



监控显示器用户手册目 录1. 责任声明 ...........................................................................................i 3. 第1章 产品简介 ................................................................................14. 第2章 设备接口................................................................................25. 第3章 面板按键................................................................................36. 第4章 遥控器 ................................................................................47. 第5章 基本操作 ................................................................................5...........................................................................................8. 保修服务 109. 限制物质或元素标识表 (11)...........................................................................................2. 前 言 i i 用户手册监控显示器版权所有©杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司2021。

BRAVIA Signage 用户指南说明书

BRAVIA Signage 用户指南说明书

BRAVIA Signage ⽤⼾指南©2018,2019,2020,2021,2022,2023 Sony Corporation344445689121315161718⽬录介绍1. BRAVIA Signage数字标牌安装1.1. 服务器PC设置(BRAVIA数字标牌服务器)1.2. 安装BRAVIA数字标牌播放器1.3. 确认显⽰设置1.4. 配置Pre-Shared按键1.5. 配置BRAVIA数字标牌播放器2. 更新及卸载BRAVIA Signage数字标牌2.1. 更新 BRAVIA 数字标牌服务器2.2. 更新 BRAVIA 数字标牌播放器2.3. 卸载 BRAVIA 数字标牌服务器2.4. 卸载 BRAVIA 数字标牌播放器2.5. 通知和信息3. 通过操作Web应⽤程序操作数字标牌变更履历1.1. 服务器PC设置(BRAVIA数字标牌服务器)1.4. 配置Pre-Shared按键1.5. 配置BRAVIA数字标牌播放器1.5.1. 配置并启动BRAVIA数字标牌播放器本程序参⻅《BRAVIA数字标牌启动指南》第4章,参⻅《附录IV. config》。




1.5.2. 停⽌并重新启动BRAVIA数字标牌播放器[1] 按[HOME]按钮,选择显⽰在主屏幕上的如下应⽤程序图标。

[2] 配置如下图所⽰开始。







1.5.3. 更改BRAVIA数字标牌播放器的配置使⽤配置插⼊USB闪存时,可以更改显⽰配置。



海康威视录播系统用户使用手册目录1 概述 (3)1.1 定义 (3)1.2 系统组成 (3)2 教室端-智能控制平板 (3)2.1 教室设备连接............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.2 教室画面预览............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.3 视频录制.................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.4 视频下载及拷贝........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.4.1 主机视频下载及拷贝.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.4.2 录制到U盘 ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.5 教学互动.................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.5.1 主教室设备登录............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.5.2 互动设置-添加教室....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

