《数据库系统》课程设计题目:考勤管理系统专业:计算机科学与技术年级:大二班级:学号:姓名:指导老师:完成时间: 2017年6月8号目录一、实验目的 (2)二、实验平台 (2)三、实验内容 (2)四、实验要求 (2)五、实验步骤 (3)1.系统需求分析 (3)1.1系统功能分析 (3)1.2系统功能模块设计(划分) (3)1.3与其它系统的关系 (3)1.4数据流程图 (3)2.数据库设计 (3)2.1数据库需求分析 (4)2.2数据库概念结构设计 (4)2.3数据库逻辑结构设计 (4)2.4使用PowerDesigner16进行数据库的设计与建立 (6)2.5使用Axure RP 8 进行界面的设计 (7)3.各功能模块的设计与实现 (7)3.1功能说明 (7)3.2用户界面设计 (8)3.3各功能模块的实现 (13)4.系统实现 (14)4.1系统总体设计 (14)4.2ODBC连接方式的实现 (14)4.3登陆界面的实现 (17)4.4注册界面的实现 (18)4.5找回密码的实现 (19)4.6主界面的实现 (20)4.7上下班时间设置的实现 (20)4.8考勤修改的实现 (21)4.9出勤记录的实现 (22)4.10加班记录的实现 (23)4.11请假记录的实现 (24)4.12出差记录的实现 (24)4.13考勤统计和记录删除的实现 (25)六、实验心得 (26)七、部分代码展示 (1)一、实验目的数据库系统课程设计是为了配合数据库原理及应用开发而设置的,是计算机科学与技术、网络工程、信息安全、物联网工程、软件工程等专业集中实践的教学环节,是将关系数据库理论知识转化为解决实际问题能力的重要环节。
数据库系统课程设计目的在于加深对关系数据库理论知识的理解,通过使用具体的 DBMS,掌握一种实际的数据库管理系统并掌握其操作技术,熟练掌握使用数据库前端开发工具(如 VB、 C++、 Java、Delphi、 PowerBuilder等),进一步提高同学们运用数据库技术解决实际问题的能力。
3、学会使用 SQL 语句进行复杂的数据查询和数据处理。
二、实验环境本次实验使用的数据库管理系统是 MySQL 80,实验在 Windows 10 操作系统上进行。
使用的开发工具包括 MySQL Workbench 和命令行终端。
三、实验内容1、数据库的创建使用 CREATE DATABASE 语句创建了一个名为“student_management”的数据库,用于存储学生管理相关的数据。
3、数据的插入使用 INSERT INTO 语句向“students”、“courses”和“enrolls”表中插入了一些示例数据,以便进行后续的查询和操作。
4、数据的查询使用简单的 SELECT 语句查询了“students”表中的所有学生信息。
一、实验目的1. 理解数据库设计的概念、过程和步骤。
2. 掌握数据库概念结构、逻辑结构和物理结构的设计方法。
3. 能够运用E-R图进行数据库概念结构设计。
4. 能够运用SQL语句进行数据库逻辑结构和物理结构设计。
二、实验环境1. 操作系统:Windows 102. 数据库管理系统:MySQL 5.73. 开发工具:MySQL Workbench三、实验内容1. 数据库概念结构设计2. 数据库逻辑结构设计3. 数据库物理结构设计四、实验步骤1. 数据库概念结构设计(1)分析需求,确定实体和属性以“图书管理系统”为例,确定实体和属性如下:实体:图书、读者、借阅信息属性:- 图书:书名、作者、出版社、ISBN、出版日期、分类号、库存数量- 读者:读者编号、姓名、性别、出生日期、联系电话、邮箱、住址- 借阅信息:借阅编号、图书编号、读者编号、借阅日期、归还日期、状态(2)绘制E-R图根据实体和属性,绘制E-R图如下:```图书(书名,作者,出版社,ISBN,出版日期,分类号,库存数量)读者(读者编号,姓名,性别,出生日期,联系电话,邮箱,住址)借阅信息(借阅编号,图书编号,读者编号,借阅日期,归还日期,状态) ```2. 数据库逻辑结构设计(1)确定关系模式根据E-R图,确定关系模式如下:- 图书(书名,作者,出版社,ISBN,出版日期,分类号,库存数量)- 读者(读者编号,姓名,性别,出生日期,联系电话,邮箱,住址)- 借阅信息(借阅编号,图书编号,读者编号,借阅日期,归还日期,状态)(2)编写SQL语句创建表```sqlCREATE TABLE 图书 (书名 VARCHAR(100),作者 VARCHAR(50),出版社 VARCHAR(50),ISBN VARCHAR(20),出版日期 DATE,分类号 VARCHAR(10),库存数量 INT);CREATE TABLE 读者 (读者编号 VARCHAR(10),姓名 VARCHAR(50),性别 CHAR(1),出生日期 DATE,联系电话 VARCHAR(20),邮箱 VARCHAR(50),住址 VARCHAR(100));CREATE TABLE 借阅信息 (借阅编号 VARCHAR(10),图书编号 VARCHAR(10),读者编号 VARCHAR(10),借阅日期 DATE,归还日期 DATE,状态 VARCHAR(10));```3. 数据库物理结构设计(1)确定索引根据需求,确定索引如下:- 图书表:ISBN、分类号- 读者表:读者编号- 借阅信息表:借阅编号、图书编号、读者编号(2)编写SQL语句创建索引```sqlCREATE INDEX idx_isbn ON 图书(ISBN);CREATE INDEX idx_分类号 ON 图书(分类号);CREATE INDEX idx_读者编号 ON 读者(读者编号);CREATE INDEX idx_借阅编号 ON 借阅信息(借阅编号);CREATE INDEX idx_图书编号 ON 借阅信息(图书编号);CREATE INDEX idx_读者编号 ON 借阅信息(读者编号);```五、实验结果与分析1. 通过实验,掌握了数据库设计的概念、过程和步骤。
SJTU-CS数据库课程设计实验报告姓名王亮谢明敏学号5040309458班级F0403016 F0403014 完成日期2007/7/5C O N T E N T1. Introduction (1)2. WaxBase Design (4)2.1 The Thought of Design (4)2.2 Project Part Introduce (5)2.2.1 The Paged File Component (5) Buffer_Data (6) PF_Manager (7) PF_FileHandle (8) PF_PageHandle (11)2.2.2 The Record Management Component (13) RM_Manager (13) RM_FileHandle (14) RM_FileScan (15) RM_Record (17) RM_RID (17)2.2.3 The Indexing Component (19) IX_Manager Class (19) IX_IndexHandle Class (20) IX_IndexScan Class (21)2.2.4 The System Management Component (23) SM_Manager Class (23)2.2.5 The Query Language Component (26) QL_Manager Class (26)2.3 The Algorithm Used In Program (29)2.3.1 LRU algorithm (29)2.3.2 Hashing Table (29)2.3.3 B+ Tree (29)3. Usage of WaxBase (32)3.1 Create a database (32)3.2 Destroy a database (32)3.3 Open a database (32)3.4 The commands we support in database: (32)3.4.1 DDL Commands (32) Create Table (32) Drop Table (32) Create Index (33) Drop Index (33)3.4.2 The RQL Select command (33) The syntax of the one data retrieval command in RQL (33) An alternative form of the Select command (33)3.4.3 The RQL Insert Command (33)3.4.4 The RQL Delete Command (34)4. Conclusions (35)5. Reference (36)1.IntroductionA database management system (DBMS) is computer software designed for the purpose of managing databases. Typical examples of DBMSs include Oracle, DB2, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, Postgres, MySQL and FileMaker. DBMSs are typically used by Database administrators in the creation of Database systems.A DBMS is a complex set of software programs that controls the organization, storage and retrieval of data in a database. A DBMS includes:1. A modeling language to define the schema(relational model) of each database hosted in theDBMS, according to the DBMS data model.●The three most common organizations are the hierarchical, network and relational models. Adatabase management system may provide one, two or all three methods. Inverted lists andother methods are also used. The most suitable structure depends on the application and onthe transaction rate and the number of inquiries that will be made. The dominant model inuse today is the ad hoc one embedded in SQL, a corruption of the relational model byviolating several of its fundamental principles. Many DBMSs also support the OpenDatabase Connectivity API that supports a standard way for programmers to access theDBMS.2.Data structures (fields, records and files) optimized to deal with very large amounts of data storedon a permanent data storage device (which implies very slow access compared to volatile main memory).3. A database query language and report writer to allow users to interactively interrogate thedatabase, analyze its data and update it according to the users privileges on data.