



摩拜单车高三英语作文英文回答:Mobike, a pioneering bike-sharing company, emerged in China in 2015 and has since revolutionized urban transportation. Its distinctive orange bikes have become a ubiquitous sight in cities across the country, offering a convenient, eco-friendly, and affordable alternative to traditional transport options.Mobike's success can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, its extensive network of docking stations and self-locking bikes makes it accessible to users anywhere, anytime. The ease of use, with just a mobile app and QR code, further enhances its appeal. Additionally, the pay-as-you-go model removes the barriers of long-term contracts or high upfront costs.The environmental sustainability of Mobike is another major advantage. By promoting cycling, it reduces carbonemissions and improves air quality. Furthermore, its shared nature encourages responsible use, minimizing resource consumption and waste.However, Mobike's rapid expansion has also posed challenges. The proliferation of bikes has led to concerns over urban clutter and obstruction of sidewalks. To address these issues, Mobike has implemented designated parking zones and collaborated with local authorities to regulate bike placement.Despite these challenges, Mobike remains atransformative force in urban transportation. It hasfostered a shift towards greener and healthiertransportation habits, while providing a convenient and affordable mobility solution. As the company continues to expand globally, it has the potential to significantly impact urban planning and sustainable development worldwide.中文回答:摩拜单车,一家创新的共享单车公司,于2015年在中国应运而生,从此彻底改变了城市交通格局。

mobike 摩拜单车营销策略分析

mobike  摩拜单车营销策略分析

监管力度不够,国民素 3
车辆损坏率高,维修不 及时。
4 5
设计阶段采用防爆轮胎,轴传 1
已经赶上ofo。这是相比其他竞争者的 优势所在。
摩拜前有OFO需要追赶、后有优 拜、小鸣、小蓝等的紧随, 多家
单车质量: 摩拜单车:全铝车身、四年免维护、防盗系数 高。OFO:单车设计简单,防盗性差、折旧期为 一年。
Politics (政治)
Pest分析பைடு நூலகம்
Economy (经济)
Society (社会)
Technology (科技)
政府更愿意 看到摩拜、 ofo等互联网 企业能为城 市发展贡献 一份力量,
根据高德地图发 布《2016年第二 季度中国主要城 市交通分析报告》 分析得知上班族 月拥堵成本高达 816.5元/人。
从团购颠覆饮食行业 到滴滴颠覆出租车行 业,社会对于创新事 物的尝试接受能力越 来越高。况且骑单车 不仅仅是出行需要, 更被定义为健康的锻 炼方式,大型城市中 体育场所资源短缺。 饭后走到路上,说走 就走的“单车小运 动”,显得十分美好、 方便。



共享经济驱动下的出行行业商业模式研究——基于Mobike、Uber案例分析仲梦;樊一阳【摘要】With the rapid development of the "Internet + traffic", from Uberto Mobike, the developing model of sharing economy has brought great convenience and penetrated into broader industries.Sharing economy makes efficient use of idle resources and promotes the rational redistribution.This paper analyzes several major factors of the rapid development of sharing economy.It also innovatively selects typical casesof sharing economy including Mobike and Uber, analyzes their business models, and sums up the general business model of sharing economy inthe transportation sector.%随着"互联网+交通"的迅速发展,从Uber到Mobike,共享经济的发展模式已经为人们的出行带来极大便利,并渗透到更广泛的行业,使得闲置和过剩资源得到有效利用和合理再分配.对共享经济迅猛发展的成因进行了分析,创新性地选取出行行业Mobike和Uber这两个极具代表性的共享经济案例,分析其商业模式,并总结出共享经济下出行行业的一般商业模式.【期刊名称】《科技和产业》【年(卷),期】2017(017)004【总页数】5页(P48-51,143)【关键词】共享经济;商业模式;Mobike;Uber【作者】仲梦;樊一阳【作者单位】上海理工大学管理学院, 上海 200093;上海理工大学管理学院, 上海200093【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F062.5随着“互联网+交通”的兴起和发展,共享经济作为一种新的发展方式在全球范围内引发关注。



