关键词单片机温度显示控制智能浴室AbstractThis topic is designed primarily for the control of a microcontroller core smart bathroom temperature control system, which combines topics microcontroller technology, sensor technology, LCD technology. The main control system is the core of the microcontroller, the microcontroller controls the initialization DS18B20 temperature sensor , then use DS18B20 temperature sensor acquisition bath water temperature , and finally to the microcontroller to handle . After giving an accurate set temperature, heated by the SCM . In the bathing process, when the water temperature is below the set temperature range will continue to heat , if the water temperature is too high and threaten the personal safety when reached , the system will automatically stop and alarm . In today's era of high-speed operation of the intelligent people on the pursuit of bathroom products also will increase , and the system design is mainly used in household and personal small bathroom , the system will not only be based on single-chip intelligent control system design bathroom hardware design, and hardware platform for software development , in order to achieve the desired objectives , the subject for a certain simulation, including hardware circuits, software programs, etc.Key words Temperature display control electric box目录第1章绪论 (3)1.1 课题背景及研究意义 (3)1.2本论文的研究内容和组织结构 (3)第2章设计方案的论证与选择 (4)2.1 设计方案论证 (4)2.2 元器件及其开发软件简介 (4)2.2.1 单片机的选型与简介 (4)2.2.2 显示器件的选型与简介 (6)2.2.3 温度传感器DS18B20的简介 (8)2.2.4 Keil及其开发流程简介 (9)2.2.5 PROTEL简介 (9)2.3 整体设计方案 (10)2.4 本章小结 (11)第3章系统硬件设计 (12)3.1 统总体设计 (12)3.1.1 系统设计方框图 (12)3.2 硬件电路分模块设计 (13)3.2.1 单片机最小系统电路 (13)3.2.2 LCD显示模块 (14)3.2.3 串口电路 (15)3.2.4 温度传感器电路 (16)3.2.5 温度报警电路 (17)3.2.6 电源供电电路 (18)3.2.7 功能按键电路 (19)3.2.8 LED闪烁报警电路 (20)3.2.9 继电器控制电路 (20)3.3 本章小结 (21)第4章系统软件设计 (21)4.1 主程序设计流程 (22)4.1.1 读取温度子程序 (23)4.1.2 计算温度子程序 (24)4.1.3 显示数据刷新子程序 (25)4.1.4 温度控制子程序 (26)4.2 本章小结 (27)第5章系统的仿真 (288)5.1 Proteus简介 (28)5.2 系统的仿真 (28)5.3本章小结 (31)第6章总结 (32)参考文献 (33)附录1:DS18B20显示温度程序 (34)附录2:系统硬件电路 (38)附录3:系统仿真图 (39)第1章绪论1.1 课题背景及研究意义利用单片机的智能浴室有利于处在现代快速发展社会的人群,在下班后去除一身的疲惫和桑拿带来的享受,但是怎样运用单片机技术来实现智能浴室的操控?随着计算机智能技术的发展,特别是微型计算机技术的发展,利用单片机开发智能型浴混水阀控制器实现对出水口水温、水流速度以及淋浴头水流方式的控制具有实际的使用价值,同时具有桑拿时室温、时间、电话以及休闲MP3等功能,对推进人们的健康生活与家居智能化以及节水都具有现实意义。
关键字:DS18B20;矩阵键盘;80C51;步进电机;Proteus;C语言The Design of Intelligent Bathroom Mixing Water Valve Controller ABSTRACTNew technology has entered the house gradually and make household intelligent in new era. In people's home life, most people still use traditional mechanical shower systems that easily be damaged andtemperature can not be regulated accurately and also easily burn the user’s skin.In a bid to enable the bathroom intelligent, we design theintelligent bathroom mixing water valve to meet people’s need. This design has much practical significance in pushing f orward people’s healthy life and household intelligence.The system of which the single-chip 80C51 is used as centre control part, consists of temperature collection module, keyboard module,digital display module, stepping motor module and main control chip five parts. C language used in the preparation process, through the use of simulation Proteus, after a number of experiments designed to meet the basic requirements for graduation.When the system is running, the temperature acquisition by the SCM module output for the collection, press the start button, read through the SCM set of variables and comparisons, and then converted to output control signals, control stepper motor and through the display ofdigital temperature settings and export the water temperature.KEYWORD:DS18B20;Matrix keyboard;80C51;Step motor;Proteus;C language 目录第一章前言 ..................................................................... ...................................................................1 1.1论文的来源及研究背景.................................................................................................................1 1.2传统式机械混水阀...................................................................... .. (1)1.2.1传统式机械混水阀的工作原理...................................................................... .. (1)1.2.2传统式机械混水阀存在的问题...................................................................... .......................2 1.3.智能型浴室混水阀 ..................................................................... .. (2)1.3.1智能型浴室混水阀控制器基本组成及其工作原理 (2)1.3.2 研究内容 ..................................................................... ......................................................3 第二章系统方案的选择及论证...................................................................... . (4)2.1 系统的功能要求 ..................................................................... .....................................................4 2.2 各模块方案选择及论证 ..................................................................... . (4)2.3.1单片机...................................................................... . (4)2.3.2键盘输入模块 ..................................................................... (4)2.3.3温度显示模块 ..................................................................... (5)2.3.4温度采集模块 ..................................................................... (5)2.3.5执行机构 ..................................................................... . (5)2.3.6 系统的硬件框图 ..................................................................... ............................................6 第三章硬件电路的设计与实现 ..................................................................... (7)3.1单片机 ..................................................................... .. (7)3.3.1 80C51简介...................................................................... (7)3.1.2 80C51内部结构...................................................................... ............................................9 3.2键盘输入模块...................................................................... . (11)3.2.1键盘接线和按键功能分配...................................................................... . (11)3.2.2键盘的扫描原理...................................................................... (11)3.2.3 键盘的工作方式 ..................................................................... .......................................... 