VOITH电液转换器使用说明书型号:DSG-BXX113目录1.技术数据 (1)2.安全指示 (3)2.1 提示和标志的定义2.2 正确使用2.3 重要提示2.4 担保3.功能描述 (6)3.1 设计3.2 操作特点4.包装、储存、运输…………………………………………75.安装…………………………………………………………85.1 组装5.2 液压连接5.3 电器连接6. 试运行 (10)6.1 运行检测6.2 参数设定7.操作 (11)7.1 用手动旋钮操作7.2 用设定信号操作7.3 故障检修和排除8. 维护和检修…………………………………………………9. 停机…………………………………………………………1、技术数据:周围环境:储存温度-40 (90)工作环境温度-20 (85)保护IP65 to EN 60529适合于在工业空间内部安装电气数据:电压:24 VCD ±15%电流:大约0.7A(对DSG-B05…DSG-B10型)大约1A(对DSG-B30型)最大3A 时间t ‹1 Sec输入设置:0/4…20mA输入阻抗大约25欧姆,具有抑制电路。
液压参数:最小进口油压P in min: 1.5bar+最大输出P A max(对B05…B10型)5bar+最大输出油压P A max(对B30型)最大进口油压P in max :见表压力流体:不易燃烧的原油或压力油油粘度:根据DIN51519,ISO VG32…ISO VG48油温:+10℃ (70)油纯度:根据NAS1638为7级根据ISO4406为-/16/13级泄漏量:当进口油压P in=10bar 时≤3 l/min (对DSG-B05…DSG-B10 ) 当进口油压P in=40bar 时≤5 l/min(对DSG-B30)P A最小值调整范围处决于P A最大值的设定值.。
上面表中所示P A最小值的调整范围参考P A max的最小调整值机械参数:安装尺寸:见第十章液压连接:见第十章安装位置:见第十章密封材料:FPM重量:大约12kg2.安全指示:2.1提示和标记的定义:危险:这标志标示对人的生命和健康带会带来危险,如不遵照此提示,将会对健康发生危害,甚至发生更加严重的损害。
E360电液转换器说明书1.0版1.0 电液转换器-选项2.0 功能介绍2.1 原理2.2 设计和操作3.0 技术资料4.0 连接4.1 机械/液力连接不带活塞阻尼器的电液转换器4.2 机械/液力连接带活塞阻尼器的电液转换器4.3 电力部分连接-标准设计4.4 电力部分连接-防爆设计5.0 安装规则6.0设备冲洗7.0安装位置8.0电力连接9.0试车运行9.1压力介质9.2滤网9.3泄口9.4最小输出压力10.0 调节11.0错误诊断附件1.0 电液转换器-选项*)超出调查范围图概要(看附件):43.9862.21 不带活塞阻尼器标准设计43.9862.30 带活塞阻尼器标准设计43.9631.11 不带活塞阻尼器防爆设计43.9631.30 带活塞阻尼器防爆设计2.0 功能介绍2.1 原理电液转换器充当压力限制电磁阀。
2.2 设计和操作通过两个位置控制器的配合,计算和控制电磁力到预设值。
3.0 技术数据3.1 机械/液压数据:装置尺寸:标准设计:参看图no.43.9862.××防爆设计:参看图no.43.9631.××液压连接:参看图:“电液转换器-液压连接”最大输出压力。
(也是设计的可能的最高压力):P=40barI E=0或4mA时最小输出压力:P A0=0barI E=20mA时最大输出压力:P A1=20bar在△P=1bar,T=50℃,粘度=30mm²/s最大排油流速(A→T1)大约45l/min油洁净等级:最大容许污秽等级为NAS1638等级7 或ISO4406 Class 16/13(我们建议滤网最小维持率β6≥200)因为液力振动,我们建议设计使用阻尼活塞。
Siemens 3LD 开关切换器说明书
![Siemens 3LD 开关切换器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3f865e47591b6bd97f192279168884868762b8ea.png)
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Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
Operating frequency ● initial value ● Full-scale value
● motor drive ● Voltage trigger
3 4 mm 8 mm
No No
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Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
Short circuit Conditional short-circuit current / with line-side fuse protection
Current Operating current ● at AC-23 A / at 690 V / rated value ● at AC-23 A / at 400 V / rated value ● at AC-22 A / at 690 V / rated value ● at AC-21 / at 690 V / rated value ● at AC-21 A / at 240 V / rated value ● at AC-21 A / at 440 V / rated value ● at AC-22 A / at 240 V / rated value ● at AC-22 A / at 440 V / rated value ● at AC-23 A / at 240 V / rated value ● at AC-23 A / at 440 V / rated value Operating current / of upstream fuse / rated value Let-through current / with closed switch ● at 440 V / for combination switch + gG fuse / maximum ● at 690 V / for combination switch + gG fuse / maximum permissible Short-time withstand current (Icw) ● limited to 1 s / rated value ● at 690 V / limited to 1 s / rated value
汽轮机油系统的精讲1 、典型油系统介绍汽机的油系统按功能可以分为:调节油部分,保安油部分,润滑油部分。
下面以电调式汽轮机油系统为例分别来介绍:1 调节油系统电调型汽轮机通过电子调节器(即DEH)输出电信号,经过电液转换装置,改变成液压信号,控制油动机动作。
2 润滑油系统动力油来自主油泵出口,经过一射油器后,形成一股较低压力的油,这股油经过冷油器冷却至40℃(该温度下油的粘度最佳,工程实践中一般要求油温在40~45℃)后直接进入各个轴承,在转子轴颈和轴瓦之间形成一层油膜,起到润滑作用,同时,通过油将轴承处产生的热量带走。
3 保安油系统保安油系统,顾名思义,对汽轮机的起到安全保护作用的一股油。
2 、润滑油系统的组成系统主要由汽轮机主轴驱动的主油泵、冷油器、注油器、顶轴油系统、排烟系统、集装油箱(主油箱)、润滑油泵、事故油泵、密封油备用泵、滤网、电加热器、阀门、逆止门和各种监测仪表等构成。
VOITH电液转换器使用说明书型号:DSG-BXX113目录1.技术数据 (1)2.安全指示 (3)2.1 提示和标志的定义2.2 正确使用2.3 重要提示2.4 担保3.功能描述 (6)3.1 设计3.2 操作特点4.包装、储存、运输 (7)5.安装 (8)5.1 组装5.2 液压连接5.3 电器连接6. 试运行 (10)6.1 运行检测6.2 参数设定7.操作 (11)7.1 用手动旋钮操作7.2 用设定信号操作7.3 故障检修和排除8. 维护和检修 (13)9. 停机 (13)10. 具有接线图的外部管线图 (14)11. 附件 (15)1.技术数据:周围环境:储存温度-40 (90)工作环境温度-20 (85)保护IP65 to EN 60529适合于在工业空间内部安装电气数据:电压:24 VCD ±15%电流:大约0.7A(对DSG-B05…DSG-B10型)大约1A(对DSG-B30型)最大3A 时间t ‹ 1 Sec输入设置:0/4…20mA输入阻抗大约25欧姆,具有抑制电路。
液压参数:最小进口油压P in min: 1.5bar+最大输出P A max(对B05…B10型)5bar+最大输出油压P A max(对B30型)最大进口油压P in max :见表压力流体:不易燃烧的原油或压力油油粘度:根据DIN51519,ISO VG32…ISO VG48油温:+10℃ (70)油纯度:根据NAS1638为7级根据ISO4406为-/16/13级泄漏量:当进口油压P in=10bar 时≤3 l/min (对DSG-B05…DSG-B10 ) 当进口油压P in=40bar 时≤5 l/min(对DSG-B30)型号参数对照表:型号DSG-BXX113B05 B07 B10 B30 输出油压p A调整范围(bar)0...5 1...7 0...10 10 (30)最大进口油压P in (bar)40 40 40 40流量P→AQ1[l/min]当∆P═1bar24 24 23 24流量A→TQ2[l/min]当∆P═1bar30 30 28 30P A最大调整范围(bar)当设点为20mA时3...5 4...7 5...10 10 (13)P A最小调整范围(bar)当设点为4mA时0…1.50 (3)0.5 (3)1 (5)0 (2)0 (5)0 (5)0 (18)P A最小值调整范围处决于P A最大值的设定值.。
VOITH电液转换器使用说明书型号:DSG-BXX113翻译:研发中心孙云超目录1.技术数据 (1)2.安全指示 (3)2.1 提示和标志的定义2.2 正确使用2.3 重要提示2.4 担保3.功能描述 (6)3.1 设计3.2 操作特点4.包装、储存、运输 (7)5.安装 (8)5.1 组装5.2 液压连接5.3 电器连接6. 试运行 (10)6.1 运行检测6.2 参数设定7.操作 (11)7.1 用手动旋钮操作7.2 用设定信号操作7.3 故障检修和排除8. 维护和检修 (13)9. 停机 (13)10. 具有接线图的外部管线图 (14)11. 附件 (15)1.技术数据:周围环境:储存温度-40 (90)工作环境温度-20 (85)保护IP65 to EN 60529适合于在工业空间内部安装电气数据:电压:24 VCD ±15%电流:大约0.7A(对DSG-B05…DSG-B10型)大约1A(对DSG-B30型)最大3A 时间t ‹ 1 Sec输入设置:0/4…20mA输入阻抗大约25欧姆,具有抑制电路。
液压参数:最小进口油压P in min: 1.5bar+最大输出P A max(对B05…B10型)5bar+最大输出油压P A max(对B30型)最大进口油压P in max :见表压力流体:不易燃烧的原油或压力油油粘度:根据DIN51519,ISO VG32…ISO VG48油温:+10℃ (70)油纯度:根据NAS1638为7级根据ISO4406为-/16/13级泄漏量:当进口油压P in=10bar 时≤3 l/min (对DSG-B05…DSG-B10 ) 当进口油压P in=40bar 时≤5 l/min(对DSG-B30)P A最小值调整范围处决于P A最大值的设定值.。
上面表中所示P A最小值的调整范围参考P A max的最小调整值机械参数:安装尺寸:见第十章液压连接:见第十章安装位置:见第十章密封材料:FPM重量:大约12kg2.安全指示:2.1提示和标记的定义:危险:这标志标示对人的生命和健康带会带来危险,如不遵照此提示,将会对健康发生危害,甚至发生更加严重的损害。
有任何关于1/H型转换器的问题,根据转换器上的物品号和序列号,请联系V oith Turbo Gmbh & Co.KG公司电驱动系统的服务部。
V oith Turbo Gmbh & Co. KG邮政信箱15 55D-74555 Crailsheim总机:++49-7951/32-0传真:++49-7951/32-500电驱动系统产品服务部电话:++49-7951/32-470传真:++49-7951/32-605电子邮箱:****************V oith Turbo Gmbh & Co. KG供货地址Dept.ceV othstr.1D-74564 Crailsheim这个安装手册说明了从2003年9月以来交货的1/H转换器的技术条件。
中国唯一代理:杭州怡林机电技术开发有限公司杭州市朝晖路182号国都发展大厦1幢19层H座邮编:310014电话:+86-571-85808865传真:+86-571-85808807内容1.技术数据2.安全信息2.1 标识符号说明2.2 使用范围2.3 重要说明2.4 授权3.功能描述3.1 构造设计3.2 操作特性4.包装、存储和运输5.安装5.1 装配5.2 液压连接5.3 电路连接6.试车6.1 测试运行6.2 参数设置7.操作7.1 用手动旋钮操作7.2 用设置信号操作7.3 问题解答和矫正措施8.维护和修理9.关闭10.接线略图11.附件1.技术数据环境条件:存储的环境温度-400C (900)环境温度-200C (850)保护IP 65 到EN 60529适合工业空气中的内部安装电路数据:电压24VDC±15%电源消耗接近0.7A 最大3A,对t<1秒给定值输入w=0/4…20mA 抑制电路输入电阻25欧姆液压数据:最小输入压力 1.5bar大于P A最大值最大输入压力见表压力流体矿物油或液压油(不易燃烧的要求)压力流体粘性ISO VG 32…ISO VG 48 到DIN 51519压力流体温度+100C (700)油纯度推荐纯度等级:NAS1638等级7 ISO4406等级-/16/13A AP A最小值的调节范围显示了第一条线涉及的最小的可调整的P A最大值。
当信号电流I为零时, 芯棒M与滑阀O处于左端极限位置, 压力油腔P与控制油压A之间节流口关闭。
当信号电流(I=4~20mA)增加时,芯棒M在磁场作用力下,或比例地产生一个向右作用力F,推动滑阀O向右移动,使控制油腔A与回油腔T的流通面积减小,与压力油腔P的流通面积增大,根据流量平衡原理,控制油压A升高,随着油压A 的升高,与A油腔相通的N腔压力也升高。
一般对应4-20MA控制电流输出的二次脉冲油压A为0.15-0.45Mpa ,在这一段范围内控制特性的线形度较高。
TABILITY50 dB-50 dB0 dB 180°-180°0°100HZ1KhZ10KH 100KHZFREQUENCYPhase GainAll specifications are typical @+25°C with nominal input voltage under full output load conditions, unless otherwise noted. Specifications subject to change without notice./powerconversionIndustrial & military grade high density DC to DC converters4-40 UNC-2B THRU 4 PLACES-C Option-B Option-A Option.040 DIA ± .005.50 / 12.7 MIN..30 / 7.6.38 / 9.7marking surfacebase plate.50 / 12.7MIN..15 / 3.81234+ V IN IN RTN TRIM TTL PAR POWER GOOD+ S 056SYNC7891011+ OUT - OUT - STolerances:inches -x.xx x.xxx= ±0.03= ±0.015mm -x.xx.xx = ±0.8= ±0.401111 Knox Street TorranceCA 90502USATel: +1 310 202 8820*********************All specifications are typical @+25°C with nominal input voltage under full output load conditions, unless otherwise noted. Specifications subject to change without notice./powerconversionPerformance characteristics50 dB-50 dB0 dB How to Order:50 T M / 5 / 15 - A Phase GainNB50TT RIPLEOUTPUT3/powerconversionIndustrial & military grade high density DC to DC converters.125 / 32.875 / 1.275 / 32.391.450 / 36.831.100 / 27.94.925 / 23.504-40 UNC-2B THRU 4 PLACES1.875 / 47.632.00 / 50.8.975 / 24.77 -C Option-B Option-A Option-A Option.040 DIA ± .005.50 / 12.7 MIN..30 / 7.6.38 / 9.7marking surfacebase plate.50 / 12.7MIN..15 / 3.81234+ V IN IN RTN TRIM TTL Inches / MillimetersPOWER GOOD+ S.825 / 20.96.675 / 17.15.375 / 9.53.750 / 19.051.125 / 28.586SYNC7891011+ MAIN OUT MAIN RTN- S.125 / 3.181.625 / 41.28.125 / 3.183.00 / 7121314+ AUX OUT AUX COM - AUX OUT .575 / 14.61.400 / 10.161.875 / 47.63Tolerances:inches -x.xx x.xxx= ±0.03= ±0.015mm -x.xx.xx = ±0.8= ±0.40DCTODC C ONVERTERSAll specifications are typical @+25°C with nominal input voltage under full output load conditions, unless otherwise noted. Specifications subject to change without notice./powerconversionPerformance characteristics50S NB100NB150Performance CharacteristicsIX. TTL Turn OnIII. Efficiency vs. Input VoltageII. Efficiency vs. Output PowerVI. Input Transient ResponseV. Load Transient ResponseIV. Output Voltage RippleVII. Input Inrush CurrentVIII. Input Current RippleX. TTL Turn-offXI. Turn-onXII. Turn-off / Hold-up TimeInput Voltage E f f i c i e n c y100%80%60%40%20%0%90%85%80%75%70%65%60%20% 40% 60% 80% 100%90%85%80%75%70%65%60%14 18 22 26 30 34 38Output Load Input Voltage20 m V /d i vTime: 2 μS/div Time: 0.5 mS/divTime: 0.2 mS/div20 V /d i v 0.2 V /d i vTime: 50 μS/div Time: 2 μS/div Time: 0.5 mS/div20 A /d i v 20 V /d i v0.2 A /d i v5 V /d i v 2 V /d i v10 V /d i v 5 V /d i vTime: 100 μS/divTime: 0.5 mS/divTime: 100 μS/div 5 V /d i v 2 V /d i v5 V /d i v 20 V /d i vV = 28 Vdc, V = 15 Vdc, I = 3.3 AV = 28 Vdc, V = 15 Vdc50 - 100% Step LoadOutput CurrentOutput VoltageOutput VoltageInput VoltageV = 15 Vdc, I = 3.3 A14 - 40V TransientV = 28 Vdc, V = 15Vdc, I = 3.3 AInput VoltageInput CurrentV = 28 Vdc, V = 15 Vdc, I = 3.3 AV = 28 Vdc, V = 15 Vdc, I = 3.3 ATTL SignalOutput VoltageV = 28 Vdc, V = 5 Vdc, I = 3.3 AOutput VoltageInput Voltage V = 28 Vdc, V = 15 Vdc, I = 3.3 AInput VoltageOutput VoltageV = 28 Vdc, V = 15 Vdc, I = 3.3 AOutput VoltageTTL Signal 3.3V5V12V24V15V28V 24V 15V 12V 5V 3.3V2V15V 12V10 11 12 13 4028V2V5/powerconversionNBF50 EMI filtersHow to Order:Inches / Millimeters .125 / 3.181.625 / 41.281.375 / 34.93.625 / 15.88.875 / 22.23.125 / 3.184-40 UNC-2B THRU 4 PLACES 1.50 / 38.11.050 / 26.671.375 / 34.93.450 / 11.43.125 / 3.18-C Option-B Option-A Option-A Option.040 DIA ± .005.50 / 12.7 MIN..30 / 7.6.38 / 9.7marking surfacebase plate.50 / 12.7MIN..15 / 3.81234+ IN- IN+ OUT - OUT1.75 / 44.528V in - 50 wattsMIL-STD-461D, CE102With NBF50Without NBF50CASE DRA WING0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 4 6 8 10120100806040200-201201008060402000.03 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 4 6 8 10dBuA dBuV kHzMHzTolerances:inches -mm-x.xx x.xxx x.x x.xx= ±0.03= ±0.015= ±0.8= ±0.40NBF50>> 181111 Knox Street TorranceCA 90502USATel: +1 310 202 8820*********************All specifications are typical @+25°C with nominal input voltage under full output load conditions, unless otherwise noted. Specifications subject to change without notice.6/powerconversionEaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States © 2017 EatonAll Rights Reserved March, 2017ore-mail:*******************。
