attack.We use possible consequences instead of actual consequences due to the following two reasons.First,an IDS may not have enough information to decide if an attack is effective or not.For example,a network based IDS can detect certain buffer overflow attacks by matching the patterns of the attacks;however,it cannot decide whether the attempts succeed or not without more information from the related hosts.Thus,it may not be practical to correlate alerts using the actual consequences of attacks.In contrast,the possible consequence of a type of attack can be analyzed and made available for the IDS.Second,even if an attack fails to prepare for the follow-up attacks,the follow-up attacks may still occur simply because,for example, the attacker wants to test the success of the previous attack,or the attacker uses a script to launch a series of ing possible consequences of attacks will lead to better opportunity to correlate such attacks.For the sake of brevity,we refer to a possible consequence simply as a consequence throughout this paper.3.2Hyper-alert Type and Hyper-alertUsing predicates as the basic construct,we introduce the notion of a hyper-alert type to represent the prerequisite and the consequence of each type of alert.Definition3.1.A hyper-alert type T is a triple(fact,prerequisite,consequence), where(1)fact is a set of attribute names,each with an associated domain of values, (2)prerequisite is a logical combination of predicates whose free variables are all in fact,and(3)consequence is a set of predicates such that all the free variables in consequence are in fact.Each hyper-alert type encodes the knowledge about a type of attack.The compo-nent fact of a hyper-alert type tells what kind of information is reported along with the alert(i.e.,detected attack),prerequisite specifies what must be true in order for the attack to be successful,and consequence describes what could be true if the attack indeed succeeds.For the sake of brevity,we omit the domains associated with the attribute names when they are clear from the context.Example3.2.Consider the buffer overflow attack against the sadmind remote administration tool.We may have a hyper-alert type SadmindBufferOverflow= ({VictimIP,VictimPort},ExistHost(VictimIP)∧VulnerableSadmind(VictimIP), {GainRootAccess(VictimIP)})for such attacks.Intuitively,this hyper-alert type says that such an attack is against the host at IP address VictimIP.(We expect the actual values of VictimIP are reported by an IDS.)For the attack to be successful, there must exist a host at IP address VictimIP,and the corresponding sadmind service must be vulnerable to buffer overflow attacks.The attacker may gain root privilege as a result of the attack.ACM Journal Name,Vol.V,No.N,May2004.8·Ning,Cui,Reeves,and XuGiven a hyper-alert type,a hyper-alert instance can be generated if the corre-sponding attack is detected and reported by an IDS.For example,we can generate a hyper-alert instance of type SadmindBufferOverflow from a corresponding alert. The notion of hyper-alert instance is formally defined as follows:Definition3.3.Given a hyper-alert type T=(fact,prerequisite,consequence), a hyper-alert(instance)h of type T is afinite set of tuples on fact,where each tuple is associated with an interval-based timestamp[begin time].The hyper-alert h implies that prerequisite must evaluate to True and all the predicates in consequence might evaluate to True for each of the tuples.(Notation-wise,for each tuple t in h,we use t.begin time to refer to the timestamp associated with t.)The fact component of a hyper-alert type is essentially a relation schema(as in relational databases),and a hyper-alert is a relation instance of this schema.One may point out that an alternative way is to represent a hyper-alert as a record, which is equivalent to a single tuple on fact.However,such an alternative cannot accommodate certain alerts possibly reported by an IDS.For example,an IDS may report an IPSweep attack along with multiple swept IP addresses,which cannot be represented as a single record.In addition,our current formalism allows aggregation of alerts of the same type,and isflexible in reasoning about alerts.Therefore,we believe the current notion of a hyper-alert is an appropriate choice.A hyper-alert instantiates its prerequisite and consequence by replacing the free variables in prerequisite and consequence with its specific values.Since all free vari-ables in prerequisite and consequence must appear in fact in a hyper-alert type,the instantiated prerequisite and consequence will have no free variables.Note that prerequisite and consequence can be instantiated multiple times if fact consists of multiple tuples.For example,if an IPSweep attack involves several IP addresses, the prerequisite and consequence of the corresponding hyper-alert type will be in-stantiated for each of these addresses.In the following,we treat timestamps implicitly and omit them if they are not necessary for our discussion.Example3.4.Consider the hyper-alert type SadmindBufferOverflow in example 3.2.There may be a hyper-alert h SadmindBOF as follows:{(VictimIP=, VictimPort=1235),(VictimIP=,VictimPort=1235)}.This implies that if the attack is successful,the following two logical formulas must be True as the prerequisites of the attack:ExistHost(∧VulnerableSadmind (,ExistHost(∧VulnerableSadmind(, as possible consequences of the attack,the following might be True:GainRootAccess (,GainRootAccess( hyper-alert says that there are buffer overflow attacks against sadmind at IP addresses152.1.19.5and152.1.19.7, and the attacker may gain root access as a result of the attacks.A hyper-alert may correspond to one or several related alerts.If an IDS reports one alert for a certain attack and the alert has all the information needed to instan-tiate a hyper-alert,a hyper-alert can be generated from the alert.However,some IDSs may report a series of alerts for a single attack.For example,EMERALD may report several alerts(within the same thread)related to an attack that spreads over ACM Journal Name,Vol.V,No.N,May2004.Techniques and Tools for Analyzing Intrusion Alerts·9 a period of time.In this case,a hyper-alert may correspond to the aggregation of all the related alerts.Moreover,several alerts may be reported for the same type of attack in a short period of time.Our definition of hyper-alert allows them to be treated as one hyper-alert,and thus providesflexibility in the reasoning about alerts.Certain constraints are necessary to make sure the hyper-alerts are reason-able.However,since our hyper-alert correlation method does not depend on them directly,we will discuss them after introducing our method.Ideally,we may correlate a set of hyper-alerts with a later hyper-alert if the consequences of the former ones imply the prerequisite of the latter one.However, such an approach may not work in reality due to several reasons.First,the attacker may not always prepare for certain attacks by launching some other attacks.For example,the attacker may learn a vulnerable sadmind service by talking to people who work in the organization where the system is running.Second,the current IDSs may miss some attacks,and thus affect the alert correlation if the above approach is used.Third,due to the combinatorial nature of the aforementioned approach, it is computationally expensive to examine sets of alerts tofind out whether their consequences imply the prerequisite of an alert.Having considered these issues,we adopt an alternative approach.Instead of examining if several hyper-alerts imply the prerequisite of a later one,we check if an earlier hyper-alert contributes to the prerequisite of a later one.Specifically, we decompose the prerequisite of a hyper-alert into individual predicates and test whether the consequence of an earlier hyper-alert makes some of the prerequisites True(i.e.,make the prerequisite easier to satisfy).If the result is yes,then we correlate the hyper-alerts together.This idea is specified formally through the following Definitions.Definition3.5.Consider a hyper-alert type T=(fact,prerequisite,consequence). The prerequisite set(or consequence set,resp.)of T,denoted P(T)(or C(T),resp.), is the set of all predicates that appear in prerequisite(or consequence,resp.).Given a hyper-alert instance h of type T,the prerequisite set(or consequence set,resp.) of h,denoted P(h)(or C(h),resp.),is the set of predicates in P(T)(or C(T),resp.) whose arguments are replaced with the corresponding attribute values of each tuple in h.Each element in P(h)(or C(h),resp.)is associated with the timestamp of the corresponding tuple in h.