法律用语:常用法律英语拉丁词汇(G-M) germanus 纯血亲gratis 无偿地gratis dictum 空言gross modo 大体上haereditas 继承权haereditas ab intestato 无遗嘱继承人haeres 继承人haeres natus 亲生的继承人haeres suus 直系继承人heares legitimus 合法继承人ibidem 出处同上id est 即idem 同上idem genus 同类idem sonans 同音姓名impubes 未成年人in articulo 立即in articulo mortis 临死时in autre droit 凭他人权力in bonis habere 所有权in capita 按人头in re 对于jus abstinendi 抛弃权得jus abutendi 滥用权jus accrescendi 取得权利jus ad bellum 诉诸战争权jus ad rem 物权jus aequum 公正法jus albinatus 没收外侨遗产kashrut 饮食教规ketubba 婚书kiyas 吉雅论kreis 行政区lapsus 错误lapsus calami 笔误lapsus linguae 失言lapsus memoriae 记忆上的错误lata culpa 重大过失levissima culpa 轻微过失lis 诉讼案件mala fides 恶意mala in se 自然犯mala per se 本质罪恶mala praxis 医疗失误mala prohibita 法律所禁止的行为malo animo 恶念malum in se 不法malum prohibitum 法律禁止的不法行为。
现将英语中常用词汇的语源情况列表如下:本族语法语(拉丁语)其它前1000词 83% 13% 4%前2000词 34% 57% 9%前3000词 29% 60% 11%前4000词 27% 63% 11%前5000词 27% 64% 9%前20000词 15% 81% 4%历史:英法两国隔英吉利海峡相望,英伦三岛的人要去欧洲大陆,必经法国。
如:ad damunm(就损害而言),amicus curiae(法官的顾问),corpus delicti(犯罪事实),de bonis non(已故遗产管理人的后继人),lex fori (法院地位)等。
法律英语中的拉丁语词汇 Latin Words in Legal English 来源
![法律英语中的拉丁语词汇 Latin Words in Legal English 来源](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3a5b794469eae009581bec5e.png)
ab initio (自始,例:void ab initio 自始无效)from the beginningad hoc (特别;特定;为某一目的特设,例:ah hoc committee 特设委员会;临时委员会;专门委员会)for this purposead litem (专为某一诉讼目的;例:agent ad litem诉讼代理人)for the lawsuita fortiori(更加,更不必说)according to Webster: "with greater reason or more convincing force -- used in drawing a conclusion that is inferred to be even more certain than another." Example: If it is a violation of the sending state's rights to arrest its consular official, then a fortiori it would be a violation to arrest its ambassador.a posteriori(经验的;归纳的;后验的)from effect to cause; from particular to general; inductive (based on observation or experience).a priori(先验的;演绎的)from cause to effect; from generalization to particular; deductive; presupposed by or reasoning from self-evident propositions (based on theory rather than practice).amicus curiae(法庭之友)"friend of the court"; a person with a strong interest in or views on the subject matter of a given legal action may petition the court for permission to file a brief, ostensibly on behalf of a party but actually to suggest a rationale consistent with its own views. Such amicus curiae briefs are commonly filed in appeals concerning matters of a broad public interest. Example: NPC of Iran v. M/T Stolt Sheaf casecontra legem(违反法律)"against the law" (term used to describe an equitable decision of a court or tribunal that is contrary to the law governing the controversy. Such a decision would not normally be permitted unless the tribunal had been empowered to act ex aequo et bono). As opposed to intra legem.de facto(事实;事实上)in fact (as opposed to in law, de jure)de lege ferenda(根据拟议法)what the law ought to be (as opposed to what the law is, lex lata).de lege lata(根据现行法)what the law is (as opposed to what the law ought to be, de lege ferenda).de jure(法理上;法律上)in law (as opposed to in fact, de facto).dolus specialis (特殊目的)special intent. In international humanitarian law, genocide is considered unique because of the special intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.erga omnes(对所有国家;普遍适用;对国际社会整体。
13. de novo
14. ejusdem generis
of the same class
15. et al
and others
16. ex abundanti cautela
from an excess of caution
17. ex parte
all necessary changes having been made
31. nil
32. non compos mentis
not of sound mind
33. non obstante verdicto
not withstanding the verdict
54. sua sponte
of one’s own will
55. sui generis
of its own kind
56. ultra vires
beyond the power
57. vel non
or not
58. versus
from one side
