
Vae不仅只是一位独特、独立 的歌者、词曲人、音乐建造人, 更是网络音乐时代巅峰时期的 代表人士之一。遍及认为Vae 既传授继承了“喷鼻喷鼻”、 “东来东往”品级一代网络名 人的草根名人人气,又把网络 音乐水准提升到了1个新的层次, 在相当程度上转变了人们对 “网络歌曲就等于老鼠爱白米 那种俗歌”的印象。超强的网 络人气+够味道的作品,成就了 Vae在网络时代的大红大紫。 跟着网络音乐的一天一天慢慢 地势微,09年1月,Vae抬头迈 大步出版了独立实体唱片《自 界说》,包办了全部词曲创作 和建造,好评如潮。与此同时, 关于Vae的话题和争议却从未 遏制过。
Dhellonese Entertainment Network 2005 Best Male Singer
Sina Deremony 2006 "Bnnual Internet and media celebrities" nomination
Expertise: Writing, Music Dreation Musical instruments: piano, synthesizer Dhelloldhood dream: to develop the same as the cattle X operating system, windows Most satisfactory Bnimation: Doraemon
Favorite music type: all types of
Usually dress: Leisure casual Favorite food: eating right are not interested in Favorite places: at home
(本名: 许嵩

你 轮 你 照 苔回 花说 追亮 没 上也 开的 忆一 归 雪没 后爱 那纸 来 告结 花我 些寂 过 诉果 又 什寞 么
独 揽 月 下 萤 火
2010年4月,应搜狐之邀约,创作并演唱 《半城烟沙》,作为搜狐公司旗下网游 《天龙八部2》的主题曲。
还 能 捧 回 你 沏 的 茶 只 盼 归 田 卸 甲 手 中 还 有 一 缕 牵 挂 半 城 烟 沙 随 风 而 下 枯 多 少 白 发 送 走 黑 发 一 将 成 万 枯 替 谁 争 天 下 金 戈 铁 马 兵 临 池 下 半 城 烟 沙
却 流 不 出 当 年 泪 光
家 乡 月的 身 旁
庐 州 月 光 梨 花 雨 凉
叹 一 句 当 时 只 道 是 寻 常
太 多 的 伤 难 诉 衷 肠
月 下 的 你 不 复 当 年 模 样
庐 州 月 光 洒 在 心 上
庐 州 月
2008年为搜狐公司的网游巨作《剑仙》制作 并延长主题曲《南山忆》,一时间风靡仙侠 类游戏
本 名: 许嵩 出生地: 安徽合肥 英文名: Vae 生 日: 1986-05-14 身 高: 180cm 体 重: 60kg 星 座: 金牛座 血 型: O 型 学 历: 本科 专 长: 写作、音乐创作 乐 器: 钢琴,电子合成器
当中国风的歌曲泛滥,人们都在奇怪2010 年后为什么除了周杰伦,能是许 嵩独有的音乐气质,换个人唱就没有这个 味了。其实纵观专辑里的每一首作品,都 具备这种“非他莫属”的专属质感。
灯 火 阑 珊 处
可 你 从 不 在
又 一 岁 荣 枯
我 寻 你 千 百 度
一 瓢 江 湖 我 沉 浮
日 出 到 迟 暮
我 寻 你 千 百 度
断桥是否下过雪 我望着湖面 水中寒月如雪 指尖轻点融解

有关许嵩英语演讲稿的作文As we all know,许嵩(Xu Song) is a famous Chinese singer-songwriter who has gained a large number of fans with his unique music style and touching lyrics. However, what you may not know is that he is also a talented English speaker. Today, I am going to share with you some inspiring moments from许嵩's英语演讲稿.In许嵩's英语演讲稿, he often starts by expressing his gratitude to the audience and the organizers of the event. He emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and understanding, and encourages people to cherish the opportunities to communicate with each other.许嵩 believes that language should not be a barrier, but a bridge that connects people from different cultural backgrounds.Furthermore,许嵩 often shares his personal stories and experiences in his英语演讲稿. He talks about the challenges he has faced in his music career, the lessons he has learned from his mistakes, and the people who have inspired and supported him along the way. Through his stories,许嵩 conveys the message that success is not achieved overnight, but through hard work, perseverance, and a positive attitude.In addition,许嵩's英语演讲稿 is also filled with words of encouragement and