
34. cardboard [5kB:dbC:d] n. thick, stiff paper that is used, for example, to make boxes and models 硬纸板
35. bitterly [5bitEli] adj. very; violently 强烈地;非常 bitterly upset 极其难 过
24. perverse [pE(:)5vE:s] adj. Directed away from what is right or good; perverted. (行为)任性的,蛮不讲理的 e.g. She was perversely pleased to be causing trouble. 她制造麻烦,还乐在其中,真是反常。
14. long since—long ago很久以前
15. cease [si:s] v. come or bring (sth.) to an end; stop停止,中止
16. at some length—in some detail详细地
17. melancholy [5melEnkEli] adj. very sad; depressed悲哀的;沮丧的; n. 忧郁;悲哀;愁思(sadness , doldrums)e.g. Melancholy is the preponderant mood of the poem. 忧郁的感情是该诗的基调。
的,专注的;e.g. She looked from one intent face to another. 她看着一张 张专注的面孔。 adj. 坚决的;e.g. The rebels are obviously intent on keeping up the pressure.反叛分子显然决心继续施加压力。 n. 意图,目 的;But it is our intent that they learn something. 但是我们的目的就是让他 们学到东西。

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
UNIT TEN Text I Straight-A Illiteracy Text II The Qualities of Good Writing UNIT ELEVEN Text I On Consigning Manuscripts to Floppy Discs And Archives to Oblivion Text II This Is Progress? UNIT TWELVE Text I Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts Text II Grant and Lee UNIT THIRTEEN Text I Euphemism Text II Clutter UNIT FOURTEEN Text I That Astounding Creator --Nature Text II When the Young Have It Good UNIT FIFTEEN Text I. Teaching as Mountaineering Text II A Liberal Education
• Purpose of writing and Tone: In half serious and half-joking manner and humorous tone,Demarest expresses his view on procrastination that while in some cases it is irrational and encumbering to delay, it is justified and fruitful in others.
Course evaluation:

余闻之也/久。明道中,从/先人还家,于 /舅家见之,十二三矣。令作诗,不能/称/前 时之闻。又七年,还自扬州,复到/舅家问 焉,曰:“泯(mǐn)然众人矣。” • 王子曰:仲永/之/通悟,受之天也。 其/受之天也,贤于/材人远矣。卒之/为众人, 则/其受于人者/不至也。彼其/受之天也,如 此其贤也,不受/之人,且为/众人;今(fú )/ 夫不受/之天,固众人,又/不受之人,得为/ 众人/而已耶(yé )?
Global Reading
story telling (chronological order) when, who, where, what? What is the relationship between the author and the man? Why was the author frustrated? What did the old man ask the author to do in his office? What’s the old man’s advice? How much did the talk with the old man mean to the author?
• Pick sth out=discover or recognize sth after careful study * pick out recurring themes in an author's work 领会出作者作品中反覆出现的主题思想 * Can you pick out the operatic arias quoted in this orchestral passage? 你能听出这段管弦乐曲里有歌剧式的咏叹调 吗?
Sigmund Freud(弗洛伊德)

Unit 1由于缺少资金,整个计划失败了。
(fall through)The whole plan fell through for want of fund.牛顿被公认为是世界上最杰出的科学家之一。
(eminent)Newton is acknowledged as one of the world’s most eminent scientists.他对生产成本的估算总是准确无误。
(invariable)He calculates the cost of production with invariable accuracy.公司发言人的不负责任讲话受到了严厉指责。
(berate)The spokesman of the corporation was berated for his irresponsible words.这名商业银行的年轻职员看出那张十英镑的假币。
(spot)The young clerk from the commercial bank spotted the counterfeit ten-pound note.这个精干的经理立刻行动了起来。
(promptly)The efficient manager acted promptly.请把候补名单上她的名字换成你的名字。
(substitute)Please substitute her name for yours on the waiting list.她觉得她在当地综合医院任实习医师是一段宝贵的经验。
(rewarding)She found that her internship in the local general hospital was a rewarding experience. 不要感叹过去的不幸,振作起来向前看。
(lament)Don’t lament your past misfortunes. Keep your chin up and look to the future.Unit 2富兰克林在他的《自传》里力劝读者要勤俭。
新编英语教程第6册教案Unit Seven

Practice gives a wonderful facility. 娴熟
Paragraph 2
facility of style 文体的流畅
Paragraph 3
deprive … of: take … away from E.g.: Women in some places in the world today are still deprived of the right to vote. A serious case of trachoma (沙眼) deprived him of his eyesight.
I. Library Work
spiritual authority Christ assigned to his apostles. The voice of the Pope is regarded as infallible when speaking on matters of faith and morals. Protestantism is a special development within Christianity. It is distinct from Roman Catholicism in that it breaks from papal obedience. Protestantism is widely
overtone: things that are suggested but not shown or stated clearly 弦外之音,含 蓄之意;暗示 E.g.: His words were polite, but there were overtones of anger in his voice. a reply full of overtones 话里有话的回答
李观仪新编英语教程第六册unit 2 the fine art of putting things off

Song of tomorrow
by Qian Hetan
Tomorrow upon tomorrow, So many tomorrows have gone! If we only eye on tomorrow, Nothing in the world can be done! People are cumbered by tomorrow, As seasons alternate, old they grow. In mornings, we see rivers eastward flow. At nightfalls, we see sunsets westward glow. This life, how many tomorrows do you know? Please listen to my "Song of Tomorrow".
delay delay delayer; postpone postponement postponer; procrastinate procrastination
procrastinator; put off
Proverbs about time:
“Procrastination is the thief of time.” 拖延就是浪费时 间。
The Fine Art of Putting Things Off
March 15, 2010
About the title

