3.0 保单条款
二、第三者责任险保险条款概述1. 保障范围第三者责任险是作为车险中的必备险种之一,其主要作用是在 insured 肇事造成第三者财产损失及人身伤害时,提供相应的赔偿保障。
2. 增值服务除了基本的保险责任外,平安车险在不断提升保险服务水平,可能会在2023版的第三者责任险保险条款中增加一些额外的增值服务,比如紧急救援、法律援助等,从而更加全面地满足车主的保障需求。
三、文章核心内容1. 保障责任明晰在深入探讨2023版平安车险第三者责任险保险条款时,值得关注的是保障责任是否更加明晰。
2. 保障金额提高除了保障责任的明晰外,2023版的平安车险第三者责任险保险条款是否会提高保障金额也是值得关注的重点。
3. 驾驶范围扩大在阅读2023版的第三者责任险保险条款时,车主还要留意保险公司是否会对驾驶范围进行扩大。
撤销可损 (§10)
撤销索赔 减损方案需 得到书面同 意
拖欠:催款;破产:债权登记、所 有权保留、在途货物;拒收:处理 方案
不超过最高 赔偿限额 具体依据信用限 额审批单决定 有效信用限额
从低 ( § 12)
具体根据限额审批单确 定赔付比例
视国别、地区而定 赔付前(§5.4) (1-保单约定赔偿比 例)
无论各位遇到任何风险,也无论各 位采取什么减损措施,都必须得到Байду номын сангаас中信保的书面同意。
出口商应当在提交 《可能损失通知书》后 向中信保提交《索赔申请书》
�按规定期限提交索赔申请; �提交相关单证(一):
P.S.贸易单证、保险单证、反洗钱单证提供复印件即可,每页都要盖公章,超过 两页盖骑缝章
实际追 回款
债权登 记费
赔付后(§5.5) ( 1-赔付金额/赔付 时有效委托金额)
被保险人A公司为M国客户以OA60天方式为我司申 请的限额是200万美元,向M国客户出口2批货 物,第一批出运时间是2004年6月1日,货值150 万;于7月5日出运第二批,货值50万,但由于疏 忽并未申报;于8月7日出运第三批,货值100万 (出货前申请追加50万)。由于美国客户拖欠, A在10月5日向我公司报损并提出索赔,索赔金额 为300万美元。
1. 第三者财产损失赔偿:保险人将负责赔偿因被保险人驾驶的车辆在交通事故中,导致第三者财产损失的费用。
2. 第三者人身伤亡赔偿:保险人将负责赔偿因被保险人驾驶的车辆在交通事故中,导致第三者人身伤亡的费用。
3. 附加特约条款:根据个人需求,中华保险还可以提供一些附加特约条款,例如指定修理厂、无赔款优待、陪驾服务等额外的保险条款,以提供更加全面的保障。
一、保险标的1. 本保险合同涉及的机动车辆(以下简称“保险车辆”)系指乙方所有或合法占有的,且在保险合同中载明的车辆。
2. 本保险适用于因保险车辆在使用过程中对第三方造成的人身伤亡或财产损失,依法应由乙方承担的经济赔偿责任。
二、保险金额与赔偿限额1. 保险金额及赔偿限额由甲乙双方在本保险合同成立时约定,并在保险单中载明。
2. 乙方可选择不同档次的三者责任险赔偿限额,包括但不限于XX 万元、XX万元等不同档次。
三、保险期间1. 本保险的保险期间由甲乙双方约定,并在保险单中载明。
2. 保险期间届满前,乙方应按时向甲方提出续保申请,并支付相应保险费。
四、保险费用及支付方式1. 保险费用由乙方按照约定的金额和支付方式支付。
2. 乙方应按照约定的时间、地点和方式支付保险费。
五、保险责任与免责条款1. 保险责任:因保险车辆的意外事故导致第三方遭受人身伤亡或财产损失,依法应由乙方承担的经济赔偿责任,甲方在保险合同约定的赔偿限额内承担赔偿责任。
2. 甲方不承担以下损失或费用:战争、军事冲突等导致的损失;因保险车辆被盗抢导致的损失;因被保险人或其允许的驾驶人的故意行为导致的损失等。
六、事故通知与理赔程序1. 发生事故后,乙方应立即通知甲方,并尽力协助甲方进行现场查勘和事故处理。
2. 乙方应按照甲方要求提供理赔所需的证明和资料。
电子保单标准规范目次前 言 (II)引 言 (III)电子保单标准规范 (1)1范围 (1)2术语和定义 (1)2.1可靠电子签名reliable electronic signature (1)2.2版式电文plate type message (1)2.3结构化数据structured data (1)2.4电子保单electronic policy (1)2.5电子批单electronic endorsement (1)2.6电子投保单electronic application form (1)2.7电子投保electronic application (2)2.8电子保单发送delivery of electronic policy (2)2.9电子保单签收receipt of electronic policy (2)2.10电子保单查询inquiry of electronic policy (2)2.11电子保单下载download of electronic policy (2)2.12电子保单验真verification of electronic policy (2)2.13人脸识别face recognition (2)2.14活体人脸live face (2)2.15电子保单统一查验平台unified inspection platform for electronic policy23电子保单实务规范 (2)3.1电子保单实务规范概述 (2)3.2电子投保 (2)3.3电子制单 (3)3.4送单规范 (4)3.5查询规范 (5)3.6下载规范 (5)3.7保单验真规范 (5)3.8保险合同变更 (5)3.9理赔规范 (6)3.10回执规范 (6)3.11归档规范 (6)4电子保单信息安全规范 (6)4.1数据信息安全 (6)4.2数据信息安全技术要求 (7)电子保单标准规范1范围本标准规定了交银康联人寿保险有限公司(以下简称“交银康联人寿”)电子保单自投保至责任终止全流程标准规范和信息安全规范。
CHINA EXPORT & CREDIT INSURANCE CORPORATIONSHORT-TERM COMPREHENSIVE POLICYShort Term Export Credit Insurance Policy (Comprehensive Cover)Insurance Company: China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation Type of Insurance: Short Term Export Credit Insurance Name of Provisions: Short Term Export Credit Insurance (Comprehensive Cover) Policy Version of Provisions: Short Term/Main Risks/ Comprehensive Risk Insurance 2009 Chapter One Scope of PolicyArticle I Cover is provided under the Policy for the export trade conducted by the enterprises registered within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, which satisfies the following conditions: (i) The sales contracts are real, legitimate and valid, which generally specify the main clauses, such as the parties concerned, type of goods, quantity, price, time/place/mode of delivery and payment terms,etc.; and (ii) Payment is to be made by L/C or non-L/C methods, in either case the credit period does not exceed 360 days, and the L/C shall be an irrevocable documentary one opened according to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits. Chapter Two Coverage Article II During the Policy Period, after the Insured dispatches goods in accordance with the terms and conditions of a sales contract or, as a beneficiary, presents documents according to the terms of an L/C, the Insurer shall assume the liability for the