
• 在苦难的岁月里,黑人靠歌声表达心中的悲愤,用民间 歌谣传递起义的信息,用诗歌抒发自己的心声。早期美国 黑人文学,表现了黑人劳动者的质朴淳厚、感情的深沉、 战斗中的刚毅和受迫害受奴役的生活,不少作品既有丰富 的思想内容,又有一定的艺术造诣。黑人文学的出现,使 美国文学具有更广泛的民族内容和更深刻的民主精神。美 国黑人文学真正开始于18 世纪,后在一代代非裔作家努 力下,经历了以休斯顿为领袖的哈莱姆文艺复兴(第一次 高潮,20 世纪20 年代至30 年代末),以赖特为领袖的第 二次高潮(20 世纪四五十年代),以诺主莫里森为领袖 的第三次高潮(20 世纪70 年代后)。
• 1938年1月16日,Bennie Goodman率领他的大乐队在纽 约卡内基音乐厅表演爵士乐,尽管,Bennie Goodman是 一个白人,但不止他的乐团里有黑人乐手,许多黑皮肤的 布鲁斯、福音歌手也参加了那次演出。这次演出已被看作 一座历史界碑,标示白人世界对黑人音乐艺术性上的承认。 然而,有骨气的黑人音乐家们甚至将这种“艺术性上的承 认”看作屈辱,这种态度令爵士乐史上最重要的转折点, 比波普,得以出现。那是上世纪40年代中期,一些爵士乐 音乐家决定证明爵士乐绝不是供白人取乐的世俗音乐,他 们甚至拔身离开爵士乐的种族性,而只去证实爵士乐的艺 术性。在多数客人已离开的半夜里,他们在酒吧登台,尽 兴地飙技即兴,看谁吹得更快更准,直到天色泛白。
• 福音音乐是历史上美国的黑人农奴接受了基督教的信 仰之后,常在田里祈祷,希望减少劳动的痛苦。不久 便演变成即兴的音乐表演。在奴隶制废除之后,黑人 们组织了自己的教堂,并把这种音乐形式作为教堂活 动的一种。20世纪中期,猫王把福音音乐引进到自己 的风格中,随后汽车城唱片公司将这种音乐商业化主 要强调有节奏的器乐伴奏和即兴演唱。

在1873年,塞丝和她的女儿丹芙住在辛辛那提附近农村地区124号 的一所房子里。由于塞丝过去的经历和她的孤傲,她们受到当地 人的排斥。自从逃出“甜蜜家园”农场后十八年已经过去了。这 个农场由一个被称之为老师的凶残的男人经营着,这个人一边允 许他的侄子们残害塞丝一边做笔录用以科学地研究黑人。因此, 已经怀孕的塞丝逃跑了,逃跑的路上在一个叫做艾米的白人妇女 的帮助下生下了孩子。此时理应陪在塞丝身边的丈夫却消失了。 带着四个孩子逃往辛辛那提后塞丝只享受了28天的自由便被她的 主人追到,塞丝试图把她的孩子全都杀死而不愿让他们沦为奴隶, 但最后只杀死了其中的一个。她的主人因为认为塞丝已不能继续 当仆人而丢弃了她,而塞丝也免于绞刑继续在124号抚养剩下的三 个孩子。死去孩子的灵魂开始出没于她们居住的房子,两个儿子 霍华德和巴尔格两度遇见灵魂后心惊胆战地离开了。祖母贝比"萨 格斯也因此伤心而患病死去。贝比"萨格斯以前在辛辛那提的黑人 社区有着相当大的影响力,被许多人热奉为鼓舞人心的“圣女”。 自从塞丝出事后她便放弃讲道卧病在床。她死后数年里塞丝和丹 芙孤独地继续生活在小房子里,特别是丹芙,虽然已经十八岁, 但还是不敢离开房子半步。
此外,莫里森还荣获下列奖项: 1977年 《所罗门之歌》获全国图书评论界奖(National Book Critics Circle Award) 1977年 或美国艺术与文学学院奖(American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Award) 1987-88年 获罗伯特·肯尼迪图书奖(Robert F. Kennedy Book Award) 1988年 《宝贝儿》获美国图书奖(American Book Award) 1988年 《宝贝儿》获安斯非尔德-沃尔夫种族关系图书奖(Anisfield-Wolf Book Award in Race Relations) 1988年 《宝贝儿》获普利策小说奖(Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) 1989年 美国现代语言协会联邦文学奖(MLA Commonwealth Award in Literature) 1993年 获法国艺术及文学司令勋章(Commander of the Arts and Letters ) 1994年 获孔多塞奖章(Condorcet Medal) 1994年 获赛珍珠奖(Pearl Buck Award) 1994年 获雷吉耶姆·朱里文学奖(Rhegium Julii Prize for Literature) 1996年 获全国图书基金美国文学突出贡献奖(National Book Foundation's Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters) 2000年 获全国人文奖章(National Humanities Medal)
American literaturePPT课件

