GMAT 模板 arguement
(括号里面的内容可能是需要根据具体题目进行变换的)justify nexus leave使得perspicuous pinpoint精确地描出或描述precarious 根据不足的。
Efficacy 功效性elaboration详细的细节exhaustive 彻底的 liaison联系Dear Coder: Hello!I am Julie. I have some little English writings within this E-mail .It is a Model in the GRE Argument, which means I prepare the frameworks for the Arguments before the test, then I can make use of them appropriately when I take the test.So I need your help to modify them, ~~~only 2-3 pages.Since GRE is a high-level test for the postgraduate degree, I write them in very formal words, some of which may often be used in academic discourses, and the sentences I made are very directed (?) .(Please help me to know whether I use the words and the sentences in a correct way.The black words are my original pattern, and the yellow words are the first modifications by Alvin. His English improved very fast.The words or the sentence in the brackets are the substitutions for the content nearby.)My ultimate goal is to make the argument very cogent with a clear and logical framework.Thanks for helping me with them it you have the time.Have a nice day!Your sincere friend,Julie[Note that all punctuation is placed next to the last letter, with no space separating the last letter and punctuation.]1 时序因果分析 (concurrence)First, the author’s reasoning is a classic instance of “after this, therefor e, because of this” reasoning. The only reason put forward to support the claim is the mere fact that the former preceded the latter. However, a mere positional correlation between A and B doesn’t necessarily signify a causal relationship unless other pertinent factors have been considered and rejected. There are many other possible factors that could bring about the same result.For example, perhaps C. Without compelling ○2evidence to clarify the causal connection between these two events, it is premature to conclude that A was the cause of B.2错误类比攻击 (false analogy)Additionally, the reason relies on the assumptions that…is analogous to…However, the author provides no evidence to support this presumption. Differences between these two clearly outweigh the similarities, thus ○3making the analogy highly questionable. For example, A is less likely to have C and D than B(替换problems of XXX all affect A but are virtually absent in B. Problems such as these might present obstacles that prevent doing…in B) On the other hand, there may be relevant disparities) between …and …that preclude them from having a similar effect on …. Therefore,○4 lacking specific information about A and B, it is unlikely that xxx for A will also apply to B.3非此即彼攻击(either-or choice)support this assumption, nor is this crucial assumption very likely to be true.) Moreover, accepting both A and B might produce better results. It is possible that, in the long run, A helping XXX will also result in greater…. (original conclusion of B).Anyway, the author provides○7 no justification for the mutually exclusive choice imposed on the reader.4充分性攻击 (必须证明行动本身就可以得到一起的结果,A 导致不了B)(sufficient) The author’s conclusion alludes to the implicit assumption that A is sufficient to engender B.However, 895 必要性攻击(寻找他因)(necessary)10collection of factors, some of which will remain unpredictable in the future.In the case of XXX, factors such as C, D and E might be instrumental to render the same definitive impact on (B)(for example, B may be due to the fact C, or because it has D).( It is equallyfactors, the author entertains the possibility that A is a prerequisite for B.foreseeable future.In addition, it is possible that this trend may greatly vary according to social change.(in the overall economic status, the nation’s fiscal policies, financial condition, technical renovation, validity of laws and political milieu). Accordingly, any of these factors can influence, to some extent, A1, A2 and A3.7. Survey is doubtful选择性样本攻击A threshold the argument is that the respondent’s necessarily调查对象the questionnaire, ,The example cited, while prefiguring this trend, is insufficient to conclude that the sample is representative of the whole group. Therefore, without engaging in extensive analysis, it is presumptuous for the author to draw any conclusion.样本数量(总数未知)(the size of the sample is unknown)Moreover, the information XX is too vague to be statistically valid in the survey, thereby making the methodology of the analysis ambiguous. Without specific information about the number of XXX surveyed and the number of respondents, it is unacceptable to claim that the survey represents the entire population. For example, if 1000 workers were surveyed but only 10 responded, the result would be highly suspect .…Even if the conclusion from our empirical observations seems to be reasonable, the particular pattern in which XX is involved may not be an appropriate generalization .Unless it can be clarified and juxtaposed with the evidence that….. should appear to support the conclusion, the conclusion is not supported by the evidence. 样本时效性攻击( the time of the survey is flawed )Another innate defect that significantly undermines this argument is that the author overlooks a perennial problem in the survey. As several years elapse, the validity of the sample may vary according to the social upheaval (the overall economic status, the nation’s fiscal policies, financial condition, existence of fledgling industries, technical renovation, validity of laws, and political milieu). Any of these factors may inevitably affect the sample of the current generation or even engender a distortion of the incipient state in….. Until the author assigns a higher priority to the instantaneous investigation in an appropriate time, the conclusion that… invalid.Loaded question和诚实性攻击 (loaded question and the honest response)What’s more, the methodology of the survey is problematic for two reasons. For one thing, we are not informed whether the survey provided only 3 alternatives. If it did, the respondents, who might very well prefer another choice not provided in the survey, mightbe forced to give up their preferences. For another thing, we are not informed (it is unknown) whether the survey responses were anonymous or confidential. The respondents might supply responses favored by their superiors who might conduct the survey. Both events would cause this survey to be unreliable, let alone draw the conclusion that…9.Hasty generalization (有个体推广到一般结论)The author’s use of evidence claiming that XX is the basis for a generalization about all XXX introduces a fallacious argument. The underlying assumption operative in this deduction is that one example is indicative of a general conclusion. Unless A is demonstrably representative of all XXX (that….)