DSI Setup和调试指南v1.0说明书

DSI Setup和调试指南v1.0说明书

DSI Setup and Debugging Guide v1.0Kyle Rakos October 10, 2019 ContentsDSI Overview (2)DLPC343x Setup (3)DSI Configuration Requirements (5)DSI Configuration Settings (5)DSI Timings (6)Additional DSI Considerations (7)Example DSI Configuration and Timings (8)Qualcomm Specifics (9)DSI Waveforms (10)Nominal: Entire Video Frame (10)Nominal: Video Transmission (11)Incorrect: LP during HSYNC (12)Incorrect: Data always in HS Mode (13)Incorrect: Clock enters LP Mode (14)Nominal Timings (15)Debugging Checklist (17)Additional Resources (19)IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER (20)Note: The information in this document is not a substitute for the specifications listed in the corresponding device datasheets. In the event of a discrepancy, the datasheet supersedes this document.DSI OverviewDSI (Display Serial Interface) is a source synchronous, high speed, low power, differential video interface. The DLPC3430 and DLPC3433 (both a part of the DLPC343x family) support the DSI Type-3 LVDS video interface with up to 4-lanes. DSI is a useful alternative to a parallel interface if a reduction in data lanes is desired. This can be useful to save space in a PCB (printed circuit board) layout, or it can be useful if a desired front end processor has a reduced pin count that only supports DSI video.Figure 1: OverviewThere are two main transmission modes: differential HS (high speed) mode and single-ended LP (low power) mode. HS mode is used to transmit video data. LP mode is used to send commands or enter a power savings mode. The DLPC343x has specific requirements of when these various modes are allowed. For additional specification details visit . A summary of the modes as implemented on the DLPC343x follows:∙LP mode: Signal level is 1.1V (1.2V if VDDLP12 is not tied to VDD) single ended and the clock lane is not used to decode the data.∙LP11: A low power state when both data lanes (e.g. DD0n and DD0P) are set high.∙HS mode: Signals are 200mV LVDS DDR (low-voltage differential signaling double data rate) and the clock lane is used to decode the data.∙Note that a set of LP states are commanded (LP11 -> LP01 -> LP00) to transition from LP mode to HS mode. This transition will automatically enable a terminating resistor in the DLPC343xcontroller. If the termination resistor is not enabled a 400mV signal will be seen on the datalanes. During nominal operation this should never occur.The DLPC3430 and DLPC3433 controllers implement DSI v1.02.00 and D-PHY MIPI v1.0 (see exceptions in DSI Setup and DSI Timings). While not officially supported, an unpopulated DSI connector is available on the DLPDLCR3010EVM-G2. No DSI connector is available on the DLPDLCR2010EVM (therefore a custom board would be needed).DLPC343x Setup∙Use a DLPC3430 or DLPC3433 controller for DSI use with the DLP2010 or DLP3010 DMD respectively. ∙Configure the number of DSI lanes that will be used with GPIO_01 and GPIO_02. The GPIO pins are sampled during boot up and should be pulled-up or pulled-down appropriately (an 8-kΩ resistor is appropriate).∙Note that these GPIO pins are used as part of SPI bus 1. The pull-up or pull-down resistors should be appropriately sized to not interfere with the SPI bus. The voltage is sampled duringcontroller startup and is not sampled again during normal operation (thus one cannot∙Ensure the RREF pin is pulled-down to ground through a 30-kΩ ±1% resistor.∙Ensure VDDLP12 is connected to VDD (1.1V +/- 5%). It is also acceptable to tie this pin to a separate1.2V +/- 6.67% rail; however, this is not necessary. If a separate 1.2V signal is used it must power onafter VDD and power down before VDD.∙Startup the DLPC343x controller by pulling PROJ_ON high and the power-up sequence begins.∙Execute the following commands. This can be done through an autoinit batch file but you can also directly send the I2C command after the controller is initialized (HOST_IRQ goes low)o Write DSI Port Enable (0xD7): Enable the DSI interface. This must be called before setting the DSI HS Clock. Note some firmware has DSI enabled by default but it is stillacceptable to call this command.o Write Image Crop (0x10): Select which portion of the input image is usedo Write Display Size (0x12): Select size of active image to be displayedo Write Input Image Size (0x2e): Specify active data size of input imageo Set DSI HS Clock input (0xBD): Specify the high speed DSI clocko Write Input Source Select (0x05): Set to external videoo Write External Video Source Format Select (0x07): Auto detect DSI formato Example batch file#Write: DSIPortEnableW 36 d7 00# Write: ImageCrop: 854x480W 36 10 00 00 00 00 56 03 e0 01# Write: DisplaySize: 854x480W 36 12 00 00 00 00 56 03 e0 01# Write: InputImageSize: 854x480W 36 2e 56 03 e0 01# Write: DsiHsClockInputW 36 bd c8 00# Write: InputSourceSelect, 0 = External Video PortW 36 05 00# Write: ExternalVideoSourceFormat 0x00 = DSI AutoW 36 07 00∙Send the DSI signal. It is important this signal is not sent before the DLPC343x is initialized (i.e. the DSI clock and data lines should remain idle in LP11 mode until HOST_IRQ goes low). See the below diagram∙RESETZHOST_IRQDSI DATAFigure 3: DSI StartupDSI Configuration RequirementsDSI Configuration Settings∙HS and LP Setupo Blanking Setup▪HSync Blanking : Use HS Blanking (LP11 not supported)▪HBPorch Blanking: Use HS Blanking (LP11 not supported)▪HFPorch Blanking: Use HS Blanking (LP11 not supported)▪Vsync (blanking and sync): Use LP11 (HS not supported)▪Vertical Blanking: Use LP11 (HS not supported)▪Turn clock off during LP Blanking: Disabledo Ensure low-power mode between pixels doesn’t occur∙Command mode must not be enabled (i.e. MIPI Display Command Set SM, DCS SM, should not be used) ∙EOT (End of Transfer) command must be enabled∙BTA (Bus Turn-Around) mode must be disabledDSI Timings∙Ensure THS_PREPARE + THS_ZERO add to at least 465ns if the clock is 95MHz to 235MHz and ensure they add to at least 565ns if the clock is 80MHz to 94MHz.∙All the general parallel interface requirements in the DLPC343x datasheet must be followed (specifically the Parallel Interface Frame Timing Requirements section and the Parallel Interface General Timing Requirements section).∙All DSI timing requirements must be followed in addition to the following requirements from the datasheet:oAdditional DSI Considerations∙Ensure there are no DSI clock or data signals before the DLPC343x is initialized. In other words the DSI lines must be in LP11 mode. Only after the DLPC343x is initialized should these signals be sent ∙The DSI lines are sensitive to temperature. High temperature may cause the image to freeze. Ensure there are no temperature gradients between the different DSI signals and ensure the PCB remains cool. A properly designed board should work over the operating temperature range supported by the DLPC343x controller.∙The propagation delay between the P and N signals should be matched within 8ps.∙DSI signals are very sensitive to EMI (electromagnetic interference) which may cause the image to freeze or be lost. It is recommended to physically separate or shield the signals from known EMI sourceso Note: It has been observed that using a heat gun to test a PCB under temperature produces enough EMI to cause DSI to fail. If testing a board under temperature it is important to use aheat source that doesn’t p roduce excessive EMI∙Ensure the RREF pin is pulled down to ground through a 30k +/- 1% resistor.∙The input source must be periodic. For example, if a 60 Hz frame rate is being used it must be 60 Hz with very small +/- variance.∙Note that when using Burst mode the clock can be set significantly higher than needed. While perhaps counter intuitive, this may actually save power. That is because the data will quicklytransmit in a burst and then the remaining time will be spent in LP11 mode.Example DSI Configuration and TimingsIf setting up a new system it is suggested to start with the below sample timings which are known to work.∙Frame timings∙DSI DPhy TimingsQualcomm SpecificsQualcomm is a common front end processor for DSI and some additional information is provided to assist with the system bring up.∙Set the DLPC343x clock rate to half of Qualcomm’s clock frequency. Qualcomm and TI have different clock definitions. For example, if Qualcomm says 200MHz, the DLPC343x controller must be set to 100MHz. This is simply a different convention for defining the clock.∙Force DSI clock to HS mode in the Qualcomm processor (- qcom,mdss-dsi-force-clock-lane-hs: Boolean to force dsi clock lanes to HS mode always.)∙Enable End of Packet (EOT)∙Ensure proper lane state during LP blanking period (- qcom,mdss-dsi-bllp-eof-power-mode and - qcom,mdss-dsi-bllp-power-mode)∙Qualcomm may provide additional DSI information (such as an Excel document with DSI timings) to their customers. Please use any additional information to verify timings will work with theQualcomm processor.DSI WaveformsWhile accurate DSI signal measurements should be made with a proper DSI analyzer, engineers often do not have easy access to this expensive and specialized equipment. Therefore, some waveforms are shown below taken with passive, single-ended, 500MHz bandwidth probes (P6139A). While signal integrity can’t reliably be determined from these waveforms, they can be used to verify that the DSI configuration is generally correct.In all scope plots below, channel 1 (yellow) is DCLK0P, channel 2 (blue) is DCLK0N, channel 3 (purple) is DD0P, and channel 4 (green) is DD0N. A lot of scope noise is observed below and should not be attributed to incorrect signals. In this setup a 60 Hz video input and 1 data lane is used. A single data lane is useful for debugging so the full serial data can be captured on one lane. The full configuration settings used for the properly configured DSI waveform is at the end of this section.Nominal: Entire Video FrameFigure 4: Properly Configured DSI WaveformIn this properly configured DSI waveform, once every frame period (in this case 1 / 60 Hz = 16.67ms), the data lane enters LP11 mode (which is seen above to the right of each cursor as DD0P and DD0N go to 1.1V). Between lines the data is always in HS mode (200mV differential signal). The clock is always in HS mode (200mV differential signal). The larger DCLK0N voltage swing compared to DCLK0P is attributed to scope noise. For these configuration timings see figureNominal: Video TransmissionFigure 5: Zoomed in Waveform of Video TransmissionAbove is a zoomed in, AC coupled waveform of the DSI signals during HS video transmission. As can be seen, the signals are 200mV differential. As previously mentioned, with the scope utilized, these signals cannot reliably be used to determine signal integrity.Incorrect: LP during HSYNCFigure 6: Improperly Configured DSI Waveform (LP Mode During HSYNC)If LP mode is enabled during HSYNC (or perhaps the horizontal porches) it is seen that the data signals go high between the vertical blanking times. Therefore, instead of the DD0x lanes staying at 200mV differential, it will rapidly switch between 200mV differential and 1.1V single ended. While this may work in some situations, it is not supported by the DLPC343x controller and issues have been seen at high temperature.Figure 7: Improperly Configured DSI Waveforms (Data Always in HS Mode)The DLPC343x controller does not support and will not work if the data lanes never enter LP mode. This can be seen by the DD0x lines always staying in differential mode and never entering 1.1V single ended mode.Figure 8: Improperly Configured DSI Waveforms (Clock Enters LP Mode)As seen above the clock is entering LP mode (DCLK0P and DCLK0N go to a 1.1V single ended signal) during the vertical blanking time. This is not supported. The clock must always be a 200mV differential signal.Nominal TimingsA DSI generator from The Moving Pixel Company was used to produce the waveforms shown above. The below screenshots from the DSI generator software is provided below.Figure 9: Nominal DSI Settings OverviewFigure 10: Nominal DSI Frame TimingsFigure 11: Nominal DSI DPhy SettingsFigure 12: Nominal DSI Additional SettingsDebugging ChecklistHardware ChecksA DLPC3430 or DLPC3433 is used.Number of DSI lanes correctly configured using GPIO_01 and GPIO_02.RREF pin pulled-down to ground through a 30-kΩ ±1% resistor.VDD is between 1.045 V and 1.155 VVDDLP12 connected to VDD (main 1.1V power). It is also acceptable to tie this pin to a separate1.2V signal.If VDDLP12 is from a separate supply, it is between 1.12 V and 1.28 V, powers-on after VDD, and powers-down before VDDDSI Configuration SettingsDSI clock frequency between 80 MHz and 235 MHzData lanes between 1 and 4Command mode disabledEOT enabledBTA disabledLP mode during vertical blankingLP mode during vertical syncHS mode during horizontal blankingHS mode during horizontal syncClock enabled during LP blankingDSI lines in LP11 until DLPC343x controller reset completeDSI DPHY SettingsThs-prepare + ths-zero 565 ns minimum (465 ns minimum if DSI clock between 95 MHz and 235 MHz)Confirm remaining selected timings are within DPHY Spec. Specifically:ths-exitths-trailclk-prepareclk-zeroclk-trailclk-preclk-postTAGoUse sample DPHY settings for debugging if needed from Example DSI Configuration and TimingsVideo SettingsOne of the below pixel formats used24-bit RGB888 (3B per pixel)18-bit RGB666 (2+B per pixel)18-bit RGB666 (3B loosely packed)16-bit RGB565 (2B per pixel)16-bit 4:2:2 YCbCr (2B per pixel)PCLK between 1 and 155 MHzHorizontal input between 320 and 1280 pixels (assuming horizontal input video)Vertical Input between 200 and 800 pixels (assuming horizontal input video)Input frame rate between 10 and 120 HzVSYNC High (VSYNC_WE) greater than 1 lineVertical back porch (VBP) greater than 2 linesVertical front porch (VFP) greater than 1 lineTotal vertical blanking (TVB) greater than 14 lines (may need to be larger if source active lines per frame doesn’t match DMD active lines per frame; see Parallel Interface Frame TimingRequirements in the controller datasheet for more info).HSYNC High (HSYNC_CS) between 4 and 128 PCLKsHorizontal back porch (HBP) greater than 4 PCLKsHorizontal front porch (HFP) greater than 8 PCLKsDLPC343x SettingsStartup the DLPC343x controller by pulling PROJ_ON highThe following commands are executed (I2C or autoinit bath file):Write Image Crop (0x10): Select which portion of the input image is usedWrite Display Size (0x12): Select size of active image to be displayedWrite Input Image Size (0x2e): Specify active data size of input imageWrite DSI Port Enable (0xd7): Ensure the DSI port is enabledSet DSI HS Clock input (0xBD): Specify the high speed DSI clockWrite Input Source Select (0x05): Set to external videoWrite External Video Source Format Select (0x07): Auto detect DSI format The DSI lines are in LP11 mode while the DLPC343x controller is initializingThe DSI signal is sent after HOST_IRQ goes lowAdditional Resources∙DLPC3430 Datasheet∙DLPC3433 Datasheet∙Programmer’s guide for the DLPC343x ∙DLPC3430 Product Folder∙DLPC3433 Product Folder∙DLP2010 Product Folder∙DLP3010 Product Folder∙DLPDLCR3010EVM-G2 Product Folder ∙/IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMERTI PROVIDES TECHNICAL AND RELIABILITY DATA (INCLUDING DATASHEETS), DESIGN RESOURCES (INCLUDING REFERENCE DESIGNS), APPLICATION OR OTHER DESIGN ADVICE, WEB TOOLS, SAFETY INFORMATION, AND OTHER RESOURCES “AS IS” AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS.These resources are intended for skilled developers designing with TI products. You are solely responsible for (1) selecting the appropriate TI products for your application, (2) designing, validating and testing your application, and (3) ensuring your application meets applicable standards, and any other safety, security, or other requirements. These resources are subject to change without notice. TI grants you permission to use these resources only for development of an application that uses the TI products described in the resource. Other reproduction and display of these resources is prohibited. No license is granted to any other TI intellectual property right or to any third party intellectual property right. TI disclaims responsibility for, and you will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against, any claims, damages, costs, losses, and liabilities arising out of your use of these resources.TI’s products are provided subject to TI’s Terms of Sale (/legal/termsofsale.html) or other applicable terms available either on or provided in conjunction with such TI products. TI’s provision of these resources does not expand or otherwise alt er TI’s applicable warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products.Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2019,Texas Instruments Incorporated。









