



• A: Okay, thanks for the information, Let’s get together soon.
• B: I’d love to. • A: Good, I’ll give you a call and we’ll make a date for
lunch. • B: If you want, we can make a date now. When are
• 大众交际(mass communication)一般定义为职业化 的传播机构利用机械化、电子化的技术手段向不特定 的多数人传送信息的行为或过程。
• 一个完整的交际过程包含了九项要素: 传送者、制码、讯息、通道、接收者、 解码、回馈、环境及噪音。
• 语言是人类最重要的交际工具。 • 语言是人类最重要的思维工具。 • 语言是文化的载体。
农民peasant 龙dragon
凤凰phoenix 猫头鹰owl
孔雀peacock 狗dog
• A、B概念意义相同,A有内涵意义,B无内涵意 义
松柏鹤桃 pine /cypress/crane/peach 梅兰竹菊plum
blossom/orchid/bamboo/chrysanthemum 数字
• 内向交际(intrapersonal communication)指一个 人自己脑子里在自我交流活动或是自言自语。
• 人际交际(interpersonal communication)两个人 或两个人以上的信息传受过程。
• 组织交际(organizational communication)在学校、 公司、工厂、机关、军队、党派、群众团体等内部的 传播是组织交际。

unit 2 跨文化交际课件

unit 2 跨文化交际课件

Chapter 2: Becoming aware
• 3. Characteristics of culture
• Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.
Chapter 2
Becoming aware
Chapter 2: Becoming aware
• 1. What is culture? • The first step in learning to communicate across cultures, is to consider what people mean when they talk about culture. • The most usual meaning is that culture refers to people’s customs and behavior.
Chapter 2: Becoming aware
Level 1: Cultural differences are exotic Level 2: Cultural differences are frustrating Level 3: The different culture is believable Level 4: The different culture is believable as lived experience.


ercultural Communication
Human beings draw close to one another by their common nature, but habits and customs keep them apart.
❖ Some people shake hands when introduced to a stranger, but other people bow at such an encounter. Why?
❖ Definitions of culture are numerous. ❖ We define culture as the deposit of knowledge,
❖ As the English writer Thomas Fuller wrote 200 years ago, "Culture makes all things easy."
Characteristics of Culture
❖ Culture Is Not Innate; It Is Learned. ❖ Culture Is Transmitted from Generation to
The Basic Function of Culture
❖ At the core of culture is the idea that it is intended to make life easier for people by “teaching” them how to adapt to their surroundings.
The formal teaching of a culture is far more structured and is often left to the various institutions of the culture, such as schools and churches.

Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际 PPT课件 (2)

Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际 PPT课件 (2)

5.Case studies
Mutual Monitoring Process
Xiu went to a BC buffet reception in the BC headquarters in Beijing. It just so happened that Xiu arrived a little too early. The waiting lounge was almost empty except a charming lady sitting at a corner seat. After a long interval of unbearable silence Xiu decided to break the silence by approaching the lady.
Yes, but not good
1.An orator delivers a speech to a large gathering. 3. You send an e-mail message to an American friend. 4.Jane lies in bed reading a novel.
Model Two: unilateral-cultural model
(one knows another’s language and cultural environment but the other one doesn’t)
Lu Bing ,a Chinese tour guide is talking in English with George Luke, a British tourist who does not know Chinese at all.
Activity 3: Meanings in communication

