




Personal Information

Name:范文大全 Gender: Male Age:38

Education:Master in Engineering

Mobile: 13xxxxxxxxxx


Mail Address: Room 402, No. 32, Lane 1133, Zhang Yang Road,

Pudong, Shanghai, PRC, 200120

Work Experience

Jan 2005--Oct 2006. Zell Consulting Co. Ltd, Immigrated and lived in New Zealand. Responsible for trade fairs between New Zealand and PRC.

Aug 2003--Jan.2005. US based BEPEX (formerly US Branch of Hosokawa Group).

My responsibilities continued coverage in Hosokawa Shanghai Rep Office with Sales consultancy and project management jobs on PRC.

- Be in charge of sales and marketing jobs for Bepex s SSP technology (including equipment and engineering services). With sales size ranging from USD1.2 million to USD5 million, my clients mainly include Liaoyang Petrochemical Company of CNPC, Wuxi Taiji, Zhangjiagang Junma, Huzhou Unifull and Shanghai Wenlong.

- As project manager, I have been actively involved in the whole project execution process, including the initial technical presentation, technical and commercial contract signing, basic/detail engineering design, installation and process start up, coordination with US engineering department and PRC clients and local engineering company.

Sept 1997--Aug 2003. Hosokawa Shanghai Representative Office, Representative and Area sales manager

- As the founder of the rep office, I was mainly responsible for daily management and operation of the office.

- In terms of sales, I have been taking care of domestic marketing for Japan, Europe and US based subsidiaries, including, but not limited to,

German based ALPINE, for grinding, classifying and engineering facilities, whose customers scattered over the sectors of pharmaceutical, chemical and mining

US based Hosokawa BEPEX, a subsidiary engaged in SSP technology while

its products are used for soft drink bottling and Industrial fiber. That business belongs to petrochemical, polymer and chemical fiber fields.

Jan 1996--Aug 1997, Sales Representative in Automation department with Barco (A Belgium based company) Shanghai Representative Office. My responsibilities included sales and marketing of the computerized monitoring system on textile and pharmaceutical sectors, and cleaner, sensor and electric controller used on textile equipments.

Sept 1990-- Aug 1993. No. 2 Textile Mill of Zibo City,Shandong Province. As the workshop technician, I was mainly responsible for daily operation, facility maintenance works. During that period of time, I have been substantially involved in installation and adjustment of a brand new production line.








优秀英文个人简历模板范文 英文简历是求职者求职成功的开路先锋,那你知道英文简历该怎 么写吗?下面是由小编分享的英文版个人简历范文,希望对你有用。 英文版个人简历范文(一) Basic information Full name: xxx Height: 157cm University one is graduated from Jiangsu Normal University: Professional category: finance and Economics Contact telephone number: Gender: Female Weight: 47kg Graduation year: 20xx Specialty: Electronic Commerce Address: Xuzhou XX Road No. XX E-mail: age: 23 Marital status: single Highest level of Education: College Work experience: Graduates Job search intention job: civilian class (Assistant / Secretary / Administrative Assistant) Education experience

In 20xx -20xx year studying in Xuzhou Normal University Electronic commerce professional work experience no Internship experience Had the mobile phone sales, drinks promotions, campus agent and various forms of network of part-time. Accumulated certain experience, enhance personal communication. Training experience Skilled operation computer office software Self assessment Strong learning ability, good attitude adjustment. Honest, positive enterprising spirit and the team cooperation spirit, has the good communication skills, adaptable, eat bitter and difficult challenge. Optimistic and cheerful personality, interests, hobbies of dance and movement, friendly, has the certain organization management ability. To maintain the best condition in the work. 英文版个人简历范文(二) Name XXX mobil:139******** affiliation height Eductional systme degree of census register Professional secretary professional school graduate


