netlingk HTB-3100光纤收发器




















四。 技术参数
标准:IEEE 802.3 10BaseT, IEEE 802.3u
100Base-TX, 100Base-FX
接口:双绞线: RJ45
LED:PWR,FX 100,FX Link/Act,
FDX,TX 100,TX Link/Act
3。将电源适配器的DC插头接到光纤收发器的DC插座上,再将电源适配器的AC插头插入AC插座,接通电源,此时光纤收发器的POWER灯亮,其它指示灯先按自检顺序依次闪亮,自检完成后将根据光纤收发器所检测到与之对接网络设备的电口状态来决定收发器电口的工作状态。如果检测不到对接设备(例如对接设备未开机等),收发器电口的状态为自适应,即不确定,所以TX LINK和TX 100指示灯均不亮。而光纤口因为已设定为100M全双工状态,所以FX 100和FX FDX指示灯将亮。
FX Link/Act:灯常亮表示光纤链路连接正确;灯闪亮表示光纤中有数据在传输;
TX 100:灯亮表示双绞线传输速率为100Mbps;
TX Link/Act:灯常亮表示双绞线链路连接正确;灯闪亮表示双绞线中有数据在传输。
HTB-1100S是10/100M自适应双纤双向单模光纤收发器,它完全符合IEEE802.3 10BaseT,IEEE802.3u 100BaseTX, 100Base-FX标准。并已通过了信息产业部电信设备进网检测,所有技术指标全部达到了入网标准。





















NETGEAR N300 WiFi USB 适配器模型 WNA3100 安装指南说明书

NETGEAR N300 WiFi USB 适配器模型 WNA3100 安装指南说明书

Installatiehandleiding N300 WiFi USB-adapterModel WNA3100Inhoud van de verpakkingInstallatie-cdUSB-kabel enadapterhouder Installatie1. Plaats de installatie-cd in het cd-romstation van uw computer om de NETGEARgenie-software te installeren. Blader als het hoofdscherm van de cd niet wordtweergegeven naar de bestanden op de cd en dubbelklik op Autorun.exe.2. Klik op Setup (Installeren).Het scherm Software Update Check (Controleren op updates) wordt weergegeven.3. Klik als u verbinding met internet hebt op Check for Updates (Controleren opupdates). Klik als u geen verbinding met internet hebt op Install from CD(Installeren vanaf cd).4. Klik op I agree (Akkoord) om de licentieovereenkomst te accepteren en klikvervolgens op Next (Volgende).Er wordt een bericht weergegevenwaarin u wordt gevraagd te wachtentotdat de software is geïnstalleerd (deinstallatie kan enkele minuten duren).U wordt gevraagd de adapter teplaatsen.5. Plaats de adapter in een USB-poortop uw computer of gebruik demeegeleverde USB-kabel enadapterhouder om de adapter aan tesluiten.De USB-kabel en adapterhouderkunnen het bereik van uw adaptervergroten en de draadloze ontvangstverbeteren. Plaats de adapter in dehouder en sluit de USB-kabel aan opde computer.6. Klik op Next(Volgende).7. NETGEAR genie toont een lijst met draadloze netwerken in uw omgeving.Verbinding maken met een draadloos netwerkU kunt via dit NETGEAR genie-scherm verbinding maken met een draadloosnetwerk of, als uw netwerk dit ondersteunt, WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) gebruiken.• NETGEAR genie: klik op uw draadloze netwerk om het te selecteren in de lijsten klik vervolgens op Connect (Verbinden).Als het netwerk is beveiligd, voert uhet wachtwoord of de netwerksleutel in.• WPS: houd de WPS-knop aan de zijkant van de adapter 2 seconden ingedrukt.Druk binnen 2 minuten op de WPS-knop op uw draadloze router of gateway.De adapter maakt verbinding met het netwerk. Dit kan enkele minuten duren.Uw instellingen worden in een profiel opgeslagen.December 2014© NETGEAR, Inc. NETGEAR en het NETGEAR-logo zijn handelsmerken van Netgear, Inc. Alle niet-NETGEAR-handelsmerken worden alleen gebruikt voor referentiedoeleinden.De status van uw verbinding controlerenNa de installatie van uw adapter verschijnt het pictogram NETGEAR genie van de adapter in het systeemvak van Windows en op het bureaublad. U kunt op dit pictogram dubbelklikken om NETGEAR genie te openen en wijzigingen aan te brengen of verbinding te maken met een ander WiFi-netwerk. De kleur van het pictogram geeft de sterkte van uw WiFi-verbinding aan:Wit : Sterke verbinding Geel : Zwakke verbinding Rood : Geen verbindingAls u de adapter verwijdert, is NETGEAR genie niet beschikbaar en wordt het pictogram niet weergegeven. Het pictogram verschijnt weer als u de adapterterugplaatst.OndersteuningBedankt voor het aanschaffen van dit NETGEAR-product.Zoek nadat u het product hebt geïnstalleerd het serienummer op het etiket van het product en gebruik dit om het product te registreren op https// .Registreer uw product om de telefonische ondersteuning van NETGEAR te kunnen gebruiken. NETGEAR raadt aan dat u het product registreert via de website van NETGEAR. Ga naar voor productupdates en ondersteuning via internet.NETGEAR raadt aan dat u uitsluitend gebruikmaakt van de officiële NETGEAR-ondersteuningsbronnen.De gebruikershandleiding is online verkrijgbaar op of via een koppeling in de gebruikersinterface van het product.De huidige EU-conformiteitsverklaring vindt u op/app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.Voor informatie over de naleving van wettelijke voorschriften gaat u naar /about/regulatory/.Neem het document over de naleving van wettelijke voorschriften door voordat u de stroomtoevoer aansluit.Alleen voor binnenshuis. Verkrijgbaar in alle lidstaten van de EU, EFTA en in Zwitserland.。

