

asterisk+freepbx+astercrm的安装----lamp rpm安装

asterisk+freepbx+astercrm的安装----lamp rpm安装

Linux下安装呼叫中心服务器(ASTERISK+FreePBX)一、环境要求:操作系统:centos 5.0以上(以最小化形式安装)Linux内核版本:2.6.22Asterisk版本:asterisk V.版本:FreePBX:2.9.0以rpm方式安装好的LAMP环境以root身份登录二、所需软件包/pub/telephony/asterisk/asterisk- 8.tar.gz/freepbx-2.9.0.tar.gz三、安装步骤1、Lamp的安装下载所有软件包到/usr/local/src路径配置yum源,安装相关软件yum –y updateyum install –y httpd http-devel mysql mysql-devel mysql-server php php-devel php-mysqlyum install php5 php5-cli php5-mysql php-pear libapache2-mod-php5 php5-curl php5-gd php-dbyum install php php-mysql php-common php-gd php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-devel php-xmlyum install e2fsprogs-devel keyutils-libs-devel krb5-devel libogg libselinux-devel libsepol-devel libxml2-devel libtiff-devel gmpphp-pear php-pear-DB php-gd php-mysql php-pdo kernel-devel ncurses-devel audiofile-devel libogg-devel openssl-devel mysql-devel zlib-develperl-DateManip sendmail-cf soxyum install gcc gcc-c++ wget bison mysql-devel mysql-server php php-mysql php-pear php-pear-DB php-mbstring nano tftp-server httpd makencurses-devel libtermcap-devel sendmail sendmail-cf caching-nameserver sox newt-devel libxml2-devel libtiff-devel php-gd audiofile-develgtk2-devel subversion kernel-develyum install festival festival-devyum install ncurses-base ncurses-bin ncurses-term libncurses5 libncursesw5 libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-devyum install zlib1g zlib1g-devyum install bison bison-docyum install install libxml2 libxml2-devyum install libtiff4 libtiff4-devyum install libasound2 libgsm1 libltdl3 libpq4 libspeex1 libsqlite0 libtonezone1 libaudiofile0 libaudiofile-devyum install libnet-telnet-perl mime-construct libipc-signal-perl libmime-types-perl libproc-waitstat-perlmkdir /var/lib/mysqlchown –R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/etc/init.d/httpd startchkconfig –level 35 httpd onmysql_install_dbchown –R mysql.mysql /var/lib/mysql/etc/init.d/mysqld startchkconfig –level 35 mysqld onmysqladmin –uroot password 123456 \\设置mysql密码为123456 cp /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0.22/f /etc/f /etc/init.d/httpd restartvim /var/www/html/index.php测试一下:测试php连接apache : <? phpinfo(); ?>测试php连接mysql : vim /var/www/html/aaa.php<?php$link=mysql_connect("localhost","root","123456");if(!$link) echo "FAILD!";else echo "OK!";?>访问下即可。
























软件安装在centos下有2种方式可以安装:A.rpm包安装先添加Asterisk和Digium的Repositories# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Asterisk.repo[asterisk-tested]name=CentOS-$releasever - Asterisk - Testedbaseurl=/centos/$releasever/tested/$ basearch/enabled=0gpgcheck=0#gpgkey=/RPM-GPG-KEY-Digium[asterisk-current]name=CentOS-$releasever - Asterisk - Currentbaseurl=/centos/$releasever/current/ $basearch/enabled=1gpgcheck=0/admin/post.php?id=13 &upd=1#gpgkey=/RPM-GPG-KEY-Digium# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Digium.repo[digium-tested]name=CentOS-$releasever - Digium - Testedbaseurl=/centos/$releasever/tested/$ basearch/enabled=0/admin/post.php?id=13&u pd=1gpgcheck=0#gpgkey=/RPM-GPG-KEY-Digium[digium-current]name=CentOS-$releasever - Digium -Currentbaseurl=/centos/$releasever/current/$basearch/enabled=1gpgcheck=0#gpgkey=/RPM-GPG-KEY-Digium执行命令安装# yum install dahdi-linux dahdi-tools asterisk16 asterisk16-configs# chkconfig asterisk on用这种方法安装目前只能安装到asterisk1.6版。



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6.選擇Full installation和PBX New Installation 6.選擇Full installation和
7.You can create an desktop icon in this step
database put mgcpphone 333 aaln/1@
5.SIP 測試 5.1 SIP 測試中moderm鍴的設置與之前的 設置 測試中moderm鍴的設置與之前的 步驟是一樣的 5.2 我們在callagent鍴,可以通過脩改sip.conf來 我們在callagent callagent鍴,可以通過脩改sip.conf sip.conf來 增加或者刪除電話號碼 5.3 打開sip.conf ,我們會看到幾組電話號碼, 打開sip.conf 格式如下圖:
AsteriskWin32使用指南 AsteriskWin32使用指南
安裝AsteriskWin32 安裝AsteriskWin32
2.單擊Next,開始安裝 2.單擊Next,開始安裝
3.選擇 I accept the agreement,單擊Next
4.MGCP測試 4.MGCP測試 4.1 配置moderm 配置moderm voice mgcp config callagentaddr= voice mgcp config callagentport=2427 4.2 添加電話號碼到database 添加電話號碼到database 在GUI的CLI提示符后執行: GUI的CLI提示符后執行: database put mgcpphone 111 aaln/1@ aaln/1@ database put mgcpphone 222 aaln/2@ aaln/2@ 4.3 添加mgcp 電話號碼 添加mgcp 脩改mgcp.conf,並添加至database 脩改mgcp.conf,並添加至database



Asterisk系统的安装与配置一、安装包装备asterisk1.8.7.1.tar.gzdahdi-linux-complete-2.6.1+2.6.1.tar.gzdahdi是Asterisk管理硬件的插件(中间件)二、安装dahdi 安装时需要下载东西,所以需要互联网1.tar zxvf dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.1+2.6.13.make all4.make install5.make config ;生成启动脚本/etc/init.d/dahdi6./etc/init.d/dahdi restart ;启动dahdi7.chkconfig dahdi on ;检查编译DAHDI时CONFLICTING TYPES FOR ‘BOOL’解决办法,google上面有,说是linux版本宏引起的。

三、安装asterisk1.tar zxvf asterisk1.8.7.13../configure --build=i3864.;指定安装路径 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local5.make menuselect ;在配置界面选中meete应用6.make ;编译7.make install 安装Asterisk8.make samples ;安装配置文件模版/etc/asterisk下9.make progdocs ;安装Asterisk程序文档10.asterisk 启动四、配置SIP通道默认语言 /etc/asterisk/sip.conf[general]language=cn/enbindaddr= 服务器IP五、配置基本SIP账户 /etc/asterisk/sip.conf1.CLI命令sip show userssip show peerssip show settingssip set debug on/offsip reload2.分机号码模板[SIPPHONE](!)type=friend 呼入呼出均可host=dynamic 分机号注册时获取contex=geeyavoip ; 分机号呼入时使用的上下文extensions.conf中的上下文nat=no 不支持natqualify=20003.使用号码模板定义分机号[301](SIPPHONE) ;继承SIPPHONE模板username=301accountcode=301directrtpsetup=yes aster工作在proxy,不修改sdp实现rtp透传;secret=301 ;无需密码则注释掉这句;directmidia=yes 媒体穿越nat NAT=yes;canreinvite = yes 与上面一行等效的to disable re-invites if you had NAT=yes六、配置电话会议室 /etc/asterisk/meete.conf[rooms] ;会议室号将作为拨号计划中 meetme参数conf => 1001 ;定义会议室号1001,无密码conf => 1002,918 ;定义会议室密码为918备注:拨号计划中调用meetme函数时,将进入会议桥,如需要密码,系统将提示输入会议室密码。



