



附录附录ABraking system function is to make the car driving in accordance with the requirements of the pilot required even slow down park; They offend car has in various road conditions (including in the slope stability) in car; Make the downhill cars speed to be stable.For car up the role of brake is only in the car and role with the direction of the car driving direction opposite forces, and the size of these forces are random, do not control, so cars must be installed on a series of special equipment to achieve the function.Automobile brake system is to point to to ensure that the car in technology, improve the safe driving car average speed, etc., and the admiration installed in the car brake special brake institutions. In general automobile brake system including crane brake system and parking brake two sets of independent device. One crane brake device is a driver with feet to manipulate, and it said the foot brake. Parking brake device is a pilot with the hand, so it says of the manipulation of the hand brake. The function of the crane brake system is to make the car slow down or running in the shortest distance parking within. And parking brake function is to make had stopped the car on the road all keep still. But, sometimes, in an emergency, two braking device can be used at the same time and increase the effect of auto brake. Some special purpose of cars and often in the mountains cars, long and frequently brake will lead to crane brake system overheating, so in these cars often add all sorts of different types of auxiliary braking equipment, so as to speed up the hill stability.According to the braking energy situation, brake system can also be divided into human brake system, power brake system, and servo brake system, three. Human brake system to the driver's physical strength as braking energy; Power brake system engine power to the transformation of the air pressure or hydraulic braking energy as; And servo brake system is the most human and engine power as a brake energy. In addition, according to the braking energy transfer mode, brake system and can be divided into mechanical and hydraulic, pneumatic type and assolenoid style wait until a few kinds.In the types of brake system, the brake is car brake system to produce stop the traffic movement or movement trend components. Force At present, the kind used by car is friction brakes brake, also is to prevent the braking torque motor sports from fixed components and rotation of the friction between the work surface.附录B制动系统作用是使行驶中的汽车按照驾驶员的要求进行强制减速甚至停车;使已停驶的汽车在各种道路条件下(包括在坡道上)稳定驻车;使下坡行驶的汽车速度保持稳定。



制动系统汉英对照1制动装备braking equipment2 制动系braking system2.1.1行车制动系(常用制动系)service braking system2.1.2 应急制动系emergency braking system2.1.3 驻车制动系parking braking system2.1.4 辅助制动系auxiliary braking system2.1.5 自动制动系automatic braking system2.2.1 人力制动系muscular energy braking system2.2.2 动力制动系non-muscular energy braking system2.2.3 伺服制动系(助力制动系)servo braking system(energyassisted braking system)2.2.4 惯性制动系inertia braking system2.2.5重力制动系gravity braking system2.3.1 气压制动系(气制动系)air braking system2.3.2 液压制动系hydraulic braking system2.3.3 电磁制动系electromagnetic braking system2.3.4 机械制动系mechanical braking system2.3.5 组合制动系combination braking system2.4.1 单回路制动系single-circuit braking system2.4.2 双回路制动系dual-circuit braking system2.4.3 多回路制动系multi-circuit braking system2.5.1 单管(线)路制动系singlep-line braking system2.5.2 双管(线)路制动系dual-line braking system2.5.3 多管(线)路制动系multi-line braking system2.5.4 连续制动系continuous braking system2.5.5 半连续制动系semi continuous braking system2.5.6 非连续制动系non continuous braking system2.6 渐进制动gradual braking3 组成部分constituent elements3.1供能装置energy supplying device3.1.1 制动能源braking energy source3.2 控制装置control device3.3 传能装置transmission device3.4 制动器brake3.4.1 磨擦式制动器friction brake3.4.1.1 鼓式制动器drum brake3. 内张型鼓式制动器internal expanding drum brake 双领蹄式制动器(2L式制动器)two leading shoebrake3. 双从蹄式制动器(2T式制动器)two trailing shoebrake3. 双向双领蹄式制动器(D2L式制动器)duo twoleading shoe brake3. 双向双从蹄式制动器(D2T式制动器)duo twotrailing shoe brake3. 领从蹄式制动器(LT式制动器)leading trailingshoe brake3. 单向伺服式制动器(US式制动器)uni-servo brake 双向伺服式制动器(DS式制动器)duo- servo brake 外收缩型鼓式制动器external contracting drumbrake3. 带式制动器band brake3.4.1.2 盘式制动器disc brake3. 钳盘式制动器caliper disc brake3. 定钳盘式制动器disc brake with fixed caliper 浮钳盘式制动器disc brake with floatingcaliper3. 浮盘式制动器floating disc brake3. 全盘式制动器complete disc brake3.4.1.3 凸轮张开式制动器cam brake3.4.1.4 楔式制动器wedge brake3.4.1.5 轮缸(柱塞)式制动器wheel cylinder brake3.4.2 刚性接合式制动器(锁止式制动器)positiveengagement brake3.5 缓速装置(缓冲器) retarder3.5.1 发动机缓速装置retarder by combustion engine3.5.2 电机缓速装置retarder by electrictraction motor3.5.3 液力缓速器hydro-dynamic retarder3.5.4 空气动力缓速装置aerodynamic retarder3.5.5 电磁缓速器electromagnetic retarder3.6 制动管(线)路braking line3.6.1 供能管(线)路feed line3.6.2 促动管(线)路actuating line3.6.3 操纵管(线)路pilot line3.6.4.1 供给管(线)路supply line3.6.4.2 控制管(线)路control line3.6.4.3 共用管(线)路common line3.6.4.4 应急管(线)路emergency line3.7 附加装置additional device3.8 辅助装置auxiliary device3.8.1 报警装置alarm device3.8.1.1 报警压力alarm pressure3.8.2 保护压力装置protection pressure device3.8.2.1 保护压力protection pressure3.8.3 制动蹄作用压力application pressure of brake shoeassembly3.8.4 制动蹄放松压力release pressure of brake shoeassembly3.8.5 制动力调节装置device to apply correction tobraking force3.8.6 车轮防抱死装置anti-loke device3.8.6.1 装置的部件3. 传感器sensor3. 控制器controller3. 调节器modulator3.8.6.2 车轮控制类型3. 单轮控制individual wheel control3. 多轮控制multi wheel control3. 轴控制axle control3. 边控制side control3. 对角控制diagonal control3. 组合多角控制combined multi-axle control3. 可变选择variable selection3. 低选择select-low3. 高选择select-high3. 预定选择predetermined selection3. 车轮选择selection by wheel3. 平均选择average selection3. 最低控制速度minimum control speed3. 传感器信号sensor signal3. 分辨率(脉冲式车轮速度传感器的分辨率)resolutionRate (of an impulese wheel speed sensor)控制周期control cycle3.控制频率control frequency4.制动力学braking mechanics力,力矩4.1.1控制力Fc control force4.1.2 作用力Fs application force4.1.3 制动力矩Mf braking torque4.1.4 总制动力Ff total braking force4.1.5 干扰后效制动力矩disturbing residual braking torque 4.1.6 制动力分配率braking force distribution4.1.7 制动因数Z braking efficiency factor4.1.8 制动器效能因数brake efficiency4.1.9 制动蹄效能因数C brake shoe efficirncy factor4.2 制动系的滞后braking system hysteresis4.3 制动器的滞后brake hysteresis4.4 时间4.4.1 控制装置开始作用时刻t0 instant at which the movement of the control device begins4.4.2 减速度开始产生的时刻t1 instant at which thedeceleration begins4.4.3 减速度接近于稳定的开始时刻t2 instant at which the deceleration begins to beapproximately stable4.4.4 减速度开始急剧下降时刻t3 instant at which the deceleration beging to decrease rapidly4.4.5 减速度终止时刻t4 instant at which the deceleration beging to decrease rapidly4.4.6 驾驶员反应时间表reaction time of driver4.4.7 促动时间actuatig time4.4.8 机构滞后时间mechanism hysteresis time4.4.9 增长时间build-up time4.4.10 有效制动时间active braking time4.4.11 放松时间release time4.4.12 主制动时间main braking time4.4.13 总制动时间total braking time4.4.14 停车时间stopping time4.5 距离4.5.1 停车距离stopping distance4.5.2 总制动距离total braking distance4.5.3 有效制动距离active braking distance4.5.4 踏板行程pedal travel4.5.5 踏板自由行程free pedal travel4.5.6 踏板最大行程maximum pedal travel4.6 制动功W braking work4.7 瞬时制动功率P instantaneous braking power4.8 速度,减速度4.8.1 制动初速度v1 initial speed of braking4.8.2 制动终速度v2 final speed of braking4.8.3 制动减速度braking deceleration4.8.3.1 瞬时制动减速度a instantaneous braking deceleration 平均制动减速度am mean braking deceleration4.8.3.3 最大制动减速度Amax maximum braking deceleration5 制动过程中的现象phenomenon on braking course5.1 热衰退heat fade5.2 水衰退water fade5.3 恢复recovery5.4 过恢复over recovery5.5 增强(突升)build up5.6 制动气阻braking vapour lock5.7 龟裂cracks5.7.1 热龟裂heat cracks5.8 制动拖滞braking drag5.9 冷制动痹病cola braking sickness5.10 制动颤振brake chatter5.11制动噪声brake noise5.12 车轮抱死wheel lock5.13 制动跑偏braking deviation from5.14 制动甩尾braking swerve5.15 制动折叠braking jack-knifing5.16 制动跳动braking hop5.17 制动失效braking failure5.18 制动滑移braking skid5.19 制动点头braking nose dive制动系统零部件英汉对照检查2.1真空泵vacuum pump2.2喷射器ejector2.3真空罐(真空筒)vacuum tank2.4空气机(压气机)air compressor2.4.1气缸盖cylinder head2.4.2气缸体cylinder block2.4.3活塞piston2.4.4活塞环piston ring2.4.5连杆connecting rod2.4.6活塞销piston pin2.4.7曲轴cyank shaft2.4.8进气阀intake valve2.4.9排气阀exhaust valve2.5储气罐(储气筒)air storage reservoir2.6调压阀pressure regulating valve2.7单向阀(止回阀)single check valve(check valve) 2.8滤清器filter2.8.1进气滤清器air intake filter2.8.2排气滤清器air exhaust filter2.8.3管路滤清器line filter2.8.4滤网(芯)strainer2.9油水分离器oil and water separator2.10防冻器anti-freezer2.11空气干燥器air dryer2.12排放阀drain valve2.13压力保护阀pressure protection valve3.1行车制动踏板装置service braking pedal device 3.1.1制动踏板braking pedal3.1.2踏板护套pedal pad3.1.3踏板支架pedal bracket3.1.4衬套bushing3.1.5套管collar3.1.6销轴axis pin3.1.7回位弹簧return spring3.2驻车制动操纵装置parking braking control device3.2.1操纵杆control lever3.2.2操纵杆支架control lever bracket3.2.3操纵杆导套control lever guide collar3.2.4齿杆(棘轮)rod rach (ratchet)3.2.5棘爪ratchet pawl3.2.6操纵缆绳control cable3.2.7平衡臂equalizer3.2.8拉杆(拉绳)pull rod(pull wire)3.2.9拉杆导套pull rod guide collar(pull wire guidecollar)3.3气制动阀air brake valve3.3.1单腔气制动阀single-chamber air brake valve3.3.1.1推杆plunger3.3.1.2气阀air valve3.3.1.3平衡弹簧equalizing spring3.3.1.4膜片diaphragm3.3.2双腔制动阀dual-chamber air brake valve3.3.2.1串列式双腔制动阀series dual-chamber air brakevalve3.3.2.1并列式双腔制动阀parallel dual-chamber air brakevalve3.3.3三腔气制动阀triple- chamber air brake valve3.4三通路控制阀three way control valve3.5双向止回阀(双通换向阀)dual way check valve3.6继动阀relay valve3.7快放阀quick release valve3.8继动快放阀relay and quick release valve3.9挂车制动阀trailer braking valve3.10挂车制动应急继动阀trailer braking relay emergencyvalve3.11挂车制动保护阀trailer braking protection valve3.12挂车制动放松阀trailer braking relax valve3.13手控制动阀hand braking valve4.1制动主缸brake master cylinder4.1.1有补偿孔式制动主缸compensating brake mastercylinder4.1.1,1 主缸缸体master cylinder body4.1.1.2 皮碗防护垫cup protector4.1.1.3 主皮碗primary cup4.1.1.4 皮圈(副皮碗)ring cup (secondary cup) 弹簧座spring seat4.1.1.6 活塞挡圈piston stopper4.1.1.7 卡环snap ring4.1.1.8 主缸推杆master cylinder push rod4.1.1.9 连接叉clevis4.1.1.10 防尘罩(套)boot4.1.1.11 残留阀residual valve4.1.1.12 储液室fluid reservoir4.1.1.13 储液室盖fluid reservoir cop4.1.2 无补偿孔式制动主缸portless brake master cylinder 进油阀inlet valve4.1.3 串列双腔式制动主缸series dual-chamber brake master cylinder4.1.3.1 第一活塞first piston4.1.3.2 第二活塞secondary piston4.2 轮缸wheel cylinder4.3 伺服机构(助力器)servo mechanism (booster)4.3.1 真空助力器vacuum booster4.3.1.1 反馈杠杆reaction lever4.3.1.2 反馈盘reaction plate4.3.1.3 伺服阀servo valve4.3.1.4 反馈柱塞reaction plunger4.3.1.5 伺服活塞(助力活塞)servo piston (boosting piston) 伺服膜片(助力膜片) servo diaphragm(boosting diaphragm4.3.2 真空增压器vacuumintensifier4.3.2.1 控制阀体control valve body4.3.2.2 阀弹簧valve spring4.3.2.3 控制膜片回位弹簧control diaphragm return spring 控制膜片control diaphragm4.3.2.5 控制活塞control piston4.3.2.6 控制活塞皮碗control piston cup4.3.2.7 辅助缸缸体auxiliary cylinder body4.3.2.8 液压活塞hydraulic piston4.3.2.9 液压阀hydraulic valve4.3.2.10 端盖end plate4.3.3 气压助力器air booster4.3.4 气压-液压增压器(气顶油助力器)air over hydraulic intensifier(air over hydraulic booster)4.4 制动管(线)路braking line4.4.1 导线(电缆)wire (cable of wire)4.4.2 管件(制动管组件)pipe unit (braking pipe unit) 刚性管rigid pipe4.4.2.2 半刚性管semi-rigid pipe4.4.2.3 软管(制动软管)hose(braking hose) 液压软管hydraulic hose4. 软管保护管hose protector4. 软管卡子hose clip4. 气制动软管air brake hose4. 跨接软管jumper hose4.4.2.4 桥式管bridge pipe4.4.3 管接头(管连接件)pipe fittings4.4.3.1 压力接头compression fittings4. 接头体fittings body4. 密封圈sealing ring4. 压力环pressure ring4. 管座(密封管座)pipe seat(sealing pipe seat) 管螺母pipe nut4.4.3.2 推力接头thrust fittings4. 内锥座接头fitting body with innerconical seat 快速接头quick fittings4.4.4 跨接软管连接器(气制动管连接器)jumper hose connections(pneumatic braking connections)4.5制动气室brake chamber4.5.1 膜片式制动气室diapheagm brake chamber4.5.2 活塞式制动气室piston brake chamber4.5.3 储能弹簧制动气室energy storage spring brake chamber4.5.3.1 储能弹簧室energy storage spring chamber4.5.3.2 储能弹簧energy storage spring4.5.3.3 储能弹簧放松机构energy storage spring release mechanical4.5.3.4 随动件followor4.5.3.5 推杆pusher4.5..4 锁止式制动气室lock brake chamber4.5.4.1 锁止腔lock chamber4.5.4.2 锁止弹簧lock spring4.5.4.3 楔环wedge ring4.6 制动蹄促动器brake shoe actuator4.6.1 制动凸轮轴brake camshaft5.。