12 3.3温度显示模块...................................................................... . (13)3.3.1 LED显示原理 ..................................................................... . (13)3.3.2 串行显示电路和74LS164简介 ..................................................................... ..................... 14 3.4温度采集模块...................................................................... ....................................................... 15 3.5执行机构模块...................................................................... . (16)3.5.1步进电机简介 ..................................................................... . (16)3.5.2步进电机动态指标及术语...................................................................... . (17)3.5.3 步进电机在控制上的特点 ..................................................................... . (17)3.5.4步进电机细分驱动器原理...................................................................... . (18)3.5.4 L297和L298简介 ..................................................................... (18)3.5.5 L297和L298构成的驱动电路...................................................................... ..................... 20 第四章系统软件设计与仿真 ..................................................................... (21)4.1 软件开发与仿真调试环境和开发语言介绍 ..................................................................... ............. 21 4.2系统软件设计思想...................................................................... ................................................ 21 4.3 子程序描述及其流程图 ..................................................................... .. (22)4.3.1 温度读取子程序 ..................................................................... (23)4.3.2 键盘扫描子程序 ..................................................................... (23)4.3.3 步进电机升降温控制子程序 ..................................................................... (24)4.4.4 系统总体仿真图 ..................................................................... (25)总结 ..................................................................... ........................................................................ ..... 26 致谢 ..................................................................... .................................................错误~未定义书签。
基于单片机淋浴水温调节器设计 毕业论文
关键词:STC89C54RD+,DS18B20,显示电路,测温控制电路 Shower water temperature regulator design ABSTRACT Shower water heater is currently more widely used at family, however, there is a mainly way to regulate shower which through manual adjustment switch to controlthe temperature in the market . This adjustment is not a good way to control the temperature , and sometimes regulating switch is far away from the shower location, which is not convenience to control the temperature. therefore, this adjustment method is not able to satisfy the people to pursue life comfortable request.This paper introduces a kind of new shower water temperature regulator, which use the Single chip as the main control device and DS18B20 as the temperature sensor. It mainly includes hardware circuit design and software design. Hardware circuit mainly includes the main controller, temperature control circuit and display circuit , the main controller uses the Single chip STC89C54RD +, temperature sensor adopts DS18B20,display circuit uses eight total cathode tube dynamic scanning LED digital display. Temperature control circuit is consist of temperature sensor and the preset temperature comparison circuit, and when the actual measured temperature greater than or less than the preset temperature value, a signal to send commands to control the mouth of cold water and hot water valve port, so that hot and cold water into the container to a certain size, to ensure that the temperature of the container changes a certain range. Software design mainly include main program, temperature program and display program. This design can achieve precise control the temperature of the water in which the integrated single chip make the product miniaturization and intelligent, not only improves the functionand quality of products but also reduces the cost and simplify the design. KEY WORDS: STC89C54RD +,DS18B20,Display circuit, Temperature control circuit 目录前言 1第1章设计任务及方案设计 2§1.1 设计任务及要求2§1.2 设计总体方案及论证 2§1.3 设计总体框图及结构图 2第2章硬件设计 4§2.1 单片机核心模块4§2.1.1 单片机类型及接口的选择 4§2.1.2时钟电路的设计 5§2.1.3复位电路的设计 6§2.2 电源电路模块 6§2.3 按键模块7§2.4 温度采集模块8§2.4.1 温度传感器的选择8§2.4.2 DS18B20芯片的特点8§2.4.3 DS18B20芯片的内部结构及引脚9§2.4.4 DS18B20与单片机接口电路10§2.5 继电器模块 10§2.6 显示模块11§2.6.1 LED指示灯显示电路11§2.6.2 八位共阴极数码管显示电路12§2.7 PCB设计13第3章系统软件设计15§3.1 各部分软件介绍15§3.1.1 DS18B20温度采集程序15§3.1.2 显示程序 17§3.1.3 按键程序 17§3.2 软件总程序 17第四章系统调试19结论20参考文献21致谢22附录23附录1:整体电路原理图23附录2:PCB印制版电路图 24 前言随着科技的进步,人们的生活水平日益提高,人们对家庭生活中的舒适要求也越来越高。
g r e a t e r r o r. Th i s d e s i g n US E S t h e k e y b o a r d s e t t e mp e r a t u r e, t h r o u g h DS1 8 B2 0 t e mp e r a t u r e s e n s o r t o me a s u r e t h e c ur r e n t wa t e r t e mp e r a t u r e , t h e t wo t e mp e r a t ur e t h a n i n t h e p r o g r a m o f s i n gl e -c hi p mi c r o c o mp u t e r t o c o n t r o l s t e p p i n g mo t o r d r i v e s t h e mi x wa t e r v a l v e o f s h i f t a n d r o t a t i o n, u nt i l t he s e n s o r t o me a s u r e t he wa t e r t e mp e r a t u r e i s e q u a l t o t h e p r e s e t t e mp e r a t u r e, t h e mo t o r s t o p r u nn i n g t o g e t t h e r e q u i r e d wa t e r t e mp e r a t u r e v i e w o f r e s e a r c h a nd p r a c t i c e, p u t f o r wa r d t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g r e f o r m e x p e r i e n c e o f
! 传统机械式浴室混水阀的工作原理
!"! 传 统 机 械 式 浴 室 混 水 阀 结 构
在浴室 的 供 水 系 统 中 !一 般 热 水 与 冷 水 具 有 各 自 独 立 的 管 道 % 家 庭 使 用 的 太 阳 能 热 水 器 也 是 这 样 &! 通过混水阀的作用实现水温的调节$ 传统机械 式浴室混水阀的结构如图 ! 所示$ 混水阀阀体 由 " 个进水管口#冷水进水口与热 水 进 水 口$ 与 ! 个出水 管 口 %洗 浴 用 温 水 口 &以 及 控 制 阀 门组成$ 使用者根据自己的舒适度要求通过混 水阀旋钮的旋转来实现对冷热水管道阀门的 开 启 比 例 来 调 节 !即 通 过 混 水 阀 后 的 水 温 可 以 在 ! 冷 !!
