




A.市场风险B.信用风险C.国家风险D.操作风险【答案】 C2、银行系统吸收的、能增加其存款准备金的存款,称为()。

A.派生存款B.原始存款C.现金存款D.支票存款【答案】 B3、某债券的面值为100元,10年期,名义收益率为8%。


A.8.42%B.8%C.7.8%D.9%【答案】 A4、常用于银行间外汇市场上的外汇交易形式是()交易。

A.即期外汇B.远期外汇C.掉期D.回购【答案】 C5、某投资者在上海证券交易所购买了一家股份有限公司首次公开出售的股票,该笔交易所在市场属于()。

A.流通市场B.发行市场C.期货市场D.期权市场【答案】 A6、将未来具有可预见的现金流量的非流动性存量资产转变为在资本市场可销售和流通的金融产品,是投资银行的()业务。

A.证券发行B.证券经纪C.基金管理D.资产证券化【答案】 D7、关于利率期限结构预期理论的说法,错误的是()。

A.长期利率波动高于短期利率波动B.如果短期利率较低,收益率曲线倾向于向上倾斜C.随着时问的推移,不同期限债券的利率具有同向运动的趋势D.长期债券的利率等于一定时期内人们所预期的短期利率的平均值【答案】 A8、银行要求申请贷款的客户提供保证担保,这种做法在风险管理中称为()A.风险对冲B.风险抑制C.风险分散D.风险转移【答案】 D9、2007年,中国人民银行加大了宏观金融调控的力度,灵活运用货币政策工具:第一,运用公开市场操作,2007年累计发行央行票据4.07万亿,其中对商业银行定向发行的3年期央行票据5550亿;第二,适时运用存款准备金率工具,年内共上调人民币存款准备金率10次;第三,年内6次上调金融机构人民币存贷款基准利率。



Multiple Choice Questions1。

Market risk is also referred to asA)systematic risk, diversifiable risk.B)systematic risk, nondiversifiable risk.C) unique risk, nondiversifiable risk.D) unique risk, diversifiable risk.E) none of the above.Answer: B Difficulty: EasyRationale: Market, systematic, and nondiversifiable risk are synonyms referring to the risk that cannot be eliminated from the portfolio。

Diversifiable, unique, nonsystematic, and firm-specific risks are synonyms referring to the risk that can be eliminated from the portfolio by diversification.2. The risk that can be diversified away isA)firm specific risk。

B) beta。

C) systematic risk.D)market risk.E) none of the above。

Answer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: See explanations for 1 and 2 above.3. The variance of a portfolio of risky securitiesA)is a weighted sum of the securities’ variances。



《金融工程学》期末考试卷(A )参考答案一、名词解释(共15分,每题3分)1、盯市指在期货交易中,在每天交易结束时保证金账户进行调整,以反映投资者的盈利或损失。

2、FRA 就是远期利率协议,是参与者同意在指定的未来某个时期将某个确定的利率应用于某个确定的本金的远期合约。




用公式表示为:i iy t i i t c e D B -=∑。










所以最小风险的套期保值比率为1不一定是 完全的套期保值。


(1分)n 年期限的零息票债券的久期等于n 。

因为在到期之前没有收到任何的现金,所以n年期限的零息票债券的持有者在收到现金付款之前平均需要等待的时间就是n 。


(1分)考虑两个组合:组合A 是一个美式看涨期权加上金额为X e-r(T-t) 的现金; 组合B 是一股股票。

假设在到期前的τ时刻执行,则组合A 的价值为()r T S X Xe τ---+,总是小于组合B的价值;如果持有到期,则组合A 的价值为max(S T , X),至少不小于组合B 的价值;所以说提前执行不支付红利的美式看涨期权是不明智的。



上海金融学院2011--2012 学年度第一学期《投资学》课程A卷代码:(集中考试考试形式:闭卷考试用时: 90 分钟)考试时只能使用简单计算器(无存储功能)试题纸一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项前的英文字母):1、经济的净资产的总值等于( )的总和。


A.8.0%B.10.0%C.12.0%D.12.5%3、证券交易所内证券交易的竞价原则是( )。





A.零投资 B、负投资C.正投资 D、以上各项均正确7、下面哪一种情况是以折价方式卖出债券()A.债券息票利率大于当前收益率,也大于债券的到期收益率B.债券息票利率等于当前收益率,也等于债券的到期收益率C.债券息票利率小于当前收益率,也小于债券的到期收益率D.债券息票利率小于当前收益率,但大于债券的到期收益率8、某投资者手中持有某股票,为了使三个月后的股票可能的亏损控制在一定范围内,最应该采用的策略是( )。

A.买入一定量的看涨期权B.卖出一定量的看涨期权C.买入一定量的看跌期权D.卖出一定量的看跌期权9、一张处于实值状态的看跌期权的内在价值等于( )。




投资银行学 A 卷答案一、判断正误(共20 个题,每题 1 分,满分20 分。







7.(×)投资银行在大多数亚洲国家被称为商人银行(Merchant bank )。






12.(√)按照中国证券监督管理委员会2001 年颁布的《证券公司内部控制指引》,我国证券公司在资产管理业务的内部控制管理中,受托资金不可以与自有资金混合使用。


14.(√)1999 年美国参众两院分别通过《金融服务现代法案》,该法案彻底打破了1933 年以来美国形成的银行业与证券业分业经营的体制。




每题的备选项中,只有l个最符合题意) 1.金融租赁公司属于( )。

A.非金融机构 B.非银行类金融机构 C.政策性金融机构 D.投资性金融机构 2.货币市场工具一般具有期限短、流动性强、对利率敏感等特点,有( )之誉。

A.货币 B.票据 C.基础货币 D.准货币 3.证券回购业务实际上是一种( )行为。

A.证券交易 B.短期质押融资 C.商业贷款 D.信用贷款 4.在现行的外汇管理体制下,人民币已经实现了( )。

A.世界货币 B.与外币自由兑换 C.经常项目可兑换 D.资本项目可兑换 5.信托是随着商品经济的发展而出现的一种财产管理制度,其本质是( )。

A.吸收存款,融通资金 B.受人之托,代人理财 C.项目融资 D.规避风险,发放贷款 6.基础货币等于( )。

A.通货+存款货币 B.存款货币+存款准备金 C.通货+存款准备金 D.原始存款+派生存款 7.如果不考虑其他因素,法定存款准备金率r=11%,现金漏损率h=5%,那么存款乘数为( )。

