
1.certificate of weight 重量证明书2.certificate of inspection certifying quality & quantity in triplicate issued by C.I.B.C. 由中国商品检验局出具的品质和数量检验证明书⼀式三份3.phytosanitary certificate 植物检疫证明书4.plant quarantine certificate 植物检疫证明书5.fumigation certificate 熏蒸证明书6.certificate stating that the goods are free from live weevil ⽆活⾍证明书(熏蒸除⾍证明书)7.sanitary certificate 卫⽣证书8.health certificate 卫⽣(健康)证书9.analysis certificate 分析(化验)证书10.tank inspection certificate 油仓检验证明书11.record of ullage and oil temperature 空距及油温记录单12.certificate of aflatoxin negative 黄曲霉素检验证书13.non-aflatoxin certificate ⽆黄曲霉素证明书14.survey report on weight issued by C.I.B.C. 中国商品检验局签发之重量检验证明书15.inspection certificate 检验证书16.inspection and testing certificate issued by C.I.B.C. 中国商品检验局签发之检验证明书。

2、手动操作部件操作5次,操作灵活无卡滞现象.机械电气连锁有效.parts be manually operated five times, operation flexible, no clamping stagnation
. Mechanical electrical chain effective.
试棒Test bars
日期datSuzhou Disheng Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.
PZ30routine factory inspection reports
1、主电路各带电部位与接地金属构件之间的电气间隙及爬电距离应不小于20mm.electrical distanceandcreepage distancebetweenthe parts the main circuit and metal components ground should be not less than 20mm.
绝缘电阻仪Insulation resistance meter
2、主开关电器在闭合位置时的不同极的带电部位之间.Whenthe main electrical switchis on,between the live partsofdifferentpole.
3、主电路与控制电路之间.between the main circuit and control circuit.
3m steel tape
4、接地、相序色标、联结、名牌数据正确无误.ground, phase sequence color, link, brand-name data is correct.

松下蓄电池中英文版通用合格证中文安全注意事项1. 电池○+○-端子间不可短路。
)2. 不可在密闭容器中充电。
)3. 电池不能放置在密闭空间里或火源附近。
)4. 转矩扳手、扳子等金属工具,请用塑料胶带等进行绝缘处理后使用。
)5. 不可对本蓄电池进行分解、改造。
)6. 如发现电槽、盖等有龟裂、变形等损伤及漏夜现象,请更换此蓄电池。
7. 请不要使用信那水、汽油、煤油、挥发油等有机溶剂和液体洗涤剂清洁电池.如果使用上述物质可能会引起电槽或上盖(ABS树脂)出现裂痕、漏液.8. 请定期更换蓄电池,不要超期使用。
(1)对于涓流或浮充中的蓄电池(后备电源),推荐更换时间见下表:(2)对于循环使用的蓄电池(主电源),请在蓄电池性能降低到初期性能50%时(环境温度在25℃)更换蓄电池.EnglishCAUTION1. Do not short the battery terminals. A short of the battery terminals may cause burn,smoke or fire.2. Do not charge in a gas tight container or else battery breakage may cause body injured.3. Do not install the batteries in a room without ventilation or near the fire as itcould cause explosion or fire.4.Tools such as wrenches used to install the batteries should be insulated. Baremetal tools may cause an abnormal short circuit accident to occur resulting in bodily injury, damage to the batteries, explosion or fire.5. Do not attempt to disassemble the batteries as it could cause leakage of sulfuric acid andbody injured.6. Please change any battery which is found to have an abnormality such as crack,deformity or leakage.7.Avoid using organic solvents such as thinner, gasoline, lamp oil or benzene andliquid detergent to clean the batteries. These substances may cause the battery containers to crack or leak.8. Please replace the batteries at the proper intervals and do not continue to use thebattery after its proper replacement time.(1) If the batteries are used during trickle charge or float charge for standby power supplies, the replacement time referenced is followed:(2) If the batteries are used during cycle charge for main power supplies, please replace the batteries when they near the end of their life ( 50% state of their initial discharge duration time with 77℉/25℃in temperature of battery surface )。