汽车制动系统 Automobile brake system

汽车制动系统  Automobile brake system

Automobile Brake SystemThe braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes, the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes.Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake.The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The primary purpose of the brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake foot pedal or hand lever is set.The brake system is composed of the following basic components: the “master cylinder” which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the “slave cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme conditions, fills the system.“Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors”thus causing drag, which (hopefully) slows the car.The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder (Figure).Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against the rotating brake drum or disks at wheel. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel so that the car is braked.In most modern brake systems (see Figure 15.1), there is a fluid-filled cylinder, called master cylinder, which contains two separate sections, there is a piston in each section and both pistons are connected to a brake pedal in the driver’s compartment. When the brake is pushed down, brake fluid is sent from the master cylinder to the wheels. At the wheels, the fluid pushes shoes, or pads, against revolving drums or disks. The friction between the stationary shoes, or pads, and the revolving drums or disks slows and stops them. This slows or stops the revolving wheels, which, in turn, slow or stop the car.The brake fluid reservoir is on top of the master cylinder. Most cars today have a transparent r reservoir so that you can see the level without opening the cover. The brake fluid level will drop slightly as the brake pads wear. This is a normal condition and no cause for concern. If the level drops noticeably over a short period of time or goes down to about two thirds full, have your brakes checked as soon as possible. Keep the reservoir covered except for the amount of time you need to fill it and never leave a cam of brake fluid uncovered. Brake fluid must maintain a very high boiling point. Exposure to air will cause the fluid to absorb moisture which will lower that boiling point.The brake fluid travels from the master cylinder to the wheels through a series of steel tubes and reinforced rubber hoses. Rubber hoses are only used in places that require flexibility, such as at the front wheels, which move up and down as well as steer. The rest of the system uses non-corrosive seamless steel tubing with special fittings at allattachment points. If a steel line requires a repair, the best proc edure is to replace the compete line. If this is not practical, a line can be repaired using special splice fittings that are made for brake system repair. You must never use copper tubing to repair a brake system. They are dangerous and illegal.Drum brakes, it consists of the brake drum, an expander, pull back springs, a stationary back plate, two shoes with friction linings, and anchor pins. The stationary back plate is secured to the flange of the ax le housing or to the steering knuckle. The brake drum is mounted on the wheel hub. There is a clearance between the inner surface of the drum and the shoe lining. To apply brakes, the driver pushes pedal, the expander expands the shoes and presses them to the drum. Friction between the brake drum and the fric tion linings brakes the wheels and the vehicle stops. To release brakes, the driver release the pedal, the pull back spring retracts the shoes thus permitting free rotation of the wheels.Disk brakes, it has a metal disk instead of a drum. A flat shoe, or disk-brake pad, is located on each side of the disk. The shoes squeeze the rotating disk to stop the car. Fluid from the master cylinder forces the pistons to move in, toward the disk. This action pushes the friction pads tightly against the disk. The friction between the shoes and disk slows and stops it. This provides the braking action. Pistons are made of either plastic or metal. There are three general types of disk brakes. They are the floating-caliper type, the fixed-caliper type, and the sliding-caliper type. Floating-caliper and sliding-caliper disk brakes use a single piston. Fixed-caliper disk brakes have either two or four pistons.The brake system assemblies are actuated by mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic devices. The mechanical leverage is used in the parking brakes fitted in all automobile. When the brake pedal is depressed, the rod pushes the piston of brake master cylinder which presses the fluid. The fluid flows through the pipelines to the power brake unit and then to the wheel cylinder. The fluid pressure expands the cylinder pistons thus pressing the shoes to the drum or disk. If the pedal is released, the piston returns to the initial position, the pull back springs retract the shoes, the fluid is forced back to the master cylinder and braking ceases.The primary purpose of the parking brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by the driver when a separate parking braking hand lever is set. The hand brake is normally used when the car has already stopped. A lever is pulled and the rear brakes are approached and locked in the “on”position. The car may now be left without fear of its rolling away. When the driver wants to move the car again, he must press a button before the lever can be released. The hand brake must also be able to stop the car in the event of the foot brake failing. For this reason, it is separate from the foot brake uses cable or rods instead of the hydraulic system.Anti-lock Brake SystemAnti-lock brake systems make braking safer and more convenient, Anti-lock brake systems modulate brake system hydraulic pressure to prevent the brakes from locking and the tires from skidding on slippery pavement or during a panic stop.Anti-lock brake systems have been used on aircraft for years, and some domestic car were offered with an early form of anti-lock braking in late 1990’s. Recentl y, several automakers have introduced more sophisticated anti-lock system. Investigations in Europe, where anti-lock braking systems have been available for a decade, have led one manufacture to state that the number of traffic accidents could be reduced by seven and a half percent if all cars had anti-lock brakes. So some sources predict that all cars will offer anti-lock brakes to improve the safety of the car.Anti-lock systems modulate brake application force several times per second to hold the tires at a controlled amount of slip; all systems accomplish this in basically the same way. One or more speed sensors generate alternating current signal whose frequency increases with the wheel rotational speed. An electronic control unit continuously monitors these signals and if the frequency of a signal drops too rapidly indicating that a wheel is about to lock, the control unit instructs a modulating device to reduce hydraulic pressure to the brake at the affected wheel. When sensor signals indicate the wheel is again rotating normally, the control unit allows increased hydraulic pressure to the brake. This release-apply cycle occurs several time per second to “pump” the brakes like a driver mightbut at a much faster rate.In addition to their basic operation, anti-lock systems have two other things in common. First, they do not operate until the brakes are applied with enough force to lock or nearly lock a wheel. At all other times, the system stands ready to function but does not interfere with normal braking. Second, if the anti-lock system fail in any way, the brakes continue to operate without anti-lock capability. A warning light on the instrument panel alerts the driver when a problem exists in the anti-lock system.The current Bosch component Anti-lock Braking System (ABSⅡ), is a second generation design wildly used by European automakers such as BWM, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche. ABSⅡ system consists of : four wheel speed sensor, electronic control unit and modulator assembly.A speed sensor is fitted at each wheel sends signals about wheel rotation to control unit. Each speed sensor consists of a sensor unit and a gear wheel. The front sensor mounts to the steering knuckle and its gear wheel is pressed onto the stub ax le that rotates with the wheel. The rear sensor mounts the rear suspension member and its gear wheel is pressed onto the axle. The sensor itself is a winding with a magnetic core. The core creates a magnetic field around the winding, and as the teeth of the gear wheel move through this field, an alternating current is induced in the winding. The control unit monitors the rate o change in this frequency to determine impending brake lockup.The control unit’s function can be div ided into three parts: signal processing, logic and safety circuitry. The signal processing section is the converter that receives the alternating current signals form the speed sensors and converts them into digital form for the logic section. The logic section then analyzes the digitized signals to calculate any brake pressure changes needed. If impending lockup is sensed, the logic section sends commands to the modulator assembly.Modulator assemblyThe hydraulic modulator assembly regulates pressure to the wheel brakes when it receives commands from the control utuit. The modulator assembly can maintain orreduce pressure over the level it receives from the master cylinder, it also can never apply the brakes by itself. The modulator assembly consists of three high-speed electric solenoid valves, two fluid reservoirs and a turn delivery pump equipped with inlet and outlet check valves. The modulator electrical connector and controlling relays are c oncealed under a plastic cover of the assembly.Each front wheel is served by electric solenoid valve modulated independently by the control unit. The rear brakes are served by a single solenoid valve and modulated together using the select-low principle. During anti-braking system operation, the control unit cycles the solenoid valves to either hold or release pressure the brake lines. When pressure is released from the brake lines during anti-braking operation, it is routed to a fluid reservoir. There is one reservoir for the front brake circuit. The reservoirs are low-pressure accumulators that store fluid under slight spring pressure until the return delivery pump can return the fluid through the brake lines to the master cylinder.。



附录1Brake Systems1.Drum vs. DiscBrake technology, just like suspension technology and fuel-system technology, has come a long way in recent years.1)Drum BrakesEarly automotive brake systems, after the era of hand levers of course, used a drum design at all four wheels. They were called drum brakes because the components were housed in a round drum that rotated along with the wheel. Inside was a set of drum that, when the brake pedal was pressed, would force the shoes against the drum and slow the wheel. Fluid was used to transfer the movement of the brake pedal into the movement of the brake shoes, while the drum themselves were made of heat-resistant friction material similar to that used on clutch plates.This basic design proved capable under most circumstances, but it had one major flaw. Under high braking conditions, like descending a steep hill with a heavy load or repeated high-speed slow downs, drum brakes would often fade and lose effectiveness. Usually this fading was the result of too much heat build-up within the shoes. Remember that the principle of braking involves turning kinetic energy (wheelmovement) into thermal energy (heat). For this reason, drum brakes can only operate as long as they can absorb the heat generated by slowing a vehicle's wheels. Once the brake components themselves become saturated with heat, they lose the ability to halt a vehicle, which can be somewhat disconcerting to the vehicle's operator.2) Disc BrakesDisc brakes are used on the front wheels of most cars and on all four wheels onmany cars. A disc rotor is attached to the wheel hub and rotates with the tire and wheel. When the driver applies the brakes, hydraulic pressure from the master cylinder is used to push friction linings against the rotor to stop it.In the disc brake rotor assembly, the rotor is usually made of cast iron. The hub may be manufactured as one piece with the rotor or in two parts. The rotor has a machined braking surface on each face. A splash shield, mounted to the steering knuckle, protects the rotor from road splash.A rotor may be solid or ventilated. Ventilated designs have cooling fins cast between the braking surfaces. This construction considerably increases the cooling area of the rotor casting. Also, when the wheel is in motion, the rotation of these fan-type fins in the rotor provides increased air circulation and more efficient cooling of the brake. Disc brakes do not fade even after rapid, hard brake applications because of the rapid cooling of the rotor.The hydraulic and friction components are housed in a caliper assembly. The caliper assembly straddles the outside diameter of the hub and rotor assembly. When the brakes are applied, the pressure of the pistons is exerted through the shoes in a 'clamping'action on the rotor. Because equal opposed hydraulic pressures are applied to both faces of the rotor throughout application, no distortion of the rotor occurs, regardless of the severity or duration of application. There are many variations of caliper designs, but they can all be grouped into two main categories: moving and stationary caliper. The caliper is fixed in one position on the stationary design. In the moving design, the caliper moves in relation to the rotor.Most late-model cars use the moving caliper design. This design uses a single hydraulic piston and a caliper that can float or slide during application. Floating designs`float'or move on pins or bolts. In sliding designs, the caliper slides sideways on machined surfaces. Both designs work in basically the same way.In the single piston floating caliper, the single-piston caliper assembly is constructed from a single casting that contains one large piston bore in the inboard section of the casting. Inboard refers to the side of the casting nearest the center line of the car when the caliper is mounted. A fluid inlet hole and bleeder valve hole are machined into the inboard section of the caliper and connect directly to the piston bore.The caliper cylinder bore contains a piston and seal. The seal has a rectangular cross section. It is located in a groove that is machined in the cylinder bore. The sealfits around the outside diameter of the piston and provides a hydraulic seal between the piston and the cylinder wall. The rectangular seal provides automatic adjustment of clearance between the rotor and shoe and linings following each application. When the brakes are applied, the caliper seal is deflected by the hydraulic pressure and it inside diameter rides with the piston within the limits of its retention in the cylinder groove. When hydraulic pressure is released, the seal relaxes and returns to its original rectangular shape, retracting the piston into the cylinder enough to provide proper running clearance.As brake linings wear, piston travel tends to exceed the limit of deflection of the seal; the piston therefore slides in the seal to the precise extent necessary to compensate for lining wear.The top of the piston bore is machined to accept a sealing dust boot. The piston in many calipers is steel, precision ground, and nickel chrome plated, giving it a very hard and durable surface. Some manufacturers are using a plastic piston. This is much lighter than steel and provides for a much lighter brake system. The plastic piston insulates well and prevents heat from transferring to the brake fluid. Each caliper contains two shoe and lining assemblies. They are constructed of a stamped metal shoe with the lining riveted or bonded to the shoe and are mounted in the caliper on either side of the rotor. One shoe and lining assembly is called the inboard lining because it fits nearest to the center line of the car. The other is called the outboard shoe and lining assembly.The application and release of the brake pressure actually causes a very slight movement of the piston and caliper. Upon release of the braking effort, the piston and caliper merely relax into a released position. In the released position, the shoes do not retract very far from the rotor surfaces.As the brake lining wears, the piston moves out of the caliper bore and the caliper repositions itself on the mounting bolts an equal distance toward the car. This way, the caliper assembly maintains the inboard and outboard shoe and lining in the same relationship with the rotor surface throughout the full length of the lining.Sliding calipers are made to slide back and forth on the steering knuckle support to which it is mounted. There is a V shaped surface, sometimes called a rail, on the caliper that matches a similar surface on the steering knuckle support. These two mating surfaces allow the caliper to slide in and out. The internal components of the caliper are the same as those previously described.The stationary or fixed caliper has a hydraulic piston on each side of the rotor. Larger calipers may have two pistons on each side of the rotor. The inboard and outboard brake shoes are pushed against the rotor by their own pistons. The caliper is anchored solidly and does not move. The seals around the pistons work just like those already described. The main disadvantage of the stationary caliper is that it has more hydraulic components. This means they are more expensive and have more parts to wear out .2.Other Components in the Hydraulic System:1)Proportioning Valve or Equalizer ValveThese valves are mounted between the master cylinder and the rear wheels. They are designed to adjust the pressure between the front and rear brakes depending on how hard you are st opping. The shorter you stop, the more of the vehicle’s weight is transferred to the front wheels, in some cases, causing the rear to lift and the front to dive. These valves are designed to direct more pressure to the front and less pressure to the rear the harder you stop. This minimizes the chance of premature lockup at the rear wheels.2)Pressure Differential ValveThis valve is usually mounted just below the master cylinder and is responsible for turning the brake warning light on when it detects a malfunction. It measures the pressure from the two sections of the master cylinder and compares them. Since it is mounted ahead of the proportioning or equalizer valve, the two pressures it detects should be equal. If it detects a difference, it means that there is probably a brake fluid leak somewhere in the system.3)Combination ValveThe Combination valve (Figure) is simply a proportioning valve and a pressure differential valve that is combined into one unit.The parking brake (a.k.a.emergency brake ) system controls the rear brakes through a series of steel cables that are connected to either a hand lever or a foot pedal. The idea is that the system is fully mechanical and completely bypasses the hydraulic system so that the vehicle can be brought to a stop even if there is a total brake failure.On drum brakes, the cable pulls on a lever mounted in the rear brake and is directly connected to the brake shoes. This has the effect of bypassing the wheel cylinder and controlling the brakes directly.Disk brakes on the rear wheels add additional complication for parking brakesystems. There are two main designs for adding a mechanical parking brake to rear disk brakes. The first type uses the existing rear wheel caliper and adds a lever attached to a mechanical corkscrew device inside the caliper piston. When the parking brake cable pulls on the lever, this corkscrew device pushes the piston against the pads, thereby bypassing the hydraulic system, to stop the vehicle. This type of system is primarily used with single piston floating calipers, if the caliper is of the four piston fixed type, then that type of system can’t be used. The other system uses a complete mechanical drum brake unit mounted inside the rear rotor. The brake shoes on this system are connected to a lever that is pulled by the parking brake cable to activate the brakes. The brake “drum” is actually the inside part of the rear brake rotor.On cars with automatic transmissions, the parking brake is rarely used. This can cause a couple of problems. The biggest problem is that the brake cables tend to get corroded and eventually seize up causing the parking brake to become inoperative. By using the parking brake from time to time, the cables stay clean and functional. Another problem comes from the fact that the self adjusting mechanism on certain brake systems uses the parking brake actuation to adjust the brakes. If the parking brake is never used, then the brakes never get adjusted.The power brake booster (Figure) is mounted of the firewall directly behind the master cylinder and, along with the master cylinder, is directly connected with the brake pedal. Its purpose is to amplify the available foot pressure applied to the brake pedal so that the amount of foot pressure required to stop even the largest vehicle is minimal. Power for the booster comes from engine vacuum. The automobile engine produces vacuum as a by-product of normal operation and is freely available for use in powering accessories such as the power brake booster. Vacuum enters the booster through a check valve on the booster. The check valve is connected to the engine with a rubber hose and acts as a one-way valve that allows vacuum to enter the booster but dose not let it escape. The booster is an empty shell that is divided into two chambers by a rubber diaphragm. There is a valve in the diaphragm that remains open while foot is off the brake pedal so that vacuum is allowed to fill both chambers. When stepping on the brake pedal, the valve in the diaphragm closes, separating the two chambers and another valve opens to allow air in the chamber on the brake pedal side. This is what provides the power assist. Power boosters are very reliable and cause few problems of their own. However, other things cam contribute to a loss of power assist. In order to have power assist, the engine must be running. If the engine stalls or shutsoff while you are driving, you will have a small reserve of power assist for two or three pedal applications but, after that, the brakes will be extremely hard to apply and you must put as much pressure as you can to bring the vehicle to a stop.The last topic is the Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS). The most efficient braking pressure takes place just before each wheel lock up. When you slam on the brakes in a panic stop and the wheels lock up, causing a screeching sound and leaving strips of rubber on the pavement, you do not stop the vehicle nearly as short as it is capable of stopping. Also, while the wheels are locked up, you loose all steering control so that , if you have an opportunity to steer around the obstacle, you will not be able to do so. Another problem occurs during an extended skid is that you will burn a patch of rubber off the tire which causes a “flat spot” on the tread that will produce an annoying thumping sound as you drive.Anti-lock brake systems solve this lockup problem by rapidly pumping the brakes whenever the system detects a wheel that is locked up. In most cases, only the wheel that is locked will be pumped, while full braking pressure stays available to the other wheels. This effect allows you to stop in the shortest amount of time while maintaining full steering control even if one or more wheels are on ice. The system uses a computer to monitor the speed of each wheel. When it detects that one or more wheels have stopped or are turning much slower than the remaining wheels, the computer sends a signal to momentarily remove and reapply or pulse the pressure to the affected wheels to allow them to continue turning. This “pumping” of the brakes occurs at tem or more times a second, far faster then a human can pump the brakes manually. If you step on the brakes hard enough to engage the anti-lock system, you may feel a strong vibration in the brake pedal. This is a normal condition and indicates that the system is working; however, it can be disconcerting to some people who don’t expect it. If your vehicle has anti-lock brakes, read your owner’s manual to find out more about it.The system consists of am electronic control unit, a hydraulic actuator, and wheel speed sensors at each wheel. If the control unit detects a malfunction in the system, it will illuminate an ABS warming light on the dash to let you know that there is a problem. If there is a problem, the antilock system will not function but the brakes will otherwise function normally.3.Friction materialsBrake shoes and pads are constructed in a similar manner. The pad or shoe iscomposed of a metal backing plate and a friction lining. The lining is either bonded (glued) to the metal, or riveted. Generally, riveted linings provide superior performance, but good quality bonded linings are perfectly adequate.Friction materials will vary between manufacturers and type of pad and the material compound may be referred to as: asbestos, organic, semi-metallic, metallic. The difference between these compounds lies in the types and percentages of friction materials used, material binders and performance modifiers.Generally speaking, organic and non-metallic asbestos compound brakes are quiet, easy on rotors and provide good feel. But this comes at the expense of high temperature operation, so they may not be your best choice for heavy duty use or mountain driving. In most cases, these linings will wear somewhat faster than metallic compound pads, so you will usually replace them more often. But, when using these pads, rotors tend to last longer.Semi-metallic or metallic compound brake linings will vary in performance based on the metallic contents of the compound. Again, generally speaking, the higher the metallic content, the better the friction material will resist heat. This makes them more appropriate for heavy duty applications, but at the expense of braking performance before the pad reaches operating temperature. The first few applications on a cold morning may not give strong braking. Also, metallic and semi-metallic are more likely to squeal. In most cases, metallic compounds last longer than non-metallic pads, but they tend to cause more wear on the rotors. If you use metallic pads, expect to replace the rotors more often.When deciding what type of brake lining is right for you, keep in mind that today's modern cars have brake materials which are matched to the expected vehicle's performance capabilities. Changing the material from OEM specification could adversely affect brake feel or responsiveness. Before changing the brake materials, talk to your dealer or parts supplier to help decide what is most appropriate for your application. Remember that heavy use applications such as towing, stop and go driving, driving down mountain roads, and racing may require a change to a higher performance material.Some more exotic materials are also used in brake linings, among which are Kevlar and carbon compounds. These materials have the capability of extremely good performance for towing, mountain driving or racing. Wear characteristics can be similar to either the metallic or the non-metallic linings, depending on the product youbuy. Most race applications tend to wear like metallic linings, while many of the street applications are more like the non-metallic制动系统1. 刹车:鼓与盘制动技术,就像悬浮技术和燃料系统技术,已走过了漫长的道路1)鼓式制动器早在后时代,手杠杆的汽车制动系统用鼓装在所有的四个车轮。



