科技英语翻译 13b

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• 译成并列分句
• 重复关系代词所代的名词,有时还可以在名词之前加指示代词
• At present hundreds of millions of tons of diverse substances which are a source of harm to the health of people, plantlife, and useful microorganisms are discharged to the atmosphere. • 目前,成千上万吨各种各样物质排入大气,这些物质实际上是对 人类健康、植物生存、以及有用的微生物产生危害的根源。 • Electronic communication is a network that connects everyone to everyone else and provides just about any sort of electronic communication imaginable. • 信息高速公路是一种电子通讯网络,这一网络把所有的人互相联 系起来,并可提供任意一种人们想得到的电子通讯方式。
• The earth is a large ecosystem in which plants, animals, insects and humans all depend on one another in some way. • 地球是一个大型的生态系统,在这个系统中动物、植物、昆虫以 及人类在一定程度上都相互依存。 • Heart and vessels form a complete circle, through which the blood flows. • 心脏和脉管形成一个完整的循环,血液通过这一循环而流动。 • Air is a mixture of gases, of which oxygen forms 21% by volume. • 空气是一种气体混合物,氧气占空气体积的21%。
• 译成谓语 • New electron tubes could be built that worked at much higher voltages. • 如今制造的电子管,工作电压要高得多。 • A strict vegetarian is a person who never in his life eats anything derived from animals. • 严格的素食者终生都不食用动物性食品。 • Scientists have found the detective gene that causes a rare, heritable disorder. • 科学家们发现基因缺陷会引起一种罕见的遗传疾病。 • There is no place on earth where the days are longer in winter than in summer. • 地球上任何地方冬天的白昼都比夏天长。 • Strength, hardness and plasticity of emtals are the properties that make them so useful for industry. • 金属的强度、硬度和可塑性这些性能使它们在工业上得到广泛应 用。
• 译成状语从句
• 译成原因状语从句
• Vegetarianism is definitely unsatisfactory for growing children, who need more protein than they can get from vegetable sources. • 对正在发育的儿童来说,素食肯定是不可取的,因为他们需要的 蛋白质不可能全从植物类食品中获得。 • Iron is not as strong as steel which is an alloy of iron with some other elements. • 铁的强度不如钢的高,因为钢是铁和其他一些元素形成的合金。 • A cat, whose eyes can take in more rays of light than our eyes, can see things clearly in the night. • 因为猫的眼睛比我们人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线,所以猫在夜里 能把东西看得很清楚。 • The computer, which seems to play the role of a human brain, is often called an electronic brain. • 由于电子计算机起着类似人脑的作用,所以常称为电脑。
• 如果关系代词which与其在主句所修饰的词能够顺序说明,表达
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
• Live-wire operation is an advanced technique by which linsmen can repair transmission without cutting off the current. • 带电作业是一项先进技术,线路工人能不切断电流就修理输电线。 • It is called the north pole of the magnet, which is usually marked N. • 这就叫磁体的北极,通常用N 表示。 • In most parts of the sea, there are millions of tiny living things that can be hadly seen with our eyes. • 在大部分海域里,生存着无数的微生物,我们用眼睛看不见。 • When the free electrons in a conductor move in one direction only, the current thus established is called a direct current, which is often abbreviated to DC. • 当导体的自由电子只以一个方向运动时,这样产生的电流叫做直 流电,常缩写为DC 。
• 当从句具有转折意义时,除重复关系代词所代的名词之外,还须
• • • • • • •
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Matter is composed of molecules that are composed of atoms. 物质是由分子构成的,而分子又是由原子构成的。 A metal will bear beating with a hammer, which a stone will not. 金属经得起锤子的敲打,而石头却不能。 Mechanical energy is changed into electric energy, which in turn is changed into mechanical energy. 机械能转变为电能,而电能又转变为机械能。 Fine grains of dust can reflect blue light, which coarse grains of dust can not. 微粒灰尘能反射蓝光,但粗粒灰尘却不能。 Hydraulic copying make it suitable for the aerospace industry, which was then still developing in Europe. 液压仿形适合于宇航工业,但这种工业当时在欧洲尚处于发展阶 段。
• 关系代词译成“它”、“它们”等。
• Allliving things are made of very small cells, whose form can be seen with the aid of a microscope. • 所有生命体都由极小的细胞构成,借助显微镜可以看到其形状。 • The control unit is an important part of the computer, which can cause the machine to operate according to man’s wishes. • 控制器是计算机的重要部分,它能使计算机按人们的意愿进行操 作。 • The deep sea is a highly preserving environment where the water temperature is just a few degrees centigrade and little light can penetrate. • 深海是一个非常封闭的环境,那儿的温度只有几摄氏度,很少有 光能穿透。 • The base is the foundation of all machines and is the part on which all other parts are mounted. • 底座是所有机器的基础,也是一个部件,其他部件都装在它上面。
• 当关系代词which引导非限定性定语从句,说明整个主句,对主
句的内容作补充说明、总结、概括或承上启下的作用时,可译成 指示代词“这”。
• Rubber is a light, elastic, durable and water-resistant material, which makes rubber industry very important. • 橡胶质轻、有弹性、耐用而且防水,这使得橡胶工业十分重要。 • Miniaturization means making things small in size, which is of great importance for the development of the electronics industry. • 小型化意味着缩小东西的尺寸,这对电子工业的发展极为重要。 • Internet is very useful in modern life, which is known to everybody. • 因特网在现代生活中非常重要,这是众所周知的。 • When fuels burn, chemical energy changes into light and heat energy, which agrees with the law of conservation of energy. • 燃料燃烧时,化学能就转化为光和热能,这和能量守衡定律是一 致的。
• 译成结果状语从句 • Copper, which is used so widely for carrying electricity, offers very little resistance. • 铜的电阻很小,所以广泛用来输电。 • Molecules have perfect elasticity, in consequence of which they undergo no loss of energy after a collision. • 分子可任意膨胀,所以在碰撞后并没有能量损失。 • Scientists have developed a second generation of the blood substitute that solves the problem of blood storage. • 科学家们已经研制出第二代血液代用品,从而解决了血液的贮存 问题。 • In 1952 London had a very bad four-day smog in which 4000 bronchitis sufferers died. • 1952年,伦敦曾连续四天烟雾弥漫,结果造成4000名支气管患者 死亡。
• 译成定语 • • • • • • • The microorganism which causes disease is pathogenic. 引起疾病的微生物是细菌。 The way which the human mind works is almost impossible to copy. 人类思维方式几乎是不可以复制的。 The people who study ecosystem are called ecologists. 那些从事生态系统研究的人被称作生态学家。 A modem is a device which conncts a computer via telephone lines to other computers. • 调制解调器是把一台计算机通过电话线同其他计算机相连接的一 种装置。 • In modern industry many substances are used which have been found to do great harm to man. • 现代工业使用许多对人体有很大危害的物质。