二、软件运行环境操作系统:Windows 7/10,32 位/64 位。

三、软件安装软件采用一键安装模式,安装有两种模式,默认安装和自定义安装:1、默认安装:默认安装路径为D:\Hikvision\DscConfigClient,点击【一键安装】即可,如图1 所示:图 1 一键安装2、自定义安装:点击自定义安装,弹出自定义配置,可配置安装目录、是否添加桌面快捷方式、是否开机自启动,配置好后,点击【立即安装】即可,如图2 所示:图 2 自定义安装四、通信配置(一)监听1、开启监听,等待信号机设备连接配置工具,监听界面如图3 所示:图 3 监听2、选择IP 地址,填写端口后,点击【监听】,等待设备连接,如图4 所示:3、图 4 正在监听(二)选择待配置设备当有设备连接后,连接的信号机信息会在待配置信号机列表中展示,如下图5 所示(信号机10.10.117.30 已连接到配置工具),多个信号机可手动切换;图 5 已有信号机设备连接到配置工具当有信号机设备连接后,会自动跳转到设备配置界面,界面左侧为设备配置项:设备信息、基本信息、灯组信息、相位信息、相位阶段信息、方案信息、日计划、调度表、安全信息、过渡约束、单元配置,如图6 所示:图 6 设备配置五、设备配置(一)设备信息设备信息中包括基础信息、设备校时、命令管道、设备升级等模块,以上模块均需要单独上载(获取)/下载(设置)。

1. 设备校时获取:可以获取信号机设备当前时间;设置:有两种方式,一种是自己配置时间,将配置好的时间设置给当前信号机设备;另一种是勾选“与计算机时间同步”,再设置,则设置的是当前计算机时间,如图7、图8 所示:图7 设备校时图8 通过日历设置时间2. 命令管道手动下载黄闪、全红、重启、开灯、关灯等命令,如图9 所示:图9 命令选项图10 设备升级(二)基本信息基本信息需要单独上载、下载,如图11 所示:图11 基本信息(三)灯组信息灯组是指一个完整的车辆红、黄、绿三头灯或行人红绿两头灯的组合,信号灯组对应一个相位的输出。



城市道路违法停车自动抓拍系统解决方案杭州海康威视系统技术有限公司2013年12月阅读提示杭州海康威视系统技术有限公司公司总部:杭州市滨江区东流路700号客服热线: 400-700-5998网址: 目录第1章概述 (5)1.1 方案简介 (5)1.2 应用背景 (5)1.3 违法停车执法依据 (6)1.3.1 中华人民共和国道路交通安全法的相关规定 (6)1.3.2 中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例的相关规定 (7)1.3.3 道路交通安全违法行为图像取证技术规范中的相关规定 (8)第2章总体设计 (10)2.1 建设思路 (10)2.2 设计原则 (10)2.3 设计依据 (12)2.4 设计目标 (13)2.5 系统架构 (13)2.6 系统组成 (14)2.6.1 自动跟踪球机 (14)2.6.2 视频分析记录仪 (15)2.6.3 中心管理系统 (15)2.7 工作流程 (16)2.8 系统功能 (18)2.8.1 违法停车自动取证功能 (18)2.8.2 支持手动取证功能 (19)2.8.3 多目标处理功能 (20)2.8.4 车牌自动识别功能 (20)2.8.5 多场景巡航取证功能 (21)2.8.6 取证图片多种合成方式 (22)2.8.7 图像防篡改功能 (23)2.8.8 查询统计及交通违法处理功能 (24)2.8.9 自动校时功能 (24)2.8.10 三码流输出方便视频存储调用 (24)2.8.11 支持录像存储及配额管理 (24)2.8.12 网络远程维护功能 (25)2.8.13 扩展前端声光报警提示及语言喊话功能 (25)2.9 系统性能 (25)2.10 设备参数 (26)2.10.1 自动跟踪球机(130万像素20倍变焦) (26)2.10.2 自动跟踪球机(130万像素30倍变焦) (29)2.10.3 自动跟踪球机(200万像素20倍变焦) (32)2.10.4 自动跟踪球机(200万像素30倍变焦) (34)2.10.5 视频分析记录仪(V AR-5004-F(2T)(D)) (37)第3章前端子系统设计 (39)3.1 前端子系统结构 (39)3.2 前端设备架设原则 (39)3.3 前端现场布局示意图 (40)第4章网络传输子系统设计 (41)4.1 网络传输子系统组成 (41)4.2 网络带宽需求 (41)第5章中心管理平台子系统设计 (42)5.1 平台概述 (42)5.2 中心平台结构设计 (42)5.2.1 平台主要设备、模块 (42)5.3 中心平台架设环境设计 (45)5.3.1 硬件环境及服务器参考配置方案 (46)5.3.2 软件环境 (49)5.3.3 网络环境 (49)5.4 平台功能设计 (50)5.4.1 控制管理功能 (50)5.4.2 配置管理功能 (53)5.4.3 资源信息获取功能 (57)第6章设备清单 (59)6.1 设备清单 (59)6.2 关于平台建设的说明 (60)第7章方案特点 (62)7.1 自动抓拍取证 (62)7.2 多场景巡航取证 (62)7.3 多目标处理功能 (62)7.4 可扩展混搭一体机视频电警 (62)7.5 环境适应性强 (62)7.6 超长延时抓拍 (63)7.7 自动查重处理 (63)第8章系统抓拍效果 (64)第1章概述1.1 方案简介本方案采用自动跟踪球机和视频分析记录仪相结合模式,对城市道路违法停车行为进行自动抓拍取证。

海康威视 IMS 4.0 客户端软件 用户手册说明书

海康威视 IMS 4.0 客户端软件 用户手册说明书





硬件建议配置CPU:Intel(R)Core(TM)i56500@2.6GHZ或以上型号内存:4G或更高显卡:Intel HD630以上集成显卡或NVIDIA GTX750以上独立显卡网卡:千兆网卡或以上光驱:DVR-R硬盘:250G或以上,保证20G可用空间交换机:千兆交换机或以上软件要求1)windows764位系统、windows864位系统、windows1064位系统(不支持XP系统)2)Microsoft Visual C++2015X86Redistribuable Setup3)Microsoft Visual C++2015X64Redistribuable Setup系统环境程序运行需要占用554端口、11100端口、11110端口、11112端口、11114端口、11116端口、11118端口、11120端口、11122端口及11111端口,一台PC只能运行一个数据库,请确保没有其他数据库正在运行且这些数据端口未被占用,否则可能会导致程序无法正常运行。

目录IMS4.0客户端软件 (1)用户手册 (1)软件要求 (2)系统环境 (2)第一章安装和启动软件 (5)第二章设备管理 (6)2.1.添加区域 (6)2.2.修改区域 (7)2.3.删除区域 (8)2.4.搜索设备 (8)2.5.手动添加 (10)2.6.编辑设备 (11)2.7.删除设备 (11)第三章人员管理 (13)3.1.添加部门 (13)3.2.编辑部门 (14)3.3.删除部门 (15)3.4.添加人员 (16)3.5.编辑人员 (17)3.6.删除人员 (18)1.单人删除 (18)2.批量删除 (19)3.7.移动人员 (19)3.8.导入导出 (20)1批量导入 (20)2批量导出 (21)3.9.自定义属性 (21)第四章人员分配 (24)4.1.权限组管理 (24)4.2.设备管理 (24)4.3.人员管理 (26)第五章实时预览 (27)5.1.通道预览 (27)5.1.1.开启预览 (27)5.1.2.关闭预览 (29)5.2.布局轮巡 (31)5.3.通道对讲 (32)5.4.云台 (33)5.5.预览控制 (35)5.5.1.播放比例 (35)5.5.2.智能帧 (35)5.5.3.分屏 (36)5.5.4.抓拍 (38)5.5.5.全屏 (38)5.5.6.预览音频 (38)第六章录像回放 (39)6.1.录像计划 (39)6.2.录像查询 (39)6.3.录像播放及控制 (41)6.4.录像下载 (41)第七章人脸应用 (43)7.1.预览 (43)7.2.常规记录 (44)7.2.1.抓拍记录 (44)7.2.2.识别记录 (45)7.3.以图搜图 (46)第八章考勤管理 (47)8.1.基本规则 (47)8.2.考勤点管理 (48)8.3.班次管理 (48)8.4.考勤组管理 (50)8.5.节假日管理 (51)8.6.报表 (52)8.6.1.每日统计 (52)8.6.2.阶段汇总 (53)8.6.3.原始记录 (54)8.6.4.补卡记录 (55)第九章存储服务器 (57)9.1.服务器管理 (57)9.2.配额管理 (58)9.3.通道配置 (58)9.4.模板设置 (60)第十章用户管理 (61)第十一章联动规则 (62)11.1.事件类型 (62)11.2.联动动作 (63)第十二章事件中心 (65)12.1.实时告警 (65)12.2.事件查询 (66)第十三章日志管理 (68)第十四章系统设置 (69)14.1.功能配置 (69)14.2.声音配置 (69)14.3.图片路径 (70)第一章安装和启动软件操作步骤:(1)双击.exe安装文件,按向导完成安装。



