



四川传媒学院2014 —2015学年第二学期期末考试《外贸函电》课程试卷(A卷)说明:1、本试卷适用于:2012 级国际经济与贸易专业(方向)2 、考试时间:120分钟3、考试方式:闭卷、Listening (1' 30=30'PARTONEQuestions 1-8•For quest io ns 1-8, you will hear eight short recordings.•For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answerExample:Who is Anna going to write to?A the staffB the supplierC the clientsThe answer is A.«After you have listened once, replay each recording.1 When will the next meeting be?A 23rd MarchB 24th MarchC 25th March2 Which of the goods were delivered?3 Why is the man apologising?A because he's lateB because he's made a mistakeC because he's lost something important4 What is the cover of the new brochure like?A CA NEPTUNABNEPTUNACABC6 What are staff still forgetting to do with company cars?A record the distance travelledB refill them with petrolC tidy them inside7 What do the speakers say about Esther Wong? A She resigned ・ B She was promoted. C She retired.PART TWO5 Which chart is correct?ANumber of hours lost to staff illnessB C8 Which chart is the speaker talking about?Questions &-15•Look at the notes below.•Some information is missing.•You will hear a journalist talking to the Head of Public Relations of a large supermarket chain.•For each question (9-15), fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, numbers or letters.•After you have listened once, replay the recording.COMPANY:CHIEF EXECUTIVE:(9) •••• ■•••••••Mat* Mteettew •«•••»•••••••••••••••••••••• ・・•••・・・»«••••••CURRENT POSITIONPre-tax profits to September:(10)£_____ ________ ..... ______ ..... Hz Current share price:Increase in sales per square metre:Reduced prices on a total ofFUTURE PLANSWill build two /teur sf&tesSize of each new hypermarket:(14) .......... . ...... ...... . ..........Total amount of space for non-foodgoodswill be(15) •••••••••»«♦••••«♦・・・♦•・・**«•••••••2^PART THREEQuestions 16-22•Look at the notes betow.•Some information is missing.•You will hear a man giving a falk about his work and careen•For each question (16-22), fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words.•After you have listened once, replay the recording・PART FOURQuestions 23-30•You will hear an interview between a radio presenter and a businessman, Tim Black, about British people relocating 倉ncJ going to work outride the UK,•For each question (23-30), mark one letter S* Bor 口for thm correct answer%•After you have listened once, replay the recording.23. In Tim Black's compa ny, which people usually get relocated abroad?A those who have previous experie nee of work ing abroadB those who have specific skills to offerC those who are more senior24. What reas on does Tim give for compa nies sending fewer employees abroad?A There aren't eno ugh suitable can didates.B Compa nies are less willi ng to fund it.C Work ing abroad is no Ion ger see n as lead ing to promoti on.25. According to Tim, what is the current trend amongst British workers?A Commut ing long dista nces is less com mon.B Work ing in London is their first choice.C Livi ng in the coun tryside has grow n in popularity.26. What financial advice does "Tim give employees thinking of relocating abroad?A Buy extra health in sura nee.B En sure that pension fund payme nts will still be made.C Ask your compa ny to rent out your house.27. What was Tim's company doing in Dubai?A manu facturi ng build ing materialsB desig ning a public buildi ngC con struct ing an office buildi ng28. What did Tim's compa ny arrange before he left?A a short visit to Dubai before movi ng thereB a pers onal con tact with the team in DubaiC a Ian guage course in Arabic29. What arran geme nts did Tim make for accommodati on?A He bought an expe nsive house.B He stayed in a compa ny flat.C He arran ged to move in with a colleague.30. Tim expected to stay in Dubai for some time because he wasA going to supervise a len gthy project.B start ing a new area of work.C aiming to get lots of experie nee.二、Reading (2'*20= 40 'Read the article below about an in sura nee compa ny.Are senten ces1-7 ‘ Righto' ‘ Wron g' If? there is not eno ugh in formatio n to answer ‘ Right ' or ‘ Wrong' , choose ‘ Doesn' t say '.For each sen ten ce(1-7), mark one letter (A,B or C) on your An swer Sheet.1. This is the first year that Loyalty customers are paying less for their house in sura nee.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn ' t say2. Insuring a house with Loyalty will be at least four per cent cheaper than last year.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn ' t say3. Loyalty is perform ing in a differe nt way from other in sura nee compa ni es.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn ' t say4. This year, Loyalty has had the lowest number of claims ever recorded.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn ' t say5. Loyalty ' s car in sura nee is curre ntly the cheapest available.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn ' t say6. It is Loyalty ' s policy to share its success withotsers.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn ' t say7. Malcolm Broad says that Loyalty ' s bus in ess started to grow last year.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn ' t sayPART 2Questio ns 8-14Read the job advertiseme nt below.Are senten ces 8-14 on the opposite page 'Right' or 'Wr on g'? If there is not eno ugh in formati on to an swer 'Right' or 'Wr on g', choose 'Does n't say'.For each sentence (8-14), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.Vacancies for Store ManagersScene Video has been quietly successful in recent yeara, and we now have 23 stores worldwide - including 15 in Canada with a further ten on the way We are now offering exciting manBLgemcnt opportunities.As store manager, you *)1 have unusual in decadence - which will make most retailmanagemenr posts seem easy compared with oun! You will be in charge of a storewith over 40 staff, and you'll have a salary to match. Whether you*ve worited in wUnlmanagement or in another field involving customer relations, we want to hear from you.You1 II be a strong leader, Full of ideas and ambition, and commercially aware,preferably with knowledge of the retail industry in one of the countries where we have stores. If you arc willing to relocate, you could be cm track for fast promotion.To find out what pan you can play in our continuing success, you are invited to aninfonnaJ Introductory Evening ac any of oui stores (details below). Or visit our webs tie for more information and to download an application form. Please post this, togetherwith a handwritten letter explaining why you are suited to the job.8. Scene Video is pla nning to ope n more stores.A RightB WrongC Does n't say9. Scene Video believes its store managers have a harder job than other store man agers...A RightB WrongC Does n't say10. Scene Video's salaries are higher than for similar positions in other retail bus in esses.A RightB WrongC Does n't say11. It is essential for applicants to have experience as store managers.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say12. Most successful applicants will have to spend time working in differentcountries.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say13. The Introductory Evenings are targeted at successful candidates. A RightB WrongC Doesn't say14. Application forms should be completed online.A RightB WrongC Doesn't sayPART 3Questions 23-28•Read the article below about a successful bus in ess partn ership.•For each questi on (23-28) on the opposite page, choose the correct an swer. •Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your An swer Sheet.15. Phil stopped selli ng photocopiers because he A was un able to meet the salestargets.B recog ni sed an opport un ity in ano ther field.C became aware of their limited market pote ntial.16. Why did Phil agree to meet Sea n?A He liked the way Sea n did not give up trying.B He thought they would have a lot of com mon in terests.r lm an extrovert, so selling fits nrnycharacter/ explains Phil Brook, *\ stadedselling photocopiers, and it didn't take melang to achieve ths agreed snles targets*Then, in 4994, I realised ttie IT industrywas about to explode r and i decided to tryand sell FL I met a guy who was settingup as a cornputer re-sell er, and I workedfor him for thre$ years, expanding hiscompany to a turnover of £3 £4m. Wewere among only a few people sellingcomputer systems on lease, so we wereattractive to reps offering finance. Therewas this guy from CTL Bank called SeanWilliams who rang us dozens of times,trying to sell me IT finance. [ was alreadygetfirig fin a nee from somebody else, buthe kept on callmg. That impressed rne - Ithought if he F s any good, maybe I'll recruithim/Scdn Wlllianrts adds, When we finallymet we went out to lunch and becamefirm friend 乐 1 thought Phil was fun, andwe had similar interests. The next day, wedid a deal tog«ther f and I provided himwith 3II the finance he needed. Then he realised, and i soon agreed, that there was a big opportunity to do independently what I was already doing for the bank. So he left his job and established Syscap. h took me a while to decide to join him, because i was among the top salespepp!e nationally at my bank” and my future wes plarned. But I knew when I did that it was the right decision. I knew we had the same ideas about work. When you work hard y you get there, whether youfre good or not Ifs like golf. The mere you practise, the luckier you get With us, the more times we picked up the phono, the more deals we made The business soon toofc off enormousfy. I ;f ve always had big ambitions, but t didn t expect it to become as big as this/ Phil thinks that the next few years look promising. "The competition in this trade is weak/ he says, 'so I believe we can turn this into a £1bn company* People in our industry find it amazing that Sean and 1 still get on so well after air this time. But rm Qlad we do. Ufa our partnership thatmakes the job fun.*Phil Brook and Sean Witfiami ♦阳 friends who set up / compMy in 1997proyiding fin^nca to companies making IT purchases. Their fim rSyscap r now turns over £120m a year.C He needed someone to provide IT finance for his clients.17. Why did Sean not join Phil immediately at Syscap?A He had doubts about the profitability of the venture.B He was unsure about giving up an established career.C He was afraid that working together would damage their friendship.18. In what way does Sean believe that business is like golf?.A You cannot achieve your goals without taking risks.B To do well, you need a combination of ability and ambition.C If you do something enough times, you'll eventually be successful.19. Sean says he is surprised thatA he and Phil are still good friends.B their company has been so successful.C more people do not set up their own businesses.20. What makes Phil confident about their company's future growth?A the strength of the friendship they haveB being in a commercial field which is rapidly expandingC having few serious challengers for their position in the marketplace三、Fill in the form (10 ')Match the words in the box with the arrowsdecrease drop fall go up increase level off ilse reniain steady71四、GRAMMAR (10 'Use at/in/on to complete the sentence1. The desig n meeti ng is________ Friday 4.302. We opened our Buenos Aires Office ____________ 2003. We ' re opening a s office ____________ September.3. I ' m flying to Washington __________ Wednesday next week. My return flight is__________ 16 May.4. I' m going to lunch now. Can I speak to you _________ the after noon?5. I don' tiave time to write the report today. I ' ldo it _______________ Mon day morni ng.6. I ' m sertfiployed. I find I often work best _________ night.五、Writing (10 ')Read the following letter at first. Then use the useful language to write a reply letter.Useful la nguagePlease accept my apologise for Unfortun ately …We had a problem with …I can offer …I apologise forI would like to apologise for The problem was due toI would like to offer Please accept。




1.We trust you will do your best to have this matter _____ rightaway( )A.settleB.to settleC.settlingD.settled2.We _____ you for the special offer you send us.( )A.thankB.appreciateC.be gratefulD. beindebted3.We enclosed our Purchase Confirmation No. 4848 _____ duplicate.( )A.inB.forC.withD.through4.will you let us know how long _will take to deliver the goods?A thatB itC thisD it’s5.we are looking forward to _your early reply.A receiveB receivingC receivedD get6.We thank you very much for your letter _June 30.A ofB onC inD at7.We hope you are _with our selection.A joyB pleasedC regretD happy8.we look forward to your reply as _as possible.A earlyB lateC soonD quickly9.Business _our two companies will certainly grow faster.A inB betweenC atD about10.we thank you for _provide us with the good products.A haveB hadC havingD has11.If you will send us a catalog by air,we shall _ very much.A.appreciate B.appreciating C.appreciation D.appreciae it12.After inspection of the shipment,we founed 5 cased _A.missing B.1osing C.missed D.lost13.As soon as we resume_,we shall give priority to your orders.A.supply B.supplying C.to supply D.supplied14.We are offering you goods_the very high quality.A.of B.at C.for D.with15.As you failed to make delivery in time, we have no choice _____ourorder with you.A. but to cancelB. but cancelC. but cancelingD. but cancelled二、连线题(每线1分,共20分)Joint production 贸易伙伴World trade center 合作生产Export commodities fair 配额Trading partner 销售确认书Tariff-free zone 世界贸易中心。



《外贸英语函电》试题(A )in the blanks with the right word or words (2% for each,1. We are sending you the samples __ requested. A. be B. are C. as D. for .2. We trust that you will find our goods____ .A. attract ingB. to be attractiveC. attract your atte nti on 3. The brochure covers _____ w ide range of products we deal in. A. the B. a C. ofD. about4. We would ___ very much if you send us some samples immediately. A. tha nk youB. appreciate itC. appreciateD. appreciate you5. If any of the items is ______ to you, please let me know. A. i nterestB. i nteresti ngC. i nterestedD. i nterests6. Our products enjoy _________ in world market.A. most popularB. great popularityC. good sellerD. selli ng fast 7. We are _____ a copy of our catalog for your refere nee. A. send B. coveri ngC. closedD. en clos ing8. We are anxious to __________ the market for our Antimony Trioxide, which at present enjoys a limited sale in Europe. A. in creaseB. enl argeC. expa ndD. exte nd9. We are sure that both of our compa nies will ___ f rom the joi nt ven ture. A. make ben efitB. ben efitC. be ben efitedD. mutual ben efits10. We would like to take this _____ to establish bus in ess relati ons with you. A. ope ningB. opport un ityC. stepD. adva ntagePart I Fill 20%)Part n Choose the appropriate word or words in the pare ntheses. 分(2% for each, 20%)1. As (A. regard; B. regards) machine tools, we regret to say that we are not able to supplyfor the time being.2. Being (A. specialized, B. handled ) in the import and export of Art and Crafts. Weexpress our desire to trade with you in this line.3. To acquaint you with our products, we are sending you (A. by; B. under) separateairmail a copy of catalog and several samples for your refere nee.4. (A. In case; B. If ) you find our products interesting to you, please let us have yourenquiry.5. Please send a fax to us of the detailed information of your products (A. available; B.provide) at prese nt.6. You may be aware that our goods enjoy great (A. sales; B. popularity ) in the worldmarket.7. As to our bus in ess and (A. finan ces; B. financing ), please refer to the Bank ofBarclay, London.8. In (A. comply; B. complianee) with your requests, we sent you this morning 3 samples ofour computer desk.9. We have the pleasure to in troduce ourselves to you with a view to buildi ng up bus iness relati ons (A. with; B. for) your firm.10. We should be pleased if you would respond (A. to; B. with ) our request at your earliestconvenien ce.Part 川 Tran slate the followi ng senten ces into En glish.(3% foreach, 15%)1. 我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一。



FPIT-R-JX15-2104-14 编号:福建信息学院试卷命题送审稿课程名称外贸函电考试班级商务英语0711、0712、0713、0531考核方式笔试卷号(A)考试日期2009年6月25 日命题教师邱绍惠打印份数共5页教研室审核系、部复核题号(总)一二三四五六七配分100 10 10 20 30 20 10题号八九十十一十二十三十四十五配分·······························································································································································I、Translate the following phrases(1-10题每小题0.5分,11-15题每小题1分,共10分)1. financial standing:财务状况2.first enquiry:首次询盘3. counter-offer:还盘modities Fairs:商品交易会5. the captioned shipment:标题项下的船货6.firm offer:实盘7. sales confirmation:销售确认书8. the tie-up of funds:占压资金9. documentary L/C:跟单信用证 10.blank endorsed:空白背书11.商务参赞处:Commercial Counselor’s office12.信汇:mail transfer13.付款交单:Document against payment 14.重复订单:duplicate order15.海运提单:Ocean bill of lading题号及题型二、填空题考核目的考核学生对词汇和短语搭配的掌握情况。





年级 专业班级姓名 学号 考试时间 年 月 日 午订装线2014——2015学年 第 二 学期课程名称: 外贸函电(2013双学位国贸) 考试形式:(闭卷) 考核方式:(考试)题号 一 二三四五六七八总分得分评阅人签 名一、单项选择题(每空1分,共20分)1 The commodities you offered are _____ line with the business scope of our clients.a. outsideb. out ofc. outd. without 2 We specialize _____ all kinds of metals and are always ready to buy in large quantities.a. atb. fromc. ond. in3 We are arranging for an inspection tour of _____ the material was processed. a. place b. the place c. where d. there4 We are reconsidering those terms _____ might be adverse to the interest of our principals.a. whatb. thatc. whend. where考场座号试卷类型A 卷得 分命题教师签名: 黄霜林 教研室主任签名:万琳 日 期: 2015.06。



仲恺农业工程学院继续教育学院试卷《外贸函电》2016 学年度第1 学期期末(A)卷(考生注意:答案须写在答题纸上,并注明题号,考试结束后将试卷连同答题纸一齐交)一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。



)1. We would like our reference your sending us the latest catalogue, in which we are interested.A. toB. forC. asD. into2. We are pleased to your credit based on our negotiations.A. extendB. prolongC. expandD. lengthen3. After booking the steamer, the buyer should give promptly the to the seller.A. shipping adviceB. shipping instructionC. shipping guideD. shipping order4. Unless otherwise , we are going to insure All Risks and War Risk for the invoice value plus 10%.A. instructedB. instructionsC. instructingD. instruction5. We regret having to remind you that 30% of the freight is still .A. paidB. ownedC. standingD. outstanding6. We your shipping instruction by cable.C. wait toD. await for7. As agreed upon in the contract, payment is L/C.A. made byB. to be made byC. to make byD. making by8. As soon as the are available, we will contact you.A. productB. cargoC. cargoesD. commodity9. We very much regret to state that we can’t you in this respect.A. accumulateB. accommodateC. appreciateD. populate10. This is a question, which I will have to refer to our covering department.A. technologyB. technicalC. scienceD. scientific11. Marketing is , we have received numbers of orders.A. weakB. goingC. decliningD. advancing12. There is no direct steamer from here to your port, so we suggest that you transshipment at Singapore.A. can acceptB. acceptC. may acceptD. must accept13. We have been your Order No. 216 of January 10th.A. in receipt ofB. on receipt ofC. in reception ofD. on reception of14. As we can wait no longer for the delivery of your order, we have to it.A. postponeB. refuseC. delayD. cancel15. Please let us know by fax the relative L/C is opened.C. untilD. as soon as16. Please amend the L/C to read “This L/C on March 10th, 2009, in China”.A. due to timeB. validC. expiresD. due17. A container holds 10 sets of TV; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 10 containers 2 tons.A. each to weighB. each weighsC. and each weighingD. each weighing18. The goods under Contract No. 1234 left here .A. in good conditionB. in a good conditionC. in good conditionsD. in the good condition19. Please see your shipment meets our requirements.A. to itB. to thatC. to it thatD. to it which20. We trust that our new low-cost solutions may be particular interestyou.A. in, ofB. of, ofC. in, toD. of, to二、填空题(本大题共15小题,每空1分,共25分。



外贸英语函电试卷及标准答案最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:外贸英语函电试卷(A 卷)Ⅰ 术语翻译 (10%): A.将下列术语译成汉语 (5%): 1. 2., 3. 4. 5.B.将下列术语译成英语(请用全称) (5%): 1.亚洲开发银行 2.电子商务认证 3.银行密押 4.机电产品 5.内包装Ⅱ 单项选择 (20%):(提示:请在各题所提供的四个选项中选择一个,并将所选中的答案相对应的选项字母填入句中横线上。

)1. .A. B. C. D.2. . 0607 02736.A. B. C. D.得 分 评分人3. .A. B.C. D.4. a 2% $60,000.“”A. B.C. D.5. . “” 16.A. B.C. D.6. ,7.A. B.C. D.7. .A. B.C. D.8. .A. B.C. D.9. A 240 ; 5 , 8 .A. C.B. D.10. .A. C. aB. D. a11. .A. B.C. D.12. , 28.A. B.C. D.13. .A. B.C. D.14. 1,500 .A. B.C. D.15. , $ 5,600 , 1, 2006.A. B.C. D.16. ., , .A. B.C. D.17. 5% .A. B.C. D.18. 200 .A.0B.C. D.19. . 05C31 , .A. B.C. D.20., , .A. ,B. ,C. ,D. ,得分评分人Ⅲ a , .下面是你的老板陈大康的电话留言,请你以他的语气和恰当的形式撰写一封英语询函 (20%):我上次出差澳洲看到的牛羊胆 () 样品,质量还可以。





0’)1. extension of L/C2. illustrated catalogue3. date of shipment4. an irrevocable L/C by draft at sight5.Counter-offer6. counter-signature7.优惠价格8. 整批货9. 商业发票10. 清洁的已装船提单Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (20’)1. Could you make us a firm offer ________shoes?A, of b, for c, off d, at2.We shall appreciate it if you will see to it that amendment is cabled ______delay.a. inb. out ofc. withind. without3. We intend to place an order________you________300 sets “huanan” brand sewing machines.a. from, aboutb. with, forc. with, ofd. from, for4. We can assure you ________the best quality of our goods.a. fromb. thatc. withd. of5. Also under separate cover we are sending you a full range of goods ________.a. of exportb. for exportc. export tod. export6. Upon examining the L/C, we discovered that some points are not ______the agreement.a.…conform withb. conforming toc. in conformity withd. conformity to7. We will appreciate it very much, if you will ________shipment before June 25.a. effectb. providec. gived. bring8. We are pleased to inform you that the item you requested can be supplied________a. from stockb. in stockc. out of stockd. of stock9. We regret to have to complain ________the bad quality of shipment of sugar by s.s “Taishan”a. atb. aboutc. ond. in10. We hope you can give prompt attention to our request for the ________ of the relative L/Cd. establishedⅢ. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of given words or expressions(20’)Await, open, in your favor, apply for, by return, in great need, press for,amount, for your account, needless to say1.If you agree to the terms and conditions in the contract, please send us letter________2.It is the buyer who________ issuing an L/C under trade terms.3.________, we won’t dispatch the goods unless we receive your L/C as required.4.We write this letter, asking you ________ an irrevocable L/C for $3,000 in favor of Star. Ltd.to cover a consignment of steels.5. Your close cooperation in this respect will be highly appreciated. In the meantime we are ______your shipping advice by cable.6. A confirmed irrevocable L/C at sight draft__________ has been issued by The Chase ManhattanBank, Inc.7. The sales season is approaching and your stereo systems are ________. Please dispatch theshipment without delay.8.We received an email yesterday from one of our customers who _________ opening the L/C.9.We have received your L/C No.3466 issued by ABC Bank for the _____of USD6,000.10. If the L/C payment is adopted, extra charges outside issuing bank will be _______Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese.(24’)1. 虽然我们很想和你方交易,但把价格降到你们所说的水平是不可能的, 因为我们将无利可图。



外贸英语函电-试卷A及答案______________________________________________________________________________________________________________《外贸英语函电》试题(A)……………………………………………………………………………………………………1. We are sending you the samples ___ requested.A. beB. areC. asD. for .2. We trust that you will find our goods_____.A. attractingB. to be attractiveC. attract your attention3. The brochure covers _____ wide range of products we deal in.A. theB. aC. ofD. about4. We would ____ very much if you send us some samples immediately.A. thank youB. appreciate itC. appreciateD. appreciate you5. If any of the items is _______ to you, please let me know.A. interestB. interestingC. interestedD. interests精品资料6. Our products enjoy __________ in world market.A. most popularB. great popularityC. good sellerD. selling fast7. We are ______ a copy of our catalog for your reference.A. sendB. coveringC. closedD. enclosing8.We are anxious to __________ the market for our Antimony Trioxide, which at present enjoys a limited sale in Europe.A. increaseB. enlargeC. expandD. extend9. We are sure that both of our companies will ____ from the joint venture.A. make benefitB. benefitC. be benefitedD. mutual benefits10. We would like to take this ______ to establish business relations with you.A. openingB. opportunityC. stepD. advantage1.As (A. regard; B. regards) machine tools, we regret to say that we are not ableto supply for the time being.2.Being (A. specialized, B. handled ) in the import and export of Art and Crafts. Weexpress our desire to trade with you in this line.3.To acquaint you with our products, we are sending you (A. by; B. under)separate airmail a copy of catalog and several samples for your reference.精品资料4. (A. In case; B. If ) you find our products interesting to you, please let us have your enquiry.5. Please send a fax to us of the detailed information of your products (A. available; B. provide) at present.6. You may be aware that our goods enjoy great (A. sales; B. popularity ) in the world market.7. As to our business and (A. finances; B. financing ), please refer to the Bank of Barclay, London.8. In (A. comply; B. compliance) with your requests, we sent you this morning 3 samples of our computer desk.9. We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with a view to building up business relations (A. with; B. for) your firm.10. We should be pleased if you would respond (A. to; B. with ) our request at your earliest convenience.Part Ⅲ Translate the following sentences into English.(3% for each, 15%)1. 我公司是该地区电⼦产品的主要进⼝商之⼀。



一、Choose the best answer:(每小题1分,共20分)1、Such _____ the case, we have to ask you to consider if you canmake reduction in your price, say 15%.A、asB、forC、beingD、in2、The__ is the polite greeting with which every letter begins.A、letterheadB、salutationC、complimentaryD、signature3、To trade _____ the people of all countries _____ the basis of equality and mutual benefit is our established policy.A、 with; onB、with; forC、 to; onD、to; for4、Owing _____ unusual shortage of stock, this offer is made, subject to the goods being unsold.A 、to B、forC、 inD、through5、We shall open an L/C _____ your favor.A 、to B、byC、 inD、for6、The shipping containers we provide are _____ two sizes , which are both watertight and airtight and can be loaded and locked at the factory, _____ necessary.A 、 of; though B、at; ifC、 of ;ifD、at; though7、As it involves only a small _____, we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.( ).A 、quality B、 figureC、 quantityD、number8、We have drawn _____you _____ this amount at sight through the Chartered Bank, who has been instructed to hand over the documents against your acceptance of the draft.A 、 on; on B、for; onC、 for; forD、on ; for9、We cannot at present _____ any fresh orders _____ Younger Brand Men's Shirts.A 、entertain; for B、place; withC、 entertain; withD、place;; at10、It is important that the goods be completed for delivery _____stipulated in the L/C, say by 20th October. If not, you should be responsible _____ any loss that might be caused by the delay of shipment.A 、as; to B、on; toC、 on;forD、as ; for11、To enable our retailers to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season, we shall be very much _____ if you _____shipment in time.A 、happy; do B、happy; effectC、obliged; effectD、obliged;do12、_____direct sailings to your port are infrequent, we have to ship _____Rotterdam more often than not.A 、As; from B、although; fromC、 although; viaD、As;via13、Claims shall be _____by the Buyers within 15 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination.A 、done B、presentedC、 lodgedD、made out14Inthe absence of your definite instructions we will _____ insurance W.P.A and War Risk according to usual practice.A 、cover B、effectC、 makeD、do15、After inspection at the port of destination, the quality of the goods shipped ex S.S.“Red Star” under Contract No. CT7543 was found not _____ compliance with the contract stipulations.A 、on B、beC、inD、at16、Party B undertakes to compensate Party A for the contract amount by exporting _____ cartons of Canned Pear.A 、in two lots B、in two lotC、 with two lotsD、with two lot17、We lodge a claim _____ you _____the short--weight.( )A 、with…with B、for…forC、with…forD、for …with18、We take the liberty _____ write to you this letter to ask _____ you are already represented in South Korea, as we are interested in acting as your sole agents.A 、 to; because B、of; ifC、 of; becauseD、to; if19、The Agency Agreement has been drawn _____for duration of one year, automatically renewable on expiration for a similar period unless a written notice is given to the contrary.A 、 on B、upC、 inD、by20、Any dispute arising_____ the execution of, or in connection_____, this Contract should be settled through negotiationA 、from ; with B、to; withC、 from; toD、to; to二、Translate the following phrases: (每题0.5分,共5分)1、商业发票2、分批装运3、原产地证4、付款交单5、即期汇票 6、special additional risks 7、packing list 8、F.P.A. 9、straight bill of lading 10、shipping advice三、Translate the following sentences into Chinese:(每小题2分,共30分)1、In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principleof equality and mutual benefit.2、Your offer is unworkable, as some parcels of Japanese makes have been sold here ata much lower price. However, in view of our long standing business relationship we makeyou such a counter-offer3、This offer is subject to our final confirmation. As to the relative samples, we havedispatched them to you by separate airmail.4、We are pleased to find that your materials appear to be of fine quality. As a trial, we are delighted to send you a small order for 500 dozen Rubber shoes.5、This contract shall include two pages and come into force after the authorizedsignature by the Buyers and Sellers on the second page.6、The traces of pilferage will be more evident so that they are pretty helpful forthe underwriter to compensate for such losses.7、Since there are only one or two direct steamers monthly from Dalian to Belfast, weusually have to make shipment via Hong Kong.8、It is important that the goods be completed for delivery as stipulated in the L/C,say by August 30th. If not, you should be responsible for any loss that might be caused by the delay of shipment.9、The L/C authorizes you to draw at sight on the Bank after shipment is made.10、With an eye to our long-term friendly relationship, we assure you the prompt deliveryso that these commodities will catch your business season.11、We shall be glad if, after acceptance you will discount it at the current rate and remit the net amount to our account with the Bank of England.12、W.P.A coverage is too narrow for a shipment of this nature, please extend the coverage to include TPND.13、As our shipping documents can confirm that the goods were in perfect condition when they left here, and that show they were damaged in transportation. Therefore, we cannot give our consideration to your claim.14、Payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed,irrevocable(divisible and transferable) letter of credit without recourse for the full amount of purchase.15、We write to inform you that we have today established with Chartered Bank an irrevocable documentary L/C in your favour for the amount of US$65,000 covering 1,000 sets of TV.四、Translate the following sentences into English:(每小题3分,共15分)1、我们利用此机会致函贵方以了解可否与贵方建立贸易关系。



仲恺农业工程学院继续教育学院试卷《外贸函电》 2016 学年度第 1 学期期末(A)卷(考生注意:答案须写在答题纸上,并注明题号,考试结束后将试卷连同答题纸一齐交)一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。



)1. We would like our reference your sending us the latest catalogue, in which we are interested.A. toB. forC. asD. into2. We are pleased to your credit based on our negotiations.A. extendB. prolongC. expandD. lengthen3. After booking the steamer, the buyer should give promptly the to the seller.A. shipping adviceB. shipping instructionC. shipping guideD. shipping order4. Unless otherwise , we are going to insure All Risks and War Risk for the invoice value plus 10%.A. instructedB. instructionsC. instructingD. instruction5. We regret having to remind you that 30% of the freight is still .A. paidB. ownedC. standingD. outstanding6. We your shipping instruction by cable.A. waitB. awaitC. wait toD. await for7. As agreed upon in the contract, payment is L/C.A. made byB. to be made byC. to make byD. making by8. As soon as the are available, we will contact you.A. productB. cargoC. cargoesD. commodity9. We very much regret to state that we can’t you in this respect.A. accumulateB. accommodateC. appreciateD. populate10. This is a question, which I will have to refer to our covering department.A. technologyB. technicalC. scienceD. scientific11. Marketing is , we have received numbers of orders.A. weakB. goingC. decliningD. advancing12. There is no direct steamer from here to your port, so we suggest that you transshipment at Singapore.A. can acceptB. acceptC. may acceptD. must accept13. We have been your Order No. 216 of January 10th.A. in receipt ofB. on receipt ofC. in reception ofD. on reception of14. As we can wait no longer for the delivery of your order, we have to it.A. postponeB. refuseC. delayD. cancel15. Please let us know by fax the relative L/C is opened.A. beforeB. unlessC. untilD. as soon as16. Please amend the L/C to read “This L/C on March 10th, 2009,in China”.A. due to timeB. validC. expiresD. due17. A container holds 10 sets of TV; the whole cargo would therefore comprise10 containers 2 tons.A. each to weighB. each weighsC. and each weighingD. each weighing18. The goods under Contract No. 1234 left here .A. in good conditionB. in a good conditionC. in good conditionsD. in the good condition19. Please see your shipment meets our requirements.A. to itB. to thatC. to it thatD. to it which20. We trust that our new low-cost solutions may be particular interestyou.A. in, ofB. of, ofC. in, toD. of, to二、填空题(本大题共15小题,每空1分,共25分。



外贸英语函电试卷及标准答案外贸英语函电试卷(A卷)实惠网外贸论坛:免费外贸平台实惠网:Ⅰ.Translation of terms 术语翻译 (10%):A.Translate the following terms into Chinese将下列术语译成汉语 (5%):1.mediation of dispute2.DEQ, Delivered Ex Quay3.acts of God4.continental bridge5.exclusive salesB.Translate the following terms into English in full将下列术语译成英语(请用全称) (5%):1.亚洲开发银行2.电子商务认证3.银行密押4.机电产品5.内包装得分评分人Ⅱ.Make the best choice for each of the following sentences 单项选择 (20%):(提示:请在各题所提供的四个选项中选择一个,并将所选中的答案相对应的选项字母填入句中横线上。

)1.The boxes must be strong enough to withstand transport ____ very bad roads.A. alongB. forC. inD. over2.Enclosed are two copies of our Sales Confirmation No. DTE0607 ____ out againstyour Order KK02736.A. gotB. madeC. putD. taken3.Some customers requested us to ____ our price because they consider it too high.A. bring downB. get downC. put downD. take down4.We can allow you a special discount of 2% on orders exceeding $60,000.The word “allow” can be replaced by the following words EXCEPTA. giveB. grantC. offerD. permit5.The consignment was shipped ____ on the S.S. “Changfeng” which left Shanghaifor Singapore on June 16.A. cleanB. cleanedC. cleaningD. cleanly6.For your own ____ please expedite the L/C, which must reach us before August7.A. advantageB. benefitC. considerationD. profit7.In the ____ we would ask you to dispatch the replacement to us as soon aspossible.A. meantimeB. meanwhileC. timeD. occasion8.This will enable us to arrange speedy passage through the Customs on ____ ofthe consignment.A. arrivalB. arrivingC. receptionD. receiving9. A container holds 240 bicycles; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 5containers, ____ 8 tons.A. and each weighing C. each weighingB. each to weigh D. each weighs10.The cases should be ____ they can easily be made tightly closed again afterbeing opened.A. as such so as C. of such a type thatB. like this so that D. of such a type which11.We deal in decorative fabrics ____ different varieties.C. ofD. for12.It is possible to extend this Letter of Credit, which expires ____ January 28.A. onB. inC. atD. for13.We trust you will look ____ the matter without delay upon receiving the dataconcerning the damage.A. onB. uponC. inD. into14.Please quote us your lowest price ____ CIF Singapore basis for 1,500 piecesfor early delivery.A. onB. fromC. ofD. to15.____ instructions from the importer, we have opened an irrevocable letter ofcredit for US$ 5,600 in your favor, valid until January 1, 2006.A. OnB. FromC. In accordanceD. According16.Your firm has been referred to us by the ABC Co., of Pakistan, ____ we havedone business for many years.A. whichB. with thatC. whomD. with whom17.The discount of 5% agreed on was granted only ____ no balance was outstandingfrom previous accounts.A. on conditionB. on condition thatC. on thatD. depends on18.The credit ____ evidences shipment of 200 colour television sets may be usedupon presentation of the routine documents.A.0B. itC. whichD. what19.The goods under our order No. 05C31 arrived here yesterday, and we have nowexamined them ____ your enclosed lists and invoices.A. againstB. before20.We, ____ in the export of medical equipment and medicinal herbs, wish to getinto direct contact with firms in your country ____ in the import of such products.A. deal, interestB. dealing, interestedC. dealt, interestingD. dealing, interesting得分评分人Ⅲ.Write an inquiry in English in a proper format, based on the following telephone message in Chinese.下面是你的老板陈大康的电话留言,请你以他的语气和恰当的形式撰写一封英语询函(20%):我上次出差澳洲看到的牛羊胆 (gallbladder) 样品,质量还可以。



《外贸英语函电》试题册(A卷)开卷()闭卷()考试时长:120分钟使用班级:命题教师:主任签字:I. Match the English words and phrases in the left column with their Chinese translation in the right column.将左列的英语单词表达与右列相应的中文表达连线。

(每题1分,共10分)1.REGESTERED A.分批装运2.confirmed letter of credit B.保险费3.counter-offer C.侵权4.processing according to supplied samples D.保兑信用证5.in duplicate E.挂号6.irrevocable L/C F.来样加工7.partial shipment G.请回复8.premium H.还盘9.infringement I.一式两份10.R.S.V.P J.不可撤销信用证II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T or F as your answer. 判断以下句子的正误,答案用T或F表示。

(每题2分,共10分)1.In business letter writing, you should use straightforward, simple and appropriate English in correctsentence structures to convey your meaning, avoiding ambiguous language and misunderstanding.2.When writing a reply to a letter seeking cooperation, one should not indicate clearly whether he acceptsthe proposal or not.3. A firm offer, once accepted, cannot be withdrawn or revised within the validity date.4.To avoid mistakes or misunderstanding in terms of trade, it’s necessary and important to send lettersconfirming purchase or sales.5.Collection can be divided into clear collection and documentary collection.III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. 用给出词的正确形式填空。

外贸英语函电 试卷A及答案

外贸英语函电 试卷A及答案

及答案A试卷-外贸英语函电.《外贸英语函电》试题(A)姓阅得卷分人:级………………………………………………………班……………………………………………10 2 3 4 9 7 8 5 6 1 学:级 1. We are sending you the samples ___ requested. 年 D. for . A.be B. are C. as 2. We trust that you will find our goods_____.C. attract your attention A. attracting B. to be attractive 3. The brochure covers _____ wide range of products we deal in.D. aboutB. aC. of A. the 4. We would ____ verymuch if you send us some samples immediately. D. appreciate you A. thank you B. appreciate it C. appreciate : 5. If any of the items is _______ to you,please let me know. 点 D. interests C. interested B. interesting A. interest :学 6. Our products enjoy __________ in world market. 名教 A. most popular B.great popularity D. selling fast C. good seller7. We are ______ a copy of our catalog for your reference.页7页共2卷)第A》试题()《外贸英语函电.A. sendB. coveringC. closedD. enclosing 姓8.We are anxious to __________ the market for our Antimony Trioxide,which atpresent enjoys a limited sale in Europe. D. extend B. enlarge C. expand A. increase 9. We are sure thatboth of our companies will ____ from the joint venture.D. mutual benefits B. benefit C. be benefited A. make benefit 10. We would like to take this ______ to establish business relations with you. D. advantageB. opportunityC. step A. openingparentheses. word or words in the the Part Ⅱ Choose appropriateB. regards) machine tools, we regret to say that we are not able to 1.As (A. regard;supply for the time being. :Being (A. specialized, B. handled ) in the import and export of Art and Crafts. We 2.号 express our desire to tradewith you in this line. 学: B. under) separate 3.To acquaint you with our products, we are sending you (A. by; 级 airmail a copy of catalog and several samples for your reference. 年have let us products In case; B. If ) youfind our interesting to you, please 4.(A. your enquiry. Please send a fax to us of the detailed information of your products (A. available; 5. B.provide) at present. the ) popularity in enjoyaware 6.You may be that our goods great (A. sales; B. world market. :B. financing ), please refer to the Bankof business and (A. finances; As to our 7.点Barclay, London.:学B. compliance) with your requests, we sent you thismorning 3 8.In (A. comply; 名教samples of our computer desk.upintroduce pleasure have 9.We the to ourselves view a with to you to building页7页共3卷)第A》试题()《外贸英语函电.business relations (A. with; B. for) your firm.姓 B. with ) our request at your 10.We should be pleased if you would respond (A. to;earliest convenience.Translate the following sentences into English.(3% for ⅢPart 得each, 15%)分我们借此机会与贵1. 我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一。



外贸函电期末试题及答案[正文]一、期末试题(以下为外贸函电期末试题内容)1. 根据以下情景,完成一封英文询盘信:假设你是ABC国际贸易公司的业务员,请根据以下情景给你的英国客户Smith Ltd. 发送一封询盘信,询问他们能否供应汽车配件并告知相关要求。

请根据以下要点完成信件:情景:你的公司计划扩大汽车配件供应商的业务,并对Smith Ltd. 进行了初步了解。


要点:- 介绍自己的公司和背景- 表达对Smith Ltd. 产品的兴趣- 要求提供相关证书和报价- 提供联系方式2. 根据以下情景,完成一封中文报价信:假设你是XYZ国际贸易有限公司的销售经理,请根据以下情景给你的墨西哥客户Garcia公司发送一封中文报价信,提供相关产品的报价信息。

请根据以下要点完成信件:情景:Garcia 公司已向你们公司询价,并要求提供报价及产品说明。


要点:- 表达对Garcia 公司的感谢及对合作的期待- 提供产品的报价及相关优惠政策- 附上产品说明及相关图片- 强调公司的优势和服务质量- 提供联系方式3. 根据以下情景,完成一封确认订单的英文回复信:假设你是EFG贸易有限公司的客服经理,请根据以下情景给你的印度客户Singh公司回复一封确认订单的英文信件,确认他们所订购的产品和相关细节。

请根据以下要点完成信件:情景:Singh 公司先前向你们公司发起了订单,并希望得到确认,以保证订单的准确和及时交付。

要点:- 表示感谢并对Singh公司的订单表示认可- 确认订单的产品和数量,并检查是否与原订单一致- 提醒订单的价格、交货时间和运输方式- 询问付款方式和相关细节- 强调公司对订单的重视和良好服务二、期末试题答案(以下为外贸函电期末试题答案)1. 英文询盘信范例:Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to inquire about the possibility of your company supplying automotive spare parts to our company, ABC International Trading. We have recently learned about your company, Smith Ltd., and are highly interested in exploring potential cooperation.Our company is expanding our business in the field of automotive spare parts and has a growing demand for high-quality products at competitive prices. We would like to know if your company can meet our requirements in terms of product quality, pricing, and delivery times. Additionally, we kindly request you to provide us with relevant certificates and a detailed quotation.Please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss further details. We look forward to hearing from you soon.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Position][ABC International Trading][Contact Information]2. 中文报价信范例:尊敬的Garcia公司,非常感谢您向我公司咨询并提出报价要求。



三套《外贸英语函电》期末测试题期末测试题及答案一一、单项选择题(每题1分,共15分)1. 以下有关发盘表述错误的是( )。

A. 畅销货一般发盘的有效期较短B .滞销货一般发盘的有效期较长C. 市场价格变动剧烈的商品一般发盘的有效期较长D .贸易术语与运输、保险的逻辑关系要一致2. 唛头一般不包括以下哪项内容( ) 。

A. 收货人简称或代号B. 参考号C .件号D. 装运港3. 对产地和报关地相一致的出境货物,经检验检疫合格的,出具( ) 。

A .《出境货物通关单》B .《出境货物换证凭单》C. 《出境货物换证凭条》D. 《出境货物不合格通知单》4. 一般出口商品应在出口报关或装运前( ) 天报检。

A. 3B. 5C .7D. 95. 下列哪种单证不是在所有出口报检时都要提供的单证( )。

A .信用证B .商业发票C .合同D. 出境货物报检单6. 根据《UCP600》的规定,开证行的合理审单时间是收到单据次日起的( ) 个工作日之内。

A. 5B. 6C .7D. 87. “单单一致”的纵审时,以( ) 为中心。

A .保险单B .商业发票C .海运提单D .装箱单8. 下列哪项不属于“正确”制单要求的“三相符” ? ( )A .单据与信用证相符B. 单据与货物相符C. 单据与单据相符D .单据与贸易合同相符9. 装货港和卸货港的表示方法,发票、产地证、海关发票等单据的这两部分内容的表达方法较简单,一般按( )。

A. 托运人的意愿填B .合同和信用证价格条款以及实际情况填C .买方的意愿填D. 开证行的意愿填10. 出口退税申报时间是报关单上注明的出口日期起( ) 天内。

A .60B. 90C .120D .18011. 当 L/ C 规定 INVOICE TO BE MADE IN THE NAME OF ABC…,应理解为( ) 。

A .一般写成××(中间商) FOR ACCOUNT OF ABC(实际购货方,真正的付款人)B. 将受益人 ABC 作为发票的抬头人C .议付行 ABC 作发票的抬头D .将 ABC 作为发票的抬头人12. 根据联合国设计推荐使用的用英文字母表示的货币代码,如下表示不正确的是( ) 。



外贸英⽂函电期末考试复习题及参考答案-专升本《外贸英⽂函电》复习题AⅠ.Fill in the following blanks with appropriate prepositions.1. The middleman receives a commission ______ 5%.2. To trade _____ the people of all countries _____ the basis of equality and mutual benefit is our established policy.3. Please make sure that the stipulations in the L/C are _____ exact accordance _____ the terms of the Sales Contract.4.Our foreign trade policy is based ______ equality and ______ our mutual benefit.5. We prefer payment by D/P ______ draft at 60-day's sight6. _____ view of the long-standing business relations _____ us , we wish to settles this dispute amicably.7._____ orders _____ 500 pieces or more , we give a special discount ____ 2%.8. Insurance will cover All Risks and War Risk for 10% _____ the total invoice value.9. We trust the mentioned shipment will reach you ______ sound condition.10. We are glad that in the past few years, ______ joint efforts, we have greatly promoted both business and friendship11. I'd like to direct your attention ______ the quality ______ the goods which is superior_____ that of other makes.12. We refer _____ your offer _____ 16th March.13.If you could make a reduction ___10% ______ quotation ,we have confidence___ securing large order ___ you.14.Thank you _____ your quotation _____ October 8th ___ 1000 pieces _____ the captioned goods.15. Please be assured _____ our attention _____ your order.16. _____ request of your previous letter, we enclose our Sales17. If you could make a reduction ____ 10% ___ quotation ,we have confidence ____ securing large orders ____ you.18. The letter of credit has been opened ____ your favor.19. Thank you ___ your quotation ____ October 8th ___ 1,000 pieces ____ captionedgoods.20. We offer you 300 cartons ____ candle ___ US$3 ____ carton _____ the usual terms. Ⅱ.Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D.1..An offer may be made in reply to ___or made voluntarily with a view to expanding business.A. bidB. counter-offerC. inquiryD. counter-counter-offer2.When the seller receives the buyer’s counter-offer, and he finds some terms and conditions unacceptable to him, he will state his own opinions in a letter, which is called as_____A. bidB. offerC. inquiryD. counter-counter-offer3. _____ refers to signing a document which has been signed by the counterpart.A. “Countersign”B. “Sign”C. “write”D. “rewrite”4.In order to start a concrete transaction between us , we take pleasure in making you a special offer , ___our final confirmation.A. under the conditionB. in respect toC. subject toD. with reference to5.If a new firm , or ____ a certain corporation of ours ,wishes to open up a market to sell something to or buy something from firms in foreign countries ,the person in charge must first of all find out____ he is going to deal with .A. rather…whomB. such…asC. such…thatD. as…whom6.An offer made by the buyer is usually called as _____.A. inquiryB. offerC. bidD. order7.____ is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated.A. An offerB.A bidC. An inquiryD.A reply8.An order is a request to supply a specified quantity of goods, which may result from ____or ___with subsequent quotations.A. an offer…a bidB. an offer…an inquiryB. C. a bid…a counter-offer D. a counter-offer…a counter-offer9.A contract is an agreement , enforceable by law,____ two parties mutually agree to carry out a trade ___after negotiation or exchanges of correspondence.。



题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总 分 评分四川传媒学院2014—2015学年第二学期期末考试《外贸函电》课程试卷 (A 卷)说明:1、本试卷适用于: 2012级国际经济与贸易 专业(方向) 2、考试时间:120分钟3、考试方式:闭卷一、Listening (1’×30=30’)年级 专业 班级 学号 姓名……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23. In Tim Black's company, which people usually get relocated abroad?A those who have previous experience of working abroadB those who have specific skills to offerC those who are more senior24. What reason does Tim give for companies sending fewer employees abroad?A There aren't enough suitable candidates.B Companies are less willing to fund it.C Working abroad is no longer seen as leading to promotion.25. According to Tim, what is the current trend amongst British workers?A Commuting long distances is less common.B Working in London is their first choice.C Living in the countryside has grown in popularity.26. What financial advice does "Tim give employees thinking of relocating abroad?A Buy extra health insurance.B Ensure that pension fund payments will still be made.C Ask your company to rent out your house.27. What was Tim's company doing in Dubai?A manufacturing building materialsB designing a public buildingC constructing an office building28. What did Tim's company arrange before he left?A a short visit to Dubai before moving thereB a personal contact with the team in DubaiC a language course in Arabic29. What arrangements did Tim make for accommodation?A He bought an expensive house.B He stayed in a company flat.C He arranged to move in with a colleague.30. Tim expected to stay in Dubai for some time because he wasA going to supervise a lengthy project.B starting a new area of work.C aiming to get lots of experience.二、Reading (2’*20= 40’)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.PART 1Read the article below about an insurance company.Are sentences 1-7 ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’? If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’.For each sentence(1-7), mark one letter (A,B or C) on your Answer Sheet.1.This is the first year that Loyalty customers are paying less for their house insurance.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn’t say2.Insuring a house with Loyalty will be at least four per cent cheaper than last year.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn’t say3.Loyalty is performing in a different way from other insurance companies.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn’t say4.This year, Loyalty has had the lowest number of claims ever recorded.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn’t say5.Loyalty’s car insurance is currently the cheapest available.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn’t say6.It is Loyalty’s policy to share its success with its cu stomers.A. RightB. WrongC. Doesn’t say7.Malcolm Broad says that Loyalty’s business started to grow last year.A.RightB. WrongC. Doesn’t sayPART 2Questions 8-14Read the job advertisement below.Are sentences 8-14 on the opposite page 'Right' or 'Wrong'? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' or 'Wrong', choose 'Doesn't say'.For each sentence (8-14), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.8. Scene Video is planning to open more stores.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say9. Scene Video believes its store managers have a harder job than other store managers...A RightB WrongC Doesn't say10. Scene Video's salaries are higher than for similar positions in other retail businesses.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say11. It is essential for applicants to have experience as store managers.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say12. Most successful applicants will have to spend time working in different countries.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say13. The Introductory Evenings are targeted at successful candidates.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say14. Application forms should be completed online.A RightB WrongC Doesn't sayPART 3Questions 23-28· Read the article below about a successful business partnership.· For each question (23-28) on the opposite page, choose the correct answer.· Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.15. Phil stopped selling photocopiers because heA was unable to meet the sales targets.B recognised an opportunity in another field.C became aware of their limited market potential.16. Why did Phil agree to meet Sean?A He liked the way Sean did not give up trying.B He thought they would have a lot of common interests.C He needed someone to provide IT finance for his clients.17. Why did Sean not join Phil immediately at Syscap?A He had doubts about the profitability of the venture.B He was unsure about giving up an established career.C He was afraid that working together would damage their friendship.18. In what way does Sean believe that business is like golf?.A You cannot achieve your goals without taking risks.B To do well, you need a combination of ability and ambition.C If you do something enough times, you'll eventually be successful.19. Sean says he is surprised thatA he and Phil are still good friends.B their company has been so successful.C more people do not set up their own businesses.20. What makes Phil confident about their company's future growth?A the strength of the friendship they haveB being in a commercial field which is rapidly expandingC having few serious challengers for their position in the marketplace三、Fill in the form (10’)Match the words in the box with the arrows四、GRAMMAR (10’)Use at/in/on to complete the sentence1. The design meeting is__________Friday__________4.302. We opened our Buenos Aires Office_____________2003. We’re opening a second office_____________September.3. I’m flying to Washington __________ Wednesday next week. My return flight is ___________ 16 May.4. I’m going to lunch now. Can I speak to you __________the afternoon?5. I don’t have time to write the report today. I’ll do it____________Monday morning.6. I’m self-employed. I find I often work best __________ night.五、Writing (10’)Read the following letter at first. Then use the useful language to write a reply letter.Useful language I apologise for…Please accept my apologise for… I would like to apologise for…Unfortunately… The problem was due to…We had a problem with… I would like to offer…I can offer… Please accept…。

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得 分
二 、填空题
(每空 1 分,共 10 分)
1、We can supply you _____ all kinds of leather shoes. 2、This is our best price, _____ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city. 3、If your price is _____ ______ ____ the market price, we can take large quantities. 4 All prices are subject ______ our final confirmation, unless _____ stated or agreed upon, the quotations are net without commission. 5、 We’ve sent you sample cuttings we are handling at present ______ separate cover . 6、 ____reply ____ your letter on march 20. We are making you, without engagement, the following offer: 7 We have ____present only 50m/ts Bitter Apricot Kernels ___stock.
得 分
Hale Waihona Puke 三、 翻译题 (每题 5 分 共 50 分)
1、俄罗斯是世界上森林资 Please extend the above L/C to Oct.31 and Nov.15 for shipment and negotiation 源最丰富的国家, respectively 2、While(木材) we thank you for your letter dated July 9, we find it very regrettable to 蓄积量占世界 1/3;石油 point out that your prices appear to be on the high side and that there is no possibility of business 位居世界(第三) 3、 A reasonable reduction in price will induce more customers to place their orders with you. 4、 Any of items unsold at the end of this month, and which we decide not keep as stock, would be returned at our expense 5、 We should appreciate your airmailing us a report on the developments of your market.
6、本报盘以收到你方定单时,货未售出为有效。 7、兹报实盘,以我方时间 10 月 5 日星期四上午 10 时以前答复为有效。
第 3 页 共 4 页 试卷名称:
8、欣告贵方,标题订单项下的货物有现货可供。 9、为了避免日后改证,请请务必注意信用证规定应与合同条款完全一致 10、请将装运通知寄给我方,以便我方办理海关手续。
得 分
四、WRITING 20 分
Write a reply to ABC co. with the following particulars. 1.Acknowledge the receipt of their letter of June 27; 2.Agree to their proposal of establishing trade relations with you modity inspection will be handled by the bureau concerned in Shanghai.
1.试题可采用粘贴方式,请用 B5 纸打印,粘贴时不要超过边框。 2.本科课程的试题一般不留答题空间,答案写在专用答题纸上,专科课程试题一般要留答题空间,答 案直接做在试卷上。 命题教师签名: 黄霜林 教研室主任签名:万琳 日 期: 2015.06
第 1 页 共 4 页
5 Information indicate that some similar goods of Indian origin have been sold here _____ about 30% lower than yours. a. with a level b. at something c. at quotation d. with a figure
第 2 页 共 4 页 试卷名称:
19 Our usual terms of payment are ______ L/C and we hope they will be satisfactory ______ you. 20 That helps explain _____ business are setting up Net sites even though profits aren’t yet very big. a. that b. the reason c. why d. why that
6 As we are _____ of these goods, please expenditure shipment after receiving our L/C. a. in badly need b. badly in need c. urgent in need d. in urgent need 7 We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking, which must be strictly _____. a. observed b. abide by c. submitted d. seen 8 We ______ to allow you a special discount if you increase your order to 5,000 pairs. a. have prepared b. are prepare c. are prepared d. were prepared 9 The importance of delivery on time _____ overstressed, because failure to receive goods or service will cause serious inconvenience to the end-users. a. can b. be c. cannot be d. could be 10 _____ we would like to close the business with you, we find your bid unacceptable. a. Much b. However c. Much d. Despite 11 We wish to stress that shipment must be made within the prescribed time limit, as a further _____ will not be considered by our end-users. a. prolong b. protect c. extension d. expansion 12 With computer users linked to the Internet growing ______ every year, business is trying to cash in on the worldwide network. a. at million b. with a million c. with one million d. by millions 13 We regret having to remind you that 30% of the freight is still _______. a. owned b. owning c. outstanding d. understanding 14 ______ you fulfill the terms of the L/C, we will accept the drafts drawn under this credit. a. Provided b. Providing c. In the case d. Only if 15 Kindly advise us of the steamers that call _____ your port every month. a. at b. on c. in d. for 16 It should be _____ if you could immediately ______ what quantity you can supply us at present. a thankful, advise b. appreciate, advise c. appreciated, advise d. appreciating, inform 17 We thank you for your E-mail of November 25 ______ your purchase of 10 M/T wild rice. a. confirm b. confirming c. to confirm d. confirmed 18 Subject to satisfactory arrangements ______ terms and conditions, we should be pleased to act as your sole agent. a. as b. as per c. as if d. as to a. by, for b. by, to c. for, to d. for, with