., the conclusion that all…(conclusion)is completely unjustifiable. Therefore, in the case of such a narrow purview, it is unjustifiable to draw any conclusion in general.10.开头( at the beginning )The author draws the conclusion in this argument that…. Several pertinent reasons are supplied to support the conclusion . Initially, the author points out that….Secondly, the author posits that…(Besides, he also presumes that …)Even if the author’s argument seems to be tempting,exhaustive analysis reveals that the conclusion is based on some dubious assumptions and that the reasoning is biased due to the ambivalence of the evidence. However, without scrupulous justification to support it, the conclusion is problematic for several reasons结尾(at last)To conclude, the author unfairly assumes that……To enhance the argument, the author would have to corroborate that…..What’s more, to further justify the conclusion, the author should provide detailed evidence to demonstrate that….Julie,I’m not certain that I fully understand what you are doing with this collection of discussions of fallacies in reasoning, but I have done what I can to improve the grammar. Note the important comment about placement of punctuation, and also note how I place it in these sentences.You demonstrate a high level of understanding of the English language and logic.Your special friend,Coder。
GMAT考试写作 6分模板
文章总模板(1)In this XXX (argument), the author concludes that 结论主张目标, citing the fact/reason that前提事实原因一. What’s more, the author points out that 前提事实原因二. While this argument seems reasonable, it is nevertheless unacceptable to embrace the credibility of this argument after careful scrutiny.(2)In the first place, it is mentioned that …… The author unfairly assumes that ……Therefore, it is highly doubtful that ……(3)In the second place, stated in this argument is a fact that…… The author's conclusion relie s on the gratuitous assumption that ……Therefore, in face of such limited evidence, the conclusion turns out to be less well backed.(4)Last but not the least, the author tells us the conclusion that…… He or she might have been attempting to mislead us int o believing that …...Therefore, with no regard to …… (all of these and other possibilities/differences/a thorough cost-benefit analysis), it is fallacious to draw the conclusion at all.(5)After analyzing the reasoning line and the use of evidence in this argument, it requires more improvement in several aspects. Instead of simply relying on the evidence given so far, the author ought to provide credible evidence about , eliminate other factors that may result in , or take into account other issues discussed above.调查问题In the first place, one possible problem in this argument involves the survey itself. As weall know, the smaller the sample size is, the less reliable the result of the survey is. So, if the number of the participants in the survey is too small, it will be highly doubtful whether the conclusion is credible. In addition, the author provides no evidence to ensure that those who responded to the survey are representative of the whole group. Those who were more interested in XX might be more likely to respond to the questionnaire. Due to the lack of randomness and representativeness in the survey sample, the statistical reliability of the survey will be really dubious.内容补充(1) assume/assumption that + (2) However+1) 他因(1) B is determined solely by A. While A is a seemingly important element in determining B, it is hardly the only or even necessarily required one. (2) The author omits the possibility of other alternative facts that …… It is entirely possible that .... It is equally pos sible that .... Moreover, perhaps ....2) 他果(1) A will solely result in B. While B is a seemingly possible result of A, it is hardly the only one. (2) The author omits the possibility of other alternative facts that …… It is entirely possible that .... It is equally possible that .... Moreover, perhaps ....3) 错误类比(1) A is analogous to B in all aspects. (2) It is clear that the author fails to take into account the possible differences between these two ……4) 时地全等(1) X would remain unchanged over/sinc e… (or at different locations) (2) The fact that happened (n years ago) is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that …… In addition, it is possible that this trend will fluctuate or even reverse in the future.5) 时序因果/无因果(1) B is due to A, just because B happened after A. (2) There is no sufficient evidence to bolster the assumption that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between A and B.6) 二者择一(1) A and B are mutually exclusive alternatives. (2) Common sense and observation tell us that combining both A and B might achieve better effects.7) 成本收益(1) the (construction) of XXX will solely bring some benefit such as …… (2) This assumption fails to take into account the increase in cost and inefficiency that could result from XXX“a thorough cost-benefit analysis”假设错误assume 现写However + ……(1) There is no sufficient evidence to bolster the assumption that ……(2) There is, however, no guarantee that this is true, nor does the author provide any evidence to substantiate this assumption.。
