从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合-英语论文论文【篇一:从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合-英语论文论文】abstractthe joy luck club is the first novel of amy tan,a famous chinese-american writer. in the novel she mainly describes the relationship between the joy luck club mothers and their daughters and cultural conflicts. the novel is set in the age of globalization and in the multicultural american society; it represents the process of misunderstanding, conflicts, understanding and blending between the mothers and the daughters. globalization not only brings many chances to china but also brings cultural challenges to china. as the degree of globalization is getting deeper, chinese culture faces the danger of being integrated and changed by other cultures. through contextual analysis of the joy luck club and the cultural conflicts and blending embodied in it, this paper demonstrates that in the age of globalization a balance should be kept among different cultures, and a right attitude towards cultural conflicts should be taken, and it suggests that the native culture should not be thrown away when learning from others, and instead, it should be transmitted to others.key wordsthe joy luck club; conflict; understanding; cultural blending摘要《喜福会》是著名美国籍华裔女作家谭恩美的处女作,作者在小说中主要描述了四对移民母女的关系和她们之间由于文化的差异而引起的冲突,小说以全球化时代和美国多元文化社会为背景,呈现了4对母女由误会,冲突到理解的过程。
解析《喜福会》中母女关系的冲突折射出的中美文化差异摘要: 美国华裔女作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)的小说《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club,1989)一发表,立即获得巨大成功。
关键词: 母女关系折射文化差异1 引言谭恩美是“土生土长”的美国人,血管里却流着中国人的血,美国的根源性让她不仅对美国文化有着切身的体会,父母生活习性的中国味道也让她对中国传统文化有着深刻的了解。
”[3]2 两种文化价值观的冲突——中美文化的隔阂2.1文化的冲突壳层小说中,随着对这四位女儿成长的描写,展示了四对母女间的代沟与文化隔阂。
” [2]母亲们望女成凤,把自己年轻时的遗憾用最美好的希望寄托在女儿们身上,无形中给女儿们施加了更大的压力。
途中患重病, 以为无法继续生存便遗弃了这对双胞胎。
她哭着离开, 等死。
从《喜福会》看中美文化的冲突与融合承梦姣【摘要】Focusing on four pairs of Chinese mothers and daughters who immigrated to America, The Joy Luck Club described the stories in their families in recent hundreds of years and reflected the new generation of women who grew from their suffering grandmothers to personally and economically independent women. In this novel, the second generation daughters who were born in America almost rejected Chinese culture. They agreed with American values, so they conflicted with their Chinese mothers. They finally understood their mothers, and finished their culture identity. The culture of China and America began to merge.%《喜福会》以旅美的四对华裔母女为中心,分别描述她们几个家庭近百年来的遭遇,从而对比出中国女性从受尽辛酸屈辱的祖母辈逐渐成长为具有独立人格和经济地位的新一代女性。
【期刊名称】《闽西职业技术学院学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)003【总页数】4页(P85-88)【关键词】《喜福会》;中美文化;冲突;融合【作者】承梦姣【作者单位】扬州大学文学院,江苏扬州 225000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】I712.074《喜福会》描写了四位性格、命运各异的中国女性解放前移居美国,以及她们各自在美国出生、成长的女儿的生活经历。
干: ”。 另外司 马迁 在《货 殖列传 》中 甚至提 出了 “礼生 于有 而废 于无”,“人富而仁义附焉 ”的命 题,他从 经济现象 解释道德 ,并 且从财富不等看到了社会关 系中人的 地位不等 。 三、小结
司马迁经济思想 的立 论基 础, 来 自于 他对 整个 中国 社 会、 经 济走向的深刻体会,他认为 “货殖” 的繁荣不 是一个 单纯的经 济现 象,其所呈现的特征反而处 处和道 德伦理上 的态度相 互呼应。 其对 “自发秩序”理解与 阐释 是基 于 理性 考量 的。 司 马迁 写《 货殖 列 传》意义不仅是看到 经济 运 行的 规律 ,也 不仅 是 讲述 人们 如何 致 富,更值得注意的是他对 人们面对 财富应该 有的“ 仁义”提 出了自 己的 期望, “不 害于政 ,不妨 百姓; ” ,要行 “仁 义”。 可惜他 的 经济思想犹如昙花开在漫漫 长夜, 一瞬而逝 ,在长时 间内被冷 落, 甚至遭到人们的排斥,而 不显于世 。想其不 显原因有 三:一 则是因 为其思想不符合统治者的 要求;二 则是他 的思想在 农业为主 ,以农 立国的时代难有市场; 另外还有 中国古代 学者治学 的缺陷 ,就是没 有明确 的概念和由之 构建的理 论体系< 。 参考文献:
从《喜福会》母女关系中浅析中美文化冲突与融合发表时间:2020-12-30T12:18:21.213Z 来源:《教育学文摘》2020年9月第26期作者:吴婕王露梅[导读] 该文章以《喜福会》中四对母女为切入点,从家庭、婚姻和教育三个方面分析比较中美文化之间存在的差异吴婕王露梅江苏科技大学苏州理工学院江苏苏州 215600摘要:该文章以《喜福会》中四对母女为切入点,从家庭、婚姻和教育三个方面分析比较中美文化之间存在的差异,从母亲和女儿们的对话、生活方式和生存观念中,体会母女关系从冲突到沟通直到最后互相理解中产生的细腻感情变化。