附录Automobile Brake SystemThe braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes, the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes.Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake.The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The primarypurpose of the brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake foot pedal or hand lever is set.The brake system is composed of the following basic component s: the “master cylinder” which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the “slave cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme conditions, fills the system.“Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors” thus causing drag, which (hopefully) slows the car.The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder (Figure).Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against the rotating brake drum or disks at wheel. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel so that the car is braked.In most modern brake systems (see Figure 15.1), there is a fluid-filled cylinder, called master cylinder, which contains two separate sections, there is a piston in each section and both pistons are connected to a brake pedal in the driver’s compartment. Wh en the brake is pushed down, brake fluid is sent from the master cylinder to the wheels. At the wheels, the fluid pushes shoes, or pads, against revolving drums or disks. The friction between the stationary shoes, or pads, and the revolving drums or disks slows and stops them. This slows or stops the revolving wheels, which, in turn, slow or stop the car.The brake fluid reservoir is on top of the master cylinder. Most cars today have a transparent r reservoir so that you can see the level without opening the cover. The brake fluid level will drop slightly as the brake pads wear. This is a normal condition and no cause for concern. If the level drops noticeably over a short period of time or goes down to about two thirds full, have your brakes checked as soon as possible. Keep the reservoir covered except for the amount of time you need to fill it and never leave a cam of brake fluid uncovered. Brake fluid must maintain a very high boiling point. Exposure to air will cause the fluid to absorb moisture which will lower that boiling point.The brake fluid travels from the master cylinder to the wheels through a series of steel tubes and reinforced rubber hoses. Rubber hoses are only used in places that require flexibility, such as at the front wheels, which move up and down as well as steer. The rest of the system uses non-corrosive seamless steel tubing with special fittings at all attachment points. If a steel line requires a repair, the best procedure is to replace the compete line. If this is not practical, a line can be repaired using special splice fittings that are made for brake system repair. You must never use copper tubing to repair a brake system. They are dangerous and illegal.Drum brakes, it consists of the brake drum, an expander, pull back springs, a stationary back plate, two shoes with friction linings, and anchor pins. The stationary back plate is secured to the flange of the axle housing or to the steering knuckle. The brake drum is mounted on the wheel hub. There is a clearance between the inner surface of the drum and the shoe lining. To apply brakes, the driver pushes pedal, the expander expands the shoes and presses them to the drum. Friction between the brake drum and the friction linings brakes the wheels and the vehicle stops. To release brakes, the driver release the pedal, the pull back spring retracts the shoes thus permitting free rotation of the wheels.Disk brakes, it has a metal disk instead of a drum. A flat shoe, or disk-brake pad, is located on each side of the disk. The shoes squeeze the rotating disk to stop the car. Fluid from the master cylinder forces the pistons to move in, toward the disk. This action pushes the friction pads tightly against the disk. The friction between the shoes and disk slows and stops it. This provides the braking action. Pistons are made of either plastic or metal. There are three general types of disk brakes. They are the floating-caliper type, the fixed-caliper type, and the sliding-caliper type. Floating-caliper and sliding-caliper disk brakes use a single piston. Fixed-caliper disk brakes have either two or four pistons.The brake system assemblies are actuated by mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic devices. The mechanical leverage is used in the parking brakes fitted in all automobile. When the brake pedal is depressed, the rod pushes the piston of brake master cylinder which presses the fluid. The fluid flows through the pipelines to the power brake unit and then to the wheel cylinder. The fluid pressure expands the cylinder pistons thus pressing the shoes to the drum or disk. If the pedal is released, the piston returns to the initial position, the pull back springs retract the shoes, the fluid is forced back to the master cylinder and braking ceases.The primary purpose of the parking brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by the driver when a separate parking braking hand lever is set. The hand brake is normally used when the car has already stopped. A lever is pulled and the rear brakes are approached and locked in the “on” position. The car may now be left without fear of its rolling away. When the driver wants to move the car again, he must press a button before the lever can be released. The hand brake must also be able to stop the car in the event of the foot brake failing. For this reason, it is separate from the foot brake uses cable or rods instead of the hydraulic system.Anti-lock Brake SystemAnti-lock brake systems make braking safer and more convenient, Anti-lock brake systems modulate brake system hydraulic pressure to prevent the brakes from locking and the tires from skidding on slippery pavement or during a panic stop.Anti-lock brake systems have been used on aircraft for years, and some domestic car were offered with an early form of anti-lock braking in late 1990’s. Recently, several automakers have introduced more sophisticated anti-lock system. Investigations in Europe, where anti-lock braking systems have been available for a decade, have led one manufacture to state that the number of traffic accidents could be reduced by seven and a half percent if all cars had anti-lock brakes. So some sources predict that all cars will offer anti-lock brakes to improve the safety of the car.Anti-lock systems modulate brake application force several times per second to hold the tires at a controlled amount of slip; all systems accomplish this in basically the same way. One or more speed sensors generate alternating current signal whose frequency increases with the wheel rotational speed. An electronic control unit continuously monitors these signals and if the frequency of a signal drops too rapidly indicating that a wheel is about to lock, the control unit instructs a modulating device to reduce hydraulic pressure to the brake at the affected wheel. When sensor signals indicate the wheel is again rotating normally, the control unit allows increased hydraulic pressure to the brake. This release-apply cycle occurs several time per second to “pump” the brakes like a driver might but at a much faster rate.In addition to their basic operation, anti-lock systems have two other things in common. First, they do not operate until the brakes are applied with enough force to lock or nearly lock a wheel. At all other times, the system stands ready to function but does not interfere with normal braking. Second, if the anti-lock system fail in any way, the brakes continue to operate without anti-lock capability. A warning light on the instrument panel alerts the driver when a problem exists in the anti-lock system.The current Bosch component Anti-lock Braking System (ABSⅡ), is a second generation design wildly used by European automakers such as BWM, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche. ABSⅡsystem consists of : four wheel speed sensor, electronic control unit and modulator assembly.A speed sensor is fitted at each wheel sends signals about wheel rotation to control unit.Each speed sensor consists of a sensor unit and a gear wheel. The front sensor mounts to the steering knuckle and its gear wheel is pressed onto the stub axle that rotates with the wheel. The rear sensor mounts the rear suspension member and its gear wheel is pressed onto the axle. The sensor itself is a winding with a magnetic core. The core creates a magnetic field around the winding, and as the teeth of the gear wheel move through this field, an alternating current is induced in the winding. The control unit monitors the rate o change in this frequency to determine impending brake lockup.The control unit’s function can be divided into three parts: signal processing, logic and safety circuitry. The signal processing section is the converter that receives the alternating current signals form the speed sensors and converts them into digital form for the logic section. The logic section then analyzes the digitized signals to calculate any brake pressure changes needed. If impending lockup is sensed, the logic section sends commands to the modulator assembly.Modulator assemblyThe hydraulic modulator assembly regulates pressure to the wheel brakes when it receives commands from the control utuit. The modulator assembly can maintain or reduce pressure over the level it receives from the master cylinder, it also can never apply the brakes by itself. The modulator assembly consists of three high-speed electric solenoid valves, two fluid reservoirs and a turn delivery pump equipped with inlet and outlet check valves. The modulator electrical connector and controlling relays are concealed under a plastic cover of the assembly.Each front wheel is served by electric solenoid valve modulated independently by the control unit. The rear brakes are served by a single solenoid valve and modulated together using the select-low principle. During anti-braking system operation, the control unit cycles the solenoid valves to either hold or release pressure the brake lines. When pressure is released from the brake lines during anti-braking operation, it is routed to a fluid reservoir. There is one reservoir for the front brake circuit. The reservoirs are low-pressure accumulators that store fluid under slight spring pressure until the return delivery pump can return the fluid through the brake lines to the master cylinder.汽车制动系统制动系统是汽车中最重要的系统。