AA作文模版一、开头段(Based upon a survey that……) The statement draws a conclusion that…….Several reasons are offered in support of this argument.First of all, the author cites the fact that .................What’s more ,the author points out that ................In addition, he infers that……(用于中间结论)At first glance, the author’s argument appears to be some what convincing, but further reveals that it omits some important concerns to make the argument sound. In my opinion, the argument suffers from N logical flaws.二、结尾段Based on the reasons I listed above, this argument is dubious/unwarranted/ unconvincing as it stands. To strengthen the conclusion, the author would have to provide evidence…….to support the conclusion. Meanwhile, it is important to rule out other possibilities that might lead to the same result and take other issues mentioned into consideration, this argument would have been much more thorough and logically acceptable.三、中间段(记住七宗罪:养(样本不足)姐(结论错误)饮(因果无关)泪(错误类比/横向比较都一样)二(二选一、非此即彼)等(等时等地/纵向比较都一样)茶(调查错误)大体结构:1)First of all, Secondly, Furthermore, Last but not least2)任选一句the author concludes that….however, this is a very weak claim as(because) is highly doubtful that..the assumption fails to take into account that..the author unfairly assumes that..Another problem is that..(较为特殊,仅能在除第一段以外的段落使用)3)for example,…it is unlikly that..4)Therefore/as a result/ Accordingly/Consequentlythe reasoning is wrong unless …without further evidence, that author cannot concludes that…without further evidence, the claim that… is groundless.还是举个例子,第二段的写法:Secondly,Another problem is that.. for example,…Therefore,the reasoning is wrong unless …1、养----样本不足(insufficient sample)1)调查样本大小不足不具有代表性One problem of the argument is the research/survey itself. The number of participants reveals a small sample that is insufficient to represent the XX group and might deflect the actual result. For example…..(举出其他的可能情况).Unless the author can show that A1 is representative of all A, the conclusion that B… is completely unwarranted.2)Misapplied Generalization(大范围推小范围)(A发生----关于A中A1结论) The author’s conclusion/prediction relies on the gratuitous assumption that 大范围applies specifically to 小范围. There is, however, no guarantee that this is the case, nor does the author provide any evidence to substantiate this assumption. Just as likely, 小范围….( is just in the opposite direction). In that case, the author’s conclusion/recommendation might amount to especially poor advice.3)时间样本不足However, a mere recent one-year A is insufficient to claim that... Statistics from such limited anecdotal evidence is not a good indicator for this trend.2、姐----结论错误3、泪---错误类比(横向即跟别人比)(based on a false analogy)the argument has also committed a false analogy fallacy. The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects and failing to take into account the possible differences between these two.... In fact, it is highly doubtful that the facts drawn from B are applicable to A. Differences between A and B clearly out weight the similarities. It is possible that B is unlikely to experience the same consequence if it adopts A’s strategies. For example, …all affects A but are virtually absent in B. ...(A however B)....Therefore, without providing sufficient information showing that most or even all of the conditions in A&B is similar or the same, the author cannot convince me that ...which is efficient in A can also be efficient in B as well.4.饮---因果错误(Correlation to Causation)1)因果无联系(时序因果、因果倒置)+有他因(举例)(时序因果)The author unfairly assums that B is due to A just because B happened after A/ A coincided with B.However, there is no sufficient evidence which can substantiate the assumption that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between A and B.The author provided no more reliable evidence to rule out other possible attributes that might also lead to this result. For instance,...........(列举他因)In short, without considering and ruling out all of these and other possibilities, the credibility of the author’s conclusion is really open to doubt(因果倒置)it is possible that the author confuses cause with effect respecting B. Perhaps A was a response to B. Since the author may fails to account for this possibility. The claim is completely unwarranted.2)有他因Casual Oversimplification(因素A不一定会导致某结果B 有他因/ B结果的发生还有其他的原因)The author unfairly assumes that B determined solely by A. While A is a seemingly important element in determining B, it is hardly the only or even necessarily required one. the author fails to eliminate other possibilities (other possible factors)Forexample….. Therefore, this argument is unwarranted unless other factors relevant have been considered and ruled out.3)无端假设The argument rests on a gratuitous assumption that if only A happens, B is bound to happen. The author, however, failed proving the assumption justified because no further evidence was cited. For example….. It is likely that …………it is also likely th at ……………Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility.比如说某国增加sugar的出口量来解决贸易赤字问题,sugar出口的增加一定会导致trade deficit减少吗,可以举个反例啥的,例如该国的进口一直在大幅上升,sugar那点出口增加根本盖不住。
Argument之七宗罪第一宗罪:无因果联系The author commits a fallacy谬论of causal oversimplification. The line of the reasoning is that because A occurred before B, the former event is responsible for the latter. (The author uses the positive correlation between A and B to establish causality. However, the fact that A coincides with B does not necessarily prove that A caused B.) But this is fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out排除. For example, perhaps C is the cause of these events or perhaps B is caused by D.第二宗罪Insufficient-sample样本不足The evidence the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. One example is logically unsounded to establish a general conclusion (The statistics from only a few recent years are not necessarily a good indicator of future trends), unless it can be shown that A1 is representative of all A. It is possible that.... In fact, in face of such limited evidence, the conclusion that B is completely unwarranted.第三宗罪: 错误类比(based on a false analogy )<横向> The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects. This assumption is weak, since although there are points of comparison between A and B, there is much dissimilarity as well. For example, A..., however, B.... Thus, it is likely much more difficult for B to do....