பைடு நூலகம்
合 格 证 Certificate of compliance
产品编号 Article number 产品描述 Article Description 订单号 Order number 基板数量 Number of the base plate 参数 NO Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 拱度 Bow measurement 外观 Appearance 尺寸 Dimension 镀层厚度 Plating thickness 电镀附着力 Plating adhesion 焊接润湿性 Solder wettability 表面粗糙度 Surface roughness 热导 Thermal conductivity 密度 Bulk density 检验日期 Inspection date 图纸号 Drawing number 生产批号 Production lot number 装运数量 Shipment quantity 样本大小 Sample size 100%拱度测量/每批次 100% bow measurement 100%目测检查 /每批次 100% visual inspection 5 pcs/每批次 5 pieces per lot 2 pcs/每批次 2 pieces per lot 1 pcs/每批次 1 pieces per lot 1 pcs/每批次 1 pieces per lot 3pcs/每批次 3 pieces per lot 1pcs/每批次 1pieces per lot 2 pcs/每批次 2 pieces per lot 检测结果 Test results PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS

2.CE(230V 50Hz)歐盟,產品進口歐盟必須符合相應的指令,作為符合的依據,產品上必須有CE符號,CE可由工廠自我聲明,也可由第三方測試機構進行測試後簽發。
CE證書無有效期ENEC(230V 50Hz)歐盟認證主要適用於燈具及其附件,2008年1月起可用於家用電器ENEC認證需廠檢,有效期為3年。
4.NF為法國認證(230V 50Hz),主要適用於家用電器,家具和建築材料三大類,NF證書無有效期的規定,但證書會隨標准和更新而自動失效。
NF認證需要廠檢(在法國,插頭必需符合標准NF C61-314或EN50075.如NF是通過CB轉正,CB報告必須是認可實驗室在3年內簽發的證書)5.GS(230V 50Hz):德國,它包含了低電壓指令(LVD)的全部要求,在歐盟市場具很高的認可度。
(GS為自願性認證)證書有效期為5年從1/4/2008日起,凡經GS認證的產品必須通過多環芳香烴(PAHs)的測試,在德國,插頭必需符合DIN VDE0620-1或者EN50075, 如GS是通過CB轉正,CB報告必須是認可實驗室在3年內簽發的證書6 STB 白俄羅斯(230V 50Hz),證書有效期為1年,3年,在申請STB認證前,產品必須先通過衛生注冊(Hygienic Registration)GOST R俄羅斯(230V 50Hz),GOST-R證書有效期:1年,2年,最長3年,Hygienic證書:5年或更短,Fire:3年或更短8.B 波蘭(220V 50Hz),B有效期3年,續證有效期5年,需廠檢,凡與食物接觸的產品都需申請衛生證書。

(参考教材P202-210)1 概述电器、电子产品说明书是科技文体的一种,它以传递产品的有用信息为主要目的,内容主要包括:前言、部件、基本功能、使用指南,故障排除等。
2 电器、电子产品说明书英译的特点特点概括起来包括:准确性(accuracy)、简明性(conciseness)、客观性(objectivity)等。
2.1 准确性电器、电子产品说明书是为了指导读者正确使用产品而写,它传递的信息(例如:各种数据、图表)首先必须科学准确。
一些专业术语、固定用语和习惯说法必须表达得准确、地道,例如在翻译数码相机说明书时会遇到这样一些术语:镜头后盖(ear lens cap)、三角架(tripod)、数码变焦(digital zoom)、快门帘幕(shutter curtain)、曝光不足(under exposure)、取景器(view finder)等,需按专业说法表达出来,不可任意生造。
2.2 简明性简明性特点表现为:(1)内容条目简洁明了,步骤清晰,逻辑性强。
例如:液晶显示(Liquid Crystal Display)常缩写成LCD;发光二极管 (Light Emitting Diode) 常缩写成LED;中央处理器 (Central Processing Unit) 常缩写成 CPU;自动对焦(Auto focus)常缩写成AF;手动对焦(Manual focus)常缩写成MF2.3 客观性电器、电子产品说明书将该产品的相关内容客观地呈现出来,引导读者按照一定的思维逻辑循序渐进,知道该做什么,怎么做,进而了解和正确使用该产品。

Technical specification is according to GB5226.2-2002 standard.
This product is qualified according to the delivery inspection.
出厂日期(Manufacture data):2013-03-01
自重(Dead Weight):52Kg
_所有热切割按:ISO 9013-332.
All materials are cutting according to ISO 9013-332 standard.
_焊接结构公差按:DIN ENISO 13920-BF.
Tolerance of steel structure welding is according to DIN EN 13920-BF standard.