18. expressio unius est exclusio alterius
the express mention of one is the exclusion of another
19. flagrante delicto
标签:法律英语;专利法;词汇特点;翻译Abstract: Legal English, as a typical style of practical English, has many differences in comparison with literature translation in terms of lexical, syntactic and stylistic features. Starting on analyzing lexical features in legal English, this article then mainly introduces and comments on some ways in which legal terms are translated based on the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China.Key words: legal English;the Patent Law;lexical feature;translation一引言专业翻译人员了解源语(source language)的各种语言特点对于翻译工作是十分有帮助的。
(李克兴2007:27)法律英语是一种较高的正式文体(the formal style),其主要特点主要体现在专业性的词汇及用语的使用上。
例如,“ Testament”在英语中通常指代遗嘱,而在汉语中则翻译为“遗嘱”或“遗嘱书”。
例如,“土地产权”在英语中翻译为“land property right”,但这一术语在汉语中则具有更为丰富的社会和文化内涵。
例如,“不动产”在英语中翻译为“real estate”,该词源于古汉语中的“不动之产”。
例如,在英语中常用“null and void”来描述某项法律条款或合同无效,而在汉语中则更习惯使用“无效”或“作废”来表达相同的意思。
例如,“无罪推定”在英语中翻译为“innocent until proven guilty”,这反映了英美法系中对于被告在未经证实有罪之前应被视为无罪的理念。
一、 法律英语词源的三个主渠道
英语词汇的来源最具开放性, 法律英语词汇亦是如 此。 在英语发展的历史长河中, 法语和拉丁语构成了法律 英语词汇来源的主渠道, 另外, 古英语复合副词及其它常 用古词语构成另一主渠道。
的具有多义性, 应用时要注意词形变化和语境。
2. 排他性专门涵义术语 这种术语指排斥与法律概
念无任何联系的一般涵义而保留特定的法律专门涵义的 法律专门用语。 这类术语有两种涵义: 一是法律方面的; 二是普通意义方面的。 由于两种涵义截然不同, 所以必须 通过排斥与法律无关的普通涵义才能明晰地揭示特定的 法律专门涵义。 这类术语的多义现象主要是由于词义范 围在历史演变中扩大或缩小而产生的。 据此, 可将其分为 两类形式: ①词义外延术语: 许多专门创造的法律专门术语由 于词义从原先表示的单一概念扩大到表达外延较宽广的 概念而越出其使用范围, 渗透到日常生活中, 例如 a lib i 是一个法律专门术语, 意为 “不在犯罪现场” , 现在词义已 扩大为 “借口, 托辞” , 甚至还转化为动词 “为…辩解” 。再 试看以下词义外延的例子: 法律专门术语
law yer, cri m e cri m ina l, con tract con tractua l, 而 且 有
语在现代英语中已不再广泛应用了, 而且逐渐在消亡, 但 是在法律英语中古词语的应用却十分普遍。 正如 D avid
C rysta l 和 D erek D avy 所 言: It is esp ecia lly no ticeab le tha t any p a ssage of lega l Eng lish is u sua lly w ell studded w ith a rcha ic w o rd s and p h ra ses of a k ind tha t cou ld be . ( 任何一段法律英语都 u sed by no one else bu t law yers
关键词:法律英语;词源;语汇特征1 引言法律英语有其专门的用途,其在词汇方面与普通英语有所不同,不能推断和猜测,一般有其固定的表达方式。
2 法律英语的词源法律英语的词源主要包括古词语(Archaic Words)、法语(French)和拉丁语(Latin)三个方面。
2.1 古词语(Archaic Words)虽然古词语在现代英语中的应用不是很广泛,但它却是构成法律英语不可或缺的一部分。
再如一些包含词根“here”的法律词汇:hereof, hereto,herein,hereinbefore,hereafter,hereinafter, hereinabove,hereby,herewith等。
2.2 法语(French)因为法语曾是身份和地位的象征,多为贵族及上层社会人士所使用,所以有大量的法语词汇进入到英语中,而且大部分词汇沿用至今。
法律英语翻译-法律英语特点法律英语(Legal English)措辞严谨,句式冗长,结构复杂,甚至一句话能长达一篇文章。
在做好法律英语(Legal English)翻译(translation)之前,清楚认识法律英语(Legal English)的特点(characteristics)至关重要。
法律英语(Legal English)是以英语共同语为基础,在立法和司法等活动中形成和使用的具有法律专业特点(characteristics)的语言。
因此,在法律英语(Legal English)中不仅有众多的具有法律专门意义的特殊词汇(words),而且由于规定人们权利和义务的法律、法令或契约等法律文书所表述的内容必须准确、严密、客观和规范,不容许丝毫的引伸、推理或抒发和表达感情,因而在法律英语(Legal English)中又形成了许多其特有的句法特点(characteristics),这些词法和句法特点(characteristics)在翻译(translation)过程中必须受到充分重视。
下面我们从词汇(words)、词类使用和句型结构三方面来考察法律英语(Legal English)的文体(style)特点(characteristics):一、法律英语(Legal English)的文体(style)特点(characteristics)之一:法律英语(Legal English)词汇(words)1.1法律英语(Legal English)用词特点(characteristics):庄重、规范、书面语较多法律是掌握国家政权的阶级、集团的意志体现,它有鲜明的政策性,权威性。
bona fide:acting in good faith
contra legem (违反法律) "against the law" (term used to describe an equitable decision of a court or tribunal that is contrary to the law governing the controversy. Such a decision would not normally be permitted unless the tribunal had been empowered to act ex aequo et bono). As opposed to intra legem.
inter alia (在其他事项外;此外) among other things.
intra legem (法内) "within the law" (term used to describe an equitable decision of a court or tribunal that is consistent with the rules of law governing the controversy). As opposed to contra legem.
inter arma silent leges (战争的时候无法律可言;战时法律暂停生效) in time of war, the laws are silent
ipso facto (根据事实本身;事实使然) by the fact (or act) itself.