(Notation-wise,for each p∈P(h)(or C(h),resp.), we use p.begin time to refer to the timestamp associated with p.) Example3.6.Consider the Sadmind Ping attack through which an attacker dis-covers possibly vulnerable sadmind services.The corresponding alerts can be repre-sented by a hyper-alert type SadmindPing=({VictimIP,VictimPort},{ExistHost (VictimIP)},{VulnerableSadmind(VictimIP)}).Suppose a hyper-alert instance h SadmindP ing of type SadmindPing has the follow-ing tuples:{(VictimIP=,VictimPort=1235),(VictimIP=, VictimPort=1235),(VictimIP=,VictimPort=1235)}.Then we have the prerequisite set P(h SadmindP ing)={ExistHost(,ExistHost (,ExistHost(},and the consequence set C(h SadmindP ing)= {VulnerableSadmind(,VulnerableSadmind(,VulnerableSad-mind(}.ACM Journal Name,Vol.V,No.N,May2004.。

2-3 习题(含解答)目录第1章编译原理概述 (1)第2章PL/O编译程序的实现 (4)第3章文法和语言 (4)第4章词法分析 (13)第5章自顶向下语法分析方法 (28)第6章自底向上优先分析 (39)第7章LR分析 (42)第8章语法制导翻译和中间代码生成 (60)第9章符号表 (67)第10章目标程序运行时的存储组织 (70)第11章代码优化 (73)第12章代码生成 (76)综合练习一 (79)综合练习二 (84)综合练习三 (90)综合练习四 (95)综合练习五 (101)综合练习六 (107)第1章编译原理概述一、选择题1.一个编译程序中,不仅包含词法分析,语法分析,中间代码生成,代码优化,目标代码生成等五个部分,还应包括 (1) 。
其中, (2) 和代码优化部分不是每个编译程序都必需的。
词法分析器用于识别 (3) ,语法分析器则可以发现源程序中的 (4) 。
(1) A.模拟执行器 B.解释器 C.表格处理和出错处理 D.符号执行器(2) A.语法分析 B.中间代码生成 C.词法分析 D.目标代码生成(3) A.字符串 B.语句 C.单词 D.标识符(4) A.语义错误 B.语法和语义错误 C.错误并校正 D.语法错误2.程序语言的语言处理程序是一种 (1) 。
(2) 是两类程序语言处理程序,他们的主要区别在于 (3) 。
(1) A.系统软件 B.应用软件 C.实时系统 D.分布式系统(2) A.高级语言程序和低级语言程序 B.解释程序和编译程序C.编译程序和操作系统D.系统程序和应用程序(3) A.单用户与多用户的差别 B.对用户程序的查错能力C.机器执行效率D.是否生成目标代码3.汇编程序是将翻译成,编译程序是将翻译成。
A.汇编语言程序B.机器语言程序C.高级语言程序D. A 或者BE. A 或者CF. B或者C4.下面关于解释程序的描述正确的是。
(1) 解释程序的特点是处理程序时不产生目标代码(2) 解释程序适用于COBOL 和 FORTRAN 语言(3) 解释程序是为打开编译程序技术的僵局而开发的A. (1)(2)B. (1)C. (1)(2)(3)D.(2)(3)5.高级语言的语言处理程序分为解释程序和编译程序两种。

前言 ......................................................................................................................................................... I 本手册的内容构成........................................................................................................................... I 本手册的适用读者........................................................................................................................... I 手册的获取途径............................................................................................................................... I
2.请勿直接触摸产品的导电部位。 有可能引起误动作、故障。
z 产品的接线
1.在对驱动器进行接线操作前,请务必断开所有外部电源。 有触电的危险。
2.请将 AC 电源正确连接到驱动器的专用电源端子上。 接错电源,可能引起火灾。
1.请勿将驱动器的输出端子 U、V、W 与三相电源连接。 a

Windows 7下配置JDK环境变量参数设置:1. 安装JDK,安装过程中可以自定义安装目录等信息,例如我们选择安装目录为:D:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_252. 安装完成后,右击“我的电脑”,点击“属性”,单击“高级系统设置”,点击“环境变量”,如图:4. 在“系统变量”中,设置3项属性,JAVA_HOME,PATH,CLASSPATH(大小写无所谓),若已存在则点击“编辑”,不存在则点击“新建”:(1).JAVA_HOME指明JDK安装路径,就是刚才安装时所选择的路径D:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_25如图:(2)Path项下添加:%JAVA_HOME%\bin; %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin;,注意前面用分号隔开,我这里安装了Oracle数据库,因此放在它之前。

Visual basic题库一、单项选择题(34道小题,共34分)1、Byte型数据的长度是( )字节。
(1分)A、2B、1C、4D、82、Integer型数据的长度是( )字节。
(1分)A、1B、2C、4D、83、以下变量名正确的是( ) 。
(1分)A、aB、sinC、a#bD、a%b4、下列数据是常量的是( )。
(1分)A、aB、2C、piD、M5、下列数据是常量的是( )。
(1分)A、aB、#8/8/2008#C、piD、M6、使用语句Dim a(2) As String 声明数组a之后,以下说法正确的是()。
(1分)A、Dim a(5,4) As IntegerB、Dim a(6,5) As IntegerC、Dim a(4,3) As IntegerD、Dim a(3,2) As Integer8、语句Dim A(5,6) As Integer ,则所定义的数组A中共有( )个元素。
(1分)A、64B、-64C、16D、-1611、求正切值的函数是( )。
(1分)A、absB、expC、logD、tan12、求以e为底对数值的函数是( )。
(1分)A、absB、expC、logD、tan13、去除符号串左右两边的空格的函数是( )。
(1分)A、lenB、leftC、midD、trim14、Int(10*Rnd()+3)产生的数据范围是( )。
(1分)A、[3,12]B、[3,13]C、(0,1)D、(3,100)16、Fix(2.5)的结果是( )。

§1 LINGO 快速入门LINGO 是用来求解线性和非线性优化问题的简易工具。
LINGO 内置了一种建立最优化模型的语言,可以简便地表达大规模问题,利用LINGO 高效的求解器可快速求解并分析结果。
当你在windows 下开始运行LINGO 系统时,会得到类似下面的一个窗口:外层是主框架窗口,包含了所有菜单命令和工具条,其它所有的窗口将被包含在主窗口之下。
在主窗口内的标题为LINGO Model – LINGO1的窗口是LINGO 的默认模型窗口,建立的模型都都要在该窗口内编码实现。
例1.1 如何在LINGO 中求解如下的LP 问题:0,6002100350..32min 212112121≥≤+≥≥++x x x x x x x t s x x在模型窗口中输入如下代码: min =2*x1+3*x2; x1+x2>=350; x1>=100;2*x1+x2<=600;然后点击工具条上的按钮 即可。
model:!6发点8收点运输问题;sets:warehouses/wh1..wh6/: capacity;vendors/v1..v8/: demand;links(warehouses,vendors): cost, volume;endsets!目标函数;min=@sum(links: cost*volume);!需求约束;@for(vendors(J):@sum(warehouses(I): volume(I,J))=demand(J));!产量约束;@for(warehouses(I):@sum(vendors(J): volume(I,J))<=capacity(I));!这里是数据;data:capacity=60 55 51 43 41 52;demand=35 37 22 32 41 32 43 38;cost=6 2 6 7 4 2 9 54 95 3 8 5 8 25 2 1 9 7 4 3 37 6 7 3 9 2 7 12 3 9 5 7 2 6 55 5 2 2 8 1 4 3;enddataend然后点击工具条上的按钮即可。

第16计欲擒故纵——Windows NT安装维护技术171与Windows 98相比,Windows NT以其可靠的稳定性赢得越来越多的用户青睐,特别是在一些广告设计公司,一些大量使用3DS MAX、Soft Image、Lightscape等软件的地方。
许多家庭用户,也不再满足于只有一个操作系统,往往是Windows 98和Windows NT共存一机。
然而,安装Windows NT并不像安装Windows 98那么容易。
还有Windows NT的日常维护需要我们仔细观察,细心处理以防诸多的故障出现。
使用三十六计第十六计——“欲擒故纵”:全面认识Windows NT,系统掌握Windows NT安装技术,熟练运用Windows NT日常维护的技巧。
大多数人都能说出Windows NT是一种操作系统,但能说出它的具体含义的人不是很多。
其实Windows NT全称就是Windows New Technology。
本文介绍以Windows NT Server 4.0(以下简称Windows NT)为准。
1.Windows NT的主要特点32位操作系统,多重引导功能,可与其它操作系统共存。
支持CISC(如Intel系统)和RISC(如Power PC、R4400等)多种硬件平台。
如:UNIX、Novel Netware、Macintosh等系统;对客户操作系统提供广泛支持,如MS-DOS、Windows、Windows NT Workstation、UINX、OS/2、Macintosh等;支持多种协议:TCP/IP、NetBEUI、DLC、AppleTalk、NWLINK等。

第一章操作系统概论1、有一台计算机,具有IMB 内存,操作系统占用200KB ,每个用户进程各占200KB 。
如果用户进程等待I/O 的时间为80 % ,若增加1MB 内存,则CPU 的利用率提高多少?答:设每个进程等待I/O 的百分比为P ,则n 个进程同时等待刀O 的概率是Pn ,当n 个进程同时等待I/O 期间CPU 是空闲的,故CPU 的利用率为1-Pn。
由题意可知,除去操作系统,内存还能容纳4 个用户进程,由于每个用户进程等待I/O的时间为80 % , 故:CPU利用率=l-(80%)4 = 0.59若再增加1MB 内存,系统中可同时运行9 个用户进程,此时:cPu 利用率=l-(1-80%)9 = 0.87故增加IMB 内存使CPU 的利用率提高了47 % :87 %/59 %=147 %147 %-100 % = 47 %2 一个计算机系统,有一台输入机和一台打印机,现有两道程序投入运行,且程序A 先开始做,程序B 后开始运行。
程序A 的运行轨迹为:计算50ms 、打印100ms 、再计算50ms 、打印100ms ,结束。
程序B 的运行轨迹为:计算50ms 、输入80ms 、再计算100ms ,结束。
试说明(1 )两道程序运行时,CPU有无空闲等待?若有,在哪段时间内等待?为什么会等待?( 2 )程序A 、B 有无等待CPU 的情况?若有,指出发生等待的时刻。
答:画出两道程序并发执行图如下:(1)两道程序运行期间,CPU存在空闲等待,时间为100 至150ms 之间(见图中有色部分)(2)程序A 无等待现象,但程序B 有等待。
程序B 有等待时间段为180rns 至200ms 间(见图中有色部分)3 设有三道程序,按A 、B 、C优先次序运行,其内部计算和UO操作时间由图给出。
完成三道程序共花多少时间?比单道运行节省了多少时间?若处理器调度程序每次进行程序转换化时lms , 试画出各程序状态转换的时间关系图。
2016年微软WINHEC大会资料03_Windows Security

