所以最后建筑师慢慢的形成了compromise, 既有旧时风格的建筑,又有像宫殿类的建筑出现。
大部分科学家认为太阳系是由large nebulous形成的,nebulous大部分是由氢氦,以及其他一些重元素组成的。
可能由于5亿年前的supernova产生了shock wave,nebulous形成了温度极高的pre-sun,之后其他星球慢慢形成。
文章也提到了inner planets 和outer planets,其中outer planets由于离太阳较远,温度低,有较多的冰。
第三篇题材划分:生态类主要内容:讲解太平洋上的两种岛屿,一个是本身就有的,另一个是由于地址形成的,比如火山岛,之后讲解了两个岛屿上的物种多样化,影响岛屿上物种多样化的因素有land size, 经度(越往东,隔离物种越少),纬度(纬度高的不容易有热带岛屿),以及风。
1. Parents today spend too much time helping their children determine their children’s future. Children should be allowed to make their choices on their own.2. Success is not the most important thing in one’s life. Remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important.3. Government should support scientific research even the research has no practical use.4. Having a low-paying but secure job is better than having a high-paying job that can be lost easily.5. People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from their work.6. People who have developed many different kinds of skills are more successful than people who focus on only one skill.7. The personal and work-related challenges that young people face today are not very difference from challenges that their parents and grandparents faced when they were young.8. All high school students should take a basic economics course.9. Sometimes, if you cannot say anything nice about someone, you’d better say nothing.10. Printed books have greater effects on society than television does.11. Some people believe that a school should spend money on improving cafeteria foods. Other people believe that a school should spend money on social activities for students after school. What is your opinion and why?12. Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than in the past.13. A person’s job has more effects on his or her happiness than this person’s social life does.14. To increase economic growth, government can neglect environment concerns.15. It is impossible to be completely honest with your friend all the time.16. Which of the following three factors contributes to an enjoyable vacation most? A. good food B. good location C. good friends with you.(2013年4月14日已考)17. Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends? A. Joining a sports team. B. Participating in community activities C. Traveling.18. The benefits that students can get from student organization or club activities are as many as they can get from their academic studies.19. When you are assigned to finish writing about an important presentation in a month. Which way do you prefer? 1. To start working on it right away. 2. Wait until you have a good idea about it.20. Nowadays students do not respect teachers as much as in the past.21. People can learn more from watching television than by reading books.22. Schools always collect information about teachers’ teaching performance and give rewards to those teachers who perform well. Which way do you think is more useful: 1. to evaluate teachers’ performance by students 2. to evaluate teachers’ performance by teachers?23. Nowadays, neighbors depend on each less than people in the past.24. There are too many strict rules in societies for young people.25. Young people today are less dependent on their parents in making better decisions for their own life than the young people who were in the past.26. When you are assigned to finish writing about an important presentation in a month. Which way do you prefer? 1. To start working on it right away. 2. Wait until you have a good idea about it.27. Government should not offer artists like musicians, filmmakers any financial support28. One can learn a lot about another person from the books and movies that person likes.29. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Colleges or universities should offer students a better job preparation before they start working. Use specific reasons to support your answer.。
【Proposal】The university prohibit students riding bicycles on campus next semester.
1.There are some minor accidents.Theuniversitywill reduce the accidents caused by ridingbicycles.
Section 4
【内容】主要讲blue pigment蓝颜料少而贵,所以艺术家用cheap替代品,但cheap替代品不好用,不持久,所以他们不用。又讲蓝颜料难取,取出来少,法国政府有改变。
Section 5
Section 6
【主旨】Material Science
Task 1
Talk about how cellphone has changed people’s lives. Explain your answer in details.
2.Students can take free campus buses. So it will not affect students much.