●It also controls the security of the database.●Data security prevents unauthorized users from viewing or updating the database. Usingpasswords, users are allowed access to the entire database or subsets of it called subschemas.For example, an employee database can contain all the data about an individual employee,but one group of users may be authorized to view only payroll data, while others are allowedaccess to only work history and medical data.●If the DBMS provides a way to interactively enter and update the database, as well asinterrogate it, this capability allows for managing personal databases. However, it may notleave an audit trail of actions or provide the kinds of controls necessary in a multi-userorganization. These controls are only available when a set of application programs arecustomized for each data entry and updating function.4. A transaction mechanism, that ideally would guarantee the ACID properties, in order to ensuredata integrity, despite concurrent user accesses (concurrency control), and faults (fault tolerance).●It also maintains the integrity of the data in the database.第1页The DBMS can maintain the integrity of the database by not allowing more than one user to update the same record at the same time. The DBMS can help prevent duplicate records viaunique index constraints; for example, no two customers with the same customer numbers(key fields) can be entered into the database. See ACID properties for more information(Redundancy avoidance).The components of a DBMS:The DBMS accepts requests for data from the application program and instructs the operating system to transfer the appropriate data.When a DBMS is used, information systems can be changed much more easily as the organization's information requirements change. New categories of data can be added to the database without disruption to the existing system.Organizations may use one kind of DBMS for daily transaction processing and then move the detail onto another computer that uses another DBMS better suited for random inquiries and analysis. Overall systems design decisions are performed by data administrators and systems analysts. Detailed database design is performed by database administrators.Database servers are specially designed computers that hold the actual databases and run only the DBMS and related software. Database servers are usually multiprocessor computers, with RAID disk arrays第2页used for stable storage. Connected to one or more servers via a high-speed channel, hardware database accelerators are also used in large volume transaction processing environments.DBMS's are found at the heart of most database applications. Sometimes DBMSs are built around a private multitasking kernel with built-in networking support although nowadays these functions are left to the operating system.Features and Abilities of DBMS: One can characterize a DBMS as an "attribute management system" where attributes are small chunks of information that describe something. For example, "color" is an attribute of a car. The value of the attribute may be a color such as "red", "blue", "silver", etc. Lately databases have been modified to accept large or unstructured (pre-digested or pre-categorized) information as well, such as images and text documents. However, the main focus is still on descriptive attributes.DBMS roll together frequently-needed services or features of attribute management. This allows one to get powerful functionality "out of the box" rather than program each from scratch or add and integrate them incrementally.第3页2.WaxBase Design2.1The Thought of DesignIn general, a Database managerment system will include many components, but because of the short of peoples and time, our WaxBase will include these components:Legend:●PF: Paged File●RM: Record Management●IX: Indexing●SM: System Management (DDL, utilities)●QL: Query Language●EX: Extension第4页2.2 Project Part Introduce2.2.1 The Paged File ComponentThe paged file component is the "bottom" component of the WaxBase system. This component provides facilities for higher-level client components to perform file I/O in terms of pages. In the PF component, methods are provided to create, destroy, open, and close paged files, to scan through the pages of a given file, to read a specific page of a given file, to add and delete pages of a given file, and to obtain and release pages for scratch use.The name of each class in paged file component begins with the prefix PF. Each method in the PF component except constructors and destructors returns an integer code; the same will be true of all of the methods you will see. A return code of 0 indicates normal completion. A nonzero return code indicates that an exception condition or error has