
vb试题及答案选择VB试题及答案选择1. 在Visual Basic中,以下哪个关键字用于声明变量?A. DimB. ConstC. FunctionD. Sub答案:A2. 以下哪个选项不是Visual Basic的控制结构?A. If...Then...ElseB. For...NextC. Do...LoopD. Switch...Case答案:D3. 在Visual Basic中,如何将文本框(TextBox)的内容赋值给一个变量?A. Dim text As String = TextBox1.TextB. Dim text As String = TextBox1.TextC. Dim text As String = TextBox1.ValueD. Dim text As String = TextBox1.Text答案:A4. 如果要在Visual Basic中创建一个窗体(Form),应该使用以下哪个类?A. FormB. UserControlC. PanelD. Button答案:A5. 在Visual Basic中,如何声明一个名为“myFunction”的过程,它不接受参数也不返回值?A. Function myFunction() As VoidB. Sub myFunction()C. Function myFunction() As IntegerD. Sub myFunction() As Integer答案:B6. 如果要在一个事件处理程序中引用当前窗体,可以使用哪个关键字?A. MeB. ThisC. SelfD. Current答案:A7. 在Visual Basic中,如何声明一个数组?A. Dim numbers(5) As IntegerB. Dim numbers As Integer(5)C. Dim numbers(5) As StringD. Dim numbers As Integer[5]答案:A8. 在Visual Basic中,以下哪个是正确的字符串连接运算符?A. +B. &C. *D. =答案:B9. 如何在Visual Basic中声明一个名为“myClass”的类?A. Function myClassB. Sub myClassC. Class myClassD. Dim myClass答案:C10. 在Visual Basic中,以下哪个关键字用于捕获所有未处理的异常?A. Try...CatchB. If...Then...ElseC. For...NextD. While...End While答案:A11. 在Visual Basic中,如何声明一个名为“myButton”的按钮?A. Dim myButton As ButtonB. Sub myButtonC. Function myButtonD. Dim myButton As Control答案:A12. 在Visual Basic中,如何将一个变量的值增加1?A. Increment myVarB. myVar += 1C. myVar = myVar + 1D. myVar.Increment()答案:C13. 在Visual Basic中,如何声明一个名为“myLabel”的标签?A. Dim myLabel As LabelB. Sub myLabelC. Function myLabelD. Dim myLabel As Control答案:A14. 在Visual Basic中,以下哪个关键字用于退出当前的过程?A. ExitB. ReturnC. EndD. Quit答案:A15. 在Visual Basic中,如何声明一个名为“myList”的列表?A. Dim myList As List(Of String)B. Dim myList As String()C. Dim myList As ArrayD. Dim myList As Collection答案:A16. 在Visual Basic中,如何声明一个名为“myDictionary”的字典?A. Dim myDictionary As DictionaryB. Dim myDictionary As HashtableC. Dim myDictionary As List(Of String)D. Dim myDictionary As Array答案:A17. 在Visual Basic中,如何声明一个名为“myEvent”的事件?A. Event myEventB. Sub myEvent()C. Function myEvent()D. Dim myEvent As Event答案:A18. 在Visual Basic中,如何声明一个名为“myDelegate”的委托?A. Delegate myDelegateB. Sub myDelegate()C. Function myDelegate()D. Dim myDelegate As Delegate答案:D19. 在Visual Basic中,如何声明一个名为“myEnum”的枚举?A. Enum myEnumB. Sub myEnumC. Function myEnumD. Dim myEnum As Enum。

解:private sub command1_click()dim i as integer, a as integerfor i = 1000 to 9999if k(i) then list1.additem i: a = a + 1next itext1.text = aend subprivate sub command2_click()list1.cleartext1.text =end subprivate sub command3_click()endend subprivate function k(n as integer) as integerdim i as integer, a as integer, s1 as integer, s2 as integer dims as strings = cstr(n)for i = 1 to len(s) / 2s1 = s1 + mid(s, i, 1)s2 = s2 + mid(s, len(s) + 1 - i, 1)next iif s1 = s2 then k = trueend function2. 新建一个工程,编写求某一自然数因子和的程序。

Option explicitDim a(1 to 20) as integer, I as integer,j as integer, t as integerPrivate Sub Form_Load()ShowPrint "原始数组是:”RandomizeFor i = 1 To 20a(i) = Int(Rnd *90)+ 10Print a(i);If i Mod 10 = 0 Then PrintNext iPrintPrint ”现在数组是:”For i = 1 To 10j = 21 - it = a(i):a(i)= a(j):a(j) = tNext iFor i = 1 To 20Print a(i);If i Mod 10 = 0 Then PrintNext iEnd Sub2.从数组中删除一个数。
从键盘上输入一个数,若这个数在数组当中,就把它删除;若这个数不在数组中,提示“该数不在数组中"注意:1)如果数组中存在多个与该数相同的元素,每一个都能删除;2)能实现多次删除Private Sub Form_Load()ShowReDim a(9)As Integerm = 1Print ”原来数组为:”For i = 0 To 9a(i) = InputBox(”请输入第”&m &"个数:”)Print a(i);m = m + 1Next iPrintn = InputBox(”查找的数是:")i = 0:flag = FalseDoIf a(i) = n Thenj = i:flag = TrueFor k = j To UBound(a) - 1a(k)= a(k + 1)Next kReDim Preserve a(UBound(a) - 1)i = i - 1End Ifi = i + 1Loop While (i <= UBound(a))If flag = False ThenMsgBox n &"不在该数组中”ElsePrint ”删除”&n &"后的数组是:”For i = 0 To UBound(a)Print a(i);Next iEnd IfEnd Sub3.数组a中存放着升序排列的数据,使用array赋值,将inputbox输入的新数插入到数组中,插入后数组仍有序。