汽车制动系统-英文文献及翻译————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Brake systemsWe all know that pushing down on the brake pedal slows a car to a stop. But how does this happen? How does your car transmit the force from your leg to its wheels? How does it multiply the force so that it is enough to stop something as big as a car?Brake Image GalleryLayout of typical brake system. See more brake images.When you depress your brake pedal, your car transmits the force from your foot to its brakes through a fluid. Since the actual brakes require a much greater force than you could apply with your leg, your car must also multiply the force of your foot. It does this in two ways:•Mechanical advantage (leverage)•Hydraulic force multiplicationThe brakes transmit the force to the tires using friction, and the tires transmit that force to the road using friction also. Before we begin our discussion on the components of the brake system, we'll cover these three principles:•Leverage•Hydraulics•FrictionLeverage and HydraulicsIn the figure below, a force F is being applied to the left end of the lever. The left end of the lever is twice as long (2X) as the right end (X). Therefore, on the right end of the lever a force of 2F is available, but it acts through half of the distance (Y) that the left end moves (2Y). Changing the relative lengths of the left and right ends of the lever changes the multipliers.The pedal is designed in such a way that it can multiply the force from yourleg several times before any force is even transmitted to the brake fluid.The basic idea behind any hydraulic system is very simple: Force applied at one point is transmitted to another point using an incompressible fluid, almost always an oil of some sort. Most brake systems also multiply the force in the process. Here you can see the simplest possible hydraulic system:Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Simple hydraulic systemIn the figure above, two pistons (shown in red) are fit into two glass cylinders filled with oil (shown in light blue) and connected to one another with an oil-filled pipe. If youapply a downward force to one piston (the left one, in this drawing), then the force is transmitted to the second piston through the oil in the pipe. Since oil is incompressible, the efficiency is very good -- almost all of the applied force appears at the second piston. The great thing about hydraulic systems is that the pipe connecting the two cylinders can be any length and shape, allowing it to snake through all sorts of things separating the twopistons. The pipe can also fork, so that one master cylinder can drive more than one slave cylinder if desired, as shown in here:Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Master cylinder with two slavesThe other neat thing about a hydraulic system is that it makes force multiplication (or division) fairly easy. If you have read How a Block and Tackle Works or How Gear Ratios Work, then you know that trading force for distance is very common in mechanical systems. In a hydraulic system, all you have to do is change the size of one piston and cylinder relative to the other, as shown here:Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Hydraulic multiplicationTo determine the multiplication factor in the figure above, start by looking at the size of the pistons. Assume that the piston on the left is 2 inches (5.08 cm) in diameter (1-inch / 2.54 cm radius), while the piston on the right is 6 inches (15.24 cm) in diameter (3-inch / 7.62 cm radius). The area of the two pistons is Pi * r2. The area of the left piston is therefore 3.14, while the area of the piston on the right is 28.26. The piston on the right is nine times larger than the piston on the left. This means that any force applied to theleft-hand piston will come out nine times greater on the right-hand piston. So, if you apply a 100-pound downward force to the left piston, a 900-pound upward force will appear on the right. The only catch is that you will have to depress the left piston 9 inches (22.86 cm) to raise the right piston 1 inch (2.54 cm).A Simple Brake SystemBefore we get into all the parts of an actual car brake system, let's look at a simplified system:Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.A simple brake systemYou can see that the distance from the pedal to the pivot is four times the distance from the cylinder to the pivot, so the force at the pedal will be increased by a factor of four before it is transmitted to the cylinder.You can also see that the diameter of the brake cylinder is three times the diameter of the pedal cylinder. This further multiplies the force by nine. All together, this system increases the force of your foot by a factor of 36. If you put 10 pounds of force on the pedal, 360 pounds (162 kg) will be generated at the wheel squeezing the brake pads.There are a couple of problems with this simple system. What if we have a leak? If it is a slow leak, eventually there will not be enough fluid left to fill the brake cylinder, and the brakes will not function. If it is a major leak, then the first time you apply the brakes all of the fluid will squirt out the leak and you will have complete brake failure.Drum brakes work on the same principle as disc brakes: Shoes press against a spinning surface. In this system, that surface is called a drum.Figure 1. Location of drum brakes. See more drum brakepictures.Many cars have drum brakes on the rear wheels and disc brakes on the front. Drum brakes have more parts than disc brakes and are harder to service, but they are less expensive to manufacture, and they easily incorporate an emergency brake mechanism.In this edition of HowStuffWorks, we will learn exactly how a drum brake system works, examine the emergency brake setup and find out what kind of servicing drum brakes need.Figure 2. Drum brake with drum in placeFigure 3. Drum brake without drum in placeLet's start with the basics.The Drum BrakeThe drum brake may look complicated, and it can be pretty intimidating when you open one up. Let's break it down and explain what each piece does.Figure 4. Parts of a drum brakeLike the disc brake, the drum brake has two brake shoes and a piston. But the drum brake also has an adjuster mechanism, an emergency brake mechanism and lots of springs.First, the basics: Figure 5 shows only the parts that provide stopping power.Your browser does not support JavaScript or it isdisabled.Figure 5. Drum brake in operationWhen you hit the brake pedal, the piston pushes the brake shoes against the drum. That's pretty straightforward, but why do we need all of those springs?This is where it gets a little more complicated. Many drum brakes are self-actuating. Figure 5 shows that as the brake shoes contact the drum, there is a kind of wedging action, which has the effect of pressing the shoes into the drum with more force.The extra braking force provided by the wedging action allows drum brakes to use a smaller piston than disc brakes. But, because of the wedging action, the shoes must be pulled away from the drum when the brakes are released. This is the reason for some of the springs. Other springs help hold the brake shoes in place and return the adjuster arm after it actuates.Brake AdjusterFor the drum brakes to function correctly, the brake shoes must remain close to the drum without touching it. If they get too far away from the drum (as the shoes wear down, for instance), the piston will require more fluid to travel that distance, and your brake pedal will sink closer to the floor when you apply the brakes. This is why most drum brakes have an automatic adjuster.Figure 6. Adjuster mechanismNow let's add in the parts of the adjuster mechanism. The adjuster uses theself-actuation principle we discussed above.Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Figure 7. Drum brake adjuster in operationIn Figure 7, you can see that as the pad wears down, more space will form between the shoe and the drum. Each time the car stops while in reverse, the shoe is pulled tight against the drum. When the gap gets big enough, the adjusting lever rocks enough to advance the adjuster gear by one tooth. The adjuster has threads on it, like a bolt, so that it unscrews a little bit when it turns, lengthening to fill in the gap. When the brake shoes wear a little more, the adjuster can advance again, so it always keeps the shoes close to the drum.Some cars have an adjuster that is actuated when the emergency brake is applied. This type of adjuster can come out of adjustment if the emergency brake is not used forlong periods of time. So if you have this type of adjuster, you should apply your emergency brake at least once a week.ServicingThe most common service required for drum brakes is changing the brake shoes. Some drum brakes provide an inspection hole on the back side, where you can see how much material is left on the shoe. Brake shoes should be replaced when the friction material has worn down to within 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) of the rivets. If the friction material is bonded to the backing plate (no rivets), then the shoes should be replaced when they have only 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) of material left.Photo courtesy of a local AutoZone storeFigure 9. Brake shoeJust as in disc brakes, deep scores sometimes get worn into brake drums. If aworn-out brake shoe is used for too long, the rivets that hold the friction material to the backing can wear grooves into the drum. A badly scored drum can sometimes be repaired by refinishing. Where disc brakes have a minimum allowable thickness, drum brakes have a maximum allowable diameter. Since the contact surface is the inside of the drum, as you remove material from the drum brake the diameter gets bigger.Figure 10. Brake drum制动系统众所周知,踩下制动踏板可以使汽车减速至停止。



汽车制动系统中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Brake systemsWe all know that pushing down on the brake pedal slows a car to a stop. But how does this happen? How does your car transmit the force from your leg to its wheels? How does it multiply the force so that it is enough to stop something as big as a car?Brake Image GalleryLayout of typical brake system. See more brake images.When you depress your brake pedal, your car transmits the force from your foot to its brakes through a fluid. Since the actual brakes require a much greater force than you could apply with your leg, your car must also multiply the force of your foot. It does this in two ways:∙Mechanical advantage (leverage)∙Hydraulic force multiplicationThe brakes transmit the force to the tires using friction, and the tires transmit that force to the road using friction also. Before we begin our discussion on the components of the brake system, we'll cover these three principles:∙Leverage∙Hydraulics∙FrictionLeverage and HydraulicsIn the figure below, a force F is being applied to the left end of the lever. The left end of the lever is twice as long (2X) as the right end (X). Therefore, on the right end of the lever a force of 2F is available, but it acts through half of the distance (Y) that the left end moves (2Y). Changing the relative lengths of the left and right ends of the lever changes the multipliers.The pedal is designed in such a way that it can multiply the force from yourleg several times before any force is even transmitted to the brake fluid.The basic idea behind any hydraulic system is very simple: Force applied at one point is transmitted to another point using an incompressible fluid, almost always an oil of some sort. Most brake systems also multiply the force in the process. Here you can see the simplest possible hydraulic system:Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Simple hydraulic systemIn the figure above, two pistons (shown in red) are fit into two glass cylinders filled with oil (shown in light blue) and connected to one another with an oil-filled pipe. If youapply a downward force to one piston (the left one, in this drawing), then the force is transmitted to the second piston through the oil in the pipe. Since oil is incompressible, the efficiency is very good -- almost all of the applied force appears at the second piston. The great thing about hydraulic systems is that the pipe connecting the two cylinders can be any length and shape, allowing it to snake through all sorts of things separating the twopistons. The pipe can also fork, so that one master cylinder can drive more than one slave cylinder if desired, as shown in here:Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Master cylinder with two slavesThe other neat thing about a hydraulic system is that it makes force multiplication (or division) fairly easy. If you have read How a Block and Tackle Works or How Gear Ratios Work, then you know that trading force for distance is very common in mechanical systems. In a hydraulic system, all you have to do is change the size of one piston and cylinder relative to the other, as shown here:Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Hydraulic multiplicationTo determine the multiplication factor in the figure above, start by looking at the size of the pistons. Assume that the piston on the left is 2 inches (5.08 cm) in diameter (1-inch / 2.54 cm radius), while the piston on the right is 6 inches (15.24 cm) in diameter (3-inch / 7.62 cm radius). The area of the two pistons is Pi * r2. The area of the left piston is therefore 3.14, while the area of the piston on the right is 28.26. The piston on the right is nine times larger than the piston on the left. This means that any force applied to theleft-hand piston will come out nine times greater on the right-hand piston. So, if you apply a 100-pound downward force to the left piston, a 900-pound upward force will appear on the right. The only catch is that you will have to depress the left piston 9 inches (22.86 cm) to raise the right piston 1 inch (2.54 cm).A Simple Brake SystemBefore we get into all the parts of an actual car brake system, let's look at a simplified system:Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.A simple brake systemYou can see that the distance from the pedal to the pivot is four times the distance from the cylinder to the pivot, so the force at the pedal will be increased by a factor of four before it is transmitted to the cylinder.You can also see that the diameter of the brake cylinder is three times the diameter of the pedal cylinder. This further multiplies the force by nine. All together, this system increases the force of your foot by a factor of 36. If you put 10 pounds of force on the pedal, 360 pounds (162 kg) will be generated at the wheel squeezing the brake pads.There are a couple of problems with this simple system. What if we have a leak? If it is a slow leak, eventually there will not be enough fluid left to fill the brake cylinder, and the brakes will not function. If it is a major leak, then the first time you apply the brakes all of the fluid will squirt out the leak and you will have complete brake failure.Drum brakes work on the same principle as disc brakes: Shoes press against a spinning surface. In this system, that surface is called a drum.Figure 1. Location of drum brakes. See more drum brakepictures.Many cars have drum brakes on the rear wheels and disc brakes on the front. Drum brakes have more parts than disc brakes and are harder to service, but they are less expensive to manufacture, and they easily incorporate an emergency brake mechanism.In this edition of HowStuffWorks, we will learn exactly how a drum brake system works, examine the emergency brake setup and find out what kind of servicing drum brakes need.Figure 2. Drum brake with drum in placeFigure 3. Drum brake without drum in placeLet's start with the basics.The Drum BrakeThe drum brake may look complicated, and it can be pretty intimidating when you open one up. Let's break it down and explain what each piece does.Figure 4. Parts of a drum brakeLike the disc brake, the drum brake has two brake shoes and a piston. But the drum brake also has an adjuster mechanism, an emergency brake mechanism and lots of springs.First, the basics: Figure 5 shows only the parts that provide stopping power.Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Figure 5. Drum brake in operationWhen you hit the brake pedal, the piston pushes the brake shoes against the drum. That's pretty straightforward, but why do we need all of those springs?This is where it gets a little more complicated. Many drum brakes are self-actuating. Figure 5 shows that as the brake shoes contact the drum, there is a kind of wedging action, which has the effect of pressing the shoes into the drum with more force.The extra braking force provided by the wedging action allows drum brakes to use a smaller piston than disc brakes. But, because of the wedging action, the shoes must be pulled away from the drum when the brakes are released. This is the reason for some of the springs. Other springs help hold the brake shoes in place and return the adjuster arm after it actuates.Brake AdjusterFor the drum brakes to function correctly, the brake shoes must remain close to the drum without touching it. If they get too far away from the drum (as the shoes wear down, for instance), the piston will require more fluid to travel that distance, and your brake pedal will sink closer to the floor when you apply the brakes. This is why most drum brakes have an automatic adjuster.Figure 6. Adjuster mechanismNow let's add in the parts of the adjuster mechanism. The adjuster uses theself-actuation principle we discussed above.Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Figure 7. Drum brake adjuster in operationIn Figure 7, you can see that as the pad wears down, more space will form between the shoe and the drum. Each time the car stops while in reverse, the shoe is pulled tight against the drum. When the gap gets big enough, the adjusting lever rocks enough to advance the adjuster gear by one tooth. The adjuster has threads on it, like a bolt, so that it unscrews a little bit when it turns, lengthening to fill in the gap. When the brake shoes wear a little more, the adjuster can advance again, so it always keeps the shoes close to the drum.Some cars have an adjuster that is actuated when the emergency brake is applied. This type of adjuster can come out of adjustment if the emergency brake is not used forlong periods of time. So if you have this type of adjuster, you should apply your emergency brake at least once a week.ServicingThe most common service required for drum brakes is changing the brake shoes. Some drum brakes provide an inspection hole on the back side, where you can see how much material is left on the shoe. Brake shoes should be replaced when the friction material has worn down to within 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) of the rivets. If the friction material is bonded to the backing plate (no rivets), then the shoes should be replaced when they have only 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) of material left.Photo courtesy of a local AutoZone storeFigure 9. Brake shoeJust as in disc brakes, deep scores sometimes get worn into brake drums. If aworn-out brake shoe is used for too long, the rivets that hold the friction material to the backing can wear grooves into the drum. A badly scored drum can sometimes be repaired by refinishing. Where disc brakes have a minimum allowable thickness, drum brakes have a maximum allowable diameter. Since the contact surface is the inside of the drum, as you remove material from the drum brake the diameter gets bigger.Figure 10. Brake drum制动系统众所周知,踩下制动踏板可以使汽车减速至停止。