NETGEAR N300 WiFi Range Extender WN3100RPv2 快速入门指南

NETGEAR N300 WiFi Range Extender WN3100RPv2 快速入门指南

N300 WiFi Range Extender Model WN3100RPv2Meet Your ExtenderBefore you install your extender, familiarize yourself with its LEDs, buttons, and port.Hardware FeaturesRouter Arrow LED Client Arrow LEDRouter Link LED Client Link LEDPower LEDWPS LEDPass-through power socket (varies by region)Ethernet port Factory Reset buttonWPS button Device On/Off switchPower connector (varies by region)LED DescriptionsRouter Link LED This LED indicates the connection between the extender and the router or access point.Solid green. Best connection.Solid ambe r. Good connection.Solid red. Poor connection.Off. No connection.Client Link LED This LED indicates the connection between the extender anda computer or WiFi device.Solid green. Best connection.Solid amber. Good connection.Solid red. Poor connection.Off. No connection.Power LED Solid amber. The extender is booting.Solid green. The extender is powered on.Off. The extender is powered off.WPS LED Solid green. WiFi security is enabled (WPA or WPA2).Blinking green. A WPS connection is in progress.Off. WiFi security is not enabled.Note: If the Router Arrow LED or Client Arrow LEDblinks, see Find the Best Location on page 10. If no arrow LEDs light, the extender is in a good location.Use the Extender in Extender ModePlace the extender, apply power, and connect it to your WiFi network. Place the Extender and Apply Power1. Place your extender in the same room as your WiFi router.Proximity to the WiFi router is required only during the initial setupprocess.2. Plug the extender into an electrical outlet.Wait for the Power LED to light amber and then turn green. If the Power LED does not light, slide the Device On/Off switch on the side of the extender to the On position.Connect to an Existing WiFi NetworkTo extend the range of your WiFi network, you must connect the extender to your existing WiFi network. You can do this in one of two ways:• Connect with WPS. For more information, see Connect with WPS on page 6.• Connect with web browser setup. For more information, see Connect with Web Browser Setup on page 8.Connect with WPSWi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) lets you join a secure WiFi network without typing the network name and password.Note: WPS does not support WEP network security. If you are using WEP security, follow the instructions in Connect with Web Browser Setup on page 8.1. Press the WPS button on the side panel of the extender.The WPS LED blinks.2. Within two minutes, press the WPS button on your router or accesspoint.The WPS LED on the extender lights solid green, the Router Link LED lights, and the extender connects to your existing WiFi network.If the Router Link LED does not light, try again. If it still does not light, see Connect with Web Browser Setup on page 8.3. Find the new extender network name on your computer or WiFidevice.The extender’s wireless network name (SSID) changes to your existing WiFi network name, with _EXT at the end of the name, for example:• Existing WiFi network name. MyNetworkName• New extended network name. MyNetworkName_EXT4. Connect your computer or WiFi devices to the new extended WiFinetwork.Use the same WiFi password that you use for your WiFi router.5. Unplug the extender and move it to a new location closer to the areawith a poor WiFi signal.The location that you choose must be within the range of yourexisting WiFi router network.6. Plug the extender into an electrical outlet.Wait for the Power LED to light amber and then turn green. If the Power LED does not light, slide the Device On/Off switch on the side of the extender to the On position.7. Use the Router Link LED on the front panel to help you choose a spotwhere the extender-to-router connection is optimal.Connect with Web Browser Setup1. Use a WiFi network manager on a computer or WiFi device to find andconnect to the NETGEAR_EXT (SSID) WiFi network.After the connection with the computer or WiFi device is established, the Client Link LED lights.2. Open a web browser window from the same computer or WiFi device.The browser takes you directly to the extender login screen. If you are not automatically directed to login screen, enter in the address field.The login screen displays.3. Click the NEW EXTENDER SETUP button.The Create Account screen displays.4. Complete the fields on the Create Account screen and click the NEXTbutton.5. Select your country or region from the Regional Settings menu andclick the NEXT button.6. Click the WIFI RANGE EXTENDER button.7. Select a WiFi network to extend and click the NEXT button.8. Type the existing WiFi network password (also called passphrase orsecurity key) in the Password (Network Key) field and click theNEXT button.9. Set the network name (SSID) and password for your new extenderWiFi