扫描二维码加托福名师刘文勇老师微信,可参加免费空中课堂乐闻携尔官网托福培训咨询电话4000-182-178Necessary Evil开篇明义:我并不中意“机经”。
【Super66】 适合有一定准备时间的学员,给出每月考试的黄金范围,分独立口语版(DS)、独立写作版(DW) 和综合版(ZZ)。全部预测题带答案。 【Super12】 超级小范围预测,从海量的托福历年及最新考题题库中,选取12道考题,形成小范围的托福机经预 测体系。Super12超级小范围预测分独立版(D)和综合版(Z)两大版本。全部预测题带答案。
小站教育阶段式机经,这一神奇的托福备考神器,是由著名的托福培训机构小站教育精心打造的。 它在备考界广为流传,成为了小站教育学员们心中的宝藏,让无数考生在托福考试中游刃有余, 绽放璀璨的光芒。 市面上流传的小站机经,是从2013年6月开始改版后的全新版本,我们称之为“小站教育托福机 经”,又称“TPO小站阶段式机经”。这款机经的特点,就在于它根据考前复习的阶段,在时间 上划分了多个版本,如同一位贴心的导航员,引领着考生们在托福的海洋中畅游。 想象一下,那是多么壮观的场景:考生们在考场上挥洒自如,机经的多个版本如同彩虹般的盾牌, 护卫着他们,让他们在考试的狂潮中稳如泰山。那是小站教育阶段式机经的魅力,它用它独特的 方式,让每一位考生都能够在托福考试中展现出最好的自己。
TPO小站研发团队负责人YOUNG老师,拥有十七年英语培训及出国留学考试教学经验,拥有十七 年英语培训及出国留学考试的教学经验,长期为托福、雅思、SAT等考试的一线教学及考试策略 研究工作者。曾任职于多家知名培训机构,并出版了《雅思核心词汇解析》、《雅思高分写作》、 《雅思精选试题解析/写作》等多部出国考试备考类书籍。YOUNG老师本人的新托福成绩为117分, 其中阅读和口语满分。 在YOUNG老师的带领下,小站独创阶段式机经迎合出题机构ETS新思路,命中率依然维持在95%以 上,小站在2013年的托福考试中全部命中32场,大范围命中11场。
12 月 21 日托福考试小范围机经预测-口语很多同学拿到口语机经之后,就开始按照刷题的方式进行练习,每道题做的非常精细,反复录音,反复充实内容,结果花了不少时间。
这里给大家总结了独立口语机经的正确使用方式,以便让大家更高效的利用考前有限的时间来进行独立口语练习:1.按照机经话题的分类,把每道题目逐一过一遍,了解具体内容;2.在脑海中构思每道独立题目的答题逻辑,建议按照“观点+理由 1+例子 1+理由 2+例子2”的结构进行构思;(如果想不到合适的例子,先想出 2 个理由即可)3.尝试以句子为单位,按照之前的构思,输出独立口语答案,不要求例子等细节内容丰富,但要求结构完整。
独立口语参考思路题目:Do you agree or disagree that celebrities such as artists and athletes should be the role model for people?结构:Structure:Topic sentenceReason + examples and detailsConclusion思路:Choosing agree : Set up examples for young peopleAchievement realize our dreams : hard work and efforts ; never give up Examples:famous pianist Langlang : practice playing for over 8 hours everydaygained international fame at 17Kobe Bryant: outstanding basketball player, got up at 4:30, practicing piano for 9hours everyday and never gave upContribution to societySample AnswerYes,I do agree with the following statement.First, many successful celebrities have demonstrated that if young people want to realize their dreams and achieve their goals, they have to pay great efforts.Like the famous pianist Lang lang, who started to learn to play the piano since three years old. He practiced playing for over eight hours every day before he gained international fame. Kobe Bryant, one of the most successful Basketball players, practiced playing basketball for twelve hours, and seven days a week. Second, many celebrities have made great contribution to society, especially they made donations to charity, or to people who are in need. Through the examples,young people can learn the importance of saving money and realize they should have responsibility for society.附 1:考前独立口语小范围预测:➢教育类:1.Some people prefer to go to college right after the graduation of high school whileothers prefer to take some time off before college. Which do you prefer and why.2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is never too late to get adegree in university.3.Which one do you prefer? Review your notes after class and keep doing this throughoutthe whole semester or just review at the end of the semester?4.Some people prefer to prepare for assignments long before the due date while othersprefer to do it just before the deadline, which do you prefer and why?5.Agree or disagree that students should take some additional courses so that they canget their credits more quickly?6.Some people think that those children who do not want to keep learning a musicalinstrument course should be required to keep learning the course; While others thinkthat those children should be allowed to make decisions by themselves(they can still do exercises by themselves).➢生活类:7.There are two invitations. One is from a party with your friends and the other is thathaving a dinner party with your parents. Which one would you prefer and why?8.Some people prefer to buy new books while some people would like to buy used books,what is your opinion?9.Do you agree or disagree: Government should not allow violence and bad language intelevision programs.10.Some people go to take exercise outside or go to gym each day, while others takeexercise or go to gym when they have free time. Which opinion would you prefer to and give your reasons.11.