! 安徽技术师范学院 工程技术系 " 安徽 凤阳 !""#$$ #
要 ! 针对目前宾馆 $ 家庭以及公共浴室中广泛使用的机械式混水阀以及淋浴 器 存 在 出 水 忽
冷忽热且不容易调节 $ 机 械 结 构 容 易 损 坏 的 不 足 " 设 计 了 一 种 能 够 自 动 设 定 水 温 的 智 能 型 混 水 阀 " 以 满足使用者的需要 " 具有实际的应用开发价值 % 关键词 ! 温度 智能系统 混水阀门
需 要 ! 选 用 串 型 % 位 *+# 驱 动 器 3!C91). 7 18 作 为 *+# 显 示 驱 动 器 件 $ 3!C91). 器 件 内 置 D’# 码 译 码 器 % 多 路 扫 描电路%段及数字驱动器和用于存储每一位显示数据的 静 态 5!3 ! 使 用 十 分 方 便 $ 3!C91). 具 有 ) # % 位 数 据 显 示 选择功 能 ! 因 此 很 容 易 适 应 系 统 显 示 ; 位 数 的 需 要 $ 温 度 数 据 从 %&’() 的 6,-& ) 5C# ( 串 行 口 输 出 到 *+# 驱 动 器
如图 4 所示。
SST29SF040 是一个 512K×8 的 CMOS 多功能并
行 SSF 器件,可进行快速擦除(扇区、块、芯片擦除)
时间大于 100 年。 在本控制器中,用于离线存储用户
MCU 触发一次外部中断 INT0。 在中断服务程序中, 通过读取数据线上的内容获取卡号。
200μF 200μF
A0Biblioteka A1TX127μF TX_OUT1 天 线
FM24CL64 是一个具有 8K 字 节 存 储 空 间 的 串
行 CMOS E2PROM,通过 I2C 总线接口进行操作,有
一个专门的写保护功能。 该芯片占据的 MCU 的 IO
资源较少,编程简单,数据存储可达 100 年[3]。 在本
该模块 由 Philips 公 司 生 产 的 高 集 成 读 卡 芯 片 MF RC500 构成,如图 3 所示,完成对 IC 卡内 金 额 的读写操作。
MF RC500 是应用于 13.56MHz 非 接 触 式 通 信 中高集成读卡 IC 系列中的一员,其内部的发送器部 分不需要增加有源电路,就能够直接驱动近操作距 离的天线。 同时,方便的并行接口可直接连接到任 何 8 位微处理器,这样给读卡器终端的设计提供了 极大的灵活性[2]。 当用户刷卡时,通过 IRQ 引 脚 向
关键词: AT89C51单片机,游泳池,温度控制,模糊控制。
Ⅰ目录第1章绪论 3 1.1选题的背景与意义 3 1.1.1自动控控系统可温度控制系统 3 1.2 温度控制系统的设计 3 第2章系统总体设计 4 2.1方案的选择 4 2.2系统总体设计 4 第3章硬件设计 5 3.1硬件选型 5 3.2硬件电路设计 5 3.2.1主电源电路 5 3.2.2温度采集模块 6 3.2.3按键输入电路 6 3.2.4继电器模块 7 3.2.5 显示模块 7 第4章软件设计 8 4.1系统程序设计 8 4.2各部分程序流程图 8 4.2.1. 计算温度子程序 9 4.2.2.按键处理子程序 9 4.2.3.计算温度子程序 10第5章仿真结果 12 5.2仿真结果 12 5.1本系统仿真 13 5.2仿真结果 13 结论 14 参考文献 15 附录 16第1章绪论1.1选题的背景与意义1.1.1自动控控系统可温度控制系统电子技术的发展,特别是随着大规模集成电路的产生,给人们的生活带来了根本性的变化,如果说微型计算机的出现使现代的科学研究得到了质的飞跃,那么单片机技术的出现则是给现代工业控制测控领域带来了一次新的革命。
目录摘要 (1)Abstract (2)1 引言 (3)1.1 论文的选题背景及意义 (3)1.1.1 国内外发展情况 (4)2 浴室水温控制系统基本原理 (6)2.1 浴室水温控制系统总体架构 (6)2.2 浴室水温控制系统各部分功能 (6)2.2.1 主控微处理器部分 (6)2.2.2 电源部分 (8)2.2.3 调试及接口外扩部分 (8)2.2.4 串口通信部分 (8)2.3 DS18B20水温传感器部分 (9)2.4 浴室水温系统总体设计流程 (12)3 浴室水温控制系统硬件设计 (15)3.1 最小系统硬件功能介绍 (15)3.1.1 供电电路 (15)3.1.2 微处理器电路 (16)3.1.3 USB转TTL-UART电路 (17)3.1.4 按键电路 (18)3.1.5 LED指示灯电路 (18)3.2 水温传感器电路 (19)4 浴室水温控制系统软件设计 (20)4.1 STM32CubeMX硬件驱动配置软件介绍 (20)4.2 STM32CubeMX硬件底层配置 (21)4.3 生成底层硬件的驱动代码 (25)5 恒温系统应用逻辑代码实现 (27)5.1 Keil-MDK5软件介绍 (27)5.2 用户逻辑代码实现 (28)6 结论 (29)参考文献 (30)附录A 电路图 (31)附录B 源程序 (32)摘要在科学技术不断发展,人民生活水平的不断提高的现代,洗浴也成了人们日常生活必不缺少的一部分,人们对于洗浴产品的追求也随之提高。
关键词:温度控制;沐浴器;智能控制目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 课题研究背景 (1)1.2 论文主要研究内容 (1)2 智能型淋浴器关键技术分析 (2)2.1 数据分析技术 (2)2.2 热水器恒温原理 (3)3 智能型淋浴器的分析与研究 (4)3.1 智能型淋浴器用户需求分析 (4)3.2 智能型淋浴器的恒温控制研究 (4)3.3 智能型淋浴器的整体结构 (6)4 智能型淋浴器硬件设计 (7)4.1 智能型淋浴器硬件整体设计 (7)4.2 智能型淋浴器分系统模块 (7)4.2.1 智能型淋浴器的主控系统 (7)4.2.2 智能型淋浴器的无线系统 (9)4.2.3 智能型淋浴器的显示系统 (9)5 智能型淋浴器应用设计 (11)5.1 智能型淋浴器的嵌入式终端应用设计 (11)5.1.1 软件开发环境 (11)5.1.2 嵌入式终端应用设计 (11)5.1.3 恒温控制应用设计 (12)5.2 智能型淋浴器的移动客户端应用设计 (14)5.3 本章小结 (16)6 总结 (17)参考文献 (18)1 绪论1.1 课题研究背景最近几年由于房地产行业的突飞猛进,热水器行业出现了产能过剩问题,如果希望未来热水器行业能够健康稳定的发展,就必须对热水器在环保、安全和智能方面进行改造[3]。
学校代码:11059学号:0605074001Hefei University毕业论文(设计)BACH ELOR DISSERTATI ON论文题目:基于单片机的智能型浴室混水阀控制器的设计学位类别:______________________工学学士___________________________ 学科专业:______________________自动化___________________________作者姓名:______________________刘涛___________________________ 导师姓名:______________________孙强_____________________________ 完成时间:_________________2010年5月18日_____________________基于单片机的智能型浴室混水阀控制器中文摘要随着信息技术的飞速发展以及人们生活水平的大幅度提高,人们对生活的需求已从追求简单向着追求质量,功能,服务等多重需求过渡。