第四宗罪all things are equal<纵向> The author commits the fallacy of "all things are equal". The fact that happened two years ago is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that.... The author assumes without justification that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different locations. However, it is not clear in this argument whether the current conditions at AA are the same as they used to be two years ago. Thus it is impossible to conclude that....第五宗罪Either-Or choice二者择一The author assumes that AA and BB are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground. However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice. Common sense tells us that adjusting both AA and BB might produce better results.第六宗罪survey is doubtful可疑调查The poll cited by the author is too vague to be informative. The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll, who responded, or when, where and how the poll was conducted. (Lacking information about the number of people surveyed and the number of respondents, it is impossible to access the validity of theresults. For example, if 200 persons were surveyed but only 2 responded, the conclusion that...would be highly suspect. Because the argument offers no evidence that would rule out this kind of interpretations,) Until these questions are answered, the results of the survey are worthless as evidence for the conclusion.第七宗罪gratuitous assumption结论无据The author falsely depends on gratuitous assumption that.... However, no evidence is stated in the argument to support this assumption. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. For example, it is more likely that.... Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility.awa模板模版部分:ArgumentIn this argument the author reaches the conclusion that.... The basis for this recommendation is that.... An additional reason given in support of this recommendation is that...(The author an example in support of this recommendation). At first glance, the author's argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that it omits some important concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument.In the first place,In the second place,In the third place,In conclusion, the author fails to provide adequate justification for.... As it stands, the reasoning does not constitute a logical argument in favor of the recommendation. To strengthen the argument, the author would have to provide evidence to prove that.... To better assess the argument, we need additional detailed information that we can establish the conclusion whether....开头The author concludes in the argument that………… Several reasons are offered to support th e argument. First of all, the author points out that………..What’s more, he also assumes that……… However, the argument is unconvincing for several reasons.(The argument has some major logi c flaws.)结尾To conclude,(in conclusion) the argument is not persuasive as it stands. Accordingly, it is imp rudent for the author to claim that…. To make this argument logically acceptable, the author woul d have to show that. In addition, to solidify this conclusion, the author should provide evidence to demonstrate that………将七宗罪分类整理了一下,按照论证的原因、结果、论证过程三部分,归为三个类别:因、果、证1、因就是原因上的问题,有以下三个:可疑调查样本不足结论无据2、果就是结论上的问题,有以下两个:无因果联系二者择一3、证就是论证过程上的问题,有以下两个,纵向横向各一个:错误类比(横向)时地全等(纵向)这样,只要记住了三字诀:因、果、证,就很容易记牢全部七宗罪了。
AWA 七宗罪写作模板
GMAT Essay Model开头段The conclusion endorsed in this argument is that…Several reasons are offered in support of this argument. First of all, the author points out that… In addition, the author reasons that… What’s more, he also assumes that … At first glance, the author’s argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that the conclusion is based on some dubious assumptions and the reasoning is biased due to the inadequacy and partiality in the nature of evidence provided to justify the conclusion. A careful examination would review how groundless this conclusion is.AWA七宗罪结论无据(other factors)The author assumes that A is due to B.However, B may be an important contributing factor but not necessary the only one. For example, such factors as… and ……may account for A.Without taking into account other essential factors, the assumption is unsupportable. The author has to rule out other factors that may lead to the conclusion.无因果联系The author falsely establishes a causal relationship.The mere fact that A is somewhat correlated with B is insufficient to establish a causal relationship.For example...Without taking into account the real relationship between two events, the assumption is unreasonable.The author has to provide more concrete evidence to prove a causal relationship between A and B.错误类比The author assumes that A is analogous to BHowever, their discrepancy outweighs their similarities. The author actually makes a false analogy.For example, A and B will be poles apart if…Without taking into account such discrepancy, the assumption is groundless.The author has to provide the A resembles B in all aspects.时地全等The author assumes that conditions of will remain unchanged as they were before. However, the future is uncertain. The argument commits a fallacy of “All things are equal”.For example…Without taking into account such possibilities, the assumption is ungrounded.The author has to rule out other possibilities that may lead to the conclusion.二者择一The author assumes that A and B are mutually exclusive alternatives.And by applying such an “either-or” reasoning, the author actually presents a false dilemma.For example, there could have other possibilities that…Without taking account into other options, the assumption is unfair.The author has to rule out other options that may lead to the conclusion.可疑调查(gratuitous assumption)The evidence quoted is intended to support the author’s claim that….However, the evidence is too vague to be informative.For example…Without taking into account such potential issues, the issues may portrait a distorted view of…….and mislead the mass audience.The author has to provide the evidence to rule out that possibility.样本不足The author relies on the assumption that A is typical of B as a whole.However, the evidence quoted is too limited to substantiate the assumption.For example, it is entirely possible that……Without taking into account such cases, the assumption is unwarranted.The author has to provide the evidence that A is representative of the whole group.结尾段To conclude, this argument is not persuasive as it stands. Accordingly, it is imprudent for the author to claim that…. To make this argument logically acceptable, the author would have to show that…. In addition, to solidify the conclusion, the author should provide concrete evidence as well to demonstrate that…. Only with more convincing evidence could this argument become more than just an emotional appeal.。
