
以下是根据这一标准生成的内容:语言能力- 学生应掌握2000左右的词汇量,包括基础词汇和一些常用短语。
- 能够理解并使用基本的英语语法结构,如时态、语态、句型等。
- 能够进行简单的英语听说读写活动,如日常对话、简短的书面表达。
文化意识- 学生应了解英语国家的基本文化背景和社会习俗。
- 通过英语学习,培养跨文化交流的意识和能力。
- 能够欣赏和理解英语国家的文化作品,如歌曲、电影、文学作品等。
思维品质- 通过英语学习,培养学生的批判性思维和创造性思维。
- 鼓励学生在学习过程中提出问题、分析问题和解决问题。
- 培养学生的独立思考能力和创新能力。
学习能力- 学生应具备自主学习的能力,能够根据自己的学习需要选择合适的学习资源。
- 学会使用各种学习工具和策略,如词汇卡片、学习软件等。
- 培养终身学习的习惯和能力,不断更新和扩展自己的知识体系。
教学方法- 采用多样化的教学方法,如任务型教学、情景教学、合作学习等。
- 鼓励学生参与课堂讨论,提高学生的参与度和学习兴趣。
- 利用现代教育技术,如多媒体教学、网络资源等,丰富教学内容和形式。
评价方式- 采用形成性评价和终结性评价相结合的方式,全面评价学生的学习成果。
- 重视过程评价,记录学生在学习过程中的表现和进步。
- 鼓励学生进行自我评价和同伴评价,提高学生的自我反思能力。
课程内容- 课程内容应涵盖日常生活、学校生活、社会生活等多个方面。
- 包括语言知识、语言技能、文化知识、思维训练等多个维度。
- 课程内容应与学生的实际生活紧密联系,提高学习的实用性和趣味性。

以下是根据新课标一英语课程标准生成的内容:1. 课程目标:- 培养学生的英语语言知识,包括语音、词汇、语法、功能意念和话题等。
- 提高学生的英语语言技能,包括听、说、读、写等。
- 加强学生的跨文化交际能力,理解不同文化背景下的交流方式。
- 培养学生的自主学习能力,鼓励学生通过多种途径获取信息和知识。
2. 课程内容:- 语音:掌握英语的基本发音规则,能够正确发音。
- 词汇:学习并掌握一定数量的词汇,包括基础词汇和专业词汇。
- 语法:理解并运用英语的基本语法结构。
- 功能意念:学习英语中的基本交际功能,如问候、询问、请求等。
- 话题:围绕日常生活、学习、工作等不同话题进行学习。
3. 教学方法:- 任务型教学:通过完成具体任务来学习语言,提高语言实际运用能力。
- 情景教学:创设真实或模拟的情景,让学生在情境中学习和使用英语。
- 合作学习:鼓励学生之间的互动和合作,共同完成学习任务。
4. 评价方式:- 形成性评价:通过课堂表现、作业、小组讨论等方式,持续跟踪学生的学习进展。
- 终结性评价:通过期末考试、口语测试等形式,评估学生在一个学期或学年的学习成果。
5. 教学资源:- 教材:选择符合新课标要求的教材,确保教学内容的系统性和科学性。
- 多媒体资源:利用音视频材料、网络资源等,丰富教学手段,提高学生的学习兴趣。
6. 课程实施:- 教师培训:定期对教师进行新课标培训,确保教师能够准确理解和运用新课标。
- 教学计划:制定详细的教学计划,明确每个学期的教学目标和内容。
7. 跨学科学习:- 鼓励学生将英语学习与其他学科相结合,提高语言在实际生活中的应用能力。
8. 文化意识:- 在教学中融入对英语国家文化的介绍,培养学生的文化意识和国际视野。