关键词:《喜福会》;中美文化;母女关系;文化冲突融合 Abstract: Analyzing and comparing the differences between Chinese and American cultures, the article takes the four couples of mother and daughter in The Joy Luck Club as the point of penetration. From the dialogues, lifestyles and life values among daughters and mothers, the article describes the exquisite affection changes varying from conflicting、 communicating and then understanding. At the end of The Joy Luck Club, the reconciliation reflects that Chinese-Americans can better acquaint themselves and shape personal character through absorbing the new culture on the basis of inheriting mother culture. Key Words: The Joy Luck Club; Chinese and American cultures; the relation between mother and daughter; cultural?conflict?and?merging; 引言《喜福会》是美国华裔女性作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)的处女作,80年代末出版的《喜福会》于1991年荣获最佳小说奖并连续9个月上榜《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜,小说以母女关系为主线,以母女之间的矛盾和冲突为推动力,通过母女关系变化的心路历程为美国华裔女性文化身份的建构创新了视角。
文化 教育 f ff
文化 的冲突与融 合
《 喜福会》 中母女关系 的解读
李 燕
( 海电力学院外语 系, 海 2 0 9 ) 上 上 0 0 0
摘 要: 《 喜福会》 这部 小说 围绕四对母女进行叙述 , 亲是故事发展的 中心人 物, 母 母女关 系 小说的主题。现利用霍尔的高低语境文化理论对 是 母女之 间的矛盾进行 了解读 。母女之 间从隔阂冲突走向和解一定程度上反映 了美国主流文化和 华裔边缘文化从冲突逐渐走向交融。 关键词 : 喜福会 ; 母女 关系; 高语境 ; 低语境
美国是—个移民国家 , 文化多元和融合是其 文化; 相反 , 如果意义的产生对所使用的言语依赖 的隔阂和冲突大都能从跨文化交际的角度进行解 重要特色。其中 , 华裔文化相对欧洲文化 、 犹太文 任 种文化属于低语境文化。 望 日刖 : 同 I1 r 兄【 Ⅸ I ^U I ,那么这 读。 首先, 母女之间的矛盾体现 了 主流文化对华 化的精英形象而言 。 显然是一种弱势文化 , 在所谓 “ 大熔炉” 中没有“ 意义”难以进 ^ , 历史, 被主流文 霍尔还指出“ 如果你在某个地方触动了—个 裔文化的排挤。 由于历史原因, 中国传统文化 直 - 受到西方( 美国洄 : 的 化 同。自 献 十力 初华裔人 口 噌 世 l 已 游 之后, 文化, 美国 那么整个 文化都会发生变化。’ 果—个文 处 于被批判的弱势地 位, Ⅱ 那么它就同时具有一连串 歧视和排斥。喜福会 中的四位母亲都是中年才移 华裔作家开始用文学作品来建构 自 身的新形象 , 化具有高语境的特点 , 在 朝 童I 的众声喧哗中发出自己的声音。 只有高语境文化才具有的特点 , , 同样 —个低语境 民到美国, 她们都无法真正的 融人美国 而女 j| 会。 美国华人文坛由两派组成: 一派是在中国出 文化则具有只有其同类才具有的特点。霍尔还进 儿则不同, 她们接受的 是美国 的主流文化。 但是由 生后移 民到美国, 使用汉语作为表达工具; 另一派 步指出任何一种交际都是高、中、低语境的一 于自己的东方面孔,觉得 自 己在某种程度上被美 高语境与低语境事实 E 是个连续体 , 就如同天 国主流社会所排斥,为了 强化自己的美国身份她 大都出生在美国, 英语是他们的母语, 以英文作为 种, 包括连英语都说 写作媒介,因而也可称为美籍华{ 怍家。自 2 平 的两 端 。中 国属 于高 语境一 端 而美 国则属 于低 们逃避任何与中国有关的东西, 盱 从 O 世纪 7 年 以来, 哞罐 以独特的叙 视 语境一端。 0 代 — 得结结巴巴 亲。 拇 她们对妊亲盼—切 辱 也 镑翻 。 角和手法、奇特的故事和神秘的东方文化形象在 霍尔的高、 低语境价值观念有很多方面。一 不愿意去了解, 使得母亲在母女关系中处于卑微 高语境的中国文化有五千年悠久历 史, 受 低下的失语状态。 吴精美对于‘ 碉鲐l弄不懂的 ‘ _ 歙 美国文学史 t 取得 了—席之地。他们的作品成为 般说来 , 畅销书, 甚至被 编为电影。 筻 同时这些作品 也受到 儒家思想的影响最大。 其文化可以浓缩为‘ ‘ 集体主 事情从来记不住” 母亲在桂林的故事本是—个凄 。 了受到文学评论界的赏识。当代著名美 国华裔女 义”“ 、个人利益服从集体利益”“ 、尊重权威”“ 、和谐 婉的故事, 但是在女儿看来只是中国式的神话故 作家 恩美就是 其中之一。 她的第一部小说 统一”“ 、独立 自主”“ 、和平共处” } 等。 语境的美国 事 , 故事变了又变。 会》11 o uk Cu ) 18 ( eJyL c lb于 9 9年出版 , 1 便雄踞 文化大致具有以下 n 方面的价值观 : 个 . 个人主义、 国“ K党” 三 的秘密集会。 微弗莱・ 龚一直把母亲的 《 纽约时报》 畅销书排行榜达九个月之久 , 好评如 自由主义、 乐观主 、 实用主义、 理性主义、 人道主 出生地太原当作台湾。 潮, 获得了众多奖项 , 被翻译为多国语言 , 且被改 义等。嘱 于高语境文化的中国文化和属于低语境 其次, 母女的冲突集中体现在对个体之间关 编为电影。这部作品奠定了其在美国华裔文学界 文化的美国文化莅这些根本的文化价值观念上有 系的不同理解 七 母亲来 自 。 高语境文化的中国。 她 的重要地位。她所发表的五部小说都被给予了 极 着巨大的差异主要体现在 以下几个方面。 认为女儿是属于家庭的, 自己的一部分, 有 是 自己 高的赞誉 。 语言表达方面的差异。高语境文化中的成员 义务有责任把女儿管好。女儿的荣耀就是整个家 谭强美 的小谠有 在表达感情和传递信息方面喜好用含蓄间接隐晦 庭的荣耀。 而女儿接受的则是低语 境文化, 在女儿 这一主题的代表作 品有三部 : 《 喜福会》 h o 的方式, (T e y J 不擅长 自我表现。 个体 页了解表面以及 看来, 人与 ^ . 是平等的, 父母没有权力干涉 自 己的 L c lb (9 9 , 灶 神 之 妻 》 e Kthn 深层面的意思 , 目应该恰当地进行反应。相反, 生活。 u k Cu ) 1s ) 《 ( i e c 并 她崇尚的是个 人 奋斗 , 认为自己得成功与家 G ds f (9 1,接骨师之女 ̄T ebnst 在低语境文化环境中,大部分信 皂都处于传递的 庭无关。这种集体主义和个体主义 o ' wi )19 ) e 《 ( o e — h e 的冲突成为母 tr ag t )20 ) e ̄d uhe (0 1。这三部作品的题材部分取 过程 中 。低 语境 文化 中的成员 喜 好用坦 率直 白的 女冲突的根本原因之一。 s r 自 作者与其母亲的生活经历,作品中的故事源 自 方式进行沟通,并且他们性格外向,热衷 自我表 吴夙愿与吴精美母女的弹钢琴事件既是如 真^ 真事, 自传色彩浓厚。缇 雅 目瞅 第一 现 。 此。 母亲认为自己 再苦再累瞧目 } 把女J L 管好。 她用 部 以“ 关系” 敬 为主题的作品。 