摩拜单车的利弊英语作文With the rise of shared economy, bike-sharing has become a popular trend in many cities around the world. Among the many bike-sharing companies, Mobike, as one of the largest bike-sharing companies in China, has attracted a lot of attention. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages to the use of Mobike.On the one hand, Mobike provides a convenient and environmentally friendly mode of transportation. Users can easily find and unlock a bike using the Mobike app, and then ride to their destination. This is especially useful for short trips, such as commuting to work or running errands. Moreover, bike-sharing can help reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, which are major problems in many cities.On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages to using Mobike. Firstly, the bikes can be easily damaged or stolen, which can lead to financial losses for the company.Secondly, the bikes can sometimes be difficult to find, especially during peak hours, which can be frustrating for users. Additionally, there have been concerns about the safety of bike-sharing, as some users may not followtraffic rules or wear helmets.Despite these disadvantages, the benefits of Mobike outweigh the drawbacks. The convenience and environmental benefits of bike-sharing are significant, and Mobike has made it easier for people to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. In addition, the company has taken steps to address some of the challenges of bike-sharing, such as by implementing GPS tracking and offering incentives for responsible use.In conclusion, Mobike has both advantages and disadvantages, but overall, it is a positive developmentfor urban transportation. As more people adopt bike-sharing, we can expect to see improvements in traffic congestion,air quality, and public health.。



Description of
Market Size
Bicycle Rental Market
By 2019, Market Size 163 million for 12.26 million users.
Customer demand
----Taking an example of the battery
Overcome difficulties
Entrepreneurial model of Mobike
Intellectual Property Distribution of Mobike
Enlightenment for Shanghai electric center academe
Environmental Internet+ protection
Easy parking
Just find a sidewalk by street.
Stable and reliable
They design/manufacture bikes themselves
Easy to use
Unblock by scanning QR code
Low cost
Cheapest means for short distance transportation
Customer demand
Environmental protection
New energy



CAIXUN 财讯-61-共享经济时代下的企业商业模式分析—以摩拜单车为例□ 南华大学 张 卓 / 文随着互联网技术的发展,共享经济的热潮不断升温。


共享经济 商业模式 摩拜单车共享经济的内涵共享经济,最早出现在 1978 年美国伊利诺伊大学社会学教授琼•斯潘思(Joe L.Spaeth )和德克萨斯州立大学社会学教授马科斯•费尔逊(Marcus Felson )发表的论文《Community Structure and Collaborative Consumption : A Routine Activity Approach 》中。

中共十八届五中全会公报首次提出了“分享经济 ”,2015 年 9 月 李克强总理在夏季达沃斯论坛提出通过分享、协作方式搞创新创业,大力发展我国的分享经济。


企业商业模式成功三秘诀目前为止,管理学界接受的商业模式的定义是Osterwaider Pigneur 和Tucci 在2005年发表的“Clarifying Business Model : Origin ,Present and Future of the Concept”一文中给出的:“商业模式是一种包含了一系列要素及其关系的概念性工具,用以阐明某个特定实体的商业逻辑。

它描述了公司所能为客户提供的价值以及公司的内部结构、合作伙伴网络和关系资本等用以实现(创造、营销和交付) 这一价值并产生可持续、可盈利性收入的要素。

基于共享经济视角对共享单车行业的商业模式 分析——以摩拜单车为例

基于共享经济视角对共享单车行业的商业模式 分析——以摩拜单车为例

Management Science and Engineering 管理科学与工程, 2018, 7(4), 309-316Published Online December 2018 in Hans. /journal/msehttps:///10.12677/mse.2018.74037Business Model Analysis of the SharingBicycle Industry from the Perspectiveof Sharing Economy—Taking theMobike as an ExampleLan Wang1, Bei Zhang21Business School of Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing2Renmin University of China, BeijingReceived: Nov. 26th, 2018; accepted: Dec. 11th, 2018; published: Dec. 18th, 2018AbstractSharing bicycle industry as an emerging business model has not only enriched the form of sharing economy, expanded business models, but also changes the travel patterns. An in-depth analysis of the business model of the shared cycling industry can help us better understand and predict the status and future development of the sharing bicycle industry. This article takes the Mobike as an example to illustrate the business model of sharing bicycles and the problems, and puts forward some suggestions.KeywordsSharing Economy, Sharing Bicycle Industry, Business Model基于共享经济视角对共享单车行业的商业模式分析——以摩拜单车为例王岚1,张蓓21北京语言大学商学院,北京2中国人民大学,北京收稿日期:2018年11月26日;录用日期:2018年12月11日;发布日期:2018年12月18日王岚,张蓓摘 要共享单车作为一种新兴的商业模式,其出现不仅丰富了共享经济的形式,拓展了商业模式,而且颠覆了人们的出行方式。



