黄果树瀑布 英语介绍
黄果树瀑布 英语介绍
10东导游1班 范琳琳
tour map
huangguoshu waterfalls Tour line
first:the giant Huangguoshu
second:Star Huangguoshu
scenic area
1.the giant Huangguoshu waterfall.
2.Water Curtain Cave
每当雨季,洞顶洞壁上的雨水一齐涌出,恰似珠帘掩门,故得名水帘洞。夏季人们 可钻到水帘洞内,也可爬到瀑布漫流的钙华滩地上嬉戏,其乐无穷。
3.Four waterfall
落差高达410 米的滴水滩瀑布
瀑面宽达110 米的陡坡塘瀑布
3.Four wat布
huangguoshu waterfalls Tour line
first:the giant Huangguoshu
second:Star Huangguoshu
scenic area
Star Huangguoshu scenic area
2.Water Curtain Cave
3.Four waterfall
黄果树瀑布高77.8米,宽101.0米,被大世界吉尼斯总部评为世 界上最大的瀑布群。
黄果树瀑布是中国最大的瀑布,是世界上第三大瀑布。他 是世界上唯一可以从上、下、前、后、左、右六个方位 观赏的瀑布。
我们对西游记是不陌生的,并且在西游记中 的水帘洞是在这里拍摄的。
2.Water stone forest area
石林间长着大片的仙人掌和小灌木,银链坠潭瀑布和星峡飞瀑也分别处在水 上石林的左右二侧。
黄果树瀑布英语导游词一:Ladies, gentlemen:Today we are going to tour the scenic spot is the yellow fruit treewaterfall. The yellow fruit tree waterfall is China first in thewaterfall, also is in the world one of in admiration of somebody'sfame big waterfalls. In November, 1982, examined and appr oved afterthe People's Republic of China State Council, the yellow fruit treewaterfall has been listed as the national key scenery scenic spotarea.The yellow fruit tree waterfall is apart from the provincial capitalGuiyang 137 kilometers, is located west Guizhou Province townNinghsien and Guanling county bordering on place hits the nation riverbranch the clear water river bank. Rides in a carriage from Guiyang tothe yellow fruit tree, approximately needs about for a half hour thetime.The yellow fruit tree big waterfall already arrived, you looked, thiswas already the known far and wide Chinese first big waterfall.The yellow fruit tree waterfall height 68 meters, in the waterfall thewaterfall 6 meters, AlwaysHigh 74 meters, the width 81 meters, the summerfall flood rises suddenly in addition, waterfall like Yellow River butactually leans, the cliff trembles, valley BangThunder, about ten miles,also can hear to its roaring; As a result of the fluent formidableimpulse, the mist which splashes may fill the air above severalhundred meters, causes to be situated the border and the downtownwhich the cliff goesagainst left side of the waterfall frequently themist which splashes is covered. The tourist says it "the silver rainto sprinkle the golden street". The winter the water is spring small,the waterfall then divides into 35 to go against from the shorehangs down, looks by far, that pure white Shui Lianpiao however under,raises sprinkles, if silk fabrics dances in the breeze, if theimmortal flutters lifts, like virtuous young woman gauze…… . For several hundred years, the yellow fruit tree waterfall grandappearance continuously exclaimed in surprise for many writersscholars. The Qing Dynasty Guizhou renowned calligrapher, "SummerPalace" three characters topic volume Yan Yinliang in "looks theantithetical couplet which the pavilion on the water" the topicwrites: "The clear water like cotton and kapok, does not need the bowto bow cotton wool self-scattering. The sunset glow resembles thebrocade, He Xusuo weaves the day production ", was the image butvividly summarized the yellow fruit tree waterfall grand scenery.Now, we arrived the waterfall dropping place —— rhinoceros deep pool.Under water this deep pool because the fable bright rhinoceros hidesacquires fame. Has the god rhinoceros, nobody has seen, but the deeppool water mystical is profound, until now still, any person settlesdown nearby the deep pool, can RecollectionsAssociationFlies fast. The drizzle which whenthe cloudless day morning 10 now and then about 4 PM, as a result ofthe sunlight refraction, you also may penetrate waterfall impactsplash, saw raise the seven colors of the spectrum rainbow from thedeep deep pool, cause your fresh grand appearance to be unparalleled,feeling of the gorgeous illustrious day.Why does this waterfall give a name is called the yellow fruit treewaterfall, what waterfalls but isn't called other other?According tothe folklore, is because nearby the waterfall on has big Huang Jueshu,according to the local voice, and "the fruit" the pronunciationis same, therefore the people on the custom called it yellow fruittree, this is one view. Also some one view, nearby the fable very longbefore waterfall farmers all liked planting the yellow fruit, nearbythe waterfall on have a big yellow orchard, therefore on called thiswaterfall it the yellow fruit tree waterfall.Other famous big waterfalls compare with the world in, the yellowfruit tree big waterfall although does not have the African Victoriabig waterfall, a North America Nepal Asia carat big waterfall, theVenezuelan Anheer big waterfall like that broad, profound and isgrand, but, the yellow fruit tree big waterfall is innate it unusuallyplace, it is in the world occupies the karst area in the waterfall,also is the magnificent waterfall. This big waterfall on the pictureis together the strange magnet, in its ground, underground, aquatic,in the water also is adsorbing a succession of abundant posturegraceful view. Most mysterious, is hides in the big waterfall halfwaycliff porch cavern, because outside hole CaneRadish ClimbsAttaches, Shui Guazhucurtain, therefore says "Shui Liandong". This is in the world otherbig waterfall no unusual landscapes.Ladies, gentlemen, "Shui Liandong" already arrived, this Shui Liandongthe span 134 meters, it by 6 holes windows, 3 stocks vauclusian springand 6 channels is composed. According to the Chinese myth storyreorganization large-scale TV serial "Monkey" center Shui Liandong aplay, is here photographs.This is the first hole window, its position lowest, to rhinoceros deeppool water surface only 40 meters, but hole window then is mostspacious, some several meters widths, position when first, twowaterfalls, big water two waterfalls Cheng Shuilian,completely sealsup the hole window; The water hour then the grading pulls open, isdifferent, pities the picture to be allowed at will OpensGathers the windowblind from several meters to several meters.This is the second hole window, it leaves about the first hole windowonly 4 meters. This is a quiet world, is known as the crystal palace.It is Shui Liandong heart is partial, length 11 meters, height 9meters, width 3 meters. The roadside has a water seepage, limpid isbright, the water elder maintains at a water level. The hole goesagainst is being hanging many ClockBreastStone, ClockBreastStone on also has theprecious curl stone in Mai Ganzhuang. On the hole wall also is hanginginnumerable Shi Man, the stone curtain.This is the ThreeHole window, it to OutsideSuddenly, likes the balcony very much.This hole window has 1 meter high, 3 meter long, outside encircles hasthe guard rail, the tourist stands behind the guard rail may put out ahand to trace the waterfall, therefore the people here called it"traces waterfall".Ladies, gentlemen, now we must tour the landscape is the rhinocerosdeep pool canyon landscape. You looked that, from the rhinoceros waistdownward, is together connected falls together the water, is in turnrhinoceros deep pool, three beaches, horse's hoof beach, oil fish welland so on. In this a succession of beach deep pool, is the headnaturally is the rhinoceros deep pool, its deep 17.7 meters,frequently for splash the bead cover, the fog bead submerge. So longas has the sunlight, the waterfall splashes on the bead frequently tohang seven colors riotous rainbows, moves along with the person,unpredictable.Why can the yellow fruit tree waterfall like this? This is because theyellow fruit tree waterfall is situated at the karst area,is createsby the fluent corrosive nature. Upstream when traces to the source thecorrosion CrackSpot arrives, the river water along the karst crevassewashes out, DissolvesEclipse, flushes the eclipse, the abrasion, the pipelinegradually expands, forms does not fall the hole and the buried river;After the surface river pours into falls the water-dunnel the watervolume proportion gradually to increase, has formed the karst areaunique RaidsSeizes, pours into in the open jet falls the water-dunnelplace, forms falls the water-dunnel type waterfall. Flushes theeclipse and the strategy avalanche function along with the current ofwater unceasingly intensifies, the underground river cavern is moreand more big, thereupon DryValley grew along the surface has had thestring distribution the shaft and the roof louvre window, theyunceasingly expanded, the combination, broke down collapses, hascreated the nowadays grand magnificent sight yellow fruit tree bigwaterfall and the waterfall downriver sincere precipitous canyon.I hoped you lift your photographic camera, pats down the yellow fruittree waterfall, keeps in your memory, propagandizes for more people,because, the yellow fruit tree waterfall is China, simultaneously alsobelongs to the world.相关阅读:黄果树瀑布,即黄果树大瀑布。
黄果树瀑布英文导游词 1The largest waterfall in China and one of the siX most beautiful waterfalls in China.Located on the Baishui River in Ningbuyi and Miao Autonomous County, Anshun City, Guizhou Province.The surrounding karst is widespread, the river is wide and the water is rapid, the mountains are stacked, and the momentum is majestic.It has always been the main channel connecting Yunnan and Guizhou.The eXisting Dianqian Highway passes through.When the Baishui River flows through the local riverbed, it falls into a nine-level waterfall, of which Huangguoshu is the largest.The waterfall is 30 meters wide (up to 40 meters in summer), the drop is 66 meters, and the flow rate is more than 2,000 cubic meters per second.It is famous for its vast water and one of the worlds famous waterfalls.The waterfall viewing pavilion is built opposite the waterfall.Visitors can watch the surging river rushing out ofthe rhino pond.The water droplets rise more than 90 meters high,forming a water curtain nearby, where the summer is over and the summer heat disappears.There is a hole in the cliff behind the waterfall, called "Water Curtain Cave".The cave is more than 20 meters deep.The entrance of the cave is covered by the waterfall all the year round.You can see the beauty of the natural water curtain through the window in the cave.It is named after a common local plant "Yellow Fruit Tree".It is famous for its magnificent and big waterfalls, and a series of waterfalls that are densely covered at home and abroad.It is very magnificent.And enjoy the reputation of "Chinas first waterfall".Huangguoshu Scenic Area is located 45 kilometers southwest of Anshun City, the tourist center of the west line of Guizhou, within the territory of Zhenning Buyi and Miao Autonomous County, and 150 kilometers northeast of Guiyang City,the capital of Guizhou.There are the Yunnan-Guizhou Railway, Zhuliu Double Railway, Huangguoshu Airport, 320 National Road, and Gui ( The high-grade highways of Yang (Yang)and Huang (Guo Shu)run through the whole territory,and the newly-built Qing (town)Huang (Guo Shu)eXpressway leads directly to the scenic area.The scenic spot is centered on Huangguoshu Waterfall, with waterfalls,karst caves and underground lakes as the main body.The famous Huangguoshu Waterfall is the first scenic spot in Guizhou, the largest waterfall in China, and one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world.The Huangguoshu Waterfall (77.8 meters high and 101.0 meters wide)was used as the center in the scenic area.The actual height of Huangguoshu Waterfall, the largest waterfall in Asia, was 77.8 meters.The main waterfall is 67 meters high; the waterfall is 101 meters wide, of which the top of the main waterfall is 83.3 meters wide.There are 18 waterfalls of different sizes in the styles of male, strange, dangerous, and show, forming a huge "family" of waterfalls.It is rated as the largest waterfall group in the world by the Guinness Headquarters of Big World and is included in the Guinness Book of Records.Huangguoshu Waterfall is the most spectacular waterfall in Huangguoshu Waterfall Group.It is the only waterfall in the world that can be viewed from the siX directions of up, down,front, back, left, and right.Waterfall inside and outside listening, watching, touching.Xu Xike, a great traveler in the Ming Dynasty, surveyed the Great Falls and eXclaimed: "Broken beads and broken jade, droplets flow back, like smoke emptied, and the momentum is very majestic; the so-calledbeadcurtain hooks are not rolled, and the practice is hung on the remote peak.It’s strong, it’s high, it’s several times,and it’s never wide and big”.