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s impolite to make calls orsend text messages on a diner table. Explain in details.12.Is it better to use your extra money to buy some objects like clothes or electronicproducts, or is it better to use the extra money to increase your experience like going for a vacation or a concert?13.Some people prefer to make a schedule with friends about social activities in advance,however others prefer to figure out what to do when the time comes. What do you prefer and explain why?➢工作类:14.In order to be successful, one has to make enemies? Do you agree and disagree?15.Some are willing to own and manage their own company, and some prefer to work inothers’ company. Which do you prefer and why?16.Some students think it is good to choose the future career before entering theuniversity. Others think it is good to take a few university classes before choosing the future career. Which do you think is better and explain why.17.Some people prefer take a job with a single task, others prefer to do multiple tasks ona job. Which do you prefer?18.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: a boss or a manager should notform close friendship with their employees.19.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is acceptable that someoneuses other’s influence to get a job.20.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All workers should be requiredto stop working and retire by age 65. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.附 2:2019 年 8 月托福考试改革后独立口语题目汇总1.To enrich their after-school lives and covering living expenses, many collage students tend to seek part-time jobs. Some universities worry that work might cut into students' study time. Therefore, they set a limit on the numbers of hours per week that students spend on part-time jobs. Do you agree or disagree with this policy? Why or why not? (2019.08.03)2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: children at an early age should learn independent living skills.(2019.08.10)3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees shouldn’t send personal text or emails during work hours. explain why.(2019.08.24 下午)4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is disrespectful for tourists to take photos of strangers without their permission.(2019.08.24 上午)5.Some people prefer to do shopping in large grocery stores or department stores. Others prefer to do shopping in small specialty stores. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reason and example to support your response. (2019.08.25)6.Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities. One is well-known for its excellent academic program, but it’s expensive, while the other one is less well- known, but can offer you scholarship. Which university would you prefer to go and explain why. (2019.09.01)7.Some people think historical sites should be open to the general public, but some people think historical sites should only be open to experts and researchers. Which do you think is better? (2019.09.07 上午)8.Some people think parents should allow their kids to make mistakes, but other people think parents shouldn’t do that. Which do you agree?(2019.09.07 下午)9.Do you agree or disagree. Nowadays many students have laptop. Do you think it is necessary to close the computer lab. Tell the reasons and details(2019.09.21 上午)10.Which one do you prefer when you have a disagreement with your friends: speaking directly face to face or sending an email and a text message? (2019.09.21 下午)11.When travelling outside, some people prefer to keep connection with their family members or friends, other people do not prefer to do this, which do you prefer? (2019.09.22)12.Some people spend their vacation visiting just one place. Others prefer to spend their vacation