struggling2003-2004Volume and Impact Script KiddiesBLASTER, SLAMMERMotive: Mischief2005-PRESENTOrganizedCrimeRANSOMWARE,CLICK-FRAUD, 2003-2004IDENTITY THEFTMotive: Profit Script KiddiesBLASTER, SLAMMERMotive: Mischief2005-PRESENTOrganizedCrimeRANSOMWARE,CLICK-FRAUD,IDENTITY THEFTMotive: Profit Script KiddiesBLASTER, SLAMMERMotive: Mischief 2012 -BeyondNation States,Activists,Terror GroupsBRAZEN,COMPLEX,PERSISTENTMotives:IP Theft,Damage,Disruption2003-2004MICROSOFT CONFIDENTIALEVOLUTION OF SECURITY THREATSTIME SOPHISTICATION OF ATTACKADVANCED PERSISTENT ATTACKS (APT)MALWAREUNWANTED SOFTWARE“CYBER SECURITY IS A CXO ISSUE.”Cyber threats are a material risk to your business200+D A Y SMedian number of daysattackers are present ona victims network beforedetection$3T R I L L I O NImpact of lostproductivity andgrowthAverage cost of adata breach(15% YoY increase)$3.5M I L L I O NAttacks are fast, efficient, and easier than you think 46%of compromised systemshad no malware on them23%of recipients openedphishing messages50%of those who open,click attachments withinthe first hourSource: McKinsey, Ponemon Institute, VerizonrequireHelps detect and respond to breaches with built in behavioral sensors and cloud based analytics Windows Hello Credential Guard Device Guard Enterprise Data Protection Windows Defender ATP Windows Trusted BootAttacker Entry Point Initial Compromise –single node Escalation –privilege, network ownership, capabilities Attacker Goals realized E X PA N D (Phase 3)E N D G A M E (Phase 4)E N T E R (Phase 1)E S TA B L I S H (Phase 2)PhishingStolen Cred Usage Alert Investigate Windows Defender –Advanced Threat DetectionKernel-mode Malware Browser or Document Exploit Delivery Browser or Document Exploit Execution Kernel Exploit Internet-Facing Service CompromiseWindows Defender SmartScreen/ Windows Defender App Container Control Flow Guard SmartScreen/ Windows Defender Windows Hello Device GuardDevice Guard/ Secure Boot Windows Defender –Advanced Threat DetectionDetect Behaviors Detect Behaviors Windows Defender –Advanced Threat Detection Windows Defender –Advanced Threat Detection Detect BehaviorsStolen Cred UsageCredential GuardAll Windows Phone devices require TPM 2.0TPM remains optional on Windows IOTTPM remains optional for unless the additional qualification (AQ) criteria for the Host Guardian Services scenario in which case TPM 2.0 is required.Win 10 Feature TPM 1.2TPM 2.0DetailsUEFI Secure Boot ∙No TPM requirement Conditional Access ∙No TPM requirement Enterprise Data Protection ∙No TPM requirementWindows Defender -Advanced Threat Detection ∙No TPM requirementDevice Guard / Configurable Code Integrity ∙No TPM requirementWindows Hello∙No TPM requirementCredential Guard Yes Yes∙More secure with TPM 2.0Measured Boot Yes Yes∙More secure with TPM 2.0Device Health Attestation Yes Yes∙Requires TPMVirtual Smart Card Yes Yes∙Requires TPMPassport:Domain AADJ Join Yes Yes∙Supports both versions, but requires TPM with HMACand EK certificate for key attestation support. Passport:MSA / Local Account Yes Yes∙Requires TPM 2.0 for HMAC and EK certificate for keyattestation supportBitLocker Yes Yes∙TPM 1.2 or later required or a removable USB memorydevice such as a flash driveDevice Encryption Yes∙For Modern Standby devices, all require TPM 2.0Push for HVCI Compliance on New Devices and Existing Peripherals•Tied to key enterprise features and security, we require for Windows 10 (Anniversary Update):•All drivers to meet Hypervisor-Enforced Code Integrity requirements(HVCI) within 90 days of RTM running the HLK •Validate UEFI firmware support Device Guard enablement •Move peripherals drivers to HVCI compliance and perform validation•Windows System Compatibility can be achieved with drivers tested with 1507, 1511 or Anniversary Update HLKs untilWindows RS1 RTM, plus 90 daysRequirements DescriptionWindows10 Enterprise The PC must be running Windows10 Enterprise. (also available on Server ‘16, Education)HVCI Compatible Drivers MUST meet all HVCI Compatible Driver requirements as described in “Filter.Driver.DeviceGuard.DriverCompatibility”.“Device.DevFund.DeviceGuard.DriverCompatibility”A VT-D or AMD-ViIOMMU1IOMMU enhances system resiliency against memory attacks. x64 architecture The Windows hypervisor only supports 64-bit PCVirtualization extensions Virtualization extensions are required to support virtualization-based security:∙Either Intel VT-X or AMD-V∙CPU supports Second Level Address TranslationRequirements DescriptionSecure firmware update process UEFI firmware must support secure firmware update following sectionSystem.Fundamentals.Firmware.UEFISecureBoot in Windows Hardware Compatibility Program requirement. Firmware support for SMM protection Firmware SMM code must be reviewed and hardened to prevent memory attacks. This will provide a strongplatform security foundation for VSM (Virtual Secure Mode).1.System MUST implement the ACPI WSMT table, as described in the “Windows SMM Security MitigationTable” document. All non-reserved WSMT protection flags field MUST be set indicating that the documentedmitigations are implemented.2.SMM must not execute code from memory that is writable by the OS.UEFI NX Protections UEFI RunTime Services1.Must implement UEFI2.6 specification’s EFI_MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE. The entire UEFI runtime must bedescribed by this table.2.All entries must include attributes EFI_MEMORY_RO, EFI_MEMORY_XP, or both3.No entries must be left with neither of the above attribute, indicating memory that is both executable andwritable. Memory MUST be either readable and executable OR writeable and non-executable.Firmware security patch for Secure MOR Implementation Secure MOR bit prevents certain memory attacks thus necessary for Credential Guard. This will further enhance security of Credential Guard.Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 1.2 or 2.0TPM 1.2 and 2.0 provides protection for encryption keys that are stored in the firmware. TPMs, either discrete or firmware will suffice, but this is a must have requirement for Credential Guard.Intel TXT / SGX Intel TXT is not supported with the Microsoft hypervisor. TXT must be disabled in the firmware.Intel SGX is not utilized by the Microsoft hypervisor, VBS, or guest VMs. SGX applications may run in theWindows root when Device Guard is enabled.•Virtualized Based Security seeks to create a secure environment -Platform firmware, including SMM, must play a key role in providing a secure foundation-SMM is opaque to the OS, and the OS must assume SMM is within the same trust domain as the OS itself•Exploits may be mounted via SMM•T o protect against these threats, changes to SMM programming practices and assumptions must be introduced•The OS must be able to determine what SMM security mitigations have been implemented on a specific platform•The OS must rely on SMM firmware to accurately self-report which of the Microsoft recommended security best practices it has implemented•T o accomplish this, Microsoft has defined the ACPI static table Windows SMM Security Mitigations T able (WSMT)https:///en-us/library/windows/hardware/dn495660(v=vs.85).aspx#wsmtWindow 10 security features rooted in hardware•BitLocker, Secure Boot, Health Attestation, Device Guard, Credential Guard, Windows Hello, Microsoft PassportResearcher & attacker interest follows•37 unique publicly disclosed firmware issues in the last ~2 years according to Intel Security ATR•Exploits can lead to security control bypassNot letting up on software vulnerabilities though•Antivirus, System Utilities, Certificates 1.My device’s software & firmware are developed according the Security Development Lifecycle. (or equivalent, ISO/IEC 27034)2.Security issues are monitored, investigated and resolvedby a formal security response process.3.My device’s software & firmware can be updated in the field when future issues are discovered.4.My device has the proper hardware to take advantageof Window security features.5.Firmware security best practices are followed.6.My device is not vulnerable to publically known UEFI vulnerabilities at the time of release.7.Security Certificates added to my device are documented and justified, with a pre-defined security response plan.MICROSOFT CONFIDENTIAL•Firmware is software…✓Follow industry best practices(e.g. NIST 800-147, ISO/IEC 19678:2015 )✓Conduct security reviews on your firmware✓Plan to regularly address reportedvulnerabilities going forward and in the fieldwith updates.•Proper implementations provide opportunity to demonstrate security benefits of modern hardware •Follow best practice checklists in ChipSec, HSTI & HLK Security Checklist for OEMs Tool Method1. UEFI/BIOS lock down configs HSTI / ChipSec2. UEFI/BIOS vulnerabilityassessmentChipSec(fix all warningsand errors)3. UEFI/BIOS updated Via UEFI FirmwareUpdate Capsule4. Secure MOR enabled HSTI5. Platform Secure Boot enabled HSTI6. Boot Guard / Hardware VerifiedBootHSTI7. Confirm enabled TPM 2.0HLK8.Static DBX updated HLK9. HVCI driver compliance HLK / WHQLTools:Run ChipSec: https:///chipsec/chipsecRun HSTI: http://aka.ms/hstiRun HLK: https:///en-us/windows/hardware/dn913721.aspxCall T o Action1.Be ready to enable and support our existing andnew security features in Windows 102.Update firmware regularly3.Leverage our security best practices4.Run tools, including HSTI, ChipSec, & HLK5.Provide feedback to us: winhec@。