关键词:混水阀;单片机;温度;传感器Based on Microprocessor Intelligent Controller of Mixing ValveAbstractWith the rapid development of information technology ,people's living standards greatly improved,demanding people seeking a simple life toward the pursuit of quality, functionality and service multiple needs of the transition. In winter, water heater is very frequent the use of household appliances, but the traditional mechanical mixing valve for regulating water temperature is not very good handling. Therefore the design of the mixing valve controller for the water heater to improve, it has the automatic adjustment function of temperature and good handling.In this paper, AT89C52 microcontroller to detect the entire system, water temperature sensing field data collection, through the signal processing module processing the signal through the ADC, the signal into the microcontroller, display processing results. Temperature sensor section describes the hardware, A / D converter, microcontroller, display module and stepper motor. Software design and introduce some of the main program flow chart, system debugging section includes debugging software, the debugging process and the debugging process problems and solutions.Keywords:mixing valve;microcontroller;Temperature;sensor目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1课题研究的背景及依据来源 (1)1.1.1课题研究的背景 (1)1.1.2 课题的依据来源 (1)1.2传统机械式混水阀 (2)1.2.1传统机械式浴室混水阀的工作原理 (2)1.2.2传统机械式混水阀存在的问题 (2)1.3智能型浴室混水阀 (2)1.3.1智能型浴室混水阀控制器的基本组成 (2)1.3.2智能型浴室混水阀控制器工作原理 (3)第二章系统方案的设计与论证 (3)2.1系统功能 (3)2.2系统总体方案规划 (4)2.3各模块方案选择及论证 (4)2.3.1中央处理单元 (4)2.3.2键盘输入模块 (4)2.3.3温度显示模块 (5)2.3.4温度采集模块 (5)2.3.5执行机构 (5)第三章主要元器件的设计 (7)3.1AT89C52单片机 (7)3.1.1 功能特性描述 (7)3.1.2 管脚描述 (8)3.1.3 引脚功能 (8)3.2AD590温度传感器 (10)3.2.1 概述 (10)3.2.2 AD590工作原理 (11)3.3ADC0809模数转换器 (11)3.3.1 主要特性 (11)3.3.2 ADC0809工作原理: (12)3.41602字符液晶 (13)3.4.1引脚说明 (13)3.4.2字符集 (15)3.4.3指令集 (16)3.54*4矩阵键盘 (16)3.6步进电机 (17)3.6.1 概述 (17)3.6.2分类 (18)3.6.3基本原理 (18)3.7步进电机驱动芯片L297 (19)3.7.1 概述 (19)3.7.2 L297各引脚功能说明 (20)3.7.3 L297驱动相序的产生 (22)第四章系统硬件设计 (24)4.1扩展外围接口 (24)4.2温度检测电路设计 (24)4.3.1 设计目标 (24)4.3.2 设计的出发点 (25)4.3.4 转换电路 (25)4.3显示电路设计 (26)4.4执行机构的设计 (27)第五章系统的软件设计 (27)5.1系统软件设计思想 (27)5.1.1 系统流程图 (27)5.1.2 冷热水的配比 (28)5.2子程序描述及流程图 (29)5.2.1 系统初始化子程序 (29)5.2.2 A/D转换子程序 (29)5.2.3 键盘扫描子程序 (29)5.2.4 温度显示子程序 (30)5.2.5打开电机子程序 (30)5.3.6 温度控制子程序 (30)5.2.7 水位控制 (31)5.2.8中断子程序 (31)第六章系统调试与仿真 (33)6.1温度采集的调试.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
目录引言 (2)1.设计任务 (2)基本要求 (3)发挥部分 (3)2方案论证 (3)方案一 (4)方案二 (4)方案三 (5)3方案设计 (6)系统工作原理 (6)主要电路设计 (7)软件设计 (9)4性能指标测试: (12)5结论 (13)系统误差分析 (13)参考文献 (14)引言随着自动化技术的进一步发展,现在很多家庭都希望能享受智能化服务的家居环境;人们生活无非衣食住行,对于居住,如果有智能化淋浴设施,更能为生活增色不少,智能化淋浴设施中关键的两项技术为:温度控制与流量控制,其中人们对于温度控制是希望在自己设定数值以后变化不大,仅仅在设定数值周围波动;而流量则直接按需要进行调节。
M C 一 1sn l h p a h y t m o to n t h y t m a d r i u t e i n a d s fwa ed sg n lme t t n S 5 i gec i t es se c n r l i ,t es se h r wa ecr i d sg n o t r e in a d i e n a i s u c mp o o lcr ma n t av n / o v re o to ,t u e l i g t e tmp r t r n a h wa e v le a d A D c n e trc n r l h sr ai n h e e a u e a d b t trd s h r e t c z mec n r 1
TA NG u i H a
【 b rc T ipprn oue a i e a ro n oep n o a y n h n—s ne ot l t t— A s at h ei r c k d fh t omc t lr l r eog iac cn o,h b h t 】 s a t d s n o t b h o rl a t c r o t l d t r ea
[ 中图分类号]T 2 2 P 7 [ 文献标识码]A [ 文章编 号]17 6 4—32 (0 2 0 2 9 2 1 )4—04 0 0—0 3
1 引 言
随着我 国经 济 的快 速发 展 , 民生 活 水平 不 断 人
提高 ,信息 化 ” 概 念 被 引 入 到 了住 宅 的建 设 当 “ 的 中 。本 文设 计 了一 种 可 进 行 远 程 控 制 的 家 用 智 能
基 于 MC 一 片 机 的 远 程 浴 室 控 制 系统 设 计 S5 1单
** 师范学院————————————————信息工程学院毕业设计〔论文〕附属过程管理材料〔2013届〕专业电子信息工程学号0908**学生****师范学院教务处印制目录1. 湖州师范学院本科毕业设计〔论文〕选题审批表2. 湖州师范学院本科毕业设计〔论文〕任务书3. 外文原稿(复印件)与译文4. 文献综述〔前言、主题、总结、参考文献〕5. 湖州师范学院本科毕业设计〔论文〕开题报告6. 湖州师范学院本科毕业设计〔论文〕中期检查报告7. 湖州师范学院本科毕业设计〔论文〕指导教师审阅表8. 湖州师范学院本科毕业设计〔论文〕评阅人评阅表9. 湖州师范学院本科毕业设计〔论文〕硬件验收评分表10. 湖州师范学院本科毕业设计〔论文〕答辩记录表11. 湖州师范学院本科毕业设计〔论文〕答辩评分表12. 湖州师范学院本科毕业设计〔论文〕评分表13. 湖州师范学院本科生毕业设计〔论文〕诚信承诺书14. 