ipso jure (依照法律;根据法律)by the law itself
试析法律英语的词汇特点摘要法律英语(Legal English),在英语国家中被称为Legal Language或Language of the Law,即法律语言,在英语中指表述法律科学概念以及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语。
常用拉丁文法律词汇AA born droit 以正当理由A coelo usque ad centrum 从天直到地心(指地产所有人的权利范围)A contraio sensu 从另方面来说A dessein 故意Actio 诉讼,诉讼权A fortiori 理有理由Ab antecedente 预先Ab inito 自始Ab invito 非自愿Ab origine 从开始,从起源Absente reo 被告缺席Actio bonae fidei 诚意行为Actio civilis 民事诉讼Actio contrario 反诉,互诉Actio damni injuria 要求赔偿损失的诉讼Actio personalis moritur cum persona 对人诉讼与当事人一起消灭Actiones legis 合法行动Actus non facit reum,nisi mens sit rea 无犯罪意图的行为不构成犯罪Actus reus 禁止的行为,非法行为Ad casum 在偶然情况下Ad hoc 特设,专设,临时Ad infinitum 无限Ad interim 临时,暂行Ad litem 诉讼期间,有关诉讼的Ad referendum 尚待核准,待进一步审议Ad valorem 从价Affirmantis est probare 申明者应该证明Affirmantio unius exclusio est alterius 肯定其一即排除其它Aggregatio mentium 意见一致Aliena res 他人的财产Allegans contraria non est audiendus 自相矛盾的证词不可听信Alma mater 母校Amicus curiae 法院之友,法院协助者Animus cancellandi 撤销意图Animus donandi 赠与意图Animus furandi劫掠意图Animus lucrandi 营利意图Animus manendi 留居意图Animus possidendi 占有意图Animus restituendi 恢复意图Animus revocandi 撤销意图Audi alterm partem 必须听取另一方,兼听则明B Bellum justumBeneficium ordinis 按顺序的优待Biens 财产Biens immeubles 不动产Billa 起诉状Bona fide 真诚的,善意Bona mobilia 动产Bona vacantia 绝产C Caeteris paribus 在其它条件相同的情况下Capax doli 犯罪能力Capitis diminution 消减法律权利,降低法律地位Casus foederis 交战理由Casus fortuitus 意外情况Casus proxima 直接原因Causus remota 远因Casus sine qua non 必要条件,必要原因Cautio judicatum solvi 诉讼费保证金Cautio pro expensis 费用担保Caveat emptor 货物出门概不退换Caveat venditor 包退包换Certiorari 复审令,调养令Cessante causa cessat effectus 原因消灭,结果也消灭Cesset processus 中止诉讼令Ceteris paribus 如其余情况相同Clausula rebus sie stantibus 情势不变条款Cirulus in probando 循环论证Cogito ergo sum 我思故我在Comitas gentium 国际礼让Commercia belli 交战者间的协定Communis opinio 共同意见Compos mentis 神志清醒Conditio sine qua non 必要条件Conjectio causae 律师所做的案件简介Consensus ad idem 意思一致Consensus facit legem 协议产生法律Consuetude pro observanda est 当地的习惯应该遵守Consuetude vinict communem 习惯胜过普通法Conta bonos mores 违反善良习惯Contra jus belli 违反战争法Coram nobis 复审令Corpus juris 法律汇编Corpus separatum 单独实体Corrigendum 更正Cujus eat solum ejus est usque ad coelum et ad inferos 有土地者土地的上面及下面亦属其所有Culpa lata dolo aequiparatur 重大过失相当于蓄意Curia advisari vult 法院推迟判决Curia romana 罗马教廷Curriculum vitae 简历DDammum absque injuria 有损害而无伤害,合法行为造成的损害Dammum emergens 产生的损失De bene esse 有条件的,暂时De facto 事实上De jure 法律上De minimis non curat lex 法律不过问琐事De novo 重新Desideratum 亟需条件,需要条件Dictum meum pactum 我的话就是保证,口说为凭Dies ad quo 起算日Dies ad ques 截止日Diverso intuitu 不同看法,不同意图Dolo malo pactumse non servaturum 因欺诈诱使达成的协议无效Dominium 领有权,所有权Domino volente 经物主同意Dominus navis 船舶所有人Donation inter vivos 生前赠与EE pluribus unum 合众为一(美国国玺上刻字)Eat inde sine die 立即释放Ejus eat interpretari cujus est condere 解释权属于制造者Erga ommes 对所有人Ex aequo et bono 公允及善良,按公平合理原则Ex ante 事先,根据推断Ex assensu curiae 经法院同意Ex continenti 立即Ex contractu 由于合同,由于契约Ex debito justitiae 根据权利Ex delicto 由于侵权行为Ex gratia 出自恩惠Ex hypothesi 根据假定Ex injuria jus non oritur 不法行为不产生权利Ex nihilo nihil fit 无中不能生有Ex officio 依职权,当然Ex parte 片面,单方面Ex post facto 事后,有溯及力的Ex proprio motu 自愿,出自本意Ex tuipi causa non oritur actio 不能因不道德事由提起诉讼Exceptio probat regulam 例外证实规律Excutio est finis et fructus legis 执行是法律的目的和结果Exempli gratia 例如Expressio unius est exclusio 明示其一即排诉其它FFacta sunt potetiora verbis 事实胜于雄辩Feme covert 已婚妇女Feme sole 单身妇女Fides servanda est 必须守信Flagrante delito 现行犯Forum domicilii 住所地法院Forum rei sitae 物所在地法院Fructus rei alienae 他人财产的收益G Gernanus 纯血亲Gratis 无偿地Gratis dictum 空言Grosso modo 大体上H Habeas corpus 人身保护令,人身保护权Haeres 继承人Haeres natus 亲生的继承人Haeres suus 直系继承人Heares legitimus 合法继承人Hostes humani generi 危害人类罪犯,人类的敌人IIdem genus 同类Ignorantia legis non excusat 不知道法律不能免除责任Immobilia situm sequuntur 不动产所在地法Immobilia 不动产Imperium 统治权Imperium in imperio 国中之国In absentia 缺席In camera 秘密,不公开In countumaciam 藐视法庭In delicto 有过错In dubio minitius 遇有疑义从宽解释In dubio,pars mitior est sequenda 有疑义时从宽In dubio,pro lege fori 有疑义时,按法院地法In eadem causa 在相同情况下In esse 确实存在着In extenso 全文,详尽地In flagrant delicto 在犯罪当场,现行In forma pauperis 作为贪民免付诉讼费In futuro 将来In genere 同类In medias res 在事物中心In memoriam 作为纪念In omnibus 在所有方面In pari materia 类似事项In perpetuum 永久地In personam 对人的In posse 可能存在着In praesenti 现在In propria persona 亲自,本人In re 关于In rem 对物,物权In situ 在原地In statu quo 按原样,维持原状In terrorem 作为警告In toto 全部,全然In transitu 在途中Inclusio unius exclusio alterius 包括其一就排除其他Injuria sine dammo 有上海无损害Inter alia 特别是,除其它以外Inter nos 在我们之间,不得外传Inter