
牛津阅读树年级 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】牛津阅读树 1 1-1 BIG Feet.Come and look at this.Come and look at this. Is it a big monster?Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur?Come and look at this. Is it a big giant?No. It is Dad.英 [mnst(r)] n. 怪物;恶魔,恶人英 [dans:(r)] n. [生]恐龙,守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西英 [dant] n. 巨人,大汉;巨兽,巨物;卓越人物1-2 Go Away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy. We are skipping.Go away, Floppy. We are painting.Come back, Floppy. Floppy, come back.We are sorry.1. skip英 [sk?p] vi. 跳;跳绳;悄悄溜走;快速转移英 [pe?nt] n. 颜料,涂料;绘画作品;胭脂等化妆品;色彩,装饰[英] [flpi:] adj.松软的;懒散的1-3 Hide and Seek.Can you see us?Can you see me Yes, I can see you.Can you see me Yes, we can see you.Can you see me Yes, we can see you.We can all see Dad.英 [ha?d] vt. 隐藏;躲避英 [si:k] vt. 寻找,探寻;追求,谋求1-4 Look at Me.Look at me, Mum.Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike.Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike.Look at me, Mum. Oh, no!Look at me!1. bike[ba?k] n. 自行车;摩托车;电动自行车1-5Kipper's Diary.Monday: It was a wet day.Tuesday: It was a windy day. I went to the shops.Wednesday: It was a sunny day. I went to the pool.Thursday: It was a hot day. I went to the park.Friday: It was a fun day.[mnde] n. 星期一;周一2. wet英 [wet] adj. 湿的;下雨的;懦弱的;(儿童)尿湿尿布的3. Tuesday英 [tju:zde] n. 星期二英 [wndi] adj. 有风的;腹胀的;吹牛的;空谈的英 [p] vt.& vi. (到…)去买东西[购物];逛商店6. Wednesday英 [wenzde] n. 星期三7. sunny英 [sni] adj. 和煦的:照到阳光的;快活的,性情开朗亲切的英 [pu:l] n. 水池;石油层;英 [θ:zde] n. 星期四,礼拜四,周四英 [h?t] adj. 热的;辣的;激动的;热门的英 [pɑ:k] n. 公园;停车场12. Friday英 [frade] n. 星期五,周五,礼拜五13. fun英 [f?n] adj. 使人愉快的;开心的1-6 The PancakeThe frying pan,the flour, the eggs,the milk, the butter,the pancake,the pancake race.[英][pnkek]n.烙饼,薄煎饼;粉饼;平降,平坠[英]['fra]v.油炸,油煎( fry的现在分词 );皮肤晒黑;煎炸;油发[英][fla(r)]n.面粉;vt.撒上粉[英][eg]n.鸡蛋,蛋;家伙[英][m?lk]n.奶;乳液;母乳;vt.挤奶;榨取[英][bt(r)] n.黄油;黄油状的食品;奉承话;焊膏;[英][re?s].赛跑;竞争;人种;民族1-7 Six in a BedMum and Dad.Mum, Kipper and Dad.Mum, Kipper, Dad and Chip.Biff, Mum, Kipper, Dad, Chip, and Floppy. 1-8Who Is It?Who is it?Biff and Chip.Mum and Kipper.Floppy and a spaceman.No, it’s Dad.[英][hu:] pron.谁;什么人2. spaceman[英][spesmn] n.太空船上的飞行员,宇宙人1-9 Reds and Blues.We are all in red.We are all in blue.Come on the reds! Come on the blues!Who is in red Who is in blueWe are all muddy.[英][red]n.红色;红衣服;红颜料;红葡萄酒[英][blu:] n.蓝色;蓝色制服;蓝颜料[英] [mdi] adj.泥泞的;暗的;模糊的;糊涂的1-10Floppy FloppyOh, Floppy!No, Floppy!Oh, Floppy!No, Floppy!Floppy Floppy.1-11 A Good TrickA rug,a sheet,a big box,a little box,Kipper.[英][g?d] adj.好的;优秀的;有益的;漂亮的,健全的[英][tr?k]n.戏法,把戏;计谋,诀窍;骗局;恶作剧[英][r?g] n.小块地毯;(围盖膝的)围毯,车毯[英][b?ks]n.盒;箱状物;包厢;哨房[英][ltl]adj.小的;琐碎的;娇小的;幼小的1-12 Fun at the BeachDad and Mum.Mum and Dad.Kipper, Chip and Biff,Kipper, Biff and Dad.Mum Chip and Floppy.Chip, Biff and Kipper.Dad and Floppy.Oh Floppy![英][f?n][美]n.乐趣;娱乐活动;嬉戏,嬉闹;有趣的事;adj.使人愉快的;开心的[英][bi:t] n.海滩,海滨;岸上的沙子和卵石。

1—05 See me skip
1-06 The mud pie
2-1 The Toy’s Party
2—2 New trainers
2—3 A new dog
2—4 What a Bad dog
2—5 The go—kart
1—2 Floppy Floppy
1—3 Six in a bed
1—4 A good trick
1-5 Fun at the Beach
1—6 The pancake
1—7 Hide and seek
1-8 Look at me
2—3 Put it Back
2-4 In a Bit
2—5 A present for Mum
2—6 The hole in the Sand
3—1 On the sand
3—2 the dolphin pool
3—3 Nobody wanted to play

牛津阅读树p h o n i c s 2 2-1 A Present For Mum present[英][?preznt]n礼物Dad had a little box. box[英][b?ks] n.盒It was a present for Mum.Dad had an idea. idea[英][a??d??]主意,想法He wanted to make Mum laugh. laugh[英][lɑ:f]vi.笑;发笑Mum and Dad had a party. party[英][?pɑ:ti]n.社交聚会Mum gave Dad a present.Dad gave Mum a big box.Mum had a smaller box. small[英][sm?:l]dj.小的;难为情“What is it?” she asked. ask[英][ɑ:sk]vi.问,询问The present got smaller……and smaller……and smaller.“This is for you,” said Dad.“And this is for you,” said Mum.“Oh, Dad!” said Mum.“Oh, Mum!” said Dad.2-2 In a Bit bit[英][b?t].一点,一块;少量,少许“Come and help,” said Mum. help[英][help]vt.& vi.帮助;有助于Biff was looking at the TV.“In a bit,” she said.Dad had a job for Chip. job[英][d??b](一件)工作;职责;职业“Come and help,” he said.Chip was looking at the TV.“In a bit,” he said. room[英][ru:m] n.房间;空间;余地Kipper’s room was in a mess. mess[英][mes]n.混乱;食堂;肮脏;困境“Come and help,” said Mum.Kipper was looking at the TV.“In a bit,” he said.“What can we do?” said Dad.Mum had an idea. idea[英][a??d??][美].主意,想法Biff, Chip and Kipper wanted dinner. dinner[英][?d?n?(r)]n.正餐,主餐“In a bit,” said Mum and Dad.2-3 Poor FloppyFloppy was not well. well[英][wel] adv.好;adj.健康的He lay on his bed. lay[英][le?] vt.放置,躺“He looks bad,” said Kipper. bad[英][b?d] adj.坏的,不好的Biff wanted Floppy to get well. want[英][w?nt] v.想要;希望;打算Kipper was sad. sad[英][s?d]adj.悲哀的;糟糕的Mum took Floppy to the vet. vet[英][vet] vt.审查;诊疗;检查Chip went, too.Chip looked at the pets. pet[英][pet] n.宠物;宠儿“I can see six cats,” he said. cat[英][k?t]n.猫Floppy just looked at the cats.He was not well.The vet looked at Floppy.“Give him some pills,” she said. pill[英][p?l] n.药丸Mum took Floppy home. take[英][te?k]vt.拿,取Floppy had some pills.Floppy was soon better.2-4 Put It Back“Look at this,” said Biff.She had a crab in her hand.crab[英][kr?b] n.蟹,蟹肉“Put it back,” said Chip.Biff put the crab back.“Let’s look on the sand,” said Dad. sand[英][s?nd] n.沙;沙滩“Come and see this,” said Chip.He had a net. net[英][net]n.网;网状织物“Come and see this,” said Mum.She had a bit of wood. wood[英][w?d]n.木材;树林“Look at this shell,” said Kipper. shell[英][?el]n.贝壳;外壳“This is the best of all.”best[英][best]adj.最好的The shell had legs.“Oh no!” said Kipper.“What is it?”“It’s a hermit crab,” said Dad.hermit[英][?h?:m?t]n.隐士“It’s a crab that lives in a shell.”“Put it back,” said Kipper.2-5 The Big EggThe children fed the hens. feed[英][fi:d]vt.喂养They looked for eggs. look for[英][luk f?:]寻找They put the eggs in a box. box[英][b?ks]n.盒Dad had an idea.Kipper went on looking.“Look at this egg,” said Kipper.“This is too big.”Kipper looked at the hen.“This is too big for you,” he said.“Come and see this,” said Dad.“This is too big for you,” said Mum.“This is too big for me,” said Dad.2-6 The Hole in the SandBiff’s spade was no good. spade[英][spe?d]n.铁锹,铲子Dad got a big spade.“Let me dig a hole,” he said.Hole [英][h??l][n.洞,孔;洞穴Dad dug a hole.The children helped. help[英][help]vt.帮助The hole got bigger……and bigger.……and deeper……and deeper. deep[英][di:p]adj.深的All the children came.They played in the hole.The water came in.“I can’t stop it,” said Dad.The tide came in. tide[英][ta?d] n.潮汐;潮流Dad’s spade was in the hole.Next day, the hole had gone. Dad’s spade was under the sand. “Let’s dig,” said Dad.。

牛津的阅读树3 (30本)3-1 The Steel Band. 3-15 Kipper's Idea.3-2 Pond Dipping. 3-16 Srawberry Jam.3-3 Sniff. 3-17 The Jumble Sale.3-4 The Duck Race. 3-18 The Snowman.3-5 The Ice Rink. 3-19 At the Pool.3-6 The Mud Bath. 3-20 Book Week.3-7 Joe and the Bike. 3-21 Bull's-eye!.3-8 Midge and the Eggs. 3-22 The Barbecue.3-9 Midge in Hospital. 3-23 The Carnival.3-10 Pip and the Little Monkey. 3-24 The Cold Day.3-11 Pip at he Zoo. 3-25 A Cat in the Tree.3-12 Roy and the Budgie. 3-26 By the Stream.3-13 At the Seaside. 3-27 Nobody Wanted to Play. 3-14 Kipper the Clown. 3-28 On the Sand.3-29 The Egg Hunt. 3-30 The Rope Swing.3-1 The Steel Band.A band came to play.“My name is Stan,” said a man. “I want you to help us.”“I want you to clap,” he said. “Clap your hands and tap you feet.” “I want you to sing a song.” “Sing it with us.”The children sang with the band. “Now clap as you sing” said Stan. “Who wants to play in the band?” The children put up their hands. Everyone wanted to play. “You can all play,” said Stan. Wilf hit the drum. “Tap it,” said Stan. “Don’t bang it.” What a grand band!1.Stan[stæn] n. [男子名]斯坦(Stanley 的昵称)(m.)2.tap[英] [tæp]vt.开发;(从容器等)汲取(液体);割[打]开…取[放]液体vi.轻声走;跳踢踏舞3.bang [英] [bæŋ]vt.猛击,猛撞3-2 Pond Dipping.Wilf and Wilma were at the pond.The net got stuck. “Help me pull,” said Wilf. They pulled the net.It was stuck on some junk. Wilma got a big stick. “Let’s pull it out,” she said.Wilf and Wilma pulled. They couldn’t pull the junk out. Mum and Dad helped. They pulled out an old pram. Plop! A frog hopped out. It made Wilf jump.Splash! A fish jumped up. “A pram full of fish,” said Dad. “Pram dipping!” said Wilma.4.stuck[英] [stʌk] v. 刺(stick 的过去式及过去分词) adj. 动不了的;被卡住的;被…缠住的;被…难住的,不知所措5.junk[英] [dʒʌŋk] n. 废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船;6.pram[英] [præm] n. <英>(手推的)婴儿车;(送牛奶的)手推车;平底船7.plop[英] [plɔp] n. 扑通声,啪嗒声 vi. 扑通地坠落8. hop out[英] [hɔp aut] [体]后摆;跳下3-3 Sniff.“Will you look after Sniff today?” said Mrs May.Wilf and Wilma were happy. They wanted to look after the puppy. They took Sniff to the park. The puppy was excited.2Sniff liked to roll on her back… jump up for a stick...run after a ball… and bark at a cat.Then Sniff went in the mud. She ran after a duck.She jumped in the pond and she barked at a dog. “I am hot,” said Wilf. “I want a rest.”“I am hot, too,” said Wilma. “I want a drink.”Mum couldn’t find Sniff. She couldn’t find Wilf and Wilma.Mum and Dad looked and looked. “They must be lost” said Mum. They were fast asleep. “They are worn out,” said Dad.9.mud[英] [mʌd]n.泥,泥淖;没价值的东西,污物;3-4 The Duck Race.Wilma had an idea.The children made six ducks. “Let’s have a duck race,” said Wilma. Mum began the race. “Drop the ducks in,” said Mum.The ducks went down the stream. Oh no! Wilma’s duck sank. Chip’s duck got stuck in the reeds. Biff’s duck got stuck in the weeds. Wilf’s duck got stuck on a log. “Get it off with a stick,” said Chip. Kipper’s duck went fast. It went past Dad’s duck. Two swans flew down. They landed on the ducks! “Six soggy ducks,” said Kipper.10.sank[英] [sæŋk] v.(使)下沉,(使)沉没( sink的过去式 )11.reed[英] [riːd]n.芦苇;芦苇杆;[乐]舌簧12.weed[英] [wi:d]n.杂草;野草;废物;烟草13.swan[英] [swɔn]n.天鹅;诗人,歌手33-5 The Ice Rink.Wilf and Dad went to the ice rink. They put skates on. They went on to the ice. “Hold my hand,” said Dad. Wilf held Dad’s hand. “This is fun,” said Wilf. Wilf let go of his Dad’s hand. He began to skate.Whoops! Wilf sat down with a bump. “This ice is cold,” said Wilf. Dad began to skate. He went round the rink.“Look at me spin!” said Dad. “Look at me jump!”Dad got some cold drinks. “Look out, Dad,” said Wilf. Oh no! A banana skin.14.ice rink[英] [ais rɪŋk] n. 溜冰场;滑冰场15.whoops[英] [hwʊps, wʊps, hwu:ps, wu:ps] int. <口>哎哟(犯明显错误时的道歉)16.bump[英] [bʌmp] n. 碰撞,撞击;肿块;隆起物;鹭鸶的叫声17.spin[英] [spin] vi. 快速旋转;3-6 The Mud Bath.Dad was playing football.He ran with the ball. “Go on Dad!” called Chip. “Kick it!”Dad fell over in the mud. Splat! “Bad luck, Dad!” said Biff. “Oh Dad,” said Mum. “What a mess.” “I want a bath,” said Dad. Dad went up to the bathroom. He ran a bath. Dad came down. There was football on TV.Dad looked at the football. “Go on!” he called. “Kick it!” Dad forgot the bath. Drip! Drip! Drip!Plop! Plop! Splat!” What was that?” said Dad. Splash! “Oh no,” said Dad.3-7 Joe and the Bike.Joe went to speedway.Joe liked speedway. His dad was a speedway rider.Joe’s dad was in a race. He was in front. “Come on!” shouted Joe. Joe’s dad fell off. “Oh no!” said Joe.Joe’s dad pushed his bike. “What a rider!” said Joe.It was Joe’s birthday. His dad gave him a bike. Joe lied the bike. Joe was in a race. He was in front. “Come on!” shouted Dad. Joe fell off. “Oh no!” said Dad.“What a rider!” said Dad.18.speedway[英] [ˈspi:dˈweɪ]n.赛车跑道3-8 Midge and the Eggs.4Midge’s mum wanted some eggs.Midge went to the egg shop. He put the eggs in a bag. “Come and play,” said his friends. “I can’t,” said Midge.“My Mum wants these eggs.”Midge saw his friend. The friend had a go-kart. Midge wanted a go. Midge put the bag down. He went on the go-kart. He forgot the eggs. A man put the bag in the cart. “Oh no!” said Midge. “The eggs!”Mi dge’s mum looked at the bag. “Sorry, Mum,” said Midge. Midge’s mum went to the egg shop. She got some more eggs. She put the eggs in a basket. Oh no!19.Midge米吉20.go-kart[英] [ˈɡəuˈkɑ:t] n. 游戏用的无车体小型汽车,其商标名3-9 Midge in Hospital.Midge fell off his bike.The ambulance came. The man looked an Midge’s foot. They took Midge to hospital. Midge was frightened.He didn’t want to go to hospital.A doctor looked at Midge’s foot. A doctor gave Midge a sweet. Midge’s mum came to see him. She gave him a toy.Midge’s nan came to see him. She gave him some fruit.Midge’s friends came to see him. They gave him some books. “It’s not so bad in hospital,” said Midge. “It’s good to be home.”21.nan[英] [næn]n.奶奶(小孩儿语);圆盘烤饼53-10 Pip and the Little Monkey.Pip was at the zoo.Pip’s dad was a zoo-keeper. Pip helped her dad.They looked at a little monkey. They monkey was ill. They took the monkey home.The monkey got better. Pip played with it. They took the monkey to the zoo.Pip cried and cried. She wanted to keep the monkey.They went to the monkey house. The little monkey ran to its mum. The little monkey jumped and jumped. It was happy. Pip was happy too.3-11 Pip at he Zoo.Pip went to the zoo.Pip’s dad was a zoo-keeper. Pip helped her dad.Pip gave the deer some food. The deer pushed Pip over.Pip gave the monkeys some bananas. A monkey took Pip’s hat. Pip gave the elephants some water. The elephant took Pip’s sweets. Pip gave the parrots some fruit. A parrot pecked her finger. “Do you want to feed the crocodiles?” “No thanks,” said Pip.22.peck[英] [pek]vt.啄,啄食;啄出,啄穿;3-12 Roy and the Budgie.Roy had a budgie. He called it Joey.Joey flew out side. “Oh no!” said Roy.Roy couldn’t get Joey. Joey flew away. Roy went to the wood. He looked for Joey.Roy couldn’t see Joey. An ostrich was in the wood. Roy looked at the ostrich. The ostrich looked at Roy. They saw the zoo-keeper. The zoo-keeper had a budgie.“It’s my ostrich,” said th e zoo-keeper. “It’s my budgie,” said Roy. “Thanks,” they said.25.Joey [男子名] 乔伊 Joseph的昵称23.Roy n. 罗伊(男子名)24.budgie[英] [ˈbʌdʒi] n. 相思鹦鹉3-13 At the Seaside.The family went on holiday. Wilf and Wilma went, too. The hotel had burned down. “Sorry!” said the man.6They looked at a new hotel. “Too expensive,” said Mum. They looked at an old hotel. “No, thank you,” said Dad. Ever hotel was full. “Sorry!” said everyone. They had to go home. But the car broke down.A farmer stopped his tractor. “Can I help?” he said.The farmer had a bus. “You can stay here,” he said.