这一主题在《E = 神 j = 个体关系的差异。 高语境文化是一种集体主 为钟先生免费打扫换来 了女儿学习弹钢琴的机 之妻》 中得到了进—步的发展。 接骨师之 表 义导向的文化 , 而《 女》 其中的人们追求整体和谐 , 竭力回 会。 而文儿由于 出 挫折施 鳓事 母 现出谭恩美在母女关系探索方面 日 趋成熟。 避对立冲突; 因此在高语境文化中, 人与人之间的 女产生争吵, 母亲没想到女儿竟敢公然反 自己, 抗 在美国当代文学的历程 中, 华裔作家作为非 关系是非常紧密的,家庭的利益也是永远放在第 认为她没有反抗的权力, 认为 ‘ ‘ 只 世 有两种女 主流作家, 有着双重身份, 既是美国 人又有着东方 位的。—个 ^ 、 的能力往往并不代表他个体而是 儿 , 听话的和不听话的” 我从不格信, 。“ 我能成为 面孔。 他们—方面接受美国的教育, 试图融人美国 代表他所属群体的群体价值。因此, 无论池受到何 任何她想让我成为的人。 我只可能是我自己。咱 的主流文化,—方面又不可避免接受的从父母承 种评价 , 带来的都是对整个群体的评价。 低语境文 龚琳达与女儿微弗莱 ・ 龚的下棋事件也时由 传下来的中国传统。这两种文化的矛盾在谭恩美 化是个 ^主义导向的文化 , 强调 自我和独立意识 , 这种文化差异而引起 的。微弗莱 ・ 龚从小喜欢下 的作品中就集中反映为移民到美 国的母亲和在美 人与人之间的关系是松散的q 。 棋, 并且拿了许多奖。骄-以此为荣, ie r, l- 经常在人前 国出生和长大的女儿的矛盾。母亲代表了中国传 2 中的母女关系解读 炫耀。 母亲的中国观念中女儿的荣耀就是母亲的 统文化, J 代表的是美国社会的主流文化。 而女l 恻 称 。四个移 民 荣耀。 而女儿则认为 自 己的成功与母亲无关。 她的 母女关系发展都经历 了隔阂、 冲突、 和解的过程 , 到美国的中国 母亲轮流做庄 , 讲述了四对母女的 炫耀让 自己 很丢脸, 甚至说出“ 为什么您总是用我 从一定程度上象征了美国主流文化对华裔边缘文 生活 : 吴夙愿与女儿吴精美 , 龚琳达与女儿微弗 来炫耀呢? 您想出名, 己学下棋好了 。 自 ” 化 的理解 和融 合。 莱・ 许安梅与女儿罗 , 龚, 丝 顾映映与女儿丽娜。 四 其次 , 语言表达上的差异。高语境文化中的 l 霍尔的高背景文化和低背景文化理论 位母亲都是出生在封建中国,接受的是中国传统 成员在表达感情和传递信息方面, 喜好用含蓄��
The Joy Luck Club:Collision and Compatibility Between Chineseand American CultureAbstractThe Joy Luck Club, a masterpiece of Amy Tan,was one of the best-sellers in America in 1989;it is Amy Tan's first full-length novel.Amy Tan,American born Chinese,was born in Oakland,USA in 1952.The Joy Luck Club is about misunderstanding, collision and comprehension between the four groups of immigrant mothers and their American daughters.Under the influence of the daughters’defiance,the mothers realise chinese cultural marginalization in American cultural environment and confront the chinese cultural identity.At the same time,faced with the mothers’intervention, the daughters see the defect and shortage in American culture and accept the chinese culture heritage.The relationship between the mothers and the daughters reflects the collision and compatibility between Chinese and American culture and proclaims the possibility and inevitability in the development of compatibility between Chinese and American culture.Key words: The Joy Luck Club ,mother-daughter collision , mother-daughter compatibility, collision between Chinese and American culture,compatibility between Chinese and American culthre.《喜福会》中的中美文化的碰撞与融合摘要:《喜福会》是谭恩美的一部杰作,它是她的第一部真正意义上的小说,是美国在1989年畅销书之一。
关键词文化冲突中西方《喜福会》The Conflicts and Reconciliations between the East and theWest Reflected in "The Joy Luck Club"NIU Mengnan(Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University. Xi'an, Shaanxi 710100)Abstract:The novel "The Joy Luck Club1' presents the story of four Chinese mothers and their daughters who grow up in America・ The differences between their cultural backgrounds^ ideology and other aspects cause conflicts and misunderstandings・ This paper will explore the underlying causes of cultural conflicts and fusion of the East and the West, so as to promote cross cultural communication. Keywords: cultural conflict; the east and the west; "The Joy Luck Club1'小说《喜福会》是美籍华裔作家谭恩美的代表作,英1989年一经问世就在美国文学界引起巨大反响。