公司副总经理英文简历 是用于应聘的书面交流材料,它向未来的雇主表明自己拥有能够满足特定工作要求的`技能、态度、资质和自信。下面是中国人才网为大家整理的公司副总经理英文简历范文,欢迎阅读参考! 公司副总经理英文简历一 Resume number: 483706602 Updating date: 2012-09-21 13:14:18 Name: M r. Steven Wei Nationality: C hina (Mainland) Current Place: H uadu Height/Weight: 173 cm 75 kg Marital Status: m arried Age: 40 years Career Objective Application type: Jobseeker Preferred job title: Factory manager/Factory Director: Plant Manager 、 Fine / Daily-use Chemical Industry: Manufacturing Manager 、 Metallurgy/Spraying/Metel Material: Production Manager Working life: 16 Title: M iddle title Job type: F ull time Expected Start date: In a week Expected salary: ¥12,000--¥20,000 Preferred working place: Guangdong province Hubei Work experience Company's name: H.K. Joyas Manufacturing Co.(Shenzhen) Ltd.Begin and end date: 2007-06-2012-06 Enterpri se nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Petroleum/Chemical Industry/Minerals/Geology Job Title: Factory Director & Assistant General Manager Job descript ion: Mind production:Technologic present This is technologic present manufacture plant,comes from Hongkong,I was in charge including Production,PMC,Engineeing,Quality,Finacial,Administrative,lo gistics,Marketing,Customer service,I operated the plant and reported to boss directly. Mind working achievements: 1.Became reorganize Hongkong and Shenzhen two offices to be a high efficiency office,increased the efficiency and reduced the cost in the extreme. 2.carried out advance working for company's comes into the market


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 人事职员英文简历范文 Name: XXX Sex: Female National: Han Political features: members Education: tertiary Profession: public relations secretary Graduate institution: Nankai University Department of Chinese The course: secretarial, clerical writing, public relations practices, school talks, interpersonal psychology, public relations, public relations language, application writing, political economy, philosophy, foreign culture, file management, such as China’s cultural history. Another: Xu Guozhang English self-study have been 1-4. Undergraduate education is the administration of academic qualifications and English II. And I have a driving license. I have in the international standard of the work of large-scale 1 / 13


项目经理英文简历 Personal Information Name:XXX Gender: Male Education:Master Email:XX@https://www.360docs.net/doc/3c33200.html, Mail Address: XX Weight:XX Work Experience Jan 2005--Oct 2006. Zell Consulting Co. Ltd, Immigrated and lived in New Zealand. Responsible for trade fairs between New Zealand and PRC. Aug 2003--Jan.2005. US based BEPEX (formerly US Branch of Hosokawa Group). My responsibilities continued coverage in Hosokawa Shanghai Rep Office with Sales consultancy and project management jobs on PRC. - Be in charge of sales and marketing jobs for Bepex’s SSP technology (including equipment and engineering services). With sales size ranging from USD1.2 million to USD5 million, my clients mainly include Liaoyang Petrochemical Company of CNPC, Wuxi Taiji, Zhangjiagang Junma, Huzhou Unifull and Shanghai Wenlong. - As project manager, I have been actively involved in the whole project execution process, including the initial technical presentation, technical and commercial contract signing, basic/detail engineering design, installation and process start up, coordination with US engineering department and PRC clients and local engineering company. Sept 1997--Aug 2003. Hosokawa Shanghai Representative Office, Representative and Area sales manager - As the founder of the rep office, I was mainly responsible for daily management and operation of the office. - In terms of sales, I have been taking care of domestic marketing for Japan, Europe and US based subsidiaries, including, but not limited to, German based ALPINE, for grinding, classifying and engineering facilities, whose customers scattered over the sectors of pharmaceutical, chemical and mining


外企个人英文简历范文 name email professionalexperience XX-presentattorney emerson,lake&palmer,p.c.,atlanta,ga trialattorneyinmedium- sized,generalpracticelawfirmwithextensivecorporatedealings. areasofconcentrationhaveincludedenvironmental,publicutility ,generalbusinessandappellatelitigation. XX-XXassistantdistrictattorney athensdistrictattorney#39;soffice,athens,ga seniortrialattorneyresponsibleforprosecutingmajorfelonyc asesinthesuperiorcourt.supervisedcriminalinstigationsandtra inedassistantdistrictsttorneys.prosecutedoverthirtymajorfel onyjurycasesincludingmurder,rape,andchildabuse.briefedandar guedoverfortycasesbeforethesupremejudicialcourtandtheappeal scourt. XX-XXlawclerk/assistanttowncouncil townofmarietta,marietta,ga generalmunicipalandappellatelitigation. education georglainstititeoftechnology,atlanta,ga j.d.,XX,cumlaude.


