















笔译高级指导:英汉报刊翻译常见错误(一)Chapter 1 习语翻译中的常见错误关于英语习语的概念,《英语习语大词典》在序言中说得很清楚:英语的idiom在汉语里相应的说法是“成语”或“习语”。


从语义学上看,成语的意义不是其中单个词的意思的总和;从语法上看,其中的词不允许任意变换,例如,英语的It’s raining cats and dogs是“倾盆大雨”的意思,不是“下猫和狗”;不允许变换成It’s raining a cat and a dog,也不允许变换成It’s raining dogs and cats;汉语里如“七嘴八舌”表示“人多言杂”,不是“七张嘴八个舌头”,不允许说成“七舌八嘴”。



比如score 这个词,它有“二十”的意思,以为变成复数scores of 就是“几十”,殊不知词典上的释义是“许多,大量”。




动词短语to tell sb. Off就是个明显的例子,光从字面上看,似乎是“叫某人走开”,可一查词典根本就没有这个意思。

请大家仔细研究下面的第一个例子:例1、in to the bargain是“讨价还价”吗?Georgia was waking up to a new president Monday but in to the bargain it was also getting as its first lady a green-eyed linguist from Holland who has already managed to cast a spell over the tiny Caucasus nation.Sandra Roelofs is seen by some as the secret weapon which enabled her husband Saakashvili to win a landslide victory in a presidential election held on Sunday.She accompanied her husband on the campaign trail, impressing voters with her command of Georgian and her easy going manner, even gamely doing a turn on the electric organ on a television chat show.But the tall, svelte and photogenic woman with strawberry blonde hair is more than just the stereotypical politician’s wife, looking pretty and staying in the background. She runs an investment consultancy, speaks six languages – she is currently learning a seventh – and some believe she is the real brains behind her husband’s meteoric rise to power.原译:星期一,格鲁吉亚意识到有一位新总统,但经讨价还价又得到了来自荷兰的通晓数国语言的第一夫人,她已千方百计迷住了高加索这个小国。

















Unit 1 The Fourth of July1)我第一次去华盛顿是在那年刚入夏,这个夏天也是我从此告别孩提时代的开始。


























要求前者处理为形容词加名词,后者为形容词加介词加名词)放飞梦想, 实现自我!(出国留学服务机构广告。






要求译文押尾韵)10. 它工作,你(指家庭主妇)休息。


要求用chores和credit;注意动宾搭配)11. 先点击,后点钱!(IT产品,含文字游戏)12. 你不理财,财不理你。

(某财金杂志广告,其中―理‖字含双关)13. 我们实行三包:包修、包退、包换!(商家对顾客的承诺。

要求三个关键短语都以R开头)14. ―美的‖家电:美的(故意用错别字)全面,美的彻底。


要求―全面‖、―彻底‖都译成相当于汉语―从……到……‖的格式)15. ―三优‖牌家具:优越的质量、优惠的价格、优质的(售后)服务(要求三个关键短语都以U开头)16. 茅台一开,满室生香。

17. 衣食住行,有龙则灵。

(建设银行―龙卡‖广告)18. 非常可乐,非常选择。


要求译文重复两遍字母F和C)19. 皮张之厚无以复加,利润之薄无以复减。


必须用thick和thin;允许词形有变通)20. 要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。




2021年英语高级翻译资格考试笔译精选试题(1) 1. But the men, who have usually used their family’s life savings to get here, are mostly left alone但警察对大多数通常倾其家庭的生活积蓄来这里闯荡的男人们一般不予以干涉。

点评:该句的前面是这样的一个句子:Occasionally, the police bring bulldozers to tear down the shelters. 有时候,警察开来推土机拆除避难所。



这句中的被动语态“left alone”要给予正确理解,从这句话中还可以侧面了解西班牙的警察们对穷人的一点同情心。

2. Some drift into town to socialize and buy supplies, if they have money.一些人溜达到城里去参加社交活动,如果有钱的话,去购买些生活日用品。

点评:该句中“drift into”原意为“漂流”的意思,但在此句中则表现出那些移民在晚间百无聊赖,无所事事地在大街上闲逛的特点。


3. But when he arrived there, his uncle’s phone rang and rang.但当他来到这里,他叔叔的电话就打不通了。

点评:“rang and rang”是英语中表示电话铃的象声词。


我们在授课中曾讲到英语的象声词:onomatopoeia,并例举了很多类似的词,如:give me a ring, give me a tinkle都表示给某人打电话,再如,a hot pan sizzles滚烫的油锅发出4. But I told him he was nothing to me.但我告诉他,他对我也没有什么帮助。