设a=2,b=3,c=4,d=5,则NOT a<=c OR 4*c=b^2 AND b<> a+c的值为【1】.
答案:1). False
C:按Ctrl+T D:单击工具栏上的"属性窗口"按钮

vb练习题及答案VB练习题及答案一、选择题1. 在VB中,以下哪个是正确的数据类型?A. IntegerB. IntC. Both A and BD. None of the above答案:C2. VB中,哪个关键字用于声明变量?A. DimB. DeclareC. DefineD. Set答案:A3. 在VB中,以下哪个是正确的循环结构?A. ForB. WhileC. RepeatD. All of the above答案:D4. VB中,以下哪个是正确的条件语句?A. IfB. SwitchC. CaseD. A and B only答案:A5. 在VB中,以下哪个是正确的数组声明方式?A. Dim myArray(5) As IntegerB. Dim myArray As Integer(5)C. Both A and BD. None of the above答案:A二、填空题1. 在VB中,使用________关键字可以定义一个类。
答案:Class2. VB中,使用________方法可以为控件添加事件处理程序。
答案:AddHandler3. 在VB中,________方法用于结束程序的执行。
答案:End4. VB中,________属性用于获取或设置一个控件的文本。
答案:Text5. 在VB中,________方法用于打开一个文件。
答案:Open三、简答题1. 请简述VB中的事件和事件处理程序的概念。
2. 描述VB中如何使用For循环。
基本语法是:```For counter = start To end [Step increment]' 循环体Next [counter]```3. 解释VB中什么是继承,并给出一个简单的示例。

全国计算机等级考试二级VB上机考试新版题库及解析【2013年3月考试专用】考前复习必看资料:PiaoMo整理—1—第一套上机题题干166一、基本操作题请根据以下各小题的要求设计Visual Basic 应用程序(包括界面和代码)。
(1)在名称为Form1的窗体上建立一个名称为Command1的命令按钮数组,含三个命令按钮,它们的Index 属性分别为0、1、2,标题依次为"是"、"否"、"取消",每个按钮的高、宽均为300、800。
注意:存盘时必须存放在考生文件夹下,工程文件名为sjt1.vbp ,窗体文件名为sjt1.frm 。
保存时必须存放在考生文件夹下,工程文件名为sjt2.vbp ,窗体文件名为sjt2.frm 。

VB练习题(上机)含答案VB练习题(上机)含答案第一部分1 在窗体上添加一个命令按钮(名称为Cmd1,标题为"输出平均值")。
程序运行后,单击命令按钮完成以下工作:①随机产生20个0到1000的整数,将其放入一个一维数组中②求出所有元素的平均值,并显示在窗体上(如下图所示)Private Sub Cmd1_Click()Dim a%(19), i%, sum!, aver!RandomizeFor i = 0 To 19a(i) = Int(Rnd * 1001)sum = sum + a(i)Next iaver = sum / 20Print averEnd Sub2 请在名称为Form1的窗体上添加一个名称为Text1的文本框和一个名称为C1、标题为"转换"的命令按钮,如下图所示。
Private Sub C1_Click()Dim ch As String, ch1 As String, i%ch = Text1For i = 1 To Len(ch)If Asc(Mid(ch, i, 1)) >= 65 And Asc(Mid(ch, i, 1)) <= 90 Thench1 = ch1 + LCase(Mid(ch, i, 1)) Elsech1 = ch1 + UCase(Mid(ch, i, 1)) End IfNext iText1 = Text1 + vbCrLfText1 = Text1 + ch1End Sub3 在窗体上添加一个命令按钮(名称为MyCmd1,标题为"输出最大值")。

vb考试试题及答案一、选择题1. VB中,用于声明变量的关键字是:A. DimB. DeclareC. ConstD. Option答案:A2. 在VB中,下列哪个选项不是合法的变量名?A. _myVarB. var2C. 123variableD. my$Var答案:C3. VB中,下列哪个选项是正确的条件语句?A. If condition ThenB. If condition Then ElseC. If condition Then Else IfD. If condition Then Else Else答案:A4. VB中,下列哪个函数用于计算字符串的长度?A. Len()B. Length()C. StrLen()D. Size()答案:A5. 在VB中,下列哪个选项是正确的循环结构?A. For i = 1 To 10B. Do While i < 10C. For Each i In arrD. All of the above答案:D二、填空题1. 在VB中,声明一个整型变量并赋值为100的语句是:________。
答案:Dim myVar As Integer = 1002. VB中,用于输出信息到立即窗口的函数是:________。
答案:Debug.Print3. VB中,用于暂停程序执行的函数是:________。
答案:Sleep4. VB中,用于获取当前日期的函数是:________。
答案:Date5. VB中,用于将字符串转换为整型的函数是:________。
答案:CInt三、简答题1. 简述VB中事件驱动编程的概念。
2. 描述VB中如何实现多线程编程。

