图1. 尽管业界逐渐转向使用倒装芯片技术,但引线键合依然具有成本优势,并在PoP技术中得以继续使用。
对更小封装尺寸的要求,推动着焊球节距的不断缩小,目前在底层PoP中,0.4 mm的焊球节距已经非常普遍。
在过去0.65 mm的节距就足够了,而现在需要使用0.5 mm的节距,而0.4 mm的节距也即将上马被采用。
图2. 随着PoP技术的演变,封装体的尺寸、高度和焊球节距的发展趋势。
【摘要】随着电子封装微型化、多功能化的发展,三维封装已成为封装技术的主要发展方向,叠层CSP封装具有封装密度高、互连性能好等特性,是实现三维封装的重要技术.针对超薄芯片传统叠层CSP封装过程中容易产生圆片翘曲、金线键合过程中容易出现OBOP不良、以及线弧(wire loop)的CPK值达不到工艺要求等问题,文中简要介绍了芯片减薄方法对圆片翘曲的影响,利用有限元(FEA)的方法进行芯片减薄后对悬空功能芯片金线键合(Wirebond)的影响进行分析,Film on Wire(FOW)的贴片(Die Attach)方法在解决悬空功能芯片金线键合中的应用,以及FOW贴片方式对叠层CSP封装流程的简化.采用FOW贴片技术可以达到30%的成本节约,具有很好的经济效益.
1.CSP封装与安装技术在手机中的应用 [J], 苇菁
2.叠层芯片引线键合技术在陶瓷封装中的应用 [J], 廖小平;高亮
3.晶圆叠层3D封装中晶圆键合技术的应用 [J], 田芳
4.叠层CSP封装工艺仿真中的有限元应力分析 [J], 刘彪;王明湘;林天辉
5.多目标优化方法在叠层QFN封装结构优化中的应用 [J], 周喜;冷雪松;李莉;马亚辉
The finite element analysisFinite element method, the solving area is regarded as made up of many small in the node connected unit (a domain), the model gives the fundamental equation of sharding (sub-domain) approximation solution, due to the unit (a domain) can be divided into various shapes and sizes of different size, so it can well adapt to the complex geometry, complex material properties and complicated boundary conditionsFinite element model: is it real system idealized mathematical abstractions. Is composed of some simple shapes of unit, unit connection through the node, and under a certain load.Finite element analysis: is the use of mathematical approximation method for real physical systems (geometry and loading conditions were simulated. And by using simple and interacting elements, namely unit, can use a limited number of unknown variables to approaching infinite unknown quantity of the real system.Linear elastic finite element method is a ideal elastic body as the research object, considering the deformation based on small deformation assumption of. In this kind of problem, the stress and strain of the material is linear relationship, meet the generalized hooke's law; Stress and strain is linear, linear elastic problem boils down to solving linear equations, so only need less computation time. If the efficient method of solving algebraic equations can also help reduce the duration of finite element analysis.Linear elastic finite element generally includes linear elastic statics analysis and linear elastic dynamics analysis from two aspects. The difference between the nonlinear problem and linear elastic problems:1) nonlinear equation is nonlinear, and iteratively solving of general;2) the nonlinear problem can't use superposition principle;3) nonlinear problem is not there is always solution, sometimes even no solution. Finite element to solve the nonlinear problem can be divided into the following three categories:1) material nonlinear problems of stress and strain is nonlinear, but the stress and strain is very small, a linear relationship between strain and displacement at this time, this kind of problem belongs to the material nonlinear problems. Due to theoretically also cannot provide the constitutive relation can be accepted, so, general nonlinear relations between stress and strain of the material based on the test data, sometimes, to simulate the nonlinear material properties available mathematical model though these models always have their limitations. More important material nonlinear problems in engineering practice are: nonlinear elastic (including piecewise linear elastic, elastic-plastic and viscoplastic, creep, etc.2) geometric nonlinear geometric nonlinear problems are caused due to the nonlinear relationship between displacement. When the object the displacement is larger, the strain and displacement relationship is nonlinear relationship. Research on this kind of problemIs assumes that the material of stress and strain is linear relationship. It consistsof a large displacement problem of large strain and large displacement little strain. Such as the structure of the elastic buckling problem belongs to the large displacement little strain, rubber parts forming process for large strain.3) nonlinear boundary problem in the processing, problems such as sealing, the impact of the role of contact and friction can not be ignored, belongs to the highly nonlinear contact boundary. At ordinary times some contact problems, such as gear, stamping forming, rolling, rubber shock absorber, interference fit assembly, etc., when a structure and another structure or external boundary