注意! 该符号是指产品的部件可能遭受静电破坏。
2.2 按照规定使用
· 齿轮式变速液力偶合器用于从驱动机向被驱动机无磨损地传递动力。只 能按照规定使用设备。
事故预防/ 环境保护 结构的变更
2.3 结构测量
• 指导手册包括持齿轮式变速液力偶合器正确吊装的重要信息。在设 备安装前,首先,在调试整套装置前,仔细阅读指导手册,并确信正确 理解。
润滑油温度 润滑油冷却器的出口
油温 油箱中
工作范围 报警温度 停机温度 工作范围 报警温度 停机温度 工作范围 报警温度 停机温度 工作范围 报警温度 停机温度 工作范围 报警温度 停机温度 脱扣启动 工作范围 报警温度 停机温度
1 只在相应仪表中的信号
压力 工作油压力 测试连接( 装配图) 环流阀入口处的工作油压力 测试连接( 装配图) 勺管出口的工作油压力 测试连接( 装配图) 润滑油压力
双筒油滤器 型号 过滤等级 滤芯 可达到的油清洁等级 1 油清洁等级按 ISO 4406
Voith 电液定位控制
25μm 滤芯,可清洗式
型号 设计
联轴器 输入端 输出端
·电磁控制 ·4/3-位阀 ·双向定位液压缸 ·带位置变送器的位置传感器 ·线性化单元 ·来自主控制器的 W 位置设定值的监控(模块化)
安装和/或安装不属于Voith Turbo Gmbh & Co. KG供货范围的任何组件前, 检查这些组件有无内、外部的损坏或杂质。(这条同样适用于含硅胶的密封 剂)。确保功能正常。
2.4 员工的挑选和任职资格
使用说明书 OPERATIONAL MANUAL版本:AVersion:A电液转换器Elec-hydr. ConverterVOITH TURBO GMBH & CO.KGI/H ConverterType DSG-B03212Type DSG-B07212 Instruction ManualVersion 1.005 / 03cet - Ochs Voith Turbo GmbH & Co, KG Page: 1 / 20Should you have any questions concerning the I/H converter, please contactthe Service Department of the product group Electronic Drive Systems,Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG, Crailsheim, indicatingarticle number and serial number of the I/H converter.Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KGP.O. Box 15 55D-74555 CrailsheimSwitchboard:++49 – 7951 / 32 - 0Fax:++49 – 7951 / 32 – 500Service department of the product groupElectronic Drive SystemsDirect dial:++49 – 7951 / 32 - 470Direct fax: ++49 – 7951 / 32 - 605E-mail: turcon@Address for goods supplied:Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KGDept. ceVoithstr. 1D-74564 CrailsheimThis instruction manual describes the technical condition of theI/H converter on delivery from May 2003.Any modifications following the delivery are not considered in this operating manual.Ó Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG 2003This instruction manual is protected by copyright.It may not be reproduced or translated in any form or by anymeans (mechanical or electronic) or submitted tothird parties, without the publisher’s written approval.Issued:03-05Order No.: 3.626- 018861 enVersion: 1.00Printed in Germany05 / 03cet - Ochs Voith Turbo GmbH & Co, KG Page: 2 / 20Contents1.Technical data2.Safety Information2.1Definition of notes and symbols2.2Proper use2.3Important notes2.4Warranty3.Functional Description3.1Mechanical design3.2Operating characteristics4.Packing, Storage and Transport5.Installation5.1Mounting5.2Hydraulic connection5.3Electric connection6. Commissioning6.1Test run6.2Parameter setting7. Operation7.1 Operation with manual operation knob7.2 Operation wit set signal7.3 Trouble shooting and remedial action8.Maintenance and Repair9.Shutdown10.Outline drawing with Wiring Diagram11.Annex05 / 03cet - Ochs Voith Turbo GmbH & Co, KG Page: 3 / 201.Technical DataAmbient conditions:Ambient temperature for storage-40 °C ... +90 °CAmbient temperature:- Normal operation-20 °C ... +85 °C- Potentially explosive atmos.-20 °C ... +60 °CExplosion protection EEx d IICTemperature class T4, at Ta = -20 °C ... +60 °CDevice group IICategory2GProtection IP 65 to EN 60529suitable for internal installation in industrial airElectric data:Supply voltage24 VDC ± 10%Power consumption approx. 0.7 Amax. 3 A, for t < 1 secSetpoint input w = 0/4...20 mAinput resistor 25 Ohmwith suppressor circuit05 / 03cet - Ochs Voith Turbo GmbH & Co, KG Page: 4 / 20Hydraulic data:Input pressure P in min 1.5 bar more than P A max Input pressure P in max see tablePressure fluid mineral oil or hydraulic oil(hardly combustible fluids onrequest)Viscosity pressure fluid ISO VG 32... ISO VG 48 toDIN 51519Temperature pressure fluid:+10 °C...+60 °COil purity recommended purity class:To NAS1638 class 7To ISO4406 class -/16/13 Leakage£ 5 l/minDSG-BXX212TypeB03...B07... Output pressure regulating rangeP A[bar]0..30..7 Input pressureP(max) [bar]4040Flow rate line P ® AQ1[l/min]at D P = 1 bar1717Flow rate line A ® TQ2[l/min]at D P = 1 bar1818Regulating range approx.P A max [bar]at setpoint w = 20 mA1..3 5..7Regulating range approx.P A min [bar] at setpoint w = 4 mA 0..0.80..21..31.5..5The regulating range of P A min depends on the set pressure P A max.The regulating range of P A min indicated in the first line refers to the minimumadjustable pressure P A max .Mechanical data:Dimensions, fitting see chapter 10Hydraulic connection see chapter 10Mounting position see chapter 10Sealing material FPMWeight approx. 12 kg05 / 03cet - Ochs Voith Turbo GmbH & Co, KG Page: 5 / 202.Safety Information2.1Definition of notes and symbolsDanger !This symbol signals an imminent danger to the life and health of individuals.If this note is not observed, injury to health and even mostserious injuries may be the consequence.Warning !This symbol signals a harmful situation.If this note is not observed, the product may be damaged.Note !This symbol refers to proper handling of the product. It does not refer toor indicate a dangerous situation.2.2Proper useThe I/H converter serves to transform an electric set signalinto a related hydraulic output pressure reduced to feed-in pressure. Thisallows, for example, adjusting control pistons at hydraulic cylinders whichare used to position the valves of steam turbines.The I/H converter is suitable for usage in potentially explosiveatmospheres according to the explosion protection mentioned inchapter 1.2.3Important notesThe following notes refer to the entire instruction manual and have to beobserved in addition to the individual notes.Accident prevention·In any case observe the relevant standards and regulations when connecting an I/H converter in ex-design.·Improper use may cause operating agent under pressure to leak at the sealing surfaces. There is a risk of fire around hot components.·Isolate the hydraulic supply prior to working on the I/H converter.05 / 03cet - Ochs Voith Turbo GmbH & Co, KG Page: 6 / 20·Failure of electric power or disturbance of the control electronics integrated in the I/H converter may cause strong variations of theoutput pressure when operating the I/H converter. Thus e.g. thepiston rod of a hydraulic cylinder may move uncontrolled, causing danger to individuals or equipment.·During operation, the outer surfaces of the I/H converter may heat up due to the pressure fluid. Contact may cause skin burns. Make sureto cool down the I/H converter prior to working on it.·Electrical components are installed in the I/H converter. These components can be destroyed by e.g. welding in its surrounding.Therefore make sure to disconnect all electric connections prior toelectrical weldings in the surrounding of the I/H converter.Environment protection·During mounting, dismounting or improper use of the I/H converter pressure fluid may leak out. Operating agent reaching the sewagesystem or the open soil, causes severe environmental damages.Leaking pressure fluid has to be collected and deposited inaccordance with the national legal regulations.Instruction manual·The instruction manual contains important information for proper handling of the I/H converter. Prior to installation and commissioningof the I/H converter, read the manual carefully and make sure it iscompletely understood.·Keep this manual in a location convenient to the operating staff.·In addition to this operating manual: Have the relevant regulations for prevention of accidents and environmental protection available andobserve these.05 / 03cet - Ochs Voith Turbo GmbH & Co, KG Page: 7 / 2005 / 03cet - Ochs Voith Turbo GmbH & Co, KGPage: 8 / 20Staff qualification· Only trained and instructed staff is allowed to perform any work on theI/H converter. This personnel has to be trained and authorized to mount I/H converters professionally.· Installation, commissioning and operation have to be performed by anelectronic expert with experiences and knowledge in explosion protection.Constructional modifications· Mounting and constructional modifications are not permitted.· The screwing of the cable inlet is secured against distortion. Do notdistort or loosen the screwing.2.4WarrantyThe terms and conditions mentioned in the General Conditions of Sale of Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG, Crailsheim, are applicable.Warranty claims are excluded, if these are due to one or several of the following causes:· Improper transportation, storage, mounting, set-up, commissioningand operation of the I/H converter.· Not observing the safety instructions and guidelines included in thisinstruction manual.· Use of spare parts not approved byVoith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG, Crailsheim.Repair works on the I/H converter are to be performed or approved by Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG, Crailsheim.05 / 03cet - Ochs Voith Turbo GmbH & Co, KGPage: 9 / 203.Function3.1DesignFig. 