



第一章船舶动力装置0001 “Before disconnecting the Oil pipe ,would you flush the oil retained in the pipe _______?”asked the oil barge owner.0001 B A.by using of fresh water (用淡水)B.with compressed air(用压缩空气)C.by using Of sea water (用海水)D.with chemical compound(用化学混合物)油驳主人问:“在拆开油管前,你能否用压缩空气吹出保留在管路中的油呢?”加油结束后,在拆卸油管前,一般用压缩空气吹洗残留在软管内的油。

0002 “Stand by an engine”means _____。


A.“prepare to stop the engine ”(准备停止主机)B.“assemble an engine on its bedplate”(在机座上装配主机)C.“make an engine ready for starting”(使主机准备好以便起动)D.“dismantle an engine ”(解体主机)0002C0003 A _______ is the foundation of the engine,without the support of which the shaftalignment in particular,and engine structure as whole,would inevitably be lost.(机座是柴油机的基本,没有它的支撑柴油机整机结构的精确的轴线对中将会失去)A.Frame (机架)B.Bedplate(机座) C. Cylinder (汽缸)D.Liner(缸套)“机座”是发动机的基础。



1. 当船舶载货浮于水面时,其排水量等于船舶所排开的水的重量。

2. 船舶排水量等于装载船舶的总重量。

3. 造船工程师和轮机工程师在某些方面的职责有重合。

4. 中速柴油机驱动的船舶需要采用减速齿轮箱来装配螺旋桨。

5. 为了有效工作,螺旋桨必须在较低的速度下运转。

6. 柴油机中,燃油的燃烧直接提供热能;燃气混合气作为工作介质,将热能转变为机械能。

7. 柴油机中,燃气混合气作为工作介质,将热能转变成机械能;连杆将往复运动变成回转运动。

8. 二冲程机和四冲程机的一个区别是二冲程机没有吸气冲程。

9. 二冲程机和四冲程机的一个区别是二冲程机没有鼓风机不能工作。

10. 柴油机中,当燃油喷入汽缸时,活塞已经上行运动经过了行程的大部分,几乎要到达上止点。

11. 扫气不充分是使二冲程机相对于同型的四冲程机的功率优势降低到1.8倍的主要原因。

12. 如果柴油机是自然吸气式或是一个带离心增压器的小型高速机,其气阀重叠期,即两阀都打开的时间,会短些,排气阀在上止点后10°关闭。

13. 二冲程柴油机的在扫气箱内的缸套上,有一串开口叫扫气口,在某些情况下,还有一些开口叫排气口。

14. 在某些二冲程柴油机中,缸盖上除了有一些小开孔安装燃油阀、起动阀、安全阀、示功阀等等之外,在缸盖中心有一个大的开孔,用于安装排气阀。

15. 在二冲程机中,活塞由上下两部构成,下部叫活塞裙,通常由铸铁制成;上部叫活塞头,由耐热钢制成。

16. 为了在汽缸磨合期保持住缸套上的油膜,活塞环的上下外缘都稍有倒角。

17. 为了控制热应力,某些类型的柴油机活塞使用薄壁结构和强化冷却。

18. 为了改善十字头轴承的工作状况,在最近的设计中减小了轴承压力,提高了圆周速度。

19. 当加热重油使其粘度达到10-15cst时,将会产生沸腾和气穴。


20. 来自燃油柜的燃油在进入日用柜前必须经过分油机处理,然后进入供油系统。



D轮机英语会话评估问答题参考答案第一章1. How long have you worked on board?(你在船上工作多长时间了?)(For 5 years.)五年了2. Which certificate do you have now?(你现在持有什么证书?)(2nd Engineer certificate.)大管证书3. What is your marital status? (你的婚姻状况是什么?)How many departments are there on board?(船上有多少个部门?)(I am unmarried. There are three departments on board. Such asengine, deck and service departments.)我未婚。


4. How many people are there in your family? Are you married?(你家里有几口人?你结婚了吗?)(Three. No, I’m not married.)三口,未婚5. How many countries have you ever been to?(你曾经去过多少个国家?)(Four. Such as Japan ,America,Canada......)四个,例如日本,美国,加拿大等等6. When did you begin to work on board? What kind of ship have you worked on?(你什么时候开始上船工作的?你在哪些类型的船上工作过?)(In 1999. Cargo ship.)1999年,货船7. How many important canals are there all over the world?(世界上有几大重要的运河?)(Two. the Panama and Suez.)两大运河,巴拿马和苏伊士运河8. Can you tell me what is the most important thing for a seafarer?(能不能告诉我对于一个船员来说最重要的事情是什么吗?)(Safety. Safety first)安全,安全第一9. What kinds of main engine and generator engine have you worked on?(你工作过的主机和发电机是什么类型的?)(Main engine: Sulzer, Man B & W engines and so on. Generator engine: Y ama, Watsila Diesel and so on.)主机:苏尔寿,Man B &W 主机等等,辅机:雅玛,瓦锡兰等等10. Which classification society is your ship registered with?你们的船在哪个船级社登记注册的?)(CCS.)中国船级社11. Have you worked any ship that caused damage in critical equipment?(你工作过的船发生过重大机损吗?)(Y es, I have worked on a cargo ship that the main engine had been damaged.)No, I served my job cautiously.是的,我工作过的货船主机损坏过12. How do you make your maintenance schedules?(如何制定你们的维修保养计划?)(It is based on ship’s planed maintenance sy stem and the machinery running hours records.)(它基于船舶计划维护保养体系和机器机械的运转时间记录)13. Could you list international conventions concerning marine shipping?(你能列举有关海运的国际公约吗?)(STCW, SOLAS, MARPOL, ISM Code and so on.)14. Could you tell the usages of the STCW convention?(你能谈谈STCW公约的用途吗?)(To provide standards of training, certification and watch keeping for seafarers.)(提供船员培训、发证和值班标准的国际公约。