A.2.25 B.4.75 C.6.25 D.8.75 8.假设货币供给量为l6亿元,通货为10亿元,基础货币为4亿元,则货币乘数为( )。

A.1.6 B.2.5 C.3 D.4 9.如果存款乘数K=4,法定存款准备金率r=10%,不考虑其他因素,则超额准备金率e为( )。

A.10% C.20% B.15% D.25% 10.按贷款对象,消费贷款可分为买方信贷和卖方信贷,后者是发放给( )的贷款。

A.金融机构 B.消费者 C.销售企业 D.社会公众 11.与内源融资相比,外源融资的特点表现在经济主体投融资()。

A.基本不受外界的影响 B.成本较低 C.不受自身积累速度的影响 D.风险较小 12.在项目融资的所有协议中,核心的协议是( )。

A.信用担保协议 B.特许权协议 C.完工协议 D.融资协议 13.在资产证券化中,发行人从银行借入信用增级所需的资金,并将其投资于高信用等级的短期商业票据。



上海金融学院2009--2010 学年度第二学期《投资学》课程A卷代码:23330295(集中考试考试形式:闭卷考试用时: 90 分钟)考试时只能使用简单计算器(无存储功能)试题纸一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项前的英文字母):1、证券持有人面临预期收益不能实现,是证券的( )特征。

A、期限性B、收益性C、流通性D、风险性2、证券交易所内证券交易的竞价原则是( )。




A、市场收益率B、零收益率C、负收益率D、无风险收益率7、收益率曲线向右下方倾斜意味着在同一时点上,长期债券收益率( )短期债券收益率。

A、高于B、等于C、低于D、不能判断是否高于8、一张5年期零息票债券的久期是( )。





那么这只股票的贝塔值是多少?()A、0.67B、0.75C、1.0D、1.3310、已知一张3年期零息票债券的收益率是7.2%,第一年、第二年的远期利率分别为6.1%和6.9%,那么第三年的远期利率应为多少?( )A、7.2%B、8.6%C、6.1%D、6.9%二、多项选择题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项前的英文字母):1、( )是金融资产。



