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四六级进阶词汇讲解1. abrupt

abrupt = ab (离去) + rupt (断裂) → a. 唐突

interrupt = inter (在…之间) + rupt → v. 打断

bankrupt = bank (bench) + rupt → v. 破产

disrupt = dis (分开) + rupt → v. 中断; 分散; 扰乱

erupt = e (出) + rupt → v. 爆发

corrupt = cor + rupt → a. 腐败的

rupture = rupt + ur e → n. 断裂

2. accommodate

accommodate = ac + com + mod (调节; 缓和) + ate

→ v. 使适应;提供食宿

用法:accommodate sb. to 使某人适应

accommodate sb. with sp. 给某人提供住处modify = mod + ify → v. 修改

moderate = mod + er + ate → v. 缓和 a. 适度的commodious = com + mod + ious → a. 方便; 舒适modulate = mod + ulate → v. 调节; 缓和

3. adhere

adhere = ad + her (粘) + e → v. 粘附; 遵守

用法:adhere to 粘附; 遵照, 坚持

近义词总结:stick to; cling to; insist on 坚持

hesitate = hes + itate → v. 犹豫

cohere = co (一起) + h er + e → v. 连接;连贯

例如:Religion can cohere social groups.

inhere = in (内) + her + e → v. 固有的

例句:The need to be loved inheres in human nature.

4. adverse

adverse = ad (反) + vers (转) + e → a. 有害的adversary → n. 对手,敌手

adversity → n. 逆境

versatile = vers + a + ti le → a. 多才多艺的

traverse = tra (trans) + vers + e → v. 横越

verse → n. 诗节,韵文

versus = vers + us → prep. 以…为对手

4. afflict

afflict = af (加强) + flict (打击) → v. 使苦恼

用法:afflict sb./sth. 或者be afflicted with inflict = in (使动) + flict → v. 使遭受,使承受

用法:inflict sth. on/upon sb.

例句:If you inflict conditions upon your happiness, you place that joy in a future tense (将来时) .

conflict = con (一起) + flict → n./v. 冲突

用法:conflict with 或者be in conflict with

例句:Your behavior conflicts with our law.

Your behavior is in conflict with our law.

5. allege

allege = al + leg (说) + e → v. 断言

lect = leg

例句:She alleged that Jack stole the money. legend = leg (说) + end → n. 传奇

legendary → a. 传奇的

例句:So you are the legendary Dragon Warrior ?

6. alleviate

alleviate = al + lev (提起, 变轻) + i + ate→ v. 减轻lift = lev

例句:The medicine alleviates his pain.

relieve = re (再次) + live (lev) + e → v. 缓解elevate = e (出) + lev + ate → v. 提升

levy = lev + y → n. 税收;v. 征税

lever = lev + er → n. 杠杆

7. ambiguous

ambiguous → a. 含糊不清的

ambiguous 与ambulance 同源

vague → a. 含糊不清的

vague 和wagon (大篷车) 同源

8. anonymous

anonymous = an (no) + (o)nym (name) + ous

→ a. 匿名的

synonym = syn (相同) + nym → n. 同义词

syn = same

synthesis = syn (一起) + thes (放) + is → n. 综合

thesis → n. 论文

a ntonyms = ant (anti) + (o)nym → n. 反义词

9. ascribe

ascribe = a + scrib (写) + e → v. 归因于

用法:ascribe to

近义表达法:attribute to, owe to

辨析:ascribe to 和attribute to表示“归因于…”,

owe to除了表示“归因于”,还含有“应归功于…”



He ascribed/ attributed his success to hard work.

He owed his success to his friends’ help.


scribe → script

prescribe = pre (之前) + scribe → v. 开处方;规定manuscript = manu (手) + script → n. 手稿

subscribe = sub (下面) + scribe → v. 赞成;订阅inscribe = in (内) + scribe → v. 铭刻

postscript = post (后) + s cript → n. 附言

scribble → v. 涂鸦

scrape → v. 刮,擦