English Curriculum Standards for compulsory Education (2017-year Edition).Ministry of Education of the people's Republic of China.Directory.Part one Preface .I. nature of the curriculum .II. Basic concepts of the curriculum .III. Ideas for curriculum design .Part II Curriculum objective .I. overall objective .II. Hierarchical objectives .Part III grading criteria .I. language skills .II. Language knowledge .III. Emotional attitudes .4. Learning strategies .V. Cultural awareness .Part IV implementation of recommendation .I. pedagogical recommendations .II. Evaluation recommendations .III. Recommendations for the preparation of teaching materials .Appendix .Appendix 1 list of speech items .Appendix 2 Grammar item Table .Appendix 3 Glossary .Part I Preface.Nowadays, the world is in the period of great development and great adjustment, showing the development trend of world multi-polarization, economic globalization and informatization. As a big country with peaceful development, China bears an important historical mission and international responsibilities and obligations. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It has become an important tool for international exchanges and scientific, technological and cultural exchanges. Learning and using English plays an important role in absorbing the achievements of human civilization, drawing lessons from advanced foreign science and technology, and enhancing the mutual understanding between China and the world. Offering English courses in the compulsory education stage can lay the foundation for improving the whole national literacy of our country, cultivating the talents with creative ability and cross-cultural communicative ability, and improving the international competitiveness of the country and the international communication ability of the people.The establishment of English courses in compulsory education is of great significance to the future development of young people. Learning English will not only help them better understand the world, learn advanced scientific and cultural knowledge, spread Chinese culture, and enhance their mutual communication and understanding with the youngpeople of other countries. It can also provide them with more opportunities for education and career development. Learning English can help them to form an open and tolerant character, to develop the awareness and ability of cross-cultural communication, to promote the development of thinking, to form a correct outlook on life, values and good humanities. Learning English can provide students with the ability to participate in knowledge innovation and scientific and technological innovation in the future, as well as lay the foundation for them to better adapt to the multi-polarization of the world, economic globalization and informationization in the future.I. the nature of the curriculum.The English curriculum at the stage of compulsory education is of the dual nature of instrumentality and humanism. As far as instrumentality is concerned, English curriculum undertakes the task of cultivating students' basic English literacy and developing their thinking ability, that is, students can master basic knowledge of English language and develop basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English through English courses. Form the ability to communicate with others in English, further promote the development of thinking ability, for the future to continue to learn English and other relevant scientific and cultural knowledge in English to lay the foundation. As far as humanity is concerned, English curriculum undertakes the task of improving students' comprehensive humanistic quality, that is, students can broaden their horizons, enrich their life experiences, form cross-cultural consciousness, enhance their patriotism and develop their innovative ability through English courses. Form a good character and a correct outlook on life and values. The integration of instrumental and humanistic English curriculum is conducive to the lifelong development of students to lay the foundation.II. The basic idea of Curriculum.(1) pay attention to quality-oriented education and embody the value of language learning to students' development;The main purpose of English curriculum in compulsory education is to lay a foundation for students to develop their comprehensive language ability and to create favorable conditions for them to continue to learn English and to develop in the future. Language is not only a tool for communication, but also a tool for thinking. Learning a foreign language can promote people's mental development, help students to understand the diversity of the world, experience the similarities and differences between Chinese and foreign cultures to form cross-cultural awareness, enhance international understanding, and carry forward the spirit of patriotism. Form the sense of social responsibility and innovation consciousness, improve humanities accomplishment.(2) for all students, pay attention to the different characteristics and individual differences of language learners.Compulsory education is an important part of education for all. The English curriculum at the stage of compulsory education should be open to all students and embody the student-centered thinking. The development needs of all students should be taken into account in the aspects of teaching objectives, teaching contents, teaching process, teaching evaluation and the utilization and development of teaching resources. English curriculum should be a process in which students construct their knowledge, develop their skills, broaden their horizons, enliven their thinking and show their individuality under the guidance of their teachers. Due to the differences in age, personality, cognitive style and living environment, students have different learning needs and characteristics. Only to meet individual needs to a large extent, it is possible to obtain the maximum overall teaching efficiency.(C) overall design objectives, taking full account of the progressivity and continuity of language learning.English learning has obvious characteristics of progressiveness and continuity. Language learning lasts a long time and needs to accumulate gradually. The English Curriculum Standard for compulsory Education (hereinafter referred to as "this Standard") and the English Curriculum Standard for Senior High Schools, which converge with it, set the objectives of the English curriculum for the basic education stage at nine levels. The aim is to embody the organic cohesion of primary, junior middle and senior middle school courses and the gradual development of students' English language competence, so as to ensure the integrity, progressiveness and continuity of English curriculum. English teaching and evaluation activities should be organized in accordance with the students' language proficiency and the corresponding grade requirements.(4) emphasizing the process of learning and paying attention to the practicality and application of language learning.Modern foreign language education pays attention to the process of language learning, emphasizes the practicality of language learning, advocates that students should contact, experience and understand the real language in the context, and learn and use language on this basis. English curriculum advocates the adoption of language teaching approaches and methods that both emphasize the language learning process and improve the students' learning effectiveness, so as to create as many opportunities as possible for the students to use the language in the real context. Encourage students, under the guidance of teachers, to discover language laws through experience, practice, participation, inquiry and cooperation, to gradually master language knowledge and skills, to constantly adjust their emotional attitudes, and to form effective learning strategies, Develop the ability of autonomous learning.(5) to optimize the evaluation method, with emphasis on the evaluation of students' comprehensive language ability.The evaluation system of English curriculum should be conducive to the development of students' comprehensive language use ability. It should be evaluated by adopting multiple and optimized evaluation methods to assess the development level of students' comprehensive language use ability, and stimulate students' interest in learning by means of evaluation. Promote the development of students' autonomous learning ability, thinking ability, cross-cultural awareness and healthy personality. The evaluation system should include formative evaluation and summative evaluation. The evaluation in daily teaching focuses on formative assessment, focusing on the performance and progress of students in the learning process; the final assessment focuses on the students' comprehensive language use ability. Including language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness and so on.(6) enriching curriculum resources and expanding English learning channels.Language learning requires a great deal of input. Rich and diverse curriculum resources are especially important for English learning. According to the needs of teaching and learning, English curriculum should provide English learning resources that are close to students, life and times. We should creatively develop and make use of the fresh English learning resources in real life, and actively use audio-visual, radio, television, books, newspapers, magazines, Internet information, and so on, to expand the channels for students to learn and use English.