Nationalistic Orientation (2)
3. “Good” literature: embodiment of American national spirit – e.g. F. O. Matthiessen in American Renaissance (1941) enshrines five writers for their devotion to “democracy”, dismissing Mrs. Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) as second rate popular writing only. cf. The Scarlet Letter (1850) Moby Dick (1851) Walden (1854) Leaves of Grass (1855) Americanness vs Excellence
Indians? • Literature most representing American
national spirit by American citizens? • – women’s domestic / private literature? • Literature created by American citizens
Hawthorne: cultural production
1. Evert Duyckinck, who managed the magazine United States Magazine and Democratic Review , advocate of American literary nationalism, proponent of high culture

James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)
The Leatherstocking Tales were a series of novels about the frontier lives of American settlers.
The Pioneers was the first of The Leatherstocking Tales. The other four stories are The Last of the Mohicans, The
An Introduction to British and American Culture
William Faulkner (1897-1962)
The Sound and the Fury Light in August Absalom, Absalom! Go Down, Moses
An Introduction to British and American Culture
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)
The Raven (1844) was one of his most enduring works.
The Fall of the House of Usher The Masque of Red Death Legia
An Introduction to British and American Culture
Charaters: Hester Prynne, Roger Chillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale
An Introduction to British and American Culture

就文学作品本身来说,许多黑人作家从一开 始就着力表现自我的失落,而这一主题亦是 20世纪美国主流文学的关注点。黑人的体 验——在一个自己无能为力的世界中自我的 失落感觉,或被迫处之局外的感觉——引起 社会的共鸣,成为现代人普遍的体验。
女作家赫斯顿(Zora Neale Hurston) :长篇 小说《他们眼睛望着上帝》(Their Eyes Were Whiching God》发表于1937年 ,是 30年代美国黑人文学最重要的作品
30至40年代美国左翼文学中所谓“抗议小说” 的创始人之一
赖特(Richard Wright)出版短篇小说集 《汤姆叔叔的孩子们》(Uncle Tom,s Children) ,1938,采用传统手法,把黑人 描写成白人的受害者和牺牲品
小说方面,赖特(Rich Wright)的《土生子》 是40年代城市现实主义最出色的代表作。十 二年后,艾里森(Ralph Ellison)写出《看
不见的人》,被许多评论家认为是美国战后 “最杰出的一部作品”。1983年沃克(Alice Walker)的《紫颜色》获普利策图书奖。五 年后,莫里森(Toni Morrison)的《娇女》也 获得该图书奖。1993年莫里森又荣获诺贝尔 文学奖。
第五节 美国黑人文学和托尼·莫里 森
在诗歌方面,黑人诗人休斯(Langstm Hughes)、海登(Robert Hayden)、安 吉罗(Maya Angelou)、达夫(Rita Dove) 等人是美国诗坛重要的声音,他们的诗篇大 大拓宽了美国诗歌的领域。
在戏剧方面,汉丝贝丽(L0orraine Hansberry)、福勒(Charles Fuller)、威 尔逊(August Wilson)等人的剧作给美国 剧坛吹来一阵新风。