黄果树瀑布英文导游词 2Hello everyone!Welcome everyone to the Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area,I am your tour guide on this trip, my name is Li Fangzhou,everyone can call me Xiao Li, I am happy to serve you.Huangguoshu Waterfall is located at the border of Zhenning Buyi and Miao Autonomous County and Guanling Buyi and Miao Autonomous County, 40 kilometers away from Anshun and 137 kilometers away from Guiyang,the provincial capital.Huangguoshu Waterfall is the largest waterfall in China and the third largest in the world.Its magic is unique,and it is a rare giant waterfall in the Karst region of the world.Now ask the question what are the first and second largest waterfalls in the world? (Niagara Falls and Victoria Falls).There are many beautiful legends about the origin of Huangguoshus name.One of them says this: Long ago, there were a lot of yellowberries here.In the harvest season, all the mountains and fields are golden.Young men and women often love each other under Huangguoshu., And as a witness to HuangguoshuWaterfall, this is the origin of the romance of Huangguoshu Waterfall.Another way of saying is simple,saying that "Huangguoshu" is a homophonic of "Huangguoshu".Because the pronunciation of "guo" and "juan" in the local accent are similar, Huangguoshu is called Huangguoshu.Dear friends, the fascinating Huangguoshu Waterfall is right in front of us.Now we hear the loud sound of "rumbling" is the sound of the waterfall falling.Huangguoshu Waterfall is 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide.It is the largest waterfall in Asia and one of the famous waterfalls in the world.It is the only one in the world that can be viewed and appreciated from siX angles: up, down, left, right, front and back The waterfall is also the only waterfall in the world that has a full length of water curtain hole running through its waist,that is, it can be viewed, heard, and touched from inside the cave.As early as more than 300 years ago, Xu Xiake, a great traveler in the Ming Dynasty, inspected the Great Falls and eXclaimed: "Putting beads and falling jade,the droplets rushing back, such as smoke flying into the sky, are very majestic."NeXt,we will go through the heart of the waterfall-Shuiliandong.The water curtain hole is 134 meters inlength and consists of 6 hole windows, 3 strand springs and 6 channels.A scene from Shuiliandong in the large TV series "Journey to the West" based on Chinese mythology was filmed here.This is the first hole window, its position is the lowest,only 40 meters away from the surface of the Rhino Lake, but the hole window is the widest, a dozen meters wide, and is located in the middle of the first and second waterfalls.Form a water curtain to seal all the windows of the cave; when the water is small, it will be opened in a series of times, ranging from a few meters to more than ten meters.Min Xiang can open and close the curtains at will.This is the second hole window,which is only about 4 meters away from the first hole window.This is a quiet world, known as the Crystal Palace.It is the heart of Shuiliandong, 11 meters long, 9 meters high and 3 meters wide.There is a spring of water by the road, clear and clean, and the water has been kept at a water level for many years.Many stalactites hang from the top of the cave, and there are precious curly stones on the straw-shaped stalactites.There are countless stone mantles and curtains hanging on the walls of the cave.This is the third hole window,it protrudes outward, much like a balcony.The cave window is 1 meter high and 3 meters long.It is surrounded by aguardrail.Visitors can stand behind the guardrail and reach out to the waterfall, so people call it the "touch waterfall platform".Below we will reach the Rhinoceros Lake, which is located at the foot of the waterfall and the water depth is 17.7 meters.This is the fall of the waterfall.It is said that in the ancient times, there were gods and rhinos here and there, hence the name.Looking up at the waterfall from here is another thrilling feeling.If the sun is shining brightly, a rainbow will often rise in the pool,which is eXtremely spectacular.There is such a couplet on the waterfall pavilion opposite the waterfall, which describes the scenery properly: white water is like cotton, and it does not need to be scattered by bows, flowers, and flowers.Why is Huangguoshu Waterfall like this? This is because Huangguoshu Waterfall is located in the Karst area and is caused by the erosion of water flow.When the traceable erosion crack reaches the upstream,the river water will be washed,dissolved, eroded, and abraded along the karst fissure, and the pipeline will gradually eXpand to form a falling hole and an underground river; after the local surface river is injected into the falling hole, the proportion of the water volumegradually increases.A unique attack in the karst area was formed.When the clear stream was injected into the sinkhole,a sinkhole waterfall was formed.With the intensification of water erosion and strategic collapse, the dark river caves are getting bigger and bigger, so a series of vertical shafts and skylights have been developed along the surface dry valley.They continue to eXpand, merge, and collapse, resulting in today’s magnificent and spectacular Huangguoshu Waterfall and the deep and steep canyon downstream of the waterfall.Now everyone is free to move and gather under the escalator 20 minutes later.Todays itinerary is coming to an end, I hope you have a pleasant journey.At the same time, everyone is welcome to have the opportunity to travel to Huangguoshu again.thank you all!黄果树瀑布英文导游词 3Hello everyone! Im wang RuXin, todays tour guide.NeXt,Ill show youaround Huangguoshu waterfall.Its a place where even Xu Xiake, the "eternalwonder", is intoXicated.How charming is it? Are you eXcited? Its better tomove than to move.Lets go and visit it together!OK,everyone,please stop your noble feet.Listen carefully, do you hearits small call? I heard it.Lets go and have a look! Were at its door.Itsvery loud.Its welcoming us!Looking through the gap, its a wide waterfall.He is the famousHuangguoshu waterfall.Folded above, like a natural silk quilt, gently slidingdown from the hanger, very comfortable,seems to want to sleep, do you have abit of sleepiness? Ha ha! Dont fall asleep, there are more wonderful thingsbehind!When you come here, you will stop.Have you ever seen silver water dropssprinkle on the resplendent street like rain? Now,please close your eyes.WhenI say open your eyes, you will see this spectacle! Well, the time to witness thespectacle is coming.Please open your eyes.Im sure that the sentence you wantto say most is "Wow ”As the saying goes, "this scene should only be seen in thesky.How many times can we hear it in the world"?OK, after we enjoy the wonderful scenery, we go on.The waterfall falls atthe bottom of the valley surrounded by mountains.Does it feel like rain? Onlyno one takes an umbrella.NeXt, lets wash our faces heartily and wash away allour recent troubles.Although Huangguoshu waterfall is not as long as Lushan waterfall, it iswider than Lushan waterfall, so do you think it looks like a burly general withawe inspiring and eXtraordinary momentum.I would like to ask if you like to listen to music here? If you like,please close your eyes and enjoy the wonderful natural music to eXperience thehighest realm.If you dont like it, please calm down and listen carefully.Ibelieve you will like music.Now lets go to see the statue of Xu Xiake, the "eternal wonder" I said.Doyou think he is in your body? After listening to the beautiful Huangguoshusnatural song,have you just realized it? No, please listen carefullyOK, todays one-day tour of Huangguoshu waterfall is over.I hope you canremember the beautiful scenery.Thank you!黄果树瀑布英文导游词 4Hello, Im director Yang.Today, I want to let you enjoy the beautifulscenery of Huangguoshu waterfall.Please follow me.The waterfall in front of us is Huangguoshu waterfall.Look, its like a transparent silk.Its really "flying down 3000 feet.Itssuspected that the Milky way is falling nine days"!Now, you can take a deep breath.Its called "natural oXygen bar", and youdont have to spend money.Enjoy it, tourists.Please follow me to the waterfall.Look,Huangguoshu waterfall is 101meters wide and 77 meters high.8 meters, thewater of the waterfall firstenters rhinoceros pond,then successively passes through sandaotan,horseshoebeach,zhulongtan, youyujing, guodihan, Wantang and maoshuitang.It is said thatthe water curtain cave of Monkey King is inside.There is another legend about Huangguoshu waterfall: Once upon a time,there was an old couple who were all over 70 years old and had no children.Oneday, the old woman had a dream.An immortal said, "there is a yellow fruit treeoutside your door.As long as you keep the fruit on the highest branch for 100days, you can have children if you eat it.".After listening,grandma sat up andtold her grandfather.So they took turns guarding the trees.After 99 days,uneXpectedly, the fruit fell to the ground, and the earth immediately split acrack.There was a stream of water flowing down the mountain,formingHuangguoshu waterfall.This is the end of my eXplanation.Thank you for your listening.You canvisit the rest of the time by yourself.Be careful not to damage publicproperty.黄果树瀑布英文导游词 5Hello,everyone! Im your guide.You can call me Xiao Ye.Today we aregoing to visit the beautiful Huangguoshu scenic area.We should pay attention tobe a civilized tourist duringthe tour.OK, lets start our tour.Now we have entered the Huangguoshu scenic area.Listen carefully.Is therea "Hua Hua" sound coming from a distance? Thats the sound of the waterfall.Weare going to the waterfall soon.Did you hear the sound of the waterfall so loudthat it almost covered our voice.Now we are in front of the waterfall.The waterfall has stirred up a lot ofwater.Like rain and fog, it soars up to several kilometers in the wind andfalls on the small town on the right side of the waterfall.In this way, it hasformed the famous spectacle of "silver rain sprinkling on Golden Street".Nowplease follow me down the Western stone steps.Now we have reached the bottom ofthe valley.You can see that we are very close to the waterfall.There is only asmall green pool in the middle.Do you feel that the water drops spilled fromthe bottom of the waterfall onto our faces are very cool and comfortable.OK, neXt, Ill give you one hour to visit Huangguoshu scenic area freely.When the time comes,well gather here and disband.Ah, time flies.Our tour isover.Ill say goodbye to you again.If we are lucky, I hope I can be your guideneXt time.黄果树瀑布英文导游词 6Dear tourist friends:Hello, Im Xiao Yu, todays tour guide.Please callme Yu Dao."In the hot summer, Guiyang is the best summer resort." How can wemiss Huangguoshu waterfall when we come to Guiyang? Today we will take a bus toHuangguoshu waterfall, which is 150 kilometers away from Guiyang.Huangguoshu waterfall, located on the Baishui River in Zhenning Buyi andMiao Autonomous County, Anshun City, Guizhou Province, is the largest waterfallin China.Xu Xiake, a famous Traveler of the Ming Dynasty, traveled all over theworld and found this treasure land: "when you dig out pearls and collapse jade,the droplets are surging back like smoke and mist, which is very powerful." Wecan see how magnificent Huangguoshu waterfall is.Ladies and gentlemen, please follow me when you get off.Now we cant seethe waterfall across the forest, but we have heard the sound of "Hua Hua".Doesit sound like thunder rolling? As we get closer, the sound of the waterfall isgetting louder and louder.Do you feel that the land under your feet is shakingslightly?This is the best place to see the panoramic view of Huangguoshu waterfall.You can see from the direction of sound,Huangguoshu waterfall is in front.Thewhole waterfall is 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide.Look, the waterfallfalls down into the pool, hits the big rocks, splashes snow-white water,we canfeel the thin water mist floating in the air, everything around seems to becomefaint.Down the stone ladder, we came to the bottom of Huangguoshu waterfall.Looking up,Huangguoshu waterfall looks like a natural white curtain.Thefalling water quickly flows to the rhinoceros beach below.Look, there is arainbow on rhinoceros beach,which is enveloping the waterfall and giving it acolorful halo.The sunlight refracts on the rainbow again,making rhinocerosbeach colorful and dazzling.There is a hole behind the waterfall, which is the shooting site ofshuilian cave in the famous movie journey to the West.The cave is narrow andcan only accommodate one person.Be careful of the pillars on the ceiling.Dontlet him kiss your head.There are siX windows in the water curtain cave.Throughthese natural "skylights", you can see the waterfall from the inside, which isanother scene: the waterfalls are like water curtains,shielding the eXternalthings without leaving any gaps.Dont stick your head out of the hole.Becareful that the water above will make you cool.Huangguoshu waterfall is a masterpiece of nature.It is also the onlywaterfall in the world that can be viewed from up, down,front, back, left andright."Xitan water waterfall hanging cliff Yang,snow high water hundredsearch." Whats your impression of the beautiful Huangguoshu waterfall? Welcometo leave a message for Xiaoyu.Well, todays trip to Huangguoshu Falls is over.I wish you a happy journey!