“What a good holiday!” said Wilf.3-14 Kipper the Clown.The children put on a circus.Kipper was a clown. Floppy pulled his leg.Chip was a strong-man. He made everyone laugh. Wilma and Biff did gymnastics.Everyone had a drink. “What a good circus!” said Mum. Wilf was a stuntman. Kipper was fed up .He wanted to be a stuntman. “Look at me!” he said. Everyone looked at Kipper. Oh no! “I’m a clown, after all,” said Kipper. 26.circus[英] [ˈsə:kəs] n.马戏,马戏团;马戏表演(常在大帐篷里进行);27.gymnastics[英] [dʒɪmˈnæstɪks] n.体操,体育;体操运动28.stuntman[英] [ˈstʌntˈmæn] n.特技替身演员29.feed up[英] [fi:d ʌp]养肥;养壮;<口>处于情绪低落状态;对…厌烦3-15 Kipper's Idea.Dad took Kipper to school.They went past the library. A lady was painting the wall. Kipper ran into the playground. He wanted to play.There was a drawing on the wall. It was a drawing of Kipper. The wall looked a mess. Mrs May was cross. The children were painting. Kipper had an idea.Miss Green drew circles on the wall. The children painted faces. The wall looked good. Everyone liked it.“Good for Kipper!” everyone said.3-16 Srawberry Jam.Dad wanted to make jam.He picked some strawberries. They were too small.Mum took everyone to the pick-your-own. “You can all help,” said Dad. They all picked strawberries. Kipper put some in his pocket. Chip took the strawberries to the car. The car was locked.He forgot about the strawberries.7The children had an ice cream. It was time to go home. The car ran over the strawberries. “Oh no!” said everyone. “Traffic jam!” said Dad.3-17 The Jumble Sale.Mum and Dad were spring-cleaning.Mum looked in a drawer. Dad threw things out.The children looked at the junk. They played with the old toys. Mum put the old toys in the car. The children were sad.They all went to the jumble sale.The children wanted to buy something. “What a lot of junk!” said Wilf. The children saw their toys. They counted their money.It was time to go home. “What’s in the bags?” said Mum. Oh no!30.spring-cleaning[英] [ˈsprɪŋˈkli:nɪŋ]n.春季大扫除,大扫除31.drawer[英] [drɔ:]n.抽屉;开票人,出票人;起草者;酒馆侍者32.junk[英] [dʒʌŋk]n.废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船;便宜货33.jumble sale[英] [ˈdʒʌmbəl seil]n.(义卖时的)杂物拍卖3-18 The Snowman.It was snowing. “Hooray,” said the children.They saw wilf and Wilma. Wilf was sweeping the snow. Biff had a good idea. She made a giant snowball.Everyone pushed the snowball. Floppy barked and barked.Wilf had an idea. He wanted to play a trick. The children made a giant snowman.Wilf’s dad opened the door. He saw the snowman.Wilma’s mum took a photograph. The snow fell off the roof. “Six snowmen!” said Wilma’s dad.34.Hooray [英] [hʊˈreɪ] 万岁3-19 At the Pool.Kipper went to the swimming pool.Wilma’s mum took him. She took Biff and Chip, too. It was a new pool. Everyone wanted to swim.Kipper looked for his trunks. He couldn’t find them. Kipper couldn’t go in the pool. “Sorry,” said the man.Wilma’s mum was in the water. “Oh dear,” she said.Wilma’s mum took Kipper to a shop. She bought him new trunks. They went back to the pool. “Oh no!” said Kipper.8“I put them on at home,” he said.35.trunks[trʌŋks] n. 树干( trunk的名词复数 );衣箱;象鼻3-20 Book Week.It was book week.The children made books.They made a big picture. They put it on the wall. An author came. He made everyone laugh.The children dressed up. Kipper was a caterpillar. He ate an apple. They had a book party.Kipper ate a lettuce. He was the hungry caterpillar. There was a book sale. Kipper was hungry. “I am a hungry Kipper,” he said.36.caterpillar[英] [ˈkætəpilə]n.毛虫;履带;履带拖拉机3-21 Bull's-eye!.Everyone went to the school fair.Wilma wanted a book. Her dad bought it for her. Wilf kicked the ball. He won the goldfish.Dad wanted to win a teddy. He had to hit a bull’s-eye. Dad got cross. He couldn’t hit the bull’s-eye.Wilma was in the gym display. Wilf and Dad forgot to watch her. Wilma was cross. “You forgot to watch,” she said. Wilf and Wilma had a fight. They bumped into Dad.Bill’s-eye! Dad won a teddy.40.gym display体育展示37.bull's-eye[英] [ˈbʊlzˈaɪ] n. 靶心;的38.gym[英] [dʒim] n. <非正>健身房;体育馆;室内健身操;体操39.display[英] [disˈplei] n. 展览,陈列;陈列品,展览品41.bump[英] [bʌmp] vt.& vi. 碰撞,冲撞;颠簸 vi. 颠簸着前进3-22 The Barbecue.Wilf’s dad wanted a party. He put up some lights.Wilma and Dad made a barbecue. Wilf and Mum took the food outside. Everyone helped. The dads lit the fire.The fire went out. The children were hungry. The dads lit the fire again. It began to rain.The dads cooked the burgers. The children were fed up.9The burgers burned. “Yuk!” said Chip. Oh no! The dads got wet. “Hooray!” said the children.42.barbecue[英] [ˈbɑ:bikju:]n.烤肉;烧烤野餐;(常用于室外的)金属烤架43.burgers[ˈbə:ɡəz] n.汉堡包( burger的名词复数 );3-23 The Carnival.The mums and dads were busy.They made a giant shoe. They put it on a trailer. The children dressed up. Dad was the old lady.The giant shoe looked good. They took it to the carnival. The car broke down. “Oh no!” everyone said.“Come on!” said Wilma. Biff, Chip, and Wilf pushed. “Come on!” said Kipper. “Come on!” said everyone.There was an old lady. She lived in a shoe. She had so many children. It was a good job, too.44.trailer[英] [ˈtreɪlə] n. 拖车;追踪者;103-24 The Cold Day.The children were in the sea.They played in the waves. Dad made them laugh. Everyone was cold. Kipper was very cold.Everyone wanted to jog. Kipper sat on the rug."Come on, Kipper,” said Mum. “I’m too cold,” said Kipper. "Come on, Kipper,” said Dad. “I’m too cold,” said Kipper. "Come and help,” said everyone. “I’m too cold,” said Kipper. “Ice cream!” said Kipper. He ran to the van.Everyone looked at Kipper. “I’m not that cold,” he said.45.jog[英] [dʒɔɡ]vt.& vi.慢跑;轻推,轻撞;蹒跚行进;使颠簸46.rug[英] [rʌɡ] n.小块地毯;〈英〉(围盖膝的)围毯,车毯;3-25 A Cat in the Tree.Floppy barked at a cat. The cat ran up a tree.Biff was cross with Floppy. Wilma climbed on the wall. Wilma climbed up the tree. She couldn’t get the cat. Wilma couldn’t get down. Wilma’s dad was cross. He put the ladder up. Wilma climbed down.Wilma’s dad climbed the tree. He couldn’t get the cat.Wilma’s dad was stuck. The cat jumped down.The fireman put a ladder up. Wilma’s dad climbed down. “Oh no!” said everyone.48.stuck[英] [stʌk] adj. 动不了的;被卡住的;被…缠住的;v. 刺(stick 的过去式及dder[英] [ˈlædə] n. 梯子,阶梯;梯状物;途径;过去分词)113-26 By the Stream.Mum and Dad sat on the rug.The children played by the stream. Biff went on the bridge. They dropped sticks in the water. Kipper couldn’t see. Kipper climbed up. He dropped Teddy in the water. “Get Teddy,” said Kipper. Biff couldn’t get Teddy. “Get Teddy,” said Kipper. Mum couldn’t getTeddy. “I want Teddy,” said Kipper. Dad couldn’t get Teddy. Dad fell in .Splash!“I am a frogman,” said Dad.3-27 Nobody Wanted to Play.Wilf was cross.Nobody wanted to play. He went to the park.W ilf played on the rocket. “I am a spaceman,” he said. He played on the see-saw. “I am a juggler,” he said. He played on the horse. “I am a cowboy,” he said. He played on his bicycle. “I am a stuntman,” he said. He climbed up the ladder. “I am a fireman,” h e said. He climbed on the wall. “I am a spiderman,” he said. Whoops!51.stuntman[英] [ˈstʌntˈmæn]n.特技替身演员49.juggler[英] [ˈdʒʌglə]n.玩杂耍的人;杂耍,把戏50.cowboy[英] [ˈkaʊˈbɔɪ]n.牛仔;牧童;富有冒险精神的英雄3-28 On the Sand.Biff and Chip played on the sand.Dad went to sleep. Biff and Chip put sand on Dad. They made a sandcastle. They put Dad’s hat on top. They went to get an ice cream. Dad was still asleep. Chip looked at the donkeys. Biff looked at the boat. They looked at the go-karts.They looked at Dad’s hat. “Oh no!” said Biff. Dad was hiding. Biff was cross. The hat was on a stick.52.donkey[英] [ˈdɔŋki] n. 驴,毛驴;笨蛋,傻瓜;3-29 The Egg Hunt.Kate came to stay.12Mum and Kate made a cake. Kate put little eggs on it. Wilma looked at the little eggs. She had an idea.Wilma went to the park. She wanted to hide some eggs. She put them in the trees. She put them in the flowers.Wilf and Kate came to the park. “You can look for eggs,” said Wilma. Kate looked for the eggs. “Where are they?” she said. The squirrels had them. “Squirrel like eggs,” said Kate. “So do I,” she said.3-30 The Rope Swing.The children went to the stream.They looked at the swing. Wilf climbed on the swing. Chip pushed Wilf. Floppy looked at the rope.Biff climbed on the swing. Floppy barked and barked.Chip climbed on the swing. Floppy barked and barked and barked. Kipper went on the swing. “What a silly dog!” said kippy. Wilma went on too. “What a silly dog!” said Wilma. The children went home. Floppy looked at the rope. Splash! Oh no!53. silly[英] [ˈsili]adj.蠢的;糊涂的;不明事理的;没头脑的13。

1-1朗读书名,看封面图片问孩子:Kipper在哪里?他在做什么?指着书名给孩子朗读并解释这个是故事的书名?或者猜猜下面会发生什么故事?提问:Kipper想去上学吗?你认为他在学校后会喜欢学校吗?图文解释:It was Kipper's first time at school. 今天是kipper第一天上学。
He didn’t want to go in. 他不想进学校。
So he held onto the gate post. 所以他抓住了学校的门柱不放。
Kipper was shy,He hid in the cloakroom. Kipper很害羞,他藏在了衣帽间。
Come on. 快来。
Kipper played in the home corner. Kipper在家庭角玩。
Kipper cooked a lego stew. Kipper炖了乐高积木汤。
It wasthe end of the day. 上学第一天结束了。
Kipper didn’t want to go home. Kipper不想回家。
What did he do?he held onto the gate post. 他在做什么?他抓住学校的门柱不放。
是不是很贴近孩子们的生活呢?可以仔细观察Kipper的情绪变化?他在幼儿园都干了些什么?思考Kipper为什么不愿意回家了?第一本:At School第一部分:Group or Guided reading指导阅读组:一,introducing the book(内容简介)1,朗读书名,看封面图片问孩子:Kipper在哪里?他在做什么?2,指着书名给孩子朗读并解释这个是故事的书名?3,看第1页问:Kipper想去上学吗?你认为他在学校后会喜欢学校吗?4,鼓励孩子谈论自己第一天上学时的经历。
二、strategy check读完后孩子能明白Kipper感受的变化吗?三,Independent reading独立阅读:1,翻到第1页,指着招牌问:你认为这个招牌是说什么呢?谈论在学校前面的这个招牌会说什么呢?然后朗读并解释这个招牌。

在《The Enormous Crocodile》中,一个小男孩面对巨大的鳄鱼,没有害怕,而是勇敢地保护自己和他人,这体现了勇敢面对困难的品质。
在《The Snowman》中,两个孩子因为堆雪人产生了分歧,但是最终他们通过沟通和合作,成功地解决了冲突。

6-1 In the Garden6-2 Kipper and the Giant6-3 The Outing6-4 Land of the Dinosaurs 6-5 Robin Hood6-6 The Treasure Chest6-7 A Fright in the Night 6-8 Rotten Apples6-9 The Laughing Princess 6-10 Christmas Adventure 6-11 The Go-Kart Race6-12 The Shiny Key6-13 Paris Adventure6-14 The Stolen Crown Part 16-15 The Stolen Crown Part 26-16 Ship in Trouble6-17 Homework!6-18 Olympic Adventure6-19 Dad’s Grand plan6-20 Mirror Island6-21 Don’t Be Silly6-1 In the GardenKipper went into Chip’s room and picked up the magic key. The key began to glow.“Oh help!” said Kipper. Kipper ran outside and looked for Biff and Chip.“Help!” he called. “The key is glowing.”Biff and Chip were playing with Wilf and Wilma. They were playingin the sandpit.“Look at the magic key,” called Kipper.Biff was cross with Kipper.“Come on everyone,”she yelled. “Run inside. Get to the magic house.”It was too late. The magic began to work. The children got smaller and smaller. The children were in the grass and everything looked big. The grass was like a jungle.“What big flowers!”said Kipper. Chip saw a bumble-bee. He didn’t like it and he didn’t like the jungle. “Let’s get out of here,”he called. The children came out of the jungle. They came to a mountain.“What a big mountain!” said Wilf. Chip began to climb. He wanted to get to the top. “Come on,” he said. “let’s climb up.”The children got to the top. Kipper was hot.“I don’t like climbing mountains,” he said.The children looked at the sand. “It looks like a desert,” said Biff. “Let’s go down.”“Oh no!” said Kipper.“Look at the toy car,” said Wilma. “Let’s get inside and ride down. We can ride down to the desert.”Whoosh! The car took themdown the mountain.“This is fun,”said Wilma. The car stopped in the sand. The children climbed out. “Oh no!”said Wilf. “Look at that big cat.” The children climbed inside a bottle. Kipper was frightened. “I don’t like this,” he said.The cat looked inside the bottle. It pushed it with its paw. “Go away, cat,”shouted Kipper. “Shoo!”everyone yelled. Floppy chased the car away. The children climbed out of the bottle.“Good old Floppy!” said Biff.They walked over the desert. Everyone felt hot. Everyone felt very hot. “I want a drink,” said Kipper. “Look!” said Wilf. “Giant strawberries!”The children ran to eat them. “I love strawberries,”said Chip. “So do I,”said Wilf. The children ate the strawberries. They pulled off big lumps. Kipper licked his lips.“I like this adventure now,” he said.It began to rain. “What big drops!”said Wilma. “I feel sick now,”said Kipper. “So do I,” said Chip. The children ran to a giant flowerpot. They hid under it. The key began to glow. The magic was over. “I can’t see,”said Chip. He had the flowerpot on his head. “I like the hat,” said Wilma.Dad looked at his strawberries. “I don’t know,”he said. “There must be giant slugs round here.”6-2 Kipper and the GiantKipper was watching television. He was watching a programme called “The Angry Giant”. He liked the programme. The angry giant lived in a castle near a village. Nobody in the village liked the giant. He was always cross. When the giant was cross he stamped his feed and the houses shook. “Oh on!”everyone said. “He’s cross again. He’s always cross.” Kipper went to find Chip but he was out. He picked up the magic key and it began to glow. “Ooh!”said Kipper. He ran to get Biff but she was out with Chip. The magic began to work. It took Kipper inside the magic house.The magic took Kipper to the gate of the giant’s castle. Kipper was frightened. He saw a signpost. It pointed to the village. He didn’t want to meet the giant, so he went to the village. Kipper came to the village but it was tiny. Kipper was a giant. “Oh no!”said Kipper. “Go away,” yelled the people. “We don’t want you. We’ve got one giant. We don’t want another one.”The people threw things at Kipper. “Go away,”they yelled. “We don’t want another giant. We don’t want you.”“Stop it,” shouted Kipper. “I’m not a giant. I’m a boy.” The people said, “Well, you look like a giant.”Kipper began to cry. “I’m not a giant,”he said. “I’m a little boy and I don’t like this adventure.”“Giants don’t cry,” said the people.“Perhaps he is a little boy but he lookslike a giant to us. Perhaps he can help us.”Kipper helped the villagers to mend their houses. He put back the broken roofs. “Good old Kipper,” everyone said. “The giant threw this big stone at us,” said the people. “We don’t want it here. Can you put it outside the village?”