Excel 2016函数大全

财务: 返回已贴现债券的年收益;例如,短期国库 财务: 返回应用一系列复利率计算的初始本金的未 财务: 返回在到期日支付利息的债券的年收益 财务: 返回债券的贴现率 财务: 返回正和负现金流以不同利率进行计算的内
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PARTS LIST WRANGLER 2016 AE, AB, DBITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 1012397081MOTOR HOUSING1 102912079010 X 5/8 PAN HEAD PHILLIPS SHEET METAL SCREW [PACK OF 10]4 1032397181WATER SOLENOID 24 VOLT1 2397721WATER SOLENOID 120 VOLT (USE ON AE MODELS)1 10491209101/4-20 HEX NUT WITH STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]2 1052393001GEAR MOTOR, 3/4 HP, 24 VOLT DC1 2393011GEAR MOTOR, 3/4 HP, 120 VOLT AC (USE ON AE MODELS)1 10626905811/4 SPADE MALE TERMINAL 12-10 GAGE YELLOW2 10791225801/2-13 X 2 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 1]2 108912245017/32 I.D. X 1 1/6 O.D. X .074/.121 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (1/2) [PK 5]2 1092397213DECK SKIRT1 1102391941BALL JOINT2 11191224201/2 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 5]2 11291227001/2-20 X 1 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 2]2 1132391702SKIRT BAND1 114912045010-24 X 1 ROUND HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW [PACK OF 10]1 115912035010-24 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 10]1 1162391121BUMPER GUARD1 1172393052CLUTCH CASTING1 118912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PK 10]1 11991215205/16 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 12091216405/16-18 X 3/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]1 121-----------SEE ACCESSORIES PAGE FOR PADS AND BRUSHES122289260120” STRUCTURAL FOAM PAD DRIVER - INCLUDES:1 122A5990731SPRING CLIP PAD HOLDER SET (WHITE) - INCLUDES:1 122B9120506#8 X 5/8 PAN HEAD PHILLIPS SHEET METAL SCREW3 122A5297691PAD HOLDER BASE (YELLOW)1 4495481LOCK RING DEEP (YELLOW)1 1232393061SPACER1 12491222203/8-16 X 3/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]4 12591221003/8 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]4 126912198013/32 I.D. X 1 O.D. X .12 THICK FLAT WASHER (11 GAUGE ) [PACK OF 2]2 12791215605/16-18 X 1/2 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]1 12891214105/16 EXTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 1292392276AXLE, BUMPER WHEEL1 130********" BUMPER WHEEL1 131912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PK 10]1 132********/16 EXTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 133********/16-18 X 1/2 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]1 134********/4-20 X 3/4 HEX HEAD MACHINE SCREW [PACK OF 10]2 1352397741BRACKET, DRAIN HOSE CATCH1 136********/32 I.D. X 5/8 O.D. FLATWASHER - PACK OF 102BRUSH HEAD ASSEMBLYAE, AB FRAME ASSEMBLYITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 2017690551DRIVE CASTING SPACER1 20291222203/8-16 X 3/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]4 20391221003/8 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]4 20491220003/8-16 HEX NUT [PACK OF 10]4 2052397311AXLE1 2062398011FRAME1 2072391931WHEEL, 8" WITH GROOVES2 20891222203/8-16 X 3/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]2 20991221003/8 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]2 21091219807/16 I.D. X 1 O.D. X .075/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (3/8) [PACK OF 2]2 2116491871END COUPLING ROUND BEAD CHAIN1 212912051010-24 X 1/2 TRUSS HEAD PHILLIPS SCREW [PACK OF 10]1 2136491860ROUND BEAD CHAIN (CUT TO 6”) .5’214912036010-24 HEX NUT WITH STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 2152398021CASTER MOUNT PLATE1 216912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PACK OF 10]8 21791215205/16 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]8 21891216805/16-18 X 1 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]2 2192398031CASTER 3 1/2 WHEEL SWIVEL TOP - INCLUDES:2 2398211WHEEL, 3 1/2 PERFORMA RUBBER1 22091216405/16-18 X 3/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]6ITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 3012397111TRANSAXLE BRACKET2 30291222203/8-16 X 3/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]4 30391221003/8 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]4 30491220003/8-16 HEX NUT [PACK OF 10]4 3052398011FRAME1 306912051010-24 X 1/2 TRUSS HEAD PHILLIPS SCREW [PACK OF 10]1 307912036010-24 HEX NUT WITH STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 3086491871END COUPLING ROUND BEAD CHAIN1 3096491860ROUND BEAD CHAIN (CUT TO 6”) .5’3102395501WHEEL - DRIVE, 8 X 22 31191219807/16 I.D. X 1 O.D. X .075/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (3/8) [PACK OF 2]2 31291221003/8 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]2 31391222203/8-16 X 3/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]2 3142397011TRANSAXLE1 315912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PACK OF 10]8 31691215205/16 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]8 31791216805/16-18 X 1 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]2 3182398031CASTER 3 1/2 WHEEL SWIVEL TOP - INCLUDES2 2398211WHEEL, 3 1/2 PERFORMA RUBBER1 31991216405/16-18 X 3/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]6 3202398021CASTER MOUNT PLATE1ITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 4017691891CLOUD BURST DECAL - 3.5 X 202 4022690251FILTER FITTING HOSE BARB AND COLLAR1 40391225071/2-13 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 1]2 4042397303DECK LIFT1 4052398011FRAME1 4068791180VINYL HOSE 1/2 I.D. X 3/4 O.D. (3 1/25" LENGTH) .96’4072495161FITTING 1/4 NPT X 1/2 BARB STRAIGHT1 408912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PK 10]2 40991215205/16 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]4 41091215805/16-18 X 3/4 BUTTON HEAD CAP SCREW [PACK OF 5]4 4112397981VALVE LEVER LARGE PIVOT HOLE1 4122791281BUSHING SPACER1 41391209001/4-20 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 10]2 414239328190° ELBOW, 1/4 NPT X 1/4 NPT1 4153393551INLINE CANISTER STRAINER1 4162495151FITTING, ELL 1/2 BARB X 1/4 NPT - NYLON1 4178791180VINYL HOSE 1/2 I.D. X 3/4 O.D. (37” LENGTH) 2.75’4182397961MANUAL SOLUTION VALVE, STEEL STEM1 41923979712016 VALVE BRACKET1 4202391181GRIP, VALVE LEVER1 4212397191HANDLE SOLUTION VALVE1 42291225071/2-13 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 1]2 4232790751BUSHING SPACER2 424912245017/32 I.D. X 1 1/16 O.D. X .074/.121 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (1/2) [PK 5]4 42591225501/2-13 X 2 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 1]2 4263390661TUBBING CONTROL VALVE1 4278791070VINYL HOSE, 3/8 I.D. X 1/2 O.D. (30” LENGTH) 2.5’4282397551FITTING 1/4 NPT X 3/8 BARB1 429239177190° HOSE BARB 3/4 I.D. X 1/2 NPT NYLON1 43091212101/4-20 X 5/8 