2024-2025学年语文(统编版) 6年级上册期末模拟测试01分值:100分;考试时间:90分钟学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________学号:___________第一部分积累与运用(40 分)一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1.下列诗句前后衔接不正确的一项()A.儿童相见不相识,笑问客从何处来。
(11分)1.漫步校园,听——那是我们qīng cuì的读书声;看——这是我们相互yīwēi、liáo tiān的huāpǔ。
课间,校园fèi téng了,处处都有我们的欢声笑语。
童年永远是míng mèi的艳阳天!2.当你gūdú时,书是忠实的伴侣,chèdǐ驱散你的jìmò;当你忧伤时,书是贴心的知己,给你温暖的fǔwèi。
5.中国古代楷书四大家指的是( )(1分)A.王羲之欧阳询颜真卿柳公权B.颜真卿柳公权苏轼赵孟頫C.欧阳询颜真卿柳公权赵孟頫D.王羲之颜真卿柳公权张旭6.下列诗句中描写的事物没有被赋予人的品格和志向的是()(1分)A.荷尽已无擎雨盖,菊残犹有傲霜枝。
9.已知抛物线 的焦点为 ,准线为 , 是 上一点,直线 与抛物线交于 两点,若 ,则
A B.8C.16D.
10.已知函数 的图象过点 ,且在 上单调,同时 的图象向左平移 个单位之后与原来的图象重合,当 ,且 时, ,则
A. B.-1C.1D.
20.已知椭圆 的一个焦点为 ,离心率为 .不过原点的直线 与椭圆 相交于 两点,设直线 ,直线 ,直线 的斜率分别为 ,且 成等比数列.
(1)求 的值;
(2)若点 在椭圆 上,满足 直线 是否存在?若存在,求出直线 的方程;若不存在,请说明理由.
21.已程 的两个实数根为 ,求证: ;
∵ ,
∴ ,即 ,∴ .
∴ ,∴直线AB的斜率为 ,
∵F(1,0),∴直线PF的方程为y= (x﹣1),
将y= (x﹣1),代入方程y2=4x,得3(x﹣1)2=4x,化简得3x2﹣10x+3=0,
A. B. C. D.
6.已知 展开式中 的系数为0,则正实数
A.1B. C. D.2
7.已知数列 的前 项和 ,若 ,则
A. B.
C. D.
8.如图是正四面体的平面展开图, 分别是 的中点,在这个正四面体中:① 与 平行;② 与 为异面直线;③ 与 成60°角;④ 与 垂直.以上四个命题中,正确命题的个数是()
2023年全国各类成人高等学校招生考试《高等数学(一)》模拟卷一1. 【选择题】(江南博哥)A. 0B. 1C. ∞D. 不存在但不是∞正确答案:D参考解析:2. 【选择题】A. -1B. 0C.D. 1正确答案:C参考解析:3. 【选择题】下列函数中,在x=0处可导的是A. y=|x|B.C. y=x3D. y=lnx正确答案:C参考解析:4. 【选择题】函数y=ex+arctanx在区间[-1,1]上A. 单调减少B. 单调增加C. 无最大值D. 无最小值正确答案:B参考解析:单调增加.5. 【选择题】A. y=2B. y=-2C. y=1D. y=-1正确答案:D参考解析:6. 【选择题】设y=cosx,则y''=A. sinxB. cosxC. -cosxD. -sinx正确答案:C参考解析:7. 【选择题】A. 0B. 1C. 2D. -1正确答案:C参考解析:8. 【选择题】二元函数z=x3-y3+3x2+3y2—9x的极小值点为A. (1,0)B. (1,2)C. (-3,0)D. (-3,2)正确答案:A参考解析:9. 【选择题】A.B.C.D.正确答案:C参考解析:10. 【选择题】下列级数中发散的是A.B.C.D.正确答案:D参考解析:11. 【填空题】我的回答:正确答案:参考解析:12. 【填空题】我的回答:正确答案:参考解析:13. 【填空题】我的回答:正确答案:参考解析:14. 【填空题】我的回答:正确答案:参考解析:tanθ—cotθ+C15. 【填空题】我的回答:正确答案:参考解析:1连续应有a=1.16. 【填空题】我的回答:正确答案:参考解析:17. 【填空题】设函数z=x2ey,则全微分dz=________.我的回答:正确答案:参考解析:dz=2xeydx+x2eydy18. 【填空题】我的回答:正确答案:参考解析:19. 【填空题】微分方程y''+6y'+13y=0的通解为_____. 我的回答:正确答案:参考解析:y=e-3x(C1cos2x+C2sin2x)20. 【填空题】我的回答:正确答案:参考解析:4π21. 【解答题】我的回答:参考解析:22. 【解答题】我的回答:参考解析:23. 【解答题】我的回答:参考解析:24. 【解答题】我的回答:参考解析:25. 【解答题】我的回答:参考解析:用极坐标系进行计算.26. 【解答题】我的回答:参考解析:27. 【解答题】我的回答:参考解析:28. 【解答题】我的回答:参考解析:。
2024年1月浙江省高考英语仿真模拟试卷01参考答案1.【答案】B【原文】W: Andy, you look really handsome in your new coat. Where did you buy it?M: You really have a good taste. My daughter bought it in America on her business trip.2. 【答案】B【原文】M: Sorry, Miss. We made a terrible mistake adding up the bill. Here is the ten dollars we have to return to you.W: Oh, I didn’t notice that. It’s OK. Don’t blame the waiter. He’s been really nice.3.【答案】B【原文】M: I have 50 pages more to read tonight, but it’s already 11:00. I really need some coffee. It’ll take me at least two hours, and I need it done by 10:00 tomorrow morning.W: Just wake up at 7:00. You’ll have plenty of time then.4. 【答案】A【原文】W: I wanted to buy a new pair of shoes from Foot Locker, but the ones I want cost $100.I can only spend $75 at the most.M: I will pay for half of the price. You can consider it as part of your birthday gift.5. 【答案】C【原文】W: Jack, are you going camping with your friends this weekend?M: It depends. If it’s sunny, we’ll go.W: The weatherman says it’s going to rain.M: In that case, we’ll go to the cinema instead.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
教育模拟卷第一套试卷及答案(一)A型题:1-36题,每小题 1.5 分,共54 分。
1.胃下垂,子宫下垂时均可以补中益气,这属中医的什么特点() [单选题] *A.异病同治B.辨证论治(正确答案)C.辨病施治D.同病异治2.下列不属于阴阳的对立制约() [单选题] *A.阳虚则寒,阴虚则热B.阴病治阳,阳病治阴C.热因热用,寒因寒用D.阴中求阳,阳就求阴(正确答案)3.心脏病人见面色黑为() [单选题] *A.子病及母B.母病及子C.相乘(正确答案)D.相侮4.全身气机调节的枢纽() [单选题] *A.肺肝B.脾胃(正确答案)C.肺肾D.心脾5.“夺汗者无血,夺血者无汗”的理论依据是() [单选题] *A.肝肾同源B.精血同源C.津血同源(正确答案)D.乙癸同源6.分经诊断,下牙痛多在() [单选题] *A.心包经B.大肠经(正确答案)C.胃经D.肝经7.结石和瘀血得共同致病特点() [单选题] *A.影响血液运行B.疼痛C.易阻滞气机(正确答案)D.病程较长8.患者筋惕肉瞤,肢麻震颤.眩晕欲仆,半身不遂多由于() [单选题] *A.热极生风B.肝阳化风(正确答案)C.血虚生风D.阴虚风动9.《素问·本病论》中提出五脏相通,移皆有次,五脏有病,则多传其所胜,属于治则的() [单选题] *A.早期治疗B.先安未受邪之地(正确答案)C.防止病邪侵害D.针灸推拿药物调养10.下列不属于神乱的表现是() [单选题] *A.恐惧胆怯,心悸不宁B.表情淡漠,喃喃自语C.精神萎靡,神昏谵语(正确答案)D.目睛上视,力逾常人11.面色白主病() [单选题] *A.亡阳证(正确答案)B.戴阳证C.惊风D.疼痛12.以下不是手足心出汗的病因() [单选题] *A.脾胃湿热B.阳明燥热C.阴虚内热D.虚阳上越(正确答案)13.不属于舌态的表现是() [单选题] *A.歪斜舌C.裂纹舌(正确答案)D.短缩舌14.脉来数而时有一止,止无定数指的是() [单选题] *A.促脉(正确答案)B.结脉C.代脉D.紧脉15.出现恶寒发热,无汗,头身疼痛,口渴喜饮,烦躁,便秘尿黄,舌红苔黄属于() [单选题] *A.表寒里热(正确答案)B.表里俱热C.真寒假热D.真热假寒16.以下不属于气逆的临床表现是() [单选题] *A.呕吐B.胀闷(正确答案)C.喘促D.头痛17.下列各项,对于胃火炽盛最具有鉴别意义的是() [单选题] *A.饥不欲食B.消谷善饥(正确答案)C.胃脘灼痛18.以下不是寒湿困脾的表现的是() [单选题] *A.口中黏腻B.头身困重C.渴不多饮(正确答案)D.妇女白带量多19.下列各类药中,具有升浮药性的是() [单选题] *A.安神药B.平肝熄风药C.活血化瘀药(正确答案)D.清热药20.麻黄和葱白共同具有的功效是() [单选题] *A.利水消肿B.解毒散结C.发汗解表(正确答案)D.散寒通阳21.甘遂内服剂量是() [单选题] *A.1.5-3gB.0.1-0.3gC.3-6gD.0.5-1.5g(正确答案)22.下列选项仙鹤草不具有的功效是() [单选题] *A.收敛止血B.化瘀止血(正确答案)C.杀虫止痒D.解毒23.下列牛黄具有而熊胆粉不具有的功效是() [单选题] *A.化痰开窍(正确答案)B.清肝明目C.平肝潜阳D.息风止痉24.下列哪个药物宜治疗久泻久痢() [单选题] *A.五味子B.肉豆蔻C.砂仁D.罂粟壳(正确答案)25.下列属于天南星功效的是() [单选题] *A.解毒散结B.清热化痰C.散结消肿(正确答案)D.通络止痛26.下列哪个不属于人参的主治病症() [单选题] *A.内热消渴B.阳痿宫冷C.胸痹冷痛(正确答案)D.心气不足,惊悸失眠27.只供外用,不可内服的药物是() [单选题] *A.土荆皮(正确答案)B.胆矾C.硫磺D.硼砂28.下列药物不属于舟车丸组成的是() [单选题] *A.青皮B.茯苓(正确答案)C.牵牛子D.陈皮29.《温热经纬》中的清暑益气汤与《内外伤辨惑论》中的清暑益气汤中均有的药物是() [单选题] *A.人参B.麦冬(正确答案)C.西洋参D.白术30.下列方剂中,含有枳壳的是() [单选题] *A.大承气汤B.败毒散(正确答案)C.新加黄龙汤D.二陈汤31.症见咳嗽痰多,色白易咯,恶心呕吐,胸膈痞闷,肢体困重,或头眩心悸,苔白腻或腻,脉滑。