外文原文:ClutchThe clutch is located in the power train between the engine and the transmission. Its purpose is to permit the driver to couple or uncouple the engine and transmission.The clutch is a friction-type uncoupling device. It is linked to a clutch pedal in the river’s compartment. When the driver pushes down the clutch pedal, the linkage forces a flat disk, or plate, to move. The movement releases the pressure from a friction disk. With the pressure released. There is no friction at work in the clutch. And the power flow is therefore interrupted. Then, the engine runs without transmitting power to the power train.When the clutch is in the coupling(or normal running) position, power flows through it from the engine to the transmission. If the transmission is in gear, then power flows on through to the car wheels so that the car moves.Essentially , then, the clutch ha the job of permitting the driver to uncouple the engine temporarily so that the gears can be shifted from one to another forward gear position (or into reverse or neutral).It is necessary to interrupt the flow of power( by uncoupling) before gears are shifted. Otherwise, gear shifting would be extremely difficult if not impossible.The clutch contains friction disk(or driven plate)about 300millimetrein diameter. It also contains a spring arrangement and a pressure plate for pressing this disk tightly against the smooth rear face of the flywheel. The friction disk is splined to the clutch shaft. The splines consist of two sets of teeth, an internal set on the hub of the friction disk and a matching external set on the clutch shaft. They permit the friction disk to slide back and forth along the shaft but force the disk and the shaft to rotate together. All automotive clutches used with standard transmissions are very similar in construction and operation. There are some differences in the details of the linkages as well as in the pressure-plate assemblies. In addition , some clutches for heavy-duty applications have two friction disks and an intermediate pressure plate. Also, some clutches are operated by hydraulic means. Three types of clutch are the coil-pressure-spring type, diaphragm-spring type, and semicentrefugal type. Cars equipped with automatic transmission operateds automatically so that the driver is not required to use a clutch to shift gears.离合器在传动系统中,离合器位于发动机与变速器之间,其作用是使驾驶员可以把发动机与变速器结合或脱离.离合器是一种摩擦式分离装置,与驾驶室中离合踏板相连接. 当驾驶员踩下离合器踏板时, 联动装置使离合器的压盘移动. 这一运动减少了作用在摩擦盘上的压力. 随着压力的减小, 离合器工作状态下的摩擦力消失,动力被切断. 这样, 虽然发动机仍在转动, 而动力却不在传递到传动系统.当离合器处于结合状态时(或者说处于正常运行状态时),动力从发动机传递到变速器. 如果变速器已挂上适当的档位,那么动力就会传动到车轮上, 汽车即开动起来.从本质上说, 离合器的作用是使驾驶员可以暂时地切断发动机的动力. 这样一来,传动装置就可以从某一档换到另一档(或者换到倒档或空档).在变速之前,一定要切断动力传递.不然,换档即使不是完全不可能, 也会是十分困难的.离合器有一直径大约300毫米, 并带有摩擦衬片的圆盘, 还有一弹簧装置和一压力盘, 用来把摩擦盘紧紧地压在飞轮光滑地壁面上. 带有摩擦衬片的圆盘, 通过花键与离合器轴相连. 花键包括二套花键齿. 可以使摩擦盘沿着主轴向后或向前滑动, 又可以使圆盘和主轴同时移动.所有使用标准传动系统的汽车离合器在构造和操作上都很相似. 只是在压紧机构和连动装置的细节上稍有不同. 此外, 一些在重载荷情况下工作的离合器,有两个带摩擦衬片的圆盘和一个中间压力盘. 还有一些离合器是液压式的. 离合器的三种类型为:螺旋弹簧式, 嗼片弹簧式和半离心式.装有自动变速装置的汽车一般不需要离合器. 在这些汽车上, 变速器自动操作, 因此驾驶员不必使用离合器来换档.Brake SystemBrakes are necessary to slow or stop the car. Modern cars can travel very fast, so good brakes are essential for safety. Practically all cars use hydraulics brakes (which operate by applying pressure to a fluid). The brakes system can be divided into two principal parts, hydraulic system and wheel brake assemblies.In most modern brake systems, there is a fluid-filled cylinder, called the master cylinder, which contains two separate sections, there is a piston in each section and both pistons are connected to a brake pedal in the driver’s compartment. When the brake pedal is pushed by the driver the two pistons move in the two sections of the master cylinder. This forces brake fluid out and through the brake lines, or tubes , to the brake mechanisms at the wheels. In a typical system, the brake fluid from one section of the master cylinder goes to the two front-wheel brakes. The brake fluid from the other section goes to the two rear-wheel brakes. The purpose of this is that, if one section fails, the other section will still provide braking.There are two different types of brake mechanisms at the wheels, the drum-and-shoe type of brake , and the disk type. In the drum-and-shoe type, there is a wheel brake cylinder with two pistons. When brake fluid is forced into the brake cylinder by the action at the master cylinder , the two pistons are forced outward. This causes the curved brake shoes tomove into contact with the brake drum. The brake shoes apply friction to the brake drum, forcing it and the wheel to slow or stop.In the disk type, a rotating disk, attached to the wheel , is positioned between flat brake shoes. One or more pistons, actuated by the brake fluid from the master cylinder , force the shoes into contact with the rotating disk and this slows or stops the car.中文译文:制动系统制动系统必须能够强制汽车减速或停车. 现代汽车速度很快, 良好的制动系统是安全的基本保证. 实际上所有的汽车都使用液压制动(通过向液体加压来完成的).制动系统可以分为两个基本部分: 液压系统和车轮制动总成.大多数现代制动系统中具有充满液体的油缸, 叫做主缸, 主缸有两套各自独立的管路,每套管路各有一活塞, 并且两个活塞都与驾驶室中的制动踏板相连接. 当驾驶员踩动踏板时, 主缸的这两套管路中的两个活塞移动. 制动液从主缸中压出, 经油管进入各个车轮的制动装置中. 其目的是,如果其中一条管路失灵, 那么另一条关路仍然能够提供制动.车轮上有两种不同的制动机构: 蹄-鼓式制动器和盘式制动器. 在蹄-鼓式制动器中,有一个带有两个活塞的制动轮缸. 当制动液由于主缸的作用强制进入轮缸时,推动两个活塞向外侧移动. 这使得圆弧状的制动蹄与制动鼓想接触. 制动蹄对制动鼓所产生的摩擦力迫使制动鼓和车轮减速或停车.在盘式制动器中, 制动盘位于制动蹄之间, 与车轮相连接, 随车轮一起转动. 主缸的制动液推动一个或多个活塞, 将制动蹄片压在转动的制动盘上, 使汽车减速或停下.。



Automobile Brake SystemThe braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes, the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes.Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake.The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The primary purpose of the brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake foot pedal or hand lever is set.The brake system is composed of the following basic components: t he “master cylinder” which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the “slave cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme conditions, fills the system. “Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors” thus causing drag, which (hopefully) slows the car.The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front andeither disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubesand hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder (Figure).Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against the rotating brake drum or disks at wheel. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel sothat the car is braked.In most modern brake systems (see Figure 15.1), there is a fluid-filled cylinder, called master cylinder, which contains two separate sections, there is a piston in each section and both pistons are connected to a brake pedal in the driver’s compartme nt. When th e brake is pushed down, brake fluid is sent from the master cylinder to the wheels.At the wheels, the fluid pushes shoes, or pads, against revolving drums or disks. The friction between the stationary shoes, or pads, and the revolving drums or disks slows and stops them. This slows or stops the revolving wheels, which, in turn, slow or stop the car.The brake fluid reservoir is on top of the master cylinder. Most cars today have a transparent r reservoir so that you can see the level without opening the cover. The brake fluid level will drop slightly as the brake pads wear. This is a normal condition and no cause for concern. If the level drops noticeably over ashort period of time or goes down to about two thirds full, have your brakes checked as soon as possible. Keep the reservoir covered except for the amount of time you need tofill it and never leave a cam of brake fluid uncovered. Brake fluid must maintain a very high boiling point. Exposure to air will cause the fluid to absorb moisture which will lower that boiling point.The brake fluid travels from the master cylinder to the wheels through a series of steel tubes and reinforced rubber hoses. Rubber hoses are only used in places that require flexibility, such asat the front wheels, which move up and down as well as steer. The rest of the system uses non-corrosive seamless steel tubing with special fittings at all attachment points. If a steel line requires a repair, the best procedure is to replace the compete line. If this is not practical, a line can be repaired using special splice fittings that are made for brake system repair. You must never use copper tubing to repair a brake system. They are dangerous and illegal.Drum brakes, it consists of the brake drum, an expander, pull back springs, a stationary back plate, two shoes with friction linings, and anchor pins. The stationary back plate is secured to the flange of the axle housing or to the steering knuckle. The brake drum is mounted on the wheel hub. There is a clearance between the inner surface of the drum and the shoe lining. To apply brakes, the driver pushes pedal, the expander expands the shoes and presses them to the drum. Friction between the brake drum and the friction linings brakes the wheels and the vehicle stops. To release brakes, the driver release the pedal, the pull back spring retracts the shoes thus permitting free rotation of the wheels.Disk brakes, it has a metal disk instead of a drum. A flat shoe, or disk-brake pad, is located on each side of the disk. The shoes squeezethe rotatin g disk to stop the car. Fluid from the master cylinderforces the pistons to move in, toward the disk. This action pushes the friction pads tightly against the disk. The friction between the shoes and disk slows and stops it. This provides the braking action. Pistons are made of either plastic or metal. There are three general types of disk brakes. They are the floating-caliper type, the fixed-caliper type, and the sliding-caliper type. Floating-caliper and sliding-caliper disk brakes use a single piston. Fixed-caliper disk brakes have either two or four pistons.The brake system assemblies are actuated by mechanical, hydraulicor pneumatic devices. The mechanical leverage is used in the parking brakes fitted in all automobile. When the brake pedal is depressed, the rod pushes the piston of brake master cylinder which presses the fluid. The fluid flows through the pipelines to the power brake unit and thento the wheel cylinder. The fluid pressure expands the cylinder pistons thus pressing the shoes to the drum or disk. If the pedal is released, the piston returns to the initialposition, the pull back springs retract the shoes, the fluid is forced back to the master cylinder and braking ceases.The primary purpose of the parking brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by the driver when a separate parking braking hand lever is set. The hand brake is normally used when the car has already stopped. Alever is pulled and t he rear brakes are approached and locked in the “on” position. The car may now be left without fear of its rolling away. When the driver wants to move the car again, he must press abutton before the lever can be released. The hand brake must also beable to stop the car in the event of the foot brake failing. For this reason, it is separate from the foot brake uses cable or rods instead of the hydraulic system.Anti-lock Brake SystemAnti-lock brake systems make braking safer and more convenient,Anti-lock brake systems modulate brake system hydraulic pressure to prevent the brakes from locking and the tires from skidding on slippery pavement or during a panic stop.Anti-lock brake systems have been used on aircraft for years, and some domestic car were offered with an early form of anti-lock braking in late 1990’s. Recently, several automakers have introduced more sophisticated anti-lock system. Investigations in Europe, where anti-lock brakin g systems have been available for a decade, have led one manufacture to state that the number oftraffic accidents could be reduced by seven and a half percent if all cars had anti-lock brakes. So some sources predict that all carswill offer anti-lock brakes to improve the safety of the car.Anti-lock systems modulate brake application force several times per second to hold the tires at a controlled amount of slip; all systems accomplish this in basically the same way. One or more speed sensors generate alternating current signal whose frequency increases with the wheel rotational speed. An electronic control unit continuously monitors these signals and if the frequency of a signal drops too rapidly indicating that a wheel is about to lock, the control unit instructs a modulating device to reduce hydraulic pressure to the brake at theaffected wheel. When sensor signals indicate the wheel is again rotating normally, the control unit allows increased hydraulic pressure to the brake. This release-apply cycle occurs several time per second to “pump” the brakes like a dr iver might but at a much faster rate.In addition to their basic operation, anti-lock systems have two other things in common. First, they do not operate until the brakes are applied with enough force to lock or nearly lock a wheel. At all other times, the system stands ready to function but does not interfere with normal braking. Second, if the anti-lock system fail in any way, the brakes continue to operate without anti-lock capability. A warning light on the instrument panel alerts the driver when a problem exists in the anti-lock system.The current Bosch component Anti-lock Braking System (ABSⅡ), is a second generation design wildly used by European automakers such as BWM, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche. ABSⅡsystem consists of : fou r wheel speed sensor, electronic control unit and modulator assembly.A speed sensor is fitted at each wheel sends signals about wheel rotation to control unit. Each speed sensor consists of a sensor unitand a gear wheel. The front sensor mounts to the steering knuckle andits gear wheel is pressed onto the stub axle that rotates with the wheel. The rear sensor mounts the rear suspension member and its gear wheel is pressed onto the axle. The sensor itself is a winding with a magnetic core. The core creates a magnetic field around the winding, and as the teeth of the gear wheel move through this field, an alternating current is induced in the winding. The control unit monitors the rate o changein this frequency to determine impending brake lockup.The control unit’s functi on can be divided into three parts:signal processing, logic and safety circuitry. The signal processing section is the converter that receives the alternating current signals form the speed sensors and converts them into digital form for the logic section. The logic section then analyzes the digitized signals to calculate any brake pressure changes needed. If impending lockup is sensed, the logic section sends commands to the modulator assembly.Modulator assemblyThe hydraulic modulator assembly regulates pressure to the wheel brakes when it receives commands from the control utuit. The modulator assembly can maintain or reduce pressure over the level it receives from the master cylinder, it also can never apply the brakes by itself. The modulator assembly consists of three high-speed electric solenoid valves, two fluid reservoirs and a turn delivery pump equipped with inlet and outlet check valves. The modulator electrical connector and controlling relays are concealed under a plastic cover of the assembly.Each front wheel is served by electric solenoid valve modulated independently by the control unit. The rear brakes are served by asingle solenoid valve and modulated together using the select-low principle. During anti-braking system operation, the control unit cycles the solenoid valves to either hold or release pressure the brake lines. When pressure is released from the brakelines during anti-braking operation, it is routed to a fluid reservoir. There is one reservoir for the front brake circuit. The reservoirs are low-pressure accumulators that store fluid under slightspring pressure until the return delivery pump can return the fluid through the brake lines to the master cylinder.汽车制动系统制动系统是汽车中最重要的系统。



外文翻译---制动系统附录1Hydraulic Brake SystemsThe braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brake system fail, the result can be disastrous.When you step on the brake pedal, you expect the vehicle to stop. The brake pedal operates a hydraulic system that is used for two reasons. First, fluid under pressure can be carried to all parts of the vehicle by small hoses or metal lines with out taking up a lot of room or causing routing problems. Second, the hydraulic fluid offers a great mechanical advantage-little foot pressure is required on the pedal, but a great deal of pressure is generated at the wheels. The brake pedal is linked to a piston in the brake master cylinder, which is filled with hydraulic brake fluid. The master cylinder consists of a cylinder containing a small piston and a fluid reservoir.Modern master cylinders are actually two separate cylinders. Such a system is called a dual circuit, because the front cylinder is connected to the front brakes and the rear cylinder to the rear brakes. (Some vehicles are connected diagonally.) The two cylinders are actually separated, allowing for emergency stopping power should one part of the system fail.The entire hydraulic system from the master cylinder to the wheels is full of hydraulic brake fluid. When the brake pedal is depressed, the pistons in the master cylinder are forced to move, exerting tremendous force on the fluid in the lines. The fluid has nowhere to go, and forces the wheel cylinder pistons (drum brakes) or caliper pistons (disc brakes) to exert pressure on the brake shoes or pads. The friction between the brake shoe and wheel drum or the brake pad and rotor (disc) slows the vehicle and eventually stops it.Also attached to the brake pedal is a switch that lights the brake lights as the pedal is depressed. The lights stay on until the brake pedal is released and returns to its normal position.Each wheel cylinder in a drum brake system contains two pistons, one at either end, which push outward in opposite directions. In disc brake systems, the wheel cylinders are part of the caliper (there can be as many as four or as few asone). Whether disc or drum type, all pistons use some type of rubber seal to prevent leakage around the piston, and a rubber dust boot seals the outer ends of the wheel cylinders against dirt and moisture.When the brake pedal is released, a spring pushes the master cylinder pistons back to their normal positions. Check valves in the master cylinder piston allow fluid to flow toward the wheel cylinders or calipers as the piston returns. Then as the brake shoe return springs pull the brake shoes back to the released position, excess fluid returns to the master cylinder through compensating ports, which have been uncovered as the pistons move back. Any fluid that has leaked from the system will also be replaced through the compensating ports.All dual circuit brake systems use a switch to activate a light, warning of brake failure. The switch is located in a valve mounted near the master cylinder.A piston in the valve receives pressure on each end from the front and rear brake circuits. When the pressures are balanced, the piston remains stationary, but when one circuit has a leak, greater pressure during the application of the brakes will force the piston to one side or the other, closing the switch and activating the warning light. The light can also be activated by the ignition switch during engine starting or by the parking brake.Front disc, rear drum brake systems also have a metering valve to prevent the front disc brakes from engaging before the rear brakes have contacted the drums. This ensures that the front brakes will not normally be used alone to stop the vehicle. A proportioning valve is also used to limit pressure to the rear brakes to prevent rear wheel lock-up during hard braking.1. Friction materialsBrake shoes and pads are constructed in a similar manner. The pad or shoe is composed of a metal backing plate and a friction lining. The lining is either bonded (glued) to the metal, or riveted. Generally, riveted linings provide superior performance, but good quality bonded linings are perfectly adequate.Friction materials will vary between manufacturers and type of pad and the material compound may be referred to as: asbestos, organic, semi-metallic, metallic. The difference between these compounds lies in the types and percentages of friction materials used, material binders and performance modifiers.Generally speaking, organic and non-metallic asbestos compound brakesare quiet, easy on rotors and provide good feel. But this comes at the expense of high temperature operation, so they may not be your best choice for heavy duty use or mountain driving. In most cases, these linings will wear somewhat faster than metallic compound pads, so you will usually replace them more often. But, when using these pads, rotors tend to last longer.Semi-metallic or metallic compound brake linings will vary in performance based on the metallic contents of the compound. Again, generally speaking, the higher the metallic content, the better the friction material will resist heat. This makes them more appropriate for heavy duty applications, but at the expense of braking performance before the pad reaches operating temperature. The first few applications on a cold morning may not give strong braking. Also, metallic and semi-metallic are more likely to squeal. In most cases, metallic compounds last longer than non-metallic pads, but they tend to cause more wear on the rotors. If you use metallic pads, expect to replace the rotors more often.When deciding what type of brake lining is right for you, keep in mind that today's modern cars have brake materials which are matched to the expected vehicle's performance capabilities. Changing the material from OEM specification could adversely affect brake feel or responsiveness. Before changing the brake materials, talk to your dealer or parts supplier to help decide what is most appropriate for your application. Remember that heavy use applications such as towing, stop and go driving, driving down mountain roads, and racing may require a change to a higher performance material.Some more exotic materials are also used in brake linings, among which are Kevlar and carbon compounds. These materials have the capability of extremely good performance for towing, mountain driving or racing. Wear characteristics can be similar to either the metallic or the non-metallic linings, depending on the product you buy. Most race applications tend to wear like metallic linings, while many of the street applications are more like the non-metallic.2. Brake fluidOn a disk brake, the fluid from the master cylinder is forced into a caliper where it presses against a piston. The piston, in-turn, squeezes two brake pads against the disk(rotor)which is attached to the wheel, forcing it to slow down or stop. This process is similar to a bicycle brake where two rubber pads rub against the wheel rim creating friction.With drum brakes, fluid is forced into the wheel cylinder which pushes the brake shoes out so that the friction linings are pressed against the drum which is attached to the wheel, causing the wheel to stop.In either case, the friction surfaces of the pads on a disk brake system, or the shoes on a drum brake convert the forward motion of the vehicle into heat. Heat is what causes the friction surfaces (linings) of the pads and shoes to eventually wear out and require replacement.Brake fluid is a special oil that has specific properties. It is designed to withstand cold temperatures without thickening as well as very high temperatures without boiling.(If the brake fluid should boil, it will cause you to have a spongy pedal and the car will be hard to stop). Figure shows a brake hydraulic system.The brake fluid reservoir is on top of the master cylinder. Most cars today have a transparent r reservoir so that you can see the level without opening the cover. The brake fluid level will drop slightly as the brake pads wear. This is a normal condition and no cause for concern. If the level drops noticeably over a short period of time or goes down to about two thirds full, have your brakes checked as soon as possible. Keep the reservoir covered except for the amount of time you need to fill it and never leave a cam of brake fluid uncovered. Brake fluid must maintain a very high boiling point. Exposure to air will cause the fluid to absorb moisture which will lower that boiling point.The brake fluid travels from the master cylinder to the wheels through a series of steel tubes and reinforced rubber hoses. Rubber hoses are only used in places that require flexibility, such as at the front wheels, which move up and down as well as steer. The rest of the system uses non-corrosive seamless steel tubing with special fittings at all attachment points. If a steel line requires a repair, the best procedure is to replace the compete line. If this is not practical, a line can be repaired using special splice fittings that are made for brake system repair. You must never use copper tubing to repair a brake system. They are dangerous and illegal.制动系统制动系统是汽车中最重要的系统。