In 1964 L.B. President Johnson has signed "Civil rights Law".
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Finally,They Won!!!
● It changed the life of the African Americans. ● It also have a profound impact on Americans' life and
Sports Man
Musicians of The Black
------Something about hip-hop
First,Jazz Then,Blues Last,Rap---Hip-Hop---Hippie culture
In March, 1963,Birmingham, the request to cancel the entire city isolation system.
On August 28, 1963 250,000 people (1/4 for Caucasian) tomarch to Washington, the request "was freeimmediately".
Height: 184cm
Hometown: Mount Vernon, New York
Date of birth: December 28, 1954
Occupation: Actor, Director

1. 爵士乐在20世纪初期的美国,非裔美国人创造了一种颇为复杂的音乐艺术,它充满了奇妙的音韵,这就是爵士乐。
2. 布鲁斯布鲁斯是美国非裔民众的一种多情歌谣,它始于19世纪末,当时黑人、白人与低沉的音乐和dav事情联系在一起。
3. 摇滚乐在20世纪50年代的美国,白人青少年开始“盗取”黑人的音乐去兴盛自己的文化,并形成了世界性文化现象。
美国文学 PPT课件

Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
➢ Chapter III American Romanticism
Washington Irving James Fenimore Cooper William Cullen Bryant Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne
Brief Outline of American literature
1. Colonial period (1607-1775)
Anne Bradstreet Edward Taylor
2. Revolutionary period
(1775-1783) Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
The early settlers
❖ Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1492.
❖ Captain John Smith reached Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.
❖ Puritans came the New England area, by Mayflower in 1620.
❖ Literature is characterized by beauty of expression and form and by universality of intellectual and emotional appeal.
2. Forms (genres) of literature? Poetry, novel (fiction), drama, prose, essay, epic, elegy, short story, journalism, ts, novelette, etc.

Toni Morrison was born Chloe Anthony Wofford in Lorain(洛雷恩), Ohio(俄亥 俄州), where her parents had moved to escape the problems of southern racism. Her family were migrants, sharecroppers (佃农) on both sides.
越时思想上的混乱和价值观的错位。 莫里森用四季来命名小说的四个部分,其用意在于
SULA (《秀拉》,1973)
The novel won the National Book Critics Award.
Song of Solomon ( 《所罗门之歌》 , 1977)。
Morrison‘s father, George Wofford, was a welder(焊工), and told her folktales of the black community, transferring his African-American heritage to another generation.
“他们不让我活,我就杀人。或许杀人不对, 我想我也并不想真正杀人。可我一想起为什 么杀人,我开始感觉到我需要的是什么,开 始感觉到我是怎样一个人……”
赖特将小说取名为《土生子》,意在揭示美 国社会对比格犯罪应负的责任。他力图说明: 黑人的野蛮凶暴既非天性也非民族性,而是 美国社会制度使然。作为土生土长的美国人, 比格的性格是美国社会文明的产物,他的行 为和结局是由美国社会及其歧视黑人的法律 所造成。
美国社会与文化课程第一章教学PPTChapter 1. A Nation of Immigrants

effect, which remained the legal framework for
immigration until 1965.
The 3rd Wave: 1965 to Present
Asians and Latin Americans:
By 1980 four fifths were almost equally divided between Asia and Latin America.
In 2002 three quarters of the legally resident foreign-
born in the US were Latino (51%) or Asian (24%)
Millions of illegal immigrants crossed the borders.
Trail of Tears
English Settlement
1607--Jamestown, Virginia 1620– settlement by Puritans at Plymouth, MA 1630s– Maryland as a haven for Catholics Other Georgia and the Carolinas– financed by English aristocrats
6. What do you think is the biggest difference between a nation of ethnic diversity and a nation of single nationality?
The American people
美国文学课件11The Literature of the Modernist Period