network and click the NEXT button.10. Use a WiFi network manager on the computer or WiFi device toconnect to the new extended WiFi network.Repeat this step for all of your computers and WiFi devices.11. Click the CONTINUE button.A message displays confirming that the extender is connected to thenew extended WiFi network.12. Click the NEXT button.The registration screen displays.13. Complete the registration fields and click the FINISH button tocomplete the setup.14. If you do not want to register your extender, click the SkipRegistration link.Note that you must register your extender before you can useNETGEAR telephone support.The Status screen displays.15. Unplug the extender and move it to a new location closer to the areawith a poor WiFi signal.The location that you choose must be within the range of yourexisting WiFi router network.16. Plug the extender into an electrical outlet.Wait for the Power LED to light amber and then turn green. If the Power LED does not light, slide the Device On/Off switch to the On position.Use the Router Link LED to help you choose a spot where the extender-to-router connection is optimal.Find the Best LocationIf the WiFi signal is weak, the first time you join the extender network, an arrow LED blinks for two minutes. If this happens, adjust the position of the extender.• If the Router Arrow LED blinks, move the extender closer to the router.• If the Client Arrow LED blinks, move the computer or WiFi device closer to the extender.If no arrow LEDs are lit, the extender is in a good location.Connect an Ethernet-Enabled DeviceAfter the extender is connected to your existing WiFi network, you can connect a wired device to the extender using an Ethernet cable. That1.on page 5.2.For more information, see Connect to an Existing WiFi Network onpage 5.3. Plug the Ethernet cable from an Ethernet-enabled device in to theEthernet port on the extender.Use the Extender in Access Point Mode You can use the extender as a WiFi access point, which creates a new WiFi1. Plug the extender into an electrical outlet.Wait for the Power LED to light amber and turn green. If thePower LED does not light, slide the Device On/Off switch on theside of the extender to the On position.2. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the extender to the router EthernetLAN port or the remote Ethernet LAN jack with LAN access.The extender joins the LAN and creates a WiFi hotspot.3. Use a WiFi network manager on a computer or WiFi device to find andconnect to the NETGEAR_EXT (SSID) WiFi network.After the connection with the computer or WiFi device is established, the Client Link LED lights.4. Launch a web browser and enter in the addressfield.A login screen displays.5. Click the NEW EXTENDER SETUP button.The Create Account screen displays.6. Complete the fields on the Create Account screen and click the NEXTbutton.7. Select your country or region from the Regional Settings menu andclick the NEXT button.8. Click the ACCESS POINT button.The extender checks for an Internet connection.9. Set the network name (SSID), security option, and password, and clickthe NEXT button.Your settings are applied and the extender is ready to be used as an access point.10. Use a WiFi network manager on the computer or WiFi device toconnect to the new access point network.Repeat this step for all of your computers and WiFi devices.11. Click the CONTINUE button.A screen displays that says you successfully created an access point.12. Click the NEXT button.The registration screen displays.13. Complete the registration fields and click the FINISH button tocomplete the setup.14. If you do not want to register your extender, click the SkipRegistration link.Note that you must register your extender before you can useNETGEAR telephone support.The Status screen displays.Log In to Access Extender SettingsAfter installation, you can log in to the extender to view or change the extender’s settings.1. Use a WiFi network manager on a computer or WiFi device to find andconnect to the new extended WiFi network.After the connection with the computer or WiFi device is established, the Client Link LED lights.2. Launch a web browser.3. Enter in the address field of the browser.A login screen displays.4. Type your email and password and click the LOG IN button.The Status screen displays.5. Make any needed changes.Frequently Asked QuestionsYou can find more information about your extender in the user manual, which is available at .The web browser setup guide keeps asking me for my network password (passphrase) or security key, and I am sure that I entered the correct password. What can I do?The extender is probably placed at the borderline of the range covered by the router or access point. For more information, see Place the Extender and Apply Power on page 5.If you are using WEP security, make sure that you are typing