
4.1 系统防雷接地保护244.2 室外摄像机安装26 大华技术股份**简介27第一章工程综述1.1工程概括随着经济的开展和社会的进步,人们对平安保障的要求不断提高,公共平安问题也就越来越受到社会各界的关注。
1.2 系统功能需求分析本方案能够代表当今视频监控领域根本解决方案,能够到达平安监控管理的目的。

二、设计目标1. 提高监控系统的可靠性和稳定性,确保数据的准确和安全;2. 提高监控系统的实时性,能够快速地处理和传输视频数据;3. 优化监控系统的人机交互界面,提升用户的使用体验;4. 充分利用现有资源,降低监控系统的成本。
三、系统组成1. 前端设备:包括摄像头、传感器等设备,用于采集视频和环境数据;2. 传输设备:包括网络设备、服务器等设备,用于传输和存储数据;3. 后端设备:包括监控中心、监控控制台等设备,用于数据的管理和监控。
四、系统架构1. 前端设备采集视频和环境数据,并通过网络传输到服务器;2. 服务器接收数据并进行编码、压缩等处理,然后存储到数据库中;3. 监控中心通过网络访问服务器的数据库,实时监控视频和环境数据;4. 监控控制台提供给用户进行监控操作,包括实时观看视频、查看历史记录等功能。
五、关键技术1. 视频编解码技术:采用先进的视频编解码算法,提高视频传输效率和图像质量;2. 数据压缩技术:对于大量的视频数据进行压缩,降低存储和传输成本;3. 数据加密技术:确保数据的安全传输和存储,防止被非法获取;4. 数据库管理技术:对于大量的视频和环境数据进行存储和管理,提高数据的检索效率;5. 用户界面设计技术:设计简洁、易用的界面,提升用户的使用体验。
六、系统优势1. 高效稳定:采用先进的技术,确保系统的高效和稳定运行;2. 实时性强:能够快速地处理和传输视频数据,及时反馈监控信息;3. 可扩展性好:可以根据实际需求灵活扩展系统的规模和功能;4. 高度自动化:通过技术手段实现对监控系统的自动化管理;5. 成本低:利用现有资源,降低系统的成本,提高投资回报率。

目录1 平台软件功能 (2)功能结构 (2)用户界面层 (2)业务应用层 (3)系统服务层 (3)设备接入层 (3)基础功能 (4)视频实时监控 (4)录像回放 (5)实时图片监控功能 (7)布撤控和黑白名单功能 (8)数据比对 (9)历史数据查询 (9)流量统计 (10)数据手动校准 (11)远程管理 (12)亮点功能 (12)视图结合 (12)多级布控 (13)车牌识别 (14)事件检索 (15)组合查询 (16)灵活联动 (17)图片合成 (17)非现场执法 (18)数据库分类设计和管理 (19)大屏控制接入 (20)2平台软件运行环境 (21)2.1硬件环境 (21)服务器配置要求 (21)服务器性能指标 (21)软件环境 (22)操作系统要求 (22)数据库要求 (22)IE要求 (22)1 平台软件功能功能结构DSS-T平台软件从上至下共分四个层次,分别是用户界面层、业务应用层、系统服务层、设备接入层。

1. 实时监控系统通过使用大华监控设备,我们可以实时监控各类场所的情况。
2. 智能分析和应用除了基础的实时监控功能外,我们还会加入智能分析和应用技术,如人脸识别、车牌识别、行为分析等。
3. 云存储和远程访问采用大华的云存储技术,可以将监控数据实时存储于云端,确保数据的安全和可靠性。
4. 移动应用和智能警报为了进一步提高监控的便捷性和实用性,我们还会开发专门的移动应用。

目录1 平台软件功能 (2)1.1 功能结构 (2)1.1.1 用户界面层 (2)1.1.2 业务应用层 (3)1.1.3 系统服务层 (3)1.1.4 设备接入层 (3)1.2 基础功能 (4)1.2.1 视频实时监控 (4)1.2.2 录像回放 (5)1.2.3 实时图片监控功能 (6)1.2.4 布撤控和黑白名单功能 (8)1.2.5 数据比对 (9)1.2.6 历史数据查询 (9)1.2.7 流量统计 (10)1.2.8 数据手动校准 (11)1.2.9远程管理 (12)1.3 亮点功能 (12)1.3.1 视图结合 (12)1.3.2多级布控 (13)1.3.10 车牌识别 (14)1.3.3事件检索 (15)1.3.4组合查询 (16)1.3.5灵活联动 (17)1.3.6图片合成 (17)1.3.7 非现场执法 (18)1.3.8 数据库分类设计和管理 (19)1.3.9 大屏控制接入 (20)2平台软件运行环境 (21)2.1硬件环境 (21)2.1.1服务器配置要求 (21)2.1.2服务器性能指标 (21)2.2 软件环境 (22)2.2.1 操作系统要求 (22)2.2.2 数据库要求 (22)2.2.3 IE要求 (22)1 平台软件功能1.1 功能结构DSS-T平台软件从上至下共分四个层次,分别是用户界面层、业务应用层、系统服务层、设备接入层。
具体结构参考下图:图二平台软件功能结构图1.1.1 用户界面层系统整体采用B/S的展现模式,其中视频显示的模块应用了C/S的嵌入插件形式。
大华安防DSS Pro通用监控管理中心说明书