______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.《朝花夕拾》中的藤野先生和长妈妈都给作者带来了恒久的温暖,请结合相关情节说说他们是怎样温暖小鲁迅心灵的。
苏科版(2024新版)七年级上册生物期中模拟测试卷1一、选择题(从下面的四个选项中任选其一,每题2分,共80分)1. 下列研究动物行为的方法,属于实验法的是A. 使用望远镜观察野生天鹅的取食和孵卵B. 使用监控设备来直播大熊猫的分娩过程C. 通过和黑猩猩交朋友来观察研究其行为D. 利用特定的装置来研究蚂蚁之间的通讯2. 某学习小组在讨论生物的基本特征时,得出下列几种说法,其中正确的是A. 生物都需要从外界环境获取有机物B. 生物都需要吸入氧,呼出二氧化碳C. 生物能对外界刺激作出一定反应D. 同种生物的形态、结构都完全一样3. 下列有关生物圈的范围及其定义的叙述中,正确的是A. 地球上所有生物能够生活的地方B. 大气圈、水圈和岩石圈的全部C. 地球上所有生物以及它们所生活的环境的总和D. 地球上所有生物的总称4. 草原上,一只老鼠发觉老鹰在上空盘旋,便紧张而迅速地钻进巢穴内。
老鼠的这种行为体现了生物A. 具有遗传变异的特性B. 能对外界刺激作出反应C. 具有新陈代谢现象D. 具有生长和繁殖的特性5.2013年6月,我国发射了神舟十号载人飞船,三名宇航员将一起乘坐宇宙飞船飞向太空,那时,他们将脱离生物圈这个圈层,但他们必须从生物圈中带上足够维持其生命活动所必需的物质,你认为这些物质中最起码应该包括A.氧气、水、食物B. 太阳能电池、保暖内衣C. 宠物猫、电脑、光盘D. 驱蚊器、盆花、照相机6.下列成语或俗语中,体现生物能影响环境的是A.风声鹤唳草木皆兵B.种瓜得瓜种豆得豆C.千里之堤溃于蚁穴D.不入虎穴焉得虎子7. 下列关于使用显微镜的说法错误的是A. 显微镜的放大倍数越大,视野中观察到的细胞数量越少,视野越暗B. 调节粗准焦螺旋和细准焦螺旋都能使镜筒上升或下降C. 对光时,转动转换器,使低倍物镜对准通光孔D. 如需要擦拭目镜和物镜,请用洁净的纱布擦拭干净8. 地球上最大的生态系统是A.海洋生态系统 B.陆地生态系统 C.城市生态系统 D.生物圈9. 为了探究影响大棚作物产量的因素,某校生物科技小组在三个大棚内,按下表要求进行了种植实验:(其他条件均相同) 对该种植实验分析错误的是大棚甲乙丙二氧化碳浓度0.03%0.1%0.1%温度30℃30℃20℃B. 乙丙构成一组对照实验,变量是温度C. 甲丙构成一组对照实验,变量是温度和二氧化碳浓度D. 可以构成两组对照实验,变量分别是温度和二氧化碳浓度10. 久置空气中的烤面包片,难以生出霉菌。
高考英语上海卷模拟试卷(―)II. Grammar and Vocabulary (每题1 分,共20 分)Section ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, used one word that best fits each blank.Social Networking Sites: Are They Changing Human Communication?It is hardly news that people are using the Internet for communicating with others more and more. Some people fear that someday we will no longer feel the need to talk to one another face-to-face. However, some recent studies suggest that people communicate, or stay in touch, even more than they used to. (21)_______ side you fall on, what is clear and not debatable, is that human communication (22)_______ (undergo) tremendous changes in the 21st century. But results of recent scientific studies may have us (23) _______ (reconsider) just how much our new communication forms have changed our world.In June 2008 a British psychiatrist, Himanshu Tyagi, warned the generation of people born after 1990 use the Internet to communicate with others so much that they may have trouble (24)_______ (form) real relationships. The Internet is a world where everything moves fast and changes all the time, where relationships are quickly disposed of at the click of a mouse.Another psychologist, Dr. Arie Sigman, warned of physical effects (25) _______ using social networking sites. He suggests that the decrease in the amount of time (26) _______ (devote) to interacting with people face-to-face could have biological effects on the human body, (27)_______ can potentially lead to the development of illnesses, such as cancer.Finally, another British scientist, Susan Greenfield, warned members of the British government that social networking sites could actually be changing the human mind, (28) _______ (make) it more childlike. Since everything, including responses, is immediate on social networking sites, in actual life people may expect an immediate response. When this doesn't happen, their behavior can be described as almost childlike.Despite all of these warnings, studies can be found (29) _______ demonstrate the positive aspects of social networking sites. The results of one study show that using social networking sites has boosted the self-esteem of young adults. In addition to scientific studies, there are many who feel that the benefits of social networking sites far outweigh the possible negative aspects. Many people, especially those who spend a lot of time at home, for various reasons, (30) _______ (find) the Internet a lifeline. They are able to communicate with many people using these sites. Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one more word than you need.When photography was first invented, it changed the world: what people saw could be recorded as it really was without the (31) _______of an artist. Photography as historical record has been very important ever since. But equally important, the very first pioneers saw that it too, was an art form, not merely a way to (32) _______reality. True photographers are artists of the camera.Photography is charming because it is both an art and a science. It is an art over which the photographer has (33) _______ control but only to a certain extent: unlike a painter, you can only take photographs of what is there. If the sun is not shining, you cannot photograph sunlight. So you need to find a subject. But the greatest photographs are of subjects that most people would have walked past without (34) _______. The truly great photographers are those who can see, in their mind's eye, the photograph that they can create through their vision, artistry and skill. Vision comes first. If you cannot see the (35) _______ , you can never be a true photographer. Artistry, by contrast, can be learned and developed: you can read a book or you take lessons. You can learn from a great practitioner. Perhaps the simplest aspect to describe is framing.The human eye has a huge field of view (36) _______ almost 180 degrees. The lens of a camera, by contrast, has a very restricted field of view. This is both a curse and a blessing. Try as you might, you cannot (37)_______ the sheer scale of the human perspective of the world. But you can and must, select the image that you are attempting to snap ——or rather to create. Look through the viewfinder: learn to see the world through the lens. Understand the difference it makes when you remove the (38) _______and select only what really matters. That is artistry.Next comes skill. This is the (39) _______ part. Skill is exercised long before you even start to look for a subject: there are a series of essential decisions which you have to take. Do you want to use a traditional roll-film camera or a digital one? Each of them has advantages and drawbacks. Now that all cameras are in effect mini computers, there is a(n) (40) _______ to leave much of the decision-making to the electronics inside but the true photographer will override the factory settings to retain control over the details of exposure, focus and contrast.III.Reading Comprehension (45 分)Section A (每题1分,共15分)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Ownership seems straightforward in business: Get a patent or copyright when you create something. Charge for its (41) _______. Avoid ambiguity (模棱两可)about who owns what. But much of this wisdom is (42) _______. The world's most visionary businesses already know this and are skilled at ownership engineering 一a term we define to mean creating value by managing how products and services are (43) _______. Here, we introduce three of the most successful 一and least known 一ownership engineering strategies.(1) Tolerating TheftDisney strategically tolerates theft. For decades, the company was known for aggressively defending its copyrights and trademarks. But now Disney often (44) _______, tolerating super-fan pirates who create innovative products. (45)_______, when online vendor "Bibbidi Bobbidi Brooke,’ came out with a hugely popular line of rose-gold sequined Mickey ears in 2016, Disney did not shut her down, as was its legal right. (46)_______, it simply copied her design. After Disney’s official version hit the stores, the new Mickey ears sold out immediately. Everyone (47) _______: Brooke stays in business and Disney benefits from low-cost product development.(2) (48)_______OwnershipBusiness leaders, and their lawyers, have a bias that legal ownership matters. Surprisingly often, it doesn't, and some businesses today voluntarily give up ownership altogether, even when the law makes protection (49) _______. The key is to know when and how to deploy effective substitutes for legal ownership. For example, some cutting-edge entrepreneurs value (50) _______over patents. Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX says, “We have essentially no patents. Our primary long-term competition is India. If we published patents, it would be nonsensical, because the Indian would just use them as a recipe book. "(3)Leaning In To AmbiguityBusiness leaders may (51) _______to invest when the ownership environment for their product or service is unsettled. Many assume clear ownership rules are a(n) (52) _______ for entering markets. But legal clarity is not always that important. Millions of people own their cars and apartments, but can they (53) _______ people for short term rides or stays? Until recently, the law was unclear about the scope of owners' rights. That ambiguity didn't (54) _______Uber and Airbnb from pressing ahead into new markets. These start-ups built on the tech-world motto, "It's better to ask for forgiveness, than permission.,^ This motto is emphatically not a call to break the law. Just the opposite. Ifs a recognition that ownership rules are always less complete than people assume 一and that ownership ambiguity can provide legitimate and valuable business opportunities.Businesses can always gain a competitive (55)_______by finding novel ways to engineer ownership 一just like they engineer every other feature of their goods and services.41. A. regulation B. necessity C. ignorance D. use42. A. wrong B. awesome C. consistent D. dynamic43. A. generated B. owned C. exposed D. intervened44. A. shouts out B. shuts off C. looks away D. holds back45. A. Better still B. In other words C. In contrast D. For example46. A. Likewise B. Instead C. Hence D. Moreover47. A. doubts B. agrees C. wins D. wrestles48. A. Respecting B. Updating C. Submitting D. Deserting49. A. available B. unnecessary C. exceptional D. invaluable50. A. profits B. ownership C. secrecy D. openness51. A. rush B. hesitate C. boast D. manage52. A. ingredient B. manual C. medium D. precondition53. A. trade B. mistake C. charge D. motivate54. A. exclude B. discourage C. inherit D. liberate55. A. rival B. rule C. edge D. outletSection B (每题2分,共22分)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)The prospect of a holiday is likely to persuade even the most depressed that life is worth living. Few events are anticipated more eagerly, nor form the subject of more complex and enriching daydreams. They offer us perhaps our finest chance to achieve happiness--outside of the constraints of work, of our struggle for survival and for status. The way we choose to spend them embodies, if only unknowingly, an understanding of what life might ideally be about. However, holidays almost always go wrong. The tragicomic(悲喜剧的)disappointments of travel are a staple of office chat; the half-built hotel, the sense of disorientation, the mid- afternoon despair, the horrible fellow travellers, the lethargy(无精打采)before ancient ruins.I remember a trip to Barbados a few years ago. I looked forward to it for months. But on my first morning on the island, I realised something at once obvious and surprising; that my body proved a temperamental (喜怒无常的)partner. Asked to sit on a deckchair so that the mind could savour the beach, the trees and the sun, it collapsed into difficulties; the ears complained of an uncomfortable wind, the skin of stickiness and the toes of sand lodged between them. Unfortunately, I had brought something else that risked clouding my appreciation of my surroundings; my entire mind -not only the part that had planned the journey and agreed to pay for it, but also the part committed to anxiety, boredom, self-disgust and financial alarm. At home, as I had a look at the photographs of Barbados, I had forgot anything besides their contents. I had simply been in the pictures; alone with their elements. But sadness and regrets were my bedfellows on that Caribbean island, acting like distorting glass between myself and the world.It may be necessary to accept that the anticipation of travel is perhaps the best part about it. Our holidays are never as satisfying as they are when they exist in an as-yet-unrealised form; in the shape of an airline ticket and a brochure. I continue to travel myself but there are times when I too feel there might be no finer journeys than those provoked in the imagination by remaining at home slowly turning the pages of an airline timetable.56.What can be inferred from paragraph 1?A.Struggle for survival will help attain happiness.B.Staying at home may bring about disappointments.C.The selection of a holiday is a product of an unconscious desire.D.The thought of a holiday makes leading a miserable life worthwhile.57.What does the underlined ''it" in paragraph 2 refer to?A. the beach.B. the author's mindC. the sunD. the author's body58.According to the passage, what does the author think about holidays?A.Holidays will make an unachieved objective even more desirable.B.Holidays will contribute to altering a previous pattern of behavior.C.Thinking about holidays is probably better than actually going on one.D.Planning holidays will bring benefits to a person mentally and physically.