

深圳瑞迪莱科技有限公司 可适用于户外的无线4G蓝牙网关说明书

深圳瑞迪莱科技有限公司 可适用于户外的无线4G蓝牙网关说明书

(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)实用新型专利(10)授权公告号 (45)授权公告日 (21)申请号 201822228719.7(22)申请日 2018.12.27(73)专利权人 深圳市瑞迪莱科技有限公司地址 518000 广东省深圳市宝安区西乡街道桃源社区臣田航城工业区A1栋203北边(72)发明人 王玉祥 (74)专利代理机构 深圳市中科创为专利代理有限公司 44384代理人 彭西洋 谢亮(51)Int.Cl.H04B 1/40(2015.01)H04W 88/16(2009.01)(54)实用新型名称一种可适用于户外的无线4G蓝牙网关(57)摘要本实用新型公开一种可适用于户外的无线4G蓝牙网关,包括蓝牙模块、电平转换模块、4G无线模块、供电模块;蓝牙模块用于采集周围蓝牙设备Beacon的数据;所述电平转换模块包括发送电平转换单元、接收电平转换单元;蓝牙模块经发送电平转换单元将采集数据发送至4G无线模块,并经接收电平转换单元接收4G无线模块的回传数据;所述4G无线模块包括SIM卡接口单元、4G无线通信单元、4G天线;4G无线通信单元与SIM卡接口单元通信连接,并经4G天线将采集数据上传至物联网云平台;供电模块用于分别为蓝牙模块、4G无线模块供电。


权利要求书1页 说明书4页 附图5页CN 209030215 U 2019.06.25C N 209030215U1.一种可适用于户外的无线4G蓝牙网关,其特征在于,包括蓝牙模块、电平转换模块、4G无线模块、供电模块;所述蓝牙模块用于采集周围蓝牙设备Beacon的数据;所述电平转换模块包括发送电平转换单元、接收电平转换单元;所述蓝牙模块经发送电平转换单元将采集数据发送至4G无线模块,并经接收电平转换单元接收4G无线模块的回传数据;所述4G无线模块包括SIM卡接口单元、4G无线通信单元、4G天线;所述4G无线通信单元与SIM卡接口单元通信连接,并经4G天线将采集数据上传至物联网云平台;所述供电模块用于分别为蓝牙模块、4G无线模块供电。

U-SIN-RD80-CN2 低频雷达物位计 使用说明书

U-SIN-RD80-CN2 低频雷达物位计 使用说明书

杭州联测自动化技术有限公司 服务电话:400-185-1718更多资讯请扫二维码杭州联测自动化技术有限公司 U-SIN-RD 80-CN 2第2版低频雷达物位计使用说明书前言●感谢您购买本公司产品。








版本U-S IN-RD80-CN2第二版2021年7月确认包装内容打开包装箱后,开始操作之前请先确认包装内容。


产品清单目录第一章产品概述 (1)1.1原理 (1)1.2应用介绍 (2)第二章仪表介绍 (3)第三章仪表安装 (9)3.1安装步骤及注意 (9)3.2安装位置指导 (9)3.2.1锥形罐的安装 (10)3.2.2有堆料的储罐 (11)3.3罐内安装说明 (12)3.3.1最佳安装选择 (12)3.3.2棒式雷达安装说明 (13)3.3.3喇叭口雷达安装说明 (14)3.3.4安装短管较长时使用天线延伸管 (14)3.4容器接管高度要求 (15)3.5导波管中测量 (15)3.6常见安装位置的正误 (18)第四章电气连接 (20)4.1供电电压 (20)4.2连接方式 (20)4.3安全指导 (21)4.4防护等级 (21)第五章仪表调试 (22)5.1雷达物位计有三种调试方法 (22)5.2显示/按键 (22)5.3上位机调试 (23)5.4HART手持编程器编程 (24)第六章结构尺寸(单位:mm) (25)6.1表壳尺寸 (25)6.1.1铸铝表壳 (25)6.1.2塑料表壳 (26)6.2外观尺寸 (27)6.3喇叭口尺寸(单位:mm) (31)6.4法兰选型(单位:mm) (32)第七章技术参数 (33)第八章维护与检修 (36)8.1注意事项 (36)第九章质保及售后服务 (37)第一章产品概述第一章产品概述1.1原理雷达物位计天线发射极窄的微波脉冲,这个脉冲以光速在空间传播,碰到被测介质表面,其部分能量被反射回来,被同一天线接收。



内存容量:RAM:2GB ROM:16GB


超声波脉冲测距传感器 - 2600-2630 中文手册说明书

超声波脉冲测距传感器 - 2600-2630 中文手册说明书

0 bis 30 mm 0 bis 65 mm siehe unter Erfassungsbereich siehe unter Erfassungsbereich 0 bis 200 mm 1.300 mm 0 bis 350 mm 3.400 mm 2.000 mmsiehe unter Erfassungsbereich 5.000 mmsiehe unter Erfassungsbereich 0 bis 600 mm 6.000 mm 8.000 mmsiehe unter Erfassungsbereich ca. 320 kHz0,025 mm bis 0,10 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten ca. 400 kHz0,025 mm bis 0,17 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten AnalogfensterAnalogfenster% (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert, % (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert, abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest ca. 200 kHz0,18 mm bis 0,57 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten ca. 120 kHz0,18 mm bis 1,5 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten AnalogfensterAnalogfensterca. 80 kHz0,18 mm bis 2,4 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten Analogfenster% (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert,± 0,15 %% (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert, abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation))9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest ± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert,iert, abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest Messingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Messingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT ±10 % 80 mAMessingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Messingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,±10 %≤ 80 mAMessingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen IP 67EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen IP 67EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C -40°C bis +85°C -40°C bis +85°C 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C -40°C bis +85°C -40°C bis +85°C 210 g 172 ms < 300 ms-40°C bis +85°C 270 g 240 ms < 300 msBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92K Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;Ω bei U ≥ 20 VΩ bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;Ω bei U ≥ 20 VSteigende/fallende CharakteristikΩ bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest Steigende/fallende CharakteristikΩ bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest BUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92K BUS003TBUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92K BUS0041Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;Ω bei U ≥ 20 V100 Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V; 500 Ω bei U ≥ 20 VSteigende/fallende Charakteristik100 k Ω bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest Steigende/fallende Charakteristik100 k Ω bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest R ≤ 100 Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;R ≤ 500 Ω bei U ≥ 20 VSteigende/fallende CharakteristikR ≥ 100 k Ω bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest Steigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende Charakteristikausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 10 mm5 c m0 c m5 c m10 c mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm10 c m0 c m10 c m20 c mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm0,4 m0 m0,4 m0,8 m0 m0,8 m1,6 m2,4 m 3,2 m 4 m 4,8 m 5,6 m 3,4 mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm1,6 m0,8 m0 m0,8 m1,6 m0 m 1,2 m2,4 m3,6 m4,8 m6 m7,2 m8,4 mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm2,4 m1,2 m0 m1,2 m2,4 mSensor wahlweise über LED-Anzeige nummerisch parametrisieren...BedienungsanleitungBUS M30 Ultraschall-Sensor mit einem AnalogausgangBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92KUltraschall SensorenSet sensor parameters alternatively numerically using LED-display...Instruction manualBUS M30 Ultrasonic Sensor with one analogue outputBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92K0 to 30 mm 0 to 65 mm Please see detection zone Please see detection zone 0 to 200 mm 1.300 mm 0 to 350 mm 3.400 mm 2.000 mmPlease see detection zone 5.000 mmPlease see detection zone 0 to 600 mm 6.000 mm 8.000 mmPlease see detection zone 0,025 mm to 0,10 mm, depending on the 0,025 mm to 0,17 mm, depending on the analogue windowanalogue window± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof 0,18 mm to 0,57 mm, depending on the 120 kHz0,18 mm to 1,5 mm, depending on the analogue windowanalogue window80 kHz0,18 mm to 2,4 mm, depending on the analogue window± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof ± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof 80 mA80 mABrass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,Brass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,epoxy resin with glass content epoxy resin with glass content EN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBTEN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBT±10 % 80 mABrass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,Brass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,±10 %≤ 80 mABrass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,epoxy resin with glass content epoxy resin with glass content IP 67EN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBTEN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBTepoxy resin with glass content IP 67EN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBT2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs 2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C < 300 ms< 300 ms2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs 2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C 2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C 210 g < 300 ms172 ms < 300 ms-40°C to +85°C 270 g 240 ms < 300 msBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92K BUS002N100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;BUS005K100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V; 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristic100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristicBUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92K BUS003F100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;BUS003T≤ 100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;BUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92K BUS0041R ≤ 100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V; 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic≤ 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristic≥ 100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristicR ≤ 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristicR ≥ 100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristicausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 10 mm 5 c m0 c m5 c m10 c mPlateRound barausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm10 c m0 c m10 c m20 c mPlateRound bar ausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm 0,4 m0 m0,4 m0,8 mPlateRound bar0 m0,8 m1,6 m2,4 m3,2 m 4 m4,8 m5,6 m3,4 mausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm 1,6 m0,8 m0 m0,8 m1,6 mPlateRound bar0 m 1,2 m 2,4 m 3,6 m 4,8 m 6 m 7,2 m 8,4 mausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm2,4 m1,2 m0 m1,2 m2,4 mPlateRound bar Ultrasonic SensorsUltraschall SensorenBedienungsanleitungBUS M30 Ultraschall-Sensormit einem AnalogausgangBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92KSensor wahlweise über LED-Anzeige nummerisch parametrisieren...0 bis 30 mm 0 bis 65 mm siehe unter Erfassungsbereich siehe unter Erfassungsbereich 0 bis 200 mm 1.300 mm 0 bis 350 mm 3.400 mm 2.000 mmsiehe unter Erfassungsbereich 5.000 mmsiehe unter Erfassungsbereich 0 bis 600 mm 6.000 mm 8.000 mmsiehe unter Erfassungsbereich ca. 320 kHz0,025 mm bis 0,10 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten ca. 400 kHz0,025 mm bis 0,17 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten AnalogfensterAnalogfenster% (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert, % (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert, abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest ca. 200 kHz0,18 mm bis 0,57 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten ca. 120 kHz0,18 mm bis 1,5 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten AnalogfensterAnalogfensterca. 80 kHz0,18 mm bis 2,4 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten Analogfenster% (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert,± 0,15 %% (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert, abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation))9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest ± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert,iert, abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest Messingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Messingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT ±10 % 80 mAMessingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Messingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,±10 %≤ 80 mAMessingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen IP 67EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen IP 67EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C -40°C bis +85°C -40°C bis +85°C 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C -40°C bis +85°C -40°C bis +85°C 210 g 172 ms < 300 ms-40°C bis +85°C 270 g 240 ms < 300 msBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92K Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;Ω bei U ≥ 20 VΩ bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;Ω bei U ≥ 20 VSteigende/fallende CharakteristikΩ bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest Steigende/fallende CharakteristikΩ bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest BUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92K BUS003TBUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92K BUS0041Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;Ω bei U ≥ 20 V100 Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V; 500 Ω bei U ≥ 20 VSteigende/fallende Charakteristik100 k Ω bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest Steigende/fallende Charakteristik100 k Ω bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest R ≤ 100 Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;R ≤ 500 Ω bei U ≥ 20 VSteigende/fallende CharakteristikR ≥ 100 k Ω bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest Steigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende Charakteristikausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 10 mm5 c m0 c m5 c m10 c mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm10 c m0 c m10 c m20 c mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm0,4 m0 m0,4 m0,8 m0 m0,8 m1,6 m2,4 m 3,2 m 4 m 4,8 m 5,6 m 3,4 mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm1,6 m0,8 m0 m0,8 m1,6 m0 m 1,2 m2,4 m3,6 m4,8 m6 m7,2 m8,4 mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm2,4 m1,2 m0 m1,2 m2,4 m*103668*MV-DO-120658-356107Nr./No. 888 429 D/E, Ausgabe/Edition 1208; Änderungen vorbehalten/Subject to modification BalluffGmbH,Schurwaldstrasse9,73765Neuhausena.d.F.,Phone+497158173-0,Fax+4971585010,******************,Ultrasonic SensorsInstruction manualBUS M30 Ultrasonic Sensorwith one analogue outputBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92KSet sensor parameters alternatively numerically using LED-display...*103668*0 to 30 mm 0 to 65 mm Please see detection zone Please see detection zone 0 to 200 mm 1.300 mm 0 to 350 mm 3.400 mm 2.000 mmPlease see detection zone 5.000 mmPlease see detection zone 0 to 600 mm 6.000 mm 8.000 mmPlease see detection zone 0,025 mm to 0,10 mm, depending on the 0,025 mm to 0,17 mm, depending on the analogue windowanalogue window± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof 0,18 mm to 0,57 mm, depending on the 120 kHz0,18 mm to 1,5 mm, depending on the analogue windowanalogue window80 kHz0,18 mm to 2,4 mm, depending on the analogue window± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof ± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof 80 mABrass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,Brass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,epoxy resin with glass content epoxy resin with glass content EN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBTEN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBT80 mA±10 % 80 mABrass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,Brass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,±10 %≤ 80 mABrass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,epoxy resin with glass content epoxy resin with glass content IP 67EN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBTEN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBTepoxy resin with glass content IP 67EN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBT2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs 2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C < 300 ms< 300 ms2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs 2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C 2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C 210 g < 300 ms172 ms < 300 ms-40°C to +85°C 270 g 240 ms < 300 msBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92K BUS002N100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;BUS005KΩ at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V; 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristicΩ at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristic100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristicBUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92K BUS003F100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;BUS003T≤ 100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;BUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92K BUS0041R ≤ 100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V; 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic≤ 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristic≥ 100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristicR ≤ 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristicR ≥ 100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristicausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 10 mm 5 c m0 c m5 c m10 c mPlateRound barausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm10 c m0 c m10 c m20 c mPlateRound bar ausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm 0,4 m0 m0,4 m0,8 mPlateRound bar0 m0,8 m1,6 m2,4 m3,2 m 4 m4,8 m5,6 m3,4 mausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm 1,6 m0,8 m0 m0,8 m1,6 mPlateRound bar0 m 1,2 m 2,4 m 3,6 m 4,8 m 6 m 7,2 m 8,4 mausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm2,4 m1,2 m0 m1,2 m2,4 mPlateRound bar Nr./No. 888 429 D/E, Ausgabe/Edition 1208; Änderungen vorbehalten/Subject to modification BalluffGmbH,Schurwaldstrasse9,73765Neuhausena.d.F.,Phone+497158173-0,Fax+4971585010,******************,MV-DO-120658-356107。


