motivation. He encourages the audience to pursue their dreams, to believe in themselves, and to never give up in the face of difficulties. He reminds people that life is full of ups and downs, but it is important to stay true to oneself and keep moving forward.Moreover,许嵩 often incorporates quotes and references from English literature and popular culture into his英语演讲稿. He uses these references to add depth and resonance to his speeches, and to connect with the audience on a more personal level. By doing so,许嵩 shows his respect for the English language and its rich literary heritage.In conclusion,许嵩's英语演讲稿 is not only a showcase of his language skills, but also a reflection of his wisdom, passion, and charisma. Through his speeches,许嵩inspires and uplifts his audience, and leaves a lasting impression on everyone who has theprivilege to listen to him. Let us all learn from许嵩's英语演讲稿, and strive to become better communicators and better human beings. Thank you.。

断桥是否下过雪 我望着湖面 水中寒月如雪 指尖轻点融解 断桥是否下过雪 又想起你的脸 若是无缘再见 白堤柳帘垂泪好几遍
我在人间彷徨 寻不到你的天堂 东瓶西镜放 恨不能遗忘 又是清明雨上 折菊寄到你身旁 把你最爱的歌儿来轻轻唱 我在人间彷徨 寻不到你的天堂 东瓶西镜放 恨不能遗忘 又是清明雨上 折菊寄到你身旁 把你最爱的歌儿来轻轻唱
外文名:vae 别名:V V 、小V 国籍:中国
出生日期:1986年5月14日 毕业院校:安徽医科大学
代表作品:《寻雾启示》(2010)、《自定义》(2009)《苏格拉没有底》 (2011)
2011.04.01 第三张思想大碟《苏格拉没有底》
01.《想象之中》 词/曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩
光却 深家的如 梨庐是叹 难太年月 洒庐
流 深乡身今 花州寻一 诉多模下 在州
不 烙月旁的 雨月常句 衷的样的 心月

不 知 心 上 的 你 是 否 还 在 庐
一 缕 青 丝 一 生 珍 藏
桥 上 的 恋 人 入 对 出 双
儿时凿壁偷了谁家的光 桥边红药叹夜太漫长月也摇晃人也彷徨
乌蓬里传来了一曲离殇 庐州月光洒在心上 月下的你不复当年模样
谢 谢 观
桥上的恋人入对出双 桥边红药叹夜太漫长 月也摇晃人也彷徨 乌蓬里传来了一曲离殇
庐州月光洒在心上 月下的你不复当年模样 太多的伤难诉衷肠 叹一句当时只道是寻常 庐州月光 梨花雨凉 如今的你又在谁的身旁
庐 州 许月
目 录
儿 时 凿 壁 偷 了 谁 家 的 光
宿 昔 不 梳 一 苦 十 年 寒 窗
如 今 灯 下 闲 读 红 袖 添 香
半 生 浮 名 只 是 虚 妄
三 月 一 路 烟 霞 莺 飞 草 长

格独特的原创作品受到听众喜爱,屡获各大门户网站评选出的最佳男歌手、最佳词曲作者等奖 项。Vae不仅精通作词、作曲、编曲,所有作品的录音与后期混音工程也均由其一手包办,可见 Vae全方位的音乐能力与极高的音乐素养 至今签约海蝶音乐、极少在,同时,他的粉丝还在不断的壮大。06-10年,那些作词、作曲、编曲、 演唱、录音、混音全由Vae一人完成的作品。在其歌迷论坛一经推出,就意料之中的进入各大门 户网站以及诸多电台的原创排行榜。这在唱片工业化、音乐商业化的今天不能不说是一个小奇 迹——无公司力捧,零投资运作,却真正虏获了网站编辑、电台编辑们的心
• 2010年1月6日,第二张独立创作专辑《寻雾启示》出版发行,再度引燃试 听风暴。专辑中作品《灰色头像》成为2010年无线音乐最红的十大金曲之一, 横扫各大音乐网站与电台。
2010年4月,应搜狐之邀约,创作并演唱《半城烟沙》,作为搜狐公司旗下网游《天 龙八部2》的主题曲。
• 2008年5月,即将完成大学本科学业的许嵩,荣获安徽省十佳青年学生称号。 全省全民票选票数第一,高达320万票。
• 2008年为搜狐公司的网游巨作《剑仙》制作并演唱主题曲《南山忆》,一 时间风靡仙侠类游戏圈。
• 2009年1月10日,出版发行首张个人专辑《自定义》,独立包办词、曲、 编曲、唱、录音、制作等一切音乐工作。无论在业界与歌迷间口碑均不俗,销 量亦佳。
01.《想象之中》 词/曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩
• 许嵩《苏格拉没有底》专辑封面
• 02.《河山大好》 词/曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩

你 没 归 来 过
苔 上 雪 告 诉 我
轮 回 也 没 结 果
花 开 后 花 又 落
你 说 的 爱 我
追 忆 那 些 什 么
照 亮 一 纸 寂 寞
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
独 揽 月 下 萤 火
2011——? 公司潜规则为他改变 ?
