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01: Parent-mediated social communication therapy for young children with autism (PACT): long-term follow-up of a randomised controlled trial.


杂志(THE LANCET)发表年份(2016)期刊影响因子()

Background: It is not known whether early intervention can improve long-term autism symptom outcomes. We aimed to follow-up the Preschool Autism Communication Trial (PACT), to investigate whether the PACT intervention had a long-term effect on autism symptoms and continued effects on parent and child social interaction.

Methods: PACT was a randomised controlled trial of a parent-mediated social communication intervention for children aged 2–4 years with core autism. Follow-up ascertainment was done at three specialised clinical services centres in the UK (London, Manchester, and Newcastle) at a median of years (IQR – from the original trial endpoint. The main blinded outcomes were the comparative severity score (CSS) from the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)自闭症诊断观察量表, the Dyadic Communication Assessment Measure (DCMA) of the proportion of child initiatiations when interacting with the parent, and an expressive-receptive language composite. All analyses followed the intention-to-treat principle.

Findings: 121 (80%) of the 152 trial participants (59 [77%] of 77 assigned to PACT intervention vs 62 [83%] of 75 assigned to treatment as usual) were traced and consented to be assessed between July, 2013, and September, 2014. Mean age at follow-up was years (SD . Group difference in favour of 赞同the PACT intervention based on ADOS CSS of log-odds effect size (ES) was (95% CI 0·07 to 1·20) at treatment endpoint and ES (95% CI − to at follow-up, giving an overall reduction in symptom severity over the course of the whole trial and follow-up period(ES , 95% CI to , p=. Group difference in DCMA child initiations at follow-up showed a Cohen's d ES of (95% CI − to and was significant over

the course of the study (ES , 95% CI to , p=. There were no group differences in the language composite at follow-up (ES , 95% CI − to .

Interpretation: The results are the first to show long-term symptom reduction after a randomised controlled trial of early intervention in autism spectrum disorder. They support the clinical value of the PACT intervention and have implications for developmental theory.

02:Burden, risk factors, and comorbidities of behavioural and emotional problems in Kenyan children: a population-based study

02、肯尼亚儿童的行为和情绪问题的负担、危险因素以及合并症:一项基于人群的研究杂志(LANCET PSYCHIATRY)发表年份(2017)期刊影响因子()

背景:Three-quarters of the burden of mental health problems精神卫生问题occurs in low-and-middle-income countries, but few epidemiological studies of these problems in preschool children from sub-Saharan Africa撒哈拉以南have been published. Behavioural and emotional problems often start in early childhood, and this might be particularly important in Africa, where the incidence of perinatal 围产期and early risk factors is high. We therefore aimed to estimate the prevalence and risk factors of behavioural and emotional problems in young children in a rural area on the Kenyan coast.

方法:We did a population-based epidemiological study to assess the burden of behavioural and emotional problems in preschool children and comorbidities in the Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System 基利菲健康和人口监测系统(KHDSS, a database formed of the population under routine surveillance linked to admissions to Kilifi County Hospital). We used the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL)儿童行为调查表to assess behavioural and emotional problems. We then determined risk factors and medical comorbidities associated with behavioural and emotional problems. The strength of associations between the risk factors and the behavioural and emotional problems was estimated using generalised linear models, with appropriate distribution and link functions.

结果:3539 families were randomly selected from the KHDSS. Of these, 3273 children were