Certificate of Quality
名称(Name):十字吊具(cross beam)
额定载荷(Rated Capacity):2000 Kg
出厂编号(Manufacturing Nr.):DONP100588(1)
电器产品 验货英文描述资料

General Defect - 通用电器缺陷cord untied or irregularly tied电线未绑或绑的不规则exposed wires金属线外露brass wire in power cord exposed电源线的铜丝外露ground wire discontinuous地线间断burn down烧坏jam刮/卡死excessive noise噪音过多shock noise振动有噪音switch operated not smoothly开关不顺polarity reversed极性接反open circuited开路short circuited短路grounding continuity test failed接地失败Hi-pot test failed高压失败leakage current test failed漏电power supply dead无电源dielectric strength test failed介质强度测试失败current or wattage out ofspecification电流/电压不合规格live wire exposed火线外露General location - 电器通用缺陷位置jack插口AC-IN jack交流输入口DC-IN jack直流输入口socket插座socket cover插座盖plug插头plug foot插脚polarized plug极性插头coupling plug转化/耦合插头flat blade plug扁脚插头channel频道function key功能键nut螺母LCD液晶显示屏power LED indicator电源电子指示灯power cord电源线electrode plate电极片ON-Off switch开关adapter适配器transformer变压器remote control遥控器Lighting Fixture - 灯饰cold flow mark冷塑痕迹(拉痕)defective stamping冲压不良glass panel cut crooked玻璃切割弯曲glass panel out of square玻璃不规则(歪斜不直)gouge mark凿痕holes improperly drilled孔眼钻的不对insufficient plating电镀不足lamp stand tilted after assembled安装后灯站立倾斜machining mark车痕screw stripped缺螺纹poor porosity holes疏松多孔poor rolling edge卷边不良rough planting镀层粗糙(镀前未抛光清洗)seam mark exposed少锡漏缝spinning lines旋压线wrong finish表面处理错误obvious shrinkage or deformation on surface of plastic or metal parts 金属/塑料表面有明显缩水或变形grinding mark磨痕bulbs on holder poorly assembled(灯座上)灯泡安装不良plug rusted插头生锈figures poorly shaped成形不佳incorrect sequence of color彩灯顺序不对scratch on color bulbs彩灯刮花bulb can on light up灯泡不亮flash light no function闪光灯无功能abnormal noise in music box音乐盒内有异常噪音wrong music melody音乐曲调不对live and neutral wires short incircuit火线和中线短路bulbs too dim灯泡过于黯淡broken light bulbs灯泡破incorrect size, watt and style ofbulbs used灯泡尺寸,瓦数,款式不对design finish, color of lamp andshadenot according orSPEC(smoked,white,ect)灯,灯罩的款式,表面处理及颜色SPEC不符(有烟熏或发白等)design and color not consistence for all lamps of same style 同一款式灯之间的设计及颜色不对floor lamps cannot stand vertically with leaning or falling over 落地灯站立不直,有倾斜或翻倒shade cannot fit bulb properly(loose)灯罩于灯泡不配(太松)missing UL label on product缺UL标smoking from light bulb or otherelectrical areas灯泡内或其它用电区域冒烟overheating过热assembled parts not secure配件组装不牢固glass not secured in shade灯罩内玻璃固定不牢sharp edges on shade灯罩有锐边stained glass pieces not neatlyplaced on shade灯罩彩色玻璃排列不整齐cup shade灯罩font灯罩底盘baffle灯罩障板harp灯罩架arm灯臂bobeche灯杯bulb灯泡bulb holder灯座sconce陶瓷壁灯座socket灯头socket cover灯头盖socket cap灯头帽ceramic socket陶瓷灯头cluster灯簇cluster stem灯簇柱goose neck鹅颈frosted glass磨砂玻璃frosted glass dome磨砂玻璃圆顶glass decoration玻璃装饰glass shield玻璃罩head joint(灯与柱)的连杆upper stem/pole上柱middle stem/pole中柱lower stem/pole下柱hardware pack附件sleeve套管candle sleeve蜡烛套管hurricane cup飓风杯(蜡烛套下之小灯杯)snuffer蜡烛套盖latch门闸Lucite panel塑料透明挂片mirror panel挂镜片mounting hole安装孔mounting plate安装板nipple螺纹套管nut螺母pipe管道plastic ring塑料环plastic support塑料支架/架plug塞子/插头power supply cord电源线protective glass防护玻璃protective ring保护环reflective panel反光面reflector反光镜adjusting handle调节手柄anchor膨胀螺丝back plate背板beveled glass edge玻璃斜边brass channeling铜条brass coupling铜连接头canopy天房盖ceiling pan吸顶盘chain链条clip夹片cone圆锥/锥面cord cover护线盖cross bar一字板/十字板curved tubing旋转管(花饰)/弯管dimmer switch微调开关distributor配线盒electric phenolic电木圈finial顶纽relamping label换灯标签rolled edge滚边tightening knob紧固旋纽screw collar loop螺纹套圈吊环screw collar nut螺纹环螺母securing knob固定旋纽set screw固定螺丝green ground screw接地绿螺丝wire nut接线螺帽wood screw木螺丝spiral ball麻花螺线球rubber washer胶垫片steel washer铁垫片spacer垫圈insulation pad绝缘垫tab薄片diffuser散射片ventilation slots散惹槽switch box开关电线盒swivel转动接头wire connector电线连接器spoke轮辐track轨道/路轨tray托盘top plate顶板adaptor功能适配器fitter机械适配器polarity test极性测试grounding test接地测试endurance test耐力测试assembly test组装测试Hi-pot test高压测试TV Set - 电视机infra-red sensor红外线感应器rod antenna棒状天线antenna mounting bracket天线支架prop up stand可折叠支架external antenna jack外部天线插口earphone jack耳机插口screen荧光屏picture电视画面vertical hold control (V-hold)图象垂直调整speaker喇叭control door面板门band switch波段开关selector switch选择开关TV system switch电视系统选择开关channel NO. knob频道纽TV tuning knob电视频道调节组preset预设纽sleep knob睡眠纽mute knob消音纽brightness control knob亮度控制纽color control knob颜色控制纽contrast control knob对比度控制纽Auto-search knob自动搜索纽UHF tuning knob-UHF超高频旋转纽VHF tuning knob-VHF特高频旋转纽UHF channel