跨文化交际unit 2 课件

跨文化交际unit 2 课件

Unit parison of Chinese and Western cultural values Section 1. Definition of values▪What are values?▪V alues are broad, abstract concepts which provide the foundation that underlies a people‘s entire way of life.▪V alues are a learned organization of rules for making choices and for resolving conflicts. These "rules" and guideposts are normative and teach us what is useful, good, right, wrong, what to strive for, how to live our life, and even what to die for.Types of values▪1. Universal values▪2. culture-specific values▪3. individual valuesExercise: point out the values reflected in the following proverbs▪1. Blood is thicker than water. (origin: Scotland)▪(the bonds of family and common ancestry are stronger than those bonds between unrelated people ,such as friendship) family, loyalty▪2. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. (origin: England)▪(if a particular type of behavior is acceptable for one person, it should also be acceptable for another person ) fairness▪3. Too many cooks spoil the broth. (origin: England)▪(The combined efforts of the group end up with something that is not so pleasant to eat) the individual4. The early bird catches the worm. (origin: England)▪(Success comes to those who prepare well and put in effort.) action▪5. God helps those who help themselves. (origin: Greece)▪(We can rely on nobody but ourselves) self-helpCautionTwo noteworthy features of values▪1. Contradictory values are found in a particular cultue.▪E.g.All people are created equal.▪E.g Sweep the snow in front of his door, and not bother about the frost on his neighbor‘s roof.▪A gulf between the values that are articulated (idealism) and the values that are acted out (reality)▪2. V alues of a culture change with time.V alues▪Five orientations proposed by American anthropologist, Florence Kluckhohn▪Human NatureChinese value on human nature▪Man, by nature, is good; people‘s inborn characters are similar, but learning makes them different;▪The story of Mencius‘ mother moving three tim es in order that her son could be in a good neighborhood;▪Y our character will be tinted ―red‖ if you are in the company of redness, but ―black‖ if you are in close contact with ink.▪安于现状,知足常乐,仁者爱人,仁至义尽▪Relationship of human to natureChinese traditional medicine shows the cultural value of harmony with nature▪Westerners: A minor illness like cold - work as usual; human body is an object that can be studied and then controlled---leading to the invention of powerful medicines, but the medicines may have unpleasant or even dangerous died effects.▪Chinese: cold- stayed home to give body a chance to recover. The human body is part of nature and needs to be brought back into balance. Medi cine should work with the body‘s own resources. It should be integrated with the body, so it will take longer to work.▪Sense of timeActivity---case study▪When a middle age American couple showed up to help a young Chinese couple move into their new apartment, they were surprised that the Chinese couple would not allow them to do any work. Instead they found a place for them to sit and gave them tea.▪Why?▪Activityconflict▪Westerners: experience the talk and behavior of Chinese people as performance, as dramatization of the self and as not very relevant to what is important; their conversation is lacking in information.▪Chinese: showing that they are friendly, virtuous, or sufficiently important; they are educated, polite, humble, high-ranking or hospitable.▪―我爸是李刚。

跨文化交际PPT 2-6

跨文化交际PPT 2-6
How did we become the leader?
Social Relations Orientation

He was born in a log cabin. His parents made living by farming and hunting. Through hard working and self teaching, he became a layer in 1850s and later became President in 1860. Abraham Lincoln is a good example of the person who rises from rags to riches.

Summary of Activity Orientation
Being &avity is not surely connected to external products or actions. No clear cut separation between work and play
5. Doing orientation believes that : it is important to get things done. When faced with adversity, people would encourage each other to fight on, to work hard and not give up. It is a striving culture. E.g.: European American
evaluating an activity by evaluating some observable action a separate activity from play and an end in itself what people do and how they solve problems


❖ Some people in many parts of the world put dogs in their ovens, but people in the United States put them on their couches and beds. Why?
❖ Some people in Iran pray five times each day while sitting on the floor, but some people in Las Vegas sit up all night in front of video poker machines. Why?
Warm-up Case
❖ Fish Is Fish
Learning Objectives
❖ Define the term of culture ❖ Describe the characteristics of culture ❖ Understand the nature of culture ❖ Be aware of cultural differences
Learning Culture through
❖ "One does not make the wind blow but is blown by it."
❖ "Order is half of life."
❖ "The mouth maintains silence in order to hear the heart talk."
The formal teaching of a culture is far more structured and is often left to the various institutions of the culture, such as schools and churches.