(B)My vision: my world♦Description of the project"My vision: my world" is an annual photo competition. Open to anyone 一professionals and amateurs —the competition will be for the best photo of a place in the city. Fifty shortlisted (入围的)photos will be shown in an exhibition at the Harper Rhone Art Gallery, and the winner will receive a new I KAM camera.♦Goals and objectives"My vision: my world" will help people to look at their local environment with fresh eyes, and give them a motivation to preserve that environment. It will also be an outlet for creativity and artistic vision in the city.♦CompetitorsIn our area, there are no competitions similar to “My vision: my world". There are various national photography competitions, but very few of these have a local theme.♦CostsThe judging panel will work on a voluntary basis, looking through the photos at a designated date in May. The costs of mounting the exhibition will be bome by the gallery. IKAM Inc. has agreed to sponsor the competition in return for their logo appearing on the programme.♦ScheduleEntries for "My vision: my world" will be accepted from January to May. At the end of May the judges will choose a shortlist of 50 photos. These will be exhibited in June, one of the busiest times of year for the gallery. This will ensure maximum exposure for the work on display. During the exhibition the public will vote for their favourite photo, and the winner will be announced in July.♦Conclusion"My vision: my world,, is an exciting new project. We believe it will be very popular among local people and visitors to the city. Furthermore, there are many opportunities for spin-offs such as book projects, a web site, and talks by local photographers.59.The passage is mainly intended to _______.A.recommend a course on photographyB.introduce an environmental campaignC.advertise a photography competitionD.attract funding for a city-wide project60.Which of the following statements is true?A.The event is held twice a year.B.Professionals are favored over amateurs.C.Participants will be charged a certain fee.D.A unique feature of the event is its local theme.61.The exhibition will be held in June in order that_______.A.participants will have enough time to take photosB.the photos can be enjoyed by more visitorsC.judges can pick out the best photos on displayD.there will be more time to prepare the spin-offs62.IKAM Inc.'s willingness to sponsor the event is based on _______.A.the company getting free publicityB.its environmental consciousnessC.promoting creativity and artistic visionD.attracting talents to the company(C)All over the world, from Baltimore to Auckland, coastal cities are facing the same issue: the regeneration of their docklands. These areas, which were once at the very heart of urban activity, have emptied over time as modern shipping requirements have moved the docks further out of town. The resultant migration of population and decline in commercial activity are two effects which therefore need to be addressed.A key factor in this has been the growth of the container industry, now responsible for over 75% of goods transported worldwide. As a consequence of this, ships have progressively increased in size to such a degree that larger docks are required and more sophisticated and efficient cranes. This has led to the decline of city-centre docks along with services and homes connected to them. Another direct result of this is that ships spend less time in port, and thus there are fewer crew members spending money in these areas. One alternative source of revenue is the cruise industry, with a number of cities building facilities for cruise liners which can bring over 5,000 tourists into a place in one day.As a result of this migration from waterfront areas, hundreds of acres of land have been left to waste away. This has meant in some cities an increase in crime in these parts as gangs have taken control and squatters (擅自占用他人房子的人)have taken up residence. As the situation has gotworse, the appeal of these areas for locals or tourists has decreased. This vicious circle can only be broken through redevelopment.Governments, therefore, have had to make important financial and strategic decisions about these waterfronts, whether they are giving onto a river, a lake, a bay or the sea. In Baltimore, for example, the decision was taken to regenerate the docklands as an area for professional offices and small start-ups as well as rebranding the area as a destination for conferences, events, cyclists and urban tourists.This meant that all the services and infrastructure required for these segments had to be put in place. I think the statistics attached prove that the project was