2017英语简历模板范文 简历不是很多人认为的用来填写个人的“丰功伟绩”,或者仅仅是把工作经历,学习状况罗列一下。只要你的简历没有引起招聘单位的注意,那么你的这次应聘就是失败的。 2017英语简历模板范文篇一fwdq 女 24岁湖北人 学历:本科 工作年限:应届毕业生 期望薪资:面议 工作地点:广州 - 不限 求职意向:毕业生 自我描述 本人预备党员,本科英语专业应届毕业生,第二外语是韩语,普通话二级乙等,同时精通粤语。获得教师资格证与大学英语六级证书。在校期间获得多次奖学金和一次国家励志奖学金,同时长期担任学生干部,荣获“优秀学生干部”“优秀共青团干部”和校“十佳团员”称号。本人虚心好学,虽是应届毕业生,无工作经验,但在工作中将不断向同事学习提升自我,更好地完成自己的工作。 大学所获荣誉: 院团委第十一届宣传部部长,并荣获“优秀共青团干部”称号 第十六届校卫队队员,于2013年12月荣获“优秀校卫队员”称

号 获得乙等奖学金,荣获“优秀学生干部”称号 荣获“三好学生”称号 在湖北民族学院“青年马克思主义者培养工程”第三期大学生骨干培训班中顺利结业并有幸评为“优秀学员” 在湖北民族学院“星级文明寝室”创建活动中,被评为“优秀寝室长” 在大学生寒期社会实践活动中评为院级“优秀个人” 在湖北民族学院“携手朝阳青年心共筑美丽中国梦”暑期社会实践活动中评为校级“优秀个人” 在大学生暑期社会实践活动中评为院级“优秀个人” 在劳动周保卫工作中获得校级通报嘉奖 荣获年度国家励志奖学金 评为湖北民族学院科技学院学年度“十佳团员” 参加湖北民族学院举办的“敬畏生命”征文比赛,荣获校级三等奖 2017英语简历模板范文篇二fwdq 女 23岁湖南人 学历:本科 工作年限:应届毕业生 期望薪资: 5000-8000元 工作地点:广州 - 南沙


部门经理个人英文简历范文 :08-27s("hzh0");s("hzh1");s("hzh2"); 以下是由带来的简历范文介绍 name: sex don't: male marital status: people race: han households record: hubei-xianning years age: now local: guangdong dongguan body-high: 168 cm hope region: guangdong-shenzhen, guangdong-dongguan hope post: industrial/factory class-production manager/supervisor business/management class-the department manager seek position: production manager skills feats: familiar with plastic, metal, enterprise's whole production process, can the independent properly control and allocate production plan and material tracking, quality management and field maintenance, personnel training, improve the production efficiency in the link of production management,


人力资源管理的英文简历模板 以下是关于人力资源管理的英文简历模板,希望内容对您有帮助,感谢您得阅读。 公司名称:河南科隆新能源有限公司 工作时间: 2012-02-14 至 2015-11-30 公司规模: 500~1000人 所在部门:综合管理部 工作分类:人力资源/管理/招聘/绩效招聘培训主管 职位月薪: 2000~2999 工作描述:河南科隆新能源有限公司是河南科隆集团下属子公司。主营电池正极材料,同行业排名前十。 2012年2月—2014年3月历任公司招聘培训人事专员,招聘培训主管 2014年3月—2014年11月任新能源下属子公司郑州实业公司综合管理部部长(管理企管人力招标专员1人、采购1人、关务2人、后勤保卫3人),自身负责薪资绩效管理工作2014年11月—2015年12月由于自身原因调动回新乡工作,由于岗位的原因调动回新能源公司本部做锂电研究所一线生产、仓库管理。 公司名称:河南科隆集团 ·

工作时间: 2011-07-08 至 2012-02-15 公司规模: 1000人以上 所在部门:招标办、人力资源部 工作分类:其它其他 职位月薪: 1500~1999 工作描述:招标办: 1、负责集团所有招标档案的整理,并导入公司招标管理审价平台里。 2、联系供应商,审核供应商的资质和报价,根据各个公司的报价进行谈价,并汇总后报领导审批,下中标通知书给采购部门。 3、学习公司的招标管理制度 人力资源部 1、跟着招聘主管和培训主管学习培训和招聘流程,学习公司的人力资源相关制度 公司名称:广发证券安阳文峰大道营业部 工作时间: 2010-07-15 至 2011-06-15 公司规模: 500~1000人 所在部门:营销部 工作分类:客户服务/咨询顾问客服经理 职位月薪: 1500~1999 ·