occurred. Positive nonzero return codes indicate non-error exception conditions (such as reaching the end of a file) or errors from which the system can recover or exit gracefully (such as trying to close an unopened file). Negative nonzero return codes indicate errors from which the system cannot recover.Accessing data on a page of a file requires first reading the page into a buffer pool in main memory, then manipulating (reading or writing) its data there. While a page is in memory and its data is available for manipulation, the page is said to be "pinned" in the buffer pool. A pinned page remains in the buffer pool until it is explicitly "unpinned." A client unpins a page when it is done manipulating the data on that page. Unpinning a page does not necessarily cause the page to be removed from the buffer -- an unpinned page is kept in memory as long as its space in the buffer pool is not needed.If the PF component needs to read a new page into memory and there are no free spaces left in the buffer pool, then the PF component will choose an unpinned page to remove from the buffer pool and will reuse its space. The PF component uses a Least-Recently-Used (LRU) page replacement policy. When a page is removed from the buffer pool, it is copied back to the file on disk if and only if the page is marked as "dirty." Dirty pages are not written to disk automatically until they are removed from the buffer. However, a PF client can always send an explicit request to force (i.e., write to disk) the contents of a particular page, or to force all dirty pages of a file, without removing those pages from the buffer.It is important not to leave pages pinned in memory unnecessarily. The PF component clients that you will implement can be designed so that each operation assumes none of the pages it needs are in the buffer pool: A client fetches the pages it needs, performs the appropriate actions on them, and then unpins them, even if it thinks a certain page may be needed again in the near future. (If the page is used again soon then it will probably still be in the buffer pool anyway.) The PF component does allow the same page to be pinned more than once, without unpinning it in between. In this case, the page won't actually be unpinned until the number of unpin operations matches the number of pin operations. It is very important that each time you第5页fetch and pin a page, you don't forget to unpin it when you're done. If you fail to unpin pages, the buffer pool will slowly fill up until you can no longer fetch any pages at all (at which point the PF component will return a negative code).The description of classes in the PF component is in the below: Buffer_DataThe Buffer_Data class handles the buffer pool action. We use an array of char to store the buffer. The whole number of block is 40. Meanwhile, we use a hash table to save which page saved in our buffer now. In buffer, we use a chain to implement the LRU algothrim. If the block is pined in the buffer, it will not in the chain. Every time if we want to use a block in buffer to save the page, we will use the LRU place to save the page.Int getderty (int num)This method is to get if the num block in buffer is derty.Int getfname (int num)This method is to get the filename of the num block in buffer.Int getdata (int num)This method is to get the data of the num block in buffer.Int delMRU ()This method is to delete the data of the most recently used block in buffer.第6页Int addLRU (int num)This method is to add the num block in buffer to the LRU place.Int addLRU (int num)This method is to add the num block in buffer to the MRU place.Int DelChain (int num)This method is to delete the num block in buffer from the chain.Int WriteBack (int num)This method is to write back the num block in buffer from the buffer to disk, but not delete from the buffer.Int WriteBackWithDel (int num)This method is to write back the num block in buffer from the buffer to disk, and delete from the buffer.Int addMap (string str, int num)This method is to add the map of str to num in the hash table.Int delMap (string str, int num)This method is to delete the map from the hash table.Int delMap (int num)This method is to get the map from the hash table. PF_Manager class handles the creation, deletion, opening, and closing of paged files, along with the allocation and disposal of scratch pages. Your program should create exactly one instance of this class, and all requests for PF component file management should be directed to that instance. Below, the public methods of the class declaration are shown first, followed by descriptions of the methods. The first two methods in the class declaration are the constructor and destructor methods for the class; they are not explained further. Each method except the constructor and destructor methods returns a value of type RC (for "return code" -- actually an integer). A return code of 0 indicates normal completion. A nonzero return code indicates that an exception condition or error has occurred.RC CreateFile (const char *fileName)第7页This method creates a paged file called fileName. The file should not already exist.RC DestroyFile (const char *fileName)This method destroys the paged file whose name is fileName. The file should exist.RC OpenFile (const char *fileName, PF_FileHandle &fileHandle)This method opens the paged file whose name is fileName. The file must already exist and it must have been created using the CreateFile method. If the method is successful, the fileHandle object whose address is passed as a parameter becomes a "handle" for the open file. The file handle is used to manipulate the pages of the file (see the PF_FileHandle class description below).RC CloseFile (PF_FileHandle &fileHandle)This method closes the open file instance referred to by fileHandle. The file must have been opened using the OpenFile method. All of the file's pages are flushed from the buffer pool when the file is closed. It is a (positive) error to attempt to close a file when any of its pages are still pinned in the buffer pool.RC AllocateBlock (char *&buffer)This method allocates a "scratch" memory page (block) in the buffer pool and sets buffer to point to it. The scratch page is automatically pinned in the buffer pool.RC DisposeBlock (char *buffer)This method disposes of the scratch page in the buffer pool pointed to by buffer, which must have been allocated previously by PF_Manager::AllocateBlock. Similar to pinning and unpinning, you must call PF_Manager::DisposeBlock for each buffer block obtained by calling PF_Manager::AllocateBlock; otherwise you will lose pages in the buffer pool permanently. PF_FileHandleThe PF_FileHandle class provides access to the pages of an open file. To access the pages of a file, a client first creates an instance of this class and passes it to the PF_Manager::OpenFile method described above. As before, the public methods of the class declaration are shown first, followed by descriptions of the methods. The first two methods in the class declaration are the constructor and destructor methods and are not explained further.第8页PF_FileHandle (const PF_FileHandle &fileHandle)This method is the copy constructor, called if a new file handle object is created from an existing one. When a new file handle object is created from a file handle object that refers to an open file instance, the file is not opened an additional time. Instead, both file handle objects refer to the same open file instance. It is sufficient to call PF_Manager::CloseFile with one of the file handle objects to close the file.PF_FileHandle& operator= (const PF_FileHandle &fileHandle)This method overloads the = operator when it is used to assign one file handle object to another. It is not a good idea to assign one file handle object to another if the file handle object on the left-hand side of the = already refers to an open file. As with the copy constructor, if the file handle object on the right-hand side of the = refers to an open file instance, the file is not opened an additional time. Instead, both file handle objects refer to the same open file instance, and it is sufficient to call PF_Manager::CloseFile with one of the file handle objects to close the file.RC GetFirstPage (PF_PageHandle &pageHandle)For this and the following methods, it is a (positive) error if the PF_FileHandle object for which the method is called does not refer to an open file. This method reads the first page of the file into the buffer pool in memory. If the page fetch is successful, the pageHandle object becomes a handle for the page. The page handle is used to access the page's contents (see the PF_PageHandle class description below). The page read is automatically pinned in the buffer pool and remains pinned until it is explicitly unpinned by第9页calling the UnpinPage method (below). This method returns the positive code PF_EOF if end-of-file is reached (meaning there is no first page).RC GetLastPage (PF_PageHandle &pageHandle)This method reads the last page of the file into the buffer pool in memory. If the page fetch is successful, the pageHandle object becomes a handle for the page. The page read is automatically pinned in the buffer pool and remains pinned until it is explicitly unpinned by calling the UnpinPage method (below). This method returns the positive code PF_EOF if end-of-file is reached (meaning there is no last page).RC GetNextPage (PageNum current, PF_PageHandle &pageHandle)This method reads into memory the next valid page after the page whose number is current. If the page fetch is successful, pageHandle becomes a handle for the page. The page read is pinned in the buffer pool until it is unpinned by calling the UnpinPage method. This method returns PF_EOF if end-of-file is reached (meaning there is no next page). Note that it is not an error if current does not correspond to a valid page (e.g., if the page numbered current has been disposed of).RC GetPreviousPage (PageNum current, PF_PageHandle &pageHandle)This method reads into memory the valid page previous to the page whose number is current. If the page