the network password in the correct field.My router security is WEP, and I entered the wrong passphraseor security key on the extender. I cannot access the extender anymore. What can I do?The extender cannot check to see if the WEP passphrase is correct. If you entered the wrong passphrase, your wireless device is not able to get the IP address from the extender. You must reset the extender to its factory default settings to get the IP address back.How do I restore the extender to its factory default settings?1. Use a sharp object such as a pen or paper clip to press and hold theFactory Reset button on the extender for at least five seconds until the Power LED lights amber.2. Release the Factory Reset button and wait for the extender toreboot.The extender resets and returns to the factory default settings.Can I set up the extender in extender mode if I connect it to the router or access point with an Ethernet cable?No. The extender is designed to connect wirelessly to the router or access point if it is in extender mode. If the extender is in access point mode, you can connect it to the router or access point with an Ethernet connection. For more information about access point mode, see Use the Extender in Access Point Mode on page 12.I forgot my login email and password. What can I do?On the login screen, click the Username & Password Help link to answer the security questions you set up during the initial setup.If you forgot the answers to your security questions, do the following to set up your login credentials again:1. Restore the extender to its factory default settings.2. Launch a web browser.3. Enter in the address field of the browser.The login screen displays.4. Click the NEW EXTENDER SETUP button.The Create Account screen displays.I enabled a wireless MAC filter, wireless access control, or access control list (ACL) on my router. What should I do when installing the extender?When the WiFi device connects through the extender to your router, the MAC address of the WiFi device shown on the router is translated to another MAC address. If your router’s MAC filter, wireless access control, or ACL is enabled, the WiFi device connects to the extender but cannot get an IP address from the extender and cannot access the Internet.To allow the WiFi device to receive an IP address from the extender and access the Internet, you must provide the translated MAC address to the router.1. Log in to your router and disable the MAC filter, wireless accesscontrol, or ACL.For more information about how to disable your router’s MAC filter, wireless access control, or ACL, see your router’s documentation. 2. Power on the extender and connect all of your WiFi devices to theextender network.3. Make sure that the Router Link LED remains lit.4. Log in to your extender:a. Launch a web browser.b. Enter in the address field of the browser.A login screen displays.c. Type your email and password and click the LOG IN button.The Status screen displays.5. Select Settings > WiFi Settings.6. Scroll down and select Connected Devices.The Connected Devices section displays the MAC addresses andvirtual MAC addresses for computers and WiFi devices that areconnected to the extender network.7. On the router, add all of the virtual MAC addresses from yourextender to your router’s MAC filter table.8. Enable the router’s MAC filter, wireless access control, or ACL.I am connected to NETGEAR_EXT and launched a browser. Why can’t I see the web browser setup guide?Try these troubleshooting steps:• Make sure that your computer is set up to use DHCP (most are).• Make sure that the Client Link LED is green and that you are using a valid IP address.• Relaunch the web browser and type in the address field. Type your email and password and click the LOG INbutton.March 2015NETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria DriveSan Jose, CA 95134, USASupportThank you for purchasing this NETGEAR product. After installing your device, locate the serial number on the label of your product and use it to register your product at https:// . You must register your product before you can use NETGEAR telephone support. NETGEAR recommends registering your product through the NETGEAR website.For product updates and web support, visit .NETGEAR recommends that you use only the official NETGEAR support resources. You can get the user manual online at or through a link in the product’s user interface.Trademarks© NETGEAR, Inc., NETGEAR and the NETGEAR Logo are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. Any non-NETGEAR trademarks are used for reference purposes only.ComplianceFor the current EU Declaration of Conformity, visit /app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.For regulatory compliance information, visit /about/regulatory/.See the regulatory compliance document before connecting the power supply.。

