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The Gothic
Gothic Art 艺术 Gothic Architecture 建筑 Gothic Literature 文学 Gothic Music 音乐 Gothic Painting 绘画 Gothic Film 电影
Gothic art was• a 哥特式艺术,
development of
Gothic architecture.
spread to all of
它被迅速传遍 了整个西欧,
Western Europe,但却比北阿尔
Biblioteka Baidu
but took over art 卑斯山对艺术
north of the Alps.
哥特式摇滚(常被 认为是哥特摇滚或 普通摇滚)是一种 可以追溯到1970年 代的多样性摇滚分 支。哥特式摇滚乐 队从强处连接他们 与英国朋克摇滚和 衍生的后朋克场景。
Gothic painting
•Simone Martini (1285–
1t"uhG3na4圣 1知 哥toti43ltch母 道 特4)aPa4ibcn1玛 式a)o"2inbu丽 建0画dte0tii亚 筑像,dn1cg2an( 和的或0lioln0e素1风者t,2daao描8格在prs5p-tyelaer nsastrceacua兴 能 式rhrltpli起 被 风ytoteuf5的 称 格crG0teu”近 之o.yrtee5为ha0ia“年rcnsd哥,af特才ter the
Medieval art 是一项在法国
movement that 十二世纪中期,
developed in France out of Romanesque art in the mid12th century,
罗曼式艺术中 发展出的中世 纪艺术风格, 与同时期的哥
led by the
•哥特式科幻小说的主要特征包含恐 怖(心理和生理层面),神秘,超自 然,鬼魂,被修葺的房子和哥特式建 筑,城堡,黑暗,死亡,腐烂,双重, 疯狂,秘密,以及遗传变异。
Gothic Music
•Gothic rock (also referred to as goth rock or simply goth) is a musical subgenre of alternative rock that formed during the late 1970s. Gothic rock bands grew from the strong ties they had to the English punk rock and emerging post-punk scenes.
哥特式科幻小说(有时被认 为是哥特式恐怖)是一种同
文学。 作为一种流派,其被认为开
创于Horace Walpole在1764 年创作的小说《奥特兰托的 城堡》。
Gothic fiction (sometimes referred to as Gothic horror) is a genre of literature that combines elements of both horror and romance. As a genre, it is generally believed to have been invented by the English author Horace Walpole, with his 1764 novel The Castle of Otranto.
•In the late 14th •在十四世纪后
century, the sophisticated court style of
期,复杂的宫 廷哥特式风格
International 在全球兴起。
developed, which
continued to 后期继续得以
evolve until the late 15th
–在很多地区,尤其是德国,晚期的哥 特式艺术在进入十六世纪后得到了良好 的发展,并包容了文艺复兴时期的艺术。 哥特时期早期的媒体方式包括素描,绘 画面板,彩色玻璃,壁画和手稿。
–In many areas, especially Germany, Late Gothic art continued well into the 16th century, before being subsumed into Renaissance art. Primary media in the Gothic period included sculpture, panel painting, stained glass, fresco and illuminated manuscript.
Character 特征
•Prominent features of Gothic fiction include terror (both psychological and physical), mystery, the supernatural, ghosts, haunted houses and Gothic architecture, castles, darkness, death, decay, doubles, madness, secrets, and hereditary curses.
Painters like Robert Campin and Jan van Eyck, made use of the technique of oil painting to create minutely detailed works, correct in perspective, where apparent realism was combined with richly complex symbolism arising precisely from the realistic detail they could now include, even in small works.