ReturnMultiple Choice Questions1.___________ a relationship between expected return and risk.A)APT stipulatesB)CAPM stipulatesC)Both CAPM and APT stipulateD)Neither CAPM nor APT stipulateE)No pricing model has foundAnswer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: Both models attempt to explain asset pricing based onrisk/return relationships.2.Which pricing model provides no guidance concerning the determination of therisk premium on factor portfolios?A)The CAPMB)The multifactor APTC)Both the CAPM and the multifactor APTD)Neither the CAPM nor the multifactor APTE)None of the above is a true statement.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The multifactor APT provides no guidance as to the determination of the risk premium on the various factors. The CAPM assumes that the excess market return over the risk-free rate is the market premium in the single factor CAPM.3.An arbitrage opportunity exists if an investor can construct a __________investment portfolio that will yield a sure profit.A)positiveB)negativeC)zeroD)all of the aboveE)none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: If the investor can construct a portfolio without the use of the investor's own funds and the portfolio yields a positive profit, arbitrage opportunities exist.Return4.The APT was developed in 1976 by ____________.A)LintnerB)Modigliani and MillerC)RossD)SharpeE)none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: Ross developed this model in 1976.5. A _________ portfolio is a well-diversified portfolio constructed to have a beta of 1on one of the factors and a beta of 0 on any other factor.A)factorB)marketC)indexD) A and BE)A, B, and CAnswer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: A factor model portfolio has a beta of 1 one factor, with zero betas onother factors.6.The exploitation of security mispricing in such a way that risk-free economicprofits may be earned is called ___________.A)arbitrageB)capital asset pricingC)factoringD)fundamental analysisE)none of the aboveAnswer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: Arbitrage is earning of positive profits with a zero (risk-free) investment.Return7.In developing the APT, Ross assumed that uncertainty in asset returns was a result ofA) a common macroeconomic factorB)firm-specific factorsC)pricing errorD)neither A nor BE)both A and BAnswer: E Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Total risk (uncertainty) is assumed to be composed of bothmacroeconomic and firm-specific factors.8.The ____________ provides an unequivocal statement on the expected return-betarelationship for all assets, whereas the _____________ implies that thisrelationship holds for all but perhaps a small number of securities.A)APT, CAPMB)APT, OPMC)CAPM, APTD)CAPM, OPME)none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The CAPM is an asset-pricing model based on the risk/return relationship of all assets. The APT implies that this relationship holds for all well-diversified portfolios, and for all but perhaps a few individual securities.9.Consider a single factor APT. Portfolio A has a beta of 1.0 and an expected return of16%. Portfolio B has a beta of 0.8 and an expected return of 12%. The risk-free rate of return is 6%. If you wanted to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in portfolio __________ and a long position in portfolio _______.A)A, AB)A, BC)B, AD)B, BE)A, the riskless assetAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A: 16% = 1.0F + 6%; F = 10%; B: 12% = 0.8F + 6%: F = 7.5%; thus, shortB and take a long position in A.Return10.Consider the single factor APT. Portfolio A has a beta of 0.2 and an expected return of13%. Portfolio B has a beta of 0.4 and an expected return of 15%. The risk-free rate of return is 10%. If you wanted to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in portfolio _________ and a long position in portfolio _________.A)A, AB)A, BC)B, AD)B, BE)none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A: 13% = 10% + 0.2F; F = 15%; B: 15% = 10% + 0.4F; F = 12.5%; therefore, short B and take a long position in A.11.Consider the one-factor APT. The variance of returns on the factor portfolio is 6%. Thebeta of a well-diversified portfolio on the factor is 1.1. The variance of returns on thewell-diversified portfolio is approximately __________.A) 3.6%B) 6.0%C)7.3%D)10.1%E)none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: s2P = (1.1)2(6%) = 7.26%.12.Consider the one-factor APT. The standard deviation of returns on a well-diversifiedportfolio is 18%. The standard deviation on the factor portfolio is 16%. The beta of thewell-diversified portfolio is approximately __________.A)0.80B) 1.13C) 1.25D) 1.56E)none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: (18%)2 = (16%)2 b2; b = 1.125.Return13.Consider the single-factor APT. Stocks A and B have expected returns of 15% and 18%,respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 6%. Stock B has a beta of 1.0. If arbitrageopportunities are ruled out, stock A has a beta of __________.A)0.67B) 1.00C) 1.30D) 1.69E)none of the aboveAnswer: E Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A: 15% = 6% + bF; B: 8% = 6% + 1.0F; F = 12%; thus, beta of A = 9/12 =0.75.14.Consider the multifactor APT with two factors. Stock A has an expected return of16.4%, a beta of 1.4 on factor 1 and a beta of .8 on factor 2. The risk premium on thefactor 1 portfolio is 3%. The risk-free rate of return is 6%. What is the risk-premium on factor 2 if no arbitrage opportunities exit?A)2%B)3%C)4%D)7.75%E)none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: DifficultRationale: 16.4% = 1.4(3%) + .8x + 6%; x = 7.75.15.Consider the multifactor model APT with two factors. Portfolio A has a beta of 0.75 onfactor 1 and a beta of 1.25 on factor 2. The risk premiums on the factor 1 and factor 2portfolios are 1% and 7%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 7%. The expected return on portfolio A is __________if no arbitrage opportunities exist.A)13.5%B)15.0%C)16.5%D)23.0%E)none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 7% + 0.75(1%) + 1.25(7%) = 16.5%.Return16.Consider the multifactor APT with two factors. The risk premiums on the factor 1 andfactor 2 portfolios are 5% and 6%, respectively. Stock A has a beta of 1.2 on factor 1, and a beta of 0.7 on factor 2. The expected return on stock A is 17%. If no arbitrageopportunities exist, the risk-free rate of return is ___________.A) 6.0%B) 6.5%C) 6.8%D)7.4%E)none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 17% = x% + 1.2(5%) + 0.7(6%); x = 6.8%.17.Consider a one-factor economy. Portfolio A has a beta of 1.0 on the factor and portfolioB has a beta of 2.0 on the factor. The expected returns on portfolios A and B are 11%and 17%, respectively. Assume that the risk-free rate is 6% and that arbitrageopportunities exist. Suppose you invested $100,000 in the risk-free asset, $100,000 in portfolio B, and sold short $200,000 of portfolio A. Your expected profit from thisstrategy would be ______________.A)-$1,000B)$0C)$1,000D)$2,000E)none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: $100,000(0.06) = $6,000 (risk-free position); $100,000(0.17) = $17,000(portfolio B); -$200,000(0.11) = -$22,000 (short position, portfolio A); 1,000 profit.18.Consider the one-factor APT. Assume that two portfolios, A and B, are well diversified.The betas of portfolios A and B are 1.0 and 1.5, respectively. The expected returns on portfolios A and B are 19% and 24%, respectively. Assuming no arbitrageopportunities exist, the risk-free rate of return must be ____________.A) 4.0%B)9.0%C)14.0%D)16.5%E)none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A: 19% = r f + 1(F); B:24% = r f + 1.5(F); 5% = .5(F); F = 10%; 24% = r f+ 1.5(10); ff = 9%.Return19.Consider the multifactor APT. The risk premiums on the factor 1 and factor 2 portfoliosare 5% and 3%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 10%. Stock A has anexpected return of 19% and a beta on factor 1 of 0.8. Stock A has a beta on factor 2 of ________.A) 1.33B) 1.50C) 1.67D) 2.00E)none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 19% = 10% + 5%(0.8) + 3%(x); x = 1.67.20.Consider the single factor APT. Portfolios A and B have expected returns of 14% and18%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 7%. Portfolio A has a beta of 0.7. If arbitrage opportunities are ruled out, portfolio B must have a beta of __________.A)0.45B) 1.00C) 1.10D) 1.22E)none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A: 14% = 7% + 0.7F; F = 10; B: 18% = 7% + 10b; b = 1.10.Use the following to answer questions 21-24:There are three stocks, A, B, and C. You can either invest in these stocks or short sell them. There are three possible states of nature for economic growth in the upcoming year; economic growth may be strong, moderate, or