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研究生签名: 导 师签名:
日期: 日期:
第一章 绪论
1.1 本课题的来源 本课题来源于导师罗晓曙教授主持的广西教育厅科研资助项目 (桂教科研 200420 号) : 高性能数字化脑电诊断和监护机的研制。
广西师范大学 硕士学位论文 脑电信号的特征分析与研究 姓名:周建芳 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:电路与系统 指导教师:罗晓曙 20080401
研究生:周建芳 研究方向:脑电信号处理 论 文 摘 要 脑电信号包含了大量生理与病理信息,通过对脑电信号的处理,不仅可以为医生提供 临床诊断的依据,还可以为某些脑疾病提供有效的辅助治疗手段。国内外对于脑电信号进 行特性分析和特征提取的研究已经取得了重大的进展和成果。本文是在广泛研读国内外有 关脑电研究现状和分析方法的相关资料基础上,采用样本熵、双谱、1.5维谱等现代信号处 理方法来研究脑电信号中蕴藏的丰富信息,以期为临床脑电信号的诊断提供一定的理论参 考。本文的主要内容可概括如下: (1)综述了脑电研究的发展、脑电信号的采集、分类等基础知识以及概述了一些脑电信 号的现代分析方法,诸如时频分析法、高阶谱分析法、非线性分析法以及人工神经网络分 析法,特别介绍了小波分析、双谱分析、复杂度分析及神经网络分析在脑电信号处理中的 应用。 (2)针对近似熵算法存在的不足,采用近似熵的改进算法—样本熵,利用样本熵对临床 已确诊的癫痫病例与正常人的脑电数据进行分析处理。仿真结果表明:癫痫患者发作期的 样本熵值总体上低于正常人,并且癫痫患者在发作期间的脑电样本熵值较发作前有明显降 低,发作后又回到发作前的水平,这一变化特点与临床诊断的病症特点是基本一致的,这 表明样本熵有望为癫痫病的临床诊断提供一种新的参考。 (3)通过计算不同状态下 16 导脑电时间序列的峰度和斜度,研究了不同状态下各导脑 电信号的非线性和非高斯性。采用双谱估计的直接方法对三种不同状态下的脑电信号进行 分析,研究结果发现这三种状态下的脑电信号双谱结构存在较大差异,验证了双谱是脑电 信号非线性分析的有效手段,能有效的提取蕴涵在脑电信号中的丰富高阶信息,有助于脑 电自动识别的实现,为临床脑电研究提供更多有益的辅助诊断信息。 (4) 针对传统的双谱方法的缺点,本文采用了一种新的二次相位耦合的分析方法—1.5 维谱来分析脑电信号,并通过仿真验证了算法的可行性。研究结果表明:1.5 维谱分析方 法能抑制附加在信号中的高斯噪声,从而更易提取出有用的非高斯信号,同时该方法有效 地揭示了脑电信号内部的二次相位耦合现象,极大地减少了计算量和降低了方法的复杂程 度,可以有效地提取常规谱分析方法所无法获得的有用信息。 关键词:脑电信号;特征分析;样本熵;双谱;1.5 维谱 导师:罗晓曙 教授 专业:电路与系统 年级:2005 级
本人郑重声明:所提交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成 果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含其他个人或其他机构已经发表或撰写过的 研究成果。对本文的研究作出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人 承担本声明的法律责任。 研究生签名: 日期:
The Study and Analysis of EEG Features
Graduate student: Zhou Jian-Fang Major: Circuit and System Abstract A plentiful of information about physiology and pathology is contained in Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Some evidences of clinical diagnosis and an effective measure of adjuvant therapy of certain brain diseases are provided for doctors by processing the EEG signals. The studies about the extraction and analysis of EEG features have made some important progress and achievements at home and abroad. By using modern signal processing methods, such as sample entropy, bispectrum and 1.5-dimensional spectrum, we study the wealthy information hidden in EEG after reading a number of literatures about EEG at home and abroad. Our results can provide theoretical reference worthiness for clinical diagnose of the EEG. The main contents in this paper can be summarized as follows: (1) The basic knowledge of EEG signals is summarized, and the development, date collection, classification and other knowledge of EEG are reviewed. Moreover, some modern methods of EEG, such as time-frequency analysis, Higher-Order spectral analysis, non-linear analysis and artificial neural network analysis are introduced. Especially, some applications of wavelet analysis, bispectrum analysis, complex analysis and neural network analysis to the EEG signals processing are reviewed. (2) For shortcomings of approximate entropy algorithm, sample entropy is introduced, which is a modified algorithm based on approximate entropy, and is used to analyze EEG signals of epileptic patients and normal people. The results indicate that, on the whole, the values of sample entropy of epileptic patients are lower than those of normal people; the value of epileptic patient being in the attack period declines obviously than that of epileptic patient being in preattack period, and the value returns to previous level after seizure. These results are basically consistent with the symptoms of epileptic patients, which can provide reference value for the clinical diagnosis of epilepsy. (3) The kurtosis and skewness are computed to study the characteristics of non-linear and non-Gaussian of EEG signals under the different states. By using direct method of bispectrum estimate to analyze the EEG signals under three different states, there are some differences of bispectrum structures of the EEG signals under the three states. This verifies that the bispectrum analysis is an effective way of nonlinear analyses to extract the wealthy high-order information. And it contributes to the automatic classification of the EEG signals and provides the more useful information for clinical EEG studies.
Advisor: Prof. Luo Xiao-Shu Grade: 2005
(4) For deficiency of traditional bispectrum analysis, a new method—1.5-dimensional spectrum analysis is adopted to analyze EEG and numerically verify the algorithm. Our results show that, the analysis of the 1.5-dimensional spectrum can so effectively inhibit the additive Gaussian noise in the signals that can easily extract useful non-Gaussian signal. Moreover, this method can reveals the quadratic phase coupling characteristic of the EEG and can greatly reduce computational capacity and complexity, and also can effectively extract useful information, which cannot be acquired by using conventional spectral analysis. Key words: Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals; feature analysis; sample entropy; bispectrum; 1.5-dimensional spectrum
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