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 10]4 43191208801/4 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]4 43291209309/32 I.D. X 5/8 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK WASHER (1/4) [PACK OF 10]4 4332397611HINGE BRACKET2 4342398191DECAL - MULTI COLOR KIT1 4352397541BAG RING1 4362397531SOLUTION INLET FILTER1 43791202058 X 1/2 PAN HEAD PHILLIPS SHEET METAL SCREW [PACK OF 3]2 4382397071SOLUTION TANK1 4393393991OBC WARNING DECAL1SOLUTION TANK TO FRAME ASSEMBLYITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 50191219603/8 EXTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 50291220303/8-16 X 3/4 BUTTON HEAD SOCKET SCREW [PACK OF 2]1 5032694261CABLE1 504239177190° HOSE BARB 3/4 I.D. X 1/2 NPT NYLON1 5052397291BRACKET DECK LIFT HANDLE1 50691213835/16-18 X 1 1/4 SET SCREW [PACK OF 1]1 50791214105/16 EXTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]3 5082397331DECK LIFT HANDLE GRIP1 5092397281HANDLE DECK LIFT1 51091216405/16-18 X 3/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]2 5112397303DECK LIFT1 51291222603/8-16 X 1 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 2]1 5138791030VINYL HOSE, 3/4" I.D. X 1" O.D. 1/8 THICK (38” LENGTH) 3.2’514912054010-24 X 1/2 FLAT HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW [PACK OF 10]1 515912033010 EXTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 5162397271UNIVERSAL MOUNTING STRAP1 5172397421SOLUTION GAUGE1 51891221003/8 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 51991220303/8-16 X 3/4 BUTTON HEAD SOCKET SCREW [PACK OF 2]1 52091211601/4-20 X 3/8 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 10]1 52191208801/4 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 52291209309/32 I.D. X 5/8 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (1/4) [PK OF 10]1 52391214405/16-18 WING NUT [PACK OF 2]1 52491220103/8-24 HEX NUT [PACK OF 5]1 5252691811SHORT LIFT ROD, BRUSH1 5262691831HOUSING - SPRING, RETAINER1 5272691841SPRING, BRUSH PRESSURE1 52891221403/8-16 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 5]1 5292691821HOUSING - SPRING, BRUSH LIFT1 53091220003/8-16 HEX NUT [PACK OF 10]1 5312397581LIFT ROD 13”1 53291220103/8-24 HEX NUT [PACK OF 5]1 53344905313/8” ROD END2 5342397061RECOVERY TANK1 5352391963CAST IRON WEIGHT (USE ON AE MODELS)1 5369997550VELCRO HOOK (USE ON AE MODELS)1’5379997560VELCRO LOOP (USE ON AE MODELS)1’5382392761WARNING TAG - BATTERY TERMINAL1 5393390361BATTERY, WET, 6 VOLT, 225 AMP/HOUR.4 6393651BATTERY WET, 12 VOLT, 145 AMP/HOUR22392731BATTERY, GEL 12 VOLT 100 AMP/HOUR2 5406496031BATTERY BLOCK2 5412397071SOLUTION TANK1BRUSH LIFT ASSEMBLYITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 6012397671CLIP, TIE STRAP1 602912033010 EXTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 603912051010-24 X 1/2 TRUSS HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW [PACK OF 10]1 604912300011" LONG WIRE TIE [PACK OF 5]1 6057691261EXHAUST MUFFLER TUBE1 606912300011" LONG WIRE TIE [PACK OF 5]1 6072397691VAC MOTOR HOSE EXHAUST - 18” LONG1 6084495441HOSE CLAMP - 1 9/16 TO 2 1/21 6094495441HOSE CLAMP - 1 9/16 TO 2 1/21 6102391671DRAIN HOSE - CRUSH PROOF1 6112791881PLUG STRAP1 6122391661HOSE TUBE PLATED1 6132393451HOSE CLAMP - 1 13/16 - STAINLESS2 6142795621DRAIN PLUG1 6152397031LOWER HINGE BRACKET2 6162397041HINGE PIN2 61791215705/16-18 X 1/2 BUTTON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW [PACK OF 5]5 61891214105/16 EXTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]5 6192397021UPPER HINGE BRACKET2 6205490161FULLY INSULATED FEMALE TERMINAL 14-16 GAGE2 6212395571MOTOR, VAC 24 VOLT - 3 STAGE1 2397571CARBON BRUSH REPLACEMENT - 24 VOLT22391071MOTOR, VAC 120 VOLT - 2 STAGE (USE ON AE MODELS)12392581CARBON BRUSH REPLACEMENT - 120 VOLT2 62291209001/4-20 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 10]3 62391209309/32 I.D. X 5/8 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (1/4) [PK 10]3 6244690101VAC MOTOR / FLOAT GASKET1 62591213631/4-20 X 4 1/2 FULL THREADED STUD [PACK OF 2]3 6262690591SQUEEGEE VAC HOSE WITH CUFFS1 6274892671HOSE CLAMP - 1 1/16 TO 21 6282391541FLOAT SCREEN ASSEMBLY1 6298891100GASKET MATERIAL 1/2" X 1" (26” LENGTH) 2.2’6304894461RUBBER STOP (USED ON AB, DB MODELS)1 63191210101/4-20 X 3/4 TRUSS HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW [PACK OF 5]1 6322397591VAC FILTER1 6332397441VAC PLATE GASKET1 6342393511IDENTIFIER DECAL - WRANGLER 2016 DB1 2393521IDENTIFIER DECAL - WRANGLER 2016 AB12393531IDENTIFIER DECAL - WRANGLER 2016 AE1 6352397411VAC PLATE1 6365392401WARNING - FIRE DECAL1 637912033010 EXTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]7 638912051010-24 X 1/2 TRUSS HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW [PACK OF 10]7 6392690889RECOVERY TANK LID AND GASKET ASSEMBLY - INCLUDES:1 639A2690881RECOVERY TANK LID ASSEMBLY - INCLUDES:1 639A12690921BLACK RING, RECOVERY TANK1 639A291202058 X 1/2 PAN HEAD PHILLIPS SHEET METAL SCREW [PACK OF 3]1 639A32690931LID CHAIN1 639A42690911LID - CLEAR1 639B2690891RECOVER TANK LID GASKET1 64091202058 X 1/2 PAN HEAD PHILLIPS SHEET METAL SCREW [PACK OF 3]5 641912045010-24 X 1 ROUND HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW [PACK OF 10]1 642912036010-24 HEX NUT WITH STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 6432397061RECOVERY TANK1RECOVERY TANK ASSEMBLY11ITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 7012397771PLUG, 2” HOLE1 70291202058 X 1/2 PAN HEAD PHILLIPS SHEET METAL SCREW [PACK OF 3]8 7032397321DASH PLATE - LEFT1 70491214305/16-18 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 5]2 7052397731WIRE DIAGRAM DECAL - ELECTRIC 120 VOLT1 7062397783REAR PANEL1 70791214305/16-18 THIN HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 5]1 708912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PACK OF 10]2 7092397141SQUEEGEE LIFT HANDLE BRACKET1 71091216405/16-18 X 3/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]1 71191219905/16-18 HEX JAM NUT [PACK OF 10]1 7122397131SQUEEGEE LIFT HANDLE1 7132397601GRIP, SQUEEGEE LIFT HANDLE1 71491212101/4-20 X 5/8 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 10]1 71591208801/4 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 7164490561INSULATED STANDOFF1 717912069010-32 HEX NUT WITH STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 7185492741RECTIFIER1 71991214305/16-18 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 5]2 7202397611HINGE BRACKET2 72191216005/16-18 X 5/8 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]2 722499066175’ POWER CORD, 12-3 WITH TWIST LOCK1 5592081FEMALE TWIST LOCK [REPLACEMENT PART]1 72391209309/32 I.D. X 5/8 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (1/4) [PACK OF 10]1 72491209701/4 EXTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 725912043010-24 X 3/4 ROUND HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW [PACK OF 10]1 72691211701/4-20 X 1/2 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 10]1 7272495301SQUEEGEE LIFT CABLE1 72891202058 X 1/2 PAN HEAD PHILLIPS SHEET METAL SCREW [PACK OF 3]4 72991203707/32 I.D. X 1/2 O.D. X .032/.065 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (#10) [PACK OF 10]4 7302397381HANDLE NET1 73191209101/4-20 HEX NUT WITH STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]2 73291209309/32 I.D. X 5/8 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (1/4) [PACK OF 10]2 7332398191DECAL - MULTI COLOR KIT1 734912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PACK OF 10]2 73591215205/16 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]2 73691217205/16-18 X 1 1/4 FULL THREADED HEX HEAD BOLT [PACK OF 2]2 7372391461PIVOT SPACER2 7382397651BRACKET, DECK HEIGHT1 73991214705/16-18 X 1 FLAT HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW [PACK OF 5]2 74091213705/16-18 X 3 1/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 2]1 74191218855/16-18 X 1 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW [PACK OF 2]2 742912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PACK OF 10]3 7435091661CORD CLAMP1 7442397711STUB CORD WITH MALE TWIST LOCK - 120V1 7455091671STRAIN RELIEF - METAL1 7465390261STRAIN RELIEF NUT1 7472397091HANDLE, AB AND AE MODELS1 7483392901HANDLE GRIP2 7492397481DASH PLATE RIGHT AE MODELS1 7500693141RUBBER SWITCH BOOT2 75106918511/2 INTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER2 7522792041SWITCH, TOGGLE [VAC & BRUSH]2 7532392201CIRCUIT BREAKER - 120 VOLT2 7542397371HANDLE SPACER1 7555092511BUTTON - PLUG1 7563393591STRAINER LOCATION LABEL112AE HANDLE ASSEMBLY13ITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 8012397371HANDLE SPACER1 8022397091HANDLE, AB AND AE1 2397171HANDLE, DB1 8032398131WIRE DECAL AB (12V 145AH BATTERIES)1 2398141WIRE DECAL AB (6V 225AH BATTERIES)12398151WIRE DECAL DB1 804912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PACK OF 10]2 80591215205/16 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]2 80691217205/16-18 X 1 1/4 FULL THREADED HEX HEAD BOLT [PACK OF 2]2 80791209309/32 I.D. X 5/8 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (1/4) [PACK OF 10]2 80891209101/4-20 HEX NUT WITH STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]2 8094894071CORD CLAMP (USED HERE ON AB MODELS WITH 1392191 CHARGER ONLY)1 810912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PACK OF 10]1 81191214305/16-18 THIN HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 5]1 8122694031STAND OFF, SPEED CONTROL COVER (USED ON DB ONLY)2 8132694021COVER, SPEED CONTROL (USED ON DB ONLY)1 81491200206-32 HEX NUT WITH STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10] (USED ON DB ONLY)2 8152490821SPEED CONTROL (USED ON DB ONLY)1 81691209101/4-20 HEX NUT WITH STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]4 81791209309/32 I.D. X 5/8 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (1/4) [PACK OF 10]4 8182792241SILICON RECTIFIER (USED ON DB ONLY)2 8192391351CONTACTOR, 24 VOLT2 82091212101/4-20 X 5/8 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 10]1 82191208801/4 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 8224490561INSULATED STANDOFF1 82391214305/16-18 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 5]2 8242397611HINGE BRACKET2 82591216005/16-18 X 5/8 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]2 82691209701/4 EXTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 82791211701/4-20 X 1/2 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 10]1 82891212101/4-20 X 5/8 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 10]4 8292495301Y SQUEEGEE LIFT CABLE 25”/63.5 cm1 8302397601GRIP, SQUEEGEE LIFT HANDLE1 8312397131SQUEEGEE LIFT HANDLE1 83291219903/8-16 HEX JAM NUT [PACK OF 10]1 83391216405/16-18 X 3/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]1 8342397141SQUEEGEE LIFT HANDLE BRACKET1 835912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PACK OF 10]1 83691214305/16-18 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 5]2 8372397783REAR PANEL1 83891202058 X 1/2 PAN HEAD SHEET METAL SCREW - PACK OF 31 83991203707/32 I.D. X 1/2 O.D. X .032/.065 THICK FLAT WASHER1 840912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PACK OF 10]1 84191213705/16-18 X 3 1/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 2]1 84291218855/16-18 X 1 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW [PACK OF 2]2 843912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PACK OF 10]2 8442397651BRACKET, DECK HEIGHT1 84591214705/16-18 X 1 FLAT HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW [PACK OF 5]2 8462391461BUSHING - LIFT LEVER214AB, DB REAR PANEL ASSEMBLY15ITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 9014890781PUSH BUTTON SWITCH BOOT1 9022690691MASTER SWITCH WITH RED CAP1 9030693141RUBBER SWITCH BOOT2 90406918511/2 INTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER2 90591202058 X 1/2 PAN HEAD PHILLIPS SHEET METAL SCREW [PACK OF 3]8 9062391391BATTERY METER WITH HARDWARE1 9072391361CIRCUIT BREAKER 24 VOLT 30 AMP1 9082490891CIRCUIT BREAKER 15 AMP (USED ON DB ONLY)1 9092397521CIRCUIT BREAKER 25 AMP WITH SCREW TERMINALS1 9104491101TOGGLE S WITCH1 9112397321DASH PLATE - LEFT1 9122792041SWITCH, TOGGLE VAC1 9132397341DASH PLATE - RIGHT WITH MASTER SWITCH CUT OUT1 9143392901HANDLE GRIP2 91591219807/16 I.D. X 1 O.D. X .075/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (3/8)2 9162397091HANDLE, AB AND AE1 2397171HANDLE, DB1 9172398191DECAL KIT1 9184990321FUSE HOLDER WITH NUT AND WASHER1 91964957413AG FAST-ACTING FUSE 4 AMP1 92091209309/32 I.D. X 5/8 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK FLAT WASHER (1/4) [PACK OF 10]4 92191208801/4 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]4 92291212101/4-20 X 5/8 HEX BOLT4 9232398053OBC MOUNT1 9244890851CABLE CLAMP #COV-090 KMC1 9252491283CORD WRAP -OBC1 9269120085M3.5 X 19 PAN HEAD PHILLIPS SHEET METAL SCREW2 92791212101/4-20 X 5/8 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 10]2 92891208801/4 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]2 9293291111CORD CLAMP1 9302491271ONBOARD CHARGER 24 VOLT 25 AMP - INCLUDES:1 930A2491311REPLACEMENT AC CORD AND PANEL ASSEMBLY1 93123981715/16 RING 22-18 GAGE NYLON INSULATION1 93223981811/4 RING 16-14 GAGE NYLON INSULATION1 93391211701/4-20 X 1/2 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 10]2 93491208801/4 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]2 93591209309/32 I.D. X 5/8 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK FLAT WASHER (1/4) [PACK OF 10]2 9361390773DRAIN HOSE BRACKET2 93791208801/4 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]4 93891212101/4-20 X 5/8 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 10]4 9391392191120 VOLT ONBOARD CHARGER 24 VOLT 12 AMP - INCLUDES:1 94091208801/4 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1 94191212101/4-20 X 5/8 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 10]1 9423291111CORD CLAMP1 943912032010 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]4 944912051010-24 X 1/2 TRUSS HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW4 9456495701120 VOLT ONBOARD CHARGER CORD1 6495711240VOLT ONBOARD CHARGER CORD1 9462398259KEY SWITCH / HOUR METER KIT (OPTIONAL)1 946A2795711KEY SWITCH & KEY1 946A12796131REPLACEMENT KEY1 6495571WIRE ASSEMBLY - KEY SWITCH ADAPTOR (NOT SHOWN)1 946B2397351DASH PLATE - RIGHT, OPTIONAL KEY SWITCH AND HOUR METER1 946C2397361HOUR METER1 2398121HOUR METER LEADS 35” (NOT SHOWN)1 9473393591STRAINER LOCATION LABEL116AB, DB HANDLE ASSEMBLY1718DB TWIST GRIP ASSEMBLYITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTIONQTY.10012397171HANDLE, WHEEL DRIVE110022397453COVER - WHEEL DRIVE HANDLE1100391202058 X 1/2 PAN HEAD PHILLIPS SHEET METAL SCREW [PACK OF 3]210042691931DRIVE GEAR, HANDLE BAR - INCLUDES:11004A 91201708-32 X 3/16 SET SCREW - KNURL POINT STEEL [PACK OF 5]210059122496RETAINING RING310063393841WASHER, AN 1/2 X .053-.073110076496091SPRING TORSION .81 I.D. X .067 WIRE110086496081BEARING PLAIN SLEEVE .5 X .75 X .75 LONG 110092398061HANDLE BAR 2016110107690691NYLINER2101191219807/16 I.D. X 1 O.D. X .075/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (3/8) [PK 2]210123392901HANDLE GRIP210132397261HANDLE GRIP BASE210142398071TWIST GRIP BRACKET, LEFT SIDE1101591209101/4-20 HEX NUT WITH STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1101691211701/4-20 X 1/2 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 