“Yes,”said Kipper, “I’ll try.”He picked up the stone and took it outside the village. “Good old Kipper!” everyone called.All the people liked Kipper. “Thank you,”they said. “You have helped us a lot.” The village band played for him. The giant came back. He was very angry when he saw Kipper in the village.“I’m the giant here,” he shouted. He ran towards the village. Crash! He fell over the stone. “Ouch!”he yelled. The people were frightened but Kipper went to help the giant. He picked up the giant’s things and put a bandage round his head. Kipper was bigger than the giant. “Be a good giant,”said Kipper. “Stop being angry and the people will like you.” So the giant stopped being angry. “I’ll try to be good,” he said. “Hooray!” shouted the people. “Let’s have a party!” The key began to glow. “It’s time for me to go now,” said Kipper. “Goodbye. Thank you for the party.”The magic took Kipper home. “Nobody likes an angry giant,” said Kipper. “What an adventure!”6-3 The OutingA bus came to the school. The children climbed in. “I like going out,” said Wilf. “Don’t push,” said Mrs May. The bus set off. “Hooray!” shouted the children. “We’re going to the zoo.”“Don’t shout,children,” said Mrs May. Biff sat with Chip. Wilf sat with Nadim. “This is fun,”shouted Nadim. “It is if you don’t shout,” said Mrs May. The bus stopped on the way. The children climbed out. Some children looked at the water. Some children went to the toilet. “Don’t run away,” said Mrs May, “and don’t go too near the water.” Wilf kicked a stone and his shoe came off. The shoe landed in the water with a splash. “Oh Wilf!” said Biff. Wilf couldn’t get his shoe. He told Mrs May about it. “What a silly thing to do!” she said. “I don’t know what we can do.”When they got to the zoo it began to rain. The children climbed out of the bus and Mrs May went to get the tickets. Nadim wanted to see the elephants. Wilf wanted to see the lions and Biff wanted to see the crocodiles. “I hope the rain stops,” said Mrs May. It rained and rained. The children were fed up. The animals were fed up too. “Don’t get wet,” said Mrs May. The rain didn’t stop so the children climbed back on the bus. “Can we go to the museum?”asked Nadim. “What a good idea!” said Mrs May.They went to the museum. “This is good,” said Wilf. “We can see dinosaurs here.”“I like dinosaurs,” said Nadim. They began to run towards the dinosaurs. “Don’t run,” called Mrs May. “The dinosaurs won’t go away.” They looked at a big dinosaur. “What is this one called?”asked Wilf. “I don’t know yet,”said Nadim. “Let’s go and see.” Biff had her camera. She took a photograph of the dinosaur. “What is it called?” she asked. “It’s an apatosaurus,”said Nadim. The children went into a room. A lady told them about dinosaurs and showed them some pictures. “I know what that one is called,”said Nadim. “It’s called an apatosaurus.”“Good, Nadim,”said Mrs may. The children went to the shop. Wilf got a book about dinosaurs. Nadim got a model to make. It was a model of an apatosaurus. “I can make it at home,” he said. Chip said, “Come to our house. We can help you.”The bus got back to school. It was time to go home. “Thank you,”said the children. “Thank you for a lovely day.”“Goodbye, Mrs May,” said Nadim. “Can we draw dinosaurs tomorrow?” What a good idea!” said Mrs May. Nadim and Wilf went home with Biff and Chip. They went to Chip’s room and began to make the model. The magic key began to glow. Biff ran to the box and picked it up. “Come on,”she called. “It’s time for a magic adventure.”“Come on Nadim,”called Chip. “We’re going on a magic adventure. “We’re goingto the land of the dinosaurs.”6-4 Land of the Dinosaurs“We are going on a magic adventure,”said Chip. The children went through the door of the magic house. “Oh help!”said Nadim. The magic took the children to the land of the dinosaurs. “I don’t want this adventure,”said Nadim. “I don’t want to meet a dinosaur.” A dragonfly flew by. “Look at this,”said Chip. “It’s a giant dragonfly. What a big one!” Chip found a footprint. It was a giant footprint. “Come and look,” said Chip. “It must be a dinosaur’s footprint.” Biff took a photograp h of the giant footprint. “I can take this photograph to school,” she said. Nadim found some eggs. They were big eggs. “They must be a dinosaur’s eggs,” he said. One of the eggs began to crack. “It’s going to hatch out,” said Biff. Something came out of the egg. “It’s a little dinosaur,” said Nadim. Something flew by. The children were frightened. “What is it?” asked Chip. “I don’t know,” said Biff. The children ran. “It’s a flying dinosaur,” said Nadim, “and it’s a big one. Come on, let’s hide.” The flying dinosaur flew down to the eggs. It picked up the little dinosaur in its teeth. “Oh no!” said Biff. “It’s going to eat it.” She picked up a stick and ran out. “Go away!” she yelled. The dinosaur flew away but Chip was cross with Biff. “You were silly,” he said. “It couldhave got you.”Wilf ran on and climbed a hill. He wanted to look for an apatosaurus. “Come up here Biff,” he called. “You can take a photograph.” Wilf had not climbed on a hill. He had climbed on a dinosaur and it was enormous. It looked r ound at Wilf. Wilf was frightened. “Oh help!” he said. He jumped down and ran. “Let’s get out of here,” he called. “Don’t be frightened,” said Chip. “It’s an apatosaurus. It’s like the one in the museum. It won’t hurt us.” Biff took a photograph of it. “What a long neck it’s got and what a long tail!” she said. “I need a bigger camera.” The apatosaurus ran into the water. “What an enormous splash!” said Wilf. Nadim looked frightened. “Oh help!” he called. Another dinosaur was coming and it looked very fierc e. “Let’s get out of here,” yelled Chip. Biff took a photograph. “Come on,” yelled Chip, “don’t stop for that. This one could eat us!” They began to ran away. Wilf’s other shoe cane off in the mud. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow. “Just in time!”said Chip. The magic took the children to Biff’s bedroom. “What an adventure!” said Biff. “I’ve got some good photographs.” “This is the fierce dinosaur,” said Chip. “Did you take its photograph?” “Yes,” said Biff. “Let’s tell Mum and Dad.” “I took photographs of dinosaurs,” said Biff. “Oh yes,” said Dad. “Well, I’m sorry, I didn’t put a film in thecamera.”6-5 Robin HoodBiff and Wilma went to the pantomime. They went with Wilma’s mum. They had a friend called Anneena. Anneena went to the pantomime with them. The pantomime was about Robin Hood.Robin Hood was a good man. He lived in a wood with his men. Everyone liked Robin Hood and they gave a cheer every time he came in. There was a bad man called the Sheriff. Nobody liked the Sheriff. He wanted to catch R obin Hood and lock him up. “Look out, Robin!” shouted the children. The next day, Wilma and Anneena went to play with Biff. They sang a song about Robin Hood . Wilma played her guitar and Anneena played her recorder. Kipper didn’t like the song. He put his hands over his ears and made a face. “Woooooooh,” said Kipper. Kipper had a key round his neck. It was the magic key. Biff was cross with Kipper. “Put the key back in the box,” she said. Suddenly the key began to glow. “Look out, Anneena,” said Biff. “Thi s is a magic key and the magic is working. It’s time for an adventure.” The magic took the children to a wood. It was the wood where Robin Hood liked. The children could see Robin with some of his men. Robin Hood had not seen the children. Anneena was frig htened. “I hope he is a good man,” she said. “Come on,’ said Kipper. “I can smellfood.” Robin Hood saw the children. “Who are you?” he asked. “Are you lost in the woods? Come and sit down.” The children sat by the fire. “We saw you in a play,” said Anneena. “We can sing a song about you.” “Oh no!” said Kipper. “Not the song again.” Biff, Wilma and Anneena sang the song. The song said everyone liked Robin but nobody liked the Sheriff. Robin Hood’s men gave a cheer. “What a good song!” said Robin Hood. “Sing it to me again.” Kipper looked inside a big black pot. Nobody saw the Sheriff coming. Suddenly the Sheriff’s men ran in. They grabbed Robin Hood and put a rope round him. “Got you at last!” said the Sheriff. They jumped on Robin’s men and they grabbed Bif f, Wilma,and Anneena. They put them all into a cart. “Take them away!” said the Sheriff. Kipper hid in the big black pot. The Sheriff’s men didn’t see him. “Oh no!” he said. “What can I do? I must help them.” The Sheriff took them to a village. He said, “M y castle is too far away, so we will stop here. One of my men will see you don’t get away.” Kipper went up to the man. He gave the man a sweet. “What is that thing?” he asked. “You lock people up in it,” said the man. “You can’t lock people in that,” said Kipper. “You can’t get them in.” “Oh yes you can,” said the man. “Look.” He put in his head and his hands. “Ha!” said Kipper. “You fell for it.” He locked the man in and took away his keys. “Grrr!” said the man. Kipper set them free.“Come on, everyone,” said Robin Hood. “Let’s go back to the woods. We don’t want the Sheriff to catch us.” They went to a new part of the woods. “Three cheers for Kipper,” said Robin Hood. “Now let’s sing that song about me again.” “Oh no!” said Kipper. Suddenly the magic key b egan to glow. “Just in time,” said Kipper. “It’s time for us to go.” “Goodbye,” said the children. “Goodbye,” said Robin Hood, “and thanks.” “What an adventure!” said Anneena. “I liked Robin Hood and his men. Let’s sing the song.” “Aaaaaah!” said Kipper.6-6 The Treasure ChestEvery week Mrs May took some of the children to the swimming pool. The children were good swimmers and they liked going with Mrs. May. The children were taking a swimming test. “It’s time to begin.”said Mrs. May. “Who wants to go first?”“We do,” said Nadim. Biff, Chip, Wilma, and Nadim jumped into the pool. The water was warm. “Off you go”, called Mrs, May. They had to swim up and down the pool. They had to swim ten lengths. Wilma was first to swim ten lengths and Biff and Nadim were next. It was hard for Chip to swim the ten lengths. “Come on, Chip,”called Mrs. May. “Don’t stop. This is the last length”So Chip went on and everyone was pleased. Next they had to swim to the bottom of the pool. They had to pick up a brick and swim with it to the top. All the children passed theswimming test. Mrs May was very pleased. “Well done, everyone,”she said. The children were pleased too.Biff and Chip told Mum and Dad about the swimming test. “We passed,”they said. Mum and Dad were very pleased too. Mum and Dad had a surprise for them. Biff and Chip couldn’t see what the surprise was. “What is ti?” asked Biff. “It’s a fish tank,” said Biff. “What a lovely surprise!” Everyone looked at the fish swimming about in the tank. “There is room for more fish,” said Dad. “We can get some next time we go shopping.” The next day they went shopping. Dad took them to a shop that sold fish. “What a lovely shop!” said Biff. “Look at all the fish.” There were big fish and little fish. Kipper liked the big fish in a tank. “Don’t tap the glass,”said Dad. “The fish don’t like it.”Dad put some more fish in the tank. He put rocks on the bottom. Next to the rocks he put a ship and a little box. Wilma and Nadim came to see the fish tank. “It looks lovely,” said Wilma. “I wish I could swim in there.” They went to play in Biff’s room. Chip ran in with the magic key. The key was glowing. “It’s time for an adventure,”said Biff.The magic began to work. It took the children into a new adventure.This time it was a different sort of adventure. The magic took them underwater. The children had masks and flippers and tanksof air. They could swim underwater. The children had never seen so many fish. They were all different colours. “This is better than the pool,” thought Chip. “I feel like a fish,” thought Wilma. The children loved swimming under the water. It was lovely to see all the fish and to swim with them. Chip and Nadim swam to the bottom and picked up a big shell. Biff looked at a jellyfish but she didn’t swim too close. They saw a ship under the water. It was an old ship that had been under the water for a long time. They swam up to the ship. Wilma didn’t want to swim too close to it. It looked dangerous. They saw an octopus. Oh no! It was sitting on a chest. They couldn’t look inside the chest with an octopus sitting on the lid. They blew bubbles at the octopus. The octopus didn’t like the bubbles so it swam away. “Good!”thought the children. “Now we can look inside.”The children opened up the chest and looked inside. It was a treasure chest and it was full of gold. Biff and Wilma pushed the chest over and all the gold fell out. Nadim picked up a necklace and Biff picked up a gold cup.Biff and Nadim were busy looking at the treasure. They didn’t see what Chip and Wilma saw. A shark was coming. Chip and Wilma couldn’t tell Biff and Nadim. They pulled them away and pointed at the shark. The children were frightened. They swam and swam but the shark swam after them. Then the magic key began to glow. The magic key took them out of the adventure.