Learn how to visit someone and how to leave.
I. Warm-up cases II. Detailed Study:
★Addressing People ★Greetings ★Initiating Conversations ★Visiting Someone ★Partings
学术头衔的“副”职称,常用 associate 表示。如:
➢ 副教授 associate professor ➢ 副研究员 associate research fellow ➢ 副审判长 associate judge ➢ 副主任医师 associate doctor
2. Greetings
Please match the following two groups.
以“副”字的表示副职的行政职务头衔,可用 vice、 deputy 表达。在实际使用时究竟选用哪个,纯属搭配 习惯。一般来说,vice与president、 premier、 chairman、 minister、 governor搭配;deputy与 director、 chief、head 、secretary、dean、mayor 搭配。似乎可以认为,Vice比Deputy的搭配级别要高。
Close Relationship/ Informal Situation
Surname+Title Surname+Title

跨文化商务沟通chapter 2PPT课件

跨文化商务沟通chapter 2PPT课件
Байду номын сангаас
Geert Hofstede
▪ The collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another.
▪ Culture is “software of the mind”.
From Intellectual Perspective
▪ Culture is “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively”.
From Anthropologic Perspective
Edward T. Hall
▪ Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.
▪ Culture is “the customs, civilizations, and achievements of a particular time or people”.
Edward Tylor
▪ Culture…is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.



CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
Dominant Culture
• It's the one in power -
• They are numerous.
• Distinct and unique
• We learned our culture through mass media
• Culture is transmitted from generation to generation
• Culture is based on symbols
• Culture is subjected to change
• Subjective elements include: values, beliefs, attitudes, orientations, and underlying assumptions prevalent among people in the society.
• Basic functions of Culture: adapt to a particular ecology, and includes the knowledge that people need to have in order to function in their own social environment.
• Culture is integrated
• Culture is adaptive
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future

跨文化交际PPT 2-1,2

跨文化交际PPT 2-1,2


Culture can be divided into several subsystems
Educational system
Political system
Economic system
Kinship system
Religious system
• A shared symbolic system within a relatively large group • Learning is the only way to integrate into, reinforce, co-create this shared symbolic system. • Culture can be learned consciously & unconsciously. • Channels for our learning:

Chinese Culture

Beijing opera

Monkey King

Dream of Red mansion
Western Culture
The Last Supper
Culture penetrate into and influence every aspect of our life. Influence on the physical, rational & perceptual environment Example
2.1 The Nature of Culture
intellectual and artistic achievements _________________________________