3.1.11 – Control magnet VRMP - Input pressure2 – Tappet for power transmission P A - Output signal pressure3 - Potentiometer X0 und X14 – Manual operation knob T 1- Tank return line5 – Electric connection T 2- Tank return line int. leakage6 – Control housing F Mag - Magnetic force7 – Control piston F Hyd - Hydraulic force8 - CoverF Fed- Spring force9 - Control spring3.2 Operatingcharacteristics(see fig. 3.1.1)A set signal w = 0/4...20 mA generates a magnetic force F Mag in theVRM, the limits of which can be adjusted by means of the X0 and X1potentiometers and which is then transmitted onto the control piston viatappet.The hydraulic force F Hyd being proportional to the output signal pressureP A acts against this force.In the case of the two forces being equal, the control piston is positionedin the “hydraulic center” as shown in fig. 3.1.1 and the output signalpressure P A corresponds to the set signal. In the “hydraulic center“position the control piston performs minimum oscillating movements inthe area of the guiding edges P®P A and P A®T , in order to keep theoutput pressure P A on the value set by F Mag.When increasing the set signal and thus F Mag from this condition, thecontrol piston position changes and thus connects the output pressure P Ato the feed pressure P in and blocks P A towards the tank return line T1.Now the pressure P A will increase until the control piston returns to the”hydraulic center“ and P A corresponds to the new set signal.The spring force F Fed of the control spring generates a force-offset inorder to guarantee the I/H converter function for output pressures ofapprox. 0 bar, too.The internal leakage is fed back via tank return line T2.Function of manual operation knobThe control magnet of the I/H converter is provided with a manualoperation knob, by means of which an adjustable spring force can be setinstead of the magnetic force F Mag . This spring force affects the controlpiston via magnet armature and tappet. The hydraulic force F Hyd , beingproportional to the output signal pressure P A also acts against this springforce here. Thus adjustment of output pressure is possible withoutelectric connection.4.Packing, Storage and TransportPackingThe I/H converter is delivered in a special packing.The openings for the hydraulic connections are sealed with plugs toprevent penetration of impurities and humidity.Storage and preservingThe outer surfaces of the I/H converter are protected by means of apreserving surface coat.The internal parts are preserved by oil.Within Europe the anticorrosion protection is sufficient for approx. 8months in industrial air, presuming storage of the I/H converter in a drylocation.In case the I/H converter is supposed to be stored for a longer period oftime, special precautions will have to be taken.In each specific case, these precautions have to be agreed withVoith Turbo GmbH & Co, KG, Crailsheim.The storage ambient conditions have to be within the limits as indicatedin chapter 1.TransportImproper transport may cause personal injuries and damages toproperty.Pack the I/H converter in a way that prevents housing damages duringtransport. In particular make sure that no compulsive forces affect theelectric cable fitting and the electric feed in cable are not kinked ordamaged. Do not hold the I/H converter at the electric feed in cable fortransport.5.Installation·Improper installation of the I/H converter may cause malfunctions and premature failure of the operation of the I/H converter.·Cleanliness is imperative during installation an connection. Prevent that any impurities ( dust, metal chips etc.) can get into the I/Hconverter or pipe system which may cause damage to the I/Hconverter.Cover and protect the I/H converter and in particular the electric linesduring construction time.5.1MountingPerform any work on the I/H converter only when it is in deenergizedcondition and with switched off oil supply system.Protect oil and power supply against unintentional switching-on duringmounting.Install the I/H converter in accordance with the permissible installationposition as shown in chapter 10.Recommended fastening bolts:2 pieces hexagonal screws M10, strength category 8.8.tightening torque MA=35 Nm, thread slightly oiled.Select screw length according to mounting situation.connection5.2 HydraulicThe hydraulic connection on the I/H converter is made by means ofconnection bores at its bottom. The connection flange is sealed witho-rings. Please refer to chapter 10 for position and dimensions of theconnections.Surface roughness of connecting flange:Ra = 1.6 m m, Rmax = 6.3 m mOnly pressure-less return of the operating medium through the return lineT2 to the tank, ensures proper work of the I/H converter.In practise the tank lines for the connections T1 and T2 are joinedtogether and laid downgrade towards the tank in one common pipe line.Requirements to this pipe line:Nominal size 20 mm or bigger for I/H converters with an output pressureup to 10 bar.Nominal size 30 mm or bigger for I/H converters with an output pressureof more than 10 bar.Observe the correct pressure range when selecting pipes, hoses,screwings and flanges.Immediately replace damaged pipes and hose lines.When assembling the pipe lines, ensure that it is fastened to fixedstructures, free from vibration and not to moving equipment. Temperaturevariations of the piping (thus alterations in length) must not applyconstraining forces to the I/H converter.Clean pipe lines from dirt, cinder, sand, chips etc. prior to installation.Pickle or flush welded pipes.Clean and flush carefully all pipe and hose lines prior to attaching theI/H converter.=> For flushing, a flushing plate (Art. No. 43.8565.10) is available.See chapter 11.=> To connect the I/H converter to the piping system an adapter (Art. no.43.9300.11) is available. See chapter 11.·Residual oil may leak when removing the plug (max. 0,1 l). Collect the oil in a suitable container and deposit it properly.·Do not use fibrous or hardening sealing compounds, such as e.g.hemp or mastic to seal the connections and screwings.5.3Electric connectionThe electric system has to be connected in accordance with electricalengineering standards and legal regulations of the manufacturingcountry. The works have to be performed by an electric specialist withexperience and knowledge in explosion protection.When connecting the I/H converter within the explosion hazardous area ,the electric feed in line have to be connected in housings according toprotection type EN 50014, section 1.2.When connecting customer´s lines, avoid parallel run of the I/H converterlines with the lines of current converter assemblies.The customer`s signals and supply lines running to the I/H convertermust be screened.Please refer to chapter 10 for the wiring diagram.missioningThe I/H converter was adjusted and tested at Voith Turbo’s works bymeans of the potentiometers X0 and X1. The test result is documented inan attached test certificate.The potentiometers are provided with a protective cap to avoidunintentional maladjustment and impurities.6.1Test runMake sure that pipe lines and hydraulic system are cleaned prior toperforming a test run. The operating fluid has to be in accordance withthe purity class as indicated in chapter 1. Do not flush or clean thepressure fluid with the I/H converter being hydraulically connected.Operation of the I/H converter with contaminated pressure fluid is notpermitted, the I/H converter may be damaged.·Check the line mounting, connection and flow direction to and on the I/H converter.·Check the electric connection.·Switch on the 24 VDC power supply.·Switch on the oil supply and check input pressure.The minimum input pressure has to be 1.5 bar more than the maximumoutput pressure required at 20 mA.·Set the signal w = 0/4.. 20mA and check output pressure.During the test run, check all hydraulic connections for leakages. Incase of leakage, immediately switch off the hydraulic supply andeliminate leakages.6.2Parameter settingDue to unintentional maladjustment of the parameters or changedoperating conditions, new setting of one or both parameters may becomenecessary.We recommend to document adjustment of the parameters as well as theset values.The parameters are adjusted by means of potentiometers X0 and X1.Please refer to chapter 10 for the position of the potentiometers.Potentiometer effects:X0-With help of potentiometer X0 the minimum output pressureP A min is adjusted at a setpoint of 0 mA or 4 mA.Pressure increase by turning the potentiometer clockwise.X1-With help of potentiometer X1 the maximum output pressureP A max is adjusted at a setpoint of 20 mA.Pressure increase by turning the potentiometer clockwiseX1 should be adjusted before X0.The X1- adjustment influences the adjustment of X0.Manufacturer-provided adjustments:At the works, the I/H converter has been adjusted as indicated in theorder.7.Operation7.1 Operation with manual knobOperation with manually controlled rotary knob is possible without electricenergy.On operation with manually actuated rotary knob, uncontrolled strokemovements of the hydraulic components controlled by the I/H converteroutput might occur due to the increase in the output signal pressure.Manual operation is only possible when the circlip is removed from themanual operation knob.On completion of operation with manual operation knob, move themanual operation knob in its final position by turning it counter clockwiseand pushing in the circlip to its final position.·Remove the circlip.·Slowly turn the manual operation knob clockwise and observe the output pressure.Effective direction: Output pressure increase by clockwise rotation.7.2Operation with set signalWhen the supply voltage is switched on, the output signal pressure canbe adjusted continuously by the set signal 0/4...20 mA within the limitsset by the potentiometers X0 und X1.7.3Trouble shooting and remedial actionPrior to all works, make sure that the I/H converter was commissionedaccording to chapters 5 and 6.Malfunction: Pressure variationsThe output signal pressure P A may vary now and then orperiodically with low or high frequency and amplitude.Cause: 1. air inclusions in the hydraulic component2. low or considerably varying input pressure.3. dirt particles in the hydraulic component4. pressure on return lineRemedy: 1.On first commissioning air inclusions in the VRM may causepressure variations. Due to periodic setpoint changes(approx. 