第一宗罪:无因果联系The author commits a fallacy of causal oversimplification. The line of the reasoning is that because A occurred before B, the former event is responsible for the latter. (The author uses the positive correlation between A and B to establish causality. However, the fact that A coincides with B does not necessarily prove that A caused B.) But this is fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps C is the cause of these events or perhaps B is caused by D.第二宗罪样本不足The evidence the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. One example is logically unsounded to establish a general conclusion (The statistics from only a few recent years are not necessarily a good indicator of future trends), unless it can be shown that A1 is representative of all A. It is possible that.... In fact, in face of such limited evidence, the conclusion that B is completely unwarranted.第三宗罪: 错误类比The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects. This assumption is weak, since although there are points of comparison between A and B, there is much dissimilarity as well. For example, A..., however, B.... Thus, it is likely much more difficult for B to do....第四宗罪时地全等The author commits the fallacy of “all things are equal”. The fact that happened two years ago is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that.... The author assumes without justification that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different locations. However, it is not clear in this argument whether the current conditions at AA are the same as they used to be two years ago. Thus it is impossible to conclude that....第五宗罪二者择一The author assumes that AA and BB are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground. However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice. Common sense tells us that adjusting both AA and BB might produce better results.第六宗罪可疑调查The poll cited by the author is too vague to be informative. The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll, who responded, or when, where and how the poll was conducted. (Lackinginformation about the number of people surveyed and the number of respondents, it is impossible to access the validity of the results. For example, if 200 persons were surveyed but only 2 responded, the conclusion that...would be highly suspect. Because the argument offers no evidence that would rule out this kind of interpretations,) Until these questions are answered, the results of the survey are worthless as evidence for the conclusion.第七宗罪结论无据The author falsely depends on gratuitous assumption that.... However, no evidence is stated in the argument to support this assumption. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. For example, it is more likely that.... Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility以上就是GMAT写作中7种常见的错误类型,考生可以据此进行针对性的复习,尽量避免在GMAT写作考试中出现同类型的错误,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。
那个4分钟是算时间的)Argument 实在是不知道怎么说,看了下7宗罪,没时间的同学把高频看看心里想几个要驳斥的点就可以了Issue的话我觉得第二次考得好的主要原因是每一段都有“鲜活”的例子support我的观点,本文楼主语言依然平淡无比,但每段都有鲜活的例子,从斯德哥尔摩峰会,到中国经济过热,再到中东资源策略。
想来想去只有可能是这样例子让改卷子的觉得这个文章并非“空洞乏力” 给了这么个分。
接下来想谈一下楼主对文字的理解,纵观写的俩篇作文,没有一篇用了大于大学6级以外的词汇,但是Gmat 的SC练好了对写作文还是很有帮助的。
内容的核心就是例子,例子以及鲜活的例子!!GMAT AWA意外5.5:从内容上下功夫在GMAT中,很多人只注意到单项语法,但是事实上,语法的功底对于写出长难句的能力是很关键的。
GMATArgument英文写作模板下面GMAT为大家整理了GMAT Argument 写作模板,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。
A newspaper publisher is remending that the price of its paper, The Mercury, be reduced below the price of a peting newspaper, The Bugle.Thisremendation responds to a severe decline in circulation of The Mercury during the 5-year period following the introduction of The Bugle.Thepublishers line of reasoning is that lowering the price of The Mercury will increase its readership, thereby increasing profits because a wider readership attracts more advertisers.Thisline of reasoning is problematic in two critical respects.While it is clear that increased circulation would make the paper more attractive to potential advertisers, it is not obvious that lowering the subscription price is the most effective way to gain new readers.Thepublisher assumes that price is the only factor that caused the decline in readership.Butno evidence is given to support this claim.Moreover, given that The Mercury was the established local paper, it is unlikely that such a mass exodus of its readers would be explained by subscription pricealone.There are many other factors that might account for a decline in The Mercurys popularity.Forinstance,readers might be displeased with the extent and accuracy of its news reporting, or the balance of local to other news coverage.Moreover,it is possible The Mercury has recently changed editors, giving the paper a locally unpopular political perspective.Or perhaps readers are unhappy with the papers format, the timeliness of its feature articles,its ics or advice columns, the extent and accuracy of its local event calendar, or its rate of errors.。