英文简历 高级商务项目经理

英文简历高级商务项目经理 《英文简历:高级商务项目经理》是一篇好的范文,好的范文应该跟大家分享,为了方便大家的阅读。 Curriculum Vitae Personal Information Name:William Xie Gender: Male Age:38 Education:Master in Engineering Mobile: 1381234567 Email:123456@yahoo.. Mail Address: Room 402,No.32,Lane 1133,Zhang Yang Road, Pudong,Shanghai,PRC,xx20 Work Experience

Jan xx--Oct xx. Zell Consulting Co.Ltd,Immigrated and lived in New Zealand.Responsible for trade fairs between New Zealand and PRC. Aug xx--Jan.xx. US based BEPEX (formerly US Branch of Hosokawa Group).My responsibilities continued coverage in Hosokawa Shanghai Rep Office with Sales consultancy and project management jobs on PRC. - Be in charge of sales and marketing jobs for Bepex’s SSP technology (including equipment and engineering services).With sales size ranging from USD1.2 million to USD5 million,my clients mainly include Liaoyang Petrochemical Company of PC,Wuxi Taiji,Zhangjiagang Junma,Huzhou Unifull and Shanghai Wenlong. - As project manager,I have been actively involved in the whole project execution process,including the initial technical presentation,technical and mercial contract signing,basic/detail engineering design,installation and process start up,coordination with US engineering department and PRC clients and local engineering pany.


培训顾问岗位英文简历模板 In-depth knowledge of internal structure of the organizations and operational activities Possess sound knowledge of LCDS, POD, AFP and PDC Technical proficiencies: Proficient in Microsoft Office suite, Dreamweaver, RoboDemo, RoboHelp, Tool book and Flash Familiar with HTML, peoplesoft, Doc-to-help, Access, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Professional Experience: ABBC Inc, Houston 20XX till date Training Consultant

Responsible for preparing lesson plans on methods and documentation to be presented Handled the tasks of designing and developing technical training curriculum for the entire customer base Supervised administrative function in absence of higher management Conducted trainings on technical skills for field personnel, internal staff and customers Utilized assessment tools to determine the effectiveness of training programs Instructed learners in remote locations and classroom environments Handled the tasks of gathering technical documentation and develop courseware for instructors and learners Conducted follow up evaluations to determine the applicability of course materials


销售类英文简历模板范文 erseas work experience: No Expectations of the nature of work: full-time work in the region look forward to: Chongqing Yuzhong District, Chongqing Jiangbei District Expect to engage in the industry: fast-moving consumer goods (grain, oil, food and drink of alcohol on ...) Consumer durable goods (furniture, textile and apparel ...) Financial sector (banks and insurance securities investment funds futures) Professional services (legal accounting audit consultancy) Expectations of job: Sales Class - staff Insurance / banking Advisory / consultancy category Administrative / Personnel category Salary expectations:到岗time: 1 week Self-evaluation / career goals Self-evaluation: I, outgoing, cheerful, and will actively work towards the use of office software such as WORDEXCEL. A serious and responsible work, communication and sales ability, good with customers to establish a good relationship, have a good professional and vigorous and resolute style of work, at the same time I work in the previous sales have been among the best. Respect for leadership, unity and colleagues, a strong sense of teamwork, courage in the face of setbacks and pressure to adapt to different working environments! Educational background School Name: Chongqing TV (June 2020 - 2020 9 months)


IT经理英文简历模板 Name: *** gender : male Birth : *** telephone : 150*** Degree : Bachelor Professional: Information Technology and Business Management Experience : 10years national : Han School: *** address : *** E-mail : https://www.360docs.net/doc/3c33200.html, Self Assessment: Well independent thinking and problem-solving ability, good communication skill, well known about teamwork, well motivation ability, mature, responsible, optimistic and modest, strong ambition to succeed. Target Job : Desired Job Category: Computer/Network/Technology | Customer Service Desired Job Industry: IT Service/System Integration | Hardware/Network Equipment | Internet/e-Commerce | Real Estate Development/Construction and Engineering | Telecommunications (Equipment/Operation/Value-Added Service) Desired Salary: Negotiable