0.5 Hz) of approx. +/- 6 mA, the air will escape outof the VRM after some minutes causing the hydraulicdamping to become effective.2. Under load and in particular in case of higher outputsignal pressure, a lower input pressure may lead topressure variations.Increase and / or stabilize the input pressure by takingappropriate measures (e.g. accumulator). See also chapter1.3. Contaminated pressure fluid results in increased friction atthe control piston, thus causing hysteresis and pressurevariations.Open hydraulic component and clean the inner elements. Incase of damaged surfaces and guiding edges replace theI/H converter.4. The dimensions of the return line have to be sufficient.In case of additional consumers of the output pressureconnected to this line, make sure they do not create anypressure in the return line. See also chapter 5.2.Malfunction:Output pressure PA ® 0 bar or ® P (input pressure)Due to a defective control valve VRM or blockage of thecontrol piston the output pressure may fall to 0 bar orincrease to the input pressure.Remedy:The function of the hydraulic component can be checked using the manually controlled knob with the supply voltage beingswitched off. See chapter 7.1.If the output pressure cannot be adjusted manually, the controlpiston, e.g., may be blocked by particles.Open hydraulic component and clean inner parts.If the surfaces and guiding lines are damaged, exchangethe I/H converter.Should output pressure adjustment be possible with manualoperation knob, but not with the control magnet, the controlmagnet VRM is defective.Repairs on the control magnet VRM are not allowed, otherwiseexplosion protection is no longer guaranteed.Replace any defective I/H converter completely.8.Maintenance and RepairFor a trouble-free and reliable operation of the I/H converter, it isnecessary to perform inspection, maintenance and repair work incertain intervals.Routine inspectionCheck the pipes, screw connections and connections on theI/H converter for leakage, impurities and damage.Eliminate any leakage, impurity and damage noticed, if required, duringappropriate operating modes.Monitor the control behavior of the I/H converter for any changes.Analyse and eliminate the causes, if required, during appropriateoperating modes.Inspection after approx. 740 operating hours / max. 1 monthTake an oil sample from the oil tank and analyse it for solid andsuspended matters, water content, shadings and air bubbles.Analyse oil purity of the oil sample. Clean or exchange the oil, ifrequired, in an appropriate operating mode.Inspection after approx. 8000 operating hours / max. 1 yearTake an oil sample from the oil tank and analyse it chemically.If required, clean or change the oil during an appropriate operating mode.Check and retighten, if necessary, the electric connections of the I/Hconverter.9.ShutdownIf the I/H converter is switched off for reasons of repair, inspection orunit shutdown, switch off the oil supply system and relieve all pressurereservoirs, if effective. Switch off the 24 VDC supply voltage andremove the lines as well as piping and hose connections. Doing so, anconsiderable oil quantity may leak out. Collect the oil in a suitablecontainer and deposit it properly. Close all holes. Now clean and packthe I/H converter.DisposalIn the event of disposal of the I/H converter, observe the local applicableregulations regarding the environmental protection. The I/H converteressentially contains steel, copper, synthetic materials, electroniccomponents and residual oil.Instruction Manual I/H Converter DSG-B03212I/H Converter DSG-B0721205 / 03cet - OchsVoith Turbo GmbH & Co, KG Page: 19 / 203.626 - 018861 en D – 74564 Crailsheim 10.Outline and Wiring DiagramInstruction ManualI/H Converter DSG-B03212I/H Converter DSG-B07212 11.AnnexFlushing plate43.8565.10Adapter plate43.9300.1105 / 03cet - Ochs Voith Turbo GmbH & Co, KG Page: 20 / 20 3.626 - 018861 en D – 74564 Crailsheim。
摩恩孙高效DC DC转换器K78_T-500R3系列产品说明书
![摩恩孙高效DC DC转换器K78_T-500R3系列产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2d1f1ceb85868762caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ecb798.png)
Wide input voltage,non-isolated ®ulated single outputRoHSFEATURES●High efficiency up to 95%●No-load input current as low as 0.2mA●Operating temperature range:-40℃to +85℃●Output short circuit protection ●SMD package●Meets EN62368standards (Pending )K78_T-500R3series are high efficiency switching regulators.The product is featured with high efficiency,low loss,short circuit protection.They are widely used in industrial control,instrumentation,and electric power applications.Selection GuideCertificationPart Number Input Voltage (VDC)OutputEfficiency (%/Typ.)(Min.Vin)/(Max.Vin)@Full LoadMax.Capacitive Load(µF)Nominal (Range)Output Voltage(VDC)Max.Output Current (mA)CE (Pending)K7801T-500R312(4.75-28) 1.550076/67680K78X2T-500R312(4.75-28) 1.850076/69680K7802T-500R312(4.75-32) 2.550081/74680K7803T-500R324(4.75-36) 3.350086/80680K7805T-500R324(6.5-36)550090/84680K78X6T-500R324(8-36) 6.550092/87680K7809T-500R324(12-36)950093/90680K7812T-500R324(15-36)1250094/91680K7815T-500R324(19-36)1550095/93680Note:For input voltage higher than 30VDC,a 22uF/50V input capacitor is required.Input SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit No-load Input Current --0.21.5mAReverse Polarity Input ForbiddenInput FilterCapacitor filterRemote ON/OFF*Module switch onsuspended or connected to TTL high level(3.2-8VDC)Module switch offpin connected to GND or low level(0-0.8VDC)Input current when switched off--30100µANote:*The voltage of Remote ON/OFF pin is relative to pin GND.Output SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitOutput Voltage Accuracy Full load,input voltage range1.5/1.8/2.5/3.3VDC o utput --±2±4%Others--±2±3Line Regulation Full load,input voltage range --±0.2±0.4Load RegulationNominal input voltage,10%-100%load1.5/1.8/2.5/3.3/5VDC o utput --±0.6--Others--±0.3--Ripple &Noise*20MHz bandwidth,nominal input voltage1.5/1.8/2.5/3.3VDC output,20%-100%load --2050mVp-p Others,10%-100%load--2050Temperature Coefficient Operating temperature -40℃to +85℃----±0.03%/℃Transient response deviation Nominal input voltage,25%load step change --50200mV Transient recovery time --0.21msOutput short circuit protection Nominal input voltage Continuous,self-recoveryVadjinput voltage range--±10--%VoNote:*1.Ripple and noise tested with “parallel cable”method,please refer to DC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific operation methods;*2.With the load lower than 20%,the maximum ripple and noise of 1.5/1.8/2.5/3.3V output products will be 100mVp-p;With the load lower than 10%,5V/6.5V/9V/12V/15V output products will be 150mVp-p.General SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.单位Operating Temperature see Fig.1-40--+85℃Storage Temperature -55--+125Storage HumidityNon-condensing 5--95%RHReflow Soldering TemperaturePeak temp.≤245℃,maximum durationtime ≤60s at 217℃.For actual application,please refer to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D.1.Switching Frequency Full load,nominal input voltageK7801T-500R3--370--KHz Others--700--MTBFMIL-HDBK-217F@25℃2000----K hoursPhysical SpecificationsCasing Material Black flame-retardant and heat-resistant plastic (UL94V-0)Package Dimensions 15.24*11.40*8.25mm Weight1.5g (Typ.)Cooling MethodFree air convectionEMC SpecificationsEMICE CISPR32/EN55032CLASS B (see Fig.4-②for recommended circuit)RE CISPR32/EN55032CLASS B (see Fig.4-②for recommended circuit)EMSESD IEC/EN 61000-4-2Contact ±4KV perf.Criteria B RSIEC/EN 61000-4-310V/mperf.Criteria A EFT IEC/EN 61000-4-4±1KV (see Fig.4-①for recommended circuit)perf.Criteria B Surge IEC/EN 61000-4-5line to line ±1KV (see Fig.4-①for recommended circuit)perf.Criteria B CSIEC/EN 61000-4-63Vr.m.sperf.Criteria AProduct Characteristic CurveO u t p u t P o w e r P e r c e n t a g e (%)020406080100120-404085120Safe Operating AreaOperating Temperature ( ℃)71T emperature Derating CurveFig.1Design Reference1.Typical application circuitFig.2Typical application circuitPartNumberC1(ceramiccapacitor)C2(ceramiccapacitor)Ra1/Ra2(Vadjresistance) K7801T-500R310µF/50V22µF/10VRefer to Vadjresistancecalculation K78X2T-500R322µF/10VK7802T-500R322µF/10VK7803T-500R322µF/10VK7805T-500R322µF/16VK78X6T-500R322µF/16VK7809T-500R322µF/25VK7812T-500R322µF/25VK7815T-500R322µF/25VSheet1Note:1.C1and C2are required and should be connected close to the pin terminal of the module.2.The capacitance of C1and C2refer to Sheet1,it can be increased properly if required,and tantalum or low ESR electrolytic capacitors may also suffice.3.Cannot be used in parallel for output and hot swap.To reduce the output ripple furtherly,it is suggested to connect a“LC”filter at the output terminal,and recommended value of L is10µH-47µH.Fig.3“LC”filter application circuit2.EMC solution-recommended circuitDC/DCVinLDM2②C0LDM1MOVFUSE①C5GN D++VoGN DC2C1Note:Part ①in the Fig.4is for EMS test,part ②is for EMI filtering;parts ①and ②can be added based on actual requirement.FUSEMOV LDM1C0C1/C2C5LDM2Selected based on the actual input current from the customerS20K3082µH680µF /50VRefer to Sheet 14.7µF /50V12µH3.Application of Vadj and calculation of Vadj resistanceR 2R 1R 3V ref R a2Vo’R 2R 1R 3Vref R a1VadjVo’Vadj up Vadj downFig.5Applied circuits of Vadj (Part in broken line is the interior of models)Calculation formula of Vadj resistance:up: a=VrefVo’-Vref R 1R =a2aR 2R -a 2-R 3down: a=VrefVo’-VrefR 2R =a1aR 1R -a1-R 3R a1、R a2is Vadj resistance ,a is a self-defined parameter,with no real meaning.Vo’for the actual needs of the up or down regulated voltageVout(V)R1(K Ω)R2(K Ω)R3(K Ω)Vref(V) 4.7270.7651275 5.1270.76515824.423270.765Note:The 1.5VDC output model only support Vadj up,do not support Vadj down.4.For more information please find the application notes on Dimensions and Recommended LayoutNotes:1.Packing information please refer to Product Packing Information which can be downloaded from .TubePacking bag number:58210057,Roll packing bag number:58210058.2.The max.capacitive load should be tested within the input voltage range and under full load conditions;3.Unless otherwise specified,data in this datasheet should be tested under the conditions of Ta=25℃,humidity<75%RH when inputtingnominal voltage and outputting rated load;4.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on our Company’s corporate standards;5.The performance indexes of the product models listed in this manual are as above,but some indexes of non-standard model productswill exceed the above-mentioned requirements,and please directly contact with our technician for specific information;6.Products are related to laws and regulations:see"Features"and"EMC";7.Our products shall be classified according to ISO14001and related environmental laws and regulations,and shall be handled byqualified units.MORNSUN Guangzhou Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.Address:No.5,Kehui St.1,Kehui Development Center,Science Ave.,Guangzhou Science City,Luogang District,Guangzhou,P.R.China Tel:86-20-38601850-8801Fax:86-20-38601272E-mail:***************。