轮机英语会话评估口述题参考答案翻译轮机英语会话评估口述参考答案第一章公共英语1. The engine room.The engine room is the heart of a ship. It is generally located at the stern near the ship bottom. In the engine room, there are a lot of machinery and systems, such as the main engine, the generator engine, boilers, pumps, the refrigerating system, and the air conditioning system. The main engine, also called the main propulsion plant,is the largest and most important one . The modern improvement of control systems results in machinery space remaining unattended for long periods. That is UMS.1 机舱机舱是船的心脏。






2. The engine department.There are five engineers and four motormen in the engine department on board my ship. We usually do some maintenance and repair work to keep the ship in good order. We also do some work to keep the engine room tidy and clean, such as sweeping the floor, remove the oil spilled, marking the pipes and valves with special color, etc.Working on board ship is not an easy job, so people have to cooperate well. In the engine department we get well along with each other. We are standing together regardless of situation.2 轮机部在我们的船上有五个轮机员和四个机工。



二、气缸 和气 缸盖
排 出[ 图
使发动机活塞对曲轴做功,随之驱动螺旋桨. 两次 喷油期间 的运转过 程叫一个 工作循环 。它
它在横向借助于侧楔垫螺栓,在纵向借助于端楔垫螺栓固定。 该句为并列句,由 连 接 。第二个分句省略了“
形机架顶部有一个结实的框架结构叫扫气箱。 该扫气箱分若干段,每段均带有垂直法







Two sets of radial piston pumps of the steering gear to be overhauled, if necessary, the ball bearings and all seal rings to be renewed with ship's spares. Any part if found damaged to be remedied or renewed. After refitted in order running test to be carried out in presence of second engineer. Reports for overhaul of pumps in triplicate to be handed over to chief engineer.2、舵机是船舶关键设备之一,其主要作用是控制船舶航向。



The steering gear is one of the key important services in the ship and its main function is to control the ship's course. Prior to a ship's departure from any port the steering gear should be tested by duty engineer and duty officer to ensure the safety of a ship. The emergency communication system between the bridge and the steering gear compartment should also be kept in good order.3、请给船舶供应商写一物料订购单,要求供应商在“万华”轮10月5日离开新加坡之前供应下列物料:(1)石棉手套100双(2)直径50mm紫铜棒一根(2m长)(3)乙炔两瓶,15公斤/瓶(4)直径4mm不锈钢电焊条10公斤(5)燃油改良剂5桶,30升/桶Store Order ListMV. WanHuaPort of SingaporeOct. first, 2006 To: Shipchandler Co.Dear Sirs,Please supply our vessel MV. WanHua with the following stores prior to leaving Singapore on fifth, Oct.(1)Asbestos glove 100pcs(2)Copper stick 1pc, Φ50mm,2m in length(3)Acetylene 2btls, 15Kg/btl(4)Stainless steel electrode 10Kgs, Φ4mm(5)Improver for fuel combustion 5barrels,30litres/barrelThank you very much.Yours faithfullySigned by_________4、坞修时将螺旋桨轴抽出检查测量,并换新首尾密封装置的密封圈。



11规则大连海事最新轮机英语题库翻译(一)作者:系统管理员来源:发布时间: [2014-02-21] 点击数: 761第一节 1.1.11. With____, the engine needs not to be aligned with reduction or propeller shaft.A. diesel engine propulsionB. diesel electric propulsionC. steam engine propulsionD.gas turbine propulsionB对于发电式柴油机,发动机不需要与减速齿轮或螺旋桨轴对中。

2. The_____ engine is used for alternators and sometimes for main propulsion witha gearbox to provide a propeller speed of between 90 and120 r/min.A. four-strokeB. slow-speedC. two-strokeD. reversibleA 四冲程柴油机用于交流发电机,有时用于主推进装置,带有减速齿轮箱,提供螺旋桨的速度为90-120转/分。

3. Each type of engine has its applications, which on board ship have resulted in the slow-speed main propulsion diesel operating ______cycle.A. on four-strokeB. both on two-stroke and on four-strokeC. on two-strokeD. either on two-stroke or on four-strokeC 每种柴油机都有其船上的应用,低速柴油机是以二冲程循环来工作的。



1 以任意吃水漂浮在水面上的载货船舶,它的排水量等于船体置换掉的相应质量的水。

;ship in loaded condition 船舶处于有负载的状况;arbitrary 任意的 water line (船的)吃水线,水位;displacement 排水量;equal to 等于,与……相等;relevant mass 相应的质量;displace 取代,置换2 船舶的排水量等于相应装载货物船舶的总重量。

;total weight 总重量;all told 副词,表示总计,总共,合计,用在这里强调是载货船舶总共的质量。

3 哪句话不正确?造船工程师与轮机员在职责上处于截然不同的区域。

;(应该是在一些范围内有所重叠);distinct divisions 截然不同的区域;naval architect 造船工程师,验船师;marine engineer 轮机员4 为什么中速柴油机驱动的船舶需要齿轮箱?为了安装固定螺旋桨轴。

(即螺旋桨轴不是直接由主机带动的,而是连接到齿轮箱的);gearbox 齿轮箱;fix 固定,安装,修理;propeller shaft 螺旋桨轴5 螺旋桨,为了更有效率的工作,必须以相对较低的速度旋转。

;in order to 为了;efficiently 有效率地;relatively 相关的,相对的6 在柴油机里,燃油的燃烧直接提供了热能,而燃烧过的气体混合物则作为工作介质将热能转变为机械能(即推动活塞做往复运动)。

;working medium 工作介质;change … to …将…转变为…;the burned gas mixture 燃烧过的气体混合物,即燃气7 在柴油机里,燃气作为工作介质并将热能转换为机械能,连杆则将往复运动转换为回转运动。

;working medium 工作介质;change … to …将…转变为…;the burned gas mixture 燃烧过的气体混合物,即燃气;reciprocating movement 往复运动;rotary movement 回转运动8 二冲程和四冲程柴油机的区别之一是:二冲程机工作中没有吸气过程。



轮机英语会话评估口述参考答案第一章公共英语1. The engine room.The engine room is the heart of a ship. It is generally located at the stern near the ship bottom. In the engine room, there are a lot of machinery and systems, such as the main engine, the generator engine, boilers, pumps, the refrigerating system, and the air conditioning system. The main engine, also called the main propulsion plant,is the largest and most important one . The modern improvement of control systems results in machinery space remaining unattended for long periods. That is UMS.1 机舱机舱是船的心脏。






2. The engine department.There are five engineers and four motormen in the engine department on board my ship. We usually do some maintenance and repair work to keep the ship in good order. We also do some work to keep the engine room tidy and clean, such as sweeping the floor, remove the oil spilled, marking the pipes and valves with special color, etc.Working on board ship is not an easy job, so people have to cooperate well. In the engine department we get well along with each other. We are standing together regardless of situation.2 轮机部在我们的船上有五个轮机员和四个机工。



第一章船舶动力装置1 加油结束后,在拆油管前,一般用压缩空气吹洗残留在软管内的油。

2 “发动机备车”意“使发动机准备起动”。

3 “机座”是发动机的基础。

4 在机械一液压式调速器中,感应发动机速度的部件是“飞重”5 直列式和V型发动机的机架上一般都有维修通道(导门)。

6 回流扫气中,扫气空气(温度较低)和废气(温度较高)经过相邻的气口。

7 十字头销变椭圆了,需要光车。

8 联锁装置可用来防止在发动机换向完成前启动空气进入到气缸。

9 燃油和滑油在进入发动机之前,都需要经过处理。

“Both A and B”意“A和B两者都”;“neither A norB”意“既不是A也不是B”;“eight A or B”意“A、B两者之一”。

10 滑油用作活塞冷却的一个好处是漏到曲柄箱不会产生污染问题。

11 通过吹入新鲜空气去除废气的过程叫“扫气”。


12 用作气缸和气缸头冷却的是淡水。

13 发动机运行过程中功率下降或失速的第一可能原因是轴承过热。

14 发动机曲轴失中可以通过测量臂距差来判断。

15 发动机A字架的顶部有扫气箱。

16 铝质活塞具有惯性小(重量轻)、热膨胀系数大的特点。

17 回流扫气式发动机中,扫气口和排气口布置在同一侧。

18 值班人员不能做任何影响其对主要机械和相关设备监视职责的工作。

19 气阀推杆间隙过小会引起排气阀过早打开、过晚关闭。

20 气阀推杆间隙过大会引起排气阀过晚打开、过早关闭。

21 与第20题重复。

22 选项中,较合理的答案只能是A。

更好的答案应该是“At the end of the compression stroke”。


23 增压压力愈高,发动机发出的功率也就愈大。

24 与第8题重复。

25 燃油喷射泵没有在正确调定,引起发火过早或过晚。

26 与第17题重复。

27 (燃油)调节杆没有在正确的位置,以致太多的燃油供应到相应的气缸中去了。



11规则大连海事最新轮机英语题库翻译(二)作者:系统管理员来源:发布时间: [2014-02-24] 点击数: 533第二节 1.2.11. The abbreviation “MIP” stands for____.A. middle indicating pressureB. mean indicated pitchC. mean indicated pressureD. middle indicate powerC缩写MIP指的是平均指示压力2. Which of the following can be obtained by means of an indicator card?A. the peak pressure in a cylinderB. the fuel consumptionC. the temperature of the cooling waterD. none of the other alternativesA气缸的爆发压力可以通过测取示功图获取3. The distance between TDC and BDC of the diesel engine is called a ____A.gapB. radiusC. clearanceD. strokeD从上止点到下止点的距离被称为冲程4. Energy losses due to ______occur in every machine.A. speedB. impactC. frictionD. atmosphereC机械中摩擦产生能力消耗5. The mechanical efficiency of an engine _____because losses occur in the form of frictionA. is always less than 100%B. is always equal to 90%C. is always more than 100%D. is always less than 90%A发动机的机械效率总是低于100%因为摩擦损失了不少能量6. Which of the following statements is not true?A. the slow-speed engine is the most common diesel engine throughout the world.B. the majority of high-speed engines operates on the four-stroke cycle.C. high-speed engines are suitable for driving trucks and busesD. if the rotational speed of an engine is over 1200r/min then it is a high-speed diesel engineA 全世界使用最广泛的柴油机是高速机,而不是低速机7. The main factor determining the output of each cylinder is the cylinder_______.A. densityB. boreC. weightD. materialB 决定气缸的输出功率的主要因素是缸径大小8. The rotating range of the slow-speed diesel engine is usually lower than ______.A.100 r/minB.200 r/minC.300 r/minD.500 r/minC低速机的旋转速度范围通常低于300转每分9. The ______the compression ratio, the _____the proportion of the heat energy of the combustion turned into useful work at the crankshaft, other things being equal.A. high/largeB. higher/largerC. lower/largerD. low/largeB压缩比越大,转换的有用功就越大10. Suppose the rated capacity of the main engine of a ship is 10000KW at 100 rated r/min, then when at 80 r/min its capacity should be ______.A.800 KWB.5120 KWC.6400 KWD.4180 KWB假定主机的额定功率是在100转每分的情况1000千瓦,如果转速是80转每分,功率是5120千瓦11. The minimum speed an engine must attain before ignition can occur dependupon____A. the type and size of the engineB. the condition of the engineC. ambient temperatureD. any one of the other alternativesD在发火之前发动机所能达到的最低速度取决于发动机的类型尺寸,发动机的工况以及环境温度12. Maximum horsepower of a diesel engine is attained_______.A. when the engine speed is pulled down by overloadB. at rated engine speedC. at 95% of rated engine speedD. at 95% of a properly adjusted governor rpm with the engine under full loadB发动机的最大功率是在额定转速下实现的13.”amidships” refers to _____.A. the back of vesselB. the middle portion of a shipC. the backward movement of a vesselD. across the ship, at right angles to the fore-and-aft centerlineB “amidships”指的是船舶的中间部分14. The order “_______” means “maximum maneuvering engine revolution for ahead propulsion”.A. full aheadB. half aheadC. full asternD. half asternA 全速前进是指最大的发动机转速,正车推进。



Passage 1(原题库第1篇)Valve drive mechanismThe valve drive mechanism commands the inlet and exhaust valves at the required timing.第3题The valve drive mechanism consists of an inlet and exhaust cam follower (8) each suspended in a plunger of the tappet assembly (7), two tubular push rods (4) with ball joints, two nodular cast iron rocker arms (2) suspended in a rocker arm bearing bracket, two yokes (5) and a yoke guide pins. See Fig. 4-1.The tappet rollers follow the cam profiles and transfer the movements through push rods to the rocker arms.第4题The rocker arms operate the inlet and exhaust valves through yokes (5).Lubrication for the rocker arms comes from the engine's secondary oil supply manifold throughdrillings in the cylinder head and rocker arm bracket.第2题The tappet assembly receives lubricating oil via channels in the engine block from the main supply manifold. For the roller and shaft, the oil is supplied through the guiding plunger.第4题To compensate for heat expansion a clearance must exist between the rocker arm and yoke.第1题All adjustments have to be done on a cold engine only.1. According to the Passage, the best time to adjust the valve clearance is _____.A. before the engine is startedB. when the engine is runningC. after the engine has just been stoppedD. when something has gone wrong with the engine注:根据文章来看,调节阀间隙的最好时间是在发动机启动之前。


19 what should be paid attention to in the overhaul of a cylinder.
Every operating must be complied with the precaution measures regulated in the SMS.
1 please introduce one type of the main engine
The main engine is large bore two-stroke crosshead type with turbo charging system.
5. how many countries have you ever been to?
I have been to seven countries.
6. when did you begin to work on board? What kind of ship have you worked on?
9. what kinds of main engine and generator engine have you worked on?
Large slow speed crosshead type marine diesel engine and A.C generator.





During inspection of the machinery spaces, if the PSCO found missing valve hand wheels, evidence of chronic water and oil leaks or extensive corrosion of machinery foundations are pointers to an unsatisfactory organization of the system’s maintenance. If found a largenumber of temporary repairs, including pipe clips or cement boxes, will indicate reluctance to make permanent repairs.78.我轮仍在安特卫普港修理主机。




My vessel is still at ANTWERP undergoing repairs to the main engine. Now bedplate and crankshaft have been delivered to the vessel and two engine manufacturers’ representatives were, as of 25/10, carrying out the engine rebuild. One piston assembly and one liner had to be renewed. The engine would be in position to align and chok 28/10. futher work is expected to take an additional seven days.3080277. PSC官员如果发现大量的临时修理,例如管路卡箍和水泥堵漏箱,则表明船舶不愿意进行永久性修理。


至两台发电机有相同的电压。The circuit breaker connecting the second machine to the bus‐bar
can now be closed and the field current adjusted to enable the generator to take its share of the
动辅助设备的电动机,也用于甲板机械、照明、通风和空气调节设备。A constanபைடு நூலகம் supply of
electricity is essential for safe ship and machinery operation, and therefore standby or additional
flame, i.e. contain any fire or explosion.它必须能阻止火焰的传递,也就是能容纳任何火焰或爆
Alternating current supply 交流电的供电
The Supply to a distribution system will usually come form(from?) two or more generators
and the bus‐bars, so that one instrument can display, one of a number of values. 这使他们能相
中的一个。The wattmeter measures the power being used in a circuit, which, because of the



轮机英语翻译及课后答案1. how long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for 10 years.1。


2. which certificate do you have now?I have the second engineer's certificate.2,该证书你有吗?我有个工程师的证书3. what is your marital status?how many departments are there on board?I am married. There are there departments on board.3,什么是您的婚姻状况?有多少部门在船上呢?我结婚了。


4. how many people are there in your family? Are you married?There are there people in my family. Yes,I am married.4,有多少人在你的家庭吗?你结婚了吗?那里有我的家人的人。

是的,我结婚了5. how many countries have you ever been to?I have been to seven countries.5,有多少个国家,你有没有去过?我到过7个国家。

6. when did you begin to work on board? What kind of ship have youworked on?I began to work on board in 2000.i have worked on bulk sarriers.6,你什么时候开始在船上工作的?什么样的船你工作呢?我开始在船上工作2000.i对散装sarriers工作。



11规则大连海事轮机英语最新题库翻译(八)作者:系统管理员来源:发布时间: [2014-04-02] 点击数: 486第2节船用泵词汇记忆:air cushion 气垫Bbalancing hole 平衡孔ballast 压载水bi-directional operation 双向操作bilge water 舱底水branch 支路,支管bursting discharge pressure破坏性排放压力Ccasing 泵壳cavitation 气蚀charge-over chest 转换阀箱clog 脏堵circuit breaker 回路断路器Ddeck scupper 甲板排水孔diffuser 扩压器discharge head 排放压头domestic water 日常用水Eeductor喷射泵ejector pump 喷射泵emergency bilge pump应急舱底水泵Ffeeler gauge塞尺/测隙规floating ring 浮环fluid 流体Gglobe valve 球阀Hheel 横倾helical pump螺旋泵hydro-pneumatic tank 液压气动柜Iidle 从动impeller 叶轮in series 串联in parallel 并联Kkinetic energy 动能Lleakage 泄漏Mmanufacturer 生产商mechanical energy 机械能mechanical seal 机械密封megger 兆欧表misalignment 未对中mono type 单螺杆式mud box 泥箱multistage 多级Nnegative suction head负吸入压头Ppack 填料(盘根)pitch 螺距potable water 饮用水potential energy 势能pressure energy 压力能prime 引液,灌注(-r引液装置)pulsation 脉动(non-无脉动)Rradial thrust 径向力regardless of 无关rotational ring 转环rotor 转子Ssaturation temperature 饱和温度scoring 划痕Sea chest 海底阀箱self-priming 自吸sleeve 轴套square 平方static suction lift 静吸入提升(压头)stationary ring静环steady 平稳,稳定stop-check valve 截止阀stuffing box 填料函suction head 吸入压头symmetrical impeller 对称叶轮Tthrottle 节流triple -screw pump 三螺杆泵Vviscosity 黏度Volume 体积Volute 涡壳Wwearing ring 承磨环考点一:泵的类型☐displacement pump 容积泵☐reciprocating pump 往复泵☐direct acting type直接作用式☐Power type动力驱动式☐crank-fly wheel type曲轴飞轮式☐rotary pump 回转泵☐Gear type齿轮式☐Vane type叶片式☐screw type螺杆式☐piston type柱塞式☐cam-and-piston type凸轮柱塞式☐Centrifugal离心泵☐Volute type涡壳式☐Diffuser type导轮式☐mixed-flow type混流式☐axial flow type轴流式☐turbine or regenerative type旋涡式2.2.1 船用泵类型1. A vane pump belongs to _____according to its working principleA. reciprocating pumpsB. positive displacement pumpsC. centrifugal pumpsD. centripetal pumps答案为B。



11规则大连海事最新轮机英语题库翻译(九)作者:系统管理员来源:发布时间: [2014-04-02] 点击数: 453第3节船舶制冷和空调装置2.3. 1 制冷原理和制冷循环词汇记忆Aabsorb 吸收ammonia 氨水Bboiling point 沸点Ccoil 盘管compressor 压缩机condensation point 冷凝点condense 冷凝condenser 冷凝器Eevaporate 蒸发evaporator 蒸发器expansion valve 膨胀阀Fflash 闪发Freon 氟利昂fusion 熔化Hhalogenated hydrocarbon 卤化烃Llatent heat 潜热Rrefrigerant 制冷剂release 释放Ssaturation temperature 饱和温度sensible heat 显热solenoid valve 电磁阀subcool 过冷superheat 过热Tthrottle 节流Vvaporize 汽化1. The temperature of the refrigerant in the evaporator coil,depends mostly uponthe _.A. refrigerant pressure in the evaporatorB. cooling water temperature to the condenserC. heat load in the refrigerator compartmentD. solenoid valve in the liquid line答案为A。


2. The low pressure side of a refrigeration system is considered to exist from the _.A. expansion valve to the compressorB. receiver to the expansion coilC. expansion valve to the evaporatorD. condenser to the expansion valve答案为A。



11规则大连海事最新轮机英语题库翻译(十)作者:系统管理员来源:发布时间: [2014-04-02] 点击数: 918样章第2章船舶辅助机械第4节船舶防污染设备【知识点】船舶防污染设备(pollution prevention equipment)主要包括以下三种设备:1. 油水分离器oily water separator2. 焚烧炉 incinerator3. 生活污水处理装置 sewage treatment equipment【词汇记忆】Aaeration tank 曝气柜aerobic 好氧的anaerobic 厌氧的agitate 搅动Bbacteria 细菌ballast water 压载水bilge water舱底水bio-filter tank 生物滤池bubble 气泡Ccatch plate捕集板clog 堵塞coalescer 聚合过滤器coalescence 聚合coalescing insert 聚合滤芯coarse separating compartment 粗分离室contamination 污染demulsibility 抗乳化性detect v. 探测detector 探测器disinfection 消毒disinfection agent 消毒剂dump chute 投料口Eemulsify v. 乳化emulsification n. 乳化Gglobule 水滴Iimpurity 杂质incinerator 焚烧炉inert 惰性interval 间隔Mmaceration 粉粹monitor监测器Ooil/water mixture油水混合物oil collecting space集油室oily water separator油水分离器organic matter 有机物overhaul 大修oxygen 氧气Ppollution prevention equipment 防污染设备purity 净化Ssensor 感应器sewage 生活污水slop tank 污水舱sludge 油渣,污油solenoid valve 电磁阀sterilization compartment 消毒室,灭菌室surface tension 表面张力【习题详解】2.4.1 油水分离器的工作原理及运行管理1. Would an increase in flow rate through the separator improve the separation of oil and water?A. NoB. YesC. It makes no differenceD. The separator works under all condition答案为A。


The warming through period should extend over a period of approximately four hours. 整个暖机
Check through the crankcase, etc. for any tools, obstructions, or waste material and remove
telephones to the bridge and Chief Engineer’s office. 确认机舱车钟功能正常,同时查看(机舱)
Check the reversing and control gear, running direction safety interlocks, auto‐shut‐down
from all the bearings and then close up the crankcase. 起动滑油泵,在工作压力下检查各轴承
油流是否均匀一致,之后关闭曲拐箱。On engines having oil cooled pistons the lubricating oil
pre‐heater must be put into operation and the rate of heating so arranged that the temperature
air system. 向空气瓶打气至最高压力,将空气瓶及空气系统放残。The scavenge drains should
be cracked open. The drains from diaphragm glands should be slightly open. 稍稍开启扫气箱放
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1. 当船舶载货浮于水面时,其排水量等于船舶所排开的水的重量。

2. 船舶排水量等于装载船舶的总重量。

3. 造船工程师和轮机工程师在某些方面的职责有重合。

4. 中速柴油机驱动的船舶需要采用减速齿轮箱来装配螺旋桨。

5. 为了有效工作,螺旋桨必须在较低的速度下运转。

6. 柴油机中,燃油的燃烧直接提供热能;燃气混合气作为工作介质,将热能转变为机械能。

7. 柴油机中,燃气混合气作为工作介质,将热能转变成机械能;连杆将往复运动变成回转运动。

8. 二冲程机和四冲程机的一个区别是二冲程机没有吸气冲程。

9. 二冲程机和四冲程机的一个区别是二冲程机没有鼓风机不能工作。

10. 柴油机中,当燃油喷入汽缸时,活塞已经上行运动经过了行程的大部分,几乎要到达上止点。

11. 扫气不充分是使二冲程机相对于同型的四冲程机的功率优势降低到1.8倍的主要原因。

12. 如果柴油机是自然吸气式或是一个带离心增压器的小型高速机,其气阀重叠期,即两阀都打开的时间,会短些,排气阀在上止点后10°关闭。

13. 二冲程柴油机的在扫气箱内的缸套上,有一串开口叫扫气口,在某些情况下,还有一些开口叫排气口。

14. 在某些二冲程柴油机中,缸盖上除了有一些小开孔安装燃油阀、起动阀、安全阀、示功阀等等之外,在缸盖中心有一个大的开孔,用于安装排气阀。

15. 在二冲程机中,活塞由上下两部构成,下部叫活塞裙,通常由铸铁制成;上部叫活塞头,由耐热钢制成。

16. 为了在汽缸磨合期保持住缸套上的油膜,活塞环的上下外缘都稍有倒角。

17. 为了控制热应力,某些类型的柴油机活塞使用薄壁结构和强化冷却。

18. 为了改善十字头轴承的工作状况,在最近的设计中减小了轴承压力,提高了圆周速度。

19. 当加热重油使其粘度达到10-15cst时,将会产生沸腾和气穴。


20. 来自燃油柜的燃油在进入日用柜前必须经过分油机处理,然后进入供油系统。

21. 5um全流通滤器应尽可能靠近主机安装,以保护主机喷油系统的组件。

22. 用于向副机提供柴油的增压泵应当可以由压缩空气或应急电源驱动。

23. 固体杂质会损坏燃油泵、喷油器、缸套、排气阀座和增压器叶片。

24. 作为传统海水冷却系统的一种替代形式,中央冷却系统在冷却器位置、液流控制和系统预热方面基于相同的原理,只是附加了一个中央冷却器和一套泵。

25. 在除气柜和膨胀柜之间安装的报警器能向值班船员报告主机的故障。

26. 中央冷却系统需要最少量的维护工作,因为这种系统只有一个设备与海水接触。

27. 关于缸套冷却水,副机的冷却水泵由主机驱动,而主机则有一个独立的冷却水泵。

28. 为了维持主机缸套水出口温度保持在80-85°之间,在缸套水出口装有一个三通阀以控制通过冷却器的冷却水流量。

29. 在现代装备中,主机和备用副机保持在恒定的温度下,不用预热即可启动。

30. 船用柴油机依靠向汽缸中供入高压空气来启动。

31. 船舶柴油机的启动空气系统通常有连锁装置,以避免在某些异常情况下启动。

32. 在启动系统中,自动阀由控制空气控制,汽缸启动阀也由控制空气控制。

33. 当活塞刚过上止点时,启动空气开始进入汽缸。

34. 启动主机时,压缩空气进入汽缸时,相应的活塞处于动力行程。

35. 主机启动达到足够高的转速后,例如20rpm,启动空气切断,燃油喷入汽缸。

36. 空气分配器通常由凸轮轴驱动,按一定的顺序将启动空气分配到各缸。

37. 提高燃烧效率不是滑油的功能。

38. 大型十字头式柴油机一般有两个润滑系统:供给汽缸润滑的全消耗系统和用于润滑运动机构及冷却活塞的循环系统。

39. 在某些柴油机的设计中,汽缸油是定时注入的,在活塞上行时注油,且只注射到活塞环带上。

40. 大型十字头式柴油机一般有两种润滑系统,汽缸油系统独有的功能是密封作用。

41. 大型十字头式柴油机一般有两种润滑系统,曲柄箱油系统独有的功能是冷却作用。

42. 使用劣质冷却油将使其性能恶化,在活塞冠上形成沉积物,从而导致热传递大幅度下降,产生过热和热裂。


43. 换气是内燃机循环的一个基本部分,是指新鲜空气的供入和废气的排出。

44. “在大多数现代柴油机中,使用废气涡轮增压实现空气密度的增加。



45. 当增压空气接触到汽缸和活塞,和残余废气混合后,它的温度将升高。

46. 在重叠期间穿过汽缸的空气所产生的冷却效果是有益的。

47. 在低速二冲程机中,当进气阀被下行活塞打开时,新鲜空气进入汽缸;当进气阀被上行的活塞关闭时,空气停止进入汽缸。

48. 缸套水用于大型柴油机启动前暖缸。

49. 在主机启动前,不用检查海水温度。

50. 当车钟的方向手柄移动时,凸轮轴和曲轴的相对位置随之相应改变。

51. 积碳会影响燃油的喷射雾化。

52. 燃油的沥青过多会在喷油器的喷嘴处形成积碳。

53. 传动系统将动力从主机传递到螺旋桨上,它由轴、轴承和螺旋桨组成。

54. 推力块将螺旋桨的推力传递到船体。

57. 螺旋桨由一个桨毂和桨毂上的多个螺旋形桨叶组成。

59. 传统喷油系统中,喷油压力在某种程度上随主机转速而波动;而在共轨柴油机中,喷油压力不受转速影响。

60. 在共轨柴油机中,燃油喷入汽缸前,存储于共用的燃油管中。

61. 在共轨柴油机中,由信号控制打开电磁阀,将燃油喷入汽缸。