fetch is successful, pageHandle becomes a handle for the page. The page read is pinned in the buffer pool until it is unpinned by calling the UnpinPage method. This method returns PF_EOF if end-of-file is reached (meaning there is no previous page). Note that it is not an error if current does not correspond to a valid page (e.g., if the page numbered current has been disposed of).RC GetThisPage (PageNum pageNum, PF_PageHandle &pageHandle)This method reads into memory the page specified by pageNum. If the page fetch is successful, pageHandle becomes a handle for the page. Parameter pageNum must be a valid page number. As usual, the page read is pinned in the buffer pool until it is explicitly unpinned.RC AllocatePage (PF_PageHandle &pageHandle)This method allocates a new page in the file, reads the new page into memory, and pins the new page in the buffer pool. If successful, pageHandle becomes a handle for the new page.RC DisposePage (PageNum pageNum)This method disposes of the page specified by pageNum. After this method is executed, if you scan over the pages of the file, the page numbered pageNum will no longer appear. It is a (positive) error to attempt to dispose of a page that is pinned in the buffer pool.RC MarkDirty (PageNum pageNum)This method marks the page specified by pageNum as "dirty," indicating that the contents of the page have been or will be modified. The page must be pinned in the buffer pool. A page marked as dirty is written back to disk when the page is removed from the buffer pool. (Pages not marked as dirty are never written back to disk.)RC UnpinPage (PageNum pageNum)第10页This method tells the PF component that the page specified by pageNum is no longer needed in memory.RC ForcePages (PageNum pageNum = ALL_PAGES)This method copies the contents of the page specified by pageNum from the buffer pool to disk if the page is in the buffer pool and is marked as dirty. The page remains in the buffer pool but is no longer marked as dirty. If no specific page number is provided (i.e., pageNum = ALL_PAGES), then all dirty pages of this file that are in the buffer pool are copied to disk and are no longer marked as dirty. Note that page contents are copied to disk whether or not a page is pinned. PF_PageHandleThe PF_PageHandle class provides access to the contents of a given page. To access the contents of a page, a client first creates an instance of this class and passes it to one of the PF_FileHandle methods described above.PF_PageHandle (const PF_PageHandle &pageHandle)This method is the copy constructor. When a new page handle object is created from a page handle object that refers to a pinned page in the buffer pool, the page is not pinned a second time.PF_PageHandle& operator= (const PF_PageHandle &pageHandle)This method overloads the = operator when it is used to assign one page handle object to another. As with the copy constructor, if the page handle object on the right-hand side of the = refers to a pinned page, the page is not pinned a second time.RC GetData (char *&pData) constThis method provides access to the actual contents of a page. The PF_PageHandle object for which this method is called must refer to a page that is pinned in the buffer pool. If the method is successful, pData is set to point to the contents of the page in the buffer pool.RC GetPageNum (PageNum &pageNum) const第11页This method sets pageNum to the number of the page referred to by the PF_PageHandle object for which this method is called. The page handle object must refer to a page that is pinned in the buffer pool.第12页2.2.2 The Record Management ComponentThe RM component provides classes and methods for managing files of unordered records. All class names, return codes, constants, etc. in this component should begin with the prefix RM. The RM component is a client to the PF component: RM methods will make calls to the PF methods we have provided. RM_ManagerThe RM_Manager class handles the creation, deletion, opening, and closing of files of records in the RM component.RC CreateFile (const char *fileName, int recordSize)This method will call PF_Manager::CreateFile to create a paged file called fileName. The records in this file will all have size recordSize. This method will initialize the file by storing appropriate information in the header page. Although recordSize will usually be much smaller than the size of a page, you should compare recordSize with PF_PAGE_SIZE and return a nonzero code if recordSize is too large for your RM component to handle.RC DestroyFile (const char *fileName)This method should destroy the file whose name is fileName by calling PF_Manager::DestroyFile.RC OpenFile (const char *fileName, RM_FileHandle &fileHandle)This method should open the file called fileName by calling PF_Manager::OpenFile. If the method is successful, the fileHandle object should become a "handle" for the open RM component file. As in the PF component, it should not be an error if a client opens the same RM file more than once, using a different fileHandle object each time. Each call to the OpenFile method should create a new instance of the open file. You may assume if a file has more than one opened instance then each instance of the open file may be read but will not be modified. If a file is modified while opened more than once, you need not guarantee the integrity of the file or the RM component. You may also assume that DestroyFile will never be called on an open file.RC CloseFile (RM_FileHandle &fileHandle)This method should close the open file instance referred to by fileHandle by calling PF_Manager:: CloseFile.