摩恩孙 DC DC 转换器说明书
![摩恩孙 DC DC 转换器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f361517ec381e53a580216fc700abb68a982adc5.png)
1W,Fixed input voltage,isolated ®ulated single outputPatent Protection RoHSFEATURES●Continuous short-circuit protection ●No-load input current as low as 5mA●Operating temperature range:-40℃to +85℃●High efficiency up to 73%●Isolation voltage:3K VDC●International standard pin-out ●SIP package●Meets UL62368,EN62368standards(Pending)IF05_S-1WR3series are specially designed for applications where an isolated voltage is required in a distributed power supply system.They are suitable for:preceding-stage interference isolation condition;ground-interference canceled condition;digit circuit condition;Voltage-isolation converting condition;normal low-frequency artificial circuit condition;relay drive circuit condition,etc.Selection GuideCertificationPart No.Input Voltage (VDC)OutputEfficiency (%,Min./T yp.)@Full Load Max.CapacitiveLoad *(µF)Nominal (Range)Output Voltage(VDC)Output Current (mA)(Max./Min.)UL/CE (Pending)IF0505S-1WR35(4.75-5.25)5200/2066/702400IF0509S-1WR39111/1267/711000IF0512S-1WR31284/968/72560IF0515S-1WR31567/769/73560Input SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitInput Current (full load /no-load)5VDC output --286/5303/10mA9VDC/12VDC output --282/12299/2015VDC output--274/18290/30Reflected Ripple Current --15--Input Filter Filter capacitor Hot PlugUnavailableNote:*Reflected ripple current testing method please see DC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific operation.Output SpecificationsItemOperating ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit Output Voltage Accuracy ----±3%Line Regulation Input voltage change:±1%----±0.25%Load Regulation 10%-100%load ----±2%Ripple &Noise*20MHz bandwidth --3075mVp-p Temperature Coefficient 100%load--±0.02--%/℃Short Circuit ProtectionContinuous,self-recoveryNote:*Ripple and noise are measured by “parallel cable”method,please see DC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific operation.General SpecificationsItemOperating ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit Insulation Voltage Input-output,with the test time of 1minute and the leak current lower than 1mA 3000----VDC Insulation Resistance Input-output,isolation voltage 500VDC 1000----M ΩIsolation Capacitance Input-output,100KHz/0.1V--20--pF Operating TemperatureDerating when operating temperature up to71℃(see Fig.1)-40--85℃Storage Temperature -55--125℃Casing Temperature Rise Ta=25℃--25--Pin Welding Resistance Temperature Welding spot is 1.5mm away from the casing,10seconds ----300Storage Humidity Non-condensing----95%RH Vibration10-55Hz,2G,30Min.along X,Y and ZSwitching Frequency 100%load,nominal input voltage --270--KHz MTBFMIL-HDBK-217F@25℃3500----K hoursPhysical SpecificationsCasing Material Black flame-retardant and heat-resistant plastic (UL94V-0)Dimensions 19.65*6.00*10.16mm Weight2.1g(Typ.)Cooling MethodFree air convectionEMC SpecificationsEMI CE CISPR32/EN55032CLASS B (see Fig.3for recommended circuit)RE CISPR32/EN55032CLASS B (see Fig.3for recommended circuit)EMSESDIEC/EN61000-4-2Air ±8kV ,Contact ±4kVperf.Criteria BProduct CharacteristicCurve120100806040200-404085120O u t p u t P o w e r P e r c e n t (%)Amb ient Temp.()℃Saf e Op erati ng AreaTemp er atur e D erating Cu r ve71Fig.1Design Reference1.Typical application circuitIf it is required to further reduce input and output ripple,a filter capacitor may be connected to the input and output terminals,see Fig.2.Moreover,choosing a suitable filter capacitor is very important,start-up problems may be caused if the capacitance is too large .Under the condition of safe and reliable operation,the recommended capacitive load values are shown in Table 1.VinGND+Vo0VDCCinDC CoutFig.2Recommended capacitive load value table (Table 1)Vin(VDC)Cin(µF)Vo (VDC)Cout(µF)54.7510----9/12 2.2----1512.EMC solution-recommended circuitFig.3EMC recommended circuit value table (Table 2)Inputvoltage 5VDCOutput voltage (VDC)5/912/15EMIC1/C24.7µF /25V4.7µF /25VCY --1nF/4KVDCVISHAY HGZ102MBPTDK CD45-E2GA102M-GKAC3Refer to the Cout in table 1LDM6.8µH6.8µHNote:In the case of actual use,the requirements for EMI are high,it is subject to CY (CY :1nF/4KV).3.For more information please find DC-DC converter application notes on Dimensions and Recommended LayoutNotes:1.Packing information please refer to Product Packing Information which can be downloaded from .Packingbag number:58200001;2.If the product is not operated within the required load range,the product performance cannot be guaranteed to comply with allparameters in the datasheet;3.The maximum capacitive load offered were tested at input voltage range and full load;4.Unless otherwise specified,parameters in this datasheet were measured under the conditions of Ta=25℃,humidity<75%RH with nominalinput voltage and rated output load;5.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on our Company’s corporate standards;6.We can provide product customization service,please contact our technicians directly for specific information;7.Products are related to laws and regulations:see"Features"and"EMC";8.Our products shall be classified according to ISO14001and related environmental laws and regulations,and shall be handled byqualified units.MORNSUN Guangzhou Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.Address:No.5,Kehui St.1,Kehui Development Center,Science Ave.,Guangzhou Science City,Luogang District,Guangzhou,P.R.China Tel:86-20-38601850-8801Fax:86-20-38601272E-mail:***************。
目录1.技术数据2.安全信息2.1 符号的意义2.2使用方法2.3重要标识2.4保修3.功能描述3.1机械构造3.2运行特性4.包装、储存和运输5.安装5.1安装5.2液压通讯5.3电通讯6.试运行6.1运行测试6.2参数设定7.操作7.1手动按钮操作7.2信号设置操作8.维护和修理9关闭10.主要线路图11.附录1.技术数据环境条件:保存温度-40℃ (90)环境温度:-正常操作-20℃ (85)-气体爆炸危险-20℃ (60)防爆等级EEx d IIC温度等级T4,在Ta=-20℃ (60)设备组别II类别2G防护等级IP 65 to EN 60529适合在工业内部环境中安装电气数据供电电压24VDC±10%能耗0.7A左右最大一秒内3A输入设置W=0/4…20mA带抑流器时输入电阻25 Ohm液压数据:最小输入压力比输出压力信号上限值大1.5bar最大输入压力见表格液压矿物油或液体油(要求不可燃液体)压力流体粘度ISO VG 32…ISO VG 48 to DIN 51519压力流体温度+10℃ (60)油品纯度纯度等级要求NAS1638 7级ISO4406 class-/16/13漏量≤5l/min ——————————————————————————————————类型DSG-BXX212B03…B07…——————————————————————————————————输出压力信号范围P[bar] 0..3 0..7A —————————————————————————————————— [bar] 40 40 输入压力P(max)——————————————————————————————————流量速率线 P→A 17 17 (l/min) Q1 [l/min]△P=1 bar时——————————————————————————————————流量速率线 A→T 18 18 (l/min) Q1 [l/min]△P=1 bar时——————————————————————————————————大致调节范围 1..3 5..7Pmax [bar]A设定为w=20mA时——————————————————————————————————大致调节范围0..0.8 1..3Pmin [bar]A设定为w=4mA时0..2 1.5..5压力下限值取决于压力上限值的设置压力下限值在最小值的第一条线里显示出来机械数据:尺寸,配置见第10章液压通讯见第10章装置位置见第10章密封材料 FPM重量大约12kg2.安全信息2.1符号意义危险!这个符号表明对人的生命安全有重大威胁。
Flow Switch Series FSW-9000产品说明书
![Flow Switch Series FSW-9000产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fb1d1382534de518964bcf84b9d528ea80c72f76.png)
B-83Series are made with 316 SS and the standard enclosure is glass-filled nylon. The FSW-9000 Series can be made with a great variety of process connections such as threaded, flange, orsanitary and is also available in an aluminum enclosure for hazardous environments. Intrinsic safetybarriers required for explosion proof areas.Measuring Ranges for FSW-9000 SeriesThe FSW-9000 Series nominalmeasuring range is 0.04 to 2.0 m/s. The switch can be set to trip at any value in this range. To calculate the velocity for your application, use the following simple formula: V = 1.27 X Q D 2Q = Flow rate in meters per second D = Pipe internal diameter in metersV = Fluid velocity in meters per secondThe FSW-9000 Series is a flow switch monitor that measures the velocity of the flow. It is ideal for use in measurement and control liquid applications. The FSW-9000 Series provides two output options: a 4 to 20 mA analog output and a PNP/NPN output. For the 4 to 20 mA output, the electronics module converts the signal from the probe to a 4 to 20 mA analog output, which can be used to indicate flow rate. For the PNP/NPN output, the measured flow rate is compared to the setpoint value selected by the user and the switch changes state once the setpoint value has been achieved.The FSW-9000 Seriesmicroprocessor based electronics and unique self-calibration program gives the flow switch superior temperature compensation, a fast response time (adjustable from 3 to 10 seconds) and increased long term switch point stability.Even in the event of a power failure, the calibration program will store values for maximum and minimum flows for up to 10 years.A chain of 8 LEDs gives the user a visual indication of the flow rate as well as setpoint status, and one di-chromatic LED indicates switch point status. In addition, if there is a problem with the unit, the 8 LEDs will flash continuously providing troubleshooting information.The conical shape of the sensor’s tip means that the probe can be installed at almost any angle in the pipe and that if the probe is misaligned, accuracy will not be affected. The sensing element and connection of the FSW-9000Please note that the 4 to 20 mA option is scaled over 0 to 2.0 m/s The FSW-90-R is very similar to the FSW-9212 Series with one main difference: The sensor is separate from the electronics and it does not have an enclosed housing. This gives the FSW-90-R Series the ability to be installed in very small pipes and be remotely controlled by the FSCN-91 relay. The FSW-90-R Series is the ideal solution when there is not a lot of space to install even a compact unit or when there is a need for a mounted relay. In addition, the conical shape of the sensor’s tip allows the probe to be installed at almost any angle in the pipe, and if it is misaligned, accuracy will not be affected. The FSW-90-R is made with 316 SS. FSCN-91 relay can operate with DC or AC supply voltage and provides an analog 4 to 20 mA and SPDT output. The FSCN-91 enclosure is made with ABS and can be mounted on a DIN rail or by using 2 fixing screws.U H igh Reliability— No Moving Parts U 4 to 20 mA,PNP/NPN (Transistor), or Relay Output U E xcellent Low Flow SensitivityFSW-9212shown smaller than actual size.Liquid FLow TransmiTTer and swiTchFSW-9000 SeriesB-84BTo order ECTFE/ETFE element coating add suffix “-ETFE” to model number, for additional cost. Ordering Examples: FSW-9212, Vac powered switch, and 70A-1, alarm.FSW-9123, transmitter with 1⁄2 NPT thread, aluminum die cast enclosure with 1⁄2 NPT conduit, 75 mm (3") insertion length.