【最新2018】oulu,说明书-精选word文档 (10页)

【最新2018】oulu,说明书-精选word文档 (10页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==oulu,说明书篇一:欧陆512C操作说明书单相控制器产品型号目录目录???????????????????????????????1 概述???????????????????????????????2 机械安装尺寸???????????????????????????3 电气规格?????????????????????????????4 环境条件?????????????????????????????5 基本接线?????????????????????????????6 接线端说明????????????????????????????7 系统框图?????????????????????????????10 安装须知?????????????????????????????11 基本设定程序???????????????????????????12 故障处理?????????????????????????????141概述SSD512控制器适用于永磁和并磁直流电机的转速和力矩控制。

装置有四种型号:512C/044A DC 512C/088A DC 512C/16 16A DC 512C/32 32A DC控制器计设在110-415VAC 50/60Hg 单相电流上运行,简单改变控制器上的变换抽头即可使装置使用于供电电压。







进入 IP 设置状态(见 IP 功能设置)按 “2” 可查看 “IP1” 的号码,若按 “删除/DEL”至无号码显示,再按“设
置 SET/闪断 FL”可删除该组号码存储。
3、IP 拨号(普通 IP 拨号方式)
方式一:挂机状态预拨号,再按“IP”键,话机将自动摘机拨出 IP 号码再拨出预拨的电话号码。
例:17910P1P+帐号后 12 位数+密码+#P
中国吉通 IP 卡输入内容
例:17920P1P+帐号后 8 位数+#P+密码+#P
00 卡输入内容
例:300830P1P+帐号后 12 位数+#P+密码+#P
200 卡输入内容
例:200P1P+帐号后 11 位数+#P+密码+#PIP
IP 功能设定
挂机状态下按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键,直接输入数字“8”,液晶屏幕显示: 1-AU 2-3-IP,进入 IP 设置子菜单,此时
输入数字“1”,进入下一层的自动 IP 选择状态,液晶屏幕会提示:AUIP OFF ,同时字体 O为关, 此时按 “上翻/UP”、“下翻/DOWN”键选择所需的 IP 号码后按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认(自动 IP 号码
1~32 位号码,在输入号码过程中,如有错误,可按“删除/DEL”键进行修改,输入完后按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认,
液晶屏幕会显示:IP1 CODE , 表示 IP 存储成功。在设置自动 IP 号码时,如没有所需的 IP 号码,可选择为 IP1 状态,
则自动 IP 拨号时,会启用 IP1 里存储的号码。IP 号码设置成功后,按“删除/DEL”键退到主菜单或按“免提/H.F.”键退到