人事主管英文简历 HR Supervisor

RESUME Strength ·More than 3 years hr working experience. ·Longing for working in multi-national companies with high reputation and good development opportunity. Personal Name: ××××Gender:Female Date of Birth: ×××× Martial Status: ×××××Email Address: ×××××××× Tel:(010) ××××××××Mobile Phone: ×××××××× Experience 3/××××-Present××××(China)Co.,Ltd HR supervisor ·Responsible for HR weekly highlight ,monthly measurement and presentation,daily schedule & meeting coordinating. ·Implementing internal & external recruitment ,new employee orientation and employee relations, drafting out the related policy and procedure and providing policy consultation service. ·Administration of PeopleSoft and partial C & B administration. ·Organizing and coordinating training ,being reponsible for orientation training. ·Dealing with some labor disputes. 8/××××-3/×××××××× Company HR assistant ·Keeping and updating emplyee's personal files. ·Checking for staff daily attendance ,statistic for staff absence and vacation record. ·Making the monthly personnel data report about the employee promotion /demotion and transfer. ·Assisting HR manager to make employee evaluation work. Education 9/××××-7/××××University of ××××Business Management Bachelor Speciality language Fluent In English and native in Mandarin.


英文简历模板范文 Chinese Name: Responsible for the coordination and photography college major events, such as spring sports academic report of photography and video of some activities and news writing English Name: Eddy Zhang (外企习惯以英文名字作为同事间的称呼,如果你有英文名字,将会首先给你的面试官一份亲切感。) Sex: FEMale Born: 6/12/86 University: zhongshan University Major: Marketing Address: 388#, zhongshan University Telephone: 1368****451 Email: (不论你是肥环瘦燕,还是鹤立鸡群,“身高体重”的话题都不要在简历中提及。在西方文化中,“身高体重”属于特别隐私性的话题。另外,政治色彩越少越好,老外一般没有兴趣知道你的政治隐私。)WenKu.BLL.KeyWordJob Objective: A Position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing. Education: 2000-2020 Bejing University, College Of Commerce Graduating in July with a B. S. degree in Marketing. Fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics, calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product policy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies. 1994-2000 The No.2 Middle School of Xi


经理求职英文简历模板 career objective efficient supervisor seeks a team leader position to help increase productivity and meet or exceed pany goals. background summary extensive and diversified supervisory experience in puter,office furniture,and boat manufacturing operations.particularly effective in increasing productivity and capavcity.demonstrated ability to learn new skills quickly.able to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production goals.successfuily motivate employees.excellent interpersonal skills.gained reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust. summary of acplishments supervised the start-up of second shift shipping department.trained new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals. instructed quality development courses. participated in upgrading assembly systems at lennon and epstein systems.


人力资源管理英文简历 human resouces recruitment ... training ... organizational development ... counseling twelve years of domestic and international experience in executive recruitment staff training and development, budget administration, and employee assistance programs. strong record of acplishments working with senior managers to recruit highly qualified work teams and personnel. particularly successful directing outreach, personnel, and marketing programs for human resources. graduate degree in psychology and training as a senior-level psychologist in the occupational field career history&;acplishments executive recruiter/drakeinternational. 1990-present productivity management consultant sydney,australia and seattle, wa with more than 800 employees, drake international provides executive recruitment, staffing, sales, training, management consulting, and employee assessment services in nine countries. responsible for executive recruitment and marketing in the greater seattle area.


工程项目经理英文简历 Name: Miss. J Nationality: China (Mainland) Current Place: Guangzhou Height/Weight:155cm?40 kg Marital Status: Single Age:29years Application type: Jobseeker Preferred job title: Assistant to president/ assistant to GM: sales 、 Administrative / Personnel: sales 、 others: sales Working life:8Title: No title Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In a day Expected salary: ¥3,500--¥5,000 Preferred working place: Guangzhou Company"s name: lassurex internation logistic guangzhou officeBegin and end date:xx-11-xx-07

Enterprise nature: Sino-foreign joint venturesIndustry: transportation Job Title: marketing manager Job description: marketing massege and promote advance line of pany. value client. for original client and empoder new client with oversea agent. any suddenly problem with other deparment. work with other department. Reasons for leaving: office close Company"s name: shenzhen penavico logistic guangzhou officeBegin and end date:xx-05-xx-09