pares 平等者之间Inter partes 当事方之间Inter vivos 生者之间Intra vires 在权限范围内Ipse dixit 武断的话,亲口所述Ipsissima verba 确切的原文Ipso facto 依事实,根据事实本身Ipso jure 依法律Iter 道路,通过权JJacta est alea 木已成舟Judex est lex loquens 法庭是法律的喉舌Judicia publica 刑事审判Jura in re aliena 对他人财产的权利Jura in re propria 对本身财产的权利Jura novit curia 法院应了解法律Jura summi imperii 主权权利Jure gentium 按国际法Juris affectus in executione consistit 法律的效力在于执行Jus albinatus 外侨遗产没收权Jus bellum dicendi 宣战权Jus civile 市民法,民法Jus cogens 强制法Jus disponendi 处分权Jus ex injuria non oritur 不法行为不产生权利Jus gentium 国际汉,万民法Jus imperii 统治权Jus legitimum 合法权利Jus naturale 自然法Jus non scriptum 不成文法Jus possessionis 占有权Jus privatum 私法Jus publicum 公法Jus representationis 代表权Jus sanguinis 血统主义Jus scriptum 成文法Jus soli 出生地主义Jus standi 行动能力,行动权Jus tertii 第三方权利Justitia non est neganda non differenda 不应拒绝司法,也不应延迟司法KKashrut 饮食教规Ketubba 婚书Kiyas 吉雅论Kreis 行政区LLegalis homo 法人Legatos violare contra jus gentium est 伤害使节违反国际汉Legis interpretatio legis vim obtinet 法律的解释具有法律的效力Lex domicilii 住所地法Lex ferenda 拟议法Lex fori 法院地法Lex lata 现行法Lex loci 地方法律Lex loci actus 行为地法Lex loci contractus 合法缔结地法Lex loci delicti commissi 侵权行为法Lex loci delictus 侵权行为地法,不法行为地法Lex loci rei sitae 物所在地法Lex loci executionis 履行地法Lex loci solutionis 合同履行地法Lex mercatoria 商法Lex non scripta 不成文法Lex situs 所在地法Lex ordinandi 法院地法Lex personalis 属人法Lex postrtior derogate lex prori 后法优于前法Lex prospicit non respicit 法律不溯及既往Lex rei sitae 物所在地法Lex scripta 成文法Lex specialis derogat generali 特殊法优于一般法Lex talionis 报复性法律Lexis non curat de minimis 法律不管琐事Lis pendens 正在进行的诉讼Lie pendente 在诉讼期间Literati 文人,知识界Locus contractus 定契约地点Locus contractus regit actum 行为依契约地Locus criminis 犯罪地Locus delicti 不法行为地Locus publicus 公共场所Locus regit actum 行为依行为地Locus standi 出庭资格,发言权Longa possessio parit 长期占有产生权利Licrum cessans 损失的利润MMagna culpa 重大过错Magna neligentia 重大过失Mala fide 恶意Malo animo 恶意,非法意图Mare clausum 闭海Mare liberum 海洋自由Mens legis 法律意图,法律的精神Mens rea 犯罪意图,犯罪意识Modus et conventio vincunt legem 习惯与协定优于法律Modus hahilis 有效方式Modus operandi 操作方法,作案方法Modus viendi 临时协定,权宜之计Modus mutandis 在细节上用必要的修改后,经适当变通后Mutuum 消费借贷N Necessitas non habet legem 危急时不考虑法律Necessitas vincit legem 紧迫必要压倒法律Nemine contadicente 无人反对,无反对票Nemo cogitationis poenam patitur 不得因思想判刑Nemo dat qui non habet 不能把不属于自己的给予他人Nemo est supra leges 任何人不得凌驾于法律之上Nemo judex in re sua 当事者不得自己审判Nemo sibi esse judex vel suis jus dicere debet 当事人不得自己审判Nolens volen 不论是否同意Nolle prosequi 撤回起诉Nolo contendere 被告不申辩Non bis in idem 一事不再理Non compos mentis 精神失常Non culpabilis 无罪Non est regula quin fallet 规律皆有例外Non obligat lex nisi promulgata 未经颁布的法律无强制性Non obstante verdictio 不顾陪审团的裁决Non sui juris 无法律行为能力Non vult contendere 被告不申辩Nota bene 注意Nudum pactum 无对价契约Nulla poena sine lege 无法律即不构成犯罪Nunc pro tunc 有溯及效力OObit sine prole 死无后人Obiter dictum 判决中的附带判词Obligation ex contractu 由于契约产生的债务Obligation ex delicto 由于侵权行为产生的债务Ommis definitio in lege periculosa 法律上一切定义都不保险Ommis regula suas patitur exceptiones 一切规则皆有其例外Onus probandi 举证责任Opinio juris 法律意见PPacta sunt servanda 条约必须遵守Pacta tertiis nec nocent nec prosunt 契约对第三方损益Pactum de contrahendo 缔约承诺Pactum illicitum 非法协定Par in parem imperium non habet 平等者之间不存在统治权Pari causa 同等权利Pari materia 相同事项Pari passu 以相同步伐,平等地Pari ratione 基于同样的理由Particeps criminis 从犯,共犯Pendente beelo 战争期间Pendent elite 诉讼期间Per annum 每年Per biennium 每两年时期Per capita 按人口平均计算Per centum 每百,百分之……Per contra 相反,反之Per curiam 由法院Per diem 每日,每日生活津贴Per procurationem 由……代表Per saltum 一跃Per se 本身,本来,本质上Persona non grata 不受欢迎的人Persona standi in judicio 诉讼能力Portio legitima 法定特留分Preator peregrinus 外事法官Prima facie 明显的,初步看来Primus inter pares 同辈中居首位者Principiorum non est ratio 基本原则无须论证Privatuum commodum publico cedit 个人利益服从公共利益Pro bono publico 为了公共利益Pro forma 形式上,估计的Pro hac vice 只此一回,仅为此场合Pro indiviso不分的Pro interesse suo 在其利益范围内Pro memoria 备忘录Pro patria 为了祖国Pro posse suo 在其能力范围内Pro rata 按比例,成比例的Pro re nata 临时Pro tanto 至此,到这个程度Pro tempore 当时,暂时Probatio plena 充足证据QQuantum meruit (无合同规定时)支付合理报酬Quantum valebant 支付合理价格原则Quem dues perdere vult,prius dementat 上帝要谁灭亡,先叫他疯狂Qui facit per alium facit per se 通过他人所作的行为即本人的行为Qui jure suo utitur,nemini facit injuriam 行使合法权利者不损害他人Qui non improbat,,approbat 不谴责即表示赞同Qui non negat fatetur 不否认等于承认Qui parcit nocentibus innocents punnit 不惩罚罪犯等于惩罚无辜者Qui tacet consentit 沉默即表示同意Quid pro quo 交换条件,报酬Quo V adis《君往何处》描写罗马暴君尼禄时代的历史小说Quo warranto (旧时英国法庭所发)责问某人根据什么行使职权,防止非法滥用权力的程序Quoad hoc 就这一点而言, 在这一点上Quod est necessarium est licitum 需要即合法Quod initio non valet,tractu