2011年3月,内地乐坛发生了一件事:许嵩签约海蝶 唱片。有些不了解状况的人为他虚构一条“他说过他 永远不签约”然后再骑在这个虚构的基础上进行批评; 然而更令人关注的新闻是,许嵩以他前两张专辑的独 立制作模式完成了第三张创作专辑《苏格拉没有底》。 虽然不知道双方经过了多少回合博弈,单看这个结果, 对于许嵩来说也应该算是圆满,多年努力得到认同— —当下的唱片公司敢于完全由艺人自己张罗专辑的, 恐怕也是没有别家了;对于唱片公司来讲,签下许嵩 这个“新人”也实在是赚到,光是推广一个新人的巨 资就省下了,因为他真的不新,他已经一个人红了蛮 久了。 未来如何,拭目以待。
一首歌,一个回忆。我一不小心走进了你的回忆, 一首歌,一个回忆。我一不小心走进了你的回忆, 喜欢戴上耳机静静听那首Vae,从此我的世界里再也 喜欢戴上耳机静静听那首Vae, Vae 不能没有你。 不能没有你。 —题记。 题记。 - 题记 这世界需要你,因为你是一个音乐的天使。 这世界需要你,因为你是一个音乐的天使。你展开 音乐的翅膀,萦绕在我们的耳旁,抚平我们的忧伤, 音乐的翅膀,萦绕在我们的耳旁,抚平我们的忧伤, 美好的曾经,自废的约定,夹杂着你的歌声, 美好的曾经,自废的约定,夹杂着你的歌声,如樱 花飞舞,如落英缤纷。轻轻聆听,细细品味:清明 花飞舞, 落英缤纷。轻轻聆听,细细品味: 雨上,折菊寄思;断桥残雪,白堤柳帘;粉色信笺, 雨上,折菊寄思;断桥残雪,白堤柳帘;粉色信笺, 盛满思念;如果当时,红雨瓢泼;半城烟沙, 盛满思念;如果当时,红雨瓢泼;半城烟沙,金戈 铁马;有何不可,解冻冰河;灰色头像,坠落升空。 铁马;有何不可,解冻冰河;灰色头像,坠落升空。 你的音乐充满回忆,眉目当年,流转心间, 你的音乐充满回忆,眉目当年,流转心间,最真实 的喜怒哀乐全都埋藏在昨天。你的音乐溢满伤感, 的喜怒哀乐全都埋藏在昨天。你的音乐溢满伤感, 人生若之如初见,又何须感伤离别,飞蛾扑火, 人生若之如初见,又何须感伤离别,飞蛾扑火,单 人旅途,仿佛都是无奈的选择。你用音乐眷写青春, 人旅途,仿佛都是无奈的选择。你用音乐眷写青春, 你用音乐道出了学生时代最明媚的伤 最明媚的伤, 你用音乐道出了学生时代最明媚的伤,我们的世界 11 从此有了你。 从此有了你。

出生地:安徽合肥 出生日期:1986年5月14日
代表作品:《自定义》、《寻雾 体重:60kg 乐器:keyboard、钢琴
除过人的音乐天赋外,许嵩亦 长于写作,学生时代在《萌 芽》、《儿童文学》、《少年 文艺》等刊物上发表了大大小 小作品20余篇。高二时,他曾 写过一篇《把伤痕当酒窝》的 作文,“当时只是兴趣所至, 就发到了个人主页上。”但让 他没想到的是,这篇习作后来 竟被当年江苏省高考语文模拟 试卷作为阅读理解的试题。
2005年夏,刚结束大学一年 级学习的Vae开始接触音乐 制作软件,自学编曲,录音 等专业知识。2年间独立创 作、制作、网络发布原创作 品60余首。 06年《玫瑰花 的葬礼》、《浅唱》、《飞 蛾》等等歌曲引发收听下载 狂潮,千万人次试听。自此, Vae成为高人气创作歌手, 开始引发媒体关注。
2009年1月10日,有一张叫 做《自定义》的唱片诞生了。 许嵩一个人完成了这张唱片 的作词、作曲、编曲、录音、 混音等等一切大小事,甚至 歌词本用的纸张型号也是他 自己去印刷厂选定的。他在 访谈中说“可能没有多少人 有这种参与创作、制作、生 产一张唱片全过程的经历和 精力。”
第二张专辑 寻雾启事
除了写作,许嵩的电脑 也玩得很棒。2001年高 一时即获得“迅飞”杯 全国网页设计大赛安徽 第一名。 2008年5月, 在许嵩大学毕业前夕, 他凭借着出色的综合素 质,荣获安徽省十佳青 年学生称号。
他的音乐自成一个世界,却总是巧合般 地与这个时代连;他的作品在中国移动彩铃榜 上是畅销冠军;他的作品随便挑几首都可累 计破亿的试听量;他的《灰色头像》、《叹 服》等作品是年轻人的流行圣经,以至于在 发表一年后仍然雄踞排行榜;他的个人论坛 "Vaecn"截至此刻已有50万铁杆会员;他的贴 吧、微博等网络阵营常年人气旺盛;他的词 曲作品尤以作词视角的把握独步江湖,素有 音乐怪才之称。

我在人间彷徨 寻不到你的天堂 东瓶西镜放 恨不能遗忘 又是清明雨上 折菊寄到你身旁 把你最爱的歌儿来轻轻唱。 I am helpless in the world, laid hold of your heaven, East West mirror placed bottles, wished he could have forgotten, Rain is the Ching Ming, the discount Ju sent to your side, Your favorite song to sing softly.
2年间独立创作、制作、网络发布原创作品60 余首。 06年《玫瑰花的葬礼》、《浅唱》、 《飞蛾》等等歌曲引发收听下载狂潮,千万人 次试听。自此,Vae成为高人气创作歌手,开 始引发媒体关注。
In four years time appeared network, with the 《灰色 头像》、《城府》、《如果当时》、《有何不可》、《玫 瑰花的葬礼》、《你若成风》、《清明雨上》、《多余的 解释》、《坏孩子》 of the unique style of original works from the audience,Vae has won each big website selection of the best male singer and songwriter best.
• 他是内地近年来网络讨 论度最高音乐创作人, 目前已独立完成了三张 个人专辑《自定义》、 《寻雾启示》《苏格拉 没有底》的词曲创作、 制作及发行,无论是人 气还是销量都取得了前 所未有的成功。 • 听许嵩的音乐,总能让 人体会到前所未有的音 乐灵感。刚柔并济的曲 风搭配、率性洒脱的行 文作词,自居一格的演 唱方式,让人感受到一 种无可拷贝的气场。