weak. The returns for the upcoming year on stocks A, B, and C for each of these states of nature are given below:Return21.If you invested in an equally weighted portfolio of stocks A and B, your portfolioreturn would be ___________ if economic growth were moderate.A) 3.0%B)14.5%C)15.5%D)16.0%E)none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: E(Rp) = 0.5(17%) + 0.5(15%) = 16%.22.If you invested in an equally weighted portfolio of stocks A and C, your portfolioreturn would be ____________ if economic growth was strong.A)17.0%B)22.5%C)30.0%D)30.5%E)none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: EasyRationale: 0.5(39%) + 0.5(6%) = 22.5%.23.If you invested in an equally weighted portfolio of stocks B and C, your portfolioreturn would be _____________ if economic growth was weak.A)-2.5%B)0.5%C) 3.0%D)11.0%E)none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: 0.5(0%) + 0.5(22%) = 11%.Return24.If you wanted to take advantage of a risk-free arbitrage opportunity, you should takea short position in _________ and a long position in an equally weighted portfolio of_______.A)A, B and CB)B, A and CC)C, A and BD) A and B, CE)none of the above, none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: DifficultRationale: E(R A) = (39% + 17% - 5%)/3 = 17%; E(R B) = (30% + 15% + 0%)/3 = 15%;E(R C) = (22% + 14% + 6%)/3 = 14%; E(R P) = -0.5(14%) + 0.5[(17% + 15%)/2]; -7.0% + 8.0% = 1.0%.Use the following to answer questions 25-26:Consider the multifactor APT. There are two independent economic factors, Fand F . The1 2risk-free rate of return is 6%. The following information is available about two well-diversified portfolios:25. Assuming no arbitrage opportunities exist, the risk premium on the factor F portfolio1 should be __________.A)3%B)4%C)5%D)6%E)none of the aboveAnswer: A Difficulty: DifficultRationale: 2A: 38% = 12% + 2.0(RP1) + 4.0(RP2); B: 12% = 6% + 2.0(RP1) +0.0(RP2); 26% = 6% + 4.0(RP2); RP2 = 5; A: 19% = 6% + RP1 + 2.0(5); RP1 = 3%.Return26. Assuming no arbitrage opportunities exist, the risk premium on the factor F portfolio2 should be ___________.A)3%B)4%C)5%D)6%E)none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: DifficultRationale: See solution to previous problem.27. A zero-investment portfolio with a positive expected return arises when _________.A)an investor has downside risk onlyB)the law of prices is not violatedC)the opportunity set is not tangent to the capital allocation lineD) a risk-free arbitrage opportunity existsE)none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: When an investor can create a zero-investment portfolio (by using none of the investor's own funds) with a possibility of a positive profit, a risk-free arbitrage opportunity exists.28.An investor will take as large a position as possible when an equilibriumprice relationship is violated. This is an example of _________.A) a dominance argumentB)the mean-variance efficiency frontierC) a risk-free arbitrageD)the capital asset pricing modelE)none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: When the equilibrium price is violated, the investor will buy the lowerpriced asset and simultaneously place an order to sell the higher priced asset. Such transactions result in risk-free arbitrage. The larger the positions, the greater the risk-free arbitrage profits.Return29.The APT differs from the CAPM because the APT _________.A)places more emphasis on market riskB)minimizes the importance of diversificationC)recognizes multiple unsystematic risk factorsD)recognizes multiple systematic risk factorsE)none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The CAPM assumes that market returns represent systematic risk. The APT recognizes that other macroeconomic factors may be systematic risk factors.30.The feature of the APT that offers the greatest potential advantage over the CAPM is the______________.A)use of several factors instead of a single market index to explain the risk-return relationshipB)identification of anticipated changes in production, inflation and term structureas key factors in explaining the risk-return relationshipC)superior measurement of the risk-free rate of return over historical time periodsD)variability of coefficients of sensitivity to the APT factors for a given assetover timeE)none of the aboveAnswer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: The advantage of the APT is the use of multiple factors, rather than asingle market index, to explain the risk-return relationship. However, APT does notidentify the specific factors.31.In terms of the risk/return relationshipA)only factor risk commands a risk premium in market equilibrium.B)only systematic risk is related to expected returns.C)only nonsystematic risk is related to expected returns.D) A and B.E) A and C.Answer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: Nonfactor risk may be diversified away; thus, only factor risk commandsa risk premium in market equilibrium. Nonsystematic risk across firms cancels out inwell-diversified portfolios; thus, only systematic risk is related to expected returns.Return32.The following factors might affect stock returns:A)the business cycle.B)interest rate fluctuations.C)inflation rates.D)all of the above.E)none of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: A, B, and C all are likely to affect stock returns.33.Advantage(s) of the APT is(are)A)that the model provides specific guidance concerning the determination of therisk premiums on the factor portfolios.B)that the model does not require a specific benchmark market portfolio.C)that risk need not be considered.D) A and B.E) B and C.Answer: B Difficulty: EasyRationale: The APT provides no guidance concerning the determination of the riskpremiums on the factor portfolios. Risk must considered in both the CAPM and APT.A major advantage of APT over the CAPM is that a specific benchmark marketportfolio is not required.34.Portfolio A has expected return of 10% and standard deviation of 19%. Portfolio B hasexpected return of 12% and standard deviation of 17%. Rational investors willA)Borrow at the risk free rate and buy A.B)Sell A short and buy B.C)Sell B short and buy A.D)Borrow at the risk free rate and buy B.E)Lend at the risk free rate and buy B.Answer: B Difficulty: EasyRationale: Rational investors will arbitrage by selling A and buying B.Return35.An important difference between CAPM and APT isA)CAPM depends on risk-return dominance; APT depends on a noarbitrage condition.B)CAPM assumes many small changes are required to bring the market back toequilibrium; APT assumes a few large changes are required to bring themarket back to equilibrium.C)implications for prices derived from CAPM arguments are stronger thanprices derived from APT arguments.D)all of the above are true.E)both A and B are true.Answer: E Difficulty: DifficultRationale: Under the risk-return dominance argument of CAPM, when an equilibrium price is violated many investors will make small portfolio changes, depending on their risk tolerance, until equilibrium is restored. Under the no-arbitrage argument of APT, each investor will take as large a position as possible so only a few investors must act to restore equilibrium. Implications derived from APT are much stronger than thosederived from CAPM, making C an incorrect statement.36. A professional who searches for mispriced securities in specific areas such as merger-target stocks, rather than one who seeks strict (risk-free) arbitrage opportunities isengaged inA)pure arbitrage.B)risk arbitrage.C)option arbitrage.D)equilibrium arbitrage.E)none of the above.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Risk arbitrage involves searching for mispricings based onspeculative information that may or may not materialize.Return37.In the context of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory, as a well-diversified portfoliobecomes larger its nonsystematic risk approachesA)one.B)infinity.C)zero.D)negative one.E)none of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: As the number of securities, n, increases, the nonsystematic risk ofa well-diversified portfolio approaches zero.38. A well-diversified portfolio is defined asA)one that is diversified over a large enough number of securities thatthe nonsystematic variance is essentially zero.B)one that contains securities from at least three different industry sectors.C) a portfolio whose factor beta equals 1.0.D) a portfolio that is equally weighted.E)all of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A well-diversified portfolio is one that contains a large number of securities, each having a small (but not necessarily equal) weight, so that nonsystematic variance is negligible.39.The APT requires a benchmark portfolioA)that is equal to the true market portfolio.B)that contains all securities in proportion to their market values.C)that need not be well-diversified.D)that is well-diversified and lies on the SML.E)that is unobservable.