V12-T19-119Network ProtectorsCM52 Network Protector19Network ProtectorsProduct Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T19-2Product History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T19-2Product History Time Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T19-2Replacement Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T19-3Technology Upgrades—Relays and Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T19-3Further Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T19-4Pricing Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V12-T19-41919Network ProtectorsRetro-Build, Replacement Parts and RelaysNetwork ProtectorsOriginally aWestinghouse ProductCM-22CMDCM52Product DescriptionCutler-Hammer®networkprotectors from Eaton’selectrical business are specialself-contained air breaker unitshaving a full complement ofcurrent, potential and controltransformers, as well asrelay functions. The networkprotector enables theparalleling of two or moreprimary feeders on the samelow voltage bus. They areavailable for transformermounting in submersible ornon-submersible housings,or suitable for mounting withina low voltage switchgearassembly. The protective relayautomatically closes theprotector if power flow isforwarded into the collectorbus. It also trips the protectorupon flow of reverse fault ormagnetizing currents.Product HistoryThe network protector productline began manufacturing in1922 under the name ofWestinghouse Electric andManufacturing Company.Over the years a number ofdifferent production modelswere produced. The mostwidely installed model is thetype CM-22, which was firstmarketed in 1934 and is stillmanufactured today.New production CM-22,CMD, CMR-8 and CM52units are available fromthe Greenwood, SC, facility.Renewal parts are alsoavailable for these units.The old typeelectromechanical relayswhich have a large installedbase, are field replaceablewith the current solid- stateType MPCV relays.Eaton has also developedparts and relays to supportold style GE Type MG-8 andMG-9 network protectors. GEdiscontinued the manufactureof these products in 1996.Product History Time LineV12-T19-2V12-T19-31919Network ProtectorsRetro-Build, Replacement Parts and RelaysReplacement CapabilitiesNewSeveral current Cutler-Hammer production designs of network protectors are available:●CM52●CMD ●CMR-8●CM-22Retro-BuildRetro-building is a complete reworking of all the major components of a network protector including preliminary inspection, rebuilding, and re-testing equipment. Included in the process: removing all asbestos materials (where applicable), applying a new wiring harness, rebuilding the complete mechanism with motor and shunt trip, replacing the relay panel and completely reconditioning any enclosure. Modern components change the “as built” vintage to current production designs.Cutler-Hammer and Westinghouse ●CM-22●CMD ●CMR-8General Electric ®●MG-8●MG-9RetrofitGeneral Electric MG-8 and MG-9 network protectors up to 2000A are retrofittable with a new CM52 roll-in replacement breaker. This retrofitting option usesexisting enclosures and bus, replacing the remaining with the most recent technology of the CM52.CMD style network protectors are retrofittable with a new CM52 drawout circuit breaker and is available for all ampere ratings and voltages.Contact the Network Protector Group for additional information and availability at 1-800-525-6821 or 1-877-737-8328.Technology Upgrades—RelaysElectromechanical and older solid-state relays can be replaced with new micro-processor MPCV designs. The MPCV network relay can be field installed into ANY network protector regardless of the age or the manufacturer. Field installation is accomplished without breaker modification or any rewiring of the breaker control harness.Communications CapabilityThe MPCV relay has the capability of communicating information over a wide range of media.Hardwire (fiber or twisted pair), wireless (cellular or radio) are options available using Eaton’s VaultGard Communication platform. This system provides data for extensive engineering analysis, vault diagnostics, preventive maintenance and additionally provides DNP 3.0 objects direct to a SCADA system.MPCV Relay for Cutler-Hammer and Westinghouse Network ProtectorsFront ViewRear ViewMPCV Relay forGE Network ProtectorsFront ViewRear View1919Network ProtectorsRetro-Build, Replacement Parts and RelaysPartsEaton offers an extensiveinventory of newlymanufactured renewalparts for the followingnetwork protectors:Cutler-Hammer andWestinghouse●CM-22●CMD●CMR-8●CM52General Electric●MG-8●MG-9Test SetsHWT-500 Test KitThe HWT-500 test kit isoffered to provide completetesting capabilities fornetwork protectors with 208through 480V delta or wyeconnected systems. This issupplied in a rugged, wheeledcase with retractable handle.TrainingThe product line offers thefollowing network protectortraining seminars:●Safety and MaintenanceSeminar—This two-day seminar coversfundamentals of networksystems, network relayhistory and theory andmaintenance overview ofthe CM-22, CMD, CM52and MPCV relay●T roubleshooting NetworkProtector Seminar—This three-day seminarencompasses all materialincluded in the safety andmaintenance seminarand also covers theGE network protectors.A combination ofclassroom and hands-ontroubleshooting areprovidedFurther InformationPricing InformationCall Eaton’s NetworkProtector Group inGreenwood, SC.Toll Free: 1-800-525-6821or 1-877-737-8328.Publication Number DescriptionCM-22DB 35-550G Descriptive BulletinRPD 35-550H Renewal Parts Data BookRP02401002E Renewal Parts GuideIB 35-5001E Instruction BookCMDDB 35-552B Descriptive BulletinRPD 35-552Renewal Parts Data BookRP02401001E Renewal Parts GuideIB 35-552-G Instruction BookCMR-8RPD 35-575(E)Renewal Parts Data BookIB 35-575-A Instruction BookCM52B.52.01.S.E Sale BrochureIB 52-01-TE Instruction BookMPCR RelayIB 35-581A Instruction BookMPCV RelayIB 35-581B Instruction BookST-156Sales Engineer’s NotesSA-376Sales Aid MPCV RelaySA.52.01.S.E T&D Reprint—Pepco SystemHWT-500 T est KitIB 35-557Instruction BookLWT-450 T est KitIB 35-556-C Instruction BookSA-11898Sales AidV12-T19-4V12-T19-51919Network ProtectorsRetro-Build, Replacement Parts and RelaysCMD Network Protector Renewal PartsEaton’s Cutler-Hammer CMD Network ProtectorDescriptionCurrentCatalog NumberElectrical Components Finger cluster assembly (800–1875A)593C841G01Finger cluster assembly (2000–3000A)682C347G02Micro-switch assembly436B162G01Anti-close coil and switch (800–1875A)436B169G01Anti-close coil and switch (2000–3000A)436B169G02Auxiliary switch assembly (800–3000A)591C950G01Anti-close relay assembly 765A881G03Motor close relay765A880G01Trip coil assembly (1875–3000A)8230A23G02Trip coil only 677C903G03Capacitor only 8310A96H01BN dummy plate (CMD)435D857G03CNJ dummy plate (CMD)508B559G01Mechanical DevicesMotor assembly—two lead only (800–3000A)437B494G01Operations counter592C040H02Levering-in assembly (800–1875A)442D145G01Levering-in assembly (2000–3000A)6897D33G01HardwareNetwork relay hold-down nuts 5765A44G01Combination nuts 1087024Breaker crank589C063G01X-washer and contact grease kit 8264A32G01Breaker rollers 349A473H01Breaker blocking bar3670A85H01Breaker contact test gauge (1875A)3670A81G01Control Resistors and Rectifiers Diode 8310A96H03Rectifier3615A35H01Electromechanical resistor assembly 664A956G013100 ohm resistor 499A067H04Motor close rheostat8230A16G01Fuses (125–216V and 277/480V)NPL fuse (800A)140D318G04NPL fuse (1200A)140D318G05NPL fuse (1600–1875A)140D318G01NPL fuse (2000–2825A)140D318G02NPL fuse (3000A)140D318G06T ransformersCurrent transformer (multi-ratio: 800/1200/1600A)8230A85H01Current transformers (2000A)8313A73G02Current transformers (2500A)8313A73G01Current transformers (3000A)8313A73G03Potential transformer 7526A14G01Control power transformer8230A18H01DescriptionCurrentCatalog NumberCurrent Carrying Components Moving arcing contact (800–1875A)695C128G02Moving arcing contact (2000–3000A)695C134G01Stationary arcing contact assembly (800–1875A)593C842G01Stationary arcing contact assembly (2000–3000A)6897D10G02Arc chute (800–1875A)6914D18G02Arc chute (2000–3000A)9147D18G01Enclosure Parts—NEMA and Submersible (800–3000A)Fuse housing (800–1875A)595F152G01Fuse housing (2000–3000A)693C719G01Spade terminal (800–1875A)437B477G01Stud terminal (800–1875A)589C074G01Spade terminal (2000 – 3000A)690C292G01Stud terminal (2000–3000A)506B827G01Fuse housing cover with gasket (800–1875A)6390C82G01Fuse housing cover with gasket (2000–3000A)6390C84G01Fuse housing cover with window (800–1875A)592C092G01Fuse housing cover with window (2000–3000A)592C092G02Fuse housing tank gasket (800–1875A)505B339H01Fuse housing tank gasket (2000–3000A)590C508H018-point stationary secondary contact591C497G018-point moving secondary contact (breaker mounted)591C498G0612-point moving secondary contact (breaker mounted)693C618G0112-point stationary secondary contact 9246C47G01Door hinge and clamp kit (open side)6418C71G01Door hinge and clamp kit (hinge side)6418C71G02Hinge bolt only 1640799Tank window kit 545B314G02Tank window only 310C536H12Tank window gasket only5863A16H01Submersible T ank Door Gasketing Flat molded, pre 12/87 (800–1875A)437C089H01Flat molded, pre 12/87 (2000–3000A)590C512H011.25-inch (31.8 mm) diameter tubular Sep. MDT.—166 inches (4216.4 mm) (800–1875A)8309A37H011.25-inch (31.8 mm) diameter tubular Sep. MDT.—140 inches (3556.0 mm) (800–1875A)8309A37H021.25-inch (31.8 mm) diameter tubular Sep. MDT.—152 inches (3860.8 mm) (2000–3000A)8309A37H01Flat molded, pre 12/87 (2000–3000A)437C089H01Barrier assembly tanking (800–1875A)567F830G01Barrier assembly tanking (2000A plus)693C717G021919Network ProtectorsRetro-Build, Replacement Parts and RelaysCM-22 Network Protector Renewal PartsEaton’s Cutler-Hammer CM-22 Network ProtectorDescriptionCurrentCatalog NumberElectrical ComponentsMotor contactor assembly (replaces G01, G02 and SG relay)503B286G03“J” switch assembly (664A948H01)1572037“J” switch contact only657A239H01Motor cutoff “W” switch assembly (for three lead motor)310C629G01Motor cutoff “W” switch assembly (for two lead motor)310C629G03Auxiliary switch 12-pole 46A5916G13 + G14310C626G02Auxiliary switch eight-pole (replaces type “W”)310C626G03Network relay terminal block (lower)310C356G05Network relay terminal block (upper)310C356G03CNJ terminal block310C356G02BN terminal block (lower)310C356G01BN terminal block (upper)310C356G04BN dummy plate435D857G03CNJ dummy plate508B559G01Mechanical DevicesMotor—three lead592C071G03Motor—three lead with amp plug 592C071G01Motor—two lead592C071G02Shunt trip device (208V)1114739Shunt trip device (250V)1630111Shunt trip coil only (208V)0918738Shunt trip coil only (250V)1041078Operations counter592C040H03HardwareMechanical links, springs and caps8312A08G01Fuse disconnect nut1087025Fuse disconnect nut1087024Relay combo nut (large)5765A44G01Overtoggle link assembly436D164G02Micarta® link (left side of overtoggle assembly)1572053Micarta link (right side of overtoggle assembly)1572054Operating handle17B9956G01Mechanism bumper and pins pack (sold in packs of three)6419C75G01Control Resistors and RectifiersPhasing resistor—3 ohm499A067H05Phasing resistor—3100 ohm499A067H04Motor circuit—3 ohm resistor assembly664A956G02Motor circuit—3 ohm fixed and adjustable resistor assembly664A956G01T ransformersLighting transformer assembly (250V)542B075G01Lighting transformer assembly (125V)542B075G02Potential transformer (single only, six required in assembly)7526A14G01Potential transformer assembly (left and right)60A3930G03Control power transformer (sold separately)8234A01G01Control power transformer with mounting kit508B560G02DescriptionCurrentCatalog NumberCurrent T ransformersMulti-ratio 1600/1200/800A:5A745C148G01Fixed ratio 1600A:5A592C554G01Fixed ratio 2000A:5A6109C13G01Fixed ratio 2500A:5A592C556G01Fixed ratio 3000A:5A592C557G01Current Carrying ComponentsStationary conductor (800–1875A, left and right)310C352G02Stationary conductor (800–1875A, center)310C352G01Stationary main contact assembly (2000–3000A, includes arcing contact)310C358G02Stationary main contact assembly (3500A, includes arcing contact)310C358G01Moving contact (800–1875A, left and right)310C353G01Moving contact (800–1875A, center)310C353G02Moving contact assembly (2000–3500A, right)436D166G01Moving contact assembly (2000–3500A, left and center)436D166G02Arcing contact moving (2000–3500A)09A2605G05Arcing contact stationary (800–1875A)1529542Arcing and main stationary contact assembly (2000–3500A)310C357G01Arc chute (all sizes)17B9967G01Enclosure Parts—NEMA and SubmersibleBreaker barrier kit (800–1875A)6549C10G01Breaker barrier kit (2000–3000A)6914D10G014-point stationary disconnect device (left hand)678C170G034-point stationary disconnect device (right hand)678C170G04Moving disconnect device (left hand)678C169G02Moving disconnect device (right hand)678C169G03Round sight glass kit (tempered glass)545B314G02Door hinge and clamp kit (open side)6418C71G01Door hinge and clamp kit (hinge side)6418C71G02Submersible T ank Door Gasketing0.75-inch (19.1 mm) diameter tubular, pre '62 only—139 inches (3530.6 mm) (800–1875A)8311A01H011.25-inch (31.8 mm) diameter tubular—139 inches (3530.6 mm) (800–1875A)6337C85H401.25-inch (31.8 mm) diameter tubular— 61 inches (4089.4 mm) (2000–3000A)6337C95H401.25-inch (31.8 mm) diameter tubular—181 inches (4597.4 mm) (2000–3000A)6337C97H40V12-T19-6。

