Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver‘s Travels:A Voyage to the Country of Houyhnhnms资料

3、Behaviors of greediness, repl
“……it produced in them some effects that wine has upon us. It would make them one sometimes hug, and sometimes tear another; they would howl, grin, and chatter, and reel, and tumble, and then fall asleep in the mud.”
Thank you. The End.
• 慧马国对人类的态度是单边的。他们仅仅 看见人类的缺点而忽略了人类内在的优点, 比如诚实、勇敢等。
What about Gulliver's travels,
and what is the characteristic?
1. Gulliver's Travels is generally regarded as
• Swift exposed the most ugly aspect of humanity, from the figure to the behavior, and from physiology to psychology.
• What are the symbolic meanings of Yahoos and Houyhnhnms?
• The Yahoos are primitive creatures obsessed with “pretty stones” they find by digging in mud, thus representing the distasteful materialism(低 级庸俗的唯物主义 )and ignorant elitism (无知 的精英主义)Swift encountered in Britain.

在第四卷里,关于“钱”的那段议论就是如此。格列佛来 到没有金钱,没有军队警察的慧駰(马)国,向他的马主人解 释说:“我们那里的野猢认为,不管是用还是攒,钱都是越多 越好,没有个够的时候。因为他们天性如此,不是奢侈浪费就 是贪得无厌。富人享受着穷人的劳动成果,而穷人和富人在数 量上的比例是一千比一。因此我们的人民大多数被迫过着悲惨 的生活……”。作者注意到资本主义社会人与人之间的纯粹的 金钱关系。并由此对人性产生了疑问。
小说以外科医生格列佛的四次出海航行冒险的经历为线索, 一共由四部分组成。
第一卷:利立浦特(小人国)游记。叙述格列佛在小人国 的游历见闻。这里的人,身长不满六英寸,他置身其中, 就象巍巍的大山一般。小朝廷里充斥阴谋诡计、倾轧纷争。 穿高跟鞋的一派与穿低跟鞋的一派互相攻击,誓不两立。
第二卷:布罗卜丁奈格(大人国)游记。格列佛在利立浦 特人的心目中是个宠然大物,但一到布罗卜丁奈格,他就 象田间的鼬鼠一般小了。格列佛被当作小玩艺装入手提箱 里,带到各城镇表演展览。后来,国王召见他,他慷慨陈 辞,夸耀自己的祖国的伟大,政治的贤明,法律的公正, 然而均一一遭到国王的抨击与驳斥。
----Jonathan Swift
格列佛:是十八世纪英国的普通人,他热爱劳动,刚毅勇 敢,心地善良。他在游历之中,洞察到社会现实的日趋堕 落,得出英国社会并不文明的结论。格列佛的形象,是作 者思想的体现者。作者将自己的种种美德赋予笔下的人物, 格列佛不计较个人的得失,而对别人关怀备至。格列佛是 个正面的理想的人物。他总是坦率地叙述自己的弱点和错 误,而对自己的优点则只字不提。他谦逊好学,努力用新 眼光去认识新的现实。他从不自暴自弃,纵使将他当作玩 物到各地供人观赏,仍泰然自若,保持自身的尊严,以平 等的姿态与大人国的国王交谈。他勇于帮助小人国抵抗外 族入侵,但断然拒绝为小人国国王的侵略扩张政策效劳。
Gulliver's Travels 格列佛游记

Style of language:
plain but concise and precise
-- no visible sign of anger, nor raising the voice; the tone is cold, restrained, ironic
怒不动颜,骂不扬声,语调冷酷,锋芒暗藏,讽 刺辛辣
Analysis of the excerpt (Chapter VII, Part IV )
Contrast between the rational Houyhnhnms and despicable Yahoos. Gulliver’s appreciation and admiration for Houyhnhnms Similarities between Yahoos and human beings: avarice(贪婪),corruption and ignorance.
A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms(慧骃国)
On his fourth voyage, Gulliver is betrayed by his crews and abandoned in a land governed by Houyhnhnms, a race of talking horses of great virtue. They are the rulers, while the ruled creatures called Yahoos are human beings in their basic form. The Yahoos are despicable( 卑 鄙 的 ), greedy, aggressive and sordid(肮脏的) like human beings. Finally, an Assembly of the Houyhnhnms rules that Gulliver, a Yahoo with some semblance of reason, is a danger to their citizens, and expels him.
Gulliver 英国文学格列佛游记 斯威夫特 英语PPT

ridiculous things
Huoyhnhnm country 慧骃国 马国
Houyhnhnm which looks like a horse with reason and admirable qualities host/governing class
02 Plots of Gulliver’s).
Huoyhnhnm country 慧骃国 马国
Lilliput 小人国
Laputa 拉普他岛
Lemuel Gulliver is a surgeon(外科医生) on a ship. The story centres around his experiences on several remote islands where people and animals of unusual sizes, behaviour and philosophies live. (Page 93 paragraph 1
04 Conclusion
The author, Jonathan ( ), was a prominent British politician and ( ) of the 18th century. His masterpiece ( ) records Gulliver's adventures to ( ), ( ) , ( ) , and ( ) country. Criticized the ( ) of the British ruling class.
《格列夫游记》 Gulliver's Travels

S The first part tells about his experience in Lilliput S The emperor believed himself to be the delight and
terror of the universe, but it appeared quite absurd to Gulliver who was twelve times as tall as he.
S The book contains four parts, each dealing with one
particular voyage during which Gulliver meets with extraordinary adventures on some remote island after he has met with shipwreck, piracy and other misfortunes.
S In his account of the two parties in the country,
distinguished by the use of high and low heels.
S Religious disputes were laughed at in an account of a
S Captain William Pritchard: Captain Pritchard is the
head of the ship named Antelope. He controls Gulliver's first voyage in which a storm overtakes the ship, leaving Gulliver stranded on the strange land of Lilliput.

5. It moved up over my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face. move up over one’s stomach 在某人的肚子上移动
Gulliver’s travels
Background information知识背景
格列佛生于洛丁加姆州,从十四岁开始在英国与荷兰的大学中念书, 后来以外科医生的身份到船上工作,一次,他所乘的羚羊号不幸在苏 门答腊岛遇难,他漂流到利立浦特岛上(小人国)。岛上居民身高竟 然都只有六寸左右,格列佛真是硕大无比啊!后来,他又起航,但却 在巨人岛(大人国)搁浅了。 那里的国王身高有六十尺,这下格列佛 又变成“小人”了。接着,他又展开了第三次航行来到了飞岛国,那 是个与世隔绝的世界,人们的观念封闭阻塞。在岛上住了数日后,她 回到了大陆。 格列佛最后航行到一个叫慧胭国的地方,那里的主人是马,是具有高 度的智慧、自制力、礼节的马。在那个世界里,没有贪婪,没有欺骗, 没有战争,没有陷害,就像生存在幻境中似的。他们就是慧骃族。他 们圈养一种叫做“耶胡”的人形怪物,让他们为自己劳作。因为人类 的外形酷似耶胡,又从格列佛口中得知人类有一些他们所不可理喻的 “撒谎”、“贪婪”等邪恶行径,所以慧骃族的首领对人类十分排斥。 在岛上生活了一阵子后,他就被首领放逐了。在海上漂泊之时,格列 佛被一商人救起,终于回到了英国。但是回到家中后,格列佛因为已 经习惯了慧骃族良好的品质,而对家人的气味有厌恶之意,便买了两 匹马,天天与他们谈心,安度晚年。
2. After our ship crashed against the

moral integrity and social charm.
Swift’s greatest satire work, Gulliver's Travels, is written in 1726.But the book has not lost its significance to the present day and can be justly
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
By Jonathan Swift
Gulliver's Travels
Introduction of Jonathan Swift
Introduction of Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver makes our deep-sea voyages, which are described in the four parts of the book.
Houyhnhnms Laputa
Lilliput Brobdingnag
The first part tells about his experience in Lilliput, where the inhabitants are only six inches tall, twelve times smaller than the normal human beings and all the things they have or say or do are simply miniatures of what is the real world. In the second part, Gulliver is left alone in Brobdingnag where people are not only ten times taller and larger than ordinary human beings, but also superior in wisdom. The third part deals mainly with his accidental visit to the Laputa , where the philosophers and projectors devote all their time and energy to the study of some absurd problems. The last part is a most interesting account of his discoveries in the Houyhnhnm land, where horses are endowed with reason and all good and admirable qualities, and are the governing class.

Ridiculous(荒谬的) science
Laputa is a mysterious land inhabited by scientists, magicians, and sorcerers(男巫) who engage in ridiculous experiment.
• 接着,格列佛来到巫人岛。岛上的总督精通魔法,能随意 召唤任何鬼魂,格列佛因此会见了古代的许多名人,结果 发现史书上的记载很多不符合史实,甚至是非颠倒。尔 后,格列佛又游览了拉格耐格王国,见到一种长生不老人 “斯特鲁布鲁格”。离开该国后,格列佛来到日本,然后 乘船回到英国。
• 《格列佛游记》是乔纳森·斯威夫特的一部 杰出的游记体讽刺小说,以较为完美的艺 术形式表达了作者的思想观念,作者用丰 富的讽刺手法和虚构幻想的荒诞和离奇的 情节,深刻地反映了当时的英国社会现实。
Gulliver’ characters
• Gulliver – Narrator 叙述者 of novel – Middle-aged, middle class, British
Gulliver’s travels
Swift 乔纳森·斯威夫 特
ion of the book
Swift‘s greatest satire(讽刺作品), Gulliver's Travels, is written in 1726, the book has not lost its significance to the present day and can be justly ranked among the best novel of world literature.
gulliver's travels英文原版

gulliver's travels英文原版Introduction:Gulliver's Travels is a classic English novel written by Jonathan Swift. This article aims to provide an accurate and comprehensive overview of the book, discussing its major themes, plot, characters, and literary significance. The article will be structured in the following manner: an introduction, the main content divided into five major points with several sub-points, and a conclusion summarizing the key aspects of the novel.Main Content:1. The Plot of Gulliver's Travels:1.1 Gulliver's first voyage to Lilliput:- Gulliver is shipwrecked and finds himself in a land inhabited by tiny people.- He becomes a prisoner and witnesses their political and social systems.- Gulliver eventually escapes and returns home.1.2 Gulliver's second voyage to Brobdingnag:- Gulliver finds himself in a land of giants.- He becomes a spectacle and experiences a reverse perspective on human nature.- Gulliver is eventually abandoned and returns home.1.3 Gulliver's third voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, and Glubbdubdrib:- Gulliver encounters floating islands, absurd scientific experiments, and backward societies.- He gains access to the past through the power of a magician.- Gulliver eventually leaves and returns home.1.4 Gulliver's fourth voyage to the land of the Houyhnhnms:- Gulliver arrives in a land where intelligent horses called Houyhnhnms rule.- He becomes disgusted by human behavior and finds solace among the Houyhnhnms.- Gulliver is eventually forced to leave and is devastated upon returning home.1.5 Gulliver's final reflections and the conclusion of the novel:- Gulliver becomes a recluse and is disgusted by humanity.- He realizes the flaws of society and questions the nature of humanity.- The novel ends with Gulliver's disillusionment and desire to distance himself from society.2. Major Themes Explored in Gulliver's Travels:2.1 Satire and Social Criticism:- Swift uses satire to criticize various aspects of society, including politics, science, and human nature.- The novel highlights the flaws and follies of humanity through absurd and exaggerated scenarios.- Swift's satirical approach serves as a critique of the society of his time.2.2 Exploration of Human Nature:- Gulliver's encounters with different societies and species provide insights into the nature of humanity.- The novel explores the themes of power, corruption, and the inherent flaws of human beings.- Gulliver's disillusionment with humanity reflects Swift's skepticism towards human nature.2.3 Colonialism and Imperialism:- Gulliver's Travels reflects the colonial mindset prevalent during Swift's time.- The novel criticizes the exploitation and abuse of power by European nations.- Swift questions the morality and consequences of colonialism through his depiction of various societies.2.4 The Absurdity of Science and Reason:- Swift satirizes the excessive focus on reason and scientific progress.- The novel portrays scientists as detached from reality and obsessed with impractical experiments.- Swift challenges the notion that reason alone can solve all of society's problems.2.5 The Individual versus Society:- Gulliver's experiences highlight the conflict between the individual and society.- The novel questions the conformity and oppressive nature of societal norms.- Gulliver's isolation and rejection of society reflect the struggle between personal identity and societal expectations.Conclusion:In conclusion, Gulliver's Travels is a literary masterpiece that explores various themes and offers a satirical critique of society. Through the protagonist's voyages and encounters, the novel delves into human nature, colonialism, the limitations of reason, and the struggle between the individual and society. Jonathan Swift's work continues to be relevant today, reminding readers of the flaws and follies of humanity. Gulliver'sTravels is a must-read for those seeking a thought-provoking and insightful examination of society and human nature.。


格列夫游记作文梗概英文回答:Gulliver's Travels is a satirical novel written by Jonathan Swift in 1726. It tells the story of Lemuel Gulliver, a ship's surgeon who embarks on four extraordinary journeys to different lands. Throughout the book, Gulliver encounters various societies that serve as a critique of the political, social, and scientific aspects of Swift's time.In the first journey, Gulliver finds himself in Lilliput, a land inhabited by tiny people. Here, he becomes a giant among them and is initially seen as a curiosity. However, he soon becomes embroiled in the political conflicts between the Lilliputians and their neighboring country, Blefuscu. The absurdity of their disputes over trivial matters highlights the pettiness of human politics.In the second journey, Gulliver arrives in Brobdingnag,a land of giants. Here, he experiences the reversesituation as he becomes the tiny one. Gulliver is treated as a plaything and curiosity by the Brobdingnagians, who scrutinize his every aspect. Through this, Swift criticizes the flaws and imperfections of humanity when seen from a different perspective.Gulliver's third journey takes him to Laputa, afloating island inhabited by intellectuals and scientists. Here, he encounters absurd experiments and impractical inventions, which satirize the excessive focus on abstract knowledge and the detachment from reality in the pursuit of science. The Laputians' obsession with theoretical knowledge is contrasted with their neglect of practical applications.Finally, Gulliver ends up in the land of the Houyhnhnms and the Yahoos. The Houyhnhnms are a race of intelligent and rational horses, while the Yahoos are savage and irrational human-like creatures. Gulliver is initially fascinated by the Houyhnhnms and disgusted by the Yahoos. However, he soon realizes that the Houyhnhnms' rationalityand lack of emotion lead to a sterile and cold society. On the other hand, the Yahoos, despite their flaws, possess some human qualities that the Houyhnhnms lack. This contradiction highlights the complexities of human nature and challenges the idea of absolute rationality.中文回答:《格列弗游记》是乔纳森·斯威夫特于1726年写的一部讽刺小说。
格列佛游记Gulliver's travel

The king has two methods of punishment
The first and the mildest course is by keeping the island hovering over such a town, deprive them of sun and rain The second and ….they are pelted from above with great stones, and let the island drop directly upon their heads, which makes a universal destruction.
First voyage---Lilliput (小人国)
Shipwreck Arrive a land Bound by inhabitants Escape and return home
King sets him free
Treason and blind
Defeat neighbor countries
Summary of Gulliver’s Travels
The book has deep influence in the present day and can be justly ranked among the best novel of world literature. The master is Doctor Lemuel Gulliver. The story makes up with four parts. It tells extraordinary adventures happened to Gulliver in different four countries.

格列佛游记英文介绍Gulliver's Travels: An English Introduction with TranslationIntroduction:"Gulliver's Travels" is a satirical novel by Jonathan Swift, first published in 1726. It is a讽刺小说by Jonathan Swift,first published in 1726. The novel is a collection of voyages and adventures of Lemuel Gulliver, a doctor from Yorkshire. The book is divided into four parts, each part representing a different voyage and setting, ranging from a miniature land of Lilliputians to a giant island of Brobdingnagians. Through these voyages, Swift satirizes social institutions, political corruption, and human nature.Translation:介绍:《格列佛游记》是乔纳森·斯威夫特创作的一部讽刺小说,首次出版于1726年。
翻译:Part 1: The Voyage to LilliputIn this part, Gulliver finds himself washed ashore on the island of Lilliput, where the inhabitants are only six inches tall. He is captured and brought to the court of the king, who uses him as a showpiece due to his巨大体型. Gulliver gains the king's favor by helping put down a rebellion and becomes a minister of state. However, he soon becomes disillusioned with the court's political intrigues and corruption.翻译:第一部分:利立浦特之旅在这一部分,格列佛发现自己被冲到了利立浦特岛上,岛上的居民只有六英寸高。

黑布林英语阅读Gulliver’s Travels教学设计1.文本解读本书是上海外语教育出版社出版的《黑布林英语阅读》初三年级系列,全书约为2.2万词。
(2)[Why]《格列佛游记》是Jonathan Swift的一部杰出的游记体讽刺小说,以较为完美的艺术形式表达了作者的思想观念,作者用丰富的讽刺手法和虚构幻想的离奇情节,深刻地剖析了当时的英国社会现实。
作者文笔朴素简练,主要运用一般过去式,用第一人称的口吻展开叙述,向读者娓娓道来,用My dear reader, you can imagine, you may think这样的语言拉近作者和读者的关系,令读者平添亲切感,也增加了故事的可信度,还有利于读者体会人物情绪,引起共鸣。

Written in the form of a travel journal, Gulliver's Travels is the fictional account of four extraordinary voyages made by Lemuel Gulliver, a physician who signs on to serve as a ship's surgeon when he is unable to provide his family with a sufficient income in London.
也就是说密尔敦多这个城市 是一个正方形,它的大小大 概就是两个足球场。同时它 被两条主要街道分为田字形。
The second section : about the emperor’s palace The palace is in the center of the city and is enclosed by a wall of two feet high. Gulliver discovered it the most splendid apartments that can be imagined.
Of all the ship’s crew he
alone survives. He swims
to the shore of a strange land, inhabited by Lilliputians(利立浦特人), the tallest of whom is six
inches high.
The third paragraph : tell us 告诉读者将会在下一部作品中详 the author will give readers a细介绍小人国,从它的建立到它 further descriptions about its 的法律、宗教等各方面。 first erection, laws, learning, religion and so on in a greater work.

• 《格列佛游记》是乔纳森·斯威夫特的一部 杰出的游记体讽刺小说,以较为完美的艺 术形式表达了作者的思想观念,作者用丰 富的讽刺手法和虚构幻想的荒诞和离奇的 情节,深刻地反映了当时的英国社会现实。
Gulliver’ characters
• Gulliver – Narrator 叙述者 of novel – Middle-aged, middle class, British
• Intelligent, well-educated
– Naïve – Unaffectionate to wife [barely mentions
her in novel]
Part one “利立浦特(小人国)”
• 1699年,外科医生格列佛随“羚羊号”出航南太 平洋。不幸中途遇险,格列佛死里逃生,漂到利 立浦特(小人国),被小人捆住。利立浦特人用 专车把体积巨大的格列佛运到京城献给国王,他 的出现几乎吸引了小人国所有的人。格列佛温顺 的表现逐渐赢得了国王和人民对他的好感,他也 渐渐熟悉了小人国的风俗习惯。当时,另一小人 国不来夫斯古帝国准备从海上入侵利立浦特帝国, 格列佛涉过海峡,把50艘最大的敌舰拖回利立浦 特国的港口,立了大功。但是格列佛不愿灭掉不 来夫斯古帝国,使皇帝很不高兴。这时,皇后寝 宫失火,格列佛情急生智,撒了一泡尿把火扑灭, 谁知却让皇后大为恼火。于是,小人国君臣沆瀣 一气准备除掉格列佛。格列佛听到风声,赶快逃 到不来夫斯古帝国,后来平安回到英国。
Ridiculous(荒谬的) science
Laputa is a mysterious land inhabited by scientists, magicians, and sorcerers(男巫) who engage in ridiculous experiment.
Gulliver's Travel 格利佛游记

Gulliver's TravelBy Jonathan SwiftContentsPart One:A Voyage to Lilliput (3)Part Two:Life in Lilliput (7)Part Three:The War of the Eggs (12)Part Four:The customs of Lilliput (15)Part Five:A Voyage to Broblingnay (20)Part Six:My career as a Performer (24)Part Seven:The Queen (26)Part Eight:AVoyage to Laputa and Bahibarbi (31)Part Nine:A Voyage to Glubbdubrib and Luggnagg (36)Part Ten:A voyage to the Country of the Houybnbnms (39)Track1:Part One Listening Activity11 (45)Track2:Part Three Listening Activity6 (46)Track3:Part Seven Listening Activity8 (47)Track4:Part Nine Listening Activity8 (48)Part One:A Voyage to LilliputMy name is Lemuel Gulliver.I was born in England.In16,when I was a young man I studied to be a doctor.I worked in London at first,but it was not easy to make money there.I decided to work as a ship's doctor.I liked travelling,and I made several voyages①.It was an interesting life.One ship I worked on was called the Antelope.Our voyage went very well at first,but one day there was a great storm.The ship hit a rock in the sea, and began to sink.I managed②to jump into one of the ship's lifeboats with some sailors,and we thought we were safe.Then there was a big wave,and the little boat turned over in the water.We all began to swim.I soon lost sight of the other sailors,and I never saw them again.I think they all drowned③.I swam for many hours in the water,and I was very tired.Suddenly I realised that the water was not deep any more-my feet touched the ground!I walked a long time,and then I came to the beach.It was evening,and I was exhausted④.I fell asleep on the sand.When I woke up it was morning.I tried to stand up,but I could not move at all.I raised my head a little,and I could see ropes around my body.They were tied very tightly⑤.I did not know what had happened to me.Then I saw a very small creature⑥walking along my body.I looked again, and I was very surprised to see that this creature was really a tiny⑦man!①voyages:航海旅行。
Gulliver's Travels《格列佛游记》

Gulliver's Travels《格列佛游记》作者:胡志美来源:《中学生英语·阅读与写作》2014年第06期《格列佛游记》自1726年出版以来被译成几十种语言,在世界各地流传甚广。
Lilliput 小人国:The first part tells about Gulliver’s extraordinary experience on an island called Lilliput. In a shipwreck, Gulliver is pushed forward by the water to the shore, making him the only survivor1. Later he wakes up only to find that he is fastened2 on each side to the ground by many tiny threads. Until then does he know that he is trapped3 in the island—Lilliput. People on the island are only six inches tall.第一部分讲述的是格列佛在一个叫“利立普特”的小人国的离奇遭遇。
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Gulliver’s TravelsWhen I first read Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, I was a little girl. At that time, I once just regarded it as a fairy tale. After I read it again when I grew up, I realized the true soul of this book: a sharp sarcasm. This book criticized society in 18’s century Britain.Gulliver's Travels presents Swift's views on society by Swift's invention of several new societies, each with similarities and differences. The similarities are often written as though they were differences. This entry will examine these views, and examine the differences between these societies and 18th Century England, and discuss his use of satirical comment in the novel.The book is commonly presented to young children as a kind of 'fairy story', but it is clear that Swift intended many levels of meaning within the novel, and these are not always visible to younger readers. The four sections of Swift's satire each comment on different aspects of society. The first section, detailing a voyage to Lilliput, a land of tiny people, shows how society reacts to larger people; namely with fear. The second part, his voyage to Brobdingnag, a land of giants, shows how society often treats smaller people; as curiosities. The third section, Laputa, shows how society treats people who are different, while the fourth, the land of the Houyhnhnms details slavery and class ideas within Swift's society.Swift uses many literary techniques in Gulliver's Travels to convey his ideas, including irony, humor, comments on individuals and society in general and long lists followed by sharp statements. The book is easy to read for young children, while still providing a challenge to the thinking adult. Young readers may see only the surface of the story, while adults can penetrate the depths of his writing. Such adults may be confused, even vexed, as to Swift's meaning, primarily because of his humor and comparisons between several different societies.In his description of Lilliputian society Swift explains, in detail, their views on education and law, which are extremely like his own society's views. Most 18th Century Englishmen, however, would not recognize this due to their proximity to the situation. For instance, they 'have in every town public nurseries, except... laborers are obliged to send their infants... to be reared and educated when they come to the age of 20 moons'. This works out to be nearly two years old by our calendar. This is when some parents send their children to nursery, although it is usually at three years old. In Lilliput, as in the England of the 18th century, 'They have certain professors well skilled in preparing children for such a condition of life as befits the rank of their parents', thus following a caste system, as with upper, middle and lower class. Swift presents this as a difference; he is in fact using irony to say that the opposite is true.In contrast, in the second section, Swift devotes only a few paragraphs to the education of the inhabitants of Brobdingnag, calling it 'very defective, consisting only in morality, history, poetry and mathematics... the last of these is wholly applied... to the improvement of agriculture and all mechanical arts'. It is ironic that these subjects encompass a large portion of the education of Swift's society.Therefore, it would seem that in both societies, Swift is showing his own society's education in an unfavourable light, despite his assertions of 'The author's love of his country' as described at the start of chapter seven in part two. It is ironicthat such a man, of such low intellect and education should be speaking up for the standards of his society.These ideas would not be hidden from all of Swift's society. There would be those who realised, on some level, that Swift was drawing parallels with his own society. They can be subdivided into two groups; those who would be angered, and those who would want change. Those angered would be that class in power, and those in power would want to keep things as they are, thus remaining in power. This condition would be in direct conflict with those who want change, since the powerful people would lose their power if any change occurred.Swift uses the idea of an unfair advantage in the first part of the novel, when Gulliver destroys the fleet of ships in the bay of the inhabitants of Blefuscu. Gulliver later reflects that this was wrong, and unbecoming of an Englishman. However, warring nations often search for an advantage to use against their opponents. Swift is probably attacking the war with France, which would have lasted longer had the English government not changed and peace been sought.In the title of section four, chapter nine, Swift also has Gulliver discuss the Houyhnhnms' language, calling it defective since it lacks several words that Swift's society would use. Gulliver also has trouble pronouncing their language, since it sounds like a horse's whinny. The English people ignore the fact that their language has also been commented upon as notoriously difficult to master, employing such combinations of consonants as 'TCHST' in matchstick, and having several pronunciations for 'OUGH'. This would be seen by most linguists as being common when translating from English to another language. However, only a few English people would put themselves in the position of some other country's people and notice how hard English is to pronounce. It would not be out of place to suggest that people of every country view their own language as being easy to pronounce, and that this is because they have grown up with it.In fact, Swift uses every opportunity to attack the British monarchy and government. He uses real people to create the personalities of his characters, and real events to parallel the events in the novel. This is first seen when Gulliver is searched, just as when a Tory government's actions were scrutinized by a Whig government that came to power in 1714. It is clear that Swift sympathizes with the Tories, since it is Gulliver who is searched. However, Swift also wants to create an idea that the searching is correct, since Gulliver is happy to be searched; again, Swift is using Gulliver to ironically portray his own society.The third part also resembles Swift's society in several ways. Firstly, the King of Laputa was not allowed to leave the island, just as England's monarch was unable to do so without Parliament's consent. This again suggests that Swift is paralleling the British society with those of his novel. Any British monarch or important person who realised this might have been angry at Swift's insinuations. It is unlikely that the British monarchs would work for reform because of their belief and trust in the Magna Carta. However, less noble people may, on realising this, try to change their monarchy, again creating conflict, maybe even a revolution.While some enjoy Gulliver's Travel s as a diversionary story, it is clear that it wasnot written primarily for this purpose. There are many concepts and ideas within the novel that were clearly written to challenge and trouble. Swift accomplishes his aim very well through his use of humor and comments on society.Swift vexed people with Gulliver's Travels by designing his faux societies to parallel his own. He thus created conflict between those with more power and those with less, the latter wanting change and the former wanting to prevent change. This may have troubled those who did not question the status quo, who may agree with the powerful people because they are happy with their life. However, Gulliver's Travels is a sincere comment on Swift's society that would garner both respect and ridicule.。