HT3100 NTP时间服务器

HT3100 NTP时间服务器
GPS L1,BD B1 ≤2分钟
◎ 输出信号 序号
(兼容远程监控功能) 授时精度
RJ45/2路 ≤10ms
例如:三个地区(北京、上海、广州)分别部署了三台设备同时在线,即 HT3100-1、 -2、-3NTP 时间服务器。若远程监控管理软件系统部署在北京总的数据管理中心,将运行 监控管理软件的主机电脑时间作为参考时间,分别与三个地区的单台服务器进行时间比 较,得到三个时间差值,利用这三个时间差值即可判断即可来判断。
数量 1台 1套 1根 1套 1根 1根 1本 1个 1个
标配30米Φ5线缆 含安装固定套件 标配1.5米 标配3米
管理软件简介:HTMT02 远程监控管理系统软件
HT3100 NTP 时间服务器接收标准卫星时间信息,对内部时钟源进行驯服,并通过 网络 NTP 协议输出高精度时间信息,传输给交换机,使接入交换机内的各终端设备时 间同步。HTMT02 远程监控管理系统软件可以同时监控多台 NTP 时间服务器,对时间服 务器的运行状态实时监控,实时对设备运行故障告警,同时存储告警信息,把告警信 息通过 SNMP 信息管理发送到用户的服务器平台上。完成多台设备综合性实时监控管理。
2 1PPS秒信号输出

以太网光纤收发器 以太网光纤收发器机架 说明书

以太网光纤收发器 以太网光纤收发器机架 说明书

以太网光纤收发器 以太网光纤收发器机架 说明书(使用前先阅本说明书) 简介:感谢您购买千兆光纤收发器!该千兆光纤收发器支持IEEE802.3Z/AB 1000Base-SX/LX协议,支持全双工或半双工工作模式,自适应直通线与交叉线功能。

本手册适用于1000 Base-T 自适应各型号的光纤收发器,请用户购买时按需要参照以下订购指南选购。

光纤收发器订购指南:型号 规格说明NT-2100 1000M,多模500米NT-2100S-10 1000M,单模0-10公里NT-2100S-20 1000M,单模0-20公里NT-2100S-50 1000M,单模0-50公里NT-2100S-80 1000M,单模0-80公里NT-2100F 卡式铝合金外壳1000M,多模500米NT-2100F-10 卡式铝合金外壳1000M,单模0-10公里NT-2100F-20 卡式铝合金外壳1000M,单模0-20公里NT-2100F-50 卡式铝合金外壳1000M,单模0-50公里NT-2100F-80 卡式铝合金外壳1000M,单模0-80公里NT-2100P 卡式1000M,多模500米NT-2100P-10 卡式1000M,单模0-10公里NT-2100P-20 卡式1000M,单模0-20公里NT-2100P-50 卡式1000M,单模0-50公里NT-2100P-80 卡式1000M,单模0-80公里NT-S2100-10 单纤双向1000M,单模0-10公里NT-S2100-20 单纤双向1000M,单模0-20公里NT-S2100-40 单纤双向1000M,单模0-40公里NT-S2100P10 卡式单纤双向1000M,单模0-10公里NT-S2100P20 卡式单纤双向1000M,单模0-20公里NT-S2100P50 卡式单纤双向1000M,单模0-50公里包装清单在安装收发器前,请确认包装内是否有以下物品。