Automobile Brake SystemThe braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes, the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes.Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake.The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. Theprimary purpose of the brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake foot pedal or hand lever is set.The brake system is composed of the following basic components: the “master cylinder” which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the “slave cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme conditions, fills the system. “Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors” thus causing drag, which (hopefully) slows the car.The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drumbrakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder (Figure).Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against the rotating brake drum or disks at wheel. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel so that the car is braked.In most modern brake systems (see Figure 15.1), there is a fluid-filled cylinder, called master cylinder, which contains two separate sections, there is a piston in each section and both pistons are connected to a brake pedal in the driver’s compartment. When the brake is pushed down, brake fluid is sent from the master cylinder to the wheels. At the wheels, the fluid pushes shoes, or pads, against revolving drums or disks. The friction between the stationary shoes, or pads, and the revolving drums or disks slows and stops them. This slows or stops the revolving wheels, which, in turn, slow or stop the car.The brake fluid reservoir is on top of the master cylinder. Most cars today have a transparent r reservoir so that you can see the level without opening the cover. The brake fluid level will drop slightly as the brake pads wear. This is a normal condition and no cause for concern. If the level drops noticeably over a short period of time or goes down to about two thirds full, have your brakes checked as soon as possible. Keep the reservoir covered except for the amount of time you need to fill it and never leave a cam of brake fluid uncovered. Brake fluid must maintain a very high boiling point. Exposure to air will cause the fluid to absorb moisture which will lower that boiling point.The brake fluid travels from the master cylinder to the wheels through a series of steel tubes and reinforced rubber hoses. Rubber hoses are only used in places that require flexibility, such as at the front wheels, which move up and down as well as steer. The rest of the system uses non-corrosive seamless steel tubing with special fittings at all attachment points. If a steel line requires a repair, the best procedure is to replace the compete line. If this is not practical, a line can be repaired using special splice fittings that are made for brake system repair. You must never use copper tubing to repair a brake system. They are dangerous and illegal.Drum brakes, it consists of the brake drum, an expander, pull back springs, a stationary back plate, two shoes with friction linings, and anchor pins. The stationaryback plate is secured to the flange of the axle housing or to the steering knuckle. The brake drum is mounted on the wheel hub. There is a clearance between the inner surface of the drum and the shoe lining. To apply brakes, the driver pushes pedal, the expander expands the shoes and presses them to the drum. Friction between the brake drum and the friction linings brakes the wheels and the vehicle stops. To release brakes, the driver release the pedal, the pull back spring retracts the shoes thus permitting free rotation of the wheels.Disk brakes, it has a metal disk instead of a drum. A flat shoe, or disk-brake pad, is located on each side of the disk. The shoes squeeze the rotating disk to stop the car. Fluid from the master cylinder forces the pistons to move in, toward the disk. This action pushes the friction pads tightly against the disk. The friction between the shoes and disk slows and stops it. This provides the braking action. Pistons are made of either plastic or metal. There are three general types of disk brakes. They are the floating-caliper type, the fixed-caliper type, and the sliding-caliper type. Floating-caliper and sliding-caliper disk brakes use a single piston. Fixed-caliper disk brakes have either two or four pistons.The brake system assemblies are actuated by mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic devices. The mechanical leverage is used in the parking brakes fitted in all automobile. When the brake pedal is depressed, the rod pushes the piston of brake master cylinder which presses the fluid. The fluid flows through the pipelines to the power brake unit and then to the wheel cylinder. The fluid pressure expands the cylinder pistons thus pressing the shoes to the drum or disk. If the pedal is released, the piston returns to the initial position, the pull back springs retract the shoes, the fluid is forced back to the master cylinder and braking ceases.The primary purpose of the parking brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by the driver when a separate parking braking hand lever is set. The hand brake is normally used when the car has already stopped. A lever is pulled and the rear brakes are approached and locked in the “on” position. The car may now be left without fear of its rolling away. When the driver wants to move the car again, he must press a button before the lever can be released. The hand brake must also be able to stop the car in the event of the foot brake failing. For this reason, it is separate from the foot brake uses cable or rods instead of the hydraulic system.Anti-lock Brake SystemAnti-lock brake systems make braking safer and more convenient, Anti-lock brake systems modulate brake system hydraulic pressure to prevent the brakes from locking and the tires from skidding on slippery pavement or during a panic stop.Anti-lock brake systems have been used on aircraft for years, and some domestic car were offered with an early form of anti-lock braking in late 1990’s. Recently, several automakers have introduced more sophisticated anti-lock system. Investigations in Europe, where anti-lock braking systems have been available for a decade, have led one manufacture to state that the number of traffic accidents could be reduced by seven and a half percent if all cars had anti-lock brakes. So some sources predict that all cars will offer anti-lock brakes to improve the safety of the car.Anti-lock systems modulate brake application force several times per second to hold the tires at a controlled amount of slip; all systems accomplish this in basically the same way. One or more speed sensors generate alternating current signal whose frequency increases with the wheel rotational speed. An electronic control unit continuously monitors these signals and if the frequency of a signal drops too rapidly indicating that a wheel is about to lock, the control unit instructs a modulating device to reduce hydraulic pressure to the brake at the affected wheel. When sensor signals indicate the wheel is again rotating normally, the control unit allows increased hydraulic pressure to the brake. This release-apply cycle occurs several time per second to “pump” the brakes like a driver might but at a much faster rate.In addition to their basic operation, anti-lock systems have two other things in common. First, they do not operate until the brakes are applied with enough force to lock or nearly lock a wheel. At all other times, the system stands ready to function but does not interfere with normal braking. Second, if the anti-lock system fail in any way, the brakes continue to operate without anti-lock capability. A warning light on the instrument panel alerts the driver when a problem exists in the anti-lock system.The current Bosch component Anti-lock Braking System (ABSⅡ), is a second generation design wildly used by European automakers such as BWM, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche. ABSⅡsystem consists of : four wheel speed sensor, electronic control unit and modulator assembly.A speed sensor is fitted at each wheel sends signals about wheel rotation tocontrol unit. Each speed sensor consists of a sensor unit and a gear wheel. The front sensor mounts to the steering knuckle and its gear wheel is pressed onto the stub axle that rotates with the wheel. The rear sensor mounts the rear suspension member and its gear wheel is pressed onto the axle. The sensor itself is a winding with a magnetic core. The core creates a magnetic field around the winding, and as the teeth of the gear wheel move through this field, an alternating current is induced in the winding. The control unit monitors the rate o change in this frequency to determine impending brake lockup.The control unit’s function can be divided into three parts: signal processing, logic and safety circuitry. The signal processing section is the converter that receives the alternating current signals form the speed sensors and converts them into digital form for the logic section. The logic section then analyzes the digitized signals to calculate any brake pressure changes needed. If impending lockup is sensed, the logic section sends commands to the modulator assembly.Modulator assemblyThe hydraulic modulator assembly regulates pressure to the wheel brakes when it receives commands from the control utuit. The modulator assembly can maintain or reduce pressure over the level it receives from the master cylinder, it also can never apply the brakes by itself. The modulator assembly consists of three high-speed electric solenoid valves, two fluid reservoirs and a turn delivery pump equipped with inlet and outlet check valves. The modulator electrical connector and controlling relays are concealed under a plastic cover of the assembly.Each front wheel is served by electric solenoid valve modulated independently by the control unit. The rear brakes are served by a single solenoid valve and modulated together using the select-low principle. During anti-braking system operation, the control unit cycles the solenoid valves to either hold or release pressure the brake lines. When pressure is released from the brake lines during anti-braking operation, it is routed to a fluid reservoir. There is one reservoir for the front brake circuit. The reservoirs are low-pressure accumulators that store fluid under slight spring pressure until the return delivery pump can return the fluid through the brake lines to the master cylinder.汽车制动系统制动系统是汽车中最重要的系统。



Automobile Brake SystemThe braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes, the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes.Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake.The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The primary purpose of the brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake foot pedal or hand lever is set.The brake system is composed of the following basic components: the “master cylinder” which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the “slave cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme conditions, fills the system. “Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors” thus causing drag, which (hopefully) slows the car.The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder .Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against the rotating brake drum or disks atwheel. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel so that the car is braked.In most modern brake systems, there is a fluid-filled cylinder, called master cylinder, which contains two separate sections, there is a piston in each section and both pistons are connected to a brake pedal in the driver’s compartment. When the brake is pushed down, brake fluid is sent from the master cylinder to the wheels.At the wheels, the fluid pushes shoes, or pads, against revolving drums or disks. The friction between the stationary shoes, or pads, and the revolving drums or disks slows and stops them. This slows or stops the revolving wheels, which, in turn, slow or stop the car.The brake fluid reservoir is on top of the master cylinder. Most cars today have a transparent r reservoir so that you can see the level without opening the cover. The brake fluid level will drop slightly as the brake pads wear. This is a normal condition and no cause for concern. If the level drops noticeably over ashort period of time or goes down to about two thirds full, have your brakes checked as soon as possible. Keep the reservoir covered except for the amount of time you need to fill it and never leave a cam of brake fluid uncovered. Brake fluid must maintain a very high boiling point. Exposure to air will cause the fluid to absorb moisture which will lower that boiling point.The brake fluid travels from the master cylinder to the wheels through a series of steel tubes and reinforced rubber hoses. Rubber hoses are only used in places that require flexibility, such as at the front wheels, which move up and down as well as steer. The rest of the system uses non-corrosive seamless steel tubing with special fittings at all attachment points. If a steel line requires a repair, the best procedure is to replace the compete line. If this is not practical, a line can be repaired using special splice fittings that are made for brake system repair. You must never use copper tubing to repair a brake system. They are dangerous and illegal.Drum brakes, it consists of the brake drum, an expander, pull back springs, a stationary back plate, two shoes with friction linings, and anchor pins. The stationary back plate is secured to the flange of the axle housing or to the steering knuckle. The brake drum is mounted on the wheel hub. There is a clearance between the inner surface of the drum and the shoe lining. To apply brakes, the driver pushes pedal, the expander expands the shoes and presses them to the drum. Friction between the brake drum and the friction linings brakes the wheels and the vehicle stops. To release brakes, the driver release the pedal, the pull back spring retracts the shoes thus permitting free rotation of the wheels.Disk brakes, it has a metal disk instead of a drum. A flat shoe, or disk-brake pad, is located on each side of the disk. The shoes squeeze the rotatin g disk to stop the car. Fluid from the master cylinder forces the pistons to move in, toward the disk. This action pushes the friction pads tightly against the disk. The friction between the shoes and disk slows and stops it. This provides the braking action. Pistons are made of either plastic or metal. There are three general types of disk brakes. They are the floating-caliper type, the fixed-caliper type, and the sliding-caliper type.Floating-caliper and sliding-caliper disk brakes use a single piston. Fixed-caliper disk brakes have either two or four pistons.Brakes - what do they do?Brakes are designed to slow down your vehicle but probably not by the means that you think. The common misconception is that brakes squeeze against a drum or disc, and the pressure of the squeezing action is what slows you down. This in fact is only part of the equation. Brakes are essentially a mechanism to change energy types. When you're travelling at speed, your vehicle has kinetic energy. When you apply the brakes, the pads or shoes that press against the brake drum or rotor convert that energy into thermal energy via friction. The cooling of the brakes dissipates the heat and the vehicle slows down. It's the First Law of Thermodynamics, sometimes known as the law of conservation of energy. This states that energy cannot be created nordestroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another. In the case of brakes, it is converted from kinetic energy to thermal energy.Angular force. Because of the configuration of the brake pads and rotor in a disc brake, the location of the point of contact where the friction is generated also provides a mechanical moment to resist the turning motion of the rotor.Thermodynamics, brake fade and drilled rotors.If you ride a motorbike or drive a race car, you're probably familiar with the term brake fade, used to describe what happens to brakes when they get too hot. A good example is coming down a mountain pass using your brakes rather than your engine to slow you down. As you start to come down the pass, the brakes on your vehicle heat up, slowing you down. But if you keep using them, the rotors or drums stay hot and get no chance to cool off. At some point they can't absorb any more heat so the brake pads heat up instead. In every brake pad there is the friction material that is held together with some sort of resin and once this starts to get too hot, the resin starts to vapourise, forming a gas. Because the gas can't stay between the pad and the rotor, it forms a thin layer between the two whilst trying to escape. The pads lose contact with the rotor, reducing the amount of friction and voila. Complete brake fade.。