DSS ProDSS Pro is a flexible, scalable, high reliable and powerful central management system. With client-server Architecture that integrates with multiple surveillance systems, DSS Pro provides the central management, information sharing, convenient connection, and multi-service cooperation. It can provide user permission management, device management, alarm management, central storage, video wall, map and other advanced features such as People Counting, Business Analysis, Face Recognition, Radar Smart Track, Fisheye Smart Track, ANPR, Violation.Service·Central Management Service (CMS)·Device Management Service(DMS)·Storage Service (SS)·Media Transmission Service (MTS)·Auto Register Service (ARS)·Alarm Dispatch Service(ADS)Client·PC Client. DSS Mobile ClientOperating System•OS for Server:·Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit)/Windows 10 Enterprise / Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard •OS for Control Client:·Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 •OS for DSS Mobile Client:·IOS: IOS8.0 and above·Android: Android 4.0 and above Hardware•Hardware for Server•Hardware for Control C lient•Hardware for Control C lientBrowser Version · Internet Explorer: 9/10/11 · Chrome: 40.0.2214.91 and above · Firefox: 40.0.2 and aboveNew Design, Easy to Use · Based on Windows OS. · New design interface, better experience.High Flexibility and Stability · Easy performance upgrade through distributed hardware extension. · Easy functionality upgrade via add-ons. · Supports hot standby for master serverHigh Compatibility· Dahua’s devices included: network camera, network speed dome, NVR, DVR, MNVR, ITC etc. · Connects to third-party devices via standard ONVIF protocol. · DSS Pro SDK for third-party platform or mobile development1. DSS Pro Web Manager•Business ConfigurationOrganization Management · Through organization to achieve device group management. Device Management· Device initialization: Initialize Dahua's d evice· Add devices via auto search, IP, Domain, IP Segment, auto register(for 3G, 4G, DHCP device). · Manage Dahua’s devices such as network camera, network · speed dome, NVR, DVR, MDVR, etc. · Through the ONVIF protocol to add third-party devices tomanage.· Change IP address of Dahua's device.· Modify the added device password.Role and User Management· Add, edit and delete the roles and u sers.· Assign different roles with different permissions.· User can be assigned with the roles to obtain thecorresponding permissions. · User can be restricted by the MAC and expiry data. · C an set user PTZ permissions . · User can be locked. · Supports import domain user and assign roles to the user. Event Management · Detect the device exception, video events, alarm input a nd alarm host. · Alarm Scheme: All day template, Weekday t emplate, Weekend template and custom t emplate. · Alarm Priority: Low, Medium, High. · Linkage: record, snapshot, live video, alarm output, PTZ, video wall, E-mail. · Add, edit, delete, enable and disable alarm scheme. Storage · Central storage: Extend storage via iSCSI. · Add, edit, delete, enable and disable the record plan. · Supports edge storage and central storage for record plan. · Backup the video from the edge storage, like EVS, NVR , DVR and etc. by schedule · Backup the video from MDVR by WiFi. · Disk Quota: Group the disk, and cameras can be allocated to different disk g roups.Map · Google online map, Google offline map, raster map · Main map and submaps.· Up to 8-level submap.· Add, edit and delete the submap on the map. · Add, edit and delete the hot spots (camera, alarm input) onthe map.Video Wall· Add and manage the video wall. · Supports On/Off the screen ID.· Supports combine screens to one s creen. · Bind the decode channel with the corresponding screen. Bind Resource · Bind IVS-F (Intelligent Video Server for Face Recognition) with the corresponding cameras. · Bind POS channel with the corresponding cameras. Target Management· Face recognition library management· Upload face picture and set person info.Vehicle Blacklist· Vehicle Blacklist management· Vehicle blacklist arming and disarming•System Maintenance Statistic· Overview and detail system information.·Running Status: CPU, storage, b andwidth.·Online information of service, device and user, device health report.·Event Information Statistics: total events and processed events.·Source Information: video channel, alarm channel.Log·System log, web manager log, control client log.·Search and export log.Backup and Restore·Backup system data automatically (daily, week, month).·Backup system data manually.·Restore system data from server or local file.Other Functions·Supports https·Device time calibration, server time c alibration2. DSS Pro Control ClientLive View·Displays device tree. Show/hide offline d evice.·Displays the device IP address or device name on the device tree·View real-time video.·Common layout and custom layout·PTZ control·Manual recording·Snapshot·Instant playback·Digital zoom·Fisheye dewarping·Fisheye and speed dome smart tracking·Audio talk·Set alarm window.·Decode the video to video wall quickly·Turn on/off the audio in live view·Region of Interest: Divide one window into 4 or 6 parts, one shows whole image, others show the detail.·Save the current live view as a view.·Supports 4 Live View tabs.·Supports adding channel to favorite·Video tour according to device, org, favorite or view.·Quickly switch to playback.·Supports NKB to control camera on Live View·Fast switch to playback.·POS transaction overlay·Set POS overlay style·View map via live view window ·Panoramic Smart Track: 1(fixed channel) +1(SD c hannel) mode, 2(fixed channel)+1(SD channel) mode.Playback·Playback the record from the edge devices or central storage.·Video filter: normal, motion, alarm, video loss, tampering video·Sync play , up to 64 channel playback·Reverse playback·Slow and fast forward·Playback frame-by-frame·Lock or mark the important record for central storage. ·Download the assigned records, support AVI and DAV format.·Decode the video to video wall.Download Center·Download record from central storage or device. ·Download record by timeline, files or tags.·Supports multi-task download.·Supports DAV and AVI format.Event·Display event alarm info including alarm time, alarm name, alarm status, etc.·View the live video or pictures from related camera. ·Acknowledge the event alarm.·Arming control for event alarm·Forward the alarm to relevant u ser·Send alarm e-mail.·Process the alarm events.·Search alarm eventsVideo Wall·Decode the real-time video to wall·Decode the playback video to the video wall. ·Manually/automatically decode to w all.·Control the video wall split·Change the stream type of video channel.·Adding box, on/off screen and back d isplay.·Tour the video channel.·Schedule plan: Set the running task on timeline.·Tour plan: Loop different task, can set loop time ·Supports NKB to control video wall.Map·View the live video and playback on the map·Zoom in and zoom out the map·Decode the video to video wall quickly·Supports the area or length calculating for GIS map ·Supports visible range and initial angle.·Channel flash on map when alarm is o ccurring.Smart track·Fisheye and speed domePeople Counting·People counting and heat m ap·Statistic the count of enter and exit·Search the people counting data via time·Generate the daily, weekly, monthly report.·Search the heat map·Export the people counting and heatmap data.Face Recognition·Automatically captures faces in the camera field of view ·Real-time capture of the faces and display recognition details·Quick registration of unfamiliar faces into the database ·Similar Face Search·Text Search·Arm Records·Trail Search: Generate trail based on the artificial screening of the captured facesANPR·Traffic video and real-time license plate recognition ·Search history license plate recognition result·Search history vehicle track·Trail Search: Generate trail based on license plate and t ime info.·Arm RecordsViolation·Search vehicle violation i nformation·Play violation videoRadar Smart Track·Bind radar and speed dome·When radar detects the object, SD turn to the position. Bussiness Analysis·Overview: orders, sales, footfall, per custom transaction, KPI, sales and orders, entering rate, top 10 l ist.·People Count: entrance people count, entering rate, district customer.·Transaction Statistics: commodity price, sales growth, sales, orders.·Sales Statistics: sales, sales year on year.·Order Statistics: orders, orders year on year.2. DSS Pro Mobile ClientLogin·Login APP for the first time, need to fill in user name, password, IP address and Port numberHistory Record·Show recently viewed channels, you can open live video or playback via history records.·Up to 20 history records, then replace the oldest operation record.Live View·Open more than one channel at same time, up to 16 channels·Three stream type: HD, SD, smooth·Supports PTZ control·Supports horizontal screen p lay·One-key switch to p layback·Snapshot, local recordPlayback·Supports searching device recording and center recording ·The calendar shows whether there is a video on that day ·Supports Snapshot·Supports Local Record·Supports 1X, 2X, 3X, 4X, 1/2X, 1/4X, 1/8X playback ·Different video type with different color.Alarm Centre·Displays total alarm record and untreated alarm records, total alarm records up to 200.·Alarm processing: solved, I gnore.·Enable/disable refresh alarm·Alarm video and alarm pictureMap·Supports Google map·Displays the video channel on the map·View video and do playback.Files Management·Displays the recording and snapshot by time.·Single/Batch export·Single/Batch deletionLocal Config·Display the user name·Check for new version·Setup PTZ step length·User Manual·APP VersionDSS ProOrg, User and RoleMedia Transmission ServerPlayback, Storage and DownloadAlarmMapRev 001.001 © 2016 Dahua . All rights reserved. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.。