Radnor和North品牌的一款首 aid 箱类产品说明书

Radnor和North品牌的一款首 aid 箱类产品说明书

Radnor® Bulk First Aid KitsAPart Number Description10 25 50 75 100SH40100501" x 3" Plastic Strip Bandages,100/bx1 1 111SH40101152" x 3" Adhesive Bandages, 50/bx- - - -1NOS0207302" x 3" Adhesive Bandages, 6/bx- - - 1-NOS020855Woven Fingertip Bandages, 8/bx- - - -1NOS020020Woven Knuckle Bandages, 8/bx- - 1 11SH40231431⁄2" x 5 yds Waterproof Adhesive Tape 1 1 1 1 2NOS0480061" x 5 yds Waterproof Adhesive Tape- - - 26SH40518202" Clean-Wrap N/S Gauze1 - - 22SH4103100T2PK 1" x 5 yd Co-Flex Bandage- - 5 -5SH4103200T 2" x 5 yd Co-Flex Bandage- 1 - 1-SH4103300T 3" x 5 yd Co-Flex Bandage- - - 12SH4103400T 4" x 5 yd Co-Flex Bandage- - - -2SH40675222" x 2" Sterile Gauze Pads, 25/bx- - - -13" x 3" 12ply Sterile Gauze Pads, each 4 5 10 - -SH40675333" x 3" Sterile Gauze Pads, 25/bx- - - 11SH40674444" x 4" Sterile Gauze Pads, 10/bx- - - -1NOS0207684" Off-Center Compress Bandage, 1/bx 1 1 1 2 3NOS020510Gauze Compress 24" x 72"11NOS045009Triangular Bandage, 40" x 40" x 56"1 1 1 12-Eye Pads,Oval Sterile, each2 2 - --NOS020300Eye Pads Sterile, 4/bx- - 1 22FEN320004510000 1 oz Eyewash NOS021645MD Antiseptic BZK Wipes, 10/bx1 1 1 22 1 1 1 12A. Radnor® General Purpose Bulk First Aid KitsSH4232124 SH4233020 SH4201005 NOS021020 SH4161510 NOS020667 NOS020555 NOS020225Triple Antibiotic Ointment .5 gm Foil Pk, ea 6 6 6 6 -Triple Antibiotic Ointment .5 gm Foil Pk, 20/bx - - - - 1Hydrocortisone (1%) 1 gm 1% Foil Pack,20/bx - - - - 1Alcohol Prep Pad, each- 4 - --3 oz Burn Spray- - - 111⁄8 oz Burn Gel, each6 6 6 --Aspirin, 50 packs of 2 per bx- - - 1141⁄2" x 5" Cold Pack, 1/bx1 1 2 24Pain-A-Rest (acetaminophen)13 pks of 2/bx - - 1 - -Ammonia Inhalant Ampules, each- 2 5 --Ammonia Inhalant Ampules, 10/bx- - - 11• Kits contain economic bulk supplies that can be readily accessedwhen needed• Ideal for manufacturing settings where a wide variety of first aid itemsare required• Image shown may vary from actual fill, see chart below for list of contents• All general purpose bulk kits are ANSI Z308.1-2009 compliantPart NumberDescriptionSizeRAD64058020 RAD64058008 RAD64058009 RAD64058010 RAD6405801110-person Cabinet 25-person Cabinet 50-person Cabinet 75-person Cabinet 100-person Cabinet107⁄16"W x 5"H x 21⁄2"D 101⁄2"W x 5"H x 21⁄2"D 101⁄2"W x 101⁄2"H x 21⁄2"D 151⁄2"W x 101⁄2"H x43⁄4"D 17"W x 15"H x 51⁄2"DSH480264RB 84" x 52" Rescue Blanket, Silver- - - 11NOS020380 NOS020350Wire Splint for Arm or Leg Tourniquet- - - 11 - - - 11BSH440709TM Tongue Blades, 6/pk- - - 11SH43271963" Tweezer, Slant End11NOS03156531⁄2" Tweezers, Pointed1 1 11SH432BS412 SH4325701P41⁄2" Mini Bandage Scissors 51⁄2" SS Lister Bandage Scissors1 1 1 11 - - - 11B. North® Redi-Care Kits™SH4522000VSH4269214-NOS045027Part Number NOS028001 NOS016059 NOS020010 NOS020020 NOS020701 NOS020795 NOS032074 NOS020445 NOS048006 NOS020125 NOS032203 NOS032204 NOS020766 NOS020640 NOS052220NOS121065 SH4241010A NOS126040F NOS020135 NOS045027 SH4324050 SH4067433 NOS021161 NOS020667 NOS021201X NOS020618 NOS752577 NOS720072 NOS021640 SH4065590 NOS020374 NOS020380Vinyl Gloves, 2pr/bg1 1 1 11Hand & Skin Lotion 1 gm Foil Pack, 20/bx - - - - 2Zip Lock Bag, 5" x 5"- 1 1 --First Aid Guide1 1 1 11Redi-Care Kit ComponentsContents018503-4219 PromotionalAdhesive Bandage, 1" x 3", Cloth10Adhesive Bandage, 1" x 3", Cloth-Adhesive Bandage, Fingertip, Cloth 2Adhesive Bandage, Knuckle, Cloth 2Adhesive Bandage, 1" x 3", Plastic -Adhesive Bandage, 1" x 3", Plastic -Adhesive Bandage, XL2Adhesive Tape, 1⁄2" x 21⁄2 yd.1Adhesive Tape, 1" x 5 yd.-Antibiotic Ointment4Antiseptic Spray, 2 oz.-Burn Relief Spray, 2 oz.-Compress, Bandage, Offset, 2"-Compress, Gauze, 18" x 36"-Conforming Bandage, 2” x 6 yds,-non-sterileCPR Barrier-Eye Pad, Sterile-Eye-Lert® Eyewash, 4 oz.-First Aid/Burn Cream with Aloe4First Aid Guide-Tweezers, Disposable Plastic1Gauze Pads, Sterile 3" x 3"2Hydrocortisone,1.0%,⁄132oz.-Instant Cold Pak1PVP Iodine Wipes6Rescue Blanket-Scissors, Angled, Red Handle1Self Adherent Wrap, 3" x 5 yd.-Nitrile Medical Gloves (pair)1Trauma Pad, Sterile, 5" x 9"-Triangular Bandage, Non-Sterile-Wire Splint-018502-4220 Small 4 4 1 4 1 1 -6 1 1 4 1 10 1 1 1 -018501-4221 018505-4221 Medium Medium w/CPR----44443232--4411--11------2111-1221166111144--111010--11--22--11--018500-4222 018504-4222 Large Large w/CPR--11004466----441111111111141122-14411--1111101011022101011111112111111• Lightweight, portable first aid kits packaged in soft-sided, red nylon bags• The flexibility of these soft-sided cases allows them to easily fit into tight spaces, and hold more items than hard-sided kits of the same size• Complete contents for each kit are listed in chart belowPart Number NOS018500-4222 NOS018504-4222 NOS018501-4221 NOS018505-4221NOS018502-4220 NOS018503-4219DescriptionSizeLarge Kit with CarryingHandle for Portability186 pieces per unit101⁄2" x 7" x 6"Large Kit with CPR Barrier,Carrying Handlefor Portability,187 pieces per unit101⁄2" x 7" x 6"Medium Kit with CarryingHandles and Belt Loopsfor Portability,91 pieces per unit83⁄4" x 6" x 23⁄4"Medium Kit with CPRBarrier, CarryingHandles and Belt Loopsfor Portability,92 pieces per unit83⁄4" x 6" x 23⁄4"Small Kit with Integral BeltLoops, Compact Design,61 pieces per unit43⁄4" x 5" x 21⁄2"Promotional Kit, flat, withTrim Design39 pieces per unit7" x 41⁄2" x 11⁄2"。

Suncorp,电话机,说明书Colombo Two

Suncorp,电话机,说明书Colombo Two

5. 菜单和功能......................................................................8
5.1 出厂设置 ..............................................................................9
11. 故障排除 .....................................................................13 12. 常规说明 .....................................................................14
1. 欢迎 ................................................................................2
1.1 1.2 1.3 功能 .....................................................................................2 盒内配备物 ..........................................................................2 重要事项 ..............................................................................2
7. 电话本 ...........................................................................10