IEEE802.3 以太网标准
IEEE802.3u 快速以太网标准
IEEE802.3d Spanning Tree标准
8.高速缓存容量:1M Bits;


经销千兆光纤收发器 用户手册说明书

经销千兆光纤收发器 用户手册说明书




















RUCOM 3100S25千兆以太网光纤收发器

RUCOM 3100S25千兆以太网光纤收发器

RUCOM 3100S25千兆以太网光纤收发器
1000Mbps自适应千兆以太网光纤收发器采用交换技术进行媒体转换,符合IEEE802.3z、IEEE802.3ab标准,支持两种类型的媒体网络连接: 1000Base-T和1000Base-SX/LX,可将1000Base-T双绞线电信号同1000Base-SX/LX光信号进行相互转换。



●支持10Base-T、 100Base-TX 或1000Base-T自适应与1000Base-SX/LX间相互转换




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copy excerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!光纤收发器种类及用途光纤收发器是一种将电信号转换为光信号,或将光信号转换为电信号的设备,广泛应用于网络通信、数据传输等领域。






二、产品安装1. 确认光纤收发器HTB1100的型号及规格是否与实际需求匹配。

2. 将光纤收发器安装在干燥通风的场所,避免阳光直射。

3. 确保接入电源的稳定,使用适配器将光纤收发器连接到电源插座。

三、光纤接口设置1. 确保光纤收发器的输入光纤接口与光纤发送端的输出接口相匹配。


2. 若需要连接多个光纤收发器,可以使用光纤跳线进行链接,确保光纤的质量和可靠性。

四、电器信号设置1. 将电器设备需要传输的信号连接至光纤收发器的电器信号接口。

2. 确保信号线连接牢固,信号输入输出的插座都连接正确。

五、开机与使用1. 确保所有连接都正确无误后,开启光纤收发器的电源开关。

2. 光纤收发器会自动进行信号传输,传输稳定后即可正常使用。

六、注意事项1. 请勿将光纤收发器强行拆卸或改装,以免影响正常的工作效果。

2. 在使用过程中,如遇到任何异常情况或故障,请立即停止使用并联系售后服务人员进行检修。

3. 请定期清洁光纤收发器的外壳,保持其表面干净整洁。

4. 在使用光纤收发器时,请避免接触水或潮湿环境,以免发生短路或其他电路故障。

5. 长时间不使用光纤收发器时,建议断开电源并将其存放在干燥通风的地方,避免过高温度或湿度对设备的影响。

七、产品维护1. 定期检查和清洁光纤收发器的连接线路,确保连接牢固。

2. 若光纤收发器存在异常发热、信号不稳定等情况,请及时联系专业技术人员进行维护。

3. 请勿进行任何未经授权的维修或保养,以免对设备造成进一步损坏。





1. 传输速率:百兆(100Mbps)
2. 传输距离:3km(千米)
3. 光纤类型:一般为单模光纤(Single-Mode Fiber,SMF)或
者多模光纤(Multi-Mode Fiber,MMF)
4. 光纤接口类型:一般为光纤LC接口(LC Connector)
5. 工作波长:一般为850nm(多模光纤)或1310nm/1550nm (单模光纤)
6. 发射功率:根据实际需求可在规定范围内设置,一般为-
7. 接收灵敏度:根据实际需求可在规定范围内设置,一般为-
8. 工作温度:一般为0°C至70°C
9. 供电要求:一般为3.3V或5V直流供电