附:设备配置及相关配置手册DSS服务器推荐配置中心管理服务器Dell PowerEdge 2950 IIIDell PowerEdge 2950 III是一款基于英特尔核心双插槽2U机架式服务器,它能够提供内部扩展能力与机架密度的最佳组合。
基本规格设备类型2U机架式服务器主板芯片组英特尔5000X,1066 MHz和1333 MHz前端总线(FSB)软盘驱动器外置USB软驱光盘驱动器可选,CD-ROM,DVD-ROM3或CD-RW/DVD-ROM组合光驱主板扩展插槽(个)3端口后部:4个USB 2.0端口,1个串行接口,1个视频接口,1个用于DRAC 5/i的RJ45接口前部:2个USB 2.0端口、1个视频端口内置USB端口操作系统Microsoft® Windows®Server 2003 R2处理器数字监控系统DSS2.0分布式服务安装说明1.安装说明服务器安装1)运行“DSSServer_Distribute_V2.00.1_build_20091109_CHS.exe”进行数字监控系统分布式程序的安装,首先进入安装界面2)单击按键进入选择安装路径界面在此步骤可点击按键更改默认安装路径(默认为“C:\Program Files\DSS”)。
配置分布式DSS 时,中心将各服务器打开,而在分中心则无需开启DMS,因为分布式部署只需要一个CMS 中心管理服务器,再分中心只需开启MTS与SS即可。


目录概述 (i)符号约定 (i)1 概述 ................................................................................................................................................................... - 1 -1.1产品简介......................................................................................................................................... - 1 -1.2系统组网......................................................................................................................................... - 2 -1.3配置要求......................................................................................................................................... - 3 -2 系统登录 ........................................................................................................................................................... - 4 -2.1登录系统......................................................................................................................................... - 4 -2.2浏览记录....................................................................................................................................... - 11 -2.3自定义应用................................................................................................................................... - 11 -2.4下载............................................................................................................................................... - 12 -3 配置系统参数 ................................................................................................................................................. - 13 -4 基本配置 ......................................................................................................................................................... - 16 -4.1新手向导....................................................................................................................................... - 16 -4.2组织管理....................................................................................................................................... - 17 -4.2.1 添加组织..................................................................................................................... - 17 -4.2.2 自定义组织................................................................................................................. - 18 -4.3添加设备....................................................................................................................................... - 20 -4.3.1 添加编码资源............................................................................................................. - 20 -4.3.2 添加解码&拼接.......................................................................................................... - 38 -4.3.1 添加矩阵设备............................................................................................................. - 40 -4.3.2 添加报警主机............................................................................................................. - 40 -4.3.3 添加门禁..................................................................................................................... - 41 -4.3.4 添加停车场设备......................................................................................................... - 41 -4.3.5 添加转码器(目前尚不支持)................................................................................. - 41 -4.3.6 设备参数配置............................................................................................................. - 41 -4.4添加权限组................................................................................................................................... - 42 -4.5添加用户....................................................................................................................................... - 46 -4.6服务器管理................................................................................................................................... - 47 -4.6.1 中心服务器................................................................................................................. - 47 -4.6.2 分布式服务................................................................................................................. - 49 -4.6.3 视频资源重配............................................................................................................. - 49 -4.6.4 卡口资源重配............................................................................................................. - 50 -4.7资源关联....................................................................................................................................... - 51 -4.8级联管理....................................................................................................................................... - 52 -4.9系统............................................................................................................................................... - 56 -4.9.1 安全配置..................................................................................................................... - 56 -4.9.2 备份和还原................................................................................................................. - 57 -4.9.3 时间模板..................................................................................................................... - 57 -4.9.4 自定义属性................................................................................................................. - 58 -4.9.5 新闻公告..................................................................................................................... - 59 -4.9.6 文件共享..................................................................................................................... - 60 -5 视频业务 (61)5.1添加录像计划 (61)5.1.1 添加普通计划 (61)5.1.2 添加补录计划 (62)5.2云存储 (63)5.3配置报警 (65)5.3.1 配置报警联络人 (65)5.3.2 配置报警风暴 (65)5.3.3 配置报警预案 (66)5.4配置电子地图 (68)5.5配置电视墙 (72)6 扩展业务 (76)6.1出入人员 (76)6.2一卡通 (77)6.2.1 门禁权限分组 (78)6.2.2 道闸权限分组 (78)6.2.3 卡片 (79)6.2.4 批量发卡 (81)6.2.5 卡片任务状况 (81)6.3门禁 (82)6.3.1 开门超时配置 (82)6.3.2 开门记录 (82)6.4停车场 (83)6.4.1 收费规则 (83)6.4.2 场区 (89)6.4.3 车位 (95)6.4.4 车辆 (96)6.5停车场资源关联 (96)6.6反向寻车 (98)7 运维统计 (100)7.1系统状况 (100)7.2服务器统计 (102)7.3设备统计 (102)7.4用户统计 (103)7.5日志 (104)7.6中心存储 (104)7.7视频质量诊断 (104)7.7.1 配置诊断项 (105)7.7.2 配置诊断任务 (106)7.7.3 配置诊断计划 (107)7.7.4 视频诊断报告 (108)8 视频应用 (110)8.1实时监控 (110)8.2录像回放 (110)8.3视频上墙 (110)8.4地图应用 (110)1概述1.1产品简介DSS7000系列是以Linux为架构的软硬件一体的设备。

视频监控系统方案介绍目录1. 系统特点 (3)2. 系统架构 (6)2.1. 典型组网结构 (6)2.2. 系统设计思想 (9)2.3. 总体层次结构 (9)2.4. 基层功能域 (10)2.5. 级联中心域 (11)2.6. 级联部署 (13)3. 功能列表 (13)4. 系统技术参数 (18)5. 关键技术要点 (19)5.1. 多级级联 (19)5.1.1. 命名规则 (20)5.1.2. 授权机制 (23)5.1.3. 转发策略 (24)5.2. 多厂家设备支持 (24)5.3. 外围设备控制 (24)5.4. 多级数据备份 (25)5.5. 可扩展性 (25)5.5.1. 规模可扩展性 (25)5.5.2. 功能可扩展性 (26)5.6. 高性能高可靠性设计 (26)6. 设备开发SDK接口 (27)1.概述安防系统的应用越来越广泛,受重视程度不断提高。

视频监控系统方案介绍目录1. 系统特点 (3)2. 系统架构 (6)2.1. 典型组网结构 (6)2.2. 系统设计思想 (9)2.3. 总体层次结构 (9)2.4. 基层功能域 (10)2.5. 级联中心域 (11)2.6. 级联部署 (13)3. 功能列表 (13)4. 系统技术参数 (18)5. 关键技术要点 (19)5.1. 多级级联 (19)5.1.1. 命名规则 (20)5.1.2. 授权机制 (23)5.1.3. 转发策略 (24)5.2. 多厂家设备支持 (24)5.3. 外围设备控制 (24)5.4. 多级数据备份 (25)5.5. 可扩展性 (25)5.5.1. 规模可扩展性 (25)5.5.2. 功能可扩展性 (26)5.6. 高性能高可靠性设计 (26)6. 设备开发SDK接口 (27)1.概述安防系统的应用越来越广泛,受重视程度不断提高。

