There are different styles of minutes, but they have the same key information. All should cover four basic things:
Where and when the meeting took place; Who was there and who was not; What has been decided for the group; Who has agreed to do what. Therefore, most minutes can be divided into four parts: 1. Heading 2. Body 3. Adjournment time 4. Signature of the minutes recorder
3. Give continuity to procedures, traditional activities; 4. Provide a record of policy decisions made and the basis for them; 5. Create an official record which can be used in legal proceedings; 6. Provide a starting point for action to be taken in future; 7. Inform members not present at the meeting and any others of the actions of the body concerned; 8. Assist in planning the agendas for future meetings; 9. Provide documentary evidence for audit purpose.
嘿呀,大家!这是上次会议的 minutes 啦。
这就是上次会议的 minutes 啦,大家有没有什么意见呀?范文二:时间记录。
嘿哟,这 minutes 呀,就是记录时间的小账本呢。
比如说早上起床,一看闹钟,哇塞,已经 7 点啦,这一分钟就这么过去了。
这 minutes 呀,就是这么悄无声息地陪伴着我们,让我们感受到时间的流逝呢。
嘿呀,这 minutes 可要好好记录咱们的活动啦。
就拿上次的 party 来说吧,大家一进派对场地,那气氛就立马嗨起来啦。
派对在大家的欢声笑语中结束啦,这 minutes 里满满的都是快乐和回忆呢。
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This part, which sometimes can be written even before the meeting, includes the following items:
1) Meeting title (must be full title)
2) The name of the group/organization ho, date and place of the meeting;
4) List of people attending5) List of absent members of the group;
6) Quorum person
7)The name of the presiding officer and minutes recorder (the latter also appears at the end of the minutes, with signature typed or printed name).
Page ▪ 6
Opening statement
▪ This part provides the background information about items to be discussed. It can show who was responsible for putting the item before the meeting, what were the reasons for the previous history of the matter.
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There are different styles of minutes, but they have the same key information. All should cover four basic things:
meeting minutes会议记录的格式
1. Heading (including where and when the meeting was held)
2. Present (who was there)
3. Apologies of Absence 4. Minutes of the previous meeting (note any corrections and state the minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting [with the above corrections, where applicable]) 5. Statements of what actually occurred at the meeting 6. Any Other Business (AOB) 7. Who was the chairperson and who the secretary 8. The time the meeting adjourned and when the next meeting is to take place
especially in language:
• 1.formal tone of voice; • 2. Generally passive verb; • 3. Wording maximize the use of commonly used words. • A.in terms of the language, the language with the more formal, more emerged is more formal. Such as:
so-so satisfactory
B. Avoid abbreviations: Corp. Corporation C. Avoid using the person terms: Our idea the company’s proposal D. passive voice E. Attitude eg:superior inferior could be is should be is would be will
那么,“会议记录”用英文该怎么说呢?“会议记录”常见的英文表达有“Meeting Minutes”或者“Minutes of the Meeting”。
比如说,“The secretary is responsible for taking the meeting minutes”(秘书负责做会议记录。
)或者“I need to review the minutes of the meeting before making a decision”(在做决定之前,我需要查看会议记录。
)为了更好地理解“Meeting Minutes”,我们来看看它通常包含哪些内容。
一份完整的会议记录通常会包括会议的基本信息,比如会议的主题(Subject of the Meeting)、召开的时间(Time of the Meeting)、地点(Location of the Meeting)以及参与人员(Participants)。
然后是会议中每个人的发言(Speeches and Remarks)和讨论的内容(Discussion Contents)。