A Pact (1913)
❖ I make a pact with you, Walt Whitman— ❖ I have detested you long enough. ❖ I come to you as a grown child ❖ Who has had a pig-headed father; ❖ I am old enough now to make friends. ❖ It was you that broke the new wood, ❖ Now is a time for carving. ❖ We have one sap and one root— ❖ Let there be commerce between us.
美国文学课件11The Literature of the Modernist Period
1. Historical Background
❖ WW I and the sense of life being dislocated and fragmented
❖ Bertrand Russell: to face life with “a despairing courage”
❖ Stream of consciousness— portraying the character’s inner monologue
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
3. Imagism意象主义 (1912-1917)
❖ Name given to a movement in poetry, originating in 1912 and represented by Ezra Pound, Amy Lowell, and others, aiming at clarity of expression through the use of precise visual images.
美国文学-Colonial_America PPT

(3) Colonial Poets:
and personal comments are written)
2. Early American Writers and Poets
(1)South, Jamestown, Virginia: Captain John Smith--first American writer; A
Description of New England. Contributions: his description of America was
I. Historical Introduction
The native American--Indians and their culture
Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1492
Captain Christopher Newport reached Virginia in 1607.
Puritanism’s influence on American literature (p.14)
Purpose of writing: pragmatic Contents: practical matter-of-fact accounts of life in
the new world; highly theoretical discussions of religious questions. Style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical decoration, adoption of homely imagery, simplicity of diction.
美国文化课件11. American history

What is American?
A mixture of nationality Melting pot Salad bowl Mosaic
American culture
1. The main content of American culture is the emphasis on individuals' value, the pursuit of democracy and freedom, the promotion of deploitation(开拓 经营 开拓, 开拓 经营) and competition and the need of practicality. Its core is individualism: self first, personal need first, pursuit of individual benefit and enjoyment, emphasis on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design.
2. American citizens emphasize on achievements and respect heroes. They have great sense in their hearts to praise success and heroes. Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in American mind. Americans have very strong senses of success. They believe that one's personal value is equivalent to his achievements in his career. Some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs, scientists, artists and all kinds of super starts became modern heroes. The process and result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social culture value and the real life text book for parents to educate their children.
AmericanPopularCulture流行美国文化 ppt课件

Mixed-Blood And Fashion
The term mixed-blood in the United States is most often employed for individuals of mixed European and Native American ancestry who are not of Hispanic descent. Some of the most prominent in the 19th century were mixedblood or mixed-race children born of marriages and unions between fur traders and Native Americans along the northern frontier
Liu Wen for Estee Lauder
Converse is Kristen Stewart'favorite
Avril Lavigne also loves Converse
Gwyneth Paltrow For Coach
Brad Pitt
Scarlett Johans son
• After 1970 the desirability of assimilation and the melting pot model was challenged by proponents of multiculturalism, who assert that cultural differences within society are valuable and should be preserved, proposing the alternative metaphor of the mosaic or salad bowl – different cultures mix, but remain distinct.
During more than 400 years,African Americans made every effort to improve their position and status.
As a result, African culture has been an important part of American culture. African American's social status becomes higher accompanied by their significant contribution to various fields even though there is still racial discrimination in our world.
African Americans' history started in the 16th century.They were transported unlawfully to the United States by the Black Triangle Trade.
1862.9.22 Abraham Lincoln The Emancipation Proclaimation
Brief introduce about the African-American African-American Civil Rights Movement
Causes of the movement The key event of the movement Results and influence of the movement

African American Literature The Harlem Renaissance
Alain Locke (1886-1954) essayist, editor Claude McKay (1889-1948) poet Jean Toomer (1894-1967) poet Anne Spencer (1882-1975) poet
African American Literature The Harlem Renaissance
The artistic and socio-cultural awakening of African Americans in the 1920s and 1930s It was centered around the vibrant African American community in Harlem, New York, but had farreaching influence in art, music, literature and social thought. The interplay of art and race, and the aesthetic criteria for evaluating black writing are some of the intellectual legacies of the Harlem Renaissance.
African can Literature
History and Current Trends
African American Literature
The first writings by blacks in America was autobiographical and became known as the Slave Narrative Three themes developed in early African American writings around the issue of slavery: accommodation, protest, and escape