temporis non valet 开始无效者不能因时间推移而成为有效Quovis modo 以任何方式RRatio decidendi 裁决的理由Ratio est legis anima 理为法之灵魂Ratio legis 立法的理由Ratione materiae 就事而言,基于对事的理由Ratione personnae 就人而,基于对人的理由Rebus sic stantibus 情势不变Regula pro lege,si deficit lex 无法律时依格言Res accessoria 附属物Res adjudicate 既决事项,定案Res communes 公共财产Res contraversa 争议事项Res extra commercium 非交易物Res immobiles 不动产Res inter alios acta 他人之间的行为Res ipsa loquitur 根据情况推定Res judicata 既决事项,定案Res mobiles 动产Res nullius 无主财产Res transit cum suo onere 负担随物转移Res universitatis 团体成员共有物Restitutio in integrum 恢复原状SSalus populi superma lex 人民的福利是最高的法律Sciendum est 须知,应该提出Secundum juris 根据法律Secundum normam legis 根据法律规则Secundum usum 根据惯例Sensu lato 广义的Sensu politico 政治意思上的Sensu stricto 狭义的Seriatim 逐条,依次Si vis pacem,para bellum 如果你要和平,就做好战争的准备Sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas 使用自己的财产应不损及他人的财产Silent leges inter arma 战争期间法律暂停生效Simul cum 连同Sine die 不定期,无限期Sine prole 无后嗣Sine qua non 必要条件Solutio indebiti 无债务支付Stare decisis 遵照过去判例Stare in judicio (作为原告或被告)出庭Status quo 现状Status quo ante bellum 战前状态Status quo post bellum 战后状态Sub judice 法庭审理中的Sub modo 附有条件Sub rosa 秘密地Sub silentio 私下Sub suo periculo 本身承担风险Sublato fundamento cadit opus 基础不存在,上层机构也不能存在Subpoena ad testificandum 出庭作证的传票Subpoena duces tecum 命令证人携带特定文件物品到庭的传票Sui generic 特殊的Sui juris 具有完全的行为能力Summa cum laube 以最优异的学业成绩Summum jus,summa injurisa 法重损害也重Super altum mare 在公海上Suum cuique tribuere 物归原主TTale quale 按原状Tempus commissi delicti 非法行为时间Terminus a quo 开始,出发点Terra culta 耕地Terra incognita 未知领域Terra nullius 无主地Terra dominium finitur,ubi finitur amorum vis 陆上国家的权利以其武力所及范围为限Tertius interveniens 介入的第三方Testis unus testis nullus 孤证不足为凭Tutela legitima 法宝监护Tutela testamentaria 遗嘱建立的监护UUberrimae fidei 以最大诚意Ubi jus,ibi remedium 有权利即有补救方法Ubi jus incertum,ibi jus nullum 法律不明确等于无法律Ultima ratio 最后道理,最后手段Ultra vires 越权Unius omnino tests responsio non auditur 单一证人的证词不足为凭Unus bellici 战争前途Ut dictum 如所指示Ut infra 如下所述Uti possidetis 保留已占有物,占领地保有原则VV as 抵押V astum 荒地V ectigalia 关税V ectura 货运V i et armis 用武力,用暴力V ice versa 反之亦然V ide infra 参见下文V ide supra 参见上文V is fluminis 水力V is major 不可抗力V iva voce 口头V olenti non fit injuria 对同意者不构成损害V ox emissa volat,litera scripta manet 口说无凭,写下来才算数V ox populi 舆论,人民的呼声。
比如中文里“不可抗力”对应的英语“force majeure”就来源于法语:(来自“法语助手”)大量的拉丁语除了难读,还很难记忆,但是又使用的特别频繁,其实用的多了,它们就像我们的“无因管理”、“行为能力”,“表见代理”这些术语一样,并不神秘~那么,你要接受挑战吗?让我们开始吧!高能预警:内容不多,但一定要跟上文章的思路!先从一个Per curiam说起【LexisNexis Law English-Chinese Dictionary】由法院所定Lat – by the whole court.拉丁語–依照整個法院。
【元照英美法词典】per curiam〈拉〉由法庭全体(同意)In law, a per curiam decision (or opinion) is a ruling issued by an appellate court of multiple judges in which the decision rendered is made by the court (or at least, a majority of the court) acting collectively and unanimously. In contrast to regular opinions, a per curiam does not list the individual judge responsible for authoring the decision, but minority dissenting and concurring decisions are signed.记忆:per curiam指的是审判庭总体意见,指上诉法庭的判决意见,但没有具体写明是谁的意见,没有对推理深入阐述。
这不仅是因为古罗马法学家最早强调法律人的思维方式(Sententiae iuris),主张用简洁、精准的语言来陈述法律规则(Regulae definitiones),更因为拉丁文在西方历史上长期被视为有教养者的语言,曾经是欧洲人表述法律规则和法律命题的通用语言。
直接表达价值规范和道德的例子有,Commune bonum 英语:a common good ,意即公益:Contra bonos mores 英语:contrary to good morals ,意即违背善良风俗的,在法律中用来表示某事违背社会道德福利。
譬如我们说,关于实施犯罪的协议是contra bonos mores 。
体现程序价值的拉丁文格言的例子有,Accusare nemo se debet 英语:nobody is bound to incriminate himself ,意即一个人不应被强迫去做出对其不利的证词。
Aequitas sequitur legem 英语:equity follows the law ,意即衡平法跟随普通法,只有在普通法似乎忽视了某些重要因素和情形而导致影响到事情的正义时,衡平法才会跟随普通法予以干涉。
但是原告在意欲寻求衡平法的帮助时,必须自身是干净的,如英语谚语所说he who comes into equitymust come with clean hands ,即寻求衡平法救济的人,自己必须两手干净。
2352020年47期总第539期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS法律英语的词汇来源和特点文/邸士颀专门的学科英语,其词汇也具有自己的特点。
lex 法、法律
prima facie 乍看的,据初步印象的
bona fide 真诚的、真实的good faith
mala fide 不诚实的、恶意的bad faith
bona fides 忠诚、真诚(n.)
ex gratia 作为优惠的(地),通融的(地)
ultra vires 越权地(的)
intra vires (intra-)within
vise versa 反之亦然with the order or meaning reversed; conversely alter ego (other self) or (other side of oneself)
ex hypothesi (adv.)按假说、据推测
ostensible (adj.) 名义上的、明显的
stare decisis “遵从先例”
in personam “对人的”
persona non grata “不受欢迎的人”
force majeure “不可抗力”
caveat emptor "货物出门概不退换"
mens rea “犯罪主观因素,犯意”
actus reus "犯罪客观因素"
supra ‘见上,前揭’
onus probandi "举证责任“
nulla poena sine lege “法无明文者不罚”
nulla crimen sine lege 法无明文不为罪
nulla poene sine crimine 无法以为罪者不罚
nullum crimen sine poena legali 无法定刑罚者不为罪。