视频监控系统方案介绍目录1. 系统特点 (3)2. 系统架构 (6)2.1. 典型组网结构 (6)2.2. 系统设计思想 (9)2.3. 总体层次结构 (9)2.4. 基层功能域 (10)2.5. 级联中心域 (11)2.6. 级联部署 (13)3. 功能列表 (13)4. 系统技术参数 (18)5. 关键技术要点 (19)5.1. 多级级联 (19)5.1.1. 命名规则 (20)5.1.2. 授权机制 (23)5.1.3. 转发策略 (24)5.2. 多厂家设备支持 (24)5.3. 外围设备控制 (24)5.4. 多级数据备份 (25)5.5. 可扩展性 (25)5.5.1. 规模可扩展性 (25)5.5.2. 功能可扩展性 (26)5.6. 高性能高可靠性设计 (26)6. 设备开发SDK接口 (27)1.概述安防系统的应用越来越广泛,受重视程度不断提高。

具体结构参考下图:图表 1 平台软件功能结构图4.1.1业务展现层业务展现层是提供给用户直接使用的,是系统功能的对外展现。
DSS-T 管理端说明书

DSS Manager User’s ManualVersion 3.11Table of Contents1OVERVIEW AND ENVIRONMENT (1)1.1Overview (1)1.2System (1)1.3Requirement for Configuration (3)2PROCEDURE OF CONFIGURATION (4)3LOGIN SYSTEM (5)3.1Login Interface (5)3.2Buttons (6)4SYSTEM SETTINGS (7)5MANAGE DEVICE (10)5.1Add Organization (10)5.2Add Device (14)5.2.1Add Encoder (14)5.2.2Add Decoder (19)5.2.3Add Video Wall (20)5.2.4Add Alarm Host (20)5.2.5Add ANPR Device (20)5.2.6Add Intelligent Device (20)5.2.7Add Matrix (21)5.2.8Add A&C (21)5.2.9Add Transcoder (21)5.3Manage Channel (21)6MANAGE ACCOUNT (22)6.1Add User Role (22)6.2Add User (24)7SERVER MANAGEMENT (27)8DAILY OPERATION (29)8.1Add Normal Plan (29)8.2Alarm (33)8.2.1Set Contacts (33)8.2.2Set Link Level (34)8.2.3Set Alarm Time Template (35)8.2.4Set Alarm Storm (36)8.2.5Set Alarm Video on Wall (37)8.3Map (40)8.4Set TV Wall (42)8.5Door Timeout Setup (45)8.6Resources Binding (45)8.7Video Diagnosis (46)8.7.1Diagnosis Item (47)8.7.2Diagnosis Task (48)8.7.3Diagnosis Scheme (49)8.8Config Intelligent Traffic (50)8.8.1Configure ANPR Point (50)8.8.2Configure ANPR Region (51)8.9Set Cascading (52)8.10Upload (53)8.11Backup and Restore (53)8.11.1System Backup (53)8.11.2Restore (54)8.12Resource Re-Config (54)8.12.1Video Server (54)8.12.2Picture Server (55)8.12.3Parameter Re-Config (55)8.13Statistics (55)8.13.1Overview (55)8.13.2Server (58)8.13.3Device (59)8.13.4Management (60)8.13.5Operator (61)8.13.6User Count (61)WelcomeThank you for using our Digital Surveillance System (DSS)!This user’s manual is designed to be a reference tool for operation of your system. Here you can find detailed operation information about DSS.1Overview and Environment1.1OverviewDSS is a hard & software device with Linux structure. It is based on network to connects those decentral and independent on-site monitoring thus achieving centralized monitoring and management crossing area and industry. It provides user with a brand new, direct management tool. Besides A/V, alarm, remote collection, transmission, storage, processing, DSS has advantages of high quality, wide coverage, multi-task, integrable, easy management, one-stop service.●Advanced All-In-One structureUsing leading All-In-One architecture, integrated within DSS series of main control,forwarding, storage, device management and all other functions, eliminates the need for proprietary forwarding servers, storage servers, so that the system set up more convenient.●Real UPnPJust plug it in, configure IP address, DSS series can immediately start working.●One-key upgradeFor subsequent software version upgrade, support network or USB disk one-key upgrade, and make sure that data will not be lost, and the business will not stop.●Higher performanceOne unit DSS series forwarding capacity max 1000Mbit/s, storage capacity max 700 Mbit/s.●Higher securityDSS series supports anti-virus, anti-hacker attack.●Higher stability⏹Forced system power 500 times without exception⏹using self-developed technology and unique new storage disk format⏹provides long-term storage and playback performance decay⏹support hot-swap of storage disk●Higher reliability⏹ support network redundancy⏹Database double-click hot spare1.2SystemThe system network is in Figure 1- 1.Figure 1- 11.3Requirement for ConfigurationChart 1- 12Procedure of ConfigurationYou can refer to the following figure of procedures to configure DSS’s operation. See Figure 2- 1.Figure 2- 13Login System3.1Login InterfaceYou can refer to the following steps to login DSS manager.Step 1. In Internet Explorer, input IP address of DSS, press Enter. You will see Figure 3- 1.Figure 3- 1Note:You can download DSS Client on this login page. If it is your first time login DSS Manager, please add its IP address into the trusted site of your explorer.Step 2. Input Username and Password. Default username is: system. Default password is:123456.For security reason, please change your login password after you first login. Password can contains number, letter, underline and other symbols.Step 3. Click Login.After login, you will see Figure 3- 2.Figure 3- 2Note:●When you exit the system, click Exit in the upper-right corner. Click OK in the prompt box.●If you want to change password, click, and select Modify Password. You can changepassword in the prompt box.3.2Buttons4 System SettingsWhen you first login the system, you shall configure system settings in order to make the system run properly.Configure the system as follows:Step 1. Select System > Parameters, you will see Figure 4- 1.Figure 4- 1Step 2. Configure parameters. Step 3. Click Submit.5Manage DeviceDSS supports adding organization and different types of device.5.1Add OrganizationBefore you add device, you need to add organization of current device. You can arrange, organize and manage layer of device in Org.The default first-level organization is root node. Newly added organization will be displayed below the root node.●Select General> Org, see Figure 5- 1.Figure 5- 1●Click . System pops up a Edit Org box, see Figure 5- 2.Figure 5- 2Step 1. Edit Org Name, and click OK.Step 2. Click . System pops up an Add Org box, see Figure 5- 3.Figure 5- 3Step 3. You can enter designated Org Name and click OK. For multiple layers of organizations, you shall repeat these steps. See Figure 5- 4.Figure 5- 4Note:You can only edit root node and the organization cannot be deleted.Select Org> Logic Org, click . System shows new loggic org box, see Figure 5- 5.Figure 5- 5Step 1. Enter organization name, and click OK.Step 2. On the left, select logic org and click , select setup. See Figure 5- 6.You also can double click login org on the left, and there will be root node shown below.Figure 5- 6You cn adjust channel position with , , , .Step 3. In config channel area, select alternate channel and add it to selected channel. SeeFigure 5- 7.Figure 5- 7You can adjust channel position via , , , buttons.Step 4. Add user. Please refer to Ch 6.1.Note:In Figure 6-1, on the left, select logic org for device tree display.Step 5. Add role. Please refer to Ch 6.2. After configuration is complete, you can login with theadded user account. Click on General area to view. See Figure 5- 8.Figure 5- 85.2Add DeviceYou can add device in two ways:●Device: Manage in device mode, where you can add, edit and delete devices, also you canconfigure and manage deployed devices.●Ch annel: Manage in channel mode there you can view all devices’ monitoring spot andalarm channel.5.2.1 Add EncoderDSS Manager supports manually adding encoder and auto search deployed encoder.●Manually AddStep 1. Select General>Device>Device, system displays device interface.Step 2. ClickStep 3. Click . System displays Add Encoder box, see Figure 5- 9.Figure 5- 9Step 4. Set Input Info, and click Getting Info. System will automatically get info of video channel, alarm input channel and alarm output channel.Note: If you add device with IP section, domain name or auto register, then you cannot get info of video channel, alarm input channel and alarm output channel by clicking on Getting Info.Step 5. Click OK as finishing adding encoder.●Auto SearchSystem automatically adds encoder as follows:Step 1. Click . System auto searches the device and the result shall look like Figure 5- 10.Figure 5- 10●Click to edit device info.●Enter IP address in IP field and click Search to search IP within the range.Step 2. Check device to add, and click .System pops up a Add Encoder box, seeFigure 5- 11.Figure 5- 11Step 3. Select Org, input username and password. Username and password is the login username and password of device. Default username and password is admin/admin.Step 4. Click OK.When device status switches from to as in Figure 5- 12. You also can view added device by selecting Controlled Status in the upper-right corner in Auto Search Encoder interface.Figure 5- 12Step 5. Click Close.System will add the device into corresponding organizations. You may also edit and delete added device, please refer Ch Add DecoderDSS Manager supports manually adding decoder and auto search deployed decoder. Please refer to Ch 5.2.1.When you add decoder, please refer to Chart 5- 1.Chart 5- 15.2.3 Add Video WallDSS Manager supports adding of video wall. Please refer to Ch Add Alarm HostDSS support manually adding of alarm host. Please refer to Ch Add ANPR DeviceDSS supports manually adding of ANPR device. Please refer to Ch Add Intelligent DeviceDSS Manager supports manually adding of intelligent device. Please refer to Ch 5.2.1. Step 1. Add IVS device.Step 2. Download and install IVS control.1. Click in IVS device Operation column. If you have no installed IVS control, systemwill pop up a message and ask you to download it and re-login the platform.2. Click OK. System pops up download box.3. Click Save.4. When downloading is complete, click Close.5. Open the downloaded file and install IvsConfigCtrl_Setup.exe.6. Log in IVS interface again.Step 3. Bind video channel to IVS device.1. Click Add.2. Double click device on the left and select channel and select IVS channel on the right.Click . System will bind video channel and IVS channel.3. Check IVS analysis, configure device name, device port and select strea,.4. Click OK. System says successfully saved.5. Click OK.Step 4. Click in Config column to configure rule.●Detection zone: By drawing detection zone, it will detects the entire drawn zone. It will notdetect areas outside the detection zone. There is only one detection zone. You can set more than one excluded zone. If no detection zone is set, it will detect the entire area.●Scene mark: By drawing mark zone and set actual distance for vertical length and horizontallength. Event detector will decide road length and width with a series of algorithm and detect over speed, under speed and etc.●Target filter: Set size or dimension of target and only reserves target within range.●Rule config: Config alarm rule. You can add multiple rules to one channel. Rule type:perimeter protection, tripwire and etc.●Parame ter config: Config jitter rate, sensitivity and etc. Please refer to IVS user’smanual.5.2.7 Add MatrixDSS Manager supports manually adding of matrix device. Please refer to Ch Add A&CDSS supports manually adding of A&C. Please refer to Ch Add TranscoderDSS Manager supports manually adding of transcoder. Please refer to Ch ChannelIn Channel, you can view added video channel, alarm input channel and alarm output channel. You can search added channel in Video Channel interface.Alarm Channel includes alarm input and output channels. You can search added channels here.6Manage AccountDSS Manager allows user to add and delete accounts. User must create user role before adding user. Existing user can login manager and login the client. Different users may have different operation rights according to their user role.6.1Add User RoleBefore you configure user, you must set user role and grand certain rights to the role.Rights of user role includes Administrator Menu right, Operator Menu right and Device right. You must grand these rights before operate.For example, you want to grant right as administrator:Step 1. Click General>Account. System displays Account interface.Step 2. Click Role tab.Step 3. Click . System pops up Add Role box.Step 4. Input Role Name, and select Role Level.Note: If you check Copy Role next to Role Name, and select one role from the dropdown box, then the info will be pasted to your selected role.Step 5. Click Device Rights page, select right in Right Trees and select channel in Channel Tree on the right. See Figure 6- 1.Figure 6- 1Note:●Click so you can copy setting from the selected node to current node.