Ⅲ. The idea of curriculum design.The general idea of English curriculum design is: under the guidance of the scientific concept of development and advanced foreign language curriculum concept, based on the national conditions, comprehensive consideration of the current situation of English education in China, starting from the stage of compulsory education; To establish a student-oriented, systematic and progressive English curriculum system. This curriculum system aims at fostering students' comprehensive language application ability, according to the law of language learning and the development needs of students in the compulsory education stage. From the language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness of the five aspects of the design of the overall curriculum objectives and grading goals. These five aspects are interrelated and complement each other, which makes English curriculum attach importance not only to the cultivation of students' basic language knowledge and basic skills, but also to the optimization of the learning process, so as to guide students to form effective learning strategies and certain cultural awareness. Cultivate positive emotional attitudes and values.According to the above design idea, the compulsory education stage English curriculum take the elementary school 3 grades as the starting point, take the junior middle school graduation as the end (namely compulsory education 9 grades), and with the senior middle school stage English curriculum links up. The English curriculum of the entire basic education stage (including compulsory education and senior high school) is divided into nine levels according to the ability level, forming a gradual and sustainable development of the curriculum. The aim of setting graded courses is to reflect the learning needs and cognitive characteristics of students of different ages, and to make English courses with integrity, flexibility and openness, using the international grading methods for reference.In the nine-level target system, the first to the fifth level is the goal requirement of the compulsory education stage. Level two is the basic requirement to be met at the end of the sixth grade, and grade five is the basic requirement to be reached at the end of the ninth grade. Grades 6 to 9 are the target requirements for ordinary high schools. Among them, level 7 is the basic requirement for high school graduates, and levels 8 and 9 are designed for high school students who are willing to further improve their English proficiency. Of the nine levels of targets, levels I, III, IV and VI are transitional levels. The setting of grading objectives is conducive to teaching and evaluation in the implementation of the curriculum, but also provides a basis for the flexibility and openness of the curriculum.The levels in the curriculum grading objectives are not entirely equivalent to the grades in the basic education stage. However, the grading goal provides the instruction requirements for the teaching and evaluation of grades 3, 6, 7, 9 and senior high school, and the compilation of teaching materials, which is conducive to the overall implementation of the curriculum. In the period of compulsory education, schools offering English courses from the third grade, the fourth grade should complete the first level goal, the sixth grade should complete the second level goal, the schedule of classes should reflect the principle of short time and high frequency as far as possible, and guarantee three or four teaching activities per week; The total weekly class time shall not be less than 80 ~ 90 minutes. Grades 7, 9 and 9 completed the goals of levels III, IV and V respectively, and the weekly class hours were carried out in accordance with the national curriculum plan.Considering the fact that our country has a vast territory, numerous nationalities and unbalanced economic and educational development, each region can formulate its own curriculum implementation plan according to the situation of teachers' condition and resource allocation, etc. To determine the starting grade of English teaching in primary schools and the grade requirements to be reached when graduating from primary and junior high schools, the factors such as theavailability of teachers and the teaching conditions should be fully taken into account in the establishment of English curriculum in primary schools. Local teaching and research departments should strengthen the classification, stratification guidance and evaluation of teaching, help schools to implement the local curriculum implementation plan in accordance with local conditions, and pay attention to the coordination and convergence between the good learning sections. In particular, we should do a good job in the smooth transition between primary and junior high school, and promote the balanced development of regional English education.Part II Curriculum objectives.I. overall objectives.The general goal of English curriculum in compulsory education stage is to make students form the initial comprehensive language using ability, promote the mental development, and improve the comprehensive humanities accomplishment through English learning. The formation of comprehensive language competence is based on the overall development of language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitudes, learning strategies and cultural awareness. Language skills and language knowledge are the basis of comprehensive language use ability, cultural awareness is conducive to the correct understanding of language and proper use of language, effective learning strategies are conducive to improving learning efficiency and developing autonomous learning ability; A positive emotional attitude is conducive to active learning and sustainable development. These five aspects complement each other and jointly promote the formation and development of students' comprehensive language ability.Language skills, language knowledge, emotion and attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness constitute the overall goal of English curriculum, which not only embodies the instrumentality of English learning, but also embodies its humanism. It is not only conducive to the development of students' language ability, but also conducive to the development of students' thinking ability, so as to comprehensively improve students' comprehensive humanistic literacy.II. Graded objectives.The objectives of English curriculum at all levels in compulsory education stage refer to the students' comprehensive performance in five aspects: language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitudes, learning strategies and cultural awareness. Table 1 provides a description of the first to fifth level goals.Part III grading standards.In accordance with the general objectives of the compulsory education English curriculum, this standard puts forward the requirements of language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness respectively in five aspects: language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness. Among them, the language skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and other skills put forward five different levels of goal requirements, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness put forward the target requirements of two and five levels.I. language skills.Language skills is an important part of language skills, mainly including listening, speaking, reading, writing and other skills and the comprehensive use of these skills. Listening and reading are skills of understanding, speaking and writing are skills of expression. They complement and promote each other in language learning and communication. Students should form comprehensive language competence through a large number of special and comprehensive language practice activities to lay a solid foundation for real language communication. Therefore, listening, speaking, reading and writing are not only the contents of learning, but also the means of learning. The main content of the language skill standard is what the students can do at a certain level, which not only helps to arouse the students' learningenthusiasm and promote the improvement of the students' language application ability, but also helps to evaluate the students' learning results scientifically and rationally.II. Language knowledge.The basic knowledge of the English language that students should learn and master in the compulsory education stage includes pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and language forms used to express common topics and functions. Language knowledge is an important part of language application ability and an important basis for the development of language skills.III. Emotional attitudes.Emotional attitude refers to interest, motivation, self-confidence, will and spirit of cooperation and other factors that affect students' learning process and learning results, as well as the gradual formation of national awareness and international vision in the learning process. Maintaining a positive attitude towards English learning is the key to success in English learning. Teachers should constantly stimulate and strengthen students' interest in learning and guide them to gradually transform interest into stable learning motivation, so that they can build up self-confidence, exercise the will to overcome difficulties, and realize the advantages and disadvantages of their own learning. Willing to cooperate with others to develop a harmonious and healthy character. Through the English curriculum, enables the student to enhance the motherland consciousness, expands the international field of vision. Table 4 is a rating scale for affective attitudes of grade two and five.Table 4 rating criteria of affective attitudeⅣ. Learning strategies.Learning strategies refer to the various actions and steps taken by students in order to learn and use English effectively, and the beliefs that guide these actions and steps. English learning strategies include cognitive strategies, regulatory strategies, communicative strategies and resource strategies. Cognitive