a great success, due in part to the consultation and planning stages, which led to a unified plan.In conclusion, I would state that although it is sad to see the decline of such important historical waterfront areas, the resulting renovation can lead to economic and social improvements of great value. I would therefore strongly advocate regeneration plans which bring services, activity and people back to these wastelands and which restore them to an important role in the city.63.The second paragraph is mainly about _______.A.changes in shippingB.the decline of the docklandsC.a solution to docklands’ declineD.the rise of the cruise industry64.Migration from the docklands had led to_______.B. homelessnessC. an increase in crimeD. less appealing residents65.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?A.Baltimore handled the planning stages well.B.The Baltimore regeneration was mainly for tourists.C.These days, crew members spend a lot of time in port spending money.D.Overall, the author is not in favour of the regeneration of dockland areas.66.The last paragraph offers_______ .A.a regeneration plan that is worth advocatingB.another example of renovation that succeedsC.an accurate prediction about waterfronts' futureD.the author's perspective on improving waterfront areasSection C (每题2分,共8分)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.We all like to think that we are rational thinkers, but poor decisions and choices are evident all around us: staying in bad relationships or boring jobs, taking up smoking, eating too much junk food, taking out loans we know we can't repay; the list goes on. (67) ______ Surely we know how to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages in a situation and come to a sensible conclusion. One reason appears to be what psychologists call "decision fatigue”: the idea that we all have a limited store of energy for making decisions and exerting self-control.(68) ______If you are ground down by everyday struggles, you have less mental energy for good decisions. These findings go a long way to explaining why people with problems such as poverty or poor housing so often appear to make irrational decisions 一for example, in relation to their health or financial affairs.(69) ______Most of us will have had the experience of going to bed with a seemingly unsolvable problem, only to wake up with a flash of inspiration the next morning. So decisions made when we feel least tired are more likely to be the right ones. Another worthwhile strategy is to pretend that you are advising a friend (who can be imaginary!), rather than relating decisions to your own life. (70) ______And it can help you to think logically rather than emotionally.Perhaps the most important thing we can do to minimise the possibility of regret is to make sure that our decisions are in line with our life values; in other words, to have a life vision and be true to it. Instead of asking ourselves questions such as "Which option is safer?, or "Which option is best financially?”, it is far better to ask 'How will I feel about this when I'm 70?'第II卷(共50分)IV. Summary Writing (10 分)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point (s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.71.Early next month, local officials will gather for a ribbon-cutting ceremony at a facility in Whitsett, North Carolina. A new production line will start to roll and the seemingly impossible will happen: America will start making personal computers again. Mass-market computer production had been slowly disappearing for the past thirty years, and the vast majority of laptops have always been made in Asia. Dell shut two big American factories in 2008 and 2010 in a big move to China, and HP now makes only a small number of business desktops at home. The new manufacturing facility is being built not by an American company but by Lenovo, a highly successful Chinese technologygroup.The original ideas behind offshoring was that Western firms with high labour costs could make huge savings by sending work to countries where wages were much lower. Offshoring means moving work and jobs outside the country where a company is based. For several decades, that strategy worked, often brilliantly. But now companies are rethinking their global footprints. Wages in China and India have been going up by 10-20 percent a year for the past decade, whereas manufacturing pay in America and Europe has hardly changed. Other countries, including Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines, still