●If you do not check corresponding device right, then all users under this role will have nocorresponding rights.●You must add TV wall in Business>TV Wall before set right of TV wall. Please refer to fontcolor in “0 video input” device.●Red: the channel has not configured on map.●Grey: the channel is added on map.Step 6. Drag device under ANPR input, A&C input and alarm input onto map.Step 7. Complete config of e-map.●Config video wall.Step 8. Click System Rights tag, select corresponding system rights. See Figure 6- 2.Figure 6- 2Note:●If you do not check corresponding device right, then all users under this role will have nocorresponding rights. For example, if Operator Menu is not checked, then when this user logs in Operator, there will be no menu displayed.●Operator menu in system right means C/S and B/S format menu in Client.Step 9. Click OK to add the role.6.2Add UserIf you have added user role, now you can add user of that role.Step 1. Click User tab under Account.Step 2. Click . System pops up Add User box.Step 3. Create a username, a password and confirm password. Select Department and Role.See Figure 6- 3.Figure 6- 3Note:●If you check Reusable box next to Username, then you allows more than one user to loginsystem with this Username at the same time.●If you do not select a role, then the user will have no System Rights or Device Rights.●You can select more than one role at a time.●You can click Optional in the lower-left corner to fill in extra info.Step 4. Click Optional, system display interface as in Figure 6- 4.Figure 6- 4Step 5. Set parameters. Step 6. Click OK to add user.7Server ManagementDSS series Manager provides server management function. Server management has center unit and video unit.●Center serverHas not added dual hot spare.Step 1. Open General>Server>Center Server, you can see operation status of center server. See Figure 7- 1.Figure 7- 1Step 2. Click , you can view center server’s name, video unit status and picture unit status, server type, IP and status. See Figure 7- 2.Figure 7- 2Add dual hot spare.Please refer to DSS Platform Initialization User’s Manual Ch 2.3.Open General>Server>Center Server, you can see operation status of center server.●Video ServerStep 1. Open General>Server>Video Server, you can see operation status of sub server. See Figure 7- 3.Step 2. Click or , you can edit or delete video server. Click you can enter initialization page.Step 3. Click , you can view each video server name, server type, IP and status.8Daily Operation8.1Add Normal PlanDSS Manager supports record plan of channel which allow front-end device to record during planned period.System saves record file to network storage server. You can plan the file in General >Playback on Operator-end.Step 1. Select Business>Storage. System displays Storage interface as in Figure 8- 1.Figure 8- 1Step 2. Set record time.a) Click Time Template in the upper-right corner of storage interface. System displays TimeTemplate interface. Default Time Templates are weekend, weekday and 24-hour.b) Click . System pops a Add Time Template box. See Figure 8- 2.Figure 8- 2c) Input Template Name, select cycle period. Set single system, cycle mode and never stop.See Figure 8- 3.Figure 8- 3Note:If you check Copy next to Template Name, and select template in the dropdown list, then youcan copy configured template to current template.d) Click OK.See Figure 8- 4.Figure 8- 4Step 3. Set normal plan.a) Click Normal Plan in the upper right corner of Storage interface. System displays NormalPlan interface.b) Click . System pops up Add Record Plan box. See Figure 8- 5.Figure 8- 5can clickc) Input Plan Name, and select Template, Bit Stream. Check Record Plan. See Figure 8- 6.Figure 8- 6Step 4. Click OK. System displays configured record plan.8.2AlarmDSS Manager supports alarm, including Alarm Scheme, Output Alarm Video to the Wall, Alarm Type, Alarm Time Template, Link Level and Contacts.●Alarm Scheme: set alarm scheme template.●Output Alarm Video to the Wall: Make alarm video display on wall.●Alarm Type: Set system alarm interval and customize alarm as batch.● Alarm Time Template: Set alarm time template.●Link Level: Set alarm link level.●Contacts: Set user who to receive alarm notice.Alarm flow chart is in Figure 8- 7.Figure 8- 78.2.1 Set ContactsWhen you add user into contacts and if the setup of Link Level includes email or sms, then system will send email or sms to the new contact.Step 1. Click Alarm tab. System displays Alarm interface.Step 2. Click .Step 3. Click . System pops up a Add Contacts box. See Figure 8- 8.Figure 8- 8Step 4. Input User Name, ID No., Email and Telephone.Step 5. Click OK.8.2.2 Set Link LevelYou can set Link Level and its corresponding Link Mode as 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest. Step 1. Click . System pops up an interface as in Figure 8- 9.Figure 8- 9Step 2. Click . See Figure 8- 10.Figure 8- 10Step 3. Set Link Level Name and select Link Mode.Step 4. Click OK.8.2.3 Set Alarm Time TemplateYou can follow these steps:Step 1. Click . System displays time template interface.Step 2. Click Add. System pops up an Add Alarm Time Template box.Step 3. Input Template Name, select cycle period. Set Single Period and link level. See Figure 8-11.Figure 8- 11Note:●If you check the Copy box next to Template Name, then you need to select template in thedropdown box.●You shall set Link Level first before select level here. Please refer to Ch 7.2.2.●Click to set Link Level of other periods.Step 4. Click OK.8.2.4 Set Alarm StormYou can set alarm interval and customized alarm storm as batch.●Set alarm interval as batchStep 1. Click . System displays Alarm Storm interface.Step 2. Select one or more alarm storm, and click . System pops up abox as in Figure 8- 12.Figure 8- 12Step 3. Set Alarm Interval.Note: The interval cannot be over 86400 seconds.Step 4. Click OK.You can click to stop alarm interval as batch.8.2.5 Set Alarm Video on WallNote:You shall configure TV wall before outputting alarm video to the TV wall. Please refer to font color in “0 video input” device list.●Red: the channel has not configured on map.●Grey: the channel is added on map.Step 1. Drag ANPR input, A&C input and alarm input on the right onto map.Step 2. Complete e-map config.Configure Alarm Scheme as follows:Step 1. Click .Step 2. Click . System pops up an Add Alarm Scheme box as in Figure 8- 13.Figure 8- 13Step 3. Input Scheme Name, select template and check Enable.Note: You must configure Alarm Time Template before selecting time template here. To configure Alarm Time Template please refer to Ch 7.2.3.Step 4. Click Next. System displays Alarm Source and Operation interface.Step 5. Click . System displays Add Alarm Source and Link Operation 1 box, seeFigure 8- 14.Figure 8- 14Step 6. In Alarm Source area, select alarm source and its link operation. Alarm source includes device, video channel, alarm input channel, intelligent channel, A&C channel and system. Different alarm source corresponds to different alarm type.Step 7. In Corresponding Link Operation area, select link operation. Link operation includes Record, and TV Wall.●For link operation, if you select record, you shall select video channel under Record tab, andset record time.Note:If you need pre-record, then select device record needed.●When link level is video wall, you shall add alarm video wall task first, before selectingcorresponding video wall in link level. Please refer to Ch 8.2.6.Step 8. Click Save. System prompts a message “Successfully save scheme rule!”.Step 9. Click OK.Step 10. Click Next. System displays Alarm Preview interface as in Figure 8- 15.Figure 8- 15Step 11. Click Finish.When alarm occurs, system performs link operation according to Alarm Scheme settings, and shows alarm info in Statistics>Device>Device Alarm Info.8.3MapDSS Manager supports super map, raster map, google and google offline map. You can add video device onto the map.Note:If there is no electronic map, please refer to DSS Platform Initialization User’s Manual.To add electronic map:Step 1. Select Business>Map.Step 2. Click Add map.Step 3. Select picture you want to add, click submit.Figure 8- 16Step 4. Drag device under Video Device tab onto the right onto the map. See Figure 8- 17Figure 8- 17Color of text in Video Device list:●Red: the channel is not configured on map.●Grey: the channel is shown on map.Step 5. Drag device under Alarm Input tab onto map.Step 6. Click Save.8.4Set TV WallDSS Manager supports configuration of TV wall.After TV wall is configured, you can make video display on TV wall from Client. Please refer to DSS Cl ient User’s Manual’s Ch 5.5.Note: User of Client must have TV wall right in order to configure video display on TV wall.To configure TV wall, please follow:Step 1. Add decoder. Please refer to Ch 5.2.1.Step 2. Select Business>TV Wall, system displays TV Wall interface.Step 3. Click . System pops up a Add TV Wall box, see Figure 8- 18.Figure 8- 18Step 4. Input TV Wall Scheme Name and click to select layout of 1*1, 2*2, 3*3 or 4*4. See Figure 8- 19.You also can click to customize TV wall.Figure 8- 19Note:●Press Ctrl and now you can select more than one screen. Click on the right tocombine selected screens. You can cancel combination by clicking on . Before you combine screens, you must add video wall equipment.●Double click the screen or right-click and select Properties. In the pop-up box, you can setexact position, size and name of screen.●Select a screen, and right click to delete or rename the screen.Step 5. Click Next. System displays Select decode channel interface.Step 6. In Device Tree, select decoder and drag it to corresponding TV wall. See Figure 8- 20.Figure 8- 20Note: Right-click can cancel current binding and rename screen.Step 7. Click Next. System displays Enable interface.Step 8. Check Apply Now.Note: If you do not check Apply Now, then you cannot select this TV wall on Client.Step 9. Click Finish.8.5Door Timeout SetupDSS supports door timeout setup. If door unlock exceeds set threshold, then system links to level alarm.The higher to level, the higher the threshold will be.Step 1. Select Business>Door Timeout Setup.Step 2. Input alarm level name and threshold.Step 3. Click Submit.8.6Resources BindingDSS supports A&C, alarm host and ANPR resources binding.For example, to set A&C.Step 1. Select Business>Resources Binding>Access and Control. Click . See Figure 8- 21.Figure 8- 21Step 2. Select source channel and video channel. Click OK.8.7Video DiagnosisDSS series Manager supports configuration of video diagnosis, including scheme config, task config and diagnosis item config.●Scheme config: configure video diagnosis scheme template.●Task confi: configure video diagnosis task.●Diagnosis item config: configure video diagnosis item.Flow of video diagnosis is shown in Figure 8- 22.。