strategy refers to the steps and methods taken by students in order to accomplish specific learning tasks, while regulatory strategies refer to the actions and steps that students plan, implement, reflect, evaluate and adjust their learning. Communication strategy is the action taken by students in order to gain more communication opportunities, maintain communication and improve communication effect. Resource strategy is the way and method for students to learn and use English reasonably and effectively through a variety of media.Learning strategies are flexible and diverse, the use of strategies varies from person to person, from time to time, from place to place, and from event to event. In English teaching, teachers should consciously help students to form their own learning strategies, and constantly adjust their own learning strategies. In the implementation of English curriculum, helping students to use learning strategies effectively not only helps them to grasp the direction of learning, adopt scientific approach and improve learning efficiency, but also helps them to form the ability of autonomous learning. Lay the foundation for lifelong and sustainable learning. Table 5 is a two-level and five-level learning strategy rating standards.Table 5 grading criteria for learning strategiesV. Cultural Awareness.Language has rich cultural connotations. In foreign language teaching, culture refers to the historical geography, local conditions and customs, traditional customs, life style, behavior norms, literature and art, values and so on of the language country. In the process of learning English, contact with and understanding of foreign culture is beneficial tothe understanding and use of English, to the deepening of the understanding and love of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and to the acceptance of the edification of the advanced culture belonging to all mankind. It's good for international awareness. In teaching, teachers should gradually expand the content and scope of cultural knowledge according to the characteristics of students' age and cognitive ability. In the initial stage, students should have a rough understanding of the similarities and differences between Chinese and foreign cultures, and the foreign cultural knowledge involved in teaching should be closely related to students' study and life, and can stimulate students' interest in learning English. In the higher stage of English learning, we should expand the scope of students' contact with foreign culture, help them to broaden their horizons, improve their sensitivity and ability to distinguish the similarities and differences between Chinese and foreign cultures, and then improve their intercultural communicative competence.Table 6 grading standard of cultural awarenessPart IV implementation recommendations.I. Teaching suggestions.At the stage of compulsory education, the English curriculum aims to cater to all students, lay a good foundation for the development of students' comprehensive language ability, and at the same time, promote the improvement of students' overall humanistic quality. Teachers should consider language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness of the five aspects of the curriculum objectives, according to the development of students, the overall planning of each stage of the teaching task; Effectively integrate the curriculum resources, optimize classroom teaching, cultivate students' autonomous learning ability, and lay the foundation for the sustainable development of students. At the same time, teachers should constantly improve their professional level and try to adapt to the new requirements of English curriculum for teachers. To this end, the following teaching recommendations are made:(I) for all students, to lay the foundation for each student to learn English.In teaching, teachers should adhere to student-centered, facing all students, pay attention to individual differences, optimize classroom teaching, improve teaching efficiency, and lay the foundation for students to continue learning.1. Teachers should fully understand the current English level and development needs of all students, choose appropriate teaching methods and methods, grasp the difficulty of learning, mobilize the enthusiasm of all students and make them maintain their confidence in learning English. Experience the fun of learning English, get a sense of success in learning English, and make them progress in all stages of learning.2. Teachers should fully understand students' different learning experiences, learning levels and learning styles, respect students' individual characteristics, fully explore students' different potentials, establish a sincere, understanding and trusting relationship with students, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and encourage innovation. For students to provide a broader space for thinking and independent development of space. Students should be given targeted guidance on the problems in the process of learning.3. Teachers should arrange the teaching contents and steps reasonably, organize various forms of classroom interaction, encourage students to learn and use English by observing, imitating, experiencing, exploring, presenting, and so on, so as to create as many opportunities for language practice for them as possible. Guide them to learn independent learning and cooperative learning. Teachers strive to create a harmonious atmosphere in the classroom, to take a tolerant attitude towards students' language errors in the process of learning, and choose the right time and appropriate methods to deal with.4. According to the actual situation of the students, the teachers should establish the teaching objectives that are conducive to the gradual improvement of the students' basic language literacy and basic foreign language learning ability. Especially in primary school, teachers need to cultivate students' strong interest in learning, positive learning attitude, good learning habits and awareness of creative use of language.(2) pay attention to language practice and cultivate students' ability of using language.The purpose of this standard is to emphasize the cultivation of students' comprehensive language ability by settingthe goals and requirements in the form of "can do things in English". From the perspective of language use, the presentation of knowledge of various languages and brothers should serve to improve students' ability to "do things in English". By creating various contexts close to real life, teachers should adopt progressive language practice activities, as well as various teaching approaches and methods that emphasize both process and result, such as task-based language teaching approach, etc. Develop students' ability to do things in English.Teachers play an important role in students' language learning and practice. Teachers should pay attention to the relationship between knowledge learning and ability development, the relationship between language practice and language use, and the relationship between regular teaching and examination, so as to make teaching activities more effective.1. The activities should have clear communication purposes, real communication meanings and specific operational requirements, and provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their learning achievements, so that students can develop their language and thinking abilities in individual and cooperative practical activities. And can feel successful in the exhibition activity.2. The content and form of the activities should be close to the students' real life experience and their cognitive level, and should be as close as possible to the actual situation of language use in real life. To enable students to understand and master the real meaning and use of the target language project.3. Activities should include the process of learning language knowledge and developing language skills, so that students can gradually realize the internalization of language knowledge through contact, understanding, practice and application of language in language practice. It should help students to learn to do things in English, especially to acquire, process and transmit information in English, to express simple personal views and feelings, so as to improve their ability to use language in practice.4. Activities are not limited to the classroom, but can also be extended beyond the classroom. Activities should be conducive to the mutual penetration and contact between English and other disciplines, so as to promote the comprehensive development of students' cognitive ability, thinking ability, aesthetic taste, imagination and creativity.(3) to strengthen the guidance of learning strategies and cultivate students' autonomous learning ability.In the stage of compulsory education, it is very important for students to form effective learning strategies step by step in order to improve the learning effect. Developing effective learning strategies is one of the important goals of English curriculum.1. According to the students' experience of learning their mother tongue and the needs of their cognitive development, and in view of the characteristics, similarities and differences between the English and American languages, this paper focuses on the cultivation of the students' ability to use learning strategies, the perception and imitation of the English pronunciation, and the characteristics of the English pronunciation. To master the methods of memorizing and using English vocabulary effectively; to understand the structure and pragmatic functions of English sentence patterns; to acquire, process and transmit the necessary information by using the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; to carry out effective communication in the specific context; Active reflection。