contact usually want to consider nonlinear boundary conditions. The actual nonlinear may appear at the same time these two or three kinds of nonlinear problems.Finite element theoretical basisFinite element method is based on variational principle and the weighted residual method, and the basic solving thought is the computational domain is divided into a finite number of non-overlapping unit, within each cell, select some appropriate nodes as solving the interpolation function, the differential equation of the variables in the rewritten by the variable or its derivative selected interpolation node value and the function of linear expression, with the aid of variational principle or weighted residual method, the discrete solution of differential equation. Using different forms of weight function and interpolation function, constitute different finite element methods. 1. The weighted residual method and the weighted residual method of weighted residual method of weighted residual method: refers to the weighted function is zero using make allowance for approximate solution of the differential equation method is called the weighted residual method. Is a kind of directly from the solution of differential equation and boundary conditions, to seek the approximate solution of boundary value problems of mathematical methods. Weighted residual method is to solve the differential equation of the approximate solution of a kind of effective method.Hybrid method for the trial function selected is the most convenient, but under the condition of the same precision, the workload is the largest. For internal method and the boundary method basis function must be made in advance to meet certain conditions, the analysis of complex structures tend to have certain difficulty, but the trial function is established, the workload is small. No matter what method is used, when set up trial function should be paid attention to are the following: (1) trial function should be composed of a subset of the complete function set. Have been using the trial function has the power series and trigonometric series, spline functions, beisaier, chebyshev, Legendre polynomial, and so on.(2) the trial function should have until than to eliminate surplus weighted integral expression of the highest derivative low first order derivative continuity. (3) the trial function should be special solution with analytical solution of the problem or problems associated with it. If computing problems with symmetry, should make full use of it. Obviously, any independent complete set of functions can be used as weight function. According to the weight function of the different optionsfor different weighted allowance calculation method, mainly include: collocation method, subdomain method, least square method, moment method and galerkin method. The galerkin method has the highest accuracy.Principle of virtual work: balance equations and geometric equations of the equivalent integral form of "weak" virtual work principles include principle of virtual displacement and virtual stress principle, is the floorboard of the principle of virtual displacement and virtual stress theory. They can be considered with some control equation of equivalent integral "weak" form. Principle of virtual work: get form any balanced force system in any state of deformation coordinate condition on the virtual work is equal to zero, namely the system of virtual work force and internal force of the sum of virtual work is equal to zero. The virtual displacement principle is the equilibrium equation and force boundary conditions of the equivalent integral form of "weak"; Virtual stress principle is geometric equation and displacement boundary condition of the equivalent integral form of "weak". Mechanical meaning of the virtual displacement principle: if the force system is balanced, they on the virtual displacement and virtual strain by the sum of the work is zero. On the other hand, if the force system in the virtual displacement (strain) and virtual and is equal to zero for the work, they must balance equation. Virtual displacement principle formulated the system of force balance, therefore, necessary and sufficient conditions. In general, the virtual displacement principle can not only suitable for linear elastic problems, and can be used in the nonlinear elastic and