min海康威视iVMS-9300综合监控与运维管理平台用户操作手册杭州海康威视系统技术有限公司2016.3目录目录 (1)第1章前言 (5)1.1编写目的 (5)1.2术语和缩写 (5)第2章平台概述 (6)2.1环境要求 (6)2.1.1运行硬件环境 (6)2.1.2运行软件环境 (6)2.2用户登录 (7)第3章运维概况 (7)3.1视频概况 (11)3.1.1视频概况 (11)3.1.2一键运维 (13)3.2卡口概况 (14)3.2.1过车统计 (15)3.2.2资源信息 (15)3.2.3服务器信息 (15)3.2.4最新异常信息 (16)第4章巡检中心 (16)4.1运行监测 (17)4.1.1监控点视频 (17) 监控点明细查看 (17) 视频预览 (18) 工单上报 (19) 视频质量诊断图片查看 (20) 图像重巡 (21) 查询导出 (21)4.1.2录像 (22) 录像详情查看 (23) 巡检一次 (24) 工单上报 (24) 查询导出 (25)4.1.3卡口 (26) 卡口信息 (26) 异常信息 (28)4.1.4编码资源 (29) 设备详情查看 (30) 工单上报 (31) 查询导出 (31)4.1.5解码资源 (32) 解码资源详情查看 (33) 工单上报 (33)4.1.6视频服务 (35) 服务详情查看 (35) 工单上报 (36) 查询导出 (37)4.1.7视频矩阵 (38) 视频综合矩阵查看 (38) 解码子系统 (39) 编码子系统 (39) 报警子系统 (39) 码分子系统 (40) 工单上报 (40)4.1.8智能机柜 (40)4.1.9业务树 (41)4.2可视监测 (42)4.2.1拓扑监测 (42) 绘制拓扑图 (44) 编辑栏介绍 (46)4.3告警查询 (47)4.3.1告警详情查看 (47)4.3.2解决告警 (48)4.3.3删除告警 (48)4.3.4创建工单 (49)4.3.5查询导出 (49)第5章资产管理 (50)5.1监控点资产 (50)5.2其他资产 (54)5.3资产统计 (57)第6章工单管理 (58)6.1待办工单 (58)6.1.1待审核 (59) 查询导出 (60) 工单处理 (60) 工单驳回 (62) 工单挂起 (65)6.1.2待反馈 (65) 工单反馈 (66) 查询导出 (67)6.1.3待确认 (67) 维修审批 (68) 延期审批 (69) 查询导出 (69)6.2工单查询 (70)6.2.1综合查询 (70)6.2.2我创建的工单 (71) 查询导出 (72)6.2.3已挂起工单 (73)6.2.1延期工单 (73)第7章统计报表 (74)7.1点位统计 (74)7.1.1监控点视频诊断统计 (74)7.1.2离线点位情况统计 (76)7.1.3历史离线时长统计 (76)7.1.4最近离线时长统计 (77)7.1.5区域运维考核统计 (77)7.1.6点位运行考核统计 (79)7.1.7经纬度考核统计 (79)7.2录像统计 (81)7.2.1区域录像情况统计 (81)7.2.2点位录像情况统计 (82)7.3工单统计 (82)7.3.1区域工单数量统计 (83)7.3.2人员工作数量统计 (83)7.3.3工单处理效率统计 (84)7.3.4工单处理及时统计 (84)7.4资产统计 (85)7.4.1区域资产数量统计 (85)第8章配置管理 (86)8.1巡检配置 (86)8.1.1采集器管理 (86) 修改NMS采集器 (86) 新增VQD采集器 (87) 修改VQD采集器 (87) 删除采集器 (87)8.1.2 NMS计划配置 (88) 新增NMS采集计划 (88) 修改NMS采集计划 (89) 删除NMS采集计划 (89) 启用采集计划 (90) 禁用采集计划 (90) 分配资源 (90) 高级过滤 (91)8.1.3 VQD计划配置 (91) 新增VQD采集计划 (91) 修改VQD采集计划 (93) 删除VQD采集计划 (93) 启用采集计划 (94) 禁用采集计划 (94) 分配资源 (94)8.1.4告警阀值配置 (95) 设备告警阀值配置 (95) 编码设备和解码设备告警阀值配置 (95) 监控点告警阀值配置 (96) 视频综合平台和子系统告警阀值配置 (96) 服务告警阀值配置 (97)8.1.5告警联动配置 (97) 告警联动计划编辑 (98) 查询 (99)8.1.6工单联动配置 (99) 工单联动计划配置 (99) 查询 (101)8.2资源配置 (101)8.2.1资源管理 (101)8.2.2组织树管理 (105)8.2.3业务树管理 (108) 业务导航树 (108) 资源列表 (110)8.3日志查询 (112)8.3.1操作日志 (112)8.3.2系统日志 (113)第9章系统配置 (114)9.1权限设置 (114)9.1.1用户管理 (114) 同步单位信息 (114) 同步用户信息 (114) 批量设置角色 (115) 批量取消角色 (116)9.1.2角色管理 (116) 新增角色 (116) 修改角色 (117) 删除角色 (117) 权限配置 (118)9.2基础设置 (118)9.2.1系统信息配置 (118)9.2.2字典管理 (119) 新增字典 (119) 修改字典 (119)9.2.3邮件配置 (120)9.2.4短信配置 (121)9.2.5密码强度扫描配置 (122)第1章前言1.1编写目的本用户手册的编写目的是帮助用户了解《iVMS9300综合监控与运维管理平台》,并学会对系统的操作。



DS-K1T200/300 配置权限刷卡开门操作手册目录一、操作流程(配置流程) (1)二、操作步骤(配置步骤) (1)三、适用型号 (9)四、变更记录 (9)五、关于海康威视 (1)一、操作流程(配置流程)1)本地配置刷卡权限2)4200 配置刷卡权限二、操作步骤(配置步骤)一、本地配置刷卡权限1、长按“#”,输入密码12345 进入管理界面。




二、4200 配置刷卡权限1.第一步:在控制器管理上添加设备a)门禁客户端控制面板,选,进入控制器界面。






步骤3 选择右边的门禁分组或者分组下面的门禁点。

步骤4 点击“导入选择”即可将选中的门禁点或选中门禁控制器下的所有门禁点导入到选定的分组。

步骤5 点击“导入所有”,将左边所有的门禁点导入到右边选定的门禁组里。







杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司 技术热线:400-700-5998 2010-04
非常感谢您购买我公司的产品,如果您有什么疑问或需要请随时联系我们。 本手册适用于主控版本为 V1.0.0, DS-B10 视频综合平台产品。 本手册可能包含技术上不准确的地方、或与产品功能及操作不相符的地方、或印刷错误。我司将根据产品功能的增强而 更新本手册的内容,并将定期改进或更新本手册中描述的产品或程序。更新的内容将会在本手册的新版本中加入,恕不另行 通知。
6.1.1 按节点播放 ..................................................................................................................................... 18 6.1.2 结束播放 ......................................................................................................................................... 19 6.2 轮循播放 ................................................................................................................................................... 19 6.2.1 轮循配置 ......................................................................................................................................... 19 6.2.2 轮循预览 ......................................................................................................................................... 20 6.2.3 多画面轮循 ..................................................................................................................................... 20 6.3 预览控制 ................................................................................................................................................... 21 6.4 双屏预览 ................................................................................................................................................... 22 6.5 录像和抓图 ............................................................................................................................................... 24 6.5.1 即时录像 ......................................................................................................................................... 24 6.5.2 抓图 ................................................................................................................................................. 24 7 录像与回放 ....................................................................................................................................................... 26 7.1 NAS存储 ................................................................................................................................................... 26 7.2 录像回放 ................................................................................................................................................... 26 7.2.1 录像检索 ......................................................................................................................................... 27 7.2.2 回放控制 ......................................................................................................................................... 28 8 键盘控制 ........................................................................................................................................................... 31 8.1 配置键盘连接 ........................................................................................................................................... 31 8.2 通道顺序设置 ........................................................................................................................................... 31 8.3 键盘控制 ................................................................................................................................................... 32 8.3.1 电视墙切换控制 ............................................................................................................................. 32



表示有潜在风险,如果忽视这些文本,可能导致设备损坏、数据丢 失、设备性能降低或不可预知的结果。
表示静电敏感的设备。 防静电
表示高压危险。 电击防护
表示强激光辐射。 激光辐射 表示能帮助您解决某个问题或节省您的时间。 表示是正文的附加信息,是对正文的强调和补充。
前言...................................................................................................................................................... II 目录.....................................................................................................................................................III 1 概述 ............................................................................................................................................... - 1 1.1 产品简介 .............................................................................................................................. - 1 1.2 配置要求 .........................................