英语介绍我喜欢的歌手许嵩作文Xu Shu is a Chinese singer-songwriter who has captivated audiences with his unique musical style and poetic lyrics. Born in 1986 in Chengdu, Sichuan province, Xu Shu's journey to becoming one of the most celebrated artists in the Chinese music industry has been marked by his unwavering dedication to his craft and his ability to connect with listeners on a profound level.Xu Shu's musical journey began at a young age, when he first picked up a guitar and began experimenting with songwriting. His early influences included a diverse range of musical genres, from folk and rock to classical and jazz, all of which would eventually shape his distinctive sound. As he honed his skills and developed his artistic vision, Xu Shu began to garner attention within the Chinese music scene, with his introspective lyrics and emotive performances resonating with a growing fan base.One of the key factors that sets Xu Shu apart from other artists is his masterful storytelling abilities. His songs often delve into the complexities of human emotions, exploring themes of love, loss,introspection, and the search for meaning in life. Through his poetic lyrics, Xu Shu invites listeners to embark on a journey of self-discovery, encouraging them to confront their own thoughts and feelings.For instance, in his hit song "Farewell, Snow," Xu Shu paints a vivid picture of a bittersweet farewell, using the metaphor of snow melting to symbolize the ephemeral nature of human relationships. The song's haunting melody and Xu Shu's emotive vocals create a sense of melancholy that resonates deeply with listeners, evoking a range of emotions from nostalgia to acceptance.Similarly, in "Unfinished," Xu Shu delves into the concept of unresolved emotions and the desire to find closure. The song's intricate instrumentation, including the use of traditional Chinese instruments, adds to the sense of depth and complexity that characterizes Xu Shu's musical style. Through his artful storytelling, Xu Shu encourages listeners to confront their own unfinished narratives and to find a sense of peace within the uncertainty of life.Beyond his exceptional songwriting abilities, Xu Shu is also known for his captivating live performances. His concerts are often described as transformative experiences, where the audience is transported into the world of his music, immersed in the raw emotions and introspective themes that permeate his work. Xu Shu'sstage presence is both commanding and vulnerable, as he effortlessly transitions between powerful, energetic moments and moments of intimate, introspective reflection.One of the most remarkable aspects of Xu Shu's career is his ability to connect with audiences across generations and cultural boundaries. His music has resonated with listeners from all walks of life, transcending linguistic and geographic barriers to touch the hearts and minds of people around the world. This universal appeal can be attributed to Xu Shu's ability to tap into the shared human experiences that unite us all, regardless of our individual backgrounds.In recent years, Xu Shu's influence has