Insured’s direct losses resulting from the following risks in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Policy: (i) Commercial risks In case of payment by non-L/C, including the following circumstances: 1. Buyer’s Bankruptcy or insolvency or ; 2. Buyer’s Protracted Default or 3. Buyer’s Refusal to take delivery of goods. In case of payment by L/C, including the following circumstances: 1. Issuing Bank’s Bankruptcy, winding-up or a receiver is appointed for it or;1 THIS ENGLISH VERSION IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND THE CHINESE WORDING IS LEGALLY BINDING.CHINA EXPORT & CREDIT INSURANCE CORPORATIONSHORT-TERM COMPREHENSIVE POLICY2. Issuing Bank’s Default or 3. Issuing Bank’s refusal to accept the L/C. (ii) Political risks In case of payment by non-L/C, including the following circumstances: 1. The Buyer’s country or region promulgates any laws, decrees, orders, rules or takes any administrative measures, prohibiting or restricting the Buyer from paying the proceeds in the currency agreed in the contract or in any other freely convertible currency, prohibiting the importation of the goods purchased by the Buyer, canceling the import license already issued to the Buyer or refusing to approve extension of the period of the import license; 2. A general moratorium is declared by the Buyer’s country or region or by a third country through which payment of the proceeds must be effected; 3. The occurrence of war, civil commotion , insurrection, revolution or rebellion in the Buyer’s country or region, which prevents the Buyer from performing the contract; or 4. Other events determined by the Insurer as political risks which prevent the Buyer from performing the contract. In case of payment by L/C, including the following circumstances: 1. The Issuing Bank’s country or region promulgates any laws, decrees, orders, rules or takes any administrative measures, prohibiting or restricting the Issuing Bank from making payment under the L/C in the currency specified in the L/C or in any other freely convertible currency; 2. A general moratorium declared by the Issuing Bank’s country or region or by a third country through which the payment under the L/C must be effected; 3. The occurrence of war, civil commotion insurrection, revolution or rebellion in the Issuing Bank’s country or region, which prevents the issuing bank from performing the payment obligations under the L/C; or 4. Other events determined by the Insurer as political risks which prevent the Issuing Bank from performing the obligations under the L/C.2 THIS ENGLISH VERSION IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND THE CHINESE WORDING IS LEGALLY BINDING.CHINA EXPORT & CREDIT INSURANCE CORPORATIONSHORT-TERM COMPREHENSIVE POLICYChapter ThreeExclusionsArticle III Unless otherwise provided in the Policy, the Insurer shall not be liable for any of the following losses: (i) Losses from exchange rate fluctuations; (ii) Losses from breach of contract, fraud or other illegal acts by the Insured or its agent(s), or from bankruptcy of the Insured’s agent(s); (iii) Losses incurred which the Insured knows or ought to know the occurrence of any of the risks listed in Article II of the Policy, or the Insured continues to export to the buyer after the material or anticipatory breach of the sales contract by the Buyer. (iv) The following losses where payment is made by non-L/C methods 1. Losses insurable under cargo transport insurance or other types of insurance; 2. Losses from bankruptcy, breach of contract, fraud or other illegal acts by the Buyer’s agent(s); 3. Losses from release of documents by a bank, or from release of goods by a freight forwarder or carrier without proper authority; 4. Losses from Commercial Risks as a result of exports by the Insured to its Affiliated Company(ies); 5. Losses from frustration of the sales contract due to failure by the Insured or the Buyer to obtain any necessary