黄果树瀑布英文导游词 7The largest waterfall in China and one of the siX most beautiful waterfalls in China.Located on the Baishui River in Ningbuyi and Miao Autonomous County, Anshun City, Guizhou Province.The surrounding karst is widespread, the river is wide and the water is rapid, the mountains are stacked, and the momentum is majestic.It has always been the main channel connecting Yunnan and Guizhou.The eXisting Dianqian Highway passes through.When the Baishui River flows through the local riverbed, it falls into a nine-level waterfall, of which Huangguoshu is the largest.The waterfall is 30 meters wide (up to 40 meters in summer), the drop is 66 meters, and the flow rate is more than 2,000 cubic meters per second.It is famous for its vast water and one of the worlds famous waterfalls.The waterfall viewing pavilion is built opposite thewaterfall.Visitors can watch the surging river rushing out of the rhino pond.The water droplets rise more than 90 meters high,forming a water curtain nearby, where the summer is over and the summer heat disappears.There is a hole in the cliff behind the waterfall, called "Water Curtain Cave".The cave is more than 20 meters deep.The entrance of the cave is covered by the waterfall all the year round.You can see the beauty of the natural water curtain through the window in the cave.It is named after a common local plant "Yellow Fruit Tree".It is famous for its magnificent and big waterfalls, and a series of waterfalls that are densely covered at home and abroad.It is very magnificent.And enjoy the reputation of "Chinas first waterfall".Huangguoshu Scenic Area is located 45 kilometers southwest of Anshun City, the tourist center of the west line of Guizhou, within the territory of Zhenning Buyi and Miao Autonomous County, and 150 kilometers northeast of Guiyang City,the capital of Guizhou.There are the Yunnan-Guizhou Railway, Zhuliu Double Railway, Huangguoshu Airport, 320 National Road, and Gui ( The high-grade highways of Yang (Yang)and Huang (Guo Shu)run through the whole territory,and the newly-built Qing (town)Huang (Guo Shu)eXpressway leads directly to the scenic area.The scenicspot is centered on Huangguoshu Waterfall, with waterfalls,karst caves and underground lakes as the main body.The famous Huangguoshu Waterfall is the first scenic spot in Guizhou, the largest waterfall in China, and one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world.The Huangguoshu Waterfall (77.8 meters high and 101.0 meters wide)was used as the center in the scenic area.The actual height of Huangguoshu Waterfall, the largest waterfall in Asia, was 77.8 meters.The main waterfall is 67 meters high; the waterfall is 101 meters wide, of which the top of the main waterfall is 83.3 meters wide.There are 18 waterfalls of different sizes in the styles of male, strange, dangerous, and show, forming a huge "family" of waterfalls.It is rated as the largest waterfall group in the world by the Guinness Headquarters of Big World and is included in the Guinness Book of Records.Huangguoshu Waterfall is the most spectacular waterfall in Huangguoshu Waterfall Group.It is the only waterfall in the world that can be viewed from the siX directions of up, down,front, back, left, and right.Waterfall inside and outside listening, watching, touching.Xu Xike, a great traveler in the Ming Dynasty, surveyed the Great Falls and eXclaimed: "Broken beads and broken jade, droplets flow back, like smokeemptied, and the momentum is very majestic; the so-calledbead curtain hooks are not rolled, and the practice is hung on the remote peak.It’s strong, it’s high, it’s several times,and it’s never wide and big”.。
黄果树瀑布英语介绍Huangguoshu Falls is a famous waterfall located in the Huangguoshu Falls Scenic Area, about 74 kilometers west of the city of Anshun in Guizhou province, China. It is one of the largest waterfalls in China and is known for its majestic appearance and unique characteristics.The waterfall is named after the yellow fruit tree that grows nearby. The falls are 77.8 meters high and 81.2 meters wide, with a total drop of 94.5 meters. The water flow can reach up to 2,000 cubic meters per second, making it one of the most powerful waterfalls in the world.The scenery around the waterfall is breathtaking. The falls are surrounded by lush greenery and picturesque mountains, making it a popular destination for tourists and photographers. The best time to visit is during the rainy season from May to October, when the water flow is at its peak and the falls are at their most beautiful.Visiting the falls is a must-do for any traveler to China. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be prepared for a lot of people, as the Huangguoshu Falls Scenic Area is one of the most popular tourist attractions in China. Second, be aware of the weather conditions, as sudden downpours can make the trails slippery and dangerous. Finally, be respectful of the local culture and environment, and avoid littering or vandalizing the area around the falls.Overall, the Huangguoshu Falls is a must-see destination for any traveler to China. Its unique combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage make it a truly special place. Whether you are enjoying the falls from below or taking in the panoramic view from the observation platform, the experience is sure to leave a lasting impression. So, if you are ever in the area, be sure to add a visit to the Huangguoshu Falls to your itinerary. You won't regret it!。
ladies, gentlemen:today ebody'sfame big the provincial capitalguiyang 137 kilometers, is located guiyang tothe yello the shorehangs doan gauze…… . for several hundred years, the yello thedeep deep pool, cause your fresh grand appearance to be unparalleled,feeling of the gorgeous illustrious day.called it yelloe one viepare posed. according to the chinese myth storyreorganization large-scale tv serial "monkey" center shui liandong aplay, is here photographs.this is the first hole e several meters pletely sealsup the hole several meters to several meters.this is the second hole the rhinoceros bination, broke down collapses, hascreated the nowadays grand magnificent sight yellow fruit tree bigwaterfall and the waterfall downriver sincere precipitous canyon.i hoped you lift your photographic camera, pats down the yellow fruittree waterfall, keeps in your memory, propagandizes for more people,because, the yellow fruit tree waterfall is china, simultaneously alsobelongs to the world.。
关于黄果树瀑布景点介绍英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Introduction to Huangguoshu WaterfallHuangguoshu Waterfall, located in Anshun, Guizhou Province, China, is one of the most famous and scenic waterfalls in the country. The waterfall is a part of the larger Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area, which covers an area of 74 square kilometers and includes 18 smaller waterfalls, lush forests, and karst formations.The main waterfall cascades down a series of 18 tiers, with a total height of 77.8 meters and a width of 101 meters. Its thundering waters create a spectacle that is both beautiful and awe-inspiring. Visitors can view the waterfall from several different vantage points, including a viewing platform at the base of the falls and a trail that leads to an overlook at the top.In addition to the main waterfall, the Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area also features several other attractions. These include the Water Curtain Cave, a natural cave behind the waterfall that allows visitors to see the cascade from a unique perspective, andthe Tianxingqiao Scenic Area, a series of bridges and pavilions that offer panoramic views of the surrounding scenery.The Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area is also home to a variety of plant and animal species, including rare orchids, monkeys, and colorful birds. The area is a popular destination for nature lovers and photographers, who come to capture the beauty of the waterfall and its surroundings.Overall, Huangguoshu Waterfall is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Guizhou Province. Its stunning natural beauty and unique attractions make it a truly unforgettable experience. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, a photography enthusiast, or simply someone looking for a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Huangguoshu Waterfall has something to offer everyone.篇2Huangguoshu Waterfall is one of the most famous landmarks in China and it is located in Anshun, Guizhou Province. The waterfall is the largest in Asia and one of the largest in the world. It has a height of 77.8 meters and a width of 101 meters, making it an impressive sight for all visitors.The waterfall is surrounded by lush greenery and beautiful scenery, making it a popular destination for tourists and nature lovers alike. The area around the waterfall is also home to a variety of plant and animal species, making it a great destination for eco-tourism.Visitors to Huangguoshu Waterfall can take a walk along the various trails that lead to the waterfall, allowing them to take in the beauty of the surroundings and get a closer look at the waterfall itself. There are also observation decks located at various points along the trail, offering visitors a chance to get a panoramic view of the waterfall and its surroundings.In addition to the waterfall itself, there are also a number of other attractions in the area, such as the Tianxing Bridge, which offers a unique view of the waterfall from above, as well as the Doupotang Waterfall, which is a smaller waterfall located nearby.Overall, Huangguoshu Waterfall is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to China. Its beauty and grandeur are sure to leave a lasting impression on all who visit. Whether you are a nature lover, an eco-tourist, or simply someone looking to experience the beauty of one of China's most famous landmarks, Huangguoshu Waterfall is a destination not to be missed.篇3Introduction to Huangguoshu WaterfallHuangguoshu Waterfall is one of the most famous and spectacular waterfalls in China. Located in Anshun, Guizhou Province, this majestic waterfall is a key attraction in Huangguoshu Scenic Area, which also includes lush forests, karst caves, and other natural wonders.At 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide, Huangguoshu Waterfall is the largest waterfall in China and one of the largest in the world. The waterfall cascades down a series of steep limestone cliffs, creating a stunning display of rushing water and mist that can be seen and heard from afar. Visitors to the area can admire the waterfall from various viewing platforms, where they can enjoy panoramic views of this natural wonder.The best time to visit Huangguoshu Waterfall is during the rainy season from May to October, when the waterfall is at its most powerful and impressive. During this time, the water cascades down the cliffs with great force, creating a thunderous sound that echoes throughout the valley. Visitors can also see rainbows forming in the mist created by the waterfall, adding to the magical and ethereal atmosphere of the place.Aside from the waterfall itself, visitors to Huangguoshu Scenic Area can also explore the surrounding karst landscape, which is dotted with caves, underground rivers, and other natural formations. One of the most popular attractions in the area is the Tianxing Bridge, a natural stone bridge that spans the river near the waterfall. Visitors can walk across the bridge and admire the views of the waterfall and surrounding scenery.In addition to its natural beauty, Huangguoshu Waterfall is also a site of cultural significance. The waterfall has been a source of inspiration for poets, artists, and writers throughout history, who have marveled at its beauty and power. Today, the waterfall is a symbol of Guizhou Province and a popular destination for tourists from all over the world.In conclusion, Huangguoshu Waterfall is a must-see attraction for anyone visiting Guizhou Province. With its stunning beauty, impressive size, and cultural significance, the waterfall is a natural wonder that should not be missed. Whether you are a nature lover, an adventurer, or a history buff, Huangguoshu Waterfall has something to offer everyone. So come and experience the magic of Huangguoshu Waterfall for yourself!。
黄果树瀑布中英文介绍:The Huang guo shu Cataract is one of the largest waterfalls in China.黄果树瀑布是中国最大的瀑布之一。
The waterfall with the same name is situated on Bai shui or White Water River about 15 km southwest of the county seat of Zhen ning.黄果树瀑布,位于镇宁布依苗族自治县城西南15千米的白水河上。
The aquatic Stone Forest, some ten kilometres from Huang guo shu Waterfall, is a Burgeoning tourist spot on a small fiver.水上石林距黄果树瀑布10 公里左右,是一处新开发的旅游景点。
The highest waterfall in Asia, majestic Huang guo shu "Yellow Fruit Tree" Waterfall plunges a dramatic 77.8 meters across a 101-meter-wide span.壮阔的黄果树瀑布为亚洲最高瀑布,落差有惊人的77.8米,宽幅达101米。
It's one of a handful of mammoth waterfalls in the world that's accessible for viewing from almost any angle -- from above, below, front, back, left or right. The best visiting season is June to August.它是世界上少数可以从多角度欣赏的瀑布。
黄果树瀑布简介英语作文Huangguoshu Waterfall Introduction。