义务教育英语课程标准(201 7年版)中华人民共和国教育部制目录第一部分前言 (3)一、课程性质 (3)二、课程基本理念 (3)三、课程设计思路 (4)第二部分课程目标 (5)一、总目标 (5)二、分级目标 (6)第三部分分级标准 (8)一、语言技能 (8)二、语言知识 (13)三、情感态度 (14)四、学习策略 (15)五、文化意识 (17)第四部分实施建议 (18)一、教学建议 (18)二、评价建议 (21)三、教材编写建议 (23)附录 (25)附录1 语音项目表 (25)附录2语法项目表 (26)附录3 词汇表 (27)第一部分前言当今世界正处在大发展和大调整的变革时期,呈现出世界多极化和经济全球化以及信息化的发展态势。

新课标强调了以下几个方面:1. 语言知识:新课标对词汇量、语法知识、语音知识等提出了更具体的要求。
2. 语言技能:新课标强调了听、说、读、写四项基本语言技能的培养。
3. 学习策略:新课标鼓励学生发展有效的学习策略,如通过多种途径获取信息、使用工具书、参与小组合作学习等。
4. 文化意识:新课标强调了跨文化交际的重要性,要求学生了解不同文化背景下的交际习惯和礼仪,培养尊重和理解不同文化的意识。
5. 情感态度:新课标提倡培养学生对英语学习的积极态度,鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,对英语学习保持好奇心和探索欲。
6. 学习内容:新课标对学习内容进行了更新,包括日常生活、学校生活、节日庆祝、环境保护等主题,以贴近学生的实际生活,提高学习的相关性和趣味性。
7. 评价方式:新课标提倡多元化的评价方式,不仅包括传统的笔试,还包括口语测试、项目作业、自我评价和同伴评价等,以全面评估学生的英语能力。
8. 教学方法:新课标鼓励教师采用多样化的教学方法,如情景教学、任务型教学、合作学习等,以激发学生的学习兴趣和参与度。
9. 信息技术的应用:新课标提倡利用信息技术辅助教学,如使用多媒体教学资源、在线学习平台等,以提高教学效率和学生的学习体验。
10. 课程资源的开发与利用:新课标鼓励学校和教师开发和利用丰富的课程资源,包括教材、教辅材料、网络资源等,以满足不同学生的学习需求。