BD552i 使用说明书

BD552i 使用说明书

DIGITAL PORTABLE RADIO数字手持终端BD552i OWNER’S MANUALBD552i使用说明书Welcome to the world of Hytera and thank you for purchasing this product.This manual includes a description of the functions and step-by-step procedures for use.It also includes a troubleshooting guide.To avoid bodily injury or property loss caused by incorrect operation,please carefully read the Safety Information Booklet before use.This manual is applicable to the following product:BD552i Digital Portable RadioCopyright InformationHytera is the trademark or registered trademark of Hytera Communications Corporation Limited(the Company)in the People's Republic of China(PRC) and/or other countries or areas.The Company retains the ownership of its trademarks and product names.All other trademarks and/or product names that may be used in this manual are properties of their respective owners. The product described in this manual may include the Company's computer programs stored in memory or other ws in PRC and/or other countries or areas protect the exclusive rights of the Company with respect to its computer programs.The purchase of this product shall not be deemed to grant,either directly or by implication,any rights to the purchaser regarding the Company's computer programs.The Company's computer programs may not be copied,modified,distributed,decompiled,or reverse-engineered in any manner without the prior written consent of the Company. DisclaimerThe Company endeavors to achieve the accuracy and completeness of this manual,but no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given.All the specifications and designs are subject to change without notice due to continuous technological development.No part of this manual may be copied,modified,translated,or distributed in any manner without the prior written consent of the Company.We do not guarantee,for any particular purpose,the accuracy,validity, timeliness,legitimacy or completeness of the third-party products and contents involved in this manual.If you have any suggestions or would like to receive more information, please visit our website at:.FCC StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to part15of FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates and can radiate radio frequency energy.If not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.Verification of harmful interference by this equipment to radio or television reception can be determined by turning it off and then on.The user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:·Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.·Connect the equipment into an outlet on a different circuit to that of the receiver's outlet.·Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:·This device may not cause harmful interference.·This device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Note:Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Compliance with RF Exposure Standards Hytera's portable radio complies with the following RF energy exposure standards and guidelines:·United States Federal Communications Commission,Code of Federal Regulations;47CFR§1.1307,1.1310and2.1093.·American National Standards Institute(ANSI)/Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers(IEEE)C95.1:2005;Canada RSS102Issue5 March2015.·Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers(IEEE)C95.1:2005 EditionRF Exposure Compliance and Control Guidelines and Operating InstructionsTo control your exposure and ensure compliance with the occupational/controlled environmental exposure limits,always adhere to the following procedures.Guidelines:·Do not remove the RF Exposure Label from the device.·User awareness instructions should accompany device when transferred to other users.·Do not use this device if the operational requirements described herein are not met.Operating Instructions:·Transmit no more than the rated duty factor of50%of the time.To transmit(talk),push the Push-To-Talk(PTT)button.To receive calls, release the PTT button.Transmitting50%of the time,or less,isimportant because the radio generates measurable RF energy only when transmitting(in terms of measuring for standards compliance).·Keep the radio unit at least2.5cm away from the face.Keeping the radio at the proper distance is important as RF exposure decreases with distance from the antenna.The antenna should be kept away from the face and eyes.·When worn on the body,always place the radio in a Hytera-approved holder,holster,case,or body harness or by use of the correct clip for this e of non-approved accessories may result in exposure levels which exceed the FCC's occupational/controlled environmental RF exposure limits.·Use of non-approved antennas,batteries,and accessories causes the radio to exceed the FCC RF exposure guidelines.·Contact your local dealer for the product's optional accessories.IC StatementThe device has been tested and complies with SAR limits,users can obtain Canadian information on RF exposure and complianceAprès examen de ce matériel aux conformitéaux limites DAS et/ou aux limites d’intensitéde champ RF,les utilisateurs peuvent sur l’exposition aux radiofréquences et la conformitéand compliance d’acquérir les informations correspondantesThis device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:·This device may not cause harmful interference.·This device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:(1)l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et(2)l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnementEU Regulatory ConformanceAs certified by the qualified laboratory,the product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the following directives:1999/5/EC or2014/53/EU,2006/66/EC,2011/65/EU,and 2012/19/EU.Please note that the above information is applicable to EU countries only.ContentsPacking List 2Product Overview3ProductControls 3LCD Icons 4LED Indications 4Before Use4Attaching the Antenna 4Attaching the Battery 4Attaching the Belt Clip5Attaching the Audio Accessories 5Charging the Battery5Checking the Battery Power 5Basic Operations 6Call Services6Call on Digital Channel6Callon Analog Channel (Without Signaling)6Optional Features 7Troubleshooting 9Care and CleaningProductCare 11ProductCleaning 11Optional Accessories1111ContentsPlease unpack carefully and check that all items listed below are received.If any item is missing or damaged,please contact your dealer.Item Quantity(PCS)Item Quantity(PCS) Radio1Antenna1 Battery1Belt Clip1 Charger1Strap1 Power Adapter1Documentation Kit1Check whether the frequency band marked on the antenna label matches that on the radio label.If not,please contact your dealer.You can request your dealer to program your radio to use the SK as the shortcut to a radio featureProduct ControlsLCDIconsLED IndicationsLED Indicator Radio StatusFlashes green Being turned on.Glows green Receiving.Glows redTransmitting.Flashes orange slowlyScanning.Glows orangeCall hang time:No voice is being transmitted or received on the channel during a call.Within such a period,you can press and hold the PTT key and speak.Attaching the Antenna1.Place the antennain its receptacle.2.Rotate the antenna clockwise until hand tight.Do not hold the radio by the antenna,as it may reduce the radio performance and life span of the antenna.Attaching the Battery1.Insert the top of the battery into the top of the battery slot.2.Press the bottom of the battery until the latch snaps into place.To remove the battery,make sure the radio is turned off,and then slide the battery latch upwards to unlock the battery.Attaching the Belt Clipe a Phillips screwdriver to turn the screws counterclockwise on the back of the radio and remove them.2.Align the screw holes on the belt clip with those on the back of the radio.3.Put the screws back in place,and use the Phillips screwdriver to turn them clockwise until hand tight.Attaching the Audio Accessories1.Open the accessory connector cover.2.Plug the accessory into the accessory connector.3.Turn the screw on the accessory plug clockwise until hand tight.Charging the Battery·Use the charger specified by Hytera to charge the battery.·Read the Safety Information Booklet before charging.The battery delivered with the radio is uncharged.To ensure optimum performance,fully charge the battery before initial use.It is recommended that your radio remain powered off during charging.To charge the battery,do as follows:1.Insert the output connector of the power adapter into the port on the back of the charger.2.Plug the power adapter into a power outlet.3.Place the battery or the radio with battery attached into the charger,and then switch the power outlet on.To determine the charging status,check the light-emitting diode(LED) indicator on the charger according to the following table:LED Indicator Charging StatusGlows greenThe battery is fully charged or fails to make propercontact with the charger.Glows red The battery is charging.Glows orange The battery is charged to85%or above.If the LED indicator does not glow red after you place the battery or radio into the charger,take the battery or radio out of the charger,and thenreplace it into the charger while ensuring it makes proper contact with the charger.Checking the Battery PowerTo check the current battery power,press andhold the Battery Power Indicatorkey preprogrammed by your dealer.The following table lists battery powerindications.The icon indicates that the battery runs low. In this case,please recharge or replace the batteryLED Indicator Alert Tone Battery Power Glows green Three beepsGlows orange Two beepsGlows red One beepFlashes red Low battery toneIf you want to…Then...Turn on/off the radioRotate the On-Off/Volume Control knob clockwise/counterclockwise.Increase/Decrease the volume Rotate the On-Off/Volume Control knob clockwise/counterclockwise after turning on the radio.Select a channelRotate the Channel Selector knob.Call on Digital ChannelYou can initiate a call to or receive a call from theprivate or group contact preset fora digital channel.Initiating a Call1.Select the required channel.2.Hold the radio vertically 2.5to 5cm from your mouth.3.Press and hold the PTT key,and then speak into themicrophone.The radio displays for an outgoing group call andfor an outgoingprivate call.Receiving and Responding to a CallWhen receiving a call,you can listen to it without any operation.The radio displays for an incoming group call andfor an incoming privatecall.You can press and hold the PTT key and speak within the preset time period.Call on Analog Channel (Without Signaling)You can initial a call to or receive calls from all other users on an analogchannel.The operations are the same as those on a digital channel.The following features need to be programmed by your dealer.Please contact your dealer for detailed operations. Type Feature DescriptionGeneral Feature Zone Allows you to select a zone.The radio supports up to16zones,with a maximum of256channels per zone.Power Level Allows you to switch the transmit power level between high and low.Scan Allows the radio to scan all channels in the scan list preset for the current channel and stay on a channel with activities. Emergency Alarm Allows you to initiate an emergency alarm or call to ask for help in case of emergencies.Busy Channel Lockout Prevents the radio from transmitting on a busy channel.Time-out Timer(TOT)Terminates transmission when the preset time period expires.Keypad LockAllows the keypad to be locked automatically when the radio does not detect any activity or operation within the presetperiod.Battery SaveAllows the radio to automatically enter the battery save mode when it does not detect any activity or operation within thepreset period.Digital Feature All Call Allows you to initiate a call to all users on a digital channel.One Touch Call Allows you to press one key to call the predefined private or group contact. TDMA Direct Mode Allows the radio to operate on a channel with two time slots.Type Feature DescriptionAnalog Feature Squelch Off Allows the radio's speaker to always keep unmuted.Squelch Off Momentary Allows the radio's speaker to keep unmuted when you press and hold the preprogrammed key. Squelch Level Allows you to adjust the squelch threshold required for the radio to unmute.Monitor Allows the radio to monitor activities on the channel.Scrambler Allows you to encrypt the transmitted voice to prevent eavesdropping.CTCSS/CDCSS Allows you to prevent unwanted calls on the same frequency.Phenomena Analysis SolutionYou are unable to hear anyone because of too much noise and hiss.You may be too far away from other members.Move towards other members.You may be located in an unfavorable position.Forexample,your communication may be blocked by highbuildings or blocked in an underground area.Move to an open and flat area,and restart the radio and trycontacting again.It could be the result of external disturbance(such aselectromagnetic interference).Stay away from equipment that may cause interference.The OLED does notdisplay any information.The OLED may fail to function temporarily.Restart the radio.If the above solutions cannot fix your problems, or you may have some other queries, please contact us or your local dealer for more technical support.To guarantee optimal performance as well as a long service life of the product,please follow these tips.Product Care·Do not pierce or scrape the product.·Keep the product far away from substances that can corrode thecircuitry.·Do not hold the product by the antenna or earpiece cable.·Close the accessory connector cover when no accessory is in use.Product CleaningTurn off the product and remove the battery before cleaning.·Clean up the dust and fine particles on the products surface andcharging piece with a clean and dry lint-free cloth or a brush regularly ·Use neutral cleanser and a non-woven fabric to clean the keys,knobsand front case after long-time use.Do not use chemical preparations such as stain removers,alcohol,sprays or oil preparations,so as to avoid surface casedamage.·Make sure the product is completely dry before use.Use the accessories specified by Hytera only;otherwise,the Company will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of the use of any unauthorised accessories.Contact your local dealer for the optional accessories used with the product.非常感谢您对我们产品的青睐!本手册旨在让您快速掌握终端的使用。









使用方法一、设置功能操作在挂机状态下按“设置/存储”键,进入设置状态,液晶屏幕显示“SET 1 DATE”此时用“上翻”、“下翻”键可改变设置项,液晶屏幕同时显示对应的设置项。



设置日期、时间在挂机状态下按“设置/存储”键,选择并进入日期/时间设置状态,液晶屏幕显示“SET 1 DATE” ,按“设置/存储”键确认。

进入日期/时间设置后,年的显示闪烁可按“上翻” 、“下翻”键修改,完成后再按“设置/存储”键进入月的设置,修改方法与年的设置相同,再按“设置/存储”键可依次修改日、小时和分钟。


设置区域码在挂机状态下按“设置/存储”键,选择并进入区域码设置状态,液晶屏幕显示“SET 2 COdE ” ,按“设置/存储”键确认,液晶屏幕会显示“Cod E -----”,第一个“ -”闪烁(若已设置了区号,则显示设置的区号,区号第一个号码闪烁)。

按“上翻”、“下翻”键设置或修改为0 到9完成第一位设置后,按“设置/存储”键进入第二位设置,以此类推。

可设置 5 位区域码。

设置出局码在挂机状态下按“设置/存储”键,选择并进入出局码设置状态,液晶屏幕显示“SET 3 PCOdE” ,按“设置/存储”键确认,此时液晶屏幕会显示出“PcodE--”,第一个号码“-”闪烁(若已设置了出局码,则显示已设置的号码,号码闪烁)。








三、按键操作说明:A.设置操作:在挂机状态下按"设置/存放"键,话机进入设置状态,液晶屏幕显示"SET1 DATE此时用“上翻”“下翻”可改变设置项,液晶屏幕同时显示对应设置项。


B.设置日期/时间:液晶屏幕显示“SET1 DATE”,按"设置/存放"键确定,进入日期/时间设置后,年显示闪烁,可按“上翻”“下翻”修改完成后再按"设置/存放"键进行月设置,修改方法和年相同,再按"设置/存放"键依次进行日、小时和分钟,C.设置五位区域码:液晶屏幕显示“SET 2 DATE”,按"设置/存放"键确定,液晶屏幕会显示“cod E.....”,进入区号设置,第一个“—”闪烁(若已设置了区号,则显示设置区号,区号第一个号码闪烁)按“上翻”“下翻”可设置或修改为0到9,完成第一位设置后,按"设置/存放"键进行第二位设置,依次类推。