第13页2.2.2.2 RM_FileHandleThe RM_FileHandle class is used to manipulate the records in an open RM component file. To manipulate the records in a file, a client first creates an instance of this class and passes it to the RM_Manager::OpenFile method described above. Descriptions of the constructor and destructor methods are not included for this class.RC GetRec (RID &rid, RM_Record &rec)For this and the following methods, it should be a (positive) error if the RM_FileHandle object for which the method is called does not refer to an open file. This method should retrieve the record with identifier rid from the file. It should be a (positive) error if rid does not identify an existing record in the file. If the method succeeds, rec should contain a copy of the specified record along with its record identifier (see the RM_Record class description below).RC InsertRec (char *pData, RID &rid)This method should insert the data pointed to by pData as a new record in the file. If successful, the return parameter &rid should point to the record identifier of the newly inserted record.RC DeleteRec (RID &rid)This method should delete the record with identifier rid from the file. If the page containing the record becomes empty after the deletion, you can choose either to dispose of the page (by calling PF_Manager::DisposePage) or keep the page in the file for use in the future, whichever you feel will be more efficient and/or convenient.RC UpdateRec (RM_Record &rec)This method should update the contents of the record in the file that is associated with rec (see the RM_Record class description below). This method should replace the existing contents of the record in the file with the current contents of rec.第14页RC ForcePages (PageNum pageNum = ALL_PAGES) constThis method should call the corresponding method PF_FileHandle::ForcePages in order to copy the contents of one or all dirty pages of the file from the buffer pool to disk. RM_FileScanThe RM_FileScan class provides clients the capability to perform scans over the records of an RM component file, where a scan may be based on a specified condition. As usual, the constructor and destructor methods are not described.RC OpenScan (const RM_FileHandle &fileHandle, AttrType attrType, int attrLength, int attrOffset, CompOp compOp, void *value, ClientHint pinHint = NO_HINT)This method should initialize a scan over the records in the open file referred to by parameter fileHandle. During the scan, only those records whose specified attribute satisfies the specified condition (a comparison with a value) should be retrieved. If value is a null pointer, then there is no condition and all records are retrieved during the scan. If value is not a null pointer, then value points to the value that attributes are to be compared with.Parameters attrType and attrLength indicate the type and length of the attribute being compared: either a 4-byte integer, a 4-byte floating point number, or a character string with a length between 1 and MAXSTRINGLEN bytes. (MAXSTRINGLEN = 255 is defined in waxbase.h.) Type AttrType is defined in第15页waxbase.h as follows: INT for integer, FLOAT for floating point number, and STRING for character string. You will need to cast the value into the appropriate type for the attribute (or, in the case of an integer or float, copy it into a separate variable to avoid alignment problems). If a character string has length n, then the attribute and the value will each be exactly n bytes long. They will not be <= n bytes, i.e., no "padding" is required, and they are not null-terminated. Parameter attrOffset indicates where the attribute is found within the contents of each record. Parameter compOp indicates the way that the record's attribute value should be compared with the value parameter. The different values for compOp are defined in waxbase.h as follows:file scan can suggest a specific page-pinning strategy for the RM component to use during the file scan, to achieve maximum efficiency. Type ClientHint is defined in waxbase.h, and you will need to define constants in addition to NO_HINT if you plan to use it. You are free to implement only one page-pinning strategy and ignore the pinHint parameter, or you may implement more than one strategy based on pinHint values now, or you may implement one strategy now and consider adding new strategies later when you implement clients of the RM component. Please note that using pinHint is optional, and only default value NO_HINT will be passed to OpenScan in the TA's test suite.RC GetNextRec (RM_Record &rec)This method should retrieve a copy of the next record in the file scan that satisfies the scan condition. If this method succeeds, rec should contain a copy of the record along with its record identifier. This method should return RM_EOF (which you should define) if there are no records left satisfying the scan condition. You may assume that RM component clients will not close the corresponding open file instance while a scan is underway.RC CloseScan ()This method should terminate the file scan.第16页。