elastic-plastic nonlinear problem.Virtual mechanical meaning of stress principle: if the displacement is coordinated, the virtual stress and virtual boundary constraint counterforce in which they are the sum of the work is zero. On the other hand, if the virtual force system in which they are and is zero for the work, they must be meet the coordination. Virtual stress in principle, therefore, necessary and sufficient condition for the expression of displacement coordination. Virtual stress principle can be applied to different linear elastic and nonlinear elastic mechanics problem. But it must be pointed out that both principle of virtual displacement and virtual stress principle, rely on their geometric equation and equilibrium equation is based on the theory of small deformation, they cannot be directly applied to mechanical problems based on large deformation theory. 3,,,,, the minimum total potential energy method of minimum total potential energy method, the minimum strain energy method of minimum total potential energy method, the potential energy function in the object on the external load will cause deformation, the deformation force during the work done in the form of elastic energy stored in the object, is the strain energy.The convergence of the finite element method, the convergence of the finite element method refers to when the grid gradually encryption, the finite element solution sequence converges to the exact solution; Or when the cell size is fixed, the more freedom degree each unit, the finite element solutions tend to be more precise solution. Convergence condition of the convergence condition of the finite element finite element convergence condition of the convergence condition of the finite element finite element includes the following four aspects: 1) within the unit, thedisplacement function must be continuous. Polynomial is single-valued continuous function, so choose polynomial as displacement function, to ensure continuity within the unit. 2) within the unit, the displacement function must include often strain. Total can be broken down into each unit of the state of strain does not depend on different locations within the cell strain and strain is decided by the point location of variables. When the size of the units is enough hours, unit of each point in the strain tend to be equal, unit deformation is uniform, so often strain becomes the main part of the strain. To reflect the state of strain unit, the unit must include the displacement functions often strain. 3) within the unit, the displacement function must include the rigid body displacement. Under normal circumstances, the cell for a bit of deformation displacement and displacement of rigid body displacement including two parts. Deformation displacement is associated with the changes in the object shape and volume, thus producing strain; The rigid body displacement changing the object position, don't change the shape and volume of the object, namely the rigid body displacement is not deformation displacement. Spatial displacement of an object includes three translational and three rotational displacement, a total of six rigid body displacements. Due to a unit involved in the other unit, other units do rigid body displacement deformation occurs will drive unit, thus, to simulate real displacement of a unit, assume that the element displacement function must include the rigid body displacement. 4) the displacement function must be coordinated in public boundary of the adjacent cell. For general unit of coordination is refers to the adjacent cell in public node have the same displacement, but also have the same displacement along the edge of the unit, that is to say, to ensure that the unit does not occur from cracking and invade the overlap each other. To do this requires the function on the common boundary can be determined by the public node function value only. For general unit and coordination to ensure the continuity of the displacement of adjacent cell boundaries. However, between the plate and shell of the adjacent cell, also requires a displacement of the first derivative continuous, only in this way, to guarantee the strain energy of the structure is bounded. On the whole, coordination refers to the public on the border between neighboring units satisfy the continuity conditions. The first three, also