indicator-VHF超高频道指示表VHF channel indicator-VHF特高频道指示表strain relief test failed张拉力测试失败smoke of fire during operation运转时冒火烟poor quality or peelingsilkscreen/hotstamp丝印/火印不良或引导剥落knob control poor assembly旋纽控制装配不良AFC or manual tuning no function自动频率控制或手工调谐无功horizontal/vertical linearitymisalignment水平线/垂直线定线不准picture not center properly图象集中不当dead or dead on one channel(某一频道)失灵no picture/audio output/howling无图象/音频输出/有振鸣volume, tume&balance control intermittent, noisy, faulty 音量,音调和平衡控制功能间歇,有杂音,出错misoperation of remote control遥控器失灵stereo channels reverse立体声频道接反clock/timer/sleep set no function 时钟/计时器/睡眠状态设置无功能sound distortion , hum, buzz, rattle or vibration 声音失真,嗡鸣,咔哒生或颤音speaker damaged/faulty causedsound distortion, hum, buzz, rattle or vibration 喇叭损坏或故障导致声音失真,嗡鸣,咔哒声或振鸣speaker connection in wrong phase喇叭接线相位不对LED/LCD display with segmentmissing, excessive or uneven segment LED/LCD显示屏缺划,多划或划不均piture/brighteness&contras no function or int 图象/亮度和对比度无功能或功能间歇TV/CATV selection no function电视/有线电视选择无功能external aerials, DC adaptor orother accessories inoperative/intermittent 外接天线,直流转接器或其它附件无功能/功能间歇damaged/cracked PCB&CRT印刷电路&阴极射线管损/裂poor soldering, dry joint,components bridging焊接/干接/组件搭接不良sensitivity out of limit(audio/vidio)音频/视频灵敏度超限mute recall no function弱音器/重叫记忆无功能radio signal unstable无线电接收信号不稳定frequency drift/off alignment频率飘移/不准snow noise on picture >59Db 图象有雪花噪声干扰(高于59分贝)screen not stable图象不稳定auto power no function自动电源无功能out of focus or focus pooralignment焦点未对准channel off alignment频道偏差Audio products-CD/Radio/CassettePlayer - 音频产品/唱碟机/收音机/盒式录放机buzz轻微颤音hum嗡嗡声FM/AM/SM oscillation接收不稳定no station received接收不到电台off calibration接收偏离刻度no sound无声FM stereo no separation立体声无分离L/R channels reversed左/右声道接反low output输出弱dial pointer stop指针停pointer jump指针跳动poor sensitivity灵敏度差poor wow&flutter抖摆率差no tape protective无磁带保险eat tape吃带play distortion唱带失真playing delay放音延迟tape play fast放音快tape play slow放音慢vibration严重噪声tuning wobble, rubbing, noisy, slipping, malfunction 调谐不稳定,有磨擦,有噪音,滑动,功能失调display lens missing and/or windowsmisalignment缺显示镜或显示窗未对齐cabinet screw loose, stripped, missing ,rusted 外壳螺丝松动,螺丝齿有损,缺螺丝,螺丝gap between mating parts, balancing of twin cassette doors>0.8mm 配件间有缝隙,盒式磁带双门平衡差大于0.8mmflywheel mechanical noise,malfunction飞轮机械有噪音,有故障parts missing, loose parts/foreignbody inside缺部件,部件松,内有异物transformer mum/buzz noise变压器(火牛)有噪音CD/cassette door and/or flaps, hinges damaged inoperative, broken 唱碟/盒式磁带门盖,合页破损/不起作用mains cable damaged 2nd insulation layer and/or conductors exposed 电源线破损,第二绝缘层和/或导体/导线外露mains cable in wrong colorindication电源线颜色指示错sub-standard mains cable (failed torequired safety standard)电源线(次)不符合标准connecting wire pinched betweenmating part配件间接线受损discolor case外壳褪色molded marks, sink marks, flow lineon cabinet外壳有浇铸痕,缩痕,流水痕unit burnt smoke comes out产品冒烟operation malfunction, intermittentor shock noise with or without tapping the UN 功能故障/间歇故障(轻敲产品)时有噪声connecting jacks&plugs intermittent when moving the wire 移动导线时插头和插口接触不良volume, equalizer&banlance control intermittent, noisy, faulty 音量/均衡器&平衡控制功能有间歇/有噪音/出错stereo channels reversed立体声频道接反sound distortion ,hum, buzz, rattle or vibration 声音失真,颤音,嗡鸣,咔哒声speaker damaged /faulty causedsound distortion, hum, buzz, rattle or vibration 扬声器有损/故障导致声音失真,颤音,嗡鸣,咔哒声speaker connection in wrong phase喇叭接线相位出错buzz noise from poor wiring, loose plastic parts, loose battery spring 接线不良,塑料配件松动,电池弹片松动导致嗡嗡声indicator light inoperative, dimmed,wrong color指示灯不起作用LED/LCD display with segment missing, excess, or uneven segment LED/LCD显示缺划,多划或划不均LCD display with obvious rainbowmarks LCD显示屏有明显的彩虹印earphone,headphone externalspeaker inoperative/intermittent耳机,头戴耳机无功能或间歇external aerials, DC adaptor orother accessories inoperative/intermittent 外接天线,直流转接器,或其它附件无功能或功能间歇damaged/cracked PCB印刷电路板损/坏poor wire dressing causing functionproblem电线外包皮不良导致功能问题poor solding, dry joint, componentsbridging焊接,干接,组件连接不良weak radio reception无线电台接收弱radio signal unstable无线电台信号不稳定frequency drift/off alignment频率飘移/不能对准tape record/playback distortion,weak磁带录音/重放失真,声弱tape chewed, jammed inside deckmechanism卡座内发生绞带/卡带carton materials too flimsy to besuitable for transportation纸箱材质太差不适合运输unit without polybag产品未套胶袋polyfoam endcap broken bur passeddrop test保丽龙端盖破但试摔通过AM调幅FM调频SM调波antenna天线sensor position遥控balance control左右平衡控制tone