Cultural Conflicts and Integration Between China and America in the Joy Luck ClubbyXXXA thesis presented to the School of English EducationofXi’an International Studies Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree ofBachelor of ArtsMay 18, 2012Class: 08-4Advisor: ________外国语大学毕业论文开题报告AcknowledgementsFirst of all, I wish to thank all those who have given me consistent help, encouragement, and advice.Then, I am greatly indebted to my advisor, Wang Tong, a respectable, responsible and resourceful scholar,who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of thisthesis.Her effective advice, shrewd comments have kept the thesis in the right direction. Without her enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, Icould not have completed my thesis. Her keen and vigorous academic observationenlightens me not only in this thesis but also in my future study.Last but not least,thanks all my friends, especially my lovely roommates, for their encouragement and supportwhen I felt frustrated with this thesis.分析《喜福会》中的中美文化冲突与融合摘要:《喜福会》是美裔女作家谭恩美的处女作,小说主要描述了四对移民母女的关系和她们之间由于中美文化差异导致的一系列冲突,呈现了四对母女从误会,隔膜到相互理解的过程。
《喜福会》电影英语作文母女关系的思考全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Special Bond Between Mothers and Daughters in the Movie "Joy Luck Club"Hi everyone! Today, I want to share with you my thoughts about the movie "Joy Luck Club" and the special bond between mothers and daughters. This movie is about the lives of four Chinese-American women and their relationships with their mothers. It taught me a lot about love, understanding, and the importance of family.The movie explores the challenges faced by both mothers and daughters as they try to connect with each other across generational and cultural gaps. It made me realize that even though we might sometimes have different opinions or ways of doing things, our mothers always have our best interests at heart. They want us to succeed and be happy in life.In the movie, we see how the mothers have their own dreams and aspirations, but they also want their daughters to have even better lives. They want us to learn from theirexperiences and avoid making the same mistakes they did. Sometimes, they may seem strict or demanding, but it is because they want us to grow up to be strong and independent individuals.One of the most touching moments in the movie is when the character June realizes that her mother, Suyuan, has been trying to connect with her all along. June discovers that her mother left behind a special gift for her, a jade pendant, which symbolizes her mother's love and hope for her. This scene made me realize that sometimes, we may not fully understand our mothers' intentions or the sacrifices they make for us, but their love is always there.Another important lesson I learned from the movie is the power of communication and understanding. Often, there are misunderstandings between mothers and daughters because they come from different backgrounds and have different perspectives. It is important for us to listen to each other, to try to see things from their point of view, and to have open and honest conversations. This can help bridge the gap between generations and strengthen the bond between mothers and daughters.The movie also taught me the importance of embracing our cultural heritage. In the movie, the mothers share their stories and traditions with their daughters, hoping to pass on their Chinese roots. It made me realize that our cultural heritage is something to be cherished and celebrated. It connects us to our past and shapes who we are today.In conclusion, the movie "Joy Luck Club" touched my heart and made me appreciate the special bond between mothers and daughters. It taught me about love, understanding, and the importance of family. I now understand that even though we may have different perspectives, our mothers always want what is best for us. It is important for us to communicate, listen, and embrace our cultural heritage. Let's cherish the love and wisdom that our mothers share with us, and remember to always be grateful for their presence in our lives.I hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts about the movie "Joy Luck Club" and the special bond between mothers and daughters. Remember, our mothers are our greatest treasures!I hope you find this essay helpful! If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask.篇2当然可以!以下是一篇关于电影《喜福会》中母女关系的思考的小学生风格英语作文。