visiting several different places and spending a shorter amount of time in each. Which do you prefer and why. (2019.10.12 上午)13.Some companies are controversial and criticized by their business practices. Is it acceptable to get a job in those companies in spite of a good pay? (2019.10.12 下午) 14.Some people want to change their appearance, by surgery. Do you agree or disagree? (2019.10.13 上午)15.Some people like to work independently an enjoy more freedom, while others like to have a supervisor to tell them what to do. Which do you prefer? Why? (2019.10.19)16.Some people think that risk-taking activities such as rock-climbing and skydiving require a lot of bravery. While others think this is not brave, but simply foolish. Which view do you agree with and explain why. (2019.10.26)17.Your community has received money from the government to build a building in an open area. Which would you prefer, a company offering more jobs or a park? Use specific examples and details to support your answer. (2019.10.27)18.Some schools teach students world history, as much as teach students history of their own country. Which do you agree? (2019.11.02)19.Do you agree or disagree that school should record large lectures and upload it to the school website (for students to watch)? (2019.11.03)20.Do you prefer to read positive news or negative news?(2019.11.09 上午)21.Do you prefer experienced teachers or new teachers?(2019.11.09 下午)22.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good luck is as important as working hard in achieving success.(2019.11.10)23.Do you think we should learn about the news overseas? Why or why not, please use details and example to explain.(2019.11.16)24.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it is a great idea to select government leaders from the ordinary people?(2019.11.17)25.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement.?Parents should have control over their children on using social media. (2019.12.01)26.Should post graduates teach some basic courses, or should they be professor’s assistants and not teach courses? (2019.12.07)27.Which kind of movie do you prefer to watch, exciting and entertaining movies or serious and informative movies? (2019.12.08)28.Which one do you prefer?go to the museum alone or with colleges and friends to talk? (2019.12.14)12 月 21 日托福考试小范围机经预测-写作有过托福学习经历的同学都知道,托福独立写作的文章逻辑,大部分都是按照“中心论点+分论点+举例”的行文模式来展开。
2015年4月12日托福小范围机经2015年4月12日托福小范围机经下载入口:/20150304/tfjj-ls-2015412tfxfwjjhzxz.html?seo=wenku3.665 2015年4月12日托福小范围机经全新发布啦!小马过河老师重点给大家打造出了2015年4月12日托福小范围机经,考生赶紧复制链接进入免费索取下载2015年4月12日托福小范围机经备考使用吧。
2015年4月12日托福小范围机经部分内容:Describe an interesting personDescribe someone who taught you a skillDescribe an old person you respectDescribe a famous person in your countryDescribe someone you would like to spend time withDescribe a stranger who helped youDescribe a seaside placeDescribe a house or flat you have lived小马机经app和小马托福听力app是小马特为托福备考考生而研发的一款手机备考软件。
Describe a busy streetDescribe a shopping centreDescribe a photoDescribe a piece of artDescribe something you could not live without (except iphone and computer)Describe a book someone recommended to you8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important influencesthat young adults have are from their families.9. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? If you want to be successful in running abusiness, it is important to have a friendly and outgoing personality.10. Which do you think is more important for someone to be successful: taking risks ormaking safe decisions?11. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Having a relaxed or unhurriedlife is the best way of life for a person.2015年4月12日托福小范围机经下载入口:/20150304/tfjj-ls-2015412tfxfwjjhzxz.html?seo=wenku3.665。
托福机经常见问答* 什么是托福机经?历次托福考试的内容。
* 什么是托福机经转播?本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览1、托福机经转播(北美转播到大陆):如果大陆考试前一天北美有托福考试,且北美考的是新题,那么新题有可能在12小时后的大陆托福考试中重复。