control音量控制treble control高音控制bass control低音控制stereo jack立体声控制dial lens刻度透镜dial pointer波段指示针dial pointer belt指示针带FM stereo indicator调频立体声指示灯speaker喇叭speaker box喇叭盒speaker grill喇叭网left channel左声道right channel右声道function selector功能选择纽tuning knob转动选台纽EQ knob均衡纽Hi-speed switch高速纽fast forward button快进纽record button录音纽play button放音纽pause button暂停纽stop/eject button停/出带纽search and skip backward button向后搜索及跳跃纽search and skip forward button向前搜索及跳跃纽volume knob音量纽volume down knob音量降低纽volume up button音量升高纽cassette knob卡座纽cassette卡座deck door AA门卡座deck door BB门卡座deck door lens卡座门镜battery spring电池弹簧backplate机背板connecting tab联结扣deck mechanism机芯handle提手head phone头戴耳机CD door唱碟门CD open/close button唱碟开/关纽CD play/pause button唱碟放音/暂停纽CD program button唱碟程序纽CD repeat button唱碟重复纽CD stop button唱碟停止纽turntable黑胶唱盘rotate switch旋转开关power switch电源开关flashlight - 手电筒light bulb dead灯泡不亮foreign metal particles inside unit手电筒内有金属粒子foreign plastic particles inside unit手电筒内有塑胶粒子Dehumidifier - 干燥器Rena ware compact air cleaner -空气过滤器loose switches/control panel(poor assembly)开关/控制面板松动(组装不良)gap between two halves of thehousing机架两半之间有缝隙function indicators damaged功能指示器损坏incorrect color of functionalindicator功能指示器颜色不正常unit rock or wobble when sitting ona level surface置于水平平面上晃动不稳power cord is united or irregularlytied电源线未接上或接的不规则missing rating plate/label缺等级牌/标签missing S/N label缺序列号missing filters缺过滤器missing safety marks (such as UL. EMC or CE)on product 缺产品安全标志(如:UL, EMC, CE)poor tampo-printing on controlpanel控制面板上字体印刷不良brand logo or key instructions offposition标识或功能键指示功能移位filter poorly sealed过滤器密封不良papers in H.E.P.A filter broken or poorly glued H.E.P.A过滤器内纸破裂或粘贴不良key jammed/stuck按键卡住plug pins rusted/oxidized插头生锈/已氧化something inside内有异物installation screws too loose安装螺丝太松keys too tight when pressing按键太紧incorrect brand name/model ofmotor马达品牌/型号不对rubber feet loosed out象胶支脚松掉incorrect style of supply cord电线型号不正确internal connection wires disheveled内部连限混乱smoking from the inside of theproduct产品内冒烟strain relief can not bear a force of15 LBS for 3 minutes张力不足以承受3分钟15磅overheating after running for hours数小时运行后机体过热no ionizer function无电离功能fan can not rotate风扇不转fan speed key malfunction风扇调速键故障difficult to assemble/reassemble装配/重装困难ionizer voltage measured does notmeet the minimum voltage电离电压不及最小电压值incorrect polarity极性错误abnormal noise异常噪声reliability test failed可靠性测试失败fan speed measured exceed thespecified range风扇速度测试超过规定速度air load exceed the specified range空气负载超过规定范围function indicators have no function功能指示器无功能fuse no function保险丝无功能master carton poorly tape-sealed卡通箱捆绑不良electric toothbrush - 电动牙刷dielectric strength test failed介电/绝缘强度测试失败overheating (enclosure melted)热度过高(外壳熔化)enclosure or parts broken orcracked外壳/附件破裂/破碎foreign particle inside the enclosure外壳内有异物significant noise噪音过大component loosen out duringoperation操作中部件松脱pushbutton switch or unit functionintermittent按钮开关或产品功能间歇button/switch stuck close按钮/开关卡住missing UL listing mark or European approval agency mark 缺UL标志或欧洲认可的代理机构的标志hard to assembly on brush head (tooloose)牙刷头难以安装poor assembly on brush head (tooloose)牙刷头装配不良poor alignment on brush head(uneven clearance)刷头上(刷毛)排列不匀brush head movement too fast ortoo slow刷头转速过快/过慢wrong component is used用錯部件rust on battery contact insertliterature电池/充电器通电点生锈battery charger no function电池无功能hard to assembly or disassemble thebattery电池拆装困难omission of , insufficient , incorrect, separately packed component or accessories 单独包装的部件/附件缺,数量不足或装错enclosure not secured in place orwith excessive gaps外壳未固定到位,间隙过大color mismatch or inconsistence颜色配错/颜色不一致IRON - 电熨斗damaged power supply cord电源线受损live wire exposed火线外露short circuited (external fuses burntout)产品短路(外保险丝烧毁) failure of thermo cut off自动调温器不能断电switch intermittent开关间歇thermostat malfunction自动调温器故障current or voltage out ofspecification电流,电压超出规定foreign metal particles inside theunit(EG solder)产品内有金属颗粒component loosen out duringoperation操作过程中部件松脱foreign plastic particles inside theunit产品内有塑料颗粒intermittent间歇wrong component used部件用错TELEPHONE - 电话loose name plate, logobadges,function inlays etc.