Chapter 5 Minutes 会议记录
Basic requirements of minutes
1. 准确写明会议名称(要写全称),开会时间、地点,会议 性质。 2. 详细记下会议主持人、出席会议应到和实到人数,缺席、 迟到或早退人数及其姓名、职务,记录者姓名。
– 如果是群众性大会,只要记参加的对象和总人数,以及出席会议 的较重要的领导成员即可。 – 如果某些重要的会议,出席对象来自不同单位,应设置签名簿, 请出席者签署姓名、单位、职务等。
3. Contents of minutes
• Most important part of minutes • Including: 报告事项、发言的主要精神、讨论事项、决议 事项(要注明“一致通过”、“多数通过”等; 必要时, 还要记下表决情况(如全体通过或多少人同意,多少人异 议,多少人弃权)
– Minutes of Meeting held on…
2. Basic information of meeting
1.会议时间 time 要写明年、月、日,上午、下午或晚上,×时×分至×时×分。 2.开会地点 place 如:“××会议室”、“××礼堂”、“××现场”等。 3.主持人的职务,姓名 presiding 如:“校党委书记×××”、“公司总经理×××”。 4.出席人 present 根据会议的性质、规模和重要程度的不同,出席人一项的详略也会有所 不同。 人数不多的会议要把出席者的姓名都写上,注明其他人员全部到会; 人数过多的会议可只写出席范围和人数, 如“各院系党总支书记和直属党 支部书记31人”、“各部门经理”、“全体与会代表”等。 5.缺席人 absent 如有重要人物缺席,应作出记录。 6.记录人 recorder 包括记录人的姓名和部门。如:××(××办公室秘书)。
meeting minutes会议记录的格式
Formats:Biblioteka 1. Heading (including where and when the meeting was held)
2. Present (who was there)
3. Apologies of Absence 4. Minutes of the previous meeting (note any corrections and state the minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting [with the above corrections, where applicable]) 5. Statements of what actually occurred at the meeting 6. Any Other Business (AOB) 7. Who was the chairperson and who the secretary 8. The time the meeting adjourned and when the next meeting is to take place
• • • • • • • • •
时间 Time 地点 Venue 与会人员 Attendance 缺席人员 Absences 主持 Chairman 记录员 Minutes Taker 议题 Topic for Discussion 表决 Voting Results 决议 Resolutions
•thank you for your attention~~~~~
Elements to be included in a minutes:
Types of minutes writing
▪ Begin with approval of minutes of the lasting minutes: “Minutes of the last meeting were approved as an accurate record.”
▪ Begin with call to order: “The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.”
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The body part falls clearly into three sections:
▪ Opening statement, that is, the background; ▪ Points in discussion; ▪ Conclusions, that is, resolutions or recommendation
Minute is a summarized or condensed record of what has taken place in a meeting. It is a written record to be kept for future reference. It may record review of the past activities, new decisions and polices, and provide the decision-making process.
▪ Begin with approval of minutes of the lasting minutes: “Minutes of the last meeting were approved as an accurate record.”
▪ Begin with call to order: “The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.”
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There are different styles of minutes, but they have the same key information. All should cover four basic things:
Where and when the meeting took place; Who was there and who was not; What has been decided for the group; Who has agreed to do what. Therefore, most minutes can be divided into four parts: 1. Heading 2. Body 3. Adjournment time 4. Signature of the minutes recorder
Page ▪ 4
This part, which sometimes can be written even before the meeting, includes the following items:
1) Meeting title (must be full title)
2) The name of the group/organization holding the meeting;
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1. Provide an authoritative source and permanent record of proceedings for future reference;
2. Provide formal evidence of decisions, e.g. appointments, financial allocations, authorized actions;
▪ Begin with call to order: “The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.”