• Finally, after many years of starting the day this way, I have figured out that I am doing it not to obsess about death but to find out about life, real life. Obituaries capture the benchmarks of life span without passing judgment or making order out of the events.
• Given the tidbit of time at my disposal, I developed the habit of skimming the paper, which quickly came down to a surreptitious and almost superstitious ritual checking out obituaries.
• II. Text analysis • III. Translation skill----Omission
• Amplification 1. Resorting to arms is not the best solution to a quarrel between two countries. 2. He manifested a strong dislike for his father’s business. 3. The chairman summed up the work of the subcommittee composed of the representatives of the United States, Russia, China, Great Britain, and France. 4. They say his father was a fisherman. Maybe he was as poor as we are. 5. He was a middle aged man, wearing spectacles. His clothes were worn and darned in places, and winkled and baggy in others. 6. He intends to drop names.



《英汉/汉英笔译2》教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程类别专业课程课程性质理论课程属性必修课程名称英汉/汉英笔译2课程英文名称E-C/C-E Translation 2课程编码F11ZB15C适用专业英语考核方式考试先修课程英汉/汉英翻译1总学时32学分2理论学时16实验学时/实训学时/ 实践学时/上机学时实践学时:16开课单位外国语学院二、课程简介《英汉/汉英笔译2》是本科高等学校英语专业一门重要的专业必修课程,是后续毕业论文写作,以及进一步提高英语综合运用能力的重要基础。








9. Society then had not lost its exclusiveness nor its brilliance.
6、The pictures give a visual representation of the situation.
7、Robots have found application for the exploration of the outer space.
8、Internally the earth consists of two parts, a core and a mantle.
1、They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable.
请翻译下列句子,指出使用了何种词类转换或增词减词方法(请 在使用了以上翻译方法的词语下方划线),如:
• The basilica is a conglomeration of contrary styles and periods. • 这座王宫把不同时期的不同(建筑风格)(融为一体)。 • (名转动,增词)
2、This watch never varies more than a second in a monthe frequent complaint of one generation
about the one immediately following it is inevitable.



Unit6 Where Is the News Leading Us?不久前我应邀参加了一次有关美国报业的作用的公众研讨会。


一位是知名的电视节目主持人,另一位是美国一家主要报纸的编辑,他是一位彻头彻尾的新闻工作者---- 在据实报道的方式上坚忍不拔、积极进取且见识过人。




















2020年英语高级翻译资格考试笔译试题及答案The effect of governmental expenditures on the total economy varies with both the level of utilization of laborand capital in the economy at the time of the expenditure,and the segment of the economy which receives the expenditure. If the economy as a whole or the segment of the economy which is the focus of the expenditure is operating at capacity or close to capacity, then the expenditure’s major effects will tend to be inflationary, and will not generate much employment of capital and labor. If the economy or sector is operating at much less than full employment, the expenditure will produce a genuine (non-inflationary) rise in the GNP.A true measure of the effect of governmental increase in the amount of money made available, then, is not the simple dollar value of the initial injection but the cumulativeeffect of this injection through spending and re-spending. In the optimum case the initial expansion of income flow couldbe great enough to produce tax revenues in excess of the original "deficit spending" or the "tax cut", so thatdeficits are not only smaller than the increased GNP but are recouped. In Keynesian economics the fundamental point of government policy clearly is not budget-balancing butspending in the event of unused productive capacity and unemployment. Spending increases productivity. Thisproductivity resulting from federal spending has overwhelmed the older economic myths of the balanced budget where government is conceived of as just another business firm.参考译文:政府支出对于整个经济的影响作用,受到以下两个因素的制约。

高级笔译 练习一及答案

高级笔译 练习一及答案

I. 英汉句子翻译1) A huge new business requires deep pockets, patience and a raison d’être. 开创一番新事业需要雄厚的资金与无比的耐心,还要清楚此事业值得开创的理由。

2) Failure to greet a person you recognize or to answer a greeting to you is unkindness to the other person, and very bad manners. 不与别人打招呼或是不回应别人的问候,是对别人的不尊重,也是失礼的。

3) Military strategy may bear some similarity to the chessboard but it is dangerous to carry the analogy too far. 打仗的策略同下棋可能有某些相似之处,但是如果把这两者的类比过分夸大,则是危险的。

4) Some toilets seem immune to the clean-up campaign. 清洁运动并未使公共厕所的卫生状况有任何改观。

5) Other parts of the country were blessed with timely rains, too. 国内其他的地方也下了及时雨。

6) Not getting that job was actually a blessing in disguise, because I have got a much better one. 没有得到那份工作其实是塞翁失马,因为现在我已得到一个好得多的工作。

7) A Fortune 100 company with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US $42.8 billion in 2006. 摩托罗拉是世界财富百强企业之一,拥有全球性的业务和影响力,2006年的销售额为428亿美元。



