
5. Ben was walking through the pavement, Betty shouted: Be careful! This was
very helpful for Ben but he finally fell into the colorful water. That was
10~11. Homophones I: Use the homophone of the underline word to fill in the
10. Martin gave his for she made his own treehouse.
11. You are not to talk aloud in the library.
2. I prefer
to tragedy, especially Shakespeare’s. (Rhyming with already)
3. There will be a(an)
ceremony an hour later, it is for someone won the
maths competition. (Rhyming with toward)
societies in the world. One day, there might be only one society –a world
society. As the world gets smaller and smaller, we might all become the
wonder. We might even look the same. I wonder what that would be like.

2018 年外国语学校小升初面试经典问题集锦1、Do you like music? What kind of music do you like best?Yes, I do. I like pop music best/… .点评:这是一个一般疑问句,首先要回答“Yes”或者“No”。
注意运用句型“I like… best”或者“My favorite music is…”。
2.What do you usually have for lunch or supper?I usually have meat,vegetables and rice for lunch/supper.点评:这是一个特殊疑问句,关键词是“food”,准确说出自己日常吃的熟悉的食物即可。
句型“I usually have… for …”。
3.Do you like doing sports? What sport are you good at?Yes, I do. I am good at playing football/basketball.No, I don't.点评:一般疑问句,首先要回答“Yes”或者“No”。
注意句型“be good at doing … ”。
4.How often do you do sports?Twice a week.点评:特殊疑问句,“How often”问频率。
注意“once, twice, three times a… ”等表示频率的固定搭配。
5.What would you do during the Spring Festival?I would help my mother clean the house and go shopping with my family.点评:这是一个特殊疑问句,关键词是“the Spring Festival”,准确说出自己春节时做的事情即可。

hen laid an egg in Mr.Black’s1.Mrs.Green lives next to Mr.Black.Mrs.Green’sgardenoneday.Whosewas the egg?A.The hen’sB.Mr.Black’sC.Mrs.Green’sD.Mr.Green’sas long as Line CD.Line CD is as long as Line EF.Line GH is 2.Line AB isn’tlonger thanLine CD.Which line is the longest one?A.Line AB. B.Line CD.C.Line EF.D.Line GH.3.Which day comes two daysafter the day which begins with the sixth letter of thealphabet?4.In2004,16Junefalls on a Wednesday.On what day of the week will16Junefallin2010?5.My grandfather is60yearsold this year.She’sf ive times as old as me.Then howold am I now?6.First,study the discipline(规律)behind the group of numbers,and then fill in thebracket with a suitableone:1,4,13,40,(),1217.Two brothers walk from home to factory.It takes the elder brother forty minutes,and it takesthe young brother thirty minutes.If the elder brother leaveshome five minutes earlier than the younger brother,in how many minutes will the younger brother catchup with the elder brother?8.A line is cut its one fifth,then add five meters to it.Now it is three twentiethsshorter than before.How long is theline now?9.Half the apple pie was missing,but who had eaten it?That was the questionmother put.“Elaine didn’tAlbert said.take it,”take it,”p ut in Billy.“And I know Diane didn’tsaidCharles.“Billytook it himself,”“Diane took it,”s aid Elaine.takeit,”D iane added.“Anyway,Albert didn’tClearly someonemust be lying.As it so turned out,mother did finally discoverfour of the five children had,in fact,spoken the truth.Only one of the statements madewas a lie.Which of thefive children had stolen the apple pie?10.There are five balls with different weights.Every ball is less than(少于)100g.Now weigh(称)every two balls,and you will get113,116,110,117,118,114, 112,121,120and115g.What is theweight of the heaviest(最重的)ball?天文地理题:多读课外书是硬道理每年南外英语能力测试都会涉及到几道天文地理题。
南京外国语学校 2017 面测详细

卷面题目: 28 个问题考试时长: 60 分钟考试方式: PPT 播放题目,答卷纸写答案,除了文字、语篇还有声音,加入了大量这样的元素。
有模拟测试:正式考试开始前有 5 分钟模拟,包含所有形式,不在 60 分钟以内计时方式:进度条,让孩子更利于接受、不紧张试题及答案:最全答案来了! 2017 南外小升初面测试题你都答对了嘛?试卷特色:1、充分提供事例,考察现学活用2、充分考虑原创,给命题老师要求,谨慎考虑命题资源,防止在培训机构出现过。
试题特色:1、时政:考察单词,给了首字母,有一带一路,共享单车、阿尔法狗,香港回归 20 周年,要求知道的就是 20 这个单词。
南外面测“六大命题原则” 1、体现人文关怀结合面测的现场特点,命题组充分从学生角度出发,最大程度地帮助他们尽快适应面测环境。
(1) 采取多模态的问题呈现形式,图文结合、动静结合、多感官结合,尽可能缓解学生面测时的紧张状态;(2) 话题贴近学生生活,覆盖环境、科技、动物、健康、娱乐等众多方面;( 3 ) 5 分钟模拟面测在形式、流程上高仿真,让考生对所有要遇到的新形式都能在模拟测试中体现; (此环节不在一小时的面测时间里)(4) 有进度条提示时间,换屏时有提示音,防止学生因忙于埋头答题而错过屏幕上的问题;(5) 最后有 3 分钟的检查时间,给学生最后的机会誊写答案;(6) 在题中充分提供示例,减少学生困惑;(7) 难易分布精心考量,最后以欢快的《疯狂原始人》歌曲结束。