vb上机考试题库及答案86套VB上机考试题库及答案86套1. 选择题- 1.1 VB中,用于声明变量的关键字是()。
- A. Dim- B. Declare- C. Let- D. Set- 答案:A- 1.2 下列哪个选项是VB中合法的变量名?()- A. 123abc- B. _name- C. name$- D. name 2- 答案:B2. 填空题- 2.1 VB中,使用()函数可以将字符串转换为数值。
- 答案:Val- 2.2 在VB中,使用()关键字可以定义一个数组。
- 答案:Dim3. 简答题- 3.1 简述VB中的事件驱动编程的概念。
- 答案:事件驱动编程是一种编程范式,程序的执行流程由外部事件(如用户操作、消息、定时器等)触发,而不是按照预先定义的顺序执行。
4. 编程题- 4.1 编写一个VB程序,实现计算两个数的和并输出结果。
- 答案:```vbDim num1 As IntegerDim num2 As IntegerDim sum As Integernum1 = 5num2 = 10sum = num1 + num2Debug.Print "The sum is: " & sum```5. 判断题- 5.1 VB中,使用“=”符号可以比较两个变量的值是否相等。
() - 答案:错误。
- 5.2 在VB中,可以使用“End”关键字来结束一个程序的执行。
()- 答案:正确。
6. 综合应用题- 6.1 设计一个VB程序,实现用户输入姓名和年龄,程序输出“欢迎你,[姓名],你今年[年龄]岁。
”- 答案:```vbSub Main()Dim name As StringDim age As Integername = InputBox("请输入你的姓名:")age = Val(InputBox("请输入你的年龄:"))MsgBox "欢迎你," & name & ",你今年" & age & "岁。

计算机二级VB上机操作练习题及答案计算机二级VB上机操作练习题及答案Visual Basic(简称VB)是Microsoft公司开发的一种通用的基于对象的程序设计语言,下面店铺为为大家带来计算机二级VB上机操作练习题及答案,希望大家喜欢!一、基本操作题(1)在名称为Forml、标题为“球类项目”且没有最大化和最小化按钮的窗体上画1个名称为Combol的组合框。
要求:编写适当的事件过程,使得单击“椭圆”按钮时,Shapel 的形状变换为椭圆;单击“圆”按钮时,Shapel的形状变换为圆。
VB上机考试 习题以及答案

VB上机考试1、利用随机函数产生25个100到999之间的整数,构成5 5的矩阵,输出该矩阵。
Dim a(1 To 5, 1 To 5)Private Sub Form_Click()RandomizeFor i = 1 To 5For j = 1 To 5a(i, j) = Int(Rnd * (999 - 100 + 1) + 100)Print a(i, j);Next jPrintNext iEnd Sub2、利用随机函数产生25个10到99之间的整数,求其平均值(要求保留3位小数,第4位四舍五入)。
Private Sub Form_Click()For i = 1 To 25a = Int(Rnd * (99 - 10 + 1) + 10)Print a;s = s + aNext iPrintAvg = s / 25Print AvgEnd Sub3、在窗体上按下鼠标的右键,记录其坐标。
Private Sub Form_Load() Label1.BorderStyle = 1Label1.Alignment = 2End SubPrivate Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button = 2 ThenLabel1.Caption = X & "," & YEnd IfEnd Sub4、利用随机函数产生25个10到99之间的整数,按从小到大的顺序显示。
Dim a(1 To 25)Private Sub Form_Click()ClsFor i = 1 To 25a(i) = Int(Rnd * (99 - 10 + 1) + 10)Print a(i);Next iPrintFor i = 1 To 25 - 1For j = 1 To 25 - iIf a(j) > a(j + 1) Then tmp = a(j): a(j) = a(j + 1): a(j + 1) = tmp Next jNext iFor i = 1 To 25Print a(i);Next iEnd Sub5、利用随机函数产生50个 [1,6] 之间的整数, 分别统计出1的个数,2的个数,3的个数,4的个数,5的个数和6的个数。