《英语高级笔译》Part One Translation Theory (10 points)Directions: Write a short paper on the main differences between English and Chinese.(Please expound in English with no less than 100 words. You may give examples in your writing.)Part Two Translation Skills (60 points)Section One (20 points)Directions: Translate the following sentence groups by using the skills you have learnt.1.Scientist at the laboratory, on examining the clothing, found tiny shreds of a certain unusual metalwhich then had only one use. It was used in the manufacture of jet-engine rotors. That put the police in mind of one particular man. He worked as rotor grinder in a factor y near the woman’s home.译文:_____________________________________________________________________________2.They tell us, Sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall webe stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.译文:_____________________________________________________________________________3.Panic attack victims show the following symptoms: they often become easily frightened or feel uneasyin situations where people normally would not be afraid; they suffer shortness of breath, dizziness or lightheadedness; experience chest pains, a quick heartbeat, tingling in the hands; a choking feeling, faintness, sudden fits of trembling, a feeling that persons and things around them are not real; and most of all, a fear of dying or going crazy.译文:_____________________________________________________________________________4.有些老年人因怕死而惶惶不安。



商务笔译课后练习参考译文第1 章提升翻译能力的对策IV.句子翻译1.在21 世纪,商业环境极具竞争性,不断改进已经不再是一种选择,而是一种必要。




















10.从根本上讲, 工作满意感是一种源于对自己工作体验评价的积极情感。




Get ready for the final exams of English/ChineseTranslation (1&2)Part I E-C Translation Test1. Composition of the Test Papers & useful skills in coping with the tests“高级英汉翻译”课程●评价目标:重点测试学生英汉笔译的技巧,包括增译法、减译法、词类转移法、词序调整法、分译法、重译法、正说反译,反说正译法和习语翻译等。