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Any well-diversified portfolio lying on the SML can serve as thebenchmark portfolio for the APT. The true (and unobservable) market portfolio is onlya requirement for the CAPM.Return40.Imposing the no-arbitrage condition on a single-factor security market implies whichof the following statements?I)the expected return-beta relationship is maintained for all but a small numberof well-diversified portfolios.II)the expected return-beta relationship is maintained for all well-diversified portfolios.III)the expected return-beta relationship is maintained for all but a small number of individual securities.IV) the expected return-beta relationship is maintained for all individual securities.A)I and III are correct.B)I and IV are correct.C)II and III are correct.D)II and IV are correct.E)Only I is correct.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The expected return-beta relationship must hold for all well-diversifiedportfolios and for all but a few individual securities; otherwise arbitrageopportunities will be available.41.Consider a well-diversified portfolio, A, in a two-factor economy. The risk-free rate is6%, the risk premium on the first factor portfolio is 4% and the risk premium on thesecond factor portfolio is 3%. If portfolio A has a beta of 1.2 on the first factor and .8 on the second factor, what is its expected return?A)7.0%B)8.0%C)9.2%D)13.0%E)13.2%Answer: E Difficulty: ModerateRationale: .06 + 1.2 (.04) + .8 (.03) = .132Return42.The term “ arbitrage ” refers toA)buying low and selling high.B)short selling high and buying low.C)earning risk-free economic profits.D)negotiating for favorable brokerage fees.E)hedging your portfolio through the use of options.Answer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: Arbitrage is exploiting security mispricings by the simultaneouspurchase and sale to gain economic profits without taking any risk. A capital market in equilibrium rules out arbitrage opportunities.43. To take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, an investor wouldI)construct a zero investment portfolio that will yield a sure profit.II)construct a zero beta investment portfolio that will yield a sure profit.III)make simultaneous trades in two markets without any net investment.IV) short sell the asset in the low-priced market and buy it in the high-priced market.A)I and IVB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, III, and IVE)II, III, and IVAnswer: B Difficulty: DifficultRationale: Only I and III are correct. II is incorrect because the beta of the portfolio does not need to be zero. IV is incorrect because the opposite is true.44.The factor F in the APT model representsA)firm-specific risk.B)the sensitivity of the firm to that factor.C) a factor that affects all security returns.D)the deviation from its expected value of a factor that affects all security returns.E) a random amount of return attributable to firm events.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: F measures the unanticipated portion of a factor that is common toall security returns.Return45. In the APT model, what is the nonsystematic standard deviation of an equally-weighted portfolio that has an average value of (e i ) equal to ó25% and 50 securities? A) 12.5% B) 625% C) 0.5% D) 3.54%E) 14.59%Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale:2( e p ) 121 25 2( e p )(e i )12.5, 12.5 3.54%n5046. Which of the following is true about the security market line (SML) derived from theAPT?A) The SML has a downward slope.B) The SML for the APT shows expected return in relation to portfoliostandard deviation.C) The SML for the APT has an intercept equal to the expected return on themarket portfolio.D) The benchmark portfolio for the SML may be any well-diversified portfolio.E) The SML is not relevant for the APT.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The benchmark portfolio does not need to be the (unobservable) market portfolio under the APT, but can be any well-diversified portfolio. The intercept still equals the risk-free rate.47. If arbitrage opportunities are to be ruled out, each well-diversified portfolio's expectedexcess return must beA) inversely proportional to the risk-free rate.B) inversely proportional to its standard deviation. C) proportional to its weight in the market portfolio. D) proportional to its standard deviation.E) proportional to its beta coefficient.Answer: E Difficulty: ModerateRationale: For each well-diversified portfolio (P and Q, for example), it must be truethat [E(r p)-r f ]/ βpQ f ]/ Q β.= [E(r )-rReturn48.Suppose you are working with two factor portfolios, Portfolio 1 and Portfolio 2. Theportfolios have expected returns of 15% and 6%, respectively. Based on thisinformation, what would be the expected return on well-diversified portfolio A, if A hasa beta of 0.80 on the first factor and 0.50 on the second factor? The risk-free rate is 3%.A)15.2%B)14.1%C)13.3%D)10.7%E)8.4%Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: E(R A) = 3 +0.8*(15-3) + 0.5*(6-3) = 14.1.49. Which of the following is (are) true regarding the APT?I)The Security Market Line does not apply to the APT.II)More than one factor can be important in determining returns.III)Almost all individual securities satisfy the APT relationship.IV) It doesn't rely on the market portfolio that contains all assets.A)II, III, and IVB)II and IVC)II and IIID)I, II, and IVE)I, II, III, and IVAnswer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: All except the first item are true. There is a Security Market Line associated with the APT.50.In a factor model, the return on a stock in a particular period will be related toA)factor risk.B)non-factor risk.C)standard deviation of returns.D)both A and B are true.E)none of the above is true.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Factor models explain firm returns based on both factor risk and non-factor risk.Return51.Which of the following factors did Chen, Roll and Ross not include in theirmultifactor model?A)Change in industrial productionB)Change in expected inflationC)Change in unanticipated inflationD)Excess return of long-term government bonds over T-billsE)All of the above factors were included in their model.Answer: E Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Chen, Roll and Ross included the four listed factors as well as the excess return of long-term corporate bonds over long-term government bonds in their model.52.Which of the following factors were used by Fama and French in their multi-factor model?A)Return on the market indexB)Excess return of small stocks over large stocks.C)Excess return of high book-to-market stocks over low book-to-market stocks.D)All of the above factors were included in their model.E)None of the above factors was included in their model.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Fama and French included all three of the factors listed.53.Which of the following factors did Merton not suggest as a likely source of uncertaintythat might affect security returns?A)uncertainties in labor income.B)prices of important consumption goods.C)book-to-market ratios.D)changes in future investment opportunities.E)All of the above are sources of uncertainty affecting security returns.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Merton did not suggest book-to-market ratios as an ICAPM pricing factor;the other three were suggested.Return54.Black argues that past risk premiums on firm-characteristic variables, such asthose described by Fama and French, are problematic because.A)they may result from data snooping.B)they are sources of systematic risk.C)they can be explained by security characteristic lines.D)they are more appropriate for a single-factor model.E)they are macroeconomic factors.Answer: A Difficulty: Moderate55.Multifactor models seek to improve the performance of the single-index model byA)modeling the systematic component of firm returns in greater detail.B)incorporating firm-specific components into the pricing model.C)allowing for multiple economic factors to have differential effectsD)all of the above are true.E)none of the above is true.Answer: D Difficulty: Easy56.Multifactor models such as the one constructed by Chen, Roll, and Ross, canbetter describe assets' returns byA)expanding beyond one factor to represent sources of systematic risk.B)using variables that are easier to forecast ex ante.C)calculating beta coefficients by an alternative method.D)using only stocks with relatively stable returns.E)ignoring firm-specific risk.Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The study used five different factors to explain security returns, allowing for several sources of risk to affect the returns.。