目录1 平台软件功能 (2)1.1 功能结构 (2)1.1.1 用户界面层 (3)1.1.2 业务应用层 (4)1.1.3 系统服务层 (4)1.1.4 设备接入层 (4)1.2 基础功能 (5)1.2.1 视频实时监控 (5)1.2.2 录像回放 (7)1.2.3 实时图片监控功能 (8)1.2.4 布撤控和黑白名单功能 (10)1.2.5 数据比对 (11)1.2.6 历史数据查询 (11)1.2.7 流量统计 (12)1.2.8 数据手动校准 (13)1.2.9远程管理 (14)1.3 亮点功能 (15)1.3.1 视图结合 (15)1.3.2多级布控 (16)1.3.10 车牌识别 (18)1.3.3事件检索 (18)1.3.4组合查询 (19)1.3.5灵活联动 (20)1.3.6图片合成 (21)1.3.7 非现场执法 (22)1.3.8 数据库分类设计和管理 (22)1.3.9 大屏控制接入 (24)2平台软件运行环境 (25)2.1硬件环境 (25)2.1.1服务器配置要求 (25)2.1.2服务器性能指标 (25)2.2 软件环境 (26)2.2.1 操作系统要求 (26)2.2.2 数据库要求 (27)2.2.3 IE要求 (27)1 平台软件功能1.1 功能结构DSS-T平台软件从上至下共分四个层次,分别是用户界面层、业务应用层、系统服务层、设备接入层。
具体结构参考下图:图二平台软件功能结构图1.1.1 用户界面层系统整体采用B/S的展现模式,其中视频显示的模块应用了C/S的嵌入插件形式。