1.安裝所需套件yum install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel zlib zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel2.下载asterisk、libpri、zaptelcd /usr/local/src/wgetwgetwget3.安装zapteltar -zxvf zaptel-.1.tar.gzcd /usr/local/src/zaptel-.1./configuremakemake installmodprobe zaptel4.安装libpritar -zxvf libpri-.tar.gzcd /usr/local/src/libpri-makemake install5.安装asterisktar -zxvf asterisk-.tar.gzcd /usr/local/src/asterisk-./configuremakemake installmake samplesasterisk -vvvc6.分机配置vim /etc/asterisk/sip.confSIP分机常用参数配置:[101] ;SIP分机注册账号callerid=ABC ;分机显示名称(可不设定)username=101 ;SIP再注册时要使用的账号(可不设定)type=friend ;连线的模式,一般话机设成friendsecret=101 ;分机注册密码qualify=yes ;验证模式,只有在type=peer时生效(可不设定)nat=yes ;是否在NAT下host=dynamic ;搜寻Client的模式,dynamic由话机主动去注册或者输入Hostname、IP由SIP Server去连线dtmfmode=rfc2833 ;按键信号模式,预设为rfc2833context=internal ;设定要用extensions.conf哪一组的动作canreinvite=no ;分机直通或由SIP连接callgroup=0 ;定义群组,可利用于群组广播....等(可不设定)pickupgroup=0 ;定义代接群组(可不设定)[102]username=102type=friendsecret=102qualify=yesnat=yeshost=dynamicdtmfmode=rfc2833context=internalcanreinvite=no7.设定接通动作vim /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf最后面加放设定[internal]exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}|30) exten => _X.,n,Hangup()说明:_:代表开头X:代表0-9.:代表任意长度的字元_X.:电话以数字开始不限制长度Dial:接通SIP:线路模式SIP协议${EXTEN}:收到的号码30:只振玲等待30秒Hangup:挂断8.设定远端管理账号(依需求设定)vim /etc/asterisk/manager.confenabled = yes最后面增加[admin] secret=admin deny=.0/ permit= read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user write =system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user用telnet localhost 5038到asterisk的管理界面出现Asterisk Call Manager/1.0输入action: login <enter>username: admin <enter>secret: admin <enter><e。


Name: 1001
User: 1001
xx.xx.xx.xx ;Asterisk服务器地址
Proxy: xx.xx.xx.xx ;Astersk服务器地址

=> 1234, qiong,
=> 1234, ddd,
make config ;对于REDHAT系列系统,可将asterisk添加到/etc/rc.d/init.d中
make samples ;安装配置文件



Asterisk安装与配置1.安裝所需套件yum install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel zlib zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel2.下载asterisk、libpri、zaptelcd /usr/local/src/wget /pub/asterisk/releases/asterisk-1.4.22.tar.gzwget /pub/libpri/libpri-1.4.7.tar.gzwget /pub/zaptel/zaptel-安装zapteltar -zxvf zaptel- /usr/local/src/zaptel- installmodprobe zaptel4.安装libpritar -zxvf libpri-1.4.7.tar.gzcd /usr/local/src/libpri-1.4.7makemake install5.安装asterisktar -zxvf asterisk-1.4.22.tar.gzcd /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.22./configuremakemake installmake samplesasterisk -vvvc6.分机配置vim /etc/asterisk/sip.confSIP分机常用参数配置:[101] ;SIP分机注册账号callerid=ABC ;分机显示名称(可不设定)username=101 ;SIP再注册时要使用的账号(可不设定)type=friend ;连线的模式,一般话机设成friendsecret=101 ;分机注册密码qualify=yes ;验证模式,只有在type=peer时生效(可不设定)nat=yes ;是否在NAT下host=dynamic ;搜寻Client的模式,dynamic由话机主动去注册或者输入Hostname、IP由SIP Server去连线dtmfmode=rfc2833 ;按键信号模式,预设为rfc2833context=internal ;设定要用extensions.conf哪一组的动作canreinvite=no ;分机直通或由SIP连接callgroup=0 ;定义群组,可利用于群组广播....等(可不设定)pickupgroup=0 ;定义代接群组(可不设定)[102]username=102type=friendsecret=102qualify=yesnat=yeshost=dynamicdtmfmode=rfc2833context=internalcanreinvite=no7.设定接通动作vim /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf最后面加放设定[internal]exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}|30) exten => _X.,n,Hangup()说明:_:代表开头X:代表0-9.:代表任意长度的字元_X.:电话以数字开始不限制长度Dial:接通SIP:线路模式SIP协议${EXTEN}:收到的号码30:只振玲等待30秒Hangup:挂断8.设定远端管理账号(依需求设定)vim /etc/asterisk/manager.conf enabled = yes最后面增加[admin] secret=admin deny= permit= read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user用telnet localhost 5038到asterisk的管理界面出现Asterisk Call Manager/1.0输入action: login <enter>username: admin <enter>secret: admin <enter><e。



asterisk,mysql,freepbx完整安装手册1 Install Asterisk server1.1 Install CentOS 5.3Description :CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor. CentOS conforms fully with the upstream vendors redistribution policy and aims to be 100% binary compatible.●Need install Web Server , Mail Server , MySQL Database , Development T ools●Enable W eb server, Mail server, MySql Database, Development tools.●Disable firewall, SElinux.●Config your network, make sure you can connect to the internet.1.2 Update your system#yum -y update1.3 Install dependencies and extra packages# yum install e2fsprogs-devel keyutils-libs-devel krb5-devel libogg libselinux-devel libsepol-devel libxml2-devel libtiff-devel gmp php-pear php-pear-DB php-gd php-mysqlphp-pdo kernel-devel ncurses-devel audiofile-devel libogg-devel openssl-devel mysql-devel zlib-devel perl-DateManip sendmail-cf1.4 Install lame-3.97Description :LAME is an educational tool to be used for learning about MP3 encoding. The goal of the LAME project is to use the opensource model to improve the psycho acoustics, noise shaping and speed of MP3. LAME is not for everyone - it is distributed as source code only and requires the ability to use a C compiler. However, many popular ripping and encoding programs include the LAME encoding engine.# cd /usr/src# wget /doc/945198382.html,/sourceforge/lame/l ame-3.97.tar.gz# tar zxvf lame-3.97.tar.gz# cd lame-3.97# ./configure# make# make install1.5 Install libpriDescription :libpri is a C implementation of the Primary Rate ISDN specification. It wasbased on the Bellcore specification SR-NWT-002343 for National ISDN. As ofMay 12, 2001, it has been tested work with NI-2, Nortel DMS-100, andLucent 5E Custom protocols on switches from Nortel and Lucent.# cd /usr/src# wget /doc/945198382.html,/pub/libpri/libpri-1.4-current.tar.gz# tar zxvf libpri-1.4-current.tar.gz# cd libpri-1.4.10/# make# make install1.6 Install mpg123The mpg123 is make for the “music on hold” module to up custom *.mp3 or *.wav file to PBX.#tar xvf mpg123-1.9.0.tar.bz2#./configure#make#make install1.7 Install Dahdi / Dahdi-toolsDescription :Dahdi is a short for ZAPata TELephony.This packet is the drive of the Digital Cards# cd /usr/src# download dahdi-linux-current.tar.gz dahdi-tools-current.tar.gz# tar zxvf dahdi-linux- cd zaptel- make# make install# cd .# . tar zxvf dahdi-tools-current.tar.gz# ./configure# make# make install# make config/etc/init.d/dahdi start# echo "/etc/init.d/dahdi start" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local# dahdi_genconf //check the TDM400P board automatic#copy dahdi_channels.conf content to chan_dahdi.conf# dahdi_cfg –vv1.8 Install asterisk1.7.1 Install asterisk- :Asterisk is the world's leading open source PBXi, telephony engine, and telephony applications toolkit. Offering flexibility unheard of in the world of proprietary communications, Asterisk empowers developers and integrators to create advanced communication solutions...for free.# cd /usr/src# useradd -c "Asterisk PBX" -d /var/lib/asterisk asterisk# mkdir /var/run/asterisk# mkdir /var/log/asterisk# chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/run/asterisk# chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/log/asterisk# chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/php/session/# sed -i "s/User apache/User asterisk/" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf# sed -i "s/Group apache/Group asterisk/" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf# sed -i "s/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf# download asterisk- tar zxvf asterisk/asterisk- cd asterisk- ./configure# make# make install# make samples# make config1.7.2 Install asterisk-addons- :This package contains additional modules for Asterisk which are, for one reasonor another, not included in the normal base distribution. Many of thesemodules are experimental.# cd /usr/src# download asterisk-addons-1.6.1-current.tar.gz# tar zxvf asterisk-addons-1.6.1-current.tar.gz# cd asterisk-addons- ./configure# make# make install# make samples1.7.3 Install asterisk-soundsDescription :This packet is not for hardware dependency. It’s just the necessary packet (Include many sound file) for asterisk server.Download the packet asterisk-sounds-1.2.1.tar.gz# cd /usr/src# tar zxvf asterisk-sounds-1.2.1.tar.gz# cd asterisk-sounds-1.2.1# make install1.9 Install FreePBXDescription :FreePBX is for both developers and people searching for a Business Phone System (or a really fancy home one).# cd /usr/src# wget/doc/945198382.html,/sourceforge/ampo rtal/freepbx-2.3.1.tar.gz# tar zxvf freepbx-2.5.0.tar.gz# cd freepbx-2.5.0# service httpd start# service mysqld start# chkconfig httpd on# chkconfig mysqld on1.9.1 Config MySql# mysqladmin create asterisk# mysqladmin create asteriskcdrdb# mysql asterisk < SQL/newinstall.sql# mysql asteriskcdrdb < SQL/cdr_mysql_table.sql# mysql# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON asteriskcdrdb.* TO asteriskuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'occvoip';# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON asterisk.* TO asteriskuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'occvoip';# mysqladmin -u root password 'occvoip'1.9.2 Install freepbx# vi /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Modify [directories](!) ==> [directories]Modify /var/run ==> /var/run/asterisk++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++# cd /usr/src/freepbx-2.5.0# ./start_asterisk start# ./install_amp --username=asteriskuser --password=occvoip# echo /usr/local/sbin/amportal start >> /etc/rc.localOpen browser to http://ipaddressofpbx#Click the FreePBX Administration to config the FreePBX. Then click Apply configuration changes.Download modules.: click Module Admin to download this modules:Feature codeVoicemailPhonebook Directory toolPhonebookSpeed dialDay night modeIVRFollow meRing groupCall ForwardCall WaitingCallbackConferencesDo-Not-Disturb (DND)Info ServicesannouncementMisc ApplicationsMisc DestinationsMusic on HoldPIN SetsParking lotAsterisk Info toolCustom Applications tool# reboot1.10 Open browser to http://ipaddressofpbxClick the FreePBX Administration to config the FreePBX.。