①Amy Tan. The Joy Luck Club. New York: Ivy Books, 1989, p12.
《喜福会 》主要描写了 1949年移居美国的四个华人家庭的母女之间的关系 。小说以吴宿愿 (汉译本为 “吴素云 ”,按其丈夫对其名字的解释应为“宿愿 ”或“夙愿 ”)与其女儿的矛盾与误解以及她在抗日战争时期 逃难的种种悲惨而奇特的遭遇为主线 。作为身兼东西文化的双重身份的作家 ,谭恩美的家史与该小说有某 些相似之处 ,这使她运笔游刃有余 ,拓宽读者的视野 ,表露自我探索的心迹 。小说的题目《喜福会 》是个麻将 会的名称 ,最初在抗战时由叙述人之一的吴宿愿为驱赶战争的恐惧和死亡的威胁在桂林发起成立 ,四位母亲 轮流做东 ,定期聚会 ,打牌消遣 。这个极具象征意义的题目 ,无疑寄寓着小说人物的希望与梦想 ,正如小说中 所言 ,这样可以“丢开坏念头 ”,又可以希望“交好运 ”,这就是她们的“喜 ”,她们的“福 ”,一种逆境求生的心 理慰籍 ①。在四位母亲看来 ,美国就是唯一的天堂 ,是她们唯一残存的希望 。第二个喜福会是在 1949 年吴 宿愿到达旧金山 ,在教堂遇见许家 、龚家和顾家后提议成立的 ,新环境中的喜福会是她们定期消遣 、闲聊家 常 、共同“学习美国的成规习俗 、处世之道 ,了解事情来龙去脉 ,商讨赚钱之道 ”的社交聚会场所 。母亲们用 它来表达生活中的失意和磨难中找寻“喜气 ”和“福气 ”的勇气 。
2009年第 8期 山 东 社 会 科 ANDONG SOCIAL SCIENCES General No. 168
从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合内容简介:Abs tratTheJo Luk C lub is t he first novel o f Am Tan,a famou s Chines e-Ameria n riter. In thenovel sh e mainldesribes therel ationshi p beteen the JoLuk Club mothers and the ir daugh ters and ultural onflits.论文格式论文范文毕业论文Abstr atThe Jo Luk Clu b is the first n ovel ofAm Tan,a famousChinese-Amerianriter. I n the no vel shemainl de sribes t he relat ionshipbeteen t he Jo Lu k Club m others a nd their daughte rs and u ltural o nflits.The nove l is set in theage ofg lobaliza tion and in themultiult ural Ame rian soi et; itr epresent s the pr oess ofmisunder standing, onflit s,under standing and ble nding be teen the mothers and the daughte rs. Glob alizatio n not on l brings man han es to hi na but a lso brin gs ultur al halle nges toChina. A s the de gree ofglobaliz ation is getting deeper, Chinese ulturefaes the dangerof beingintegra ted andhanged b other u ltures.Throughontextua l analsi s of the Jo LukClub and the ult ural onf lits and blendin g embodi ed in it, this p aper dem onstrate s that i n the ag e ofglo balizati on a bal ane shou ld be ke pt among differe nt ultur es, anda rightattitude toardsulturalonflitsshould b e taken, and itsuggests that th e native ultureshould n ot be th ron XX h en learn ing from others,and ins tead, it shouldbe trans mitted t o others.Ke Word sThe JoLuk Club; onflit; unders tanding; ultural blendin g摘要《喜福会》是著名美国籍华裔女作家谭恩美的处女作,作者在小说中主要描述了四对移民母女的关系和她们之间由于文化的差异而引起的冲突,小说以全球化时代和美国多元文化社会为背景,呈现了4对母女由误会,冲突到理解的过程。
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Analyzing the Cultural Conflicts and amalgamations From TheMother-Daughter Relationships In THE JOY LUCK CLUBWang Zhangni1.Synopsis2.Brief introduction of the author and the novel2.1 Brief introduction to the author2.2 Background of writing the novel2.3 Brief introduction of the novel3.Culture differences between Chinese and American which cause the conflicts between the mother and daughter3.1 Different ways of education3.2 Different views on love and marriage3.3 Different senses of value4.Ways to relax the relationships between mothers and daughters when cultural differences exist4.1 The communication between mothers and daughters and the changes of education style4.2 Daughter’s understanding and respect of their mothers4.3 Mother’s and daughter’s compromise and concessions5.Exploring the methods of the harmonious coexistence of sino-US culture from THE JOY LUCK CLUB5.1 To enhance political and cultural exchanges while promoting commercial intercourse5.2 To show understanding and respect for foreign cultures5.3 To seek common points while reserving differences6.Conclusion从《喜福会》的母女关系看中美文化的冲突与融合王张旎1. 绪论2. 作者和小说简介2.1 作者简介2.2 小说创作的背景2.3 小说内容简介3. 中美文化差异造成的母女矛盾与冲突3.1 教育方式的不同3.2 婚恋观的不同3.3 价值观的不同4. 文化差异下母女关系缓和的途径4.1 母亲与女儿的沟通及对女儿教育方式的改变4.2 女儿对母亲的理解与尊重4.3 母女的相互妥协和退让5. 从《喜福会》探索中美文化和谐共存的途径和方法5.1 以经济交流带动政治和文化的交往5.2 理解和尊重异国文化5.3 在存异中求同6. 结论。