2007-2008学年第一学期期末考试《证券投资》A卷一、单项选择题(每题0.5分,共101.基金届满即为基金终止,对基金资产进行清产核资后的( )按投资者出资比例分配。

A.基金净资产B.基金总资产C.基金投资额D.基金流动资产额 F.开放式基金5002.根据运作特点划分的证券投资基金不包括()。






A.同方向B.无关C.反方向D.无确定关系9. 采用积极性投资战略的资产管理人在预测市场将上涨时()。




ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
完善我国商业银行公司治理结构研究 完善中国证券市场监管体系研究 我国ETFs发展与实践研究 我国彩票业营运机制存在的问题及其对策 我国创业投资企业引入有限合伙制的可行性研究 我国创业投资退出机制的问题及其改革方向 我国股票价格走势分析 我国股票市场投资行为及其影响分析 我国管理层收购运作的障碍及对策研究 我国国有独资商业银行股份制改造及上市问题研 究 我国基础投资研究 我国开放式基金业绩评价研究 我国跨国公司投资模式探讨 我国利用外商直接投资结构研究 我国期货市场发展研究 我国企业对外直接投资发展战略的思考 我国企业投资需求制约因素研究 我国企业重组模式及发展取向 我国上市公司实施跨国经营及其战略选择 我国投资环境的现状分析与优化对策 我国投资银行信用交易的可行性研究 我国土地一级市场的完善策略 我国证券市场的法制问题研究 我国证券市场的风险防范和化解 我国证券市场的风险管理研究 我国证券市场的制度性缺陷与创新研究 我国证券市场可持续发展的制度安排 我国证券市场资本结构研究 我国政府投资研究 我国住房抵押贷款中提前还贷行为分析 西部大开发中投资空间布局研究 现代企业产权制度与对外投资关系研究 现代投资组合理论在中国证券市场的应用研究 虚拟资本与证券市场 需求结构、投资结构与我国经济发展 银行并购——我国商业银行发展的必经之路 引入战略投资者与我国上市公司股权结构优化 证券市场并购策略研究 证券市场的发育与完善问题研究 证券市场的监管 证券市场管理问题研究 证券市场国际化的对策 证券市场国际化研究 证券市场卖空机制研究 证券市场上购并策略研究 证券市场与资源配置优化研究 证券投资对商业银行经营影响分析 证券投资机会和宏观政策分析 证券投资基金创新研究
证券文化的构建初探 政府融资方式的比较研究 政府投资决策机制研究 中国MBO的现状与问题研究 中国OTC市场交易体制的设计 中国QFII制度的发展研究 中国场外交易市场发展的问题及未来改革的趋势 中国独立董事制度与上市公司治理结构 中国多层次资本市场发展研究 中国非正式金融研究 中国风险投资环境分析 中国封闭式基金高折价问题研究 中国股票市场CAPM实证分析 中国股票市场的波动性思考 中国股票市场季节性效应的实证分析 中国股票市场有效性分析 中国股权分置问题研究 中国股市波动影响因素分析 中国股市的发展战略研究 中国股市的影响因素及价格走势分析 中国股市过度投机的原因及治理对策 中国股市晴雨表的功能发挥分析 中国股市影响因素分析 中国汇率与股票市场关系研究 中国基金管理公司的投资行为比较研究 中国基金投资组合管理策略比较研究 中国家族上市公司治理结构与公司绩效研究 中国金融衍生产品市场发展研究 中国民间投资研究 中国贫富差距对投资乘数的影响机制研究 中国期货市场套利策略分析 中国企业并购存在问题及对策研究 中国上市公司股利政策分析 中国上市公司股票价值评估方法研究 中国投资银行的定位 中国投资银行的法制现状与展望 中国投资银行的经营发展战略 中国投资银行发展对策 中国投资银行在评判市场的作用 中国投资周期性波动的成因 中国信托投资问题研究 中国证券市场引入做市商制度研究 中国政府债券市场的发展研究 中国资本市场效率实证分析 重开国债期货的可行性研究 住房筹资渠道研究 住房地产抵押贷款 住房公积金的国际比较及其启示 住房公积金缴纳阶段不公平问题研究



上海金融学院2010 ~2011 学年度第二学期代码:23330295 《投资学》课程期末考试试卷本试卷系A卷,采用闭卷方式,集中考试考试时不能使用计算工具、只能使用简单计算器(无存储功能)。

(请将横线上不需要的文字用红笔划去)交教务处时间: 年月日送印时间: 年月日试题内容分布命题教师:殷林森室主任签章:__________ 系(部)主任签章________上海金融学院2010--2011 学年度第二学期《投资学》课程A卷代码:23330295(集中考试考试形式:闭卷考试用时: 90 分钟)考试时只能使用简单计算器(无存储功能)试题纸一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项前的英文字母):1、按照风险从小到大排序,下列排序正确的是()。

A、储蓄存款,国库券,普通股,公司债券B、国库券,优先股,公司债券,商业票据C、国库券,储蓄存款,商业票据,普通股D、储蓄存款,优先股,商业票据,公司债券2、封闭式基金价格的主要决定因素是( )。

A、市场供求关系B、基金资产净值C、单位基金资产净值D、基金单位面值3、美联储在公开市场上抛售美国国债的行为将会导致货币供给量( )。


你的持有期收益率是( )。

A、45%B、50%C、5%D、40%5、套利定价理论中,一个充分分散风险的资产组合,组成证券数目越多,非系统风险就越接近( )。

A、1B、无穷大C、0D、-16、风险资产组合的有效边界( )。

A、处于全局最小方差边界的下半部分B、处于全局最小方差边界的上半部分C、处于全局最小方差边界上D、处于全局最小方差边界的内侧7、单指数模型用以代替市场风险因素的是( )。

A、市场指数,例如标准普尔500指数B、经常账户的赤字C、GNP的增长率D、失业率8、资本资产定价模型是在( )的预测模型。





















都比拟简单1.有效市场还能不能获得收益?2.乘数效应发挥作用的条件?3.债券的依存度?4.ADR1 你对财大印象如何2 有效市场假说3 验证有效市场假说的方法4 随机过程英语题目:开放基金和封闭基金的区别?如何评估基金业绩?中文题:MM理论对公司价值的影响?国际汇率走势对中国经济的影响?金融工程的出现对金融市场的影响?英文题:简述资本资产定价模型?〔PS:没有听清楚,后来考完了觉得可能是这个〕〔PS:因为第一个没有听清楚,所以老师换了一个问题问我〕中国股市目前的情况?我的问题很简单专业课是1、弗里德曼和凯恩斯的在货币政策方面的不同。



15. 16. 17. 18. A 、红筹股 B 、H 股 C 、蓝筹股 D 、S 股在香港股票市场上,把中资控股的在港注册、上市的公司所发行的股票叫()。

A 、红筹股B 、N 股C 、蓝筹股 我国日前发行的债券属于()。

A 、实物债券B 、凭证式债券C 、记账式债券 按执行时间的不同,期权分为欧式期权和()oA 、日式期权 证券经营机构不包括( A 、证券经纪商 不属于金融期货的是( A 、利率期货B 、N 股 D 、S 股D 、具他债券B 、 B 、 美式期权 )。

证券自营商 )。

B 、外汇期货C 、亚式期权D 、中式期权 C 、证券承销商 C 、股票指数期货 D 、证监会 D 、石油期货 投资学复习题A 卷一、单项选择题1. ()不是期货合约条款中应该包括的内容。