Huangguoshu Waterfall is located in the southwestern part of China, in the Guizhou Province. It is the largest waterfall in Asia and one of the most famous tourist attractions in China. The waterfall is 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide, making it the largest waterfall in China. The water falls from a cliff into a pool below, creating a spectacular sight.The waterfall is surrounded by lush green forests, which add to its natural beauty. The area around the waterfall is also home to several other waterfalls, including the Doupotang Waterfall, the Luosi Waterfall, and the Silver Chain Waterfall. Visitors can explore these waterfalls by hiking along the trails that wind through the forests.The Huangguoshu Waterfall is also known for its uniquefeatures. The waterfall is divided into 18 different cascades, each with its own name and characteristics. The most famous of these cascades is the Water-Curtain Cave, which is located behind the waterfall. Visitors can walk through the cave and feel the mist from the waterfall as it falls around them.The waterfall is also famous for its rainbow, which can be seen on sunny days. The rainbow is caused by thesunlight reflecting off the mist from the waterfall, creating a beautiful display of colors.In addition to its natural beauty, the Huangguoshu Waterfall is also important for its cultural significance. The waterfall is a sacred site for the Miao people, wholive in the surrounding area. The Miao people believe that the waterfall is home to the gods and spirits of their ancestors.Overall, the Huangguoshu Waterfall is a must-see destination for anyone visiting China. Its natural beauty,unique features, and cultural significance make it one of the most impressive waterfalls in the world.。
写一篇超美的黄果树瀑布英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Huangguoshu Waterfall is one of the most stunning natural attractions in China. Located in the Anshun City of Guizhou Province, this magnificent waterfall is the largest in Asia and one of the most beautiful in the world. With a height of 77.8 meters and a width of 101 meters, the Huangguoshu Waterfall is a spectacular sight to behold.The Huangguoshu Waterfall is surrounded by lush forests, towering cliffs, and sparkling rivers, creating a breathtaking natural landscape. The thundering sound of the water crashing down from the waterfall can be heard from miles away, adding to the drama and excitement of the experience. Visitors can get up close to the waterfall by taking a boat ride along the river or walking along the scenic trails that lead to various viewpoints.During the rainy season, the Huangguoshu Waterfall is at its most powerful, with water cascading down the cliffs in a torrent of white spray. The sheer force and beauty of the waterfall are a sight to behold, and visitors are often left in awe of the power ofnature. In the dry season, the waterfall becomes more gentle, allowing visitors to see the rock formations and caves behind the water curtain.Apart from the main waterfall, there are also several smaller waterfalls in the vicinity, adding to the charm and beauty of the area. The lush greenery, colorful flowers, and diverse wildlife make the Huangguoshu Waterfall a paradise for nature lovers and photographers. Visitors can spend hours exploring the trails, taking in the sights, and enjoying the serenity of this natural wonder.In addition to its natural beauty, the Huangguoshu Waterfall is also steeped in history and culture. According to local legend, the waterfall was formed by a goddess who sacrificed herself to save the people of the area from a drought. The waterfall is considered a sacred place by the local people, and many rituals and ceremonies are held here throughout the year.Overall, the Huangguoshu Waterfall is a must-visit destination for anyone who appreciates the beauty and power of nature. Whether you are a nature lover, an adventure seeker, or a cultural enthusiast, the Huangguoshu Waterfall has something to offer everyone. So, pack your bags and head to GuizhouProvince to experience the wonder and beauty of the Huangguoshu Waterfall for yourself.篇2Huangguoshu Waterfall, located in Anshun City, Guizhou Province, China, is renowned for its breathtaking beauty and grandeur. Standing at 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide, it is the largest waterfall in Asia and one of the most famous waterfalls in the world.The scenery around Huangguoshu Waterfall is simply stunning. Surrounded by lush green forests and rugged cliffs, the waterfall cascades down in a series of layers, creating a magnificent spectacle that has captivated visitors for centuries. The sound of the roaring water can be heard from miles away, adding to the dramatic atmosphere of the place.One of the most unique features of Huangguoshu Waterfall is the "Water Curtain Cave" located behind the waterfall. Visitors can walk behind the cascading water and experience the refreshing mist on their faces. The view from inside the cave is truly magical, with the sunlight filtering through the water droplets, creating a rainbow of colors that dance on the walls of the cave.Visitors to Huangguoshu Waterfall can also enjoy a boat ride on the river that flows beneath the waterfall. As the boat approaches the base of the waterfall, the sheer power and force of the water can be felt, creating an exhilarating experience that will be remembered for a lifetime.In addition to the natural beauty of the waterfall itself, there are many other attractions in the area that are worth exploring. The Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area is home to numerous hiking trails, ancient temples, and traditional villages, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the rich culture and history of the region.Overall, a visit to Huangguoshu Waterfall is not just a sightseeing tour, but an immersive and unforgettable experience. The sheer beauty and power of the waterfall will leave visitors in awe, while the surrounding nature and cultural attractions provide a deeper insight into the history and traditions of this fascinating region. If you ever find yourself in China, make sure to add Huangguoshu Waterfall to your list of must-see destinations.篇3Huangguoshu Waterfall is known as one of the most beautiful waterfalls in China. Located in Guizhou Province, this stunning natural wonder attracts tourists from all over the world with its grandeur and beauty.The Huangguoshu Waterfall is the largest waterfall in Asia, spanning a width of 81 meters and a height of 77.8 meters. The sheer power and force of the water as it cascades over the edge is truly mesmerizing. The sight and sound of the rushing water is a feast for the senses, creating an unforgettable experience for visitors.Surrounded by lush greenery and towering cliffs, the Huangguoshu Waterfall is a sight to behold. The mist from the cascading water creates a magical atmosphere, making visitors feel as though they've stepped into a fairy tale. The view from the viewing platform near the waterfall is simply breathtaking, allowing visitors to take in the full beauty of this natural wonder.Aside from the main waterfall, there are also several smaller waterfalls in the area that are equally as impressive. The surrounding landscape is dotted with caves, valleys, and lush forests, offering a peaceful and serene setting for visitors to explore. The area is also home to a variety of wildlife, adding to the natural beauty and charm of the waterfall.Visiting the Huangguoshu Waterfall is a truly awe-inspiring experience that will leave a lasting impression on all who visit. The sheer size and power of the waterfall, combined with the surrounding natural beauty, make it a must-see destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Whether you're standing on the viewing platform gazing at the cascading water or hiking through the surrounding forests, the Huangguoshu Waterfall is sure to leave you breathless.。
黄果树瀑布导游词英语作文(精选15篇)黄果树瀑布英语篇1Hello, I'm director Yang. Today, I want to let you enjoy the beautifulscenery of Huangguoshu waterfall.Please follow me. The waterfall in front of us is Huangguoshu waterfall.Look, it's like a transparent silk. It's really "flying down 3000 feet. It'ssuspected that the Milky way is falling nine days"!Now, you can take a deep breath. It's called "natural oxygen bar", and youdon't have to spend money. Enjoy it, tourists.Please follow me to the waterfall. Look, Huangguoshu waterfall is 101meters wide and 77 meters high. 8 meters, the water of the waterfall firstenters rhinoceros pond, then successively passes through sandaotan, horseshoebeach, zhulongtan, youyujing, guodihan, Wantang and maoshuitang. It is said thatthe water curtain cave of Monkey King is inside.There is another legend about Huangguoshu waterfall: Once upon a time,there was an old couple who were all over 70 years old and had no children. Oneday, the old woman had a dream. An immortal said, "there is a yellow fruit treeoutside your door. As long as you keep the fruit on the highest branch for 100days, you can have children if you eat it.". After listening, grandma sat up andtold her grandfather. So they took turns guarding the trees. After 99 days,unexpectedly, the fruit fell to the ground, and the earth immediately split acrack. There was a stream of water flowing down the mountain, formingHuangguoshu waterfall.This is the end of my explanation. Thank you for your listening. You canvisit the rest of the time by yourself. Be careful not to damage publicproperty.黄果树瀑布导游词英语作文篇2Dear tourist friends: Hello, I'm Xiao Yu, today's tour guide. Please callme Yu Dao. "In the hot summer, Guiyang is the best summer resort." How can wemiss Huangguoshu waterfall when we come to Guiyang? T oday we will take a bus toHuangguoshu waterfall, which is 150 kilometers away from Guiyang.Huangguoshu waterfall, located on the Baishui River in Zhenning Buyi andMiao Autonomous County, Anshun City, Guizhou Province, is the largest waterfallin China. Xu Xiake, a famous Traveler of the Ming Dynasty, traveled all over theworld and found this treasure land: "when you dig out pearls and collapse jade,the droplets are surging back like smoke and mist, which is very powerful." Wecan see how magnificent Huangguoshu waterfall is.Ladies and gentlemen, please follow me when you get off. Now we can't seethe waterfall across the forest, but we have heard the sound of "Hua Hua". Doesit sound like thunder rolling? As we get closer, the sound of the waterfall isgetting louder and louder. Do you feel that the land under your feet is shakingslightly?This is the best place to see the panoramic view of Huangguoshu waterfall.You can see from the direction of sound, Huangguoshu waterfall is in front. Thewhole waterfall is 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide. Look, the waterfallfalls down into the pool, hits the big rocks, splashes snow-white water, we canfeel the thin water mist floating in the air, everything around seems to becomefaint.Down the stone ladder, we came to the bottom of Huangguoshu waterfall.Looking up, Huangguoshu waterfall looks like a natural white curtain. Thefalling water quickly flows to the rhinoceros beach below. Look, there is arainbow onrhinoceros beach, which is enveloping the waterfall and giving it acolorful halo. The sunlight refracts on the rainbow again, making rhinocerosbeach colorful and dazzling.There is a hole behind the waterfall, which is the shooting site ofshuilian cave in the famous movie journey to the West. The cave is narrow andcan only accommodate one person. Be careful of the pillars on the ceiling. Don'tlet him kiss your head. There are six windows in the water curtain cave. Throughthese natural "skylights", you can see the waterfall from the inside, which isanother scene: the waterfalls are like water curtains, shielding the externalthings without leaving any gaps. Don't stick your head out of the hole. Becareful that the water above will make you cool.Huangguoshu waterfall is a masterpiece of nature. It is also the onlywaterfall in the world that can be viewed from up, down, front, back, left andright. "Xitan water waterfall hanging cliff Yang, snow high water hundredsearch." What's your impression of the beautiful Huangguoshu waterfall? Welcometo leave a message for Xiaoyu. Well, today's trip to Huangguoshu Falls is over.I wish you a happy journey!黄果树瀑布导游词英语作文篇3Hi, everyone! I'm your guide. You can call me Xiao Ye. Today we are goingto visit the beautiful Huangguoshu scenic area. We should pay attention to be acivilized tourist during the tour. OK, let's start our tour.Now we have entered the Huangguoshu scenic area. Listen carefully. Is therea "Hua Hua" sound coming from a distance? That's the sound of the waterfall. Weare going to the waterfall soon. Did you hear the sound of the waterfall so loudthat it almost covered our voice.Now we are in front of the waterfall. The waterfall has stirred up a lot ofwater. Like rain and fog, it soars up to several kilometers in the wind andfalls on the small town on the right side of the waterfall. In this way, it hasformed the famous spectacle of "silver rain sprinkling on Golden Street". Nowplease follow me down the Western stone steps. Now we have reached the bottom ofthe valley. You can see that we are very close to the waterfall. There is only asmall green pool in the middle. Do you feel that the water drops spilled fromthe bottom of the waterfall onto our faces are very cool and comfortable.OK, next, I'll give you one hour to visit Huangguoshu scenic area freely.When the time comes, we'll gather here and disband.Ah, time flies. Our tour is over. I'll say goodbye to you again. If we arelucky, I hope I can be your guide next time.