called completeness conditions, meet the conditions of complete unit is complete unit; Article 4 is coordination requirements, meet the coordination unit coordination unit; Otherwise known as the coordinating units. Completeness requirement is necessary for convergence, all four meet, constitutes a necessary and sufficient condition for convergence. In practical application, to make the selected displacement functions all meet the requirements of completeness and harmony, it is difficult in some cases can relax the requirement for coordination. It should be pointed out that, sometimes the coordination unit than its corresponding coordination unit, its reason lies in the nature of the approximate solution. Assumed displacement function is equivalent to put the unit under constraint conditions, the unit deformation subject to the constraints, this just some alternative structure compared to the real structure. But the approximate structure due to allow cell separation, overlap, become soft, the stiffness of the unit or formed (suchas round degree between continuous plate unit in the unit, and corner is discontinuous, just to pin point) for the coordination unit, the error of these two effects have the possibility of cancellation, so sometimes use the coordination unit will get very good results. In engineering practice, the coordination of yuan must pass to use "small pieces after test". Average units or nodes average processing method of stress stress average units or nodes average processing method of stress average units or nodes average processing method of stress of the unit average or node average treatment method is the simplest method is to take stress results adjacent cell or surrounding nodes, the average value of stress.1. Take an average of 2 adjacent unit stress. Take around nodes, the average value of stressThe basic steps of finite element method to solve the problemThe structural discretization structure discretization structure discretization structure discretization to discretization of the whole structure, will be divided into several units, through the node connected to each other between the units; 2. The stiffness matrix of each unit and each element stiffness matrix and the element stiffness matrix and the stiffness matrix of each unit (3) integrated global stiffness matrix integrated total stiffness matrix integrated overall stiffness matrix integrated total stiffness matrix and write out the general balance equations and write out the general balance equations and write out the general balance equations and write a general equation 4. Introduction of supporting conditions, the displacement of each node 5. Calculate the stress and strain in the unit to get the stress and strain of each cell and the cell of the stress and strain and the stress and strain of each cell.For the finite element method, the basic ideas and steps can be summarized as: (1) to establish integral equation, according to the principle of variational allowance and the weight function or equation principle of orthogonalization, establishment and integral expression of differential equations is equivalent to the initial-boundary value problem, this is the starting point of the finite element method. Unit (2) the area subdivision, according to the solution of the shape of the area and the physical characteristics of practical problems, cut area is divided into a number of mutual connection, overlap of unit. Regional unit is divided into finite element method of the preparation, this part of the workload is bigger, in addition to the cell and node number and determine the relationship between each other, also said the node coordinates, at the same time also need to list the natural boundary and essential boundary node number and the corresponding boundary value.