extended beyond the realm of music, as he has become a respected voice on a range of social and cultural issues. Through his music and his public persona, Xu Shu has championed causes such as environmental protection, mental health awareness, and the preservation of traditional Chinese culture. His commitment to using his platform to make a positive impact on the world has only further cemented his status as a beloved and respected figure in the Chinese cultural landscape.As I reflect on Xu Shu's remarkable career and the profound impact his music has had on my life, I am struck by the depth and complexity of his artistic vision. His ability to weave intricatenarratives through his songs, to capture the essence of human emotions, and to connect with audiences on a universal level is truly awe-inspiring. Xu Shu's music has not only enriched my own life but has also inspired me to approach the world with a greater sense of empathy, introspection, and appreciation for the beauty that can be found in the most seemingly ordinary moments.In conclusion, Xu Shu is a remarkable artist whose influence extends far beyond the boundaries of the music industry. Through his poetic lyrics, emotive performances, and unwavering commitment to his craft, he has carved out a unique place for himself in the hearts and minds of music lovers around the world. As I continue to explore and appreciate his vast and captivating discography, I am constantly reminded of the power of music to transcend cultural boundaries, to spark meaningful conversations, and to touch the very depths of the human experience.。
PPT 许嵩介绍

这首歌的文字虽然并不多,但是情节上的丰富使之完 全可以扩展成一篇武侠小说。男主角和女主角在一个 杀手集团共事多年,互相暗生情愫。一次集团出外执 行任务后唯独女主角神秘消失,众人怀疑她是另一集 团派来卧底的内线。但男主角不信众人,深入虎穴救 美,最终被女主角所杀,事实证明,女主角就是内线。 可是这首作品的寓意远非到此为止,结合《城府》、 《多余的解释》来看,其实《内线》亦是对现实中人 和人之间互相算计互相不信任的一种放大化处理和思 考,只是更替了故事背景,模糊了年代。
弹着钢琴沙哑的开场,Vae的倾诉犹在耳边。黑色的音乐氛围与暗 怀埋怨的措辞,Vae百无聊赖的气声和假声,主副歌突然的调性切 换…… 另类的表达方式,直通歌者的内心世界。
清明雨上 词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩
一首带着纯正中国风的歌曲,一串清明时节悠悠然然的旋律, 道尽了自己的思念,和对曾经失去过的深切怀念。无论是从 Vae发表于网络的《南山忆》还是《断桥残雪》,还是这首 《清明雨上》,都可以窥见他对诗词古文娴熟的驾驭能力。创 作中Vae还吸收了朋友的修改意见,反复斟酌,制作历程蔓延2 个多月,08年此歌发表于网络后传唱度极高。同《城府》为许 嵩经典作。
星座书上 词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩
恋爱中的少男少女常常信奉着星座理论,这首让人非常容易想 起初恋时代的作品,配上Vae忽而很萌的唱腔,别有一番酸酸 甜甜的小滋味。
专辑介绍 名称:《寻雾启示》 歌手:许嵩 地区:大陆 语言:国语 发行时间:2010年01月06日
许嵩 2009-06-05:《冒险岛online》正式公布冒险岛冒险 骑士团第一个代言人是许嵩,代言魂骑士。 2010年:为联想手机"乐phone"创作广告主题曲, "乐phone"的主题曲正是许嵩用《我想牵着你的手》 的曲改编的。 2010-04-11:搜狐畅游2010旗舰网游《天龙八 部2》主题曲《半城烟沙》正式发行。

Beside his talent of music, he also do well in writing. He had published at least 20 articles in the journal (期 刊)(such as 《萌芽》,《少年文 艺》)when he was a child. When he was a senior high school student ,he wrote an essay named 《把伤痕当酒 窝》 .What makes him surprised is that the essay was cited(引用) as reading comprehension(阅读理解) by a province.