vb试题及答案上机1. 编写一个VB程序,计算并输出1到100之间所有奇数的和。
答案:```vbDim sum As Integer = 0For i As Integer = 1 To 100If i Mod 2 <> 0 Thensum += iEnd IfNextConsole.WriteLine("1到100之间所有奇数的和为:" & sum)```2. 编写一个VB程序,实现输入一个字符串,然后输出该字符串的反转。
答案:```vbDim inputString As String = Console.ReadLine()Dim reversedString As String = StrReverse(inputString) Console.WriteLine("反转后的字符串为:" & reversedString)```3. 编写一个VB程序,判断一个整数是否为素数,并输出结果。
答案:```vbDim number As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()) Dim isPrime As Boolean = TrueIf number > 1 ThenFor i As Integer = 2 To number / 2If number Mod i = 0 ThenisPrime = FalseExit ForEnd IfNextElseisPrime = FalseEnd IfIf isPrime ThenConsole.WriteLine("该数是素数")ElseConsole.WriteLine("该数不是素数")End If```4. 编写一个VB程序,实现一个简单的计算器,可以进行加、减、乘、除运算。
答案:```vbDim num1 As Double = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine("请输入第一个数:"))Dim num2 As Double = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine("请输入第二个数:"))Dim operation As String = Console.ReadLine("请输入运算符(+、-、*、/):")Select Case operationCase "+"Console.WriteLine("结果为:" & num1 + num2)Case "-"Console.WriteLine("结果为:" & num1 - num2)Case "*"Console.WriteLine("结果为:" & num1 * num2)Case "/"If num2 <> 0 ThenConsole.WriteLine("结果为:" & num1 / num2)ElseConsole.WriteLine("除数不能为0")End IfCase ElseConsole.WriteLine("无效的运算符")End Select```5. 编写一个VB程序,实现一个简单的学生信息管理系统,可以添加、删除、查询学生信息。