校级优秀毕业设计〔论文〕推荐表湖州师范学院本科毕业设计〔论文〕选题审批表湖州师范学院毕业设计〔论文〕任务书指导教师〔签名〕**学生〔签名〕**开始执行任务日期2012年6月30毕业设计〔论文〕——外文翻译〔原文〕AN EMBEDDED SINGLE CHIPTEMPERATURECONTROLLER DESIGNJ. Jayapandian and Usha Rani RaviDesign Development & Services Section, Materials Science DivisionIndira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpa Kama – 603 102. Tamil Nadu. IndiaABSTRACTThis paper describes a single chip embedded temperature controller design programmed in a single Programmable System on Chip (PSoC);a mixed array logic consists of analog,digital and digital virtual instrument control program written in Labview ver.7.1,a graphical language,provides user friendly menu driven window based control panel,interacts with the single PSoC chip design for sensing and controlling the temperature.This simple cost effective embedded design finds potential application in laboratory as well as in industries.This deign can also be made as a standalone system without PC by programming LED/ LCD display and key pad attachment modules in same PSoC chip.1. INTRODUCTIONThe advent of intelligent programmable embedded silicon designs provides the ability to implement any required hardware programmatically for the design automation in industries and laboratories.Recent trend in laboratory as well as in industrial automation designs uses programmable embedded components and application software available in the market enables the designer for user friendly cost effective design solution for any system automation.Temperature controllers are playing vital role in industries and laboratories.To accurately control process temperature without extensive operator involvement,a temperature control system relies upon a controller,which accepts a temperature sensor such as a thermocouple or RTD as input.It compares the actual temperature to the desired control temperature,or set point,and provides an output to a control element.The controller is one of the major parts of the entire control system,and the whole system should be analyzed in selecting the proper controller.This paper describes a novel single chip temperature controller design with Cypress Micro systems Programmable System on Chip (PSoC).Virtual instrument control program written in Lab VIEW ver.7.1 interacts with the embedded PSoC design and senses and controls the temperature of furnace / load.2. PROGRAMMABLE SYSTEM ON CHIP (P Soc)While Sand inexpensive interface to sensors,andmore.Cypress’System-Chip(PSoC)architecture offers a flexible,economical solution for a wide variety of applications.This paper how n in fig.1,it features four main areas:PSoC core,digital system,analog system,and resources including in/out ports. This architecture allows the user to create customize Alpheratz configurations that match the requirements of each individual application.The UAR Tinter face, coupled with configurable analog and digital peripherals makes the CY8C27143 truly universal in its connections to the external world.The PSoC core includes:an M8C micro controller;32K Bytes of program flash memory;2Kbyte of data RAM;internal 24 oscillator;sleep and watchdog timer;general-purpose input/output pins (GPIO) allowing any pin to be used as digital input or output,and most pins to be used as analog inputs or outputs.Every pin can be used as a digital or analog interrupt.The digital system is made up of 8digital PSoC blocks.Each block is an 8-bit resource that can be used alone or combined with other blocks to form peripherals.Possible peripherals include:PWMs (8- to 32-bit);PWMs with dead band (8- to 24-bit);counters (8- to 32-bit);UART 8-bit with selectable parity;SPI master and slave;cyclical redundancy checker/generator (8- to 32-bit);pseudo random sequence generators (8- to 32-bit).These digital blocks can be connected to any of the GPIO through a series of globalbuses.These buses also allow for signal multiplexing and performing logic operations.The analog system is made up of12configurable