(0.625)LDimensions: mm (in)SPECIFICATIONSAccuracy: ±5% of setpoint Repeatability: ±1% of setpoint Power Supply: FSW-90-R: 85 to 240 Vac, 50/60 Hz or 24 Vdc ±10%; FSW-9000: 24 Vdc ±10%Temperature Range:Process: -20 to 80°C (-4 to176°F) (Sanitary option to 284°F for CIP)Operating: -20 to 60°C (-4 to140°F)Maximum Pressure: 300 bar (4351 psi)Protection Class: NEMA-4 (IP65)Wetted Materials: 316 Stainless Steel Enclosure Material: Glass filled nylon standard; aluminum head optional Process Connection: 1⁄2 to 11⁄2 NPT, Tri-Grip TM (Tri-Clamp ® compatible), or flangeOutput: FSW-90-R + FSCN-90: relay (SPDT) and 4 to 20 mA; FSW-9000: transistor NPN/PNP (400 mA) and 4 to 20 mASwitch Point Adjustment: Potentiometer Bargraph: 8 LEDSwitch Point Status:Red LED: No flow Green LED: FlowResponse Time: 3 to 10 sec nominal Maximum Start-Up Delay: 12 seconds Switching Range: 0.04 m/s to 2 m/s (water)Dimensions:Nylon Head: 89 H x 64 mm D (3.5 x 2.5")Aluminum Head: 89 H x 108 mm D (3.5 x 4.25")Probe Diameter: 16 mm (0.625")Insertion Length: 13⁄8, 2 and 3" standard; for other lengths consult Flow EngineeringWeight: Approx. 680 g (1.5 lb)NPT conduit, cable gland, and 2 m (6.5') cable。
Way ValveType WSR-D16112 Type WSR-D16118 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Version 3.0Should you have any questions concerning the way valve, please contact the Service Department of the product group Electronic Drive Systems, Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG, Crailsheim, indicatingarticle number and serial number of the way valve.Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KGP.O. Box 15 55D-74555 CrailsheimSwitchboard: ++49 – 7951 / 32 - 0Fax: ++49 – 7951 / 32 - 500Service department of product groupElectronic Drive SystemsDirect dial: ++49 – 7951 / 32 - 470Direct fax: ++49 – 7951 / 32 - 605turcon@E-mail:Address for goods supplied:Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KGDept. aieVoithstr. 1D-74564 CrailsheimThis instruction manual describes the technical condition of theway valve for deliveries from June 2004.Any modifications following the delivery are not considered in this operating manual.Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG 2004This instruction manual is protected by copyright.It may not be reproduced or translated in any form or by anymeans (mechanical or electronic) or submitted tothird parties, without the publisher’s written approval.amendment: 04/10, aiet-OchsOrder No.: 3.626-018901 enVersion: 3.00Printed in GermanyContentsdata1. TechnicalInformation2. Safety2.1 Definition of notes and symbols2.2 Proper use2.3 Important notes2.4 Warranty3. Functional Description3.1 Design3.2 Operating characteristics4. Packing, Storage and Transport5. Installation5.1 Mounting5.2 Hydraulic connection5.3 Electric connection6. Commissioning6.1 Test run6.2 Parameter setting6.2.1 Adjustment of the control piston hydraulic center6.2.2 Strokeadjustment6.2.3 Adjustment of proportional gain7. Operationmanual operation knobwith7.1 Operation7.2 Operation wit set signal7.3 Trouble shooting and remedial action8. Maintenance and Repair9. Shutdown10. Annex1. Technical DataAmbient conditions:temperature for storage -40 °C ... +90 °CAmbienttemperature: -20°C ... +85 °CAmbientProtection IP 65 to EN 60529suitable for internal installation in industrial airdata:ElectricVDC24SupplyvoltagePower consumption approx. 0.8 Amax. 3 A, for t < 1 sec Setpoint input w = 4...20 mAinput resistor 100 Ohmwithcircuit.suppressorActual value input 20..4 mAinput resistor 332 OhmActual value remote indication 4..20 mAresistor max. 400 Ohm.Electric connection see Chapter 10Hydraulic data:Input pressure P 90 barInput pressure P max 120 barFlow rate line at ∆P = 20 bar 45 l/min (P→A,B→T)90 l/min (max)Pressure fluid mineral oil or hydraulic oilViscosity pressure fluid ISO VG 32... ISO VG 48 to51519DINTemperature pressure fluid: +10 °C...+70 °COil purity recommended purity class:to NAS1638 class 7to ISO4406 class -/16/13Leakage ≤ 5 l/minMechanical data:Dimensions, fitting see chapter 10Hydraulic connection see chapter 10Mounting position see chapter 10Sealing material FPM and NBRkg15Weight approx.2. SafetyInformation2.1 Definition of notes and symbolsDanger !This symbol signals an imminent danger to life andhealth of individuals.If this note is not observed, injury to health and even mostserious injuries may be the consequence.Warning !This symbol signals a harmful situation.If this note is not observed, the product may be damaged.Note !This symbol refers to proper handling of the product. It does not refer toor indicate a dangerous situation.use2.2 ProperThe way valve serves to transform an electric set signal 4..20 mA into avolume flow variable in direction and size. This allows, for example, aninfinitely variable adjustment of a double-acting hydraulic cylinder toposition steam valves.2.3 ImportantnotesThe following notes refer to the entire instruction manual and have to beobserved in addition to the individual notes.Accident prevention•Improper use may cause operating agent under pressure to leak at sealing surfaces. There exists some risk of fire around hotcomponents.•Isolate the hydraulic supply prior to working on the way valve.•Failure of electric power or disturbance of the control electronics integrated in the way valve may cause strong variations of the outputpressure when operating the way valve.Thus e.g. thepiston rod of a hydraulic cylinder may move uncontrolled,causing danger to individuals or equipment.•During operation, the outer surfaces of the way valve may heat up due to the pressure fluid. Contact may cause skin burns. Make sure to cooldown the way valve prior to working on it•Electrical components are installed in the way valve. Thesecomponents may be destroyed by e.g. welding in its surrounding.Therefore make sure to disconnect all electric connections prior toelectrical weldings in the surrounding of the way valve.Environmentprotection•During mounting, dismounting or improper use of the way valvepressure fluid may leak out. Operating agent reaching the sewagesystem or open soil, causes severe environmental damages. Leakingpressure fluid has to be collected and deposited in accordance withthe national legal regulations.Instruction manual•The instruction manual contains important information for properhandling of the way valve. Prior to installation and commissioning ofthe way valve, read the manual carefully and make sure it iscompletely understood.•Keep this manual in a location convenient to the operating staff.•In addition to this operating manual: Have the relevant regulations for prevention of accidents and environmental protection available andobserve same.qualificationStaff•Only trained and instructed staff is allowed to perform any work on the way valve. These personnel have to be trained and authorized tomount way valves professionally.•Installation, commissioning and operation have to be performed by an electronic expert.modificationsConstructional•Mounting and constructional modifications are not permitted.•The screwing of the cable inlet is secured against distortion. Do not distort or loosen the screwing.2.4 WarrantyThe terms and conditions mentioned in the General Conditionsof Sale of Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG, Crailsheim, are applicable.Warranty claims are excluded if these are due to one or several of thefollowing causes:• Improper transportation, storage, mounting, set-up, commissioning and operation of the way valve.•Not observing the safety instructions and guidelines included in this instruction manual.