人教版高中英语必修二教案 Unit2-The-Olympic-Games-Period3-Extensive-Reading

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Period 3 Extensive Reading

The General Idea of This Period:

This period is to introduce the students to Greek literature and to help them understand the problems that women had in Ancient Greece.The Greeks had wonderful stories about the Gods and Goddesses who were part of their religion.They believe that these Gods (or Goddesses)would help if they felt sorry for them or if the humans were good people.The Gods did not always help though.They behaved like people who were unpredictable and capricious.To try to get the support of the Gods people had to pray to them and offer them presents.In this story the Goddess Hera,the Greek Goddess of Love (the wife of the chief God,Zeus)was sorry for Hippomenes and agreed to help him.

Teaching Aims:

1.Enable the students to learn and talk about Atlanta’s story.

2.Learn some useful words and expressions:prince,pri ncess,amaze(amazing,amazed),foolish,promise,golden,etc.

3.Learn some sentence patterns:

(1)I will only be married to a man who can run faster than me.

(2)It was so tall that I had to look up to the sky to see it.

(3)There was a man called Hippomenes who was amazed when he heard of Atlanta’s rules.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Enable the students to comprehend the story of Atlanta and get the general idea of the story of Atlanta and something about the beginning of the Olympic Games in the ancient time.

2.To know the athlete in the past and the fact that women were not allowed to take part in.

Teaching Difficult Point:

To understand the content and finish the true or false exercises efficiently.

Teaching Methods:

1.Skimming to get the general idea of the story of Atlanta.

2.Scanning to get detailed information and get to understand the story better.

3.Task-based methods to get the students to comprehend the passage and be able to retell the story in their own words.

Teaching Aids:

1.A tape recorder.

2.A multimedia.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1.Revise the future passive voice.

T:It’s getting cold now.Will you bring or buy some thick clothes to school?


T:In fact we may also say that because it is getting cold now,some thick clothes...

Ss:Some thick clothes will be brought or bought.

T:That is to say,some thick clothes will be brought or bought.Sometimes we can use future passive voice to express a future action.Remember the form?

Ss:Yes.will/be to/being go to be done.

T:Very good.Now let’s check our homework to see how well you grasp the grammar.

2.Check the homework.(Page 49Ex.1 Choosing the right words and completing the sentences)

Step 2 Reading (Page 51)

T:Now do you want to know more about the Olympic Games?


T:Turn to Page 51.This reading material includes three different topics about the ancient Olympic Games.Now let’s read them one by one.What is the main idea of the first part?

(After reading)

T:Who can answer this question?

S1:It describes the opening ceremony of the ancient Olympic Games.

T:Can you describe it in details?

S2:First the athletes offered presents to Zeus and prayed to win and to wear the victor’s crown.Then they promised to play fairly and not to cheat.

T:That is all for this e to the second part.What is the content of the dialogue?

S3:It tells us the training life of a successful athlete and the rewards that he got for winning the match.

T:What were the rewards?

S4:He received many presents from his hometown:free meals,no money problems for the rest of his life and songs written about him.

T:Let’s come to the third material.What was the story about?

S5:A woman was discovered in the Olympic Games.She aroused some argument.A law was passed that women were not allowed to take part in the Games.

T:Good.Look at the form on Page 52.You can read the material quickly and finish the form.

(Give the students enough time to discuss the answers to fill in the form on Page 52.)

Check the answers.


1.Athletes offer presents to the God,they prayed,see the statue of Zeus.

2.The men and young boys.

3.Parts of Greece,Athens and Sparta.

4.Practise for many hours a day,do a lot of exercise to the sound of music.

5.Many pres ents:free meals and no money problems as well as songs about him.

6.A woman has been discovered.

7.They let her go,but have decided to pass a law that all trainers must be men.

Step 3 Reading (The Story of Atlanta on Page 14)

1.Leading in—Talk about the pictures on Pag e 14.

T:Please turn to Page 14.Look at the first picture.What can you see in it?

Ss:Two people.

T:Who is the man?

Ss:He is the king.

T:What about the girl?

Ss:She is his daughter.

T:Yes,she is named Atlanta and they are talking about their marriage.Now let’s look at the second pictu re.This time what can we see here?