offer low wages, but not China's scale, efficiency and supply chains. Lenovo's labour costs will still be higher than in its factories in China and Mexico, but the gap has narrowed substantially.Also, American firms have found that manufacturing somewhere cheap and far away but keeping research and development at home can have a negative effect on innovation. One answer to this would be to move the R&D too, but that has other drawbacks: the threat of losing valuable intellectual property in far-off places becomes ever larger. And a succession of wars and natural disasters in the past decade has highlighted the risk that supply chains a long way from home may become disrupted.V.Translation (3+3+4+5,共15 分)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72.年轻人很有探索和学习劲儿,这往往需要他们经常反思自己所犯的错误。
1.创建参数查询时,在条件栏中应将参数提示文本放置在( C )中。
A.{} B.()C.[] D.《》2.以下叙述中,( A )是错误的。
D.可以使用函数、逻辑运算符、关系运算符创建复杂的查询3.利用对话框提示用户输入参数的查询过程称为( B )。
A.选择查询B.参数查询C.操作查询D.SQL查询4.建立查询时可以设置筛选条件,应在( B )栏中输入筛选条件。
A.总计B.条件C.排序D.字段5.( B )可以从一个或多个表中删除一组记录。
A.选择查询B.删除查询C.交叉表查询D.更新查询6.若要查询成绩为60-80分之间(包括60分,不包括80分)的学生的信息,成绩字段的查询条件应设置为( B )。
A.>60 or <80 B.>=60 And <80C.>60 and <80 D.IN(60,80)7.查询2000年出生的学生信息,限定查询时间范围的条件是( B )。
I’ll always remember the first time I tried ballet (芭蕾). My mother was a 1 and I wanted to be like her, but after making mistakes during my first class, I wanted to 2 right away. However, I told my mom I couldn’t wait to dance again.My dance teacher announced that we were going to perform in a show. I was afraid of 3 my mom, so I practiced hard for the show. Weeks passed, my dancing didn’t get any 4 . Finally, I went to my mom to tell her how I felt. She only laughed and told me she would teach me all she knew about ballet.My mom quickly discovered how bad at ballet I was, but she still taught me with the greatest 5 , love and understanding. When I jumped and fell, she was there to 6 me. When I lost my balance, she held me up. By the time the show 7 , I was as prepared as I could be.Breathing calmly (平静地), I began moving to the music without missing a step. When the music stopped, I 8 the stage (舞台) and laughed in excitement.My mom gave me a huge hug, telling me how 9 she was. I looked my mom in the eye and told her that there was no way this could have happened without her. I know that my mom will 10 there to catch me if I fall.1.A.musician B.artist C.director D.dancer 2.A.continue B.quit C.practice D.learn 3.A.lighting B.cheering C.upsetting D.comforting 4.A.better B.worse C.more D.less5.A.pain B.patience C.regret D.doubt 6.A.catch B.carry C.bring D.take 7.A.stopped B.got C.ended D.began8.A.run over B.run off C.run out D.run after 9.A.proud B.sad C.angry D.relaxed10.A.seldom B.never C.always D.sometimes二、阅读理解。
试题(一)一、Single Choice Exam 单选题1. 下面哪条是碳水化合物独特的生理功能?()A. 供给热能B. 构成机体组织成分C. 是维持神经系统正常活动不可或缺的物质D. 抗生酮作用2. 下面哪种氨基酸为半必需氨基酸?()A. 亮氨酸B. 赖氨酸C. 蛋氨酸D. 半胱氨酸3. 膳食纤维摄入过少易导致:()A. 肥胖症和胆石症B. 便秘和憩室病C. 大肠癌D. 以上都包括4. 关于维生素描述正确的是:()A. 是维持人体正常功能的一类高分子有机化合物B. 体内完全不能合成C. 需要量很小D. 可构成身体组织5. 下面哪种食物含维生素B1最丰富?()A. 精白米B. 富强粉C. 糙米D. 玉米6. 癞皮症是由于缺乏?()A. 维生素B6B. 维生素B1C. 维生素B2D. 维生素A7. 体内唯一不能合成的营养素是:()A. 矿物质B. 蛋白质C. 维生素D. 碳水化合物8. 低蛋白饮食就是指每日膳食中的蛋白质含量为()A. 占全天总热能的10%B. <60gC. <40gD. 饮食中几乎不含蛋白质9. 膳食纤维是()A. 单糖类物质B. 双糖类物质C. 可被消化吸收的多糖D. 不能被消化吸收的多糖10. 食品中所含热能和营养素能满足人体需要的程度被称为:()A. 食品的营养素密度B. 食品的营养价值C. 食品的热能密度D. 食品营养质量指数11. 大豆具有降低血脂作用是因为含有()。
A. 黄酮类B. 植物红细胞凝集素C. 植酸D. 酚糖苷12. 谷类中第l限制氨基酸是哪一种()。
A. 蛋氮酸+胱氯酸B. 赖氨酸C. 色氨酸D. 苏氨酸13. 营养学正式成为一门学科的时间是:()A. 1925年B. 1934年C. 1938年D. 1949年14. 下列哪些食品老年人不宜多食,以免引起高胆固醇血症()。
A. 动物脑、鱼子B. 蛋黄、动物肝C. 牛奶、瘦肉D. 鸡蛋、贝类15. 谷粒中含B族维生素较多的部位是()。
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21. Frank studied _____English language in London for four years, so he gets ____ good knowledge of London.A. a; theB. / ; /C. / ; aD. the; a22. Zunhua is one of the famous tourism destinations, _____ lies Dongling, a group of the Qing Imperial Tombs.A. 20 miles northwest of itB. 20 miles northwest of whichC. northwest 20 miles to itD. northwest 20 miles of which23. Through the reform, the economic situation of China ______ much better than it used to be.A. turned intoB. turned offC. turned toD. turned out24. She had experienced many hardships _______their journeys, but she was amazed at the sight of the beautifulscene.A. in view ofB. in terms ofC. in the case ofD. in the course of25. ---I wonder why he ______ so strangely these days.