As is formulated in the above statement, the arguer takes it for granted that [main idea]. Despite the fact that the extracted proposition might seem reasonable at first glance, it is actually irrational and ill-conceived(构思不理想的). After all…We should attach great significance to several reasons being demonstrated below.Initially, the conclusion that…showcases it is presumed that [fallacy(谬误;谬论) 1]. Although this is largely possible and feasible, there is no sufficient evidence provided to substantiate this crucial assumption. It is very likely that [reason 1]. An appropriate example is readily available. (And the list will go on.) The reasoning(推理;论证) made by the arguer is definitely flawed unless it can be convinced that these and other possible scenarios(方案) are not accessible.Moreover, the debater assumes that [fallacy 2]. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee of being always necessarily the case, however, and the arguer does not supply any evidence to confirm this assumption. It is possibly exemplified by the fact that [reason 2]. To illustrate this viewpoint clearly, the following representative example makes sense. Without taking these and other alternative explanations into account, the arguer cannot bolster(支持) the recommendation.What about …?Finally, even if the evidence turns out to support the foregoing(先前的) assumptions, the debater just acclaims that [fallacy 3]. Neither any conclusive sophisticated nor any anecdotal(轶事的) evidence is provided to affirm this assumption. It is rational to doubt that what the arguer assumes will not happen in reality. It is just as possible that [reason 3].A forceful proof seems not very far to seek… To reach the cited conclusion, either why none of these alternatives is available or why none of them is able to sustain should be explained.To put all into a nutshell, the argument unraveled above does not cite abundant valid and convincing evidence or boost plentiful sound and objective reasoning as a prerequisite, both of which are indispensable for a conclusive argument. The paragraph given merely scratches the surface of what must be said about (this University) in order to (entice students and to convince them) that this is (the best place to obtain a quality education). Much more work is required (by the public relations department before this can be made into a four-color brochure and handed out to prospective students.)。
1GMAT ARGUMENT 写作5.5分模板>>>>>>>DS 工作室<<<<<<<为您倾情整理 总模板:In this argument, the author concludes that… To support his conclusion, the author points out that…. In addition, the author reasons that… Further more, he also assumes that …. At first glance, the author’s argument appears to besomehow appealing, while a close examination will reveal how groundless it is. We do not have to look very far to see the invalidity of this argument. This argument is problematic for the following reasons.In the first place, this argument rests on a gratuitous assumption that ….However, the assumption is questionable because the author provides no evidence to support this argument. The arguer fails to take into account other facts that might contribu te to the result that …….. It is likely that , ……………..; it is also likely that …………………………Any of these scenarios, if true, would showthat ………………Therefore, this argument in question nee not to be accepted without ruling out such possibility.In the second place, the argument commits a logic fallacy of “after this and therefore because of this”. In no case can the mere fact that… be cited as evidence to support the assumption that there is a causal-effect relationship between A andB. Moreover, that just because B can be statistically correlated with A doesnot necessarily mean that A is the cause of B. In fact, the author has obviouslyneglected the possibility of other alternative facts such as…, or …may contribute to a certain extent to B. It may be only a coincidence that ……. Unless the author can rule out other factors relevant to …, this assumption in question can not be accepted.In the third place, the evidence that the author provides is insufficient tosupport the conclusion drawn from it. One example is rarely sufficient to establisha general conclusion. Unless the arguer can show that A1 is representative of all A, the conclusion that B… is completely unwarranted. In fact, in face of such limited evidence, it is fallacious to draw any conclusion at all.In the fourth place, the argument has also committed a false analogy fallacy. The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects, and the author assumes without justification that all things are equal, and that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different2locations. No evidence is provided to support this assumption. However there are all kinds of important differences between ……. and other …making the analogy highly less than valid. For example, A..., however, B....Thus lacking thisassumption, the conclusion that …is entirely unfounded.Last but no least, the validity of the survey on which the argument relies is doubtful in itself. The survey cited by the author is too vague to be informative. The claim does not indicate who conducted this survey and when and how the survey is conducted, neither does it mention what is the sample size, or how the samples are selected. Until these questions are answered the results of this survey are worthless as evidence to support that….Besides, the author assumes that A and B are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground. However, the author has never offered any reasons or evidences for imposing an either-or choice. Common sense and observation tells us that adjoining both A and B might produce better results. 普通的结尾In conclusion, the arguer fails to substantiate his claim that …. Because the evidence cited in the analysis is too weak to lend strong support to what the arguer claims. To strengthen the argument, the arguer must convince us that…. Inaddition, the arguer could have to provide more precise information to support his claim.建议文章的结尾:In conclusion, it is imprudent for …to …solely on the basis of the evidence presented. Because the evidence cited in the analysis is too weak to lend strong support to what the arguer claims. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer should provide more substantial evidence concerning that…Moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of therecommendation(conclusion) untilthe arguer could provide all concrete evidence to rule out all the above possibilities that I analyzed.调研文章的结尾:In conclusion, the survey on which the argument relies lacks credibility and therefore does not lend strong support to the conclusion that…To strengthen the argument, the arguer must convince us that…. Moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of the recommendation(conclusion) until the arguercould provide all concrete evidence to rule out all the above possibilities that I analyzed.以上就是GMAT ARGUMENT写作5.5分模板的详细内容,考生可针对文中介绍的方法进行有针对性的备考。