E.g. 2011年1月29日北美有托福考试,1月30日大陆的考题完全重复29日北美考题2、托福机经转播(大陆转播到北美):如果大陆和北美同一天有托福考试,且大陆考的是新题,那么新题有可能在12小时后的北美托福考试中重复。
E.g.2011年2月26日北美和大陆都有托福考试,26日北美的考题完全重复26日大陆考题* 什么时候应该看转播?本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览根据上面两条规律,参考2012年北美大陆托福考试日期对照表,如果12小时前有托福考试,就应该关注最新的北美机经。
* 什么是拼盘?本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览从两套题中各选取阅读、听力、口语或写作部分,拼凑成一套完整的题目就是拼盘(E.g.2010年11月27日为北美09.02.21(R/W)+北美09.06.20(S/L)),有时候也会出现旧题和新题的拼盘(E.g.2011年2月20日托福机经为北美09.09.20(R/S)+新题)。
* 什么是托福机经预测?本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览每次托福考试都有可能考到以前考过的内容,也可能出以前没有考过的新题。
解析托福独立口语机经预测考前用法托福口语资料丨口语中常用比较句类句式都有哪些?1. It is worth next to nothing. 那几乎一钱不值。
2. Easier said than done. 说易做难。
3. I like that best of all / least of all. 我最喜欢/不喜欢那个。
4. I can’t think of a better idea. 我想不出比这个更好的了。
5. She is no less diligent than her elder sister. 她和她姐姐一样用功。
6. One minute too late is no more in time than half an hour (is). 迟到一分钟与迟到半小时同样是不准时。
7. His strength is superior to mine. 他的力气比我大。
8. Colored people are by no means inferior to white people. 有色人种丝毫不比白人低劣。
9. My arrival in New York is posterior to that of my friend. 我比我朋友后到纽约。
10. We love truth above everything else. 我们热爱真理甚与一切。
11. No other book has had a greater influence on my life. 任何其它的书对我一生的影响都没有这本书大。
12. I would sooner die than do such a thing. 我宁死不做此事。
13. Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 聪明人热爱真理,而愚人逃避真理。
14. I would do anything before that. 我什么都肯做,就是不愿做那件事。
托福4月份写作机经预测25题独立写作部分五星级25题1. In times of an economic crisis, in which area should the government reduce its spending? 1.Education 2. Health Care 3.support for the unemployed. Reduce the payment on health care.1. First, education is the most significant issue for a country in that it determines the future of the nation and thus should never be short of money support.2. Support for the unemployed helps maintain the socialstability.(social unrest, crime, commit suicide)2、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the busy and crowded world today, we should not expect people to be polite to each other. Agree1. People are sometimes tired after work or study, so they need to relax and not to wear a mask of politeness to cater to others.2. More often than not, people do not have to leave a good impression on strangers.3. Everyone’s energy is limited, so people should not devote their time to wasteful things, like talking to someone who is too chatty out of politeness. Disagree1. Politeness contributes to the cultivation of a harmonious atmosphere for the society.2. The world is small, so the person whom you are polite to will do you a favor someday.3. Politeness has such benefits as relieving our embarrassment, maintaining harmony and reconciling conflicts in our work and other occasions.4. The polite altitude is one of people’s basic characters. If you havea gentle altitude, not rude, I believe everybody likes this kind of people to make friends.5. Little companies want to hire a rude person to work for them.3、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We should state our honest opinions even though other people may disagree with them. Agree:1. Honesty is the crucial factor of modern society. When someone needs suggestions to make a decision, the honest opinion will play an important role.2 Stating the different opinion is a good opportunity to exchange the mind with each other’s, and they would come up with new ideas.3. Stating honest opinions could avoid misunderstandings and conflicts among friends.4. Talking frankly with coworkers and business partners could increase working efficiency.2021/4/2 4月12日机经4、Using clean energy to protect the environment, but the traditional energy sources such as coal and oil is less expensive.1. Clean energy is beneficial to the environment2. Traditional energy sources are not renewable3. With the development of technology, clean energy will become cheaper.5、Society benefits more from works of great artists than from