附录Automobile Brake SystemThe braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail,the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices,which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes,the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes.Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake.The service brake acts to slow,stop,or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The primary1—Brake hose 2—Master cylinder 3—Power brake 4—Brake pedal 5—parkingbrake 6—Parking brake cable 7—Brake drum 8—Proportioning valve 9—Brake warning light switch 10—Metering valve 11—Disc brake 12—Brake linepurpose of the brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake foot pedal or hand lever is set.The brake system is composed of the following basic components: the “master cylinder” which is located under the hood,and is directly connected to the brake pedal,converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the “slave cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid,specially designed to work in extreme conditions,fills the system.“Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors” thus causing drag,which (hopefully) slows the car.The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder (Figure).Basically,all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake,the control device forces brake shoes,or pads,against the rotating brake drum or disks at wheel. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel so that the car is braked.In most modern brake systems (see Figure 15.1),there is a fluid-filled cylinder,called master cylinder,which contains two separate sections,there is a piston in each section and both pistons are connected to a brake pedal in the driver’s compartment. When the brake is pushed down,brake fluid is sent from the master cylinder to the wheels. At the wheels,the fluid pushes shoes,or pads,against revolving drums or disks. The friction between the stationary shoes,or pads,and the revolving drums or disks slows and stops them. This slows or stops the revolving wheels,which,in turn,slow or stop the car. The brake fluid reservoir is on top of the master cylinder. Most cars today have a transparent r reservoir so that you can see the level without opening the cover. The brake fluid level will drop slightly as the brake pads wear. This is a normal condition and no cause for concern. If the level drops noticeably over a short period of time or goes down to about two thirds full,have your brakes checked as soon as possible. Keep the reservoir covered except for the amount of time you need to fill it and never leave a cam of brake fluid uncovered. Brake fluid must maintain a very high boiling point. Exposure to air will cause the fluid to absorb moisture which will lower that boiling point.The brake fluid travels from the master cylinder to the wheels through a series of steel tubes and reinforced rubber hoses. Rubber hoses are only used in places that require flexibility,such as at the front wheels,which move up and down as well as steer. The rest of the system uses non-corrosive seamless steel tubing with special fittings at all attachment points. If a steel line requires a repair,the best procedure is to replace the compete line. If this is not practical,a line can be repaired using special splice fittings that are made for brake system repair. You must never use copper tubing to repair a brake system. They are dangerous and illegal.Drum brakes,it consists of the brake drum,an expander,pull back springs,a stationary back plate,two shoes with friction linings,and anchor pins. The stationary back plate is secured to the flange of the axle housing or to the steering knuckle. The brake drum is mounted on the wheel hub. There is a clearance between the inner surface of the drum and the shoe lining. To apply brakes,the driver pushes pedal,the expander expands the shoes and presses them to the drum. Friction between the brake drum and the friction linings brakes the wheels and the vehicle stops. To release brakes,the driver release the pedal,the pull back spring retracts the shoes thus permitting free rotation of the wheels.Disk brakes,it has a metal disk instead of a drum. A flat shoe,or disk-brake pad,is located on each side of the disk. The shoes squeeze the rotating disk to stop the car. Fluid from the master cylinder forces the pistons to move in,toward the disk. This action pushes the friction pads tightly against the disk. The friction between the shoes and disk slows and stops it. This provides the braking action. Pistons are made of either plastic or metal. There are three general types of disk brakes. They are the floating-caliper type,the fixed-caliper type,and the sliding-caliper type. Floating-caliper and sliding-caliper disk brakes use a single piston. Fixed-caliper disk brakes have either two or four pistons.The brake system assemblies are actuated by mechanical,hydraulic or pneumatic devices. The mechanical leverage is used in the parking brakes fitted in all automobile. When the brake pedal is depressed,the rod pushes the piston of brake master cylinder which presses the fluid. The fluid flows through the pipelines to the power brake unit and then to the wheel cylinder. The fluid pressure expands the cylinder pistons thus pressing the shoes to the drum or disk. If the pedal is released,the piston returns to the initial position,the pull back springs retract the shoes,the fluid is forced back to the master cylinder and braking ceases.The primary purpose of the parking brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by the driver when a separate parking braking hand lever is set. The hand brake is normally used when the car has already stopped. A lever is pulled and the rear brakes are approached and locked in the “on” position. The car may now be left without fear of its rolling away. When the driver wants to move the car again,he must press a button before the lever can be released. The hand brake must also be able to stop the car in the event of the foot brake failing. For this reason,it is separate from the foot brake uses cable or rods instead of the hydraulic system.Anti-lock Brake SystemAnti-lock brake systems make braking safer and more convenient,Anti-lock brake systems modulate brake system hydraulic pressure to prevent the brakes from locking and the tires from skidding on slippery pavement or during a panic stop.Anti-lock brake systems have been used on aircraft for years,and some domestic car were offered with an early form of anti-lock braking in late 1990’s. Recently,several automakers have introduced more sophisticated anti-lock system. Investigations in Europe,where anti-lock braking systems have been available for a decade,have led one manufacture to state that the number of traffic accidents could be reduced by seven and a half percent if all cars had anti-lock brakes. So some sources predict that all cars will offer anti-lock brakes to improve the safety of the car.Anti-lock systems modulate brake application force several times per second to hold the tires at a controlled amount of slip; all systems accomplish this in basically the same way. One or more speed sensors generate alternating current signal whose frequency increases with the wheel rotational speed. An electronic control unit continuously monitors these signals and if the frequency of a signal drops too rapidly indicating that a wheel is about to lock,the control unit instructs a modulating device to reduce hydraulic pressure to the brake at the affected wheel. When sensor signals indicate the wheel is again rotating normally,the control unit allows increased hydraulic pressure to the brake. This release-apply cycle occurs several time per second to “pump” the brakes like a driver might but at a much faster rate.In addition to their basic operation,anti-lock systems have two other things in common. First,they do not operate until the brakes are applied with enough force to lock or nearly lock a wheel. At all other times,the system stands ready to function but does not interfere with normal braking. Second,if the anti-lock system fail in any way,the brakes continue to operate without anti-lock capability. A warning light on the instrument panel alerts the driver when a problem exists in the anti-lock system.The current Bosch component Anti-lock Braking System (ABSⅡ),is a second generation design wildly used by European automakers such as BWM,Mercedes-Benz and Porsche. ABSⅡsystem consists of : four wheel speed sensor,electronic control unit and modulator assembly.A speed sensor is fitted at each wheel sends signals about wheel rotation to control unit.Each speed sensor consists of a sensor unit and a gear wheel. The front sensor mounts to the steering knuckle and its gear wheel is pressed onto the stub axle that rotates with the wheel. The rear sensor mounts the rear suspension member and its gear wheel is pressed onto the axle. The sensor itself is a winding with a magnetic core. The core creates a magnetic field around the winding,and as the teeth of the gear wheel move through this field,an alternating current is induced in the winding. The control unit monitors the rate o change in this frequency to determine impending brake lockup.The control unit’s function can be divided into three parts: signal processing,logic and safety circuitry. The signal processing section is the converter that receives the alternating current signals form the speed sensors and converts them into digital form for the logic section. The logic section then analyzes the digitized signals to calculate any brake pressure changes needed. If impending lockup is sensed,the logic section sends commands to the modulator assembly.Modulator assemblyThe hydraulic modulator assembly regulates pressure to the wheel brakes when it receives commands from the control utuit. The modulator assembly can maintain or reduce pressure over the level it receives from the master cylinder,it also can never apply the brakes by itself. The modulator assembly consists of three high-speed electric solenoid valves,two fluid reservoirs and a turn delivery pump equipped with inlet and outlet check valves. The modulator electrical connector and controlling relays are concealed under a plastic cover of the assembly.Each front wheel is served by electric solenoid valve modulated independently by the control unit. The rear brakes are served by a single solenoid valve and modulated together using the select-low principle. During anti-braking system operation,the control unit cycles the solenoid valves to either hold or release pressure the brake lines. When pressure is released from the brake lines during anti-braking operation,it is routed to a fluid reservoir. There is one reservoir for the front brake circuit. The reservoirs are low-pressure accumulators that store fluid under slight spring pressure until the return delivery pump can return the fluid through the brake lines to the master cylinder.汽车制动系统制动系统是汽车中最重要的系统。



Automobile Brake SystemThe braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes, the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes.Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake.The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The primary purpose of the parking brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake foot pedal or hand lever is set.The brake system is composed of the following basic c omponents: the “master cylinder” which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the “slave cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme conditions, fills the system. “Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors” thus causing drag, which (hopefully) slows the car.The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder (Figure).Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against the rotating brake drum or disks at wheel. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel so that the car is braked.In most modern brake systems (see Figure 15.1), there is a fluid-filled cylinder, called master cylinder, which contains two separate sections, there is a piston in each section and both pistons are connected to a brake pedal in the driver’s compartment. When the brake is pushed down, brake fluid is sent from the master cylinder to the wheels.At the wheels, the fluid pushes shoes, or pads, against revolving drums or disks. The friction between the stationary shoes, or pads, and the revolving drums or disks slows and stops them. This slows or stops the revolving wheels, which, in turn, slow or stop the car.The brake fluid reservoir is on top of the master cylinder. Most cars today have a transparent reservoir so that you can see the level without opening the cover. The brake fluid level will drop slightly as the brake pads wear. This is a normal condition and no cause for concern. If the level drops noticeably over ashort period of time or goes down to about two thirds full, have your brakes checked as soon as possible. Keep the reservoir covered except for the amount of time you need to fill it and never leave a cam of brake fluid uncovered. Brake fluid must maintain a very high boiling point. Exposure to air will cause the fluid to absorb moisture which will lower that boiling point.The brake fluid travels from the master cylinder to the wheels through a series of steel tubes and reinforced rubber hoses. Rubber hoses are only used in places that require flexibility, such as at the front wheels, which move up and down as well as steer. The rest of the system uses non-corrosive seamless steel tubing with special fittings at all attachment points. If a steel line requires a repair, thebest procedure is to replace the compete line. If this is not practical, a line can be repaired using special splice fittings that are made for brake system repair. You must never use copper tubing to repair a brake system. They are dangerous and illegal.Drum brakes, it consists of the brake drum, an expander, pull back springs, a stationary back plate, two shoes with friction linings, and anchor pins. The stationary back plate is secured to the flange of the axle housing or to the steering knuckle. The brake drum is mounted on the wheel hub. There is a clearance between the inner surface of the drum and the shoe lining. To apply brakes, the driver pushes pedal, the expander expands the shoes and presses them to the drum. Friction between the brake drum and the friction linings brakes the wheels and the vehicle stops. To release brakes, the driver release the pedal, the pull back spring retracts the shoes thus permitting free rotation of the wheels.Disk brakes, it has a metal disk instead of a drum. A flat shoe, or disk-brake pad, is located on each side of the disk. The shoes squeeze the rotatin g disk to stop the car. Fluid from the master cylinder forces the pistons to move in, toward the disk. This action pushes the friction pads tightly against the disk. The friction between the shoes and disk slows and stops it. This provides the braking action. Pistons are made of either plastic or metal. There are three general types of disk brakes. They are the floating-caliper type, the fixed-caliper type, and thesliding-caliper type. Floating-caliper and sliding-caliper disk brakes use a single piston. Fixed-caliper disk brakes have either two or four pistons.The brake system assemblies are actuated by mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic devices. The mechanical leverage is used in the parking brakes fitted in all automobile. When the brake pedal is depressed, the rod pushes the piston of brake master cylinder which presses the fluid. The fluid flows through the pipelines to the power brake unit and then to the wheel cylinder. The fluidpressure expands the cylinder pistons thus pressing the shoes to the drum or disk. If the pedal is released, the piston returns to the initialposition, the pull back springs retract the shoes, the fluid is forced back to the master cylinder and braking ceases.The primary purpose of the parking brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by the driver when a separate parking braking hand lever is set. The hand brake is normally used when the car has already stopped. A lever is pulled and the rear brakes are approached and locked in the “on” position. The car may now be left without fear of its rolling away. When the driver wants to move the car again, he must press a button before the lever can be released. The hand brake must also be able to stop the car in the event of the foot brake failing. For this reason, it is separate from the foot brake uses cable or rods instead of the hydraulic system.Anti-lock Brake SystemAnti-lock brake systems make braking safer and more convenient, Anti-lock brake systems modulate brake system hydraulic pressure to prevent the brakes from locking and the tires from skidding on slippery pavement or during a panic stop.Anti-lock brake systems have been used on aircraft for years, and some domestic car were offered with an early form of anti-lock braking in late 1990’s. Recently, several automakers have introduced more sophisticated anti-lock system. Investigations in Europe, where anti-lock brakin g systems have been available for a decade, have led one manufacture to state that the number of traffic accidents could be reduced by seven and a half percent if all cars had anti-lock brakes. So some sources predict that all cars will offer anti-lock brakes to improve the safety of the car.Anti-lock systems modulate brake application force several times per second to hold the tires at a controlled amount of slip; all systems accomplish this in basically the same way. One or more speed sensors generate alternating current signal whose frequency increases with the wheel rotational speed. An electronic control unit continuously monitors these signals and if the frequency of a signal drops too rapidly indicating that a wheel is about to lock, the control unit instructs a modulating device to reduce hydraulic pressure to the brake at the affected wheel. When sensor signals indicate the wheel is again rotating normally, the control unit allows increased hydraulic pressure to the brake. This release-apply cycle occurs several time per second to “pump” the brakes like a driver might but at a much faster rate.In addition to their basic operation, anti-lock systems have two other things in common. First, they do not operate until the brakes are applied with enough force to lock or nearly lock a wheel. At all other times, the system stands ready to function but does not interfere with normal braking. Second, if the anti-lock system fail in any way, the brakes continue to operate without anti-lock capability. A warning light on the instrument panel alerts the driver when a problem exists in the anti-lock system.The current Bosch component Anti-lock Braking System (ABSⅡ), is a second generation design wildly used by European automakers such as BWM, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche. ABSⅡ system consists of : four wheel speed sensor, electronic control unit and modulator assembly.A speed sensor is fitted at each wheel sends signals about wheel rotation to control unit. Each speed sensor consists of a sensor unit and a gear wheel. The front sensor mounts to the steering knuckle and its gear wheel is pressed onto the stub axle that rotates with the wheel. The rear sensor mounts the rear suspension member and its gear wheel is pressed onto the axle. The sensor itself is awinding with a magnetic core. The core creates a magnetic field around the winding, and as the teeth of the gear wheel move through this field, an alternating current is induced inthe winding. The control unit monitors the rate o change in this frequency to determine impending brake lockup.The control unit’s function can be divided into three parts: signal processing, logic and safety circuitry. The signal processing section is the converter that receives the alternating current signals form the speed sensors and converts them into digital form for the logic section. The logic section then analyzes the digitized signals to calculate any brake pressure changes needed. If impending lockup is sensed, the logic section sends commands to the modulator assembly.Modulator assemblyThe hydraulic modulator assembly regulates pressure to the wheel brakes when it receives commands from the control utuit. The modulator assembly can maintain or reduce pressure over the level it receives from the master cylinder, it also can never apply the brakes by itself. The modulator assembly consists of threehigh-speed electric solenoid valves, two fluid reservoirs and a turn delivery pump equipped with inlet and outlet check valves. The modulator electrical connector and controlling relays are concealed under a plastic cover of the assembly.Each front wheel is served by electric solenoid valve modulated independently by the control unit. The rear brakes are served by a single solenoid valve and modulated together using the select-low principle. During anti-braking system operation, the control unit cycles the solenoid valves to either hold or release pressure the brake lines. When pressure is released from the brake lines during anti-braking operation, it is routed to a fluid reservoir. There is one reservoir for the front brake circuit. The reservoirs are low-pressure accumulators that storefluid under slight spring pressure until the return delivery pump can return the fluid through the brake lines to the master cylinder.汽车制动系统制动系统是汽车上最重要的系统。