“Wow! What an adventure!”said Biff. “The treasure chest was like the one in our fish tank.” The children ran to look in the fish tank. “Look, there’s the treasure,”said Chip. “How did it get there?” asked Nadim. “It’s magic!” said Biff.6-7 A Fright in the NightBiff and Chip went to stay with Gran. They went to stay for a week. “Be good,” called Mum. “Don’t worry,” said Gran. “I will.” Gran house was small. It had two bedrooms. Biff and Chip had to sleep in the same bedroom. Biff wanted the bed by the door. Chip wanted the bed by the window. “That’s good,” said Gran. Gran took Biff and Chip for a walk. They went to the woods. Biff saw some blackberries. She wanted to pick some. Gran had some plastic bags. She gave one to Biff and Chip. “We can make some blackberry jam,” she said. Gran made the blackberry jam. Biff and Chip helped. Chip made some labels and Biff licked the spoon. They made nine jars of jam. “You can take a jar home for Kipper,” said Gran. “And a jar for Wilf and Wilma. The children loved Gran’s house. It was very old. It had a big fireplace. Biff helped Gran light the fire. Chip helped Gran get some logs. “Do you have ghosts?” he asked. Gran laughed. “There are no such things,” she said. They sat by the fire. Gran made some toast. Biff wanted to try the new jam. “It’s still too hot,” said Gran. Chip had a new game. It was called HauntedHouse. “Can we play Haunted House, before we go to bed?” he asked. It was time for bed. Gran got Chip a hot water bottle. “Is this house haunted?” asked Biff. “Don’t worry,” laughed Gran. “I don’t have ghosts in my house. There are no such things.” Biff and Chip couldn’t sleep. Biff had an idea. She wanted to play a joke on Chip. She had a torch in the bed. Biff put the sheet over her head. She switched on the torch. The sheet glowed. “Whooooooo!I am a ghost,” said Biff. Chip laughed. He wasn’t frightened. He pulled the sheet off Biff. “That was a good joke,” he said. Biff and Chip heard a noise. It came from outside. “Whoooo! Whoooo!” went the noise. “Oh no!” said Biff. “It’s a ghost.” Chip looked out of the window. “It’s not a ghost!” he laughed. “It’s an e and look.” Biff and Chip looked outside. “Oh no!” said Chip. “I can see a ghost. It is ghost this time.” Biff and Chip ran to Gran’s room. “Gran! Gran!” called Biff. “There’s a ghost outside.” But Gran wasn’t in bed. Biff and Chip ran downstairs. “Gran!” called Biff. “Where are you? We’ve seen a ghost.” But Gran wasn’t downstairs. The door opened. Biff and Chip were frightened. “Oh no!” they said. Gran came in. “We were frightened,” said Chip. “You looked like a ghost.” Gran laughed. “I’m not a ghost,” she said. “I don’t have ghosts,” said Gran. “But I do have two little monsters!”Gran laughed and so did Biffand Chip.6-8 Rotten ApplesBiff wanted to help Mum, so Mum gave her a job. “Pick up the apples so l can cut the grass,” said Mum. Biff picked up an apple. “Yuk!”she said. “Some of the apples are bad.” She didn’t pick up the rotten ones. Mum made Biff pick up all the rotten apples. “Put them in the box,” said Mum. “This is a rotten job,” said Biff. Biff put the box of apples by the dustbin. “Yuk! Rotten apples!” she said. Kipper was excited. “Come and see this!” he said. “What is it?” asked Biff. “Come and see,” said Kipper.A man with a horse and cart came down the street. The man stopped outside the house. “It’s Harry Smith,”said Chip. Everyone liked Harry Smith. He made people laugh. He wore a top hat and a red coat. He sold things from his cart. Harry Smith rang a bell. “Come and see!”he said. “I’ve got some birds going cheap.”Biff and Chip laughed. Mum bought some logs. The logs were heavy. Harry Smith helped Mum to carry them. Biff looked at the horse. “Can we give the horse an apple?” she asked. “Yes,” said Harry Smith. Biff picked up an apple. She held it out. The horse took it with its big teeth. The horse saw the box of apples. It began to eat them. “Oh no!”said Biff. “It’s eating all the bad ones.”Biff told Harry Smith about the horse. Harry laughed. “I didn’t know she likedrotten apples,”he said. Biff looked in the box. It was empty. All the apples had gone. “What a greedy horse!”said Biff. The children wanted a ride. “Jump up!”called Harry Smith. The children climbed on the cart. “Hold on!”said Harry. The horse began to run. Harry Smith pulled the reins. “Slow down!” he shouted. But the horse went faster and faster. The horse ran down the street. “Slow down!”shouted Harry Smith. “Stop!” shouted Mum. “Help!” shouted the children. The horse wouldn’t stop. It ran and ran. Mum ran after it. Harry Smith pulled the reins. It ran into a car park. “Look out,”shouted Harry Smith. The horse began to sway. It made a funny noise. The horse went slower and slower. Suddenly, it stopped. Then it sat down and went to sleep. Harry Smith and the children climbed off the cart. “The horse is drunk,”said Mum. “Why is it drunk?”asked Biff. Harry Smith looked at the horse. “The rotten apples made the horse drunk,”he said. Biff was sorry. Harry Smith laughed. He didn’t mind. People came to see the horse. They bought things from the cart. Harry Smith sold everything. He gave the children a present. “Biff’s rotten apples did me a good turn,” he said.6-9 The Laughing PrincessChip had a new book. It was about a princess who couldn’t laugh. Nobody could make her laugh. Chip had an idea. “Try and make me laugh,” he said. Biff made a funny face, but she couldn’t makeChip laugh. Biff put on a funny wig. She told a funny joke. but she still couldn’t make Chip laugh. “It’s no good,”she said. Kipper had some joke teeth. The joke teeth were new. The teeth went click, click, click. Everyone laughed and laughed. The magic key began to glow. The children ran into Biff’s room. The magic took them on a new adventure. The children were in a village. They saw a notice on a tree. It was about a princess who couldn’t laugh. Kipper had an idea. He still had the joke teeth. “I can make the princess laugh,”he said. The king was in the village. A girl told him a joke. “That’s not funny,” said the king. “That won’t make the princess laugh.”“Who’s next?”called the king. “I am,” said a man. “Oh no!” groaned the king. “Not another chicken!” The children went to the king. “We can make the princess laugh,”said Biff. “How?” asked the king. The teeth went click, click,click. Everyone laughed and laughed. “That will make the princess laugh,”said the king. Kipper dropped the teeth. A dog caught them and ran off with them in its mouth. “Stop that dog!” shouted the king. “Stop that dog and get the teeth.”Everyone ran after that dog!”shouted the king. The dog ran this way and that. People tried to grab it, but it was too fast. “Get the teeth!” shouted Kipper. The king ran after the dog. Everyone ran after the king. The king fell over. The dog saw a bone and it stopped. Chip grabbed the dogand the dog dropped the teeth. Kipper picked up the joke teeth. Everyone looked at them. The teeth were broken. “Oh no!”said the king. The king put the teeth on a cushion. “What a pity!”he said. “Now they won’t make the princess laugh.”The princess heard the noise. She looked out of a window. She saw the king and she started to laugh. The king had mud on his clothes. He had the teeth on the cushion. He looked so funny that the princess laughed and laughed. The king looked at the princess. “I’ve made the princess laugh,”he said. Everyone laughed and cheered. The magic key began to glow. The magic took the children home. But nobody saw the children go. Everyone was laughing. “What made the princess laugh?” asked Kipper. “I don’t know,” said Chip, “but people laugh at silly things.”6-10 Christmas AdventureIt was Christmas Eve. The children were excited, but Mum was hot and Dad was cross. “Christmas is hard work,” said Dad. Dad put up some decorations. He wanted the children to help, but they didn’t want to .They were watching television. Dad turned off the television. “Oh!”said Kipper. “We were watching a good programme.”“It’s time to help,”said Dad. Just then, Wilf and Wilma came. They had presents for Biff, Chip and Kipper. “We can help later,”said Chip. Biff and Chip had presents for Wilf and Wilma.“Don’t open them until tomorrow,”said Biff. The magic key began to glow. “It’s time for a magic adventure,” said Chip. “I hope it’s a Christmas adventure.” The magic key took the children to the land of Father Christmas. “Hooray!” said Wilf. “We can tell Father Christmas what to bring us.”The children were excited. They all wanted special presents. “I want a new bike,” said Kipper. “I want a new skateboard,” said Biff. The children rang the door bell. They rang and rang, but nobody came to the door. “That’s funny!” said Chip. The children looked for Father Christmas, but he was not there. There was nobody there. “Where is everyone?”asked Wilma. The children were disappointed. “It’s not fair,”said Chip. “I wanted to ask Father Christmas for a computer. The children looked for Father Christmas. They came to his house. “Maybe he’s in here,” said Kipper. The children went inside. An old man was asleep in a chair. “It’s Father Christmas,”said Wilf. “Why is he asleep in a chair?” Biff looked at the date. “It’s the 25th of December,” she said. “Father Christmas must be tired. He’s been at work all night.”Suddenly, Father Christmas woke up. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “It’s Christmas Day. Did l forget to call at your house?” Father Christmas hadn’t put up his decorations. “I’ve been too busy. It’s the same every year,”he said. Father Christmas had no Christmas dinner. “I didn’t havetime,” he said. “Children want so many presents.” The children were sorry for Father Christmas. They found a Christmas tree and put it up. They found some decorations and put them up. “I haven’t had decorations up for years,” said Father Christmas. Wilma and Chip made some strawberry jam sandwiches. Father Christmas found some lemonade and some crackers. Father Christmas put on his red coat. “Ho! Ho! Ho!”he laughed. Everyone cheered. “Thank you,”said Father Christmas. “Most children just want things, but you’ve given me a good Christmas.” Just then, the key began to glow. “Happy Christmas,” said everyone. “Goodbye,” said Father Christmas. “Thank you for everything.”The magic took the children home. It was Christmas Eve again. “What else can we do to help?”asked Chip.6-11 The Go-Kart RaceWilma and Biff saw a notice. It was about a go-kart race. Wilma had an idea. She told Biff about it. Biff and Wilma were excited. They told Mum about the race. “We need a go-kart,” said Biff. “What about the old one?”Mum went to the shed. She found the old go-kart, but it was broken and rusty. “Oh no!” said Biff. Biff told Dad about the race. Dad looked at the old go-kart. “This one is broken,”he said. “But we can make a new one.” The mums and dads made a new go-kart. Everyone wanted to help. Biff and Mum looked at the。

7-1 Red Planet7-2 Lost in the Jungle7-3 The Broken Roof7-4 The Lost Key7-5 The Willow Pattern Plot 7-6 Submarine Adventure 7-7 The Motorway7-8 The Bully7-9 The Hunt for Gold7-10 Chinese Adventure7-11 Roman Adventure7-12 The Jigsaw Puzzle7-13 The Power Cut7-14 Australian Adventure7-15 The Riddle Stone Part 17-16 The Riddle Stone Part 27-17 A Sea Mystery7-18 The Big Breakfast7-19 The Joke Machine 7-1 Red PlanetWilf came to play with Chip. They made a rocket ship out of bits and pieces. The rocket ship looked quite good. Wilf and Chip played in the rocket ship. They pretended to be spacemen. “The rocket is going to take off,” said Wilf. “Five…four…three…two…” Floppy ran up. He wanted to get in the rocket ship with Wilf and Chip. “Go away, Floppy,” called Chip. “The rocket is going to take off!” Nadim came to play. He had his computer with him, but he liked the look of the rocket ship. He wanted to play in it too. Just then, it began to rain. “There’s not room for all of us,” said Chip. “Let’s go inside and play with Nadim’s computer.” They played a game on the computer. It was called Red Planet. They had to land a rocket on the planet. Wilf and chip crashed the rocket. Nadim didn’t. he was good at the game. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow. Chip and Wilf pulled Nadim away from the computer and ran into Biff’s room. “Come on,” called Chip. “It’s time for an adventure.” The magic took them to a rocket ship. It took Floppy too. The rocket looked as if it was about to take off, but the door was open. Nadim wanted to look inside the rocket. “Come on,” he called. Chip didn’t want to go inside. “It may not be safe,” he said. “Why not?” said Nadim. “This is a magic adventure.” They went inside the rocket. There was nobody there. “Look at this computer,” said Nadim. Floppy jumped up and put his paw on a button. Five…four…three…two…one. The rocket began to take off. Up it went and out into space. “Oh no!” said Chip. “I don’t know where we’re going.” They began to float about inside the rocket. Nadim found some boots. He put them on. “We must put these boots on,” he said. “They will keep us down on the floor.” They went to the window and looked out. They saw a big red planet. “We are going to land on that planet,” said Nadim. “We will soon be there.” Nadim made the rocket land. “I wouldn’t like to do that again,” he said. “It’s a good job Nadim knows about computers,” thought Wilf. “I wouldn’t like to crash here.” There was red dust all over the planet. There were red rocks and red mountains. Floppy didn’t like the look of it. He began to bark and bark. “There are no trees,” he thought. They wanted to gooutside and look at the planet. They found a space buggy. They looked in the space buggy and found some spacesuits. “Let’s put these spacesuits on,” said Wilf. “Then we can go outside.” “Do you think it will be safe outside?” asked Chip. “I don’t know,” said Wilf. They went out on the planet in the buggy. The buggy bumped over the rocks and the red dust flew up. “I don’t like this,” thought Floppy. “I’m not made for space adventures.” Suddenly the ground cracked and a big hole opened up. “Oh help,” said Chip, Wilf, and Nadim as the buggy fell into the hole. They fell down and down inside the planet. “I don’t like this,” thought Floppy. “I want to go home.” They all landed with a bump. The buggy landed with a crash and broke in two. They were inside a big cave. “What a place!” said Wilf. “Look at it.” Chip looked at the buggy. “It’s broken,” he said. “It’s had it!” “How will we get back to the rocket?” Floppy began to bark. There were some creatures in the cave. They looked like funny little people. “Oh no!” said Nadim. “Look at them! I hope they like us.” The creatures looked at the boys. They climbed on the broken buggy and pulled out a spacesuit. One of them turned a tap on Floppy’s spacesuit. Floppy’s