The first album
The second album Sought and got
The third album
Socrates has no end
The forth album NhomakorabeaDream travel
His music involves all areas of life, all aspects; there are many views and thinking on the issue. It allows us to find direction at a loss, to learn to be calm when impatient. You will find there are many musical interpretations of social phenomena.
想象之中 如果当时 河山大ports:table tennis

电影院里你的背影还是那么纯情 有种迷人的魅力 隔着陌生的距离 昨天分手你止不住眼泪的决堤 还问我为何相爱的人不能在一起 你的过去没人知道 想搜索也搜索不到 我俩唯一合影 你甜美在笑 我叹服你的技巧 把爱情玩转的如此巧妙 在你的心里早已设计好 什么时间把我丢掉 我叹服你的技巧 把爱情玩转的如此花哨 可你的内心不配你的外表 我该庆幸自己成功的脱逃
Part 4
Part 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Vae = 许嵩 = 全方位新生代音乐人 = 词、曲、编曲、的歌者、词曲作家、音乐制作人,更是网络 音乐时代巅峰时期的代表人物之一。普遍认为Vae既传承了“香香”、 “东来东往”等第一代网络明星的草根明星人气,又把网络音乐水准 提升到了一个新的层次,在相当程度上改变了人们对于“网络歌曲就= 老鼠爱大米那种俗歌”的印象。超强的网络人气+够味道的作品,成就 了Vae在网络时代的大红大紫。随着网络音乐的日渐式微,09年1月, Vae昂首阔步出版了独立实体唱片《自定义》,包揽了全部词曲创作和 制作,好评如潮。与此同时,关于Vae的话题和争议却从未停止过。
Part 4
Part 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
2011.04.01 第三张独创专辑《苏格拉没有底》 01.《想象之中》 02.《河山大好》 03.《拆东墙》 04.《医生》 05.《微博控》 06.《毁人不倦》 07.《双人旁》 08.话 却还总是对那真爱抱有一丝幻想 所以活该承受幻想与现实之间的落差 虽然在他们的眼里我是一只傻瓜 我也知道这个世界没有那么多的童话 却还总是对那真爱抱有一丝幻想 所以活该承受幻想与现实之间的落差 虽然在他们的眼里我是一只傻瓜

对生命的严重浪费》 07.《白马非马》 08.《单人旅途》 09.《在那不遥远的地方》
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
喜欢你的才华,更喜欢你的音乐! 许嵩加油!!!
中文名:许嵩 英文名:VAE 体 重: 60KG 身 高:180CM 星 座: 金牛座 血 型: A型 出生日期:1986年5月14日 毕业院校:安徽医科大学 专 长: 写作、音乐创作 乐 器: 钢琴,电子合成器 最满意的动画: 多啦A梦 最喜欢的地方: 家
2008年,凭借出色个人综合素质,Vae荣获安徽省十佳青 年学生称号。 2009年以一人之力出版独立唱片《自定义》,包揽词曲 及制作,口碑极佳,创下内地独立音乐的典范,成为众多 80后音乐人效法的对象。 2010年再次凭借一人之力出版了独立唱片《寻雾启示》。 写作:学生时代在《萌芽》、《儿童文学》、《少年文艺》
等刊物上发表了大大小小作品20余篇。高二时,他曾写过一 篇《把伤痕当酒窝》的作文,“当时只是兴趣所至,就发到 了个人主页上。”但让他没想到的是,这篇习作后来竟被当 年江苏省高考语文模拟试卷作为阅读理解的试题。
2009.01.10 第一张独创专辑
01.《如果当时》 02.《多余的解释》 03.《有何不可》 04.《坏孩子》 05.《清明雨上》 06.《城府》 07.《认错》 08.《内线》 09.《星座书上》
2010.01.06 第二张独创专辑 《寻雾启示》
01.《叹服》 02.《灰色头像》 03.《我无所谓》 04.《庐州月》 05.《不煽情》 06.《我们的恋爱是

介绍许嵩的英语作文In the vibrant tapestry of Chinese music, there's athread that stands out with a unique blend of poetic lyricism and melodic charm—Xu Song. Imagine a world where every noteis a whisper of the soul, every verse a story untold, andyou've got a glimpse into Xu Song's musical universe.Born in 1986 in Hefei, Anhui Province, Xu Song is morethan just a singer; he's a composer, a producer, and alyricist who has woven his way into the hearts of millionswith his distinctive style. He's the kind of artist who makes you feel like you've stumbled upon a secret garden of melodies, each song a blooming flower with its own scent and story.Xu Song's journey began in the mid-2000s when he startedto share his music online. His self-taught talent and a knack for storytelling quickly caught the attention of the internet. His early hits like "Qing Hua Shi" and "Yi Jian Mei" were the kind of tunes that would make you hit repeat, not because you forgot what you heard, but because you wanted to dive deeper into the narrative.But here's the twist: Xu Song isn't just about the music; he's about the message. His