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冠词的用法一.冠词的种类: 1. 定冠词: the 2. 不定

冠词: a / an 当紧跟不定冠词之后的单词是辅音发音开头时,不

定冠词应该用 a, 当紧跟不定冠词之后的单词是元音发音开头时,不

定冠词应该用 an.。

a + [辅音] a wallet, a European country an + [元音 ] an hour, 亮 an 8-year 亮 -old boy 亮亮亮一

般说来,冠词应放亮在名词或名词词组的最前面亮 . a matter,

an easy problem, a necessary action, the world, the old stone

bridge, 亮亮亮伐伐伐注伐意:在以下六种词中,只能伐

使用其中的一种词修饰名词伐 : 冠词、指示代词(如:t 伐 his,

that, t 伐 hese, those) 伐、形容词性物主代词(如: 伐 my, your,

hi 伐 s, her 等)名词所有伐格(如:Toms, t 伐 he Smiths)、不

伐定代词(如:every, 伐 each,any)以伐及疑问代词(如:whic 伐

h, what). 1. 伐我的一位朋友 (不能说伐 : my a frien 伐 d)

a frie 伐 nd of mine 或伐 one of my f 伐 riends 2.你的这两伐

位老师 (不能说:y 伐 our the two 伐 teachers) th 伐 e two

teache 伐 rs of yours 3 伐 .哪一把伞是你的? (不伐能说:Which

an 伐 umbrella is 伐 yours?) Whic 伐 h umbrella i 伐 s yours?

4. 伐一辆这种自行车 (不能伐说:a this kin 伐 d of bike) a

伐 bike of thi 伐 s kind 5.每隔几天伐一次 (不能说:once 伐

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every a few 伐 days) once 伐 every few d 伐 ays 三.冠词的用

法 1. 伐 a / an 表示数量伐一,但不强调数量伐一.如果强调

数量一伐 ,应该用 one.请比较: 伐 I have a brother. 伐 (想

告诉别伐人: 我有兄弟,虽然伐提到了一个,但想强伐调的是

我不是独生子伐女,或想强调的是我伐不是有姐妹.) I have only one brother. 伐伐 (想告伐诉别人: 我并没有两伐个、

三个兄弟.) 2.不表伐示数量一,而是表示伐类别,可以在单数

可数名词伐前加 a /an. A horse runs faster than an elephant.

伐伐伐注意伐 :也可以在单数可数名词前伐加 the 或在复数可

数名词伐前不加任何冠词表示类别伐 .不可数名词表示类别时

不伐加任何冠词. 例如: The horse runs faster than the elephant. Horses run faster than elephants. One can

not live without air or water. 伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐

伐 3.对于说话者特指但伐听话者还不知的单数可数名伐词(人

或物),第一次提伐到时,前面经常加 a / 伐 an;再次提到才加

the 伐 ,这时,说话者和听话者都伐知道是特指哪一个人或物. 伐Canada At a science museum in , you can feel your hair stand

on end as harmless electricity passes through your body. Last year I was lucky enough to have a chance to visit the museum.

I bought a computer 3 years ago, but I have sold the computer (=it) already. 伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐

伐伐伐伐伐伐 4.在伐形容词、现在分词或过去分伐词前加


the 可以表示一类伐人或物,且表示复数. the poor, the sick, the following, the wounded, the English, the French 伐伐伐

伐伐伐 5 伐 .在最高级副词前可以加 t 伐 he,也可以不加 the;

伐在最高级形容词前一般要伐加 the; 但是, 如果伐不表示最, 而是表伐示非常, 则应在最伐高级形容词前加 a / 伐 an, She sings (the) most beautifully in our school. XiamenFujian Province is the most beautiful city in . Xiamen is a most (=very) beautiful city. 伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐 6.在序

数词前一般伐要加 the 表示顺序;但如伐果表示数量的增加,表

示伐又一,相当于 an 伐other的意思,则要伐在序数词前加 a /

a 伐 n. This is the second time that I have seen the film. Ive had two cakes, but Id like a third (=another) one. 伐

伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐 7. 伐提到了演奏的乐器前和伐提到

了发明的物名前要伐加 the. She often practises playing the piano after supper. 伐伐伐伐伐 (比较:There i 伐 s a piano

ne 伐 ar the windo 伐 w of the liv 伐 ing room.) ---What do you think was the most useful invention in the 20th century? ---The cell phone, I think. Who invented the cell phone? 伐

伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐伐 ( 伐比较:Do you ow 伐 n a telephon 伐 e?) 8.在世界上独一无伐二的名词和含有普通名词

的伐专有名词前要加 the. the world, the moon 伐伐伐

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