实验一Form1.print “程序设计基础教程”End subPrivate sub form_dblclick()Form1.clsEnd subDim a as single,b as single,c as single a=val(text1.text)b=val(text2.text)c=a*btext3.text=str(c)end subDim n as integer,a as singlen=val(text1.text)a= n^(1/3)text2.text=str(a)end subText1.text=“visual basic 程序设计”end subPrivate Sub Command2_click()Text1.text=“”end subText2.text=left(text1.text,5)end subPrivate Sub Command2_click()Text3.text=len(text1.text)end subForm1.Move 0, 0End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Form1.Height = Form1.Height * 1.2Form1.Width = Form1.Width * 1.2End Sub7.Const pi as single=3.14159Command1_click()Dim a as single,b as single,c as single,s as single a=val(text1.text)b=val(text2.text)c=val(text3.text)s=a*b*sin((c*pi)/180)/2text4.text=round(s ,2)end sub实验二顺序Const pi as single=3.14159Private Sub Command1_click()Dim r as single,v as singler=val(text1.text)v=4/3 *pi*r^3label1.caption=format(v, “0.00”)end subDim a as single,b as single,c as single,d as single a=val(text1.text)b=val(text2.text)c=val(text3.text)d=(a+b+c)/3text4.text=format(d, “0.00”)end subText1.locked=falseEnd subPrivate Sub Text1_changeCommand2.enable=trueEnd subPrivate Sub Command_click()Text1.locked=trueCommand2.enable=falseEnd subText1.text=“欢迎光临”End subCommand2_click()Text1.text=“谢谢再见”End subText1.selstart=8Text1.sellength=9End subCommand2_click()Label2.caption=text1.seltext End subConst pi as single=3.14159Dim r as single,h as singlePrivate Sub Command click()Dim s as singler=text1.texth=text2.texts=2*pi*r^2+2*pi*r*htext3.text=format(s, “0.000”) end subPrivate Sub command2 click()dim v as singlev=pi*r^2*htext4.text=format(v, “0.000”) end subDim a as string,b as stringPrivate Sub Command1_click()a=text1.textb=text2.texttext3.text=“a” & “b”end subPrivate Sub command2_click()dim t as stringa=text1.textb=text2.textt=aa=bb=ttext1.text=atext2.text=blabel1.caption=“交换成功”end sub实验三选择Dim n as integerIf (n mod 3=0 )and (n mod 7=0 ) then Label2.caption=“Yes”ElseLabel2.caption=“No”End ifEnd subDim x as single,y as singlex=text1.texty=text2.textif x>0 and y>0 thentext3.text=“第一象限”elseif x<0 and y>0 thentext3.text=“第二象限”elseif x<0 and y<0 thentext3.text=“第三象限”else x>0 and y<0 thentext3.text=“第四象限”end ifend subDim a as single,b as single,c as single,d as single a=text1.textb=text2.textc=text3.textd=a+b+cif d>=270 thenif d>=285 thentext4.text=“Gold Medal”elsetext4.text=“Silver Medal”end ifelseif d>240 thentext4.text=“Bronze Medal”elseif a>95 or b>95 or c>95 thentext4.text=“Honor Medal”elsetext4.text=“No Medal”end ifend ifend subText.text=“我是博士生”End subOption2_clickText.text=“我是硕士生”End subOption3_clickText.text=“我是本科生”End subIf Check1.Value ThenLabel1.FontUnderline = TrueElseLabel1.FontUnderline = FalseEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Check2_Click()If Check2.Value ThenLabel1.FontStrikethru = TrueElseLabel1.FontStrikethru = FalseEnd IfEnd SubDim n as singlen=text1.textif n=<4 thentext2.text=format(10,“0.0”)elseif n>4 and n<=15 thentext2.text=format(10+1.2*(n-4),“0.0”)elsetext2.text=format(1.8*n,“0.0”)end ifend subIf text1.text=“Teacher” thenIf text2.text=“123456” thenLabel3.caption=“登录成功”ElseLabel3.caption=“密码不正确”End ifElseif text1.text=“Student” thenIf text2.text=“654321” thenLabel3.caption=“登录成功”ElseLabel3.caption=“密码不正确”End ifElseLabel3.caption=“用户未注册”End ifEnd sub实验四循环Dim n As Integer, i As Integer, a As Long n = Text1.Texta = 0For i = 1 To nIf (i Mod 3 = 0) And (i Mod 7 <> 0) Thena = a + iEnd IfNext iLabel1.Caption = aEnd SubDim n As Integer, m As Integer, i As Integern = Text1.Text n=val(text1.text)m = Text2.Text m=val(text2.text)If m >= n Then for i=n to 1 step -1For i = n To 1 Step -1 if n mod i=0 and m mod i=0 then If (m Mod i = 0) And (n Mod i) = 0 Then text3.text=str(i)Text3.Text = I exit forExit For end ifEnd If next iNext iElseFor i = m To 1 Step -1If (m Mod i = 0) And (n Mod i = 0) ThenText3.Text = iExit ForEnd IfNext iEnd IfEnd SubDim n As Integer, m As Integer, i As Integer, a As Integer, s As Integer, flag AsBooleanm = Text1.Textn = Text2.Texts = 0For a = m To nflag = TrueFor i = 2 To a - 1If a Mod i = 0 Thenflag = FalseExit ForEnd IfNext iIf flag = True Then s = s + a Next aText3.Text = sEnd SubTimer1.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click() Timer1.Enabled = FalseLabel1.Left = 100End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer() Label1.Left = Label1.Left + 100 End SubDim n As Single, i As Single, a As Single, s As Single n = Label1.Captions = 0For i = 1 To nFor a = 1 To is = s + aNext aNext iText1.Text = sEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll1_Change()Label1.Caption = HScroll1.ValueEnd SubDim s As Single, n As Long, t As Long, i As Longs = Text1.Textt = 1For i = 1 To Len(s)If Right(s, 1) = "1" Thenn = n + tEnd Ift = t * 2s = Left(s, Len(s) - 1)Next iLabel1.Caption = nEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim a As Long, q As Longa = Text1.TextDo While (a > 0)q = a Mod 2 & qa = a \ 2LoopLabel1.Caption = qEnd SubTimer1.Enabled = TrueCommand1.Enabled = FalseCommand1.Caption = "继续"Command2.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Command2.Enabled = FalseCommand1.Enabled = TrueTimer1.Enabled = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()Label1.FontSize = Label1.FontSize * 1.1 If Label1.FontSize > 100 ThenLabel1.FontSize = 8End IfEnd Sub实验五数组Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As IntegerText1.text=""For i = 1 To 10a(i) = Int(Rnd * 81) + 10Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(i) & Space(2) Next iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, t As Integer Text2.text=""For i = 1 To 9For j = i + 1 To 10If a(i) > a(j) Thent = a(j)a(j) = a(i)a(i) = tEnd IfNext jNext iFor i = 1 To 10If a(i) Mod 3 = 0 ThenText2.Text = Text2.Text & a(i) & Space(2) End IfNext iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As IntegerFor i = 1 To 10a(i) = Int(Rnd * 26) + 65Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(i) & Space(2)Next iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer, max As Integermax = a(1)For i = 2 To 10If max < a(i) Thenmax = a(i)End IfNext iText2.Text = maxText3.Text = Chr(max)End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As IntegerFor i = 1 To 100a(i) = Int(Rnd * 26) + 65Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Chr(a(i)) & Space(2) Next iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer, b As Integer, j As Integer r = 0b = Asc(Text2.Text)For i = 1 To 100If a(i) = b Thenj = j + 1End IfNext iText3.Text = jEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As Integer, j As IntegerText1.Text = ""For i = 1 To 5For j = 1 To 5a(i, j) = Int(Rnd * 90) + 10Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(i, j) & Space(2) Next jText1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLfNext iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_ClickDim i as Integer ,j as Integer ,s as Integer For i = 1 to 5j = 6 – is=s+a( i ,j )next iLabel1.caption =sEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim n As Integer, i As Integeri = Val(Text1.Text)ReDim a(1 To i)a(1) = 1a(2) = 1For n = 3 To ia(n) = a(n - 1) + a(n - 2)Next nText2.Text = a(i)End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As IntegerText1.text=""For i = 1 To 50a(i) = Int(Rnd * 90) + 10Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(i) & Space(2) Next iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As IntegerText2.Text = 0For i = 1 To 50If a(i) Mod 3 = 0 And a(i) Mod 7 = 0 Then Text2.Text = Val(Text2.Text) + a(i)End IfNext iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As Integer, j As IntegerText1.Text = ""For i = 1 To 4For j = 1 To 4a(i, j) = Int(Rnd * 41) + 10Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(i, j) & Space(2)Next jText1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLfNext iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer,j as integerFor i=1 to 4t=a(i,1)a(i,1)=a(i,3)a(i,3)=tNext tFor i = 1 To 4For j = 1 To 4Label1.Caption = Label1.Caption & a(i, j) & Space(2) Next jLabel1.Caption = Label1.Caption & vbCrLfNext iEnd Sub实验六常用控件Private Sub Op_Click(Index As Integer)Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integera = Val(Text1.Text)b = Val(Text2.Text)Select Case IndexCase 0c = a + bCase 1c = a - bCase 2c = a * bCase 3c = a / bEnd SelectText3.Text = Str(c)End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim n As IntegerFor n = 1 To 10a(n) = Int(Rnd * 81) + 10List1.AddItem a(n)Next nEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, t% For i = 1 To 9For k = i + 1 To 10If a(i) > a(k) Thent = a(i)a(i) = a(k)a(k) = tEnd IfNext kNext iFor i = 1 To 10List2.AddItem a(i)Next iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Timer1.Enabled = FalseCommand2.Enabled = TrueCommand1.Enabled = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Timer1.Enabled = TrueCommand1.Enabled = TrueCommand2.Enabled = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()List1.RemoveItem List1.ListIndexEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()List1.AddItem Int(Rnd * 90000 + 10000) End SubDim n As Integer, s As Integers = 0For n = 0 To 4If List1.Selected(n) = True Thens = s + 1End IfNext nText1.Text = sEnd SubList1.AddItem Combo1.TextEnd SubPrivate Sub List1_DblClick()List1.RemoveItem List1.ListIndexEnd SubText1.Text = Combo1.TextEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Combo1.List(Combo1.ListIndex) = Text1.TextEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_TimerDim n as integerIf n>Combo1.ListCount-1 then n=0Combo1.ListIndex = nn=n+1End SubPrivate Sub Command1_ClickTimer1.Enabled =TrueCommand1.Enabled = FalseCommand2.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2.ClickTimer1.Enabled = FalseCommand1.Enabled = TrueCommand2.Enabled =FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()For j = 0 To Combo1.ListCount - 1If Combo1.List(j) = Trim(Text1.Text) Then Exit ForEnd IfNext jIf j = Combo1.ListCount ThenLabel1.Caption = "No Found"ElseLabel1.Caption = "Found"End IfEnd Sub实验七过程Dim i As Integer, n As Integer, p As Double n = Val(Text1.Text)p = 0For i = 1 To np = p + fact(i)Next iText2.Text = Str(p)End SubFunction fact(ByVal n As Integer) As Double Dim i As Integer, p As Doublep = 1For i = 1 To np = p * iNext ifact = pEnd FunctionDim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer x = Val(Text1.Text)y = Val(Text2.Text)z = Val(Text3.Text)Swap x, ySwap x, zSwap y, zText4.Text = x & " " & y & Space(2) & z End SubPrivate Sub Swap(ByRef x%, ByRef y%)Dim t As IntegerIf x < y Thent = x: x = y: y = tEnd IfEnd SubDim m As Integer, n As Integerm = Val(Text1.Text)n = Val(Text2.Text)Text3.Text = m * n / Gcd(m, n)End SubFunction Gcd(ByVal m%, ByVal n%) As Integer Dim i As IntegerFor i = m To 1 Step -1If m Mod i = 0 And n Mod i = 0 ThenGcd = iExit FunctionEnd IfNext iEnd FunctionDim x As Integer, n As Integerx = Val(Text1.Text)n = Val(Text2.Text)Text3.Text = Square(x, n)End SubFunction Square(ByVal x%, ByVal n%) As Double Dim i As IntegerFor i = 0 To nSquare = Square + x ^ iNext iEnd FunctionDim m As Integer, n As Integer, i As Integer Text3.Text = ""m = Val(Text1.Text): n = Val(Text2.Text)For i = m To nIf Isprime(i) ThenText3.Text = Text3.Text & i & " "End IfNext iEnd SubFunction Isprime(n As Integer) As Boolean Dim i As IntegerIsprime = TrueFor i = 2 To n - 1If n Mod i = 0 ThenIsprime = FalseExit FunctionEnd IfNext iEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As IntegerReDim a(9)Text1.Text = ""For i = 0 To 9a(i) = Int(Rnd * 90) + 10Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(i) & Space(2) Next iEnd SubFunction sort(b() As Integer)Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, t As Integer For i = 0 To 8For j = i + 1 To 9If b(j) < b(i) Thent = b(j)b(j) = b(i)b(i) = tEnd IfNext jNext iFor i = 0 To 9sort = sort & b(i) & Space(2)Next iEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Label1.Caption = sort(a())End SubDim i As Integersak = 0For i = 0 To k - 1sak = sak + a * 10 ^ iNext iEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As Integer, n As Integer, s As Long, a As Integer a = Val(Text1.Text)n = Val(Text2.Text)s = 0For i = 1 To ns = sak(a, i) + sNext iText3.Text = sEnd Sub实验八图形Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Wys.bmp") End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture()End Sub2.If Check1.Value = 1 ThenImage1.BorderStyle = 1ElseImage1.BorderStyle = 0End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Check2_Click()If Check1.Value = 1 ThenImage1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Pic.jpg") ElseImage1.Picture = LoadPicture()End IfEnd SubShape1.Shape = HScroll1.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub VScroll1_Change()Shape1.FillStyle = VScroll1.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Picture1.Line (0, 600)-(1600, 600)End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Picture1.ClsPicture1.Circle (800, 600), 500, , , , 2End SubIf keyascii>48 or keyascii<57 ThenKeyascii=0Label1.Caption = "非法输入"ElseLabel1.Caption = "合法输入"End IfEnd SubImage1.Stretch = TrueImage1.Width = Image1.Width * Sqr(2 ^ (1 / 2)) Image1.Height = Image1.Height * Sqr(2 ^ (1 / 2)) End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Image1.Stretch = TrueImage1.Width = Image1.Width * Sqr(2)Image1.Height = Image1.Height * Sqr(2)End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Image1.Stretch = FalseEnd SubPicture1.backcolor=rgb(hsred.value,hsgreen.value,hsblue.value) End subHsgreen_changePicture1.backcolor=rgb(hsred.value,hsgreen.value,hsblue.value) End subHsred_changePicture1.backcolor=rgb(hsred.value,hsgreen.value,hsblue.value) End sub实验九文件Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As IntegerText1.Text = ""i = 1Open App.Path & "\Grade.txt" For Input As #1Do While Not EOF(1)Input #1, a(i)Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(i) & Space(2)i = i + 1LoopClose #1End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer, s As Integers = 0For i = 1 To 30If a(i) = 100 Thens = s + 1End IfNext iText2.Text = sEnd SubDim s As StringText1.Text = ""Open App.Path & "\Infile.txt" For Input As #1 Do While Not EOF(1)Line Input #1, sText1.Text = Text1.Text & s & vbCrLfLoopClose #1End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim a As Stringa = UCase(Text1.Text)Text1.Text = aOpen App.Path & "\Outfile.txt" For Output As #1 Print #1, aClose #1End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim s As String, i As IntegerText1.Text = ""i = 1Open App.Path & "\Datain.txt" For Input As #1 Do While Not EOF(1)Input #1, a(i)Text1.Text = Text1.Text & a(i) & Space(2)i = i + 1LoopClose #1End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer, s As Integers = 0For i = 1 To 20If a(i) Mod 3 = 0 ThenText2.Text = Text2.Text & a(i) & Space(2)End IfNext iEnd SubDim s As StringText1.Text = ""Open App.Path & "\Dialog.txt" For Input As #1 Do While Not EOF(1)Line Input #1, sText1.Text = Text1.Text & s & vbCrLfLoopClose #1End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer, s As String, r As Integer r = 0For i = 1 To Len(Text1.Text)s = Mid(Text1.Text, i, 1)If Asc(s) >= 65 And Asc(s) <= 90 Thenr = r + 1End IfNext iText2.Text = rEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Dim i As Integer, s As String, r As Integer r = 0For i = 1 To Len(Text1.Text)s = Mid(Text1.Text, i, 1)If Asc(s) >= 97 And Asc(s) <= 122 Thenr = r + 1End IfNext iText3.Text = rEnd SubFile1.Path = Dir1.PathEnd SubPrivate Sub Drive1_Change()Dir1.Path = Drive1.DriveEnd SubPrivate Sub File1_Click()Dim a As StringIf Right(File1.Path, 1) = "\" Thena = File1.Path + File1.FileNameElsea = File1.Path + "\" + File1.FileNameEnd IfText1.Text = aEnd Sub实验十界面设计Text1.locked=falseFSave.enable=trueEnd subFSave_clickText1.locked=tureFSave.enable=falseEnd sub2.dis_clicktext1.text=“计算机等级考试”end sub3.clea_clicktext1.text=“”end sub4.sqadd_clicklabel1.caption=(val(text1.text)^2)+(val(text2.text)^2) end subsqsub_clicklabel1.caption=(val(text1.text)^2)-(val(text2.text)^2) end submnuclean_clicktext1.text=“”text2.text=“”label1.caption=“”end sub4.Private Sub MnuRed_Click()Shape1.FillColor = vbRedEnd SubPrivate Sub MunBlue_Click()Shape1.FillColor = vbBlueEnd Sub5.Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As Integer, i As Integera = Text1.TextFor i = 1 To aIf Sqr(i) = Int(Sqr(i)) ThenList1.AddItem iEnd IfNext iEnd Sub制作人:102宿舍、尤昌波只供参考。