span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3 span=2,1,0,ccs,hdb3 span=3,1,0,ccs,hdb3 span=4,1,0,ccs,hdb3 #span1 bchan=1-15 dchan=16 bchan=17-31 #span2 bchan=32-46 dchan=47 bchan=48-62 #span3 bchan=63-77 dchan=78 bchan=79-93
[trunkgroups] [channels] language=cn context=from-pstn ;signalling=fxs_ks ;signalling=pri_net signalling=pri_cpe ;switchtype=national switchtype=euroisdn pridialplan=national callerid=asreceived usecallerid=yes hidecallerid=no callwaiting=yes usecallingpres=yes callwaitingcallerid=yes threewaycalling=yes transfer=yes cancallforward=yes callreturn=yes internationalprefix = 00 nationalprefix=0 localprefix=0574
[test] exten => s,1,Answer() exten => s,2,Background(enter-ext-of-person) exten => 101,1,Dial(${PSTN},10) exten => 101,2,Playback(vm-nobodyavail) exten => 101,3,Hangup() exten => 101,102,Playback(tt-allbusy) exten => 101,103,Hangup() exten => 102,1,Dial(${TEST},10) exten => 102,2,Playback(vm-nobodyavail) exten => 102,3,Hangup() exten => 102,102,Playback(tt-allbusy) exten => 102,103,Hangup() exten => i,1,Playback(pbx-invalid) exten => i,2,Goto(incoming,s,1) exten => t,1,Playback(vm-goodbye) exten => t,2,Hangup() [default] exten => 101,1,Dial(${PSTN},,r) exten => 102,1,Dial(${TEST},,r)



一步一步安装freepbx1. Ce ntOS5.3系统安装安装时需要注意把所有组件全部安装(在安装系统时选择自定义选项,即可。



参考: .c n/s/blog_416adf890100aye1.html~type=v5_o ne&label=rela _n extarticle2.安装Tools Linux.iso。


把光驱里的文件拷贝到根文件夹,解压缩VMwareTools-5.5334685.tar.gz 文件(tar zxvf文件名),后来进入vmware-tools-distrib 文件夹。

执行./ 后来一路回车即可。


(2安装和3配置,完毕最好从启一下)4.要安装Asterisk 了各位观众请注意!!!/s/blog_416adf890100aydi.html/s/blog_416adf890100aye n.html .c n/s/blog_416adf890100b819.html/sv n/freeiris2/tru nk/INSTALL.html禁用Selinux,禁用防火墙运行一下包,看看那个不存在就更新安装那个yum in stall (包名)rpm -q 'ker nel-deve l'rpm -q 'httpd'rpm -q 'mysql-server'rpm -q 'mysql'rpm -q 'mysql-devel'rpm -q 'php'rpm -q 'php-mysql'rpm -q 'perl'rpm -q 'libdbi-dbd-mysql'rpm -q 'perl-libwww-perl'rpm -q bis onrpm -q bis on-develrpm -q n cursesrpm -q n curses-develrpm -q zlib-develrpm -q ope nsslrpm -q ope nssl-develrpm -q gnu tls-develrpm -q gccrpm -q gcc-c++以下也是要更新的包yumin stall e2fsprogs-devel keyutils-libs-devel krb5-devel libogg libseli nu x-devel libsepol-devel libxml2-devel libtiff-devel gmpphp-pear php-pear-DB php-gd php-pdo ncurses-devel audiofile-devel libogg-devel zlib-devel perl-DateMa nip sen dmail-cf bind sen dmail php-mbstri ng然后安装Lame 3.97cd /usr/srcwget http://eas yn ews.dl.sourceforge. net/sourceforge/lame/lame-3.97.tar.gztar zxvf lame-3.97.tar.gzcd lame-3.97./con figureMakemake in stall安装dahdi驱动(A1200P板卡用户要自己打patch请咨询openvox公司,如果要安装oslec回音消除也请参考资料):wget"/dow nload/dow n.php?target=asterisk&obj=& file=dahdi-li nux-"tar zxvf dahdi-li nu x- dahdi-li nux- in stallcd ..wget"/dow nload/dow n.php?target=asterisk&obj=& file=dahdi-tools-"tar zxvf dahdi-tools- dahdi-tools- in stallmake config/etc/i nit.d/dahdi start/etc/i nit.d/dahdi stopcd ..wget"/dow nload/dow n.php?target=asterisk&obj =& file=libpri-1.4.10.tar.gz"tar zxvf libpri-1410.tar.gzcd libpri-1.4.10makemake in stallcd ..安装asterisk软件:wget"/dow nload/dow n.php?target=asterisk&obj =& file=asterisk-1.4.26.tar.gz"tar zxvf asterisk-1.4.26.tar.gzcd asterisk-1.4.26./con figuremakemake in stallmake samplesmake configcd ..wget"/dow nload/dow n.php?target=asterisk&obj =& file=asterisk-add on s-1.4.8.tar.gz"tar zxvf asterisk-addo ns-1.4.8.tar.gzcd asterisk-add on s-1.4.8./con figuremake cdrcp cdr/cdr_addo /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cd ..安装g729 g723的语音编码:请注意这两个语音编码是专利编码,如果你要使用在商业领域,请向编码版权所有者交纳版税•否则请跳过此步骤•wget"http://asterisk.hosti ng.l v/bi n/codec_g723-ast14-gcc4-glibc-pen tium3.sowget"http://asterisk.hosti ng.l v/bi n/codec_g729-ast14-gcc4-glibc-pen"cp -avf codec_g72*.so /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/哇塞赛好累好累,休息休息,以上就是asterisk安装的全过程。