user experience Uncomfortable
Profit model High Cost and how to
make money
users quality Damage to the bicycle
Urban road conditions
Very few city suitable for riding
Energy + Internet
Customer demand
----Taking an example of the battery
Diversific- Versatility ation Inexpensive
Development Stages
1.Exploration period: Choose Shanghai as the first operating city; occupy the market; test operation mode; meet the needs of people traveling bicycles. 2.Growth period: Achieve the user size and order size of the steady growth; increase the running of the bicycle, occupy more market share. 3.Expansion period: Add a second operating city of Beijing; create product reputation; get massive new users, build product barriers; provide a high-quality user experience.



围绕摩拜单车英语作文Title: The Phenomenon of Mobike: Revolutionizing Urban Transportation。

In recent years, the emergence of Mobike has sparked a revolution in urban transportation. This innovative bike-sharing platform has not only transformed the way people commute but has also significantly impacted urban landscapes worldwide.Mobike, a leading bike-sharing service, has gained widespread popularity due to its convenience, affordability, and sustainability. With just a few taps on a smartphone app, users can locate, unlock, and ride bicycles scattered throughout cities. This seamless process has made Mobike a preferred choice for short-distance travel in urban areas.One of the key advantages of Mobike is itsaccessibility. Unlike traditional bike rental services, Mobike does not require users to pick up or return bicyclesat specific stations. Instead, bikes can be found and left at designated parking areas or public spaces, providing users with greater flexibility and convenience.Moreover, Mobike promotes eco-friendly transportation by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and alleviatingtraffic congestion. By encouraging cycling as a viable alternative to cars or public transportation, Mobike contributes to a cleaner and healthier urban environment. Additionally, the widespread adoption of Mobike helps to address issues such as air pollution and carbon emissions, making cities more sustainable in the long run.Furthermore, Mobike has a significant impact on urban infrastructure and design. As more people embrace cycling as a mode of transportation, cities are compelled to invest in bike lanes, parking facilities, and other cycling infrastructure. This shift towards bike-friendly urban planning not only enhances the safety and convenience of cyclists but also promotes a more active and vibrant urban lifestyle.However, despite its numerous benefits, Mobike is not without challenges. One of the primary concerns is bike vandalism and theft, which can lead to damaged or stolen bicycles, ultimately affecting the availability and reliability of the service. To address this issue, Mobike has implemented various measures such as GPS tracking, user authentication, and community monitoring to deter vandalism and ensure the proper use of its bicycles.Additionally, the rapid expansion of bike-sharing services like Mobike has raised questions about urban space management and regulation. Cities must balance the benefits of bike-sharing with the need to maintain order and safety in public spaces. This requires cooperation between government agencies, private companies, and local communities to establish clear guidelines and regulations for bike-sharing operations.In conclusion, Mobike represents a groundbreaking innovation in urban transportation that has revolutionized the way people move around cities. Its accessibility, affordability, and sustainability make it a preferredchoice for millions of users worldwide. While challenges such as vandalism and regulation remain, the overall impact of Mobike on urban mobility and lifestyle is undeniable. As cities continue to evolve, bike-sharing services like Mobike will play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of urban transportation.。