数字监控系统DSS安装手册数字监控系统DSS安装手册1.最低系统配置要求服务器:z CPU 酷睿2双核2.2z内存 1Gz硬盘 5G剩余空间(不带存储)z Microsoft Windows 2003 Serverz Internet Explorer 6.0z100M以太网卡客户端:z CPU P4 2.4Gz内存 512Mz硬盘 100M剩余空间z DirectX 8z1024*768分辨率显示器及显卡z Internet Explorer 6.02.安装说明服务器安装1)运行“DSSServer_V1.0_build_20090116_CHS.exe”进行数字监控系统程序的安装,首先进入安装界面2)单击按键进入选择安装路径界面在此步骤可点击按键更改默认安装路径(默认为“C:\Program Files\数字监控系统”)。


配置向导介绍表配置项说明开机自动运行选择此项则后续服务器开机时程序将自动运行服务器地址服务器使用的本机IP ,如192.168.0.1普通设置外网映射地址服务器在内网,并且使用了路由器DMZ 映射供外网用户使用时,需要设置外网的DMZ 映射IPCMS 设置 CMS 监听端口 CMS 工作端口,默认9000 DMS 设置DMS 监听端口 DMS 工作端口,默认9200MTS 的RTSP 端口 MTS 工作的RTSP 端口,默认9100 MTS 的RTP 端口范围MTS 的RTP 端口,默认10000到30000,端口数必须大于等于2000MTS 设置UDP 包长UDP 数据分组长度,默认1400BYTE ,局域网下推荐1400,窄带带宽下需要设置小些的数值,一般设置为500SS 的RTSP 端口 SS 的RTSP 端口,默认9320 SS 的RTP 起始端口范围默认30000,必须大于MTS 的RTP 端口 RTP 传输协议UDP/TCP 可选。

数字标牌管理系统用户手册 - 201209

数字标牌管理系统用户手册 - 201209

联网数字标牌管理系统(DSS)用户手册2012年9月目录1.安装与部署 (3)1.1系统运行环境 (3)1.2系统安装 (3)1.3系统配置 (4)1.4系统授权与运行 (4)1.5系统升级 (4)1.6系统卸载 (4)2.使用入门 (4)2.1如何登录系统 (4)2.2如何添加终端设备 (5)2.3如果添加素材 (6)2.4如何添加节目 (7)2.5如何将节目下发给终端 (11)3.高级功能 (12)3.1如何启用终端 (12)3.2如何设置终端的输出模式 (12)3.3如何设置终端的网络参数 (12)3.4如何设置终端的工作时间段 (13)3.5如何用U盘更新终端数据 (15)3.6如何升级终端 (16)3.7如何预先下载素材资源 (18)3.8如何添加和使用网页数据 (19)3.9如何编辑金融数据模板 (21)3.10如何添加流播素材 (22)3.11如何添加和使用场景 (23)3.12如何设置节目的播放时段 (25)3.13如何管理终端上播放节目 (27)3.14如何管理用户及权限 (28)4.辅助功能 (30)4.1如何管理终端分组 (30)4.2如何管理素材目录 (31)1.安装与部署1.1系统运行环境软件要求操作系统:Windows XP、Windows 2003、Windows 7系统框架:.net Framework 2.0Web应用服务器:Apache 2.2数据库服务器:MySQL 5.2FTP文件服务器:FileZilla ServerNTP对时服务器:NTP Service硬件要求CPU:2.0G及以上硬盘容量:80G及以上内存容量:512M及以上网络带宽:10M及以上显示分辨率:1024 x 768及以上1.2系统安装安装前,建议临时关闭360安全卫士等实时监控软件,避免安装过程中的频繁提示给您造成不便。

为便于系统安装,安装文件中已包含以下所需软件:. net Framework 2.0、Apache 2.2、MySQL 5.2、FileZilla Server、NTP Service 双击安装文件,根据安装向导提示,即可完成整个安装。



目录第1章 DSIS多媒体信息发布系统 (2)1.1 为什么需要多媒体信息发布 (2)1.2 厂商介绍 (2)1.3 软件系统特性指标 (4)第2章系统应用 (5)2.1 系统应用场景 (5)2.2 系统应用价值 (5)第3章系统组成 (7)3.1 系统概要 (7)3.2 系统架构 (7)3.3 系统组成 (7)3.4 硬件指标 (8)3.5 数游播放机 (9)3.6 数游一体机 (10)3.7 软件指标和运行环境: (10)第4章系统功能 (11)4.1 节目制作管理 (11)4.2 触摸节目制作 (12)4.3 节目日程管理 (13)4.4 节目发布管理 (14)4.5 终端效果 (15)4.6 终端监控 (15)4.7 素材管理 (15)4.8 权限管理 (16)第5章系统扩展功能 (17)5.1 会议培训直播 (17)5.2 互动点播查询 (17)5.3 其他系统接口 (17)第6章案例 (18)第1章DSIS多媒体信息发布系统1.1 为什么需要多媒体信息发布中国市场在高速发展,商业空前繁荣,消费者的水平快速提高,无论是在高档的社交场所,公共消费场所,还是企业内部区域的,都力求在营销、销售和服务手段提升一个层次。





1.2 厂商介绍杭州数游软件科技有限公司,成立于年,是国家认定的软件企业、高新技术企业,获得软件企业认证书和软件产品认证书。




硬件产品 工作储藏环境
1 2 3 4 5 6 请保持机器正立安装,固定在稳固的墙体上 请接入90~263V,50~60HZ稳定交流电源 禁止太阳直射,防止雨水 空气湿度<95% 工作温度:-0 °C ~ 40 °C 储存温度:-20 °C ~ 60 °C
1 接收用户意见: 接收用户意见: 接收用户来信、电话、传真反映的意见,在24小时内(工作时间)作 出答复或处理意见,使用户满意,并把相应信息存入用户意见记录单 中。 2 定期联络: 定期联络: 定期主动对用户保证至少每月一次主动联络:走访/电话联系。 3 信息反馈: 信息反馈: 收集质量信息、填写“信息反馈单”反馈至公司,为维护提供信息。 对于符合售后服务条件的问题及需求, 提供7×24小时的专业系统维 护及技术支持服务。
售前技术支持的目的: 从技术角度帮助用户在系统建设中做出适合的选择。 售前技术支持工作的主要内容: 为市场、销售人员和用户提供数游科技产品的技术材料; 为用户演示数游科技产品、解决方案及应用案例;通过市 场宣传,让用户深入地了解数游科技产品与服务。
5. 多样化的播出方式 可以普通播放、定时播放、定时插播、普通 插播、 紧急字幕等多种播放模式,满足不情景及状况的需 求。 6. 支持多种应用场景 通过多媒体信息发布系统的组合播放、动态分屏、 分组管理、字幕引擎、兼容外部数据等核心技术和 特性的支持,多媒体显示及信息发布系统可以灵活 的应用在多种使用场景。
售中技术支持的目的: 为用户提供最优的产品或解决方案。 售中技术支持工作的主要内容: 为市场销售人员和用户提供技术咨询; 了解用户需求, 为用户提供完整解决方案。包括,需求分析、系统设计、 设备选型、软件开发、系统集成和维护等完整的专业化技 术支持与服务。