license, approval or authorizations in a timely manner; (v) The following losses where payment is made by L/C methods 1. Losses from refusal by the Issuing Bank to accept the L/C or make payment thereunder because the documents are not in conformity with the terms and conditions of the L/C or are inconsistent with each other; 2. Losses from delay, loss, damage or mis-delivery of the documents under the L/C occurred in the process of dispatch or electronic transmission; 3. Losses from fraudulent or void L/Cs; or (vi) Any other losses beyond the coverage of the Policy. Chapter Four Limit of Liability::Article IV The Limit of Liability includes the Maximum Limit of Liability and the Credit Limit. (i) The Maximum Limit of Liability under the Policy means, during a Policy Period, the maximum amount of aggregate losses for which the Insurer may be liable in respect of the exports declared by3 THIS ENGLISH VERSION IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND THE CHINESE WORDING IS LEGALLY BINDING.CHINA EXPORT & CREDIT INSURANCE CORPORATIONSHORT-TERM COMPREHENSIVE POLICYthe Insured to the Insurer in accordance with the Policy. The Maximum Limit of Liability is specified in the Schedule of the Policy; (ii) The Credit Limit is the maximum amount of loss approved by the Insurer, for which the Insurer may be liable in respect of the exports dispatched to a specific buyer or of the exports under the L/Cs opened by a specific Issuing Bank. The actual amount of indemnity is to be calculated according to the Indemnity Ratio specified in the Policy; 1. The Insured shall, in respect of the exports covered under this Policy, apply to the Insurer in writing for Credit Limits for each Buyer or each Issuing Bank. 2. The approved Credit Limit is valid for the underlying exports dispatched after its effective date. Unless specified otherwise, the Credit Limit is revolving during the Policy Period. The Insurer is entitled to adjust the Credit Limit according to the actual use of the Credit Limit by the Insured. Where the Insured fails to declare the shipments beyond the “Idle Period of Limit”, the Insurer is entitled to cancel the corresponding Credit Limit; 3. Once a new Credit Limit comes into effect, the previous Credit Limit in respect of the same Buyer or the same Issuing Bank becomes invalid automatically. The balance of the coverage under the invalid Credit Limit is transferred under the newly approved Credit Limit; 4. From the date the Insured presents a Threatening Loss Notification in respect of any Buyer or Issuing Bank, the Credit Limit approved by the Insurer in respect of the said Buyer or Issuing Bank is cancelled automatically; where there is material change to the risk profile, the Insurer is entitled to adjust or cancel the Credit Limit and notify the Insured thereof in writing; 5. The adjustment or cancellation of a Credit Limit is valid for the exports dispatched after the date of adjustment or cancellation and does not affect the liabilities assumed by the Insurer before that date; and 6. The Insurer is not liable for the exports in respect of any Buyer or Issuing Bank if the Insured fails to obtain a Credit Limit for it before dispatching the goods, or the Credit Limit for the relevant Buyer or Issuing Bank becomes invalid or is cancelled. Chapter Five DeclarationArticle V The Insured shall declare to the Insurer the exports which fall within the Scope of Policy in the way(s) specified in the Schedule of the Policy and in the form stipulated by the Insurer. Article VI The Insurer is not liable for the exports which the Insured does not declare or declares incorrectly. The Insured is obliged to declare as soon as possible the exports which are not declared in the prescribed time limit. If however any loss or any event which may result in a loss has occurred in respect of such un-declared exports, the Insurer is not liable therefor.4 THIS ENGLISH VERSION IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND THE CHINESE WORDING IS LEGALLY BINDING.CHINA EXPORT & CREDIT INSURANCE CORPORATIONSHORT-TERM COMPREHENSIVE POLICYIf the Insured fails to declare or omits to declare intentionally, the Insurer is entitled to refuse to indemnify the Insured for all the losses incurred in respect of the exports under the Policy and to retain the premiums received. Chapter Six PremiumArticle VII The Insurer shall calculate and collect the premium payable on the basis of the methods specified in the Schedule of the Policy. The Insurer shall not be liable for the exports declared by the Insured if the Insured fails to pay the premium in full within the prescribed time limit. Where the Insured fails to pay the premium 60 days from the prescribed time limit, the Insurer is entitled to terminate the Policy and shall notify the Insured thereof in writing. The Policy becomes void from the date the written notice is delivered to the Insured. The premium paid under the Policy is non-refundable. The termination does not release the Insurer of its liabilities assumed under the Policy before the date of termination. Article VIII Where there is material change to the risk profile, the Insurer may modify the premium rate and notify the Insured thereof in writing. The modified rate shall take effect as from the effective date specified in the notice of modification.Chapter SevenClaimArticle IX The Insured shall submit Threatening Loss Notification to the Insurer in respect of the Protracted Default under Article II of the Policy within 30 days, or in respect of any other risks within 10 working days, from the date it knows or should have known the occurrence thereof. Insured’s submitting the Threatening Loss Notification is the precondition for claims. Where the Insured fails to submit the “Threatening Loss Notification” within the time limit prescribed in the Policy, the Insurer is entitled to reduce the Indemnity Ratio. If the Insured fails to submit the Threatening Loss Notification within 6 months from the prescribed time limit, the Insurer is entitled to reject the claim. Article X Where the proceeds are received after the Threatening Loss Notification is submitted, the Insured shall notify the Insurer thereof in writing within 10 working days upon receipt of the payment. Article XI The Insured shall submit a Claim Form together with all the supporting documents listed in the Claim Documents Schedule to the Insurer within 4 months following the submission of the Threatening Loss Notification. Otherwise, except for the prior written consent by the Insurer, the Insurer is entitled to reduce the Indemnity Ratio or reject the claim. If the documents submitted by the Insured is incomplete and the Insured fails to produce supplementary documents according to the request of the Insurer, the Insurer is entitled to reject the claim.5 THIS ENGLISH VERSION IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND THE CHINESE WORDING IS LEGALLY BINDING.CHINA EXPORT & CREDIT INSURANCE CORPORATIONSHORT-TERM COMPREHENSIVE POLICYArticle XII After the Insurer accepts the Indemnity Application from the Insured, unless otherwise provided for in the Policy, it shall verify the causes of loss within 4 months and notify the Insured of its ascertainment in writing. Subject to the satisfaction of the conditions for the Maximum Limit of Liability, the Insurer shall be liable for the losses which fall within the coverage of the Policy and the base amount of indemnity is to be determined as either the ascertained loss or the Credit Limit, whichever is lower. The base amount of indemnity shall in no case exceed the invoice amount of the goods exported. The amount of indemnity is the product of the base amount of indemnity multiplied by the Indemnity Ratio as provided in the Policy. Article XIII Where there is a payment guarantee or a trade dispute between the parties, the principles to be followed by the