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法律英语中的拉丁语词汇LatinWordsinLegalEnglish来源法律英语中的拉丁语词汇Latin Words in Legal English来源:王堃一的日志ab initio (自始,例:void ab initio 自始无效)from the beginningad hoc (特别;特定;为某一目的特设,例:ah hoc committee 特设委员会;临时委员会;专门委员会)for this purposead litem (专为某一诉讼目的;例:agent ad litem诉讼代理人)for the lawsuita fortiori(更加,更不必说)according to Webster: "with greater reason or more convincing force -- used in drawing a conclusion that is inferred to be even more certain than another." Example: If it is a violation of the sending state's rights to arrest its consular official, then a fortiori it would be a violation to arrest its ambassador.a posteriori(经验的;归纳的;后验的)from effect to cause; from particular to general; inductive (based on observation or experience).a priori(先验的;演绎的)from cause to effect; from generalization to particular; deductive; presupposed by or reasoning from self-evident propositions (based on theory rather than practice).amicus curiae(法庭之友)"friend of the court"; a person with a strong interest in or views on the subject matter of a given legal action may petition the court for permission to file a brief, ostensibly on behalf of a party but actually to suggest a rationale consistent with its own views. Such amicus curiae briefs are commonly filed in appeals concerning matters of a broad publicinterest. Example: NPC of Iran v. M/T Stolt Sheaf case contra legem(违反法律)"against the law" (term used to describe an equitable decision of a court or tribunal that is contrary to the law governing the controversy. Such a decision would not normally be permitted unless the tribunal had been empowered to act ex aequo et bono). As opposed to intra legem.de facto(事实;事实上)in fact (as opposed to in law, de jure) de lege ferenda(根据拟议法)what the law ought to be (as opposed to what the law is, lex lata).de lege lata(根据现行法)what the law is (as opposed to what the law ought to be, de lege ferenda).de jure(法理上;法律上)in law (as opposed to in fact, de facto).dolus specialis (特殊目的)special intent. In international humanitarian law, genocide is considered unique because of the special intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.erga omnes(对所有国家;普遍适用;对国际社会整体。
例:obligation erga omnes 对国际社会整体的义务;对世义务)"toward all" wrongful acts that harm everyone and not simply one injured party)ex aequo et bono (根据公允及善意原则;本着公平与正义的精神)a judgment based on considerations of fairness, not on considerations of existing law. Such a judgment is rendered "beside" or "against the law" (praeter legem or contra legem), not within the law (infra legem or intra legem). Example: Article 38(2) of the I.C.J. Statute permits the Court to render a judgment on these groundsex proprio motu(出于自愿的;出自本意的)on its own accord.ex proprio vigore(由于本身的力量)by its own strength / of its own force. A law or a treaty may be binding ex proprio vigore, or on its own. If an international law is not binding ex proprio vigore in domestic law, then legislative action is needed. A treaty that requires domestic legislation is referred to as a non-self-executing treaty.forum conveniens (便利法庭;合适的裁判地)convenient forum. The court is convenient to hear a case and has jurisdiction. The doctrine of forum non conveniens ("inconvenient forum") allows a court to refurse to adjudicate a case on grounds of inconvenience.forum non conveniens(不便利法庭;非方便裁判地)inconvenient forum.in pari delicto(同等过错;互有过失)equally wrong. One party is as much at fault as the opposing party.in pari materia(以相同方式)on like subject matter; same manner. typically used in regards to statutes which relate the same thing or person.in personam (对人)against the person. Jurisdiction over the person of an individual.in rem (对物)“in a thing”. In a lawsuit, an action in rem is directed towards some specific piece of property,in statu nascendi (在新生状态/初始状态/原初状态中)in its original form / in birth status / being just born. Under international law, this term generally is used to refer to a nascent state or a political entity seeking recognition of statehood. It also is used to refer to emergent laws, rules, or principles of customary international law.inter alia (在其他事项外;此外)among other things.intra legem(法内)"within the law" (term used to describean equitable decision of a court or tribunal that is consistent with the rules of law governing the controversy). As opposed to contra legem.inter arma silent leges (战争的时候无法律可言;战时法律暂停生效) in time of war, the laws are silentipso facto (根据事实本身;事实使然)by the fact (or act) itself.ipso jure (依照法律;根据法律)by the law itselfjus(法;权利)law or the body of lawjus ad bellum(诉诸战争权)Right to War. When and under what conditions is war ever justifiable? Jus ad bellum sets the boundaries for the use of force. War was denounced in the 1919 Covenant of the League of Nations and the 1928 Treaty of Paris (Briand-Kellogg Pact). The UN Charter adopted in 1945 states: "All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations." Article 2(4). The Charter authorizes the use of force in self defense. Article 51. See Chapter VII and Chapter VIII for more provisions. Compare jus ad bellum (right to use force) with jus in bello (conduct during war).jus civile(市民法)law created within each country. Jus civile is one of two categories of law in formal Roman law, along with jus gentium.jus cogens(强制性法规;强制法;绝对法)"compelling law," peremptory principles of international law that cannot be overriden by specific treaties between countries; that is: norms that admit of no derogation; they are binding on all states at all times (e.g., prohibitions on aggression, slavery, and genocide)..jus gentium (万民法)"law of peoples" or "law of tribes," abody of law developed by a Roman praetor peregrinus; applied to non-Romans in the Empire and to dealings between Romans and non-Romans. Jus gentium is one of two categories of law in formal Roman law, along with jus civile.jus gentium privatum(国际私法)Private International Law jus gentium publicum(国际公法)Public International Law jus in bello(战时法)Justice in War. These principles govern the conduct of parties during the law of war and armed conflict, and in a broader sense define the rights and obligations of neutral parties. The basic legal frameworks include, but are not limited to: the 1907 Hague Conventions and Regulations; Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the 1977 Protocols I and II; the 1925 Geneva Gas Protocol; the 1954 Hague Cultural Property Convention; the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention; the 1980 Conventional Weapons Convention; and the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention. See also jus ad bellum.jus inter gentes (国家间法)"law among peoples" (nations).jus naturale(自然法)law of nature. The classical Greeks originated the "natural law" idea, but it was greatly elaborated upon by the Romans, including Marcus Aurelius and Cicero; natural law scholars argue that law has a metaphysical source (God, nature) and is apprehensible by rational humans; the law transcends tiem, place, and circumstancejus sanguines(血统主义;儿童国籍决定于父母国籍的惯例;根据血统决定国籍的原则)the "right of blood" or "law of descent" : at birth an individual acquires the nationality of her or his parents. In contrast to jus soli.jus soli(出生地主义;儿童国籍决定于他的出生地的惯例;根据出生地决定国籍的原则)the "law (or right) of the soil" - the legal principle that an individual's nationality is determined by thatperson's place of birth (that is, the territory of a given state). Contrast to jus sanguineslacunae(漏洞;“法律的间隙”)"holes" in the law; a gap or blank in a writing.lex communis(普通法)the common law; the body of law developed by human practice.lex ferenda(拟议法;应有法)what the law ought to belex lata(现有法律;现行法)what the law islex loci (所在地法)law of the place. The notion that the rights to a legal proceeding are governed by the law of the place where those rights arose.lex posterior derogat priori (后法优于前法;孰后优先)more recent law prevails over (abrogrates, overrrules, trumps) an inconsistent earlier law. One test that is applied in circumstances when (1) both customary and treaty sources of law exist and (2) these two sources cannot be construed consistently. Contrast to lex specialis derogat generali .lex scripta (成文法)written, "black letter" lawlex specialis derogat generali(特别法优于一般法;特别法优先)specific law prevails over (abrogrates, overrrules, trumps) general law. One test that is applied in circumstances when (1) both customary and treaty sources of law exist and (2) these two sources cannot be construed consistently. Contrast to lex posterior derogat priori.locus delicti(不法行为地;犯罪地)The place of the offense.male captus, bene detentus(以不恰当手段抓捕的罪犯可以合法拘押)"badly captured, well detained," the legal principle that permits the trial of an improperly seized defendant; in U.S. practice, articulated by the "Ker-Frisbie doctrine"malum in se (不法)inherently wrong. An act that is wrongby its nature, regardless of