【开头】1、简洁重述作者论点及论据2、指出作者论证是否可信The author concludes that ……….. because …………. The author’s lines of reasoning is that ……………. This argument is unconvincing for several reasons.Citing facts drawn from……… industry that …….. (事实,或者假设,或者前提), the author argues that ………. (作者的结论). In support of this conclusion the author cites the general principle that “…………….” . This principle, coupled with the fat that ………. Leads to the author’s rosy prediction. This argument is unconvincing because it suffers from …….(two or three or four) critical flaws.In this argument the author concludes that .................... Because........................ . For a couple of reasons (注意,这里是指两个), this argument is not very convincing.In this argument the author concludes that .......................... The conclusion is based on two facts:(1).............................. (2) ....................... While this argument is somewhat convincing, a few concerns need to be addressed.In response to a coincidence between .................. and .........................., the report recommends ....................... The grounds for this action are twofold. First, ................................ Second, ................................. . It is further recommended that ............................ and that ........................ . The recommendation advanced in the report are questionable for two reasons. (注意,这个开头有些冗长)Based upon a survey among ........... that indicates ........................................., the author concludes that...................... Specially, it is argued that since ................................, the notion that incorrect. The reasoning in this argument is problematic in several respects.To bolster this prediction, the author cites statistics showing that...................................................【正文】1、三段到四段,一点一段2、每一段,概括作者论证推理。
开头In the given argument/plan/editorial/article,the author concludes that结论主张目标,citing 前提事实原因一.Moreover,the author points out that前提事实原因二.This argument appears to have some merits at first glance,however,it suffers some critical flaws that seriously undermine the conclusion after close scrutiny of evidence and accordingly is not thoroughly well-reasoned.过渡In the first place,In the second place,Last but not the least,攻击点1.无因果联系(因为A所以B)The claim of the arguer is a classic instance of"AFTER THIS,THEREFORE BECAUSE OF THIS"reasoning.The only evidence put forward to support the conclusion is前提事实原因A. No further demonstration linking the two events is provided in the argument,thus leaving open the possibility that前提事实原因的改写A does not serve as the exclusive prerequisite for前提事实原因的结论B.Besides,the author omits other possible causal factors that could bring about the exactly identical consequence,for instance,A导致B的另外假设原因.As a result,without accounting for these potential factors,the argument just an emotional reasoning.2.时地全等(出现时间地点照搬的情况)The arguer commits a fallacy of"ALL THINGS ARE EQUALE".The fact that前提事实原因is not a sound evidence to draw the conclusion,since it omits some respects.The arguer assumes without justification that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or in different locations.However,it is not clear in this argument whether the current/past conditions条件一are the same as条件二.Thus,such evidence might undermine the argument for lacking valid information.3.样本不足(用一小部分代替了整体,论证是依据调查统计数据研究实验等样本可疑)The evidence that前提事实原因is not sufficient to prove the conclusion.The statistics/study/survey/experiments小样本are/is not necessarily a good indicator of future trends and are/is logically unsounded to establish a general conclusion.No evidence is shown that小样本is representative of all大样本.In fact,in face of such limited evidence,the conclusion that结论is completely unwarranted.4.类比(AB相同,A发生B发生,找不相同点)The argument rests on the assumption that A事件事物情况地点is analogous to B事件事物情况地点in all aspects.Nevertheless,it is highly doubtful that A is applicable to B.Although A and B have something in common,differences between the two may clear outweigh the similarities which make the analogy highly suspect.For example,AB间不相似的举例.Thus,it is likely much more difficult to conclude that结论.5.二者择一(多解决plan题,要么这样办要么那样办,过于绝对,取中间,中和解决方案)The arguer provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice.He or she assumes that A 这件事and B这件事are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground.However,adjusting both A and B might produce better results.6.可疑调查(调查的方式回收的方式等有效性可信度可疑)The poll/survey cited by the arguer is too vague to be informative.The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll,who responded,or when,where and how the poll was conducted.For example,被试人数和有效回复人数/时间地点不具有随意性(选一).There are no answers for these questions,and if these are the cases,the author’s implicit claim that结论would be very weak indeed.7.无根据结论The author falsely rests on gratuitous assumption that_______.However,no evidence is stated in the argument to support this assumption.In fact,this is not necessarily the case. For example,it is more likely that_____.Therefore,this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility.结尾In sum,the argument is not persuasive as it stands because of several flaws,for example _____.Therefore,the conclusion that结论主张目标is unconvincing/doubtful.To solidify this argument,much evidence would have to provide to explain each of the flaws listed in the previous analysis,such as任举上述一二三.。