spacesuit began to fill with air. It got bigger and bigger. Then Floppy began to float. “Get Floppy!” yelled Chip. “Don’t let him float away!” Wilf asked the creatures hoe to get out of the cave. They told him that there was no way out. They said that they had never been outside. Wilf had a good idea. He took a spacesuit out and he filled it with air. The spacesuit got bigger and bigger. It began to float up and up. “Hold on,” called Wilf, “and don’t let go!” The spacesuit floated up out of the cave. “We can float back to the rocket,” said Chip. “What a good idea!” “I hope it won’t go pop,” thought Floppy. They floated back to the rocket. Wilf let the air out of the spacesuit and it came down to the ground. “Good old Wilf!” said Nadim. “I don’t like floating,” thought Floppy. They went inside the rocket and it took off. Nadim turned on the computer and looked at the screen. “We’ll soon be home,” he said. Just then the magic key began to glow. “That’s good,” thought Floppy. “They won’t have to land the rocket. Dogs don’t like space adventures.” The magic took them back home. “I liked that adventure,” said Wilf. He looked at the little spacesuit. “So did I,” said Nadim, “but I’m glad I didn’t have to land that rocket again.”7-2 Lost in the JungleThe next day was Mum’s birthday. Chip had a box of chocolates for her. Kipper had made her a monkey at school. Biff didn’t know what to get. Biff asked Anneena’s mum to help her buy a plant. They went into a big greenhouse. The greenhouse was hot, and it was full of plants. “What a lot of plants!” said Biff. “It’s like a jungle in here. I don’t know which one to buy.” In the end, she found one that she liked. “I’ll get this one for Mum,” she said. The next day was Mum’s birthday and the children gave her their presents. Mum liked them all. “Thank you,” she said. “What a lovely plant, Biff!” Dad had a present for Mum. It was a plant. “I didn’t know Biff had a plant as well,” said Dad. “I don’t mind a bit,” said Mum. Anneena came to play with Biff and Chip. “This is from my mum,” she said. Wilma’s mum came round with a plant too. “Thank you,” said Mum. “I love plants. It’s quite like a jungle in here.” The children went to play in Biff’s room. Annena looked at the little house. “Can we have a magic adventure?” she asked. “We can if the key glows,” said Kipper. Just then the key did began to glow. The magic took them into a jungle. The jungle was full of plants. “It’s wonderful,” said Biff. “Look at that one; it’s ten times bigger than the one I gave Mum.” They saw a monkey up a tree. It jumped up and down on the branch. “That monkey looks cross,” saidKipper. “I don’t think it likes us.” “It looks like you,” said Chip. The monkey was angry with the children. It shook the branch. Then it began to throw things at them. “We can’t stay here,” said Biff. “Come on.” They ran through the jungle, but suddenly Chip stopped. “Oh no!” he said. “Look at this.” There was a big snake in the way. “We can’t go this way,” said Chip. “Come on.” They came to a river. There were alligators asleep on the bank. “Don’t wake them up,” said Kipper. “They might get angry.” “They might like you for dinner,” said Biff. Suddenly they fell into a big bet. It pulled them up in the air. “Oh help!” called Anneena. “We’re in a trap.” The children were hanging in the net. The net was a trap to catch animals. “Help! Help!” called the children. “Let us down!” called Kipper. A man and a lady came out of the trees. They were explorers. “Don’t worry,” said the lady, “we’ll soon get you down.” “What are you doing in the jungle?” asked the man. “Are you lost?” “Yes,” said Biff. “I think we are.” “So are we,” said the lady, “but then we have been lost for years.” She showed them a picture. “We are looking for this place,” she said. “It’s called the Lost City. Nobody lives there. It’s been lost for years and years.” The children liked the explorers. They wanted to help them find the Lost City. “Maybe we can find it today,” said Kipper. “I don’t think so,” said the man. “We have been looking for years.” They came to a rope bridge. “Maybe the Lost City is over there,” said Biff. “Let’s go and see.” They began to cross the bridge. “I hope it’s safe,” said Kipper. They found a boat on the bank of the river. The boat was full of water. “Oh good!” said the explorers. “We lost this boat years ago.” They got in the boat and paddled up the river. “Look at all the alligators!” said Chip. “I hope it’s not their dinner time.” They came to a waterfall. The explorer could not stop the boat. The paddle had broken. “Look out!” he called. “We’re going to get wet.” The boat went through the waterfall. “Oh help,” said Anneena, “I don’t like getting wet.” “Think of the alligators,” said Chip. “It’s better than getting eaten!” Behind the waterfall there were some steps. The steps went up and up for a long way. Nobody could see how far they went. “This may be the way to the Lost City,” said the lady. “Come on.” As they climbed the steps, some bats flew past them. “If this is the way to the city, I can see how it got lost,” said Anneena. “It’s such a long way up.” “It’s the Lost City!” shouted the explorers. “We have found it at last.” The man threw his hat in the air and his wife jumped up and down. ‘I knew we’d find it today,” said Kipper. Nobody had been in the city for years. There were plants and trees everywhere. Biff pulled a plant out of a wall. “This is like the one I gave Mum,” she said. They went to a big building and they opened the doors. “Oh look!” they all gasped. Everything inside the building was made of gold. The floor was gold and the walls were gold. There were some gold steps that went up to a gold throne. “What a wonderful place!” said Anneena. “There’s gold everywhere.” Kipper sat on the gold throne. A monkey jumped down behind him. “Look at me!” he said. “Look at that monkey behind Kipper,” said Biff. “Which one is the monkey?” asked Chip. Suddenly, the key began to glow. “It’s time to go home,” said Chip. “Goodbye,” said the explorers. “Thank you for helping us find the Lost City.” “I wish we had a magic key,” said the man. The magic took the children home. Biff still had the plant she found in the Lost City. “I’ll put it in Mum’s jungle,” she said. “I know where we can get a monkey too.”7-3 The Broken RoofIt was games time at school. The children were outside on the field. Anneena ran up to Mrs May.“Come and see something, Mrs May,” she said. Someone had broken the fence down and dumped junk on the field. Wilf was cross. “We don’t want junk on our field,” he said. “The field isn’t a dump,” said Mrs May. Then Mrs May saw something in the junk. “Do you see this?” she asked the children. “It’s a mangle. It gets the water out of wet clothes.” “How does it do that?” asked Anneena. Mrs May took the mangle into the classroom. She showed the children how it worked. First she got a big sheet and made it wet. Then Nadim turned the handle and Biff helped Mrs May put the sheet through. The water ran out of the sheet and went into a bucket. “We don’t use mangles now to get clothes dry,” said Mrs May. “What do we use?” Mrs May showed the children a picture of someone washing clothes a long time ago. Mrs May asking the children if they had any old things at home. Some of the children said they had. When Biff and Chip got home from school they looked at the little house. “The house looks very old,” said Chip, “and so do these little children. Let’s take them to school.” Kipper didn’t want them to take the little house to school. “What about the magic?” he asked Biff. “The magic won’t work if we don’t take the key,” said Biff. Some of the children took old things to school. “What a lot of things,” said Mrs May. “We can find out all about them and have a display.” Mrs May liked the little house and so did all the children. Biff and chip didn’t say that the house was magic. That was a secret. Wilf was being silly. He climbed on Mrs May’s table and pushed some books over. The books fell on to the little house with a crash. “Oh no!” said Biff. One of the books made a hole in the roof. Wilf was very upset when he saw that the roof was broken. “I’m sorry,” he said. “Perhaps I can get my dad to mend it.” Biff and Chip took the house home. Kipper was cross when he saw that it was broken. He had the magic key in his hand. “Will the magic still work?” he asked. Just then the key began to glow. A new adventure began. The magic took the children back in time. It took them to their house a long time ago. The house looked new but the roof was broken. There were three children playing outside and two men were mending the roof. “Didn’t our house look nice a long time ago?” said Biff. “But how did the roof get broken?” The children saw Biff, Chip and Kipper, and ran up to them. “Hello,” they said. “Who are you?” “I’m Biff,” said Biff. “This is Chip, and this is Kipper. “What funny names!” said the girl. “My name is Victoria, this is Edward, and this is Will.” “What funny clothes you have!” said Will. “Not as funny as yours!” said Kipper. Kipper looked up at the men on the roof. “How did the roof get broken?” he asked. “We don’t know,” said Edward. “It’s was broken when we woke up.” “That’s funny,” said Kipper. A lady came out and called to the children. “Go inside and wash your hands,” she said. “It’s time for tea.” ‘Is that your mother?” Biff asked. “No,” said Edward. “That’s our cook.” The children went into the kitchen. The cook looked at Biff, Chip and Kipper. “May they stay to tea?” asked Victoria. “They have funny clothes,” said Cook, “but yes.” Biff looked round the kitchen. “This is not like our kitchen,” she said. Cook looked at Chip’s hands. “Go and wash your hands,” she said. “You can’t have tea until you do.” After tea, Cook made the children wash their hands again. Then she told Edward to take some tea to the workmen. “Come and see our rooms,” said Edward. The broken roof was in Edward’s room. “Is it mended yet?” he asked. “It won’t be long now,” said the man. “Thanks for the tea.” The children went into Victoria’s room. Victoria had a little room in her bedroom. It was the one Biff had. “We keep toys in here,” said Victoria. “Come and look.” Biff, Chip, and Kipper looked at the children’s toys. “I wish we had a horse like this,” Chip said. “So do I,” said Biff. Victoria took Biff, Chip, and Kipper into the little room. “Come and see this,” she said. “Whatis it?” asked Kipper. Victoria showed them a little house. She told them that her father was making it for them. “It will look like this house,” she said. “We know,” said Biff. Edward looked at Chip’s watch and Chip looked at Edward’s boat. “Do you want to swap?” asked Edward. “Yes, please,” said Chip, “then I can take the boat to school to show Mrs May.” Suddenly the magic key began to glow. “It’s time to go,” said Kipper, “but I don’t want to.” “Will you come back?” asked Edward. “We don’t know,” said Biff. “Maybe.” The magic took the children home. They looked at the little house. “The broken roof has been mended,” said Biff. “How did that happen?” “I don’t know,” said Chip, “maybe Dad mended it.” “I think the workmen in the adventure did it,” said Kipper. “We saw them.” “I think it was magic,” said Biff. “I liked that adventure best of all,” said Biff. “I liked those children long ago. I’d like to go back and see them again.” “Me too,” said Chip, looking at the boat. “Maybe I could get my watch back!”7-4 The Lost KeyKipper wanted a magic adventure but the magic key would not glow. It had not glowed for a long time. “Maybe it will glow if I keep it with me,” he thought, so he put it in his pocket. Mum had to go shopping. She wanted Kipper to go with her. “I want to get you some new trainers,” she said, “so come on.” Kipper forgot he had the key in his pocked. On the way to the shops, Mum let Kipper stop and play. He ran to the rocket and the key fell out of his pocket and on to the grass. “Look at me, Mum!” he called. Kipper looked in his pockets but the key was not there. “Oh no!” said Kipper. “Where is the key? I can’t have lost it, can I? But he had lost the key. Kipper wanted to go and look for the key, but Mum would not let him. It had started to rain and Mum wanted to get home. “Ask Biff and Chip to look for it,” she said. A man came to cut the grass. He cut it with a mower. The mower ran over the magic key with a clang. “What was that?” said the man. The key had broken the mower. “Grrrrr!” the man said, crossly. “Now I shall have to mend the mower.” He was so cross that he threw the magic key in a bin. Two boys came to play on the swings. One of the boys looked in the bin and found the key. “Look at this old, bent key,” he said. “What shall we do with it?” The boys took the key with them. One of them had some string. He tied the key to the string and spun it round and round. Suddenly the string broke and the key flew through the air. It hit a greenhouse with a crash and broke the glass. “Oh no!” said the boys. “Look at my greenhouse!” yelled the man. “The glass is broken.” The boys ran away as fast as they could. “Just you come back here,” called the man. Kipper had to tell Biff and Chip that he had lost the magic key. “I think I lost it by the rocket,” he said, “but Mum wouldn’t let me look for it.” “Come on,” said Chip. ‘We must find it.” Wilf and Wilma helped them look for the lost key. Biff asked the man if he had seen it. “Yes,” said the man. “I threw it in that bin, but two boys took it out.” The children saw the two boys. They asked them if they had found the key. “Yes,” said the boys, “but we lost it again. We broke a man’s greenhouse with it.” The saw the man with the greenhouse. “We are sorry about the broken glass,” said Chip, “but could we have the key?” “Sorry,” said the man. “I sold the key to the junk shop to help pay for the glass.” The children went to the junk shop. They told the lady about the key and asked her if she had it. “Sorry,” said the lady. “I have just sold it.” The lady told them who had it. “A man came in,” she said. “He wanted some old keys.” She told them that the man had a shop down the street. The children went to the man’s shop. In the window there were pictures and paintings.