vb上机考试试题一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在VB中,以下哪个关键字用于声明类模块中的属性?A. DimB. PublicC. PrivateD. Property2. VB中的“Option Explicit”语句的作用是什么?A. 定义变量类型B. 强制显式变量声明C. 隐藏变量D. 设置变量的作用域3. 在VB中,以下哪个控件用于显示图像?A. LabelB. TextBoxC. PictureBoxD. ComboBox4. 如果要为VB中的按钮控件添加点击事件,应该使用哪个事件?A. ClickB. DoubleClickC. MouseDownD. KeyPress5. 在VB中,以下哪个函数可以用于将字符串转换为数值?A. Str()B. Val()C. Chr()D. Asc()6. VB中的“Select Case”语句最多可以有多少个Case分支?A. 1B. 2C. 10D. 无限制7. 在VB中,以下哪个属性用于设置控件是否可见?A. VisibleB. EnabledC. CaptionD. Text8. 当在VB中创建一个数组时,数组的下标默认从哪个数字开始?A. 0B. 1C. 100D. -19. 在VB中,以下哪个方法用于获取文本框中输入的文本?A. TextB. CaptionC. ValueD. Name10. VB中的“With”语句用于什么目的?A. 初始化变量B. 创建对象C. 引用对象的多个属性或方法D. 定义数据类型二、填空题(每空3分,共30分)11. 在VB中,使用________关键字可以创建一个类。
12. 如果要让一个变量在整个应用程序中都可访问,应该使用________关键字声明它。
13. 在VB中,一个事件处理程序的名称通常由触发事件的控件名称、一个下划线和一个________组成。
14. 要循环遍历一个数组中的所有元素,可以使用________循环。