Insurer in ascertaining losses and settling claims are as follows: (i) Where there is a payment guarantee, unless otherwise agreed by the Insurer in writing, the Insurer does not ascertain losses and settle claims before the guarantor has made payment in accordance with the guarantee, or before a final arbitral award or judgment has been obtained and an application for enforcement thereof filed if the Insured has applied for arbitration or filed a lawsuit. (ii) Where there is a trade dispute between the parties and the Buyer refuses to pay the proceeds or to take delivery of goods, unless otherwise agreed by the Insurer in writing, the Insured shall apply for arbitration or file a lawsuit in the first place. The Insurer does not ascertain losses and settle claims before a final arbitral award or judgment has been obtained and an application for enforcement thereof filed; (iii) The court costs, arbitration fees and attorney’s fees incurred above shall be paid by the Insured in the first place. Only when the Insured has won the case and the loss is covered by the Policy, should they be divided between the Insurer and the Inured in proportion to their respective interests in the loss. Otherwise, they shall be for the Insured’s own account. Article XIV When ascertaining losses and settling claims, the Insurer shall deduct the following amounts from the claim payment: (i) Amounts which the Buyer has paid, set-off, and without the written consent of the Insurer, the price cut, the debts waived, and the amounts of counterclaim accepted by the Insured; (ii) Amounts which the Insured has recovered by other means, including but not limited to amounts recovered through reselling the goods and/or disposing of mortgaged properties and/or receiving payments made by guarantor(s);6 THIS ENGLISH VERSION IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND THE CHINESE WORDING IS LEGALLY BINDING.CHINA EXPORT & CREDIT INSURANCE CORPORATIONSHORT-TERM COMPREHENSIVE POLICY(iii) Other amounts or interests which have been obtained by the Insured from the Issuing Bank or the Buyer; (iv) Interest, default interest or default payment which the Insured is entitled to collect from the Buyer under a sales contract; and (v) Other unreasonable amounts or expenses. Article XV Where a risk covered under the Policy has occurred the disposal of goods is involved, in principle the Insurer does not ascertain losses and settle claims before the goods are disposed of by the Insured. The prior written consent of the Insurer is needed for the Insured to dispose of the goods, otherwise the Insurer is entitled to reject the indemnity. Chapter Eight Recovery Article XVI After submitting the “Threatening Loss Notification”, the Insured shall authorize the Insurer to recover the loss or recover the loss on its own but under the direction of the Insurer, otherwise the Insurer has the right to reduce the Indemnity Ratio or to reject the claim. Article XVII Where the Insured authorizes the Insurer to recover the loss and the Insurer ascertains that the Insured’s loss is covered by the Policy, the recovery expenses shall be divided between the Insurer and Insured in proportion to their respective interests in the loss; if the Insurer ascertains that the Insured’s loss is not covered by the Policy, the recovery expenses shall be for the Insured’s own account. Article XVIII Subsequent to the payment of indemnity by the Insurer, the Insured shall assign to the Insurer all the rights and interests under the sales contract and/or the L/C concerned with respect to the loss indemnified. Meanwhile, the Insured remains obliged to assist the Insurer in recovering the loss from the Buyer or the Issuing Bank. Once the amount due is recovered from the Buyer, the amount recovered and the expenses incurred shall be divided between the Insurer and the Insured in proportion to their respective interests in the loss under the Policy. Any amount recovered