黄果树瀑布导游词英语作文篇4Hello, everyone! I'm your guide. You can call me Xiao Ye. Today we aregoing to visit the beautiful Huangguoshu scenic area. We should pay attention tobe a civilized tourist during the tour. OK, let's start our tour.Now we have entered the Huangguoshu scenic area. Listen carefully. Is therea "Hua Hua" sound coming from a distance? That's the sound of the waterfall. Weare going to the waterfall soon. Did you hear the sound of the waterfall so loudthat it almost covered our voice.Now we are in front of the waterfall. The waterfall has stirred up a lot ofwater. Like rain and fog, it soars up to several kilometers in the wind andfalls on the small town on the right side of the waterfall. In this way, it hasformed the famous spectacle of "silver rain sprinkling on Golden Street". Nowplease follow me down the Western stone steps. Now we have reachedthe bottom ofthe valley. You can see that we are very close to the waterfall. There is only asmall green pool in the middle. Do you feel that the water drops spilled fromthe bottom of the waterfall onto our faces are very cool and comfortable.OK, next, I'll give you one hour to visit Huangguoshu scenic area freely.When the time comes, we'll gather here and disband. Ah, time flies. Our tour isover. I'll say goodbye to you again. If we are lucky, I hope I can be your guidenext time.黄果树瀑布导游词英语作文篇5Hello everyone! I'm wang Ruxin, today's tour guide. Next, I'll show youaround Huangguoshu waterfall. It's a place where even Xu Xiake, the "eternalwonder", is intoxicated. How charming is it? Are you excited? It's better tomove than to move. Let's go and visit it together!OK, everyone, please stop your noble feet. Listen carefully, do you hearits small call? I heard it. Let's go and have a look! We're at its door. It'svery loud. It's welcoming us!Looking through the gap, it's a wide waterfall. He is the famousHuangguoshu waterfall. Folded above, like a natural silk quilt, gently slidingdown from the hanger, very comfortable, seems to want to sleep, do you have abit of sleepiness? Ha ha! Don't fall asleep, there are more wonderful thingsbehind!When you come here, you will stop. Have you ever seen silver water dropssprinkle on the resplendent street like rain? Now, please close your eyes. WhenI say open your eyes, you will see this spectacle! Well, the time to witness thespectacle is coming. Please open your eyes. I'm sure that the sentence you wantto say most is "Wow ”As the saying goes, "this scene should only be seen in thesky. How many times can we hear it in the world"?OK, after we enjoy the wonderful scenery, we go on. Thewaterfall falls atthe bottom of the valley surrounded by mountains. Does it feel like rain? Onlyno one takes an umbrella. Next, let's wash our faces heartily and wash away allour recent troubles.Although Huangguoshu waterfall is not as long as Lushan waterfall, it iswider than Lushan waterfall, so do you think it looks like a burly general withawe inspiring and extraordinary momentum.I would like to ask if you like to listen to music here? If you like,please close your eyes and enjoy the wonderful natural music to experience thehighest realm. If you don't like it, please calm down and listen carefully. Ibelieve you will like music.Now let's go to see the statue of Xu Xiake, the "eternal wonder" I said. Doyou think he is in your body? After listening to the beautiful Huangguoshu'snatural song, have you just realized it? No, please listen carefullyOK, today's one-day tour of Huangguoshu waterfall is over. I hope you canremember the beautiful scenery. Thank you!黄果树瀑布导游词英语作文篇6大家好,我是您们今天的小导游赵偲琦。
黄果树瀑布的导游词英语作文(通用16篇)黄果树瀑布的英语篇1Hello everyone! I'm wang Ruxin, today's tour guide. Next, I'll show youaround Huangguoshu waterfall. It's a place where even Xu Xiake, the "eternalwonder", is intoxicated. How charming is it? Are you excited? It's better tomove than to move. Let's go and visit it together!OK, everyone, please stop your noble feet. Listen carefully, do you hearits small call? I heard it. Let's go and have a look! We're at its door. It'svery loud. It's welcoming us!Looking through the gap, it's a wide waterfall. He is the famousHuangguoshu waterfall. Folded above, like a natural silk quilt, gently slidingdown from the hanger, very comfortable, seems to want to sleep, do you have abit of sleepiness? Ha ha! Don't fall asleep, there are more wonderful thingsbehind!When you come here, you will stop. Have you ever seen silver water dropssprinkle on the resplendent street like rain? Now, please close your eyes. WhenI say open your eyes, you will see this spectacle! Well, the time to witness thespectacle is coming. Please open your eyes. I'm sure that the sentence you wantto say most is "Wow ”As the saying goes, "this scene should only be seen in thesky. How many times can we hear it in the world"?OK, after we enjoy the wonderful scenery, we go on. The waterfall falls atthe bottom of the valley surrounded by mountains. Does it feel like rain? Onlyno one takes an umbrella. Next, let's wash our faces heartily and wash away allour recent troubles.Although Huangguoshu waterfall is not as long as Lushan waterfall, it iswider than Lushan waterfall, so do you think it lookslike a burly general withawe inspiring and extraordinary momentum.I would like to ask if you like to listen to music here? If you like,please close your eyes and enjoy the wonderful natural music to experience thehighest realm. If you don't like it, please calm down and listen carefully. Ibelieve you will like music.Now let's go to see the statue of Xu Xiake, the "eternal wonder" I said. Doyou think he is in your body? After listening to the beautiful Huangguoshu'snatural song, have you just realized it? No, please listen carefullyOK, today's one-day tour of Huangguoshu waterfall is over. I hope you canremember the beautiful scenery. Thank you!黄果树瀑布的导游词英语作文4Hi, everyone! I'm your guide. You can call me Xiao Ye. Today we are goingto visit the beautiful Huangguoshu scenic area. We should pay attention to be acivilized tourist during the tour. OK, let's start our tour.Now we have entered the Huangguoshu scenic area. Listen carefully. Is therea "Hua Hua" sound coming from a distance? That's the sound of the waterfall. Weare going to the waterfall soon. Did you hear the sound of the waterfall so loudthat it almost covered our voice.Now we are in front of the waterfall. The waterfall has stirred up a lot ofwater. Like rain and fog, it soars up to several kilometers in the wind andfalls on the small town on the right side of the waterfall. In this way, it hasformed the famous spectacle of "silver rain sprinkling on Golden Street". Nowplease follow me down the Western stone steps. Now we have reached the bottom ofthe valley. You can see that we are very close to the waterfall. There is only asmall green pool in the middle. Do youfeel that the water drops spilled fromthe bottom of the waterfall onto our faces are very cool and comfortable.OK, next, I'll give you one hour to visit Huangguoshu scenic area freely.When the time comes, we'll gather here and disband.Ah, time flies. Our tour is over. I'll say goodbye to you again. If we arelucky, I hope I can be your guide next time.黄果树瀑布的导游词英语作文篇2今天我们将要游览的风景点是黄果树瀑布。
关于介绍贵州黄果树瀑布的英文文章Guizhou's Huangguoshu Waterfall: A Natural WonderNestled in the heart of Guizhou province, in southwestern China, lies a natural wonder that has captivated the hearts and imaginations of visitors from around the world. The Huangguoshu Waterfall, a majestic cascade that plunges over 77 meters (252 feet) into a lush, verdant gorge, is a true testament to the breathtaking beauty and power of nature.The Huangguoshu Waterfall is the largest waterfall in China and one of the largest in Asia. It is part of a larger complex of waterfalls, known as the Huangguoshu Waterfall Group, which includes several smaller cascades and streams that flow into the main waterfall. The sheer size and scale of the Huangguoshu Waterfall are truly awe-inspiring, with a width of over 100 meters (328 feet) and a flow rate that can reach up to 700 cubic meters (24,700 cubic feet) per second during the rainy season.One of the most remarkable features of the Huangguoshu Waterfall is its unique geological formation. The waterfall is situated in a region that is known for its karst topography, which is characterizedby rugged, cave-riddled landscapes that have been shaped by the erosive power of water over millions of years. The Huangguoshu Waterfall itself is the result of this process, as the water has carved a deep, narrow gorge through the limestone rock over time.The surrounding landscape is equally breathtaking, with lush, verdant forests and towering cliffs that provide a stunning backdrop to the waterfall. Visitors to the Huangguoshu Waterfall can explore a network of hiking trails and walkways that wind through the gorge, offering breathtaking views of the waterfall and the surrounding scenery.One of the most popular attractions at the Huangguoshu Waterfall is the "Fairy's Cave," a massive, natural cavern that lies behind the waterfall itself. Visitors can venture into the cave, which is illuminated by natural light filtering through the cascading water, and marvel at the stunning geological formations that have been shaped by millennia of erosion.Another highlight of a visit to the Huangguoshu Waterfall is the opportunity to witness the annual "Water Curtain" phenomenon. During the rainy season, the waterfall can produce a massive, billowing "curtain" of water that appears to hang suspended in the air, creating a truly mesmerizing and otherworldly sight.Beyond its natural beauty, the Huangguoshu Waterfall also holds great cultural and historical significance for the people of Guizhou. The waterfall has been revered for centuries by the region's indigenous Miao and Buyi ethnic groups, who have long incorporated it into their cultural traditions and beliefs.In recent years, the Huangguoshu Waterfall has become a major tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over China and around the world. The local government has invested heavily in developing the site, constructing a network of well-maintained trails, viewing platforms, and other infrastructure to accommodate the growing number of visitors.Despite the influx of tourism, however, the Huangguoshu Waterfall remains a largely unspoiled and pristine natural wonder. The local authorities have made a concerted effort to preserve the ecological integrity of the site, implementing strict environmental regulations and conservation measures to protect the delicate ecosystem.In conclusion, the Huangguoshu Waterfall is a truly remarkable natural wonder that deserves to be celebrated and preserved for generations to come. Its sheer size, power, and beauty are a testament to the incredible force of nature, and a reminder of the importance of protecting our planet's most precious natural resources. Whether you are a nature lover, a history buff, or simplysomeone in search of a breathtaking and awe-inspiring experience, a visit to the Huangguoshu Waterfall is sure to leave a lasting impression.。
介绍黄果树瀑布的英语作文80词演讲稿全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hi everyone! Today I want to tell you about the amazing Huangguoshu Waterfall in China. It's one of the biggest waterfalls in all of Asia! The waterfall is 77 meters tall and 81 meters wide - that's taller than a 20-story building! Huge amounts of water thunder down over the cliffs, creating rainbows in the mist. You can take a trail to viewing platforms to see the falls up close. The area around the waterfall is covered in lush green forests and has lots of cute animals too. Doesn't it sound like an incredible natural wonder? I'd love to visit someday!篇2Huangguoshu Waterfall: A Majestic WonderHello everyone! Today I want to tell you about the amazing Huangguoshu Waterfall. It's located in Guizhou Province, China. At 77.8 meters tall and 81 meters wide, it's one of the largest and most powerful waterfalls in all of Asia!The waterfall gets its name from the yellow-fruited trees that grow around it. "Huangguoshu" literally means "Yellow Fruit Tree Waterfall." The water plunges down from the top in a breathtaking cascade. Misty rainbows often form in the spray.Imagine standing at the base and feeling the rumbling power of all that water crashing down! The roar is deafening but incredible. Visitors can take a trail that winds behind the falls for a unique view through the curtain of water.Huangguoshu lies within the Huangguoshu Scenic Area, a national park protecting over 290 square kilometers of lush forests, streams, caves and other natural wonders. Endangered species like the golden monkey make their home here.The area has been inhabited for over 30,000 years! Ancient humans left behind cave paintings, pottery shards and stone tools. The Bouyei and Miao ethnic minority groups have lived in the valleys for centuries. Their traditional villages, costumes and culture add to Huangguoshu's charm.Millions of years ago, this whole region was under an ocean! Can you believe that? The unique geology has created not just the waterfall but also an incredible diversity of landscapes. Huangguoshu features towering cliffs, canyons carved bywhitewater rivers, underground river caves, and petrified waterfalls turned to stone.One of my favorite spots is called the Rhinoceros Bathing Pool. A small side waterfall pours into a huge pool surrounded by steep cliffs. Legend says a rhinoceros-like beast used to bathe here! Another highlight is the Flying Waterfall Trail, a cliffside path with amazing views.There's just too much to see in one day. Many visitors choose to stay overnight at one of the hotels or guesthouses in the park. That way you can explore at a relaxed pace and not feel rushed.In addition to hiking, you can go boating on the river, rock climbing, mountain biking and more. The park has all kinds of adventure activities if you're feeling brave! Just don't get too close to that powerful waterfall...I really want to visit Huangguoshu Waterfall someday. Don't you? Seeing that tremendous rush of water would be an incredible experience. This natural treasure deep in the mountains of Guizhou is definitely one of the must-see sights in China. Maybe I'll get to go for a school trip one day!Well, that's all I have to share about the marvelous Huangguoshu Waterfall. Let me know if you have any other questions! I'd be happy to learn and tell you more about this amazing place. Thanks for listening!