blocks,each comp rising an op amp circuit allowing the creation of complex analog signal flows.Analog peripheral sar of the more common PS0C analog functions are:filters (2 and 4 pole band-pass,low-pass,andnotch); amplifiers (up to 2,with selectable gain to 48x);instrumentation amplifiers (1with selectable gain to 93x); comparators (up to 2, with 16 selectable thresholds);DAC (up to 2, with 6 to 10-bit resolution); and SAR ADC (up to two,with 6-bit resolution).In combination with the digital blocks,additional functions can be created, including: incremental ADCs (up to 2, with 6- to 14-bit resolution); delta sigma ADC (1,with 8-bit resolution at62.5ksps).The additional system resources provide additional capability useful for the complete system design..Fig. 1 : Block diagram of Programmable System on Chip (PSoC) internal blocks3. VIRTUAL INSTRUMENT PROGRAMVirtual instrument (VI) is an application of general purpose digital PCs for the measurement and control of various physical variables.The VI program mimics the control processes,which are in a remote area,on the PC screen.On-going process control automation can be visualized by the experimentalist through PC screen.VI program provides inexpensive and yet a powerful platform for the control and data acquisition of process variables.These programs are easy to implement with graphic languages (G-language).The “G” language implements the data flow technique.The usage of “G” language provides easy interfacing with PCs under the Windows environment [2]. The “G” language provides built-in function libraries for a variety of application requirements as graphic palettes, which in turn supports the required DLL s for the functions to run under windows ually the “G” language VI programs consist of two frames viz.,panel diagram and functional diagram.In the panel diagram,programmers can assign various controls and indicators (i.e., input and output variables).their requirements and in the functional diagram, the designers can implement the required.Fig. 2 : PSoC designer screen for single chip temperature controller Functions available as a function library in Lab.National Instruments version7.1 incorporates all the necessary func tions as ‘icons’ in its package.4. PSoC SINGLE CHIP TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER DESIGNshows the PSoC designer screen for the embedded single chip temperature controller design project [1].Left side of the screen shows the settings portion of the screen shows the analog and digital blocks user module placement.Top portion of the screen shows the selected user modules for this project.Right side of the screen describes the pin connectivity configured in the design.In this novel single chip design,thermocouple (TC) signal has been amplified by a programmable gain amplifier (PGA) placed in the PSoC’s analog block.The amplified TC signal has been fed in to a 12 bit Analog-to digital(ADC) user module programmed in the PSoC chip, which includes both analog and digital blocks for its functionality by PSoC designer programming.The converted digital data of the TC signal has been fed to the UART user module for serial communication with Personal Computer.The UART user module placed in the chip,automatically gets placed in two digital blocks of PSoC chip,transmitter (TxD) and receiver (RxD) for PCs serial communication.A pulse width modulator (PWM),placed in the PSoC digital block,sets a serial pulse width modulated TTL pulses in response to the PID control function for the deviation in set and measured temperature.This will in turn controls the optically coupled solid state relay (SSR) driving the AC line power connected to the load/furnace[3,4].The