Ubuntu Asterisk安装手册

Ubuntu Asterisk安装手册

Ubuntu Asterisk安装手册《1》安装包放在:/asterisk 下面,以.tar.gz结尾的文件。

这里需要的安装包有4个libpri-,dahdi-linux-2.2.1.tar.gz,asterisk-以及dahdi-tools-2.2.1.tar.gz安装时先后安装的顺序为:1》libpri-在当前文件夹下解压缩该文件#tar –zxvflibpri- libpri- install2》安装dahdi-linux-2.2.1.tar.gz在当前文件夹下解压缩该文件#tar –zxvfdahdi-linux-2.2.1.tar.gz#cd dahdi-linux-2.2.1#make#makeinstsall3》安装asterisk-在当前文件夹下解压缩该文件#tar –zxvfasterisk- asterisk- install#make samplesPs.其中如果报如下图的错误需要执行#apt-get install libxml2-dev同理解决后续在执行./configure时产生的错误。

比如出现缺少时运行#apt-get install libncurses5-dev4》安装dahdi-tools-2.2.1.tar.gz在当前文件夹下解压缩该文件#tar –zxvfasterisk- asterisk- install#makeconfig安装asterisk-gui《2》1》首先安装下vim 和subversion, apache2#apt-get install vim#apt-get install subversion#apt-get install apache2安装asterisk-gui#cd /asterisk#svn checkout /svn/asterisk-gui/branches/2.0 asterisk-gui ----将asterisk-gui下载到本地#cd /asterisk-gui#./configure 编译准备#make 编译#make install 安装2》配置asterisk-gui#cp -r /etc/asterisk /etc/asterisk.bak 以防出错,可以恢复#vi /etc/asterisk/manager.conf[general]displaysystemname = yesenabled = yeswebenabled = yesport = 5038httptimeout = 60bindaddr =[root] 设置管理账户secret = asterisk 管理密码read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config 读的权限write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config 写的权限#vi /etc/asterisk/http.conf[general]enabled=yesenablestatic=yesbindaddr= / /static/config/index.html检查#cd /asterisk/asterisk-gui#makecheckconfigPS.注意此步骤在 /asterisk/asterisk-gui下执行,且出现以下的画面表示 gui安装成功!web访问用firefox或者google浏览器打开http://出现以下登陆界面表示成功,用户名:root密码:asterisk之后可以创建和管理sip帐户了,详情访问/space.php?uid=25512517&do=blog&id=1744652拨号规则设定《3》#Vi /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf现有系统在该文件的700行左右,运行:700 跳达。



1. 准备环境1.1 安装前要确定已经安装了以下服务:*DNS Server*Web Server*Mail Server*MySQL Database*Development Toolsgroupadd asteriskuserdel -r asterisk创建用户asterisk到主组asteriskuseradd -g asterisk -d /etc/asterisk/ asterisk修改用户主目录可通过修改“/etc/passwd”文件实现1.2 没有安装的话可以用以下命令安装yum install bindyum install sendmailyum -y updateyum install e2fsprogs-devel keyutils-libs-devel krb5-devel libogg libselinux-devel libsepol-devel libxml2-devel libtiff-devel gmp php-pear php-pear-DB php-gd php-mysql php-pdo kernel-devel ncurses ncurses-devel audiofile-devel libogg-devel openssl-devel mysql-devel zlib zlib-devel perl-DateManip sendmail-cf sox gcc gcc-c++ gnutls-devel bison bison-deve1.3 安装完之后用以下命令设为自动启动chkconfig mysqld onchkconfig httpd on2. 在/usr/src目录中下载Asterisk相关安装包并解压2.1 下载#cd /usr/srcwget /sourceforge/lame/lame-3.97.tar.gzwget /pub/libpri/releases/libpri-1.4.10.tar.gzwget /pub/zaptel/releases/zaptel- /pub/asterisk/releases/asterisk- /pub/asterisk/releases/asterisk-addons- /pub/asterisk/releases/asterisk-sounds-1.2.1.tar.gzwget /freepbx-2.7.0.tar.gzls *.tar.gz | xargs -n1 tar xzvf2.2 安装lametar zxvf lame-3.97.tar.gzcd lame-3.97./configuremakemake install2.3 安装libpri# cd libpri-1.4.9# make# make install2.4 安装zaptel# cd zaptel- ./configure# make# make install# make config2.5 安装asterisk创建用户和用户组:asterisk:asterisk# cd asterisk- ./configure# make# make install# make samples2.6 安装asterisk-addons# cd asterisk-addons-1.4.7# ./configure# make# make install# make samples启动asterisk#amportal start2.7 安装asterisk-sounds# cd asterisk-sounds-1.2.1# make# make installchown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/asteriskchown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/run/asteriskchown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/log/asteriskchown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/php/session3. 安装FreePBX3.1 下载FreePBX解压: tar zxvf freepbx-2.7.0.tar.gz3.2 安装数据库cd freepbx-2.7.0cd SQL/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'root'grant all privileges on *.* to asterisk@localhost identified by ‘asterisk’;grant all privileges on *.* to asterisk@’%’ identified by ‘asterisk’;flush privileges;create database asterisk default character set utf8 default collate utf8_general_ci; create database asteriskcdrdb default character set utf8 default collate utf8_general_ci; source SQL/newinstall.sqlsource SQL/cdr_mysql_table.sqlflush privileges;\q3.3 安装FREEPBXcd .../start_asterisk start./install_amp --username=asterisk --password=asterisk3.4 修改文件/文件夹权限chown -R asterisk /etc/asteriskchgrp -R asterisk /etc/asteriskchown -R asterisk /var/lib/asteriskchgrp -R asterisk /var/lib/asteriskchown -R asterisk /var/spool/asteriskchgrp -R asterisk /var/spool/asteriskchmod -R 777 /etc/asteriskchmod -R 777 /var/lib/asterisk/chmod -R 777 /var/spool/asteriskchmod -R 777 /var/www/htmlchmod -R 777 /etc/amportal.confFreePBX安装时要用的配置文件:/etc/amportal.conf重新加载asterisk配置/var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf4. 安装成功后的配置4.1 中文件支持1. var/www/html/admin/header.php中的set_language()中修改默认语言在/var/www/html/admin/views/freepbx_admin.php文件中增加2. <option value="zh_CN" <?php echo ($_COOKIE['lang']=="zh_CN" ? "selected" : "") ?> >Chinese Simplified</option>3. 创立/admin/i18n/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES的目录,并把翻译化后的amp.po amp.mo复制到这里,注意设置对应权限。



Asterisk服务器安装手册版本 1.0文档编号:RPT12345678-001版权所有© 1998-2014 263网络通信股份有限公司公司网址:版权申明本文档包含了来自263网络通信股份有限公司的机密技术和商业信息,这些信息作为263网络通信股份有限公司专用。





This document contains confidential technical and commercial information from Net263 Ltd, and is intended for the use of Customers or Net263’s partners only for the purposes of related projects to Net263. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without the written permission of Net263.This document and the product it describes are protected by copyright according to the applicable laws.The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the product defined in the introduction of this documentation. Net263 will, if necessary, explain issues, which may not be covered by the document.“Net263” logo is a registered trademark of Net263 Ltd.修订历史正文目录1.概述( OVERVIEW ) (1)1.1范围(S COPE ) (1)1.2发布(I SSUE ) (1)1.3综述(B RIEF ) (1)2.参考( REFERENCE ) (1)3.定义( DEFINITION ) (1)3.1术语(T ERMINOLOGIES ) (1)3.2约束(C ONSTRAINTS ) (2)4.软件特性 (2)4.1功能 (2)4.2性能 (2)5.运行环境 (2)5.1硬件 (2)5.2支撑软件 (2)6.程序安装、初始化及文件配置 (2)6.1ZAPTEL程序安装 (2)6.2ASTERISK程序安装 (2)6.3文件配置 (3)6.3.1配置文件 (3)6.3.2语音文件 (3)6.3.3codec_g729.so库文件 (3)6.4LIBAST_SOAP.SO库文件路径指向 (3)6.5配置文件的修改 (3)7.评价 (4)8.附录( APPENDICES ) (4)8.1文档绑定 (4)图表目录错误!未找到图形项目表。