一开始的题目,是在一些单词中找相同发音的单词;数学里考了定点几何,当T=s时点在哪里,T=2s时点在哪里;试题给了七步诗是“煮豆燃豆萁”中文,加点字翻译成英文;有条题目是考了川航迫降事件,好像也是在首字母填空里考到;首字母填空有一条是马克思诞辰200周年,需要填200 years a___……;小南老师觉得,不管题目、题型怎样变化,词汇是根本,想要取得好的成绩,扩大自己的词汇量是首要条件。

2018年南外面测试卷 6.21Name___________ Class_________1、根据示例,请从以下所给单词中,找出正确的字母。
(4分)e.g. season C day A teeth E(1) Ben _______ (2) left _______(3) twelve _______ (4) desks _______2、用同音异义词填空。
(8分)e.g. Little Jimmy threw the ball through the window(1) “can I this pair of shoes?” she asked.(2) Everyone that the clown has a big red .(3) Come please, mom. Can you someone singing?(4) Although of our players got a red card, we still the game at last.3、Palindromes (回文) are the words that read the same backwards as forwards, e.g. ‘did’. There are ______ palindromes in the following sentence. (2分)Wow! Mom rides a kayak at noon!4. 根据词根意思,选择正确的单词 (2分)astro-star bio-life botan-plant geo-earth zoion-animal(1) a scientist of plant life A. biologist B. botanist(2) a scientist of animal life A. zoologist B. geologist5. 如图所示,根据所给数字,写出相应的表示颜色的单词。

2018年南外面测试卷 6.21Name___________ Class_________1、根据示例,请从以下所给单词中,找出正确的字母。
(4分)e.g. season C day A teeth E(1) Ben _______ (2) left _______(3) twelve _______ (4) desks _______2、用同音异义词填空。
(8分)e.g. Little Jimmy threw the ball through the window(1) “can I this pair of shoes?” she asked.(2) Everyone that the clown has a big red .(3) Come please, mom. Can you someone singing?(4) Although of our players got a red card, we still the game at last.3、Palindromes (回文) are the words that read the same backwards as forwards, e.g. ‘did’. There are ______ palindromes in the following sentence. (2分)Wow! Mom rides a kayak at noon!4. 根据词根意思,选择正确的单词 (2分)astro-star bio-life botan-plant geo-earth zoion-animal(1) a scientist of plant life A. biologist B. botanist(2) a scientist of animal life A. zoologist B. geologist5. 如图所示,根据所给数字,写出相应的表示颜色的单词。

Rodent have long teeth. Which of the following is NOT a rodent
1) What is the degree of the angle between the two lines showed in the picture 1?
2) From the front, what shape would the triangular pyramid from? A. Equilateral triangle B. Isosceles triangle with waists bigger than the base C. Isosceles triangle with waists smaller than the base
A. Journey to the west- Wu Cheng’en-China B. War and Peace- Leo Tolstoy-Russia C. Harry Potter- JK. Rowing-America D. The Little Match Girl- Andersen-Denmark
Kelvin, Lemon, Nicola and Michael are gardener, designer, symphony conductors(音乐指挥家) and florist(花匠)respectively. Kelvin is allergic to pollen.(对花粉过敏) Lemon only likes pop music. Lemon and the florist are roommates Nicola, the symphony conductor and the gardener don’t know each other What is Michael’s, Nicola’s and Lemon jobs respectively? (Fill in the blanks with the capital letters of the jobs. E.g.: G for gardener.

第 1 页,共 9 页01 根据提示写单词。
1. In the alphabet , which letter is part of a person's body ?2. Among the 12 months , which month begins with "F"?3. Among the four seasons , which one begins with the first letter in the alphabet ?4. Among the initial words of seven days , which one appears the latest in the alphabet ? 02 类比题1. Working is to office as cooking is to .2.Letter is to word as word is to .3. Panda is to China as kangaroos is to .4 June is to Children s Day as December is to .5. Never mind is to Sorry as You re welcome is to .03 根据提示写单词,注意单词的形式1.M2.C3.F4.A5.W6.P04 从乱序字母中找出人体部位的单词,并把红的单词组成一个新词。
2017 南外面测真题are animals with long tails which run around the house. is where you watch films. is filled with plants , trees , and land. is your dad's or mum's sister. are used when birds are flying. is a person who plays the piano. (job)05 根据视频,从所给三个短语中选出两个填空对话。