Brake systemsWe all know that pushing down on the brake pedal slows a car to a stop. But how does this happen? How does your car transmit the force from your leg to its wheels? How does it multiply the force so that it is enough to stop something as big as a car?Brake Image GalleryLayout of typical brake system. See more brake images.When you depress your brake pedal, your car transmits the force from your foot to its brakes through a fluid. Since the actual brakes require a much greater force than you could apply with your leg, your car must also multiply the force of your foot. It does this in two ways:•Mechanical advantage (leverage)•Hydraulic force multiplicationThe brakes transmit the force to the tires using friction, and the tires transmit that force to the road using friction also. Before we begin our discussion on the components of the brake system, we'll cover these three principles:•Leverage•Hydraulics•FrictionLeverage and HydraulicsIn the figure below, a force F is being applied to the left end of the lever. The left end of the lever is twice as long (2X) as the right end (X). Therefore, on the right end of the lever a force of 2F is available, but it acts through half of the distance (Y) that the left end moves (2Y). Changing the relative lengths of the left and right ends of the lever changes the multipliers.The pedal is designed in such a way that it can multiply the force from yourleg several times before any force is even transmitted to the brake fluid.The basic idea behind any hydraulic system is very simple: Force applied at one point is transmitted to another point using an incompressible fluid, almost always an oil of some sort. Most brake systems also multiply the force in the process. Here you can see the simplest possible hydraulic system:Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Simple hydraulic systemIn the figure above, two pistons (shown in red) are fit into two glass cylinders filled with oil (shown in light blue) and connected to one another with an oil-filled pipe. If youapply a downward force to one piston (the left one, in this drawing), then the force is transmitted to the second piston through the oil in the pipe. Since oil is incompressible, the efficiency is very good -- almost all of the applied force appears at the second piston. The great thing about hydraulic systems is that the pipe connecting the two cylinders can be any length and shape, allowing it to snake through all sorts of things separating the twopistons. The pipe can also fork, so that one master cylinder can drive more than one slave cylinder if desired, as shown in here:Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Master cylinder with two slavesThe other neat thing about a hydraulic system is that it makes force multiplication (or division) fairly easy. If you have read How a Block and Tackle Works or How Gear Ratios Work, then you know that trading force for distance is very common in mechanical systems. In a hydraulic system, all you have to do is change the size of one piston and cylinder relative to the other, as shown here:Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Hydraulic multiplicationTo determine the multiplication factor in the figure above, start by looking at the size of the pistons. Assume that the piston on the left is 2 inches (5.08 cm) in diameter (1-inch / 2.54 cm radius), while the piston on the right is 6 inches (15.24 cm) in diameter (3-inch / 7.62 cm radius). The area of the two pistons is Pi * r2. The area of the left piston is therefore 3.14, while the area of the piston on the right is 28.26. The piston on the right is nine times larger than the piston on the left. This means that any force applied to theleft-hand piston will come out nine times greater on the right-hand piston. So, if you apply a 100-pound downward force to the left piston, a 900-pound upward force will appear on the right. The only catch is that you will have to depress the left piston 9 inches (22.86 cm) to raise the right piston 1 inch (2.54 cm).A Simple Brake SystemBefore we get into all the parts of an actual car brake system, let's look at a simplified system:Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.A simple brake systemYou can see that the distance from the pedal to the pivot is four times the distance from the cylinder to the pivot, so the force at the pedal will be increased by a factor of four before it is transmitted to the cylinder.You can also see that the diameter of the brake cylinder is three times the diameter of the pedal cylinder. This further multiplies the force by nine. All together, this system increases the force of your foot by a factor of 36. If you put 10 pounds of force on the pedal, 360 pounds (162 kg) will be generated at the wheel squeezing the brake pads.There are a couple of problems with this simple system. What if we have a leak? If it is a slow leak, eventually there will not be enough fluid left to fill the brake cylinder, and the brakes will not function. If it is a major leak, then the first time you apply the brakes all of the fluid will squirt out the leak and you will have complete brake failure.Drum brakes work on the same principle as disc brakes: Shoes press against a spinning surface. In this system, that surface is called a drum.Figure 1. Location of drum brakes. See more drum brakepictures.Many cars have drum brakes on the rear wheels and disc brakes on the front. Drum brakes have more parts than disc brakes and are harder to service, but they are less expensive to manufacture, and they easily incorporate an emergency brake mechanism.In this edition of HowStuffWorks, we will learn exactly how a drum brake system works, examine the emergency brake setup and find out what kind of servicing drum brakes need.Figure 2. Drum brake with drum in placeFigure 3. Drum brake without drum in placeLet's start with the basics.The Drum BrakeThe drum brake may look complicated, and it can be pretty intimidating when you open one up. Let's break it down and explain what each piece does.Figure 4. Parts of a drum brakeLike the disc brake, the drum brake has two brake shoes and a piston. But the drum brake also has an adjuster mechanism, an emergency brake mechanism and lots of springs.First, the basics: Figure 5 shows only the parts that provide stopping power.Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Figure 5. Drum brake in operationWhen you hit the brake pedal, the piston pushes the brake shoes against the drum. That's pretty straightforward, but why do we need all of those springs?This is where it gets a little more complicated. Many drum brakes are self-actuating. Figure 5 shows that as the brake shoes contact the drum, there is a kind of wedging action, which has the effect of pressing the shoes into the drum with more force.The extra braking force provided by the wedging action allows drum brakes to use a smaller piston than disc brakes. But, because of the wedging action, the shoes must be pulled away from the drum when the brakes are released. This is the reason for some of the springs. Other springs help hold the brake shoes in place and return the adjuster arm after it actuates.Brake AdjusterFor the drum brakes to function correctly, the brake shoes must remain close to the drum without touching it. If they get too far away from the drum (as the shoes wear down, for instance), the piston will require more fluid to travel that distance, and your brake pedal will sink closer to the floor when you apply the brakes. This is why most drum brakes have an automatic adjuster.Figure 6. Adjuster mechanismNow let's add in the parts of the adjuster mechanism. The adjuster uses theself-actuation principle we discussed above.Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is disabled.Figure 7. Drum brake adjuster in operationIn Figure 7, you can see that as the pad wears down, more space will form between the shoe and the drum. Each time the car stops while in reverse, the shoe is pulled tight against the drum. When the gap gets big enough, the adjusting lever rocks enough to advance the adjuster gear by one tooth. The adjuster has threads on it, like a bolt, so that it unscrews a little bit when it turns, lengthening to fill in the gap. When the brake shoes wear a little more, the adjuster can advance again, so it always keeps the shoes close to the drum.Some cars have an adjuster that is actuated when the emergency brake is applied. This type of adjuster can come out of adjustment if the emergency brake is not used forlong periods of time. So if you have this type of adjuster, you should apply your emergency brake at least once a week.ServicingThe most common service required for drum brakes is changing the brake shoes. Some drum brakes provide an inspection hole on the back side, where you can see how much material is left on the shoe. Brake shoes should be replaced when the friction material has worn down to within 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) of the rivets. If the friction material is bonded to the backing plate (no rivets), then the shoes should be replaced when they have only 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) of material left.Photo courtesy of a local AutoZone storeFigure 9. Brake shoeJust as in disc brakes, deep scores sometimes get worn into brake drums. If aworn-out brake shoe is used for too long, the rivets that hold the friction material to the backing can wear grooves into the drum. A badly scored drum can sometimes be repaired by refinishing. Where disc brakes have a minimum allowable thickness, drum brakes have a maximum allowable diameter. Since the contact surface is the inside of the drum, as you remove material from the drum brake the diameter gets bigger.Figure 10. Brake drum制动系统众所周知,踩下制动踏板可以使汽车减速至停止。

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附录1外文翻译Automobile Brake SystemThe braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes, the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes.Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake.The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The primary purpose of the brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake footpedal or hand lever is set.The brake system is composed of the following basic components: the “master cylinder” which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the “slave cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme conditions, fills thesystem. “Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors” thus causing drag, which (hopefully) s lows the car.The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder (Figure).Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against the rotating brake drum or disks at wheel. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel so that the car is braked.In most modern brake systems (see Figure 15.1), there is a fluid-filled cylinder, called master cylinder, which contains two separate sections, there is a piston in each section and both pistons are connected to a brake pedal in the driver’s compartment. When the brake is pushed down, brake fluid is sent from the master cylinder to the wheels. At the wheels, the fluid pushes shoes, or pads, against revolving drums or disks. The friction between the stationary shoes, or pads, and the revolving drums or disks slows and stops them. This slows or stops the revolving wheels, which, in turn, slow or stop the car.The brake fluid reservoir is on top of the master cylinder. Most cars today have a transparent r reservoir so that you can see the level without opening the cover. The brake fluid level will drop slightly as the brake pads wear. This is a normal condition and no cause for concern. If the level drops noticeably over a short period of time or goes down to about two thirds full, have your brakes checked as soon as possible. Keep the reservoir covered except for the amount of time you need to fill it and never leave a cam of brake fluid uncovered. Brake fluid must maintain a very high boiling point. Exposure to air will cause the fluid to absorb moisture which will lower that boiling point.The brake fluid travels from the master cylinder to the wheels through a series of steel tubes and reinforced rubber hoses. Rubber hoses are only used in places that require flexibility, such as at the front wheels, which move up and down as well as steer. The rest of the system uses non-corrosive seamless steel tubing with special fittings at all attachment points. If a steel line requires a repair, the best procedure is to replace the compete line. If this is not practical, a line can be repaired using special splice fittings that are made for brake system repair. You must never use copper tubing to repair a brake system. They are dangerous and illegal.Drum brakes, it consists of the brake drum, an expander, pull back springs, a stationary back plate, two shoes with friction linings, and anchor pins. The stationary back plate is secured to the flange of the axle housing or to the steering knuckle. The brake drum is mounted on the wheel hub. There is a clearance between the inner surface of the drum and the shoe lining. To apply brakes, the driver pushes pedal, theexpander expands the shoes and presses them to the drum. Friction between the brake drum and the friction linings brakes the wheels and the vehicle stops. To release brakes, the driver release the pedal, the pull back spring retracts the shoes thus permitting free rotation of the wheels.Disk brakes, it has a metal disk instead of a drum. A flat shoe, or disk-brake pad, is located on each side of the disk. The shoes squeeze the rotating disk to stop the car. Fluid from the master cylinder forces the pistons to move in, toward the disk. This action pushes the friction pads tightly against the disk. The friction between the shoes and disk slows and stops it. This provides the braking action. Pistons are made of either plastic or metal. There are three general types of disk brakes. They are the floating-caliper type, the fixed-caliper type, and the sliding-caliper type. Floating-caliper and sliding-caliper disk brakes use a single piston. Fixed-caliper disk brakes have either two or four pistons.The brake system assemblies are actuated by mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic devices. The mechanical leverage is used in the parking brakes fitted in all automobile. When the brake pedal is depressed, the rod pushes the piston of brake master cylinder which presses the fluid. The fluid flows through the pipelines to the power brake unit and then to the wheel cylinder. The fluid pressure expands the cylinder pistons thus pressing the shoes to the drum or disk. If the pedal is released, the piston returns to the initial position, the pull back springs retract the shoes, the fluid is forced back to the master cylinder and braking ceases.The primary purpose of the parking brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by the driver when a separate parking braking hand lever is set. The hand brake is normally used when the car has already stopped. A lever is pulled and the rear brakes are approached and locked in the “on” position. The car may now be left without fear of its rolling away. When the driver wants to move the car again, he must press a button before the lever can be released. The hand brake must also be able to stop the car in the event of the foot brake failing. For this reason, it is separate from the foot brake uses cable or rods instead of the hydraulic system.Anti-lock Brake SystemAnti-lock brake systems make braking safer and more convenient, Anti-lock brake systems modulate brake system hydraulic pressure to prevent the brakes from locking and the tires from skidding on slippery pavement or during a panic stop.Anti-lock brake systems have been used on aircraft for years, and some domestic car were offered with an early form of anti-lock braking in late 1990’s. Recently, several automakers have introduced more sophisticated anti-lock system. Investigations in Europe, where anti-lock braking systems have been available for a decade, have led one manufacture to state that the number of traffic accidents could bereduced by seven and a half percent if all cars had anti-lock brakes. So some sources predict that all cars will offer anti-lock brakes to improve the safety of the car.Anti-lock systems modulate brake application force several times per second to hold the tires at a controlled amount of slip; all systems accomplish this in basically the same way. One or more speed sensors generate alternating current signal whose frequency increases with the wheel rotational speed. An electronic control unit continuously monitors these signals and if the frequency of a signal drops too rapidly indicating that a wheel is about to lock, the control unit instructs a modulating deviceto reduce hydraulic pressure to the brake at the affected wheel. When sensor signals indicate the wheel is again rotating normally, the control unit allows increased hydraulic pressure to the brake. This release-apply cycle occurs several time per second to “pump” the br akes like a driver might but at a much faster rate.In addition to their basic operation, anti-lock systems have two other things in common. First, they do not operate until the brakes are applied with enough force to lock or nearly lock a wheel. At all other times, the system stands ready to function but does not interfere with normal braking. Second, if the anti-lock system fail in any way, the brakes continue to operate without anti-lock capability. A warning light on the instrument panel alerts the driver when a problem exists in the anti-lock system.The current Bosch component Anti-lock Braking System (ABSⅡ), is a second generation design wildly used by European automakers such as BWM, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche. ABSⅡsystem consists of : four wheel speed sensor, electronic control unit and modulator assembly.A speed sensor is fitted at each wheel sends signals about wheel rotation to control unit. Each speed sensor consists of a sensor unit and a gear wheel. The front sensor mounts to the steering knuckle and its gear wheel is pressed onto the stub axle that rotates with the wheel. The rear sensor mounts the rear suspension member and its gear wheel is pressed onto the axle. The sensor itself is a winding with a magnetic core. The core creates a magnetic field around the winding, and as the teeth of the gear wheel move through this field, an alternating current is induced in the winding. The control unit monitors the rate o change in this frequency to determine impending brake lockup.The contr ol unit’s function can be divided into three parts: signal processing, logic and safety circuitry. The signal processing section is the converter that receives the alternating current signals form the speed sensors and converts them into digital form for the logic section. The logic section then analyzes the digitized signals to calculate any brake pressure changes needed. If impending lockup is sensed, the logic section sends commands to the modulator assembly.Modulator assemblyThe hydraulic modulator assembly regulates pressure to the wheel brakes when it receives commands from the control utuit. The modulator assembly can maintain or reduce pressure over the level it receives from the master cylinder, it also can never apply the brakes by itself. The modulator assembly consists of three high-speed electric solenoid valves, two fluid reservoirs and a turn delivery pump equipped with inlet and outlet check valves. The modulator electrical connector and controlling relays are concealed under a plastic cover of the assembly.Each front wheel is served by electric solenoid valve modulated independently by the control unit. The rear brakes are served by a single solenoid valve and modulated together using the select-low principle. During anti-braking system operation, the control unit cycles the solenoid valves to either hold or release pressure the brake lines. When pressure is released from the brake lines during anti-braking operation, it is routed to a fluid reservoir. There is one reservoir for the front brake circuit. The reservoirs are low-pressure accumulators that store fluid under slight spring pressure until the return delivery pump can return the fluid through the brake lines to the master cylinder.译文汽车制动系统制动系统是汽车中最重要的系统。