10]110172694131POTENTIOMETER110182397231TWIST GRIP BRACKET , RIGHT SIDE110192691941DRIVEN GEAR, POTENTIOMETER - INCLUDES:11019A 91201708-32 X 3/16 SET SCREW - KNURL POINT STEEL [PACK OF 5]210209123210.891 I.D. X 1.5 O.D. X .125 THICK FLAT WASHER [PACK OF 1]2102191208501/4-20 X 5/16 SET SCREW - KNURL POINT [PACK OF 2]210222397221RETAINING RING, 7/8" SHAFT219STRAIGHT SQUEEGEE ASSEMBLYITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY.11012398041SPACER 1/2 I.D. X 1.188111022391941BALL JOINT 111032391461BUSHING, LIFT LEVER 1110491226571/2-13 X 3 LOCKING HEX BOLT [PACK OF 1]1110513911713/8 FLANGE NYLINER 211063695581HEIGHT ADJUSTING SPRING 1110791223403/8-16 X 2 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 2]1110891210101/4-20 X 3/4 TRUSS HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW [PACK OF 5]2110991209001/4-20 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 10]2111091215205/16 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]1111191218405/16-18 X 2 1/4 FULL THREADED HEX BOLT [PACK OF 1]111122692539STRAIGHT SQUEEGEE ASSEMBLY - INCLUDES:11112A 91217605/16-18 X 1 3/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 2]21112B 3096741WHEEL, BUMPER - SMALL GREY 21112C 279106132" REPLACEMENT SQUEEGEE BLADES 21112D 91218805/16-18 X 3/4 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW [PACK OF 2]21112E 91219205/16-18 X 1 1/2 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW [PACK OF 2]21112F 2692533INNER CHANNEL 11112G 91214505/16-18 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 5]21112H 2692523HOUSING - NARROW MOUNT SQUEEGEE 11112I 27902813" BUMPER WHEEL 21112J 912139011/32 I.D.X11/16 O.D.X.051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PACK OF 10]21112K 91214105/16 EXTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]21112L 91215605/16-18 X 1/2 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]21112M 3392971T-KNOB - SQUEEGEE 211132397151SQUEEGEE MOUNT BRACKET 1111491221403/8-16 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 5]111152495301Y SQUEEGEE LIFT CABLE 25”/63.5 cm 1111691214455/16-18 WING NUT WITH NY-LOK [PACK OF 2]111172397161SQUEEGEE PIVOT ROD 1111891226701/2-20 HEX JAM NUT [PACK OF 5]1111991225071/2-13 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 1]120CURVED SQUEEGEE ASSEMBLYITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTIONQTY.2492499CURVED SQUEEGEE COMPLETE - INCLUDES:112012492551REAR SECURING STRAP1120291217205/16-18 X 1 1/4 FULL THREADED HEX HEAD BOLT [PACK OF 2]212032492561HOOKED END 212042492531REAR BLADE 112052492511CENTER WEDGE 212062492521FRONT BLADE1120791212101/4-20 X 5/8 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 10]4120891208801/4 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]4120991215605/16-18 X 1/2 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]2121091214105/16 EXTERNAL STAR LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]21211912139011/32 ID X 11/16 OD X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PK 10]212122790281BUMPER WHEEL 212132492503MAIN HOUSING1121491215205/16 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]2121591217205/16-18 X 1 1/4 FULL THREADED HEX HEAD BOLT [PACK OF 2]2121691209309/32 I.D. X 5/8 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (1/4) [PACK OF 10]4121791200706-32 X 3/8 ROUND HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW [PACK OF 10]212189120030 6 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]212192492581SQUEEGEE LEVEL 112203392971T-KNOB SQUEEGEE2122191214505/16-18 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT [PACK OF 5]212222492571DOLLY WHEEL MOUNTING BRACKET21223912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PK 10]212243096741ROLLER WHEEL21225912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (5/16) [PK 10]2122691217605/16-18 X 1 3/4 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 2]2122791212801/4-20 X 1 1/2 HEX BOLT [PACK OF 5]2122891208801/4 SPLIT LOCK WASHER [PACK OF 10]2122991209309/32 I.D. X 5/8 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK SAE FLAT WASHER (1/4) [PACK OF 10]212302492541CENTER HOLD DOWN112312492591CENTER HOLD DOWN SPACER221AE WIRING DIAGRAMITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTIONQTY.2397701WIRE HARNESS, ELECTRIC 112397711STUB CORD WIRE HARNESS 12792041TOGGLE S WITCH 22393011BRUSH MOTOR12397721SOLUTION SOLENOID VALVE 120 VOLT 14490561INSULATED STANDOFF 15492741RECTIFIER12392201CIRCUIT BREAKER 22391071VAC MOTOR15490161FULLY INSULATED FEMALE SPADE TERMINAL 14-16 GAGE2ITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 12398081MAIN WIRE HARNESS (OBC)1 42396141WIRE ASSEMBLY, TO POSITIVE/NEGATIVE BATTERY1 52398091DB WIRE HARNESS (OBC)1 62398161WIRE 18GA GREEN 20” 1/4F,#10R1 92391981BATTERY JUMPER 3/8 RING3 2391351CONTACTOR, 24 VOLT22391361CIRCUIT BREAKER, 24 VOLT, 30 AMP12391391BATTERY METER - WITH HARDWARE12392091CHARGER PLUG ONLY, RED 24 VOLT12393001GEAR MOTOR, IMPERIAL, 3/4 HP 24V DC12395571MOTOR, VAC 24 VOLT 3 STAGE12397181WATER SOLENOID 24 VOLT12397521CIRCUIT BREAKER, 25 AMP, SCREW TERMINALS12398259KEY SWITCH / HOUR METER KIT (OPTIONAL)12795711KEY SWITCH & KEY12796131REPLACEMENT KEY1 86495571WIRE ASSEMBLY - KEY SWITCH ADAPTOR1 2397351DASH PLATE - RIGHT, OPTIONAL KEY SWITCH AND HOUR METER12397361HOUR METER1 72398121HOUR METER LEADS 35”1 2490821SPEED CONTROL, CURTIS12490891CIRCUIT BREAKER, 15 AMP12397011TRANSAXLE 18”12491271ONBOARD CHARGER 24 VOLT 25 AMP12690691MASTER SWITCH WITH RED CAP126905811/4 SPADE MALE TERMINAL 10-12 YELLOW22694131POTENTIOMETER, CURTIS SPEED CONTROL12792041TOGGLE SWITCH, VAC12792241SILICON RECTIFIER24490561INSULATED STANDOFF14491101TOGGLE SWITCH, MOTOR14990321FUSE HOLDER WITH NUT AND WASHER15490161FULLY INSULATED FEMALE SPADE TERMINAL 14-16 GAGE26495701120 VOLT ONBOARD CHARGER CORD16495711240 VOLT ONBOARD CHARGER CORD164957413AG FAST-ACTING FUSE 4 AMP122DB WIRING DIAGRAM2324AB WIRING DIAGRAM 4 X 6VOLT 225AH BATTERIESITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTIONQTY.12398081MAIN WIRE HARNESS (OBC)122398111WIRE 18 GAGE, BLACK 30” 1/4 RING, 1/4 FEMALE SPADE 132398101WIRE 18 GAGE RED, 4.5”, 5/16 RING , #10 SNAP RING 142396141WIRE ASSEMBLY, TO POSITIVE/NEGATIVE BATTERY 162398161WIRE 18 GAGE, GREEN 20” 1/4 FLAG, #10 SNAP RING 192391981BATTERY JUMPER 3/8 RING 32391351CONTACTOR, 24 VOLT12391361CIRCUIT BREAKER, 24 VOLT, 30 AMP 12391391BATTERY METER - WITH HARDWARE 12392091CHARGER PLUG ONLY , RED 24 VOLT 12393001GEAR MOTOR, IMPERIAL, 3/4 HP 24V DC 12395571MOTOR, VAC 24 VOLT 3 STAGE 12397181WATER SOLENOID 24 VOLT12397521CIRCUIT BREAKER, 25 AMP , SCREW TERMINALS 12398259KEY SWITCH / HOUR METER KIT (OPTIONAL)12491271ONBOARD CHARGER 24 VOLT 25 AMP 12690691MASTER SWITCH12792041TOGGLE SWITCH, VAC 14490561INSULATED STANDOFF 14491101TOGGLE S WITCH, MOTOR14990321FUSE HOLDER WITH NUT AND WASHER 16495701120 VOLT ONBOARD CHARGER CORD 16495711240 VOLT ONBOARD CHARGER CORD 164957413AG FAST-ACTING FUSE 4 AMP125AB WIRING DIAGRAM 2 X 12VOLT 145AH BATTERIESITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTIONQTY.12398081MAIN WIRE HARNESS (OBC)122398111WIRE 18 GAGE, BLACK 30” 1/4 RING, 1/4 FEMALE SPADE 132398101WIRE 18 GAGE RED, 4.5”, 5/16 RING , #10 SNAP RING 142396141WIRE ASSEMBLY , TO POSITIVE/NEGATIVE BATTERY 192391981BATTERY JUMPER 3/8 RING31392191120 VOLT ONBOARD CHARGER 24 VOLT 12 AMP 12391351CONTACTOR, 24 VOLT12391361CIRCUIT BREAKER, 24 VOLT, 30 AMP 12391391BATTERY METER - WITH HARDWARE 12392091CHARGER PLUG ONLY , RED 24 VOLT 12393001GEAR MOTOR, IMPERIAL, 3/4 HP 24V DC 12395571MOTOR, VAC 24 VOLT 3 STAGE 12397181WATER SOLENOID 24 VOLT12397521CIRCUIT BREAKER, 25 AMP , SCREW TERMINALS 123981715/16 RING 22-18 GAGE NYLON INSULATION 123981811/4 RING 16-14 GAGE NYLON INSULATION 