Möbius,a popular bikesharing service in China,has revolutionized urban transportation and offers a convenient,ecofriendly alternative to traditional modes of commuting.Here are some points to consider when writing an essay about Möbius:1.Introduction to Möbius:Begin by introducing Möbius as a bikesharing service that allows users to rent bicycles through a mobile app.Mention its impact on reducing traffic congestion and promoting a greener lifestyle.2.How It Works:Explain the process of using Möers can locate a bike through the app,unlock it with a scan of a QR code,and ride it to their destination.Once they are done,they can park the bike within designated areas and lock it,which ends the rental.3.Advantages of Möbius:Convenience:Discuss how Möbius provides a quick and easy way to get around the city without the need for a personal vehicle.Affordability:Highlight the costeffectiveness of using Möbius compared to owning a car or using taxis.Health Benefits:Mention the physical exercise users get from cycling,which contributes to a healthier lifestyle.Environmental Impact:Emphasize the reduction in carbon emissions due to fewer cars on the road.4.Challenges and Solutions:Parking Issues:Address the problem of bikes being left in inappropriate places and the measures taken to ensure proper parking.Maintenance:Discuss how Möbius ensures the bikes are wellmaintained for user safety and comfort.Accessibility:Talk about efforts to make the service available to a wider audience, including people with disabilities.5.Technological Innovations:Describe the technological features of Möbius,such as GPS tracking,realtime availability updates,and userfriendly app interfaces.6.Impact on Society:Reflect on how Möbius has changed urban landscapes and social behaviors,encouraging a more communal and sustainable approach to transportation.7.Future Prospects:Speculate on the potential developments for Möbius,such as expansion to other cities,integration with public transport systems,and the introduction of electric bikes.8.Conclusion:Summarize the main points and reiterate the significance of Möbius in modern urban life,emphasizing its contribution to a more sustainable and connected society.Remember to use descriptive language and provide specific examples to support your points.Additionally,maintaining a balanced view by discussing both the benefits and challenges of Möbius will add depth to your essay.。

摩拜单车 英语作文

摩拜单车 英语作文

摩拜单车英语作文The Rise of Mobike: A New Era of Urban Transportation。

In recent years, the sharing economy has been revolutionizing the way people live and work. One of the most prominent examples of this trend is the rise of Mobike, a Chinese bike-sharing company that has taken the world by storm. With its innovative business model and user-friendly app, Mobike has transformed the way people get around in urban areas, providing a convenient and affordable alternative to traditional modes of transportation.Mobike was founded in 2015 by Hu Weiwei and Davis Wang, with the goal of addressing the growing problem of urban congestion and pollution. The company's signature orangeand silver bikes are equipped with GPS and smart locks, allowing users to locate and unlock them with a simple scan of their smartphone. This seamless and efficient system has made Mobike a hit among city dwellers, who appreciate the convenience and flexibility of being able to pick up anddrop off a bike anywhere within the designated service area.One of the key factors behind Mobike's success is its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. By promoting cycling as a clean and green mode of transportation, the company has helped reducecarbon emissions and alleviate traffic congestion in cities around the world. In addition, Mobike's bikes are built to last and are regularly maintained to ensure their safetyand reliability, further contributing to the company's positive impact on the environment.Another reason for Mobike's popularity is its affordability and accessibility. With its pay-as-you-go pricing model and no membership fees, Mobike offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional transportation options such as taxis and public transit. This has made it an attractive option for people of all ages and income levels, especially in densely populated urban areas where traffic and parking can be major challenges.In addition to its practical benefits, Mobike has alsohad a significant social and cultural impact. By promoting cycling as a healthy and enjoyable activity, the company has helped encourage a more active and sustainablelifestyle among its users. Furthermore, Mobike has fostered a sense of community and connectivity, as people from all walks of life come together to share and enjoy the benefits of this new form of transportation.Looking ahead, the future of Mobike looks bright as the company continues to expand its reach and influence. With its recent acquisition by Meituan, a leading e-commerce platform in China, Mobike is poised to further integrateits services with other aspects of urban life, such as food delivery and entertainment. This synergy between different sectors of the sharing economy will create newopportunities for growth and innovation, as well as a more seamless and interconnected experience for users.In conclusion, Mobike has emerged as a game-changer in the field of urban transportation, offering a sustainable, affordable, and user-friendly alternative to traditional modes of getting around. With its innovative technology,commitment to sustainability, and positive social impact, Mobike has set a new standard for how people move through and interact with their cities. As the company continues to evolve and expand, it is poised to play an even greaterrole in shaping the future of urban mobility.。