AGI脚本目录: /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/ Asterisk语音:/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ Asterisk配置文件: /etc/asterisk/ 录音目录: /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/ Asterisk日志: /var/log/asterisk/
1、Asterisk 官方站点: 2、Asterisk yum 安装 配置yum源: /downloads/yum 安装asterisk: yum -y install asterisk18 安装FreePBX yum -y install freepbx 3、FreePBX初始管理员账号密码: freepbx/fpbx
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 用FreePBX配置Asterisk 跟踪Dialplan流程 编写Dialplan:掌握context、Macro编写方法 编写AGI脚本 使用manager 编写客户端控制程序,如点击页面链接拨打顾客电 话。
参考网址 免费的soft phone sjphone x-lite
令)、Orginate、SetVar、GetVar 4、Manager API的配置文件: /etc/asterisk/manager.conf 5、Manager 端 口: 5038 tcp
1、AGI: Asterisk Gateway Interface 用于扩展Asterisk功能,可以用Perl、PHP、SHELL或C来编 写、通过Application Comand中的AGI、DeadAGI调用。 2、通过EAGI、AGI、DeadAGI、FastAGI调用AGI程序。 3、AGI脚本中的几个重要变量: agi_channel、agi_uniqueid、agi_callerid、agi_dnidnds的库来进行AGI脚本编写。



asterisk配置简单解说软件版本asterisk sip 130 中文一:通话设置部分1:软件安装debian系统下面可以使用如下命令安装,如果是其他发行版可以自己编译安装或者使用相应的包安装。

vax:/home/ailantian# apt-get install asterisk2:帐户设置sip的帐户设置vax:/home/ailantian# cd /etc/asterisk/vax:/etc/asterisk# lsadsi.conf codecs.conf logger.conf res_odbc.confadtranvofr.conf dnsmgr.conf manager.conf rpt.confagents.conf dundi.conf meetme.conf rtp.confalarmreceiver.conf enum.conf mgcp.conf sip.confalsa.conf extconfig.conf misdn.conf sip_notify.confasterisk.adsi extensions.ael modem.conf skinny.confasterisk.conf extensions.conf modules.conf telcordia-1.adsicdr.conf features.conf musiconhold.conf voicemail.confcdr_custom.conf festival.conf osp.conf vpb.confcdr_manager.conf h323.conf oss.conf zapata.confcdr_odbc.conf iax.conf phone.confcdr_pgsql.conf iaxprov.conf privacy.confcdr_tds.conf indications.conf queues.conf这个目录下面的sip.confbindaddr=;这个填自己的ip地址。



在Asterisk官网下载最新版的安装包(笔者下载的是asterisk-15.1.3),此时安装包会下载到ubuntu的“下载”文件夹中,可以用命令行:sudo mv asterisk-15-current.tar.gz /usr/src
sudo su
apt-get -y install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential automake autoconf bison flex libtool libncurses5-dev libssl-dev subversion svn-buildpackage apt-get –y install cvs libgsm1 libgsm1-dev
apt-get –y install sysvconfig
apt-get -y install libxml2 libxml2-dev