(3) determine the unit basis function, according to the unit and the approximate solution of node number in precision requirement, choose meet certain interpolation condition basis function interpolation function as a unit. Basis function in the finite element method is selected in the unit, due to the geometry of each unit has a rule in the selection of basis function can follow certain rules. (4) the unit will be analysis: to solve the function of each unit with unit basis functions toapproximate the linear combination of expression; Then approximate function generation into the integral equation, and the unit area integral, can be obtained with undetermined coefficient (i.e., cell parameter value) of each node in the algebraic equations, known as the finite element equation. (5) the overall synthesis: after the finite element equation, the area of all elements in the finite element equation according to certain principles of accumulation, the formation of general finite element equations. (6) boundary condition processing: general boundary conditions there are three kinds of form, divided into the essential boundary conditions (dirichlet boundary condition) and natural boundary conditions (Riemann boundary conditions) and mixed boundary conditions (cauchy boundary conditions). Often in the integral expression for natural boundary conditions, can be automatically satisfied. For essential boundary conditions and mixed boundary conditions, should be in a certain method to modify general finite element equations satisfies. Solving finite element equations (7) : based on the general finite element equations of boundary conditions are fixed, are all closed equations of the unknown quantity, and adopt appropriate numerical calculation method, the function value of each node can be obtained.有限元分析有限元法求解区域是由许多小的节点连接单元(域),该模型给出了切分的基本方程(子域名)的近似解,由于单位(域)可以分为不同的形状和大小不同的尺寸,所以它能很好的适应复杂的几何形状、材料特性和边界条件复杂,复杂有限元模型:它是真实系统的理想化的数学抽象。
关键词:CSP封装,温度循环载荷,应力应变,有限元法Abstract目录第1章引言 (7)1.1 CSP背景 (7)1.2 CSP定义 (7)1.3 CSP分类 (7)1.4 CSP的特点 (8)第2章力学及有限元模型 (9)2.1 力学模型 (9)2.2 VISCO108粘塑性单元类型 (9)2.2.1 单元介绍 (9)2.2.2 单元假设和限制 (10)2.3 有限元模型 (10)2.3.1 计算假设和简化 (10)2.3.2 单元类型的选取 (10)2.3.3材料属性 (10)2.3.4 参数设定 (11)第3章模型建立 (12)3.1 参数定义 (12)3.1.1 几何参数设定 (12)3.1.2 定义单元类型 (13)3.1.3 定义材料属性 (14)3.2 实体建模 (19)3.2.1 建立塑封体模型 (19)3.2.2 建立粘结剂模型 (20)3.2.3 建立芯片模型 (20)3.2.4 建立基板模型 (20)3.2.5 建立焊球模型 (21)3.2.6 建立铜质印线 (22)3.2.7 建立PCB板 (23)第4章网格划分 (25)4.1 网格划分设置 (25)4.1.1 PCB板工作平面切割 (25)4.1.2 塑封体工作平面切割 (25)4.2 赋材料属性 (26)4.2.1 定义焊点材料 (26)4.2.2 定义基板材料 (27)4.2.3 定义铜质印线材料 (27)4.2.4 定义塑封体材料 (27)4.2.5 定义芯片材料 (27)4.2.6 定义PCB板材料 (28)4.2.7 定义粘结剂材料 (28)4.3 网格划分 (29)4.3.1 自由网格划分部分 (29)4.3.2 焊点部分网格划分 (30)4.3.3 PCB板映射网格划分 (30)4.3.4 芯片网格划分 (31)4.3.4 塑封体网格划分 (31)第5章边界条件 (32)第6章加载及求解 (33)6.1 设定求解选项及初始载荷 (33)6.3 循环载荷 (34)第7章结果分析 (36)7.1 通用后处理 (36)7.1.1 总体变形分布云图 (36)7.1.2 等效应力分布云图 (37)7.1.3 总体塑性等效应变分布云图 (38)7.2时间历程后处理 (39)7.2.1 X向应力随时间变化图 (39)7.2.2 X向塑性变形随时间变化图 (41)7.2.3 X向弹性应变随时间变化图 (42)7.2.4 X向总应变随时间变化图 (43)7.2.5 危险点的X向应力-总应变滞后环 (44)第8章结论 (46)参考文献 (47)第1章引言1.1 CSP背景要实现更高密度的封装,几十年来主宰、制约电子封装技术发展的芯片小、封装大这一芯片与封装的矛盾显得尤为突出。
ANSYS 的应力分析包括如下几个类型:●静态分析●瞬态动力分析●模态分析●谱分析●谐响应分析●显示动力学本文以一个线性静态分析为例来描述分析步骤,只要掌握了这个分析步骤,很快就会作其他分析。
A. 分析步骤每个分析包含三个主要步骤:·前处理–创建或输入几何模型–对几何模型划分网格·求解–施加载荷–求解·后处理–结果评价–检查结果的正确性·注意!ANSYS 的主菜单也是按照前处理、求解、后处理来组织的;·前处理器(在ANSYS中称为PREP7)提供了对程序的主要输入;·前处理的主要功能是生成有限元模型,主要包括节点、单元和材料属性等的定义。
也可以使用前处理器PREP7 施加载荷。
B. 几何模型·典型的实体模型是由体、面、线和关键点组成的。
关键词:有限元网格重划分切削力残余应力[ABSTRACT]Accordingtothefiniteelementin-crement,thefiniteelementanalysismethodisusedtoestablish2Dmetalcuttingsimulationmodel.Inanalysis,themeshadaptivecriteriaisadoptedtosimulatetheprocessofmetalcuttinglayer ̄by ̄layer.Thecuttingforces,workpiecedeformationandresidualstressesanddistributionsonthecuttingsurfacesforeverycuttingareobtainedandanalyzed.Keywords:FiniteelementRemeshingCuttingforceResidualstress在机械制造业中,精度要求较高和表面质量限定较严的零件通常都要经过切削加工。
1. 几乎所有的有限元分析结果中,默认的应力结果是冯米斯应力(Von Mises),冯米斯应力是一个标量结果,并没有力的方向性指示。
学过材料力学的应该知道还有一种应力是主应力(principle stress),主应力是矢量,某些情况下也是非常有用的,那么他们之间有什么区别?2.物理内部的受力在不同部位都不一样,我们怎样尽可能多的去研究内部力场的不同特性并且通过软件可视化出来呢?下面我们将探究上面的两个问题。
镜面对称 位移分量
对称性要求几何、载荷、约束条件都对称。 反对称性要求几何对称,而载荷、约束条件反对称
轴对称问题的工程实例。 轴对称问题 前后对称 内压筒体 裙座容器
非轴对称问题 塔器受风载 鞍座容器 内压三通 受管推力的容器
球顶开孔接管 左右对称 带小接管内压容器
● 杆元:受拉压,用于桁架。 梁元:受弯曲,用于梁弯曲问题。 杆梁元:受拉压弯扭,用于刚架等一般情况 ● 平面应力、平面应变、轴对称 多用四边元,少用三角元,尽量不用退化三角元 常用线性元。二次元精度好,网格约放大一倍, 总计算量稍偏大,适用于曲边情况 ● 板壳元只有薄膜应力和弯曲应力,不能算峰值应力 膜元、板元、壳元的区别
解析解:精确、规范基础,只有典型解例。 实验应力分析:真实,费用高。 数值(有限元)分析:灵活、高效、经济,防止出错 概念直观、容易掌握 方法统一、适用范围广 计算机求解线性代数方程组,效率很高
清华大学航天航空学院 陆明万
解析解+规范:初步设计 有限元分析:分析设计、方案优化 实验应力分析:最终校核
● 板壳元与实体元连接: 按直法线(平面)假设加约束方程
实体单元 梁单元
多层复杂结构有限元应力分析方法李智帅;舒安庆;马长春;刘凯;魏化中【摘要】工程中经常会碰到由不同材质材料组成的多层复杂结构,对其进行应力分析极其繁琐,且误差较大.磷酸反应槽拱壁的设计施工工艺复杂,内部应力经常造成施工裂纹.通过合理简化,利用ANSYS软件进行模拟分析,为解决这种多层复杂结构的设计施工提供一种新的思路.%Introduced construction technology of box-beam MSS assemble and lifting in Tianxingzhou Changjiang Bridge, including the calculation of bearing capacity of foundation soil, strength calculation of the steel columns and box-beam lifting, the calculation of structural stability, and the key points of lifting station installation. The integral lifting and installation can speed up process of construction and guarantee the quality of construction. Practice indicates, movable shuttering form lifting had its own features and advantages, which was confirmed safe and controllable, and simple to operate.【期刊名称】《武汉工程大学学报》【年(卷),期】2011(033)008【总页数】4页(P99-102)【关键词】多层复杂结构;限元分析;酸反应槽;拱壁碳砖【作者】李智帅;舒安庆;马长春;刘凯;魏化中【作者单位】武汉工程大学机电工程学院,湖北武汉430074;武汉工程大学机电工程学院,湖北武汉430074;武汉市压力容器压力管道安全技术研究中心,湖北武汉430074;中国通用机械工程总公司,北京100050;武汉工程大学机电工程学院,湖北武汉430074;武汉工程大学机电工程学院,湖北武汉430074;武汉市压力容器压力管道安全技术研究中心,湖北武汉430074【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB1250 引言多层结构是指同一结构体系中,采用两种或两种以上不同材料组成的承重结构体系.常用的的多层复杂结构有由钢筋混凝土和砖墙承重的结构体系砖砌体结构,亦称砖混结构.过去曾有过用木与砖墙承重组成的结构体系,称为砖木结构,目前已很少采用.这类多层复杂结构均存在受力分析的问题,且很难解决.对于不同材质材料组成的复杂结构进行应力分析,通常采用的理论解析方法推演繁琐,边界条件和载荷形式有很多限制,而且结构的分析方法也简化过甚,不能透彻的反映结构受力实际情况.施工设计时往往都是依靠工程师的实际工程经验,这样就会出现设计偏差.由于这些设计误差,在施工中经常会使结构破坏,延误工期,甚至造成重大的经济损失.针对这类多层复杂结构,利用ANSYS软件,对这种复杂结构进行三维有限元建模,合理的加载载荷,选取适当的边界条件,进行数值分析,得到了准确直观的结构应力状况,为该类问题的工程设计,合理的制定施工工艺,提供了科学依据.下面以磷酸反应槽的拱壁的应力分析为例来详细阐述这一分析方法.1 问题描述磷酸反应槽是磷酸装置生产工艺过程中的关键设备之一,是磷酸反应的心脏,特别容易被腐蚀,因此磷酸反应槽的拱壁结构设计施工非常复杂.绝大多数磷酸反应槽外部采用钢筋混凝土作为基槽体,内部先内衬橡胶,再衬碳砖的防腐模式[1],三者之间利用胶泥粘连,如图1所示.图1 拱壁层的实际构成图Fig.1 Components of arch’s carbon brick三者材料性质差别很大:混凝土是复合材料,材料的均质性很差,应力和应变成非线性关系;碳砖是脆性材料,外力作用下(如拉伸、冲击等)仅产生很小的变形即破坏断裂;橡胶弹性材料,收缩性很强.在砌筑时碳砖经常会开裂.为了分析这种多层复杂结构的砌筑时应力状况,并找出碳砖开裂原因.敖敏龙等人利用工作经验进行过初探[2],指出开裂的原因可能是由单块碳砖承在砌体中所受弯、剪、拉的复合应力和胶泥收缩变形对其产生的拉应力导致,但是并没有指出应力最大处和最大值.本文采用采用ANSYS软件对该结构进行有限元分析,可以直观的表示出结构的受力分布情况,可以为设计分析设计时提供参考.某现场施工方法是先砌拱门两边直线部分和两边部分拱弧(拱顶少2块砖),固化后再砌拱顶两条碳砖.反应槽拱壁结构尺寸图如图2所示.图2 反应槽拱壁尺寸图Fig.2 Size of arch’s carbon brick但是根据现场施工资料反应,当反应槽拱的顶部两条碳砖砌好干固后,拱顶部碳砖开裂毁坏.为了找出事故原因,对此拱壁碳砖作三维有限元分析,以获得拱壁碳砖的最大应力部位和应力场分布.2 数学模型在砌筑施工过程中,载荷主要来自于砌筑时砌缝间胶泥收缩产生的拉应力和自身的重力,现对模型进行如下假设及简化:①胶泥砌缝收缩均匀分布在碳砖砌体上;②碳砖、胶泥的力学性能各向同性;③砌筑胶泥的收缩性质等同于外力变形情况;④混凝土基体是刚体;⑤拱壁层的构成不考虑胶泥层如图3所示(通过多次试算表明胶泥层主要影响胶板层应力影响碳砖层,忽略胶泥层后对碳砖应力影响不大). 图3 拱壁层的模型简化图Fig.3 Simplified model of arch’s carbon brick据弹虚位移原理有可得单位节点力与位移之间的关系式[3]fe=Keqe(1)式(1)中:fe为结构总体载荷;Ke为整体结构节点的刚度矩阵,其中(2)qe为整体结构节点的位移矩阵.综合式(1)、(2)可得因此,可求得各节点的应力δ=DBqe.其中:D为整体结构节点的弹性矩阵;B为整体结构节点的应变矩阵.3 有限元模型建立考虑拱门的几何模型具有左右对称的特点,因此作二分之一模型,拱门的实体模型如图3所示.图3 有限元实体模型Fig.3 The finite element solid model模型采用solid95单元来模拟碳砖和橡胶板,共划分31 332个单元和35 700个节点,网格模型如图4所示.图4 有限元风格模型Fig.4 The finite element mesh model根据数学模型中的假设,其物理参数如表1所示.表1 材料物理参数表Table 1 Material physical parameter参数混凝土胶板碳砖体积密度/g·cm-32.451.281.55弹性模数/MPa30000409000线膨胀系数/K-11×10-566×10-68.5×10-6泊松比0.180.470.2导热系数(常态)/W·(m·K)-10.1740.142.14 载荷和边界条件的施加由于建立的是二分之一模型,反应槽拱门顶端施加对称约束,整个胶板与混凝土结合面施加全约束.为了模拟拱门碳砖砌体受到因胶泥凝固收缩引起的拉应力,在计算中利用软件的温度应力的功能来施加因这种因胶泥凝固收缩产生的应力.即令:单位长度砌体收缩=单位长度温度收缩根据实际施工状态:平均每条砌缝收缩0.064 mm,通过计算各段单位长度砌缝数量,计算各段单位长度砌体收缩量.对各段施加与之相当收缩量的温度载荷.同时还要考虑碳砖和胶板的自重.利用ANSYS单元的“生死”技术,来模拟两次砌筑拱门的过程,模拟拱门的二次受力,当砌拱门两边直线部分和两边部分拱弧的时候,该部分单元处于“活”的状态,顶部的碳砖则处于“死”的状态.当砌筑顶部碳砖是,则让顶部碳砖“复活”.5 结果分析碳砖为典型脆性材料,碳砖是否达到破坏极限,采用第一强度理论作为评判标准[5].实验测得的所用碳砖抗拉强度为σ1u=10 MPa.(1)图4为反应槽拱壁碳砖整体的应力云图,从图上可以看出,拱壁顶部碳砖对称面的应力集中较大,达到了11 MPa,超过了碳砖的抗拉强度,引起了断裂,在实际施工中的断裂部位正是发生在此部位分析结果与实际情况一致.图4 反应槽拱壁碳砖整体的应力云图Fig.4 Nephograms of arch’s carbon brick(2)图5为橡胶板整体应力云图,从图上可以看出,胶板层在拱的直段第一主应力比较小在0.7 MPa以下;拱的弧段应力约1.4 MPa,弧段边缘局部应力较大,最大拉应力5 MPa.由于前面简化了胶泥层以及胶板的弹性模量E的非线性,胶板层的应力只能作为影响碳砖应力因素的参考.图5 橡胶板整体应力云图Fig.5 Nephograms of arch’s rubber plate(3)为了直观的拱门顶部碳砖的应力随拱门厚度的变势,并从应力中判断开裂原因,在拱门模型顶端内表面选取两个节点11 421和1 143(拱门顶部截面两短边的中点)做一条路径,观察这条路径上所有节点的应力变化趋势,路径图如图6所示.变化趋势图如图7所示.图6 节点路径图Fig.6 The path of node图7 节点应力沿路径变化图 Fig.7 Nephograms of the node which on thepath从图7可以看出路径上的节点,应力由两端向中间逐渐增大,大致成抛物线变化,在中间区域达到最大11.08 MPa,而拱门碳砖开裂也正是在该区域.6 结语通过对施工现场碳砖砌筑的条件和反应槽结构的分析,经合理简化,建立了多次结构磷酸反应槽拱壁.通过有限元计算得出的结果,反映了施工现场的实际情况,为改进设计和制定合理正确的施工工艺提供了依据,同时也为此类多层复杂结构的应力分析提供了借鉴.参考文献:[1] 沈富,雍开林.磷酸反应槽的衬胶应用[J].云南化工,2007,34(3):41-42.[2] 敖敏龙,钟立民,张建伟.磷酸反应槽衬里碳砖裂纹的初探[J].化工设备与腐蚀,1999(3):48~51.[3] 王国强.实用工程数值模拟技术及其在ANSYS上的实践[M].兰州:西北工业大学出版社,2000.[4] 蒋玉川,张正.弹性力学与有限元方法简明教程(第一版)[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2010.[5] 范钦珊.材料力学(第二版)[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2006.。
叠层CSP(Chip Scale Package)封装是一种常见的封装方式,它具有封装密度高、尺寸小、焊盘间隔小等优点。
然而在叠层CSP封装中,分层失效(layer separation)问题经常出现,这会使封装失效,严重时会导致设备损坏。
态情况下的热场分布作为温度载荷施加到模型上, 得到了 CSP 结构热应力分布, 这对集成电路 热设计方案的选择 , 尤其对提高大功率集成电路的可靠性具有重要意义 。 关键词: 热建模; CSP 结构 ; 热应力
Analysis of thermal stress of CSP structure