62. 共轨柴油机用一台或两台高压油泵给所有的汽缸供油,另外还有一个备用泵;而传统柴油机的每个缸都有一个单独的高压油泵。

63. 共轨柴油机只有一台或两台高压油泵同时工作,可以更精确灵活地控制各缸的喷油。

64. 共轨柴油机在燃烧性能方面显示了巨大的优势,特别是在低速和低负载的情况下尤为明显。

65. 为了满足市场的要求,船用柴油机不能体积太大。

66. 主机改成电子控制的主要目的不是满足高转速的要求。

67. 如果凸轮控制的主机在额定转速下喷油压力正常,低速时的喷油压力会降低一些。

68. 如果无凸轮轴的主机在额定转速下喷油压力正常,低速时的喷油压力也会完全不变。

69. 具有更短的大修周期不是电控主机的特点。

70. 电控主机使用液压动力系统取代了机械式排气阀操纵系统。

78. 防止锅炉中的水倒流入供水管的阀叫做供水止回阀。

84. 吹灰器应按合理步骤使用,将烟灰吹向上升烟道。

85. 接班时,锅炉检查的第一项是查看锅炉水位。

86. 炉膛耐火材料的主要作用之一是避免炉膛热量损失过多。

95. 当热负荷开始增加时,膨胀阀的针阀会开大。

96. 当制冷需求量减小时,膨胀阀会开小。

97. 恒温阀有节流作用,就是说该阀能使制冷剂的压力下降。

98. 热力膨胀阀与离开盘管时的蒸汽过热度相对应(根据过热度调节其开度)。

99. 热力膨胀阀的温包安装在蒸发器盘管出口附近。

101. 电磁阀可以被归类为磁性截止阀。

102. 关于压缩机中的制冷剂压力和温度,发生的主要变化是制冷剂压力和温度都上升。

103. 冷凝器中的R-12过冷的目的是防止液体闪发。

104. 制冷系统冷凝器顶部的放气阀的作用是清除任何可能积聚在系统中的空气。

105. 压缩机上用于低压控制和高压切断的设备叫压力控制器。

106. 锌板安装在冷凝器的海水侧。

107. 制冷系统中的空气或不可凝性气体通过放气阀除去。

110. 如果氟利昂系统的管子接头没有使用垫圈,接头必须是研磨接头。

114. 安全阀安装在压缩机排出侧。

116. 沉淀过滤器安装在主阀和膨胀阀之间(防止杂质堵塞膨胀阀的节流孔)。

120. 向空气中加入水分以提高相对湿度的过程叫加湿。

121. 空调系统中包含冷却盘管和滤器的主配风管道叫总管。

122. 在离心式氟利昂制冷系统中,可以通过提高压缩机速度增加系统的总制冷量。

123. 大气中的湿度可以用(干湿球)湿度计测量。

124. 安装在压缩机吸入管路中,用于防止热气融霜时液体进入压缩机的装置叫做回热器。

125. 离心式压缩机的除气回收装置(净化装置)用于除去空气同时不损失冷剂。

126. 生活污水不是舱底水的组成部分。

127. 当舱底水在储存柜中加热时,不正确的叙述是:高温对分离舱底水中的乳化油不起作用。

128. 排放舱底水时,必须遵守国际的、国家的和当地的要求。

129. 横流膜过滤可以用于处理乳化油。

130. 能够满足MEPC 107(49)高于MEPC60(33)的要求的油水分离器的优点是分离乳化油的能力更强。

131. 有助于舱底水中油的乳化的方法是多使用溶剂。

132. 重力分离不能用于分离舱底水中不可分离性乳化油。

133. 除了粉碎或研磨过的食物残渣外,各类垃圾均不能在特殊海域排放。

134. 当垃圾中混合一些排放处理要求不同的排放物时,应执行最严格的要求。

136. 是细菌将生活污水中的有机物转变成化学性和生物性都不活泼的泥渣(惰性污泥),从而降低了生化需氧量。

137. 活在有氧环境中的细菌叫好氧菌。

138. 厌氧菌将生活污水转变成惰性泥渣时,不需要氧气。

139. 燃油和滑油进入主机前都需要处理。

140. 燃油处理包括储存(沉淀)、加热、过滤和离心分离。

141. 离心机用于分离两种液体或一种液体和其中的固体,如污油。

144. “离心机包括一台电动机驱动立轴,其顶部装有分离筒组件。


145. 分离筒上下部各自独立的离心机通过自动将上下部分离进行排渣。

146. 分水机排渣前,停止进油,注入冲洗水。

147. 闪发式造水机将加热的海水排入一个腔室,这个腔室中的压力低于进入腔室的热海水的蒸发压力,由此产生的闪发水蒸汽随后被冷凝。

148. 闪发式造水机的闪发装置的设计极为重要,因为它必须提供最适宜的给水雾化状态以促进闪发过程,同时还必须维持相邻两级之间的压差。

149. 不能为闪发式造水机制造真空的是:离心泵。

150. 闪发式造水机和潜管式造水机的不同点在于前者通过压差使水蒸发。

151. 闪发式造水机的海水加热器需要维持一个足够低的温度使结垢减到最少。

152. 闪发式造水机的除雾器位于冷凝器之前。

166. 当系泊设备断电时,只有刹车过载,才能放出缆绳;只有手动操作,才能收入缆绳。

167. 在自动绞缆机中,缆绳在预设最大张力时放出,在张力较小时收回。

168. 正齿轮传动绞缆机比蜗轮传动的优点是反转时齿轮组的效率更高。

171. 变量泵的倾斜盘(swash plate)的另外一个名字叫做倾斜片(tiltable disc)。

175. 电压240伏、电阻8欧,电流是30安培。

177. 交流发电机的输出电压通过改变直流砺磁电压控制。

178. 发电机的电刷交错设置以避免整流器磨损不均匀。