menu driven window based virtual instrument control program senses the temperature,via,thermocouple,TC amplifier,12-bit ADC and UART communication block of PSoC chip and evaluate the control functions like PID, linear heating, on-sweep and sets the pulse width of PWM in a PSoC chip via UART block in a serial communication.Fig. 3 : Single PSoC chip Temperature controller designFig.3.shows the connectivity of a single PSoC chip design with solid state relay (SSR)and USB port via,serial-to-USB converter cable for communication with PC.The SSR,acts as AC power controller for controlling the furnace power,has been activated by the PWM pulses from PSoC chip.The menu driven virtual instrument control program works in window environment interacts with the embedded design for sensing,controlling and acquiring the temperature data. On-line plotting of acquired temperature data also carried out by the VI program.5. CONCLUSIONA simple and cost effective embedded temperature controller has been designed,fabricated and tested successfully for its functionality.This compact designs permits the user to select any type of control function through its virtual instrument program,written in LabVIEW ,and works under window environment.This design can be directly connected to PCs‘com’ port or USB port via USB-to-serial converter cable,the SSR power controller module can be connected on the furnace stand.The optically isolated power controller provides safe operation without damaging the interfacing intelligent controller. 6. REFERENCES1 J. Jayapandian.Current Science, Vol 90. No.6. 25th March 2006. p.765-770.2.National Instrument’s LabVIEW user manual.Briefs. Electronic Design Magazine. A Penton Publication.New Jersey,USA. ED Online ID #5687.September 15,2003..33 (2) 75 – 80 (2003).出处:J.instrum.soc.india 38(1) 50-54.毕业设计〔论文〕——外文翻译〔译文〕嵌入式单片机温度控制器设计J. Jayapandian 和Usha Rani Ravi设计开发服务部材料科学部门英迪拉.甘地原子能研究中心卡尔帕卡姆-603102泰米尔纳德邦〔印度〕摘要本文介绍了一种在可编程系统芯片〔PSOC〕上的嵌入式单片机温度控制器,它由数字,模拟和通信功能模块组成,是一个混合的逻辑阵列。
正文 基于单片机的智能型混水阀控制系统设计
目录1 引言 (1)2 总体方案设计 (2)2.1 智能型混水阀控制系统基本组成 (2)2.2 系统功能 (2)2.3 模块方案论证及选择 (2)2.3.1电源模块 (2)2.3.2中央处理单元设计 (3)2.3.3键盘输入模块设计 (3)2.3.4温度采集模块设计 (4)2.3.5人机交互界面设计 (4)2.3.6执行机构 (5)3 系统硬件电路设计分析 (6)3.1 电源设计和分析 (6)3.2 单片机的选型 (7)3.3 DS18B20温度传感器 (7)3.4 SMG12864ZK 液晶显示模块 (9)3.4.1 SMG12864ZK概述 (9)3.4.2 SMG12864ZK 液晶显示模块的主要技术参数 (9)3.4.3 SMG12864ZK 液晶显示模块的接口信号说明 (10)3.4.4 液晶模块与单片机硬件连接 (10)3.5 4*4矩阵键盘 (10)3.5.1 矩阵式键盘的结构与工作原理 (10)3.5.2矩阵式键盘的按键识别方法 (11)3.6 步进电机 (12)3.6.1 简介 (12)3.6.2基本原理 (12)3.7 两相混合式步进电机驱动器 (13)3.7.1驱动器概述 (13)3.7.2性能指标 (13)3.7.3功能及使用 (14)3.7.4控制接口 (16)3.8 完整硬件设计原理和实物图 (17)4 系统软件设计 (19)4.1总体设计思想 (19)4.2开发工具及语言 (20)4.3主要子程序构成介绍 (20)4.4系统初始化子程序 (20)4.5 DS18B20驱动子程序 (20)4.5.1操作流程 (20)4.5.2 复位及应答关系示意图 (21)4.5.3 DS18B20写时间隙 (22)4.5.4 DS18B20读时间隙 (22)4.5.5 DS18B20驱动程序源代码 (23)4.6 矩阵键盘驱动子程序 (25)4.7 中文液晶模块12864驱动子程序 (26)4.7.1 液晶显示模块指令集 (26)4.7.2 MPU 写资料到模块 (27)4.7.3 MPU 从模块读出资料 (28)4.7.4 液晶显示模块驱动程序源代码 (28)4.8 步进电机驱动子程序 (31)4.9 E2PROM断电数据保护 (32)5 系统调试及实测 (33)6 结束语 (34)参考文献 (35)致谢 (36)附录 (37)1 引言传统方式下家庭、宾馆及许多工业现场等对恒温出水的调节主要依靠机械式混水阀对热水管道与冷水管道阀门的开启比例来实现。
智能型混水阀控制系统的设计周 俊 李玉鹏 余 华(武汉东湖学院 电子信息工程学院,湖北省 武汉 430212)随着科学技术的飞速发展以及人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对生活的需求已从追求简单向着追求质量,功能,服务等多重需求过渡。
图1 系统组成框图作者简介:周俊,武汉东湖学院电子信息工程学院教师。