篇3The Huangguoshu Waterfall is amazing! It's one of the biggest waterfalls in all of Asia. The waterfall is located in Guizhou Province, in southwest China. Huangguoshu means "Yellow Fruit Tree" in Chinese. The water tumbles down over huge rocks and cliffs for nearly 250 feet! Clouds of mist rise up from the crashing water below. Around the waterfall is a beautiful national park with hiking trails through the lush, green forest. I hope I can visit this incredible waterfall someday and see its powerful rushing waters for myself!篇4Hi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about this amazing place called Huangguoshu Waterfall that I visited on a school trip last year. It's located way out in the countryside of Guizhou Province in southwest China.Huangguoshu is considered one of the biggest and most spectacular waterfalls in all of Asia! The waterfall gets its name from the odd yellow rocks surrounding it, which look kind of like hanging fruits. That's why it's called "Huangguoshu" which literally means "Yellow Fruit Tree Waterfall" in Chinese.There are actually several different sections that make up the whole massive waterfall area. The main drop is just humongous - the water plunges down a vertical cliff that's 77 meters tall and 81 meters wide! That's taller than a 20 story building. Can you imagine?? The thunderous roar of all that water crashing down is absolutely deafening.But that's not all - there are also lots of other smaller waterfalls and streams branching off in different directions through the valley. Altogether there are 18 separate drops and the whole area covers almost 1 square kilometer! It's like a gigantic magical waterpark created by nature.I remember feeling so tiny standing down below and gazing up at the main waterfall. The sheer force and power of all that water was mind-blowing. You could feel the ground slightly shaking from the impact. And the mist filled the air all around, creating misty rainbows whenever the sun peeked through the clouds. It was breathtaking!We got to hike up the trails alongside the smaller cascades and get right up next to some of the other falls. At one point our path actually went behind one of the waterfalls and you could look out through a curtain of falling water. It was like being inside a liquid cave - so cool! I'll never forget how loud it was back there too, like standing next to a jet engine.Another really neat thing was all the unique plants and bright green mossy vegetation clinging to the rocks. Everything was so lush and vibrant from constant spray of the falls. Our tour guide said the area has over 470 different plant species! There were butterflies and colorful birds flitting around everywhere too. It felt like something straight out of an ancient rainforest.Apparently Huangguoshu has quite an interesting history as well. The first person to really explore and document the falls was a Taoist monk over 1000 years ago during the Song Dynasty. In more recent times, the falls became popular with poets, artists and scholars who would travel to the area to find inspiration.These days, Huangguoshu Waterfall draws huge numbers of tourists from all over China and the world. It's considered one of the top attractions in the whole country. But I think what makes it so special is how it feels like such an untamed force of nature inthe middle of nowhere. Being surrounded by that kind of raw power really makes you feel small yet grateful to witness it.Anyway, that's my take on this incredible natural wonder! I feel so lucky I got to experience Huangguoshu Waterfall with my own eyes. If you ever get a chance to visit, I highly recommend it. Just be prepared to get a little wet from the spray! Thanks for listening everyone, let me know if you have any other questions.篇5Hi everyone! My name is Lily and today I want to tell you all about this amazing place called the Huangguoshu Waterfall. It's located in Guizhou Province in southwestern China.The Huangguoshu Waterfall is one of the biggest and most spectacular waterfalls in all of Asia! Can you believe it's 77.8 meters tall and 81 meters wide? That's taller than a 24-story building! The waterfall drops down in a giant horsetail stream into a bright blue pool below. The sound of all that rushing water is unbelievably loud – you can hear it from really far away.What I think is really cool about Huangguoshu is that it's not just one big waterfall. It's actually made up of 24 separate waterfalls that come together to form one giant, gushing cascade of water. In the rainy season from May to October, thewaterfalls are at their most powerful flow. Over 700 cubic meters of water per second thunder down over the cliffs! That's enough water to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool in just 20 seconds. Wow!The area around the falls is beautiful too. There are lovely bright green pools at the base where you can see all sorts of colorful fish swimming around. The rocks and cliffs surrounding the waterfall are covered in lush greenery and flowers. It's like a tropical rainforest paradise! You can walk across bridges and along trails to get different views of the thundering waterfalls from many angles.One of my favorite things about Huangguoshu are the rainbow-colored clouds that form in the mist coming off the crashing water. If you're lucky and visit on a sunny day, you can see dazzling rainbows arcing across the spraying mist. It's such a magical sight! My dad took a video of me trying to catch the rainbow mist in my hands. I think it's one of the most enchanting places I've ever been.Huangguoshu has been attracting visitors and inspiring artists, writers and poets for over 1,000 years. Ancient inscriptions are still preserved on the surrounding cliffs paying tribute to the waterfall's grandeur and power. The firstinscription dates all the way back to 905 AD! It would be amazing to travel back in time and see how Huangguoshu looked centuries ago.Another neat thing about the waterfall is that it sits right on the border between two different minority villages - the Shui minority village of Huangguoshu and the Miao minority village of Doupengzhai. These ethnic minority groups have preserved their unique cultures, crafts, architecture and lifestyles in the villages around the waterfall area for hundreds of years. You can visit their villages, see their traditional houses, watch them making handicrafts, and even stay overnight as a guest in their homes.Apparently a long time ago the villagers used to be afraid of the thunderous roar of the waterfalls and wouldn't go near them. They thought the falls were the home of dragon spirits! But these days the communities welcome visitors to experience their cultures and marvel at the natural wonder. There are lots of performances with minority dancing, singing and cuisine.I learned that Huangguoshu was just designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2022, along with 37 other amazing natural sites in China. That means it is considered one of the most important and breathtaking natural landscapes in theentire world! I'm so lucky I got to visit before it became even more popular and crowded with tourists.My family and I spent two days exploring the trails, viewing platforms, caves and scenery around the Huangguoshu area. We definitely worked up an appetite with all that hiking andsight-seeing. We ate some delicious local dishes like river fish, sticky rice balls, and a yummy spicy noodle soup. I tried using chopsticks but it was really hard! I kept dropping my food but the waitress thought it was cute.On our last morning, we got up bright and early to see the sunrise over the waterfall area. Watching the sunlight start to peek over the horizon and gradually light up the powerful rushing waters was just...wow. I'll never forget that view as long as I live. The early morning mist made everything seem magical and mystical.I have so many wonderful memories from our trip to Huangguoshu Waterfall. I took about a million pictures and videos to try and capture all the sights and sounds! Looking back at them makes me want to return some day and experience it all over again. I hope you all get the chance to witness the power and beauty of this incredible natural wonder yourselves one day. Thanks for listening!篇6The Magical Huangguoshu WaterfallHi everyone! Today I'm going to tell you all about one of the most amazing waterfalls in the whole world - the Huangguoshu Waterfall in China. Get ready for an awesome adventure!The Huangguoshu Waterfall is located way out in the countryside of Guizhou Province in southwest China. It's in an area called the Anshun County, which is famous for being home to lots of different minority groups like the Miao and Dong people. The waterfall is part of the Huangguoshu Scenic Area, which covers over 140 square kilometers of beautiful mountains, forests, and rivers.But let's talk about the star of the show - the waterfall itself! The Huangguoshu Waterfall is an incredible 77.8 meters tall and 81 meters wide. That's taller than a 24 story building! It's formed by waters from the Datong River crashing over a hugezigzag-shaped cliff face made of layered limestone. The amount of water pouring over is just mind-blowing - 348 cubic meters per second during peak flow season. That's enough water to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool in just 6 seconds!Watching the raging torrent of whitewater plunging down the tiered rocky steps is an incredible sight. The sheer power and roar of all that water is deafening as it smashes into the pools below, sending up enormous clouds of spray. On sunny days, you can see hundreds of rainbows shimmering in the mist. It's like something out of a magical fairy tale!The area around the falls is super lush and green too. There are walking trails that wind through towering ancient grottoes covered in dangling vines and flowers. Cute little waterfalls and streams crisscross everywhere, running over mossy boulders. And keep your eyes peeled for the rare monkeys, pandas, and clouded leopards that make their home in this forest wonderland.One of the coolest things about Huangguoshu is that it has a fascinating history and culture surrounding it. For over 2000 years, the various ethnic minority tribes have considered the waterfall a sacred site. They believed it was the stairway that led to the palace of the Dragon King who ruled over the rivers.During certain festivals, the Miao people would dress up in elaborate costumes of bright colors and intricate embroidery. They performed ancient dances and rituals in honor of the Dragon King, asking for bountiful rains to grow their crops. Someof the dances even involve climbing down precarious ladders and ropes to reach small alcoves and ledges behind the pounding curtain of water! How cool is that?Today, the Huangguoshu waterfall is one of China's biggest tourist attractions. Every year, millions of visitors come from all around the world to witness the natural wonder. There are parks, walking paths, an awesome cablecar ride over the falls, and tons of other fun things to do. You can even stay in special hotels with rooms that have glass floors and walls so you can watch the waterfall from your bed!But unfortunately, Huangguoshu hasn't had things easy in recent decades. Lots of deforestation, mining, and dams being built upstream have caused droughts where the waterfall has actually dried up completely for periods of time. It's been really sad to see. The government has taken steps to try to protect the area, but we all need to do our part for the environment so places like Huangguoshu can be around forever.I feel so lucky that I got to visit this magical waterfall. Seeing those thundering walls of whitewater and emerald-green pools was honestly one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The power and beauty of Huangguoshu is something I'll neverforget. I hope you all get the chance to see it one day too. It's an incredible natural treasure!。