在美国独立战争 之前
美国独立战争之 后--美国内战
美国内战期间 美国内战后至今
1.在美国独立战争之前 黑人在美国历史上的地位
黑奴贸易(三角贸易) ↙
被贩卖的没有自由的奴隶 ↘
奴隶贩子从欧洲出发,乘船到达非 洲,在非洲通过各种卑鄙的方式俘 获黑人之后,他们把黑奴运往美洲, 把黑奴卖给美洲的种植园主,然后, 再把美洲的黄金和工业原料运回欧 洲。这就是被称为为一本万利的 “三角贸易”,最先进行奴隶贸易 的是葡萄牙人,但英国人后来居上, 成为“三角贸易”的主要经营者。
总结:在民权运动的影响下,美国国会通过了1964民权法案。该法案宣布雇主对 黑人和妇女的歧视为非法;铲除了长期以来南方黑人参加选举的法律障碍;宣布 在几乎所有公共场合的种族隔离为非法.虽然民权运动取得了一系列重要成就,仍 然存在着令人失望的现象,特别是学校的种族隔离问题。例如,黑白混校的实行 就遇到不小阻力。总之,民权运动虽然在其高潮阶段取得了重要成果,美国社会 最根本的深层结构问题并未得到解决。
70年代以来, 美国广大黑人争取权利的斗争进入积极参政阶段
1. 1973.5,一位警察出身的黑人市议员汤姆斯*布雷德在竞选中获胜, 成为美国洛杉矶市的首位黑人市长。 2. 1983.4.哈罗德*华盛顿击败白人竞选对手成为芝加哥的第一位黑人 市长。 3. 1972年,第一位女性黑人国会议员雪莉*奇泽姆成为首位参选总统 选举的非洲裔女性。 4. 1984和1988年,黑人民权领袖杰西*杰克逊两次获得民主党总统候 选人提名。 5. 2000年底,鲍威尔成为美国历史上第一位黑人国务卿,成为美国有 史以来官阶最高的黑人。 6. 2005年,赖斯出任国务卿,是美国历史上的第二位女国务卿,美国历 史上第一位黑人国务卿。
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African American Literature
African American Literature
Lucy Terry (1730-1821) Thought to be the author of the oldest piece of African-American literature, “Bars, about an Indian raid on settlers in Massachusetts. It was not published until 1855.
African American Literature Post-slavery Era
African American Literature
Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784) The first African-American and the second woman to publish a book in the colonies, she is one of the best known early black poets; her work was praised by leaders of the American Revolution, including George Washington. She is one of the first writers to use an epistolary style (in the form of letters).
African American Literature
History and Current Trends
African American Literature
The first writings by blacks in America was autobiographical and became known as the Slave Narrative
African American Literature
Harriet Jacobs (1813-1897) Her slave narrative, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861) is the most comprehensive biography of an African American woman prior to the Civil War. In it she recounts her life in slavery in the context of family relationships reshaping the slave narrative genre to include women’s experiences.
African American Literature
Frederick Douglass (1818-1895)
Orator, journalist, abolitionist, statesman, autobiographer and author of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself (1845), the most influential African American text of his era. His writing and life created a model of self-hood of such moral and political authority, he was later viewed as a cultural hero.
African American Literature
Jupiter Hammon (c. 1720-c. 1800) Poet Jupiter Hammon, a slave on Long Island, New York, is remembered for his religious poems as well as for An Address to the Negroes of the State of New York (1787), in which he advocated freeing children of slaves instead of condemning them to hereditary slavery. His poem "An Evening Thought" was the first poem published by a black male in America.
Olaudah Equiano (Gustavus Vassa) (c. 1745-c. 1797)
Eqiano was the first black in America to write an autobiography. In The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African (1789) Equiano gives an account of his native land (he was an Ibo from Niger) and the horrors of his captivity and enslavement in the West Indies.