%This paper introduces a kind of the bathroom controller plan to carry on the long-distance control, the bathroom controller mainly by the monolithic integrated circuit, the A/D switch and the solenoid valve is composed, designed monolithic integrated circuit and the PC machine between serial communication electric circuit. This design is based on the M CS-51 single chip as the system control unit, the system hardware circuit design and software design and implementation of electromagnetic valve and A/D converter control, thus realizing the temperature and bath water discharge time control.【总页数】4页(P40-42,45)【作者】汤怀【作者单位】肇庆工商职业技术学院,广东肇庆526040【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP272【相关文献】1.基于Internet的MCS-51单片机远程监控系统设计 [J], 奚旗文2.基于MCS-51单片机的洗衣机控制系统设计 [J], 王琰3.基于MCS-51单片机的远程浴室控制系统设计 [J], 汤怀4.基于增强型MCS-51单片机的可避障竞步机器人控制系统设计 [J], 陆宽; 蒋善超5.基于MCS-51单片机的矿区住宅智能应急照明控制系统设计 [J], 李高伟;李响初因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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基于单片机的智能型浴室混水阀控制器的设计优秀设计学校代码: 11059 学号: 0605074001Hefei University毕业论文(设计)BACHELOR DISSERTATION论文题目:基于单片机的智能型浴室混水阀控制器的设计学位类别:______________________工学学士___________________________学科专业:______________________自动化___________________________作者姓名:______________________刘涛___________________________导师姓名:______________________孙强_____________________________完成时间:_________________2010年5月18日_____________________基于单片机的智能型浴室混水阀控制器中文摘要随着信息技术的飞速发展以及人们生活水平的大幅度提高,人们对生活的需求已从追求简单向着追求质量,功能,服务等多重需求过渡。
关键词:混水阀;单片机;温度;传感器Based on Microprocessor Intelligent Controller of Mixing ValveAbstractWith the rapid development of information technology ,people's living standards greatly improved, demanding people seeking a simple life toward the pursuit of quality, functionality and service multiple needs of the transition. In winter, water heater is very frequent the use ofhousehold appliances, but the traditional mechanical mixing valve for regulating water temperature is not very good handling. Therefore the design of the mixing valve controller for the water heater to improve, it has the automatic adjustment function of temperature and good handling.In this paper, AT89C52 microcontroller to detect the entire system, water temperature sensing field data collection, through the signal processing module processing the signal through the ADC, the signal into the microcontroller, display processing results. Temperature sensor section describes the hardware, A / D converter, microcontroller, display module and stepper motor. Software design and introduce some of the main program flow chart, system debugging section includes debugging software, the debugging process and the debugging process problems and solutions.Keywords: mixing valve; microcontroller;Temperature;sensor 目录第一章绪论 11.1课题研究的背景及依据来源 11.1.1课题研究的背景 11.1.2 课题的依据来源11.2传统机械式混水阀 21.2.1传统机械式浴室混水阀的工作原理 21.2.2传统机械式混水阀存在的问题 21.3智能型浴室混水阀 21.3.1智能型浴室混水阀控制器的基本组成2 1.3.2智能型浴室混水阀控制器工作原理 3 第二章系统方案的设计与论证 32.1系统功能 32.2系统总体方案规划 42.3各模块方案选择及论证42.3.1中央处理单元 42.3.2键盘输入模块 42.3.3温度显示模块 52.3.4温度采集模块 52.3.5执行机构 5第三章主要元器件的设计 73.1 AT89C52单片机73.1.1 功能特性描述73.1.2 管脚描述83.1.3 引脚功能83.2 AD590温度传感器 103.2.1 概述103.2.2 AD590工作原理 113.3 ADC0809模数转换器113.3.1 主要特性113.3.2 ADC0809工作原理: 123.4 1602字符液晶133.4.1引脚说明133.4.2字符集153.4.3指令集163.5 4*4矩阵键盘163. 6 步进电机173.6.1 概述173.6.2分类183.6.3基本原理183.7 步进电机驱动芯片L297 19 3.7.1 概述193.7.2 L297各引脚功能说明20 3.7.3 L297驱动相序的产生22 第四章系统硬件设计224.1 扩展外围接口 224.2 温度检测电路设计234.3.1 设计目标234.3.2 设计的出发点234.3.4 转换电路234.3 显示电路设计 244.4 执行机构的设计24第五章系统的软件设计255.1 系统软件设计思想255.1.1 系统流程图 255.1.2 冷热水的配比265.2子程序描述及流程图26 5.2.1 系统初始化子程序26 5.2.2 A/D转换子程序 265.2.3 键盘扫描子程序265.2.4 温度显示子程序275.2.5打开电机子程序 275.3.6 温度控制子程序275.2.7 水位控制285.2.8中断子程序28第六章系统调试与仿真29 6.1 温度采集的调试296.2 4×4键盘的调试306.3 供水部分的调试306.4 步进电机的调试306.5 Proteus 系统仿真305.5总结30结束语30参考文献31致谢31附录32第一章绪论1.1课题研究的背景及依据来源1.1.1课题研究的背景随着电子技术以及应用需求的发展,单片机技术得到了迅速的发展,在高集成度,高速度,低功耗以及高性能方面取得了很大的进展。
1.1.2 课题的依据来源目前,在宾馆、家庭以及公共浴室中使用的混水阀,大多数是机械式混水阀,其类型有冷热水手调式、单把开关调温式等几种。
一般情况下,传统机械式混水阀如图1所示:图1 传统机械式混水阀示意图1.2.2传统机械式混水阀存在的问题从日常生活经验中可以看出,通过机械式混水阀出来的水温很不稳定,并且不容易用手控制合适的水温。
本设计的结构框图如图2所示:图2 智能型浴室混水阀控制器的方框图1.3.2智能型浴室混水阀控制器工作原理针对机械式混水阀存在的问题,智能型混水阀控制器能够较好改进这些问题。