1.1.2.系统设计亮点大华智能交通网络化图像监控系统DSS-T集成管理平台是一个融合公安传统的图像监控业务和新兴的智能交通管理业务的集成管理平台,在整个平台的设计开发过程中,我们尽可能追踪了目前业界主流的技术框架和技术方法:首先,我们采用了基于面向服务的体系架构(SOA)技术进行主体架构设计,以SOA(Service Oriented Architecture)面向服务的特性,通过定义良好的服务接口实现各子系统之间的松耦合,使平台既可以包容现有的应用又能满足未来新的应用需求,实现信息的高度集成。

目录1 平台软件功能 (2)1.1 功能结构 (2)1.1.1 用户界面层 (2)1.1.2 业务应用层 (3)1.1.3 系统服务层 (3)1.1.4 设备接入层 (3)1.2 基础功能 (4)1.2.1 视频实时监控 (4)1.2.2 录像回放 (5)1.2.3 实时图片监控功能 (7)1.2.4 布撤控和黑白名单功能 (8)1.2.5 数据比对 (9)1.2.6 历史数据查询 (9)1.2.7 流量统计 (10)1.2.8 数据手动校准 (11)1.2.9远程管理 (12)1.3 亮点功能 (12)1.3.1 视图结合 (12)1.3.2多级布控 (13)1.3.10 车牌识别 (14)1.3.3事件检索 (15)1.3.4组合查询 (16)1.3.5灵活联动 (17)1.3.6图片合成 (17)1.3.7 非现场执法 (18)1.3.8 数据库分类设计和管理 (19)1.3.9 大屏控制接入 (20)2平台软件运行环境 (21)2.1 硬件环境 (21)2.1.1服务器配置要求 (21)2.1.2服务器性能指标 (21)2.2 软件环境 (22)2.2.1 操作系统要求 (22)2.2.2 数据库要求 (22)2.2.3 IE要求 (22)1 平台软件功能1.1 功能结构DSS-T平台软件从上至下共分四个层次,分别是用户界面层、业务应用层、系统服务层、设备接入层。
具体结构参考下图:图二平台软件功能结构图1.1.1 用户界面层系统整体采用B/S的展现模式,其中视频显示的模块应用了C/S的嵌入插件形式。
DSS 综合监控管理平台一体机初始配置手册 V