表示编译成功,可以安装软件,继续输入:make install

asterisk -r



asterisk安装和asterisk_sip控制台信息1. 检查依赖的包是否安装:依赖的包有gcc--libpri,zaptelasteriskncurses-devellibtermcap-develkernel-develkernel-smp-develgcc-c++openssl-develnewt-develzlib-develunixODBC-devellibtoolmake利用 rpm -q 名称进行查询看是否安装,无时进行安装,当然用源安装快!2.asterisk 的安装和环境的搭建首先在FTP上(自己Google)得到压缩包,或者ssh 远程得到命令为 get 名称自己的主机名称:放置目录安装到/usr/src目录下解压缩、切换目录(/usr/src/asterisk-xxx)、执行(sudo ./configure)、sudo make、sudo make install 、sudo make samples、sudo make progdocs修改配置: 1.1 在/etc/asterisk/sip.conf 中添加用户:[1001]type=friendsecret=testhost=dynamic[1002]type=friendsecret=testhost=dynamic1.2 /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf 中添加:[test]exten => 1001,1,Dial(SIP/1001)exten => 1002,1,Dial(SIP/1002)===============================各项讲解=================================== sip环境的简易配置:(所有的配置文件都在/etc/asterisk目录下,其它地方的配置无效) sip.conf[general] 所有用户和对端的默认选项allowoverlap=nobindport=5060 监听端口bindaddr= 监听所有过来的电话srvlookup=yes 使用 DNS 服务qualify=yescontext=test 拨号方案[1001]type=friend 类型用户类型的用于认证呼入呼叫端Peer 是用于呼出呼叫朋友类型两者都有secret=test 密码host=dynamic 动态IP[1002]type=friendsecret=testhost=dynamicextensions.conf在文档的最后添加:[test]exten => 1001,1,Dial(SIP/1001) 呼叫超时秒数exten => 1002,1,Dial(SIP/1002)====================================== ===================================运行asterisk的命令为:asterisk & or sudo /usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvvvvcg停止命令为:stop now连接到命令行:asterisk -rvvvdialplan reloadsip reload显示支持的通信类型: show channeltypes打开调试信息: sip set debug现在astersik下的sip环境就搭建完成了,开启astersik ================================== sudo /usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvvvvcg =============================== ==登录到Astersk服务器运行控制台: asterisk -crvvv查看登录用户 : sip shwo peers*CLI> sip show peersName/username Host Dyn Nat ACL Port Status1004 (Unspecified) D 0 UNKNOW N1003 (Unspecified) D 0 UNKNOW N1002 (Unspecified) D 0 UNKNOW N1001/1001 D 39478 OK (101 ms)4 sip peers [Monitored: 1 online, 3 offline Unmonitored: 0 online, 0 offline]*CLI>查看详细记录: sip show peer 1001*CLI> sip show peer 1002 ////注意与查看全部的区别 peers peer* Name : 1002Secret : <Set>MD5Secret : <Not set>Context : testSubscr.Cont. : <Not set>Language :AMA flags : UnknownTransfer mode: openCallingPres : Presentation Allowed, Not ScreenedCallgroup :Pickupgroup :Mailbox :VM Extension : asteriskLastMsgsSent : 32767/65535Call limit : 0Dynamic : YesCallerid : "" <>MaxCallBR : 384 kbpsExpire : -1Insecure : noNat : RFC3581ACL : NoT38 pt UDPTL : NoCanReinvite : YesPromiscRedir : NoUser=Phone : NoVideo Support: NoTrust RPID : NoSend RPID : NoSubscriptions: YesOverlap dial : NoDTMFmode : rfc2833LastMsg : 0ToHost :Addr->IP : (Unspecified) Port 0 Defaddr->IP : Port 5060Def. Username:SIP Options : (none)Codecs : 0x8000e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|h263) Codec Order : (none)Auto-Framing: NoStatus : UNKNOWNUseragent :Reg. Contact :*CLI>重新加载拨号方案:dialplan reload*CLI> dialplan reload== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf': Found== Setting global variable 'CONSOLE' to 'Console/dsp'== Setting global variable 'IAXINFO' to 'guest'== Setting global variable 'TRUNK' to 'Zap/G2'== Setting global variable 'TRUNKMSD' to '1'-- Registered extension context 'dundi-e164-canonical'-- Registered extension context 'dundi-e164-customers'-- Registered extension context 'dundi-e164-via-pstn'-- Registered extension context 'dundi-e164-local'-- Including context 'dundi-e164-canonical' in context 'dundi-e164-local'-- Including context 'dundi-e164-customers' in context 'dundi-e164-local'-- Including context 'dundi-e164-via-pstn' in context 'dundi-e164-local'-- Registered extension context 'dundi-e164-switch'-- Including switch 'DUNDi/e164' in context 'dundi-e164-switch'-- Registered extension context 'dundi-e164-lookup'-- Including context 'dundi-e164-local' in context 'dundi-e164-lookup'-- Including context 'dundi-e164-switch' in context 'dundi-e164-lookup'-- Registered extension context 'macro-dundi-e164'-- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dundi-e164-- Including context 'dundi-e164-lookup' in context 'macro-dundi-e164'-- Registered extension context 'iaxtel700'-- Added extension '_91700XXXXXXX' priority 1 to iaxtel700 -- Registered extension context 'iaxprovider'-- Registered extension context 'trunkint'-- Added extension '_9011.' priority 1 to trunkint-- Added extension '_9011.' priority 2 to trunkint-- Registered extension context 'trunkld'-- Added extension '_91NXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to trunkld -- Added extension '_91NXXNXXXXXX' priority 2 to trunkld -- Registered extension context 'trunklocal'-- Added extension '_9NXXXXXX' priority 1 to trunklocal-- Registered extension context 'trunktollfree'-- Added extension '_91800NXXXXXX' priority 1 to trunktollfree-- Added extension '_91888NXXXXXX' priority 1 to trunktollfree-- Added extension '_91877NXXXXXX' priority 1 to trunktollfree-- Added extension '_91866NXXXXXX' priority 1 to trunktollfree-- Registered extension context 'international'-- Including context 'longdistance' in context 'international' -- Including context 'trunkint' in context 'international'-- Registered extension context 'longdistance'-- Including context 'local' in context 'longdistance'-- Including context 'trunkld' in context 'longdistance'-- Registered extension context 'local'-- Including context 'default' in context 'local'-- Including context 'trunklocal' in context 'local'-- Including context 'iaxtel700' in context 'local'-- Including context 'trunktollfree' in context 'local'-- Including context 'iaxprovider' in context 'local'-- Including context 'parkedcalls' in context 'local'-- Registered extension context 'macro-trunkdial'-- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-trunkdial-- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-trunkdial-- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 1 to macro-trunkdial-- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-trunkdial-- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-trunkdial-- Registered extension context 'macro-stdexten'-- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-stdexten-- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-stdexten-- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 1 to macro-stdexten-- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 2 to macro-stdexten-- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-stdexten-- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-stdexten-- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-stdexten-- Added extension 'a' priority 1 to macro-stdexten-- Registered extension context 'macro-stdPrivacyexten'-- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-stdPrivacyexten -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-stdPrivacyexten -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 1 to macro-stdPrivacyexten-- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 2 to macro-stdPrivacyexten-- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-stdPrivacyexten-- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-stdPrivacyexten-- Added extension 's-DONTCALL' priority 1 to macro-stdPrivacyexten-- Added extension 's-TORTURE' priority 1 to macro-stdPrivacyexten-- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-stdPrivacyexten -- Added extension 'a' priority 1 to macro-stdPrivacyexten -- Registered extension context 'macro-page'-- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-page-- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-page-- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-page-- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-page-- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-page-- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-page-- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-page-- Registered extension context 'demo'-- Added extension 's' priority 1 to demo-- Added extension 's' priority 2 to demo-- Added extension 's' priority 3 to demo-- Added extension 's' priority 4 to demo-- Added extension 's' priority 5 to demo-- Added extension 's' priority 6 to demo-- Added extension 's' priority 7 to demo-- Added extension '2' priority 1 to demo-- Added extension '2' priority 2 to demo-- Added extension '3' priority 1 to demo-- Added extension '3' priority 2 to demo-- Added extension '1000' priority 1 to demo-- Added extension '1234' priority 1 to demo-- Added extension '1234' priority 2 to demo -- Added extension '1235' priority 1 to demo -- Added extension '1236' priority 1 to demo -- Added extension '1236' priority 2 to demo -- Added extension '#' priority 1 to demo-- Added extension '#' priority 2 to demo-- Added extension 't' priority 1 to demo-- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to demo-- Added extension '500' priority 1 to demo -- Added extension '500' priority 2 to demo -- Added extension '500' priority 3 to demo -- Added extension '500' priority 4 to demo -- Added extension '600' priority 1 to demo -- Added extension '600' priority 2 to demo -- Added extension '600' priority 3 to demo -- Added extension '600' priority 4 to demo -- Added extension '76245' priority 1 to demo -- Added extension '_7XXX' priority 1 to demo -- Added extension '7999' priority 1 to demo -- Added extension '7999' priority 2 to demo -- Added extension '8500' priority 1 to demo -- Added extension '8500' priority 2 to demo -- Registered extension context 'page'-- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to page-- Registered extension context 'default'-- Including context 'demo' in context 'default' -- Registered extension context 'test'-- Added extension '1001' priority 1 to test-- Added extension '1002' priority 1 to test-- Added extension '1003' priority 1 to test-- Added extension '1004' priority 1 to test== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': FoundDialplan reloaded.*CLI>重新加载SIP方案:sip reload*CLI> sip reload*CLI> Reloading SIP== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': Found== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': Found== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf': Found*CLI>=========================sip 控制台信息=====================================1. 运行调试常用命令./asterisk & 在后台运行./asterisk -vvvc 启动并尽量多的在控制台显示调试信息./asterisk -r 连接控制台set verbose 9999 设置打印详细信息2. 控制台下常用命令sip reload 重新加载sip信息sip set debug 设置显示更多的sip信息sip set debug off 关闭显示更多的sip信息sip show channels 显示所有活动的sip通道sip show users 显示用户情况sip show user xxx 显示用户xxx的情况dialplan show 显示拨号方案dialplan reload 重新加载拨号方案stop gracefully 优雅的停止asteriskstop now 立即停止运行module show 显示已有的加载module load 加载模块 cdrxxxmodule reload 重新加载模块 cdrxxxmodule unload 卸载模块 cdrxxxcore show applications 显示所有的应用比如Dial Radius Hangup Answer等core show channels 显示所有的通话通道core show codecs 显示所有支持的编码core show functions 显示所有的功能函数-------------------------------------------------------------------------*CLI> help! Execute a shell commandabort halt Cancel a running haltael debug contexts Enable AEL contexts debug (does nothing)ael debug macros Enable AEL macros debug (does nothing) ael debug read Enable AEL read debug (does nothing)ael debug tokens Enable AEL tokens debug (does nothing) ael nodebug Disable AEL debug messagesael reload Reload AEL configurationagent logoff Sets an agent offlineagent show Show status of agentsagent show online Show all online agentsagi debug Enable AGI debuggingagi debug off Disable AGI debuggingagi dumphtml Dumps a list of agi commands in html format agi show List AGI commands or specific helpcdr status Display the CDR statusconsole active Sets/displays active consoleconsole answer Answer an incoming console callconsole autoanswer Sets/displays autoanswerconsole boost Sets/displays mic boost in dBconsole dial Dial an extension on the consoleconsole flash Flash a call on the consoleconsole hangup Hangup a call on the consoleconsole mute Disable mic inputconsole send text Send text to the remote deviceconsole transfer Transfer a call to a different extensionconsole unmute Enable mic inputcore clear profile Clear profiling infocore set debug channel Enable/disable debugging on a channelcore set debug Set level of debug chattinesscore set debug off Turns off debug chattinesscore set global Set global dialplan variablecore set verbose Set level of verbosenesscore show applications Shows registered dialplan applicationscore show application Describe a specific dialplan applicationcore show audio codecs Displays a list of audio codecscore show channels Display information on channelscore show channel Display information on a specific channel core show channeltypes List available channel typescore show channeltype Give more details on that channeltypecore show codecs Displays a list of codecscore show codec Shows a specific codeccore show config mappings Display config mappings (file names to config engines)core show file formats Displays file formatscore show file version List versions of files used to build Asteriskcore show functions Shows registered dialplan functionscore show function Describe a specific dialplan functioncore show globals Show global dialplan variablescore show hints Show dialplan hintscore show image codecs Displays a list of image codecscore show image formats Displays image formatscore show license Show the license(s) for this copy of Asteriskcore show profile Display profiling infocore show switches Show alternative switchescore show threads Show running threadscore show translation Display translation matrixcore show uptime Show uptime informationcore show version Display version infocore show video codecs Displays a list of video codecscore show warranty Show the warranty (if any) for this copy of Asteriskdatabase del Removes database key/valuedatabase deltree Removes database keytree/valuesdatabase get Gets database valuedatabase put Adds/updates database valuedatabase show Shows database contentsdatabase showkey Shows database contentsdialplan add extension Add new extension into contextdialplan add ignorepat Add new ignore patterndialplan add include Include context in other contextdialplan reload Reload extensions and *only* extensionsdialplan remove extension Remove a specified extensiondialplan remove ignorepat Remove ignore pattern from contextdialplan remove include Remove a specified include from contextdialplan save Save dialplandialplan show Show dialplandnsmgr reload Reloads the DNS manager configurationdnsmgr status Display the DNS manager statusdundi debug Enable DUNDi debuggingdundi flush Flush DUNDi cachedundi lookup Lookup a number in DUNDidundi no debug Disable DUNDi debuggingdundi no store history Disable DUNDi historic recordsdundi precache Precache a number in DUNDidundi query Query a DUNDi EIDdundi show entityid Display Global Entity IDdundi show mappings Show DUNDi mappingsdundi show peers Show defined DUNDi peersdundi show peer Show info on a specific DUNDi peerdundi show precache Show DUNDi precachedundi show requests Show DUNDi requestsdundi show trans Show active DUNDi transactionsdundi store history Enable DUNDi historic recordsfeature show Lists configured featuresfile convert Convert audio filegroup show channels Display active channels with group(s) help Display help list, or specific help on a commandhttp show status Display HTTP server statusiax2 provision Provision an IAX deviceiax2 prune realtime Prune a cached realtime lookupiax2 reload Reload IAX configurationiax2 set debug Enable IAX debuggingiax2 set debug jb Enable IAX jitterbuffer debuggingiax2 set debug jb off Disable IAX jitterbuffer debuggingiax2 set debug off Disable IAX debuggingiax2 set debug trunk Enable IAX trunk debuggingiax2 set debug trunk off Disable IAX trunk debuggingiax2 show cache Display IAX cached dialplaniax2 show channels List active IAX channelsiax2 show firmware List available IAX firmwaresiax2 show netstats List active IAX channel netstatsiax2 show peers List defined IAX peersiax2 show peer Show details on specific IAX peeriax2 show provisioning Display iax provisioningiax2 show registry Display IAX registration statusiax2 show stats Display IAX statisticsiax2 show threads Display IAX helper thread infoiax2 show users List defined IAX usersiax2 test losspct Set IAX2 incoming frame loss percentage indication add Add the given indication to the countryindication remove Remove the given indication from the countryindication show Display a list of all countries/indicationskeys init Initialize RSA key passcodeskeys show Displays RSA key informationlocal show channels List status of local channelslogger mute Toggle logging output to a consolelogger reload Reopens the log fileslogger rotate Rotates and reopens the log fileslogger show channels List configured log channelsmanager show command Show a manager interface commandmanager show commands List manager interface commandsmanager show connected List connected manager interface usersmanager show eventq List manager interface queued events manager show users List configured manager usersmanager show user Display information on a specific manager usermgcp audit endpoint Audit specified MGCP endpointmgcp reload Reload MGCP configurationmgcp set debug Enable MGCP debuggingmgcp set debug off Disable MGCP debuggingmgcp show endpoints List defined MGCP endpointsmixmonitor Execute a MixMonitor command.module load Load a module by namemodule reload Reload configurationmodule show List modules and infomodule show like List modules and infomodule unload Unload a module by namemoh reload Music On Holdmoh show classes List MOH classesmoh show files List MOH file-based classesno debug channeloriginate Originate a callqueue add member Add a channel to a specified queuequeue remove member Removes a channel from a specified queuequeue show Show status of a specified queuerealtime load Used to print out RealTime variables.realtime pgsql status Shows connection information for the Postgresql RealTime driverrealtime update Used to update RealTime variables.restart gracefully Restart Asterisk gracefullyrestart now Restart Asterisk immediatelyrestart when convenient Restart Asterisk at empty call volumertcp debug ip Enable RTCP debugging on IPrtcp debug Enable RTCP debuggingrtcp debug off Disable RTCP debuggingrtcp stats Enable RTCP statsrtcp stats off Disable RTCP statsrtp debug ip Enable RTP debugging on IPrtp debug Enable RTP debuggingrtp debug off Disable RTP debuggingsay load set/show the say modeshow parkedcalls Lists parked callsshow queuessip history Enable SIP historysip history off Disable SIP historysip notify Send a notify packet to a SIP peersip prune realtime Prune cached Realtime object(s)sip prune realtime peer Prune cached Realtime peer(s)sip prune realtime user Prune cached Realtime user(s)sip reload Reload SIP configurationsip set debug Enable SIP debuggingsip set debug ip Enable SIP debugging on IPsip set debug off Disable SIP debuggingsip set debug peer Enable SIP debugging on Peernamesip show channels List active SIP channelssip show channel Show detailed SIP channel infosip show domains List our local SIP domains.sip show history Show SIP dialog historysip show inuse List all inuse/limitssip show objects List all SIP object allocationssip show peers List defined SIP peerssip show peer Show details on specific SIP peersip show registry List SIP registration statussip show settings Show SIP global settingssip show subscriptions List active SIP subscriptionssip show users List defined SIP userssip show user Show details on specific SIP userskinny reset Reset Skinny device(s)skinny set debug Enable Skinny debuggingskinny set debug off Disable Skinny debuggingskinny show devices List defined Skinny devicesskinny show lines List defined Skinny lines per devicesoft hangup Request a hangup on a given channelstop gracefully Gracefully shut down Asteriskstop now Shut down Asterisk immediatelystop when convenient Shut down Asterisk at empty call volumestun debug Enable STUN debuggingstun debug off Disable STUN debuggingudptl debug Enable UDPTL debuggingudptl debug ip Enable UDPTL debugging on IPudptl debug off Disable UDPTL debuggingvoicemail show users List defined voicemail boxesvoicemail show zones List zone message formats*CLI> [Jan 20 16:15:05] NOTICE[6579]: chan_sip.c:15094 handle_request_subscribe: Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: 1001。