课程内容1. 语言知识:新课标对词汇量的要求有所增加,同时强调语法知识的系统性和实用性,以及对不同语言功能和场合的适应性。
2. 语言技能:包括听、说、读、写四个方面,新课标特别强调口语交际能力和写作能力的培养,鼓励学生通过多种方式进行语言实践。
3. 文化意识:新课标提倡学生了解和尊重不同文化,培养国际视野和跨文化交流的能力。
4. 思维品质:鼓励学生发展批判性思维和创造性思维,通过英语学习培养解决问题的能力。
5. 学习策略:新课标鼓励学生掌握有效的学习策略,如自主学习、合作学习和探究学习等。
教学方法1. 任务型教学:通过设计具有实际意义的语言使用任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习和使用英语。
2. 情景教学:创建真实或模拟的语言使用情景,帮助学生在具体语境中理解和运用语言。
3. 信息技术的融合:鼓励教师利用多媒体和网络资源,提高教学的互动性和趣味性。

具体来说,学生应该能够:- 掌握基本的英语语言知识,包括词汇、语法、发音等。
- 发展听、说、读、写四项基本语言技能。
- 形成积极的学习态度和自主学习的能力。
- 了解不同文化背景下的交际方式和文化差异。
课程内容新课标对英语教学内容进行了重新规划,主要包括:- 语言知识:词汇、语法、句型结构等。
- 语言技能:听力理解、口语表达、阅读理解和写作能力。
- 文化意识:了解英语国家的文化背景,培养跨文化交际能力。
- 学习策略:掌握有效的学习方法和技巧,提高学习效率。
教学方法新课标提倡以学生为中心的教学方法,鼓励教师采用以下方式:- 任务型教学:通过完成具体任务来学习语言,提高语言的实际运用能力。
- 合作学习:鼓励学生之间的互动和合作,共同完成学习任务。
- 信息技术的运用:利用多媒体和网络资源,丰富教学内容和形式。
评价方式新课标对英语教学的评价方式也进行了改革,主要包括:- 形成性评价:通过日常的课堂表现、作业、小测验等方式,持续跟踪学生的学习进度。
- 终结性评价:通过期末考试、口语测试等形式,全面评价学生的学习成果。
- 综合评价:结合学生的语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识,进行综合性评价。
课程资源新课标鼓励教师和学校开发和利用多样化的课程资源,包括:- 教材:选择或编写适合学生实际水平和需求的教材。
- 教辅材料:利用各种教辅书籍、练习册等,辅助教学。
- 多媒体资源:利用视频、音频、网络等多媒体资源,提高教学效果。
教师发展新课标还强调教师专业发展的重要性,鼓励教师:- 不断更新教学理念,适应教育改革的需要。
- 提升自身的语言水平和教学技能。

以下是对2017年英语新课标的一些要点概述:课程目标:- 培养学生的英语语言知识、语言技能、学习策略和文化意识。
- 促进学生在英语语言实际使用中的交际能力。
- 培养学生的批判性思维和创新能力。
课程内容:- 语言知识:包括语音、词汇、语法、功能和话题。
- 语言技能:包括听、说、读、写四个方面。
- 学习策略:鼓励学生发展有效的学习方法和技巧。
- 文化意识:了解和尊重不同文化,培养跨文化交际能力。
教学方法:- 任务型教学:通过完成具体任务来学习语言。
- 合作学习:鼓励学生在小组中共同学习和解决问题。
- 信息技术的融合:利用多媒体和网络资源辅助教学。
评价方式:- 形成性评价:通过日常观察、课堂表现和作业来评价学生的学习过程。
- 终结性评价:通过期末考试、口语测试等方式来评价学生的学习成果。
课程资源:- 教材:选择适合学生实际水平和兴趣的教材。
- 辅助材料:包括音频、视频、网络资源等,以丰富教学内容。
教师角色:- 引导者:引导学生探索和学习英语。
- 组织者:组织有效的课堂活动和学习小组。
- 评价者:公正地评价学生的学习成果。
学生角色:- 主动学习者:积极参与课堂活动,主动寻求学习机会。
- 合作者:与同伴合作,共同完成学习任务。
- 反思者:对自己的学习过程和成果进行反思和自我评价。