从《喜福会》中母女关系看东西方文化交流马丽娜【摘要】In The Joy Luck Club,Amy Tan describes the conflicts-to-reconciliation relationship between four mothers and their daughters.By studying this relationship,the thesis put forward that the mother-daughter conflicts are caused by not only generation gap,but also cultural conflicts.In the novel,the four Chinese mothers and their American-born daughters have experienced cultural conflict,cultural understanding and blending.%美籍华裔作家谭恩美在小说《喜福会》中主要描写了四位母亲和她们的女儿之间由冲突走向融合,展现的是一幅中美文化交流的画卷。
从《喜福会》看中美文化的冲突与融合【摘要】美国华裔女作家谭恩美的小说《喜福会》(The JoyLuck Club,1989)讲述了四个美籍华人家庭母女两代由于生活环境、文化差异而产生的误解、冲突到沟通、理解的过程,艺术地展现了中美两种文化的冲突与对立以及两种文化交流和融合的可能性和必然性。
【关键词】中美文化冲突融合《喜福会》是美国著名华裔女作家谭恩关(Amy Tan)的成名作,小说一经出版,便在广大读者中引起了强烈反响,创造了华裔美国文学作品在销售量上的奇迹。
《喜福会》电影英语作文母女关系的思考全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Mother-daughter relationships have always been a complex and intricate topic in literature and film. In the movie "The Joy Luck Club", directed by Wayne Wang and based on Amy Tan's novel of the same name, the theme of mother-daughter relationships is explored in depth through the lives of four Chinese immigrant women and their American-born daughters.The film portrays the struggles and conflicts that arise between the mothers, who have traditional Chinese values and beliefs, and their daughters, who have grown up in a different culture and often clash with their mothers' expectations and demands. The mothers in the story, who are all members of a social group called the Joy Luck Club, have their own personal stories of hardship and adversity as immigrants, which have shaped their views on life and family.One of the main themes of the film is the generational divide between the mothers and daughters, as they struggle to bridge the gap between their different upbringings and perspectives.The mothers, who have experienced war, poverty, and loss, are often overprotective and demanding on their daughters, wanting them to succeed and have a better life than they had. On the other hand, the daughters, who have grown up in a more privileged environment, feel suffocated by their mothers' expectations and struggle to find their own identity and independence.Throughout the film, we see the complexity of themother-daughter relationships as they navigate through misunderstandings, conflicts, and reconciliation. The daughters begin to understand and appreciate their mothers' sacrifices and struggles, while the mothers learn to let go of their expectations and allow their daughters to find their own path in life.The movie beautifully captures the emotional journey of the characters as they come to terms with their past, confront their fears and insecurities, and ultimately find a deeper connection with each other. It portrays the universal themes of love, forgiveness, and acceptance that resonate with audiences of all backgrounds.In conclusion, "The Joy Luck Club" is a powerful and poignant exploration of the mother-daughter relationships, highlighting the complexities and challenges ofintergenerational communication and understanding. It serves as a reminder that despite the differences and conflicts that may arise between mothers and daughters, the bond between them is unbreakable and enduring.