GMAT写作argument满分范文二.Analysis of Argument Questions1. The following appeared as part of an annual report sent to stockholders by Olympic Foods, aprocessor of frozen foods.“Over time,the costs of processing go down because as organizations learn how to do things better, they become more efficient.In color film processing, for example, the cost of a 3-by-5-inch print fell from 50 cents for five-day service in 1970 to 20 centsfor one-day service in 1984. The same principle applies to the processing of food. And since Olympic Foods will soon celebrateits twenty-fifth birthday, we can expect that our long experience will enable us to minimize costs and thus maximize profits.”下面摘自一家冷冻食品处理商(processor)奥林匹克食品提交给股东的年报:随着时间流逝,由于机构了解了做好事情的方法进而提高了效率,处理的成本会降低。
Argument 一开头:The conclusion endorsed in this argument is that(作者观点). Several reasons are offered in support of this argument. First of all, the author points out that(作者的第一个假设原因),In addition, the author also reasons that(作者的第二个假设原因)。
At first glance, the author’s argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that the conclusion is based on some dubious assumptions and the reasoning is biased due to the inadequacy and partiality in the nature of evidence provided to justify the conclusion. So a careful examination would review how groundless this conclusion is.结尾:To conclude, this argument is not persuasive as it stands. Accordingly, it is imprudent for the author to claim that(作者的观点). To make this argument logically acceptable, the author would have to show that(作者错误的第一个地方). In addition, to solidify the conclusion, the author should provide concrete evidence as well to demonstrate that(作者错误的第二个地方). Only with more convincing evidence could this argument become more than just an emotional appeal.Argument 二In the argument, the author concludes that (作者观点). To buttress the argument, the arguer refers to the fact that(作者理由). The arguer further suggests that(作者结论). While the argument appears plausible at the very first glance, it is not without loopholes and generalities that seriously dent its validity. Clearly, the arguer fails to address a number of factors that are vital to substantiate the conclusion.In the first place, the arguer rests on a dubious assumption that(作者的错误一). However, no further information and specifics are provided to bolster this assumption and establish the correlation. As a matter of fact, it is quiet likely that(对错误一的逻辑推理,即作者结论一的反面). For example, imagine that(对错误一的举例)。
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In this argument the author reaches the conclusion that.... The basis for this recommendation is that.... An additional reason given in support of this recommendation is that...(The author an example in support of this recommendation). At first glance, the author's argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that it omits some important concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument. In my point of view, this argument suffers from N logical flaws.
In the first place,
In the second place,
In the third place,
In conclusion, the author fails to provide adequate justification for.... As it stands, the reasoning does not constitute a logical argument in favor of the recommendation. To strengthen the argument, the author would have to provide evidence to prove that.... To better assess the argument, we need additional detailed information that we can establish the conclusion whether....
The author commits a fallacy of causal oversimplification. The line of the reasoning is that because A occurred before B, the former event is responsible for the latter. (The author uses the positive correlation between A and B to establish causality. However, the fact that A coincides with B does not necessarily prove that A caused B.) But this is fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps C is the cause of these events or perhaps B is caused by D.
The evidence the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. One example is logically unsounded to establish a general conclusion (The statistics from only a few recent years are not necessarily a good indicator of future trends), unless it can be shown that A1 is representative of all A. It is possible that.... In fact, in face of such limited evidence, the conclusion that B is completely unwarranted.
第三宗罪: 错误类比(based on a false analogy )<横向>
The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects. This assumption is weak, since although there are points of comparison between A and B, there is much dissimilarity as well. For example, A..., however, B.... Thus, it is likely much more difficult for B to do....
第四宗罪all things are equal<纵向>
The author commits the fallacy of “all things are equal”. The fact that happened two years ago is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that.... The author assumes without justification that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different locations. However, it is not clear in this argument whether the current conditions at AA are the same as they used to be two years ago. Thus it is impossible to conclude that....
第五宗罪Either-Or choice
The author assumes that AA and BB are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground. However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice. Common sense tells us that adjusting both AA and BB might produce better results.
第六宗罪survey is doubtful
The poll cited by the author is too vague to be informative. The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll, who responded, or when, where and how the poll was conducted. (Lacking information about the number of people surveyed and the number of respondents,
it is impossible to access the validity of the results. For example, if 200 persons were surveyed but only 2 responded, the conclusion that...would be highly suspect. Because the argument offers no evidence that would rule out this kind of interpretations,) Until these questions are answered, the results of the survey are worthless as evidence for the conclusion.
第七宗罪gratuitous assumption
The author falsely depends on gratuitous assumption that.... However, no evidence is stated in the argument to support this assumption. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. For example, it is more likely that.... Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility。