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Unit 5 Food Culture Unit Goals

What you should learn to do

1.Choose a table

2.Order from a menu

3.Take an order

4.Enquire about and recommend foods and drinks

5.Pay the bill

What you should know about

1.Western and Chinese food

2.The way to make a toast speech at a wedding

3.Adverbial clauses

Section I Talking Face to Face

1.Imitating Mini-Talks

2.Acting out the Tasks

3.Studying Email Information on the Internet

4.Following Sample Dialogues

5.Putting Language to Use

Section II Being All Ears

1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication

2.Handling a Dialogue

3.Understanding a Short Speech / Talk

Section III Trying your Hand

1.Practicing Applied Writing

2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar

Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye

Passage 1 :

Information Related to the Reading Passage

Likes or dislikes with regard to food vary greatly from culture to

culture. What is disgusting to one person can be a delicacy to another.

Sometimes we need to change our eating habits. If we move or travel to

a new place with a different culture, our favorite meat, fruit and

vegetables may not be available to us. As a result, we have to eat what

is different from the food we are used to. Slowly, this strange food may

become familiar to us. Our tastes may change, too, and we begin to enjoy

eating the food that used to seem unusual to us.

Text Blogs on Food

Blog One


Best Places to Eat in Beijing and Shanghai

This will be our first time in Beijing and Shanghai. One of the best

things about traveling is all the different foods you get to try. There

is Chinese food in the US, but it’s not nearly as good as the food in

China! Plus there are lots of things you can’t get in the US.

Now we are wondering about what people who actually live in Shanghai

and Beijing think are the best places to eat

If you can leave a message below that would be great. Amy


You’ve got to have Beijing Duck at Quan Ju De ( 全聚德 ). You’re

not a vegetarian right LOL. Have a nice time in Beijing.


Must go places for eating: I guess the only thing I would recommend

is the Xiaolong Bao in Yu Garden ... uh ... it’s a little bit cliché ...

but it is still the signature dish of Shanghai ... apart from that, you

can find every kind of dishes of regional flavor there ... god bless.

Ming Tao


Its a pity u stay in Hangzhou only a few hours, flying guys! Xuehe


Hi! It was really nice meeting you today at the bar! Hope you

enjoyed your stay here in Shanghai so far ... and you can try Shanghainese

cuisine some time ... or maybe some snacks at the City God’s Temple (Chenghuang Miao in Chinese). They’re really one of a kind.

Blog Two

by Chang Weng, from Malaysia

Funny, Isn’t It

Tuesday morning, I over-slept, while all the bosses were coming.

Fortunately I was not coming late, just having no time to da bao my


Me: Qiu Jun, I did not “da bao” today. If you go out for lunch,

remember to bring me together.

Qiu Jun: Ok, A Weng. I’ll go out for lunch later on.

(Few minutes just before the lunch hour.)

Qiu Jun: A Weng, let’s go for lunch now.

Uncle Zhou: Today we bring A Weng to the sea.

Me: Sea (Sure Qiu Jun and me don’t know how to swim!)

Qiu Jun: Good idea.

Me: Oh ... (These 2 bosses must have something secret in their plan.)

Few minutes after sitting inside Qiu Jun’s car, huh, we are

really reaching the sea.