political leaders. Disagree1. Political leaders always maintain the social order. If the society has not order, the consequence will be unthinkable.2. Political leaders can promote the communication with foreign countries and make countries without wars.3. Political leaders withhold powerful ability that can help to meet the individual’s basic needs.4. Dire environmental problems are likely to be solved by the political leaders rather than artists.6、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now. Disagree1. The present teachers’ thought and knowledge may be more comprehensive.2. There are many better educational systems that can help the teachers foster children better.3. Teachers have more opportunities to keep learning and learn children. Agree1. Along with technological development, there are increasingly ways to acquire knowledge, information explosion weakens the necessity of assistance from a teacher.2. Importance of self-learning has been prevalent in the modern societies.(1) 正:科技进步,使学习途径变多,而不再是像以前那样只能从老师那里获取知识Eg:TED,网络公开学,有很多教授去做演讲,种类丰富,课程质量高,而且很多都是行业的新研究。
2015年4月12日托福机经2015年4月12日托福机经下载入口:/tuofujijing/20150227/tfjj-ls-2015412tfjjgffb.html?seo=wenku3.607 2015年4月12日托福机经已经出炉了,小马过河老师团队精心给大家整理而出,考生可以复制链接进入免费索取此次机经全部内容,高效备考2015年4月12日托福考试。
以下为2015年4月12日托福机经部分内容:1.appeasement behavior 是说动物之间⽼打架,但是 smaller 的打不过 larger 的,他们就主动⽼弱,表⽼不打了,larger 就饶了他们,举例⽼是 wolf,smaller wolf 是低头(lower its head)⽼弱2.关于产品竞争的话题,具体的单词记不起来了。
教授说这个过程就是⽼个公司推出个和市场上已经存在的东⽼⽼样的产品,⽼拿他⽼⽼举例,说⽼⽼没干教师前,在⽼家汽⽼公司⽼干,别的公司推出⽼款⽼(具体名字不确定,貌似是跑⽼?) 他们公司为了跟⽼家竞争,也推出了同样的⽼。
3.extinction of behavior讲座⽼讲了⽼孩死⽼赖脸⽼哭闹来威胁妈妈们买 cookies 的例⽼说明。
4.contrast effect ⽼概意思就是说,⽼们在看⽼件东⽼的时候,往往会拿它和另外⽼个类似的东⽼⽼较,⽼不是基于这个东⽼本⽼的价值。
【教授举例】教授举了⽼⽼的例⽼, ⽼⽼年轻的时候去找房⽼,⽼开始看了很多烂房⽼small and crap,很受不了。
无忧新托福机经2008年4月版2008年1月5日无忧新托福听力机经 (2)2008年1月12日无忧新托福听力机经 (4)2008年1月13日无忧新托福听力机经 (5)2008年1月18日无忧新托福听力机经 (8)2008年1月19日无忧新托福听力机经 (9)2008年2月15日无忧新托福听力机经 (10)2008年2月16日无忧新托福听力机经 (11)2008年2月23日无忧新托福听力机经 (12)2008年2月24日无忧新托福听力机经 (13)2008年3月1日无忧新托福听力机经(北美) (15)2008年3月2日无忧新托福听力机经 (15)2008年3月7日无忧新托福听力机经(北美) (18)2008年3月8日无忧新托福听力机经 (19)2008年3月14日无忧新托福听力机经(北美) (22)2008年3月15日无忧新托福听力机经 (23)2008年3月29日无忧新托福听力机经(北美) (26)2008年3月30日无忧新托福听力机经 (27)2008年1月5日无忧新托福阅读机经 (28)2008年1月12日无忧新托福阅读机经 (29)2008年1月13日无忧新托福阅读机经 (30)2008年1月18日无忧新托福阅读机经 (31)2008年1月19日无忧新托福阅读机经 (31)2008年2月23日无忧新托福阅读机经 (31)2008年2月24日无忧新托福阅读机经 (32)2008年3月1日无忧新托福阅读机经(北美) (35)2008年3月2日无忧新托福阅读机经 (35)2008年3月7日无忧新托福阅读机经(北美) (36)2008年3月8日无忧新托福阅读机经 (36)2008年3月14日无忧新托福阅读机经(北美) (38)2008年3月15日无忧新托福阅读机经 (38)2008年3月29日无忧新托福阅读机经 (39)2008年3月30日无忧新托福阅读机经 (39)2008年1月5日无忧新托福写作机经 (40)2008年1月12日无忧新托福写作机经 (41)2008年1月13日无忧新托福写作机经 (41)2008年1月18日无忧新托福写作机经 (42)2008年1月19日无忧新托福写作机经 (43)2008年2月15日无忧新托福写作机经 (44)2008年2月16日无忧新托福写作机经 (44)2008年2月23日无忧新托福写作机经 (45)2008年2月24日无忧新托福写作机经 (45)2008年3月1日无忧新托福写作机经(北美) (46)2008年3月2日无忧新托福写作机经 (46)2008年3月7日无忧新托福写作机经(北美) (47)2008年3月8日无忧新托福写作机经 (47)2008年3月14日无忧新托福写作机经(北美) (47)2008年3月15日无忧新托福写作机经 (48)2008年3月29日无忧新托福写作机经(北美) (49)2008年3月30日无忧新托福写作机经 (49)2008年1月5日无忧新托福口语机经 (50)2008年1月12日无忧新托福口语机经 (50)2008年1月13日无忧新托福口语机经 (51)2008年1月18日无忧新托福口语机经 (52)2008年1月19日无忧新托福口语机经 (53)2008年2月15日无忧新托福口语机经 (54)2008年2月16日无忧新托福口语机经 (54)2008年2月23日无忧新托福口语机经 (55)2008年2月24日无忧新托福口语机经 (56)2008年3月1日无忧新托福口语机经(北美) (57)2008年3月2日无忧新托福口语机经 (57)2008年3月7日无忧新托福口语机经 (57)2008年3月8日无忧新托福口语机经 (58)2008年3月14日无忧新托福口语机经(北美) (59)2008年3月15日无忧新托福口语机经 (60)2008年3月29日无忧新托福口语机经(北美) (61)2008年3月30日无忧新托福口语机经 (62)听力2008年1月5日无忧新托福听力机经1、男学生和housing管理员,问管理员能不能帮他查一查电脑里的数据,电脑要到晚上才能恢复,管理员给他安排了像hotel一样的conference place,有这个题。
) 第三段农业发展的另一个原因是因为外人的入侵,让大家联合起来,住到了一起,从而可以shareexperience,从而促进了农业发展。
(有一题问大家住在一起本来是为了什么,我选的是forsafer) 第四段大家住到一起后渐渐形成了village,lord得到了legalpower(有题问lord保护村民,但他们要求什么,我选的是要legalpower)。
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2014年4月12日新大陆托福机经小范围【解析版】【口语】第一级别小范围101023CNTask 5【学生困难】男生想在newspaper上他写的article about sculptures里放一些photos, 但他的camera does not work,照的照片不能用。
【解决方案】女生给他两个方案:方案1、submit the article without adding photos,但男生认为大家都喜欢看photos,不放照片就不够interesting,缺乏吸引力。