数据库课程设计·学生成绩管理系统一﹑系统定义......................................二﹑需求分析......................................(一)系统综合需求(二)功能需求(三)数据需求1.数据流图:2.数据字典三﹑系统设计......................................(一)逻辑结构设计(二)概念结构设计E-R图:四﹑详细设计.......................................(一)开发平台及工具(二)数据库分析五﹑源程序清单..................................... 六﹑设计心得.......................................一﹑系统定义:随着学校向全国及至世界范围的持续扩张,学生人数的增加,对于学生的信息管理也越来越复杂,要求也越来越高,因此需要一个全面、详细的信息管理系统,以便完成对学生信息的管理。
数据库实验报告(实验六)(合集五篇)第一篇:数据库实验报告(实验六)实验六SQL语言数据查询语言DQL一、实验内容了解SQL语言的SELECT语句对数据的查询,学会在Navicat for MySQL中用SELECT语句对表中的数据进行简单查询、连接查询、嵌套查询和组合查询。
启动Navicat for MySQL,用SELECT语句进行简单查询操作,具体实验步骤如下:(实验步骤里的内容)1启动Navicat for MySQL,登录到本地数据库服务器后,连接到test数据库上。
用Create Table建立Student表、Course表和Choose表:2.用INSERT语句分别向Student表中插入3个元组、Course表中插入3个元组、Choose表中插入7个元组:3.用SELECT语句,查询计算机学院学生的学号和姓名。
当时感觉SQL Sever数据库管理既然是单独一门课程一定会讲的比较细,也能学到真正实用的内容。
学习完SQL Sever数据库后感觉可分两大块,一块是开发,一块是管理。
开发还需要有较强的逻辑思维和创造能力,自己没有真正做过,但感觉应该会比较辛苦,是青春饭;管理则需要对SQL Sever 数据库的原理有深刻的认识,有全局操纵的能力和紧密的思维,责任较大,因为一个小的失误就会弄掉整个数据库,相对前者来说,后者更看重经验。
二、实习内容与过程1. 实习平台与工具本次实习使用的数据库为MySQL,页面及朱语句为Java,开发工具为Eclipse。
2. 实习内容(1)数据库设计:根据需求分析,设计教务管理系统的数据库表结构,包括教师、学生、班级、系、课程等实体。
三、实习成果与收获1. 掌握了MySQL数据库的基本操作,包括创建数据库、表、插入数据、查询数据等。
2. 学会了使用Java编写数据库操作代码,实现了对数据库的增删改查操作。
3. 熟悉了教务管理系统的数据库设计,了解了各实体之间的关系。
4. 提高了运用数据库技术解决实际问题的能力,培养了团队协作和编程调试能力。
5. 深入理解了数据库理论知识的实际应用,为今后从事数据库相关领域的工作奠定了基础。
第1篇实验名称:数据库设计与实现实验日期:2023年4月15日实验班级:计算机科学与技术专业1班实验学号:12345678一、实验目的1. 理解数据库设计的基本原理和方法。
2. 掌握数据库概念结构、逻辑结构和物理结构的设计。
3. 学会使用数据库设计工具进行数据库设计。
4. 能够使用SQL语句进行数据库的创建、查询、更新和删除等操作。
二、实验内容1. 数据库概念结构设计- 分析需求,确定实体和实体间的关系。
- 设计E-R图,表示实体、属性和关系。
2. 数据库逻辑结构设计- 将E-R图转换为关系模式。
- 设计关系模式,确定主键、外键等约束。
3. 数据库物理结构设计- 选择合适的数据库管理系统(DBMS)。
- 设计数据库表结构,包括字段类型、长度、索引等。
- 设计存储策略,如数据文件、索引文件等。
4. 数据库实现- 使用DBMS创建数据库。
- 创建表,输入数据。
- 使用SQL语句进行查询、更新和删除等操作。
三、实验步骤1. 数据库概念结构设计- 分析需求,确定实体和实体间的关系。
- 设计E-R图,表示实体、属性和关系。
2. 数据库逻辑结构设计- 将E-R图转换为关系模式。
- 设计关系模式,确定主键、外键等约束。
3. 数据库物理结构设计- 选择合适的数据库管理系统(DBMS)。
- 设计数据库表结构,包括字段类型、长度、索引等。
- 设计存储策略,如数据文件、索引文件等。
4. 数据库实现- 使用DBMS创建数据库。
- 创建表,输入数据。
- 使用SQL语句进行查询、更新和删除等操作。
四、实验结果与分析1. 数据库概念结构设计- 实体:学生、课程、教师、成绩。
- 关系:学生与课程之间有选课关系,教师与课程之间有授课关系。
2. 数据库逻辑结构设计- 学生表(学号,姓名,性别,年龄,班级号)。
- 课程表(课程号,课程名,学分,教师号)。
- 教师表(教师号,姓名,性别,年龄,职称)。
- 成绩表(学号,课程号,成绩)。
二、实验环境1. 操作系统:Windows 102. 数据库管理系统:MySQL 5.73. 开发工具:MySQL Workbench三、实验内容1. 数据库的创建与删除2. 表的设计与数据类型3. 数据的插入、查询、修改和删除4. 索引与视图的应用四、实验步骤1. 数据库的创建与删除(1)创建数据库```sqlCREATE DATABASE db_student;```(2)删除数据库```sqlDROP DATABASE db_student;```2. 表的设计与数据类型(1)创建学生表```sqlCREATE TABLE student (id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(50),age INT,gender ENUM('男', '女'),class VARCHAR(50));```(2)创建课程表```sqlCREATE TABLE course (id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(50),credit INT);```3. 数据的插入、查询、修改和删除(1)插入数据```sqlINSERT INTO student (name, age, gender, class) VALUES ('张三', 20, '男', '计算机科学与技术');INSERT INTO course (name, credit) VALUES ('高等数学', 4);```(2)查询数据```sql-- 查询所有学生信息SELECT FROM student;-- 查询年龄大于20岁的学生信息SELECT FROM student WHERE age > 20;-- 查询课程名称为“高等数学”的课程信息SELECT FROM course WHERE name = '高等数学';```(3)修改数据```sql-- 修改学生张三的年龄为21岁UPDATE student SET age = 21 WHERE name = '张三';-- 修改课程“高等数学”的学分UPDATE course SET credit = 5 WHERE name = '高等数学';```(4)删除数据```sql-- 删除学生张三的信息DELETE FROM student WHERE name = '张三';-- 删除课程“高等数学”的信息DELETE FROM course WHERE name = '高等数学'; ```4. 索引与视图的应用(1)创建索引```sql-- 创建学生表id字段的索引CREATE INDEX idx_student_id ON student(id); -- 创建课程表name字段的索引CREATE INDEX idx_course_name ON course(name); ```(2)创建视图```sql-- 创建包含学生姓名和课程名称的视图CREATE VIEW student_course_view ASSELECT , FROM studentJOIN course ON student.class = course.id;```(3)查询视图数据```sql-- 查询视图中的数据SELECT FROM student_course_view;```五、实验总结通过本次实验,我深入了解了数据库的基本操作,掌握了SQL语言的运用。
目录一、概述 (2)二、需求分析 (3)三、数据库设计 (5)四、数据库测试 (9)五、课设心得 (20)六、附录:数据库建立语句 (21)第一章:概述1.1 项目背景现在社会是信息技术高速发展的社会,网络在人们生活和交际中的应用越来越广泛。
数据库课程设计实验报告一、实验目的》熟练掌握、加深理解并巩固《数据库原理》课程中所学到的基本概念、基本原理和基本技术》综合利用所学到的关于数据库系统的一般原理和技术,以及其他课程的有关知识,来设计、实现一个以数据库为核心的应用软件系统》培养分析问题、解决问题的能力,进一步提高进行大型程序设计的能力二、实验环境➢操作系统:Windows XP》开发语言:Java➢开发工具:Eclipse JDK➢使用到的其他工具:SWT Designer、javaCup、jLex三、SQL 编译1. 词法分析一般关键字:ALL、AND、ANY、AS、ASC、BY、CREATE、DELETE、DESC、ESCAPE、FROM、INSERT、INTO、KEY、LIKE、NOT、NULL、OR、ORDER、PRIMARY、SELECT、TABLE、VALUES、WHERE、UPDATE、SET、INDEX、VIEW、ON、DROP、ALTER、ADD数据类型关键字:INT、FLOAT、STRING、BOOLEAN操作符号:’>’、’<’、’=’、’>=’、’<=’、’<>’、’(’、’)’、’*’、’.’、’,’变量名(正则表达式):[a-zA-Z]([0-9a-zA-Z]|_)*数据常量(正则表达式):’true’、’false’、[0-9]+、{[0-9]}*"."{[0-9]}*采用jLex 自动生成词法分析器。
