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命题人:邹碧霞 审题人:彭芬芳 时量:120分钟 分值:150分

Part 1 Listening Comprehension

Section A

Conversation 1

What did Ivan do last night?

A. Comfort his parents

B. Cook a meal.

C. Help his mother do the cooking

What was the woman’s feeling about what her son did?

A. Unhappy

B. Puzzled

C. Surprised.

Conversation 2

What is the woman’s problem?

She had a terrible marriage.

Her home is not very comfortable.

She does not have enough money to spend.

How many dogs did they buy?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Five.

Conversation 3

What did the woman do a few days ago?

She went to a party.

She went to visit Mary.

She argued with Mary.

How did the woman feel when she saw Mary?

A. Strange.

B. Excited.

C. Embarrassed.

Conversation 4

What will the speakers do this Saturday evening?

A. Go to a party.

B. Give a speech.

C. Visit some sport stars. What kind of person is the woman?

A. A pop star.

B. Sports-loving person.

C. A music-lover.

9. What do we know about the man?

A. He wants to get a medal.

B. He is eager to see the winners.

C. He wants to have dinner with the woman.

Conversation 5

Where did the man go this morning?

A. His garden.

B. A playground

C. A park.

What is the most popular sports in the man’s country?

A. Taiji.

B. Jogging

C. Walking

12. What do we know about the man?

A. He gets up early every day.

B. He is interested in Taiji.

C. He is good at jogging.

Conversation 6

What did the woman do last year?

A. She got a part-time jib.

B. She went on a trip.

C. She joined a health club.

What is the man going to do in the coming holiday?

A. Get a good job.

B. Work harder.

C. Lose weight.

Who will go on a trip this holiday?

A. Henry.

B. Mary.

C. Jeff.

Section B

Fill in each blank with no more than three words

Frame of MindBeliefIt is said that 16 is worth a thousand words.The story photographs can tell about the environment and can inspire people to care for 17 FoundationMoore founded the organization 18 with Deanna Del Vecchio and Neil Ever Osborne.MissionHelp 19 connect with nature through photography workshopsResultThe children learned about the 20 and how it relates to their lives.

Part 2 Language Knowledge

Section A

21. _______ you start, you should go ahead.

A. Once

B. Before

C. Until

D. Though

22. Everything depends on _______ they will support you about it.

A. if

B. which

C. whether

D. that

23. The new building is _______ the old one.

A. four times larger of

B. four times large than

C. four times as larger as

D. four times the size of

24. The boy is ______ to leave home.

A. possible

B. probable

C. likely

D. possibly

25. The medical team ______ 5 doctors and 3 nurses was sent to Africa last week.

A. consisted of

B. made up of

C. was consisted of

D. was made up of

26. I like _____ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.

A. this

B. that

C. it

D. one

27. It was _____ he said ______ hurt me.

A. what; that

B. that; what

C. what; what

D. that; what

28. At the foot of the mountain _______.

A. a village lie

B. lies a village

C. does a village lie

D. lying a village

29. I like movies, and _____

A. so Tom does

B. nor Tom does

C. nor does Tom

D. so does Tom

30. We are so happy to see the problem _______ so quickly.

A. settled

B. having been settled

C. be settled

D. settling

31. ______ everything ______, she left the supermarket with satisfaction.

A. As; buying

B. For; to buy

C. With; bought

D. Because; to buy

32. I, who ______ your close friend, will try my best to help you out of trouble.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be

33. Both rice and wheat _______ grown in our country.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were.

34. After he graduated from college, he _______ his father’s business.

A. took in

B. took up

C. took over

D. took on

35. Although this medicine can cure you ______ your illness, it has a bad effect ______ you.

A. for; on

B. of; on

C. of; at

D. for; in

Section B

? I never thought about the dangers of growing up during the war because I was only six then. My parents were 36 and both were busy with their work at a hospital. I was often left in the care of my grandmother. Grandma gave Aunt Tracy and I the 37 of taking lunch to my grandfather, her estranged (分居的) husband, who lived 38 in an apartment at the other side of the village. As usual, 39 we left, Grandma repeated, "There may be war at any time, so stay on the side of the road. Be 40 not to spill (溢出) the food." Aunt Tracy and I 41 the lunch box and hurried to Grandpa’s place. "Keep down and take cover!" Tracy cried out as we heard some 42 . As we squatted (蹲) at the roadside, I started to