国家二级VB机试(上机操作)模拟试卷157(题后含答案及解析) 全部题型 2. 基本操作题 3. 简单应用题 4. 综合应用题基本操作题1.(1)在名称为Form1的窗体上添加一个名称为Label1的标签,标签的宽和高分别为2000、300,有边框,并利用属性窗口设置适当的属性,使其标题“等级考试”居中显示,并使标签的外观如图所示。
参考答案Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Image1.Picture=LoadPicture(App.path&”\MiSC 34.iCO”)’加载图片End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click( ) Imagel.Picture=LoadPicture(App.path&”\Misc37.ico”) End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click( ) Set Image1.Picture=Nothing’清除Imagel中的图片End Sub 步骤3:调试并运行程序,关闭程序后按题目要求存盘。

vb精选试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在VB中,以下哪个关键字用于声明变量?A. DimB. ConstC. FunctionD. Sub答案:A2. VB中数组的默认下标是从哪个数字开始的?A. 0B. 1C. -1D. 2答案:B3. 在VB中,以下哪个函数用于计算字符串的长度?A. LenB. UBoundC. LBoundD. Sqr答案:A4. VB中,哪个属性用于获取或设置一个窗体的标题?A. CaptionB. TextC. TitleD. Label答案:A5. 在VB中,以下哪个事件用于响应鼠标单击窗体?A. ClickB. DblClickC. MouseDownD. MouseUp答案:A二、填空题(每题3分,共15分)1. 在VB中,声明一个整型变量的正确语法是________。
答案:Dim myVar As Integer2. VB中,用于定义一个过程的关键字是________。
答案:Sub 或 Function3. VB中,用于读取用户输入的函数是________。
答案:InputBox4. VB中,用于打开文件的语句是________。
答案:Open5. VB中,用于关闭文件的语句是________。
答案:Close三、简答题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请简述VB中的事件驱动编程是什么?答案:事件驱动编程是一种编程范式,程序的执行流程由外部事件(如用户操作、消息、信号等)触发。
2. VB中如何实现循环结构?答案:在VB中,可以使用For...Next循环、Do...Loop循环、While...Wend循环等结构来实现循环。
四、编程题(每题10分,共20分)1. 编写一个VB程序,计算并输出1到100之间所有偶数的和。
答案:请参考以下代码:```vbDim sum As IntegerDim i As Integersum = 0For i = 1 To 100If i Mod 2 = 0 Thensum = sum + iEnd IfNext iMsgBox "1到100之间所有偶数的和是:" & sum```2. 编写一个VB程序,判断一个给定的年份是否为闰年。
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PrivateSub Cmd1_Click()
Dim a%(19), i%,sum!, aver!
Fori= 0 To19
a(i) =Int(Rnd * 1001)
sum = sum +a(i)
aver = sum/20
Print aver
2 请在名称为Form1的窗体上添加一个名称为Text1的文本框和一个名称为C1、标题为"转换"的命令按钮,如下图所示。
Private Sub C1_Click()
Dim ch As String, ch1 As String, i%
ch= Text1
For i = 1 To Len(ch)
If Asc(Mid(ch,i, 1)) >= 65 And Asc(Mid(ch, i, 1)) <= 90Then
ch1= ch1 + LCase(Mid(ch, i, 1))
ch1 = ch1 + UCase(Mid(ch, i, 1))
End If
Next i
Text1 = Text1+ vbCrLf
Text1= Text1 + ch1
End Sub
3 在窗体上添加一个命令按钮(名称为MyCmd1,标题为"输出最大值")。
Private SubMyCmd1_Click()
Dima%(29), i%, max%
For i = 0 To 29
a(i) =Int(Rnd * 1001)
Next i
max = a(0)
Fori = 1 To 29
If a(i) > max Then max = a(i)
Next i
Print max
End Sub
4 请设计如下图所示窗体界面。