1. 课程目标:新课标明确了英语教育的总目标是培养学生的综合语言
2. 课程内容:新课标对英语课程内容进行了丰富和拓展,包括语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、文化意识和情感态度等方面。
3. 教学方法:鼓励采用多样化的教学方法,如任务型教学、合作学习、探究式学习等,以提高学生的参与度和学习兴趣。
4. 评价方式:新课标提倡形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的评价体系,强调评价的多元化和过程性。
5. 信息技术的应用:鼓励教师和学生利用信息技术资源,如多媒体、
6. 课程资源的开发与利用:新课标提倡开发和利用各种课程资源,包
7. 教师专业发展:强调教师的专业成长,鼓励教师不断学习新的教育
8. 学生个性化学习:新课标提倡尊重学生的个体差异,鼓励学生根据
9. 跨学科学习:鼓励英语教学与其他学科的融合,通过跨学科的项目或活动,提高学生的综合素养。
10. 国际视野:新课标强调培养学生的国际视野,通过学习英语了解不同文化,增强国际交流和合作的能力。

英语课程标准(201 7年版)中华人民共和国教育部制目录第一部分前言 (3)一、课程性质 (3)二、课程基本理念 (3)三、课程设计思路 (5)第二部分课程目标 (7)一、总目标 (7)二、分级目标 (8)第三部分分级标准 (11)一、语言技能 (11)二、语言知识 (19)三、情感态度 (22)四、学习策略 (24)五、文化意识 (27)第四部分实施建议 (28)一、教学建议 (28)二、评价建议 (34)三、教材编写建议 (37)附录 (40)附录1 语音项目表 (40)附录2语法项目表 (42)附录3 词汇表 (44)第一部分前言当今世界正处在大发展和大调整的变革时期,呈现出世界多极化和经济全球化以及信息化的发展态势。

义务教育英语课程标准(201 7 年版)中华人民共和国教育部制目录第一部分前言 (3)一、课程性质 (3)二、课程基本理念 (3)三、课程设计思路 (4)第二部分课程目标 (5)一、总目标 (5)二、分级目标 (6)第三部分分级标准 (8)一、语言技能 (8)二、语言知识 (13)三、情感态度 (14)四、学习策略 (15)五、文化意识 (17)第四部分实施建议 (18)一、教学建议 (18)二、评价建议 (21)三、教材编写建议 (23)附录 (25)附录 1 语音项目表 (25)附录 2 语法项目表 (26)附录 3 词汇表 (27)第一部分前言当今世界正处在大发展和大调整的变革时期,呈现出世界多极化和经济全球化以及信息化的发展态势。

三、课程内容1. 听力新的课程标准将听力能力的培养放在首位,通过对各种听力材料的练习,帮助学生提高听力理解能力和听力表达能力。

1. 课程理念:强调英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质,英语课程承担着提高学生综合人文素养的任务,奠定学生综合人文学科知识的基础。
2. 课程目标:从综合语言运用能力、语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等五个方面,设计了各级目标要求,以促进学生综合人文素养的提高。
3. 内容要求:规定了英语课程需要学习的主题和内容,包括语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、文化意识和跨文化交际等方面的内容。
4. 教学方法:强调以学生为中心,注重学生的参与和体验,提倡采用多种教学方法和手段,如情境教学、任务型教学、合作学习等,以提高教学效果和学生的学习积极性。
5. 评价与反馈:注重过程性评价和终结性评价的有机结合,强调评价主体的多元化和评价形式的多样化,提倡采用多种评价方式进行学生学业成就的评价,并提供及时有效的反馈和改进建议。

以下是对2017年新课标I英语的一些主要内容的概述:1. 课程目标:新课标明确了英语课程的总目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,使他们能够在不同情境中有效地使用英语进行沟通和表达。
2. 学科核心素养:新课标提出了英语学科的四大核心素养,即语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力。
3. 课程内容:新课标对英语课程内容进行了重新规划,包括语言知识、语言技能、文化知识、情感态度和学习策略等方面。
4. 教学方法:新课标提倡以学生为中心的教学方法,鼓励教师采用任务型教学、合作学习、探究学习等多种教学方式,激发学生的学习兴趣和主动性。
5. 评价方式:新课标强调评价的多元化,不仅包括传统的笔试,还包括口语测试、项目作业、自我评价和同伴评价等多种形式。
6. 信息技术的应用:新课标鼓励教师利用信息技术提高教学效果,如使用多媒体教学资源、在线学习平台等。
7. 跨学科学习:新课标提倡英语与其他学科的整合,鼓励学生在英语学习中运用其他学科的知识,促进跨学科思维的发展。
8. 教学资源:新课标强调教学资源的丰富性和多样性,包括教材、教辅材料、网络资源等,以满足不同学生的学习需求。
9. 教师专业发展:新课标对教师的专业发展提出了更高要求,鼓励教师不断学习新的教学理念和方法,提升自身的教学能力。
10. 家校合作:新课标认为家校合作对于学生的英语学习至关重要,鼓励家长参与到孩子的英语学习过程中,共同促进学生英语素养的提升。