摩拜单车的英语作文The Rise of Mobike: A Revolution in Urban Transportation。

In recent years, the sharing economy has taken the world by storm, and one of the most prominent examples of this trend is the rise of bike-sharing companies. Among them, Mobike has emerged as a leader in the industry, revolutionizing urban transportation and changing the way people get around cities.Mobike, founded in 2015 in China, has quickly expanded to become a global phenomenon, with operations in over 200 cities worldwide. The company's success can be attributed to its innovative business model and the convenience it offers to urban dwellers. Mobike's distinctive orange and silver bikes can be found on almost every street corner, providing a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation for millions of people.One of the key factors behind Mobike's success is its user-friendly app, which allows customers to easily locate and unlock bikes using their smartphones. This seamless integration of technology and transportation has made Mobike a popular choice for city residents looking to avoid traffic congestion and reduce their carbon footprint. With just a few taps on their phones, users can locate the nearest available bike, unlock it, and start their journey – all without the hassle of waiting for public transportation or searching for parking.Furthermore, Mobike's commitment to sustainability has earned it praise from environmental advocates and city planners. By promoting cycling as a viable alternative to driving or taking public transit, Mobike has helped reduce air pollution and alleviate traffic congestion in many urban areas. The company's bikes are equipped with GPS tracking and smart locks, which not only deter theft but also enable Mobike to collect valuable data on transportation patterns and usage, allowing cities tobetter plan and manage their infrastructure.In addition to its environmental benefits, Mobike has also had a positive impact on public health. Cycling is a great form of exercise, and by making bikes readily available to the public, Mobike has encouraged more people to incorporate physical activity into their daily routines. This has the potential to reduce the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles and related health issues, such as obesity and heart disease.However, Mobike has not been without its challenges. The company has faced issues with bike vandalism, theft, and improper parking, which have led to cluttered sidewalks and complaints from local residents. In response, Mobike has implemented measures to address these concerns, such as imposing fines for improper parking and working with local authorities to regulate bike-sharing in urban areas.Looking ahead, Mobike continues to expand its operations and innovate in the field of urban transportation. The company has introduced electric bikes and scooters to its fleet, providing even more options for users to get around cities efficiently. Additionally,Mobike has partnered with public transit agencies to integrate its services with existing transportation networks, offering a seamless and comprehensive solutionfor urban mobility.In conclusion, Mobike has transformed the way people move around cities, offering a convenient, sustainable, and healthy alternative to traditional modes of transportation. With its innovative technology, commitment to sustainability, and dedication to improving urban mobility, Mobike has become a driving force in the sharing economy and a symbol of the future of urban transportation. As the company continues to grow and adapt to the changing needs of urban dwellers, it is poised to have an even greater impact on the way we live and travel in cities around the world.。



围绕摩拜单车英语作文Title: The Rise and Evolution of Mobike: A Revolutionary Bike-Sharing Phenomenon。

In recent years, the landscape of urban transportation has been dramatically reshaped by the emergence of bike-sharing services. Among these, Mobike stands out as a pioneer and a symbol of innovation in the industry. This essay explores the journey of Mobike, from its inception to its impact on urban mobility.Origins and Innovation。

Mobike was founded in 2015 in Beijing, China, by Hu Weiwei and Xia Yiping. The concept was simple yet revolutionary: provide a fleet of bicycles that could be rented through a mobile app and dropped off at any location within designated areas. What set Mobike apart was its dockless system, eliminating the need for fixed docking stations and allowing users greater flexibility inaccessing and returning bikes.Expansion and Growth。