综合监控管理平台一体机初始配置手册浙江大华科技有限公司法律声明版权声明? 2014 浙江大华科技有限公司。

目录1 平台软件功能 (2)1.1 功能结构 (2)1.1.1 用户界面层 (2)1.1.2 业务应用层 (3)1.1.3 系统服务层 (3)1.1.4 设备接入层 (3)1.2 基础功能 (4)1.2.1 视频实时监控 (4)1.2.2 录像回放 (5)1.2.3 实时图片监控功能 (7)1.2.4 布撤控和黑白名单功能 (8)1.2.5 数据比对 (9)1.2.6 历史数据查询 (9)1.2.7 流量统计 (10)1.2.8 数据手动校准 (11)1.2.9远程管理 (12)1.3 亮点功能 (12)1.3.1 视图结合 (12)1.3.2多级布控 (13)1.3.10 车牌识别 (14)1.3.3事件检索 (15)1.3.4组合查询 (16)1.3.5灵活联动 (17)1.3.6图片合成 (17)1.3.7 非现场执法 (18)1.3.8 数据库分类设计和管理 (19)1.3.9 大屏控制接入 (20)2平台软件运行环境 (21)2.1硬件环境 (21)2.1.1服务器配置要求 (21)2.1.2服务器性能指标 (21)2.2 软件环境 (22)2.2.1 操作系统要求 (22)2.2.2 数据库要求 (22)2.2.3 IE要求 (22)1 平台软件功能1.1 功能结构DSS-T平台软件从上至下共分四个层次,分别是用户界面层、业务应用层、系统服务层、设备接入层。
具体结构参考下图:图二平台软件功能结构图1.1.1 用户界面层系统整体采用B/S的展现模式,其中视频显示的模块应用了C/S的嵌入插件形式。
目录1 平台软件功能 (4)1.1 功能结构 (4)1.1.1 用户界面层 (4)1.1.2 业务应用层 (5)1.1.3 系统服务层 (6)1.1.4 设备接入层 (6)1.2 基础功能 (7)1.2.1 视频实时监控 (7)1.2.2 录像回放 (9)1.2.3 实时图片监控功能 (11)1.2.4 布撤控和黑白名单功能 (13)1.2.5 数据比对 (15)1.2.6 历史数据查询 (15)1.2.7 流量统计 (16)1.2.8 数据手动校准 (17)1.2.9远程管理 (18)1.3 亮点功能 (19)1.3.1 视图结合 (19)1.3.2多级布控 (20)1.3.10 车牌识别 (22)1.3.3事件检索 (23)1.3.4组合查询 (24)1.3.5灵活联动 (25)1.3.6图片合成 (26)1.3.7 非现场执法 (27)1.3.8 数据库分类设计和管理 (28)1.3.9 大屏控制接入 (29)2平台软件运行环境 (30)2.1 硬件环境 (30)2.1.1服务器配置要求 (30)2.1.2服务器性能指标 (30)2.2 软件环境 (32)2.2.1 操作系统要求 (32)2.2.2 数据库要求 (32)2.2.3 IE要求 (32)1 平台软件功能1.1 功能结构DSS-T平台软件从上至下共分四个层次,分别是用户界面层、业务应用层、系统服务层、设备接入层。
具体结构参考下图:图二平台软件功能结构图1.1.1 用户界面层系统整体采用B/S的展现模式,其中视频显示的模块应用了C/S的嵌入插件形式。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
目录1 平台软件功能 (2)1.1 功能结构 (2)1.1.1 用户界面层 (2)1.1.2 业务应用层 (3)1.1.3 系统服务层 (3)1.1.4 设备接入层 (3)1.2 基础功能 (4)1.2.1 视频实时监控 (4)1.2.2 录像回放 (5)1.2.3 实时图片监控功能 (7)1.2.4 布撤控和黑白名单功能 (8)1.2.5 数据比对 (9)1.2.6 历史数据查询 (9)1.2.7 流量统计 (10)1.2.8 数据手动校准 (11)1.2.9远程管理 (12)1.3 亮点功能 (12)1.3.1 视图结合 (12)1.3.2多级布控 (13)1.3.10 车牌识别 (14)1.3.3事件检索 (15)1.3.4组合查询 (16)1.3.5灵活联动 (17)1.3.6图片合成 (17)1.3.7 非现场执法 (18)1.3.8 数据库分类设计和管理 (19)1.3.9 大屏控制接入 (20)2平台软件运行环境 (21)2.1 硬件环境 (21)2.1.1服务器配置要求 (21)2.1.2服务器性能指标 (21)2.2 软件环境 (22)2.2.1 操作系统要求 (22)2.2.2 数据库要求 (22)2.2.3 IE要求 (22)1 平台软件功能1.1 功能结构DSS-T平台软件从上至下共分四个层次,分别是用户界面层、业务应用层、系统服务层、设备接入层。
具体结构参考下图:图二平台软件功能结构图1.1.1 用户界面层系统整体采用B/S的展现模式,其中视频显示的模块应用了C/S的嵌入插件形式。
1.1.2 业务应用层系统业务应用层主要是面对用户的系统客户端功能呈现,在这里,既有视频监控行业的基本型功能业务,如:实时监视、录像回放、日志管理等;也有为交通行业用户针对设计的行业应用功能业务,如:卡口管理、电子警察管理、车牌识别、布撤控等等;还有为系统整体性、用户使用便捷考虑而增加的对系统一些监控外围扩展应用设备接入而设计的系统功能扩展业务,如:大屏接入、数字矩阵等;另外就是为系统自身稳定高效运行,方便用户对整个系统所有设备、用户、任务等做监控和管理的系统管理业务功能,如:设备管理、用户管理、权限管理、录像计划等等。
1.1.3 系统服务层整个系统功能繁多,数据量庞大,为使整个系统能够稳定、有序、高效地运行,就必要有一个非常强大的服务层。
1.1.4 设备接入层所谓平台软件,是一数据综合处理、管理、流转、运行的平台,而这些数据中的90%以上都是由整个系统的前端采集设备收集、传输而来的。
DSSS-T 平台软件单独封装了设备接入层,完成整个系统服务器和前端设备、服务器和客户端等等之间网络连接、网络协议解析、数据流转等的功能,同时负责网络安全卫士的功能。
1.2 基础功能1.2.1 视频实时监控视频业务是大华综合监控管理平台软件的基础业务,也是大华逾10年积累的技术优势所在。
大华的平台产品凝聚了目前市场上最完善和易用的视频功能点:➢可对图像进行实时浏览及切换控制,支持单画面、四画面、九画面、十六画面、三十二画面等任意多画面组合模式的监控, 对指定视频窗口进行实时抓拍和实时录像;➢设备树分级显示组织辖下的所有设备,用不同的图标显示设备的不同状态,实时刷新设备状态,以能够在第一时间内发现设备故障、排除异常、维护设备稳定运行;➢具有完善的图像切换功能,操作人员在权限范围内任意调用显示方式或手工设定,将指定摄像机实时监控图像显示在指定的显示器上;➢具有完善的云台镜头控制功能。
真正起到疑情防范的作用;➢系统针对目前多种不同比例的显示器提供手动选择适应的功能,以使图像显示效果能够达到最佳;➢监控窗口下方实时显示本机网络繁忙情况和CPU占用情况,以及时发现系统运行情况;图三视频实时监视界面示意图1.2.2 录像回放监控系统的建设除了实时报警,防患未然外,还有一个重大的作用就是事发后有据可查,因此,录像的检索、连续流畅、多功能播放也是平台的一个很重要的功能。
支持全部\普通录像\外部报警\移动侦测\视频丢失\视频遮挡;➢录像进度条可以按照时间显示,也可以按照百分比显示;➢录像支持音量大小调节及静音选择;➢按照需求跨文件连续播放;➢支持暂停/播放、停止、2/4/8倍速快放、1/2,1/4,1/8倍速慢放、逐帧播放、播放下一个文件、播放过程中抓图、播放录像就地保存;➢可做播放器使用,播放本地文件;图四视频录像回放界面示意图1.2.3 实时图片监控功能实时图片监控功能主要监看卡口、电子警察等图片类设备从网络传输到平台的图片信息,包括图片的内容、经过智能识别分析出的图片信息及该图片产生的其他属性信息,如抓拍该图片的地点、时间等。
➢对嫌疑车辆图片可直接双击弹出窗口,单独放大查看细节;➢系统针对目前多种不同比例的显示器提供手动选择适应的功能,以使图像显示效果能够达到最佳;➢监控窗口下方实时显示本机网络繁忙情况和CPU占用情况,以及时发现系统运行情况;图五实时图片监控界面示意图1.2.4 布撤控和黑白名单功能布撤控操作是智能交通领域监控系统的一个基本功能,即在系统监控范围内对某人或者某车设置系统自动重点关注,当发现此人或者此车时,即刻产生报警,并且将信息记录数据库,可分类查询等。
图六布撤控界面示意图1.2.5 数据比对大华DSS-T平台软件支持多种图片获取方式:一是从前端设备处直接接收到现场抓拍到的图片文件及经过识别后的图片信息;二是图片数据导入的方式;方便公安在出勤执行公务时拍摄的现场照片和系统自获取照片实现统一管理。