课程目标:新课标版英语课程旨在培养学生:1. 掌握基本的英语语言知识,包括语音、词汇、语法等。
2. 能够运用英语进行日常交流和简单工作。
3. 了解英语国家的文化背景,提高跨文化交际能力。
4. 培养批判性思维和创新思维,提高解决问题的能力。
5. 形成自主学习的习惯,具备终身学习的能力。
教学内容:1. 语言知识:包括语音、词汇、语法、功能、话题等基础语言知识。
2. 语言技能:包括听、说、读、写四项基本技能。
3. 文化知识:了解英语国家的历史、地理、社会习俗等文化背景。
4. 学习策略:掌握有效的学习方法和技巧,提高学习效率。
教学方法:1. 任务型教学:通过完成具体的语言任务来学习语言。
2. 情景教学:在真实的或模拟的语言使用情景中进行教学。
3. 合作学习:鼓励学生之间的合作,共同完成学习任务。
4. 信息技术应用:利用多媒体和网络资源,丰富教学手段。
评价方式:1. 形成性评价:通过课堂表现、作业、小测验等方式进行。
2. 终结性评价:通过期末考试、口语测试等来评价学生的学习成果。
3. 自我评价与同伴评价:鼓励学生进行自我反思,以及相互评价。
课程资源:1. 教材:选用符合新课标要求的教材。
2. 教辅资料:包括练习册、词汇手册、语法指南等。
3. 多媒体资源:利用视频、音频、在线课程等多媒体教学资源。
课程实施建议:1. 教师应根据学生的实际情况,灵活运用教学方法。
2. 注重培养学生的自主学习能力,鼓励学生参与课堂讨论。
3. 定期组织英语角、英语演讲比赛等活动,提高学生的英语实践能力。
4. 教师应不断更新教学理念,适应教育技术的发展。

具体来说,新课标要求学生能够:- 掌握基础的英语语言知识,包括语音、词汇、语法等。
- 发展听、说、读、写四项基本语言技能。
- 形成积极的学习态度和有效的学习策略。
- 了解并尊重不同文化,培养跨文化交际能力。
课程内容新课标对课程内容进行了更新和扩充,包括:- 语言知识:增加了词汇量的要求,强调了语法知识的系统性和实用性。
- 语言技能:强调了语言技能的综合运用,特别是在真实语境中的交际能力。
- 学习策略:鼓励学生发展自主学习的能力,包括时间管理、信息处理等。
- 文化意识:增加了对英语国家文化和全球文化多样性的了解。
教学方法新课标提倡采用多样化的教学方法,以适应不同学生的学习需求,包括:- 任务型教学:通过完成具体的语言任务来学习语言。
- 合作学习:鼓励学生在小组中共同学习,促进交流和合作。
- 信息技术的运用:利用多媒体和网络资源,提高教学的互动性和趣味性。
评价方式新课标对评价方式也进行了改革,更加注重过程性和综合性评价:- 形成性评价:强调在学习过程中对学生进行持续的评估和反馈。
- 终结性评价:通过考试等形式,综合评价学生的学习成果。
- 自我评价和同伴评价:鼓励学生参与到评价过程中,提高自我反思和批判性思维能力。
课程资源为了支持新课标的实施,教育部提供了丰富的教学资源,包括:- 教材:更新了教材内容,使之更加符合新课标的要求。
- 教师培训:加强了对教师的专业发展和培训,以适应新课标的教学需求。
- 网络平台:建立了在线学习平台,提供丰富的学习资源和交流机会。

二、课程目标1. 语言知识:学生应掌握一定数量的词汇、语法结构和语言功能,能够理解和使用英语进行基本沟通。
2. 语言技能:包括听、说、读、写四个方面,学生应能够运用这些技能进行信息获取、表达观点和情感。
3. 学习策略:学生应学会如何自主学习,包括时间管理、资源利用等。
4. 文化意识:学生应了解不同文化背景下的交际习惯和价值观,培养跨文化交际能力。
三、课程内容1. 词汇:新课标对词汇量的要求有所提高,注重词汇的实用性和多样性。
2. 语法:强调语法知识的系统性和应用性,使学生能够在实际语境中正确使用。
3. 听力:通过多种听力材料,培养学生捕捉信息和理解主旨的能力。
4. 口语:鼓励学生参与讨论和表达,提高口语交际的流利度和准确性。
5. 阅读:增加阅读材料的类型和难度,培养学生的阅读兴趣和批判性思维。
6. 写作:注重写作技能的培养,包括叙述、描述、议论等不同文体。
四、教学方法1. 任务型教学:通过完成具体的语言任务,使学生在实践中学习语言。
2. 合作学习:鼓励学生之间的互动和合作,共同完成学习任务。
3. 信息技术的运用:利用多媒体和网络资源,丰富教学内容和形式。
五、评价方式1. 形成性评价:通过课堂表现、作业、小组讨论等方式,持续跟踪学生的学习进展。
2. 终结性评价:通过期中、期末考试等,综合评价学生的学习成果。
3. 自我评价和同伴评价:培养学生的自我反思能力和评价他人工作的能力。
六、课程资源1. 教材:选择符合新课标要求的教材,注重内容的更新和教学方法的创新。

课程要体现以学生为主体的思想, 在教学目标、教学内容、教学过程、教学评价和教学资源的利用与开发等方面都应考虑全体学生的发展需求,课程应成为学生在教师指导下构建知识、发展技能、拓展视野、活跃思维、展现个性的过程。
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