1. In the alphabet,which letter is part of a person's body?2. Among the 12 months,which month begins with "F"?3. Among the four seasons,which one begins with the first letter in the alphabet?4. Among the initial words of seven days,which one appears the latest in the alphabet?02类比题1. Working is to office as cooking is to .2.Letter is to word as word is to .3. Panda is to China as kangaroos is to .4 June is to Children s Day as December is to .5. Never mind is to Sorry as You re welcome is to .03根据提示写单词,注意单词的形式1.M are animals with long tails which run around the house.2.C is where you watch films.3.F is filled with plants,trees,and land.4.A is your dad's or mum's sister.5.W are used when birds are flying.6.P is a person who plays the piano. (job)04从乱序字母中找出人体部位的单词,并把红的单词组成一个新词。
【2018最新】南外试卷-范文word版 (28页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==南外试卷篇一:南外201X测试题奋战小升初!201X年南京外国语英语综合能力测试卷1. 本试卷满分150分,考试时间90分钟。
2. 请考生用蓝黑色钢笔或圆珠笔答题。
3. 请考试用英文或数学答题,将答案写在答题纸相应位置。
Part one英语小乐园(满分53分)一、热身吧唱儿歌,填缺词。
(7分)Don’t be late againOne,two,three,fourCome in and ________the door.Five ,six,seven,eight,It’s time for class,________you are late.Nine,ten,nine,ten,Don’t be late________.Twinkle,twinle,little starTwinkle,twinkle,little star,________I wonder what you are.UP above the world so________,Like a________in the sky.Twinkle,tinkle,little star,How I_______what you are.二:创新吧根据释义和所给的第一个首字母写出相应的单词。
(4分)1. f______can’t remember sth2.s_______more than two but fewer than many3.e________having nothing inside4.s_______peak or cry ort in a loud voice5.b________the day you were born6.d_______come to end of life7.M________second day of the week 8.m________the satellite(卫星)ofthe earth三:从下面五组字母中每组各找出一个多余的字母丢进垃圾筒再将它们组成五个数词并将垃圾桶里的五个字母组成一个数次,必要时可加连字符号。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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botan- = plant zoo- = animal geo- = earth anthro- = human astro- = stars -ist = experts
1) Someone who studies plants
a. biologist
b. botanist
2) Someone who studies animals
6 40S
6. Three maths exercises(9%)
7 120S
7. As shown below, there is a chessboard. Given chess pieces on B4, C3 and E6. If there is another piece in row D and any two of them should not be in the same line, or the oblique line had 45-degree angle. Which place should the fourth place put (answer two answers on the answer sheet)(6%)
9 120S
9. Reasoning(推理)(3%)
A boy has to go to the following classes: the swimming class, the reading class, the piano class and the baseball class. There are four clues follows: The piano class is on Thursdays. The reading and baseball classes are on the same day. The baseball class in three days before the piano class. The boy goes to the swimming class the day after the reading class. Question: On which day of the week does the boy go to each class?
4 50S
4. Vocabulary: choose two words according to the given English, make them a new word and choose the best answer, write your choice on the answer sheet(5%)
Example : May
2 40S
2. Homophones: fill the blanks with two words that sound same according to the sentences and answer on the answer sheet.(8%)
3. Fun phone games: according to the phone, get passwords that mean the colors and then write the passwords on the answer sheet. (3%)
Example: 733 --- red 1) 2583 2) 47336 3) 94483
a. zoologist
b. oncologist
3) Someone who studies human
a. anthropologist b. anthologist
4) Someone who studies landscapes
a. gemologist
b. geologist
5) Someone who studies the universe
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8G1 G2源自G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8
a. astrologist
b. audiologist
5 70S
5. Listen to the recording and find out the points, connect all the points and what shape can you get? Answer it on the answer sheet(3%)
can I
2). Everyone
3). Mum come
4). Although
the shoes?
clown has a big red
, can you
the song?
of our team members got a red card, we still
the game.
3 50S
Nanjing Foreign Language School
English Test for 2018
1 18S
1. Fill in the blanks with letters that is the homophone of the underline
letters from the given words, and make it a word, please answer the word on the answer sheet.(写出与下列单词划线部分发音相同的字 母,并将它们组成一个词,把这个词填在答题纸上面)(4%)
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8
8 120S
8. Reasoning(推理)(3%)
Kelvin, Lemon, Nicola and Michael are gardener, designer, symphony conductors(音乐指挥家) and florist(花匠)respectively. Kelvin is allergic to pollen.(对花粉过敏) Lemon only likes pop music. Lemon and the florist are roommates Nicola, the symphony conductor and the gardener don’t know each other What is Michael’s, Nicola’s and Lemon jobs respectively? (Fill in the blanks with the capital letters of the jobs. E.g.: G for gardener.