Paragraph 3
❖ E.g.: pick a stone up and heft it 捡起一块 石头掂一掂有多重
❖ hefty adj.: of considerate weight 沉重的
with money. 她倒不是穷而是太在乎钱了。
Paragraph 2
❖ Why do you think Raskin’s father and people of his generation take a negative attitude toward a bank with glass walls?
Paragraph 3
❖ a tangible commodity: a material thing, a substantial object
❖ bullion: gold or silver in bulk or bars, before it is made into coins, etc. 金或 银锭(条)
❖ E.g.: a flair for music 学习音乐的天分 ❖ be impressed by sb.’s political flair 对
❖ in view of: considering; taking into consideration
❖ heartily: in a cheerful way; here, completely and absolutely
II. Key Points of the Text
❖ Paragraph 2 ❖ unnerve: make someone lose self-control,

• Conclusion: (P8-9) Explanation and conclusion of procrastination;
The ways in which paragraphs are linked
---Transition of paragraphs
• The use of the word "yet" at the beginning of para. 3 indicates that in this paragraph the reader will find something contrary to what he has read about in the preceding one. (Para. 2 illustrates the trouble procrastination may incur while para. 3 tells the reader that delay can often inspire and revive a creative soul. )
• Text I On Consigning Manuscripts to
• Text I Walls and Barriers
Floppy Discs And Archives to Oblivion
新编英语教程第6册教案Unit Five

Paragraph 5
E.g.: a man possessed of more wealth than brains 拥有的财富比智慧多的人 He was possessed of great selfconfidence. 他极有自信。 Anne is possessed of an acid tongue.
Paragraph 5
possess oneself of: (old use and formal) become the owner of; take possession of (something) (usually simple tenses) E.g.: At what date do you intend to possess yourself of the house? They possessed themselves of her money by illegal means. 他们用非法手段
Food bought in this shop may not be eaten / consumed on the premises. 本店
novel and startling: new and shocking novel: interestingly new or unusual E.g.: He hit upon a novel idea to resolve hisaph 5
moiety: (law or literary) a half share or division of something; half 一半;二分之 一 E.g.: a small moiety of college students

Paragraph 4
❖ What does Hoffer want to illustrate by referring to Milton’s experiences? Do you fully agree with him?
❖ semen (n.): reproductive liquid produced by the sex organs of the male
Paragraph 3
❖ E.g.: the seminal existential 世纪60年代初期开创性的存 在主义小说 ❖ a seminal book 有重大影响的书
Paragraph 2
❖ The general meaning of revelation is “making known something which is true but unknown before.” 揭示,揭露;透露
❖ E.g.: The revelation that John instead of Tom was the chief designer surprised us all.
necessarily live eventful lives (2)
II. Organization of the Text
❖ ② What is essential for creative work is a man’s ability to make the trivial reach an enormous way (3)
高级英语(新编英语教程第6册)Book 6 Unit 2 The Fine Art of Putting Things Off

Moses Parts the Sea
The army chased the Hebrews to the banks of the Red Sea. They would have been trapped but a miracle happened. God told Moses to lift up his rod and as he did so the waters parted to make a dry path. They were able to make their escape.
A Change of Mind
The Hebrews knew they must leave Egypt quickly. They needed food to take with them. There was no time to let the bread rise before it was cooked. They had to take the dough as it was. Pharaoh changed his mind again and sent his army after them to bring tgues
Moses went to Pharaoh to ask him to set the Hebrews free. Pharaoh did not want to lose his slaves. He would not let them go, because they worked on his grand buildings. Awful things began to happen in Egypt. There were ten plagues. Before each one, Moses had warned Pharaoh what would happen. Moses told him the disasters had been sent by God.
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Text I The Fine Art of Putting Things Off (2学时)
Text II Gossip (2学时)
Exercises for Unit Two In Workbook (2学时)
Text I Walls and Barriers (2学时)
Text II Barrier Signals (2学时)
Exercises for Unit Three In Workbook (2学时)
Text I Dull Work (2学时)
Text II Doing Chores (2学时)
Exercises for Unit Six In Workbook (2学时)
Text I Beauty (2学时)
Text II Sexism in English: A Feminist View (2学时)
Exercises for Unit Seven In Workbook (2学时)
Text I Appetite (2学时)
Text II Wanting an Orange (2学时)
Exercises for Unit Eight In Workbook (2学时)
Text I A Red Light for Scofflaws (2学时)
Text II Trust (2学时)
Exercises for Unit Nine In Workbook (2学时)
Text I Straight-A Illiteracy (2学时)
Text II The Qualities of Good Writing (2学时)
Exercises for Unit Ten In Workbook (2学时)
Text I On Consigning Manuscripts to floppy Discs and Archives to Oblivion (2学时)
Text II This Is Progress? (2学时)
Exercises for Unit Eleven In Workbook (2学时)
Text I Grand and Lee: A Study in Contrasts (2学时) Text II Grand and Lee (2学时)
Exercises for Unit Twelve In Workbook (2学时)
Text I Euphemism (2学时)
Text II Clutter (2学时)
Exercises for Unit Thirteen In Workbook (2学时) UNIT FOURTEEN
Text I That Astounding Creator --- Nature (2学时) Text II When the Young Have It Good (2学时) Exercises for Unit Fourteen In Workbook (2学时) UNIT FIFTEEN
Text I Teaching as Mountaineering (2学时)
Text II A Liberal Education (2学时)
Exercises for Unit Fifteen In Workbook (2学时)。