TABLE OF CONTENTSLicenses (4)Replacing Flash Memory Battery (4)NC1000Specifications (5)General Specifications (5)Multi I/O Port (5)Operational Specifications (5)Included in the Box (6)Basic Components (6)Optional Items (6)Connections (7)Back Panel (7)Installation (8)In/Out Cable Connection (10)Connecting a Monitor with D-sub Cable (10)Connecting a Monitor with an HDMI Cable (13)Connecting/Disconnecting HDMI Audio Device in Windows (15)Connection to Multiple Monitors (16)NC2000Specifications (17)General Specifications (17)Multi I/O port (17)Operational Specifications (17)Included in the Box (18)Basic Components (18)Connections (19)Back Panel (19)Installation (20)2NC1100/NA1000/NA1100Specifications (21)General Specifications (21)Multi I/O Port (21)Operational Specifications (21)Included in the Box (22)Basic Components (22)Optional Items (22)Connections (23)Back Panel (23)Installation (24)In/Out Cable Connection (26)Connecting a Monitor with D-sub Cable (26)Connecting a Monitor with an HDMI Cable (29)Connecting/Disconnecting HDMI Audio Device in Windows (31)Connecting a Monitor with DP Cable (32)Connection to Multiple Monitors (35)NC2100/NA2000/NA2100Specifications (36)General Specifications (36)Multi I/O Port (36)Operational Specifications (36)Included in the Box (37)Basic Components (37)Connections (38)Back Panel (38)Installation (39)AppendixLimitations of Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard (40)Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (40)3LicensesSupported licenses may differ by model. For more information of the licenses,visit .HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition MultimediaInterface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMILicensing LLC.Replacing Flash Memory BatteryThe flash memory battery helps maintain the system (BIOS) settings when the computer is powered off.The flash memory battery is a consumable part.Attention● W hen you change the flash memory battery, it is recommended that you seek assistance from the LGElectronics Service Center.● Using a non-standard battery may cause a malfunction.● If a malfunction is caused by trying to replace a part on your own, servicing will be charged.● I f the product is not connected to the AC power for an extended period of time, the flash memory batterymay be discharged. In this case, servicing will be charged.● W hen the battery is discharged, the message below will appear on the boot screen. In this case, youshould replace the battery.=> ERROR0271: Check data and time settingsWARNING0251: System CMOS checksum bad - Default configuration usedPress <F1> to resume, <F2> to Setup45Dimensions 250 mm (W) x 220 mm (H) x 45 mm (D) (only Set)Weight 1.43 kg (only Set)CPU Intel ATOM Processor 330 1.6 GHz(Dual Core), FSB 533 MHzChip Set Nvidia MCP7A-I ONMain Memory DDR3 1066 SODIMM type 1 GB, 2 GBSecondary Storage Device SATA SSD 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GBO/S Windows Embedded StandardGeneral Specifications Resolution Maximum Resolution 1920 x 1080 @ 60 HzRecommended Resolution 1920 x 1080 @ 60 HzPower Rated Voltage 100-240 V~ 50/60 Hz 1.2 AOperating Condition Sync (H/V)Video LEDNormal Mode On/On Active OnDeep Sleep Mode(Set = Off)Off/Off Off OffOperating Conditions Operating Conditions Temperature 5 ℃ to 40 ℃Humidity 10 % to 80 %Storage Conditions Temperature -20 ℃ to 60 ℃Humidity 5 % to 95 %Operational SpecificationsMulti I/O PortSerial Port One external RS-232 Serial portUSB Port Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port 480 Mbps rate (x5)LAN Port Realtek RTL8103E 10/100 Mbps Ethernet controller (NC1000-**A*/**B*)Realtek RTL8111E Gigabit Ethernet controller (NC1000-**P*/**Q*)VGA / HDMI Nvidia MCP7A-ION integrated Graphic chipset4-in-1 Card Secure Digital (SD) / MultiMedia Card (MMC/MMC4.0) /Memory Stick (MS/MS-Pro) / xD Memory CardPCI Express Card Slot SupportedLINE OUT SupportedSPDIF (Digital Audio Out)5.1 Channel Supported (depending on source signal)Attention● P roduct specifications may change without prior notice to improveperformance.NC1000Specifications6Basic ComponentsOptional ItemsM3, L12 x 4 (for attachment of Box Guide on the monitor)Included in the BoxThe NC1000 with the following components. Please check that these components have been included prior to installation.The following items are supported by the NC1000, but are not provided with the product.Please purchase optional items as needed.● HDMI cable, D-sub cable, LINE-OUT cable, fiber optic cable, LAN cable, mouse, keyboard.NC1000Power Cable Handle x 2User Manual / Cards RS-232C Cable M3, L8 x 8 (for attachment of handle)Box GuideRail x 2● These illustrations may differ from your product and are subject to change.Attention7Back PanelNumber Connection DescriptionPower Cable In For the power cable.Power Switch Provides power to the NC1000.RS-232C Out For the RS-232C cable.USB Wireless Modem In For a USB-type wireless modem.USB In For USB-type devices, including memory, hard disk, CD-ROM, key-board, and mouse.HDMI Out For an HDMI-compatible monitor.LAN Connector For a LAN cable.4 IN 1 Multi-Card Slot Accommodates memory cards for storing video or reading images.Supported cards include Secure Digital (SD), MultiMedia (MMC/MMC4.0), Memory Stick (MS/MS-Pro), and xD Memory Cards.D-sub Out For the monitor's RGB video in.OPTICAL Out For an optical cable for digital audio transfer.NC1000 Power Button Turns NC1000 on.LINE-OUT Connector For a LINE-OUT cable for analog audio transfer.PCI MINI EXPRESS Card Slot Provided for PCI Mini Express Cards.A B C D E F G H I J K L M A B C D EEE F G H I J K L M ConnectionsAttention● Turn on the power switch (B) and then turn on the power button (K) to power on NC1000.2Use screws to secure the handle.3Place the rail in the slots on the side of the product.Warning● Be careful of sharp edges on the rail and the handle.Attach the Box Guide to the rail slots, and press it upward.In/Out Cable ConnectionIn order to watch video on a monitor, you need to use a D-sub cable or an HDMI cable to connect the NC1000 to a monitor.Attention● D-sub, HDMI, LINE-OUT, OPTICAL, and LAN cables are not included with the NC1000. If the cables werenot provided with your monitor, you may need to purchase them separately.● A fter cabling is complete, assign the SET ID of the monitor to be connected to NC1000.● To configure the SET ID, please refer to the owner’s manual for your monitor.NoteWhen using the SuperSign Manager software:● T he monitor SET ID is a unique number used to identify the monitor. You can choose a number from 1 to25. The SET ID allows the SuperSign Manager software to identify the monitor.● In order to directly connect the monitor to NC1000, its SET ID must be set to 1.● T o use SuperSign Manager, the monitor that will be connected to NC1000 must support the LG RS232Cprotocol. A monitor supporting the LG RS232C protocol can control the monitor functions, such as bright-ness and sound, using SuperSign Manager.Connecting a Monitor with D-sub CableAttention● A D-sub cable connection does not include an audio signal. For audio, you need to connect a LINE-OUTor OPTICAL cable.Note● D-sub cables are also known as RGB cables.1Connect the appropriate power cables to a monitor and NC1000 respectively.10Connecting a Monitor with an HDMI CableHDMI connections allow digital video and audio signals to be transferred with one cable.HDMI cable connections do not require an additional audio in cable.Attention● The monitor to connect with NC1000 should have the HDMI in for the HDMI connection.● T o use the HDMI device, you need to activate the HDMI device in Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard, the operating system of the NC1000. To connect and disconnect the HDMI audio device, see the Connecting/ Disconnecting HDMI Audio Device in Windows section of this document.1Connect the appropriate power cables to a monitor and NC1000 respectively.2Connect NC1000 to a monitor with an HDMI cable.13Click the button in the lower left of the screen.Start > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Audio.Click the button in the lower left of the screen.Start > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Audio.Connection to Multiple MonitorsEach NC1000 can accommodate up to 25 monitors for video playback. (SET ID: 1 to 25)You can set the tile mode by connecting multiple monitors.1Connect the NC1000's D-sub OUT to the D-sub IN of the first monitor, which has SET ID = 1.2Connect other monitors with D-sub cables as shown below (IN/OUT separated).3Connect the NC1000's RS-232C OUT to the RS-232C IN of the first monitor, which has SET ID = 1.4Connect other monitors with RS-232C cables as shown below (IN/OUT separated).Attention● You may want to purchase additional RS-232C cables to use several monitors together.● You cannot use multiple monitors with the HDMI cable.1617SpecificationsNC2000Dimensions 99.8 mm (W) x 183.3 mm (H) x 28.4 mm (D) (only Set)Weight 0.215 kg (only Set)CPU Intel ATOM Processor 330 1.6 GHz(Dual Core), FSB 533 MHz Chip Set Nvidia MCP7A-I ONMain Memory DDR3 1066 SODIMM type 1 GB, 2 GB Secondary Storage Device SATA SSD 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB O/SWindows Embedded StandardGeneral SpecificationsMulti I/O portSerial Port N/AUSB Port Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port 480 Mbps rate (x3)LAN Port Realtek RTL8103E 10/100 Mbps Ethernet controller (NC2000-**A*/**B*)Realtek RTL8111E Gigabit Ethernet controller (NC2000-**P*/**Q*)VGA / HDMI Nvidia MCP7A-ION integrated Graphic chipset 4-in-1 CardN/A PCI Express Card Slot Supported LINE OUT N/A SPDIF(Digital Audio Out)N/AAttention● P roduct specifications may change without prior notice to improve performance.Resolution Maximum Resolution 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz Recommended Resolution 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz PowerRated Voltage12 V 3.5 AOperating ConditionSync (H/V)Video LED Normal Mode On/On Active On Deep Sleep Mode (Set = Off)Off/OffOff Off Operating ConditionsOperating Conditions Temperature 5 ℃ to 40 ℃Humidity 10 % to 80 %Storage ConditionsTemperature-20 ℃ to 60 ℃Humidity5 % to 95 %Operational SpecificationsAttention19Back PanelConnectionsABCCD Number Connection DescriptionHDMI OutFor an HDMI-compatible N Connector For a LAN cable.USB InFor USB-type devices, including memory, hard disk, CD-ROM, key-board, and mouse.PCI MINI EXPRESS Card SlotProvided for PCI Mini Express Cards.A B C DAttach the Box Guide to the rail slots, and press it upward.NoteIf card does not become fully inserted into the insertion direction. Hit by hand carefully to make fully connected.Use screws to secure the player and the Box Guide as shown below.21Dimensions 250 mm (W) x 220 mm (H) x 45 mm (D) (only Set)Weight SSD 1.590 kg (only Set)HDD 1860 g (only Set)CPUNC1100Intel Celeron Processor P4500 (2M Cache, 1.86 GHz)NA1000Intel Core™ i7-620M Processor (4M Cache, 2.66 GHz)NA1100Intel Core™ i5-520M Processor (3M Cache, 2.40 GHz)Chip Set Mobile Intel QM57 Express Chipset Main Memory DDR3 1066 SODIMM type 1 GB, 2 GB Secondary Storage Device SATA SSD 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB SATA SSD 320 GBO/SMicrosoft Windows Embedded Standard Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7 E Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7 PGeneral SpecificationsResolution Maximum Resolution 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz Recommended Resolution 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz PowerRated Voltage100-240 V~ 50/60 Hz 1.5 AOperating ConditionSync (H/V)Video LED Normal Mode On/On Active On Deep Sleep Mode (Set = Off)Off/OffOff Off Operating ConditionsOperating Conditions Temperature 5 ℃ to 40 ℃Humidity 10 % to 80 %Storage ConditionsTemperature-20 ℃ to 60 ℃Humidity5 % to 95 %Operational SpecificationsMulti I/O PortSerial Port One external RS-232 Serial port USB Port Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port 480 Mbps rate (x4)LAN Port Intel 82577 Gigabit Ethernet PHY VGA / HDMI / DP Intel HD Graphics Controller4-in-1 CardSecure Digital (SD) / MultiMedia Card (MMC/MMC4.0) /Memory Stick (MS/MS-Pro) / xD Memory Card PCI Express Card Slot Supported LINE OUT Supported MIC INSupportedAttention● P roduct specifications may change without prior notice to improve performance.NC1100/NA1000/NA1100Specifications22Basic ComponentsOptional ItemsM3, L12 x 4(for attachment of Box Guide on the monitor)Included in the BoxThe NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 with the following components. Please check that these components have been included prior to installation.The following items are supported by the NC1100/NA1000/NA1100, but are not provided with the product.Please purchase optional items as needed.