Asterisk安装:安装命令: yum instll asterisk这个命令安装的普通的release版本如果需要调试:到SVN下载asterisk-上传到虚拟机上执行./configure --配置makefile文件Make --编译asteriskMake install --安装asteriskAsterisk一般配置用户配置:用户是在数据库中配置的相关配置文件:1.extconfig.conf,配置用户数据来源sipusers => mysql,global,soc_pbx_users;sippeers => mysql,general,soc_pbx_users;mysql:固定,是指用户加载方式general:对接res_mysql.conf的数据库连接配置soc_pbx_users:用户所在的表2.res_mysql.conf配置数据库连接串[general]dbhost =数据库地址dbname = asterisk 数据库表空间dbuser = asterisk 数据库用户名dbpass = asterisk 数据库密码dbport = 3306 数据库端口话单配置: 如不需要话单,可以不配置该项配置文件:cdr_mysql.conf配置项:[general] 和extconfig.conf中配置对应dbhost =数据库地址dbname = asterisk 数据库表空间dbuser = asterisk 数据库用户名dbpass = asterisk 数据库密码dbport = 3306 数据库端口[produre] 标志调用存储过程配置项produrename=p_insert_record存储过程名次paraNum=7 存储过程参数paraname1=src 下面是存储过程参数列表,值需要对应cdr的关键字paraname2=dstparaname3=dcontextparaname4=clidparaname5=channelparaname6=dstchannel拨号方案配置:[default-test] --对应USER表中的context字段exten => _XXX.,1,Set(CALLFILENAME=${CALLERID(num)}_${EXTEN}_${UNIQUEID})exten => _XXX.,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},10,m)exten => _XXX.,n,Hangup()运行命令: service asterisk start 开始Service asterisk stop 停止Service asterisk restart 重启调试步骤:1.执行gdb asterisk2.由于涉及到动态库调用,在asterisk主程序中可能没有涉及到所需要调试的代码,所以需要先预先找到所涉及的代码路径,代码文件名称,需要断点的行数执行 b chan_sip.c:20333 b 是break简称chan_sip.c文件名20333行号可能会提示:No source file named chan_sip.c.Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n])选y执行info break可以看到当前断点列表,如下Num Type Disp Enb Address What1 breakpoint keep y <PENDING> chan_sip.c:203333.运行程序Run -vvvvvvvvg -vvvvvvg是程序运行阐述4.使用软终端调用服务,确保调用流程可以走到所设立的断点处Gdb命令N单步执行C 执行到下一个断点,如果只有一个断点,直接走完liucS 进入到函数中执行Bt 查看进程调用堆栈,可以直观的看到程序调用路径P变量名限制变量的值一.ASTERISK各个模块功能介绍:内核模块内部核心由以下六个部分组成:PBX交换核心模块(PBX Switching Core)、调度和I/O管理模块(Scheduler and I/O Manager)、应用调用模块(Application Launcher)、编解码转换模块(Codec Translator)、动态模块加载器模块(Dynamic Module Loader)和CDR生成模块(CDR Core)。