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The body part falls clearly into three sections:
▪ Opening statement, that is, the background;
▪ Points in discussion;
▪ Conclusions, that is, resolutions or recommendation
Page ▪ 1
Name & topic of the meeting Time, date and place of meeting Chair/Host/Owner of the meeting List of people attending List of absent members of the group Record of the principle points discussed and decisions taken • Task list • Whom will perform the tasks • deadlines • • • • • •
• Time, date and place of next meeting • Name of person taking the minutes
• • • • • • • • title of minutes venue date time present chairperson apologies for absence notes on the meeting
• • •
· Finance Committee report provided by Chair, Elizabeth Drucker: - Drucker explained that consultant, Susan Johns, reviewed the organization's bookkeeping procedures and found them to be satisfactory, in preparation for the upcoming yearly financial audit. Funds recommends that our company ensure the auditor provides a management letter along with the audit financial report. · - Drucker reviewed highlights, trends and issues from the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement. Issues include that high accounts receivables require Finance Committee attention to policies and procedures to ensure our organization receives more payments on time. After brief discussion of the issues and suggestions about how to ensure receiving payments on time, MOTION to accept financial statements; seconded and passed. · Board Development Committee's report provided by Chair, Douglas Carver: - Carver reminded the Board of the scheduled retreat coming up in three months, and provided a drafted retreat schedule for board review. MOTION to accept the retreat agenda; seconded and passed. - Carver presented members with a draft of the reworded By-laws paragraph that would allow members to conduct actions over electronic mail. Carver suggested review and a resolution to change the By-laws accordingly. Kyumoto suggested that Swanson first seek legal counsel to verify if the proposed change is consistent with state statute. Swanson agreed to accept this action and notify members of the outcome in the next Board meeting.
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Minute is a summarized or condensed record of what has taken place in a meeting. It is a written record to be kept for future reference. It may record review of the past activities, new decisions and polices, and provide the decision-making process.
1. Provide an authoritative source and permanent record of proceedings for future reference; 2. Provide formal evidence of decisions, e.g. appointments, financial allocations, authorized actions; 3. Give continuity to procedures, traditional activities; 4. Provide a record of policy decisions made and the basis for them; 5. Create an official record which can be used in legal proceedings; 6. Provide a starting point for action to be taken in future; 7. Inform members not present at the meeting and any others of the actions of the body concerned; 8. Assist in planning the agendas for future meetings; 9. Provide documentary evidence for audit purpose. Page 3
Page 5
The body part falls clearly into three sections:
Opening statement, that is, the background; Points in discussion; Conclusions, that is, resolutions or recommendation
The last paragraph (maybe a sentence) contains the hour of adjournment: “The chairman thanks all participants for their presence and concludes the meeting at 5:30 p.m.” “There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m. ”
Opening statement
This part provides the background information about items to be discussed. It can show who was responsible for putting the item before the meeting, what were the reasons for the previous history of the matter. “The president noted a letter dated ...from...stating that...” “The president noted the following information concerning...” Begin with approval of minutes of the lasting minutes: “Minutes of the last meeting were approved as an accurate record.” Begin with call to order: “The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.”
1. Call to order The chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. Discussion As the first item on the agenda, the minutes of the previous meeting (August 21) was read by the Secretary Ms. Liu. Then Mr. Falk corrected a mistake made in the minutes that it was Ms. Dulugatz, not Ms. Penn to conduct a study of the employee washroom in the warehouse. The correction was approved by all present. Mr. Fenster summarized the results of a survey of office employees. He was going to write a report on this and present it to the Board of Directors. 3. Any other business The next meeting will be held at the same time and place on October 22, 2003. The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
There are different styles of minutes, but they have the same key information. All should cover four basic things: Where and when the meeting took place; Who was there and who was not; What has been decided for the group; Who has agreed to do what. Therefore, most minutes can be divided into four parts: 1. Heading 2. Body 3. Adjournment time 4. Signature of the minutes recorder
A minute ends with clear and precise conclusions. The chairperson will sometimes have summed up the discussion and indicated the conclusion reached. But, if they have not done so, it is the duty for the secretary to draft a set of conclusions which express fairly the sense of the meeting.
Where action is required, the conclusion places the responsibility firmly upon an individual or the organization to carry it out. If several committee members are concerned they should all be named, care should be taken to indicate who has the main responsibility. To take them stand out as clearly as possible, the conclusions are divided into their constitute parts, putting each into a separate provision, E.g. It was resolved... that Dr Wang be requested to draft a revised statement on... that the Vice-Chancellor be invited to discuss the matter at the next meeting of... The conclusions are normally set out at the end of the minute. If, however, the minute falls naturally into a number of different sections, the conclusions can be interspersed in the record of the discussion instead of being brought together at the end of the minute. In that event, each separate section should end with the relevant conclusion, inset in the text.
The minutes are closed with the signature and title of the Secretary. (respectful submitted)