or received by the Insured or its agent from the Buyer or the Issuing Bank is deemed as kept in custody for the Insurer before it is divided between the Insurer and the Insured. The Insured shall remit to the Insurer the portion it is entitled to within 10 working days upon receipt of the above-mentioned amount. Article XIX Notwithstanding any special agreement between the Insured and the Buyer, unless otherwise agreed by the Insurer in writing, any payments made by the Buyer to the Insured after the occurrence of the risks listed in the Policy are deemed to offset the accounts receivable by that Buyer to the Insured under the Policy in the chronological order.7 THIS ENGLISH VERSION IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND THE CHINESE WORDING IS LEGALLY BINDING.CHINA EXPORT & CREDIT INSURANCE CORPORATIONSHORT-TERM COMPREHENSIVE POLICYArticle XX Where any of the following circumstances arises after the insurer’s indemnification, the Insured shall refund the payment of loss plus interests accrued to the Insurer within 10 working days upon receipt of the refund request from the Insurer: (i) The Insurer becomes aware that there exists a payment guarantee or a trade dispute between the Insured and the Buyer, or the Insured has not complied with the principle of utmost good faith; (ii) The Insured accepts returned goods, allows discount, waives debts and/or enters into settlement agreement with the Buyer or the Issuing Bank at will; (iii) The Insurer is unable to exercise the subrogation rights in whole or in part because of the Insured; or (iv) The Insurer ascertains that the causes of loss do not fall within the coverage of the Policy. Chapter Nine Obligations of the InsuredArticle XXI Without the written consent of the Insurer, the Insured shall not, in respect of the risks in connection with the exports covered under the Policy, apply to other institutions for credit insurance coverage. Article XXII The Insured shall disclose to the Insurer all the information which may affect the Insurer’s risk assessment, rate setting, limit approval, ascertainment of claim and recovery in a truthful, complete, accurate and timely manner. After the exports have been dispatched, the Insured shall check the performance of the sales contract regularly, and collect the proceeds in real earnest. Where the Insured becomes aware of any negative information with regard to the Buyer or the Issuing Bank or the occurrence of any of the risks in Article II of the Policy, it shall take all necessary measures promptly to avoid or mitigate losses and shall notify the Insurer thereof in writing. Where the Buyer or the Issuing Bank is in bankruptcy proceedings, the Insured is obliged to register its rights with the competent court or agency timely. Article XXIII Before changing the payment method, period of payment or other terms and conditions of a sales contract, which may affect the rights and interests of the Insurer, the Insured shall obtain the prior written consent of the Insurer. Otherwise the Insurer is not liable for the losses of the underlying exports. Article XXIV The Insured is obliged to assist the Insurer in examining the books and accounts, contracts and the correspondences with Buyer(s), and other materials relevant to the Policy. The8 THIS ENGLISH VERSION IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND THE CHINESE WORDING IS LEGALLY BINDING.CHINA EXPORT & CREDIT INSURANCE CORPORATIONSHORT-TERM COMPREHENSIVE POLICYInsurer undertakes to keep the materials confidential. Article XXV The Insured is obliged to keep confidential the Insurance Provisions of the Policy, the underlying documents and the relevant information provided by the Insurer. Failure to fulfill the obligation of confidentiality will render the Insured liable for the legal liabilities arising therefrom. Article XXVI The Insured shall perform its obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Policy. Where