RV Safe 二氧化碳和液化石油气报警器说明书

RV Safe 二氧化碳和液化石油气报警器说明书

Page 3Page 4Page 2CO & Propane Gas Alarm for RVsRVCOLP-2 and RVCOLP-3Propane Gas Alarm for RVsRVLP-2 and RVLP-3Owner’s ManualGeneral WarningsPlease Read this Entire Manual BeforeUsing the RV Safe AlarmCarbon monoxide (CO) gases and propane, or liquefied petroleum (LP) can be dangerous. Propane is commonly used in recreational vehicles, and early detection of propane leaks can help prevent dangerous conditions. Carbon monoxide can also accumulate with improper ventilation or with malfunctioning appliances.RV Safe will only detect CO and propane gas present at the sensor. Gases may be present in other areas.This product is intended for use in recreational vehicles (RVs) only. It is not designed to measure compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) commercial or industrial standards.Warnings About Carbon Monoxide GasThis carbon monoxide alarm is designed to detect carbon monoxide and propane gas from ANY source of combustion. It is NOT designed to detect smoke or any other gases.Understanding the Dangers of CO Gas PoisoningThe following are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning and need to be discussed with all occupants of the vehicle:1) Mild Exposure: Slight headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue (“flu-like” symptoms).2) Medium Exposure: Severe throbbing headache, drowsiness, confusion, fast heart rate.3) Extreme Exposure: Unconsciousness, convulsions, cardiorespiratory failure, brain damage, and death.Many cases of reported CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING indicate that while victims are aware they are not well, they become so disoriented they are unable to save themselves by either exiting the building or calling forassistance. Young children and household pets are typically the first affected. If you experience ANY symptoms of CO poisoning, consult your physician.Potential Problem Sources of CO GasThe sources of carbon monoxide gas can be very difficult to locate due to the odorless, colorless nature of the gas, especially after the RV has been aired-out prior to the investigator’s arrival. Look closely at the following:1) Car idling nearby.2) Motorhome or generator exhaust entering RV .3) Excessive spillage or reverse venting of fuel-burning appliances.• Outdoor ambient conditions such as wind direction and/or velocity,including high gusts of wind; heavy air in the vent pipes (cold/humid air with extended periods between cycles).• Negative pressure differential resulting from the use of exhaust fans. • Simultaneous operation of several fuel burning appliances competingfor limited internal air.• Vent pipe connection vibrating loose from clothes dryer, furnace, orwater heater.• Obstructions or unconventional vent pipe designs which amplify theabove situations.4) Extended operation of unvented fuel-burning devices (range, oven, fireplace, etc.).5) Temperature inversions which can trap exhaust gases near the ground. 6) Poorly designed or maintained vents.Understanding the Dangers of Propane GasLiquefied petroleum (LP) gas is commonly called propane and is used as fuel for heating and cooking appliances, especially for RVs.Propane gas is explosive at the lower-explosive-limit (LEL), which is 21,000 parts per million (ppm). RV Safe will alarm at 10% LEL, or 2,100 ppm.Propane gas is denser than air, and will usually accumulate close to the floor. Therefore, RV Safe should be placed near the floor in order to quickly detect propane gas leaks.Supply Voltage Thresholds 8 to 15 VDC (13.5V nominal)Supply Current (Max) 70 mA at 13.5V / 95mA at 8V Supply Current (Typical) 17 mA at 13.5VOperating Temperature -40°F to 150°F (-40°C to 66°C) Humidity15% to 90%CO Detection Thresholds 70 ppm for 60 to 120 minutes (RVCOLP models only) 150 ppm for 10 to 30 minutes400 ppm for 4 to 15 minutes LP Detection Threshold 4200 ppm (<20% LEL)Audible Indicator 85 dB at 10 feet (Minimum)Alarm Lifetime 5 years (powered operation)Standards Conforms to RV Standards for:(All models)UL1484(RVCOLP models only) UL2034 and complies withCSA 6.19.01Warranty 1 Year Weight 1.3 ozDimensions 4.21”x 2.61”x 0.57”(10.7 cm x 6.6 cm x 1.4 cm)Note: Supply current will remain higher for 30 seconds after power-up.Alarm will not detect CO or Propane for the first 30 seconds.SpecificationsIf alarm horn sounds with a 4-chirp pattern (Model RVCOLP-2 and RVCOLP-3 only):1) Press the Silence/Test button.2) Call your Local Emergency Services number or 911. ______________________________________________Fill in your local Fire Department number here.3) Immediately move to fresh air – outdoors or by an open door/window. Do a head count to check that all persons are accounted for. Do notreenter the premises or move away from the open door/window until the emergency services responders arrive, the premises have been aired out, and your alarm returns to its normal state.4) After following steps 1 – 3, if your alarm reactivates within a 24 hour period, repeat steps 1 – 3 and call a qualified appliance technician at( ) ________________ to investigate for sources of CO and LP from fuel burning equipment and appliances, and inspect for proper operation of this equipment. If problems are identified during this inspection, have equipment serviced immediately. Note any combustion equipment not inspected by the technician and consult the manufacturers’ instructions, or contact the manufacturers directly for more information about CO and LP safety and this equipment. Make sure that motor vehicles are not and have not been operating in an enclosed area near the RV .Note: This alarm was shipped with two (2) self-adhesive warning labels. Add the telephone numbers of your emergency service provider and that of a qualifiedtechnician in spaces provided. Place one label next to the alarm, and the other label near a source of fresh air where your family plans to gather if the alarm indicates the presence of carbon monoxide or propane gas.If alarm horn sounds with constant beeps:1) Evacuate everyone from the RV .2) Shut off propane gas supply at propane tanks or supply.3) Do not touch any electrical switch in or near the RV .4) Do not start vehicle’s engine or generator.5) Contact a qualified RV or gas technician for repairs.6) If you cannot reach a gas supplier or qualified Service Technician, contact the local fire department.7) Do not turn on gas supply until the leak has been repaired.WARNINGActivation of your CO alarm indicates the presence of carbon monoxide (CO) which can KILL YOU. WARNINGActivation of this device indicates the presence of propane gas, which can cause an explosionand/or fire. This normally indicates a leak in the propane gas pipes or a propane gas appliance. WARNINGTest alarm operation after vehicle has been in storage, before each trip, and at least once per week during use.WARNINGThis alarm has not been designed to detect smoke, fire, or gases other than carbon monoxide and propane.Alarm Features and FunctionsRV Safe includes an 85dB audible horn, two LEDs, and a Silence/Test button. The chart below summarizes the alarm outputs in each state. Normal Operation StateThe green power LED is ON when the alarm is functioning normally and no CO or propane gas is present. Press the Silence/T est button to perform a self test and enter the T est State.Note: Supply current will remain higher for 30 seconds after power-up. Alarm will not detect CO or Propane for the first 30 seconds and will draw extra current.Power Off StateIf no LEDs are on, then the alarm is powered off. Apply power to the alarm to resume normal operation.Self Test StateIf the Silence/Test button is pressed while in normal operation, the alarm will perform a self test of the CO sensor, propane sensor and battery voltage. It is recommended to perform a self test weekly, after power up from storage, and before each trip. If the self test passes, the alarm will perform 2 cycles of the CO horn pattern (4 rapid chirps followed by a 4 second pause), followed by 2 cycles of the propane horn pattern(constantly beeping). Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide for possible Self Test failures on page 7.CO Alarm State (RVCOLP models only)If CO gas reaches unsafe levels, the alarm will enter CO alarm state.The horn will sound with 4 rapid chirps followed by a 4 second pause and the red LED will flash rapidly. Open windows and doors and turn offappliances. Move to fresh air and call 911. The alarm may be silenced for 5 minutes by pressing the Silence/Test button. Contact a qualified RV technician to diagnose possible causes of CO.Propane Alarm StateIf propane gas exceeds 10% of the lower-explosive-limit for more than 30 seconds, the alarm will enter propane alarm state. The horn will sound with constant beeps and the red LED will be on. Immediately turn off all propane appliances and gas valve at the propane tanks. Open doors and windows to properly ventilate the RV . Check for any gas leaks and contact a qualified RV technician to diagnose possible propane leaks. The alarm may be silenced for 5 minutes by pressing the Silence/Test button.Alarm Silenced StateA CO alarm or propane alarm can be silenced for up to 5 minutes bypressing the Silence/Test button. The red LED will flash each second while the alarm is silenced. The original alarm state will resume after 5 minutes if the CO or propane levels still exceed safe levels.Low Battery StateIf the supply voltage drops below 8VDC, the alarm will enter Low Battery State. The horn will chirp every minute and both LEDs will flash every minute. Alarm performance cannot be guaranteed as the supply voltage drops below the low battery threshold. Charge or replace the RV battery immediately. DO NOT DISCONNECT THE ALARM.End-of-Life or other Failure StateIf the CO or propane alarm fails a self test, or if the End-of-Life is reached (after 5 years of operation), the alarm will enter the Failure State. The horn will chirp every minute and both LEDs will do a double flash every minute. Replace the alarm immediately.Alarm States CAUTIONDo not cover or obstruct RV Safe with anything that could prevent gas from entering the alarm.Page 5Page 7Page 8Limited WarrantyFor a period of 12 months from the date of purchase, RV Safe LLCLimited Warranty on your RV Safe alarm. Please retain it, along with proofof purchase showing the date of purchase and the identity of thepurchaser, in a safe place.REV 12.05.1990-4074-00CO sensors may not always activate and provide early enough warning. ACO sensor will only activate when it is maintained in working order andsufficient amounts of CO gas reaches the unit.If the RV will be used in areas where external CO sources such as portablegenerators or idling vehicles might be present, it is recommend that theRV's owner install additional CO alarms in the RV.Individuals with medical problems may consider using warning deviceswhich provide audible and visual signals for carbon monoxideconcentrations under 30 ppm.This device is designed to protect individuals from the acute effects ofcarbon monoxide exposure. It will not fully safeguard individuals withspecific medical conditions. If in doubt, consult a medical practitioner.WARNING - The installation of CO alarms should not be used as asubstitute for proper installation, use, and maintenance offuel-burning appliances, including appropriate ventilation andexhaust systems.CO ALARMS CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL NEVER SUFFER ANYILLNESS OR INJURY FROM EXPOSURE TO CARBON MONOXIDE GAS.WARNINGDo not install in a power line controlledby a wall switch or GFI circuit.Wire NutRear ViewRear ViewConnecting PowerDisconnect power until installation is completed to avoid shorting. RVSafe should be powered from the RV’s 12VDC system connected to aproperly fused circuit. Connect the red and black wires to the RV batteryusing an appropriate fuse (recommend using a 1A Min., 15A Max. fuse).3-wire models of RV Safe should connect the second red wire to anauxiliary 12VDC battery (such as the engine battery).Location — DO INSTALL• In the kitchen area near potential gas leaks such as a stove, oven,refrigerator, or furnace.• Within 4”-18” (10cm-46cm) of the floor. Propane is heavier than air andwill settle near the floor. CO gas is approximately the same density as air,and will mix evenly.•Where alarm vents are unobstructed to airflow; away from furniture,curtains, and out of closets.Location — DO NOT INSTALL• Within 12” (30cm) of opening windows, exterior doors, fans,vents, or areas with a draft.• On an exterior wall.• Within 24” (61cm) of any cooking appliance.• Behind furniture, drapes, in closets or areas that will block gas flow to alarm.• On a wall switch controlled by a power line, ground fault circuit or to acircuit breaker.MountingRV Safe should be mounted on a wall or panel of the RV.1. Ensure there is clearance for the wires and mounting screws behind thewall or panel.2. Drill a 5/8“ (16mm) hole for the wires and wire nuts to exit the alarmthrough the wall. Note that this hole is NOT the center of the alarm.3. Disconnect power from the 12VDC system being connected.4. Connect the wires of the alarm to the corresponding wires of the12VDC system using wire nuts. The black wire of the alarm should beconnected to ground, and the red wire connected to 12VDC power.3-wire models should connect the second red wire to 12VDC power of anauxiliary battery (such as the engine battery).6. Screw alarm to wall.Installing Your RV Safe Alarm• Water or splashesConditions That Could Adversely Affect Your Alarm。