1. 接口类型:光纤收发器有多种接口类型,例如SC、ST、FC等,选择时应根据实际需求选择合适的接口类型。

2. 传输速率:光纤收发器的传输速率从100Mbps到100Gbps不等,应根据实际需求选择合适的传输速率。

3. 传输距离:光纤收发器的传输距离也有多种选择,例如2km、5km、10km等,应根据实际需求选择合适的传输距离。

4. 光波长:光纤收发器的光波长主要有1310nm、1550nm等,应根据实际需求选择合适的光波长。

5. 传输协议:光纤收发器支持多种传输协议,例如TCP/IP、UDP等,应根据实际需求选择合适的传输协议。

6. 工作温度:光纤收发器的工作温度范围一般在-20℃~+60℃之间,可以根据实际工作环境选择合适的工作温度范围。

7. 电源要求:光纤收发器的电源要求一般为直流电源或交流电源,应根据实际供电条件选择合适的电源。

8. 网管功能:一些高端光纤收发器支持网管功能,可以远程管理、控制和监测光纤收发器的运行状态和故障情况。




自动定氮仪NKB – 3100说明书上海祎鸿分析仪器有限公司目录一概述-----------------------------------------------------------1 二主要性能--------------------------------------------------------3三、仪器部件名称--------------------------------------------5四、仪器安装方法-------------------------------------------8五、使用操作--------------------------------------------------10六、样品的测试-----------------------------------------------16七、仪器的日常保养----------------------------------------- 17八、仪器常见的故障及处理办法-------------------------19九、附则-------------------------------------------------------19十、仪器的装箱单(用户的验收依据)-----------------20 十一、注意事项-----------------------------------------------20一、概述凯氏定氮仪是测定物质中的氮来换算粗蛋白质的经典方法。





当被测样品消解完全时,上机完成下列化学反应:[1].(NH 4)2SO 4+2NaOH 高温蒸气 Na 2 SO 4+2H 2O+2NH 3↑蒸馏后手工滴定完成下列反应:[2]. NH 3+H 3BO 3→H 3BO 3. NH 3[3]. H 3BO 3. NH 3+HCl →H 3BO 3+2NH 3Cl反应中释放的氨气与水蒸气一起经过冷凝管冷凝后,被收集在加入硼酸吸收液(含混合指示剂)的集液瓶中。

倍福BX3100 使用说明

倍福BX3100 使用说明

BX3100 快速入门概 述指导 Beckhoff 用户快速使用 BX3100 控制器。

该文档同样适用于 Beckhoff BCxx50 及 BX 全系列控制器。

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n e t-l i n k单纤双向收发器型号:-3100A100M 自适应以太网单纤双向光纤收发器,采用最新美国KENDIN 芯片,高品质单纤双向光收发一体模块(全新大厂名牌产品),性能稳定,质量优良。


1 个RJ45 电口和 1 个单纤SC 光口,实现双绞线和光纤之间的光电信号转换;只需一芯光纤就可完成一路信号的传输,较双纤方式提高光纤数据传输量一倍;符合10B a s e-T和100B a s e-T X,100B a s e-F X标准; 具有10M/100M自适应能力; 电口能自适应直通线/交叉线连接方式; 支持全双工/半双工工作模式;支持全双工流量控制和半双工背压流量控制; 支持防止广播风暴功能;支持1916 Byte 超大数据帧(可选项);内置防雷电路,可大大减少雷电感应造成的损坏;双绞线最长100 米;单模光纤最长100 公里;有 6 个LED 指示灯:Power ,TX 100 ,TX Link/Act ,FX 100 ,FX Link/Act ,FDX/Col ;便于监测收发器的工作状态和判断故障原因;有外置、内置电源两种类型:A C100~265V/D C5V开关电源。


1.光缆品牌:鸿达网络通、康迈斯COMAX、立孚LFOC、汉信、汉维、好光景、FIBERCOM、长飞Y O F C、兆比特、唯康V C O M、T C L、康普、安普A M P;
2.光纤配件:光纤跳线、尾纤、束状尾纤、带状尾纤、耦合器(光纤适配器/法兰)、光纤盒/光纤配线架/O D F架/光缆交接箱、光纤接续盒、光模块;
三、交换机系列产品:华为、H3C、思科、D-L I N K