---Recent pressure at study may account for his behavior.A. was actingB. actedC. is actingD. acts26. It is global warming, rather than other factors, ___the extreme weather.A that have led toB which has causedC which are causing D. that has led to27. By improving reading skills, you can read faster and understand more of ________you once thoughtimpossible to understand.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. whether28. ---I’m going to Beijing next week. Do you have anything ______to your son?---No,thanks.A. takenB. to takeC. to be takenD. take29. James Cook was a strict captain, but ______all the sailors on the ship showed respect for.A. thatB. the oneC. whoD. one30. Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we during theday.A. may have doneB. could doC. must have doneD. would do31. ____ the crisis of economy getting more and more serious, the government is searching for ways to improve people’s life.A. AsB. WithC. WhenD. If32. Not only did the Great Wall of China serve as a defense in the north but also______ the power of the emperor.A. symbolizeB. to symbolizeC. symbolizingD. symbolized33.---How do you find Johnson’s last party?---Well, it couldn’t have been . In fact, I won’t go to his party next time.A. any betterB. any worseC. so badD. the best34. He doesn't spend any more money on clothing than I do, but ______ he manages to look so stylish.A. thereforeB. somehowC. furthermoreD. otherwise35. --- I’ll have an interview for a position in that company, and now __________.---Take it easy. Y ou are well prepared for it, aren’t you?A. No pains, no gainsB. There is no smoke without fireC. The world is my oysterD. I have butterflies in my stomach第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
When I started riding a bike a couple of years ago, I didn't think my involvement would ever be more serious than the occasional short ride. But as I built strength, my friends 36 me to step up my training and try some longer trips. The first one to come along was a 150-mile trip, the MS-150, an annual 37 that raises money to fight Aids.When I registered, the idea seemed fantastic---support a worthy cause while going for the distance---and I trained with 38 . However, as the time for the ride approached, my self-doubts 39 beyond my endurance(忍耐). I 40 wanted to raise money for the charity, but I didn't really want to bike all those miles for two days straight.The ride began on a beautiful Sunday morning in the Georgia countryside, and for the first few hours I felt 41 .This was just the experience I had 42 , and my spirits were high. 43 by the end of the day, I felt tired out.If the body is 44 to the mind, here was evidence. Every 45 my brain pushed out seemed to travel right down to my legs. "I can't handle this" became a leg cramp (抽筋) , and "everyone else is a better rider" translated into 46 of breath. I was sure I'd have to 47 .As I topped the crest (顶)of a hill, the beautiful sunset kept me going for a few minutes more. Then in the distance, I saw a lone woman riding very slowly 48 the bright red sun. I 49 that the person looked different in some way, but I couldn't tell why. So I pushed myself to 50 . There she was, riding along slowly but 51 , with a slight and determined smile on her face and she had only one leg.My focus changed in that instant. For a whole day I'd been 52 my body. But now I knew it wasn't the body, but the 53 that would help me reach my goal.It rained all the second day. I never saw the one-legged biker again, but I pushed on without 54 , knowing she was out there with me somewhere. And at the end of the day, still feeling 55 , I completed the 150-mile trip.36. A. encouraged B. forbade C. forced D. warned37. A. accident B. event C. incident D. affair38. A. care B. ease C. enthusiasm D. difficulty39. A. achieved B. gained C. progressed D. advanced40. A. still B. even C. rather D. then41. A. nervous B. disappointed C. wonderful D. refreshed42. A. assumed B. appreciated C. admired D. imagined43. A. But B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Moreover44. A. opposite B. connected C. exposed D. equal45. A. cause B. reason C. excuse D. effect46. A. holding B. saving C. catching D. shortness47. A. quit B. continue C. insist D. fade48. A. on B. against C. down D. over49. A. observed B. watched C. noticed D. overlooked50. A. put up B. look up C. catch up D. take up51. A. steadily B. abruptly C. closely D. narrowly52. A. trusting B. doubting C. cheating D. fighting53. A. strength B. honesty C. will D. power54. A. struggling B. arguing C. negotiating D. complaining55. A. strong B. weak C. healthy D. spiritless第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。