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托福阅读文段的结构和出题点都有一定的规律,比如说托福阅读文段一般是总分总的格式,考生重点关注首段,尾段,转折句,开头句,基本上就能找到主题句。以下是小编为大家搜索整理的托福阅读事实信息题详解,希望能给大家带来帮助! 更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!

1. 提问方式:

Accordingto paragraph… which of the following statements is true of / concerned with /related to X?

例:According toparagraph 1, what was true of the Sahara region around 6,000 B.C.? (TPO 28 EarlySaharan Pastoralists)

Accordingto paragraph… why / how / what….?

例:According to paragraph 1, why is playdifficult to define? (TPO 30 Role of Playin Development)


1). 该题型是就某段话当中的某个细节信息(即提问方式1中的X)进行提问。

2). 该题型可以围绕该细节信息的不同方面进行提问,通过特殊疑问词which;what; why; how可以看出。

3). 由于题干中未出现infer;suggest; indicate等字样,所以该题型旨在考察文本信息的字面含义,无需考生进行文本的隐含意推理。

2. 解题步骤:

Step 1: 读题干,找出定位词

注意:如果是提问方式1, 那么定位词则是位于介词of/with/ to后面的信息。

如果是提问方式2, 那么定位词一般是名词,并且是非主题性的名词(当然定位词不一定只能找一个,一般可以找2到3个,因为定位词越多相对定位的位置也会越精确。) 例:

Accordingto paragraph 2, which of the following presents a particular challenge toresearchers who study play behavior in animals?(TPO30 Role of Play in Development)

分析:通过提问方式类似于第1种提问方式,其实题干可以改写成whichof the following statements is true of the challenge to researchers who… 因此,定位词应该是位于介词of后面的challenge toresearchers。至于后面的playbehavior就不需要了,因为它属于通篇的主题词。

Accordingto paragraph 4, how did the Catholic Church react to the introduction ofmechanical clocks? (TPO 30 TheInventionof Mechanical Clock) 分析:通过提问方式属于第2种提问方式,因此考生们应该在题干中找出名词部分,考生们可以看到两组名词:CatholicChurch和MechanicalClocks, 并且这两组词都是我们所需要的定位词。

Paragraph5 answers which of the following questions about mechanical clocks. (TPO 30 The Invention of Mechanical Clock)

分析:通过题干找出题干中唯一疑似的定位词组Mechanical Clocks, 但是却发现整篇文章都在讨论MechanicalClocks。这种类型的提问方式是考生们最怕看到的,因为定位词


Step 2: 通过题干中定位词回原文进行定位。




Paragraph 1: Evolutionary biologists believe thatspeciation, the formation of a new species, often begins when some kind ofphysical barrier arises and divides a population of a single species intoseparate subpopulations. Physical separation between subpopulations promotesthe formation of new species because once the members of one subpopulation canno longer mate with members of another subpopulation, they cannot exchangevariant genes that arise in one of the subpopulations. In the absences of geneflow between the subpopulations, genetic differences between the groups beginto accumulate. Eventually the subpopulations become so genetically distinctthat they cannot interbreed even if the physical barriers between them wereremoved. At this point the subpopulations have evolved into distinct species.This route to speciationis known as allopatry(“alio-” means “different”,and “patria” means “homeland”).(TPO31 Speciationin Geographically Is olated Populations) Q: According to paragraph 1, allopatric speciation involveswhich of the following?

分析:此题干中的定位词为allopatric speciation, 为专有名词,在原文中为原文原词,