商标,标牌,功能指使松脱excessive gap betweencabinets(>0.8mm)外壳空隙过大knobs missing ,wrong type ,wrong color ,loosened off during operation 缺旋钮/旋钮型号不对/颜色不对/操作中松脱knobs wobble , rubbing , poor alignment, fitted in wrong way 旋钮摇晃不稳/有磨擦/排列不齐/排列方式不对display lens missing and/or windowsmisalignment缺失显示屏/显示屏窗口未对准cabinet screw stripped外壳螺钉缺螺纹connecting wire pinched betweenmating part配件间接线受挤压ringer Hi/Lo/Off no function响铃无 高/低/关 切换功能long distance ringer no function远距离响铃无功能ringer distortion响铃失真ringer weak响铃弱sound poor reception声音接收不良sound poor transmission声音传送不良no dial tone sound无拨号音pulse dialing no function脉冲拨号无功能redial no function重拨无功能handfree no function免提无功能memory no function记忆无功能flash no function闪断无功能mute no function弱音器无功能speaker phone no function扬声器电话无功能memory setting no function记忆设置无功能clock/timer set no function闹钟/计时器设置无功能handset test out of limit听筒测试超出限制hold no music保持(不挂机无音乐)operation malfunction, intermittentor shock noise with/without tapping the unit 功能/功能间歇(轻敲产品时有噪音connecting jacks&plugs intermittent when moving the wire 移动电线时接线端子和接线塞子接触不良speaker sound distortion , hum, buzz, rattle, or vibration 扬声器(话筒声音失真/有蜂鸣/咔嗒声/咯咯声/有颤音power consumption & operatingvoltage out of limit功率消耗/工作电压超限buzz noise from poor wiring, loose plastic parts , loose battery spring 接线不良/塑料零件松脱/电池弹片松脱 造成电话有蜂鸣indicator light inoperative, dimmed, wrong color 指示灯不亮/光线暗淡/颜色错误LED/LCD display with segment missing, excessive or uneven LED/LCD显示缺划/多划/划不均earphone , headphone, externalspeaker inopearative/function intermittent 耳机/头戴耳机扬声器无功能,功能间歇poor wire dressing causing functional problem 电线外包皮包裹不良导致功能问题poor soldering, dry joint ,components bridging焊接/干接/桥接不良sensitivity out of limit灵敏度超限keys/buttons stuck按键/按钮卡住polyfoam endcap broken but passdrop test泡沫塑料端盖破裂但通过试摔wall mounting hole墙安装孔storeage compartment储物箱desk lid平台盖hook挂钩memory记忆ornament ball装饰球ornament bell装饰铃microphone麦克风telephone line cord电话线line cord jack电话线插口handset听筒handset cord听筒线handset cord jack听筒线插口handset cradle听筒架receiver受话器tansmitter送话器memory记忆tone dialing音频拨号pulse dialing脉冲拨号dial board拨号盘dial mode knob拨号方式键ring control knob响铃控制键receiver volume knob受话音量控制钮dial buttons拨号钮flash knob flash键handfree knob免提键redial key重拨键reset key复位键hair dryer - 吹风机barrel桶clamp钳cool safety tip安全冷端grille网handle把heat section加热部位heatproof rim隔热圈hi/off/low switch高/关/低 开关lower cabinet下壳top cabinet上壳plug插头plug foot插脚power cord电源线air concentrator吹风头air intake grille进气网air supply opening进气口ALCI漏电保护制reset button复位键thermostat malfunction自动调温器故障foreign (metal/plastic) particlesinside unit (E.G. solder)内有金属/塑料异物(如焊料)component loosed out duringoperation使用中部件松落damaged power supply cord电源线坏live wire exposed and accessible火线外露可触short-circuited (external fuses burnout)短路(保险丝烧坏)switch intermittent开关间歇current or wattage out ofspecification电流或瓦特数不合要求General - 电子通用extra segment多划missing segment少划display abnormal显示不正常display flash数字闪display显示屏function key功能键lens透镜number key数字键Clock watch - 钟表accuracy test精确度测试alarm闹钟back casing表壳背面front casing表壳正面bell铃ringer表带belt buckle表带扣belt lining表带内衬canopy钟罩clock mechanism机芯dial刻度盘dial cover刻度盘盖frame钟框hour hand时针minute hand分针second hand秒针pendulum钟摆time adjustable knob时间调节钮alarm activate earlier闹钟提前alarm delay闹钟延迟clock hands misalignment指针误差hands collide指针碰撞inaccuracy精确度差pendulum swung slowly钟摆摆慢unadjustable不能调节knob missing按钮缺失knob loosened off during operation操作过程中,旋钮松落knob wobble /rubbing/ pooralignment /fitted wrong way旋钮摇晃/有磨擦/未成一直线/装错data cord数据线disk磁碟disk protective clip磁碟保护金属片left button左键right button右键middle button中键pc/ms button pc/ms 钮Calculator - 计算器Camera - 相机view finder取景器lens镜头lens definition镜头清晰度mechanical shutter快门film counter胶卷计数器flash lamp闪光灯winder mechanism卷带装置charging indicator充电指示灯rewinder倒带装置neck strap领带。

商检局证书的中英文对照1. certificate of weight 重量证明书2.certificate of inspection certifying quality & quantity in triplicate issued by C.I.B.C. 由中国商品检验局出具的品质和数量检验证明书一式三份3.phytosanitary certificate 植物检疫证明书4.plant quarantine certificate 植物检疫证明书5.fumigation certificate 熏蒸证明书6.certificate stating that the goods are free from live weevil 无活虫证明书(熏蒸除虫证明书)7.sanitary certificate 卫生证书8.health certificate 卫生(健康)证书9.analysis certificate 分析(化验)证书10.tank inspection certificate 油仓检验证明书11.record of ullage and oil temperature 空距及油温记录单12.certificate of aflatoxin negative 黄曲霉素检验证书13.non-aflatoxin certificate 无黄曲霉素证明书14.survey report on weight issued by C.I.B.C. 中国商品检验局签发之重量检验证明书15.inspection certificate 检验证书16.inspection and testing certificate issued by C.I.B.C. 中国商品检验局签发之检验证明书。