篇2Title: Reflection on Mother-Daughter Relationship in the Movie "The Joy Luck Club"The movie "The Joy Luck Club" explores the complex and evolving relationship between mothers and daughters. Set in San Francisco, the film follows the lives of four Chinese-American women and their daughters as they navigate the challenges of cultural differences, generational gaps, and personal struggles.One of the central themes in the movie is the importance of communication and understanding in the mother-daughter relationship. Throughout the film, we see how misunderstandings, secrets, and unspoken feelings can create distance between the characters. For example, in the story of Lindo Jong and her daughter Waverly, we witness how Waverly's success as a chess champion causes tension between the two, as Lindo feels overshadowed by her daughter's achievements. It isonly through open and honest conversations that they are able to bridge the gap and find common ground.Another theme that the movie explores is the cultural differences that can shape the mother-daughter dynamic. The immigrant experience of the mothers, who grew up in China and faced hardship and loss, influences how they relate to their American-born daughters. The daughters, on the other hand, struggle to balance their dual identities and navigate between their Chinese heritage and American upbringing. This cultural clash can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and a sense of alienation between the generations.Despite the challenges they face, the movie also highlights the love and resilience that exists within the mother-daughter bond. The characters in "The Joy Luck Club" may have their differences, but ultimately, they share a deep connection and a desire to understand and support each other. Through their shared experiences, they learn to appreciate and embrace their cultural heritage, and to find strength and solace in their relationships with one another.In conclusion, "The Joy Luck Club" offers a poignant and heartfelt portrayal of the mother-daughter relationship. It is a reminder that communication, understanding, and empathy areessential in fostering a strong and lasting bond between parents and children. The movie encourages us to reflect on our own relationships with our mothers and daughters, and to appreciate the love and sacrifices that have shaped who we are today.篇3Title: Reflection on Mother-Daughter Relationship in the movie "The Joy Luck Club"Introduction:"The Joy Luck Club" is a film based on the novel by Amy Tan, exploring the relationship between four Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-born daughters. The film delves into the complexities of this mother-daughter relationship and how it is influenced by cultural differences and generational divides.Cultural Differences:One of the main themes in "The Joy Luck Club" is the clash of cultures between the mothers, who grew up in China, and the daughters, who are more influenced by Western culture. This cultural gap leads to misunderstandings and conflicts between the two generations, as they struggle to reconcile their different worldviews and values.For example, in the film, we see the tension between June and her mother Suyuan, as June struggles to understand her mother's traditional Chinese values and expectations. Suyuan wants June to be a successful lawyer, while June struggles to find her own identity and pursue her own passions.Generational Divides:Another key aspect of the mother-daughter