2. 语法分析(正规表达式)SQL 语句:sql ::= create|select|insert|delete|update|drop|alter;CREATE 语句:create ::= CREATE TABLE NAME LPAR create_element_commalist RPAR |CREATE INDEX ON NAME LPAR NAME RPAR|CREATE VIEW NAME AS select;create_element_commalist ::= create_element|create_element_commalist COMMA create_element;create_element ::= NAME data_type PRIMARY KEY|NAME data_type;data_type ::= INT|FLOAT|STRING|BOOLEAN;CREATE 语句示例:CREATE TABLE table( Id INT PRIMARYKEY, Name STRING,isMale BOOLEAN,Height FLOAT)CREATE INDEX ON table(Name)CREATE VIEW tableView ASSELECT * FROM tableSELECT 语句:select ::= SELECT MULTI from where|SELECT select_list from where;select_list ::= s_attribute|select_list COMMA s_attribute;s_attribute ::= column_name|column_name AS NAME;column_name ::= NAME|NAME DOT NAME;FROM 子句:from ::= FROM from_list;from_list ::= f_attribute|from_list COMMA f_attribute;f_attribute ::= NAME|NAME NAME;WHERE 子句:where ::= orderby|WHERE search_condition orderby;search_condition ::= predicate|search_condition OR search_condition|search_condition AND search_condition |NOT search_condition|LPAR search_condition RPAR;predicate ::= comparison_predicate|like_predicate;comparison_predicate ::= op EQ op|op DY op|op XY op|op NE op|op XD op|op DD op;like_predicate ::= column_name LIKE CONTENT|column_name LIKE CONTENT ESCAPE CONTENT;op ::= column_name|ANY NAME|ALL NAME|CONTENT|INTNUM|FLOATNUM|BOOLDATA|NULL;orderby ::=|ORDER BY column_name|ORDER BY column_name ASC|ORDER BY column_name DESC;SELECT 语句示例:SELECT * FROM table WHERE Name=’koh’ OR Height>1.70INSERT 语句:insert ::= INSERT INTO NAME VALUES LPAR i_values RPAR|INSERT INTO NAME LPAR i_columns RPAR VALUES LPAR i_values RPAR ;i_values ::= i_value|i_values COMMA i_value;i_value ::= CONTENT|INTNUM|FLOATNUM|BOOLDATA;i_columns ::= NAME|i_columns COMMA NAME;INSERT 语句示例:INSERT INTO table VALUES(0,’koh’,true,1.76)INSERT INTO table(Id,Name,isMale,Height) VALUES(0,’koh’,true,1.76)UPDATE 语句:update ::= UPDATE NAME SET new_values WHERE search_condition;new_values ::= new_value|new_values COMMA new_value;new_value ::= NAME EQ CONTENT|NAME EQ INTNUM|NAME EQ FLOATNUM|NAME EQ BOOLDATA;UPDATE 语句示例:UPDATE table SET Height=1.80 WHERE Name=’koh’DELETE 语句:delete ::= DELETE FROM NAME WHERE search_condition;DELETE 语句示例:DELETE FROM table WHERE Name=’koh’DROP 语句:drop ::= DROP TABLE NAME|DROP INDEX NAME|DROP VIEW NAME;DROP 语句示例:DROP TABLE tableDROP INDEX tableIndexDROP VIEW tableViewALTER 语句:alter ::= ALTER TABLE NAME ADD NAME data_type|ALTER TABLE NAME DROP NAME;ALTER 语句示例:ALTER TABLE table ADD Age INTALTER TABLE table DROP Age3. 抽象语法树当SQL 语句经过了词法分析和语法分析后,将SQL 语句转化成一个数据库底层可以认识的抽象语法树。
数据库课程设计的报告一、课程目标知识目标:1. 理解数据库的基本概念,掌握数据库系统的组成和功能。
2. 学会使用SQL语言进行数据库的基本操作,如创建、查询、更新和删除数据。
3. 掌握数据库设计的基本原则和步骤,能独立完成小型数据库的设计与实现。
技能目标:1. 能够运用所学知识,使用数据库管理系统(DBMS)进行数据的有效存储和管理。
2. 培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,使其在遇到实际问题时,能够运用数据库知识提出解决方案。
3. 提高学生的团队协作能力,通过分组讨论、协作完成数据库课程设计。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 培养学生对数据库技术的兴趣和热情,激发其主动学习的动力。
2. 培养学生严谨、务实的科学态度,使其认识到数据库在信息时代的重要性。
3. 引导学生关注数据库技术的最新发展,提高其适应社会发展的能力。
二、教学内容1. 数据库基本概念:数据库、数据库管理系统、数据模型、关系模型等。
教材章节:第一章 数据库概述2. 数据库设计:实体-关系模型、E-R图、关系数据库设计、范式理论等。
教材章节:第二章 数据库设计基础3. SQL语言:基本命令、数据查询、数据更新、数据定义、数据控制等。
教材章节:第三章 SQL语言4. 数据库管理系统:DBMS的功能、分类、系统架构、事务管理、并发控制等。
教材章节:第四章 数据库管理系统5. 数据库应用案例:案例分析、数据库设计实现、应用开发等。
教材章节:第五章 数据库应用案例教学内容安排和进度:第一周:数据库基本概念第二周:数据库设计基础第三周:SQL语言第四周:数据库管理系统第五周:数据库应用案例及课程设计教学内容根据课程目标进行选择和组织,确保科学性和系统性。
当时感觉SQL Sever数据库管理既然是单独一门课程一定会讲的比较细,也能学到真正实用的内容。
学习完SQL Sever数据库后感觉可分两大块,一块是开发,一块是管理。
开发还需要有较强的逻辑思维和创造能力,自己没有真正做过,但感觉应该会比较辛苦,是青春饭;管理则需要对SQL Sever数据库的原理有深刻的认识,有全局操纵的能力和紧密的思维,责任较大,因为一个小的失误就会弄掉整个数据库,相对前者来说,后者更看重经验。
数据库课程设计实验报告目录1. 实验介绍 (2)1.1 实验背景 (3)1.2 实验目的 (4)1.3 实验内容 (5)1.4 系统总体设计 (5)2. 系统架构设计 (6)2.1 数据模型设计 (8)2.1.1 数据表设计 (9)2.1.2 关系模型 (10)2.1.3 实体关系图 (11)2.2 数据库设计 (12)2.2.1 数据库方案选择 (13)2.2.2 数据类型及约束 (14)2.2.3 索引设计 (16)2.3 系统界面设计 (16)3. 系统实现 (18)3.1 代码实现分析 (20)3.2 功能模块开发 (21)3.2.1 数据访问层 (22)3.2.2 业务逻辑层 (24)3.2.3 用户界面层 (25)3.3 系统运行环境 (26)4. 实验结果与分析 (27)4.1 系统运行效果 (28)4.2 实验数据分析 (30)4.3 系统性能测试 (31)4.4 各模块功能测试结果 (33)5. 总结与展望 (34)5.1 实验总结 (34)5.2 改进建议 (35)5.3 未来展望 (36)6. 文献参考 (38)1. 实验介绍本实验旨在通过设计一个具体的数据库系统来加深学生对数据库设计、管理系统操作、以及数据处理的理解。
具体目标包括:1. 了解数据库设计的基本原理和方法;2. 掌握数据库应用系统的设计和实现方法;3. 学习使用数据库管理系统(DBMS)进行数据库操作;4. 实践使用SQL语言进行数据库查询和数据处理;5. 培养软件工程和团队协作能力。
二、实验内容1. 需求分析:通过与用户的交流与了解,明确数据库应用系统的功能需求和性能要求,并进行需求分析和模型建立。
2. 数据库设计:根据需求分析的结果,设计数据库的逻辑结构和物理结构,包括数据模型的选择、实体-关系模型的设计、表的设计和各种约束关系的定义。
3. DBMS的选择与安装:根据数据库设计的需求和性能要求,选择合适的数据库管理系统,并进行安装和配置。
4. 数据的导入与导出:将实验所需的数据导入到数据库中,并进行数据的备份和恢复。
5. 数据库查询和操作:通过SQL语言进行数据库的查询、插入、更新和删除操作,包括单表查询、多表查询、排序和分组等操作。
6. 应用系统的设计与实现:根据数据库设计的结构,设计应用系统的界面和交互逻辑,并进行编码和测试。
7. 性能优化:通过索引的设计和优化、查询的优化和分析,提高数据库应用系统的性能和效率。
8. 安全与权限管理:设计并实现数据库的用户权限管理和数据安全机制,保护数据库的安全性和完整性。
三、实验步骤1. 根据实际情况选择合适的数据库应用系统主题,并进行需求分析和模型建立。
2. 根据需求分析的结果,设计数据库的逻辑结构和物理结构,包括数据模型的选择、实体-关系模型的设计、表的设计和各种约束关系的定义。
3. 根据数据库设计的需求和性能要求,选择合适的数据库管理系统,并进行安装和配置。
4. 将实验所需的数据导入到数据库中,并进行数据的备份和恢复。
5. 使用SQL语言进行数据库的查询、插入、更新和删除操作,包括单表查询、多表查询、排序和分组等操作。
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随着数据库的不断运行,记录也会随之不停改变,使得数据库的物理存ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ情况变坏,降低了数据的存取效率,使数据库性能下降,因此要不断地重新安排存储位置,回收垃圾等操作,以此提高系统性能。