A 、交易规格B 、交易价格C 、交易数量D 、交易品种2. 下面那一种不属于固定收入证券:A 、普通股B 、中长期国债C 、公司债券D 、优先股3. 以下说法正确的是()A 、 看涨期权就是指买入期权合约B 、 看涨期权就是赋予期权卖方以约定价格买入标的资产的权利的期权C 、 看涨期权是赋预予期权买方以约定价格买入标的资产的权利的合约D 、 看涨期权是赋预予期权卖方以约定价格卖出标的资产的权利的合约7. 同一个公司发行的上述三种债券,若其他条件相同,()价格更高。

11. 可转换公司债券持有者可按照发行时约定的价格转换成公司的()。

14. 经营和资信良好、经济实力雄厚的大型优秀企业所发行的股票称为()04. 以下属于衍生晶工具的是()A 、股票B 、债券 5. 以下属于金融资产的是()A 、厂房B 、机器 6. 下面哪一种不属于货币市场工具()A 、短期国债B 、欧洲美元C 、基金D 、期货 C 、股票 D 、人力资本 C 、公司债券 D 、商业票据A 、担保债券B 、无担保债券 &下面那一个属于优先股股东的权力(A 、重人决策参与权C 、选举董事会和监事会的权利 9. 只有在到期曰那天才可以实施的期权是 A 、美式期权 B 、欧式期权 10. 一般地,安全性最高的债券是()A 、金融债券B 、企业债券C 、次级无担保债券D 、次级债券B 、公司盈余和剩余资产的分配权 D 、转让股票权() C 、看涨期权D 、看跌期权 C 、国债 D 、地方政府债券 A 、优先股 B 、普通股 12. 个人投资者在证券市场上是()0A 、资金供给者、证券需求者C 、资金供给者、证券供给者13. 不属于证券市场功能的是()。

第四讲:课堂练习07年江苏AB卷2010年2月21日 done

第四讲:课堂练习07年江苏AB卷2010年2月21日 done

2007年江苏A卷46. 某银行资金交易部最新报告指出,从国内宏观调控的需要看,只有人民币持续不断地加息,才能从根本上控制经济扩张的冲动,避免资产泡沫的出现和破灭;如果人民币不加快升值,那么人民币流动性无法根治,利率偏低的状况无法纠正,资产泡沫就有可能越吹越大。

据此,可以推出A.如果人民币加快升值,那么人民币流通性就可以根治B.如果人民币流动性无法根治,那么利率偏低的状况就无法纠正C.如果人民币持续不断地加息,那么就可从根本上抑制经济扩张的冲动D.如果人民币不能持续不断地加息,那么就不可能根本上抑制经济扩张的冲动【苏索朱建国解析】D47. 小李是四川人,他喜欢吃酸泡菜;小王也是四川人,她也喜欢吃酸泡菜;小陈是四川人她也喜欢吃酸泡菜。



48. 地球环境日益恶化,危及我们的健康,我们每个人都应当提高环境保护意识,应当承担起保护绿化环境的义务。

据此,可以推出A.并非有些人不应当承担起保护环境的义务B.并非有些人应当有保护环境的义务C.有些人没有环境保护意识D.有些人有环境保护意识【苏索朱建国解析】A49. 著作权包含以下人身权和财产权:发表权、署名权、网络传播权、应当由著作权人等拥有的其他权利。



据此,可以推出A.如果你享有了软件的著作权,那么你提出了自己的算法B.如果你创作了这个软件,那么你能享有它的网络传播权C.如果你对软件进行了百分之八十以上的修改,那么你享有了著作权D.如果你没有获得该软件的著作权,那么你一定没有经过作者的同意49.【苏索朱建国解析】B50. 如果在仪器周围存在一个强电子或者存在一个场,那么仪器可以检测到所有的场并且会蜂鸣。



经济师中级金融专业知识与实务真题2007年一、单项选择题(每题的备选项中,只有1个最符合题意)1. 金融租赁公司属于。

A.非金融机构B.非银行类金融机构C.政策性金融机构D.投资性金融机构答案:B[解答] 我国的金融机构分为商业银行、政策性银行、证券机构、保险公司和其他金融机构,金融租赁公司属于其他金融机构。


2. 货币市场工具一般具有期限短、流动性强、对利率敏感等特点,有之誉。

A.货币B.票据C.基础货币D.准货币答案:D[解答] 货币市场是一年期以内的金融交易市场,属于这个市场的金融工具与货币极为类似。



3. 证券回购业务实际上是一种行为。

A.证券交易B.短期质押融资C.商业贷款D.信用贷款答案:B[解答] 证券回购是证券的卖出方暂时让渡证券,证券的买入方提供相应的资金给卖出方,如果卖出方不按照约定的条件购回证券,证券的买入方有权处理证券,因而从这个角度来看,回购业务属于短期质押融资。

4. 在现行的外汇管理体制下,人民币已经实现了。

A.世界货币B.与外币自由兑换C.经常项目可兑换D.资本项目可兑换答案:C[解答] 人民币现在已经实现经常项目的可兑换,但对资本项目还仍然存在着管制。

5. 信托是随着商品经济的发展而出现的一种财产管理制度,其本质是。


(2) 交易方式不同。
(3) 交易价格的决定方式不同。
问题:2. 简述直接融资的优点与局限性。
答案:优点:(1) 资金供需双方联系紧密,有利于资金的快速合理配置和使用效率的提高。
(2) 筹资者筹资成本低,而投资者投资收益大。
缺点:(1) 在数量、期限、利率等方面,直接融资受到的限制比间接融资多。
(2) 在金融市场欠发达的地区,直接融资使用的金融工具的流动性比间接融资工具的流动性要弱。
问题:2. 中国证监会主席尚福林指出,资本市场正处在难得的发展机遇期,大力发展资本市场需要大力发展证券投资基金,试比较基金证券同股票、债券相比存在哪些区别。
答案:(1) 投资地位不同。
(2) 风险程度不同。
(3) 收益情况不同。
(4) 投资方式的不同。
(5) 投资的收回方式不同。
问题:5. 简述外汇市场的作用。
问题:1. 结合实际论述金融市场的功能和作用。
问题:2. 契约型基金
问题:3. 回购协议



07级金工投资学A卷D7. 马可维兹描述的投资组合理论主要着眼于:()A、系统性风险的减少B、分散化对投资组合的风险的影响C、非系统性风险的确认D、积极的资产管理以扩大收益根据下面的材料回答第8、9、10题你管理的股票基金的预期风险溢价为10%,标准差为14%,短期国库券利率为6%。