songs often carry a social commentary, a critique, or a reflection on life thatresonates with the listener. He's the kind of artist who can make you laugh with a clever turn of phrase and then, in thenext breath, make you ponder the deeper meanings of life.His music is like a good book; it's not just about the plot, but the characters, the setting, and the emotions that leap from the pages. Xu Song's songs are the same—full of vivid imagery and rich narratives that paint a picture in your mind.And let's not forget the humor. Xu Song has a way with words that can turn the mundane into the marvelous, the ordinary into the extraordinary. His songs are peppered with wit and whimsy, making you chuckle at the cleverness of his lyrics.Professionalism is the cornerstone of Xu Song's career. He's not just a one-hit wonder; he's a consistent creator, constantly evolving and pushing the boundaries of his art. His work ethic is as impressive as his talent, and his dedication to his craft is evident in every note he composes.In the grand scheme of things, Xu Song is more than a musician; he's a cultural phenomenon. He's proof that music can transcend borders and touch hearts, regardless of language or background. He's a testament to the power of creativity and the impact of storytelling through song.So, the next time you're scrolling through your playlist, do yourself a favor and take a detour down Xu Song's musical lane. You might just find yourself lost in a world of laughter, reflection, and the sweetest of melodies.。
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Expertise: Writing, Music Creation 专 长: 写作、音乐创作 Instruments: piano, synthesizer 乐 器: 钢琴,电子合成器 Childhood dream: to develop the same as the cattle operating system, windows 小时候的梦想:开发出如同windows一样牛X的操作系统 Favorite music type: all types of 喜爱的音乐类型: 各种类型 Usually dress: Leisure casual 通常衣着: 休闲随意 Most satisfactory Animation: Doraemon 最满意的动画:机器猫 Favorite food: eating right are not interested in 最喜爱的食物:对吃没有兴趣 Favorite places: at home 最喜欢的地方:家
My favorite singer
10投资与理财一班 王香菊
Name: Xu Song 姓名:许嵩 Sex: Male 性别:男 Place of Birth: Anhui, Hefei 出生地:安徽合肥 English name: Vae 英文名:Vae Birthday: 1986-05-14 出生日期:1986-05-14 Height: 180cm 身高:180cm Weight: 60kg 体重:60kg Astrological Sign: Taurus 星座:金牛座
• 他是内地近年来 Introduction (介绍) 网络讨论度最高 He is the most recent 目前已独立完成 discussions of network of 了三张个人专辑 independent musicians. 《自定义》、 has independent completed 《寻雾启示》 three album 《自定义》, 《苏格拉没有底》 《寻雾启示》《苏格拉没有 的词曲创作、制 底》production and 作及发行,无论 distribution, whether 是人气还是销量 popularity or sales made an 都取得了前所未 unprecedented success.
In 2008, with excellent personal comprehensive quality, and won the top students in anhui province Vae youth. 2009 as independent album published since the definition, and scored, excellent reputation sung in mainland, music, became independent after many 80 musicians to emulate.In 2005, just over a year of university study music started making Vae software, self-study arranger, recording professional knowledge.
