
各类证书中英文户口:Hukou身份证:ID护照:Passport港澳通行证:The People's Republic of China Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau台湾通行证:Exit and Entry Permit Taiwan Republic of China军官证:Military Officer Certificate团员证:Certificate of the Communist Youth League of China党员证:Membership Certificate of the Communist Party of China离休证:Certificate of Emeritus退休证:Retirement Certificate老年证:Senior Citizen ID生存证明:Certificate of Existence死亡证明:Death Certificate火化证:Cremation Certificate安葬证:Burial Certificate健康证:Health Certificate未婚证:Spinsterhood Certificate婚检证:Certificate of Premarital Checkup结婚证:Marriage License准生证:Birth Approval Certificate初婚未育证:Certificate of First Marriage and Non-maternity计划生育保健服务证:Certificate of Family Planning and Health Care Service出生证:Birth Certificate独生子女证:One Child-Certificate预防接种证:Vaccination Certificate节育证:Birth Control Certificate离婚证:Divorce Certificate学生证:Student ID毕业证:Graduation Certificate学位证:Certificate of Degree社保证:Social Security Certificate失业证:Unemployment Certificate养老保险证:Endowment Insurance居住证:Residence Permit暂住证:Temporal Residential Permit房产证:House Proprietary Certificate土地证:Certificate of Land房屋他项权证:the certificate of the other rights of land国有土地使用证:Certificate for the Use of State-owned Land驾驶证:Driver’s License流动人口计划生育证: Certificate of Birth Control of Migrating Population涉外婚姻证明: Certificate of Marriage with a Foreigner婚育培训合格证: Certificate of Marital and Maternal Training 报到证: Registration Certificate在读证明: Studying Certificate贷款证明: Certificate for Loan借书证: Library Card英语四六级证: Certificate of CET 4 or 6上岗证: Work License从业资格证: Employment Qualification Certificate离职证明: Employment Separation Certificate三侨生证明: Certificate of Three-Types Overseas Students留学回国人员证明: Certificate of Returned Overseas Nationals 残疾证: Disability Certificate无犯罪证明: Certificate of Clearance边境证: Bordering Crossing Certificate行驶证: Driving Permit养路费证: Certificate of Road Maintenance Fee经营许可证: Business Certificate税务登记证: Tax Registration Certificate卫生许可证: Health Permit消防许可证: Fire Protecting Permit收入证明: Income Testimonial贫困证明: Poverty Testimonial献血证: Certificate of Blood Donoation。
离婚证 翻译b

The People's Republic of China 中华人民共和國ZHONGHUA RENMIN GONGHEGUODivorce Certificate离婚证LIHUNZHENDedicated Seal for Marriage Documents Management,The Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国民政部监制婚姻证件管理专用章The Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China The Manufacture Was Supervised by中华人民共和国民政部监制Certificate Holder : 持证人Certificate NO. : 字第号Name : 姓名Sex : Female 性别Date of Brith :出生日期Identity Card NO. : 身份证号Name : 姓名Sex : Male 性别Date of Brith :出生日期Identity Card NO. : 身份证号The Marriage Law of the People's RepublicThe divorce application conforming to the stipulations ofof China about Consensual Divorce can get the divorce registered.Thus,the divorce certificate is issued.申请离婚,经审查符合《中华人民共和国婚姻法》关于双方自愿离婚的规定,准予登记,发给此证。
Register Institution : Municipal People's Government 发证机关Date of Issue :发证日期STATE说明1. Anywhere indicating the photo place shall be stuck the photograph and be stamped the dedicated seal used for marriage registration (steel seal) on request .1.凡标明照片的地方须按照要求贴有照片并加盖婚姻登记专用章(钢印)。

spousal support 配偶赡养
alimony 赡养费
ision of property 财产分割
custody 监护权
joint custody 共同监护权
ex-hu ... and 前夫
ex-wife 前妻
remarry 再婚
separate 分居
split up 分手/离婚
marital discord 婚姻不和
marital breakdown 婚姻关系的破裂
domestic violence(abuse) 家暴
extramarital affair 婚外情
... ery 通奸
divorcee 离婚者
divorce rate 离婚率
divorce proceedings 离婚诉讼
divorce settlement 离婚协议

离婚证翻译模板|DIVORCE CERTIFICATE(2011-09-22 10:54:23)转载?标签: 分类: 商务法律转载原文地址:离婚证翻译模板|DIVORCE CERTIFICATE作者:法律英语翻译离婚证模板 DIVORCE CERTIFICATE(Translation)(Photo of the holder)Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China(Seal for Marriage Certificate Custody) Prepared under the supervision of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Holder: XXXXXXXX Zi, No. XXXXName: XXXXSex: XXXXDate of Birth: XXXXNationality: XXXXID. No.: XXXXName: XXXXSex: XXXXDate of Birth: XXXXNationality: XXXXID. No.: XXXXThe applicants mentioned above apply for divorce, they are found to be in conformity withthe regulation on voluntary divorce stipulated in the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic ofChina upon verification and are hereby granted to have registration and issued this Certificate.Certificate Issuer:XXXX Bureau of Civil Affairs(Seal for Marriage Registration) Date of Issuance: XXXXArrangement for XXXX child/childrenDisposal for property XXXX Other agreement XXXXArrangement for XXXX child/childrenDisposal for property XXXX Other agreement XXXX。

离婚证翻译模板|DIVORCE CERTIFICATE(2011-09-22 10:54:23)转载?标签: 分类: 商务法律转载原文地址:离婚证翻译模板|DIVORCE CERTIFICATE作者:法律英语翻译离婚证模板 DIVORCE CERTIFICATE(Translation)(Photo of the holder)Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China(Seal for Marriage Certificate Custody) Prepared under the supervision of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Holder: XXXXXXXX Zi, No. XXXXName: XXXXSex: XXXXDate of Birth: XXXXNationality: XXXXID. No.: XXXXName: XXXXSex: XXXXDate of Birth: XXXXNationality: XXXXID. No.: XXXXThe applicants mentioned above apply for divorce, they are found to be in conformity withthe regulation on voluntary divorce stipulated in the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic ofChina upon verification and are hereby granted to have registration and issued this Certificate.Certificate Issuer:XXXX Bureau of Civil Affairs(Seal for Marriage Registration) Date of Issuance: XXXXArrangement for XXXX child/childrenDisposal for property XXXX Other agreement XXXXArrangement for XXXX child/childrenDisposal for property XXXX Other agreement XXXX。