资产组合A和B都是充分分散风险的,它们的因素敏感性系数分别为1.0和1.5,它们的期望收益率分别为19%和24%,假设不存在套利机会,无风险利率为( )。

A、4%B、9%C、14%D、16.5%12、哪种债券的持续期最长( )。




如果两种债券的到期收益率从12%变为10%,则( )。




如果两种债券的到期收益率均从4%变为5%,则( )A、两种债券都会升值,A升得多B、两种债券都会升值,B升得多C、两种债券都会贬值,A贬得多D、两种债券都会贬值,B贬得多15、一种债券的息票率为6%,每年付息,修正的持续期为10年,以800美元售出,按到期收益率8%定价。




A.上升B.下降C.波动增大D.不变【答案】 B2、根据资产定价理论,会引起非系统性风险的因素是()A.宏观经济形势变动B.控制改革C.政治因素D.公司经营风险【答案】 D3、设某地区某时流通中的通货为1500亿元,中央银行的法定存款准备金率为7%,商业银行的存款准备金为500亿元,存款货币总量为4000亿元。



A.3000B.4500C.5500D.6000【答案】 C4、不同牵头部门对混业经营的金融机构可能采取的监管思路、监管侧重各不相同,造成不同的监管成本。

这属于以下哪种金融监管机制的缺陷()A.机构监管B.系统监管C.功能监管D.目标监管【答案】 C5、凯恩斯把货币供应量的增加并未带来利率的相应的降低,而只是引起人们手持现金增加的现象成为()。

A.资产证券化B.流动性陷阱C.资产货币化D.劣币逐良化【答案】 B6、在货币供给机制中,()承担着信用扩张的职能,创造着派生存款。

A.中央银行B.财政部C.税务机关D.商业银行【答案】 D7、商业银行存款业务创新的最终目的是()。

A.扩大原始存款的资金来源,创造更所的派生存款B.调整表外业务的结构C.降低中间业务的成本D.减少资产业务的风险【答案】 A8、王先生拟投资某个茶饮项目,需要一次性投资100000元,王先生目前可用流动资金为50000元,因而拟向银行申请贷款50000元,贷款期限为5年。


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07级金工投资学A卷武汉大学2009—2010学年度第一学期期末考试试卷经济与管理学院金融工程 2007级投资学一、名词解释(每题2分,共10分)认股权证系统风险积极投资组合战略证实偏差处置效应二、单项选择题(每题2分,共30分)根据下列数据回答第1、2、3题效用公式数据()2U-E=005r.0σA投资预期收益()()%E标准差(%)r1 12 302 15 503 21 164 24 211. 根据上述效用公式,如果投资者的风险厌恶系数A=4,投资者会选择哪种投资?()A、1B、2C、3D、42. 根据上述效用公式,投资者如果是风险中性的,会选择哪种投资?()A、1B、2C、3D、43. 在效用公式中变量A表示:()A、投资者的收益要求B、投资者对风险的厌恶C、投资组合的确定等价利率D、对每4个单位风险有1个单位收益的偏好4. 根据优势法则,下列那一项投资优于其他投资()。

A、期望收益率0.15,标准差0.2B、期望收益率0.1,标准差0.2C、期望收益率0.1,标准差0.25D、期望收益率0.15,标准差0.255. 当其他条件相同,分散化投资在那种情况下最有效()。

A、组成证券的收益不相关B、组成证券的收益正相关C、组成证券的收益很高D、组成证券的收益负相关6. 股票A期望收益率为12%,标准差为0.20;股票B期望收益率为15%,标准差为0.27,如果两只股票的相关系数为0.7,则协方差为()。

A、0.038B、0.070C、0.018D、0.0547. 马可维兹描述的投资组合理论主要着眼于:()A、系统性风险的减少B、分散化对投资组合的风险的影响C、非系统性风险的确认D、积极的资产管理以扩大收益根据下面的材料回答第8、9、10题你管理的股票基金的预期风险溢价为10%,标准差为14%,短期国库券利率为6%。



资产组合A和B都是充分分散风险的,它们的因素敏感性系数分别为1.0和1.5,它们的期望收益率分别为19%和24%,假设不存在套利机会,无风险利率为( )。

A、4%B、9%C、14%D、16.5%12、哪种债券的持续期最长( )。




如果两种债券的到期收益率从12%变为10%,则( )。




如果两种债券的到期收益率均从4%变为5%,则( )A、两种债券都会升值,A升得多B、两种债券都会升值,B升得多C、两种债券都会贬值,A贬得多D、两种债券都会贬值,B贬得多15、一种债券的息票率为6%,每年付息,修正的持续期为10年,以800美元售出,按到期收益率8%定价。



















四、对A公司股票的保证金购买,对应最低保证金比例所需的资产价值为100×100×(1-50%)/(1-20%)=6250(元)对B公司股票的保证金卖空, 对应最低保证金比例所需的资产价值为100×80×(1+20%)=9600(元)为维持保证金最低比例,共需资产价值为6250+9600=15850(元)现该保证金帐户的资产价值为100×60+100×50×(1+50%)=13500(元)投资者会收到追加保证金通知.五、(1)夏普测度:(E(R p)-R f)/σp=(35%-6%)/42%=0.69同时市场组合的夏普测度为(E(RM )-Rf)/σM=0.733>0.48则该资产组合P的夏普测度低于市场,比市场表现差(2)詹森测度:αP =E(RP)-(Rf+βP(E(RM)-Rf))=2.6%>0可知该资产组合的詹森测度高于市场(3)特雷纳测度:(E(RP )-Rf)/βP=24.2%市场的特雷纳测度:(E(RM )-Rf)/βM=22%则该资产组合特雷纳测度高于市场(4)信息比率:αP/σ(ε)=0.144信息比率表示非系统风险带来的非常规收益,P高于市场(5)M2测度:将该资产组合与无风险资产进行组合,使得风险与市场组合一致,则在资产组合上投资的比例y=σM/σp=0.714则组合后的收益率为E(RP *)=yE(RP)+(1-y)RF=26.7%则M2=E(RP *)-E(RM)=-1.3%即进行风险调整后,该资产组合收益率低于市场六、:(1)骑乘收益率曲线原理是假设未来的期限结构与现在的一致,该原理应用在积极的资产管理策略中,表现为用短期资金投资于长期债券,在到期之前将债券卖出,用获得的收益再投资于长期债券,在未到期再卖出,如此滚动式投资,以获取高收益。