“Why do you think the man wants old keys?” asked Wilf. Wilma looked inside the shop. It was closed and she couldn’t see the man. ‘We must get our pocket money,” said Biff. “We may have to buy the key back.” “Let’s go home, then,” said Chip. Mum went to the shop with the children. She told the man about the key and how Kipper had lost it. She asked if they could have the key back. “Yes,” said the man. “If you can find it.” The man had painted some pictures and had put lots of keys in them. All the keys had been painted. The children looked at the pictures but they couldn’t see the magic key. They looked at all the pictures. “All the keys look the same,” said Biff. Suddenly Kipper saw a little picture. It had one key in it. “Here it is,” he said. “This is our key.” The man told them that they would have to buy the picture. Biff and Chip gave Mum their pocket money, and Mum paid the man. “It’s a lot to pay for an old key,” she said. The children pulled the key from the picture and rubbed off the paint. Then they looked at it. “The key has not glowed for a long time,” said Biff. “Perhaps it has lost its magic.” “It’s been out in the rain,” said Wilf, “and it’s been bent by a mower.” ‘It’s been through a window,” said Chip, “and it’s been stuck on a painting.” “It’s had a bad time,” said Wilma. The children wanted the key to glow. Wilma picked it up. “Do you think it will ever glow again?” she said. “Do you think the magic will still work?” “I don’t know,” said Biff. “I hope so.” But the key didn’t glow and the magic wouldn’t work. Kipper told the key about the adventures he would like to have. But still the magic wouldn’t work. The next day, Wilf and Wilma came to the house with Nadim and Anneena. The children were sorry about the key. It still wouldn’t glow and they were all very sad. “How can we make the magic work again?” asked Wilma. Anneena thought of a good idea. “Let’s remind it of the magic adventures,” she said. “Maybe that will make it work.” But the key still didn’t glow. At last the children gave up. Mum told Biff and Chip it was time for their friends to go home. “Cheer up,” said Mum. Kipper was sorry about the key. “It’s all my fault.” He said and he began to cry. “Don’t cry, Kipper,” said Chip. “Maybe the magic has just run out.” Biff and Chip let Kipper take the key to bed. Kipper looked at it for a long time. At last he fell asleep. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow.7-5 The Willow Pattern PlotBiff and Chip were at a car boot sale. They saw Nadim. “Nadim! Over here!” called Biff. Nadim ran to see them. He had bought something at the sale. It was a biue and white plate. He showed it to Biff and Chip. “It’s present for my mum,” said Nadim. “It’s a willow pattern plate. My mum collects them.” “Why is it called a willow pattern plate?” asked Chip. “I don’t know,” said Nadim, “but I think the pattern tells a story.” “I wonder what the story is,” said Biff. Mum and Dad looked at Nadim’s plate. “It’s present for my mum,” said Nadim. Biff asked if Nadim could come and play. So Nadim went to play with Biff and Chip. The went up to Biff’s bedroom. “What shall we play?” asked Nadim. “I don’t know,” said Biff. Suddenly, the key began to glow. The magic took the children into a new adventure. “What’s happening?” called Nadim. “Help!” said Biff. “Everything is going blue!” “What a strange place!” said Chip. “What strange trees!” “Everything looks blue and white,” said Nadim. “We’re in the land of the willow pattern.” They were in a big garden. It had a high wall all round it and blue trees grew everywhere. “I can see water,” said Biff. “Is the garden next to the sea?’ “No, it’s next to a lake,” said Nadim. “There’s a bridge,” said Biff. “It’s like the one on the plate.” “I can see a little house down by the water,” said Chip. Down by the lake they saw a girl. She wasall alone. “She looks unhappy,” said Biff. “Why is she all alone and why is she crying?” The girl was called Kim Shee. She lived in the little house by the lake. She had a cruel father. He would not let her go out of the garden. Kim loved a boy called Chang. She wanted to marry him. But Chang was too poor. Kim’s father wanted her to marry a rich man, but Kim loved Chang. Kim Shee heard Chang calling. “Kim Shee,” he called. “Are you alone?” “Chang!” said Kim. “How did you get here?” “I swam across the lake,” said Chang. “Nobody saw me.” “Oh!” said Kim. “You are cold and wet.” “It does not matter,” said Chang. But Kim Shee was afraid. “You must go away,” she said. “My father must not see you here.” “This garden is like a prison,” said Chang. “Your father never lets you go out.” “But what can we do?” asked Kim. “We must run away,” said Chang. “Then I can marry you.” “But how can I leave the garden?” everywhere.” “Don’t worry,” said Chang. “I will think of something.” Kim heard the sound of a twig snapping. “Someone is watching us!” she gasped. Chang jumped to his feet. He held up a stick. “Who is there?” he called. Then they saw Biff, Chip and Nadim. “Don’t be afraid,” said Biff. “We are friends.” “We have never seen children like you before,” gasped Chang. “How did you get into this garden?” “We didn’t mean to listen,” said Chip, “but we heard what you were saying.” “We know you want to run away,” said Biff. “But how can we?” asked Kim. “There are guards all round the garden.” Nadim had a good idea. He told them what it was. “It’s a brilliant idea!” said Chip. “I’m sure it will work,” said Biff. “But what if we are caught?” asked Chang. “Do you have a better idea?” asked Biff. “No,” said Chang. “It is our only chance.” “First, you must hide,” said Nadim. “Then, be ready to run over the bridge,” said chip. “Now we must get ready,” said Nadim. Kim had a long sash round her waist. “Give me your sash, Kim,” said Biff. Kim gave Biff her sash. Biff tied Kim’s sash to the bridge. There were lemon trees in the garden. Nadim and Chip climbed into one. They picked as many lemons as they could. Then they waited. Kim and Chang hid by the bridge. Biff held on to the end of the sash. “I hope Nadim’s idea works,” she thought. Nadim called from the tree. “Willow Pattern Plot-begin!” he said. Chip and Nadim began to shout at the guards. “Come and get us!” they yelled. “We’re over here.” The guards ran into the garden. They ran towards Kim Shee’s little house. Now that the guards were in the garden, Kim Shee and Chang could escape. Someone else ran into the garden. “My father is coming!” gasped Kim Shee. Kim and Chang began to run, but the guards saw them. “Stop them!” shouted Kim Shee’s father. Nadim and Chip threw the lemons at the guards. Chang and Kim Shee ran over the bridge. The guards chased after them. Biff got ready. “I hope Kim’s sash is strong!” she said. The guards ran onto the bridge. Biff pulled the sash tight. The guards tripped over it. They fell over with a crash. “You fools!” shouted Kim Shee’s father. Chip and Nadim climbed down from the lemon tree. They ran across to find Biff. Kim Shee’s father saw them. “Catch those children,” he yelled. “Well done, Biff!” said Chip. “Kim and Chang have got away!” “I hope we get away, too,” said Biff. The magic key was glowing. “Hooray! It’s time to go!” she said. “What an adventure!” said Chip. Nadim picked up his plate and looked at it. “I wonder what happened in the real willow pattern story,” he said.7-6 Submarine AdventureWilf and Wilma had come to play at Biff and Chip’s house. It was Wilf’s birthday. “Happy birthday, Wilf,” said Biff and Chip. They gave him a big card. Wilf had a large box. “This is my birthday present,” he said. Everyone looked inside the box. “What is it?” asked Chip. “It looks like a submarine,” saidBiff. “It’s a kind of submarine,” said Wilf. “It explores the sea bed.” “That’s right,” said Wilma. “It goes to the bottom of the sea.” “What a brilliant present!” said Biff. The submarine looked like a car. It had big windows and it had headlights. Wilf put the headlights on. “It’s brilliant,” said Chip. Biff looked at the magic key. Suddenly it began to glow. It was time for a new adventure. “I wonder where the key will take us,” said Wilf. The magic took the children to the sea, where there were lots of boats. Chip pointed to a yellow submarine. “Look at that one,” he said. “It looks just like Wilf’s submarine!” The children went to look at the submarine. “I wish we could look inside,” said Chip. Just then a hatch began to open and a man looked out. The man peered at them. “Hello!” he said. “I’m Professor Tangle.” “How do you do,” said Wilf. “My new crew?” said Professor Tangle. “You look a bit young.” “We’re not your new crew,” shouted Wilf. “How do you do!” Professor Tangle didn’t hear properly. He got things muddled up. “You know what to do?” he said. “That’s good! Get on board,” went on the Professor. “And tell me your names.” “I’m Biff,” said Biff, “and this is Wilma. This is Wilf, and this is Chip.” “No, it’s not a ship,” said the Professor. “It’s a diving machine.” “We know that,” said Wilf. “We’ve never been in one,” said Wilma, “and we’re not your new crew!” “You flew?” said Professor Tangle. “I didn’t see an aeroplane. Now shall we go?” Everyone smiled, and they all climbed into the submarine. Professor Tangle shut the hatch. ‘There’s not much room,” said Wilma. “No,” said Biff. “I hope it doesn’t leak.” “Of course you can speak,” said the Professor. Professor Tangle started the engines. “It’s time to dive,” he said. The submarine went under the water. “Glub! Glub! Glub!” it went. Everyone looked out of the window. They could see fish everywhere. “It’s wonderful,” said Chip. “It’s amazing to be under the sea.” “You can’t see?” said Professor Tangle. “Look out of the window, then.” “Come on, crew!” said Professor Tangle. “Time to do some work. Push that button, Biff. Press that handle, Wilf. Pull that lever, Chip.” “We’re not the crew!” yelled Biff. “Things might go wrong.” “Sing a song?” said Professor Tangle. “There’s no time for that. There’s far too much to do.” The submarine began to dive. It went deeper and deeper. “Glub! Glub! Glub!” it went. “Where are we heading?” shouted Chip. “Will we dive deep?” “No, you can’t go to sleep,” said Professor Tangle. “You’re the crew! You have to stay awake! We are going to dive deep.” “This thing scares me,” said Wilma. The submarine went deeper and deeper. “Glub! Glub! Glub!” it went. Everyone looked out of the window. “I can see a shark!” said Wilma. “It is getting dark,” said the Professor. The submarine went even deeper. Professor Tangle was excited. It began to get dark. “It’s getting very dark,” said Biff. “Put the lights on, Professor.” The Professor pushed the light switch. ‘Bother! The lights don’t work,” he said. Biff looked out of the window. “Oh no! Help! Professor Tangle! I can see huge rocks,” she called. “No, I don’t need clean socks,” said the Professor. “Now, where’s that fuse?” He began to look for his tool box. “Look out!” yelled Chip. “We’re going to crash!” Professor tangle pushed a button and he pulled a lever. The submarine didn’t crash. It just missed the rocks. “Phew! That was close,” said Wilma. There was a cave ahead of them. The submarine was heading for it. “Slow down, Professor,” called Wilf. “We are heading for a cave in the rocks.” “Yes, it was in the box,” said the Professor. He held up the fuse. “Professor, slow down!” yelled Wilf. “We’re going into a cave.” “Well, why didn’t you say so?” asked Professor Tangle. “We’d better slow down.” He pulled a lever and the submarine slowed down just in time. The submarine went into the cave. Professor Tangle put the new fuse in. All the lights came on. The cave shone and sparkled. There were diamonds all over the walls. “Diamonds!。