Mobile Evaporative CoolerUse & Care GuideMC92INDEXSafety Rules (1)Quick Start (2)Features (3)Maintenance (4)Cooler Parts (5)Warranty (6)Trouble Shooting (7)SafetyKey Operational PointsYour cooler must be positioned in front of an open window or door if it is to operate effectively. (see below picture)1. Always ensure that there is another openwindow or door through which the air can exhaust from the room.2. Ensure the rigid media is kept cleanthroughout the use of your cooler.3. At the end of each day run your cooler onFAN ONLY for 30 minutes to dry out the rigid media.4. Prior to putting your cooler away forwinter, always:a. Drain the tank and wipe clean.b. Clean the rigid media.c. Reassemble and run on FAN ONLY for 30 minutes to dry out the rigid media.Indoor UseSafety Rules1. Read and follow all instructions, cautions, and warnings. Failure to do so could result in personal injury, death or property damage.2. Unit must be in the OFF position and UNPLUGGED from power receptacle before performing any maintenance.3. Make sure the electrical power source conforms to the requirement of the evaporative cooler(s) as well as local codes.4. To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock, do not expose electrical connections to water.5. Do not touch electrically live components.6. Assure that all power cords do not meet any sharp edges, hot surfaces or chemicals. Immediately replace any damaged parts. CAUTION: BEFORE CLEANING OR SERVICING DISCONNECT POWER SUPPLYQuick StartAfter unpacking your evaporative cooler, carefully inspect for any damage that may have occurred during transit. Inspect for loose, missing or damaged parts. Contents: Evaporative cooler (1), Hardware Bag (1), Casters (4)Tools / Materials Needed: Drill with #2 Phillip’s bit or Phillp’s head screwdriverABC DERemove the screws from the top, rear panel. Lift and pull out bottom of the panel to remove. Locate the bag/box of hardware inside the cooler. Remove thehardware bag/box.Check for 4 casters, 16 bolts and a garden hose adapter.Install 4 casters1Install Casters and Front caster with lock4Fill cooler byusing bucket or hose5Turn the coolerOn and ENJOY3Connect to anypower supply2 Install gardenhose adapterFeaturesControl PanelRotary Switch for FanHas 4 positions. (Clockwise from OFF)OFF, LOW, MED, HI.Rocker Switch for PumpControls the pumpRocker Switch for SwingControls the oscillationRocker Switch for POWERMain power control. When the power is turned to the “OFF” position, the other controls will not work. Tool TrayOur coolers have a place to put your tools, drinks and much more!Hose AdapterOur convenient hose adapter allows you to have continuous water fill on your cooler.Air IntakeThis cooler has 3 media panels instead of a single panel found on most mobile coolers. 3 panels allow more air-intake area and reduce pre-rotation of the air to the prop, which translates into lower static pressure and more efficient air delivery to the prop.Cooler MaintenanceCleaning Cooler and Rigid Media PadsThe removable panel and media pad can besprayed out on the ground to clean pad. Uselight pressure when spraying pads. You can usea soft bristle brush to gently wipe away deposits.NEVER spray pads with water while cooler isoperating, and fan is running. This can causedamage to motor and will void the warranty.Removal of the Back Panel(Disconnect powersupply before this procedure.)Remove the screws from the top, rearpanel.Lift and pull downand out on thepanel to removeRemoval and Replacement of Cooling Media1. If your cooler includes media pins,remove by unscrewing/pulling out thedisc.2. Remove media pad. Replace with newpad.3. Reinstall the back panel and you areready to use the cooler again.Go to for replacementvideos and tips for eliminating any odor.Draining the Cooler Tank1. Pull or unscrew drain plug/cap from drainassembly.2. Tip unit to ensure all water exits the unit.3. Replace drain plug.Use all precautions anddisconnect from power sourcebefore performing anymaintenance.Cooler PartsPlease visit to shop for cooler parts.MC92Parts #1 Pump 60910502 Motor 60910513 Rigid Media Set 60180534 Control 60910695 Casters 60180616 Casters w/lock 60180627 Fan Blade 90015618 Float Valve 60180589 Hose Adapter 601808810 Water Level Float 601805911 Water Fill Door 609107612 Oscillator Motor 609105713 Drain Plug 6017081Warranty PolicyHessaire Products Inc. Manufacturing WarrantyEVAPORATIVE COOLEREach new cooler is warrantied to be free from defects in material or workmanship for one full year from the date of original purchase. If a component is found to be defective in this one-year period, it will be repaired or replaced with a new or refurbished product at the option of the factory.What is not covered by the warranty1. Malfunctions resulting from misuse, negligence, alteration or lack of necessary maintenance.2. Loss of time, inconvenience, use of product or other consequential damages due to defects.3. Return transportation costs. All return transportation costs are the responsibility of the purchaser.4. We do not provide maintenance personnel. Damaged ShipmentsHessaire is not responsible for damaged shipments or shortages resulting from carrier mishandling. Notify your carrier’s office immediately to file a claim. Keep damaged goods and containers for inspection until advised by the carrier as to disposal.ReturnsAll items must be returned with all original parts and packaging. Additional charges may apply for any missing or damaged parts.The customer must re-package and ship their item(s) back to the manufacturer at their own expense.No freight cost/shipping cost will be re-funded to the customer.The customer needs to provide us with the tracking number of the shipment.Upon receipt of the product, including original parts and packaging, we may issue a full refund for the product or may repair or replace the item with a new or refurbished product.If our returns department finds that the item is not defective, you may be responsible for additional shipping costs as well as a 10-30% re-stocking fee.Trouble ShootingProblem Cause/Remedy1. Cooler fails to work at all 1.1 Check that the unit is plugged properly.1.2 Check the POWER switch, push it to "ON".1.3 The TIMER switch is "OFF", turn it to "ON".1.4 Make sure cooler is not plugged into a tripped GFIC outlet. If so,reset GFCI or move to non GFCI outlet.2. Cooler does not pump 2.1 Pump is not activated. Push the PUMP switch to "ON".2.2 Water level is low. Fill with water and make sure pump isactivated.2.3 Be sure the pump and pump hose are clear of debris.2.4 Pump may be defective. Replace pump. ***3a. Fan does not operate 3.1 Check that unit is plugged properly.3.2 Check the POWER switch, push it to "ON".3.3 If connected to a GFCI outlet, check if it is tripped.3.4 Troubleshoot rotary switch. ***3b. Fan runs slow at start up 3b.1 Replace motor capacitor. ***4. Louver does not operate 4.1 Louver does not move. Put swing switch position to "ON".4.2 Check Oscillator motor for proper placement and operation.5. Water leakage 5.1 Check the cap of the drain assembly, make sure it tightened.5.2 Inspect tank for cracks or breakage.5.3 Make sure cooler is level.5.4 Check media pads for buildup allowing water out on outside ofpad frame -- change media if needed.5.5 If water is coming out fan, check for leaks in water distributionhoses and/or leaks at hose connections to spreaders,5.6 Be sure there is at least 4 inches of space for rear panel freefrom wall or other obstruction. This could make the side panelsrelease water to airstream due to increased air velocity through thesides.5.7 Spreaders may have scale buildup allowing water to pool andspill over into airstream---Clean spreaders.6. Float Valve 6.1 If water levels are too high/low, adjust the wing nut on the valve.6.2 If there is a leak, check for cracks. Purchase new valve at*** - See instructional videos for repairs and replacements at under the Media tab。



Product Features200 psi (2” to 12”) and 150 psi (14” to 24”) 0% leakage, Long stem designallows for 2” insulation, Valve face-to-face dimensions comply with API 609 &MSS-SP-67, Completely assembled and tested, Ready for installation.ApplicationThese valves are designed to meet the needs of HVAC and commercialapplications requiring 0% leakage for liquids. Typical applications include chillerisolation, cooling tower isolation, change-over systems, large air handler coilcontrol, bypass and process control applications. The large Cv values providefor an economical control valve solution for larger flow applications. Designedfor use in ANSI flanged piping systems.Jobsite NoteValves should be stored in a weather protected area prior to construction.Complete installation recommendations can be found in Belimo’s Installationand Maintenance Instructions for F6/F7… Butterfly Valves.F6500HD, 2-Way Butterfly ValveResilient Seat, 304 Stainless Steel DiscDatecreated,7/22/216-Subjecttochange.©BelimoAircontrols(USA),Inc.ApplicationSY Series actuators are fractional horsepower devices, and utilize full-wavepower supplies. Observe wire sizing and transformer sizing requirements.Proportional models CANNOT be connected to Belimo direct coupled (AF,AM, GM…etc) actuator power supplies or any type of half-wave device. YouMUST use a separate, dedicated transformer or power supply to power the SYactuator. Please do not connect other automation equipment to the dedicatedSY supply source. You MUST use four wires (plus a ground) to control aproportional control SY actuator (See SY Wiring Section).SY8-230MFTModulating, Non-Spring Return, 230 V, for 2 to 10VDC or 4 to 20 mADatecreated,7/22/216-Subjecttochange.©BelimoAircontrols(USA),Inc.60Do not change sensitivity or dip switch setting with power applied.61Power supply Common/Neutral and Control Signal “-”wiring to a common is prohibited. Terminals 4 and 6 need to be wired separately.62Isolation relays must be used in parallel connection of multipleactuators using a common control signal inputs. The relays should be DPDT.63Isolation relays are required in parallel applications. The reason parallel applications need isolation relays is that the motor uses two sets of windings, one for each direction. When one is energized to turn the actuator in a specific direction a voltage is generated in the other due to the magnetic field created from the first. It’s called back EMF. This is not an issue with one actuator because the voltage generated in the second winding isn’t connected to anything so there is no flow. On parallel applications without isolation, this EMF voltage energizes the winding it is connected to on the other actuators in the system, the actuators are tying to turn in both directions at once. The EMF voltage is always less than the supply voltage due to the resistance of the windings, so while the actuator still turns in the commanded direction, the drag from the other reduces the torque output and causes overheating.!WARNING! LIVE ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks. Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.SY8-230MFTModulating, Non-Spring Return, 230 V, for 2 to 10VDC or 4 to 20 mAD a t e c r e a t e d , 07/22/2016 - S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . © B e l i m o A i r c o n t r o l s (U S A ), I n c .。