12398259KEY SWITCH / HOUR METER KIT (OPTIONAL)12690691MASTER SWITCH WITH RED CAP 12792041TOGGLE SWITCH, VAC 14490561INSULATED STANDOFF 14491101TOGGLE S WITCH, MOTOR14990321FUSE HOLDER WITH NUT AND WASHER 16495701120 VOLT ONBOARD CHARGER CORD 16495711240 VOLT ONBOARD CHARGER CORD 164957413AG FAST-ACTING FUSE 4 AMP1ITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY.2393001COMPLETE MOTOR ASSEMBLY1 130********NEGATIVE LEAD1 130233912011/4-20 X 7 3/4 THRU BOLT2 1303912060010-24 X 1/2 PAN HEAD THREAD CUTTING SCREW [PACK OF 10]2 130********ARMATURE ASSEMBLY - INCLUDES:1 1304A5092041TOP END BEARING1 1304B3391191ARMATURE VENT FAN1 1304C3391131BOTTOM END BEARING1 130********STATOR FRAME ASSEMBLY WITH MAGNETS1 130********GEAR BOX ASSEMBLY - INCLUDES:1 1306A3391101GEAR BOX - HOUSING ONLY1 1306B3391171SNAP RING1 1306C3391161OIL SEAL, SMALL1 1306D3391151END CAP1 1306E3391141“O” RING1 1306F3391131BOTTOM BEARING, LARGE1 1306G3391121GEAR SHAFT - INCLUDES:1 1306G12792681 1/4 X 1/4 X 1 MOTOR KEY1 1306H3391111TOP BEARING, SMALL1 130********OIL SEAL, LARGE1 130********HELICAL WASHER 1 13/32 X 1 7/8 - 2 WAVE SPRING WASHER1 1309————10-32 X 1/2 PAN HEAD SLOTTED SCREW, BRASS4 131********TOP END BRACKET ASSEMBLY - INCLUDES:1 1310A3391001TOP END BRACKET ONLY1 1310B3391021BRUSH BOARD ASSEMBLY - INCLUDES:1 1310B12797571 CARBON BRUSH SPRING4 1310B23391081 CARBON BRUSH4 131********STRAIN RELIEF2 131********POSITIVE LEAD1 2016 ELECTRIC 120V LISTED BELOW [2307100]2393011COMPLETE MOTOR ASSEMBLY 120 VOLT1 130********NEGATIVE LEAD1 130233912011/4-20 X 7 3/4 THRU BOLT2 1303912060010-24 X 1/2 PAN HEAD THREAD CUTTING SCREW [PACK OF 10]2 130********ARMATURE ASSEMBLY - INCLUDES:1 1304A5092041TOP END BEARING1 1304B3391191ARMATURE VENT FAN1 1304C3391131BOTTOM END BEARING1 130********STATOR FRAME ASSEMBLY WITH MAGNETS1 130********GEAR BOX ASSEMBLY - INCLUDES:1 1306A3391101GEAR BOX - HOUSING ONLY1 1306B3391171SNAP RING1 1306C3391161OIL SEAL, SMALL1 1306D3391151END CAP1 1306E3391141“O” RING1 1306F3391131BOTTOM BEARING, LARGE1 1306G3391121GEAR SHAFT - INCLUDES:1 1306G12792681 1/4 X 1/4 X 1 MOTOR KEY1 1306H3391111TOP BEARING, SMALL1 130********OIL SEAL, LARGE1 130********HELICAL WASHER 1 13/32 X 1 7/8 - 2 WAVE SPRING WASHER1 1309————10-32 X 1/2 PAN HEAD SLOTTED SCREW, BRASS4 131********TOP END BRACKET ASSEMBLY - INCLUDES:1 1310A3391001TOP END BRACKET ONLY1 1310B2393171BRUSH BOARD ASSEMBLY - INCLUDES:1 1310B12797571 CARBON BRUSH SPRING4 1310B22393241 CARBON BRUSH4 131********STRAIN RELIEF2 131********POSITIVE LEAD126。
Autodesk 2016 密钥大全

589H1 Autodesk Revit MEP 2016
590H1 Autodesk Softimage 2016
596H1 AutoCAD Inventor LT Suite 2016
651H1 Autodesk Education Master Suite 2016
661H1 Autodesk 3ds Max Entertainment Creation Suite Standard 2016
662H1 Autodesk Softimage Entertainment Creation Suite Standard 2016
669H1 Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2016
822H1 Autodesk Simulation CFD 2016 Connection for Pro/E
824H1 Autodesk Simulation CFD 2016 Connection for Parasolid
828H1 Autodesk Revit LT 2016
829H1 Autodesk Revit 2016
757H1 Autodesk Factory Design Suite Premium 2016
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763H1 Autodesk Plant Design Suite Premium 2016
764H1 Autodesk Plant Design Suite Ultimate 2016
C++ How to program cpphtp4_PPT_02

• Program control
– Specifies the order in which statements are executed
2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
• Pseudocode
– Artificial, informal language used to develop algorithms – Similar to everyday English
If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60 Print “Passed”
– If the condition is true
• Print statement executed, program continues to next statement
2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
if Selection Structure
• Translation into C++
If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60 Print “Passed” if ( grade >= 60 ) cout << "Passed";
Chapter 2 - Control Structures
Outline 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 Introduction Algorithms Pseudocode Control Structures if Selection Structure if/else Selection Structure while Repetition Structure Formulating Algorithms: Case Study 1 (Counter-Controlled Repetition) Formulating Algorithms with Top-Down, Stepwise Refinement: Case Study 2 (Sentinel-Controlled Repetition) Formulating Algorithms with Top-Down, Stepwise Refinement: Case Study 3 (Nested Control Structures) Assignment Operators Increment and Decrement Operators Essentials of Counter-Controlled Repetition for Repetition Structure Examples Using the for Structure


/ziyuan/22544.html国外数学杂志投稿指南大全1、510B0001 ISSN 0002-9939 IF: 0、369Proceedings of the American Mathematical Socity. 1950. 12/yr. Managing Editor: Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Correll University,Malott Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-4201Email: cliff@《美国数学会会报》发表中等篇幅的理论数学与应用数学研究论文,并设专栏发表短小精练的论文。
2、510B0003 ISSN 0002-9947 IF: 0、664Transactions of the American Mathematical Socity. 1900. 12/yr.Editor-in-Chief William Beckner, Department of Mathematics University Of Texas Austin TX 78712-1082.E-mail: beckner@《美国数学会汇刊》刊载较长篇幅的理论数学与应用数学研究论文。
3、510B0006 ISSN 0002-9327 IF: 0、883American Journal of Mathematics. 1878. 6/yr. Editor-in-Chief: Professor Bernard Shiffman Department of Mathematics, The Johns Hokins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218.《美国数学杂志》发表应用和理论数学研究论文。
4、510B008 ISSN 0003-486X IF: 1、619Annals of Mathematics. 1884. 6/yr. Editorial office: Maureen Schupsky, Annals of Mathematics, Fine Hall- Washington Rd, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 085 44- 1000 USAE-mail: annals@《数学纪事》刊载理论数学研究论文。
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支付宝:2016 年中国人支付账单移动端支付占71%
1 月 4 日,蚂蚁金服旗下的支付宝发布了 2016 年的中国人全民账单。
账单显示,在刚刚过去的 2016 年,4.5 亿实名用户使用了支付宝,71% 的支付笔数发生在移动端,超 10 亿人次使用线上公共服务;中国“千禧一代”80后、90后已经成为中国经济的主流力量,并将影响未来十年的经济格局,比如 80 后人均支付金额已超过 12 万元,90 后使用移动支付更是高达 91%;同时,4.5 亿中国消费者开始呈现出与十年前完全不一样的生活形态。
今年 G20 期间,中国的移动支付普及程度成为了到访中国的各国惊叹的事情。
国际市场研究机构凯度 TNS 日前发布研报称,中国内地、中国香港和韩国已经成为当前全球移动支付市场的三甲。
支付宝 2016 全民账单显示,目前移动支付笔数占整体比例高达 71%,成为生活中像“水电煤”一样的基础设施。
去年这一数据是 65%,今年移动支付渗透率的攀升很大程度上是因为线下手机支付的习惯养成。
从省级地区的全年支付总金额来看,沿海的广东排名第一,占到全国的 16%,随后是浙江、江苏。
从人均支付金额来看,位列第一的上海人均支付金额达到14.8 万元,是去年的近 1.5 倍。
随后是浙江、北京、福建、江苏,这五个沿海省份和直辖市,人均支付金额均超过 10 万元,而 2015 年达到该水平的只有上海市。
从移动支付渗透率来看,内陆的西藏以 90% 的移动支付占比排名第一,随后是青海、甘肃,远远超过沿海省份。
从 2012 年开始,西藏移动支付比例蝉联冠军。
支付宝年度账单数据显示,2016 年西藏人均手机充值 16.7 次,远高于其他地区。
如果说 2016 年前是移动支付的普及期,那么 2016 年可以称作是这钟支付方式全面深入中国人民日常生活的一年。
2016 年,使用花呗支付的笔数超过 32 亿笔,比上一年增长了 344%。
目前,借呗累计服务用户超过 1200 万人,累计放款超过 3000 亿元。
“敢花未来钱”的新生代中国人进入全面的消费升级期,2016 年这个趋势不只是局限于发达地区,比如去年西藏地区使用花呗的人数增长率达到 220%,使用花呗金额增长率达 380%。
在支付宝公布的2016 年借呗“有借有还排行榜”上,最准时还钱的第一名是河南省,随后是安徽省、江苏省。
2016 年,中国人出境游同比增长了 160%。
越来越多人带着家人一起旅行,在 350 万通过 airbnb 订房的中国游客中,58% 的家庭游会选择整套公寓,24% 的家庭游会选择别墅,只有1% 的家庭游会选择合住。
2016年,支付宝跨境扫码付单笔最高消费 268645 元,用户来自北京市。
以蚂蚁金服旗下的蚂蚁聚宝为例,截止 2016 年底,三四五线城市及农村的理财用户占 6 成以上,支付宝上购买互联网保险服务的用户在 2016 年超过 3.3 亿。
支付宝全民账单显示, 2016 年有超过 10 亿人次使用线上公共服务,比去年增长 218%。
这些服务来自全国 357 个城市,占中国城市总数的 54%,服务内容包括缴纳水电燃气费、缴纳交通违法罚款、地铁票公交票手机购买、在线办理港澳通行证续签、预约挂号、登记结婚、离婚、登记器官捐献、在线预约无人机喷洒农药等。
支付宝账单显示,2016 年中国主力消费者已经完全转移到 80 后、90 后年龄层。
与他们的父辈相比,80 后、90 后这一代人的受教育水平更高,更不容易定居,更崇尚自由、平等,不受拘束,对速度有高要求,他们喜欢消费甚至超前消费,喜欢体验更好的生活享受,是视觉动物、网络原住民、也更重视健康和环保。
2016 年支付宝全民账单显示,2016 年,全国的 80 后人均网上支付金额超过 12 万元,而 90 后移动支付占比近 92 %。
旅行方式上,这个群体更偏爱自由行,本次账单中 2016年境外随身 wifi 租赁增长了 171%,自驾租车增长了 110% 似乎印证了这一点。
而在饮食方式上,到店吃饭、线上叫外卖已经深入人心:90 后用户到店吃饭人数占比高达 46%,外卖更是高达 61%。
加上 80 后之后,比例高达 85%。
2016 年,80 后用户买保健品的消费量下降了 13%,但户外运动则增长了 9%,美妆笔数增长 16%。
而 90 后则更加明显:户外运动增幅 34%,美妆类则高达 63%;在话剧、演出、电影方面的票务支出占全国这类票务购买总量的 84%;
在消费升级潮下,中国 80 后、90 后也是“敢花未来钱”理念的忠实信徒。
目前 1 亿花呗用户中,中国 80 后、90 后占了 86%,也就是中国每 4 个 90 后,就有 1 个使用花呗。
在这份 2016 年“剁手账单”中,一个高度依赖移动支付、消费欲望强劲、愿意接受新奇消费方式的中国消费市场被刻画了出来。