5-1 The Magic Key令狐采学5-2 Pirate Adventure5-3 The Dragon Tree5-4 Gran5-5 Castle Adventure5-6 Village in the Snow5-7 The Whatsit5-8Underground Adventure 5-9 Vanishing Cream5-10 It’s Not Fair5-11The Great Race 5-12 A Monster Mistake5-13 The New Baby5-14 Camping Adventure5-15 Scarecrows5-16 Noah’s Ark Adventure5-17 A New Classroom5-18 Mum to the Rescue5-19 Sleeping Beauty5-20 The Adventure Park5-21 Kipper and the Trolls5-22 Safari Adventure5-23 Dad’s Run5-24 Drawing Adventure5-1 The Magic KeyThe box was by Chip’s bed. Something was glowing inside it. Chip looked at the box. “It’s magic,” he said. Chip ran into Biff’s room. “Biff,” he called. “Look at the box.” Biff and Chip looked at the box. Something was glowing inside it. They open ed the box. They looked inside. “It’s magic,” they said. A key was in the box. The key was glowing. “It’s a magic key,” said Biff. She picked up the key and the magic began. Biff and Chip got smaller and smaller and smaller. “Oh help!” said Biff. “It’s magic,” said Chip. Biff and Chip looked at the room. Everything looked big. “Look at my big slippers,” said Biff. “Everything looks big.” Chip picked up a pencil. “Look at this big pencil,” he said. Biff picked up a pin. “Look at this big pin,” she said. They looked at the house. It looked like a big house. The windows were glowing. “It’s magic,” said Chip. Biff and Chip ran to the house. They looked in the window. Biff went to the door. She pushed and pushed, but she couldn’t get in. They went to the window. Chip pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t get in.Something was coming. Chip picked up the pin. “Oh help!” he said. It was a little mouse. Biff and Chip looked at the mouse. The mouse ran away. Something was glowing. It was the magic key. Biff picked it up. Biff and Chip got bigger and bigger and bigger. “Oh no!” said Biff. “Oh help!” said Chip. “It’s the magic,” they said. The magic was over. “What an adventure!” said Biff and Chip.5-2 Pirate AdventureBiff was looking at a book. The bo ok was about pirates. “I don’t like pirates,” she said. Wilf and Wilma came to play. They went to Biff’s room. They looked at the little house. “It’s a magic house,”said Biff. “Don’t be silly,” said Wilma. They looked at the key. “It’s magic key,” said Chi p. “Don’t be silly,” said Wilf. The key began to glow. The magic was working. “Oh help!” said Wilma. The magic was working. The children got smaller and smaller and smaller. “Oh no!” said Wilf. “Oh help!” said Wilma. “We don’t like this,”they said. They lo oked at the house. The windows were glowing. Biff went to the door. She put the key in the lock. She opened the door. The children went inside the house. “It’s a magic house,” they said. “Look at the sand,” said Biff. “Look at the sea,” said Chip. “Come on,” they said. They ran to the sea. Wilf picked up a shell. Chip picked up a coconut. Biff climbed up a tree. Wilma went in the sea. “This is magic,” they said. They played on the sand. They played in the sea. “What an adventure!” said Biff. A pirate came u p. He looked at the children. “Children!” said the pirate. “Pirates!” said the children. “Oh help!” they said. “Come on,” said the pirates. The pirates had a boat. They went to the pirate ship. “I don’t like pirates,” said Biff. “Look at that pirate,” said Biff. “Look at that big rope,” said Chip. “I’m frightened,” said Wilf. “We wanted a party,” said the pirate. “Nobody wanted to come. Will you come to the party?”The children went to the party. It was a good party. “I like pirates,” said Biff. The key was glowing. It was time to go. “Goodbye,” said Chip. “Thank you for the party.”“Oh no!” said the pirates. “What an adventure!” said Wilma.“I liked the pirates,” said Biff. Wilf looked at the little hat.5-3 The Dragon TreeKipper was looking at a book. The b ook was about a dragon. Kipper couldn’t read the story. Biff didn’t want to read it. She didn’t like dragons. Kipper went into Chip’s room. Chip read the story. “I like dragons,” said Chip. Something was glowing. It was the magic key. “Oh no!” said Chip.C hip picked up the box. He ran into Biff’s room. “The magic is working,” he said. Biff picked up the key. They looked at the magic house. “The door is open,” said Biff. The magic was working. It took the children inside. It took Floppy too. It took them to a wood. Floppy didn’t like the wood. He was frightened. Biff pulled Floppy. “Come on,” she said. “Don’t be silly.” An owl flew out of a tree. Floppy didn’t like the owl. He ran away. Floppy ran out of the wood. “Come back,” called Biff. “Come back,” called Chip. It was no good. Floppy ran and ran. “Oh help!” said Biff. The children looked for Floppy. They called and called. “Floppy! Come back!” they called. The children came to a tree. It was called “The Dragon Tree”. A dragon lived under the tree. The drag on had Floppy. He wanted Floppy for supper. Floppy was frightened. “Oh no!” said Biff. “What a nasty dragon! I don’t like dragons!” Biff looked at the dragon’s tail. She took off her belt. She put it round the tail. Chip helped her. Kipper went inside the tree. He pulled Floppyout. Chip helped him. The dragon was cooking. It didn’t see them. “Come on!” called Chip. They ran and ran. The key was glowing. “The key is glowing,” called Biff. “It’s time to go home.”“What an adventure!” said Chip.“I don’t like dragons,” said Biff.5-4 GranA car came to the house. The children ran to see. “It’s Gran,” said Kipper. “Come in,” said Mum. “Come in,” said Dad. The children helped. They took Gran’s things. “What a lot of things!” said Kipper. The children liked Gran an d Gran liked the children. “Come and see my toys,” said Kipper. “Come and see my room,” said Biff. “Come and play,” said Chip. Gran played with the children. They played inside. “Oh no!” said Mum. They went outside and played football. “Oh no!” said Dad. G ran took the children out. They went in Gran’s old car. Wilf and Wilma went too. “What an old car!” said Wilf. “It’s a good car,” said Gran. Gran took them to the fun park. “This looks fun,” said Gran. “Come on, everyone.” The children began to run. They w anted to go on everything. “Come on, Gran,” they called. “Look at this,” said Kipper. “It’s a castle. “It’s called Jumping Castle.” The children went on the Jumping Castle. “This is fun,” called Wilma. The children jumped and jumped, and bounced and bounce d. “Come on, Gran,” they called. Gran went on the castle. She jumped and bounced. “Good old Gran,” called the children. Gran made a hole in the castle. “Oh no!” said the children. The castle began to go down. A man ran up. He was cross with Gran. “Look at my castle,” he yelled. “Go home,” yelled the man, “and don’t come back.” Gran took the children home. Biff told Mum about the castle. Mum was cross with Gran. Gran was sad. Gran was in Chip’s room. She looked at the magic key. The key was glowing. Gran pic ked up the key and ran into Biff’s room. “Look at this,” she said. “Oh no!” said Kipper. “It’s the magic. The magic is working.” The magic took them to a new adventure.5-5 Castle AdventureThe magic took them to a castle. Three witches lived in the castle. They were nasty witches. One was a black witch. One was a red witch. One was a green witch. The magic took the children inside the castle. It took them to a room. A frog was in the room. “I am a king,” said the frog. “I am th e king of this castle.” The witches turned me into a frog. Help me,” he said. A witch was coming. It was the black witch. “Look out!” said the frog. The witch opened the door. Gran pushed the witch. Chip took the witch’s keys. They ran out of the room. Chi p locked the door. The witch couldn’t get out. Everyone ran. “Look out!” called Chip. A witch was coming. It was the red witch. “I don’t like witches,” said Gran. She put a net over the witch. The witch couldn’t get out. “Good old Gran,” called Biff. Gran went to the green witch. “I don’t like witches,” said Gran. “I don’t like nasty witches.” Gran threw the witch on the floor. “Help!” yelled the witch. “Good old Gran,” said the children. Some frogs came in and jumped on the table. One was the king. “Help us,” he said. Biff and Gran looked in the witches’ book. The frogs turned into people. “Thanks!” said the King. The witches turned into frogs. Gran put the book on the fire. “Oh no!” said the witches. The king had a party. Everyone went to it. “What a good party!” said Chip. “What an adventure!” said Biff. “I like adventures,” said Gran. “Good old Gran!” said everyone. The magic key was glowing. “It’s time to go,” said Biff. “Goodbye,” said the king. The magic took them back to Biff’s room. They fell on to Biff’s bed. “Oh no!” said Mum.5-6 Village in the SnowThe children were at school. It was playtime. “Come in,” called Mrs. May. Mrs. May told the children a story. The story was about a village. The village was in the mountains. Everyone liked the story. It was called The Village in the Snow. The children went to Biff’s room. They wanted an adventure. Biff picked up the magic key. The key began to glow. “The magic is working,” said Biff. The magic took the children to the village in the snow. “It’s lovely,” said Biff. Kipper jumped in the snow. “I like the snow,” he called. “This is fun.” They played in the snow. They made a snowman and put Kipper’s hat on top. They jumped in the snow. They threw snowballs. “Look,” said Wilma. They saw a little boy. The boy was pulling a toboggan. Some big boys ran up. They pushed the little boy over. They pushed the toboggan over and they ran away. The children ran up. They helped the little boy. Kipper picked up his hat. The little boy told them about the big boys. Kipper was cross. Kipper put on the little boy’s hat. He put on his coat. “Come on,” he called. The big boys looked at Kipper. Kipper looked like the little boy. “Come on,” said the big boys. The children threw snowballs at the big boys. “Help! Help!” yelled the big boys. The big boys ran away. The little boy jumped and jumped in the snow. The children put the little boy on the toboggan. They pulled him home. The little boy lived with his grandfather. Grandfather gave the children a drink. The children told Grandfather about the big boys. They told Grandfather about the snowball fight. The children played in the snow. They went on the toboggan. “This is fun,” said Wilf. The magic key began to glow. “It’s time to go,” said Biff. “Come on,” she said. The magic took the children home. “What an adventure!” said Chip.5-7 The WhatsitMum and Dad painted the kitchen. Dad painted the ceiling. Mum painted the walls. Mum pulled up the old carpet. “The walls look good,” she said. “But this looks a mess.” Dad looked at the floor. “We need a new carpet,” said Biff. Mum found a trap door. She pulled it up. Everyone looked. “It’s a caller,” said Dad. Mum went into the cellar. “It looks big,” she said. The children looked in. “It looks dark,” said Biff. “It looks spooky,” said Chip. Dad got light. They went into the cellar. Kipper found an old sheet. “I’m a ghost,” he said. “Whooooooooooooaa...!” “Look at this,” said Kipper. “What is it?” asked Chip. “I don’t know,” said Mum. “It’s a whatsit,” said Dad. Wil f and Wilma came to play. They looked at the whatsit. “What is it?” asked Wilma. “It’s a whatsit,” said Chip. “We found it in the cellar.” Two men came to the house. They came in a lorry. They took away the old things. One man looked at the whatsit. “What is it?” he asked. “It’s a whatsit,” said Dad. The men took the whatsit. They put it in a lorry. A car stopped. A lady jumped out and called to the men. “Stop!” she said. The lady wanted the whatsit. She wanted it for a museum. The men put it in the car. Th e lady gave Dad some money. “Come to the museum,” she said, “and bring the children.” The whatsit was in the museum. Mum and Dad went to see it. They took Biff, Chip and Kipper. “So that’s what it is,” said Dad. Mum and Dad had a surprise. It was for the c hildren. “What is it?” asked Biff. “It’s a whatsit,” said Dad. He pulled off the sheet. The whatsit was a snooker table. “It’s brilliant!” they said.5-8 Underground AdventureThe children were in the cellar. They wanted to find a secret tunnel. The children lookedeverywhere. They tapped on the floor. They tapped on the walls. But there was no secret tunnel. “It’s no good,” said Biff. Kipper ran to the cellar. He had the magic key. The key was glowing. They ran to Biff’s bedroom. “Come on!” called Kipper. “It’s time for a magic adventure.” The magic took them underground. They were in a big tunnel. Wilma picked up a lamp. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s go!” There were elves in the tunnel. But they were shy. “Oh no!” they said. “Children!” The children went down the tunnel. They didn’t see the elves. “This way,” said Wilma. The children came to a big cave. “Wow!” said Biff. The elves looked at the children. “Oh dear!” said the elves. “Oh dear! Oh dear!” The cave had an echo. “Whoooooaa!” called Kipper. “Whoooooaa!” went the echo. “Whoooooaa!” went Kipper. The elves laughed. They laughed and laughed. The elves came out. They ran to say hello. “Whoooooaa!” they went. “Whoooooaa!” went the echo. And everyone laughed. The elves were sad. They had no work. “Can you help?” said the elves. “Our gold has run out. We don’t know what to do.” Wilma had a good idea. She told the elves what it was. The elves liked Wilma’s idea. They painted some signs. The children helped. The elves put light in the caves. The cave looked beautiful. People came to see them. The elves were happy. The elves were busy. “Thanks to the children,” they said. The magic key began to glow. It was time to go home. “What an adventure!” said Wilf. “I have a good idea,” said Chip. “What do you think?”5-9 Vanishing CreamThe children were at school. They made a little theatre. They made it out of a box. The children put on a play. The play was about a wizard. He was called Wizard Blot. Wizard Blot made mista kes. Wizard Blot made a spell. The spell went wrong. “Oh dear! Oh dear!” said Wizard Blot. Everyone laughed. Everyone liked the play. Mrs. May liked Wizard Blot. Biff was in her room. The key began to glow. “Chip! Chip!” called Biff. Chip ran into Biff’s b edroom. The magic took them inside the little house. The magic took them to Wizard Blot’s house. The Wizard wanted some help. “Come in!” said the Wizard. “I wanted one helped, but two will do.” “Come in!” said the Wizard. “You can wash up, then you can tidy up.” Biff and Chip looked at the mess. “Don’t be lazy,” said the Wizard, “Or I’ll turn you into frogs.” Biff and Chip did the washing up. “I don’t like this,” said Chip, “But I don’t want to be a frog.” “I don’t like ironing,” said Biff, “but we don’t wa nt to be frogs.” Oh no! Biff dropped a bottle. It was vanishing cream. “Help!” said Biff. “This is vanishing cream.” Chip looked at his hands. “Oh no,” he said. “Bits of us are vanishing.” He rubbed his face. “Oh no!” said Biff. “Your face is vanishing.” A man came to the house. He climbed through the window. The man didn’t see Biff and Chip. He took all the Wizard computer disks. “Help! Help!” said the man. “I’m being attacked by the washing.” Wizard Blot came back. Biff told him about the vanishing cream. Chip gave Wizard Blot the computer disks. The Wizard was pleased. It was time to go home. “Thank you,” said Wizard Blot. “Do come again.” Biff had a little bottle. “Don’t droop it,” said Chip. “It’s vanishing cream.”5-10 It’s Not FairMrs. May was ill. The children had a new teacher. He was called Mr. Fry. It was story time. The children sat in the reading corner. Mr. Fry had a new story. The story was about a king. He was called King Arthur. “Here is King Arthur,” said Mr. Fry, “and here are his knights. They lived along time ago.” King Arthur had a round table. All the knights sat round it. They liked the round table. The children did a project. The boys were knights. “It’s not fair,” said Biff. Biff wanted to be a knight. “It’s not fair,” she said. “Why can’t girls be knights?” Biff