Chapter 1 Culture and Intercultural Communication
(2) How do you think of “self-reliance”?
• The American Creed is something of a doubleedged sword: it fosters a high sense of personal responsibility, independent initiative, and voluntarism ; it also encourages self-serving behavior, atomism, and a disregard for communal good. More specifically, its emphasis on individualism threatens traditional forms of community morality, and thus has historically promoted a particularly virulent strain of greedy behavior”
• Play a role • To feel an obligation toward
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首先,定势和归类有一定的联 系,是过分简单化的归类。 其次,定势有不可避免性 再者,定势具有稳定性和延续 性。
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
在文化学研究领域,通常把文化分为主流文化和亚文化。 也就是说,文化的概念具有层次性,一种整体文化中往往包含 了各种不同的次范畴“变体”,形成某种文化圈内的亚文化圈。
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
后来“文化”一词被日语借入,到近代作为英 语culture的对译词。再后来“文化”作为日语借词 又被现代汉语吸收,于是“文化”就同英语的 culture有了直接的词源关系,并衍生出“文明”、 “教育”等含义。
文化离不开 人,是某一 群体的生活 方式。
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
一 关于文化的概念 二 关于交际的概念 三 关于语言的概念
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
一 关于文化的概念
第一节 文化、交际和语言
亚文化产生于亚群体,亚群体是某个民族内部的群体分化, 他们在亚群体中享有共同的信仰、价值观、行为准则、交往规 范以及认知模式。不同亚群体之间在所觉、所思、所言、所为 等方面都存在一定的差异,因此,亚文化与主流文化之间,既 有“大同”的一面,也有“小异”的一面。
主流文化:是一个民族、一个国家或一个语言群体所共享的主流文化 特征;是人们日常生活和交际中起主导作用的文化因素;是同一文化 群体共同认可和遵循的生活方式、行为规范、交际规则、思维方式和 交际观念。
世界上大多数社会中都可能存在着若干群体或社团, 这些群体或社团对地域、历史、生活方式以及价值观等方 面的共享,使其成员形成、发展并强化了自己独特的文化 及与之相适应的交际文化。
在跨文化交际研究中,学者们往往倾向于把某一文化 群体的每一个成员都视为该文化定势的代表或整体文化形 象。这种整体式的文化取向通常被称为文化定势。
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
艺术、道德、法律、风俗,以及人类在社会里所获得的一切能 力与习惯”。整合性和精神性
要的功能的“社会制度”,是“一群利用物质工具而固定生活 于某一环境中的人们所推行的一套有组织的风俗与活动的体 系”。功能性和制度性。
文化层:(自然文化遗产) 物质(态)文化层:文物、农田、城市、工厂、交通 制度文化层:政、经、文、教、军、法、婚姻 书面文化(凝固性文化) 行为文化层(活文化):民俗、语言 艺术文化:诗歌、绘画、书法 心理文化层: 价值、观念
3 .文化定势
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
• 关于文化的分类,在学术界有着多种观点,基 本类型有:
• “两分说″,指文化包括物质生产文化与精神 观念文化。
• “三层次说”即把文化分为物质文化、精 神文化、制度文化三类。
• “四层次说”把文化分成物质、制度、风 俗习惯、思想与观念四类。
• 还有的学者将文化划分为物质、社会关系、 精神、艺术、符号、风俗习惯等六个层面, 即“六大子系统说”。
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
一般认为,“文化”作为一个专门概念,可以有广义和狭 义两种理解。
狭义:指社会的意识形态、风俗习惯、语用规范以及与之 相适应的社会制度和社会组织。
广义:指人类在历史发展中所创造的物质财富和精神财富 的总和。
在通常情况下,提到“文化”人们首先想到的是它的狭义 方面,即文化的精神形态方面。
改,然后加诛。夫下愚不移,纯德之所不能化,而后武力加焉。 (汉·刘
在汉语系统中,“文化”的本义就是 “以文教化”,它表示对人的性情的陶 冶,品德的教养,本质上属于精神领域 之范畴。
•西方“文化”的探源: 源于拉丁文Cultura,原为动词,含耕种、
居住、练习等意义。与拉丁文同一语系的英 文、法文也用Cultura来表示栽培、种植之意, 并由此引申为对人的性情的陶冶、品德的培 养,这就与中国“文化”的“文治教化”内 涵相近。所不同的是,中国“文化”一开始 专注于精神领域,而Cultura却是从人类的物 质生产活动生发,继而引申到精神活动领域, 它的内涵更为广阔,与中国“文明”更加切 近,包括物质创造和精神创造双重意义。
“由人们为了使自己的活动方式被社会的其他成员所接受、所 必须知晓和相信的一切组成。作为人们不得不学习的一种有别 于生物遗传的东西,文化必须由学习的终端产品‘知识’组 成”。民族内部的规范
的活动而表现出来的一种思维和行为方式,一种使这个民族不 同于其他任何民族的方式”。民族之间的差异
第一章 跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
着眼于跨文化语言交际的研究,还有两位学者关 于文化的定义更准确、更直接。这两个定义都强调了 文化的民族性,前者突出了民族内部的规范,后者突 出了民族之间的差异。
第一章ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ跨文化交际概述
第一节 文化、交际和语言
文化具有传 承性。
文化是价值观 念、思维方式、 行为习惯和物 质成果的总和
文化是行为的方式和交际的模式。文 化决定人们行为举止所遵循的习俗规 范,也决定人们的交际规则、思维方 式和价值观念。文化差异会影响人们 的语言交际行为和非语言交际行为所 传递的信息。
第一章 跨文化交际概述