1 GB/T 998-1982 低压电器基本试验方法Basic testing method of low voltage apparatus2 GB/T 1003-1980 三相插头插座型式、基本参数与尺寸Types, basic parameters and dimensions of three phase plugs and sockets3 GB 1444-1987 防爆灯具专用螺口式灯座Edison screw lampholders specially used for explosion-proof luminaires4 GB/T 1497-1985 低压电器基本标准The basic standard for low-voltage apparatus5 GB 2099-1980 单相、三相插头插座技术条件Technical requirements for single-phase and three- phase plugs and sockets6 GB/T 2900.18-1992 电工术语低压电器Electrotechnical terminology—Low voltage apparatus7 GB/T 3783-1994 船用低压电器基本要求General specification for low-voltage apparatus in ships8 GB/T 3797-1989 电控设备第二部分: 装有电子器件的电控设备Electric-driving controlgear—Part 2: Electric-driving controlgear incorporating electronic devices9 GB 3836.1-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备通用要求Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--General requirements10 GB 3836.2-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备隔爆型电气设备"d" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Flameproof electrical apparatus "d"11 GB 3836.3-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备增安型电气设备"e" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Increased safety electrical apparatus "e"12 GB 3836.4-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备本质安全型电路和电气设备"i" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Intrinsically safe circuits and electrical apparatus"i"13 GB 3836.5-1987 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备正压型电气设备"p" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Pressurized electrical apparatus "p"14 GB 3836.6-1987 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备充油型电气设备"o" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Oil immersed electrical apparatus "o"15 GB 3836.7-1987 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备充砂型电气设备"q" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Sand filled electrical apparatus"q"16 GB 3836.8-1987 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备无火花型电气设备"n" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres--Non-sparking electrical apparatus "n"17 GB 3836.9-1990 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备浇封型电气设备"m" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres—Encapsulated electrical apparatus "m"18 GB 3836.10-1991 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备气密型电气设备"h" Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres—Hermetically sealed electrical apparatus "h"19 GB 3836.11-1991 爆炸性环境用防爆电器设备最大试验安全间隙测定方法Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres—Method of test for ascertainment of maximum experimental safe gap20 GB 3836.12-1991 爆炸性环境用防爆电器设备气体或蒸汽混合物按照其最大试验安全间隙和最小点燃电流的分级Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres—Classification of gases or vapours with air according to their maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum igniting currents21 GB/T 4205-1984 控制电气设备的操作件标准运动方向Standard directions ofmovement for actuators which control the operation of electrical apparatus22 GB/T 4720-1984 电控设备第一部分: 低压电器电控设备Electric-driving controlgear--Part 1: Electric driving controlgear composed of low-voltage apparatus23 GB 5590-1985 矿用隔爆型电磁起动器Mining type flameproof electric magnetic starters24 GB 6829-1995 剩余电流动作保护器的一般要求General requirements for residual current operated protective devices25 GB/T 7061-1986 船用低压开关设备和控制设备装置通用技术条件General specification for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies in ships26 GB/T 7261-1987 继电器及继电保护装置基本试验方法Basic testing method of relay and protective equipment27 GB/T 7417-1987 AX 系列继电器AX series relays28 GB/T 7957-1987 矿用安全帽灯Safety cap lamp for mines29 GB/T 7958-1987 煤矿用电容式发爆器Capacitor discharge type exploders for coal mines30 GB/T 9393-1988 STZ3型电子测量仪器用连接器STZ3 type connector for electronic measurement instrument。
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Testing results
一般检查General examination
1、电器元件应经过检验合格,有合格证明书。electrical components should be subject to inspection,witha certificate of compliance
4、辅助电路与地之间the auxiliary circuit to ground:2500V/1s
5、绝缘材料制造的外壳和手柄与带电部件及裸导电部件施加1.5倍电压。the insulating material of the shell and handle with live parts and bare conductive parts1.5 times the voltage applied
试棒Test bars
Suzhou Disheng Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.?