方案2、borrow a camera,重新take photos for sculptures。
120108CNTask 1Describe a celebration or public event you attended recently. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.Task 2Do you agree or disagree: Sixteen-year-olds are not mature enough to drive cars.Task 4动物有时候会发出假的警报,赶走同类,减少competition。
Task 6提供service的商家如何让别人知道自己的服务好。
一、statement from old customer,老客户写好评。
二、在工作室挂上before and after picture,作对比。
第二级别小范围100313CN=080927NATask 1Nowadays, Internet is available worldwide. What are some positive effects of Internet on modem people’s life? Use specific details and examples to support your response?Task 2Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their hometowns. Other students prefer or colleges in new cities or towns. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples. Task 3【个人倡议】:有一学生写倡议书说学校应create a psychology magazine for psychology students.好处1、可以鼓励更多心理系学生在该杂志上发表papers,展示研究成果。
By publishing papers on the magazine, students can prepare well for graduate school application.理由2、心理系new students 可以从中learn how to organize papers and how to use relevant resourcesTask 4【名词角军释】advertising image 广告形象。
含义:companies use positive and funny images as logos to help people to memorize a product and boost sales。
【教授举例】:A Cookie Company called Big Bear Cookies used the image of a dancing big bear to attract people, especially children, because children like bears and they enjoy the fun from the big bear. Even though there is no relationship between bears and cookies because bears do not eat cookies, this character help was remembered in by people. Therefore, this product sold better than other competitors did。
Task 5【学生困难】:女生着急回宿舍写a sociology paper,但她把宿舍门钥匙落在了宿舍里了her key is inside the dormitory. 宿舍管理员也不在。
她进不去宿舍is stuck outside the dorm 【解决方案】:女生自己说出两个解决方案:方案1、她可以到library to read some material for her research。
但她发现most of her relevant notes are in her dormitory.方案2、她可以去找她的roommate and get key from her roommate。
但she is afraid to interrupt her roommate because her roommate is in the process of an orchestra rehearsal。
Task 6【讲课要点】:During long distance travel, animals navigate themselves by two ways:方法1、by sight光线:例子:美洲一mallard ducks (内华达州绿头鸭)fly at night.They can distinguish different groups of stars. Stars help them to distinguish their flying way。
方法2、by smell 气味:例子:Salmons (大马哈鱼):Salmons track a unique scent released by soil or plants in the stream to 游回它们出生地sites to lay eggs。
100131CN=081212NATask 1Which type of music do you like best? Explain why you enjoy this type of music. Include reasons and details in you explanation.Task 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's easier for teachers to teach children in primary schools than teach students in universities. Include reasons and details in your explanation. Task 3【大学通知】:美国大学要求参加Spain留学交换项目的学西班牙语的学生到西班牙后live on campus。
好处2、可以和native Spanish speaker 住在一起,有利于learn Spanish和西班牙文化。
理由1、住校并不省钱not cheaper。
其实学生找当地home stay更便宜。
例如她sister已找到一个local family,房租cheap。
理由2、和美国学生住在一起,一起hang out, 没native Spanish speakers。
大家都说English,not help I earn Spanish 和西班牙文化。
Task 4【名词解释】:subject-expectancy effect (受试者期待效应)。
一个公司的一些office workers感觉工作压力大、sluggish, tired. 让他们every day,服用eat维他命for two weeks。
并告知他们这种Vitamins have a special element that can improve the energy,实际上这种Vitamins 是一个fake vitamins, have no special elements. The office workers felt more energetic and worked faster。
Task 5【字生困难】:女生要在校报上publish a paper about history of university,但editor 说她paper 写得too long to publish.【解决方案】女生自己说出她的adviser给地的两个方案:方案1、just print文章的一部分,删掉一半cut off the paper to make it shorter就能立即出版。
但女生觉得她花了lots of work to write this paper,每个部分都很重要even include some interviews in it,不愿意cut,只能把文章的形式弄成summary了。
方案2、to publish到summer issue。
女生担心效果不好,because not everybody attend to summer school and 朋友都放假离开学校了,朋友们都看不到她的paper了。
Task 6【讲课要点】:不能move free的海底sea bottom dwellers (居民)获得食物的方法feed 有两种:第一种、active method:主要是靠像爪子一样的东西去抓食物。