● HDMI cable, D-sub cable, DP cable, LINE-OUT cable, MIC-IN cable, LAN cable, mouse, keyboard.NC1100/NA1000/NA1100Power Cable Handle x 2User Manual / Cards RS-232C Cable M3, L8 x 8(for attachment of handle)Box GuideRail x 2Attention● These illustrations may differ from your product and are subject to change.23Back PanelNumber ConnectionDescriptionPower Cable In For the power cable.RS-232C Out For the RS-232C cable.Power Button Turns the power on for NC1100/NA1000/NA1100's.LINE-OUT Connector For a LINE-OUT cable for analog audio B In For USB-type devices, including memory, hard disk, CD-ROM, key-board, and mouse.HDMI Out For an HDMI-compatible N Connector For a LAN cable.4 IN 1 Multi-Card Slot Accommodates memory cards for storing video or reading images. Supported cards include Secure Digital (SD), MultiMedia (MMC/MMC4.0), Memory Stick (MS/MS-Pro), and xD Memory Cards.D-sub Out For the monitor's RGB video in.DP Output Port Connects the cable to the DP-supporting monitor.MIC-InConnects the Mic-In cable to transfer analog audio input.PCI MINI EXPRESS Card SlotProvided for PCI Mini Express Cards.ConnectionsA B C D E F G H I J K LPWMIC INABCDEE FGHIJ KLUse screws to secure the handle.Place the rail in the slots on the side of the product.Warning● Be careful of sharp edges on the rail and the handle.261Connect the appropriate power cables to a monitor and NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 respectively.Connecting a Monitor with D-sub CableIn/Out Cable ConnectionTo view images on the monitor, you need to connect NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 to the monitor via a D-SUB, HDMI or DP cable.Attention● D -SUB, HDMI, DP, LINE-OUT, MIC-IN and LAN cables are not included in the basic components. If the cables were not provided with your monitor, you may need to purchase them separately.● A fter cabling is complete, assign the SET ID of the monitor to be connected to NA1000/NC1100/NA1100.● To configure the SET ID, please refer to the owner’s manual for your monitor.AttentionAudio is not available when only the D-SUB cable is connected to the monitor. A LINE-OUT cable must be connected for audio output to function.D-sub cables are also known as RGB cables.When using the SuperSign Manager software:● T he monitor SET ID is a unique number used to identify the monitor. You can choose a number from 1 to 25. The SET ID allows the SuperSign Manager software to identify the monitor.● In order to directly connect the monitor to NC1100/NA1000/NA1100, its SET ID must be set to 1.● T o use SuperSign Manager, the monitor that will be connected to NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 must sup-port the LG RS232C protocol. A monitor supporting the LG RS232C protocol can control the monitor functions, such as brightness and sound, using SuperSign Manager.NoteNoteMIC INPWMIC INPW272Connect the D-sub port of NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 and RGB-IN port of the monitor with a D-sub cable.3Connect NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 (OUT) to the monitor (IN) with an RS-232C cable.MIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPW MIC INPW MIC INPW MIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPW285Connect a LAN cable to the NC1100/NA1000/NA1100.4Connect the NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 to the monitor with a LINE-OUT cable.MIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPW292Connect NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 to a monitor with an HDMI cable.1Connect the appropriate power cables to a monitor and NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 respectively.Connecting a Monitor with an HDMI Cable● The monitor to connect with NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 should have the HDMI in for the HDMI connection.● T o use the HDMI device, you need to activate the HDMI device in Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard, the operating system of the NC1100/NA1000/NA1100. To connect and disconnect the HDMI audio device, see the Connecting/Disconnecting HDMI Audio Device in Windows section of this document.HDMI connections allow digital video and audio signals to be transferred with one cable.HDMI cable connections do not require an additional audio in cable.AttentionMIC INPWMIC INPWPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC IN304Connect a LAN cable to NC1100/NA1000/NA1100.3Connect NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 (OUT) to the monitor (IN) with an RS-232C cable.MIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWClick the button in the lower left of the screen.Start > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Audio.Click the button in the lower left of the screen.Start > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Audio.32Connecting a Monitor with DP CableAttentionTo enable DP connection, the monitor that will be connected to NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 must support the DP input port.1Connect the appropriate power cables to a monitor and NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 respectively.2Connect NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 to the monitor via a DP cable.MIC INPWPWMIC INPWPWMIC INPWMIC IN PWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC IN333Connect NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 (OUT) to the monitor (IN) with an RS-232C cable.4Connect the NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 to the monitor with a LINE-OUT cable.MIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPWMIC INPW345Connect a LAN cable to NC1100/NA1000/NA1100.Attention● N C1100/NA1000/NA1100prioritizes video output in the following order: RGB → DP → HDMI. If you connect multiple cables simultaneously and turn the product on, video output is prioritized accordingly.● W hen the product is turned on after cable connection or the operating system is completely booted, DP and HDMI video output start operating.● T he product does not support a dual mode where DP can be switched either to HDMI or DVI.It is only for DP output.● T he display port (DP) of the NC1100, NA1000 and NA1100 does not support digital audio output. It is recommended to use it with a line-out cable for analog audio output.353Connect the NC1100/NA1000/NA1100's RS-232C OUT to the RS-232C IN of the first monitor, which has SET ID = 1.4Connect other monitors with RS-232C cables as shown below (IN/OUT separated).1Connect the NC1100/NA1000/NA1100's D-sub OUT to the D-sub IN of the first monitor, which has SET ID = 1.2Connect other monitors with D-sub cables as shown below (IN/OUT separated).Connection to Multiple MonitorsEach NC1100/NA1000/NA1100 can accommodate up to 25 monitors for video playback. (SET ID: 1 to 25)Attention● You may want to purchase additional RS-232C cables to use several monitors together.● You cannot use multiple monitors with the HDMI cable.NC1100/NA1000/NA1100NC1100/NA1000/NA110036Dimensions 99 mm (W) x 179 mm (H) x 28.5 mm (D) (only Set)Weight0.288 kg (only Set)CPU(NC2100)CPU(NA2000)CPU(NA2100)Intel® Celeron® Processor P4500 (2M Cache, 1.86 GHz)Intel® Core™ i7-620M Processor (4M Cache, 2.66 GHz)Intel® Core™ i5-520M Processor (3M Cache, 2.40 GHz)Chip Set Mobile Intel® QM57 Express Chipset Main Memory DDR3 1066 SODIMM type 1 GB, 2 GB Secondary Storage Device SATA SSD 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GBO/SWindows Embedded StandardGeneral SpecificationsMulti I/O PortSerial Port N/AUSB Port Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port 480 Mbps rate (x2)LAN Port Intel ® 82577 Gigabit Ethernet PHY VGA / HDMI / DP Intel ® HD Graphics Controller 4-in-1 CardN/A PCI Express Card Slot Supported LINE OUT N/A MIC INN/AAttention● P roduct specifications may change without prior notice to improve performance.NC2100/NA2000/NA2100SpecificationsResolution Maximum Resolution 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz Recommended Resolution 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz PowerRated Voltage12 V 4.5 AOperating ConditionSync (H/V)Video LED Normal Mode On/On Active On Deep Sleep Mode (Set = Off)Off/OffOff Off Operating ConditionsOperating Conditions Temperature 5 ℃ to 40 ℃Humidity 10 % to 80 %Storage ConditionsTemperature-20 ℃ to 60 ℃Humidity5 % to 95 %Operational SpecificationsIncluded in the BoxBasic ComponentsThe NC2100/NA2000/NA2100 consists of the following components. Please check that these componentshave been included prior to installation.NC2100/NA2000/NA2100User Manual / Cards screw x 2AttentionThese illustrations may differ from your product and are subject to change.AttentionThe NC2100/NA2000/NA2100 model is compatible with the following models.Applicable models: 32VS10, 42VS10, 47VS10AttentionWithout prior notice, applicable models for NC2100/NA2000/NA2100 are subject to change to improvethe performance of the product.3738Back PanelNumber Connection DescriptionUSB In For USB-type devices, including memory, hard disk, CD-ROM, key-board, and mouse.HDMI OutFor an HDMI-compatible N ConnectorFor a LAN cable.PCI MINI EXPRESS Card SlotProvided for PCI Mini Express Cards.ConnectionsABCDA B C DAttach the Box Guide to the rail slots, and press it upward.Notef card does not become fully inserted into the insertion direction. Hit by hand carefully to make fully connected.Use screws to secure the player and the Box Guide as shown below.40Limitations of Microsoft Windows Embedded StandardFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs)The following are potential errors that may occur due to internal limitations of Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard, which is the OS of SuperSign Player.● If you press Alt + Enter on the DOS window, text other than English may be shown corrupted.● If you use Save As function in the Print window, the menu window name will be displayed in English.● W hen you move to sub-menu items such as Control Panel, some of the items, such as hyper terminal, country and language setting, will be written in English.QuestionAnswerWhere can I download the driver file?● Y ou can obtain the file from the SuperSign Support website ().The Express Card does not work. What should I do?● F or NC1000/NC2000, insert the Express Card with the top side facing upward. (See Figure 1)● F or NC1100/NA1000/NA1100/NC2100/NA2000/NA2100, insert the Ex -press Card with the bottom side facing upward. (See Figure 2)Where can I get a vaccine pro-gram?This media player comes packaged with the Windows program only. Please pur-chase a vaccine program separately for use.< Figure 1 >< Figure 2 >AppendixMake sure to read the Important Precautions before using the product.Keep the User’s Guide(CD) in an accessible place for furture reference.The model and serial number of the SET is located on the back and one side of the SET. Record it below should you ever need service.WARNING - This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.MODEL SERIAL T emporary noise is normal when powering ON or OFF this device.。