•Use of spare parts not approved byVoith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG, Crailsheim.Repair works on the way valve are to be performed or approved by VoithTurbo GmbH & Co. KG, Crailsheim.3. FunctionalDescription3.1 DesignFig.: 11 Control magnet VRM P - Input pressure2 Tappet for power transmission A,B - Outlets3 Potentiometers X0, X1, FM and KP T - Tank return line4 Potentiometers F0, F1 and TD5 Electric connection(cable end or junction box)6 Manual operation knob7 Control housing8 Control piston9 Control spring10 Cover F Mag - Magnetic force11 Magnet armature F F - Spring force3.2 Operating characteristics(also see Fig.: 1)4/3-way valveControl magnetTPFig.: 2P Input pressure A,B Outlets T Tank return line w Set signal for position s 4..20 mA ∼ 0..100 % x Actual value indication 20..4 mA ∼ 0..100 % ix Actual value remote indication 4..20 mA ∼ 0..100 % Functional control IxdI > Ixd(perm.)I Adjusting parameters X0, X1, KP, FM and TD F0 and F1 are factory-setThe positioner and the magnetic force controller are integrated in the control magnet VRM. The essential control parameters are adjustable at the VRM from the outside using a potentiometer. This allows to optimally adjust control for various cylinders and to assign the required stroke to the set signal w.In the positioner, any deviation w-x will be multiplied with the KP-factor. The generated position controller output acts as set signal for the subordinate magnetic force controller. A force range for F Mag iscorrelated to the controller output range via the parameters F0 and F1, by means of which the control piston moves against the control spring into a defined end position. The end positions are in accordance with the respective greatest flow rate sections from P → A, B or from A, B → T.The position of the control piston as shown in figure 1 is designated ashydraulic center, where the cylinder is in a constant position s withoutany further movement. In order to prevent generation of the magneticforce required for the hydraulic center by deviation, the parameter FM isused to adjust a magnetic force-offset to zero deviation, thus the setsignal w is equivalent to the actual value s or x,.Manual control function:Instead of the magnetic force F Mag the manual control can adjust a forcewhich will be transmitted to the control piston by the tappet.Thus, the control piston is able to move without electric connection, andoutlet A or B can be connected with P.The system is able to run the piston rod of a cylinder connected at outletA andB into the relevant end position. It is not possible, though, to adjustany desired position s.4. Packing, Storage and TransportPackingThe way valve is delivered in a special packing.The openings for the hydraulic connections are sealed with plugs toprevent penetration of impurities and humidity.Storage and preservingThe outer surfaces of the way valve are protected by means of apreserving surface coat.The internal parts are preserved by oil.Within Europe the anticorrosion protection is sufficient for approx. 8months in industrial air, presuming storage of the way valve in a drylocation.In case the way valve is supposed to be stored for a longer period oftime, special precautions will have to be taken.In each specific case, these precautions have to be agreed withVoith Turbo GmbH & Co, KG, Crailsheim.The storage ambient conditions have to be within the limits, as indicatedin chapter 1.TransportImproper transport may cause personal injuries and damages toproperty.Pack the way valve in a way that prevents housing damages duringtransport. In particular, make sure that no compulsive forces affect theelectric cable fitting and that the electric feed-in cable is not kinked ordamaged. Do not hold the way valve at the electric feed-in cable fortransport.5. Installation•Improper installation of the way valve may cause malfunctions and premature failure of the way valve.•Cleanliness is imperative during installation and connection. Prevent any impurities (dust, metal chips etc.) from getting into the way valveor pipe system, which may cause damage to the way valve.Cover and protect the way valve and, in particular, the electric linesduring construction time.5.1 MountingPerform any work on the way valve only in deenergized condition andwith the oil supply system switched off.Protect oil and power supply against unintentional switching-on duringmounting.Mount the way valve according to the permissible installation position asindicated in Chapter 10.Recommended fastening bolts:2 pieces socket head screws M12, DIN 912, strength category 8.8.Tightening torque MA=70 Nm, thread slightly oiled.Select screw length according to mounting situation.connection5.2 HydraulicObserve the correct pressure range when selecting pipes, hoses,screwings and flanges.Immediately replace damaged pipes and hose lines.The hydraulic connection on the way valve is made by means ofconnection bores at its bottom. The connection flange is sealed withO-rings. Please refer to chapter 10 for position and dimensions of theconnections.Surface roughness of connecting flange:Ra = 1.6 µm, Rmax = 6.3 µmWhen assembling the pipe lines, ensure that it is fastened to fixedstructures, free from vibration and not to moving equipment. Temperaturevariations of the piping (thus alterations in length) must not applyconstraining forces to the way valve.Clean pipe lines from dirt, cinder, sand, chips etc. prior to installation.Pickle or flush welded pipes.Clean and flush carefully all pipe and hose lines prior to attaching theway valveAn adapter with connection threads G1/2" is available for connecting theway valve to hose or pipe lines.See chapter 10..•Residual oil may leak when removing the plug (0.3 l max.). Collect the oil in a suitable container and deposit it properly.•Do not use fibrous or hardening sealing compounds, such as e.g.hemp or mastic, to seal the connections and screwings.5.3 ElectricconnectionThe electric system has to be connected by some electronic expert, inaccordance with electrical engineering standards and legal regulations ofthe manufacturing country.When connecting customer’s lines, avoid parallel run of the way valvelines with the lines of current converter assemblies.The customer’s signal and supply lines running to the way valve must bescreened.Please refer to chapter 10 for the wiring diagram.6. CommissioningThe way valve was adjusted and tested at Voith Turbo’s works.The potentiometers are provided with a protective cap to avoidunintentional maladjustment and impurities.Make sure that the signal of the way return coming from the cylinder isdescending, i.e.: 0..100 % stroke correspond to 20..4 mA.run6.1 TestMake sure that pipe lines and hydraulic system are cleaned prior toperforming a test run. The operating fluid has to be in accordance withthe purity class, as indicated in chapter 1. Do not flush or clean thepressure fluid with the hydraulically connected way valve. Operation ofthe way valve with contaminated pressure fluid is not permitted, the wayvalve may get damaged.•Check line mounting, connection and flow direction to and on the way valve.•Check electric connection.•Switch on 24 VDC power supply.•Switch on oil supply and check input pressure.In the beginning, lack of hydraulic damping may causeuncontrolled stroke movements at the actuator connected to outlet Aand B.If the installation position is correct, the included air will escape anddamping will become effective.•Enter setpoint w = 4.. 20mA and check reaction of theactuator connected to outlet "A" and “B”.•Run way valve until it is warm and check input pressure.•Enter setpoint w = 12 mA.Check the deviation between setpoint and actual remote indicationand, if necessary, correct hydraulic center using the FMpotentiometer.See chapter 6.2.1.•Vary setpoint w from 4..20 mA. Check stroke adjustment and, if necessary, adjust it using the X0 and X1 potentiometers.See chapter 6.2.2.In case that the cylinder piston to be positioned adjusts e.g. a steamvalve, make sure that in the 0%-position the valve stop is approached butnot the internal mechanical stop of the piston in the cylinder duringengaging.Otherwise the “closed position” of the valve is no longer granted.•Enter setpoint step-change in closing direction (e.g.: 18 → 6 mA).Check step-response and optimize it, if necessary, using the KP andTD potentiometers.See chapter 6.2.3.Check all hydraulic connections for leakages during the test run. In theevent of leakages, immediately switch off the hydraulic supply systemand eliminate all leakages.setting6.2 ParameterDue to unintentional maladjustment of the parameters or changedoperating conditions, a new setting of one or several parameters maybecome necessary.We recommend documenting any adjustment of the parameters as wellas the set values.The parameters are adjusted using the X0, X1, FM, KP and TDpotentiometers.description:Potentiometers: ParameterFM Adjustment of hydraulic center of the control pistonX0 Adjustment of position s at setpoint w = 4 mAX1 Adjustment of position s at setpoint w = 20 mAKP Adjustment of proportional gain of the positionerTD Adjustment of actual value differentiation of the positione rX0should be adjusted before X1.The F0 and F1 potentiometers are factory-set and are not to be adjusted.Please refer to chapter 10 for the location of the potentiometers.Unscrew 2 hexagon socket screws at the cover and pull it off in orderto reach the TD potentiometer.6.2.1 Center position adjustment of control pistonTo avoid any deviation between setpoint and actual position remoteindication, adjust an offset for the magnetic force using the FMpotentiometer. Select same to reach zero deviation at setpointw = 12 mA, and the control piston will be in the hydraulic center.Setpoint input w ≠ 12 mA may cause slight deviations as to the actualvalue remote indication.•Run way valve warm and check feed-in pressure.•Enter setpoint w = 12.00 mA using a power source.•Measure actual value remote indication and adjust it to12 +/- 0.05 mA using the FM potentiometer.Effective direction of FM:Clockwise rotation increases the magnetic force and the actual positionremote indication.6.2.2 StrokeadjustmentUsing the X0 and X1 potentiometers you can assign an effective piston stroke from a double-acting cylinder to setpoint 4..20 mA.The potentiometer settings have been determined differently: Operating range X0: +/- 5 %Operating range X1: +/- 5 %The data refer to the descending signal of way return20..4 mA ≈ 0..100 % stroke.0 % stroke adjustment:•Enter setpoint w = 4.0 mA using a power source.•Adjust 0 %-position using the X0 potentiometer and observe position s and the actual value remote indication.Should the actual value remote indication increase continuously, i.e. greater than 4 mA when adjusting the X0 potentiometer counterclockwise, then the lower mechanical stop (when adjusting the valve, usually the valve seat) is reached exceeding the control range. In order to safely reach the “closed position“ of a valve at a setpoint of 4 mA, even at thermal linear expansion or drifting of a signal, the stroke may also be adjusted at a setpoint of e.g. 4.5 mA.Effective direction of X0:Clockwise rotation moves the piston towards 100 %.100 % stroke adjustment:•Enter setpoint w = 20.0 mA using a power source.