摩拜单车高三英语作文The Rise of Mobike: A Revolution in Urban Transportation。

In recent years, a new trend has emerged in urban transportation: bike-sharing. Among the many bike-sharing companies, Mobike has become a popular choice for commuters around the world. With its distinctive orange and silver bicycles, Mobike has revolutionized the way people travel in cities. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind Mobike's success and its impact on urban transportation.Firstly, Mobike's success can be attributed to its innovative technology. Unlike traditional bike-sharing systems, Mobike uses a dockless system, which means that users can pick up and drop off bikes anywhere they like. This is made possible by the use of GPS and smart locks, which allow users to locate and unlock bikes with their smartphones. This convenience has made Mobike a popularchoice for short trips around the city.Secondly, Mobike's bikes are designed with safety and comfort in mind. The bicycles are equipped with airless tires, which are puncture-resistant and require less maintenance. They also have adjustable seats and handlebars, making them suitable for people of all heights. Additionally, Mobike's bicycles are equipped with lightsand reflectors, making them visible at night and reducingthe risk of accidents.Thirdly, Mobike's business model is environmentally friendly. By encouraging people to use bicycles instead of cars, Mobike is helping to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion in cities. In addition, Mobike's bicycles are made from recycled materials, further reducing their environmental impact.Finally, Mobike's success can be attributed to its affordability. The company charges a small fee per ride, making it accessible to people from all walks of life. This has made Mobike a popular choice for students, tourists,and commuters who are looking for an affordable and convenient way to get around the city.In conclusion, Mobike has revolutionized urban transportation by providing a convenient, safe, and environmentally friendly alternative to cars and public transportation. With its innovative technology, comfortable bicycles, and affordable pricing, Mobike has become a popular choice for people around the world. As more and more cities embrace bike-sharing, it is clear that Mobike has paved the way for a new era of sustainable urban transportation.。


2*1*300=600 RMB By the end of year 2016, there are about 1 5 million Mobikes outstanding, then the total revenue from rental is :
600*1,500,000=900,000,000 RMB
Holding the cost of Mobike and the rate of losing and broken unchanged, then the breakeven point is: (300,000,000+120,000,000)/1,500,000/300=0.93
Earning From Finance: Mobike has a customer base of 10 million of which over 6 million are active customers, for each customer, it requires a deposit of 300 RMB. Then the total deposit is between
Solve Last kilometer transportation Problem
Reduce Pubic transportation press
Fitness function
New design Technology SCAN Bar GPS
New Tier and chain design
1.8 billion to 3 billion Suppose the return for capital is 5%, then the annual revenue is



摩拜单车高三英语作文Title: The Phenomenon of Mobike Shared Bikes。

In recent years, the emergence of Mobike shared bikes has sparked widespread discussion and debate. This phenomenon has not only reshaped urban transportation but also influenced people's lifestyles and attitudes towards commuting. Let's delve into the various aspects of Mobike shared bikes and explore their impact.First and foremost, Mobike shared bikes have revolutionized the way people commute in urban areas. With the convenience of finding a bike through a mobile app and the flexibility of dropping it off at any designated location, commuting has become more efficient and affordable for many. This convenience has significantly reduced reliance on traditional transportation modes like buses and taxis, particularly for short-distance trips.Moreover, Mobike shared bikes promote environmentalsustainability by reducing carbon emissions and alleviating traffic congestion. By encouraging people to choose cycling over driving, these bikes contribute to cleaner air andless noise pollution in densely populated cities. Additionally, the reduced number of private vehicles on the roads helps mitigate traffic jams, making urban areas more livable and pedestrian-friendly.Furthermore, the popularity of Mobike shared bikes has encouraged a shift towards a healthier lifestyle. Cycling offers numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular fitness, enhanced muscle strength, andstress relief. With the availability of shared bikes, more people have embraced cycling as a form of exercise and recreation, leading to a healthier population overall.However, the widespread use of Mobike shared bikes has also raised concerns and challenges. One of the primary issues is bike maintenance and management. Due to the high frequency of usage, shared bikes are prone to wear and tear, requiring regular maintenance to ensure safety and functionality. Moreover, the indiscriminate parking ofbikes in public spaces has caused clutter and obstruction, prompting authorities to implement regulations and penalties to address this issue.Additionally, the rise of shared bikes has led to competition and conflicts with traditional bike rental services and bike-sharing companies. This competition has intensified with the entry of various players into the market, resulting in pricing wars and consolidation efforts to gain a larger market share. As a result, some smaller bike-sharing companies have struggled to survive in this competitive landscape.In conclusion, the phenomenon of Mobike shared bikes has undoubtedly transformed urban transportation and lifestyle choices. Despite facing challenges such as maintenance issues and competition, these shared bikes have brought about positive changes, including improved commuting convenience, environmental sustainability, and healthier lifestyles. Moving forward, it is essential to address the challenges effectively and harness the benefitsof shared bikes to create more inclusive and sustainable urban environments.。