DSS 综合监控管理平台一体机初始配置手册 V

DSS 综合监控管理平台一体机初始配置手册 V

综合监控管理平台一体机初始配置手册浙江大华科技有限公司法律声明版权声明? 2014 浙江大华科技有限公司。


























目录一、设备清单 (2)二、DLP背景墙控制软件 (2)1、BCM简单说明 (2)2、在Connect目录下选择Log In登录 (7)3、Manage Walls(管理墙) (7)4、Operate(操作) (8)5、Configure(配置) (10)6、View(观看) (10)7、Tools(工具)(维护时使用) (11)8、Help(帮助) (11)三、维护说明和注意事项 (12)(一)、应急方案 (12)(二)背景文件制作建议 (12)(三)、注意事项 (13)四、常见问题和解决办法 (14)五、使用说明 (16)(一)巴可背景墙开关机说明 ............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

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3、背景墙系统开关机顺序................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

(二)E NCORE控制台菜单说明 (16)1、INPUT(输入) (17)2、OUTPUT(输出) (21)3、SYSTEM(系统) (26)4、MISC(杂项) (34)5、PRESETS(预设) (39)6、EFFECTS(效果) (40)7、SEQS(序列) (40)(三)E NCORE简易使用说明 (41)1、背景设定 (41)2、窗口设定 (41)3、窗口信号的通道选择 (42)4、窗口的调整 (42)5、模式的存储 (42)6、巴可操作台抓帧的操作 (42)7、巴可操作台恢复出厂模式设置 (43)8、Barco 操作台备份读取软件的使用方法 (44)一、设备清单二、DLP背景墙控制软件1、BCM简单说明开关机a)开启背景墙供电开关,屏幕墙自动自检并点亮,大约3-5分钟。

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1.2 使用DSIS数字标牌软件会给客户带来怎样的好处?主要的好处有三点:提高效率、降低成本、提高营业收入。



1.3 使用DSIS数字标牌软件的优势DSIS数字标牌是国内唯一实现一机多路异步输出的信息发布方案。






1.4 安装前后的差别数游多媒体发布系统在“企业/产品展示、通知公告发布、导购促销海报等”领域的传统展现方式进行创新和变革,借助多媒体展示和网络化管理为企业在展示、销售、管理等方面体现非凡价值,以下是应用前后的对比:第2章系统应用2.1 应用场景系统在各地厂区、各办公区、连锁门店、专卖店、卖场专柜的户内及户外的应用,其应用包括液晶屏上的宣传、促销信息展示,液晶海报,现场销售演示(包括触摸屏上的销售展示),服务网点应用等。











2.2 应用价值本系统为企业从信息展示、品牌提升、信息管理等几个方面带来价值。














典型物理部署图(一) 典型物理部署图(二)制作管理端:统一制作节目,根据权限分配,可修改、添加节目内容及更改播放列表,个性化宣传,发布各类通知、公告等重要信息;播放端:按照严格的时间表、播放列表、播放日程进行播放;网络平台:符合TCP/IP协议的网络(包括Internet、有线、无线、局域网)、专用内网等;硬件指标1、指令执行响应时间最小为1s2、支持节目资料断点续传3、视频加载时间:<1s4、运行时所占内存:<10%5、运行时所占CPU:<10%软件3.1 软件指标1、操作响应时间:<1s2、平均每秒钟响应次数:<13、100M网络环境,一台服务器可控制终端数:<=1004、并发下载连接数:>1005、单个视频资料大小:<4G3.2 节目管理✧系统灵活组合网页、视频、音频、动画,图片信息和字幕等信息;✧系统提供天气、时间、外汇、汇率等几十个节目元素组件,方便各类节目内容制作,并实现后台生产/业务系统数据库联接;✧屏幕区域可随意分割,实现各个区域显示不同的播放内容,所见即所得;✧系统自带大量模版可供客户选择,系统提供形象宣传、业务介绍、通知公告、安全提示、等几十余张模版,用户也可自行设计生成新的模板。

3.3 日程管理✧多元化的日程管理,目前支持(日,周,月,轮播)。



3.4 屏幕效果✧支持各种分辨率,有专业的视觉效果。




3.5 屏幕监控✧对各播放端进行实时监控,采用实时状态监控及远程截屏有效结合的方式,确保播放内容准确安全。



3.6 素材管理✧支持视频格式:MPG、AVI、MPG、RMVB、MOV✧支持图像格式:JPG,PNG,GIF,SWF✧支持音频格式:DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA ✧支持流媒体协议:http, mms等实时流媒体协议✧支持PPT、Word、Excel3.7 权限管理✧账号管理:支持用户账号管理,设置各用户管理权限和初始化密码。





3.8 扩展功能数游多媒体发布系统具有很强的可扩展性,留有多种硬件通信接口,可满足客户定制化需求及未来业务发展需要,可与企业生产管理系统、服务系统等多类系统对接,支持多种信息格式,并可融合管理网点原有的LED、液晶、离子等屏,从而避免网点设备重复投资,全面优化系统投资成本。

3.9 实时TV直播方案实施拓扑结构如下图所示:1、流媒体服务器需支持PCI插槽2、流媒体服务器需安装Windows encoding 和Windows meida Server,为播放端提供流媒体播放地址3、对Windows流媒体服务器有10-15秒延迟。