•Adjust the 100 %-position using the X1 potentiometer and observe position s and the actual value remote indication.Should the actual value remote indication decrease continuously, i.e. lessthan 20 mA, when adjusting the X1 potentiometer clockwise, then theupper mechanical stop is reached exceeding the control range.Effective direction of X1:Clockwise rotation moves the piston towards 100%.6.2.3 Adjustment of proportional gainThe control parameters at the way valve are factory-set.After mounting to a cylinder the control parameters need to be adapted toactual operating conditions at the site.•Enter setpoint step-change from 18 → 6 mA.•Observe time slope of the actual value x in the primary control.•Vary gain using the KP potentiometer until the time slope of the actual value corresponds to characteristic curve 2 in figure 4.Effective direction of KP:Clockwise rotation increases the proportional gain.Even if the closing and opening times seem to be sufficient with lowsetting of KP, it is necessary to adjust KP as described above.Benefit:Better dynamic behavior at minor setpoint changes and smaller deviationbetween setpoint and actual value remote indication.Following the optimization of KP, repeat setting of FM, X0 and X1, ifnecessary.Optimization by means of TD potentiometer is only allowed for trainedcommissioning personnel.tFig.: 47. Operation7.1 Operation with manual knobManual operation allows adjusting the control piston without electricconnection.Manual operation is only possible when the circlip is removed from themanual operation knob.On completion of operation with manual operation knob, move themanual operation knob in its end position by turning it counterclockwiseand by pushing in the circlip to its end position.On operation with manual knob, outlet "A" or “B” is connected with inputpressure "P" or with tank return line "T".The piston rod of a double-acting cylinder connected to outlet “A“ and “B”is thus uncontrolled adjusted from one end position to the other.Run piston from 0 % end position to 100% end position:•Remove locking element.•Slowly rotate manual control clockwise.•Observe cylinder. If piston moves, stop clockwise rotation•of manual knob.•Now piston moves uncontrolled to the 100 % end position.Run piston from 100 % end position to 0% end position:•From the position described above, slowly rotate manual control counterclockwise.•Observe cylinder. If piston moves, stop counterclockwise rotation of manual knob.•Now piston moves uncontrolled to the 0% end position.By reaching the end positions as described above, you may adjust orcheck e.g. a way return with electrically disconnected way valve.7.2 Operation with set signalWhen the supply system is switched on, set signal 4...20 mA may beused to position the piston rod7.3 Trouble shooting and remedial actionPrior to all work, make sure that the way valve was installed according tochapter 5 and commissioned according to chapter 6.Malfunction: Stroke variationsThe piston may show sporadic or periodical stroke variationswith different frequency and amplitude.Cause: 1. air inclusions in the control magnet VRM2. incorrectly adjusted proportional gain KP at the positioner3. impurities in the 4/3-way valveRemedy: 1. On first commissioning air inclusions in the VRM may causesporadic vibrations at the control piston, resulting in strongpressure variations at outlets "A" and “B” and thus in strokevariations at the piston. Due to periodic setpoint changes(approx. 0.5 Hz) of approx. +/- 6 mA, the air will escapefrom the VRM after some minutes causing the hydraulicdamping to become effective.2. If quick setpoint change can produce periodic vibration atthe piston, this is caused by a proportional gain adjusted toohigh. Rotate the KP potentiometer counterclockwise approx.5 times and optimize it according to chapter 6.2.3.Great alterations of the stroke adjustment or of the inputpressure require repeated optimization of the control gain.3. Contaminated pressure fluid results in increased friction atthe control piston, thus causing hysteresis and strokevariations.Open hydraulic component and clean inner elements. Incase of damaged surfaces and guiding edges replace wayvalve.Malfunction: Blowing of the upstream fuseIncorrect electric connection or operation inimpermissible ambient conditions may cause destructionof the control electronics installed in the control magnet.Remedy: Exchange the complete way valve.Repairs on the control magnet VRM are not allowed.Replace any defective way valve completely.8. Maintenance and RepairFor a trouble-free and reliable operation of the way valve, it isnecessary to perform inspection, maintenance and repair work incertain intervals.Routine inspection:Check pipes, screw connections and connections on theway valve for leakage, impurities and damage.Eliminate any leakage, impurity and damage noticed, if required, duringappropriate operating modes.Monitor the control behavior of the way valve for any changes. Analyseand eliminate the causes, if required, during appropriate operatingmodes.Instruction Manual Voith TurboWay Valve WSR-D16112Way Valve WSR-D1611804 / 06 cet - Ochs/ZAN1 Voith Turbo GmbH & Co, KG Page: 21 / 213.626 - 018901 en D – 74564 Crailsheim Inspection after approx. 740 operating hours / max. 1 month:Take an oil sample from the oil tank and analyse it for solid and suspended matters, water content, shadings and air bubbles.Analyse oil purity of the oil sample. Clean or exchange oil, ifrequired, in an appropriate operating mode.Inspection after approx. 8000 operating hours / max. 1 year:Take an oil sample from the oil tank and analyse it chemically.If required, clean or exchange oil during an appropriate operating mode. Check and retighten, if necessary, any electric connections of the way valve.9. ShutdownIf the way valve is switched off for reasons of repair, inspection or unit shutdown, switch off oil supply system and relieve all pressurereservoirs, if effective. Switch off the 24 VDC supply voltage andremove the lines as well as piping and hose connections. Doing so, a considerable oil quantity may leak out. Collect the oil in a suitablecontainer and deposit it properly. Close all holes. Now clean and pack the way valve.DisposalIn the event of disposal of the way valve, observe the locally applicable regulations regarding environmental protection. The way valve mainly contains steel, copper, synthetic materials, electronic components and residual oil.10. AnnexDrawing with wiring diagram (WSR-D16112) 43.8530.60 Drawing with wiring diagram (WSR-D16118) 91866342Adapter plate 43.8346.10 EEx e-panelboard 43.8539.10。
LD-4102FE FE1-V.35协议转换器User’s Manual用户手册版本号: 1.0修订日期:2006.04.16北京联达科讯科技有限公司BEIJING LIANDA TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.亲爱的用户,感谢您选择本公司的产品和服务。
版本:2004年9月V3.02005年5月V3.12009年4月V3.2目录一、产品概述 (4)二、产品特性 (4)1,一般特性 (4)2,技术特性 (4)三、功能描述 (5)1,前面板 (5)2,后面板 (8)四、典型应用 (9)五、安装、调试、故障排除及网管 (10)1,准备工作 (10)2,接地 (10)3,安装 (10)4,调试 (10)5,故障排除 (10)6,网管 (11)六、装箱清单 (12)一、产品概述HM-C104FE1/V.35转换器可以用全部或部分E1时隙传输V.35接口数据,带宽64Kbps-2048Kbps。
二、产品特性1,一般特性·体积:220×165×35mm·重量:900g·电源:220V±20%,-36~-72V·功耗:小于3W·环境温度:0℃-50℃2,技术特性·可实现V.35接口数据在E1线路中透明传输和分时隙传输,带宽范围64Kbps-2048Kbps·分时隙使用时可以任意设置时隙个数和时隙位置·自适应DTE设备发送的数据相位,方便开通·具备多种环回设置功能,方便检测和开通·具备网络管理功能,可监视设备的工作情况和设置设备的工作状态·同时提供非平衡75Ω和平衡120ΩE1接口·具备E1电路的检测功能·E1接口规范完全符合ITU-T G.703、G.704HDB3码型,完备的线路告警指示输出码速率:2048Kbps±50ppm75Ω物理接口采用BNC标准同轴连接器,120Ω物理接口采用RJ45连接器·V.35接口规范接口方式:DCE接口类型:DB25速率:64Kbps-2048Kbps三、功能描述1,前面板下图是HM-C104FE1/V.35转换器的前面板。
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VOITH电液转换器使用说明书型号:DSG-BXX113翻译:研发中心孙云超目录1.技术数据 (1)2.安全指示 (3)2.1 提示和标志的定义2.2 正确使用2.3 重要提示2.4 担保3.功能描述 (6)3.1 设计3.2 操作特点4.包装、储存、运输 (7)5.安装 (8)5.1 组装5.2 液压连接5.3 电器连接6. 试运行 (10)6.1 运行检测6.2 参数设定7.操作 (11)7.1 用手动旋钮操作7.2 用设定信号操作7.3 故障检修和排除8. 维护和检修 (13)9. 停机 (13)10. 具有接线图的外部管线图 (14)11. 附件 (15)1.技术数据:周围环境:储存温度-40 (90)工作环境温度-20 (85)保护IP65 to EN 60529适合于在工业空间内部安装电气数据:电压:24 VCD ±15%电流:大约0.7A(对DSG-B05…DSG-B10型)大约1A(对DSG-B30型)最大3A 时间t ‹ 1 Sec输入设置:0/4…20mA输入阻抗大约25欧姆,具有抑制电路。
液压参数:最小进口油压P in min:1.5bar+最大输出P A max(对B05…B10型)5bar+最大输出油压P A max(对B30型)最大进口油压P in max :见表压力流体:不易燃烧的原油或压力油油粘度:根据DIN51519,ISO VG32…ISO VG48油温:+10℃ (70)油纯度:根据NAS1638为7级根据ISO4406为-/16/13级泄漏量:当进口油压P in=10bar 时≤3 l/min (对DSG-B05…DSG-B10 ) 当进口油压P in=40bar 时≤5 l/min(对DSG-B30)P A最小值调整范围处决于P A最大值的设定值.。
上面表中所示P A最小值的调整范围参考P A max的最小调整值机械参数:安装尺寸:见第十章液压连接:见第十章安装位置:见第十章密封材料:FPM重量:大约12kg2.安全指示:2.1提示和标记的定义:危险:这标志标示对人的生命和健康带会带来危险,如不遵照此提示,将会对健康发生危害,甚至发生更加严重的损害。
2.3 重要提示:应注意以下提供的说明手册及单独的附加说明。
2.4 担保:·V oith Turbo公司销售协议中的一般条款都可适用,除非由于下面所述一条或几条原因所造成的损失,不予担保。
·使用了没有得到V oith Turbo公司批准的配件。
·电液转换器必许由VOITH Turbo公司进行检修,或得到公司允许才能进行检修。
3.功能:3.1设计图3.1.11 - 控制磁性调节阀体P in -进口油压2 –动力传输杆P A -输出信号油压3 - ×0和×1电位计4 - 手动操作旋钮T1-回油5 - 电气接线T2 -回油6 - 控制壳体F Mag -磁力7 - 带阻尼活塞的控制活塞F Hyd-液压力8 –端盖F Fed-弹簧力9 –控制弹簧3.2 运行特性(见图3.1.1):设定一个W=4…20mA的信号,在控制壳体内就产生一个磁力,它的大小可由电位计×0和×1来调节,电位计及其产生的磁力通过动力传输杆把力传送给控制活塞。
油压力F Hyd与输出信号油压P A相平衡,作用力与P A相反。
在两个力相等的情况下,控制活塞定位在液压中心上,如图3.1.1所示,输出信号压力P A与设定值相符。
为了保持输出油压P A处在设定值上,这个值取决于磁力F Mag,在P→P A和P A→T这个运行的边缘区越,在液压中心的位置,控制活塞达到最小振荡位移。
当从一个工况以磁力F Mag来增加设定信号,控制活塞位移,从而接通了输出油路P A和进口油路P,阻止了输出油P A通向回油管路T1和T2。
控制弹簧的弹簧力F Fed产生一个抵消力,为了保证电液转换器能使输出油压也能达到大约0 bar的功能。
手动操作旋钮的功能:通过手动操作旋钮来控制电液转换器的磁铁,依靠这个旋钮,能设定一个可调的弹簧力以替代磁力F Mag。
弹簧力通过电枢和传输杆控制活塞,液压力F Hyd与输出信号压力P A成正比,但作用力方向与弹簧力相反,这样输出压力的调节不需要电气就可实现。
假如电液转换器已存放很长时间,必须注意,对每一个特殊情况,必须征得V oith Turbo公司的同意。
5.1 组装:对电液转换器进行任何工作时应断电并切断油供应。
按照第十章所示允许的安装位置来安装电液转换器推荐的紧固螺栓:两个M10六角头螺栓,强度8.8,扭紧力距M A═35Nm,螺纹稍带油,螺栓长度按安装需要定。
连接法兰表面粗糙度:R a═1.6μm, R max=6.3μm仅仅是低压油通过回油管T2回到油箱,确保电液转换器能正常工作。
对管路的要求:·电液转换器输出压力到10 bar的油管名义尺寸为20mm或更大一点。
·电液转换器输出压力大于10 bar的油管名义尺寸为30mm或更大一点。
=>清洗,可用一个冲洗板(编号43.8565.10)见第11章=>电液转换器与管路连接可用一个连接板(编号43.9300.11)见第11章.·当拔掉堵头时,残剩的油会漏出来(最多0.1 l),收集在一个适当的容器里保存好。
5.3 电气连接:电气系统的连接必须由电气专家按照制造国有关电气工程的标准和法规执行。
6.试运行:电液转换器已在V oith Turbo 公司对电位计×0和×1调试完毕,检验数据记录在所附的检验证明书中。
·设定信号W=4…20mA 并检查输出油压。
6.2 参数设定:由于参数无意识中失调或改变运行工况,就需要设定一个或几个新的参数。
电位计的作用:×0-在电位计×0 的帮助下,可以调节最小的输出压力P A min ,当设定值为4mA时。
×1-在电位计×1 的帮助下,可以调节最大的输出压力P A max ,当设定值为20mA时。