was in her room. She wanted to go skateboarding. But the magic key began to glow. “Oh blow!” said Biff. “I wanted to go skateboarding.” The magic took Biff to King Arthur’s castle. It put her in a dress. “Yuk!” said Biff. “I wanted to be a knight. Knights don’t wear dresses.” Biff was cross with the magic. She saw some knights. “Can I be a knight?” she said. The knights laughed. “But you are a girl,” they said. “Girls can’t be knights.” Biff got on her skateboard. “You couldn’t do that,” she said. “Now can I be a knight?” The knights were amazed. “We’ll have to ask King Arthur,” said the knights. The knights took Biff to King Arthur. “This is Biff,” they said. “She wants to be a knight.” King Arthur laughed. “Girls can’t be knights,” he said. “Why not?” asked Biff. King Arthur called a meeting but the knights argued. No one wanted to sit down. They all wanted to sit near King Arthur. Biff had a good idea. She spoke to King Arthur. “Get a round table,” she said. The knights like d the round table. “It’s brilliant!” they said. “Now we won’t argue.” The knights sat round the table. “See!” said Biff. “Now can I be a knight?” But everyone laughed. “I’m sorry,” said King Arthur, “but girls can’t be knights.” The magic adventure was over. “It’s not fair,” said Biff. “Girls are as good as boys.”5-11The Great RaceGran wanted a new car. Biff and Chip were sad. They liked Gran’s old car. Gran liked this car. Biff was worried. The car was too fast for Gran. Gran bought the fast car. She dr ove it home. “Oh no!” said Dad. Mum was cross with Gran. “That car is too fast,” she said. Gran was upset. The magic key glowed. The magic took Biff and Chip. It took Gran, too. The magic took them to a race. “Come on,” said Gran. “This is my new car.” “Oh Gran!” said Biff. “What would Mum say?” “Never mind Mum,” said Gran. Gran found a map. They all looked at it. A man looked at Gran. He was a bad man. He was called the Baron. The children looked at the Baron. The Baron looked at the children. “Ha!” said the Baron. “You won’t win.” A man changed the signpost. “Ha! Ha!” said the man. “Now the Baron will win.” The map blew away. “Which way?” asked Gran. Chip didn’t know. They didn’t see the signpost. Gran turned left. “Grrr!” said the man. They came to the mo untains. “Slow down,” shouted Biff. “No. This is fun,” said Gran. The Baron put oil on the road. “That will do it,” he said. “That will stop them.” The car skidded on the oil. It crashed through the fence and went down the mountain. “Hold on,” shouted Gran. “Oh no!” shouted Biff. “Oh help!” shouted Chip. The Baron was behind. Gran was in front. She was winning the race. Biff looked behind. “Come on Gran,” she shouted. “Which way?” called Gran. Chip didn’t know. Gran turned on to a bridge. The bridge was dan gerous. “Not this way!” called Chip. The bridge broke. The Baron’s car crashed down into the river. Gran won the race. “Hooray!” called Biff and Chip. The magic key glowed. Gran took the fast car back. She bought a little car. “This one will do,” she said.5-12 A Monster MistakeMum and Gran went on holiday. They went to Scotland. They took the children. They stayed in a cottage. The cottage was by a lake. It had a boat. “I like it here,” said Biff. “We can go sailing.”“And fishing,” said Kipper. Everyone had a good time. Biff and Kipper went fishing. Gran and Chip painted a picture. Mum sat in the sun and read a book. “This is fun,” she said. Everyone looked at Gran’s picture. “Oh Gran!” said Chip. She had painted a monster. Kipper looked at the monster. Gran laughed. “There’s no such thing,” she said. Mum went shopping. She took Kipper. Biff and Chip stayed with Gran. Mum looked at the shops. “Let’s get Dad a postcard,” she said. Kipper went into a shop. “I want a monster for me and a postcard for Dad,” h e said. Kipper posted the card to Dad. “I wish Dad was here,” he said. Gran wanted to play a joke on Mum. “Let’s make a monster,” she said. “I don’t get it,” said Biff. “Wait and see,” said Gran. They put the monster in the lake. It made the children laugh. “It looks brilliant!” said Chip. “What a good joke,” said Biff. “What a good joke to play on Mum.” Mum and Kipper came back. Gran pulled the rope. The monster went across the lake. “A real monster,” said Kipper. “I don’t believe it,” said Mum. “There’s no such thing.” Some people saw Gran’s monster. They were amazed. They took photographs. The children watched television. “Gran’s monster!” said chip. “Oh no!” groaned Biff. The next day lots of people came. There were lots and lots and lots of people. They wanted to see the monster. “Oh Gran!” said Mum. “Now look what you’ve done.” Gran told everyone about the monster. “It was just a joke,” she said. A man from the television came. Mum was cross with Gran but everyone laughed. Gran was sorry. “A monster?” she said. “There is no such thing.”5-13 The New BabyJo had some good news. She was expecting a baby. “What good news!” said everyone. Wilma’s mum found the old buggy. “Oh look!” said Wilma’s dad. “Wilf had it when he was a baby.” The buggy looked a bit scruffy. A wheel had come off. “We can do it up,” said Wilma’s mum. Wilma told Biff and Chip. “Jo is expecting a baby,” she said. “What good news!” said Chip. Biff and Chip went home. “Jo is expecting a baby,” said Chip. “What good news!” said Mum. Dad found the old cot. “Oh look!” said Mum. “Kipper had it when he was a baby.” The cot looked a bit scruffy. It needed a new mattress. “We can do it up,” said Dad. Biff and Chip told Kipper. “Jo is expecting a baby,” they said. “That’s brilliant!” said Kipper. Kipper found an old toy rabbit. It looked a bit scruffy. “Can we do it up?” he asked. Kipper was in Miss Green’s class. He told Miss Green about Jo’s baby. “How exciting!” said Miss Green. Kipper looked puzzled. “When will Jo’s baby come?” he asked. Miss Green told the children about babies. Mums and dads came to school. They told the children about babies too. Kipper played with the baby. He gave it a rattle. The baby made a funny noise. The children made a book. The book was about babies. Kipper gave Jo the book. Biff and Chip gave Jo the cot. Jo was pleased. Wilf wanted the baby to be a girl. Wilma wanted it to be a boy so Wilf made a big chart. “The baby is coming,” said Jo. “It’s time to go.” “How exciting,” said Wilf. Wilma called her mum. “Jo’s baby is coming,” she called. “How exciting!” said Wilma’s mum. Jo went to the hospital. She went in the car. “Good luck,” called Wilma’s mum. Jo was in hospital. She had a baby girl. “She is called Vicky,” said Jo. Jo brought Vicky home. Everyo ne wanted to see the new baby. Jo looked at Kipper. “You know about babies,” she said. “Do you want to help?” Kipper looked at Vicky. “No, thank you,” said Kipper.5-14 Camping AdventureMum and Dad went camping. They took children. They went to a farm. Mum and Dad had a new tent. They put it up. Wilf helped. Wilma got some water. “I like it here,” she said. “I like camping.” Mr. Jones was the farmer. He had to milk the cows. “Come and watch,” he said. “What a lot of cows!” said Wilf. Mr. Jones laughed. “We milk them every day,” he said. Mum wanted some milk. She went to the farmhouse. “I want some eggs too,” said Mum. Mrs. Jones was expecting a baby. She was expecting it soon. “It may come today,” she said. Dad cooked supper. “I like it here,” said Wilf.“It’s fun in this tent.” Everyone went to bed but there was a storm. Nobody could sleep. The wind blew. Everyone had to get up. The wind blew the tent down. They had to go to the farmhouse. Mr. Jones called Mum. “The baby is coming,” he said. Mrs. Jones had to go to hospital. She got in the car. Mum helped her. The storm got worse. The wind blew and blew. The wind blew a big tree down. The car couldn’t get past. Mr. and Mrs. Jones went back to the house. Mr. Jones called for help. He called the hospital. “A helicopter’s coming,” he said. Mr. Jones pointed to a field. “The helicopter can land there,” he said. Mr. Jones got some bags. The children helped. They got some big stones. They made a big cross out of the bags. They put stones on the bags. The helicop ter came. It landed near the cross. “At last!” said Mr. Jones. There was a doctor in the helicopter. “Come on!” said Mr. Jones. The doctor ran to the house but Mum came to the door. She was laughing. “Too late!” said Mum. “Mrs. Jones has had the baby. She’s had a baby boy.” Everyone looked at the baby. “He’s very sweet,” said Wilma. “Will he like camping?”5-15 ScarecrowsBiff and Chip had a little garden. They planted seeds and they put in plants. The birds liked the garden. They ate the seeds and pecked t he plants. Biff was cross. “Look at the birds,” she said. “Go away! Go away!” Biff and Chip had an idea. “Let’s make a scarecrow,” they said. “What a good idea,” said Mum. They got some old clothes and made the scarecrow’s body. Mum helped them. Biff got a bag. Chip painted a face on it. Mum made the scarecrow’s hair. Chip wanted the scarecrow to be a boy. He called it Fred. Biff wanted it to be a girl. “All scarecrows are boys,” said Chip. The key began to glow. The magic took them inside the little house. The magic took them to a field. The scarecrow came to life. “I’m alive!” called Fred. Fred jumped in the air. “It’s magic!” he called. There were some scarecrows in the lane. Fred waved at them. Fred ran up to the scarecrows. “Hello!” he called. “Where are you going?” A scarecrow pointed to a barn. “We’re going to the barn dance. You can come too.” Then the scarecrows looked at Biff and Chip. “Oh dear! You can’t come.” Biff and Chip weren’t scarecrows. They couldn’t go to the dance but Fred had an idea. Fred made Biff and Chip into scarecrows. They went to the dance. The band began to play. “Come on,” called Fred. “Let’s dance.” Biff began to dance with the scarecrows. “This is fun,” called Chip. Biff danced with Fred. Chip danced with Biff. They all danced with the scarecrows. “See!” said Biff. “There are girl scarecrows. I told you so.” Suddenly, the key glowed. It was time to go home. “Oh no!” said Fred. The magic took them home. Biff and Chip had an idea. “I didn’t know there were girl scarecrows,” said Mum. “Well, there are,” said Chip.5-16 Noah’s Ark AdventureIt rained and rained. It rained all day long. The children were fed up. The children went outside. They wanted to play but it was too wet. Dad looked out of the window. “Come inside,” he said. “It’s too wet to play outside.” The children went to Biff’s room. Suddenly, the key began to glow. It was time for a magic adventure. “What a good job!” said Kipper. “I want a magic adventure. I’m fed up with all the rain.” The ma gic key took them into a new adventure. But it was raining. “Oh no!” said Kipper. “We don’t want an adventure in the rain.” The children saw a boat. “What is it?” asked Kipper. “It’s Noah’s Ark,” said Biff. “Noah has to put the animals on the Ark or they w ill drown,” said Chip. “It’s raining so much,” said Biff. “The water’s going to cover everything.” “Don’t worry,” said Chip. “Noah will save all the animals.” “Will he save us too?” asked Kipper. “Hello,” said Noah. “What do you want? Have you come to help?” Noah looked at the water. He pointed at the Ark. “I want some help,” he said. The children looked at the animals. “It is time to put the animals on to the Ark,” said Noah. The animals went on to the Ark. They went on in twos. First, Noah put the big animals on. A man pushed the elephants. They pulled the crocodiles up in a big net. A camel didn’t want to go on to the Ark. They pushed it and pulled it. “All the animals are on,” said Noah. “It’s time to go. Please get on to the Ark.” The children went on t o the Ark. Noah looked at Floppy. “Stop!” shouted Noah. “I’m sorry,” said Noah. “We put two dogs on the Ark. We can’t have three dogs.” The children couldn’t leave Floppy. “Floppy can’t go on the Ark, so we won’t go on it,” said Biff. The Ark sailed away. The children floated in Noah’s big umbrella. “It’s still raining,” said Biff. Just then, the magic key began to glow. The magic took the children home. “What an adventure!” said Biff. “Oh no!” said Kipper.5-17 A New ClassroomSome people came to the school. They put a fence across the playground. The children looked at the fence. “What is it for?” asked Wilf. Nobody knew. A lorry came to the school. It had blocks on it. “What are they for?” asked Biff. Then a digger came. The children were excited. Some me n dug a long trench across the playground. “What is it for?” everyone asked. It was time to go in but the children didn’t want to. They liked the digger. Mrs. May looked at the trench. “It’s for a new classroom,” she said. The children were excited. They w anted to find out about the new classroom. The children looked at some books. Wilf found a book about diggers. Chip painted a picture of one. Mrs. may took children outside. They talked about the digger. Mrs. May took a photograph. Everyone looked at the b locks. “The classroom will go on the blocks,” said Mrs. may. Then a crane came to the school. The children were excited. They looked at the driver. “What is the crane for?” asked Biff. “Wait and see,” said Mrs. May. The children watched the crane. It lifted the classroom over the wall. Everyone watched the classroom. “Don’t drop it,” called Chip. Biff looked at the classroom. Something was wrong. “Mrs. May! Mrs. May!” called Biff. “Don’t shout, Biff,” said Mrs. May. The crane put the classroom down. It put the classroom on the blocks. The crane lifted the roof and put it on the classroom. Something was wrong. “Mrs. may!” called Biff. “Something is wrong.” “Don’t shout, Biff,” said Mrs. May. Everyone gasped. The classroom was upside down. “Oh dear!” said Mrs.May. “I said something was wrong,” said Biff. “But nobody would listen. The crane put classroom the right way up. The children wanted to look inside. The children went inside. Wilf saw a door. “What’s in here?” asked Wilf. Everyone gasped. “Oh no!” said W ilf.。