第一步,操作系统安装CentOS 5.2 DVD版,硬盘大,把能装的服务都安装一下。


第二步,asterisk的安装1.检查系统内核版本#uname -a例如:Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-92.el5xen #1 SMP Tue Jun 10 19:55:54 EDT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux2.检查是否已经安装kernel-devel# rpm -q kernel-devel例如:kernel-devel-2.6.18-92.1.10.el5,表示已经安装,如果没有安装,要用yum安装一下,如下yum install kernel-devel我的是没有安装的,不安装以后编译是个问题。

3.检查是否已经安装以下的辅助软件包rpm -q bison bison-devel ncurses ncurses-devel zlib zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel gnutls-devel gcc gcc-c++ mysql-devel最少mysql-devel需要安装4.如果没有安装则用yum安装yum install bisonyum install bison-develyum install ncursesyum install ncurses-develyum install zlibyum install zlib-develyum install opensslyum install openssl-develyum install gnutls-develyum install gccyum install gcc-c++yum install mysql-devel5.下载libpri,zaptel,asterisk软件包(/downloads)/pub/libpri/releases/libpri-1.4.7.tar.gz/pub/zaptel/releases/zaptel-有bug,需要修改,所以下了1.4.12.1)/pub/asterisk/releases/asterisk-1.4.22.tar.gz/pub/asterisk/releases/asterisk-addons-1.4.7.tar.gz /pub/asterisk/releases/asterisk-sounds-1.2.1.tar.gz将下载的软件包放到自定义的目录下我一般放在opt目录下,在/opt目录下直接wget上述地址即可下载。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Asterisk安装(红色字体部分为需要键入或修改的部分)下载准备系统环境:Linux CentOS 5.0,安装开发工具以及开发库。

Asterisk 源代码包asterisk-,版本:。

SIP软电话使用eyebeam 版本:1.5.8。

1.切换用户(需要输入管理员密码),执行su root2.进入源码包存放文件夹[root@asterisk-test1 ~]#cd /usr/local/src3.下载[root@asterisk-test1 ~]#wget/pub/telephony/asterisk/releases/asterisk1.6.1.20.tar.gz编译安装Asterisk1.解压源代码包[root@asterisk-test1 ~]# tar -zxvf asterisk-进入包目录[root@asterisk-test1 ~]# cd asterisk-环境检测和预配置[root@asterisk-test1 asterisk-1.4.5]# ./configure(其实这样直接进行configure并非十分规范。

应当先使用“./configure –help”命令来查看一些可用的选项和参数,然后根据实际情况才进行定制操作。



注意:系统如果缺少安装必须的包,此步骤可能会出现configure: error错误,解决方案见后文可能遇到的问题configure: creating ./config.statusconfig.status: creating build_tools/menuselect-depsconfig.status: creating makeoptsconfig.status: creating channels/h323/Makefileconfig.status: creating include/asterisk/autoconfig.h.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$=...$7$7.. .7$$7:..$$:. ,$7.7.$7. 7$$$$ .$$77..$$. $$$$$ .$$$7..7$ .?. $$$$$ .?. 7$$$.$.$. .$$$7. $$$$7 .7$$$. .$$$..777. .$$$$$$77$$$77$$$$$7. $$$,$$$~ .7$$$$$$$$$$$$$7. .$$$..$$7 .7$$$$$$$7: ?$$$.$$$ ?7$$$$$$$$$$I .$$$7$$$ .7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$.$$$ $$$$$$7$$$$$$$$$$$$ .$$$.$$$ $$$ 7$$$7 .$$$ .$$$.$$$$ $$$$7 .$$$.7$$$7 7$$$$ 7$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$7. $$ (TM)$$$$$$$. .7$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$7$$$$$$$$$.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.configure: Package configured for:configure: OS type : linux-gnuconfigure: Host CPU : i6864.清除陈旧的已编译文件[root@asterisk-test1 asterisk-1.4.5]# make clean5.重新编译Asterisk程序[root@asterisk-test1 asterisk-1.4.5]# make编译完成后会显示以下反馈提示信息,提示用户进行下一步可选的操作。

+--------- Asterisk Build Complete ---------++ Asterisk has successfully been built, and ++ can be installed by running: ++ ++ make install ++-------------------------------------------+这里提示用户下一步可以使用“make install”命令,来进行安装了。

6.安装Asterisk程序[root@asterisk-test1 asterisk-1.4.5]# make install当安装完成后就会显示以下反馈提示信息,提示用户进行进一步可选的操作。

+---- Asterisk Installation Complete -------++ ++ YOU MUST READ THE SECURITY DOCUMENT ++ ++ Asterisk has successfully been installed. ++ If you would like to install the sample ++ configuration files (overwriting any ++ existing config files), run: ++++ make samples ++++-----------------or ---------------------++ ++ You can go ahead and install the asterisk ++ program documentation now or later run: ++ ++ make progdocs ++ ++ **Note** This requires that you have ++ doxygen installed on your local system ++-------------------------------------------+这里提示用户还能够有2种可选的操作分别是通过“make samples”来安装配置模版,以及通过“make progdocs”来安装一些程序文档。

7.安装配置模版:[root@asterisk-test1 asterisk-1.4.5]# make samples通过这个命令会安装Asterisk的配置文件模版,当然不会有强大的现成的配置,但确实是相当有帮助的,是配置过程中的重要参考。

8.还可以安装网页语音信箱:(这里暂时没有用到,可以不安装)[root@asterisk-test1 asterisk-1.4.5]# make webvmail安装页面语音信箱,会试图和Apache这种网站服务进行配合,当然还需要许多定制配置。


+--------- Asterisk Web V oicemail ----------++ ++ Asterisk Web V oicemail is installed in ++ your cgi-bin directory: ++ /var/www/cgi-bin+ IT USES A SETUID ROOT PERL SCRIPT, SO ++ IF YOU DON'T LIKE THA T, UNINSTALL IT!++ ++ Other static items have been stored in: ++ /var/www/html+ ++ If these paths do not match your httpd ++ installation, correct the definitions ++ in your Makefile of HTTP_CGIDIR and ++ HTTP_DOCSDIR ++ ++-------------------------------------------+编辑Asterisk的配置文件Asterisk 的体系比较巨大,目前只是稍微的了解一下,所以只是做了最最最简单的测试配置,为了通过SIP协议使两个终端注册上来并互相呼叫通话而已,因此配置相当有限,仅仅是为了初步的测试而已。


1.编辑Asterisk的主配置文件:[root@asterisk-test1 ~]# vi /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf主配置文件是Asterisk的关键部分,这个主配置文件大多数都是为Asterisk指定了环境、调用的路径。


[directories]小节directories主要记录Asterisk的几个重要调用路径astetcdir => /etc/asterisk指定了配置文件路径。

astmoddir => /usr/lib/asterisk/modules指定了模块调用路径。

astvarlibdir => /var/lib/asteriskastdatadir => /var/lib/asterisk指定了本地数据库以及一些重要相关部件的路径。

astagidir => /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin指定了AGI程序的调用路径。

astspooldir => /var/spool/asterisk指定了呼叫信息记录存放的路径。

astrundir => /var/run指定了PID文件路径。

astlogdir => /var/log/asterisk指定了日志路径。

;[options];internal_timing = yes;systemname = my_system_name ; prefix uniqueid with a system name forglobal uniqueness issues; Changing the following lines may compromise your security.;[files];astctlpermissions = 0660;astctlowner = root;astctlgroup = apache;astctl = asterisk.ctl小节options中记录的都是Asterisk一些可选的设置信息,务必要根据实际情况修改,这里我就先不做变动了。

2.配置SIP对象配置文件:[root@asterisk-test1 ~]# vi /etc/asterisk/sip.conf;; SIP Configuration example for Asterisk;; Syntax for specifying a SIP device in extensions.conf is; SIP/devicename where devicename is defined in a section below.;; You may also use; SIP/username@domain to call any SIP user on the Internet; (Don't forget to enable DNS SRV records if you want to use this);; If you define a SIP proxy as a peer below, you may call; SIP/proxyhostname/user or SIP/user@proxyhostname; where the proxyhostname is defined in a section below;; Useful CLI commands to check peers/users:;这里注释的部分中还提供一些关于SIP部分的调试命令。