●试题结构:“高级英汉翻译”课程终结考试试卷(样题)课程编号:ENBAE3 1001______ 学籍号:________________ 学习中心:________________ 姓名:________________Information for the Examinees:This examination consists of FOUR sections. They are:Section I: Understanding of Theories (10 points, 15 minutes)Section II: Phrase Translation (25 points, 20 minutes)Section III: Sentence Translation (30 points, 25 minutes)Section IV: Passage Translation (35 points, 60 minutes)The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed forcompleting this examination is 2 hours (120 minutes)YOU MUST WRITE ALL YOUR ANSWERS ON THE ANSWER SHEET. Section I Understanding of Theories[10 points]Questions 1-10. (10 points)The following statements are about some translation theories you are familiar with. Decide whether these statements are true or false by writing T for "true" and F for "false" on your Answer Sheet.______1. Since Chinese and English belong to two different language families, one has to make some adjustments in lexicon and sentence structure to make the translated version smooth and natural.______2. Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and second in terms of style.______3. Every language adopts the same system of classifying its experience.______4. It widely agreed that there are three stages in the procedure of translation: analysis, transfer, and restructuring.______5. A word may have several meanings, but its linguistic context will help to point out the exact meaning of that word.______6. Semotactic marking, one aspect of linguistic context, refers to the situation when the meaning of a word in a sentence is specified by the grammatical construction of that sentence.______7. In translating from English to Chinese, one must repeat key words including nouns, verbs, and pronouns.______8. In the process of transfer, the conceptual content of the message has the highest priority. Therefore, there is no need to keep the original form of the source-language text.______9. The situational factors relate to the occasion and circumstances of the speech event and to the relationships between speakers.______10. Nida believes that in testing the translation, one must focus attention not upon the extent of verbal correspondence but upon the amount of dynamic equivalence.Section II Phrase Translation[25 points]Part 1. Questions 11-20. (10 points)Choose a better version of Chinese translation for each of the following phrases. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.11. the journey across AfricaA. 遍及非洲的旅行B. 穿越非洲的旅行12. be behind scheduleA. 落后于计划B. 在计划后面13. play the fluteA. 玩笛子B. 吹笛子14. black teaA. 红茶B. 黑茶15. like a cat on hot bricksA. 烫砖上的猫B. 热锅上的蚂蚁16. a concept inconceivable beforeA. 一个以前无法想象的概念B. 一个概念,在以前无法想象17. Dutch treatA. 打平伙B. 荷兰式的招待18. political campaignA. 政治运动B. 竞选活动19. mountain lionA. 山狮B. 美洲豹20. an instrument designed to extend the range of people's sensesA. 一个用来拓展人们感觉范围的工具B. 一个工具,用来拓展人们的感觉范围Part 2. Questions 21-30. (15 points)Translate the following phrases and write your answers on the Answer Sheet.21. a hard question ____________________22. hard water ____________________23. the last ten-day period of a month ____________________24. a good Christian ____________________25. a well-managed company ____________________26. particles moving around their atomic nucleus ____________________27. generations of painstaking observation ____________________28. an unlikely coalition of university professors ____________________29. a computer genius ____________________30. as much with courtesy as with force ____________________Section III Sentence Translation [30 points]Questions 31-40: Translate the following sentences using the translation skills and techniques you have learned from this course. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.31. Nobody could count on his restraint or rationality.____________________________________________________________32. Modern skyscrapers began to appear in the city, taking away much of its ancient charm and mystery, which was considered as a great pity by many people.____________________________________________________________33. The news had already spread along the streets and lanes.____________________________________________________________34. The examination left no doubt that the victim had not died of a heart attack but had been killed.____________________________________________________________35. There was no use arguing. The die was cast.____________________________________________________________36. Twentieth century history shows the impressive adaptive capacity of international relations based on multinational principles and norms.____________________________________________________________37. We are very grateful to you for your effort to come all the way from China to present his document to us.____________________________________________________________38. The problem of refugees should be dealt with in an integrated manner.____________________________________________________________39. It is exciting to visit your great country.____________________________________________________________40. No one was more willing to do a favor for friend or neighbour than he.____________________________________________________________Section IV Passage Translation[35 points]Part 1. Question 41. (15 points)The following passage is about problems with Darwinian Theory. Please translate it into Chinese on your Answer Sheet. You may refer to the new words and expressions provided in the box below.If Darwinian Theory works so well, why challenge it? There are several reasons to do so. Although Darwinian Theory explains many of the facts of evolution better than any other theory, it does not necessarily explain the whole process. Also, some of the results of evolution do not match what Darwinian Theory would predict.For example, if evolution leads to a perfect adaptation through natural selection acting on random hereditary changes, the process ought to slow down as it gets closer to the optimum for each species because fewer favorable changes can be made. Indeed, someorganisms-cockroaches and sponges, for example, are so well adapted that they have changed very little in many millions of years.Their evolutionary rate does seem to have slowed down. We should also see decrease in the number of species as they compete with one another and unsuccessful species are eliminated. But we see no such slowing down, and the number of species appears to be at least as great now as in the geologic past and perhaps even greater.Part 2. Question 42. (20 points)The following passage is an excerpt from a book talking about the special joys of slow reading. Please translate it into Chinese on your Answer Sheet.I discovered the worth of super-slow reading years ago. Previously, if I had been really interested in a book, I would race from page to page, eager to know what came next. Now, I decided, I had to become a miser with words and stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dollar. I had started with the practical object of making my book last. But by the end of the second week I began to realize how much I was getting fromsuper-slow-reading itself. Sometimes just a particular phrase caught my attention, sometimes a sentence. I would read it slowly, analyze it, read it again-perhaps changing down into an even lower gear-and then sit for 20 minutes thinking about it before moving on. I was like a pianist studying a piece of music, phrase by phrase, rehearsing it, trying to discover and recreate exactly what the composer was trying to convey.参考答案与评分标准(样题)Section I Understanding of Theories[10 points] Questions 1-10. (10 points, 1 point each)1.T2.T3. F4.T5.T6. F7. F8. F9.T 10.T Section II Phrase Translation[25 points] Part 1. Questions 11-20. (10 points, 1 point each)11. B 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. B16. A 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. APart 2. Questions 21-30. (15 points, 1.5 points each.)Marking guide:评分标准(共15分,每个1.5分):1.译文应准确、完整。



高级翻译资格考试笔译模拟真题及答案第一题:1. And everywhere in his neighborhood in Serekunda, Gambia’s largest city, there was talk of easy money to be made in Europe.然而,在冈比亚最大的城市塞莱昆达他所居住的地方,人们到处都在谈论着“欧洲赚钱容易”这个话题。


这一点在我们讲授英译汉部分时曾经重点谈到一个例句:The woman’s extramarital affairs with her boss soon became talk of the town.这个女人与其老板的关系很快传遍全城。


2. Most of them have stories that echo Mr. Jallow’s.他们中的大多数都有着与杰罗先生相似的经历。




我们在授课过程中曾讲过,英语国家的写作思路是:首尾呼应法,即:The first paragraph echoes the last paragraph.3. “There is everything in there,” said Diego Ca?amero, the leader of the farm workers’ union in Anda lusia, which tries to advocate for the men.“那里要什么有什么,”安达卢西亚农场工人工会的领袖迭戈·卡纳梅洛说,该组织努力在为这些人争取生活的权利,点评:该句中的“advocate”原意为“拥护”“倡议”,但在此句中应该根据前文正确理解为“为。

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