• 在过人的音乐天赋 之外,许嵩亦长于 写作,学生时代在 《萌芽》、《儿童 文学》、《少年文 艺》等刊物上发表 了大大小小作品20 余篇。高二时,他 曾写过一篇《把伤 痕当酒窝》的作文, “当时只是兴趣所 至,就发到了个人 主页上。”但让他 没想到的是,这篇 习作后来竟被当年 某省高考语文模拟 试卷作为阅读理解 的试题。目前他的 新浪博客访问量和 转载量都非常高。 除了写作,许嵩的 电脑也玩得很棒。 2001年高一时即获 得“迅飞”杯全国 网页设计大赛安徽 第一名。
Listen to the music XuSong, always can let a person experience to unprecedented music inspiration. What style of tiein and free style, nor write a way of singing pose, letting a person feel a kind of have no copies of the gas
Blood type: A 血型:A Education:Anhui Medical University 学 历: 安徽医科大学本科毕业 Awards: Top Ten young students in Anhui Province (2008) 奖 项:2008年安徽省十佳青年学生 Musicians Association of Anhui Province 安徽省音乐家协会会员 05 years of Chinese Entertainment Network Best Male Singer 2005年度华人娱乐网最佳男歌手 06 Year Sina Ceremony "Annual Internet and media celebrities" nomination 2006年度新浪盛典“年度网络红人”提名
• Vae不仅仅是一位独特的歌者、 词曲作家、音乐制作人,更是 网络音乐时代时期的代表人物 之一。普遍认为Vae既传承了 “香香”、“东来东往”等第 一代网络明星的草根明星人气, 又把网络音乐水准提升到了一 个新的层次,在相当程度上改 变了人们对于“网络歌曲就等 于老鼠爱大米那种俗歌”的印 象。超强的网络人气+够味道的 作品,成就了Vae在网络时代的
This music industrialization and commercialization in record of today's a small miracle -- no company force holds, zero, but truly capture the investment, the editor of the editors radio. VAE signed an contact with Haidie record company in 2011 ,March
• 2008年,凭借出色个人综合素质,Vae荣获安徽省十佳青年学生称 号。 2009年以一人之力出版独立唱片《自定义》,包揽词曲及 制作,口碑极佳,创下内地独立音乐的典范,成为众多80后音乐 人效法的对象。2005年夏,刚结束大学一年级学习的Vae开始接触 音乐制作软件,自学编曲,录音等专业知识。
2 years independent wrote, • produced, more than 60 network original works. 2006 《玫瑰花的葬礼》、《浅唱》、 《飞蛾》 moths, panic, download songs trigger to audition million. Since then, the popularity of Vae become musicians, initiates the media attention. Especially with the style of nocturne "jay" roses resembles a funeral attention." In December 2006, as the Internet stir representative, lenovo group invited by lenovo mobile network entertainment powder fashionable originality competition, and creative theme music. In 2005 the Chinese entertainment network obtained the best male singers, 2006 best lyricist award. Tom nets
As the network of music, fade in January 2009, Vae swagger published independent entity album custom, scored the whole creation and production, highly praised. Meanwhile, on the topic and controversial Vae but never stopped. In four years time appeared network, with the 《灰色头像》、《城府》、《如果当时》、《有何不可》、《玫瑰花的 葬礼》、《你若成风》、《清明雨上》、《多余的解释》、《坏孩子》 of the unique style of original works from the audience, has won each
big web site selection of the best male singer and songwriter best.
最选屡创等解明《《时《借络停的与和包实昂式随 佳出获作大释雨你玫》城《的止话此制揽体首微着 词的各品量》上若瑰、府灰四过题同作了唱阔,网 曲最大受风、》成花《》色年。和时,全片步 络 作佳门到格《、风的有、头时 争,好部《出年音 者男户听独坏《》葬何《像间在议关评词自版月乐 等歌网众特孩多、礼不如》内现却于如曲定了,的 奖手站喜的子余《》可果、,身从 潮创义独 日 项、评爱原》的清、》当 凭网未 。作》的今天不能不 说是一个小奇迹—— 无公司力捧,零投资 运作,却真正虏获了 网站编辑、电台编辑 们的心。2011年3月, 许嵩与海蝶音乐唱片 公司正式签约。
In music, which XuSong also longer writing, student in the bud, the children's literature ", "the young art of published works more than 20 large and small. When he had high wrote an article "the scar of composition, dimples when" was just went to find interest, personal homepage." But let him that is, this essay assignments by province was later entrance examination simulation language as the reading comprehension. Now he's views and reproduced sina blog are very high. Besides writing, XuSong computer also play very well. In 2001, a high for "fly" cup national web design contest anhui first.