SUN Bing - hua
译码深度 L= 63。 ( 2) 外译码器采用基于 Eculid 的 RS 译码, 可以 纠正随机产生的 16 个符号错误。 ( 3) 编译码速率维持在 320kbps 以上。 - 2 ( 4) 典型的纠错性能为 : 当接收误码 率为 10 - 9 时, 译码后误码率约为 10 。
4 结束语
完整地介绍了卷积码( 4, 3, 3) 级联 RS( 255, 223) 的编译码器的设计以及 FPGA 实现 , 并通过了 Quar tus 的功能 仿真 , 布局 布线 和时序 仿真。其中 的 FPGA 实现采用串并 行结合的方式 , 在时延较 小的 基础上, 尽可能地节省了硬件资源。同时, 本方案中 的 Viterbi 译码采用的 是硬判决 , 如果改用软判 决, 能进一步减少译码的误码率。FPGA 的仿真测试表 明译码的技术指标均符合要求 , 为项目的最终 ASIC 实现作好了准备。 参 考 文 献:
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基于Abaqus的叠层器件有限元分析作者:刘长虹朱星宇余沁智张恒来源:《计算机辅助工程》2013年第05期摘要:针对叠层结构的热应力和散热问题,用Abaqus建立叠层结构热应力和流体动力学分析模型.热应力分析结果表明在芯片与板两种材料结合部位的应力较大;流体动力学分析结果表明在叠层间空气的流动比外表面小.关键词:叠层结构;热应力;流体动力学;有限元; Abaqus中图分类号: TB115.1文献标志码: B引言随着工业技术的发展,电子产品在体积基本保持不变的情况下,功率有显著增加,器件的散热量也增大.为保证电子产品工作的可靠性,如何散热成为重要的问题.从电子产品结构分析来看,需要做2个方面的工作,其一是了解在极限工作温度状态下结构所产生的热应力分布;其二是采用风扇强制散热时,叠层结构的空气流动情况.Abaqus有限元软件不仅可解决相对简单的线性问题,也可用于许多复杂的非线性问题.[1]Abaqus包括一个丰富的、可模拟任意几何形状的单元库,并拥有各种类型的材料模型库,可以模拟典型工程材料的性能,其中包括金属、橡胶、高分子材料、复合材料、钢筋混凝土、可压缩超弹性泡沫材料以及土壤和岩石等地质材料.[2]作为通用的模拟工具,Abaqus除能解决大量结构(如应力位移)问题,还可以模拟其他工程领域的许多问题,例如热传导、质量扩散、热电耦合分析、声学分析、岩土力学(流体渗透应力耦合)分析及压电介质分析等.[3]采用有限元软件Abaqus的Standard模块,针对叠层器件结构,建立热应力有限元模型;采用Abaqus的CFD模块,建立流体动力学有限元模型;最后根据上述2个模型的计算结果,分析产品热应力和空气的流动情况,为结构设计提供依据.1叠层结构的热应力有限元分析某型叠层器件结构由4层板和3层芯片构成.设计首先要求考虑,当器件温度达到200 ℃时,该叠层器件的热应力分布.[4]叠层器件的材料参数为:芯片材料的弹性模量为131 GPa,泊松比为0.3,热膨胀系数为2.8×10-6 ℃-1;板材料为FR4,弹性模量为224 GPa,泊松比为0.28,热膨胀系数为1.8×10-5 ℃-1.为详细考察结构的热应力分布情况,建立三维有限元模型,采用8节点六面体三维实体单元C3D8R.由于结构的对称性,取1/4结构建立有限元分析模型.为能够获得质量较高的有限元网格,首先建立多个形状简单的“Part”;然后通过“Assembly”组合成叠层结构的形状;再用命令“Merge/Cut Instances→Geometry Intersecting Boundaries→Retain”将各个简单结构连接成一个整体;最后采用“Tools→Patition→Create Partition”命令,将结构切割成可以划分较高质量网格的有限元模型.最后获得具有8节点三维块体单元C3D8R的1/4叠层器件的有限元模型,该模型单元总数为3 395个,节点总数为4 800个.1/4叠层结构的有限元计算等效应力云图见图1,可知,叠层结构在芯片和板两种材料的结合部位应力较大,特别是在两种材料连接的角点位置应力最大(见图2).图 11/4叠层结构的等效应力云图图 2两层材料边界的等效应力曲线根据上述有限元计算分析可知,采用Abaqus的Standard模块,可以对叠层器件结构进行有效的有限元热应力计算分析.本模型所采用的建模策略为:先分别建立各简单叠层器件中的简单三维几何模型,然后用“Assembly”搭接出整体结构的建模手段,比通常建模采用直接建立一个“Part”的方法,更便于把整体结构分割成易于划分网格的简单几何体,也更容易得到质量较高的8节点六面体单元.2叠层器件流场的有限元分析为了解叠层器件通过风扇吹风散热的情况,进行流体动力学分析.考虑到Abaqus的CFD 求解器是基于混合间断有限元法/有限体积法和有限元法的求解方法,可以解决与层流和湍流相关的流体力学问题,所以使用该有限元模块对叠层器件结构进行空气的流场分析.首先建立叠层4层板的三维有限元流体动力学模型,假设风扇在结构的一侧吹风.为了解在空气流动情况下,结构表面的空气流速情况,选择电子原件中的叠层器件,定义叠层器件表面空气流速为0,空气从叠层器件的一侧流进,另一侧流出.根据实际电子结构,选取叠层器件以及周围空间建立流体动力学三维有限元模型.为节省计算资源,仍然利用叠层器件的对称性,建立三维流体动力学对称模型.为获得质量较高的8节点六面体单元形状,在建立模型时,仍然采用“搭积木”的方式,即首先根据模型的几何形状,分别建立一些形状简单具有六面体长方形的几何模型,然后利用“Assembly”中的有关命令结合“切割”命令,获得具有高质量六面体单元形状的流体动力学有限元模型.流体动力学有限元模型采用八节点六面体形状的FC3D8单元,共划分29 560个单元,33 302个节点.叠层4层结构空气流场分布见图3.从有限元计算结果可知,在模拟风扇吹风散热过程中,叠层结构外表面的空气流动快,相比之下各层之间的空气流量较小.图 3叠层4层结构空气流场分布为更细致地观察叠层结构中板与板之间的流场情况,建立两板之间空气流动的有限元流体动力学模型,计算结果见图4和5,可知,在风扇直接吹到的表面,风压和风速较大;但在风扇吹不到的部位风速较小,说明散热较差.如果采用强制通风散热技术时,要采用多个风扇从不同方向吹风散热的方法,才能达到较好的效果.图 4两层板之间的空气流速云图图 5两层板之间风扇吹风产生的压力云图通过Abaqus/CFD对叠层器件的流体动力学有限元计算分析可知,采用“搭积木”式的建模方法,尽管在建模开始时,需要详细考虑如何把叠层器件的流体动力学几何模型进行分解,但对分解好的简单几何模型进行建模、组装和搭接,以及进一步网格划分就非常简便.由于叠层器件结构比较复杂,如果只建立一个能够详尽表述出该器件流场分布情况的流体动力学模型,将会耗费大量的计算资源和计算时间,而采用整体模型和局部模型相结合的分析方法,可以有效降低计算资源和计算时间.比较以前求解流体动力学所采用的有限差分等方法的流体力学求解器,Abaqus/CFD求解器具有很强的求解功能,特别是在处理三维流体模型问题时,通常易于解决其他流体力学软件无法求解或者需要计算很长时间的模型,在求解功能和求解时间方面具有显著的求解优势.但是,Abaqus/CFD模块只提供三维模型的分析功能,没有一、二维分析功能,因此需要工程技术人员在使用过程中更新建模思路.例如,在其他软件中建立一、二维流体模型时,就应该考虑如何还原成为具有三维特性的Abaqus/CFD的流体力学模型.3结束语通过使用Abaqus/Standard和Abaqus/CFD对叠层器件热应力和流体动力学有限元分析可知,利用三维实体单元C3D8R建立的叠层器件有限元模型,可以有效计算分析结构热应力分布情况.通过分析结果知道,最大热应力在芯片和板两种材料相结合的边界部位.利用FC3D8单元建立的叠层器件流体动力学的有限元计算可知,在使用风扇通风时,叠层板之间的空气流动较器件外表面流速小,两板之间空气流速随着两板之间间隙的减小而减小.采用Abaqus的流、固体分析方法,可以有效分析叠层器件结构的工作情况,该软件可为叠层器件的结构设计和散热提供有效的分析工具.参考文献:[1]庄茁,张帆,岑松,等. Abaqus 非线性有限元分析与实例[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2005: 207237.[2]石亦平,周玉蓉. Abaqus有限元分析实例详解[C]. 北京:机械工业出版社, 2006:963.[3]赵腾伦,姚新军. ABAQUS6.6在机械工程中的应用[M]. 北京:中国水利水电出版社,2007: 198430.[4]刘鸿文. 材料力学(Ⅰ)[M]. 5版. 北京:高等教育出版社, 2005: 210252.(编辑武晓英)。
制造技术/工艺装备现代制造工程(M odernM anu f ac t ur i ng Eng i neer i ng)2011年第1期多层复合涂层刀具切削过程的三维有限元仿真*侯志刚1,2,赵军1,徐立强2,郭忠2(1山东大学高效洁净机械制造教育部重点实验室,济南250061;2烟台大学机电汽车工程学院,烟台264005)摘要:利用DEFORM 3D软件,对多层复合涂层刀具的切削过程进行三维有限元仿真研究,获得了切削过程中的切削温度、切削力和刀具应力等参数,并进行了相关的切削实验对比。