高一介绍贵州黄果树瀑布英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Spectacular Huangguoshu Waterfall: A Natural Wonder in Guizhou ProvinceAs a high school student, I recently had the incredible opportunity to visit one of China's most breathtaking natural wonders – the Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou province. This magnificent waterfall has left an indelible mark on my memory, and I am thrilled to share my awe-inspiring experience with you.Located in the Anshun County of Guizhou, the Huangguoshu Waterfall is a true spectacle of nature. It is widely regarded as one of the largest and most impressive waterfalls in Asia, cascading down from the Baishui River with a staggering height of 77.8 meters (255 feet) and a width of 81 meters (266 feet). The sheer power and majesty of the waterfall as it thunders down the limestone cliffs is simply awe-inspiring.The journey to the waterfall itself was an adventure. Our class embarked on a scenic drive through the winding roads of the Guizhou province, surrounded by lush green mountains andbreathtaking landscapes. As we approached the waterfall area, the sound of the roaring water grew louder and more intense, building anticipation for the incredible sight that awaited us.Upon our arrival at the Huangguoshu Scenic Area, we were greeted by a stunning panorama of the waterfall in its full glory. The sheer volume of water plunging over the cliff's edge was mesmerizing, creating a misty veil that seemed to dance in the air. The roar of the cascading water was deafening, yet somehow serene and calming at the same time.As we ventured closer to the waterfall, we could feel the power of the water vibrating through the ground beneath our feet. The air was thick with moisture, and the cool mist from the waterfall enveloped us, providing a refreshing respite from the summer heat. It was a truly multi-sensory experience that left us all in awe.One of the most remarkable aspects of the Huangguoshu Waterfall is its distinct yellow hue, which gives it its name –"Huang" meaning yellow, and "Guoshu" meaning fruit tree. This unique color is caused by the high concentration of sedimentary rocks and minerals in the water, creating a stunning visual effect that contrasts beautifully with the lush green surroundings.Aside from the main waterfall, the Huangguoshu Scenic Area boasts several other attractions that heightened our appreciation for the natural wonders of Guizhou. The Dazhi Valley, located upstream from the waterfall, is a tranquil oasis where visitors can enjoy leisurely strolls along the riverbank and admire the picturesque limestone formations that line the valley walls.Further upstream, we encountered the Dragon Gate Gorge, a narrow canyon carved by the relentless flow of the Baishui River. As we navigated through the gorge, we were awestruck by the towering cliffs that seemed to stretch endlessly into the sky, their ancient sedimentary layers telling the story of millions of years of geological history.One of the highlights of our visit was the opportunity to take a boat tour along the Baishui River, which provided us with a unique perspective of the waterfall and its surrounding landscapes. As we glided along the calm waters, we could fully appreciate the sheer magnitude and power of the waterfall, while also taking in the stunning scenery of the river valley.Throughout our journey, our knowledgeable tour guide shared fascinating insights into the cultural and historical significance of the Huangguoshu Waterfall. We learned that thewaterfall has been revered by the local ethnic minority groups for centuries, and it holds a special place in their folklore and traditions.In addition to its natural beauty, the Huangguoshu Waterfall also plays a vital role in the local ecosystem. The constant flow of water and the unique geological formations have created a diverse array of habitats for various plant and animal species, some of which are endemic to the region. It was a humbling reminder of the delicate balance that exists in nature and the importance of preserving such natural wonders for future generations.As our visit drew to a close, I found myself feeling incredibly fortunate to have witnessed the majesty of the Huangguoshu Waterfall firsthand. It was a truly unforgettable experience that not only filled me with awe and wonder but also instilled in me a deeper appreciation for the natural world and the importance of environmental conservation.The Huangguoshu Waterfall is a testament to the incredible beauty and power of nature, and it serves as a reminder that there are still many wonders to be discovered and cherished in our world. I encourage everyone, especially my fellow students, to seize opportunities to explore and appreciate the naturalmarvels that surround us, for they have the power to inspire, educate, and leave lasting impressions on our hearts and minds.篇2A Magnificent Natural Wonder: Exploring the Huangguoshu WaterfallAs an avid nature lover and aspiring writer, I recently had the incredible opportunity to visit the awe-inspiring Huangguoshu Waterfall, located in the picturesque province of Guizhou, China. This breathtaking natural wonder has captivated the hearts and minds of countless travelers, and it was an experience that left an indelible mark on my soul.The journey to Huangguoshu itself was an adventure, as we traversed winding roads that snaked through lush valleys and majestic mountains. The scenery was a feast for the eyes, with towering karst formations adorned with verdant foliage, creating a tapestry of colors that seemed to stretch endlessly into the horizon.Upon arriving at our destination, I was immediately struck by the thunderous roar of cascading water, a primordial symphony that reverberated through the very core of my being. As we approached the falls, the anticipation mounted, and when Ifinally laid eyes upon the magnificent Huangguoshu, it took my breath away.Imagine a colossal curtain of water, plunging from a staggering height of 77.8 meters (255 feet), its sheer force and power unleashing a torrent of mist that danced in the sunlight, creating ethereal rainbows that seemed to defy the laws of physics. The sheer volume of water, an astonishing 81.7 cubic meters (2,885 cubic feet) per second, thundered down into the churning pools below, sending tremors through the ground beneath our feet.As I stood in awe, mesmerized by the spectacle before me, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of humility in the face of nature's raw power and beauty. The Huangguoshu Waterfall is a testament to the majesty of our planet, a living, breathing embodiment of the forces that have shaped our world for eons.But the beauty of Huangguoshu extends far beyond the waterfall itself. The surrounding area is a veritable playground for nature enthusiasts, offering a plethora of hiking trails that wind through lush forests, past bubbling streams, and over ancient stone bridges. The air is crisp and invigorating, filled with the scents of pine and wildflowers, a gentle reminder of the rejuvenating power of the great outdoors.One of the highlights of my visit was the opportunity to explore the Huangguoshu Scenic Area, a vast expanse of natural wonders that encompasses not only the waterfall but also a myriad of other breathtaking sights. From the ethereal Rhinoceros Lake, with its crystal-clear waters reflecting the surrounding karst formations, to the awe-inspiring Tianxing Bridge, a marvel of engineering that spans a deep gorge, each corner of this park revealed a new and captivating sight.As I wandered along the trails, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the preservation of such a natural treasure. The Huangguoshu Waterfall and its surrounding area are a testament to the importance of environmental conservation, reminding us that we are mere custodians of this planet and that it is our duty to protect and cherish its natural wonders for generations to come.Beyond its physical beauty, the Huangguoshu Waterfall also holds a deep cultural significance for the local Miao and Bouyei ethnic minority groups, who have called this region home for centuries. Their traditions and legends are woven into the very fabric of this place, adding an extra layer of richness and depth to the experience.As I departed Huangguoshu, my heart was filled with a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world. This magnificent waterfall had not only left me in awe of its sheer grandeur but had also served as a poignant reminder of the importance of preserving and celebrating the beauty that surrounds us.In a world that often seems consumed by the relentless march of progress and technology, places like Huangguoshu Waterfall stand as beacons of hope, reminding us that there is still magic to be found in the untamed corners of our planet. It is a place that will forever hold a special place in my heart, a testament to the awe-inspiring power of nature and a reminder that true beauty lies in the simplicity of the world around us.篇3The Magnificent Huangguoshu Waterfall: A Natural Wonder in GuizhouAs a high school student, I had the incredible opportunity to visit the Huangguoshu Waterfall, a breathtaking natural marvel located in the heart of Guizhou Province, China. Thisawe-inspiring waterfall has captivated visitors from around theworld with its sheer grandeur and beauty, and my experience there was nothing short of extraordinary.The journey to Huangguoshu Waterfall began with a long bus ride from the bustling city of Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou Province. As we left the urban landscape behind, the scenery gradually transformed into a lush, verdant tapestry of rolling hills, winding rivers, and dense forests. The anticipation built with every mile, and I found myself eagerly awaiting the moment when I would lay eyes on this natural wonder.Upon arriving at the entrance of the Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area, I was immediately struck by the sheer magnificence of the surroundings. Towering limestone cliffs rose majestically into the sky, their rugged faces etched with the marks of time and the elements. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying the scent of the lush vegetation that blanketed the area.As we made our way along the well-marked trails, the thunderous roar of the waterfall grew louder and louder, echoing through the valleys and canyons. Finally, after a short hike, we reached a vantage point that offered an unobstructed view of the Huangguoshu Waterfall in all its splendor.Words cannot fully capture the sheer power and majesty of this natural wonder. The Huangguoshu Waterfall cascades downa series of limestone terraces, creating a stunning display of cascading water that seems to defy gravity itself. The water tumbles and churns, sending up a misty spray that dances in the sunlight, creating a kaleidoscope of rainbows.One of the most striking features of the Huangguoshu Waterfall is its sheer size. With a height of 77.8 meters (255 feet) and a width of 81 meters (266 feet), it is truly a colossal spectacle. As I stood there, dwarfed by the sheer magnitude of the waterfall, I couldn't help but feel humbled by the raw power of nature.But the Huangguoshu Waterfall is more than just a visual spectacle; it is also a place of incredible biodiversity. The surrounding area is home to a rich array of plant and animal species, including rare and endangered species such as the Chinese giant salamander and the Chinese clouded leopard. As I explored the trails and pathways that wind through the scenic area, I encountered a vibrant tapestry of flora and fauna, each species playing a crucial role in the delicate ecosystem.One of the highlights of my visit was the opportunity to take a boat ride along the river that flows beneath the waterfall. As we drifted along the calm waters, I was afforded a unique perspective of the Huangguoshu Waterfall, with its thundering cascades towering above us. The experience was bothexhilarating and serene, a perfect blend of nature's raw power and tranquility.Throughout my visit, I was constantly reminded of the importance of preserving and protecting natural wonders like the Huangguoshu Waterfall. These places serve as reminders of the incredible beauty and diversity of our planet, and they play a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems.As I reflected on my experience at the Huangguoshu Waterfall, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude and wonder. This natural marvel is a testament to the incredible power and beauty of nature, and it serves as a powerful reminder of our responsibility to cherish and protect the world around us.In conclusion, the Huangguoshu Waterfall is a true gem in the heart of Guizhou Province, a place where nature's grandeur and majesty are on full display. My visit was an unforgettable experience, one that filled me with awe and appreciation for the incredible natural wonders that our planet has to offer. It is a place that should be cherished and protected for generations to come, a living testament to the beauty and resilience of our world.。