the Insured fails to fulfill its obligations and thus affects Insurer’s rights and interests, the Insurer is entitled to reduce the Indemnity Ratio, reject claims or terminate the Policy, and retain the premium paid.Chapter TenMiscellaneousArticle XXVII The Insured has the right to terminate the Policy within the Policy Period, provided that it shall notify the Insurer in writing. The Policy is terminated from the date the notice is received by the Insurer. Unless otherwise provided for in the Policy, all the premiums paid by the Insured are non- refundable. The termination does not release the Insurer of its liabilities assumed under the Policy before the date of termination. Article XXVIII The Policy Period is one year. If neither the Insurer nor the Insured proposes to modify or cancel the Policy, it is renewed automatically for another year upon the expiry of the previous period.All the existing endorsements under the policy are automatically extended after the policy is renewed. Article XXIX Without the prior written consent of the Insurer, the Insurer shall not in any way be bound by any assignment, mortgage, pledge and pawn by the Insured of its interests under the Policy or by any other acts of the Insured to dispose of the said interests. The Insured shall compensate the Insurer for the loss incurred therefrom. Article XXX Any dispute arising under the Policy shall be settled by consultations. Should no agreement be reached, the dispute shall be settled in the way(s) specified in the Schedule of the Policy. Article XXXI The Chinese version of the Policy prevails and it is governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. Article XXXI I Definitions9 THIS ENGLISH VERSION IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND THE CHINESE WORDING IS LEGALLY BINDING.CHINA EXPORT & CREDIT INSURANCE CORPORATIONSHORT-TERM COMPREHENSIVE POLICY(i) The Policy means this Short Term Export Credit Insurance (Comprehensive Cover) Policy (Serial Number: see policy number in the Schedule), which consists of the Proposal, the Schedule of the Policy, the Endorsement, the Insurance Provisions, the Country (Region) Category, the Credit Limit Application Form and its Appendix, the Credit Limit Approval Form, the Claim Schedule, the Recovery Authorization Agreement, the Declaration of Export and other relevant documents; (ii) Insurer means China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation; (iii) Export means that goods have been declared to the Chinese Customs and delivered to the carrier or directly to the Buyer or otherwise determined by the Insurer; (iv) Non-L/C payment methods include documents against payment acceptance (D/A) and open account (OA), etc.;(D/P), documents against“D/P – documents against payment” means the payment methods in sales contracts where release of the shipping documents to the Buyer is subject to payment by the Buyer, which includes D/P and other payment methods of equivalent terms. “D/A – documents against acceptance ” means the payment methods in sales contracts where release of the shipping documents to the Buyer is against a draft accepted by the Buyer, which includes D/A and other payment methods of equivalent terms. “O/A – open account” means the payment methods in sales contracts where the Buyer can obtain goods or the shipping documents without having to make payment or accept a draft, which includes O/A, D/P, D/A and other payment methods of equivalent terms, where the goods are dispatched by air transportation, overland transportation, or part of the shipping documents are sent directly to the Buyer.(v) Credit Period means, in respect of non-L/C payment methods, the period from the export date of goods to the due date of payment by the Buyer; in respect of L/C payment method, the period from the date the Insured submits the documents required in the L/C to the negotiating bank or the advising bank to the due date of payment by the Issuing Bank; (vi) Affiliated Company means any company which, by way of capital, operation and/or personnel, etc., directly or indirectly owns or controls, is owned or controlled by the Insured, or jointly owned or controlled by a third party; (vii) Issuing Bank means the bank which acting at the request of the applicant opens an L/C and undertakes to bear payment obligations independently in accordance with the terms and conditions of10 THIS ENGLISH VERSION IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND THE CHINESE WORDING IS LEGALLY BINDING.。