摩拜单车英语作文As one of the most popular bike-sharing companies in China, Mobike has revolutionized the way people commute in the city. With its signature orange and silver bikes, Mobike has become a ubiquitous sight in many Chinese cities. In this essay, I will explore the reasons behind Mobike's success and its impact on urban life.Firstly, Mobike has made commuting easier and more convenient for city dwellers. With its app-based system, users can easily locate and unlock a bike with their smartphones. This has greatly reduced the time and effort required to find a bike, especially during rush hour. In addition, Mobike's bikes are equipped with GPS tracking and anti-theft technology, which makes them less prone to theft or damage.Secondly, Mobike has helped to reduce trafficcongestion and air pollution in cities. By providing an affordable and eco-friendly alternative to cars and buses,Mobike has encouraged more people to cycle instead of driving. This has not only reduced traffic congestion, but also improved air quality in many Chinese cities. In fact, a study conducted by the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau found that Mobike has helped to reduce carbon emissions by 15,000 tons per year in the city.Thirdly, Mobike has created new job opportunities and boosted the local economy. With its rapid expansion across China and other countries, Mobike has created thousands of jobs in areas such as manufacturing, logistics, and customer service. In addition, Mobike's bikes are often sponsored by local businesses, which helps to promote tourism and economic growth in the area.However, Mobike's success has also brought about some challenges and concerns. One of the biggest challenges is the issue of bike parking. With so many bikes on the streets, it can be difficult to find a suitable parking spot for them. This has led to complaints from local residents and authorities, who have called for stricter regulations on bike-sharing companies.Another concern is the safety of Mobike's users. Although the bikes are equipped with safety features such as lights and brakes, accidents can still happen. In addition, some users have been known to ride recklessly or park the bikes in dangerous locations, which can pose arisk to themselves and others.In conclusion, Mobike has had a significant impact on urban life in China and beyond. Its innovative bike-sharing system has made commuting easier and more eco-friendly, while also creating new job opportunities and boosting the local economy. However, it is important for Mobike and other bike-sharing companies to address the challenges and concerns that come with their rapid growth, in order to ensure the safety and sustainability of their services.。

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Environmental Friendly
A absolutely GREEN transportation.
Government Support
User needs
The last mile
Facilitate the convenience of users.
Competitive Analysis
Energy + Internet
Customer demand ----Taking an example of the battery
Development Stages
1.Exploration period: Choose Shanghai as the first operating city; occupy the market; test operation mode; meet the needs of people traveling bicycles. 2.Growth period: Achieve the user size and order size of the steady growth; increase the running of the bicycle, occupy more market share. 3.Expansion period: Add a second operating city of Beijing; create product reputation; get massive new users, build product barriers; provide a high-quality user experience.
user experience Uncomfortable ride
Profit model High Cost and how to make money
users quality Damage to the bicycle
Urban road conditions Very few city suitable for riding
Customer demand
Environmental prergy crisis and environmental pollution leading to the demand of new energy.
Easy parking Just find a sidewalk
by street.
Easy to use Unblock by scanning
QR code
Stable and reliable They design/manufacture bikes themselves
Low cost Cheapest means for short distance transportation
Description of tGherocwontthents
Expansion 2016.9.1-now
Market Size
Bicycle Rental Market
By 2019, Market Size 163 million for 12.26 million users.
summary Entrepreneurial model of Mobike
Products are fundamental Competition from the product itself
“Hard-connected” opportunities Manufacturing + public service
Entrepreneur’s determination Overcome difficulties
Intellectual Property Distribution of Mobike
Enlightenment for Shanghai electric center academe
Environmental protection