名信片英语作文介绍黄果树瀑布The Splendor of Huangguoshu Waterfall: A Captivating JourneyNestled in the heart of Guizhou province, China, the Huangguoshu Waterfall stands as a testament to the breathtaking beauty of nature. As the largest waterfall in Asia and the second-largest in the world, it is a true marvel that has captivated the hearts and minds of visitors from around the globe.The Huangguoshu Waterfall is a true sight to behold. Cascading over a sheer cliff face, the water plunges an impressive 243 feet (74 meters) into the pool below, creating a mesmerizing display of power and grace. The waterfall is fed by the Baishui River, which originates in the nearby Dalou Mountains, and the resulting torrent of water is truly awe-inspiring.One of the most striking features of the Huangguoshu Waterfall is its sheer size and scale. The waterfall is not a single, unified cascade, but rather a series of smaller falls that converge to create a breathtaking spectacle. The main waterfall is flanked by several smaller falls, each adding to the overall grandeur of the scene.As visitors approach the Huangguoshu Waterfall, they are immediately struck by the thunderous roar of the water crashing against the rocks below. The sound is so powerful that it can be heard from miles away, and the mist that rises from the pool below creates a mesmerizing veil that adds to the mystique of the site.The surrounding landscape of the Huangguoshu Waterfall is equally breathtaking. The waterfall is situated within a lush, verdant canyon that is home to a diverse array of plant and animal life. Towering cliffs rise up on either side of the falls, creating a sense of scale and grandeur that is truly humbling.One of the most popular activities for visitors to the Huangguoshu Waterfall is to take a boat tour of the lower pool. These tours allow visitors to get up close and personal with the waterfall, and to experience the sheer power and majesty of the cascading water. The boat tours also provide visitors with a unique perspective on the surrounding landscape, allowing them to fully appreciate the natural beauty of the region.In addition to the waterfall itself, the Huangguoshu Waterfall area is home to a number of other natural wonders and cultural attractions. Nearby, visitors can explore the Huangguoshu Cave, a vast underground network of caverns and grottos that are home to a variety of unique geological formations. The area is also known forits rich cultural heritage, with a number of ancient temples and historical sites that offer a glimpse into the region's storied past.One of the most impressive aspects of the Huangguoshu Waterfall is its sheer scale and grandeur. The waterfall is truly a natural wonder, and its size and power are simply breathtaking. As visitors stand before the cascading water, they cannot help but be struck by the raw, elemental force of nature on display.Despite its massive size and scale, the Huangguoshu Waterfall is also a site of great natural beauty and serenity. The mist that rises from the pool below creates a sense of tranquility and calm, and the surrounding landscape is a verdant oasis of lush foliage and towering cliffs.In conclusion, the Huangguoshu Waterfall is a true marvel of nature that is well worth a visit. Whether you are drawn to its sheer scale and power, its natural beauty and serenity, or its rich cultural heritage, this stunning natural wonder is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who experience it. So if you have the opportunity to visit Guizhou province, be sure to make the Huangguoshu Waterfall a top priority on your itinerary.。
黄果树瀑布简介英语作文Huangguoshu Waterfall, located in Anshun, Guizhou Province, China, is one of the largest waterfalls in Asia. It is a magnificent natural wonder that attracts millions of visitors every year.The waterfall is 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide, creating a breathtaking and powerful cascade of water. The roaring sound of the water can be heard from far away, and the mist rising from the waterfall creates a magical and ethereal atmosphere.Visitors can experience the waterfall from different perspectives, whether it's from the viewing platforms at the top, the foot of the waterfall, or even from behind the curtain of water. Each vantage point offers a unique and awe-inspiring view of the natural spectacle.The surrounding area of the waterfall is also a beautiful scenic spot, with lush greenery, towering cliffs,and the gentle flow of the Baishui River. It's a perfect place for nature lovers to explore and immerse themselvesin the beauty of the natural world.In addition to its natural beauty, HuangguoshuWaterfall also holds cultural significance for the Miao and Buyi ethnic minorities who live in the region. Thewaterfall is considered a sacred place, and there are traditional customs and rituals associated with it, adding another layer of depth to the visitor's experience.Overall, Huangguoshu Waterfall is a must-seedestination for anyone visiting China. Its grandeur, beauty, and cultural significance make it a truly unforgettable experience for all who have the opportunity to witness its majesty.。
贵州黄果树瀑布英语介绍作文The Majestic Huangguoshu Waterfall: A Breathtaking Natural Wonder in Guizhou, ChinaNestled amidst the rugged mountains of Guizhou Province in southwestern China lies the captivating Huangguoshu Waterfall a true natural marvel that has captivated the hearts and minds of visitors from around the world The waterfall is the largest in Asia and the second-largest in the world cascading down a staggering height of 77.8 meters 255 feet and spanning an impressive width of 101 meters 331 feet This awe-inspiring natural wonder is a testament to the raw power and beauty of Mother Nature and a must-see destination for any traveler exploring the stunning landscapes of ChinaThe Huangguoshu Waterfall is part of a larger scenic area known as the Huangguoshu Waterfall National Park which covers an area of over 154 square kilometers and boasts a rich diversity of flora and fauna The waterfall is fed by the Baishui River which originates in the nearby Dalou Mountains and cascades over a series of limestone cliffs creating a breathtaking display of cascading water that seems to defy gravity As the water plummets down the cliff face it creates amesmerizing mist that envelops the surrounding area in a ethereal veil adding to the mystical and otherworldly atmosphere of the siteOne of the most striking features of the Huangguoshu Waterfall is its sheer size and scale The waterfall is composed of seven distinct drops with the main waterfall being the largest and most impressive of the group The waterfall is flanked by two smaller waterfalls known as the Shuiliandong Waterfall and the Nuorilang Waterfall which add to the overall grandeur and beauty of the site Visitors can marvel at the power of the water as it crashes down the cliff face creating a thunderous roar that can be heard from miles awayThe Huangguoshu Waterfall is not only a natural wonder but also a cultural and historical site of great significance The waterfall has been revered by the local Bouyei and Miao ethnic minority groups for centuries and has been the subject of countless myths and legends The site is also home to a number of ancient temples and shrines that reflect the deep spiritual connection that the local people have with this sacred placeOne of the most impressive features of the Huangguoshu Waterfall is the intricate network of trails and walkways that allow visitors to explore the site up close and personal Visitors can traverse a series of bridges and platforms that take them right to the edge of the waterfall allowing them to feel the mist on their skin and hear thethunderous roar of the water as it cascades down the cliff face Additionally there are a number of viewing platforms and observation decks that offer breathtaking panoramic views of the waterfall and the surrounding landscapeThe Huangguoshu Waterfall is not only a natural wonder but also a popular tourist destination attracting millions of visitors each year from all over China and around the world The site is easily accessible with a well-developed infrastructure of hotels restaurants and transportation options making it an ideal destination for both domestic and international travelers Visitors can explore the waterfall and the surrounding scenic area through a variety of activities including hiking nature walks and boat tours which offer a unique perspective of this stunning natural wonderIn addition to its natural beauty the Huangguoshu Waterfall is also a site of great ecological significance The waterfall and the surrounding area are home to a rich diversity of plant and animal life including a number of endangered species such as the Asiatic black bear and the clouded leopard The site has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in recognition of its outstanding universal value and its importance as a biodiversity hotspotDespite its popularity and fame the Huangguoshu Waterfall remains a relatively undiscovered gem in the vast and diverse landscape ofChina While it may not have the same level of global recognition as some of the country's other iconic natural wonders such as the Great Wall or the Terracotta Warriors the Huangguoshu Waterfall is a truly remarkable and awe-inspiring sight that deserves to be celebrated and protected for generations to comeFor those who have the opportunity to visit the Huangguoshu Waterfall the experience is sure to be one that will leave a lasting impression The sheer scale and power of the waterfall the stunning natural beauty of the surrounding landscape and the rich cultural and historical significance of the site all combine to create an unforgettable experience that will stay with you long after you've left this truly remarkable place。
The Magnificent Huangguoshu WaterfallNestled in the verdant hills of Guizhou province, China, stands a natural wonder that has captivated travelers for centuries - the Huangguoshu Waterfall. This breathtaking spectacle of nature is not just a waterfall; it is a symphony of sound, a painting of color, and a poem of motion, all in one harmonious composition.The Huangguoshu Waterfall is the largest waterfall in China, renowned for its immense size and thundering roar. The waterfall is formed by the Baishui River, which plunges down a cliff, creating a misty veil that often shrouds the falls in a veil of white. As the water tumbles down, it creates a misty halo, giving the falls an ethereal quality that seems almost magical.Approaching the falls, one is immediately struck by the powerful sounds of rushing water. The noise is deafening, yet strangely soothing, as if nature itself is singing a primal song of creation and destruction. The force of the falling water creates a constant vibration that can be felt through the ground, a tangible reminder of the awesome power of nature.The view of the falls from the observation deck is truly spectacular. One can see the water cascading down in multiple tiers, each tier creating its own unique pattern and texture. The falls are surrounded by lush greenery, adding to the overall beauty of the landscape. The sunlight filters through the trees, casting dappled light on the falling water, creating a rainbow effect that is both enchanting and mesmerizing.Visiting Huangguoshu Waterfall is not just a visual experience; it is also a sensorial journey. The mist from the falls often drifts up to the observation deck, cooling the air and leaving visitors with a refreshing sense of freshness.The falls are also a popular destination for adventure seekers. There are hiking trails that lead to various viewpoints, offering different perspectives of the falls. Some of these trails are quite steep and challenging, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Standing at the edge of the cliff, looking down at the roaring falls, is an experience that is both thrilling and humbling.Huangguoshu Waterfall is also a cultural icon in China. It has been a source of inspiration for many poets and artists over the centuries. Legends and myths surrounding the falls have also been passed down through generations, adding to its mystique and allure.Moreover, the area surrounding the falls is rich in biodiversity, with a variety of flora and fauna thriving in the lush forests. Visitors often spot birds, monkeys, and other wildlife while exploring the trails. This adds to the overall experience of visiting Huangguoshu, making it not just a destination to see a waterfall, but a journey of discovery through nature.In conclusion, Huangguoshu Waterfall is a natural wonder that must be experienced to be fully appreciated. It is a testament to the awesome power and beauty of nature, and a reminder of our place in the world. Whether you are seeking adventure, tranquility, or simply a chance to marvel at the wonders of nature, a visit to Huangguoshu Waterfall is sure to leave a lasting impression.。
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10东导游1班 范琳琳
tour map
huangguoshu waterfalls Tourห้องสมุดไป่ตู้line
first:the giant Huangguoshu
second:Star Huangguoshu
scenic area
1.the giant Huangguoshu waterfall.
2.Water Curtain Cave
3.Four waterfall
黄果树瀑布高77.8米,宽101.0米,被大世界吉尼斯总部评为世 界上最大的瀑布群。
黄果树瀑布是中国最大的瀑布,是世界上第三大瀑布。他 是世界上唯一可以从上、下、前、后、左、右六个方位 观赏的瀑布。
我们对西游记是不陌生的,并且在西游记中 的水帘洞是在这里拍摄的。
2.Water Curtain Cave
每当雨季,洞顶洞壁上的雨水一齐涌出,恰似珠帘掩门,故得名水帘洞。夏季人们 可钻到水帘洞内,也可爬到瀑布漫流的钙华滩地上嬉戏,其乐无穷。
3.Four waterfall
落差高达410 米的滴水滩瀑布
瀑面宽达110 米的陡坡塘瀑布
3.Four waterfall
滩面长达350 米的螺丝滩瀑布
huangguoshu waterfalls Tour line
first:the giant Huangguoshu
second:Star Huangguoshu
scenic area
Star Huangguoshu scenic area
2.Water stone forest area
石林间长着大片的仙人掌和小灌木,银链坠潭瀑布和星峡飞瀑也分别处在水 上石林的左右二侧。
3.Star bridge the stone forest
石林里到处是千姿百态的大青石,构成一片石林景区。石林的每一处石 缝都冒出了灌木藤蔓,使石林里形成一个郁郁葱葱的绿色王国。
Star Huangguoshu scenic area
1.natural bonsai area
2.Water stone forest area
3.Star bridge the stone forest
1.natural bonsai area
近处石林,远处群山,倒映碧水之上,展现在眼前的是一幅色彩淡雅景 色协调的天然山水画。