specific prohibition against it.malum prohibitum(法律禁止的不法行为)prohibited, as by law. An act that is wrong because it is expressly prohibited by law.mare clausum (领海;闭海)closed seas; as opposed to mare liberum (freedom of the seas)mare liberum (公海)freedom of the seas; as opposed to mare clausum (closed seas)mutatis mutandis (加以必要的变通;比照;参照)"when what must be changed has been changed," after making the necessary changes; with alterations to fit the new circumstances. For example: "The new provisions governing the tribunal's operations are to apply as well to the court's operations, mutatis mutandis.non liquet (法律欠缺;不予裁决)the law is insufficient to provide a decisionnunc pro tunc (事后补正)now for then. Refers to actions that may be taken with retroactive effect.opinio juris sive necessitatis(法律必要确信)(or simply, opinio juris) the perception that a given behavior is required by law, that it is legally obliged, a duty. (as opposed to behaviors that are motivated by other concerns, or simply random or habitual behavior). Example: the S.S. Lotus case.pacta sunt servanda (有约必守)the doctrine that agreements must be observed (that is: honored, obeyed). Contrast to rebus sic stantibus.per curiam (经由法庭;法院意见;法庭整体意见)by the court. An opinion written by the court with no identified author.persona non grata (不受欢迎的人)An unwelcome person -- this is the basis of expulsion in diplomatic exchanges.praetor peregrinus(外事裁判官)the Roman magistrate whodevised the rules of the jus gentiumprima facie(初步,例:prima facie evidence初步证据)"at first sight," on the face of it, on first consideration. Something presumed or inferred to be true, unless proven otherwise. The standard of evidence applied at U.S. extradition hearings.quod hoc(关于此事;单就这一点)on this matter.ratio scripta(成文的理性)"written reason," the assessment of Roman law commonly held in the Medieval period rebus sic stantibus (情事变更)"matters standing thus," "things staying as they are" - the doctrine that treaty obligations hold only as long as the fundamental conditions and expectations that existed at the time of their creation hold. Contrast to pacta sunt servanda. Under Article 62 of the UN Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT), a party may be able to modify or terminate a treaty due to an unforeseeable and fundamental change of circumstances. This principle cannot be used for a treaty defining geographical boundaries and cannot be invoked as the result of a breach of a treaty. See the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary v. Slovakia, ICJ)(applying Article 62).res judicata(既判力)"a matter adjudged ", the legal principle common to many municipal law systems that provides that a matter is settled once a final judgment has been made. Arguably, a general principle of international law under Article 38 (1)(c) of the I.C.J. Statute.res communis (共有物)belonging to everyone / law of the commons. Typically used to refer to a territorial category for property and lands incapable of being owned, such as the high seas and outer space.res judicata (已决事件;一事不再理原则)a thing decided. Acommon law doctrine holding that an adjudicated matter cannot be litigated again by another court.res publica christiana (基督教共同体)the community of Christian nations.sine qua non(绝对必需;必不可少的条件)"without which not," an indispensable condition, a prerequisitestare decisis (遵循先例;判决拘束原则)The doctrine that previous court decisions establish binding precedent for future cases of similar situations; that is, that courts will abide by previously decided cases. Stare decisis is inapplicable to the I.C.J. See article 59 of the Statute of the ICJ.terra nullius (无主地)land without an owner ("no man's land"); territory that may be acquired by a state's occupation of it. Typically used to refer to a territorial category for land that is not occupied but capable of being occupied.ultra vires(越权)"beyond the powers "; in excess of the authority conferred by law, and hence, invalid, lacking legal effect uti possidetis(占有保持原则)"as you possess", so you may continue to possess. In the post-war context: the concept that a state may retain possession of territory acquired by force during war. In the post-colonial context: the concept that colonial territorial boundaries continue in the post-colonial period and that decolonized territories are not terra nullius (and thus, subject to occupation). See, for example, Burkina Faso v. Mali vel non (或者不是)"or not "。