该仿真方法可以作为研究多层涂层刀具失效机理的有效方法,关键词:多层涂层刀具;切削;三维;有限元;仿真中图分类号:TP391 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671 3133(2011)02 0085 043 di m ensi onal fi nite ele m ent simulation on the cutti ng processof multi layer coati ng toolsHOU Zh i gang1,2,Z HAO Jun1,XU Li qiang2,GUO Zhong2(1K ey Laboratory o fH i g h E ffic i e ncy and C lean M echan ica lM anu fact u re o fMOE,School of M echan ica lEng i n eeri n g,Shandong U niversity,Ji n an250061,Ch i n a;2Schoo l of E lectro m echan i c al &Auto m ob ile Eng i n eering,YantaiUn i v ersity,Yan tai264005,Shandong,China) Abstrac t:3 di m ens i ona l fi n ite e l em ent si m u l a ti ons were perfor m ed on the cutti ng process o fm ulti laye r coa ti ng too ls usi ng DE FORM 3D soft w are.P ara m eters i ncl uding cutting te m pe rature,cutti ng f o rce and too l stress w ere obta i ned and compared w i th t he resu lts o f co rresponding cu tti ng experi m ents.The si m u lati ng resu lts of cutti ng te m perature and force are consistentw ith the experi m ent resu lts,and the da m age o f the coati ng layers could be exp l a i ned by t he results of t oo l stress.It is sho w n t hat this si m ulation m ethod cou l d be used eff ec ti ve l y i n t he research on the i nv ali dati on of mu lti layer coa ti ng too l s.K ey word s:mu lti layer coa ti ng too l s;cutti ng;3 D i m ensi ona;l fi n ite e l em ent;si m ulati on涂层刀具自上世纪60年代末开始出现以来,已经取得了飞速的发展。
%Issues associated with the packaging of microsystems in plastic and three-dimensional (3D) body styles are discussed. The integration of a microsystem incorporating a micromachined silicon membrane pump into a 3D plastic encapsulated vertical multichip module package (MCM-V) is described. Finite element techniques are used to analyze the encapsulation stress in the structure of the package. Cracks develop in the chip carrier due to thermornechanical stress. Based on the results of a finite element design study, the structures of the chip carriers are modified to reduce their risk of cracking. Alternative low stress 3D packaging methodologies based on chip on board and plastic leadless chip carriers are discussed.【期刊名称】《电子与封装》【年(卷),期】2011(011)010【总页数】6页(P1-6)【关键词】有限元;微系统;封装技术;塑料无引线芯片载体;热机械应力;三维【作者】杨建生【作者单位】天水华天科技股份有限公司,甘肃天水741000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN305.941 引言微系统是一种微型化的材料诸如硅、金属和塑料的阵列。
该压力容器的内径为 159 mm ,外径为 170 mm ,其
中金属壁厚 1. 5 mm ,复合材料缠绕厚度为 4. 0 mm。工
艺上 4. 0 mm 的复合材料分 9 层无角度缠绕 ,各层缠绕
的预应力根据等强度缠绕的理论公式给出 。
σMδM δ1
· (i
Journal of Mechanical Strength
2005 ,27 (4) :526~529
多层复合材料缠绕的“单元死活”有限元计算方法 Ξ
机 械 强 度
表 1 缠绕各层纤维束使用的预应力 Tab. 1 Initial stress of each f iber layer
层 (内至外) Layer ( Inside 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to outside) 预应力 ΠMPa
Initial 362. 5 328. 4 300. 2 276. 5 256. 2 238. 7 223. 5 210. 0 198. 1 stressΠMPa
时 ,它们能够具有相应的跟随变形 。
当衰减因子 A 恢复取值 A = 1 时 ,这些被“杀死”
的单元被“激活”,即单元的各项结构参数恢复正常 ,同
时它还保留了前面计算步留下的变形结果 ,使用过程
Ξ 20041124 收到初稿 ,20050118 收到修改稿 。 ΞΞ 徐 ,男 ,1977 年 1 月生 ,广西南宁人 ,汉族 。2003 年获得清华大学工学博士学位 ,现在清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院进行博士后研究 ,
关键词:CSP 组织 应变 温度 MSC.Autoforge Abstract: An explicit finite element technique was used to reveal the continuous
rolling process of CSP (compact strip production) by FE software MSC.Autoforge. At the same time, the steel blocking samples of CSP six-passes were obtained, and microstructures at the different positions of workpiece for each pass were studied. By combining experiment results with simulation analysis, the effects of plastic
strain, temperature, and shear strain on evolution and refinement of crystal gains have been investigated. The results are useful for the
development of high strength hot strips.
F1 变 形 区
F1 轧 件
・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 图 1 取样位置简图
F6 变 形 区
F6 轧 件
(a) 图2 轧件和轧辊的几何模型 (a) 轧制前
针对不同仿真模型在不同工况下的叠加仿真难题,提出基于ANSYS Workbench有限元软件的多应力叠加仿真方法,对比单一工况和多种工况下的仿真结果。
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・ 封装技术与设备 ・
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封装体将承受多次热载荷。因此, 如果封装材料之间的热错配过大, 在芯片封装完成之前, 热应力 就会引起芯片开裂和分层。详细地研究了一种典型四层芯片叠层 ’() 封装产品的封装工艺流程 对芯片开裂和分层问题的影响。采用有限元的方法分别分析了含有高温过程的主要封装工艺中 产生的热应力对芯片开裂和分层问题的影响, 这些封装工艺主要包括第一层芯片粘和剂固化、 第 二、 三、 四层芯片粘和剂固化和后成模固化。在模拟计算中发现: ( 比较三步工艺固化工艺对叠 !) 第二步固化工艺是最可能发生失效危险的; ( 经过第一、 二步固化工 层 ’() 封装可靠性的影响, %) 艺, 封装体中发现了明显的应力分布特点, 而在第三步固化工艺中则不明显。 关键词: 热应力分析; 叠层芯片尺寸封装; 有限元分析; 分布应力; 工艺仿真 中图分类号: *+&"#,’文献标识码: . 文章编号: %""-$-#"(/!""#0%%$""-’$")
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・ 封装技术与设备 ・
叠层 #$" 封装工艺仿真中的 有限元应力分析
刘彪 %, 王明湘 %, 林天辉
江苏苏州 $"%&$"* !"# 苏州大学电子信息学院,江苏苏州 $"%&$"; $# ’() 半导体!苏州*有限公司, 摘 要: 叠层 ’() 封装已日益成为实现高密度、 三维封装的重要方法。 在叠层 ’() 封装工艺中,
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