PZ30routine (factory) inspection reports
通电操作台Power console
frequency voltagewithstand test
施加交流正弦50Hz电压2500V,施压时间1s施压部位如下:voltage applied ACsinusoidal 50Hz 2500V, time 1s,positionas follows:
绝缘电阻仪Insulation resistance meter
2、主开关电器在闭合位置时的不同极的带电部位之间。Whenthe main electricalswitchis on,between the live partsofdifferentpole.
3、主电路与控制电路之间。between the main circuit and control circuit.
绝缘电阻测量Insulation resistance measurement
绝缘电阻应≥1kΩ/V测量部位如下insulation resistance ≥ 1kΩ / V measurementpositionas follows::
1、主开关电器在断开位置时两个断口之间when the main electrical switch isoff,between the two fracture
产品名称Product Name:型号规格Model:出厂编号serial number:
试验项目testing items
测试设备testing device
Testing results
一般检查General examination
1、电器元件应经过检验合格,有合格证明书。electrical components should be subject to inspection,witha certificate of compliance
4、各带电部件与金属框架之间。the live parts and metal frameworks.
外壳防护等级shell protection grade
IP30:用¢2.5mm铜棒,施加10N外力,不能进入。IP30: with ¢ 2.5mm copper, applied 10N force, can not enter.
Suzhou Disheng Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.?
DGCK, GGD2, GXL routine (factory) inspection reports
项目名称Project Name编号NO.RD-8.3-03-01
2、安装的电器元件与设备表相符合。the installation of electrical components and devices table match
3、壳体及门的几何尺寸、焊接表面涂覆,电镀层符合规定要求。Dimension ofshell and door welding surface coating, electroplating layermeetrequirements.
手动操作manual test
2、手动操作部件操作5次,操作灵活无卡滞现象。机械电气连锁有效。parts be manually operated five times, operation flexible, no clamping stagnation
. Mechanical electrical chain effective.
项目名称Project name编号serial no.RD-8.3-03-02
产品名称product name:终端箱terminal box型号规格model:PZ30-出厂编号serial number:
试验项目testing items
测试设备testing device
2、安装的电器元件与设备表相符合。the installation of electrical components and devices ta表面涂覆,电镀层符合规定要求。Dimension ofshell and door welding surface coating, electroplating layermeetrequirements.
1、主电路各带电部位与接地金属构件之间的电气间隙及爬电距离应不小于20mm。electrical distanceandcreepage distancebetweenthe parts the main circuit and metal components ground should be not less than 20mm.
0-150mm钢直尺straight steel ruler
2、电气间隙electrical distance≥10mm
3、爬电间隙creepage distance≥12.5mm
手动操作试验互换性试验interchangeable test
a manual test
1、任一可移开部件在同一规格的两个隔离室中各抽插5次,检查互换情况,抽插应灵活。any parts can be removed in the same specification of the two isolation roomsinserted and taken outfive times, check the exchange situation,inserted and taken outshould be flexible.
0-150mm钢直尺straight steel ruler
2、电气间隙electrical distance≥10mm
3、爬电间隙creepage distance≥12.5mm
手动操作试验互换性试验interchangeable test
a manual test
1、任一可移开部件在同一规格的两个隔离室中各抽插5次,检查互换情况,抽插应灵活。any parts can be removed in the same specification of the two isolation roomsinserted and taken outfive times, check the exchange situation,inserted and taken outshould be flexible.
通电操作power operation
通电操作5次,电器元件动作正常、仪表指示准确,符合装置的电气设计要求。Power operation five times, electrical componentswork well, instrument instruction accurate,meet theelectrical design requirements.
3m steel tape
4、接地、相序色标、联结、名牌数据正确无误。ground, phase sequence color, link, brand-name data is correct.
5、接地符号应明显,检查接地电路的联接性。grounding symbols should be clear, check the connectionof theground circuit
1、主电路各带电部位与接地金属构件之间的电气间隙及爬电距离应不小于20mm。electrical distanceandcreepage distancebetweenthe parts the main circuit and metal components ground should be not less than 20mm.
1、主电路与地之间the main circuit and ground:2500V/1s
frequency voltagewithstand test
2、主电路与各相之间the main circuit and the phase:2500V/1s