六、合同双方义务:1. 甲方的义务:(1)甲方应按照合同约定承担赔偿责任。
2. 乙方的义务:(1)乙方应如实告知甲方有关保险车辆的重要事项,如车辆改装、使用性质等。
七、赔偿处理:1. 赔偿申请:乙方应在事故发生后及时通知甲方,并按照甲方的要求提交索赔材料。
2. 赔偿核定:甲方应对乙方提交的索赔材料进行审核,并在合理期限内做出核定。
3. 赔偿支付:经核定属于保险责任的事故,甲方应按照合同约定及时支付赔偿金。
二、浅谈平安车险第三者责任险1. 什么是第三者责任险?在探讨平安车险第三者责任险保险条款2023版之前,我们首先需要了解第三者责任险的基本概念。
2. 平安车险第三者责任险的特点平安车险作为国内领先的保险公司之一,其第三者责任险保险条款一直备受关注。
三、深入评估平安车险第三者责任险保险条款2023版1. 保障范围在评估一份保险条款时,首先需要关注的是其保障范围。
平安车险第三者责任险保险条款2023版是否对保障范围进行了调整?通过对比之前版本的条款,我们可以发现......2. 特殊条款和案例分析除了保障范围之外,平安车险第三者责任险保险条款2023版是否增加了一些特殊条款?这些特殊条款是否涉及到一些案例分析?通过深入研究这些条款和案例,我们能更加清晰地了解保险条款的适用范围和实际意义。
3. 理赔流程和注意事项理赔流程和注意事项也是评估保险条款的重要内容。
具体而言,保险责任范围包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 因被保险人在保险期间内,因经营活动造成第三方人身伤亡或财产损失而引发的赔偿责任;2. 因被保险人的产品或服务质量问题而导致第三方人身伤亡或财产损失而引发的赔偿责任;3. 因被保险人的员工在工作中造成第三方人身伤亡或财产损失而引发的赔偿责任。
以下是一些常见的责任限制:1. 保险金额限制:保险条款规定了每次事故或索赔事件的最高保险金额,超过该金额的部分将不予赔偿;2. 免赔额限制:保险条款规定了被保险人需要自行承担的赔偿金额,即免赔额。
只有超过免赔额的部分才能得到保险公司的赔偿;3. 责任免除:保险条款列举了一些特定情况下,保险公司不承担赔偿责任的情况,例如故意行为、违法行为等;4. 法律限制:保险条款明确规定了法律上不属于被保险责任范围的情况,例如违法犯罪行为、战争等。
1. 保险费用:被保险人需要按照合同约定向保险公司支付保险费用。
保险费用的计算通常基于被保险人的经营规模、风险等级等因素;2. 索赔流程:在发生事故或索赔事件后,被保险人需要及时向保险公司提供相关证据和信息,并按照约定的流程提交索赔申请。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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中国出口信用保险公司短期出口信用保险综合保险条款保险公司:中国出口信用保险公司保险类别:短期出口信用保险条款版本:短期/主险/综合保险3.0修订版第一章 适保范围第一条 本保单适用于在中华人民共和国境内注册的企业进行的符合下列条件的出口贸易:(一)销售合同真实、合法、有效,一般应包括合同主体、货物种类、数量、价格、交货时间、地点和方式及付款条件等主要内容;(二)以信用证或非信用证为支付方式,信用期限不超过三百六十天;其中,信用证应为按照约定的《跟单信用证统一惯例》开立的不可撤销的跟单信用证。
第二章 保险责任第二条 保险人对被保险人在本保单有效期内按销售合同约定出口货物后,或作为信用证受益人按照信用证条款规定提交单据后,因下列风险引起的直接损失,按本保单约定承担保险责任。
第三章 除外责任第三条 除非本保单另有规定,保险人对下列损失不承担赔偿责任:(一)汇率变更引起的损失。
(三) 被保险人知道或应当知道本条款第二条项下约定的风险已经发生,或者由于买方根本违反销售合同或预期违反销售合同,被保险人仍继续向买方出口所遭受的损失。
第四章 责任限额第四条 责任限额包括最高赔偿限额和信用限额。
第五章 申 报第五条 被保险人应按照《保险单明细表》列明的申报方法,以保险人规定的格式申报约定保险范围内的全部出口。
第六条 保险人对被保险人未申报或误申报的出口有权拒绝承担赔偿责任。
第六章 保险费第七条 保险人按《保险单明细表》约定的方式计算并收取保险费。
第八条 当风险发生重大变化时,保险人可修改保险费率,并书面通知被保险人。
第七章 索 赔第九条 被保险人应在知道或应当知道本保单条款第二条项下拖欠风险发生之日起30天内,或其他风险发生之日起10个工作日内,向保险人提交《可能损失通知书》。
第十条 被保险人提交《可能损失通知书》后又收回货款的,应在收到货款后十个工作日内书面通知保险人。
第十一条 被保险人在索赔时,应在提交《可能损失通知书》后四个月内向保险人提交《索赔申请书》,以及《索赔单证明细表》列明的相关文件和单证。
第十二条 保险人在受理被保险人的索赔申请后,应在四个月内核实损失原因,并将核赔结果书面通知被保险人,但本保单另有规定除外。
第十三条 对有付款担保或贸易双方存在纠纷的情况,保险人定损核赔的原则是:(一)对有付款担保的销售合同,除非保险人书面认可,在担保人按担保协议付款以前,或被保险人对担保人申请仲裁或在担保人所在国家(地区)提起诉讼,在获得已生效的仲裁裁决或法院判决并申请执行之前,保险人不予定损核赔;(二)因贸易双方存在纠纷而引起买方拒付货款或拒绝接受货物,除非保险人书面认可,被保险人应先进行仲裁或在买方所在国家(地区)提起诉讼,在获得已生效的仲裁裁决或法院判决并申请执行之前,保险人不予定损核赔;(三)上述发生的诉讼费、仲裁费和律师费由被保险人先行支付,在被保险人胜诉且损失属本保单项下责任时,该费用由保险人与被保险人按权益比例分摊,否则,由被保险人自行承担。
第十四条 保险人定损核赔时,应扣除下列款项:(一)买方已支付、已抵销,及被保险人未经保险人书面同意擅自降价、放弃债权的部分或接受买方反索赔的款项;(二)被保险人已通过其他途径收回的相关款项,包括但不限于转卖货物或变卖抵押物所得的款项及担保人支付的款项; (三)被保险人已从开证行或买方获得的其他款项或权益; (四)被保险人根据销售合同应向买方收取的利息、罚息和违约金等;(五)其他不合理的款项或费用。
第十五条 在发生保险责任范围内的风险时,如涉及货物处理,在被保险人处理完货物前,保险人原则上不予定损核赔。
第八章 追 偿第十六条 被保险人提交《可能损失通知书》后,应委托保险人进行追偿或按照保险人的指示自行追偿,否则保险人有权降低赔偿比例或拒绝承担赔偿责任。
第十七条 在被保险人委托保险人追偿的情况下,如查明被保险人所受损失属于赔偿责任,保险人与被保险人按照各自权益比例分摊追偿费用;如查明被保险人的损失不属于保险人的赔偿责任,追偿费用由被保险人承担。
第十八条 在保险人赔付后,被保险人应将赔偿所涉及的销售合同、信用证项下的权益转让给保险人,同时,被保险人仍有义务协助保险人向买方或开证行追偿。
第十九条 保单约定的风险发生后,无论被保险人与买方是否有特别约定,除非保险人书面同意,买方对被保险人的任何付款均被视为按时间顺序偿还保险项下被保险人对该买方的应收账款。
第二十条 赔付后出现下列情况时,被保险人应在收到保险人退款要求后十个工作日内退还保险人已支付的赔款及相关利息:(一)保险人发现被保险人与买方存在付款担保或贸易纠纷,或被保险人未遵守最大诚信原则;(二)被保险人擅自接受退货、同意折扣、擅自放弃债权或与买方或开证行私自达成和解协议;(三)因被保险人原因导致保险人不能全部或部分行使代位追偿权;(四)保险人查明致损原因不属于本保单保险责任范围。
第九章 被保险人义务第二十一条 未经保险人书面同意,被保险人不得就本保单项下的约定保险范围内的出口向其他机构投保信用保险。
第二十二条 被保险人应将可能影响保险人风险预测、费率厘定、限额审批和理赔追偿的信息真实、全面、准确、及时地书面告知保险人。