relationship portrayed in the film is the generational gap between the mothers and daughters. The mothers' experiences growing up in China have shaped their perspectives on life, love, and family, while the daughters have been raised in a more Westernized environment.This generational gap often leads to misunderstandings and communication breakdowns between the mothers and daughters, as they struggle to relate to each other's experiences and emotions. In the film, we see how the mothers and daughters must learn to bridge this gap and understand each other's perspectives in order to build a stronger relationship.Lessons Learned:Through the struggles and conflicts depicted in "The Joy Luck Club," we learn valuable lessons about the complexities ofthe mother-daughter relationship. We see how cultural differences and generational divides can impact the way we communicate and relate to our loved ones, and how important it is to understand and respect each other's perspectives.In the end, "The Joy Luck Club" teaches us that love, understanding, and communication are essential for building a strong and meaningful relationship between mothers and daughters. By learning to appreciate and embrace each other's differences, we can create a bond that transcends cultural barriers and generational divides.Conclusion:"The Joy Luck Club" is a powerful and poignant film that sheds light on the nuances of the mother-daughter relationship. Through its rich storytelling and compelling characters, the film explores the challenges and triumphs of this complex relationship, and offers valuable insights into the importance of understanding, respect, and communication in building strong family bonds.。
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Loanwords from English140 交际教学法在初中英语教学中的运用141 透过《傲慢与偏见》中四位女性的性格分析她们的不同婚姻142 一场失败革命的反思——《动物庄园》的主题浅析143 何以苦难——《荆棘鸟》中女性悲剧的缘由144 旅游翻译中的文化差异和处理策略145 透过《马丁.伊登》看杰克伦敦对超人哲学的矛盾心态146 从《道连葛雷的画像》角色看王尔德147 英语新词的形成特征148 《女勇士》中美国华裔身份危机的探寻149 《红字》中的象征主义150 英文电影中俚语的翻译策略151 从小说《德克拉》试论吸血鬼文化152 Analysis of the Personality Changes of the Characters in The Grapes of Wrath153 女孩与玫瑰—《秘密花园》中生态女性主义解读154 澳洲土著语言的演变及原因155 浅析奥利奥品牌在国际营销中的跨文化策略156 A Script-based Study of the Female Theme in Scent of a Woman157 《蝇王》中象征意义浅析158 《红字》中不可缺少的珠儿159 An Analysis of Dick Diver’s Tragedy in Tender Is the Night Based on Adler’s Individual Psychology160 外语词汇磨蚀及对外语教学的启示161 母语负迁移对中学英语写作的影响162 浅谈西方情人节及其对中国文化的影响163 从奥运菜单看中式菜肴英译名规范化程度164 A Discussion of the Cultural Similarities and Differences of Color Terms in English and Chinese165 动机理论在英语教学中的应用166 《红楼梦》中文化内容的翻译研究167 How to Arouse the Students’Interests in English Learning168 浅析《小王子》的象征与哲学169 从性别歧视浅析两位复仇女性之困境——美狄亚及莎乐美170 从《阿Q正传》译本看民族文化的可译性171 从《小公主》看童话对于当今的现实意义172 奥巴马竞选总统获胜演讲的文体分析173 浅议英汉习语翻译中文化语境的制约作用174 《呼啸山庄》爱情悲剧根源分析175 分析《天使,望故乡》的精神主题176 对《雾季的末日》主题的解读177 论《金色笔记》的多元主题178 目的论指导下的导游词英译策略研究179 论《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义180 论谭恩美《喜福会》中文化身份迷失与探寻181 科技英语的语言特点及翻译方法182 教师的态度对初中学生英语学习的影响183 《了不起的盖茨比》和美国现代社会184 论《冰与火之歌》中角色视点手法的运用185 探讨英语翻译教学中的问题及改进186 《达洛维夫人》死亡意识解读187 从奈达的功能对等看句式转换在《青铜女像》译本中的应用188 论初中英语教学中的情景创设189 浅析翻译中的文化缺省及其补偿策略190 《厄舍古屋的倒塌》中哥特式文学特点分析191 从关联-顺应理论视角研究旅游文本英译192 An Analysis of Hardy’s Optimism in Jude the Obscure193 网络环境下英语自主学习模式的调查194 论《苔丝》中女性意识与社会现实之间的冲突195 A Brief Study on the Language Features of International Business Contracts196 浅谈英汉文化差异对称呼语的影响197 The Application and V alue of Formative Assessment to English Teaching and Learning (ETL) in Middle Schools198 英汉文化差异与由此产生的不可译性199 Verification of Soft Term in Letter of Credit200 广告英语的翻译。