Omega DR910 零序阻抗传感器说明书

Omega DR910 零序阻抗传感器说明书

SpecificationsInput Range: 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA Maximum Input Current/Voltage: 40 mA/18 VdcInput Resistance@ 20 mA:125 to 1125 Ω (dependent on load)Voltage Drop at Input: See chart Maximum Input Frequency: <75 Hz Response Time: 5 msec maximum Output Signal: 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mAMaximum Load Resistance: ≤600 Ω @ 20 mA Isolation Voltage:1.5 kV, 50 Hz, for 1 minute Accuracy:≤0.1% of full scale Operating Temperature: -20 to 65°C (-4 to 149°F)Temperature Coefficient:≤0.002%/K of the measured value Enclosure: Case body is black, polyester PBTMounting: Standard DIN style rail, including top hat (T) profile rail according to EN50022—35 x 7.5 Weight: 56 g (2 oz)Passive Loop Powered Isolator DR910U Loop Powered U IsolatedU 0 to 20 mA and 4 to 20 mA Ranges U DIN Rail MountableOrdering Example: DR910, passive loop powered isolator and OCW-1, OMEGACARE SM extends standard 1-year warranty to a total of 2 years.Voltage Drop at InputThe DR910 passive isolator is used for the electrical isolation and processing of analog 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA standard current signals. The DR910 provides electrical isolation between the control electronics and process I/O. Inaddition, interference signals above 75 Hz are effectively suppressed. Input and output circuit do not require separate auxiliary power. The DR910 obtains power from the input signal. The modules are snapped onto symmetrical DIN rails in accordance with EN 50 022.When using the DR910, ensure that the current-driving voltage of the measuring transducer is sufficient for driving the maximum current of 20 mA, with a power loss of 1.7V (1.7V + (20 mA * RLOAD).Voltage drop across the input is calculated by determining the load resistance of the output loop, drawing a vertical line to the curve (see diagram), then horizontally to the voltage drop. The energy for the supply on the input side is taken from the analog input signal. Due to the dynamic input resistance, a power loss of approximately 1.7V drops at the module input.OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page. Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order. OMEGACARE SM covers parts, labor and equivalent loaners.DR910, looppowered isolator shown smaller than actual size.RAIL-32-2 DIN rail sold separately, shown smaller than actual size.。

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挂机状态下按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键,直接输入数字“2”,液晶屏幕显示:r 1r 2VIP3VOL ,表示进入铃声设置子菜 单,直接输入数字“1”此时进入铃声选择状态,液晶屏幕会提示:rIng TYPE 01 ,(若已设置了某种铃声,则显示已设置 的铃声代号),按“上翻/UP”、“下翻/DOWN”键选择所需铃声后按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认。选择铃声成功后,按“删 除/DEL”键退回到上一菜单即铃声设置子菜单,输入数字“3”,液晶屏幕显示:rIng VOL 04 ,表示进入铃声音量选择状 态,同时字体 04 在闪烁,按“上翻/UP”、“下翻/DOWN”键选择所需铃声音量后按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认(铃声音 量为 01~04 四级调节,默认值为最大档)。铃声音量选择成功后,按“删除/DEL”键退到主菜单或按“免提/H.F.”键退到待 机状态。
IP 功能设定
挂机状态下按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键,直接输入数字“8”,液晶屏幕显示: 1-AU 2-3-IP,进入 IP 设置子菜单,此时
输入数字“1”,进入下一层的自动 IP 选择状态,液晶屏幕会提示:AUIP OFF ,同时字体 OFF 在闪烁,表自动 IP 的初
始状态为关, 此时按 “上翻/UP”、“下翻/DOWN”键选择所需的 IP 号码后按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认(自动 IP 号码
1.必须向当地电信局申请开通来电显示服务,本机才能正常接收来电号码。 2.首先,请按电池的正负极性将电池装在电池盒里。如发现显示淡时,请 尽快更换电池。 3.将电话曲线两端插头分别插入座机左侧插座及手柄插座。 4.将两芯直线插在主机的外线插座上,另一端与市话网连接。 5.电话机应安装在干燥,通风,无腐蚀气体的地方。. 使用说明
b.179000 是中国电信的 IP 电话,“1”表示提示语音为普通话,卡号后面须加“#”;300830 是中国电信的
300 卡的服务号,其余的与 IP 卡相似; 200 是 200 卡的服务号,前面的“1”是提示语言的种类为普通话,卡号后面需
2、IP 号码查询,删除
1~32 位号码,在输入号码过程中,如有错误,可按“删除/DEL”键进行修改,输入完后按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认,
液晶屏幕会显示:IP1 CODE , 表示 IP 存储成功。在设置自动 IP 号码时,如没有所需的 IP 号码,可选择为 IP1 状态,
则自动 IP 拨号时,会启用 IP1 里存储的号码。IP 号码设置成功后,按“删除/DEL”键退到主菜单或按“免提/H.F.”键退到
方式二:在挂机来、去电查询状态,液晶屏幕显示欲拨打的号码时,按“IP”键,话机自动摘机拨出 IP 号码,话机自动侦测并显示来电号码、日期、时间, 同时记录这是第几个来电。 若是新号码会有新入标志。若 是已有号码则有重复标志。若是来电保密则显示 P。若是来是出范围则显示 O。若来电信号不正确则显示 E。当话机移至另 一处使用时,若无来电,则在挂机状态下按“*”、“*”、“#”键转换来电制式。
挂机状态下按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键,直接输入数字“7”,液晶屏幕显示:LCD con4 ,进入亮度选择子菜单,同 时有数字 4 在闪烁,表示亮度的初始值为第 4 级(亮度值为 1~5 级可调节),此时按“上翻/UP”、“下翻/DOWN”键选择适 当亮度后按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认。亮度功能设置成功后,按“删除/DEL”键退到主菜单或按“免提/H.F.”键退到待 机状态。
例:17910P1P+帐号后 12 位数+密码+#P
中国吉通 IP 卡输入内容
例:17920P1P+帐号后 8 位数+#P+密码+#P
00 卡输入内容
例:300830P1P+帐号后 12 位数+#P+密码+#P
200 卡输入内容
例:200P1P+帐号后 11 位数+#P+密码+#PIP
P-T 转换
22 3
贵宾铃声选择(本机无此功能) 铃声音量选择
1 6
本地码设置 出局码设置
LCD 亮度调节
自动 IP
手动 IP1
手动 IP2(本机无此功能)
进入 IP 设置状态(见 IP 功能设置)按 “2” 可查看 “IP1” 的号码,若按 “删除/DEL”至无号码显示,再按“设
置 SET/闪断 FL”可删除该组号码存储。
3、IP 拨号(普通 IP 拨号方式)
方式一:挂机状态预拨号,再按“IP”键,话机将自动摘机拨出 IP 号码再拨出预拨的电话号码。
1、IP 号码存储
中国电信 IP 卡输入内容
例:17900P1P+帐号后 12 位数+#P+密码+#P
中国联通 IP 卡输入内容
第 3 组闹铃,初始状态为关,相应的液晶屏幕显示为:dAyAL2 OFF (注:第 1 组为单次闹铃, 即每次启动后只有当次
有效, 第 2、3 组为每日闹铃, 即该两组一经启动后,每日到有效时间都会闹铃。 每组闹铃的铃声都不相同,闹铃过程中,
挂机状态下按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键, 直接输入数字“4”,液晶屏幕显示:OFF_r 00-00 , 进入免打扰设置子菜 单,同时 00-00 字体闪动(“-”之前的两个零表示小时,后面的两个零表示分钟),输入所需的免打扰时间按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认。免打扰功能启动后,屏幕会显示免打扰时间并倒计时到 00 - 00 后自动取消免打扰;或免打扰功 能启动后,提机或按“免提/H.F.”键也可退出。免打扰期间来电不振铃。免打扰功能设置成功后,按“删除/DEL”键退到主 菜单或按“免提/H.F.”键退到待机状态。
闪烁时,按“上翻/UP”、“下翻/DOWN”键,液晶屏幕显示 00 - 00 后再输入时间),按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认;如
要关闭闹铃则按“上翻/UP”、“下翻/DOWN”键选择,屏幕显示 ALAr OFF , 后按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认。
其他 2 组闹铃的设定与第 1 组的设定方法相同。 第 2 组闹铃, 初始状态为关,相应的液晶屏幕显示为:dAyAL1 OFF ;
在挂机或摘机状态, 按“上翻/UP”、“下翻/DOWN” 键可向上或向下查看来电信息, 液晶屏幕显示来电的号码、 日期、时间等信息;在挂机状态,长按“#” 键 3 秒,也可进入来电翻查状态。若想对某组来电回拨,只需翻查到该组来电 号码,按“回拨/BACK”键即可;如要在回拨的号码前加“0”,则需长按“回拨”键 3 秒。
挂机状态下按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键,直接输入数字“5”,液晶屏幕显示:1-F 2-PT 3-d ,进入闪断时间、P/T 转换和防盗功能设置子菜单,此时输入数字“1”,进入下一层的闪断时间设定状态,液晶屏幕会提示:FLASH 600,同时 闪断时间在闪烁,按““上翻/UP”、“下翻/DOWN”键选择闪断时间按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认(闪断时间有:90、95、
有 17909、17908、193、17911、17921、17931、 17951、 17991、 068、 96300、96333、196、190、17969、197、IP1 和 Ip2
供选择); 在 IP 设置子菜单直接输入数字“2”,进入手动 IP1 的号码输入状态,此时液晶屏幕为空屏显示, 提示直接输入
挂机状态下按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键,直接输入数字“6”,液晶屏幕显示:1 - LOC 2-OL ,进入本地码和出局码设 置子菜单,此时输入数字“1”,进入下一层的本地码设定状态,液晶屏幕会提示:LOC -------- ,同时光标 -------- 在 闪烁,表示可输入 1~8 位的本地号码,输入号码后按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认;在本地码和出局码设置子菜单,输入数 字“2”,进入下一层的出局码设定状态,液晶屏幕会提示: OuT OFF ,同时字体 OFF 在闪烁,表示出局码的初始 值为关,直接输入 1~8 位数字,输入号码后按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认。 该项功能设置成功后,按“删除/DEL”键退到主菜单或按“免提/H.F.”键退到待机状态。
100、120、180、300、600、1000 毫秒供选择,默认值为 600 毫秒);在闪断时间 P/T 转换和防盗功能设置子菜单输入数字 “2”,进入 P/T 转换状态,液晶屏幕提示:P T TONE ,同时字体 TONE 在闪烁,表示拨号的初始状态为音频状态( 拨 号方式有音频和脉冲选择 ),按“上翻/UP”、“下翻/DOWN”键选择所需拨号方式后按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认,若要 选择为脉冲拨号,液晶屏幕应显示为:PT PULSE ;在闪断时间 P/T 转换和防盗功能设置子菜单输入数字“3”,进入防 盗选择状态,液晶屏幕提示:dEFEnd OFF,同时字体 OFF 在闪烁,表示防盗的初始状态为关,此时按“上翻/UP”、“下翻/DOWN” 键开启防盗按“设置 SET/闪断 FL”键确认,防盗功能打开,液晶屏幕显示为:dEFEnd ON ,同样要关闭防盗,则在防 盗选择子菜单下按 “上翻/UP”、“下翻/DOWN”键选择后按 “设置 SET/闪断 FL” 键确认即可。 该项功能设置成功后, 按“删除/DEL”键退到主菜单或按“免提/H.F.”键退到待机状态。